Meditation before bed for women: benefits and features. Getting into Deep Sleep with Meditation

“Meditation does not invent anything; doesn't come up with anything
it simply reveals to you what is.”


It is impossible to imagine a healthy lifestyle without sound sleep, but the modern rhythm, workload, obsessive fears or accumulated tasks and problems often become the cause of insomnia. A simple and very effective way to avoid this is meditation before bed.

Sometimes it happens that sleep is so restless and intermittent that when we wake up, we feel tired and overwhelmed. All this leads to a decrease in brain activity, performance, mood, deterioration of relationships with people and, of course, affects not only the physical condition, but also affects mental health.

Why do we need meditation?

The term came to Russian from Latin, from the verb meditari, it means “to ponder”, “to mentally contemplate”, “to develop ideas”. Meditation practices are widespread and do not require complex preparation. In other words, they are suitable for everyone and you can start at any convenient time. It is worth noting that meditation is an effective relaxation and concentration exercise that frees the mind from thoughts and worries, calms and helps to put the mind in order.

Regular meditation will not only help improve your mood and performance, but will also be a good help for strengthening and health of our body.

Meditation strengthens willpower and character, improving concentration and memory, developing healthy critical thinking, the ability to look at things around you and at yourself soberly and impartially.

Beneficial Meditations

Forgiveness meditation - used primarily to forgive yourself. Also, it gets rid of accumulated grievances, which often prevent you from moving on.

Meditation to attract wealth. The key is to focus on solving the problem. To attract money, you need to visualize the image of wealth, imagine yourself as a successful person. For example, going to bed.

Evening meditation techniques

Let's look at meditation techniques for good sleep:

  1. Music
    Music is one of the simplest and most correct ways of meditation. A soft and soothing melody will help you relax and find harmony. It is necessary to perform simple breathing exercises while listening to music to stabilize the breathing rhythm.
  2. Mental images
    Let's use our imagination. To do this, sit back on the couch, in a pleasant, comfortable environment, and do a few breathing exercises. A relaxed mind, devoid of thoughts, will easily bring images from your mind to life (meditation to attract money). In order to get rid of thoughts or memories that bother you, mentally transport yourself to the place where you feel most relaxed. It could be: a house by the lake, a morning forest, a sunrise in the mountains. It is very important, when imagining yourself in this place, to do things that can calm you down.
  3. Aromatherapy
    At first glance, it seems that aromas and smells are commonplace, they surround us everywhere, but the essence of this practice lies in the correct selection of oils and scented candles, which will help you relieve stress and speed up the achievement of the desired harmony.
  4. Concentration is the desired relaxation. The method is aimed at maximum concentration of attention on your own body. With your eyes closed, feel your body, every part, from your fingertips to the top of your head. Feel the blood flowing, hear the pulsation.
  5. Muscle contraction
    Despite its simplicity, this method of meditation is considered one of the most effective.
    How to do it: starting with your legs, tense your muscles for 10-15 seconds, then relax and feel the sensations. As you rise up, squeeze and relax all your muscles. Forgiveness meditation is also possible here. What is the advantage of this method? It improves and accelerates blood circulation, helping you feel rested.
  6. Relaxing dance 15 minutes of spontaneous dance to meditative or favorite music will help you get rid of stress and lift your spirits. Smooth movements, even in silence, will help relieve tension. Raise your arms up and release your body. Do not be afraid that the movements will not be graceful or even sharp - all this is an outlet of negative energy. Meditation for attracting money in dance involves moving around banknotes or holding them in your hands.
  7. Mantras in meditation before bed The last technique is the most revered among Tibetan monks. It is believed that when you start practicing in reality - be it pronouncing a mantra in silence or reading to music - even reproducing a certain image, your consciousness will do this during sleep (forgiveness meditation).

Having talked about the basic methods of meditation, I would like to give some important tips to everyone who wants to start learning to relieve daily stress and improve the quality of their sleep with the help of simple exercises.

How to do meditation before bed?

  1. Three poses are best: lotus, half-lotus or Turkish pose. The head, neck and back must be kept straight. Do not lean forward or backward.
  2. Slowly lower your eyelids and mentally focus on the space between your eyebrows. Close your fingers (forgiveness meditation).
  3. Your body should remain stable and motionless: do not sway, breathe deeply and slowly.
  4. The right mindset for meditation is very important. Try to concentrate and not be distracted by extraneous stimuli.
  5. When trying to relax, you shouldn’t spend too much energy fighting your thoughts. Just let them go, relax your muscles and nerves (forgiveness meditation).
  6. If you are mentally tired, don't concentrate. Relax a little, enjoying the warmth and comfort of your home, pleasant aromas and sounds.

Meditation before bed is the ability to control your emotions. When choosing the necessary set of exercises, immediately avoid standing poses or sharp bends. Meditation before bed is complete relaxation and cleansing of any thoughts. It should not be carried out as a spiritual practice.

It is necessary for full and healthy sleep, so it should not last longer than 20 minutes or cause discomfort and tension.

Meditation for sleep will give you the opportunity to get up every morning feeling healthy, full of strength and the desire to create.

Meditative music before bed.

For those who want to learn more about meditation, watch the film “The Path to Yourself.”

If you want to completely immerse yourself in the practice of meditation, there is a great opportunity to take a seven-day retreat at the Dipabhavan meditation center, which is located in a picturesque place on Koh Samui. I recommend it because... I was there myself)

Sleep is one of the most important human needs. During sleep, the body and every organ of the human body rests. In order for the body to receive maximum comfort and recover completely, a person needs healthy sleep, which is not at all easy to achieve nowadays. Insomnia, frequent awakenings at night and other sleep problems are typical for a modern person living in the city. Meditation before bed will help you overcome these troubles.

What is meditation

Meditation is a word that every person has heard, but few people know exactly what meaning it has. The process of meditation is a subjective moment, everyone approaches it in their own way: for some it is just a moment of solitude and an opportunity to think about their problems, for others at this moment they are trying to “catch” a connection with the cosmos. Meditation before bed is usually aimed at calming the nervous system, because overexcitation is the main cause.

At its core, this process is a certain state of a person that can be compared to a trance. At this time, a person becomes completely free from all negative thoughts, consciousness becomes clear, night meditation smoothly turns into sleep, but the sleep is healthy, the person receives maximum comfort, dreams become much more colorful, nightmares are simply eliminated.

Why meditate?

  1. A person who practices night meditation is practically not disturbed and...
  2. Almost everyone notes that they always wake up in a good mood.
  3. During practice, the mind is cleared of negative thoughts.
  4. A person who meditates before going to bed wakes up with a clear mind and therefore works much more productively.
  5. Provided that the practice is followed regularly, a person begins to feel better, and health problems practically do not appear. In general, a person’s physical and moral well-being improves.
  6. People also get rid of obsessive thoughts, so regular practices can completely rid a person of nightmares. Helps you concentrate only on what is important and stop the flow of vain thoughts.

Preparing for Meditation

To make the process more productive, prepare for it. It does not imply complex “rites” before carrying out. It is enough to accept. If meditation is carried out as a “cure” for insomnia, then you can massage your temples. The aroma best promotes healthy and sound sleep, so you can use just such an oil or light incense from this plant; as an alternative, use chamomile and oils.

Meditation techniques

You can start meditating at any age, don’t worry, it’s not at all difficult and not at all dangerous. Before you begin, make sure that there will be no distractions during the process: the TV, radio must be turned off, and the lights too. The only source of light that is allowed is a night light; its soft light does not disturb a person, especially since some people leave it on all night. Take a shower or relaxing bath before going to bed.

Technique 1

  1. You need to go to bed and relax.
  2. Then close your eyes and imagine yourself in a place where you can feel most comfortable. Everyone has their own specific place: a sunny beach, a forest edge. You must try to hear the sounds characteristic of this place (the cry of seagulls, the sound of the wind, etc.)
  3. In this case, you should pay attention to breathing. It should be smooth and calm. Exhale the air like cigarette smoke, imagining that with this “smoke” all the negativity comes out.
  4. Try to feel your sensations. If sad thoughts come, replace them with positive ones; you need to imagine how positive energy penetrates every cell of the body.

As a rule, a few minutes of such relaxation are enough for a person to completely “cleanse” himself from the stress of the day and fall asleep peacefully.

Technique 2

This type of meditation helps to cope with insomnia and is considered the most effective type of practice in the fight against prolonged depression.

  1. Lie down in the so-called “dreamer pose”: position on your back, body extended, hands behind your head, one leg on top of the other.
  2. Close your eyes and imagine yourself on a warm lawn with green grass, under a bright but not scorching sun.
  3. Try to smell the grass, how the breeze blows across your body, moves your hair, hear the birds singing and the warmth of the soft sun.
  4. Imagine how nature goes to sleep. The sun slowly sets behind the horizon, the birds sing more and more quietly and eventually become completely silent, the wind blows more and more quietly and gradually calms down.
  5. You don’t have to try to fall asleep at this moment, just relax and enjoy yourself. The sun has completely set, and now you can watch the moon and stars. Gradually this state will turn into sleep.

After such meditation, a person wakes up well-rested and happy.

Technique 3

It is called “auto-training” and is considered not just relaxing. This practice helps to “hone” positive attitudes in one’s mind, helps a person determine his true values. After carrying out this meditation, a person in a dream can see answers to many questions that have interested him for a long time, the main thing is to be able to interpret his visions and hints that the subconscious gives.

  1. Lying in bed, take any position that is comfortable for you and relax as much as possible.
  2. Close your eyes and imagine yourself on the seashore. You are lying on the sandy shore with your feet facing the water.
  3. Draw a picture in your imagination as if sea waves are slowly covering your body. First, the feet end up in the water, then the shin, knee, and so on. To achieve the effect of realism and complete immersion, you can turn on the sound of rolling waves.
  4. Think about the fact that water washes away all the negativity from your body and carries it into the boundless ocean and problems.

After a few minutes of such relaxation, the person begins to feel sleepy. It is very important not to miss this moment and go to bed immediately.

Breathing Meditations

Proper breathing is one of the main components of successful meditation. There are even practices that are based on a special way of breathing. Few people succeed in breathing correctly the first time, but it is not difficult if you follow some tips and practice as often as possible:

  1. You need to completely relax and place your hands on your stomach.
  2. Breathe with your stomach, not your chest. That’s why you should keep your palms on your stomach, so you can feel whether it’s moving or not.
  3. Focus on your breathing, follow it by the movement of your hands at the moment of inhalation and exit.
  4. Inhale should be deep and only through the nose, and exhale through the mouth.
  5. The main thing is not to think about anything, just follow the movements and feel your breathing.

Some breathing-based meditation practices before bed.

Practice 1

  1. Turn off the lights, lie down in bed, close your eyes and relax.
  2. You need to inhale through your stomach, not your chest. After inhaling, hold your breath for a second and exhale lightly.
  3. Repeat 3-4 inhalations and exhalations.
  4. Now transport yourself to a high staircase or to the top of a mountain. We begin to descend from the heights. For each exhalation, you should take a step down an imaginary staircase. With each step you can “let go” of one of your problems. Thus, all the negativity will remain high, high and already very far from you.
  5. We go down the stairs until the desire to sleep comes.

Practice 2

This practice is very simple. Its meaning lies in the inhalation and exhalation of “colored” air. First we inhale green air and then exhale it. Now we inhale purple and exhale. Let's continue further. You need to visualize how colored air enters and exits the respiratory tract. There is no need to think about the color of the air, it can be chaotic shades generated by the subconscious, perhaps some associative ones will come, the meaning of which can be interpreted in a special way. This meditation helps you get out of a depressed state and relax after a hard day. Adherents of this practice note that after it, dreams become much brighter and more colorful.

Meditation before bed is a simple matter, but some people still have difficulties. You can avoid them simply by following certain recommendations.

  • It is not advisable to resort to video meditations. Of course, relaxing music and certain pictures calm a person’s morale, but at this time the nervous system is overexcited. The monitor screen from which these very pictures are reproduced not only has a detrimental effect on eye health, but also negatively affects the condition of the person as a whole. After watching the videos, a person, on the contrary, will not be able to fall asleep for a very long time.
  • Video meditations are not suitable, but relaxing music will help in various practices. But it should work in the background and not very loudly. Very important: it is better to listen to music not through headphones, but from an external source.
  • Meditation diaries will help you better analyze your feelings and thoughts. Keeping such a notebook is very simple; you need to write down in it the thoughts that come to mind immediately before practice. Try to feel your expectations, write down the questions to which you want to find answers. You can write down your visions in such diaries, and perhaps after some time you will be able to decipher them. You can also analyze thoughts that interfere; you should throw them out of your head.
  • Before starting the process itself, you can lie down for a while with your eyes open, but you should not focus your gaze on any specific object. The gaze should be diffused, “through the walls.” It is enough to spend a couple of minutes in such a detached state and begin the meditation itself.
  • About an hour before evening meditation, you should not watch TV, play computer games, and you should also stop drinking alcoholic and caffeinated drinks. All this leads to a situation that will be extremely difficult to calm down.
  • A person's clothing is of particular importance. There should be no synthetic materials on the body. The shirt should be made from natural fabrics, preferably loose-fitting and light shades.


Waking up in the morning, a person will feel an energy charge and a good mood. You just need to channel this energy in the right direction. You shouldn’t jump out of bed right away, it’s better to lie down a little, think about what a good day it will be, how much useful you can do in these new days. In the morning it will be useful to do the “Attention” meditation. For several minutes, concentrate your attention on extraneous sounds, smells, etc. At the same time, “listen” to your body and mind, if negative thoughts come, drive them away, leaving them in the past day and night. A new day begins only with positive emotions and attitude.

In conclusion, I would like to say that meditation before bed is a practice that every person should try at least once in their life. It is impossible to strive for self-improvement without also trying to conduct introspection and daily “cleanse” yourself of negative energy. This is exactly the function it performs.

Attacks of insomnia no, no, and they manifest themselves in the life of any person. If a person does not have any illnesses, then this often happens after an emotionally stressful day or before important events. But, in any case, this is an unpleasant episode of disruption to the daily routine. And it needs correction. We exclude drug intervention as not natural, and consider a remedy for insomnia such as meditation.

Cause of insomnia

Insomnia can occur for reasons that may be psychological or physiological.

Psychological reasons include emotionally intense days or events. And it doesn’t matter whether the day was filled with good or bad emotions. The mind cannot stop analyzing, revising, remembering. These also include falling in love or being in a stressful situation for a long time.

Physiological reasons are due to inconvenience to the body, not to the nervous system. For example, insomnia often occurs when moving to a new place. In hot, cold or stuffy conditions. If you have drunk a large amount of stimulating drinks or eaten a lot of sweets, which give a quick release of energy into the blood. And now it is physically impossible to relax.

Diseases that affect breathing and heart rhythm can also cause insomnia.

In both cases - be it psychological or physiological causes of insomnia - the first thing you need to do is calm the mind. This is enough for psychological problems. To eliminate physiological causes, calming the mind becomes only a stepping stone to eradicate bodily disturbances. And in this case it will take a little more time.

Methods of meditation for insomnia

There are many ways to meditate. Just choose one of them. If insomnia often plagues you, then the positive side of this problem is that you can try various methods of meditation for insomnia.

A meditation for sleep can be watching your breathing. Complete absorption of attention aimed at the breathing process slows down the rhythm of breathing itself and heartbeat,

Meditation by switching attention to sound. This type of meditation includes the meditative practice of yoga nidra. It's more of a meditation before bed. The peculiarity of yoga nidra is that during the practice itself you need to refrain from falling asleep. But its results contribute to further rapid falling asleep and sound sleep.

You can do this kind of meditation yourself, unaccompanied, observing your body, filling it with heaviness and warmth. Relaxation during this method of meditation is achieved quickly, and is an excellent way to combat chronic stress and insomnia.

You can relax your body even faster if you use the tension and relaxation method. To do this, you need to alternately tense the muscles of the body and then relax them.

You can relax and then fall asleep with a monotonous sound. Most often this is Om meditation. This method of meditation for insomnia is similar to hypnosis, but does not require the intervention of outsiders.

Conditions for meditation

But whatever method is chosen, it is necessary to carefully prepare for the upcoming meditation. Be sure to ventilate the room. But do not forget to close the window after a while so that the noise of the street does not interfere with falling asleep.

If you can't stay warm, take another blanket. Or fill a plastic bottle with hot water and place it at your feet. If the room is very cold, wear a hat. This is how tourists keep warm in the cool season.

If the weather, on the contrary, is sultry like summer, then do not forget to turn on the air conditioner before going to bed to slightly lower the air temperature. Don't leave it on overnight. Using a sprayer, you can spray water with a few drops of valerian or mint. Pour cold water into a bottle and place it at your feet.

The bed should not be too soft. It is better to meditate to fall asleep while lying on your back in Shavasana pose (corpse pose). You can place a rolled blanket or large towel under your neck and knees.

Meditation technique before bed

Let's take a closer look at meditation techniques that do not require external intervention or sound: the method of transferring attention to the body and the method of figurative visualization.

In the first case, after taking a comfortable position, walk with your inner gaze over all parts of the body, detailing them: the thumb of the right hand, the index finger, the middle finger, the ring finger, the little finger, the back of the hand, the palm, the whole hand as a whole, the forearm, the shoulder, the whole right hand. Then move to the left hand, separately the right and left parts of the chest, abdomen, and back. Chest, stomach and back in general. The whole body. In the same way, walk your attention through your legs, head and neck. On the head it is necessary to highlight the forehead, eyebrow area, upper right eyelid, upper left eyelid, muscles around the eyes, nasolabial folds, lips, area around the mouth, jaw area, cheeks, the entire face, muscles of the head, back of the neck, back of the neck, front of the neck , all neck, all neck and head. Sending attention to each part of the body, try to relax that area. After paying attention to the whole body, practice feeling the lightness and heaviness of the whole body, filling it with pleasant warmth. “I am serene and calm, I fall asleep easily.” It is not necessary to complete the meditation to the end. If you feel drowsy, lie down in a comfortable position and give your body rest.

In the figurative visualization method, you need to imagine yourself in a place that is associated with a peaceful and happy state for you. And merge with nature, becoming part of it. You can choose any element of nature: water, a stream, a tree leaf, swaying grass, an animal sleeping in a sunny meadow. Enter the image, feel the calm and rhythmic movement of the wind, the filling with warmth from sunlight, the measured rustling of leaves, the wave-like movement of grass in the meadow, the monotonous murmur of a stream. Become one with the tranquility of nature.

Have a nice sleep!

Meditation before bed does not require concentration. Unlike many other meditative techniques, peace and relaxation are needed here, because brain tension often prevents falling asleep quickly. This calming procedure helps you move away from problems and obsessive thoughts and fall into a sound, healthy sleep.

Why is meditation needed?

Meditation before bed for women and men is of no small importance. With the help of simple techniques, you can achieve maximum relaxation and distance yourself from everything unimportant. This makes it possible to quickly fall asleep and feel a surge of energy and vigor in the morning. In fact, this is the best relaxation method for good sleep, which will help you relax and free your brain from the information accumulated during the day.

With daily use of techniques at night, you can easily cope with stress and eliminate insomnia.

Consciousness is disconnected from negative thoughts, muscles relax, breathing is restored and blood circulation is normalized. Thanks to this, men's and women's meditations before bed improve not only their psycho-emotional, but also their physical well-being.


A favorable environment is extremely important for healthy sleep. Therefore, before you start meditating, you need to pay attention to the surrounding space and resting place. In this case, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • in the last hour of wakefulness, active actions, serious and emotional conversations, and loud noises should be avoided. You are also required to refuse to eat;
  • complete all household chores in advance. Even the most basic problems prevent complete relaxation, including unwashed dishes or clothes not folded in the closet;
  • ventilate the bedroom to enrich the room with oxygen. In addition, this will help get rid of extraneous odors;
  • choose clothes that do not restrict movement and do not cause discomfort.

For sleep, meditation is performed using essential oils. This is an auxiliary product used by adding it to an aroma lamp and performing a massage in the temple area.

The techniques are designed to help master the mind and body. It is impossible to achieve internal comfort in an unfavorable environment where external stimuli are present. Therefore, special attention should be paid to cleansing the aura of space.

Principles and techniques of meditation

There are several effective meditation techniques that allow you to restore your breathing, calm down, relax, achieve peace and fall asleep. Their basis is the psychological impact on the physical and emotional state.

When performing evening meditation before bed, you need to do the following:

  • a comfortable position is adopted that promotes relaxation;
  • the psychological mood changes;
  • thoughts concentrate on something pleasant.

Technique for falling asleep quickly

Soothing, light music for sleep will be useful. The quiet sounds of nature will also help you relax. There are entire collections that promote relaxation. Thanks to them, you can plunge into an atmosphere of bliss and peace. Naturally, falling asleep in this state turns out to be much easier.

For restful deep sleep, meditation is performed in the evening. At the same time, they take a comfortable position and completely focus on breathing, paying attention to all the sensations that arise.

The technique involves the following steps:

  1. Take a deep breath with your mouth until the sound “oh” is heard.
  2. This is followed by a full exhalation, taking in air through the nose.
  3. You need to meditate in this way for at least a quarter of an hour.

Thanks to this procedure, the lungs are hyperventilated and carbon dioxide is removed. The body is preparing for rest. In addition, it is possible to completely distance yourself from everyday problems and obsessive thoughts.

Relaxation technique

Aimed at sound, healthy sleep, meditation is performed in complete silence or with barely audible music. The main goal is a departure from reality, moving into a fictional space, transformation. To do this, take a comfortable position that does not cause discomfort. A man imagines that he is lying in a boat. He floats on the water and feels the approach of dawn. The boat rocks slightly and a splash of water is heard. Birds fly nearby. Gradually the sounds fade away and the person falls asleep.

Among the meditative techniques that promote relaxation, one more deserves attention. It is performed as follows:

  1. A comfortable position is assumed, the muscles need to be relaxed.
  2. Wait until breathing becomes even.
  3. A person imagines that he is looking at himself from above, associating himself with a cloud.
  4. The cloud floats, gradually connects with its neighbors, dissolving into them.
  5. If you get involved in this associative process, relaxation sets in and sleep comes imperceptibly.

Calming Meditation

Meditation is performed in bed. With its help, you can achieve peace and feel complete relaxation before bed. A person imagines that he is on the bank of a river. He clearly feels his feet touching the warm sand. Splashes of water and chirping of birds can be heard nearby. A staircase appears before your eyes that leads to the water. You need to move lower and lower on the steps, taking a step while inhaling. As you exhale, imagine that negative emotions are leaving the body. They continue to descend mentally until the desire to fall asleep appears.

Simple meditative techniques will help eliminate insomnia and nervous tension. There are many of them, but they have the same essence - detachment from thoughts, relaxation and peace.

The worries and problems of the day often prevent you from falling asleep in the evening, depriving you of a healthy night's rest and causing you to suffer from insomnia. This, in turn, leads to major health problems, the nervous system and internal organs suffer. Of course, lack of sleep also affects your appearance.

Any woman should have a good rest at night, otherwise her skin will be sluggish and the shine will disappear in her eyes. To regain your beauty, youth and attractiveness, as well as healthy nerves and stress resistance, you should meditate.

Meditation before bed will help you rest well and be filled with energy, and in the morning you will feel energetic and happy.


According to researchers, any meditation has a positive effect on the body, and such practices are especially useful for women. Ladies have a more subtle nature, their psyche is exposed to much greater blows from the outside world than men, and evening meditation will help relieve stress and feel good.
Here are the benefits of this practice:

  • It relaxes and puts you into a state of peace, allowing the psyche to take a break from worries and obsessive thoughts;
  • Meditation in the evening allows you to quickly fall asleep and feel rested in the morning;
  • It saves you from insomnia and nightmares, setting you up for a positive wave;
  • This practice improves hormonal levels and eliminates health problems;
  • Meditation fills women with energy and makes them look better.

These are not all the advantages of meditation; after trying it on yourself, you will immediately notice how much better your life has become. Those around you will see you differently, and you yourself will feel spiritual harmony and joy of life.

But remember that the main rule of meditation is regularity; you should not expect an effect if you have practiced it only once or twice. Before you start meditating, make sure you are completely relaxed and free of any thoughts.

For relaxation

Sleep may not come to you for several reasons - bad habits, low mobility, stress, and excess emotions. Meditation will help cope with all these reasons and restore normal sleep, but it requires preparation and a special attitude.

In order to relax, turn on calm music, it is better if it is the sounds of nature - the sound of the surf, the chirping of birds, the rustling of leaves. This will allow you to detach yourself from reality and move inside yourself, forgetting about worries and problems.

Lie down as comfortably as possible, turn off the lights or dim them. Breathe deeply, clear your head of everything unnecessary, concentrate on breathing and relaxing all muscles.

There are several ways to meditate on relaxation before bed.

1. One of the methods is called “BOAT”.
Open the window, cover yourself with a warm blanket, relax. Imagine that you are lying in a boat that is floating along a wide and calm river. It will dawn soon, the sky is already turning gray. You feel a little cold, but you cover yourself warmer, and you feel very comfortable.

The boat rocks you like a cradle. There is fog all around you, cicadas are chirping, leaves are rustling. The air around you is light and transparent, the waves gently knock on the side, you really want to sleep. You are safe. There is nothing but you, the river and the boat. The sounds gradually fade away, you relax and fall asleep.

2. Another meditation involves mental transformation. You need to lie down and relax, tell yourself that you are calm, warm and comfortable. Tell:

“I feel good, comfortable and calm, sleep comes to me.”

Imagine that you are getting out of your body and looking at it from above, now imagine how you transform into what you want, for example, into a running stream of clear water or into a tree on the shore of a pond. If you choose water, then imagine how you are lying on the seashore and the waves are washing over you, they are becoming warmer and more relaxing.

Your body gradually becomes transparent, like water, salty, like the sea. Now you yourself become water and splash on the shore. By analogy, you can imagine yourself doing anything, the main thing is that it calms and relaxes you. After a while you will fall asleep.


It is important for women to feel clean; without this feeling it is impossible to enjoy life and be happy. To feel morally cleansed, do the following meditation. It will rid the body and soul of accumulated negativity and fill the consciousness with light and love.

Take a comfortable position, relax, close your eyes. Feel how the tension leaves from every muscle, from every muscle - from head to heels. Feel how easy and good it becomes for you, get rid of unnecessary thoughts. Concentrating on breathing will help with this.

As soon as you feel good and calm, enter your own inner world. Imagine a ladder and go down, stepping carefully on each step. Now imagine that you have come to a beautiful place on the seashore, and it doesn’t matter whether it is day, evening or night - it all depends on you.

Walk along the beach, breathe in the salty aroma, feel the splashes on your face, hear the sound of the surf. Imagine that you see a distant mountain with a cave and start moving towards it. When you get close, enter the cave. Imagine that there is a spacious hall there, and a circle is drawn in the middle of it.

Undress and enter the circle, into its center. Feel how a powerful wave of energy rises from the center of the earth, which penetrates your body through your legs, it rises slowly and pushes out everything evil, bad and tormenting from you. Negativity comes out of the top of your head, you feel light and good.

The energy comes out with it, and then a light stream appears from the ceiling, which penetrates the top of your head and fills you with light golden energy. You feel good, easy and want to fly.

After this, leave the circle and imagine that there is a stone bath next to you. It can have any shape, but inside it there must be emerald-colored water from which a glow emanates. This is the energy of love. Sit in the bath, soak in and relax, feel how your whole body is filled and imbued with love.

You can be there as long as you want, and then you need to get out of the cave and make your way back to the sea. Now you can open your eyes and try to maintain the feeling of cleansing for as long as possible.

Healing dream

This meditation will help you sleep well and help your body truly rest and heal while you sleep. You will be able to restore energy and relax both your body and mind. Relax completely while lying on your back in bed.

Stretch your legs and arms straight, place a small, low pillow under your head. Imagine the tension leaving all your muscles. Walk through your entire body with your mind's eye, relax every cell, especially on your face. If you feel lightness and integrity in your body, move on to the next part of the meditation.

Imagine that with every breath energy enters you, it is absorbed from the surrounding space, comes from space. The body is filled with it, you feel warmth. Gradually imagine how the energy becomes more and more, and your breathing slows down. Don't take more energy than you need. Soon you will fall asleep.
Energy can be represented as warm light, white or gold, pink and green are suitable for women. Thanks to this practice, you will be filled with energy that will heal you throughout the night, and in the morning you will feel fresh and rested.

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