The bourbo leaf says love your body. Liz Burbo - Your body says “Love yourself! Why do most diseases occur at a certain age, although you claim that they are caused by beliefs that are formed in youth?

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Liz Burbo

“Liz Burbo - Your body says “Love yourself!””: “Sofia”, Publishing House “Helios”; Moscow; 2002 ISBN 5344000316 annotation LIZ BOURBEAU Author of 13 books, including the bestseller “Listen to Your Body”, founder of the largest school of personal development in Quebec, whose branches and activities have spread throughout the French-speaking world, About 500 names of the most common diseases and ailments in alphabetical order - what is this, another popular medical reference book? Yes, there is simple, concise information about diseases and their symptoms. But the main feature of the book is that all the diseases in it, from runny nose and itching to cancer and AIDS, are considered only as... symptoms.

Symptoms of what?

Symptoms of the only serious illness are disorder in our psyche or, if you like, soul. Yes, this is indeed metaphysics. A person has not yet learned (and is unlikely to learn) to treat mental disorders with pills or a scalpel. But this does not mean at all that a person is powerless. Man is omnipotent, he is GOD. But I forgot about it. I got carried away by the temptations of physical existence. And, of course, now he is paying. It's high time to remember. The Age of Aquarius is just around the corner... Liz Burbo Your body says “Love yourself!” If a person wants to become healthy, then first you need to ask him if he is ready to get rid of the causes of the disease. Only after this can he be helped.


ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Thanks to everyone who shared their knowledge with me, especially Louise Hay from the USA, who first introduced me to the wonderful world of metaphysics. Thanks to all the wonderful people who have been working with me for many years in the Listen to Your Body program and are always ready to help me with their useful advice. Thanks to Monica Bourbeau Shields, Odette Pelletier, Bernard Combe, and Laurette Cyr, who proofread this book and prepared it for publication. Special thanks to Dr. Luc Lupien, who became interested in the metaphysical aspects of health and was my consultant on issues related to physical definitions and descriptions of disease. Finally, a huge THANK YOU to all the participants in the Listen to Your Body practical courses: you helped me write much of this book by talking about your illnesses and how you recovered by learning to listen to the messages of your body.

With love,

Liz Burbo (signed)

What is the metaphysical significance of hereditary or genetic disease? At first glance, a hereditary disease suggests that a person has inherited the way of thinking and life of the parent who is a carrier of the disease. In reality, he did not inherit anything; he simply chose this parent because they both need to learn the same lesson in this life. Failure to acknowledge this usually results in the parent blaming himself for the child's illness, and the child blaming the parent for his illness. Very often, the child not only blames the parent, but also does everything possible to avoid becoming like him. This creates even greater confusion in the souls of both. Thus, a person suffering from a hereditary disease must accept this choice because the world has given him a wonderful opportunity to take a huge leap in his spiritual development. He must accept his illness with love, otherwise it will continue to be passed on from generation to generation. The greater the energy reserve, the later a person will reach the limit of his physical capabilities. Sometimes it happens that a person reaches this limit last, after the limits of emotional and mental capabilities have been reached. Consider, as an example, a person who experienced a strong sense of injustice as a child. Since then, every time he experienced a feeling of injustice, it awakened and intensified the old pain. One day he will once again experience this feeling and reach the limit of his capabilities, and then a disease will arise in his body. Is it possible to recover without realizing the true cause of your illness? Certainly! There is nothing unusual about this. Perhaps a person recovers precisely because he has already done all the necessary internal work, without realizing it. Since a person acts consciously on average only 10% of the time, it is not surprising that we usually experience all the blockages, emotions, resentments and even hatred without realizing it. Therefore, we may well unconsciously forgive someone or get rid of a grudge, and then the disease will certainly recede. Recovery can also be mental in nature, that is, a person can recover if he has great faith in the skill of the doctor, medicine, therapy, positive ideas, prayers, etc. Such recovery is temporary, and the disease will return when some event opens an unhealed, that is, unforgiven, internal wound. Why do some people get serious and even fatal diseases, while others only get mild ones? The main determining factor is the significance of the trauma experienced in childhood - how the child perceived some traumatic event. Another important factor is how the child experienced the trauma. If he experienced it alone, that is, did not share his experiences with anyone, the likelihood of a serious illness is very high. In general, those who hide their emotional suffering are more likely to suffer from serious illnesses. The main psychological traumas that are often repressed into the subconscious are the feeling of rejection, abandonment, humiliation, betrayal and injustice. In humans, as in animals, pain has a mainly biological meaning, which consists in limiting the movements of the entire body and its affected part so that recovery takes place under optimal conditions. Pain can also be felt in the active phase of the conflict (“cold” illness) - for example, with angina pectoris or a stomach ulcer. During the healing phase (“hot” illness), pain may be caused by inflammation, infection, swelling or scarring.

I found Dr. Hamer's research very interesting, as well as the research of several other medical scientists, such as Dr. Siegel and Dr. Simonton. These scientists open up new horizons of medicine for us. I cannot claim that these theories are the absolute truth, since absolute truth does not exist. Try to let everything pass through your heart, for this is the only way you can find your truth. I personally know several doctors who use the ideas of Dr. Hamer’s “new medicine” in their practice and get excellent results. They have managed to combine a traditional approach with an innovative one, and their customers really like it. You must make your own choice. But in any case, you should know that the doctor usually deals only with your physical body, while the health of your emotional, mental and spiritual bodies depends solely on you. I want to add only one thing to the ideas of Dr. Hamer: it is not enough to eliminate or extinguish the conflict, it must be finally resolved so that it never recurs. Let me return to the example of a person who gets sinusitis while on vacation. He solved his problem only temporarily. To finally resolve it, he must go through all the stages of true forgiveness described at the end of this book. This is the only way to avoid recurrence of sinusitis. Thus, eliminating conflict and resolving conflict are not the same thing. METAPHYSICAL MEANING OF DISEASES AND ILLNESSES(In alphabet order) ABORTION Physical blocking Abortion is the termination of pregnancy before the end of the sixth month, that is, until the moment from which the child can survive and develop independently. After six months, they no longer talk about abortion, but about premature birth. The following forms of abortion are distinguished: * Spontaneous abortion. It occurs suddenly and ends with the expulsion of the fetus, often already dead, and the placenta. This type of abortion is usually called MISCARRIOR. * Induced abortion. Since an induced abortion is performed in a hospital setting no later than the second month of pregnancy, the likelihood of complications is much lower than with clandestine abortions. * Artificial therapeutic abortion is carried out under the supervision of doctors if the health of a pregnant woman does not allow her to bear the fetus for the full term of pregnancy. Emotional blockage In most cases, spontaneous abortion, or miscarriage, is a consequence of the unconscious choice of the mother or the soul of the child she carries in her body. Either the child's soul makes a different decision, or the mother does not feel ready for the birth of a child. During pregnancy, mother and child communicate with each other on a soul level. It is possible that this particular soul will return to this particular woman when she becomes pregnant again, then an abortion or miscarriage is nothing more than a delay. When a woman voluntarily decides to have an abortion, it means that she is very afraid. If complications arise during an abortion, this also increases the feeling of guilt. It is very important that she explains to the child’s soul that she is afraid and that she gives herself the right to this weakness. Otherwise, the guilt could cause further complications if she ever becomes pregnant again. She will constantly think about the child she refused to carry. During a therapeutic abortion, a woman experiences the same thing as during a spontaneous abortion, with the only difference that she cannot make a decision on her own and prefers that doctors make it. She might have felt much more guilty if she had made the decision to have an abortion on her own. An abortion or miscarriage usually coincides with some failed project or unfulfilled hopes. Thinking about the bad, a woman cannot or does not want to continue carrying a child. Mental blocking I have repeatedly observed young women who, after an abortion, constantly suffered from various diseases of the genital organs. Feeling guilty of ending human life, they began to punish themselves. Some women after an abortion continue to carry a so-called “psychological child” - their belly becomes larger, as if they were actually pregnant. Some people develop fibroids in the uterus - a sign that they have not fully accepted their choice. If you have had an abortion, you must tell yourself that having a child is simply beyond your capabilities at this time. If you are just considering having an abortion, I strongly recommend that you seriously reconsider everything. In my opinion, if a woman becomes pregnant, then this is part of the experience that she should receive in real life, and if she does not succumb to her fears and entrusts herself to the Divine, everything will be fine. Most people have more strength, both mentally and physically, than they think, so if you think you've reached your limits, you probably haven't. It is also very important not to fall under anyone's influence. Try to establish contact with the soul of the little creature within you and make a decision yourself. If you decide to have an abortion, know that your action towards the child will certainly entail some consequences, the nature of which will depend on the reason why you decided to have an abortion. If you are at peace with yourself, it will be easier for you to accept the consequences of your decision. Instead of seeing good or evil in an action, a wise person understands that all his actions and decisions have certain consequences. Therefore, you must - on a spiritual and emotional level - accept the inevitability that one day you too will receive serious rejection or be rejected. Also, tell yourself that you don't have to always succeed and cope with every problem. Recognize that your options are limited. Spiritual Blockage and Conclusion To understand the spiritual blockage that is preventing you from meeting an important need of your true Self, ask yourself the questions given at the end of this book. Answering these questions will allow you to more accurately determine the real cause of your physical problem. ABSCESS Physical blockage An abscess is a collection of pus in one place. There are hot and cold abscesses. With a hot abscess (which is much more common), pus accumulates very quickly and all four signs of inflammation appear: swelling, redness, temperature and pain. A cold abscess is characterized by a slow accumulation of fluid in one place without signs of inflammation. Emotional blockage An abscess is a sign of repressed anger, which in turn creates despair, feelings of powerlessness and failure. The joy of life is drowned in sadness and anger. Since an abscess usually causes pain, guilt is added to this suppressed anger. In order to determine which area of ​​life this anger relates to, you should analyze the place where the abscess arose. If it occurs on one of the limbs, the person is dissatisfied with the direction his life is taking, his future or the place he plans to go to. Mental blockage Do not forget that in thoughts, as in everything else, lack of order leads to dirt and infection. Maybe you think badly about yourself or other people? Is your anger related to the desire to harm someone? Maybe your anger has already reached the limit beyond which you can no longer contain it? You probably also feel shame about the fear that lurks within you. (See also "features of inflammatory diseases.") Spiritual Blockage and Conclusion To understand the spiritual blockage that is preventing you from meeting an important need of your true Self, ask yourself the questions given at the end of this book. Answering these questions will allow you to more accurately determine the real cause of your physical problem. CAR (MOTION SHAKING) See the article MOTION SICKNESS IN TRANSPORT. AGORAPHOBIA Physical blocking Agoraphobia is a morbid fear of open spaces and public places. This is the most common of phobias. Women suffer from it twice as often as men. Many men try to drown their agoraphobia in alcohol. They believe that it is better to become an alcoholic than to show their uncontrollable fear. Those suffering from agoraphobia also often complain of living in constant anxiety and worry, almost to the point of panic. An alarming situation causes a whole series of physical reactions in an agoraphobe (rapid heartbeat, dizziness, muscle tension or weakness, sweating, difficulty breathing, nausea, urinary incontinence, etc.), which can turn into real panic; cognitive reactions (a sense of unusualness of what is happening, fear of losing control of oneself, going crazy, being ridiculed in public, losing consciousness or dying, etc.), as well as behavioral reactions (agoraphobe tries to avoid situations associated with anxiety and worry, as well as with moving away from a place or person that he considers “safe.”) Most agoraphobes suffer from HYPOGLYCEMIA, so see also the related article. Emotional blocking The fear and other feelings experienced by an agoraphobe are so strong that they cause him to avoid situations associated with tension and anxiety. For this reason, an agoraphobe usually tries to find a close, “safe” person with whom he can go out and appear in public, as well as a “safe” place where he can hide. Some agoraphobes end up stopping leaving the house altogether, always finding some excuse for it. Of course, their fears are unrealistic, and the disasters they fear never happen. Most agoraphobes experience strong dependence on their mother in their youth and then feel responsible for her happiness. An agoraphobe can help himself emotionally if he establishes a normal relationship with his mother. Mental blocking The two main fears of an agoraphobe are the fear of death and the fear of madness. I have met agoraphobes who have not shown the slightest improvement in fifteen years; For me, this became an incentive to create an interesting theory, which has already practically helped many people suffering from this disease. The thing is that fears arise in early childhood and are experienced alone. The reason for the development of agoraphobia in a child is often the death or madness of someone close to him. It is also possible that the agoraphobe himself had a close encounter with death in childhood or adolescence, or that he adopted the fear of death or madness from one of his family members. The fear of death permeates all levels of the personality of an agoraphobe, although the latter is not always and not fully aware of this. He is terrified of any change, since change symbolizes death for him and causes severe anxiety and acute attacks of agoraphobia. These types of changes include the transition from childhood to adolescence, from adolescence to adulthood, from single life to marriage, moving, changing jobs, pregnancy, accident, separation, death of a family member or the birth of a child, etc. These fears may lurk at an unconscious level for many years, but one day, when the agoraphobe reaches the limit of his emotional and mental capabilities, they burst out into the open. Agoraphobes usually have a very rich and uncontrollable imagination. He invents completely unrealistic situations and convinces himself that he will not be able to survive the imaginary changes. Very often he mistakes this intense mental activity for madness. He does not dare to talk about his fears with anyone, because he is afraid that he will be taken for a madman. He should understand that this is not madness, but poorly controlled hypersensitivity.

If you find yourself with the symptoms described above, know that what is happening to you is not fatal and is not madness. It’s just that in childhood or adolescence you paid too much attention to the emotions of other people, because you considered yourself responsible for their happiness or unhappiness. As a result, you have developed excessive sensitivity in yourself in order to always be on guard and prevent all kinds of misfortunes. Now the most important thing for you is to understand the true meaning of responsibility. The responsibility you believed in until today has not brought you anything good. A correct understanding of responsibility is the basis of my entire theory. Spiritual Blockage and Conclusion To understand the spiritual blockage that is preventing you from meeting an important need of your true Self, ask yourself the questions given at the end of this book. Answering these questions will allow you to more accurately determine the real cause of your physical problem. ADDISON'S DISEASE This disease occurs when the adrenal glands do not produce enough hormones responsible for skin pigmentation. See ADRENAL GLANDS (PROBLEMS) and SKIN (PROBLEMS). Since this disease is often accompanied by HYPOGLYCEMIA, see also the corresponding article. ADENITIS Adenitis is inflammation of the lymph nodes. See the article LYMPH NODES (TUMORS) with the addition that a person suppresses anger. See also the explanation of “features of inflammatory diseases”. ADENOIDS Physical blockage This disease most often occurs in children and manifests itself in swelling of the overgrown tissues of the nasopharynx, which makes nasal breathing difficult, forcing the child to breathe through the mouth. Emotional blockage A child suffering from this disease is usually very sensitive; he can anticipate events long before they happen. Very often, he, consciously or unconsciously, predicts these events much better and earlier than the persons interested or associated with them. For example, he may feel that something is not going well between his parents much earlier than they themselves realize it. As a rule, he tries to block these premonitions so as not to suffer. He is very reluctant to talk about them with those with whom he should talk, and prefers to experience his fears alone. A blocked nasopharynx is a sign that the child is hiding his thoughts or emotions for fear of not being understood. Mental blocking A child suffering from this disease feels superfluous and unloved. He may even believe that he himself is the cause of the problems that arise around him. He should check with close people whom he trusts the objectivity of his own ideas about himself. In addition, he must realize that if others do not understand him, this does not mean that they do not love him. Spiritual Blockage and Conclusion To understand the spiritual blockage that is preventing you from meeting an important need of your true Self, ask yourself the questions given at the end of this book. Answering these questions will allow you to more accurately determine the real cause of your physical problem. ADENOMA Adenoma is a benign tumor. See article TUMOR. ACNE (ACNE) Physical blockage As a rule, acne, or blackheads, appear only on the oiliest areas of the facial skin. They appear in early adolescence and disappear by the age of twenty, although some people are bothered by a good ten years. Common acne goes away within a few years without leaving any scars. But there are also so-called nodular (nodular) acne, which develop much longer and have unpleasant consequences from an aesthetic point of view, since ugly scars remain in their place. Emotional blocking We can say that acne is a sign of your subconscious desire to push others away, to prevent yourself from being looked at, especially up close. This skin disease means that you don’t love yourself, don’t know how to love yourself, and don’t respect yourself enough. Acne is a sign of a very sensitive but reserved nature. This is probably why we most often see them on the faces of teenagers, who, as a rule, place high demands on themselves and are often ashamed of themselves. Instead of hiding, they push people away with their skin disease. Acne often occurs in people who, in order to please those who love them or those whom they love, try to be different from who they are. See also the article SKIN DISEASES. Mental block If you are a teenager and suffer from acne, try to reconsider the way you treat yourself. Find out what exactly in your thoughts prevents you from being yourself, from showing your true individuality. Maybe you want to become like your father or mother, or maybe, on the contrary, you disapprove of the words and actions of your father or mother so much that you force yourself to be completely different from them. In both the first and second cases, you are not yourself. Ask other people how they perceive you. Compare their opinion with yours. If you are already out of adolescence, but still suffer from acne, try to mentally return to that age and carefully analyze everything that happened to you in those days. If your acne doesn't go away, it means you continue to suffer from psychological trauma from your teenage years and it's time for you to reconsider how you feel about yourself. If acne appears in adulthood, this may indicate that in adolescence you suppressed some negative emotions, in particular those associated with an attack on your individuality. Analyze everything that happened in your life immediately before acne appeared - this will help you understand what exactly you suppressed in yourself as a teenager. In this case, acne is a message: your body is helping you release the emotions that are hidden deep inside you and that you can no longer suppress. Suppressing any emotion requires a lot of energy. Your body is telling you that you should respect yourself more and embrace your inner beauty. Spiritual Blockage and Conclusion To understand the spiritual blockage that is preventing you from meeting an important need of your true Self, ask yourself the questions given at the end of this book. Answering these questions will allow you to more accurately determine the real cause of your physical problem. ALLERGY Physical blocking Allergy is an increased or perverted sensitivity of the body to some substance. Allergies are classified as diseases associated with the immune system. Emotional blocking An allergic person usually feels disgust towards someone and cannot tolerate that person. He has great difficulty adapting to people or situations. Such a person is often strongly impressed by other people, especially by those whom he himself wants to impress. Many allergy sufferers are touchy. They often consider themselves the object of aggression and exceed the necessary degree of self-defense. Allergies are always associated with some kind of internal contradiction. One half of an allergic person’s personality strives for something, while the other suppresses this desire. The same is true for his attitude towards people. So, for example, an allergy sufferer may rejoice in someone’s presence and at the same time want this person to leave: he loves this person, but at the same time does not want to show his dependence on him. Usually, after prolonged torment, he finds many shortcomings in his loved one. Very often, the cause of allergies lies in the fact that the parents of an allergic person had completely different views on life and constantly argued. Allergies can also be a good way to draw attention to yourself, especially if it manifests itself in difficulty breathing when the allergy sufferer cannot cope without the help of other people. Mental blocking If you suffer from allergies, it means that there is a repeating situation in your life that attracts you and repels you at the same time, or there is a person towards whom you feel hostility, but at the same time seek approval from his side - usually this is someone from your loved ones. It seems to you that if you live up to this person's expectations, he will truly love you. Try to understand that this is nothing more than dependence on this person, on his approval or disapproval. You should no longer think that submission is the only way to achieve love. Interestingly, allergies are very often associated with exactly what a person loves most. So, you can really love dairy products and suffer from allergies to them. If you suffer from allergies to certain foods, this may indicate that you find it difficult to recognize your right to enjoy the pleasures of life. Your life will become much easier and more enjoyable if you realize that you can achieve the attention of those you love without suffering. Perhaps as a child you were convinced that illness was a sure way to attract attention; but one should not think that this is the only way. If you are allergic to dust or to any animal, you may often feel like a target of aggression. Why do you suspect that others are aggressive towards you? I suggest you check these suspicions. As a rule, if a person is afraid of other people, the cause of fear should be sought in himself. Instead of thinking that the allergy is caused by some external factors, try to remember and analyze everything that happened to you during the day that preceded the allergic reaction. Perhaps you have interacted with people whom you cannot stand or even hate. Since you cannot change others, you have no choice but to learn to look at the world through the eyes of your heart. Spiritual Blockage and Conclusion To understand the spiritual blockage that is preventing you from meeting an important need of your true Self, ask yourself the questions given at the end of this book. Answering these questions will allow you to more accurately determine the real cause of your physical problem. ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE Physical blockage This disease usually affects older people and is characterized by gradual memory loss. People suffering from Alzheimer's disease easily remember events in the distant past and have difficulty remembering things that happened more recently. This is called fixation amnesia because the patient forgets events as they happen because he is unable to commit them to memory. Emotional blocking Alzheimer's disease is a way to escape from reality. As a rule, this disease affects someone who was interested in literally everything during an active age. Such a person had an excellent memory, but he did not always use it effectively. He reacted to literally everything that happened around him. He remembered details that other people did not notice or take into account. He boasted about his excellent memory and was proud of it. On the other hand, feeling obligated to someone, he was angry with these people for not paying enough attention to him or treating him differently than he would like. And now this disease helps him get rid of responsibility and manipulate other people, especially those who care for him. Mental blocking Unfortunately, this disease is usually fought not by the patient himself, but by the people who live next to him. The patient considers this disease to be the only way at his disposal to take revenge. He endured it in silence for a long time, and now he has a good reason to do whatever he wants. If you suffer from Alzheimer's disease and are currently reading this book, you should know that you can realize your desires without this disease. Think about the fact that you can maintain the respect and love of others, even if you want to do nothing else and not remember anything. Think about your past and present. Think about the good times you've had in your life and you will continue to truly live. If you want to read this explanation to someone close to you, take my advice: let that person read it themselves. Spiritual Blockage and Conclusion To understand the spiritual blockage that is preventing you from meeting an important need of your true Self, ask yourself the questions given at the end of this book. Answering these questions will allow you to more accurately determine the real cause of your physical problem. AMOEBIASE This is an infection of the rectum, accompanied by frequent diarrhea. See articles INTESTINES (PROBLEMS) and DIARRHEA. AMNESIA Physical blocking Amnesia is a complete or partial loss of memory. Unlike Alzheimer's disease, with amnesia the patient cannot remember facts that have long been recorded in his memory. Emotional blocking Amnesia is a kind of trick to get rid of memories that cause pain or discomfort. Mental Blockage If you are suffering from amnesia, know that you can overcome your inner limitations if you reconnect with the Divine within you. Your mind created these limitations and forced you to make this decision. You may have been unable to cope with some memories in the past, but you are most likely able to do so now. Tell yourself that you can overcome your past and think about the best way to do this. You will definitely find a way, especially if you allow other people to help you. Spiritual Blockage and Conclusion To understand the spiritual blockage that is preventing you from meeting an important need of your true Self, ask yourself the questions given at the end of this book. Answering these questions will allow you to more accurately determine the real cause of your physical problem. ANGINA Since tonsillitis is an acute inflammation of the tonsils, see the article TONSIL INFLAMMATION. ANDROPAUSE This is a natural process of decreased potency that begins in most men around the age of sixty. See also MENOPAUSE. ANEURYSM Physical blockage An aneurysm is an enlargement of a blood vessel, specifically an artery; With an aneurysm, the walls of the vessel stretch and take the shape of a sac. The risk of a crack or rupture of a blood vessel affected by an aneurysm increases manyfold. If the aneurysm is in the chest, the person will suffer from pain in that area and a cough and difficulty swallowing. If the aneurysm is located in the abdominal cavity, it is accompanied by abdominal pain and pronounced digestive problems. A brain aneurysm usually results from a congenital physical defect. If we are talking about a congenital aneurysm, see "metaphysical meaning of congenital disease". Emotional blocking This disease can manifest itself after great grief, especially family grief, which deprives a person of the joy of a previous relationship. A person suffering from an aneurysm is experiencing or has experienced some kind of rupture that literally breaks his heart. He also subconsciously blames himself for this breakup. He accumulated too many negative emotions and decided to break up because he was unable to contain them. Mental Blockage An aneurysm signals to you that you must immediately stop accumulating negative emotions and accept Spiritual Blockage and Conclusion To understand the spiritual blockage that is preventing you from meeting an important need of your true Self, ask yourself the questions given at the end of this book. Answering these questions will allow you to more accurately determine the real cause of your physical problem. ANEMIA Physical blockage Anemia is a decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood. Red blood cells deliver oxygen to the body's cells and remove carbon dioxide from them. Symptoms of anemia are: pale skin and mucous membranes, rapid breathing and heartbeat, severe fatigue. In addition, a patient with anemia may suffer from headaches, dizziness and tinnitus (signs of oxygen deprivation of the brain). Emotional blockage In metaphysics, blood symbolizes the joy of life. An anemic patient has lost the joy of life. Such a person may have difficulty accepting his incarnation and may even lose the desire to live altogether. He does not resist the despondency that increasingly takes possession of him, and loses contact with his desires and needs. He feels himself gradually fading. Mental block If you suffer from anemia, you must regain control of your life and stop depending on other people. Become more conscious of negative thoughts that prevent you from enjoying life. Release the little child in you who wants to play and have fun. Spiritual Blockage and Conclusion To understand the spiritual blockage that is preventing you from meeting an important need of your true Self, ask yourself the questions given at the end of this book. Answering these questions will allow you to more accurately determine the real cause of your physical problem. ANORGASMIA See the article ORGASM (ABSENCE). ANOREXIA Physical blocking Anorexia is a lack of appetite, which entails weight loss and deterioration in general physical condition. In most cases, paleness and dullness of the skin are also observed. This disease often occurs in girls or young women, much less often in boys and men, although recently I heard a completely opposite opinion. Very often anorexia is accompanied by bulimia. Since the person is unable to control himself, he eats greedily until he begins to vomit. In case of pronounced symptoms of such a “ravenous appetite”, see also the article BULIMIA. Emotional blockage By rejecting food, which is a symbol of our mother Earth, the anorexic person rejects his mother. By rejecting his mother, he rejects the feminine principle that is present in each of us. A woman suffering from anorexia must reassess her life and embrace her femininity instead of running away from it. A person with anorexia easily goes into the astral or imaginary world, because he does not want to do what he should do on this planet. He loses his appetite because he denies his desire to live and act. Mental block If you suffer from anorexia, you must first change your attitude towards your mother. Realize that she always wanted the best for you and that she, like any other person, can have her own fears and shortcomings. Perhaps she upset or disappointed you in some way, but do not forget that it is your attitude towards this or that event that makes you suffer, and not the event itself. You have the power to change this attitude. By accepting your mother and her love, in whatever forms it may appear, you accept your feminine side and regain your zest for life and appetite.

Spiritual Blockage and Conclusion To understand the spiritual blockage that is preventing you from meeting an important need of your true Self, ask yourself the questions given at the end of this book. Answering these questions will allow you to more accurately determine the real cause of your physical problem. ANUS (PROBLEMS) Physical blockage The anus is the final opening of the digestive canal. Benign and malignant LESIONS, BLEEDING, ABSCESSES, PAIN or ITCHING may occur here. Emotional Blockage Since the anus is the end point, on a metaphysical level it represents the end of an idea, relationship or any other process. If you feel pain in this place, it means that you feel guilty about wanting to stop something. This desire is so great that you literally cannot sit still. Itching speaks of an unsatisfied desire to stop or finish something. If an abscess appears in this place, see the article ABSCESS, taking into account the connection with the desire to stop, to finish something. Bleeding has the same meaning as an abscess, but it also adds a loss of zest for life associated with anger and disappointment. Mental blockage You shouldn't cling to the past so much; allow yourself to put an end to something old in order to open up to something new, but do it with joy, love and harmony with yourself. You must also realize that you can make decisions on your own, without advice or support from other people. Talk to that little voice inside you that makes you doubt yourself. Tell him that from now on you can take care of yourself and make decisions on your own, as you are ready to take responsibility for the consequences. Spiritual Blockage and Conclusion To understand the spiritual blockage that is preventing you from meeting an important need of your true Self, ask yourself the questions given at the end of this book. Answering these questions will allow you to more accurately determine the real cause of your physical problem. APNEA Physical block Apnea is an involuntary cessation of breathing. Apnea cannot last long, as it is followed by asphyxia caused by a lack of oxygen and an excess of carbon dioxide. Very often, a person suffering from apnea does not realize it at first. Emotional blocking Frequent attacks of apnea cause restlessness and anxiety: a person begins to fear that the next attack will be longer and end in death. It is necessary to find out when and under what circumstances apnea attacks occur. As a rule, they begin at a time when a person is in a relaxed state, and this suggests that he is blocking the circulation of life (oxygen) in his body and is very strongly restraining himself (carbon dioxide). Mental blockage If you suffer from sleep apnea and its attacks usually occur during rest or sleep, then I strongly recommend that you reconsider your attitude towards rest. Perhaps you think that you don’t live during rest, that these are two different states? Or is it just hard for you to stop and rest? If apnea occurs during work, ask yourself the same questions, but in connection with your attitude towards work. Spiritual Blockage and Conclusion To understand the spiritual blockage that is preventing you from meeting an important need of your true Self, ask yourself the questions given at the end of this book. Answering these questions will allow you to more accurately determine the real cause of your physical problem. APPENDICITIS Physical blockage Appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix. The disease is usually accompanied by pain throughout the abdominal cavity, digestive disorders, nausea and vomiting, intestinal obstruction, constipation; Sometimes certain types of food become intolerable. If the patient is not operated on in time, appendicitis can lead to peritonitis, a very serious complication. Emotional blocking Like all other diseases whose names end in –it, appendicitis occurs when a person suppresses anger in himself, since a feeling of insecurity and dependence on others does not allow him to express this anger. He is also afraid of someone who annoys him very much, but does not dare to show his attitude towards this person, to give free rein to his emotions. He feels a sense of hopelessness. This feeling, like the feeling of fear, is usually associated with the situation immediately preceding the first attack of appendicitis. Mental block Considering the fact that appendicitis can have serious complications, you should no longer wait and endure. Express your feelings. You've been holding back for too long, and if this state continues, everything in you may burst. There is no need to avoid a situation that makes you angry and fearful; try to experience it with love, taking into account your own imperfections and the imperfections of others. See also “features of inflammatory diseases”. Spiritual Blockage and Conclusion To understand the spiritual blockage that is preventing you from meeting an important need of your true Self, ask yourself the questions given at the end of this book. Answering these questions will allow you to more accurately determine the real cause of your physical problem. ARRHYTHMIA Arrhythmia is a violation of the frequency or sequence of heart contractions, therefore, see the article HEART (PROBLEMS), with the addition that the life of a person suffering from arrhythmia is characterized by some kind of irregularity, ups often give way to downturns, and joy - to sadness. He must figure out what is causing it, but first he must allow himself to be who he truly is at this time. ARTERIES (PROBLEMS) Physical blockage Arteries are blood vessels that carry blood from the heart to different organs and tissues of the body. (Veins are blood vessels that carry blood from organs and tissues back to the heart.) There are a number of factors that interfere with the normal functioning of arteries. Emotional Blockages Arteries are pathways along which the life force moves, both physically and symbolically. If a person has problems with the arteries, this means that he does not allow himself to live a full and joyful life. He lacks movement and communication in one or more areas of his life. Perhaps it's all about insufficient social activity. It is also possible that this person is suppressing joyful thoughts. He does not know how to listen to his heart and does not dare to create situations associated with joy and fun. Mental blocking It's time to stop worrying about trifles and restrain yourself. Stop and ask yourself what gives you the most pleasure. You do not have to constantly oscillate between physical and spiritual pleasures, that is, between desires and spiritual values. Try to give yourself all these pleasures, no matter how insignificant they may seem to you at first. You must learn to feel joy more or less regularly, and not just for short moments. Life is too important to be taken too seriously. Spiritual Blockage and Conclusion To understand the spiritual blockage that is preventing you from meeting an important need of your true Self, ask yourself the questions given at the end of this book. Answering these questions will allow you to more accurately determine the real cause of your physical problem. ARTERIOSCLEROSIS


ARTHRITIS Physical blockage This is a rheumatic disease of the joints, which is inflammatory in nature and is accompanied by all the characteristic signs of inflammation (swelling, redness, temperature, pain), which can appear in one or more joints. With arthritis, pain is felt both during movement and at rest, so the patient suffers both day and night. So, if you experience joint pain and inflammation at night, it's most likely arthritis. This disease reduces joint mobility, significantly limiting the patient's physical capabilities. Emotional blocking In medicine, there are several types of arthritis. The severity of this disease indicates the severity of the emotional, mental and spiritual blockages. As a rule, arthritis occurs in a person who is too strict with himself, does not allow himself to stop or relax, and does not know how to express his desires and needs. He believes that others know him well enough to offer him everything he may need. When others do not meet his expectations, he experiences disappointment, bitterness and resentment. He may also have a desire for revenge, although he feels powerless to do anything. This makes him angry, which he hides deep inside. Such a person has a very well developed “inner critic”. The place where arthritis occurs indicates the area of ​​life in which the source of all problems should be sought. So, if arthritis affects the joints of the hands, a person should reconsider his attitude to what he does with his hands. If he needs help, he should ask for it, and not wait for others to read his mind or guess that he needs help. People suffering from arthritis usually appear very submissive and quiet, but in reality they suppress the anger that they really want to express. Emotions are paralyzing, just like arthritis. A person with arthritis must stop accumulating these paralyzing emotions. Mental Blockage If you suffer from arthritis, think about why it is so difficult for you to express your needs and desires. Perhaps it seems to you that if you satisfy your desires, you will not be able to stop in time and will turn into an egoist. Check it out and you will see that you were wrong. Also, check your definition of the word egoist. Allow yourself to say “no” when you don’t want to do something, but if you decide to do something, do it with pleasure and don’t criticize yourself. If you don't give yourself a break because you want to gain recognition, recognize this and understand that you are doing it for yourself, and not because someone is forcing you. Give yourself the right to seek recognition from others by helping them, working for their benefit. If you work with joy and pleasure, and not under the pressure of internal criticism, life will seem more pleasant to you, you will become more flexible and energetic. (See also "features of inflammatory diseases.") Spiritual Blockage and Conclusion To understand the spiritual blockage that is preventing you from meeting an important need of your true Self, ask yourself the questions given at the end of this book. Answering these questions will allow you to more accurately determine the real cause of your physical problem. ARTHROSIS Physical blockage This is a chronic joint disease that differs from arthritis in that it is not inflammatory. People suffering from arthrosis suffer the most in the morning after waking up. It takes them some time to bring the diseased joint into action. A joint affected by arthrosis loses mobility and may crack during movement. Emotional blocking There are great similarities between arthritis and arthrosis, although with arthrosis a person experiences anger and malice mainly towards some other person, and with arthritis - towards himself. A patient with arthrosis does not take responsibility for his misfortunes, preferring to blame other people for them. He is consumed by a feeling of injustice. He should treat others with love and compassion and show more enthusiasm. See also ARTHRITIS. ASTIGMATISM Physical blocking Astigmatism is an uneven refractive power of the cornea or lens, which leads to image distortion. Emotional blockage Astigmatism is a sign of contradictions between a person's internal and social life. These contradictions are characteristic of a person who sees everything in his own way. It is difficult for such a person to look at things objectively. He thinks completely differently than the people around him think, and this is the cause of internal conflicts for him. He finds it difficult to accept changes initiated not by himself, but by someone else. It is difficult for him to see the point in a change that other people impose on him, but if this change is his personal idea, he accepts it quite easily. Such a person is very touchy. Mental block Why are you so afraid to look at things directly and objectively, maybe even through the eyes of other people? Perhaps when you were young, you decided that you would not allow other people to influence you and would live your own life. Maybe at that moment in your life this decision brought you some benefit, but life does not stand still, and therefore now you must reconsider this decision. Recognize that other people have the right to disagree with you. If someone thinks your point of view is wrong, this should not make you feel inferior. Once you realize this, you will get rid of major internal conflicts and achieve inner peace. See also the article EYES (PROBLEMS). Spiritual Blockage and Conclusion To understand the spiritual blockage that is preventing you from meeting an important need of your true Self, ask yourself the questions given at the end of this book. Answering these questions will allow you to more accurately determine the real cause of your physical problem. ASTHMA Physical blockage Asthma is intermittent. Its main symptom is difficulty breathing, with exhalation becoming strained and heavy, and inhalation becoming light and fast. This difficulty breathing is accompanied by a whistling sound in the chest, which can be heard through a stethoscope, and often without it. In the intervals between attacks, breathing normalizes, the whistling disappears. Emotional blockage Since it is easy for an asthmatic to inhale but difficult to exhale, his body tells him that he wants too much. He takes more than he should and gives with great difficulty. He wants to appear stronger than he really is, because he thinks that this will arouse love for himself. He is not able to realistically assess his capabilities and abilities. He wants everything to be the way he wants, and when this does not work out, he attracts attention to himself with an asthmatic “whistle”. Asthma is also a good excuse for him that he is not as strong as he would like. Mental blocking Asthma attacks are a serious signal that your desire to take as much as possible is poisoning and suffocating your body. It's time for you to finally admit your weaknesses and shortcomings, that is, recognize yourself as a human being. Get rid of the idea that power over other people can give you their respect and love, and do not try to dominate your loved ones with the help of your illness. See also the articles ALLERGY and LUNGS (PROBLEMS). ASPHYXIA Physical blockage Asphyxia is extreme difficulty breathing, or suffocation, that can result in death. When asphyxia occurs in the body, there is a lack of oxygen and an excess of carbon dioxide. Emotional blocking Asphyxia can occur in cases where a person hides the fear that paralyzes him for too long. Perhaps he manages to contain this fear for some time, but sooner or later a moment may come when some event destroys the blockage, the fear breaks out and becomes completely uncontrollable. Mental blockage You must restore contact with your great inner strength and understand that your life depends only on yourself. Become the master of your thoughts, face the part of yourself that is afraid and believes that fear can be deadly. In addition, since we are talking about difficulty breathing, see the article LUNGS (PROBLEMS). Spiritual Blockage and Conclusion To understand the spiritual blockage that is preventing you from meeting an important need of your true Self, ask yourself the questions given at the end of this book. Answering these questions will allow you to more accurately determine the real cause of your physical problem. ATHEROSCLEROSIS This disease, also called ARTERIOSCLEROSIS, affects the walls of large and medium-sized arteries. With atherosclerosis, the walls and elastic connective tissues of the artery become denser as a result of the deposition of cholesterol on them. Atherosclerosis often causes angina, which can lead to a heart attack. Men suffer from atherosclerosis five times more often than women. Atherosclerosis is also the main cause of arterial aneurysms. See the articles ARTERIES and HEART, with the addition that this disease is a consequence of too frequent grief, sharp criticism, as well as the inability to enjoy life, which causes internal ossification in the body. AUTISM Physical blocking In psychiatry, autism is understood as a condition in which a person is completely disconnected from reality and closed in on himself, in his inner world. Characteristic symptoms of autism include silence, painful withdrawal, loss of appetite, lack of the pronoun “I” in speech, and an inability to look people directly in the eyes. Emotional blocking Research into this disease shows that the causes of autism should be sought in infancy, before the age of 8 months. In my opinion, an autistic child is too strongly connected karmically to his mother. He unconsciously chooses illness to escape reality. Perhaps something very difficult and unpleasant happened between this child and his mother in a past life, and now he is taking revenge on her by rejecting the food and love that she offers him. His actions also indicate that he does not accept this incarnation. If you are the mother of a child with autism, I encourage you to read this passage out loud specifically for him. It doesn’t matter how many months or years old he is, his soul will understand everything. Mental blockage An autistic child must understand that if he decides to return to this planet, he needs to live this life and gain the necessary experience from it. He must believe that he has everything to live, and that only an active attitude towards life will give him the opportunity to develop spiritually. The child's parents should not blame themselves for his illness. They should realize that their child has chosen this condition and that autism is one of the things that he must experience in this life. Only he himself can one day decide to return to normal life. He can withdraw into himself for the rest of his life, or he can use this new incarnation to experience several other states.

About 500 names of the most common diseases and ailments in alphabetical order - what is this, another popular medical reference book?

Yes, there is simple, concise information about diseases and their symptoms. But the main feature of the book is that all the diseases in it, from runny nose and itching to cancer and AIDS, are considered only as... symptoms.

Symptoms of what?

Symptoms of the only serious illness are disorder in our psyche or, if you like, soul. Yes, this is indeed metaphysics. A person has not yet learned (and is unlikely to learn) to treat mental disorders with pills or a scalpel. But this does not mean at all that a person is powerless.

Man is omnipotent, he is GOD. But I forgot about it. I got carried away by the temptations of physical existence. And, of course, now he is paying.


Thanks to everyone who shared their knowledge with me, especially Louise Hay from the USA, who first introduced me to the wonderful world of metaphysics. Thanks to all the wonderful people who have been working with me for many years in the Listen to Your Body program and are always ready to help me with their useful advice.

Thanks to Monica Bourbeau Shields, Odette Pelletier, Bernard Combe, and Laurette Cyr, who proofread this book and prepared it for publication.

Special thanks to Dr. Luc Lupien, who became interested in the metaphysical aspects of health and was my consultant on issues related to physical definitions and descriptions of disease.

Finally, a huge THANK YOU to all the participants in the Listen to Your Body practical courses: you helped me write much of this book by talking about your illnesses and how you recovered by learning to listen to the messages of your body.

With love,

Liz Burbo (signed)


After fifteen years of various theoretical and practical research in the field of metaphysics, I decided to write a new book.

I prefer the term "metaphysics" to the term "psychosomatics" for the following reasons:

“Soma” means “that which has physical causes,” “psycho” means “that which comes from the soul.” Today, even traditional medicine recognizes that at least 75% of all diseases are psychosomatic, that is, they have both physical and emotional or mental causes.

In addition, the term “psychosomatics” is not very popular. This can be explained by the fact that most people feel insulted when their illnesses are called psychosomatic, since in their minds a psychosomatic illness is almost equivalent to some abnormal, imaginary illness, even a mental disorder. As a result of this misconception, they continue to look for the causes of their ordinary illnesses solely on the physical level.

I try to find a metaphysical component in all diseases and ailments, that is, factors operating beyond the physical level.

This book is a kind of dictionary reference book that will allow every reader to quickly and easily determine the underlying causes of their illnesses and ailments.

When our body begins to speak to us in the language of disease, illness and other physical problems, it wants us to become aware and change the way we think or act. By suffering, it tells us that we have reached our physical, emotional or mental limit, that we need to get rid of destructive internal attitudes and beliefs.

In this book, as in all my other books, I address the reader as “you.” This will make it easier for you to understand the text when you begin to look for the metaphysical meaning of your illness.

If this is your first time encountering practical metaphysics, my method may seem too primitive to you. You might react the way most people react when faced with something new: “How does she know all this? Why on earth should I believe what is written here?”

This is a normal reaction, so I am not asking you to immediately and unconditionally believe everything written in this book. But try not to reject everything out of hand. Read this book with an open mind and say to yourself: “Isn’t there some truth in this and something useful for me?” Do not forget that earlier, before medicine acquired such a dominant authority, metaphysics played its role. With the advent of psychoanalysis, it again began to strengthen its position. Freud himself said that there may be a certain connection between the body and the psyche. Carl Jung, his student, believed that “body and spirit constantly interact, just as the conscious and unconscious interact.” These statements are more than half a century old. Significant work on the revival of metaphysics was done by such famous scientists as Wilhelm Reich, Pierrakos, Fritz Perls, Louise Hay and many others.

Unfortunately, traditional medicine, as well as some branches of so-called “natural medicine,” still believe that disease is a hindrance to human happiness, and therefore continue to fight the symptoms. Eliminating a symptom without finding out the underlying (that is, metaphysical) cause of the disease is the same as removing some small red light bulb from the signal board in the cockpit of an airplane. Yes, the alarm signal will disappear, but this will certainly result in much more serious consequences.

To my great happiness, I discovered that any illness is a gift and an opportunity to restore the balance of the soul. The causes of illness should not be sought in the physical body, since in itself it means little. The life that is contained in it comes from the soul, from the spirit. The physical body simply reflects what is happening in the human soul. Any illness indicates that the body is trying to restore balance, since its natural state is health. All of the above is equally true for the emotional and mental bodies.

There is nothing to lose by exploring this approach; on the contrary, you can only win if you manage to use it to determine the true cause of the disease and methods of treating it. I warn you that your ego will most likely fiercely resist your attempts to find a solution, as you will have to analyze and, if necessary, change your beliefs, moral values ​​and way of thinking. The question of ego should be given special attention.

WHAT IS EGO? This is the totality of your memories, which over the years become more and more important to you and, finally, fill your entire personality. I'll explain in more detail. Your perception of an event is stored in memory. If the event was particularly happy or unpleasant, you decided that it should not be forgotten. Based on this memory, you came to some conclusion about how to avoid a similar event in the future if it upset you, or repeat it if it brought you joy. This conclusion gradually becomes a conviction, a belief.

Over time, such memories develop into separate complexes, subpersonalities that live their own lives within you. They feed on the energy they receive every time you allow them to control your life. They often remind you of themselves in a quiet inner voice, trying to influence your decisions.

Of course, if you believed in something, then most likely it was with the best intentions: you thought that this belief would help you become happier. Unfortunately, most of the beliefs accumulated from childhood turn out to be completely useless later when you become an adult. Some of them played a positive role at some stage of your life, the rest were false from the very beginning.

Look, for example, at a boy who just can’t learn to read and constantly hears from his parents or teachers something like this: “You’re not capable of anything, you’re too distracted. Nothing good will come of you." If the boy remembers these words and decides to believe them, a quiet voice will settle in his head, which will regularly remind him that he is not capable of anything; whenever he wants to study or undertake something, he will definitely hear this quiet voice. This subpersonality of his (this belief) will always be convinced that it helps to avoid suffering, and for this reason it will try to interfere with him in any endeavor.

The boy will grow up and become an adult man, but he will continue to listen to this voice and do everything to never again hear from anyone that he is not capable of anything. This voice, or belief, will give him many excuses that allow him to do nothing: “I’m not interested in this,” “I’ve changed my mind,” “It’s not time to act yet,” etc. Obviously, such a belief only brings harm - both to the boy and to the adult.

The ego consists of precisely such beliefs, and a person must be aware of them, otherwise they will prevent him from realizing his true desires, the true manifestations of his true individuality, his I AM.

This is the main reason for all our illnesses: OUR EGO IS TOO STRONG, ITS POWER IS TOO GREAT. If we allow the ego to control our lives and it prevents us from being who we should be, then part of our desires is blocked, and this leads to the fact that the part of our physical body that is necessary for the realization of these desires is blocked.

Let me give you an example from real life: one day a young woman came to me with acute tendinitis (inflammation of the tendon) in her right arm. I asked her what this pain prevents her from doing. She said the pain in her arm was preventing her from playing tennis. She could answer that the pain prevents her from holding the baby, washing the dishes, or doing anything else around the house. (If we can determine what a particular illness prevents us from doing in the physical world, this speeds up the search for its root cause.) From her answer, I immediately realized that the cause of the pain was some belief she had related to tennis. I asked her why she decided to take up tennis. She replied that she wanted to have a little fun, relax, since she has to take life very seriously - what can you do if her husband is at work all the time, and there are two small children at home.

She told me that three other women from the tennis club persuaded her to join them and play in pairs against each other once a week. And then tennis turned from entertainment into intense competition for her. When she made a mistake, her partner made it clear that she was unhappy with her performance. The tendinitis made her realize that she had previously been hesitant to insist on her opinion for fear of causing her friend's disapproval. And her belief that life should be taken very seriously did not allow her to enjoy the game. She remembered that her mother took life just as seriously, and realized that she was too hard on herself. She was burdened with so many worries that there was no time left for games and entertainment.

You have to understand that the point of tendonitis was not to make her stop playing tennis, but to make her CHANGE HER ATTITUDE about the game. Very often people believe that pain only means that they should start or stop doing something. This young woman apparently thought: “If my arm hurts so much, then she wants to tell me that I shouldn’t play tennis anymore.” ATTENTION! Such thoughts are a trick by which the ego tries to disguise some harmful belief. Why? THE EGO IS SIMPLY CONVINCED THAT EVERYTHING IT BELIEVES IS USEFUL AND GOOD FOR YOU.

Be especially careful when your illness seems purely physical to you. Here are some examples:

* the disease is caused by a lack of vitamins and disappears as soon as a person begins to take these vitamins;

* a man falls and breaks his arm;

* a person eats a lot of chocolate and gets indigestion;

* the person becomes physically tense and suffers from muscle pain for the next few days.

In such cases, it is very tempting to believe that the cause of the disease is purely physical. But since the physical, emotional and mental bodies of a person are inseparable from each other, I advise you not to succumb to the tricks of the ego, which wants you to shift all the blame to some external factor. I repeat: your ego refuses to take responsibility for the illness, because it considers as completely correct and useful that belief (that is, some part of the ego) that is the true cause of the accident, indigestion, etc.


The ego has its own will to live, but it can only survive and become the master of your life if you allow it to. This topic is discussed in detail in my other books.

Everyone has an ego, and this fact strengthens my belief that absolutely all diseases are associated with our emotional and mental bodies.

To argue that illnesses have only a physical cause, even if we are talking about injury due to an accident, indigestion, toothache, etc., is to forget about the mental and emotional bodies. The material shell of a person consists of three bodies, which during life are never separated from each other. When a person thinks deeply, his physical body acts automatically. When a person experiences fear or some other strong emotion, his heart begins to beat faster, and this is caused not only by physical reasons.

The most common causes of illness are negative thoughts and emotions, feelings of guilt, the need for attention and the desire to avoid an unpleasant situation. There are also easily suggestible people who often fall prey to popular beliefs - for example, that “a draft causes a runny nose.” Such people easily catch any infectious disease.

As the title of this book suggests, any illness is a reminder that you must love yourself. Why? Yes, because when a person loves himself, he is led by his heart, not by his ego.

Loving yourself means giving yourself the right to live a full life, and loving other people means giving them the right to live a full life.

Living life to the fullest means giving yourself the right to be human, that is, to experience experiences, to have fears, beliefs, misconceptions, shortcomings, desires and hopes, and finally to be AS YOU ARE NOW. You should not judge yourself, you should not think about what is good and what is bad, what is right and what is wrong. Just live in the moment and know that any decision you make will have consequences, pleasant or not.

That is why this book is intended primarily as a guide to returning your body to its natural state, that is, to a state of health, happiness, love and harmony.

As soon as you discover the mental attitude that is blocking you and is the cause of your illness, immediately move on to the first stage - the stage of unconditionally accepting yourself as you are, and work on your way of thinking until you achieve the necessary changes. Additional questions at the end of this book will help you with this.

Soon your body will become comfortable adjusting to these changes. Remember that the physical body is just a reflection of our soul. Participants in Listen to Your Body programs often tell me that they do not understand why the disease does not go away even after they understand its metaphysical meaning. It is not enough to simply accept or understand a situation or another person, THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS TO ACCEPT YOURSELF, THAT IS, FORGIVE YOURSELF. This idea is discussed in detail at the end of the book.

I also want to draw your special attention to the fact that even if you managed to independently find the cause of your illness, this does not mean that you should not see a doctor. The therapist will help your physical body while you explore yourself on an emotional, mental or spiritual level. Indeed, such studies are much easier to carry out if you are not bothered by pain.

You will probably be pleasantly surprised if you come across a doctor who believes that a person has not only a physical body, but also other, more subtle bodies, on the condition of which physical health largely depends. Fortunately, in Western civilization, the number of doctors who believe in a direct connection between soul and body is increasing every day; supporters of oriental medicine have always believed in this connection. Currently, many books have been published on the metaphysical aspects of physical illness.

There is also a large class of doctors called alternative medicine, so you have a great opportunity to exercise your sanity and decision-making ability. In the end, we are talking about your body, and you yourself are responsible for its health.

Try to get rid of prejudices and understand that the metaphysical approach to treatment is part of a new paradigm that is fueled by the energy of the Age of Aquarius. From a world in which the mind dominated, we are moving into a world where the spirit will dominate, where the soul, the ESSENCE of a person, will take its rightful place. People who refuse to accept these changes will find it increasingly difficult to remain happy, healthy and confident.


1. Find your disease and read the explanation of its meaning.

2. Remember or write down what concerns you or seemed most important to you in what you read.

3. Carefully read the additional questions at the end of the book and answer them - this will allow you to more accurately determine the cause of the disease.

4. Slowly, carefully read and feel the conclusion - the most important part of the book. This is where the process of improving your spiritual and physical condition begins.

Additional explanations of diseases and illnesses described in this book

What is the metaphysical significance of congenital disease?

Such a disease suggests that the soul, which incarnated in a newborn, brought with it to this planet some unresolved conflict from its past incarnation. The soul incarnates many times, and its earthly lives can be compared with our days. If a person injured himself and could not recover on the same day, then the next morning he will wake up with the same injury and will have to treat it.

Very often, a person suffering from a congenital disease treats it much more calmly than those around him. He must determine what the disease prevents him from doing, and then he will have no difficulty in figuring out its metaphysical meaning. In addition, he should ask himself questions like those given at the end of this book. As for the parents of this person, they should not feel guilty for his illness, since he chose it even before he was born.

What is the metaphysical significance of hereditary or genetic disease?

At first glance, a hereditary disease suggests that a person has inherited the way of thinking and life of the parent who is a carrier of the disease. In reality, he did not inherit anything; he simply chose this parent because they both need to learn the same lesson in this life. Failure to acknowledge this usually results in the parent blaming himself for the child's illness, and the child blaming the parent for his illness. Very often, the child not only blames the parent, but also does everything possible to avoid becoming like him. This creates even greater confusion in the souls of both.

Thus, a person suffering from a hereditary disease must accept this choice because the world has given him a wonderful opportunity to take a huge leap in his spiritual development. He must accept his illness with love, otherwise it will continue to be passed on from generation to generation.

What is the point of thousands of people getting sick or dying during an epidemic? Should they all learn the same lesson?

Over the past centuries, epidemics have claimed a huge number of human lives. As for their metaphysical meaning, it can be assumed that the intensity of the epidemic depends on the prevalence of the beliefs that support it. Everyone affected by the epidemic must understand that they are harming themselves by adopting other people's misconceptions.

This explanation applies primarily to diseases that kill thousands of people in a relatively short period of time - from several weeks to several months.

In my opinion, many other diseases - cancer, AIDS, diabetes, muscle wasting, heart disease, asthma, etc. - have become epidemic, as they affect millions of people every year; The number of victims is steadily increasing, despite active scientific research and discoveries in the field of medicine and pharmaceuticals. This suggests that we are moving in the wrong direction. Instead of medicating ourselves, we should forgive and love ourselves. The stages of true forgiveness are described in detail at the end of this book.

Why do most diseases occur at a certain age, although you claim that they are caused by beliefs that are formed in youth?

The disease begins the moment a person reaches his physical limit. Each person has their own limits of physical, emotional and mental energy. These limits are individual and determined for each person from the moment of his birth.

The time it takes to reach these limits depends on how much energy a person has and how many times he has experienced the same internal pain. The greater the energy reserve, the later a person will reach the limit of his physical capabilities. Sometimes it happens that a person reaches this limit last, after the limits of emotional and mental capabilities have been reached.

Consider, as an example, a person who experienced a strong sense of injustice as a child. Since then, every time he experienced a feeling of injustice, it awakened and intensified the old pain. One day he will once again experience this feeling and reach the limit of his capabilities, and then a disease will arise in his body.

Is it possible to recover without realizing the true cause of your illness?

Certainly! There is nothing unusual about this. Perhaps a person recovers precisely because he has already done all the necessary internal work, without realizing it. Since a person acts consciously on average only 10% of the time, it is not surprising that we usually experience all the blockages, emotions, resentments and even hatred without realizing it. Therefore, we may well unconsciously forgive someone or get rid of a grudge, and then the disease will certainly recede. Recovery can also be mental in nature, that is, a person can recover if he has great faith in the skill of the doctor, medicine, therapy, positive ideas, prayers, etc. Such a recovery is temporary, and the disease will return when some event opens an unhealed, that is, unforgiven, internal wound.

Why do some people get serious and even fatal diseases, while others only get mild ones?

The main determining factor is the significance of the trauma experienced in childhood - how the child perceived some traumatic event. Another important factor is how the child experienced the trauma. If he experienced it alone, that is, did not share his experiences with anyone, the likelihood of a serious illness is very high. In general, those who hide their emotional suffering are more likely to suffer from serious illnesses. The main psychological traumas that are often repressed into the subconscious are the feeling of rejection, abandonment, humiliation, betrayal and injustice.

What is the peculiarity of inflammatory diseases (their names usually end in “it” - sinusitis, bronchitis, arthritis, etc.)?

One day I heard about Dr. Gerd Hamer and his theory, which he calls “new medicine.” I got acquainted with his works and found a lot of interesting things in them.

In his opinion, inflammatory disease is a consequence of the resolution of some biological conflict. Once this conflict is eliminated or resolved, the body (with the help of the brain) enters the recovery phase (this phase is dominated by the parasympathetic nervous system), and it is at this point that it is struck by an infectious or inflammatory disease (example: a person feels that he is no longer in able to tolerate his boss, and decides to take a vacation. As soon as he arrives where he is going to spend his vacation, he begins to have sinusitis).

(A biological conflict is a strong shock that causes a feeling of helplessness and is experienced alone. As a rule, this is some kind of unpleasant event that happens completely unexpectedly. Ordinary conflicts in everyday life do not affect a person so strongly because they are standard and predictable and he has the opportunity and time to prepare.)

Even if the body has entered the recovery phase, you should not refuse the help of a doctor. Also check whether the conflict is actually resolved (with love and forgiveness) or is just suspended for a while.

Dr. Hamer also believes that of the approximately 1,000 diseases known to mankind, half are “hot” and the other half are “cold.” “Hot” illnesses (example: inflammation) indicate that some kind of conflict has been eliminated or resolved and that the body is restoring and renewing itself. According to Dr. Hamer's theory, all diseases consist of two phases, that is, approximately 500 diseases that begin as “cold” (the phase in which the conflict has not yet been resolved) eventually become “hot” (the phase that begins after the conflict has been resolved and on which the body begins to recover).

In humans, as in animals, pain has a mainly biological meaning, which consists in limiting the movements of the entire body and its affected part so that recovery takes place under optimal conditions.

Pain can also be felt in the active phase of the conflict (“cold” illness) - for example, with angina pectoris or a stomach ulcer. During the healing phase (“hot” illness), pain may be caused by inflammation, infection, swelling or scarring.

* * *

I found Dr. Hamer's research very interesting, as well as the research of several other medical scientists, such as Dr. Siegel and Dr. Simonton. These scientists open up new horizons of medicine for us. I cannot claim that these theories are the absolute truth, since absolute truth does not exist. Try to let everything pass through your heart, for this is the only way you can find your truth.

I personally know several doctors who use the ideas of Dr. Hamer’s “new medicine” in their practice and get excellent results. They have managed to combine a traditional approach with an innovative one, and their customers really like it. You must make your own choice. But in any case, you should know that the doctor usually deals only with your physical body, while the health of your emotional, mental and spiritual bodies depends solely on you.

To Dr. Hamer's ideas, I want to add only one thing: it is not enough to eliminate or extinguish the conflict, it must be finally resolved so that it never recurs. Let me return to the example of a person who gets sinusitis while on vacation. He solved his problem only temporarily. For its final solution, he must go through all the stages of true forgiveness,

Liz Burbo

Your body says “Love yourself!”

If a person wants to become healthy, then first you need to ask him if he is ready to get rid of the causes of the disease. Only after this can he be helped.



Thanks to everyone who shared their knowledge with me, especially Louise Hay from the USA, who first introduced me to the wonderful world of metaphysics. Thanks to all the wonderful people who have been working with me for many years in the Listen to Your Body program and are always ready to help me with their useful advice.

Thanks to Monica Bourbeau Shields, Odette Pelletier, Bernard Combe, and Laurette Cyr, who proofread this book and prepared it for publication.

Special thanks to Dr. Luc Lupien, who became interested in the metaphysical aspects of health and was my consultant on issues related to physical definitions and descriptions of disease.

Finally, a huge THANK YOU to all the participants in the Listen to Your Body practical courses: you helped me write much of this book by talking about your illnesses and how you recovered by learning to listen to the messages of your body.

With love,

Liz Burbo (signed)


After fifteen years of various theoretical and practical research in the field of metaphysics, I decided to write a new book.

I prefer the term "metaphysics" to the term "psychosomatics" for the following reasons:

"Soma" means "that which has physical causes" "psycho"- “what comes from the soul.” Today, even traditional medicine recognizes that at least 75% of all diseases are psychosomatic, that is, they have both physical and emotional or mental causes.

In addition, the term “psychosomatics” is not very popular. This can be explained by the fact that most people feel insulted when their illnesses are called psychosomatic, because in their minds psychosomatic illness is almost equivalent to some abnormal, imaginary illness, even mental illness. As a result of this misconception, they continue to look for the causes of their ordinary illnesses solely on the physical level.

I try to find a metaphysical component in all diseases and ailments, that is, factors operating beyond the physical level.

This book is a kind of dictionary-reference book that will allow every reader to quickly and easily determine the underlying causes of their illnesses and ailments.

When our body begins to speak to us in the language of disease, illness and other physical problems, it wants us to become aware and change the way we think or act. By suffering, it tells us that we have reached our physical, emotional or mental limit, that we need to get rid of destructive internal attitudes and beliefs.

In this book, as in all my other books, I address the reader as “you.” This will make it easier for you to understand the text when you begin to look for the metaphysical meaning of your illness.

If this is your first time encountering practical metaphysics, my method may seem too primitive to you. You might react the way most people react when faced with something new: “ How does she know all this? Why on earth should I believe what is written here?”

This is a normal reaction, so I am not asking you to immediately and unconditionally believe everything written in this book. But try and don't reject everything from the doorstep. Read this book with an open mind and say to yourself: “ Isn’t there some truth in this and something useful for me?” Do not forget that earlier, before medicine acquired such a dominant authority, metaphysics played its role. With the advent of psychoanalysis, it again began to strengthen its position. Freud himself said that there may be a certain connection between the body and the psyche. Carl Jung, his student, believed that “body and spirit constantly interact, just as the conscious and unconscious interact.” These statements are more than half a century old. Significant work on the revival of metaphysics was done by such famous scientists as Wilhelm Reich, Pierrakos, Fritz Perls, Louise Hay and many others.

Your body says “Love yourself!”

If a person wants to become healthy, then first you need to ask him if he is ready to get rid of the causes of the disease. Only after this can he be helped.



After fifteen years of various theoretical and practical research in the field of metaphysics, I decided to write a new book.

I prefer the term "metaphysics" to the term "psychosomatics" for the following reasons:

"Soma" means "that which has physical causes" "psycho"- “what comes from the soul.” Today, even traditional medicine recognizes that at least 75% of all diseases are psychosomatic, that is, they have both physical and emotional or mental causes.

In addition, the term “psychosomatics” is not very popular. This can be explained by the fact that most people feel insulted when their illnesses are called psychosomatic, because in their minds psychosomatic illness is almost equivalent to some abnormal, imaginary illness, even mental illness. As a result of this misconception, they continue to look for the causes of their ordinary illnesses solely on the physical level.

I try to find a metaphysical component in all diseases and ailments, that is, factors operating beyond the physical level.

This book is a kind of dictionary-reference book that will allow every reader to quickly and easily determine the underlying causes of their illnesses and ailments.

When our body begins to speak to us in the language of disease, illness and other physical problems, it wants us to become aware and change the way we think or act. By suffering, it tells us that we have reached our physical, emotional or mental limit, that we need to get rid of destructive internal attitudes and beliefs.

In this book, as in all my other books, I address the reader as “you.” This will make it easier for you to understand the text when you begin to look for the metaphysical meaning of your illness.

If this is your first time encountering practical metaphysics, my method may seem too primitive to you. You might react the way most people react when faced with something new: “ How does she know all this? Why on earth should I believe what is written here?”

This is a normal reaction, so I am not asking you to immediately and unconditionally believe everything written in this book. But try and don't reject everything from the doorstep. Read this book with an open mind and say to yourself: “ Isn’t there some truth in this and something useful for me?” Do not forget that earlier, before medicine acquired such a dominant authority, metaphysics played its role. With the advent of psychoanalysis, it again began to strengthen its position. Freud himself said that there may be a certain connection between the body and the psyche. Carl Jung, his student, believed that “body and spirit constantly interact, just as the conscious and unconscious interact.” These statements are more than half a century old. Significant work on the revival of metaphysics was done by such famous scientists as Wilhelm Reich, Pierrakos, Fritz Perls, Louise Hay and many others.

Unfortunately, traditional medicine, as well as some branches of so-called “natural medicine,” still believe that disease is a hindrance to human happiness, and therefore continue to fight symptoms. Eliminating a symptom without finding out the deep (that is, metaphysical) cause of the disease is the same as taking out some small red light bulb from the signal board in the cockpit of an airplane. Yes, the alarm signal will disappear, but this will certainly result in much more serious consequences.

To my great happiness, I discovered that any illness is a gift and an opportunity to restore the balance of the soul. The causes of illness should not be sought in the physical body, since in itself it means little. The life that is contained in it comes from the soul, from the spirit. The physical body simply reflects what is happening in the human soul. Any illness indicates that the body is trying to restore balance, since its natural state is health. All of the above is equally true for the emotional and mental bodies.

There is nothing to lose by exploring this approach; on the contrary, you can only win if you manage to use it to determine the true cause of the disease and methods of treating it. I warn you that yours ego, will most likely desperately resist your attempts to find a solution, since you will have to analyze and, if necessary, change your beliefs, moral values ​​and way of thinking. Question about ego should be given special attention.

WHAT IS EGO? This is the totality of your memories, which over the years become more and more important to you and, finally, fill your entire personality. I'll explain in more detail. Your perception of an event is stored in memory. If the event was particularly happy or unpleasant, you decided that it should not be forgotten. Based on this memory, you came to some conclusion about how to avoid a similar event in the future if it upset you, or repeat it if it brought you joy. This conclusion gradually becomes a conviction, belief.

Such memories eventually develop into separate complexes, subpersonalities, living their lives in you. They feed on the energy they receive every time you allow them to control your life. Often they remind of themselves quietly with an inner voice, trying to influence your decisions.

Of course, if you believed in something, then most likely it was with the best intentions: you thought that this faith would help you become happier. Unfortunately, most beliefs accumulated since childhood turn out to be completely useless later when you become an adult. Some of them played a positive role at some stage of your life, the rest were false from the very beginning.

Look, for example, at a boy who can’t learn to read and constantly hears something like this from his parents or teachers: “You are not capable of anything, you are too distracted. Nothing good will come of you." If the boy remembers these words and decides to believe them, a quiet voice will settle in his head, which will regularly remind him that he is not capable of anything; whenever he wants to study or undertake something, he will definitely hear this small voice. This subpersonality of his (this belief) will always be convinced that it helps to avoid suffering, and for this reason it will try to interfere with him in any endeavor.

The boy will grow up and become an adult man, but he will continue to listen to this voice and do everything to never again hear from anyone that he is not capable of anything. This voice, or belief, will give him many excuses that allow him to do nothing: “I’m not interested in this,” “I’ve changed my mind,” “It’s not time to act yet,” etc. Obviously, such a belief only brings harm - both to the boy and to the adult.

Ego consists of precisely such beliefs, and a person must be aware of them, otherwise they will prevent him from realizing his true desires, the true manifestations of his true individuality, his I AM .

This is the main reason for all our illnesses: OUR EGO IS TOO STRONG, ITS POWER IS TOO GREAT. If we allow ego control our lives and it prevents us from being who we should be, then some of our desires are blocked, and this leads to the fact that that part of our physical body that is necessary for the realization of these desires is also blocked .

Let me give you an example from real life: one day a young woman came to me with acute tendinitis (inflammation of the tendon) in her right arm. I asked her what this pain prevents her from doing. She said the pain in her arm was preventing her from playing tennis. She might answer that the pain prevents her from holding the baby, washing the dishes, or doing anything else around the house. (If it is possible to determine What this or that disease prevents us from doing anything in the physical world, this speeds up the search for its root cause.) From her answer, I immediately understood that the cause of the pain was some kind of belief she had associated with tennis. I asked her why she decided to take up tennis. She replied that she wanted to have a little fun, relax, since she has to take life very seriously - what can you do if her husband is at work all the time, and there are two small children at home.

She told me that three other women from the tennis club persuaded her to join them and play in pairs against each other once a week. And then tennis turned from entertainment into intense competition for her. When she made a mistake, her partner made it clear that she was unhappy with her performance. The tendinitis made her realize that she had previously been hesitant to insist on her opinion for fear of causing her friend's disapproval. And her belief that life should be taken very seriously did not allow her to enjoy the game. She remembered that her mother took life just as seriously, and realized that she was too hard on herself. She was burdened with so many worries that there was no time left for games and entertainment.

You have to understand that the point of tendonitis was not to make her stop playing tennis, but to make her CHANGE HER ATTITUDE about the game. Very often people believe that pain only means that they should start or stop doing something. This young woman apparently thought like this: “ Since my hand hurts so much, it means she wants to tell me that I shouldn’t play tennis anymore.” ATTENTION! Such thoughts are a trick by which the ego tries to disguise some harmful belief. Why? THE EGO IS SIMPLY CONVINCED THAT EVERYTHING IT BELIEVES IS USEFUL AND GOOD FOR YOU .

Be especially careful when your illness seems to you exclusively physical. Here are some examples:

* the disease is caused by a lack of vitamins and disappears as soon as a person begins to take these vitamins;

* a man falls and breaks his arm;

* a person eats a lot of chocolate and gets indigestion;

* the person becomes physically tense and suffers from muscle pain for the next few days.

In such cases, it is very tempting to believe that the cause of the disease is purely physical. But since the physical, emotional and mental bodies of a person are inseparable from each other, I advise you not to succumb to the tricks of the ego, which wants you to shift all the blame to some external factor. I repeat: your ego refuses to take responsibility for the illness, because it considers as completely correct and useful that belief (that is, some part of the ego) that is the true cause of the accident, indigestion, etc.


The ego has its own will to live, but it can only survive and become the master of your life if you allow it to. This topic is discussed in detail in my other books.

Everyone has an ego, and this fact strengthens my belief that absolutely all diseases are associated with our emotional and mental bodies.

To argue that illnesses have only a physical cause, even if we are talking about injury due to an accident, indigestion, toothache, etc., is to forget about the mental and emotional bodies. The material shell of a person consists of three bodies, which during life are never separated from each other. When a person thinks deeply, his physical body acts automatically. When a person experiences fear or some other strong emotion, his heart begins to beat faster, and this is caused not only by physical reasons.

The most common causes of illness are negative thoughts and emotions, feelings of guilt, the need for attention and the desire to avoid an unpleasant situation. There are also easily-suggested people who often fall prey to popular beliefs - for example, that “a draft causes a runny nose.” Such people are easy pick up any infectious disease.

As the title of this book suggests, any illness is a reminder that you must love yourself. Why? Yes, because when a person loves himself, he is led by his heart, not by his ego.

Loving yourself means giving yourself the right to live a full life, and loving other people means giving them the right to live a full life.

Living life to the fullest means giving yourself the right to be human, that is, to experience experiences, to have fears, beliefs, misconceptions, shortcomings, desires and hopes, and finally to be AS YOU ARE NOW. You should not judge yourself, you should not think about what is good and what is bad, what is right and what is wrong. Just live in the moment and know that any decision you make will have consequences, pleasant or not.

That is why this book is intended primarily as a guide to returning your body to its natural state, that is, to a state of health, happiness, love and harmony.

As soon as you discover the mental attitude that is blocking you and is the cause of your illness, immediately move on to the first stage - the stage of unconditionally accepting yourself as you are, and work on your way of thinking until you achieve the necessary changes. Additional questions at the end of this book will help you with this.

Soon your body will become comfortable adjusting to these changes. Remember that the physical body is just a reflection of our soul. Program participants "Listen to Your Body“They often tell me that they do not understand why the disease does not go away even after they understand its metaphysical meaning. It is not enough to simply accept or understand a situation or another person, THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS TO ACCEPT YOURSELF, THAT IS FORGIVE YOURSELF. This idea is discussed in detail at the end of the book.

I also want to draw your special attention to the fact that even if you managed to independently find the cause of your illness, this does not mean that you should not see a doctor. The therapist will help your physical body while you explore yourself on an emotional, mental or spiritual level. Indeed, such studies are much easier to carry out if you are not bothered by pain.

You will probably be pleasantly surprised if you come across a doctor who believes that a person has not only a physical body, but also other, more subtle bodies, on the condition of which physical health largely depends. Fortunately, in Western civilization, the number of doctors who believe in a direct connection between soul and body is increasing every day; supporters of oriental medicine have always believed in this connection. Currently, many books have been published on the metaphysical aspects of physical illness.

There is also a large class of doctors called alternative medicine, so you have a great opportunity to exercise your sanity and decision-making ability. In the end, we are talking about your body, and you yourself are responsible for its health.

Try to get rid of prejudices and understand that the metaphysical approach to treatment is part of a new paradigm that is fueled by the energy of the Age of Aquarius. From a world in which the mind dominated, we are moving into a world where the spirit will dominate, where the soul, the ESSENCE of a person, will take its rightful place. People who refuse to accept these changes will find it increasingly difficult to remain happy, healthy and confident.

Aldebaran Library:

“Liz Burbo - Your body says “Love yourself!””: “Sofia”, Publishing House “Helios”; Moscow; 2002

ISBN 5‑344‑00031‑6


LIZ BOURBEAU Author of 13 books, including the bestseller Listen to Your Body, founder of the largest personal development school in Quebec, whose branches and activities have spread throughout the French-speaking world,

About 500 names of the most common diseases and ailments in alphabetical order - what is this, another popular medical reference book?

Yes, there is simple, concise information about diseases and their symptoms. But the main feature of the book is that all the diseases in it, from runny nose and itching to cancer and AIDS, are considered only as... symptoms.

Symptoms of what?

Symptoms of the only serious illness - disorder in our psyche or, if you like, soul. Yes, this is indeed metaphysics. A person has not yet learned (and is unlikely to learn) to treat mental disorders with pills or a scalpel. But this does not mean at all that a person is powerless.

Man is omnipotent, he is GOD. But I forgot about it. I got carried away by the temptations of physical existence. And, of course, now he is paying.

It's high time to remember. The Age of Aquarius is just around the corner...

Liz Burbo Your body says “Love yourself!”

If a person wants to become healthy, then first you need to ask him if he is ready to get rid of the causes of the disease. Only after this can he be helped.



Thanks to everyone who shared their knowledge with me, especially Louise Hay from the USA, who first introduced me to the wonderful world of metaphysics. Thanks to all the wonderful people who have been working with me for many years in the Listen to Your Body program and are always ready to help me with their useful advice.

Thanks to Monica Bourbeau Shields, Odette Pelletier, Bernard Combe, and Laurette Cyr, who proofread this book and prepared it for publication.

Special thanks to Dr. Luc Lupien, who became interested in the metaphysical aspects of health and was my consultant on issues related to physical definitions and descriptions of disease.

Finally, a huge THANK YOU to all the participants in the Listen to Your Body practical courses: you helped me write much of this book by talking about your illnesses and how you recovered by learning to listen to the messages of your body.

With love,

Liz Burbo (signed)


After fifteen years of various theoretical and practical research in the field of metaphysics, I decided to write a new book.

I prefer the term "metaphysics" to the term "psychosomatics" for the following reasons:

"Soma" means "that which has physical causes" "psycho"- “what comes from the soul.” Today, even traditional medicine recognizes that at least 75% of all diseases are psychosomatic, that is, they have both physical and emotional or mental causes.

In addition, the term “psychosomatics” is not very popular. This can be explained by the fact that most people feel insulted when their illnesses are called psychosomatic, because in their minds psychosomatic illness is almost equivalent to some abnormal, imaginary illness, even mental illness. As a result of this misconception, they continue to look for the causes of their ordinary illnesses solely on the physical level.

I try to find a metaphysical component in all diseases and ailments, that is, factors operating beyond the physical level.

This book is a kind of dictionary-reference book that will allow every reader to quickly and easily determine the underlying causes of their illnesses and ailments.

When our body begins to speak to us in the language of disease, illness and other physical problems, it wants us to become aware and change the way we think or act. By suffering, it tells us that we have reached our physical, emotional or mental limit, that we need to get rid of destructive internal attitudes and beliefs.

In this book, as in all my other books, I address the reader as “you.” This will make it easier for you to understand the text when you begin to look for the metaphysical meaning of your illness.

If this is your first time encountering practical metaphysics, my method may seem too primitive to you. You might react the way most people react when faced with something new: “ How does she know all this? Why on earth should I believe what is written here?”

This is a normal reaction, so I am not asking you to immediately and unconditionally believe everything written in this book. But try and don't reject everything from the doorstep. Read this book with an open mind and say to yourself: “ Isn’t there some truth in this and something useful for me?” Do not forget that earlier, before medicine acquired such a dominant authority, metaphysics played its role. With the advent of psychoanalysis, it again began to strengthen its position. Freud himself said that there may be a certain connection between the body and the psyche. Carl Jung, his student, believed that “body and spirit constantly interact, just as the conscious and unconscious interact.” These statements are more than half a century old. Significant work on the revival of metaphysics was done by such famous scientists as Wilhelm Reich, Pierrakos, Fritz Perls, Louise Hay and many others.

Unfortunately, traditional medicine, as well as some branches of so-called “natural medicine,” still believe that disease is a hindrance to human happiness, and therefore continue to fight symptoms. Eliminating a symptom without finding out the deep (that is, metaphysical) cause of the disease is the same as removing some small red light bulb from the signal board in the cockpit of an airplane. Yes, the alarm signal will disappear, but this will certainly result in much more serious consequences.

To my great happiness, I discovered that any illness is a gift and an opportunity to restore the balance of the soul. The causes of illness should not be sought in the physical body, since in itself it means little. The life that is contained in it comes from the soul, from the spirit. The physical body simply reflects what is happening in the human soul. Any illness indicates that the body is trying to restore balance, since its natural state is health. All of the above is equally true for the emotional and mental bodies.

There is nothing to lose by exploring this approach; on the contrary, you can only win if you manage to use it to determine the true cause of the disease and methods of treating it. I warn you that yours ego, will most likely desperately resist your attempts to find a solution, since you will have to analyze and, if necessary, change your beliefs, moral values ​​and way of thinking. Question about ego should be given special attention.

WHAT IS EGO? This is the totality of your memories, which over the years become more and more important to you and, finally, fill your entire personality. I'll explain in more detail. Your perception of an event is stored in memory. If the event was particularly happy or unpleasant, you decided that it should not be forgotten. Based on this memory, you came to some conclusion about how to avoid a similar event in the future if it upset you, or repeat it if it brought you joy. This conclusion gradually becomes a conviction, belief.

Such memories eventually develop into separate complexes, subpersonalities, living their lives in you. They feed on the energy they receive every time you allow them to control your life. Often they remind of themselves quietly with an inner voice, trying to influence your decisions.

Of course, if you believed in something, then most likely it was with the best intentions: you thought that this faith would help you become happier. Unfortunately, most beliefs accumulated since childhood turn out to be completely useless later when you become an adult. Some of them played a positive role at some stage of your life, the rest were false from the very beginning.

Look, for example, at a boy who can’t learn to read and constantly hears something like this from his parents or teachers: “You are not capable of anything, you are too distracted. Nothing good will come of you." If the boy remembers these words and decides to believe them, a quiet voice will settle in his head, which will regularly remind him that he is not capable of anything; whenever he wants to study or undertake something, he will definitely hear this small voice. This subpersonality of his (this belief) will always be convinced that it helps to avoid suffering, and for this reason it will try to interfere with him in any endeavor.

The boy will grow up and become an adult man, but he will continue to listen to this voice and do everything to never again hear from anyone that he is not capable of anything. This voice, or belief, will give him many excuses that allow him to do nothing: “I’m not interested in this,” “I’ve changed my mind,” “It’s not time to act yet,” etc. Obviously, such a belief only brings harm - both to the boy and to the adult.

Ego consists of precisely such beliefs, and a person must be aware of them, otherwise they will prevent him from realizing his true desires, the true manifestations of his true individuality, his I AM .

This is the main reason for all our illnesses: OUR EGO IS TOO STRONG, ITS POWER IS TOO GREAT. If we allow ego control our lives and it prevents us from being who we should be, then some of our desires are blocked, and this leads to the fact that that part of our physical body that is necessary for the realization of these desires is also blocked .

Let me give you an example from real life: one day a young woman came to me with acute tendinitis (inflammation of the tendon) in her right arm. I asked her what this pain prevents her from doing. She said the pain in her arm was preventing her from playing tennis. She might answer that the pain prevents her from holding the baby, washing the dishes, or doing anything else around the house. (If it is possible to determine What this or that disease prevents us from doing anything in the physical world, this speeds up the search for its root cause.) From her answer, I immediately understood that the cause of the pain was some kind of belief she had associated with tennis. I asked her why she decided to take up tennis. She replied that she wanted to have a little fun, relax, since she has to take life very seriously - what can you do if her husband is at work all the time, and there are two small children at home.

She told me that three other women from the tennis club persuaded her to join them and play in pairs against each other once a week. And then tennis turned from entertainment into intense competition for her. When she made a mistake, her partner made it clear that she was unhappy with her performance. The tendinitis made her realize that she had previously been hesitant to insist on her opinion for fear of causing her friend's disapproval. And her belief that life should be taken very seriously did not allow her to enjoy the game. She remembered that her mother took life just as seriously, and realized that she was too hard on herself. She was burdened with so many worries that there was no time left for games and entertainment.

You have to understand that the point of tendonitis was not to make her stop playing tennis, but to make her CHANGE HER ATTITUDE about the game. Very often people believe that pain only means that they should start or stop doing something. This young woman apparently thought like this: “ Since my hand hurts so much, it means she wants to tell me that I shouldn’t play tennis anymore.” ATTENTION! Such thoughts are a trick by which the ego tries to disguise some harmful belief. Why? THE EGO IS SIMPLY CONVINCED THAT EVERYTHING IT BELIEVES IS USEFUL AND GOOD FOR YOU .

Be especially careful when your illness seems to you exclusively physical. Here are some examples:

* the disease is caused by a lack of vitamins and disappears as soon as a person begins to take these vitamins;

* a man falls and breaks his arm;

* a person eats a lot of chocolate and gets indigestion;

* the person becomes physically tense and suffers from muscle pain for the next few days.

In such cases, it is very tempting to believe that the cause of the disease is purely physical. But since the physical, emotional and mental bodies of a person are inseparable from each other, I advise you not to succumb to the tricks of the ego, which wants you to shift all the blame to some external factor. I repeat: your ego refuses to take responsibility for the illness, because it considers as completely correct and useful that belief (that is, some part of the ego) that is the true cause of the accident, indigestion, etc.


The ego has its own will to live, but it can only survive and become the master of your life if you allow it to. This topic is discussed in detail in my other books.

Everyone has an ego, and this fact strengthens my belief that absolutely all diseases are associated with our emotional and mental bodies.

To argue that illnesses have only a physical cause, even if we are talking about injury due to an accident, indigestion, toothache, etc., is to forget about the mental and emotional bodies. The material shell of a person consists of three bodies, which during life are never separated from each other. When a person thinks deeply, his physical body acts automatically. When a person experiences fear or some other strong emotion, his heart begins to beat faster, and this is caused not only by physical reasons.

The most common causes of illness are negative thoughts and emotions, feelings of guilt, the need for attention and the desire to avoid an unpleasant situation. There are also easily-suggested people who often fall prey to popular beliefs - for example, that “a draft causes a runny nose.” Such people are easy pick up any infectious disease.

As the title of this book suggests, any illness is a reminder that you must love yourself. Why? Yes, because when a person loves himself, he is led by his heart, not by his ego.

Loving yourself means giving yourself the right to live a full life, and loving other people means giving them the right to live a full life.

Living life to the fullest means giving yourself the right to be human, that is, to experience experiences, to have fears, beliefs, misconceptions, shortcomings, desires and hopes, and finally to be AS YOU ARE NOW. You should not judge yourself, you should not think about what is good and what is bad, what is right and what is wrong. Just live in the moment and know that any decision you make will have consequences, pleasant or not.

That is why this book is intended primarily as a guide to returning your body to its natural state, that is, to a state of health, happiness, love and harmony.

As soon as you discover the mental attitude that is blocking you and is the cause of your illness, immediately move on to the first stage - the stage of unconditionally accepting yourself as you are, and work on your way of thinking until you achieve the necessary changes. Additional questions at the end of this book will help you with this.

Soon your body will become comfortable adjusting to these changes. Remember that the physical body is just a reflection of our soul. Program participants "Listen to Your Body“They often tell me that they do not understand why the disease does not go away even after they understand its metaphysical meaning. It is not enough to simply accept or understand a situation or another person, THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS TO ACCEPT YOURSELF, THAT IS FORGIVE YOURSELF. This idea is discussed in detail at the end of the book.

I also want to draw your special attention to the fact that even if you managed to independently find the cause of your illness, this does not mean that you should not see a doctor. The therapist will help your physical body while you explore yourself on an emotional, mental or spiritual level. Indeed, such studies are much easier to carry out if you are not bothered by pain.

You will probably be pleasantly surprised if you come across a doctor who believes that a person has not only a physical body, but also other, more subtle bodies, on the condition of which physical health largely depends. Fortunately, in Western civilization, the number of doctors who believe in a direct connection between soul and body is increasing every day; supporters of oriental medicine have always believed in this connection. Currently, many books have been published on the metaphysical aspects of physical illness.

There is also a large class of doctors called alternative medicine, so you have a great opportunity to exercise your sanity and decision-making ability. In the end, we are talking about your body, and you yourself are responsible for its health.

Try to get rid of prejudices and understand that the metaphysical approach to treatment is part of a new paradigm that is fueled by the energy of the Age of Aquarius. From a world in which the mind dominated, we are moving into a world where the spirit will dominate, where the soul, the ESSENCE of a person, will take its rightful place. People who refuse to accept these changes will find it increasingly difficult to remain happy, healthy and confident.

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