KVN for children and parents “Ecological assortment. Outline of a lesson on the surrounding world (senior group) on the topic: Environmental KVN in the senior group

KVN in kindergarten By environmental development older children preschool age

KVN on the environmental development of children of senior preschool age is a generalizing event on previously carried out work within the framework of environmental classes. Systematization of preschool children’s knowledge takes place in game form and is suitable for children of all developmental levels. This material will be interesting and useful for preschool teachers due to its ease of implementation, lack of expensive materials and accessibility of content.

KVN "Seasons" for children of the senior group

Target: generalize and systematize children’s ideas about the seasons according to the main, essential features: length of day and night, temperature conditions, natural phenomena; teach to use the acquired knowledge in games, drawing; develop the ability to generalize based on essential features; maintain interest in natural phenomena; cultivate the ability to listen carefully to the teacher and peers, a sense of responsibility to your team.

Materials, equipment: emblems for team members; didactic game “Seasons” (from the “educational games” series); 2 pictures where the artist mixed up all the seasons; ball; 2 easels, drawing paper, paints, brushes.

Two teams are organized - “Snowdrops” and “Bullfinches”. The presenter introduces the jury. After each competition the results are summed up.

Team greetings
The snow is no longer the same...
He darkened in the field.
The ice on the lakes is cracked,
It's like they split it.
A bear sneaks through
Through the dead wood,
The birds began to sing songs
And the snowdrop blossomed

We made feeders
We opened a canteen.
Sparrow, bullfinch - neighbor,
This will be your winter lunch!
Visit on the first day of the week
The titmice have flown to us.
And on Tuesday, look:
The bullfinches have arrived!

1st competition. Warm-up
The facilitator asks questions to each team in turn.
1. What time of year are strawberries picked? (in summer)
2. When the birds fly away warmer climes? (autumn)
3. When do people hang birdhouses? (spring)
4. At what time of year is thunderstorm most common? (in summer)

5. When does ice appear on the river? (winter)
6. When do acorns appear on an oak tree? (autumn)
7. At what time of year do children launch boats? (spring)
8. What time of year is called “white”, “crystal”, “silver”? (winter)
9. When the hare is gray (in summer)
10. When do people harvest? (autumn)
11. When can you see bullfinches in the city? (winter)
12. When does ice drift occur? (spring)
13. When do people insulate their homes? (autumn and winter)
14. When is the day short and the night long? (winter)
15. When do drops happen? (spring)
16. At what time of year is there ice? (winter)
2nd competition. “Name the artist.”
The presenter reads poems - riddles and asks the children to name the artists.
Four artists
So many paintings.
Painted it with white paint
All in a row one.
The forest and field are white,
White meadows,
Near the snow-covered aspens
Branches like horns... (winter)

The second one is blue
Sky and streams.
Splashing in blue puddles
A flock of sparrows.
Transparent in the snow
Ice lace.
The first thawed patches,
First grass. (spring)

In the picture of the third
There are so many colors to count:
Yellow, green,
There is a blue one...
Forest and field in greenery,
Blue River,
White fluffy
There are clouds in the sky. (summer)

And the Fourth is gold
Painted the gardens
The fields are productive,
Ripe fruits...
Berries beads everywhere
They ripen through the forests,
Who is that artist?
guess yourself! (autumn)
3rd competition
Didactic game “Seasons” (From the “educational games” series).

4th captain competition “What did the artist mix up?”
Children receive pictures with the seasons mixed up. They must find five artist mistakes.

5th competition. Ball game “It happens - it doesn’t happen”
Frost in summer (does not happen), snow in winter (does not happen), frost in summer (does not happen), ice drift in autumn (does not happen), drops in summer (does not happen), leaf fall in spring (does not happen), snowstorm in autumn (does not happen), frosts in spring (happens), rain in summer (occurs), thunderstorm in spring (occurs), dew in winter (does not happen), etc.

6th Reading Competition
Reading poems about the seasons (from those previously learned).

7th Artists Competition
Let's draw a portrait of Winter and Summer.


Target: To develop the creative potential of teachers and their competence in environmental issues. To clarify and deepen teachers’ knowledge of ecology and environmental education. Intensify the mental-search activity of educators.

Location: music hall of the kindergarten.

Equipment: crafts for children and parents from autumn leaves for decoration of the hall, two tables for teams; laptop, projector for presentation, texts of environmental situations, musical accompaniment - Antonio Vivaldi “The Seasons”.

Participants: kindergarten teachers and specialists - 2 teams of 7 participants each.

Preliminary work: making costumes from waste material, conducting consultations on environmental education methods.

Progress of the competition

Presenter: Hello, dear colleagues! We know that while telling children knowledge about the animal and plant world, adults at the same time tell them the rules of behavior in nature. At the same time, it is important to teach to see the beauty of nature; one who has not seen this beauty is worse than a blind person: he has blindness of soul, and from one whose soul is blind, do not expect goodness and honesty, devotion and courage. Is it necessary to talk about instilling in children a caring attitude towards the world around them? We instill in children a clear understanding that humans are part of nature. There will be no greenery, no animals, and he will not live on Earth, and vice versa: the richer the world around him, the better it is for a person to live in this world.

Today we are holding an environmental competition “Nature Experts”. Our teachers today will try to defend their knowledge of ecology and environmental education of preschoolers. The teaching staff of our kindergarten is rich in numerous talents, knowledge and experience.

And to start competitions,
We need to convene a jury.
We do not take an oath from them,
We are just waiting for justice!

Our competition will be judged by a representative jury consisting of the head of the kindergarten, F.V. Shakirova, and a representative of the Northern Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan, L.R. Akhmetova.

1 competition. “Come up with a name.”

Leading. Since the teams do not have a name, the first task for the teams, which will unite the participants in the game, is called “Come up with a name.”

Each team must come up with a team name and introduce themselves according to the chosen name. But, before starting the task, teams need to choose captains who will represent their team. Discussion time is 1 minute, presentation time is 1 minute. The maximum score for this assignment is 2 points.

2 competition. Ecological warm-up.

Leading. There will be no time for discussion in this competition. Each team will be asked a question in turn; if one team does not answer, the right to answer will be transferred to the other team. For each correct answer, teams receive 1 point.

Questions for the Lastochka team Questions for the “Friends of Nature” team
1.Which bird has the longest tongue? ( Woodpecker.)

2.Who are called deciduous plants? ( Bunnies born in autumn.)

3. Which tree is a symbol of Russia? ( Birch)

4.Who is an ichthyologist? ( Scientist studying fish.)

5.What does a toad eat in winter? ( She doesn't eat anything, she sleeps.)

6.Which tree is called the great-grandfather of great-grandfathers? ( Oak.)

7. Who wrote the fairy tale “ ugly duck”? (H.H. Andersen)

8.Which thread is the thinnest in nature? ( Web.)

9.What kind of grass do cats like? ( Valerian.)

1. What is the name of the smallest bird? (

Hummingbird) 2. Forest rooster. (.)

Capercaillie 3.What does the “crying” of a birch tree in spring mean? ()

Sap flow. 4. Which tree is the symbol of Canada?

? (Maple).)

5.Why is larch called the “good tree”? ( Doesn't hurt

6. Who wrote the music for the ballet “Swan Lake”? ( P.I. Chaikovsky))

7. Is the penguin a bird or an animal? ( Bird.)

8.Which tree is the thickest on earth? ( Baobab..)

9.Who is an ornithologist? ( Scientist studying birds

10.What kind of hunting is allowed in the forest at any time of the year? (

Photo hunt.) 3 competition. Game “Association”.

Leading. People often associate themselves and those around them with various natural phenomena, animals or objects, using the expressions “blooms like a rose”, “works like a horse”, “tired like a dog”, etc. But does self-esteem always correspond to how others perceive us?).

Try to make associations of environmental content to one of the colleagues of the opposing team without naming him (

teachers create a description-association for one of the teachers

You associate the appearance, character, and demeanor of this person with:

With elements (fire, air, water, earth);

With a natural phenomenon;

With an animal (beast, bird, insect); ( With a plant (tree, shrub, flower);

With mineral.

Photo hunt.) The rest are trying to guess who we are talking about.) 4 competition. “Pictures are mysteries.”

  • Reproductions of paintings by famous artists help you perceive the beauty of nature. In this task you will be able to demonstrate your knowledge. (
  • Teachers are offered reproductions of paintings by famous artists who painted landscapes. It is necessary to determine the author and title of the work.)
  • I.I. Shishkin “Rye”;
  • I.I. Levitan “Spring. Big water”;
  • A.K. Savrasov “The rooks have arrived”; I.I. Levitan “March”;”;
  • I.E. Grabar “
  • February blue
  • I.I. Shishkin “In the Wild North”; I.E. Grabar “Winter Landscape”;”;
  • A.I. Kuindzhi “ Birch Grove”;
  • I.I. Shishkin “
  • Ship Grove

I.I. Shishkin “Oak Grove”; Photo hunt.) The proverb educates and instructs in the right actions. The proverb is closely intertwined with reality. Our native language would become much poorer without proverbs and sayings. Touch the pure source of knowledge on which your mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers were raised.

For each proverb about nature conservation, teams receive 1 point.

  • He who knows how to be kind will not destroy nature.
  • The enemy of nature is the one who does not protect it.
  • Love the forest, love nature, you will forever be dear to the people.
  • Protect birds and animals - never harm them.
  • The forest is wealth and beauty, take care of your forests.

6 competition. "Simple Truths"

Leading. Team captains choose an envelope. Inside is the text of a pedagogical situation on the topic of environmental education. The task of each team is to improvise and play out a skit, demonstrate how they should have acted, what to say, and play out the decision. Each team is given 5 minutes.

The first pedagogical situation.

You go to work. Two mothers are talking peacefully on the road. At this time, their children nearby are breaking the branches of a young tree. The children have a large armful of them in their hands.

What will you do in this situation: will you pass by in your heart condemning the mothers (children) or stop and talk to the mothers, what do you say?

Second pedagogical situation.

4 children from 5 to 7 years old are playing in a forest clearing. The smallest one shouts: “Let’s catch a butterfly and set its wings on fire!” A man walking by and hearing this call stops and asks the boy: “Why do you set fire to a butterfly’s wings?” He paused for a while and replied: “Just like that.”

What would you say, what would you do, what methods and techniques would you use to evoke sympathy in the boy and forever rid him of the desire to mock living beings?

7 competition. “People's Barometer” (music by Antonio Vivaldi “The Seasons”).

There were so many grandfather signs!
Some of them are long gone.
Others through dozens of winters and years.
They reached us and now they live to this day.
(Roman Rugin)

Every person is interested in what the weather will be like tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and in a week. However, weather forecasters are often wrong. But on our planet there are creatures who are able to predict the weather without any calculations. Scientists now name about 600 species of animals and 400 species of plants that can act as barometers, indicators of humidity, air temperature, predictors of storms, storms or good cloudless weather. Weather forecasting based folk signs fosters respect for traditions and ensures a connection between generations.

We offer you a small blitz competition “How plants and animals predict the weather.” We remind you of the beginning of signs of future weather in the behavior of plants and animals, and you finish the line.

1. Ants are rapidly closing all entrances to the anthill ( it will be raining).

2.Mosquitoes and midges hover in a column ( the weather will be good).

3. The titmouse starts squeaking in the morning ( wait for frost).

4. The dog curls up and lies in a ball ( cold weather will come).

5. The horse snores – ( to bad weather), snorts – ( to the warmth).

6.Sparrows bathe in dust or in a puddle ( it will be raining).

7. The spider intensively weaves its web (for dry weather).

8. Swifts, swallows fly low (rain is predicted).

9.When the bird cherry blossoms (to cold, frost).

10.If the grass is dry in the morning (expect rain in the evening).

11.Flowers before the rain (they smell stronger).

12.Crows sit on the lower branches of trees (towards the wind).

13. The chickens cackled (it will snow).

14. A lot of sap flows from the birch tree (for a rainy summer).

15. Frogs croak loudly in the evening ( the weather will be warm).

16. Lots of peeling on the bulbs (to be cold in winter).

8 competition. Homework“Presentation of costumes.”

Leading. Dream modern man– a world without landfills, clean streets and clean air. For several years now, ecologists have been thinking about how to achieve this and one of the the best ways for many years in a row they called recycling. Creativity and imagination can bring revolution to the world of old things. All these and many other interesting ideas will make it possible to realize the dream of many environmentalists about a world free of plastic waste. Creative person at least he can make bright things out of anything. We will now verify this. And now each team presents a costume made of candy wrappers, plastic bottles, bags, etc.

9 competition. “Methodological tournament”.

Leading. And now the team members will have to show their methodological and natural history knowledge. We will hold this competition in the form of a competition. This means that the teams will be asked the same question. Each question will be given 30 seconds to discuss. The team that prepares the answer first raises the flag. If the answer is given incorrectly or inaccurately, then the right to answer passes to another team. For each correct answer the team receives 1 point. All questions were compiled according to the “Program of Education and Training in Kindergarten” edited by M. Vasilyeva, V. Gerbova, T. Komarova.

1. From what age group introduced the section “Environmental education”? (From the first junior group)

2. What is the main goal of the “Environmental education” section? (Formation of a consciously caring attitude towards living and inanimate nature, the formation of the principles of ecological culture)

3. Name the elements of the subject-development environment of the kindergarten used for the environmental education of preschool children (nature corner, models and diagrams; visual material; nature calendar; files of work, observations and experiments; laboratory; educational panels; methodological, encyclopedic and fiction literature; environmental trail; mini-gardens in group rooms and a vegetable garden on the territory; environmental collections and mini-museums; winter Garden; plant passports; vegetable garden, flower garden, corner of the forest, field and garden)

4. List the main environmental holidays and their dates? (March 22 – World Water Day, April 1 – International Bird Day, April 22 – Earth Day, June 5 – World Environment Day, October 4 – World Animal Day).

5. What is the name of the book that gives information about endangered species of animals and plants? (Red Book) Why is this book “Red”?

6. What are the requirements for the design of a herbarium? (Only plants that are not listed in the Red Book can be dried)

7. List the components of the environment? (Water, air, forest, soil)

8. What environmental activities can be carried out in kindergarten? (Environmental actions)

9. Name partial programs for the development of the foundations of ecological culture. (S.N. Nikolaeva “Young ecologist”, N.A. Ryzhova “Our home is nature”).

10. “Song and poetry marathon.”

Leading. The last competition task is the most interesting. The teams will have to remember poems and songs that contain the name of the tree. Only one line is read or sung. For each performance - 1 point.

Summing up the results of the competition of joint creativity of children and parents “Autumn leaf fall”.

Summarizing. Awarding the winning team.

Everything good in people comes from childhood!
How to awaken the origins of goodness?
Touch nature with all your heart:
Be surprised, learn, love!
We want the earth to bloom
And the little ones grew like flowers,
So that ecology becomes for them,
Not science, but part of the soul!


1. Kolomina N.V. Education of the fundamentals of ecological culture in kindergarten: Lesson scenarios. – M.: Sfera shopping center, 2004.

2. Nikolaeva S.N. Methods of environmental education of preschool children. M.: Academy, 1999.

3. Ryzhova N.A. Environmental education in preschool institutions: theory and practice. – M., 2000.

4. Ryzhova N.A. “Pedagogical models of organization environmental education at the preschool educational institution.” Preschool education, 2000 No. 9.

5. Nikolaeva S. N. System of environmental education of children in preschool institution. M., 2005.

Larisa Osipenko
Ecological KVN for children of senior preschool age

Ecological KVN

Target: identify knowledge children about inanimate and living nature, about migratory and wintering birds. Develop intelligence, ingenuity, and the ability to find the right answer for a short time. Arouse interest, a desire to learn as much as possible about natural phenomena. Develop the ability to communicate with each other in a business situation, enjoy the successes of peers, and correctly accept defeats.

Rules of the game: Find answers quickly and collaboratively, make decisions, and answer questions clearly.

Progress of the game:

Presenter: Everyone, everyone, everyone! Let's start KVN! It involves two teams:

"Znayki" And "Why Chicks". Let's welcome them!

The teams enter the hall to the music.

Presenter: introduces the team captains and introduces the jury, which will sum up the results after each competition.

1 competition. Greetings from the teams.

Team "Znayka":

We are a team "Whychek" our inquisitive hello,

From the bottom of our hearts, we wish you to know the verified answer.

We will learn with you about animals and birds,

Would you like to fight us? We have not seen such smart faces.

We all know about nature, we protect and protect it.

And we will always take care so that eternal life was!

From the team "Why Chicks":

We have come to our evening, let's not be lazy,

Answer questions, sing and have fun.

We are our rivals "Knowledgeable" loud we talk:

“We will fight with you, but we will not give up so easily”.

We are well acquainted with nature, we will protect both the forest and the water.

All living things must live, let them grow and live!

While the jury evaluates the competition, the children sit on chairs.

2 competition. Warm up. "Who is bigger"?

Name as many folk signs as possible. For example:

1. Ants hide in a nest in anticipation of a thunderstorm.

2. Swallows fly low before the rain.

3. In the evening, grasshoppers chirp loudly - this means good weather.

4. Large rain bubbles - to bad weather and heavy rain.

5. Smoke in a column means frost or wind.

6. Sparrows are floundering in the dust and chirping - expect rainy weather.

7. Crimson dawns - if the weather is windy.

The jury evaluates the competition.

Theatrical game:

"Funny Old Man - Lesovichek»

The teacher reads a poem old man- Lesovichek pronounces his words according to the text with different intonations, the children repeat.

Educator: Lived in the forest small old man

And laughed old man is extremely simple:

Old Man-Lesovichek: Ha-ha-ha yes he-he-he,

Hee-hee-hee yes boom-booh-boom!

Boo-boo-boo and be-be-be,

Ding-ding-ding and ding-ding!

Educator: Once, when I saw a spider, I was terribly scared,

But, clutching his sides, loudly laughed:

Old Man-Lesovichek: Hee-hee-hee yes ha-ha-ha,

Ho-ho-ho yes gul-gul-gul!

Go-go-go, glug-glug-glug!

Educator: And when I saw the dragonfly, I became terribly angry,

But from laughter to the grass fell down:

Old Man-Lesovichek: Gee-gee-gee yes gu-gu-gu,

Go-go-go yes bang-bang-bang!

Oh guys, I can't!

Oh guys, ah-ah-ah!

3 competition. Find in the pictures animals that live next to humans.

Find in the pictures the animals that live in the forest.

Recognize animals by description:

1. He has short, thick, wide legs. The front legs are turned out to the sides. He carries the house with him. In nature, it hides in the sand. Loves vegetables and fruits. (Turtle)

2. It accumulates fat in summer and winter. Doesn't like heat or cold. Eats roots, mushrooms, raspberries, honey. Sleeps in winter. (Bear)

The jury evaluates the competition.

Theatrical game:

"The Fox and the Wolf"

Gray wolf dense forest met a redhead fox:

Wolf: Lizaveta, hello!

Fox: How are you, toothy?

Wolf: Things are going well

The head is still intact.

Fox: Where have you been?

Wolf: On the market.

Fox: What did you buy?

Wolf: Pigs.

Fox: How much did you take?

Wolf: A tuft of wool. The right side was torn off.

The tail was chewed off in a fight

Fox: Who bit it off?

Wolf: Dogs.

Fox: Is he alive, dear kumanek?

Wolf: I barely dragged my legs.

How are you doing godfather?

Fox: I was at the market.

Wolf: Why are you so tired?

Fox: I was counting ducks.

Wolf: How much was it?

Fox: Seven from the eighth.

Wolf: How much is it?

Fox: None.

Wolf: Where are these ducks?

Fox: In my stomach!

4 competition "Nature Experts"

1. Which animal has spines?

2. Who sleeps in the forest all winter?

3. At what time of year do the leaves bloom on the trees?

4. Is a lion a wild or domestic animal?

5. Which poultry can swim?

6. At what time of year are crops harvested from fields and gardens?

7. Which domestic animals have horns and hooves?

8. What's scarier?: thunder or lightning?

9. Why do birds leave their homes in the fall?

10. What is a forest?

11. Why are flowers beautiful and fragrant?

12. Why are birds called our helpers, feathered friends?

13. How are insects useful?

14. Why do nettles sting?

15. Can animals talk?

16. What medicinal plants You know?

17. What flowers bloom first in spring?

18. What does a toad eat in winter?

19. Who has ears on their feet?

The jury evaluates the competition.

Physical education minute:

"Animal Charge"

Once - squat,

Two - jump.

This is a hare walk

And the little foxes, how to wake up

(Rub your eyes with your fists)

They like to stretch for a long time


Be sure to yawn

(yawn, covering your mouth palm)

Well, wag your tail

(move your hips to the side)

And the wolf cubs have an arched back

(bend your back forward)

And jump lightly

(light jump up)

Well, the bear is clubfooted

(arms are bent at the elbows, palms connected below the waist)

Paws spread wide

(feet shoulder width apart)

Either one or both together

(stepping from foot to foot)

We've been marking time for a long time

(swinging the body to the sides)

And for those who don’t have enough charging -

Starts all over again

(spread your arms to the sides at waist level, palms up)

Presenter: Children, now you and I will go into the forest.

There are many miracles there today.

Children say hello from the scaffolding.

A child reads a poem by Pogorelovsky.

Hello forest, dense forest, full of fairy tales and miracles!

What are you making noise about in the leaves on a dark, stormy night?

What are you whispering to us at dawn, covered in dew, like silver?

What is hidden in your wilderness, what kind of animal, what kind of bird?

Open everything, don’t hide it: You see - we are our own!

Presenter: Look around, how beautiful it is! What beautiful flowers! Look how beautiful the flower with large petals has bloomed.

Oh, there are riddles here!

5 competition "Guess the riddle"

1. One leg, but many arms. (Tree)

2. One color in winter and summer.

3. It neither burns in fire nor sinks in water.

4. The snowball is melting, the meadow has come to life, the day is coming, when does this happen?

5. What turns white in winter and green in summer?

6. Not a bird, but with wings, not a bee, but flies over the flowers.

The jury evaluates the competition.

Presenter: Let's continue our walk. We go out into the clearing.

Children, look what's going on here. There is garbage, bags, cans everywhere. Let's spend it with you environmental cleanup.

Children clean up trash.

Presenter: Which forest orderlies do you know? (Ants, woodpeckers)

6th competition "Game" "Earth, air, water"

Presenter: Children, you did a good job. Now let's play a game.

At the word "Earth" we call animals when we say "Air"- birds, at the word "Water"- fish. The one who calls incorrectly leaves the game. The team with the most players remaining will win.

The jury evaluates the competition and sums up the results.

Presenter: Offers to do live picture "If I were a tree".

Children, raising their hands up, freeze for a few seconds.

The presenter asks who was which tree. (Oak, pine, spruce, birch, aspen, linden, maple, rowan)

Children, look, some signs, let's take a closer look their:

1. "Take care of anthills"

2. "Don't go close to the nests"

3. "In the forest try to walk along the paths»

Poem "Don't hurt anyone"

Don't hurt anyone

Neither bee nor fly

Not a snail

Not a bug - a dark belly,

Not a grasshopper in the grass

Galloping deftly,

Not shining in the grass


Not a tit, not a thrush,

Not a blind mole...


Don't hurt the living

C. Rossetti

And now we say goodbye to the forest.

Roll call:

Dense forest - goodbye!

You grow up to be a joy to people.

We will be friends with you,

Good forest, mighty forest,

Full of fairy tales and miracles!

The jury sums up the results and presents gifts.

Ecological KVN


- broaden children’s horizons and their knowledge of the world around them;

Foster an ecological culture, a caring attitude towards the natural environment, and a desire to take care of it.

Hello guys, dear guests. We are glad to welcome you to the environmental KVN. You all know that KVN is a game of cheerful and resourceful people. Today we will find out how well you know nature and its riches.

Participants will need curiosity, imagination, knowledge of nature and the ability to work in a team.

Three teams participate in the game: “Ecologists”, “Masters of the Planet”, “Water Patrol”.

Let's see whose team will win, that is, will complete all the tasks correctly and quickly, show resourcefulness and ingenuity. The team that scored large quantity points and will be the winner.

The jury will monitor the entire game: (names the composition of the jury).

Each team must choose a leader and introduce themselves.

1st competition “Introduction” of the team.



Take care of your planet

After all, there is no other one in the world!

"Masters of the Planet"


We don't want to stand aside.

We are for order on our land!

"Water Patrol"


Man, remember forever

The symbol of life on Earth is water!

2nd competition “Warm-up”.

Each KVN game begins with a warm-up, so we will not break tradition. Each team must answer the questions in turn within 5 seconds. If this team cannot answer, then another team can give an answer.

1) The science of the connections of living beings with environment And careful attitude to nature. (ecology)

2) State-protected areas where hunting, berry and herb picking are prohibited. (reserve)

3) What is the name of the book where endangered species of animals and plants are recorded? (Red Book)

1) The top fertile layer of the earth. (the soil)

2) The closest star to us. (Sun)

3) It is secreted by plants. (oxygen)

1) The coldest ocean. (Arctic)

2) The coldest continent. (Antarctica)

3) The largest mammals. (blue whale)

1) Name the second month of spring. (April)

2) Name last month winter. (February)

3) How many colors does the rainbow have? (7)

1) How many days in leap year? (366)

2) Fastest sushi animal? (cheetah)

3) What is the smallest bird in Russia? (wren)

1) Does the chicken breathe in the egg? (breathes)

2) The edge is visible, but it is impossible to reach it. (skyline)

3) What object can say about itself:

"Will you come with me,

Will you find your way back!”? (compass)

3rd competition “Green Pharmacy”.

We ask you to write out a prescription for the patient, you do not have ready-made pills, medicines, bandages at hand, but in front of you is a huge forest pantry, where medicines grow right on the ground and you must choose those medicinal plants that will help the patient.

"Ecologists"-You have a cold. What medicinal plants will help get rid of a cold faster? (onion, garlic, lemon, raspberry, chamomile)

"Masters of the Planet" -You have a cold. You have a bad cough. Which medicinal herbs will help get rid of cough? (coltsfoot, sage, oregano, black radish)

"Water Patrol" - Spring. Your body is exhausted. Not enough vitamins. Tea from which medicinal plants will replenish your strength? (rosehip, mint, nettle, currant leaves, strawberry)

4th competition “Solve the crossword”









1. The silence is broken by hubbub and chirping.

It was our early guests who greeted spring. (birds)

2. Which pussy has tassels on its ears? (lynx)

3. The tail is fluffy, golden fur,

Lives in the forest, steals chickens in the village? (fox)

4. In rich clothes, but he himself is somewhat blind.

Lives without a window, has never seen the sun. (mole)

5. Sleeps during the day, flies at night

And it scares passersby. (owl)

6. He knocks all the time, he hammers trees,

But it doesn’t cripple them, it only heals them. (woodpecker)

7. And he has big ears and big eyes,

And it’s a lot to be scared.

He climbs into the bush and sleeps,

He eats the stalk and is full. (hare)

"Masters of the Planet"








1. He is in a bright uniform, spurs for beauty.

During the day he is a bully, in the morning he is a clock. (rooster)

2. Black-winged, red-breasted,

And in winter it will find shelter.

He is not afraid of colds

With first snow -

Right here! (bullfinch)

3. Who has eyes on his horns and a house on his back? (snail)

4. The fidget is motley,

Long-tailed bird,

Talkative bird

The most chatty one. (magpie)

5. Who is cold in winter,

Is he wandering around angry and hungry? (wolf)

6. In winter he sleeps, in summer he stirs up the hives. (bear)

7. He sits down, fluffs his tail,

The lump peels off quickly,

He will jump down and pick off the fungus -

Prepares for future use. (squirrel)

"Water Patrol"








1. I was born to glory

The head is white and curly.

Who loves cabbage soup?

Look for me in them. (cabbage)

2. It's fun in the spring,

It's cold in the summer,

Nourishes in autumn

Warms in winter. (tree)

3. Sits - turns green,

It falls and turns yellow,

He lies there and turns black. (sheet)

4. The doctor grew up by the road,

He treats sick legs. (plantain)

5. Eh, bells, blue color,

With the tongue, but no ringing. (bell)

6. He yellow blossoms,

And once it blooms, it blows away. (dandelion)

7. Sisters are standing in the field -

Yellow eyes, white eyelashes. (daisies)

5th competition “Game with spectators”

Answer the questions. Whichever team's fan answers, that team gets an extra point.

1. Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, he can't talk.)

2. What fruit poisoned the princess? (Apple.)

3. Which city is named after the bird? (Eagle.)

4. Why does a goose swim? (From the shore.)

5. Why do birds fly? (By air.)

6. What does a duck swim on? (On water.)

7. How many times do you need to take the letter “A” to get a bird? (Fourty.)

8. What tree does a crow sit on when it rains? (On wet.)

9. Why does a hunter carry a gun? (Behind the back.)

10. On what does a person walk and a turtle crawl? (On the ground.)

11. What will a crow do after living for three years? (Live fourth.)

13. Who sleeps with their head down? (Bat.)

14. Change of fur in animals? (Molt.)

15. Not a fisherman, but setting up nets? (Spider.)

6th competition “Captains Competition” - “Who is faster?”

You need to collect as many letters as possible more titles animals (letters can only be used once in a word)


(raccoon, wolf, fox, mole, ox, cat, lynx, lion, etc.)

7th competition. Game with spectators and players “Birds”

The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, tits,

Storks, crows,

Jackdaws, pasta

The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, tits,

flies and swifts...

The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, tits,

Lapwings, siskins,

Jackdaws and swifts,

Mosquitoes , cuckoos,

Even owls are scops owls,

Swans and ducks –

And thanks for the joke!

8th competition “Guess by description”


We can climb trees well. We can be easily recognized by the black stripes on our backs. We prefer coniferous forests. We love to eat nuts, various seeds, mushrooms and berries. We are considered the cleanest animals. Who are we? (Chipmunks)

"Masters of the Planet"

We are not popular among people. They are fighting us so that there are fewer of us. Although nature needs us! Our larvae live in water. Some fish feed on them. We ourselves are the favorite treat of many birds! Dragonflies especially love us. Have you guessed who we are? (Mosquitoes)

"Water Patrol" .

We have a long, legless body, covered with dry skin with horny scales. The mouth is designed in such a way that we can open it very well and swallow prey whole. The teeth are well developed and are used for biting, but not for chewing. The tongue is forked and is the most important sensory organ. We have nostrils - we smell well. There are no ears at all, so we are completely deaf. Have you guessed who we are? (Snakes)


I am the tallest of mammals. I have a small head on a long neck and long legs. The eyes are black with thick eyelashes. I have everything adapted to get leaves from the very tops of trees. My favorite delicacy is acacia leaves. Did you find out who I am? (Giraffe)

9th competition “Draw an animal”

- One participant from each team, blindfolded, draws an animal according to the jury’s instructions. Whoever draws the best among the participants wins the competition.

10th Pantomime competition

Draw animals:

"Ecologists"- butting bulls;

"Masters of the Planet" - jumping sparrows;

"Water Patrol" - walking ducks.

11th competition "Riddles"

1. Standing in a clearing

Tatyanka in a red scarf,

All covered in white specks. (fly agaric)

2. Of all the migratory birds,

Cleans arable land from worms.

Jump back and forth across the arable land,

And the bird’s name is……(rook)

3. Whose fluff is flying around the city?

In the middle of July there is snowfall.

Passers-by scold him

And it’s the wind’s fault. (poplar)

4. The neck and sides are covered in patches,

He looks down on everyone. (giraffe)

5. Across the sea - the ocean - a miracle - a giant - is swimming,

And he hides his mustache in his mouth. (whale)

6. With a beard, not a bull,

They milk, not the cow,

The bast pulls, but does not weave bast shoes. (goat)

7. Even though he's completely

Not fragile

And hid in the middle -

You will see the core.

Of the fruits, it is the strongest.

It's called.....(nut).

8. It's round and red

Like the eye of a traffic light

Among vegetables there is no tastier....(tomato).

9. Made everyone around me cry

Although he is not a fighter, he is... (bow).

12th competition “Continue the proverb or sign”

1. A lot of snow…(a lot of bread)

2. Much water...(lots of grass)

3. Swallows fly low above the ground ...(towards the rain)

12th competition “Entertaining puzzles”

Scenario of environmental KVN in preparatory group.

Subject:“Young nature experts!”

Target: consolidating children's knowledge about nature.

Tasks: to form elements of ecological culture in children, to develop Creative skills children, ingenuity, ingenuity, their erudition, continue to form speech, teach coherently, answer questions succinctly, activate children’s vocabulary, develop reaction speed, captivate children and evoke a joyful experience from joint team activities, cultivate a careful and caring attitude towards nature, feeling partnership. Respect for partners and opponents in the game.

Equipment: emblems for teams, plaques with ratings for the jury, prizes for awarding, pictures of “Environmental signs”. Didactic material on the topic “Living and Nonliving”, postal envelopes, puzzles, phonogram “Sounds of Nature”, phonogram “Voices of Birds”, equipment for the relay game “Clear the Road”.

Preliminary work: memorizing poems, asking riddles about nature, talking with children about animals and plants listed in the Red Book, making observations on walks, excursions into nature, making power lines on the topic “Take care of nature”, didactic games on ecology, creation collective posters, wall newspaper on the topic “We are experts in nature”, viewing and reading educational literature for children.

Progress of the event

Under musical accompaniment children enter the hall. Children from preparatory groups “A” and “B” participate in the event. (5 people from each group are participants in the game. The rest of the guys are fans)

Introductory conversation.

Good afternoon, Dear friends! Today we will talk about nature. Today we will have an exciting journey along ecological paths. Ecology is the science of our home, of nature. And nature is ours big house. And we must all work together to maintain order in it.

We welcome all of you to our club of cheerful and resourceful people! The theme of today's KVN is: “Young experts on nature.” But first you need to get to know the teams. So, today the team from pod.gr will participate in the game. "A" and sub.gr. "B". And they will be judged by a jury. Let me introduce the members of our distinguished jury.

Presentation of the jury members

The jury, as you can see, is worthy of respect. They had to evaluate battles more than once! For each competition the jury will award one point, which is equal to 1 chip.

I ask the teams to take their places. Nature hides many secrets and mysteries from us. But we are inquisitive people and any secrets are revealed to us! Let's start the game! So. Forward to the victory!

Team presentation. (name, motto, emblem)

The leader asks the children the name of their team.

Team under.gr. "A" - "Znayki"(children answer in unison).

The captain of the Znayki team is Turiy-Ladyko Platon.

Our motto- “Take care of your planet – there is no other planet in the world!” Team emblem

Team sub.gr "B" - "Smart Guys"

Captain of the Umniki team - Polina Dotsenko

Our motto is “We will protect nature quickly, the forests and parks will be clean!” Emblem.

Well, let's start our game. So - 1 competition. "WARM-UP".

It is a quick poll. Each KVN game begins with a warm-up. Therefore, we will not break this tradition. I will ask questions to the teams. And you will answer them one by one. Shout out it is forbidden, points will be deducted for this.

In one minute you must give as many correct answers as possible. Notifies about the beginning and end of the competition sound signal jury. So. Are the teams READY?

So, questions for the Znayki team.

    At what time of year does leaf fall occur?

    What bird is called the "Forest Doctor"?

    When do raspberries ripen in the garden?

    Which tree has a white trunk?

    When does the snowdrop bloom in the forest?

    Which plant helps heal a wound?

    What word is used to call birds that fly to warmer regions?

    How many legs does a spider have?

    When in the sun White snow sparkles?

    Who carries their house on their back?

    What is the name of a bird house made by human hands?

    What are the names of animals in one word? Which ones live in the forest?

    Crucian carp, catfish, pike, bream?

    Who weaves a web in the forest?

    Name the baby chickens?

    What is the green cover of the Earth?

    What bird throws its eggs into other people's nests?

Questions for the Umniki team.

    When does a squirrel store nuts?

    What animal can be called long-eared?

    How can you call animals that live next to humans in one word?

    Which insects have ears on their legs?

    What does a hedgehog do in winter?

    Which birds come to us first?

    Who was red in summer and turned gray in winter?

    What tree do acorns grow on?

    When does an icicle drip and melt?

    When does the water in the river freeze?

    Which bird has a red breast?

    Which insect has red wings with black dots?

    Dragonfly, ant, mosquito, butterfly - who is it?

    Who sleeps in the forest all winter?

    Crow, sparrow, swallow, starling - who is this?

    When does grandpa dig potatoes?

    What is the name of an ant's house?

(Summing up the results of the 1st competition)

2nd competition “Ecological signs”

Each team receives 5 signs. The guys must determine the name of each of them.

1 team:

    Don't touch the birds' nests. Did you know that birds abandon nests that have been touched by humans and never return to these nests. If there were eggs in the nest, then chicks will not appear from them.

    Don't break branches. Remember that if you break even one branch, the tree may dry out.

    Don't catch butterflies. No animals should be killed because they are part of our natural environment.

    Don't leave trash. This pollutes the environment.

    You can't make noise in the forest. Did you know that you can see many interesting animals in the forest, provided that you behave quietly and do not scare them?

Team 2:

    Don't pick flowers. Did you know that humans have put 25,000 plant species at risk of extinction over the past 100 years?

    Don't destroy anthills. Did you know that ants are forest nurses?

    Don't start a fire. Fire is the enemy of the forest.

    You can't cut down trees. Trees are the lungs of our planet.

    You cannot damage the bark of trees.

(summarizing the results of the “Ecological Signs” competition)

Let's think together: will our forest and park be worse if, walking along the path, you break a twig, or step on a fly agaric, or make a wreath of flowers? (children's answers). Yes, nature will be worse off! After all, every broken twig, trampled fly agaric, plucked flower is a small wound inflicted on nature. And it is very difficult for nature itself to heal even the smallest wounds. Therefore, you must remember and follow the rules of behavior in nature!

Competition 3: Ecological relay race “Clear the road”.

    Collect 5 rubber products.

    Collect 5 candy papers.

    Collect plastic products (bottles, disposable tableware, etc.) 5 pcs.

    Collect 5 cellophane bags.

    The last one runs to trash can Whoever is faster is the winner.

(The jury gives the floor to sum up).

Team representatives are asked to take turns recognizing the bird’s voice and naming it. They will recognize the singing of a magpie, sparrow, crow, tit, woodpecker, cuckoo, owl, pigeon, rooster, rook.

5th competition: competition of intellectuals “Rebuses-riddles”.

Teams are asked to solve 2 puzzles each, and post the answers in the form of a completed puzzle on the tables.

Rebus options:

Captains competition.

Captains of both teams are invited. KVN participants greet the captains.

Presenter: Once upon a time there lived an Absent-Minded Man, and his friends instructed him to write two letters for a scientific expedition. Each letter had to contain information about representatives of living and inanimate nature, about which scientists had to collect information and provide it to scientific laboratory. But since the author of the letter was very absent-minded, he mixed up all the pictures with each other. ATTENTION! Your task: to correctly arrange the pictures into envelopes. The captain of the “Knowledgeable” team collects pictures of LIVING NATURE in an envelope for a scientific expedition, and the captain of the “Umniki” team collects pictures of NON-LIVING NATURE. And the members of the opposing teams will check the correctness of the task.

The jury evaluates the competition.

Competition 6: “What would you do?”

Each team plays out and shows two environmental situations for their opponents. The guys must identify, guess the name of the situation, comment on it and draw the correct conclusion.

Situation options

1. -Vanya found a nest with warbler eggs in the grass. He really liked the small testicles. He wanted to take them home. And the warbler circled above him and screamed. What is the right thing for Vanya to do?

2.-The children came with the teacher to a forest clearing. And they stopped in amazement: “So many flowers! Chamomile, bells. Let’s pick big bouquets of flowers,” the children suggested. And the teacher said... What did the teacher say?

      On Sunday I decided to go to the lake. Two boys were walking along the path in front of me. Suddenly they saw a small frog in the grass. “Let's take her with us so that she doesn't get lost,” said one boy. “Don’t touch it, the frog will find its own way,” said another. Which boy was right?

      Andryusha found a hedgehog in the forest and decided to give it to his girlfriend Nastya. But Nastya said: “Let him go, please!” "Never! I know that some people catch hedgehogs and bring them home, give them milk, feed them candy,” Andryusha answered. “Only cruel people do this. Hedgehogs cannot live in captivity and often die!” Why did Nastya say that?

The jury sums up the results of the competition.

Game with fans.

"If I come to the woods."

Now we will check how you know the rules of behavior in the forest. I will tell you my actions, and you will answer. If it’s good, we say “yes,” if it’s bad, then we shout “no” together.

What if I go to the woods and pick a chamomile? (no, why?

What if I eat the pie and throw away the paper? (No)

What if I leave a piece of bread on the stump? (Yes)

If I tie a branch, will I place a peg? (Yes)

What if I make a fire and don’t put it out? (No)

What if I make a big mess and forget to clean it up? (No)

If I pick up the trash, will I bury the jar? (Yes)

I love my nature, I help it! (Yes)

Competition 7 (final): Reading poems on an environmental theme.

Two representatives are invited from each team. The guys read prepared poems.

The floor is given to the jury, which announces the total score. In our Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful, the team won……….The award ceremony is being held.

Thank you for your participation,

Here are souvenirs for your luck!

Look, admire, accept!

Choose whatever you like!

KVN is over, friends, goodbye!

Evaluation protocol for the jury in the environmental KVN

"Young Nature Experts"


Competition name

Team "Knowledge"

Sub.gr "A"


"Smart Guys"

Sub.gr "B"



Ecological signs

Relay "Clear the Road"

Rebuses - riddles

What would you do?


Captains competition

Photo apps

Photo 1. Mini-exhibition “Cognition of Science “Ecology”

Photo 2. Design of the central wall for the environmental game

Photo 3. Working moments of playing KVN on an environmental theme.

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