10 days after the first. The first days of pregnancy: feelings and actions of the expectant mother

Normally, a woman’s menstruation lasts from 3 to 7 days with a frequency of 26-35 days. If menstruation appears 10 days after the previous one, then this is a clear sign of disturbances in the body. The most harmless of them are hormonal imbalance caused by severe stress, taking contraceptives or other potent drugs. Also, cycle disruption can be caused by the installation of a spiral. But much more often, when menstruation begins prematurely, one or another disease is diagnosed.

Cervical erosion

This diagnosis is quite common. Erosion is a violation of the integrity (inflammation, ulceration) of the uterine mucosa. The cause of the disease can be infections, frequent changes of sexual partners, and disrupted hormonal levels. Characteristic symptoms of cervical erosion:

  • the appearance of bleeding in the middle of the cycle, mainly after sexual intercourse;
  • copious discharge of leucorrhoea;
  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  • unpleasant odor of discharge, change in color, sometimes itching and burning.

The main danger of erosion is that it can degenerate into a malignant formation. Therefore, if you have all the symptoms described above, you need to come for an examination to a doctor. The disease is successfully treated with cauterizing methods. Also, in case of cervical erosion, abstinence from sexual activity for a period of 6 weeks is recommended.


Menstruation may begin earlier than expected due to tumors in the uterus or ovaries. Most often found in women:

  • Functional ovarian cysts (follicular, luteal). They manifest themselves as irregular cycles, pain in the lower abdomen on the side where the cyst has formed, scanty or, conversely, heavy periods. Such formations are prone to self-resorption within 3 months.
  • Nonfunctional ovarian cysts (dermoid, hemorrhagic, mucinous, serous, germinal, endometriotic, epithelial). The type of tumor is determined by its composition. Thus, a dermoid cyst contains cartilage, fat, skin, and the serous fluid is yellow, etc. Non-functional formations appear in the same way as functional ones, but more pronounced. Symptoms do not disappear after 3 months. Additionally, signs such as male pattern hair growth, weight gain, constipation, and frequent urination when the tumor is large appear.
  • Uterine fibroids. Myoma is a formation that develops in the myometrium (muscular layer of the uterus). Most often, the disease develops in women 30-40 years old. Characteristic signs: pain during the intermenstrual period, spotting, constipation and frequent urination when nearby organs are compressed, anemia with frequent bleeding. Some fibroids can reach particularly large sizes. In this case, the woman is prescribed a hysterectomy (removal of the entire uterus). At the initial stages of tumor development, doctors limit themselves to conservative and minimally invasive methods that allow preserving reproductive function.

New growths can be seen on an ultrasound. The transvaginal method (through the vagina) is considered more informative. To determine the type of tumor, it is sometimes necessary to undergo diagnostic laparoscopy - an examination through a small puncture incision in the abdominal wall.

Polycystic ovary syndrome

The cause of the pathology is hormonal disorders, hereditary predisposition, disturbances in the regulatory structures of the brain - the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. With polycystic disease, the production of male sex hormones is increased, so women often experience hair growth on the upper lip, around the nipples, on the buttocks, etc. The disease is also manifested by rapid weight gain, lack of ovulation, and, as a result, infertility. As for menstruation, with polycystic ovary syndrome they are most often scanty, last a small number of days, and recur irregularly. The interval between menstruation can be 10 or 50 or more days.

The diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome is established on the basis of ultrasound and a basal temperature chart confirming anovulation. An ultrasound examination of a woman clearly reveals enlarged ovaries, covered with unruptured follicles that have degenerated into cysts. In most cases, the pathology is treated with conservative methods - hormonal drugs, diet and exercise.

Endocrine disorders

Any pathology of hormone-producing organs affects the menstrual cycle. These can be inflammatory diseases, neoplasms, hypo- and hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, pituitary gland, hypothalamus. Lack of nutrition and severe stress can lead to disruption of hormone production. The main symptoms of endocrine disorders:

  • a sharp increase or decrease in weight by more than 3 kg;
  • fatigue, weakness, drowsiness;
  • frequent headaches;
  • discharge from the mammary glands;
  • cycle failure, menstruation 10 days after the previous ones, absence of menstruation for more than 35 days;
  • discomfort in the eyes, sharp deterioration of vision;
  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • tearfulness, irritability, memory impairment, emotional instability;
  • pressing sensations in the neck, difficulty swallowing.

To establish an accurate diagnosis, a woman is prescribed an ultrasound, hormone tests, and a CT scan of the brain. Treatment will depend on the exact diagnosis. Both conservative and surgical methods can be used.


The disease is characterized by pathological proliferation of cells in the uterine mucosa. The development of endometriosis can be triggered by complicated childbirth, abortion, infectious and inflammatory diseases, uterine surgery, and hormonal disorders. Heredity plays an important role in the development of pathology. How does endometriosis manifest:

  • pain before, during and after menstruation;
  • urinary bleeding (heavy, prolonged periods, the appearance of periods 10, 15, 20 days after the previous ones);
  • pain during sexual intercourse, defecation, urination;
  • infertility.

Treatment of endometriosis is surgical. In severe cases, the uterus is removed. Conservative methods are used only to inhibit endometrial growth (hormonal and anti-inflammatory drugs, physiotherapy).

Ectopic pregnancy

If your period began 10 days after the previous one, and the day before the woman had unprotected sexual intercourse, then bleeding may be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy. When a fertilized egg attaches outside the uterine cavity, damage to internal organs (ovaries, fallopian tubes, etc.) occurs. Pregnancy does not develop, symptoms increase:

  • dizziness, loss of consciousness, pale skin;
  • cramping or cutting pain in the lower abdomen;
  • bloody discharge (usually scanty, spotting).

An ectopic pregnancy without timely consultation with a doctor ends in death. The treatment is surgical; the woman undergoes laparoscopic surgery, during which the fertilized egg is removed.

A healthy woman's period cannot begin 10 days after the previous one. This phenomenon indicates various kinds of diseases and hormonal disorders in the body. Some of them are quite serious and can be fatal. To find out the exact cause of menstruation in the middle of the cycle, you need to consult a doctor.

Often, brown, bloody or other discharge that suddenly appears 10 days after menstruation frightens a woman. However, when faced with this, you should not immediately panic. They do not always indicate problems or diseases and do not require medical intervention.

The discharge may or may not have an unpleasant odor. They differ in consistency and color. According to the first sign, they are divided into foamy, curd or jelly-like. By shade:

  • brown;
  • red;
  • pink;
  • greenish;
  • whitish, etc.

They can be spotting or abundant
In the period close to ovulation, the appearance of stretchy, transparent, egg white-like mucus is normal. While it is fresh, there should be no smell. It appears as a result of bacterial growth. An unpleasant “aroma”, itching, burning, unnatural – these are symptoms indicating the need to consult a doctor.

Main reasons

Bleeding and other similar manifestations after the end of menstruation are not uncommon. One of the common reasons is surges in estrogen levels in the blood, this is especially true during the period of ovulation. To eliminate the problem, the doctor prescribes special hormonal drugs. It is not uncommon for spotting dark or light brown discharge to be one of the body’s reactions to stress.

Minor bleeding a few days after your period is possible due to taking a new hormonal contraceptive. This is natural as long as the female body adapts to it. However, if the situation does not change within several months, you should consult a gynecologist. Another possible cause is internal trauma to the genital organs as a result of:

  • incompetent examination by a doctor;
  • excessively “hard” sex, etc.

Most often, the mucous membranes are injured due to a lack of estrogen during lactation and menopause. In this case, the color of the discharge is predominantly bloody, bright red, although it can also be brown, and if sexual rest is observed for several days, it ends.
If new bloody periods began during the second week or a little earlier and the woman does not feel well, she experiences dizziness, decreased blood pressure, and pain in the lower abdomen, then the cause of these symptoms may be an ectopic pregnancy. Only a gynecologist can accurately diagnose the development of an embryo outside the uterus. Moreover, you should contact him as soon as possible.

Be careful, possible illness

Bloody, brown or other discharge that appears 7-16 days after menstruation is often a signal of the presence of inflammatory processes and various diseases. Fungal and bacterial infections cause inflammation of the uterine mucosa - endometritis. They are transmitted sexually and can occur after diagnostic curettage, abortion, and other similar interventions. Among the local symptoms most often noted:

Pain when pressing in the uterine area;
pus-like, brown discharge a week or more after your period.

However, it should be remembered that the disease can also be asymptomatic.

When there is a deficiency of thyroid hormones in the thyroid gland, hypothyroidism develops. In women, one of its manifestations is disruption of the menstrual cycle. Towards the end of 2 weeks after your period ends, new bloody or brown discharge may begin.
Another pathology associated with the unexpected appearance of bloody spots on underwear during this period is endometriosis. It is associated with the proliferation of uterine tissue in other organs. The exact causes of the disease have not been established; some of them are considered to be hereditary predisposition and disorders in the immune system. For many women, the most unpleasant consequence is infertility.

As a result of hormonal imbalance, benign tumors – uterine fibroids – can form.

They appear:

  • heavy menstruation;
  • a feeling of compression of the pelvic organs;
  • brown, bloody discharge after the end of menstruation.

Most often they are found in women 25-35 years old; in most cases they do not require surgical intervention, with the exception of cases of fibroids on the “pedicle” or with a significant tumor size.

What to do

If unscheduled brown, bloody or other discharge is accompanied by discomfort, pain or odor, then you should see a gynecologist. It is better to do this immediately after they are finished. In case of prolonged manifestations, a visit to the doctor is allowed at any time. Based on the results of the initial examination, the doctor, if necessary, prescribes tests, possibly an ultrasound. When you visit again, the course of treatment is written down.

Today, menstrual irregularities are not uncommon. The appearance of brown, bloody spots on the pad after 1.5-2 weeks after the end of menstruation may indicate damage to the internal membranes of the genital organs, hormonal imbalances, or the development of serious diseases. Therefore, if you have any concerns, it is better to consult a doctor.

The first signs of pregnancy that appear after conception

Not reliable, but it is quite interesting to collect small statistics on the most likely and fantastic signs that the expectant mother’s body gives about impending motherhood. To write this article, we, among other things, looked at several topics on forums for expectant mothers. So, what do women feel in the first two weeks, what are the very first signs of pregnancy after conception?

Stomach ache

This is a standard occurrence. Women can feel such pain even before the onset of menstruation, so at first the unpleasant sensations do not mean anything. But if the pain remains, and there is still no bleeding, then you should consult a gynecologist. Sometimes such pain signals a threatening spontaneous abortion. These spasms have nothing to do with the growth of the uterus, as many believe. At 5 weeks of pregnancy, the uterus is only the size of a chicken egg, and no “ligaments” have yet stretched. In general, these first signs of pregnancy after conception should not be a concern if there is no spotting.

Digestive system problems

Here we include the following:

  • flatulence;
  • nausea and vomiting (toxicosis);
  • changes in taste preferences in food;
  • a sharp reaction to certain odors.

But just keep in mind that the symptoms described above are the first signs of pregnancy after conception only if at least a week has passed since conception. The previously fertilized egg is still in the fallopian tube, and the woman’s hormonal background remains unchanged. Drastic changes can be noticed only after the implantation of an egg fertilized by a sperm into the wall of the uterus.

Difficult psychological state

First of all, it consists in frequent mood changes. Of course, women in general are not permanent creatures, but expectant mothers, for the most part, become even more capricious. There is no need to judge them for this. Hormonal levels play a role here. A woman’s body signals what it lacks, which is why expectant fathers sometimes have to run to the store at night. And self-pity is caused by the instinct of self-preservation of oneself and the child. Changes in mood can begin simultaneously with the appearance of the main first signs of pregnancy after conception. It has been noticed that first-time mothers always worry more, the reason for this is inexperience or internal unreadiness to become a mother.

Enlargement and tenderness of the mammary glands

Probably 90% of women have these first signs of pregnancy after conception. For some they are more pronounced, while others do not pay attention to them due to existing mastopathy (with which these sensations are similar). Some women with zero or first breast size notice that literally a couple of weeks after conception, their breasts began to take on more seductive, rounded shapes. This is due to the preparation of the breast for subsequent feeding of the child.

In some cases, women even notice discharge from the nipples - this is colostrum. A liquid that replaces breast milk for a baby in the first days of his life. But more often this symptom appears in the second half of pregnancy.

Increased frequency of urination

If we talk about this first sign of pregnancy after conception, then its main cause is an increase in the blood level of the hormone progesterone, which somewhat relaxes the bladder sphincter. I start to want to go to the toilet more often. And with increasing gestational age, this symptom, as a rule, becomes more pronounced. From the second half of pregnancy, the heavy uterus begins to put pressure on the bladder, which again increases the frequency of urination. There is probably no expectant mother who does not get up at night to go to the toilet.

It is very important not to miss the onset of cystitis - inflammation of the bladder, which occurs in many expectant mothers. In principle, if a woman is registered with a gynecologist, she regularly undergoes urine tests, and based on their results, a recurrence of cystitis can be determined. Its main symptoms are very frequent and painful urination and pain in the lower abdomen. In more severe cases, the body temperature rises and severe weakness is observed.

Increased rectal and body temperature

Regarding basal temperature, this is one of the main evidence of an interesting situation, but only after the onset of a delay in menstruation. We can say that the first signs of pregnancy after conception, but not too reliable for the time being. The fact is that an increase in basal temperature in the second half of the cycle is an ordinary phenomenon and only indicates that ovulation has occurred and that the woman in this cycle is capable of conceiving, respectively. The thermometer begins to show a little more than 37 degrees due to the fact that after ovulation the body begins to intensively produce progesterone, which provokes an elevated temperature. If conception has taken place, and the readings on the thermometer show below 37 degrees, then the doctor may suspect a lack of progesterone, and this is one of the common causes of spontaneous miscarriages.

Remember that temperature values ​​are greatly influenced by taking various medications, drinking alcohol, having sexual intercourse several hours before the morning, various diseases, etc.

By the way, the first signs of pregnancy after conception are an increase in not only basal, but also general body temperature. This is often perceived as the beginning of a cold, but no other symptoms of a possible illness appear.

Chorionic gonadotropin in the blood and urine of a woman

Human chorionic gonadotropin is a hormone that begins to be produced by the chorion - the future placenta. You can determine the presence of this hormone in three simple ways: take a home pregnancy test, donate blood for analysis, and donate urine for analysis. The latter method was very popular for many years until convenient test strips appeared. Now there is no need to bring urine for analysis. A pregnancy test with high sensitivity (look at the package, the number should be written no more than 20) can show an accurate result 2-3 days before the delay occurs. While ordinary, not very sensitive test strips are recommended to be used only after the start of the delay.

A blood test can be done even earlier, literally from the 10th day after conception, approximately a week before the start of the delay. And if ovulation occurred in the middle of the cycle, then by this time everything will be clear. The results of a blood test for hCG are the most reliable, the only accurate first signs of pregnancy after conception before the onset of delayed menstruation.

Mystical sign - dreams

Many mothers know that the very first symptom of new life has nothing to do with medicine and health. These are our dreams. Most women claim that during that menstrual cycle, when fertilization of the egg occurred, they saw a fish in their dreams... Yes, an ordinary, live fish swimming in a pond or hanging on a fishing rod hook. Believe it or not is up to you.

Why do you need to know the first signs of pregnancy after conception?

We looked at the main probable and relatively reliable symptoms. But is there any point in rushing to diagnose so much, especially since errors at very early stages are not uncommon? Yes, there is a certain meaning in this. As you know, it is very dangerous to take some medications in the early stages, which means you need to ask your doctor to adjust the treatment if it is being carried out. Expectant mothers should not have X-rays done in the early stages; it is not advisable to catch a cold, and even more so, the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections must be completely eliminated. There are diseases that are asymptomatic and during the planning period it is advisable for both partners to undergo a full examination.

This is why you need to know the first signs of pregnancy after conception, and in order not to worry, the child must be planned, and not accidental.

Have a healthy and happy pregnancy!


Signs of conception

Regardless of whether the pregnancy is long-awaited or accidental, the body of the expectant mother will not hesitate to inform the lucky woman about her interesting situation with the help of characteristic symptoms. Contrary to the popular belief that there can be no talk of any signs of conception before a missed period, many established mothers claim that they knew about their pregnancy almost the next day after intercourse. Is this so, and what are the first signs after conception? Let’s try to figure it out.

Signs of pregnancy immediately after conception

Gynecologists believe that you should not wait for any signs of pregnancy in the first week, or even the first 10 days after conception. Since the body is just beginning the process of restructuring and a violent reaction to such changes should begin a little later. But, nevertheless, statistics say the opposite.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most reliable signs that conception occurred already in the first week after the fact.


A girl is riding on a bus, and her grandmother approaches her:

Girl, give way to the old grandmother.

I can't, I'm pregnant.

So you can't see it.

Do you want it to be visible after 2 hours?

Anecdote after anecdote, but there are many girls who look for symptoms of pregnancy in the first days. To figure out when you really need to look for them, you need to understand how pregnancy goes from the first day and why symptoms occur.

The first days of pregnancy, what are they like?

So, a small, nimble sperm penetrated the uterus, ran into the tube and found an egg there. They merged in love ecstasy and turned into a microscopic embryo. All this took little time, just a day. What changed in the body of the expectant mother on the first day of pregnancy after conception? Almost nothing, since all the symptoms of pregnancy in the first days are associated with hormones, and these substances are very cunning, they prepare a woman to become a mother every month.

In the second half of each cycle, progesterone begins to be produced, which is responsible for the symptoms of pregnancy in the first days. But the fact is that without pregnancy, some symptoms also appear - this is breast enlargement and an increase in basal temperature (for the heroic ladies who monitor it). Progesterone also stimulates the proliferation of epithelial cells inside the uterus, so that the little embryo has something to eat in the first days of pregnancy until the placenta is formed.

So the first day of pregnancy after conception for the mother is no different from the usual day after ovulation. The fun starts in a week. It is on the seventh day that the fruit of love between the egg and sperm completes its difficult journey from the fallopian tube to the uterus itself. There he quickly hides in the thick epithelium, carefully prepared for him by progesterone, and only then does the mother’s body begin to produce another interesting hormone - human chorionic gonadotropin. It prevents the corpus luteum, which is responsible for the synthesis of progesterone, from retiring or simply disappearing, as happens during a normal cycle. The corpus luteum continues to produce progesterone, the hormone accumulates and causes specific symptoms of pregnancy in the first days.

Human chorionic gonadotropin can be detected in the urine using a small white strip called a pregnancy test. Just don’t look for the hormone on the first day of pregnancy, as it isn’t there yet. It is best to check after a missed period, and if you are very unbearable, then 2-3 days before their possible start. Human chorionic gonadotropin makes itself known by a large red line on the strip; it is located above the same red line, without which the test is not considered valid. So the test will not show pregnancy from the first day, you will have to wait two weeks.

The first days of pregnancy, how a woman feels

In fact, it is impossible to feel pregnancy on the first day and the reasons were stated above. Although sometimes this happens, especially with women who are looking forward to pregnancy or are terrified of it. The reason why pregnancy is supposedly recognized from the first day is exclusively psychological, but from the first week it is already physiological. Implantation on the seventh day may make itself felt with slight pink discharge. A woman may be surprised by such a surprise, as if her period started early. Such symptoms of pregnancy in the first days should not frighten you; they are normal and do not threaten failure. It’s just that the embryo settles too quickly in the uterus and slightly damages the epithelium, causing a little bleeding. Discharge declassifies pregnancy on the first day of the embryo’s stay in its habitat for the next nine months.

What does progesterone do to the expectant mother’s body in the first days of pregnancy? He thinks, first of all, about the child and rearranges all the functions of the woman’s body for him. The body’s functions don’t really like this; they are quite conservative and don’t always want to work in a new mode. The mother feels the dispute between functions and progesterone, if not on the first day of pregnancy, then definitely on the seventh or eighth.

Symptoms of pregnancy in the first days appear in the morning and end in the toilet with a standard movie scene. From that moment on, nausea during pregnancy and periodic vomiting can accompany a woman for three months. While not everyone starts their mommy journey this way, some women are lucky, it all depends on how the relationship between progesterone and function plays out on the first day of pregnancy.

Another symptom that accompanies pregnancy from the first day (almost) may really please your husband - the breasts become large and beautiful. But this will not help in love games, because she also begins to get sick, and much more severely than on the eve of her period. And the first days of pregnancy are not conducive to lovemaking, because you constantly want to sleep. The pressure may also drop and the headache will no longer be an excuse, but will become an objective reality.

Don't be surprised if on the first day of pregnancy you want to throw out all your perfume, shower gels, hand soap and dirty men's socks. And also clean the refrigerator, leaving only pickles there. After all, pregnancy can completely change your taste and taste for smells from the first day.

In the first days of pregnancy, you will suddenly begin to recognize where the toilet is in your partners office, in the supermarket or in your favorite cafe, and you will also learn to find your way to the toilet at home in the dark. This is normal, because frequent urination is also the work of progesterone. He wants the baby to get as much food as possible and therefore drives blood to the uterus, and at the same time to the kidneys. The kidneys begin to work very, very well and give you no rest day or night. The main thing is not to confuse the symptoms of pregnancy in the first days and cystitis. With cystitis, you not only often run to the toilet, but also jump there in pain, and sometimes your temperature also rises.

And now information for heroic women who measure their basal temperature. The procedure is really not easy, you need to measure the temperature in the anus with a thermometer every morning, before getting out of bed. Then write it down in a notebook, and not just once, but for several months in a row. The temperature rises in the first days of pregnancy, then drops during implantation, and then rises again. In a normal menstrual cycle, the decrease continues until the next ovulation, which occurs only a month later.


Signs of pregnancy in the first week

Signs of pregnancy that appear in the first week after conception

Signs of pregnancy in the first week after conception are not at all significant, but despite this, this search query is very popular on the Internet. And this is confirmed when reading thematic discussions on forums for those planning pregnancy and expectant mothers. There you can learn a lot of interesting things, hear about such signs of pregnancy in the first week after conception, which probably not even doctors are aware of. But first things first.

It is necessary to immediately understand that pregnancy after fertilization of a female egg by a sperm occurs only after 7-10 days. Or it may not occur at all, if for some reason (for example, hormonal), the egg dies on the way to the uterus, or the endometrium in this organ turns out to be unprepared, too thin to accept the future fertilized egg. The egg completes its journey within about a week. And during this period of time, no changes occur in the woman’s body that could provoke signs of pregnancy in the first week after conception. So, nausea, vomiting, headache, fatigue, insomnia and depression are most likely due to the tedious wait for the situation to be resolved and fear of the onset of the next menstruation.

But after successful implantation, you can already begin to carefully monitor your health. About a week before the expected start date of menstruation, hormonal changes begin to occur in the body, which affect the well-being and some external characteristics of the expectant mother.

Hormonal changes

Let's start with hormones. After implantation of the egg into the uterus, the mother’s body begins to produce a special hormone, without which bearing a child would be impossible. And this hormone is called human chorionic gonadotropin, or hCG for short. Its main purpose in the first trimester is to maintain the viability of the corpus luteum, which secretes progesterone, the lack of which poses a threat of termination of pregnancy. In addition, in the English-language medical literature one can find this version - hCG protects the fetus in the early stages of development from the immune cells of its mother. This applies to those situations when the maternal immune system rejects the fetus - in fact, an organism half foreign to it. If hCG is normal, then this should not happen.

Detected human chorionic gonadotropin is a sign of pregnancy in the first week after conception, more precisely after the first 7-10 days. This hormone can be determined by taking blood or urine tests - this is usually paid for, if without a doctor’s referral, or you can simply buy a test to perform at home. The latter option may not work if the test has low sensitivity. One line before the delay is not at all an indicator of another “sterile” cycle, so it’s too early to get upset. And sometimes it happens that a very pale paired line appears on the test, but when you see it, you can say that signs of pregnancy have already appeared in the first week after implantation. The growth of human chorionic gonadotropin occurs in geometric progression, look at these minimum and maximum possible values:

  • 1 week - 5-50 (IU/l)
  • 2 week - 40-1000 2 weeks 40-1000
  • 3 week - 100-4000 3 weeks 100-4000

It is very important to monitor the dynamics of growth for those ladies who have had unsuccessful pregnancies in the past, and especially those with localization outside the uterus. Often, signs of pregnancy in the first week, consisting of too low levels of the described hormone, may indicate a recurrence of the pathology. Gynecologists closely monitor such pregnancies.

Being examined by a gynecologist

The literature is replete with calls for women to visit gynecologists as often as possible and, at the slightest suspicion of pregnancy, to immediately go for a consultation. There are ladies who take these calls literally - they make an appointment when they notice signs of pregnancy in the first week. But what can a doctor advise and diagnose in this case, if even with an ultrasound examination the fetus is not yet visible? The uterus can indeed be quite slightly enlarged, but this is also observed before the onset of menstruation...

The maximum you will receive is a stack of referrals for tests, which are standard for everyone planning a pregnancy.

We would advise women who do not have gynecological problems to spend this period with pleasant expectations. You can read interesting, positive literature for mothers, find out where the nearest good courses for expectant mothers are, and not constantly look for signs of pregnancy in the first week after conception. In the end, if not in this cycle, everything will definitely work out in the next one. Do not forget that a woman’s body does not work like a clock. You may not have intercourse on the day of ovulation and conception will not occur. In addition, ovulation in the fair sex does not happen every month.

You need to go to the doctor after the test shows a positive result, if you have any ailments, or if there is a delay of more than 2 weeks.

Personal feelings

The most expected sign of pregnancy in the first week after conception is toxicosis. But as we wrote at the beginning of this article, toxicosis cannot exist in principle at such an early stage. You need to wait at least a couple of weeks after ovulation. Although, it must be borne in mind that these standard reactions do not happen to all expectant mothers. Nausea, let alone vomiting, may not occur at all. Some girls experience signs of pregnancy in the first week after conception - fatigue for no particular reason, slight dizziness (due to changes in blood pressure and the beginning of hormonal changes in the body).

The apogee of unpleasant sensations usually occurs at 4-10 weeks, and then gradually fades away. By the second trimester, the woman feels great.

Where does this phenomenon come from and what can be said about those women who have it and who do not? There is an assumption that in this way the body is trying to protect the fetus from any negative influences. It is no secret that not all the food we eat is healthy and safe, and not all of it contains substances beneficial to the body. The mother's body may react with nausea to potentially dangerous and unnecessary foods. On the other hand, frequent vomiting is much more dangerous than food that does not enter the stomach, thanks to this cunning self-defense system.

Improving your physical condition is most often not a problem. It is enough just to exclude from your diet foods that cause nausea, and the signs of pregnancy in the first week and subsequent weeks will quietly disappear...

Another interesting fact is that everyone knows that during pregnancy the breasts begin to prepare for the upcoming lactation, but not everyone knows that this happens from the very first weeks. This is why unpleasant sensations arise in the chest, and sometimes yellowish and whitish discharge from the nipples appears - first with gentle pressure, and then involuntarily. This is secreted as colostrum - “pre-milk”.

As for insomnia, it usually occurs due to nervous tension. You can restore your nerves with the help of traditional medicine. The best, safest and most effective is valerian tincture or tablets.

Stay healthy and don't search too hard signs of pregnancy in the first week after conception so that there are no disappointments later...


  • 10 How to determine the time of conception?

Our great-grandmothers tried to find out whether conception occurred long before the delay of menstruation, listening to their body or trusting folk signs. Ultra-precise medical diagnosis of pregnancy arose closer to the beginning of 1960, when, based on the experimental findings of the German scientist Dr. Sondeck, the first test was created to determine the amount of hCG in a woman’s urine. Therefore, until 1960, in gynecological offices, women were told about what the first signs of pregnancy after conception might be, warning that in some cases the expected symptoms indicate diseases of the reproductive system.

Painful sensations in the lower abdomen as a sign of pregnancy

Many women experience discomfort in the lower abdomen immediately after conception. These sensations may be somewhat reminiscent of the pain observed before the onset of the next menstruation. Typically, the cramps described by the vast majority of pregnant women when they remember the beginning of their pregnancy are not associated with the growth of the uterus. This is the body's natural reaction to the successful completion of conception. However, if the pain lasts more than 2 weeks and menstruation does not occur, there is a high probability of an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist who will perform a transvaginal ultrasound to exclude the threat of spontaneous abortion or abnormal position of the fertilized egg.

Digestive system dysfunction and pregnancy

Most often, the first signs of pregnancy after conception are associated with the woman’s digestive system. They should be taken seriously if conception occurred no more than a week ago before the appearance of the following symptoms:

  • flatulence accompanied by heaviness in the stomach;
  • heartburn;
  • aversion to certain foods and smells;
  • a desire to change your diet or add dishes with unexpected flavor combinations.

You can feel when conception has occurred only when the egg fertilized by sperm penetrates the wall of the uterus. Until this moment, the woman’s hormonal background remains the same, so it is not possible to find out about the exact date of pregnancy based on observations of the functioning of the digestive system.

Psychological aspect of pregnancy

Women actively planning a pregnancy specifically calculate favorable days for conception and therefore are in a tense psychological state. They try to explain the frequent changes in their mood with the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy. There is some truth in this: pregnant women really are in a difficult psychological state. Thanks to changes in hormonal levels, you can feel that fertilization has taken place. The woman becomes very emotional. She experiences self-pity, the cause of which may be panic fear for her child or the irreversibility of future childbirth (this condition is due to the fact that the pregnant woman is afraid of the very process of childbirth).

Soreness of the mammary glands: mastopathy or pregnancy?

Sure signs of pregnancy after conception are associated with changes in the mammary glands. About 90% of women in labor felt discomfort in the breast area immediately after possible conception. The mammary glands enlarge long before the first day of missed menstruation (about 1.5 - 2 weeks). The chest becomes rounder. You may notice how the areolas and nipples become wider, acquiring a rich brown tint. Thus, the breast begins to prepare for future feeding of the baby.

Cystitis as a signal of pregnancy

The smallest stage of pregnancy is very often accompanied by cystitis. The cause of inflammation of the bladder may be associated not only with changes that have occurred in the uterus (which at first resembles a chicken egg), but also with the restructuring of the entire body. A woman's immune system is weakened. Therefore, until the day of delivery, she may experience problems with urination, which may be caused by infections. However, now cystitis is treated with safe antibiotics, which can be used even when the period is less than 7 weeks.

Increase in basal temperature

Women who want to know when favorable days for conception will arrive regularly measure their basal body temperature. This method is practiced by those for whom the date of birth is especially important. After all, some mothers strive to give birth to a child on a certain significant date: New Year, wedding anniversary or other important event. It is believed that a sharp increase in temperature indicates ovulation. If the temperature rises in the days following ovulation, then conception has occurred. But if conception has taken place and the temperature does not rise, a woman can be diagnosed with a lack of progesterone, which often causes miscarriages.

Colds as a possible symptom of pregnancy

In the first days after conception, you may feel weakness, general malaise, and increased body temperature. This condition is often accompanied by all the symptoms of acute respiratory infections: runny nose, cough, sore throat. This is how the body reacts to the changes that have occurred to it. Therefore, some women talk about the possible date of birth, counting the day of conception from the day of the cold, if the date coincides with a subsequent delay in menstruation. This condition is justified in the case when you can remember the approximate date of the onset of the cold.

Diagnosis by detecting hCG in a woman’s blood and urine

Long before giving birth, a woman’s body produces a hormone – human chorionic gonadotropin. This hormone is produced within days of conception by the future placenta. This means you can find out about the approximate date of pregnancy long before the first days of missed menstruation have passed. It is enough to determine the presence of hCG in the body (this can be done in three ways: buy a pregnancy test, do a special blood or urine test). The most reliable result can be obtained if the period from the beginning of fertilization is 10 days. Some women, considering favorable days, do a hCG test immediately when their basal temperature rises, but such results can be questioned since the concentration of the hormone initially does not exceed what is permissible in the body of non-pregnant women.

Why do you need to know about the first signs of pregnancy?

Not all women calculate the days of ovulation because they use contraceptives or do not have a regular sexual partner. Therefore, for them, the days of delay of the next menstruation come as a surprise. Not all pregnancy tests can show reliable results. There have been cases when a woman found out that she had an impressive pregnancy period shortly before... giving birth. Of course, it is difficult not to notice the movements of a child in the womb, but, as history shows, it is possible. This means it is necessary to know about the first symptoms of a possible pregnancy in order to help the doctor determine what the preliminary date of birth is. This is especially important for those women who have an irregular menstrual cycle and, therefore, the days of ovulation in each month may vary.

How to determine the time of conception?

The possible period of conception is considered to be from the first day of the last menstruation. In the same way, the possible date of birth is determined in order to prevent cases of post-term pregnancy or to determine the degree of prematurity in the case of premature birth. The date of conception is calculated in two ways:

  1. Add 40 weeks or 280 days to the date of the first day of the last menstruation (after calculating the period for ovulation - 2 weeks).
  2. 3 months are counted from the first day of the last menstruation and a week is added to the resulting date.

By determining the time of conception, a woman can protect herself and her baby. After all, many medications, cosmetic procedures, and functional diagnostic methods are unacceptable during the period from the beginning of pregnancy to the birth itself. In addition, every woman must know her gestational age in order to have time to decide what she will do next. If the expectant mother works in a hazardous workplace, she will have to quit so as not to endanger the life of her baby. In addition, she will be able to understand the cause of her illness and dramatic changes in mood, which will make life easier not only for her, but also for the people around her.

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Signs of pregnancy in the first days after conception

The medical literature states that the very first signs of pregnancy appear after a delay in menstruation. Until this time, symptoms are absent or appear very weakly, so you can find out for sure whether pregnancy has occurred only 7-10 days after conception. Only after a week does the woman’s body begin to respond to the changes. If your plans do not include becoming a mother, then a quick determination of pregnancy will allow you to have an abortion in the early stages, which is considered safer for the female body and usually passes without consequences.

Pregnancy can be determined even before a missed period by indirect signs that appear after the fertilized egg has passed through the fallopian tube and attached to the wall of the uterus.

Do not forget that this does not happen in the first days, but only after a week. Therefore, all changes in the state of the body on the first or second day after sexual intercourse can be attributed to other reasons that are in no way related to conception.

The earliest signs of pregnancy:

1. Abdominal pain. Such unpleasant sensations can be caused by many factors, but sometimes they indicate successful conception. If there is no bleeding, then unsystematic abdominal pain can be ignored. Otherwise, you should immediately contact a gynecologist.

2. Stomach problems. Typically, women begin to realize that they are pregnant when they experience nausea, vomiting, flatulence, a strong reaction to odors and other digestive problems. But it is impossible to know from these signs alone whether pregnancy has occurred, since digestive tract disorders can be caused by other reasons, for example, an infectious disease or poisoning.

3. Enlargement of the mammary glands. Typically, these signs appear in the second trimester of pregnancy, but in some women they can appear much earlier - 7-11 days after conception. But breast enlargement can also be associated with breast pathologies, so it is recommended to do an ultrasound and visit a gynecologist.

4. Increased urination. In the early stages of pregnancy, the concentration of the hormone progesterone in a woman’s body increases, which relaxes the bladder sphincter, leading to more frequent urination. But it is not possible to find out about the onset of pregnancy based only on this symptom, since cystitis is another possible cause of frequent urination.

5. Sudden mood changes. Some women may suddenly become depressed or stressed. If premenstrual syndrome has not been observed before, then changes in mood can become one of the early signs of pregnancy.

All these symptoms need to be considered together; it is almost impossible to find out about early pregnancy using only one of them. It is necessary for at least 2-3 signs to be confirmed.

You can tell for sure whether pregnancy has occurred or not by taking a blood test for hCG; it is done even before a delay in menstruation, starting from the tenth day after probable conception. Human chorionic gonadotropin in a woman’s blood is the only sure early sign of pregnancy, which can be seen in the early stages.

To prevent an unwanted pregnancy, a woman is advised to use emergency contraception, which prevents sperm from fertilizing an egg. Such drugs are taken only in case of unprotected sexual intercourse; there are other methods for permanent contraception.

The first signs of pregnancy - at what stage, symptoms

At what stage do signs of pregnancy begin to appear? And how to determine whether fertilization has occurred? The answers to these questions are of particular interest to women who have decided or really dream of having a child.

At what stage do the first signs of pregnancy appear?

Usually, the first symptoms of pregnancy appear 10 days after conception, since already 7 days after fertilization, serious hormonal changes occur in the female body, and you can feel them yourself. Therefore, knowing the exact date of ovulation and paying special attention to her well-being, a woman will be able to notice signs of the onset of pregnancy. This may be excessive emotionality - tearfulness, moodiness, increased irritability, etc.

Regardless of the stage of pregnancy, in each specific case, expectant mothers have individual sensations, but there are also general ones that most women experience. Not the least role here is played by the characteristics of the body, the state of health and even the desire to get pregnant (in fact, as well as the lack thereof). Therefore, it is difficult to answer unequivocally at what time signs of pregnancy will appear exactly.

10 signs of early pregnancy

As mentioned above, the body of the expectant mother begins to react to pregnancy as soon as conception occurs, or rather, as soon as the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus. Therefore, certain signs may appear already in the early stages - they are highly likely to indicate pregnancy. However, it is worth noting that many women do not feel any changes at all, but those who really want to get pregnant are able to find signs of pregnancy in themselves, even if there is actually none.

So, 10 signs of early pregnancy that will help determine that you will soon become a mother even before the delay. It is important to understand that the appearance of one or two of them is not yet a reason to run to the doctor. You need to assess your condition in total, based on several criteria.

1. Bloody discharge. Approximately 6-12 days after ovulation, bloody, pinkish or brown discharge from the vagina may appear, accompanied by minor nagging pain in the lower abdomen. They feel very much like the beginning of menstruation, but, nevertheless, the woman is struck by the thought that menstruation does not begin as usual. This so-called implantation bleeding, caused by the attachment of the fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus, is one of the earliest signs of pregnancy;

2. Increase in basal temperature. Among the 10 signs of pregnancy, this is one of the most reliable. Women who keep a temperature chart are well aware that basal temperature rises at the time of ovulation. And if fertilization does not occur, it decreases again. However, when pregnancy occurs, it remains at 37 ° C (sometimes a little higher);

3. A feeling of general malaise, accompanied by an increase in temperature. This change entails a change in hormonal levels. Not knowing about the pregnancy, the woman thinks that she just has a cold or is sick;

4. Feeling of heaviness in the pelvic area. During pregnancy, blood flow to the pelvic organs increases, so women can “feel” their uterus literally from the first days of implantation of the fertilized egg;

5. Increased breast sensitivity or swelling of the mammary glands. This sign of pregnancy appears one to two weeks after conception. The breasts become so sensitive that sometimes it is simply impossible to touch them. However, some women, on the contrary, are surprised that for some reason their breasts do not hurt before menstruation, as usual;

6. Nausea, vomiting, aversion to smells. Early toxicosis is one of the first signs of the onset of pregnancy. This condition may also be accompanied by decreased appetite, drooling, and changes in taste preferences;

7. Frequent urination. Frequent urges are caused by hormonal changes that accompany pregnancy. As blood flow to the pelvic organs increases, congestion of the blood vessels causes temporary changes in the functioning of the kidneys, bladder and ureters;

8. Slight decrease in pressure. This sign of pregnancy is considered universal. In women whose blood pressure did not exceed normal before pregnancy, it can lead to headaches, dizziness, weakness, and fainting;

9. Bloating, intestinal upset, gas. During pregnancy, as a result of hormonal changes, the blood supply to the vessels of the abdominal cavity increases, intestinal motility slows down, and the rate of movement of its contents decreases. As a result of this, bloating occurs and constipation appears;

10. Copious vaginal discharge, thrush. An increase in vaginal secretion is a protective reaction of the body that occurs during pregnancy. So it prevents the penetration of pathogenic microbes, but at the same time creates favorable conditions for the proliferation of yeast fungi, which leads to thrush.

The first signs of pregnancy after a delay

Of course, the first obvious sign of pregnancy is the cessation of menstruation. It is this fact that prompts a woman to buy a pregnancy test. However, monthly bleeding may be absent for various reasons, including menstrual irregularities, stress, climate change, some illness, and even due to simple fatigue. Therefore, delay is not always an early symptom of pregnancy. But if it is accompanied by some other signs, it is almost 100% certain that pregnancy has occurred.

The first signs of pregnancy after a delay include:

  • Breast augmentation. Sometimes this symptom is accompanied by colostrum discharge from the nipples. This is explained, again, by hormonal changes in the female body, which begins to actively prepare for the upcoming birth and lactation;
  • The presence of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in the urine and blood. All pregnancy tests are based on determining the level of this particular hormone in the urine, and a clinical blood test can confirm it. A blood test, of course, is considered more reliable. It can be done as early as 10 days after the expected date of conception. By the way, there is no need to wait for a missed period;
  • Enlarged uterus. True, only a gynecologist can determine this during an examination carried out no earlier than 2-3 weeks after the onset of the delay. However, it is precisely this symptom that is the reason for diagnosing “pregnancy in question” and ordering an ultrasound examination;
  • Detection of the fertilized egg on ultrasound. Even in the complete absence of any signs of pregnancy, this method allows you to make sure that the woman is pregnant. But to get more accurate results, it is recommended to do an ultrasound at least 6 weeks after your missed period.

In any case, your assumptions should be confirmed either by a test or by the results of an examination by a gynecologist. Then you can safely say that you will soon become a mother! Smile and tune in to positive emotions!

Text: Oksana Klenova


Pregnancy is a special time for a woman. Many representatives of the fairer sex passionately want to have children and wait for the first symptoms to appear, indicating the presence of life inside them. Many people begin to think about pregnancy only after a delay in menstruation, but there are facts that indicate it a little earlier.

When do the first symptoms of pregnancy appear and how to recognize them?

On what day can you notice pregnancy?

It is impossible to say the exact time, because every woman’s body is unique and can sometimes live “its own life.” The health factor should also not be excluded. Depending on individual indicators, pregnancy symptoms can become noticeable for a woman within 8-10 days after fertilization of the egg.

There have been cases when a woman quickly realized that she was pregnant. This happened already 2–3 days after ovulation. Such cases arise due to the clear triggering of the self-hypnosis mechanism. This especially happens with girls who have a strong desire to become a mother. Knowing the symptoms that accompany pregnant women, a woman can subconsciously instill this condition in herself.

Such cases do not exclude pregnancy, but they have not yet confirmed it. If conception did occur, this will become clear over time. More often, it happens that pregnancy symptoms clearly appear only a week after sex on the “ideal” day for conception.

Pregnancy symptoms noticeable a week after conception

Not all cases are the same and some will not notice the signs we list after a week of waiting for pregnancy.

  • Bleeding from the vagina- a phenomenon that a pregnant woman will encounter first of all. Do not think that discharge in this case is a menstrual disorder. Bleeding of this kind is called implantation bleeding. They indicate that the embryo is attached to the wall of the uterus. The discharge, which has a characteristic pinkish color, does not have a large volume and is accompanied by pain. Implantation bleeding lasts several hours, a day, or a little longer. Sometimes this time passes without vaginal bleeding, so the absence of discharge during the week after ovulation does not indicate the absence of pregnancy.
  • Pain in the breast area can be attributed to factors indicating pregnancy during the first week after fertilization or a little later. Already 7-10 days after conception, some women feel increased sensitivity and firmness of the breast. The nipples also become sensitive, in some cases releasing drops of colostrum and becoming dark.
  • Nausea and vomiting are symptoms of pregnancy that appear throughout most of the gestation period. Some cases confirm that already a week after fertilization of the egg, these signs can clearly appear.

How to make sure in the early stages that pregnancy has occurred?

If a woman notices atypical behavior of the body within a week or a little more after ovulation, then she can take certain measures to be sure. You can do a blood test for hCG a week after intercourse. The presence of hCG in urine is observed several days later than in the blood. The test should be purchased within 10-12 days after the expected moment of conception. It is best to use it in the morning, since at this time the concentration of hCG in urine is maximum. An ultrasound scan in early pregnancy will not help, because it is carried out two weeks after a missed period.

When do the first signs of pregnancy appear that cannot be ignored? You can talk about pregnancy with complete confidence only after a delay in menstruation. This is the first sign of conception, which occurs in every woman without exception and prompts her to take a pregnancy test. Among the first reliable signs indicating that a girl will soon become a mother are symptoms that appear starting from the fifth week of pregnancy, that is, after a delay.

Among them:

  • Toxicosis. Nausea and vomiting in the morning will not make you doubt that pregnancy has occurred;
  • Emotional instability. Increased mood or, conversely, tearfulness. Such “swings” only confirm the “Pregnant” status;
  • Frequent urination;
  • Sleep disturbance;
  • Nagging pain in the lower abdomen. Due to contractions of the uterus, unpleasant cramps may occur from time to time. This is a natural process and has nothing to do with miscarriage. It is worth thinking about its danger in the case when the spasms intensify and are accompanied by bleeding;
  • Change in appetite. The composition of saliva changes and even the taste of foods may seem somewhat unusual. A pregnant woman sometimes begins to love what she hated before. This confirms the fact of pregnancy.

Although the first signs of conception appear a week after ovulation, some women may simply not notice them, especially if pregnancy is not expected. When a girl really wants to become a mother, the opposite can happen - any change in the body, even not related to conception, can be interpreted as a symptom of pregnancy.

But the first signs of pregnancy, which you can really focus on, appear after a delay in menstruation.

A woman’s health is largely determined by the stability of the menstrual cycle. If problems occur in the body, menstruation fails. Unstable periods can be a signal of some illness. Frequent menstruation is one of the most common problems among women of childbearing age. Menstruation that began a short period of time after the previous menstruation is a reason to immediately consult a doctor. On your own, you risk not distinguishing menstrual flow from bleeding. Don’t expect that everything will go away by itself, and next time your critical days will begin on time.

Excessively frequent menstruation is a reason to consult a doctor

Menstrual cycle: norm and deviations

Normally, the cycle is 28-30 days, 3-7 of which are the periods themselves. In adolescence, as well as the postpartum and menopausal periods, a short cycle is possible, which is 21-22 days. Even if we take the maximum number of critical days in a cycle, the interval between menstruation is at least 2 weeks. A short cycle is justified by a hormonal imbalance in the body, which can recover on its own. To establish the causes of a short cycle, the factor of heredity is also taken into account. If there is a hereditary predisposition to a short cycle, there are no complaints during menstrual periods and all tests correspond to normal values, a short cycle is not a pathology.

But if menstruation began 10 days after the end of the normal cycle, then there can be no talk of heredity. This phenomenon clearly indicates the presence of pathology in the female body.

In the middle of the cycle, there may be white, transparent or cream-colored discharge; before ovulation, their abundance intensifies, and this is the norm. The appearance of bloody discharge in the middle of the cycle indicates the presence of various diseases. If you have problems with your menstrual cycle and your period begins 10 days after the end of the cycle, it’s time to sound the alarm. Don’t try to find excuses for yourself in the form of stress and overwork. These are important factors in the development of the menstrual cycle, but they involve changes within days, not weeks.

The reason for the occurrence of menstruation 10 days after the previous one cannot be determined independently

Causes of irregularities in the menstrual cycle

Every girl and woman has a calendar in which she marks her critical days. This makes it possible to predict when your next period will begin and stock up on the necessary hygiene products in advance. But it is not always possible to predict when menstruation will begin again. The female body is vulnerable to various factors and quickly responds to all kinds of changes. If your calculations let you down and your period started much earlier, you should seriously think about your health.

  1. It is most dangerous if menstruation begins earlier than 2 weeks after the previous one. There are various reasons for this failure:
  2. Inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system. They may be associated with hypothermia, unprotected sexual intercourse, and poor hygiene.
  3. Hormonal changes. They occur during periods of crisis. Hormonal imbalance is typical during adolescence, when puberty occurs. Hormonal disorders occur after childbirth, during lactation, after abortion, and also during menopause. The onset of menstruation 10 days after the previous one is associated with changes in hormonal levels in a woman’s body. It is possible that they do not require drug treatment, but it is recommended to see a doctor. In addition to periods of crisis, changes in hormone levels can occur due to problems with the thyroid gland, so cycle failure cannot be ignored.
  4. The reasons why critical days occur 10 days after the previous ones include the use of medications and the use of anesthesia. Among medications, antibiotics and rapid contraception have the greatest effect on the menstrual cycle.
  5. The formation of benign and malignant tumors is one of the reasons when menstruation begins 10 days after the last menstruation. The body struggles with toxins released by the neoplasm, and, as a result, disruptions occur in the menstrual cycle.
  6. Having your period early is a sign of an ectopic pregnancy. The essence of this phenomenon is that the egg takes root outside the uterus. The discharge is profuse, accompanied by sharp pain in the lower abdomen. The danger of an ectopic pregnancy is that if it is not detected in time, the egg will rupture and peritonitis will occur. Neglecting disruptions in the cycle and unplanned menstruation (10-14 days after the previous menstruation) threatens not only the impossibility of having children in the future, but also death.
  7. Stress, severe emotional upheaval, moving and climate change can also lead to changes in hormonal levels and menstrual irregularities.

Peritonitis is one of the most severe complications of ectopic pregnancy

Diagnosis of the disease

Before ovulation, vaginal discharge increases, but it should not be bloody. If your period started much earlier, you need to undergo a medical examination. To establish the cause of the failure, the following tests will be needed: a PRC smear, which is used to diagnose various diseases. You will definitely need to take a general blood test and a blood clotting test. To identify the cause of the failure and establish an accurate diagnosis, a routine gynecological examination is not enough.

You will need to undergo a colposcopy and an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs. It will not be superfluous to take tests for hormones, you will need to donate blood for tumor markers.

It will take a lot of time to complete all the tests at the clinic. If unplanned menstruation is accompanied by poor health, it is better to go to the hospital immediately. In the hospital you will undergo a comprehensive examination, and if necessary, you will be quickly provided with assistance. If there are no complaints of nausea, dizziness and pain in the lower abdomen, and you feel as usual, you can get by with outpatient treatment. Choose a doctor responsibly; contact an experienced specialist who works with modern equipment. This way you can immediately undergo an examination using a colposcope and find out the presumptive diagnosis. The doctor can make a final conclusion only if he has a set of tests.

It is impossible to independently determine why in the middle of the cycle menstruation began again, again after 10 days. When the discharge begins due to an ectopic pregnancy, it will not be possible to stop it on your own; waiting will only worsen the situation. If the next menstruation occurs 10 days after the previous one, look for the reasons for the disruption in the menstrual cycle only with the help of specialists.

Those women who plan to become mothers take their feelings in the first days of pregnancy with great responsibility. Observing their body, they strive to see any signs of the birth of a new life.

Experts note that there are two stages of your pregnancy: obstetric term (counted from the first day of menstruation) and true term (counted from the day of conception). In most cases, it is very difficult to determine the exact day of conception, which is why antenatal clinics consider the first day of menstruation as the starting point. Today we will talk about the first days of pregnancy according to the true term.

Turning to science, we note that the first week after conception cannot yet be called pregnancy. The fact is that a fertilized egg moves within 7-10 days to the place where it will be located and develop from an embryo into a fetus. Only after its attachment to the walls of the uterus can we talk about pregnancy. Menstruation occurs if this attachment does not occur, and then the woman does not even suspect that conception has occurred.

If the fertilized egg reaches the uterus, then it is implanted into the walls of the uterus (). After successful implantation, the umbilical cord and placenta begin to form. The first week after conception is very important in the period of conceiving a new life, since the woman’s body perceives the embryo as a foreign body and tries in every possible way to reject it, not allowing it to consolidate properly.

After successful implantation of the embryo, the first thing that happens in the body is hormonal changes. A woman begins to produce a special hormone that is responsible for the safety of the fetus in the female body in the early stages of pregnancy: known as hCG. The presence of this hormone in the blood gives a 100% guarantee of pregnancy. Most doctors and women trust a blood test for hCG more than pregnancy tests in the early days, although the latter also react to the presence of the hormone.

The first days of pregnancy: how to recognize

For a healthy woman, the first sign of pregnancy is always a delay. But, if you do not monitor your general condition and do not plan your pregnancy, then the delay is determined when the pregnancy has already lasted 2-3 weeks. Several signs may indicate that in the first days after conception the embryo is implanted into the walls of the uterus.

Minor bleeding

On days 7-12 after conception, when the embryo implants into the walls of the uterus, a woman may experience slight bleeding (implantation bleeding). It may appear as several brownish or yellowish spots on underwear or paper. If pregnancy is not planned, then this phenomenon is often perceived as the beginning of menstruation. If such spots appear when pregnancy has already been accurately diagnosed, then this may be a signal of a threat of miscarriage, and requires urgent consultation with a doctor. This sign may be absent in the first days of pregnancy, it all depends on the individuality of the body.

Increased body temperature and basal temperature

When planning pregnancy, the method of measuring basal temperature is often used to determine the date of ovulation. When the egg is successfully fertilized, this temperature first drops and then rises. Low basal temperature in the first days of pregnancy is caused by two factors:

  • When pregnancy occurs, estrogen is released, which lowers the temperature;
  • Progesterone begins to be produced more strongly again, which increases the temperature.

Thus, by monitoring your basal temperature, when pregnancy is already confirmed, you can see a “hole” on the graph with a decrease in temperature. This decline lasts only 1 day, then the temperature rises. The norm is a basal temperature of 37 degrees, until the placenta begins to fully function (the first few weeks). If you do not notice a decline, then it is impossible not to notice an increased temperature for 2-3 weeks.

Feeling slightly unwell

A woman’s well-being may worsen in the first days of pregnancy. Drowsiness and weakness often appear. Many even become slightly ill, complaining of a sore throat and runny nose. This is all due to a decrease in immunity and the body’s struggle with the implanting embryo.

In the first trimester, body temperature is always elevated, but only slightly. Hence the general weakness. The main condition for the normal course of pregnancy with such ailment is not to be treated with medications that can harm the unborn child. When planning a pregnancy, it is generally better to abandon all medications unless they are absolutely necessary, and resort exclusively to folk remedies that are not contraindicated during pregnancy.

There is a feeling of apathy and fatigue. This is due not only to the general restructuring of the body, but also to the increased production of progesterone. These sensations may stop quickly, or may drag on until the 10th week of pregnancy, when more estrogen begins to be produced.

Breast tenderness

In the first days of pregnancy, a woman’s breasts begin to swell, pain appears, that is, its sensitivity increases. Even the slightest touch can be painful.

Sometimes everything happens completely opposite. Previously, a woman experienced painful sensations before each period, but now she is surprised that her breasts do not hurt. Soon after an amazing moment, she learns that she is pregnant. Often, when pressing on the areola, colostrum can be released in early pregnancy.

Heaviness in the pelvic area

The manifestation of the first days of pregnancy may be a feeling of heaviness in the pelvic organs. Many women begin to feel the uterus immediately after embryo implantation. The degree of this sensation is individual for each organism.

Tingling in the uterus

Tingling in the uterus in the first days of pregnancy is considered an individual indicator, which may indicate not only successful conception and implantation.

Early toxicosis

It is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, along with other signs of the first days of pregnancy. Toxicosis is also considered a special sensitivity to certain odors and foods. There may be a feeling of disgust for previously favorite foods.

In the early days of pregnancy, you may come to love things you previously hated. Also, the early stages are characterized by strange food combinations: herring with compote, ram with chocolate, pineapple with sausage. Those around them grimace at the sight of such food, and the pregnant woman experiences indescribable bliss.

The first days of pregnancy: false symptoms

Some of the above symptoms may indicate more than just pregnancy. They may indicate intestinal diseases, cervical erosion and other diseases of the female genital organs. Such symptoms include bleeding, nausea, increased urination, and breast swelling can also indicate not only the onset of pregnancy.

The first days of pregnancy: what to do

Any method of determining pregnancy begins to work only with the onset of a missed period. Even knowing the exact day of ovulation, no analysis or test will indicate pregnancy the day after fertilization. An hCG test, a pregnancy test, and an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs are best done in the first week of missed menstruation.

When planning a pregnancy and anticipating its occurrence, you should completely change your lifestyle six months before conception. If the first symptoms of pregnancy are present, but they do not cause you any particular discomfort, then wait for the delay and the opportunity to do a test. A visit to the gynecologist in the first week after conception will not give any result other than a stack of referrals for tests.

During this period, you can read something useful and pleasant about pregnancy, inquire about upcoming courses for expectant mothers, take care of your body and start doing gymnastics for pregnant women (even if you are not pregnant, physical exercise never hurts).

Just spend this time with joy and pleasant impressions. Talk to the future dad about a possible miracle. You should go to the doctor after a positive pregnancy test, a 2-week delay in menstruation, or if you have gynecological problems.

If the symptoms in the first days of pregnancy manifest themselves very intensely and the malaise intensifies, then the visit to the doctor should be postponed to an earlier date. This is especially true for those who have previously had problems conceiving or carrying a pregnancy.

The first trimester of pregnancy is the most important. At this time, the formation of all the baby’s vital organs occurs. The very first days of pregnancy play a huge role in the onset of pregnancy in general.

If you did not plan your pregnancy, then try to predict it (by having unprotected sexual intercourse) and not harm the baby. If pregnancy is planned, then behave as before: maintain proper nutrition, avoid heavy physical activity and do not be nervous, then a miracle will definitely happen.

Article verification: Lada Sergeeva,
practicing gynecologist

Useful video about the first days of pregnancy

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