Presentation on "smart buyer". Useful post - reminder for buyers (19 photos) What is a family budget

Most often, we go shopping after work or on weekends in between planned personal activities. This means that we either have too little time and opportunity to think about everything for shopping, or the feeling of fatigue does not allow us to look soberly at the store shelves. We have tried to put together a number of tips, following which you can definitely not only save money, but also avoid unnecessary purchases.

We buy only according to the list

When going shopping at the supermarket, think about everything you want to buy in advance. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a long list for a week or a short list for a couple of days, but it must be there. Today there is no need to get a notepad from the store; there are convenient programs for smartphones or tablets that are very easy to use. Moreover, you can make a list of necessary products and household chemicals once, and then only add additional items to it. If you go grocery shopping without a list, the likelihood of buying something unnecessary increases greatly. In addition, in the turmoil, you risk forgetting everything you really needed.

Let's go shopping without feeling hungry

When going grocery shopping, it is important to be well-fed. This rule will protect your wallet from unintentional expenses. The human body is designed in such a way that in a hungry state it always seems that you need to put much more on your plate than you actually need. The same thing happens in the store. A hungry shopper puts a lot more food into their cart, half of which ends up in the trash at the end of the week.

We look at the supermarket diagram

If you are shopping in an unfamiliar store, it would be a good idea to look at its diagram when entering or read the signs of departments in the hall in order to understand how to adjust the path with the cart. Firstly, it will protect you from unnecessary movements inside the store. Secondly, as you wander through the departments, you won’t automatically put bright but unnecessary products into your cart.

Choosing the right cart

If your shopping list is not very large, then choose a basket or the smallest cart. A couple of packages of vegetables and a loaf of bread will look very lonely in a large cart, and you will definitely put items in it that you did not want to buy. Only get a large grocery cart when you actually intend to buy a lot of items.

We take the goods not at eye level

A trick that all stores use when displaying goods is placing the most expensive products on the shelves that are most convenient for the buyer. Everything that is at eye level is often more expensive than what is on the lower or upper shelves. Before making a choice, try to carefully look at all the shelves with the desired product and compare prices. Chances are you'll find exactly what you need at a better price on the bottom shelf.

We are not afraid of unfamiliar brands

Habits are second nature, but if you need to save money, it’s better to give up some of them. If you always buy the same brand of yogurt at the supermarket, try something different. This way you can not only save a lot of money, but also introduce new tastes into your diet. The main thing is to read the labels and compare the ingredients of the products. By the way, brands that have recently appeared on the market are often quite competitive at a low cost. Without focusing on familiar brands, you can not only save money, but also find new favorites for yourself.

We do not pay attention to promotions and discounts

Not all promotions and discounts that the store advertises with bright stickers, catchy price tags and memorable announcements are profitable. Of course, if yesterday you bought your favorite chocolate in this store at one price, and today its price is reduced by half, then it’s worth paying attention to it. And even buy a few tiles in reserve. True, making sure that the expiration date did not expire the day before yesterday. But if you are lured into buying a pack of coffee with a gift in the form of a plastic mug, while the cost of the product itself is practically no different from the price at which you buy it, then you should think about it. First of all, why do you need a cheap plastic mug? Secondly, why do you need a product that doesn’t actually save you money? Third, are you sure that the new coffee will last until you use up the supply you already have in your kitchen?

We participate in loyalty programs

But loyalty programs, on the contrary, should not be ignored. If at the checkout you are offered to issue a free savings card or a card with a symbolic value, we recommend that you do so. In just a few months you will be able to receive discounts from 3 to 10% on almost any store product. Even if you pay the minimum 100 rubles for the card, they will almost immediately be compensated by the discounts you receive. Moreover, most cards are not personalized, so you can lend it to your parents and friends, thereby helping them save and accumulating a large discount on the card.

Let's go shopping without company

Of course, shopping with friends is much more fun than wandering around the store alone with a cart. But when shopping alone, you approach this issue more thoughtfully, you have time to analyze the products and your needs. This way you save a lot and practically don’t buy anything unnecessary. After all, with friends you are tempted to take some goods for company or put groceries in the cart, without looking at the cost. Go shopping on your own and spend time with friends outside the store!

Don't get bored at the cash register

Most often, next to the cash registers there are stands with goods that you can definitely live without: chewing gum, chocolate, marmalade, toys. Even if you are standing in line, you should not waste time looking at the checkout area. There is nothing useful or necessary here! In order not to waste time, it is better to check your email on your phone or write a post on a social network. Make good use of this time.

We pay in cash

If you really need to save money, or you know you have a passion for unnecessary purchases, try to go to the store with cash, taking only as much as you can afford to spend. If you pay by card, you will inevitably spend more than you planned, since in this case you have no control over the process of transferring money and are not able to assess the scale of the budget disaster.

We behave correctly with the cashier

Just when you have almost left the store with the necessary purchases and relaxed, the last trick awaits you - the cashier’s offer to buy this or that product at a special price. You shouldn't automatically agree; most likely, this special price is not that low, and the product itself is not worth taking. Even if on the way home you decide that the offer is profitable, you can always return to the store another time and buy it or any other that seems worthy and profitable to you. Do not agree to the offer to take a few more items up to the amount that is discounted today. You are unlikely to go back to the department for cereals or vegetables, but will start taking goods from the cash register. Even if you get some kind of small discount, the extra items you have collected, which will then lie idle at home, will not help in any way to real savings.

Municipal educational institution

"Gymnasium No. 37"
Technology project
Proper nutrition is the basis of human health

Reminder for a savvy buyer
The project was carried out

9a grade student:

Revina Irina

Susie Marina



1. Explanatory note, justification of the problem...................3
2. Tasks………………………………………………………..4
3. Research……………………………………………………………..4
4. Bank of ideas……………………………………………………….6
5. Developing a better idea…….……………………………...9
6. Making a collection……………………………………….9
7. Economic calculations……………………………………10
8. Environmental assessment……………………………………...10
9. Self-analysis of the project…………………………………………...11
10. List of sources used..………………………...12

1. Explanatory note (justification of the problem).
“Healthy nutrition is the basis of human health. School of Smart Buyer"
This research project relates to the field of health-saving technologies. In our society, a problem has long been brewing - how to preserve the health of the nation, and therefore every Russian, i.e. each of us?

The number of acute and chronic diseases associated with poor nutrition is growing alarmingly. Today it is difficult to find an absolutely healthy person. A person’s ability to work and the well-being of his family depend on his state of health.

Everyone has heard the well-known formula for health:
Nutrition + lifestyle + worldview.
This project examines the first component of this formula - the organization of a healthy diet. Despite the global nature and complexity of this problem, each of us can and should make efforts to solve it.

Already from school, you need to think about preserving your health and learn to properly organize your nutrition and the nutrition of your future family.

The key to a successful solution to this problem is the information security of the population in this area (armed with knowledge means protected) and a systematic approach to choosing food for the family table.

The result of our research was the information collection “Memo for a Smart Buyer,” which will help every person navigate the abundance of food products, choosing the safest and healthiest products for themselves and their family. This will be the first step towards maintaining the health of each of us.

2. Tasks.
1. Collect materials about proper, healthy human nutrition
2. Study legal documents protecting consumer rights
3. Conduct a sociological survey
4. Develop a consumer food passport
5. Identify the main criteria for assessing the quality of food products

6. Select useful consumer knowledge information that helps you quickly determine the healthfulness of a food product
7. Develop a short collection containing useful information for the buyer

3. Research.
Organizing a healthy diet begins with the legal literacy of every Russian as a potential consumer and buyer. Before putting any dish on the table, we must purchase food from a retail chain. You can, of course, grow produce on your own plot, we will be confident in its quality, but not everyone has such an opportunity. Most of us purchase food from retail outlets. This is where we face the first problem: how not to make a mistake in choosing the right products that meet all safety requirements?

In technology lessons at our gymnasium, we study the basics of consumer legal literacy. We are getting acquainted with such a legal document as the “Law of the Russian Federation on the Protection of Consumer Rights” ( Annex 1)

This document describes in detail the rights of the buyer and the obligations of the seller and manufacturer of goods and services.

Based on some articles of this document, in particular:
Art. 8. The consumer’s right to information about the manufacturer and the product;

Art. 9. Information about the manufacturer;

Art.10. Product information,

we are learning how to draw up a consumer passport of a product ( appendix 2).

The consumer passport of the product contains the necessary information about the product, which largely characterizes the quality of the product. A competent buyer will not purchase products without carefully studying the information on the packaging. When studying this information, we must first of all pay attention to the date of manufacture and expiration date of the product, the composition of the product, its nutritional value and some other parameters. But even a detailed study of the information on the packaging will not give us the correct guide in the sea of ​​goods if we do not know the criteria for selecting healthy, safe food products. Today in the media, especially on the Internet, you can find a large number of tips and recommendations on proper nutrition.

Having studied various sources, we chose the advice of ecologists and nutritionists in the field of healthy nutrition and in our work we used three main criteria for evaluating the product:
1 criterion – environmental performance.

Here we looked at the composition of the product, the presence or absence of chemical additives and genetically modified organisms, based on a table of harmful chemical additives, and in addition, we studied how close the product is to its natural state.
Criterion 2 – impact on human health.

Here we identified the presence of contraindications for use due to health reasons (the presence of certain diseases), studied the effect of chemical additives and GMOs on human health, and determined the place of the product in the dietary pyramid developed by nutritionists of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.
Criterion 3 – impact on the environment.

Here we studied the material of product packaging from the point of view of its further disposal (everyone knows what harm the recycling of plastic packaging causes to the environment) ( appendix3).
Students from our gymnasium conducted an environmental assessment of food products. Several groups of students received special environmental assessment cards and, having studied the information on product packaging according to given criteria, concluded that it was advisable to consume these products as food ( Appendix 4)

As a result of our research, we came up with the idea of ​​compiling an information collection that will help anyone choose healthy and safe food products.

3. Bank of ideas.

What may be included in the content

Having studied the versions of such publications in various sources, we found that they mainly contain information of either a legal or environmental nature, or provide detailed examination of specific food products. Of course, this is very useful and necessary information, but it requires a lot of time to study it. Our task is to create a small collection containing the necessary information from various areas of consumer knowledge. This collection can include information:
- on the basic law protecting consumer rights ( Annex 1);
- about an organization where you can protect your consumer rights

(Annex 1);
- consumer passport of a food product ( app 2;)
- main criteria for evaluating a food product ( Appendix 3);
- list of barcodes of manufacturing countries ( Appendix 5);
- a list of harmful chemical food additives and their effect on human health ( Appendix 6);
- ration pyramid ( appendix 7);
- rules for purchasing goods ( Appendix 8);
- 10 main mistakes in our diet ( Appendix 9);
- “Top five most dangerous products”

and good wishes for good health.

Using this information, each buyer can easily navigate the huge variety of products offered by manufacturers and, thereby, protect themselves from dangerous and harmful food coming to their table.

Collection title options:

1) To help the consumer

2) Buyer's cheat sheet

3) Stay healthy - eat right!

4) Reminder for a competent buyer

As a result, option 4 was chosen.

Manufacturing technology:
Typing text, tables, and editing are now performed only on a computer using MS Word, MS Excel, MS Paint and others. Printing can be done on a laser or inkjet printer. Note that text printed on an inkjet printer spreads when moisture gets on it. To avoid this, you can print on an inkjet printer and then photocopy.

As a result, the option of printing on a laser printer was chosen, but printing on an inkjet printer is acceptable.

  • A4 format is inconvenient for storage and use

  • Any part of the A4 format is convenient for use and storage, but when cutting sheets there will be a lot of waste (uneconomical)

  • A5 format (half of A4 format) is economical and convenient for storage
As a result, the A5 format was chosen.

Cover (design and production method):
1). Inscription on a white background 3). Inscription with a picture or photo

2). Inscription on a colored background 4). The inscription on the background of the picture

For strength, the cover can be laminated or manually covered with self-adhesive film.
Selected option: inscription on a white background with a picture, followed by lamination.

Placement of text and page junctions:
1 2 3 4


“ooo” - the place where the pages connect
As a result, option No. 3 was chosen - more convenient for using and placing tables.
For ease of use, you can place a calendar for 2010 in the collection. On the bottom of the cover you can place a picture with a view of the city, thereby showing that some information is intended for residents of Petrozavodsk

Method of connecting pages

  1. The pages can be stapled together.

  2. The pages can be bound at a bookbinding shop.

  3. The pages can be glued together with PVA glue, but the appearance may suffer.

  4. You can connect the pages using a booklet maker.

As a result, option No. 1 was chosen - for home production (in single copies) and option No. 2 - for a small print run.

5. Developing a better idea.
As a result of researching the options, the following was chosen:
The name of the product is “Memo for a competent buyer”;

on the basic law protecting consumer rights;

address and telephone number of the organization protecting consumer rights;

rules for purchasing goods;

consumer product passport;

list of barcodes of manufacturing countries with explanations;

a list of harmful chemical food additives and their effects on health;

main criteria for assessing a food product for environmental safety;

diet pyramid;

10 main mistakes in our diet, the “five” most dangerous foods.
Section titles are made on white or colored paper in A5 format;
Placement of text and connections - book version, connection on the left

on a booklet maker or stapler;

Cover - laminated white or colored paper with title and illustration;

Printing and editing on PC.

6. Making a collection.
1. Editing and designing pages (work on a PC)

2. Preparing paper for printing (cut A4 sheets in half with a stationery knife)

3. Selection of illustrations (Paint program, Internet)

4. Printing (on an inkjet or laser printer)

5. Stitching (with a stapler or on a booklet maker)

6. Lamination.
7. Economic calculation.
1. A pack of office paper (500 sheets, density 80 g/m2, A4 format) costs

160 rubles. 6 sheets required for printing => cost

paper used – 6 × (160 ÷ 500) = 1.92 rubles.

2. Colored paper costs 0.8 rubles. for 1 sheet. 2 sheets were required for printing => cost of used colored paper – 0.8×2 = 1.6 rubles

(the option with white paper is more economical.)

3. Printing (ink consumption) - 6 rubles.

4. Stitching – 20 rub. (using a stapler - more economical)
Total: from 10 rub. up to 30 rub. (depending on the type of stitching).

8. Environmental assessment.
The collection is made of paper, which is easily recycled without harming the environment.

10. List of used literature.
1. Technology: Textbook for 8th grade students. Ed. V.D. Simonenko - M.: Ventana - Graf, 2007.

2. Law of the Russian Federation No. On the Protection of Consumer Rights" - M.: Omega - L, 2005.

3. Materials from magazines and newspapers.
Internet sites:
Annex 1.
Consumer rights are protected by the Law of the Russian Federation on the Protection of Consumer Rights

Appendix 2
Product information (food product)

Product Detail


Product type,




Date of manufacture

Best before date

Manufacturer country


The nutritional value

Storage conditions

Manufacturer's address




Appendix 3.

Criteria for assessing food products for environmental safety

Appendix 4.

Environmental assessment of goods (food)


Product type


Environmental indicators

Impact on human health


Environmental impact


Quantity "+"

Quantity "-"







Appendix 5.
List of barcodes of manufacturing countries

Barcode decoding

Take, for example, the digital code: 4820024700016. The first two digits (482) mean the country of origin (manufacturer or seller) of the product, the next 4 or 5 depending on the length of the country code (0024) - the manufacturer, five more (70001) - name of the product, its consumer properties, dimensions, weight, color. The last digit (6) is a control digit used to check whether the scanner is reading strokes correctly. EAN-13:

The country of manufacture code has two or three characters, and the company code has four or five characters. Products that are large in size may have a short code consisting of eight digits - EAN-8.

Typically, the country code is assigned by the International Association EAN. We draw the attention of consumers to the fact that the country code never consists of one digit. Sometimes the code printed on the label does not correspond to the country of origin stated on the packaging; there may be several reasons. First: the company was registered and received a code not in its own country, but in the one where the main export of its products is directed. Second: the product was manufactured at a subsidiary. Third: perhaps the product was manufactured in one country, but under a license from a company from another country. The fourth is when several companies from different countries become the founders of an enterprise.
Correspondence table of country barcodes in the "EAN" system.

Australia 93

Austria 90-91

Belgium 54

Bulgaria 380

Bosnia 387

Brazil 789

UK 50

Hungary 599

Vietnam 893

Germany 400-440

Greece 520

Israel 729

Indonesia 899

Ireland 539

Iceland 569

Spain 84

Italy 80-83

Canada 00-09

China 690-691

Latvia 475

Luxembourg 54

Netherlands 87

Nicaragua 740-745

New Zealand 94

Norway 70

Poland 590

Portugal 560

Russia 460

Romania 594

Singapore 888

Slovakia 858

Slovenia 383

Thailand 885

Türkiye 869

Ukraine 482

Finland 64

France 30-37

Switzerland 76

Sri Lanka 479

Estonia 474

South Korea 880

7. We store and prepare food incorrectly (we salt a lot, fry, cook);

8. we love to eat between meals;

9. we eat without taking into account age-related dietary requirements;

10. We know little about balanced nutrition.

Appendix 10.
"Top Five Most Dangerous Products"

  1. carbonated drinks;

  1. chips, French fries, croutons;

  1. boiled sausages, frankfurters, small sausages;

  1. heavily fried fatty meat;

  1. “fast food” (instant food).

“Online store” - How to quickly create an online store on ASP.NET. Acceleration solutions (interfaces). What else can help? I ask and they answer. Computer games – 3. Technical support. Write from scratch. When the solution to the problem is completed in three days (20-30 people/hour). Gifts – Dig in Get developer support.

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“Usability of online stores” - Typical mistakes of online stores. Order train tickets on the website “”. The link should lead to the page with the advertised content, not to the “home page”. Traffic sources for a regular online store. Allow users to add items to their cart and view shipping and payment information without registering.

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“Online grocery store” - Selecting a work scheme from an offline store. Key points in organizing an online food store. Target 500,000 people Retail monthly turnover 2 billion rubles. Organization of work with orders Direction of development. Requirements for an Internet grocery store website. Advertising and promotion.

“Online store sites” - Administrative part. To select a developer, general recommendations for developing an online store. Unfinished. Recommended product characteristics. Product Catalog. Main features... unfinished. Comparison of products Comments on products Order history ... Placing an order. Orders Counterparties Stock balances Products (Descriptions and photographs) Discounts.

What to do if you break an item in a store? What to do if a security guard decides to detain you? What to do if you bought a low-quality product? What if...

Stand up for your rights

An example of asserting your rights as a buyer. "O" Key will pay 24,000 rubles to a woman who bought a pack of counterfeit oil. The buyer, having tried the oil, realized that the product was of poor quality and, after conducting an independent examination, realized that it was not oil, but a spread. The claim submitted to the store was ignored and then the woman went to court.
Court decision - to recover from the defendant "OKey" LLC in favor of the plaintiff:
5,000 rub. - for compensation for moral damage;
2,500 rub. - fine;
15,000 rub. - costs of paying for representative services
RUB 1,766 94 kopecks - expenses for laboratory testing of the product
Total: 24,266 rub. 94 kopecks

Basic consumer rights include:

1. The consumer’s right to the quality of goods, work and services
2. The right to safety of goods, work and services
3. The right to information about the manufacturer, performer, seller
4. A number of rights (refund of money, replacement of goods, repair or reduction in price) if defects are discovered in the goods during the warranty period and in the absence of a guarantee within 2 years from the date of transfer of the goods
5. The right to participate in checking the quality of goods and the right to be present during the examination of goods
6. The right to compensation for losses arising from the sale of goods of inadequate quality
7. The right to a refund if the delivery deadline for fully or partially prepaid goods is violated
8. The right to exchange goods of good quality
9. The right to refuse the goods at any time before its transfer, and after the transfer of the goods - within seven days for distance selling
10. The right to receive the result of work or service within the period established by the contract
11. A number of rights (refund of money, re-performance of work or provision of services, elimination of defects or reduction of price) if defects are discovered in the work or service during the warranty period and in the absence of a warranty within 2 years
12. The right to refuse to execute a contract for the performance of work or provision of services at any time
13. The right to compensation for losses incurred during the performance of work or provision of services

What to do if you break something in a store.

The risk of accidental loss or accidental damage to the goods passes to the buyer from the moment when, in accordance with the law, the seller is considered to have fulfilled his obligation to transfer the goods to the buyer. Until this moment, all risks associated with accidental loss or damage to the goods lie with the owner of the goods, i.e. on the seller.
You are not obligated to pay for accidentally broken goods!
However, if you snag a product on a shelf because the aisles in the store are too narrow, the tape on which you placed the bottle moved and the bottle broke, if you slipped on a freshly washed floor and when you fell, you knocked down a bottle or even an entire rack - you pay not obliged.
But if you were spinning around in a store doing dance steps, running around with the hem of your skirt fluttering, were intoxicated and staggered around the store, picked up a bottle and deliberately threw it on the floor, and even if you picked it up but didn’t drop it on purpose, you must pay .

By the way, there is only one way to force you to pay for broken goods - in court, the store must prove that you caused the damage intentionally. If the seller accuses you of such intent, remind him that all this still needs to be proven in court. The main thing is to insist that the product was inconveniently positioned and you accidentally touched it. And even if this case goes to court, it will be almost impossible to prove otherwise to the store. It should be noted that the store is unlikely to want to get involved in litigation.
If the store administration demands that you pay for damaged goods that were damaged through no fault of yours, feel free to ask for a complaint book and leave a record of what happened in it. At the same time, ask the administration to draw up a report on the damage to the goods, in which you must write down your thoughts on this matter, for example, that there was a wet floor in the aisle or that the width of the aisle does not meet the standards. Enlist the support of at least two witnesses to what happened (this could be your relatives and friends, as well as other customers of the store). Also inform that you do not intend to pay for the cost of the goods, and if the administration wishes, it can demand compensation through the court. You have every right to do this. In 99% of cases, the incident will be resolved and no one will sue you, because not a single representative of the administration will want to subject the store to additional checks, which will reveal that the distance between the rows is indeed less than established by law. The fine in this case will be much greater than the cost of the goods you damaged.

You bought a product, but it turned out to be of poor quality. What to do?

A product shortage is a product non-conformity:
mandatory requirements provided by law;
terms of the contract;
the purposes for which goods of this kind are usually used;
the purposes of which the seller was informed by the consumer when concluding the contract;
sample or description when selling goods according to the sample or description.
If there is a defect in the product, and the seller did not warn you about its presence, then you, as a consumer, on the basis of Article 18 of the Federal Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, have the right to declare one of the following requirements, at your choice:
demand replacement with a product of the same brand or replacement with the same product of a different brand (model, article) with recalculation of the purchase price;
demand a proportionate reduction in the purchase price;
demand immediate free elimination of defects in the goods or reimbursement of expenses for their independent correction or by a third party;
refuse to fulfill the purchase and sale agreement and demand a refund of the amount paid for the goods.
An exception is made for technically complex goods (airplanes, ships, tractors, system units, navigation equipment, refrigeration equipment, televisions, etc.)
If a deficiency is detected in such goods, the consumer has the right to refuse to fulfill the purchase and sale agreement and demand a refund of the amount paid for such goods or make a demand for its replacement only within fifteen days from the date of purchase of the goods.

According to Art. 22 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, consumer demands for the return of the amount of money paid for the goods, as well as for compensation for losses caused to the consumer as a result of the sale of goods of inadequate quality, or the provision of inadequate information about the goods, are subject to satisfaction by the seller (manufacturer, authorized organization or authorized individual entrepreneur, importer) within 10 days from the date of presentation of the relevant requirement.
By the way, delivery of large goods and goods weighing more than five kilograms for repair, markdown, replacement or return is carried out at the expense of the seller.

Cheating in the store

Danger may lurk during the entire purchasing process:
Deception on the trading floor
There are times when expired products are placed on the counter. To disguise the date, a new label is placed on top of the old label on the packaging. This is especially true for products that are to be hung directly at the point of sale or stored in the refrigerator.

Often in self-service stores, the price of a product on the price tag does not correspond to its value at the checkout.

Fraud at the checkout. There are several methods by which a store employee embezzles other people's money:
direct counting, when the cashier gives less change than expected;
punching a higher price at the checkout than the actual cost of the product;
demanding money for goods that the buyer did not take.
Detention by security guards at the exit of the store

So - did they try to sell you expired goods? It is necessary to write a statement describing the situation to Rospotrebnadzor, whose office is often located at the City Administration. The document must be drawn up in two copies, and the one with the acceptance mark must be kept for yourself.

When the issue concerns calculation, weighting and other manipulations, subsequently which a person may lose money, then the Department for Combating Economic Crimes will take care of the matter. Its employees are located at the local police department. Here, too, you need to submit an application, where you must indicate the exact details of the retail outlet. They can be found at the store information stand.

Check your receipts! Otherwise you’ll get marshmallows for 648 rubles

To avoid becoming a victim of fraud in a store, you need to follow a few simple rules:

Carefully study the product label; if it has been corrected or re-glued, then it is better not to take such a product;
reweigh goods packaged in the store on check scales;
pay attention to the price tag, if there are doubts about its compliance with the product presented, check the cost of the product at the checkout in advance;
count change without leaving the cash register;
immediately check the cash receipt;
do not give in to provocations from store employees.

Security actions

Does the security guard have the right to search the bag?
No. The security guard has no right to inspect your belongings - neither in a store, nor in an office, nor in a theater. Neither at the entrance, nor at the exit. He may ask you to show what you have in your bag, but you have every right to refuse.

What if the guard thinks I stole something?
He may call the police and detain you until they arrive. But the guard must have serious reasons for this - for example, if he saw with his own eyes how you put the goods in your pocket, or the alarm went off. The police can inspect your belongings, but only in compliance with the law - in the presence of witnesses, drawing up a report, etc. At the same time, the police must also justify why they suspect you of a violation.

What does "delay" mean? By force?
Yes. By law, a security guard has the right to use physical force to prevent a crime or for self-defense. But this does not mean that he can throw a person to the floor if he realizes that he stole a pack of cookies. If the case goes to trial, the court must consider whether the security guard's actions are proportionate to the damage from which he was trying to protect the store or office.

What if I didn’t steal anything, but I’m detained?
Call the police. The Criminal Code has a special article about abuse of power by employees of private security companies. Violation is punishable by a fine or prison.

Does the security guard have the right not to let me into the store with my bag?
No, it doesn't. But the guards often do this - they prohibit you from entering with a bag and demand that you leave it in special boxes. If you still want to go into the store with a bag, but they don’t let you in, call the administration and find out who gave the security this right? What law says that it is forbidden to enter a store with your own bag? Spoiler: none. They will start referring to internal instructions - remind that no instructions can contradict the law. The Civil Code does not allow the store administration to invent its own rules - who to let in and who not to let in. If persuasion does not help, call the police and explain the situation.

Does a security guard have the right to prohibit photography of goods?
No. Many people have found themselves in this situation: you take pictures of clothes on your phone in a store in order to send them to someone and get advice on whether to take them or not. The security guard, referring to the store rules, says that photographing goods is prohibited. At this very moment, it violates your constitutional right to freely seek, receive, transmit, produce and disseminate information in any lawful manner. The Civil Code does not prohibit taking photographs of goods in stores.

What if the security guard prohibits taking photographs?
If a security guard prohibits you from filming or otherwise violates your legal rights, the first thing you can do is ask him to show the security guard’s personal card - every private security company employee must have this document. By law, the security guard is required to present you with a document. Remember the guard's first and last name. Calmly explain to your interlocutor that he was misled, and no store rules can prohibit you from taking photographs. If it is clear that the security guard takes the authority of his superiors very seriously, refer to Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, who back in 2013 spoke out against bans on photography in stores. If everything is really bad, threaten to sue - there is a practice for such cases.

Is it possible to film a security guard?
A phone with a camera on is a good tool in the fight for your rights. The Civil Code allows filming a person in places open to the public without his consent, if he is not the main subject of filming. So it’s better to film not only the security guard who is rude to you, but also other store employees, customers and goods. In addition, the Civil Code allows filming a person without consent if “the use of the image is carried out in state, public or other public interests.” This category may well include the desire to use video footage as evidence in court. This has happened in judicial practice.

Does an office security guard have the right to demand a passport and copy down passport data?
Yes, but only with your consent. If you do not want to show your passport, make sure that you are asked for documents legally. Contact the administration of the office center and find out whether there is a provision in the job description of the security staff that allows visitors to enter only with a passport. If there is such a provision, make sure that the security guard with whom you are talking has the right to process the personal data of guests - a list of such employees is compiled in a special document. We did not find any violations - keep in mind: you can refuse to give your passport to the guard, but in this case he has the legal right not to let you in.

Am I required to put things in a storage room?
You are not required to leave your belongings in the storage lockers, and the security guard cannot force you to do so. By depositing your bag, you enter into an agreement with the store for the free provision of storage services. According to Article 421.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, any citizen is free to enter into an agreement and no one has the right to impose it.

What to do if a baby stroller is not allowed into the store?
The store has no right to prohibit you from entering with a stroller. Some stores with such a ban may be guided by internal rules and charter. However, remember that there is no law prohibiting entering a store with a stroller, but there are articles in the Constitution and the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation that protect your rights and the rights of your child.

According to Articles 18 and 55 of the Constitution, human rights and freedoms cannot be limited and are valid where they are not limited by law. Moreover, in Russia there is a civil law principle: “everything is permitted that is not directly prohibited by law.” Thus, no store bylaw can prohibit your child, who is physically unable to move outside the stroller, from entering the store. Also, the restriction of constitutional human rights is punishable by Article 136 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - “Violation of the equality of rights and freedoms of man and citizen” and is punishable by either a fine or imprisonment for up to 5 years. The next time the security guard doesn’t want to let you and your stroller into the store, refer to the articles in the Constitution and the Criminal Code and threaten to call the police.

What to do if the seller does not have change and refuses to release the goods?
According to Article 426.3 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a commercial organization’s refusal to enter into a public contract if it is possible to provide the consumer with the corresponding goods, services, or perform the corresponding work for him is not allowed.

What should I do if the price on the price tag and when the goods are issued do not match?
If the seller refuses to sell the product at the price indicated in the price tag, or to return the money for it, then this is simply regarded as deception of the consumer. In such a situation, you must definitely file a complaint with Rospotrebnadzor.
According to Article 10.1 of the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, “the seller is obliged to promptly provide the consumer with the necessary and reliable information about the goods, ensuring the possibility of their correct choice.” Thus, when at the checkout the price of an item is very different from what is indicated on the price tag, or the cashiers do not have time or “forget” to change the price tags, this is a violation of the law. Any buyer has the right to receive the goods at the price indicated in the price tag, no matter whether the prices have been updated or not.

Is it possible to take photographs of products in a store?
A store is a public place, and you can take photographs in public places. According to Article 29 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, any citizen has the right to freely seek, receive, transmit, produce and disseminate information in any legal way. The seller or security guard has no right to prohibit you from doing this

The distribution of counterfeits violates the buyer's right as a consumer to receive reliable information about the product and its manufacturer. The buyer is deprived of the opportunity to make the right choice of a quality product.
According to Art. 8 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights, the consumer has the right to demand from the seller to provide the necessary and reliable information about the manufacturer and the goods sold by him.
This information must be reliable, communicated to the consumer in a clear and accessible form in Russian, including in technical documentation, on a label, marking or in another way. The reliability of the information presupposes that the information about the product contained in it corresponds to its actual parameters. If the information provided about the product is unreliable or insufficiently complete, then the seller faces the legal consequences provided for in Art. 12 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights, according to which the consumer has the right to demand compensation for losses from the seller, as well as, within a reasonable time, refuse to fulfill it and demand the return of the amount paid for the goods and compensation for losses.

According to Art. 1515, 1519 counterfeit goods are goods, labels, packaging of goods on which a trademark or confusingly similar designation is illegally placed, are counterfeit, as well as goods, labels, packaging of goods on which appellations of origin of goods or similar are illegally used with them to the point of confusion of designation. Thus, the goods purchased by you with non-compliance by the seller with the requirements of Art. 1515, 1519 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is counterfeit (fake).

In accordance with Part 1 of Art. 12 Federal Law of February 7, 2002 N 2300-1 “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, if the consumer is not given the opportunity to immediately obtain information about the product upon concluding a contract, he has the right to refuse to fulfill the contract and demand a refund of the amount paid for the product and compensation for other losses.

When purchasing goods in a store, the issued receipt is considered proof of the conclusion of the contract.

According to Article 12 of the Law of the Russian Federation of February 7, 2002 N 2300-1 “On the Protection of Consumer Rights,” if the consumer is not given the opportunity to immediately receive information about a product (work, service) upon concluding a contract, he has the right to demand compensation from the seller (performer) losses caused by unjustified avoidance of concluding a contract, and if the contract is concluded, within a reasonable time, refuse to perform it and demand the return of the amount paid for the goods and compensation for other losses.

In case of refusal to fulfill the contract, the consumer is obliged to return the goods (result of work, services, if possible due to their nature) to the seller (performer).

The seller (performer) who has not provided the buyer with complete and reliable information about the product (work, service) bears the responsibility provided for in paragraphs 1 - 4 of Article 18 or paragraph 1 of Article 29 of the Federal Law of February 7, 2002 N 2300-1 "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" ", for defects in the product (work, service) that arose after its transfer to the consumer due to the lack of such information.

Thus, the buyer has the right to return the goods to the seller and demand a refund of the money paid.

Expired goods

What to do if the goods are expired?
According to Article 7 of the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, the consumer has the right to the safety of goods, and Article 18 of the same law gives the buyer the right to return low-quality goods back to the store and demand a replacement or refund. In order for the return of goods to go smoothly, you should always keep the receipt - in this case they will definitely not be able to refuse to return your money. If there is no receipt, then two witnesses will be enough who can confirm that you purchased the goods in this place. In any case, stores rarely go into conflict when returning expired goods. If the buyer files a complaint with Rospotrebnadzor, the store will face a large fine and possibly a small reputational blow for selling expired products. This is, of course, unprofitable for retail chains. First of all, food products must contain information about the date and time of manufacture, the date of packaging, and the expiration date of this product must be indicated. If, nevertheless, the buyer came home and realized that the purchased product was spoiled, he should:

Draw up a contract when providing you with repair work

The consumer has the right to demand from the contractor:
redo all identified shortcomings at your own (performer’s) expense;
reduce the cost of work;
carry out repeated work;
replace damaged parts or materials at your (the contractor's) expense;
reimburse all funds that were spent to correct defects by the consumer or to involve third parties;
return all money in case of refusal to fulfill the terms of the contract.
(more detailed information on the requirements can be found in the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights” in Articles 13 and 29)

In order to oblige the contractor to compensate for losses or to engage in repeated work, it is necessary to draw up a claim in writing in two copies, in which a specific requirement is indicated. An important point will be to indicate only one requirement, for example, reducing the cost of work. The presence of multiple claims will not be considered by the court. For example, a claim that includes demands for reduction in the cost of work and re-work may result in a denial of the claim, leaving both claims unsatisfied.

The next step will be to hand over to the contractor one copy of the demand. It is necessary that on the second copy the executor confirms the fact of delivery of the demand by signing and dated it. The second copy must remain in the hands of the customer. In most cases, the executor refuses to confirm the fact of delivery, much less to sign the document. Under these circumstances, you can use postal services by sending your request by registered mail. Before sending a letter, you should make a list of attachments and use the service of notification upon delivery, which will be somewhat more expensive, but more significant in court proceedings.

By the way, keep in mind that there are many nuances in separating the provision of non-material services (training, cosmetic procedures, etc.) and repair and construction services. In the intangible sphere of service provision, it is more difficult to prove that the service was performed poorly.

2 write it down at home. what and how much you need (but don’t want) to buy.

3 go to the store in your free time. so as not to rush.

4. don’t rush to take something close to you from the shelf - look at the manufacturing date. check the integrity of the packaging.

5. don't be fooled by sales.

6 dropped something and spilled it. spilled or broke - don't be alarmed - didn't bring it to the cash register - the store bears the losses.

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7. If you don’t have what you need planned in the usual place, find an administrator and let him show you. where they transferred it - this is a common thing. so that while you are looking for yourself, you grab something extra.

8. When you buy equipment, be sure to check it and issue a warranty.

Develop a “Buyer Guide” that includes tips on how to behave rationally when purchasing a product. It contains the following sections: “Conditions

rational purchase”, “How to save money”, “Rights and responsibilities of the consumer”, etc. In the oral presentation of your memo, justify the developed recommendations.

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Other questions from the category

cut once.” You can’t even pull a fish out of the pond without effort.” “Without patience there is no learning. If you don’t sit on the stove, will you eat rolls?”

could act better than others.”

Mother. All requests from her classmates to listen to the girl’s explanations were unsuccessful. The whole class stopped going to this teacher's classes. Resolve the situation. Is it regulated by law?

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Read also

sections: “Conditions for a rational purchase”, “How to make an equivalent exchange”, “How to save money”, etc.

sections: “Conditions for a rational purchase”, “How to make an equivalent exchange”, “How to save money”

how to buy a product - in a regular store, not an online store.

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Memo to the housewife: how to save money on groceries

The lion's share of our family budget goes to buying groceries. Is it possible to save on this part of the cost? Of course, it is possible and even necessary. Here is a kind of reminder to the buyer: how to save money on groceries.

1. You don’t need to buy everything in one store. Experts estimate that costs can be reduced by 19% just by shopping in two different stores.

2. You can save money on groceries by buying seasonal, inexpensive and fresh products at markets. After all, it is known that the fewer intermediaries, the greater the cost savings.

3. Don't neglect frozen products. However, it is better to ignore chopped vegetables, fruits, etc., as they will charge you extra money for the service.

4. Do not buy products “for dinner” or “for lunch” - this is always unprofitable.

It is best to plan your menu for the week and make the appropriate purchases.

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5. You should also refuse to buy ready-made cookery. You can save money if you cook your own meals and have extra supplies.

6. In supermarkets, as a rule, the most expensive products are placed at eye level. Therefore, do not be lazy and lean towards the bottom shelf or reach out to the top.

I hope this simple reminder to the buyer: how to save money on groceries will help you significantly reduce your expenses and get your family budget in order.




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Thanks for the helpful tips.

Thanks for the advice! And you shouldn’t go to the store hungry, otherwise you might end up buying a bunch of groceries that will end up in the trash!

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Absolutely the right addition!

I most often make a grocery list and give it to my husband, so he really won’t buy anything unnecessary, everything is strictly according to the list))

You also need to go to the grocery store completely full. A hungry person will always buy extra. And if the goal is to save on groceries, it is better to either not go to supermarkets at all, and buy the necessary products at the nearest store. Or visit the supermarket later in the evening, when there is no rush of buyers, which generally becomes scarce. And, as a rule, there is no particularly cheerful loud music that helps to throw extra things into the basket, such as during the day. 🙂

Very good advice and addition from Olga. But from time to time you go to the store hungry, and then... you’ll definitely buy too much. Thanks for the buyer's note.

It is also very useful to make a list of products that you are going to buy in the store, and the main thing is not to deviate from the list. Otherwise, you will again buy everything you need and don’t need.

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Everything is correct... It’s just that packing for a week always drags on for... a certain amount of time. And one-time purchases take no more than 5 minutes...

I agree, the grocery list is good. The main thing is not to forget it at home :)

On the contrary, I can’t send my husband to the store. He’s the one who will buy everything he can lay his eyes on :)

At the market near my house, some sellers give me discounts as a regular customer. And there are also such evening prices at the market (the sellers themselves say the evening market) - lower than daytime prices by 10-30%)))

Your market is good, Manshuk! 🙂

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Good advice. If you're smart, it's advisable to plan a menu for at least a week, purchase the necessary products, prepare homemade semi-finished products from them and freeze them. Then you won’t have to think every evening, what should I cook for dinner today?

§ 14. Family economics

In some countries, attempts were made to liquidate the farms of individual families and combine them into one communal farm, where everyone would work equally and share equally everything produced. What do you think could be the positive and negative consequences of such changes?

Family property and income

We know that without a person the economy is impossible - it appeared along with a person to satisfy his needs. At the same time, the economy itself, as it develops, influences the life of society as a whole, the formation of each individual, and the activities of human groups, the most important of which is the family.

Every family has its own farm. Its elements are property and money. Family members earn money, perform household duties, organize their meals, rest, replenish and renew their property.

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Family property is an apartment, house, dacha, household plot, garden plot, car, furniture, clothing, household appliances, etc.

The well-being of a family is influenced by the professional skills, time and energy that household members have to provide themselves and their relatives with a means of subsistence and perform household work.

For the family, the knowledge of household members about the technology of performing individual household tasks and the opportunities to replenish this knowledge are important. For example, to cook food, you need to remember recipes or have a cookbook at hand.

Conduct research on the topic “How Internet resources help in housekeeping.”

Family income is all the money received by its members from various sources. The most important sources of income for most families are the wages of its members and social payments from the state, i.e. scholarships, benefits, pensions.

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For families who farm or own a business (for example, a restaurant), the main source of income may be a portion of the profit of the enterprise.

For many people, personal subsidiary farming is a source of support, where food products, such as vegetables and fruits, are produced. This allows you to reduce your family’s food expenses, and when selling the surplus, you can get additional income.

In many countries there is a layer of people called rentiers. They do not work anywhere permanently, but live comfortably on interest from bank deposits, sometimes made by their ancestors. And someone can receive funds by renting an apartment or house that the family does not use.

Family income can be fixed or variable.

Members of families with a fixed income receive established payments that do not depend on the quality of work: cash salaries, scholarships, pensions. And the wealth of families with variable income can increase or decrease depending on changes in the quantity and quality of work of family members, the success of the commercial activities of their enterprise, as well as the bank or company in which the family’s savings are invested, etc.

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How are the income, needs and work activities of family members related to each other? Most families live in conditions of limited income, which do not allow them to meet the ever-growing needs of their households. It may be natural in this situation to increase work activity, i.e., search for opportunities for additional income, or refuse to satisfy some needs.

The family must correlate its income and needs, ranking them in order of importance.

Unfortunately, in modern Russia many families live in poverty. It's not surprising that teenagers want to help their parents by earning extra money. In turn, there are companies offering them this opportunity.

In accordance with the Labor Code, a teenager can, from the age of 14, with the consent of one of the parents, in his free time from school, work under a contract, performing light work. At the same time, the duration of a work shift for a 14-16 year old teenager combining work with study should not exceed 2.5 hours, for a 16-18 year old - 3.5 hours a day. Night work is prohibited. Work under a contract for teenagers under 14 years of age with the consent of one of the parents is allowed only in the field of art (for example, cinema, theater, circus).

Additional work for a teenager should not threaten his health or interfere with his studies at school.

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What is a family budget

In television news releases and newspaper headlines, you have probably come across the word “budget” (from the English budget - money bag, wallet). Once upon a time in England, the budget was the bag in which the Minister of Finance carried money and his reports. Over time, the word “budget” began to be used to describe the report of the Minister of Finance to Parliament.

Let's consider the modern meaning of this word. A family budget is a pre-compiled list of future income (salaries, pensions, scholarships, etc.) and expenses (paying for an apartment, buying food, clothing, etc.) of the family for a certain period of time.

A budget is also called the amount of income and expenses calculated for some time - usually for a month, quarter (3 months) or year. Thus, these are funds that can be spent over a certain period of time. Of course, not only families have a budget; every enterprise, every state has one.

Your budget consists of pocket money given by your parents for a week or a month. You can spend it on the first day, and then bitterly regret that you were not able to go to the movies with friends, buy a beautiful pen, hairpin or computer game. Drawing up a personal budget, i.e., correlating expected income and expenses, can help solve this problem.

Try to imagine what would happen if a family did not take care of its budget.

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What is the money spent on?

All family expenses can be divided into two groups: mandatory and discretionary.

Mandatory expenses include food, clothing, housing and utilities (electricity, gas, heating, water supply), transportation, and medicines.

Voluntary expenses are associated with an increased quantity and quality of all of the above, as well as with the purchase of goods and services that facilitate housekeeping, caring for oneself and pets, with the organization of leisure and recreation, with collecting, and the purchase of luxury goods.

For example, costs for bread and milk are mandatory, but for exotic fruits - optional, for telephone communications (if there is a telephone at home) - mandatory, and for cellular communication and Internet services - optional. Expenses for travel, purchasing a personal car or jewelry are optional.

“He who saves money lives without need” - this Russian proverb fully applies to family resources. The capabilities of each individual and the family as a whole are limited. Not only income is limited, but also the physical, intellectual, material capabilities, and free time of household members.

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There lived a man

Andrei Timofeevich Bolotov (1738-1833) was one of the most famous practical economists of his time, the founder of Russian agronomic science, writer and publisher. Thanks to his achievements in the household, he became known to those around Catherine II, and he was entrusted with the management of several estates of the empress.

In his memoirs about his long and colorful life, Andrei Timofeevich talks about the principles developed at the beginning of independent management: “Not wanting to conduct my housekeeping so blindly and with such negligence as many do, but wanting to organize it as best as possible, I started everything regular notes, rewrote all the planned affairs, all the necessary corrections of old things and all the newly started establishments and enterprises and, taking into account his wealth, chose what seemed most necessary over other things. And although at first I didn’t know much, books—my constant and best friends and interlocutors—taught me everything in a short time.”

What are the principles of “home economy” by A. T. Bolotov? Relate them to the sections of the paragraph you have already read. State these principles using the terms in bold.

The main direction of rational housekeeping is strict accounting of income, economical spending of funds in order to achieve the best results at the lowest cost. This goal can be achieved by acting in two directions: organizing the household through the joint efforts of the family so that everyone does feasible work, saving the time and effort of others; wisely saving money, family property and expanding knowledge about farming methods. It is especially difficult to act in the first direction.

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It would be wrong to treat household chores in the family as a heavy duty, because this is the care of family members for each other, and a form of expression of mutual love and affection, and a way to spend more time together. Mutual assistance and complete dedication of everyone unites the family and preserves the strength and means for joint leisure (sports, travel, trips to the theater and cinema, excursions, etc.).

Compare what types of housework you could do and what you actually do. Is there a difference?

Let's check ourselves

  1. What does the family's property consist of? 2. What does a family’s income consist of? 3. What meanings of the concept of “budget” did you learn about? 4. Why does a family (person, enterprise, state) need a budget?

In the classroom and at home

  1. Find out your family's main sources of income. Is this income fixed or variable and why?
  2. Which group of expenses includes the costs of purchasing books, visiting cinemas, exhibitions, and swimming in the pool? Explain your answer.
  3. Remember and write down your expenses for the last week (month). Which ones were urgent, which ones could be postponed, and which ones were completely unnecessary? Correlate expenses among these three groups and think about whether you are planning your budget rationally.
  4. In Russia, traditionally the head of the house was considered to be the man (the eldest man in the house), and the rest of the household was expected to obey his will. Think about why this custom was established. Is this principle applicable to organizing the life of a modern family? Explain your answer.
  5. One married couple kept a book of family disagreements for 40 years. 9,192 quarrels were registered, of which 1,879 occurred due to the husband’s dissatisfaction with the quality of the food prepared by his wife, 1,450 due to his own complaints about the wife’s spending of the family budget, 981 due to the wife’s resentment of her husband for violating the cleanliness of the apartment. What can you say about the distribution of responsibilities in this family? Think about how you could reduce the number of quarrels.
  6. Is it possible to single out exclusively “male” and “female” spheres in running a family household? Explain your answer.
  7. Remember the fairy tale about Cinderella, who was forced by her evil stepmother to work tirelessly around the house. Think about who the stepmother caused more harm - Cinderella or her daughters. Explain your answer. Read brief descriptions of the household of famous characters in the works of N.V. Gogol. How rationally was the farm run? Could you suggest any improvements? Explain your conclusions.
    1. “Pulcheria Ivanovna’s housekeeping consisted of constantly unlocking and locking the pantry, salting, drying and boiling countless fruits and plants. Her house looked exactly like a chemical laboratory." B. “Chichikov went into the room to get dressed and wash. When he went out into the dining room after that, there was already a tea set on the table. There were traces of yesterday's lunch and dinner in the room; It seems that the floor brush was not touched at all. There were bread crumbs on the floor, and tobacco ash was visible even on the tablecloth.”
    2. “This landowner had more than a thousand souls, and anyone would try to find so much bread from another. Whose storerooms, barns and drying rooms would be cluttered with so many linens, cloths, and sheepskins? dried fish and all kinds of vegetables. a supply of all kinds of wood and utensils was prepared. Not content with this, he walked every day along the streets of his village. and everything that came his way. pulled me towards him."


  1. Prepare and conduct a “21st Century Product” poster competition in your classroom. Give justification for the economic and consumer advantages of the selected product.
  2. Prepare a report on the topic “Use of information technology in school.” Find out about the possibilities of using Internet resources in education. How do information technologies help students in learning, teachers in developing and implementing curricula, and administration in improving the organization of an educational institution?
  3. Together with your classmates, develop a “Buyer’s Memo” that includes tips on how to behave rationally when purchasing a product. It may contain the following sections: “How to buy a product”, “How to save money”, “Rights and responsibilities of the consumer”, etc. In an oral presentation, justify the developed recommendations.
  4. Visit various trade organizations in your area: market, grocery store, large supermarket. Find out the prices for the goods your family most often purchases: milk, bread, potatoes. Compare the data obtained. Explain why prices for the same goods are different. Draw conclusions about what affects the price of a particular product.
  5. Researchers of Russian entrepreneurship identify the main motives for participation in this activity: gaining autonomy and independence, realizing professional abilities, achieving material success, usefulness of the work performed and authority in the eyes of others.

Conduct a survey among your peers: what can attract young people in business today? What are the main motives for participating in entrepreneurship? What prevents you from choosing this activity? Do schoolchildren today need to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for independent, proactive activities? Where and how can you start preparing for it?

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Rules for buyers. How to save money at the supermarket

With the advent of supermarkets, we have practically stopped going to markets, and we only go to grocery stores adjacent to our homes for essential goods. Most of us prefer large grocery shopping centers - there is more choice there. But you have to pay for all the pleasures, and often already at the checkout we are horrified to see that we have spent almost everything, although we did not plan for it at all.

Each supermarket has its own special psychological approach to the buyer, called the “supermarket effect”. Knowing the peculiarities of human behavior, his reactions to smells and visuals, a competent specialist will easily find an opportunity to manipulate him.

How they are trying to mislead you

1. Product location. Pay attention to how far apart essential items are placed. Typically, meat and dairy products are located at one end of the supermarket, and bakery products are at the other. All these products need to have a path along which bright and beautiful packaging looks at people with a cart.

2. Price tags. Information about discounts and sales leaves few people indifferent. Therefore, due to a small difference in price, we buy much more food than we can eat.

3. Product placement. Please note that the cheapest positions are usually at the bottom, and the most popular ones are at eye level. That is why product manufacturing companies fight each other for the best place on the shelf.

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4. Variety of colors and pleasant smells. When a buyer wants to buy a specific product, he is faced with a variety of tastes, smells and brands, and is forced to look among them for what he came for. At the same time, he notices other varieties of the product, the existence of which he did not even suspect. Not knowing what to choose, he buys several types of one product at once.

5. Music. No aggressive rhythms, no annoying sounds, just peaceful calm. This kind of music relaxes, and people are no longer in a hurry to leave.

6. Goods at the checkout. Are there people who have never bought chewing gum or chocolate at the checkout?

How to buy groceries without going broke?

Make a list of the products you need in advance and don’t forget to look at it.

When entering, take a basket rather than a cart (it's too big).

Don't take too much in reserve. Make it a rule that you don’t have two identical items in your cart. A bit of everything.

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Come to the supermarket only in a good mood and well-fed. Otherwise, you will buy a lot of unnecessary things.

You should not go to the supermarket with someone else. Since you will be walking through the departments together, it is quite possible that you will want to buy something for yourself “for company” that your friend came for.

Move energetically and don't get stuck at storefronts.

Before you buy what you see in front of your eyes, look at what is on the lower shelves. As a rule, there are products of the same segment, only more accessible to the wallet.

If you take meat, ask the seller to take a piece out of the tray and show it to you in normal light. There, under glass, the meat is illuminated with red light. And if you pull it out, it turns gray and is completely unappetizing. It's the same with oranges. There is orange lighting above the tray with oranges.

Feel free to understand the price tags. They may be confused on purpose. This is done so as not to scare off the buyer with a high price. To avoid being caught off guard at the checkout, check with the sales consultant in advance about the cost of the product. Perhaps you won't be able to afford it.

Seller's point of view:

1. “Do you feel limited in funds? We feel it too." This means that prices in supermarkets will be the last to decrease.

2. “You get less for the same price.” When buying a product at a “good” price, buyers almost never look at the volume and weight of the purchased product (and it is, as a rule, smaller than usual).

3. “We raise prices where you probably won’t notice.” If the prices for essential goods in supermarkets are approximately at the same level as in economy-class stores, then for less popular goods there is a mark-up, which at first glance is invisible to the eye.

4. “You shouldn’t believe all our recommendations.” This refers to all compliance with certificates, awards, medals, pediatric unions, nutrition institutes, etc. indicated on the packaging. Only the manufacturer is responsible for the information posted on the label, therefore, when making claims, remember, the supermarket will do everything possible to relieve itself liability for poor quality product.

Savings from purchasing Private Label (supermarket brand) products are equally controversial. Perhaps the trick lies in lower quality or reduced quantity: therefore, compare the packaging - factory and Private Label (if you find a manufacturer on it).

5. “A sale doesn’t mean you spend less.” Supermarkets know you're looking for deals, so they'll do anything to lure you in. Among the effective techniques are advertising posters and banners with the words: “cheap”, “huge discounts”, “price collapse” and so on, as well as placing cheap options right in front of the entrance. But once you're on the sales floor, the store will make sure you don't get too much for nothing. As a rule, the number of goods in the sale area is strictly limited, and once you get into the frenzy, you can’t stop.

6. “Loyalty cards help us please our most valued customers.” Many supermarkets offer “loyalty cards” that allow you to get discounts on items marked with special price tags on the floor. But your savings are not the purpose for which these cards were issued. Every time you use this card at checkout, the store records your purchases in an extensive database. As a result, they collect all the information about what, when and in what quantity you buy. And so on year after year. This allows the store to develop a policy for promoting new products and plan discounts.

7. “Loyalty cards don’t always mean savings.” It is this group of people who are regular customers of the supermarket, which means that by default they will agree to everything that the store offers them.

8. “We support domestic producers, but we are not a collective farm market.” Ecologically pure native vegetables, fruits, milk and meat are great, but practically impossible on the scale of a supermarket chain. It is difficult for large chains to find farms and farms that could carry out huge deliveries. Especially in large cities.

9. “We know your psychology.” Retailers know how you shop and what makes you pick up a product. For example, it was found that customers prefer to move on the right side of the shopping aisle and walk around the store counterclockwise. Such buyers spend 100 rubles more than those who move along the hall in the opposite direction.

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Extracurricular social studies lesson “Consumer Rights” in 7th grade

Extracurricular activity in social studies in 7th grade

History and Social Studies Teacher

MBOU Secondary School with UIOP No. 5, Kotelnich, Kirov Region

Introduce students to the concept of consumer, learn consumer rights and ways to protect them;

Learn to model situations and find a way out of them using knowledge of laws;

Learn to work with the text of laws;

Continue to develop the ability to work in a group.

1. Who is a consumer?

2. Consumer rights and their protection.

3. Modeling the situation, solving incidents.

A situation is being played out (2 students)

Katya, hello! Where are you from?

I went to the market specifically to buy shoes for the summer.

So how are you doing?

There are a lot of shoes on the market. I searched for something suitable for a long time, but finally chose it. It turned out well - inexpensive and beautiful.

Oh, what is this?

And the shoes are different: one with glitter, and the other just black.

What should I do?

The topic and goals of the lesson are announced.

We have all made purchases or traveled in public transport, but we did not think that in both cases we had certain rights given to us by law. We acted as consumers. Who is a consumer? (Answers from the guys).

This is a citizen who purchases or intends to purchase goods and services and uses them for personal needs.

Let's remember down to the smallest details how you spent yesterday. If you acted as a consumer, note this fact. (The guys talk.)

In all of these cases, you were the consumer.

Unfortunately, many of us have found ourselves in situations where our rights as consumers were violated. This is why it is necessary to know the basics of consumer law. In Russia, consumers are helped by the Civil Code, the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, the Law “On Advertising”, etc.

March 15 is considered World Consumer Day. On this day in 1962, US President John Kennedy proclaimed 4 basic consumer rights:

Right to security

Right to information

Right to be heard

The UN later expanded these rights:

Right to education

The right to compensation for harm caused.

The other party in the relationship with the consumer is: manufacturer, performer, seller (explain the concepts). They have the right to advertise their product.

(Guys give answers, teacher adds as necessary)

Information about the contractor (manufacturer): name, address, operating mode, validity period and license number; information about the product: weight, volume, calorie content, price, expiration date, place of manufacture, price, rules of use, warranty period, service life.

Now each group will receive a task.

Group I - You are journalists. Your editor has received a letter in which citizen K. reports... Compose a letter with a story about a case when the purchased product did not fit in size.

Group II - You are journalists. Your editor has received a letter in which citizen K. reports... Compose a letter with a story about a case when the purchased product did not match the color.

Group III - You are journalists. Your editor has received a letter in which citizen K. reports... Compose a letter with a story about a case when a purchased product failed after a month.

Group IV – You are Katya’s neighbors. Help her solve the problem of buying low-quality shoes.

Group V – You are lawyers. Katya came to you asking what to do with the shoes? What to do if you purchase a low-quality product? Use the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights” Art. 19 clauses 1,2; Art. 44.45.

Students of groups I-IV voice situations and express their opinions on what to do in such cases. Then the “lawyers” guys speak. The teacher adds.

In cases where the product does not fit, the consumer has the right to return it within 14 days from the date of purchase, exchange it for a similar or different one with recalculation of money (if the product has not been used and all documents have been preserved).

If the product is of poor quality, during the warranty period - the period when the manufacturer (performer) assumes the responsibility to correct the defects of the product, the consumer may demand:

Exchange of goods for a new one of the same type

Exchange of goods for another product

Reduced purchase price

You can contact the seller. He must:

Pay money within 10 days

Send goods for examination

In some cases, witness testimony is required that the goods were purchased from this seller.

What important document should the consumer have? - Check. Warranty card. And if the goods are bought on the market - a sales receipt.

If the seller does not comply with the consumer’s legal requirements, you can contact the Consumer Rights Protection Department (address, full names of specialists working there).

According to information from department employees, most of the complaints are about the quality of the goods and the delivery time. 45% of complaints about market trade in shoes, clothing, and watches.

Where is the best place to buy durable goods and household appliances? (Answers)

And it’s best if the buyer himself is very careful when choosing a product and knows his rights as a consumer.

Now each group will draw up rules that you need to know when buying goods in a store or at the market. (listen to the answers, write them down on the board, and add if necessary).

2. Be careful when choosing a seller.

3. Buy expensive items only in the store.

4. Follow the information the seller gives you.

5. When purchasing, be sure to take a receipt.

6. Check the correctness of the technical passport, the presence of the seal and signature of the seller.

7. Be sure to save your receipts, because this is the only proof that you made a purchase in this store.

If you have any problems, please contact the Consumer Protection Department.

Participants are given consumer leaflets.

Law on Consumer Protection. Publisher: AST, G. 2013

Co-founders: IP Lvova E.S., Vlasova N.V.

Editor-in-chief: Lvova Elena Sergeevna

Website for teachers, educators and teaching staff.

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