Ksenia Sobchak - biography, photo, personal life. This is a boy! Ksenia Sobchak gave birth to her first child Ksenia Sobchak's father is alive

Ksenia Sobchak has repeatedly stated that she cannot stand children. This is quite normal, this is a personal matter for any person. The reasons for being childfree may be different, but they all have the right to exist.

For example, I also never had a great desire to pupate. The reason is simple - I am too responsible, but I understand that I cannot give the child everything that I want to give him. If so, I will suffer.

Observing Ksenia’s relationship with her parents, I also understand her reason for not wanting to have her own children. She does not like her mother, she is constantly at knifepoint with her, and makes a completely logical conclusion for herself: she will have exactly the same relationship with her children.

Photo: get-wallpapersr.ru

However, stupid bastards are unable to cope with their instincts. Rumors about the pregnancy of child-hater Sobchak have ceased to be rumors.

And although Ksenia is officially silent about pregnancy, everything is already clear to everyone:

Photo: social networks

This is a flight. This is already the fifth month. Yesterday Sobchak stated that she hates children, and today she ovulated and became pregnant. And this is also quite normal for the TV channel correspondent Lo///d.

Just six months ago, Ksenia sent photographs of her genitals to her co-owner oil company Ruspetro to Alexander Chistyakov, the husband of his friend Natalya “Glukoza” Ionova, known for his fertility. And now Sobchak is pregnant.

Ksenia called Maxim Vitorgan, her husband, an average actor who never grabbed stars from heaven. Women, as a rule, do not give birth to average men.

You and I didn’t hold a candle there and we can, of course, only guess who got Sobchak pregnant. List former men Ksenia, compiled by Tina Kandelaki, is quite extensive, and not all of it continues to communicate with former TV presenter Houses 2.

This is the official Kapkov, and Umar Dzhabrailov, and the opposition freak Ilya Yashin, and many others. main feature list - all the men are more interesting, more influential, prettier and richer than Sobchak’s current husband.

One can only guess who the father of Ksenia’s unborn child is. In a couple of years we will see who he is like, and everything will become clear.

However, today we can already guess from whom Sobchak got pregnant. Whether by chance or by design, it doesn’t matter. Who do you think biological father Ksenia's child?

Name: Ksenia Sobchak
Date of Birth: November 5, 1981
Zodiac sign: Scorpion
Age: 37 years
Place of Birth: Saint Petersburg
Height: 167 cm
Weight: 58 kg
Activity: Politician, presenter, journalist, public figure, actress
Education: St. Petersburg State University-MGIMO
Family status: Married to Maxim Vitorgan


Ksenia Sobchak and Borodina
If you carefully study the biography of Ksenia Sobchak, you can understand that, despite the fact that this decision to leave the “House 2” project was difficult for her, it was correct at that time, because she began to develop further and show all the facets of her creative potential. And she is talented in many areas.

Since 2007, Ksenia Sobchak has been trying to realize herself as a singer. She not only sang on her own, but even filmed several videos with Timati, which immediately aroused many rumors about their difficult, but rather “warm” relationship.

In 2010, Ksenia became the host of several programs. So, on Channel Five she becomes the host of the “Freedom of Thoughts” program, she also hosted the “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire” program on the TNT channel, and on the Muz-TV program “Blonde in Chocolate.” It is worth noting that this list is large. But scandalous reputation Sobchak followed her everywhere, and Ksenia often had to change her next place of work.

In 2015, Sobchak became the host of the “Battle of Restaurants” program, which airs on the Friday channel. As a presenter, she was well able to use both her audacity and her scandalous nature to correctly evaluate the work of restaurants.

Throughout her career, Sobchak has starred in several films, and currently wishes to continue her career as an artist. Since 2008, she has been writing and publishing her books, which reflect the worldview of Ksenia Anatolyevna.

Personal life of Ksenia Sobchak

Ksenia's personal life always took place in front of the general public. So, everyone knows that in 2005 Sobchak was going to marry American businessman Alexander Shusterovich, but suddenly 5 days before wedding ceremony this event has been cancelled. It is believed that Ksenia Anatolyevna herself initiated the separation.

In 2010, Ksenia began dating Sergei Kapkov, who was at that time the head of the Moscow Department of Culture. He, while on the “Let Them Talk” program, publicly confessed his love to Ksenia. But this relationship could only last one more year.

Immediately after breaking up with Sergei Kapkov, Sobchak began dating Ilya Yashin, a politician. Together they appeared at events, social parties, and television programs. This relationship was destined to last only six months.

TV presenter, journalist and socialite Ksenia Sobchak has repeatedly expressed her skepticism towards family values and to childbirth in particular. All her novels stopped before reaching logical conclusion, that is, before the wedding.

Most of her fans and opponents thought that Sobchak would never marry. But no, she got married and gave birth to a child. Actor Maxim Vitorgan became the chosen one of 32-year-old Ksenia, and this news came as a complete surprise to everyone.

Hereditary actor

Maxim Vitorgan was born into the acting family of Emmanuel Vitorgan and Alla Butler. Son famous parents, he graduated from GITIS in 1993, and entered the Moscow Youth Theater, where he played in the productions of “The Thunderstorm” and “Decembrists”.

Since 1999 he served in Lenkom, but for his creative career managed to work with the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov, Theater of Nations, Center named after. Meyerhold. He became widely known as a member of the Quartet I theater, where he played the role of DJ Misha in the production of Radio Day and Election Day. These productions were filmed.

Maxim’s filmography includes more than 50 works. Most often in films he gets roles in comedies, a fact he explains by his typical appearance: “Such a large, clumsy person.”

The mystery of the novel

Sobchak and Vitorgan met at the “For Fair Elections” rally, but the acquaintance did not continue immediately. At that time, Ksenia was in a relationship, and Vitorgan began to conquer her.

As he himself admits, at the first meeting, Ksenia made a stunning impression on him. “I have never seen such a combination of strength, energy and fragility.”

The couple hid their relationship for a long time, even from relatives and closest friends. On February 1, 2013, Sobchak and Vitorgan got married.

The ceremony took place at the Fitil cinema. The invitees were sure that they had come to the premiere with the participation of Vitorgan. But suddenly, completely unexpectedly, Ksenia appeared, wedding dress and veil. This came as a surprise to most guests.

Various theories were circulated in the press as to why Sobchak chose Vitorgan. One of them said that in this way Ksenia was trying to forget her previous romance, the other - that there were no hunters for Sobchak’s hand, so she grabbed the first person she came across (years go by, and no one really wants to get involved with such a woman). They also discussed the version of creating an unnecessary news story, and that Sobchak wants to move away from the opposition...

Interesting notes:

Few people believed in the sincerity of this couple and in the reality of marriage. Nobody thought about such a simple thing that the iron Sobchak could “float” and fall in love.

However, many things speak in favor of this particular version.

Basically, all of her serious relationship ended with a sentence, but went no further.

In her lifetime, Sobchak has seen billionaires, stars, ardent patriots, and fighters against the regime - but no one offered her the main thing. What Vitorgan offered her - to love her for who she is.

In addition, such convinced “childfree” people do not give birth to children simply because it is time. They give birth to children in exceptional cases. For example, for love.

Unity of opposites

At first glance, they are too different. She is provocative, social, with a reputation as one of the most scandalous media personalities. He is selective in communication, a reserved intellectual. According to Maxim himself, he was so uninterested in the social scene that he did not even suspect the scale of his wife’s popularity.

“The press is interested in her every sneeze, every word becomes the reason for an entire article,” he shared his experiences in an interview with one of the portals. “If I find myself at some social events, it means I was beaten badly.”

Despite the difference in lifestyle and temperament, the couple is still together. Many note that Sobchak has become softer and has stopped getting involved in various adventures. Vitorgan began to look better, lost weight, and began to dress stylishly.

On November 18, 2016, the couple had a son, Plato.. At first, the young mother practically did not leave Vacation home, in which they live with the mother of the journalist, Lyudmila Narusova. Ksenia admits that just a few years ago she could not even imagine that she would enjoy a quiet, “village” life.

Vitorgan also enjoys fatherhood. The actor has two children from previous marriages, but he perceives later fatherhood completely differently. “Every time I look at him, I don’t really understand why I even need to leave the house... He’s such a lucky guy: calm, attentive, reasonable.”

Who was Ksenia Sobchak's father? important!

  1. Ksenia Sobchak is the daughter of a lawyer
  2. fic knows him
  3. Ksenia's father and mother got married in 1980.
    Father: Anatoly Sobchak (1937-2000). The first mayor of Leningrad (1991-1996), which was renamed St. Petersburg under him. Doctor of Law. Author of more than 200 books and articles on economics and law. From 1997 to 1999 he lived in Paris, where he lectured at the Sorbonne and the Higher

    School of Economics.
    Mother: Lyudmila Narusova (1951). Since October 2002 he has been a member of the Federation Council Federal Assembly RF. President of St. Petersburg public fund Anatoly Sobchak. Candidate of Historical Sciences. Author and presenter of the television program "Freedom of Speech" (RTR). Actively engaged in human rights and social activities.
    Ksenia's father loved beauty in all its forms. He even had a photograph of Claudia Schiffer on his desk. The wife constantly removed the photo, but he returned it to its place.
    Her father meant a lot in Ksenia’s life. She had no secrets from him. This is a state of spiritual intimacy when words are not important. Such a relationship is no longer possible for Sobchak with anyone.

  4. mayor of St. Petersburg
  5. Mayor of St. Petersburg, “a real Russian democrat”, taught at Leningrad State University (St. Petersburg State University), by the way, the GDP itself))
  6. The first mayor of St. Petersburg
  7. by the measure of St. Petersburg
  8. Anatoly Sobchak, mayor of St. Petersburg.
  9. Ksyusha Sobchak's father was Anatoly Sobchak. If you are interested, I can add that N.K. Krupskaya’s husband was Comrade Krupsky
  10. edit Biography
    I spent my childhood in Uzbekistan. In 1956 he entered the Faculty of Law of Leningrad state university.

    Since 1959, after graduating from university, he worked as a lawyer at the Stavropol Regional Bar Association, then as head of a legal consultation in the Stavropol Territory. In 1962 he returned to Leningrad. Graduated from graduate school at Leningrad State University. From 1965 to 1968 he taught at the Leningrad Special Police School of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. In 1968-1973 Associate Professor at the Leningrad Technological Institute of Pulp and Paper Industry. From 1973 to 1981 associate professor, from 1982 to 1989 professor, head of the department of economic law at Leningrad State University. He was the dean of the Faculty of Law of Leningrad State University.

    In June 1988 he joined the CPSU. In 1989 he was elected people's deputy of the USSR. At the first congress he became a member Supreme Council THE USSR. He was the chairman of the USSR Supreme Council subcommittee on economic legislation of the Committee on Legislation, Law and Order. In June 1989 he became a member of the Interregional Deputy Group. In April 1990 he was elected as a deputy of the Leningrad City Council. On May 23, 1990 he was elected chairman of the Leningrad City Council. On June 12, 1991 he was elected mayor of St. Petersburg.

    In July 1991 he became one of the founders of the Democratic Reform Movement. In the same year, he was one of the main organizers of the city referendum on returning the historical name to Leningrad, as a result of which the name St. Petersburg was returned to the city. In October 1993 he headed the federal list of candidates for the State Duma from Russian movement democratic reforms. In the elections of December 12, 1993, the bloc did not receive the number of votes required to enter the State Duma. In February 1996 he joined the St. Petersburg branch of the Our Home Russia movement. On July 3, 1996, he lost the election for governor of St. Petersburg to his deputy, Vladimir Yakovlev.

    In 1997, he was accused of abuses as mayor of St. Petersburg. On November 7, 1997, he flew to France for treatment at an American hospital in Paris. September 13, 1998 General Prosecutor's Office Russia opened a criminal case against Anatoly Sobchak under articles of Bribery and Abuse of Official Power. Lived in Paris until July 12, 1999. Lectured at the Sorbonne and other French universities. On November 10, 1999, the criminal case against Sobchak was dismissed for lack of evidence of a crime.

    On December 21, 1999, he lost the elections to the State Duma to Yabloko candidate Pyotr Shelishch and announced that he had decided to participate in the elections for the governor of St. Petersburg. On February 14, 2000 he was appointed as a proxy of the presidential candidate Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and headed the Political Advisory Council of Democratic Parties and Movements of St. Petersburg.

    He died on the night of February 19-20, 2000 in a sanatorium in Svetlogorsk (Kaliningrad region), as a result, as the official conclusion was reported, of acute heart failure. Rumors of murder immediately appeared due to the fact that Sobchak knew too much. An autopsy carried out in Kaliningrad showed that the deceased had alcohol in his body, corresponding to a moderate degree of intoxication, as well as a medical drug (as later reported, Viagra) in a double or triple dose. As a result, on May 6, the prosecutor's office of the Kaliningrad region opened a criminal case on the fact premeditated murder(poisoning). However, an autopsy in St. Petersburg stated the absence of both alcohol and poisoning. On August 4, the Kaliningrad prosecutor's office closed case 12.

    edit Family
    Father Alexander Antonovich, worked as a railway engineer,
    Mother Nadezhda Andreevna Litvinova, worked as an accountant,
    Wife Nonna Handzyuk. Daughter Maria (1965),
    Wife (since 1980) Lyudmila Narusova. Daughter Ksenia (1981).

    edit Awards and titles
    Jubilee medal 300 years of the Russian Navy (1996)
    Order of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Holy Blessings

  11. Mayor of St. Petersburg
  12. first mayor of St. Petersburg
  13. This is all one company and Sobchak and GDP and other gentlemen and comrades.
  14. Mayor of St. Petersburg.
  15. deputy

In August, the whole country celebrated the 70th anniversary of a major politician, the first mayor of St. Petersburg, Anatoly SOBCHAK. At the anniversary celebrations, the memory of the man who returned to the city historical name, a democrat without quotes, a true intellectual and scientist, was honored not only by people from the star team he created, including President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, but also by thousands of ordinary people.

It is all the more surprising that some of Anatoly Alexandrovich’s closest relatives were not seen at these events, in particular his older brother Alexander, eldest daughter Maria and grandson Gleb.


It is almost impossible to find information about Sobchak’s first family and his relatives in the press and on Internet sites. There are no photographs of them or memories of their famous relative anywhere. It seems that before his marriage to Lyudmila Narusova, there was nothing significant in the life of Anatoly Alexandrovich. Meanwhile, he lived with his first wife, Nonna Sobchak, for 21 years.

Nonna Stepanovna: my happiness is my daughter Masha

All our attempts to communicate with Sobchak’s first wife were in vain. Nonna Stepanovna flatly refused an interview. We met her quite by chance near a store in one of the “dormitory” areas of St. Petersburg, on Vernost Street, where she lives. A woman bought fertilizer for flowers, which large quantities grows it in his apartment and at his dacha in Vaskelovo. By the way, the neighbors in the dacha speak very warmly about her. They say that for them she is not a relative of Sobchak, but simply a sympathetic neighbor. Despite her very secluded lifestyle, Nonna Stepanovna never refuses to give practical advice on gardening. Flowers, it seemed to me, became an outlet for her. According to her, all the shelves of her home library are filled with books about them. She never got married. ABOUT ex-wife and she doesn’t want to talk about the 30 years of her life spent without him. He calls his only daughter Masha happy. She says she has raised a good girl.

“I’ve lived alone for 30 years and manage everything perfectly. I can’t sit without work, I still teach. Do you know how old I am? 72 years old. But do I look like them? No!" - says Nonna Stepanovna.

Maria Anatolyevna: contact Ksyusha!

The mayor's eldest daughter, Maria Anatolyevna Sobchak, a lawyer at the St. Petersburg Bar Association, turned out to be an even more private person than her mother. She categorically refuses to communicate with the press. IN telephone conversation advised me to contact Ksenia Anatolyevna, my younger sister after her father, who, they say, loves the press.

She said that she does not communicate with her sister and does not intend to do so:

“I don’t want the information that I can give about my father to turn into a strawberry thanks to the press.” It’s enough that Ksenia Anatolyevna made a show out of our surname. The memory of my father is dear to me; for me he is not a public figure to whom monuments are erected, but a dear person whom I loved very much. Don't bother me anymore."

By advice eldest daughter Mayor, we called Ksenia Sobchak, who, in contrast to her sister, said that she treats Maria very well, but they rarely communicate, only at events, dedicated to memory father.

Masha and I have neither bad nor good relations. At the same time, she is a wonderful person, she has a wonderful son. She and I didn’t grow up together, and we don’t have much in common. I communicate with my cousin because we grew up together. I really don’t understand why you need to communicate with people because they are your relatives?

I am friends with people solely on the basis of their inner closeness to me and how much time they spent with me,” Ksyusha explained.

At the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg University, Maria is spoken of well as a former student, but, unlike many of her fellow students, Maria does not communicate with graduates of the faculty after graduation.

Photos of her student years also not preserved. Which seems strange, because she graduated from college not so long ago. We managed to find Maria's classmate. The police major asked not to mention her name in the publication and did not show photographs of the course. She said that nothing was saved.

Until our fifth year, we didn’t even know that our professor’s daughter was studying with us. Masha's last name was Petrova. She was a persistent girl. It felt like he would achieve what he wanted. However, I didn’t forget to take a walk. The guys followed her so much that many girls envied her. Masha was not particularly beautiful, but she was damn charming. I recently saw her by chance on the street, she managed to maintain her charm. She hasn't changed much since her student days. Although more than 20 years have passed.

Alexander Sobchak: I heard about my brother’s death on the radio

Sobchak’s brother, Alexander Alexandrovich, did not refuse the meeting, but did not invite him home. He said that his wife Margarita and daughter Marina are categorically against him communicating with the press. Noticing us at the gate of their house in the village of Pesochny, the women unanimously declared that the journalists should leave their family alone.

“Don’t be offended by Rita,” Alexander Alexandrovich said apologetically. - They are simply afraid of Lyudmila Narusova.

- Why on earth?

She doesn’t like the fact that I don’t believe in any of Anatoly’s infarction or pre-infarction states. When I learned about my brother’s death, I didn’t doubt for a moment that he had been killed. Anatoly had a lot of enemies, he stopped fitting into the system. So they gave the go-ahead to the special services. Of course, I have no evidence, only guesses, otherwise I would have filed a lawsuit.

- They said that a woman was involved in his death...

I am sure that in Kaliningrad there was a very ordinary murder, which was covered up by a heart attack. Maybe there was a woman with Anatoly. So what? My brother was a prominent man. And further big question, who slipped this woman to him and what is her role in this whole story.

Anatoly really didn’t want to go to Paris with his family for Christmas. Literally before leaving, he called me and said that he didn’t want to go, but Lyudmila insisted. Then in France there were strong hurricanes, and I persuaded him to stay. But my brother didn’t listen to me... They returned on the 20th of January. I called him, but Lyudmila answered the phone. She said that her husband was busy and would call back as soon as he could. A week later he called. He asked if I had read his book “A Dozen Knives in the Back.” “You,” I told him, “as always, have everything written in high level, but from every line it shows that you want to be in power again. For God’s sake, don’t go into this cesspool!” It seemed to me that he was a little offended by me then. But nevertheless he said: “Listen, I’ll come to you the day after tomorrow.” And then Narusova snatched the phone: “Sasha! Stop talking! Don’t you hear that he’s sick?!” Tolya never came to see me. I came to him... for the funeral.

THE RELATIONSHIP IS AVAILABLE: Ksenia Sobchak with her mother and aunt - Lyudmila Borisovna’s sister

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