Cleansing meditation refreshes you with a calm, good night's sleep. Falling asleep through meditation

Namaste, dear guests and readers of my blog! Ruslan Tsvirkun is with you again and I continue my journey around India and write new articles, sharing my experience. The topic of the article is evening meditation before bed, and the music and video in this article will help you meditate at night more effectively. After a stressful working day, it can be a great remedy for insomnia and better rest. I noticed for myself that if you go to bed in a tense state, it is very difficult to fully restore the strength spent during the day.
So, let's begin:

Evening meditation before bed

In the evening, returning home, after work, study and other equally important matters, the Mind most often continues to be tense and, as a rule, tries to resolve some issues. During the day, gigabytes of various information pass through our Mind, both useful and not very useful. The news is full of headlines, but often watching these news does not bring much benefit. Of course, you need to know some news, but I don’t see the point in passing through this whole stream, this is my personal point of view and you may not agree with it. Often, all news carries information of a destructive nature, reporting on crises, wars, disasters, etc.
Besides everything else, the whirlpool of current affairs also carries us away.

So what should we do?

Just like we clean the house and take care of our body (brush our teeth, take a shower, etc.), we need to clean and wash the Mind, which attracts a lot of negativity throughout the day..

Meditation before bed is a great way to do this!

In the morning you need to tune in to the current day, and in the evening you need to sum it up and give relaxation to your whole body.
It's no secret that sleep rhythms are disrupted as a result of overexertion. I can confirm this even in my own personal experience. There were times in life when there was a lot of vigorous activity, and as a result there was a constant lack of sleep, and it would seem that in the evening, if you lack sleep, you should immediately fall asleep, but no. When I went to bed, I couldn’t fall asleep for a long time, and in the morning I woke up early even without an alarm clock, but not because I had enough sleep, but just the opposite. The tension remained almost exactly the same as before going to bed. This happened because the Mind was in tension and therefore the body was also in such tension and there was no complete relaxation.

Meditation in the evening before bed can really solve this problem. But, even if there are no such difficulties, it is still very beneficial to meditate in the evening.

Meditation can take several forms, but essentially it is concentration of attention.

For some people from different religious denominations or traditions, meditation can be expressed in prayers or other spiritual rituals.

The day can be roughly divided into three parts, and each part is influenced by certain forces of nature. They are called differently

The morning is under the influence of goodness, the day is under the influence of passion, and the night is under the influence of ignorance.
Before falling asleep, if you meditate and clear the Mind, the influence of ignorance decreases, sleep becomes deeper, and getting up in the morning is much more joyful.
The psychophysical state of the body depends on many factors, one of which is, I recommend reading about it.

Varieties of evening meditations

As I already said, there are some varieties of meditation at night.

There is no strictly required technique; you can choose any one that you like best.
Try the effective one. In the morning, it is performed while sitting, and in the evening you can meditate while lying on the bed with eyes closed.

Another good practice, 10-15 minutes of such meditation before bed will give good results.

- is a very powerful method of spiritual self-realization.

When meditating in the evening, there are two options. The first is when you want to put your thoughts in order, and the second is when you want to fall asleep. Depending on this, the technique may be different.

If you want to sleep, lie in bed on your back. And start simply observing your breathing, feeling your inhalations and exhalations. This will help you calm down and fall asleep.

Audio meditation for sleep and relaxation

If you find it difficult to concentrate and meditate alone, you can use audio meditations online, which are a dime a dozen on the Internet.

For example, the voice of another person who is unfamiliar to you can convey to you the state of Mind in which this recording was made. And if at that moment the speaker was excited or had some negative thoughts, then such audio meditation will not help, but rather will aggravate the condition.

If you want to use audio meditation and listen to meditative Music at night, take this issue very seriously.

Bedtime music is not a lullaby, it is also a carrier of information, even if it has no words.

The ideal option is if it is spiritual music, or the voice of a holy person. And then, without any doubt, it will bring the desired effect!

That's all for today, thank you for your attention. I hope that this article will be useful to someone.

I will be glad to see your comments on this publication.
Sincerely, Ruslan Tsvirkun.

Daytime worries, problems, work and even leisure in the evening they make themselves felt by fatigue, tension, and obsessive thoughts. At the same time, for proper rest it is important to completely relax, free from physical and mental tension. Meditation for sleep can help with this - complete relaxation and cleansing the mind of negativity.

Why is meditation needed?

Meditation induces a state of peace and relaxation in a person

The state that occurs during meditation has a strong effect on the human body. It is believed that at this time the subconscious is in contact with the higher entities of the Subtle World. Regular, proper meditation leads to restoration of strength and replenishment of energy reserves.

Meditation before bed allows you to not only fall asleep quickly and deeply. Such healing and restorative sleep will allow you to wake up in the morning in good mood, meet the coming day with cheerfulness and positivity. Meditation practice carried out directly at night (an hour or half an hour before falling asleep) causes effects such as:

  • stops the flow of thoughts that arise when going to bed;
  • helps the brain “sort out” the information received during the day, discarding everything unnecessary;
  • restores physiological processes in the body by normalizing breathing and blood circulation;
  • relieves insomnia – sleep disorders resulting from accumulated problems and stress;
  • fills you with love for yourself and the world around you, promoting complete inner harmony.

In addition to the listed effects, regular meditation at night allows you to see good dreams.

Features of meditation before bed for women

Evening meditation prepares the body for sleep

The female body is sensitive to any situation and reacts to the slightest changes in the behavior of others. By the evening, this is expressed in a cascade of obsessive thoughts, re-evaluation of what has been done and said, worries about loved ones and other actions. Naturally, such a state is not in the best possible way affects night's rest. Meditation before bed for women will help normalize it, put the nervous system in order, and restore energy reserves. Regular practice will bring the following results:

  • will relieve the psyche, eliminate worries, worries, anxiety;
  • will allow you to tune in to positivity and success, will give you confidence that everything will work out;
  • normalizes hormonal levels, restores the functioning of the endocrine glands, increases immunity;
  • will improve appearance, thanks to the influx of energy and cell self-renewal processes, which will increase as a result of improved blood flow and restoration of hormonal balance;
  • improves internal condition by filling peace of mind and joy.

Meditative practices at night for children

Meditation for children before bed is an invaluable support for parents in raising and physical development child. It will make your vacation more calm, deep and fulfilling, regardless of temperament.

This, in turn, will have a positive effect on behavior, learning, increase curiosity, strengthen the psyche and immunity.

Meditation before bed can benefit children of all ages

The abundance of information today contributes to the imbalance nervous system child. The plasticity of the brain and the speed of thought processes lead to the fact that children absorb what is necessary and what is unnecessary, without being able to keep this process under control. Meditation practice will help cope with the information flow, restoring the integrity of the nervous system. Parents will only need to choose the best bedtime meditation for their child, according to their age.

Meditation practice for relaxation

Remove muscle tightness nervous tension, excess emotions will be helped by meditation for sleep, relaxation and cleansing, which is achieved by escaping reality, reincarnation, moving to another space. It can be done in complete silence or turn on calm music.

  1. Imagine yourself floating in a boat. The water around is calm, dawn is approaching. If you feel cold, then “take cover”; this will make you feel cozier and more comfortable. The boat rocks a little. You hear the quiet splash of water, birds flying in the distance, feel the lightness and transparency of the air. Gradually the sounds fade away, and you, rocking, fall asleep.
  2. Lie down comfortably, relax your muscles, wait until your breathing becomes even. Imagine looking at your body from above, and it turns into whatever you want - water, a cloud, etc. Associate yourself in this performance with the chosen element. For example, a cloud floats calmly across the sky, connects with other clouds, and dissolves in them. Gradually you should feel completely involved in the process and subsequent relaxation. Sleep will come unnoticed.

Meditation for cleansing

It is important to remain with a straight back during meditation

Cleansing meditation before bed will help eliminate insomnia, health problems, negativity and tension, and “clear” your thoughts. To do this, you need to completely relax in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Focus on each muscle, alternately tensing and relaxing it. This will help determine the state of complete relaxation. You can meditate when your breathing becomes smooth.

Go inside yourself. To do this, imagine a staircase leading to water (ocean or sea). After going down it, take a walk along coastal sand, listen to the surf, the birds. Imagine that there is a cave at some distance from you. Go inside it. It should be quite spacious with an outlined circle in the center.

Take off your clothes and stand in this circle. From it rises energy flow, which penetrates you through your legs, passing through your entire body. It comes out through the top of the head, taking with it anger, resentment, tension, sadness, and bad thoughts. At this time, a golden light descends on you, filling every cell of the body. You feel lightness and peace.

After leaving the circle, immerse yourself in a bath of emerald water standing nearby. You need to lie in it until you feel filled with love and joy. After this, you need to return to yourself the same way, maintaining a feeling of cleansing and peace.

Meditation for Healing

Meditation for deep sleep, aimed at healing, will make you feel healthy, full of energy and joy. It helps restore the functional activity of all organ systems, eliminate toxins, and normalize metabolic processes.

Relaxation meditation for whole body healing

Lie comfortably on your back, relax your body, face, and focus on the breathing process. Imagine how, with each breath, energy enters your body in the form of a golden light stream. Women can represent pink. Sleep will come as cells fill energetic light. This simple exercise is perfect for beginners. It will launch restoration and regenerative processes in tissues during rest. In the morning you will feel much better. Regular practice will help get rid of many diseases.

ThetaHealing Meditation

Theta-healing is a healing method that is based on sessions in a special mode of brain activity. Theta is the frequency of waves of electrical activity in the brain that appear during the transition from wakefulness to sleep. The basis of the direction is meditation, which is carried out according to a certain sequence:

  • relaxation;
  • dissolving oneself in the environment;
  • reaching the level of “molecular fusion”;
  • association with the Universe;
  • emphasis on what is desired.

It is believed that as a result of regular exercise, positive changes occur not only in health, but also in the material, social, and creative aspects of life.

Complete relaxation will give the subconscious the mood to overcome any life situations, will allow you to find the right decision problems. To carry out this practice, it is enough to take a comfortable position.

Meditation for sleep – effective method restore energy reserves and improve health. It helps to cope with tasks that are often considered impossible or require a significant amount of effort. Just 10-30 minutes of daily practice can eliminate diseases and open up new perspectives and talents. This requires only desire and self-control. At regular classes the effect will be noticeable in the near future.

Sleep is the most important part of human life. Many aspects of this process are not fully understood. Energetically, sleep represents a recharge of the body, so it must be healthy.

Without sleep, a person simply dies, because we cannot do something forever. Even the greatest scientists and inventors who wanted to convey their thoughts and ideas to people slept systematically. Moreover, they treated sleep much more reverently than other people, because they knew that proper sleep- one of the main conditions for victories in life. Some slept 20 minutes every 2 hours, some slept only 4 hours at night, and others developed more complex algorithms for mental and physical “recharge.” They manipulated their sleep to make their brains as efficient as possible.

Preparing for Meditation

In essence, this meditation turns into sleep. This is an ideal option, because it is aimed at relaxation. Preparing for it includes all your usual habits. Do all your chores, wash your face, turn off the lights completely or leave the night lamp on if that makes you more comfortable.

As in any other meditation, no one should disturb you. Before going to bed, do not watch TV for about an hour and do not use the phone or computer. Electromagnetic radiation causes problems with falling asleep, and the information that comes to you makes it difficult to clear your mind.

You need to leave all your problems behind. Meditation experts advise sitting on your bed and thinking about something abstract so that all the negativity goes away. Remember your first kiss or beautiful picture. You should be surrounded by comfort because you should not be distracted by anything.

Meditation for better sleep

You lay down in your bed. Close your eyes and imagine that there is nothing around you. You are in a kind of endless room, devoid of any frills. Your bed is your home for the near future. You need to find peace and serenity.

There is boundless infinity around. All problems have dissolved in it and they will not dare to disturb you, either now or later. Imagine that the lights went out all over the world. The lights have gone out in your home, on your street, in the city, in the country, on the entire planet. All the stars in the Universe went out. Together with them you need to go out too. For healthy sleep, you need to let go of all thoughts of worries. You are alone in the Universe. There is nothing except you and your bed.

Slow down your breathing and even out your pulse. Breathe about once every five seconds. Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth. You have no mass, you float in infinity, in which there is no wind, no temperature, no sounds. Imagine that this ideal “nothing” and “everything” fills you, starting from the tips of your toes. First, your feet become heavy, so you can’t move your legs, and then you don’t have enough strength to turn around. Then my hands slowly begin to swell. Then the neck becomes heavier, which smoothly turns into the head. When heaviness touches the brain and eyes, you can no longer open your eyes. Now you are completely ready to surrender to the power of sleep.

Breathe slowly, counting to 10. When you reach the cherished number, you should completely relax. If you can't fall asleep, try repeating this. If you did everything correctly, then after the first countdown you should fall asleep.

This meditation takes approximately 15 minutes. The average time for a person to fall asleep is from 7 to 10 minutes. Very important point is that you can use this meditation before daytime sleep. It is also sometimes useful to rest during the day, but not between 16:00 and 20:00. You need to wake up after about an hour. Longer sleep will no longer be so beneficial. Use the most pleasant and calm alarm melody.

This meditation will teach you how to fall asleep quickly and efficiently. What is especially important is that the dreams will either be pleasant or not at all. This can even treat insomnia and other sleep problems. The most important thing is to repeat meditation every day so that it becomes a habit. Research says it takes about 20 days. In a month, your sleep will become, if not ideal, then close to ideal, and your energy will strengthen. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

18.01.2017 03:29

Our lives are influenced by the Universe. Everything in it is interconnected and develops according to the laws of life, therefore...

In many ways, a woman’s fate and happiness depends on her interaction with the planet Moon. If the connection with this planet is favorable, peace, prosperity, and improved relationships will come into a woman’s life. Recharge lunar energy You can do it in the evening, before bed.

With the onset of twilight and at night, the Moon's power increases. Meditation before bed for women will give maximum results from performing lunar practices. Filling yourself with life-giving force will help you free yourself from stress and discover new sources of youth, beauty and sexuality.

Three years ago I met my old friend, Natasha. She got married at 18, gave birth to two children one after the other, and never managed to finish university. Natasha good mother, but she felt exhausted sitting at home with the kids. Her husband stopped paying attention to her, and she gave up taking care of her appearance.

At first, I didn’t recognize Natasha, I just looked at the stranger, like most of the men around us. I rarely meet beautiful ones well-groomed women, from which the amazing energy of sexuality and self-confidence emanates. She was like a magnet, attracting the admiring glances of others.

When she called out to me, I didn’t immediately understand what was going on. I couldn't believe she had changed so much. Instead of an unhappy girl, burdened with worries, I saw a real queen, surrounded by fans and everyone's attention. Of course, I couldn’t help but ask her what was the matter. I immediately realized that this could not have happened without some practice and tremendous effort on her part.

Once we communicated well with Natasha, and she revealed her secret to me. She began spending an hour before bed in meditation. All meditations were aimed at filling oneself with the energy of the Moon, at establishing a beneficial connection with this planet. Without thinking twice, I began to do everything that brought such a phenomenal result.

Why evening meditation, what are its advantages?

For those who are a little familiar with astrology, it is no secret that every time of day is subject to the influence of one planet or another. Starting from 9 pm until 1 am, the power of the Moon is activated. This is the time for women's creative practices aimed at receiving her energetic support. What areas of life is the planet responsible for, whose support evening meditations are aimed at:

  • Women's health (the main cycles in the life of any girl are connected with the Moon: menstrual cycle, months of pregnancy).
  • Family relationships. The favorable influence of the planet brings peace and tranquility to the family, smoothes out quarrels and disagreements.
  • Youth and beauty. In the past, priestesses performed special rituals on the new moon to enhance their attractiveness and prolong youth.
  • Sexuality. Lunar energy is very attractive to the opposite sex. In men in to a greater extent, another planet is manifested - Mars. They are drawn to the “lunar nymphs”, subconsciously looking not for the most beautiful, but for the girl most filled with lunar power.
  • Peace and balance. Hysterics, screaming, aggression show that the girl has poor contact with the Moon. She lost most of her strength and because of this she lost peace.

Features of meditation in the evening

Meditation before bed for women is a way of interacting with the lunar element that will transform her entire life. In order to enhance the effect of practice, there are several recommendations:

  • Before the practice, you need to take a shower (a contrast shower is possible, but not necessary).
  • Lubricate the area of ​​the heart chakra (at chest level) with essential oil: jasmine, rose, lotus.
  • Wear white or light-colored clothing, if possible. As a last resort, choose a different color, but the clothes must be clean.
  • Drink half a glass of hot milk.

These tips may seem strange at first glance. But, in fact, all these are ways of establishing contact with the planet. They are taken from books on Jyotish astrology and tested for centuries. Besides, best time for meditation practices - 20:00 - 21:00. It is during this period that the power of the planet Moon and its impact on the world rises. But, after 10 pm, it is better to finish all your work and go to bed (during sleep at this time the psyche is pacified and the whole body is restored).

For whom is meditation before bed particularly beneficial?

In fact, these practices are beneficial for all women and girls of any age. But there are some for whom they are simply vital. Basically, these are those who weak force Moons in the horoscope. What signs indicate this:

  • Dry skin
  • Menstrual disorders
  • Sadness, depression, constant stress
  • Fear of close relationships
  • Constant fears for the future, depressing thoughts that won’t let go
  • Lack of friends and warm communication with others

Meditation techniques

So, having completed the preparation, you need to sit in a secluded, quiet place and begin the practices.

Technique 1. “The Mystery of the Three Goddesses”

  1. Find a comfortable position and sit or lie down on the floor. Close eyes. Walk with your inner gaze throughout your body. Pay attention to your feet, legs, knees. Take a look at your hips, stomach and chest. Go to the throat, face, head. Fill the organs of your body, every cell of it with peace and tranquility.
  2. Imagine yourself on an island surrounded by a white milky ocean. This is the habitat of ancient healing goddesses. They are already waiting for you to help you.

Look around: the sky here is clear, dotted with stars. The space is filled with white light. It constantly changes color like mother-of-pearl stone. The air is clean and moist, take a few deep breaths.

  1. The first goddess approached you. She is dressed in soft pink clothes. Her long blonde hair reaches to her feet. She hands you a cup of white liquid. Take it, drink it all up last straw. This is a drink made from moon milk infused with medicinal mountain herbs.

Imagine how a magical drink illuminates your body from the inside. It fills every organ with health. The skin of the face begins to glow with youth and purity. The healing power of mountain herbs is transmitted to the entire body. You can direct this power to any part of the body where there is disease. Imagine how complete healing occurs.

  1. The second goddess is already waiting for you by the lake. Her clothes are light blue. She asks you to go into the water. Slowly, immerse yourself in the purest turquoise water surface. These are lakes of liberation from grievances and unpleasant memories. Imagine how one after another events emerge in your memory. They come to the surface of the water surface and completely dissolve. Take your time, experience all the emotions, cleanse yourself of negativity.
  2. The third goddess is calling you. Her voice is very melodic, flowing like a song. She is invisible to your eyes. Just follow her voice. Finally, you came out into a field strewn with jasmine flowers. It stretches to the very horizon. Everywhere incredible beauty and a magical smell. It gets into your lungs.

Fill the uterus area with jasmine flowers. Feel how it is filled with purity and freshness. The sweet scent penetrates the female organs, revealing sensuality and sexuality.

  1. Now you have become a nymph, initiated into the mysteries of healing goddesses. Contact them when you need their help. Visit them more often to replenish your strength.

Technique 2. “Unlocking inner potential”

  • Take a comfortable position, sit or lie down, close your eyes. Relax every cell of your entire body. Imagine yourself on a sheer cliff. You are at an incredible height, white clouds stretch below. Occasionally, you can see birds flying in the distance. Look around.
  • There are countless stars shining in the sky. One of them, the brightest, begins to descend. It approaches your head and is placed on the third eye area. Its amazing radiance penetrates the area between the eyebrows, illuminating the entire head. Thoughts become clearer, all sorrows and fears go away.
  • Another star, bright green, descends to the throat. She lies on the neck. The shoulders and bronchi of the lungs are filled with amazing green light. It fills them with optimism and health. Think about what talents will open up from healing this area: eloquence, musical voice, the ability to convince others.
  • An orange star descends on the solar plexus near the chest. She brings optimism and unbridled fun. The pain and disappointments are behind us. The very joy of life came to your heart.
  • The red star penetrates the abdominal area. It dissolves with intense radiance grievances against men, women's illnesses and rejection of one's nature. Notice that the star shone again, but with white light. A ray of pure light penetrates the female organs, cooling and healing them.
  • Now, your being is illuminated by wonder starlight. The sorrows are behind us. Your talents and abilities are revealed under this amazing power. The soul is inspired. You're still standing on the rock. Imagine how your wings appear and you jump into the abyss. Light as a feather, you soar above the ground. Remember this state and open your wonderful eyes.

Important! During meditation techniques, you may experience strange sensations. There may be tingling, slight trembling, and some may even experience tears. There is nothing wrong with this, this is how all the negativity and blocks come out. You need to experience this state and not attach much importance to it. This is how cleansing happens.

Technique 3. “You are a healer”

  1. Find a comfortable position and close your eyes. Imagine yourself on the shore of an endless coastline. You're walking slowly snow-white sand. It shimmers in the sun with silver and pearl color. The touch of warm sand is very pleasant.
  2. Come to the ocean. Look around it and you will see nothing but clear blue water. She sparkles and shines. Get into the water. This is the ocean eternal life and healing. Ask him to wash your body and soul, cleanse and fill with the energy of purity and health.
  3. Remember those who are very dear to you. Think about what problems, illnesses, and troubles they have. What do they need, what do they suffer from? Scoop up the magic water in your palms and give this water to them. Imagine how the natural elements help your loved ones. Their problems dissipate, the ocean cleanses these people of diseases.
  4. Imagine your parents, children, husband as well. Help them using the healing energy of the ocean.
  5. Think about those who simply need help. To whom could you provide the divine ocean waters? Imagine how they bring peace and relief to those in need. Imagine how grateful they are to you for your help.
  6. Bow to the endless ocean and ask to wash you once again. Get out of the water and open your beautiful eyes.

So today yours began new life. You have taken your first step towards positive changes in all your areas. Nighttime meditation for women will fill you with healing lunar energy. She will bring fulfillment of desires, prosperity and amazing beauty into your life. Let this be just the beginning of the journey. Open your heart and look for new practices that will help you reveal your femininity. Some of them can be found on our website.

Many people practice meditation for self-knowledge, religious purposes and other reasons. If done in the middle of the day, it is important high degree concentration. But meditation before bed is considered a simpler procedure, since its goal is relaxation and restful sleep.

Among those who suffer from insomnia, the desire to fall asleep at night is pronounced. As soon as they lie down on the pillow, anxiety immediately appears that there will be no sleep. Meditation for insomnia involves getting rid of this anxiety and calming the mind.

Why use meditation

Evening meditation before bed is used for maximum relaxation and stress relief. It allows you to remove unnecessary thoughts and subconsciously tune in to sleep. With enough help simple techniques You can regain healthy and long sleep, emotional health, and sometimes overcome depression. Meditation for sleep allows you to wake up more alert and healthy in the morning. If you use it regularly and do all the exercises correctly, you can get rid of any sleep problems for a long time and not remember how they manifest themselves.

So, relaxation with meditation before bed has the following goals:

  • calming the mind and removing all unnecessary thoughts;
  • relaxation and freeing the mind from unnecessary thoughts that visited it throughout the day.

To fall asleep, you need to relax, which is what the deep sleep meditation technique provides. With its help, you can relax your muscles, restore normal blood circulation, normalize breathing, which will lead to quick sleep. Many practitioners recommend meditating for about 5-20 minutes before going to bed. Thanks to this habit, you can learn to fall asleep quickly. Moreover, sleep will go as smoothly as possible and with pleasant dreams.

The most common meditation techniques

There are many ways to meditate. They all differ in both their implementation and purpose. There is meditation for stress, for falling asleep quickly, for nightmares, for fears, meditation before bed for women, men, etc. In general, before starting the procedure, it is recommended to choose the most comfortable position and try not to hear the surrounding noise, if any.

Next you need to focus on your thoughts. It is recommended that you close your eyes and imagine a place where you would go to relax. Sounds can enhance the effect wildlife, which can be run on any audio system. The more the mind is involved in what a person imagines, the stronger and faster the effect will be.

It is recommended to keep your eyes closed during meditation. In extreme cases, they can be slightly open. Breathing should be even, slow, deep. You shouldn't be distracted by it. It happens that those who meditate before bed feel some loneliness. This is a normal feeling that disappears over time. If any thoughts arise during the session, try to send them away so that they do not linger in your consciousness and create a response. You should not try to concentrate on your thoughts and begin to develop them. They need to leave your mind so that it is clear and ready for bed.

You need to end the session smoothly. It should be remembered that meditation before bed is not for the purpose of spiritual knowledge or religious quest. This is a way to relax and get more healthy sleep, as well as a comfortable awakening in the morning.

Meditation technique “Dreamer Pose”

As already mentioned, many people worry so much about their sleep that these worries lead to insomnia. To get rid of this problem, you can use a meditation practice called dreamer's pose. It is intended specifically for people who cannot fall asleep due to worries about the quality of their sleep.

So, the dreamer's pose technique is used to make the patient enjoy the time of falling asleep. It is recommended to lie down, relax, stretch out on the bed and put your hands behind your head. This pose is somewhat similar to the position of a person lying on the grass and resting. At this time, you need to close your eyes and imagine that you are lying on the grass, the wind is blowing around, sunset begins, twilight appears, nature is slowly falling asleep. You fall asleep on the lawn, without rushing anywhere. Over time, the body adjusts to rest and begins to recover.

It may seem that this meditation is aimed at coming to terms with insomnia. But she has a different goal - she encourages the performer to relax so that his brain does not worry when falling asleep. Due to the fact that the patient is focused on the current moment and does not think about falling asleep, he relaxes faster and falls into a state of sleep.

Breathing Meditation

This type of meditation is also used to fall asleep quickly and deeply. Of course, breathing operations are used more to give the body vigor, but it is also possible to use the technique the other way around.

Before you start meditating, experts recommend making your bed in advance, preparing the room for bed, brushing your teeth, and changing into cotton pajamas. You can sit for meditation right on the bed, making the light slightly dimmed before doing so. Some people prefer to sit in the lotus position, others prefer to sit in the half lotus position. It is important to keep your back straight, otherwise the air will not completely saturate your lungs.

Place your hands on your knees and just sit for 5-6 minutes, controlling your breathing. At the same time, the entire process is monitored for each portion of inhalation and exhalation. All you need to do is watch your breathing. As a rule, after 15 minutes, even the most restless person, if he has concentrated on his breathing all this time, receives peace, and if he continues to meditate, he will become drowsy.

As soon as this feeling appears, it is better to immediately lie down and try to fall asleep. Meditation should not last more than 20 minutes, as then its effectiveness is lost.


Using auto-training is also possible in order to fall asleep. The main goal of such training is to ensure deep relaxation of all parts of the body.

First, the procedure is carried out for the fingers. To do this, suggest to your mind that you are on the beach and keep your feet in the direction of the water. When the tide begins, the water begins to roll onto your fingers, relaxes them, and then rises higher - to your feet. Now the waves reach your ankles, your calves relax under their influence, and then your knees, hips, stomach, and so on throughout your body. When the water recedes, it takes with it all negative emotions and fatigue. During the procedure you should feel a desire to sleep. As soon as it appears, you need to go to bed.

Meditation mantras

Many meditators use certain vocal formulas in order to achieve deep sleep. They claim that this practice allows them to sleep well and be more alert in the morning. If you start practicing this technique, then it is better to listen to the mantras first, and only then speak. At the same time, the volume of the text should be insignificant so that it does not interfere with sleep.

But such a practice should be used by those who have experience in it and believe in the success of such a business. Otherwise, you may simply not understand the complex features of the ritual and not see its benefits.

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