Unusual traditions of the peoples of the world. The most unusual superstitions and traditions of the peoples of the world

Every country, every people has its own ancestral customs. But sometimes they seem too strange for modern man. We will tell you about some of them.

Residents of the Republic of Madagascar are distinguished by exceptional affection for their relatives. But sometimes such a relationship becomes abnormal, especially when we're talking about about the already dead. The Malagasy people to this day strictly follow ancient custom periodically dig up the dead from their tombs, dress them in best clothes and take photos together with them. To a modern European this will seem wild, but the inhabitants of Madagascar believe that such behavior is nothing more than a manifestation of love and respect for those who are already in another world.

In India, there is a rather shocking custom associated with strengthening the spirit of a newborn. The newly born child is thrown from the wall of the temple (height 10-15 meters). Below, the newborn is caught; for this, a large piece of material is stretched, which is held by at least 8 people. It is believed that such a procedure with early years will make the child luckier and also give him courage.

In Scotland, in some regions, medieval wedding customs have survived into the 21st century. The bride, dressed in an immaculate white dress, decorated with flowers (and rich in jewelry), is completely covered in mud. Dirt can be spoiled food, soil, flour, honey. In this form, she must walk along the main street, go around the central square, and also ride a horse throughout the city. Today this is done, for the most part, for the sake of entertainment, but previously people believed that through this a girl cleanses her soul from all sorts of earthly sins.

The relationship with death among most peoples has always been original. But in conducting funeral rites, Tibetan monks distinguished themselves most of all. The body of the deceased, according to their belief, was supposed to not only return to the earth, but also bring benefit. And therefore it was not buried, but was divided and carried to the top of the mountain, where wild animals live. Thus, people believed that the spirit of the deceased was reunited with nature in the most naturally: being included in the natural cycle of substances.

Walking on lit coals has been practiced in Japan and Africa since ancient times. But you can still find this custom there today. Fire was intended to purify a person, to instill in him courage, firmness and perseverance. It was believed that if you walk along the road of fire without fear, then there is nothing more to be afraid of in life.

The Japanese, as practice shows, are quite strange in their customs. And the Japanese spring fertility festival is proof of this. At the beginning of spring, residents of the country rising sun gather on the streets of cities (only some cities, since not everyone takes part in the holiday) to witness the sacred action. The strongest and healthiest men get the opportunity to carry a wooden male reproductive organ weighing 25 kilograms across the city. This tradition involves not only improving the land and increasing the level of productivity, but also bringing “fertility to the family,” increasing the birth rate and strengthening families.

Each nation has its own customs and traditions. Traditions can be the most original and interesting, even unexpected. And peoples pass on these traditions from generation to generation. So let's get acquainted with the most interesting traditions and customs.


Samoans are accustomed to following the tradition of sniffing each other when they meet. Now this is not done as seriously as before, but simply respect and tribute to the ancestors. Previously, a person was sniffed to understand where he was from. Samoans could identify a variety of things by smell. For example, when he ate last time, or how long he spent walking through the jungle. But the most common thing they did by smell was identify a stranger.

New Zealand

Interesting things about New Zealand

In New Zealand, Maori people also have an unusual tradition of saying hello. They touch each other's noses. This tradition began quite a long time ago. Once they touched noses, that person became a friend, not an ordinary person. It is worth noting that this tradition is observed even in top level. So, if you see a president rubbing another president's nose, you may not be surprised. These are the customs and culture of a given country, so they should not be neglected.

Andaman Islands

Here it is customary to sit on another person’s lap, hug the neck and cry. But you shouldn’t worry that everything is bad in his life and he complains to the person. The fact is that he is very happy to meet his friend, and tears are a sincere joy that fills him from meeting a loved one.


A little about Kenya

There is a tribe in Kenya called the Maasai. They observe these traditions. For example, it is recommended to dance the welcome dance. The dance is performed exclusively by the male part. The dancers stand in a circle and jump high. The higher the jump, the braver and more courageous the warrior. After all, when hunting lions, they have to jump.

What interesting tradition does Tibet have?

It's customary to stick your tongue out here. This custom goes back to ancient times. Then a tyrant with a black tongue ruled there. The inhabitants of Tibet were afraid that even after death the tyrant would move in and commit atrocities, so they began to stick their tongues out at each other in order to protect themselves.

About Tibet


But, before you do this yourself, while you are here, make sure that your tongue is not stained dark color from food, otherwise you will be misunderstood and something not very pleasant may happen. And don't forget to cross your arms over your chest.


Interesting Japanese traditions

Japan, and other eastern countries, have an unusual tradition. Here you need to take off your shoes. In Japan, caring owners give you slippers, but only to get to the living room, and then you have to take off your shoes again and be barefoot. And socks must be perfectly clean.


When leaving guests, don’t forget what your slippers look like and don’t wear someone else’s.


Interesting things about Thailand

In that part of the country where Buddhism flourishes, it is not customary to touch someone else's head, because... it is considered offensive. The fact is that the head here is a sacred repository in which the soul is concentrated. Even babies' heads are not touched here. You should also not point your finger at anyone, because... it's very rude in Malaysia. If you want to point at someone, then use a clenched fist with your thumb extended (it is the one that shows the direction). And in the Philippines it’s not even customary to show it like that. They are quite modest people, so they show the direction with their eyes.

Interesting wedding traditions

Wedding in India

There is an unusual tradition in India. A third marriage cannot be carried out here. You can marry 4 times, or 2 times, but you can’t get married 3 times. But this ban applies exclusively to living people, so some men marry a tree for the third time. At the same time, all wedding traditions and customs are observed. At the end of the wedding celebration, the groom begins to “widow” by cutting down a tree. And therefore, a third marriage is no longer scary. This also happens when the younger brother decides to get married, but the older brother is not yet married. Then the latter marries the tree, becomes a widow and gives way to his younger brother. Each country has an incredible interesting customs and traditions. It is very interesting to recognize them and even observe them when you come to a particular country. Therefore, read informative articles and broaden your horizons, and then go to different countries and learn new traditions.

Unusual rituals of the peoples of the world

How are all the countries of the world different from each other? Of course geographical location And national composition. But there is something more. Today we will talk about the most interesting customs and traditions of the peoples of the world.


A Turkish man cannot get a second wife until he gives the first one gold jewelry worth at least ten thousand dollars. It is generally accepted that this is how a man can confirm his financial solvency and prove his ability to support several wives.

It is not very civilized to talk at the table without asking permission from the owner of the house, and you should not choose pieces of food from the common dish too carefully. And if you decide to use a toothpick, then you should do it with your hand over your mouth, as if you were playing a harmonica.


Among the interesting traditions and customs of the peoples of the world, the rituals of India occupy a special place. It's worth starting with a greeting. Of course, you can just shake hands when you meet. But there are some subtleties here. For example, shaking hands with a person you have not previously met is bad manners. Women should not shake hands either - this is considered an insult in India. How to greet your interlocutor without offending him? Bring your hands together at chest level.

Without a doubt, many people know about the cult of the animal that exists in Wonderland, as India is also called. The main animal here is the cow. They are the ones who calmly walk the streets settlements. Cows die naturally, usually from old age, because eating their meat is prohibited in India.

But not only artiodactyls have the status of sacred animals. Monkey temples are being built in this country. The most famous is the Palace of the Winds, which, by the way, is not recommended for tourists to enter. Why? Yes, because there live a huge number of monkeys that can be aggressive. Another animal revered in India is the peacock. They literally live happily here - they sing their songs everywhere: in churches, in the courtyards of houses and just on the streets.

If you decide to visit a temple in India, be sure to take off your shoes when entering. And in general, for the duration of your trip, exclude genuine leather shoes from your wardrobe.


If we talk about funny and funny customs and traditions of the peoples of the world, you should pay attention to this African country. Here the young spouse is obliged to wear women's clothes for a whole month after the wedding and perform all women's duties.


Once upon a time in China, such a method of revenge was practiced as revenge through suicide: offended person came to the house (or yard) of his offender and killed himself. In this case, the Chinese said, the soul of the suicide does not ascend to heaven, but remains in the house of the offender and brings various misfortunes to him and his family.

Once upon a time in China there was a widespread tradition of foot binding. It appeared in the 10th century. Six-year-old girls had their feet tightly tied with bandages. This was done in order to prevent the leg from growing. The fact is that in China, small feet are the standard of beauty; girls with miniature feet are easier to marry off. Because girls experienced terrible pain and had difficulty moving, foot binding was officially banned in 1912. But in some regions of the country this is still practiced.

Today in the Celestial Empire there are also interesting traditions. For example, when going on a visit, you should not take flowers with you. The owners of the house take this as a hint that the house is so uncomfortable and unattractive that the guest decided to decorate it himself.

Many customs and traditions of the peoples of the world are associated with food intake. China is no exception. Here, for example, slurping is not a sign of uncivil behavior, but quite the opposite. If you don't slurp at the table, it can offend both the owners of the house where you are invited for lunch or dinner, and the cook in the restaurant. Residents of the Middle Kingdom consider quiet eating to be eating without pleasure. There is no need to worry about stains accidentally placed on the tablecloth. You should even deliberately stain it, thereby making it clear that the food brought you incredible pleasure.


Speaking about the most unusual customs and traditions of the peoples of the world, it is worth noting the so-called monkey banquet, which is usually held in the province of Thailand called Lopburi. This happens as follows: literally thousands of kilograms of fresh vegetables and fruits are brought to the local temple and about two thousand monkeys are invited. These animals are loved here because once an entire army of monkeys helped God Rama defeat his enemies.

There are other traditions. For example, it is not recommended to point at something (let alone someone) with your foot. The lower part of the body is considered despicable in this country. By the way, it is for this reason that you should not sit with one leg crossed over the other and pointing your feet towards the Buddha statue. When traveling to Thailand, it is important to know that the Thais revere absolutely every image of a deity, and therefore you should not lean on, step on or climb on statues to make unusual photo. Another local tradition is to be sure to take off your shoes before entering someone's house or temple.


The lifestyle of the Norwegians occupies a special place among the customs and traditions of the peoples of the world. For example, in this country it is not customary to give up seats in public transport aged people. The fact is that here it is perceived as a demonstration of physical advantage. What else should you not do in Norway? Ask about how you are feeling. It's considered too personal.

It is not customary in Norway to hug when meeting. Usually people just shake hands or barely touch their fingertips. When parting, you can pat each other on the back. Another interesting tradition concerns visiting people: you should not go to someone without warning. In addition, you must provide the exact time of departure. It will not be possible to leave later than this time - the owners will show you the door at the appointed hour without a twinge of conscience.


If you are interested in unusual traditions and customs of the peoples of the world, we recommend paying attention to Denmark. A flag hung in the window means that there is someone in this house who is celebrating a birthday.

A very interesting tradition applies to young men and girls whose age has reached 25 years. They are usually sprinkled with cinnamon. This is done so that the pleasant smell helps representatives of the opposite sex understand that this person lonely and would like to meet someone.


Discussing the interesting customs and traditions of the peoples of the world, one cannot help but mention Japanese rituals. It is not customary here to leave work until the manager leaves. It is also not customary to greet each other with a handshake; usually they just make a polite bow.

They say local traditions and about the number of flowers that can be given. Unlike Russia, where they give only odd number Flowers in Japan are given only in even numbers. The Japanese say: a flower without a mate feels lonely and quickly fades. An odd number of flowers is suitable for mourning ceremonies.

Andaman Islands

Getting to know unusual customs and the traditions of the peoples of the world, one cannot ignore the Andaman Islands. When meeting, one native sits on the lap of another native, puts his arm around his neck and begins to cry. No, no, he does not complain about his sad life and is not going to tell tragic episodes from his biography. So he simply expresses the joy of meeting a fellow tribesman.


Among the most strange customs and the traditions of the peoples of the world - the Tibetan ritual of showing each other the tongue when meeting. This custom appeared in the 9th century. Then Tibet was ruled by King Landarm, who was particularly cruel. The main sign of the king was his black tongue. The Tibetans were afraid that the king (or his soul) might inhabit someone after death, and therefore, for safety reasons, they began to stick out their tongues at each other.

If you also decide to join this tradition, make sure that you have not eaten anything before that could turn your tongue a dark color.


In Vietnam, it is not customary to look your interlocutor in the eyes. There are two reasons for this: the first is the inherent shyness of the Vietnamese, the second is that the interlocutor may be a more respected person and may have a higher rank. Talking about relating to children interesting traditions and customs of the peoples of the world, it is worth noting the Vietnamese ban on praising a newborn child. In this country it is believed that evil spirit, who is nearby, may hear about the value of the baby and steal it.

It is not customary in this country to argue loudly. The Vietnamese are distinguished by self-discipline and good upbringing, and therefore heated discussions among guests from Europe provoke local residents disapproval. If we talk about rather mysterious national customs and the traditions of the peoples of the world, one cannot help but say about the Vietnamese tradition of hanging on entrance doors(from the outside) mirrors. For what? It's very simple - a dragon who wants to get into a house will see its reflection and think that a dragon already lives in this house.


In Tanzania, as well as in other regions of Africa, it is generally accepted left hand dirty, and the right one clean. That is why it is not customary here to eat or give gifts with the left hand. The method of receiving gifts is also interesting: first you need right hand touch the gift, and then you need to hold the giver by his right hand.


In the United States of America, it is customary to celebrate almost any event. This list includes birthdays, weddings, the birth of children or pregnancy, and much more. For the hero of the occasion, for example, guests usually arrange a procedure called showering.

What gifts are they showering? It all depends on the occasion. These can be items useful in the household (towels, pancake pans or vases), but you can also receive very frivolous gifts.

Wedding customs

Well, and as a bonus - wedding traditions and customs different nations peace. For example, every even slightly self-respecting resident of Andalusia is simply obliged to jump from a cliff headfirst before their wedding. It’s just that ancient traditions say: only a man with a strong skull can marry. But the most interesting thing is different: the height of the cliff depends on the number of relatives of the future wife - the more there are, the higher the height you will have to jump from.

A wedding tradition that is observed in some parts of India may seem funny. Some states prohibit third marriages. It is possible to lead a woman to the altar twice, four times too, but three times is strictly prohibited. Moreover, only marriage with a living person is prohibited. Therefore, men who decide not to stop at two marriages are forced to marry a tree for the third time. The wedding ceremony is usually not so magnificent, but there are guests and gifts. After the wedding celebrations are over, the invitees help the newly made spouse become a widower - all together they cut down the bride. Problem solved, you can get married again.

When talking about wedding traditions and rituals of the peoples of the world, one cannot lose sight of the Greek traditions. Here, during the entire wedding celebration, the young wife strives to step on her husband’s foot. The best way to do this is through dance. Such a maneuver, according to local beliefs, suggests that a woman has every chance of becoming the head of the family.

In the Nicobar Islands, located in the Bay of Bengal, a man who expressed a desire to marry a girl had to become her slave for some time (usually from six months to a year). During this time, the girl had to think about everything and give an answer. If she agrees to marry, the village council declares the couple man and wife. If he refused, the man was forced to return home.

One of the most interesting wedding traditions and customs of the peoples of the world can be safely called the rituals of Central Nigeria. Here, girls of marriageable age are locked in separate huts and fattened. Only the mothers of these girls are allowed into these huts. For several months (or even years), mothers bring their daughters large amounts of starchy food to make them gain weight. The fact is that in these places curvaceous women are highly valued, which means that it is easier for fat women to get married successfully.

It is customary for Vietnamese newlyweds to give two gifts. Here it is believed that one gift symbolizes an imminent divorce. Therefore, it is better to give two inexpensive gifts rather than one expensive one.

Some holiday customs of the peoples of the world can plunge into a state of shock any person uninitiated in their subtleties. national culture. Just look at the crowd of people in devil costumes jumping over babies during the Spanish festival “El Colacho”, or old sofas flying from the windows of houses in the South African city of Johannesburg on New Year’s Eve! Native customs will seem like childish pranks compared to what residents of other countries do. Today we will remember the strangest traditions from all over the world and find out how they appeared.

Ukrainian Christmas and the web

In most countries, just the sight of a spider or web will be a good reason to panic and run out of the house screaming in horror. But this does not apply to Ukraine, where the many-legged “monster” will only be welcome. Especially at Christmas! After all, spiders, according to Ukrainians, bring happiness and good luck. According to ancient legend, it was these creatures that helped save Christmas for a certain poor widow and children. They decorated the pine cone that served as her Christmas tree with their silvery web and brought the holiday atmosphere back into the house.

The legend definitely brought a couple of notes of Halloween horror to the Ukrainian version of the Christmas tale. Indeed, in memory of the miracle performed by spiders, the inhabitants of this country began to decorate the holiday tree with artificial cobwebs.

New Year's chaos in South Africa

There are hundreds of ways to meet in an original way New Year. You can, for example, watch the descent crystal ball in Times Square or set off giant fireworks. Have you heard that not so long ago, on the eve of this holiday, South Africans threw old furniture out of the windows of their own houses?

This tradition became widespread in one of the criminal areas of Johannesburg in the 90s of the 20th century after the end of the apartheid era. However, it was not allowed to exist for a long time for objective reasons. A few years ago, a refrigerator flying from the upper floors caused severe injuries an innocent pedestrian.

Police officers have joined the fight against this dangerous tradition. To maintain law and order, they cruised the streets of the problem area in armored vehicles. The police efforts met with some success. In 2013, not a single piece of furniture flew out of the windows of local houses, although New Year's Eve and there were an incredible number of fights, fireworks were set off everywhere, and a peaceful pedestrian could be hit by a barrage of glass bottles.

Fast food for Christmas in Japan

There are strange traditions in Japan too. And they concern the Christmas menu of its residents. The Japanese do not want to see on their festive table traditional dishes like turkey or goose. They prefer trivial fried chicken from the KFC fast food restaurant chain to all the culinary delights of the world. How did it happen that banal fast food originally from America became a local national tradition?

In Denmark, a flag hung in a window indicates that someone is celebrating a birthday in that house.

In Thailand, on the Song Kran holiday, it is customary to pour water on passers-by, this is considered to wish good luck. Also in Thailand, where most of the population professes Buddhism, the human head is considered the sacred repository of the soul and touching it is considered a serious offense.

Men from some Eskimo tribes line up to greet a stranger. After which the first of them steps forward and gives the stranger a good slap on the top of his head, and expects a similar response from the stranger. The slapping and hitting continue until either party falls to the ground. Natives South America They greet each other by spitting on each other. And among some African peoples, sticking out the tongue is a sign of greeting.

In Korea, to show that the feast turned out well and that everything is very tasty, you need to slurp as loudly as possible.

For many centuries, among the peoples of Northern Kamchatka it was understood that if a guest enters into sexual contact with the host’s wife, he thereby does him great honor. The mistress of the house made every effort to make the guest want to share her bed. And it was considered special luck for this house if a woman became pregnant from this relationship. The birth of a child was celebrated by the entire village.

A unique burial custom has existed for two thousand years in the interior of the island of Luzon in the Philippines. The deceased are buried in logs they have hollowed out themselves, and then taken to caves high in the mountains. In some caves there are up to several hundred unique coffins.

You and I eat with a spoon and fork, people. East Asia They often use chopsticks for this, Eskimos use a knife, and the Central Asian dish besh-barmak is called so because they eat it “besh” with five fingers, “barmak” with fingers.

Enter Christian Church wearing a headdress means committing sacrilege. Anyone who enters a synagogue or mosque with his head uncovered also blasphemes.

In some places in the East, women still hide their faces and bodies under ridiculous, shapeless clothes. Many Africans still believe that a short apron is the height of what they can afford to wear to the detriment of ancient customs, prescribing complete nudity.

To relax in the middle of the day, we sit on a chair. A Tajik or Uzbek will prefer to sit on the carpet with his legs crossed in Turkish style. Zulu will think that his European and Central Asian friends simply do not know how to relax and are completely devoid of imagination. There are so many ways to sit! Moreover, they are their own, special, among Zulu men and women. And representatives of one of the North Australian tribes most of all like to relax in a position that is surprisingly uncomfortable, in our opinion. They stand on one leg, resting the foot of the other leg on their knee.

When greeting a European, he extends his hand, a Japanese curtsies, and a Kamba in Kenya spits at the person he meets as a sign of high respect. A man from the Maasai tribe solemnly spits when meeting, then wets his own hand with saliva and only after that allows himself to shake the hand of an acquaintance. Mangbetta in the north of the Congo are greeted in a completely European way, by the hand, but at the same time they politely crack the knuckles of their middle fingers.

If you are not tired of the enumeration, you can continue it. In Tanganyika, to say hello, they kneel on one knee, take a handful of earth and sprinkle it crosswise on their chest and arms. On the Zambezi, under similar circumstances, they clap their hands and curtsy, and when meeting a white person, it is considered necessary to also shuffle their feet: what is not the European 18th century?

Greeting a friend, a Chinese asks: “Have you eaten?”, an Iranian wishes: “Be cheerful!”, a Zulu says: “I see you”...

It turns out that kissing is by no means as common as even those who know that wild chimpanzees are excellent kissers might assume. So, since ancient times, the Chinese rubbed their noses instead, and the Eskimos did the same. The ancient Egyptians kissed from time immemorial, and the ancient Greeks, according to Herodotus, adopted this fascinating activity relatively late.

IN African tribe Maasai people greet each other by jumping. The higher you jump, the more respect you will show.

The natives of the Maori tribe from New Zealand rub their noses against each other when they meet, this is a greeting. By smell they distinguish fellow tribesmen from strangers.

IN Latin America At every meeting and acquaintance, hugs and kisses are accepted.

It is better to greet the Japanese with a bow in the same way as he bows to you. Nowadays, modern Japanese are no longer surprised by the outstretched hand of a foreigner.

In China there is one ancient tradition– avoid the number four. Because "four" sounds the same as "die". If you need to get to the fourth floor, you simply won’t find it, even if the house is five floors.

In the East, guests are traditionally treated to tea. The bowl is not poured full, but little by little. A guest who stays too long will be poured a full bowl, which will mean “Drink and leave.”

If you are invited to visit in Greece, do not praise the decoration of the house, because old tradition everything that the guest liked, the hospitable host should give him.

In Spain they have breakfast at 14:00 and lunch at 22:00. At the table they try to avoid topics such as personal life, bullfighting and the period of Franco's reign.

In Malaysia, men are greeted with a bow, and married women It is forbidden to hold hands.

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