You will definitely be surprised: Alla Mazur for the first time declassified the name of her son’s father (photo). Life lessons that Alla Mazur learned: I never pretended to be a polite girl, I was just a fighter Alla Mazur TV presenter biography

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An excerpt characterizing Mazur, Alla Grigorievna

Tender melancholy, oh, come and comfort me,
Come, soothe the torment of my dark solitude
And add secret sweetness
To these tears that I feel flowing.]
Julie played Boris the saddest nocturnes on the harp. Boris read aloud to her Poor Lisa and more than once interrupted his reading from the excitement that took his breath away. Meeting in large society, Julie and Boris looked at each other as the only people in a world of indifferent people who understood each other.
Anna Mikhailovna, who often went to the Karagins, making up her mother’s party, meanwhile made correct inquiries about what was given for Julie (both Penza estates and Nizhny Novgorod forests were given). Anna Mikhailovna, with devotion to the will of Providence and tenderness, looked at the refined sadness that connected her son with the rich Julie.
“Toujours charmante et melancolique, cette chere Julieie,” she said to her daughter. - Boris says that he rests his soul in your house. “He has suffered so many disappointments and is so sensitive,” she told her mother.
- Oh, my friend, how attached I am to Julie Lately“,” she told her son, “I can’t describe it to you!” And who can not love her? This is such an unearthly creature! Ah, Boris, Boris! – She fell silent for a minute. “And how I feel sorry for her maman,” she continued, “today she showed me reports and letters from Penza (they have a huge estate) and she is poor, all alone: ​​she is so deceived!
Boris smiled slightly as he listened to his mother. He meekly laughed at her simple-minded cunning, but listened and sometimes asked her carefully about the Penza and Nizhny Novgorod estates.
Julie had long been expecting a proposal from her melancholic admirer and was ready to accept it; but some secret feeling of disgust for her, for her passionate desire to get married, for her unnaturalness, and a feeling of horror at the renunciation of the possibility true love still stopped Boris. His vacation was already over. He spent whole days and every single day with the Karagins, and every day, reasoning with himself, Boris told himself that he would propose tomorrow. But in the presence of Julie, looking at her red face and chin, almost always covered with powder, at her moist eyes and at the expression of her face, which always expressed a readiness to immediately move from melancholy to the unnatural delight of marital happiness, Boris could not utter a decisive word: despite the fact that for a long time in his imagination he considered himself the owner of Penza and Nizhny Novgorod estates and distributed the use of income from them. Julie saw Boris's indecisiveness and sometimes the thought occurred to her that she was disgusting to him; but immediately the woman’s self-delusion came to her as a consolation, and she told herself that he was shy only out of love. Her melancholy, however, began to turn into irritability, and not long before Boris left, she undertook a decisive plan. At the same time that Boris's vacation was ending, Anatol Kuragin appeared in Moscow and, of course, in the Karagins' living room, and Julie, unexpectedly leaving her melancholy, became very cheerful and attentive to Kuragin.
“Mon cher,” Anna Mikhailovna said to her son, “je sais de bonne source que le Prince Basile envoie son fils a Moscou pour lui faire epouser Julieie.” [My dear, I know from reliable sources that Prince Vasily sends his son to Moscow in order to marry him to Julie.] I love Julie so much that I would feel sorry for her. What do you think, my friend? - said Anna Mikhailovna.
The thought of being a fool and wasting this whole month of difficult melancholy service under Julie and seeing all the income from the Penza estates already allocated and properly used in his imagination in the hands of another - especially in the hands of the stupid Anatole, offended Boris. He went to the Karagins with the firm intention of proposing. Julie greeted him with a cheerful and carefree look, casually talked about how much fun she had at yesterday's ball, and asked when he was leaving. Despite the fact that Boris came with the intention of talking about his love and therefore intended to be gentle, he irritably began to talk about women's inconstancy: how women can easily move from sadness to joy and that their mood depends only on who looks after them. Julie was offended and said that it was true that a woman needs variety, that everyone will get tired of the same thing.

"The Iron Lady" Ukrainian television does not talk about his personal life, so journalists cling to the slightest opportunity to find out at least something on this topic. When the TV presenter became pregnant, the yellow press immediately showed increased interest in the question of who husband of Alla Mazur, with whom she is expecting a child. But finding out about this was no easier than discovering some military secret.

In the photo - Alla Mazur

Only one thing was clear - Alla Mazur was not alone then, the baby’s father was eagerly waiting for them at the door of the maternity hospital with a huge bouquet of roses and a bunch of gifts, and at home he prepared everything for the arrival of Alla and the child. When asked who Alla Mazur’s husband is, she very restrainedly answers that he is not a politician or an oligarch.

When the baby grew up, from the few interviews regarding the personal life of the Ukrainian TV presenter, it became clear that she was raising her son Artem alone. Alla, talking about a joint vacation with her son, says that she spent her vacation in Bulgaria not with her husband, but with friends and her son. In addition, she admits that her son is quietly left alone when his mother has to go to work.

In the photo - a TV presenter with her son

Alla Mazur has been working on television for more than twenty years, and began her career as a correspondent on radio, where she came after graduating from the Faculty of Journalism of the Kyiv state university them. Shevchenko. Alla Mazur aspired to this profession with school years, when I wrote materials for the local regional newspaper, and therefore after graduation high school with a gold medal I went to study to become a journalist.

For this purpose, Alla moved from her native village in the Khmelnitsky region to Kyiv. Having become a certified journalist, she rose from the position of correspondent on the first channel of the Ukrainian radio station to the leading Main Editorial Office of the information department. Since 1993, she switched to television, where she became the host of the news program of the UT-1 TV channel. In addition, she hosted the popular political show“Crossroads”, and later became the author of the television series “Investment Story”.

Now Alla Mazur hosts the weekly information and analytical program “TSN. A week". Work forces the TV presenter to go on business trips very often, because of which she has to part with her son for a long time, and the lack of free time greatly affects her personal life. The presenter says that her family is trying in every possible way to support her, but does not mention the people whom she calls her family, so the question of who Alla Mazur’s husband remains open.

My father is finishing up his child, but she still spoke about her 8-month-old child.

“My current position is already befitting me. We don’t have to be forced, and the child has not become my burden. Perhaps it’s all worked out in due course, since my career ambitions have already been realized in many ways. I worked my ass off, but now I just want to enjoy motherhood,” Alla shared in an interview with the magazine “Viva! Ukraine ".

Tim no less, the life of the TV presenter and the children of the people “has changed dramatically.” And if she first warmed up to her son, “it was like knowing a good friend, whom you didn’t know at all, but just by talking on the phone.”

“Of course, like all my mothers, I realized that my baby is the most beautiful in the world. He was so destructive in his hat! And then this friend burst into tears and immediately knocked out his glasses. Tyomi's main rice: you love to vine objects, they are respectfully admired with the thoughtful look of a follower,” says Artem Mazur about his son.

And the first, in the words of the TV presenter, to greet Alla and his father’s son to the canopy: “He came with a majestic bouquet of Trojans, happy and sad.

Even if he himself became the happy father of the son of one of the most popular faces of television screens, the woman doesn’t want to say.

“You know, the press had seen a lot of things long before my son came into the world. I was hooked! And now I don’t want to develop this topic at all. I’ll say this: Artyom has a father, he’s already in love with him and swears about him. nickname,” Vaughn said lamely.

Among other things, about those that Alla became a mother at the age of 42, there is no harm in it. It seems that “children are born into the world when they feel that there is a difference between their fathers.”

And from the choice of name for the son there was a whole mini-epopee.

“The ultrasound showed that he was going to be a boy, we realized that he and Artem deserved more than others. True, my grandmother and my mother had doubts. Because both I and you are Catholics, and the Catholic saints did not have the name Artem, only the Orthodox saints did not have the name Artemy. And my grandmother was worried about this arrest for a long time,” says Mazur.

“And at the time of the water-church, they gave them” to Anthony - the most important saint of Catholicism, Anthony the Wonderworker. Now our son is Artyom-Antony,” she proved. Also, according to Alli’s words, both Vaughn and her son are Catholics, and from Artyom’s son, he is Orthodox.

In truth, my son Mazur is not quite like Artem...
...and Artem-Antoniy

“Obviously, our grandmother will take care of the spiritual teachings of our children, and she will teach us about the traditions, like our brother and I. We have long been parishioners of the Church of St. Alexander near Kiev, in friendship with its rector, Father Alexander. "- Alla explained .

Suddenly, baby Mazur’s close friend and colleague Mar’yana Voronovich and his brother Oleksandr became christening fathers.

Before speaking, as Alla knows, her son is aided by “the sharpness of the sensible and protruding swearers.” Thus, TV presenters Marichka Padalko and Inna Moskvina, who also take care of children, do not hesitate to give pleasure on the phone, and transmit valuable literature.

If it makes you happy to marvel at this specifically, then Allah and go to online forums for mothers. He often looks at specialized websites: he looks for the right for his son and himself. And from vodgukov mothers on the forums they find out how best to buy a good child's clothes.

"...Our lad is not good at beautiful speeches. And I am glad about this: I want my son to develop a garnish relish. He has a number in his ole. If our grandmother took her blouse especially far away, the child’s ice did not fall out of my hands “I was so amazed at all this beauty,” she says about the fashionable TV presenter.

True, behind these words, Allya wanted to dress up during her pregnancy, and not just to dress up for life, but to dress up! “I just thought that it’s not what I really want, but what my son wants,” she admits. That child’s favorite toy is not just anything, but Matusya’s mobile phone.

“Besides, Tyoma is an extremely gentle child. She recently learned to kiss. She throws herself at me, hugs me, and licks my cheek with her whole mouth. ? - she replies Reception moments.

Moreover, Allah, as we know, will love such tenderness and will want everything. Even children who are often carried in their arms, hugged and kissed, develop more harmonious characteristics.

“However, we used to talk to Tomya in a grown-up way, using simple words, not arguing and not lisping, so that he could feel literate. And intonation is also important for Tioma: he very sensitively reacts to the slightest change in tone and love, if you praise,” adds the TV presenter.

In the homeland, both Ukrainian and Russian brand are used with children, so as not to surzhik. Your choice should lie with those present at home.

“We are Russian, my grandfather and my grandmother are speaking Ukrainian. And from now on, the time has come to tell our grandmother, about the nationality, that Volodya is Polish,” - like Alla, as my mother doesn’t really know I wanted to speak Polish - all the time didn't show up.

“Moreover, we already think that the future would have a negative mother’s nanny because of the knowledge of foreign languages. and languages: Ukrainian, Russian and English,” boasts Mazur .

Artem is a patient boy. If Allah is still dozing, and he has already woken up, the boy does not immediately begin to cry, calling to himself. Plays the game on its own. “A child is also a human being who needs an hour to go to sleep, lie down and think about life. And perhaps, I understand, it’s too difficult for me to get up early, because lying for me is priceless, and gives my mother baby take a nap" - the TV presenter lets go.

"(At last Artyom loses himself) for about a minute, then begins to squeak quietly. When I don’t respond to this call, the little one begins to sing songs loudly, and then we get along with him. I take my son in my arms , I bring it to the window, we open the curtains , let the sunshine in and laugh at the new day,” Mazur speaks about the sleeping wounds.

Then mom and son eat. First there is Artemko, then Alla has tea and a sandwich. The boy and his grandmother go for a walk. And Mazur is currently “dealing with his problems.” i Before the New Year, I thought of something new to do - I went to a driving school,” she said.

And if mom doesn’t have instructions, 8-month-old Artem should be treated kindly. Naturally, the stinks begin to appear one after another, but suddenly Alla turns around, and the sons begin to joyfully dance in the valley.

“Indeed, Tyoma is a smart girl! He behaved well even before the people. There were no special turbos with him, practically all the pressure was no problem. When my brothers went to an interview with the first powers, I asked him: “Be patient, little one, with us Today is an important day, and we won’t have much to look forward to.” “Tyoma behaved even calmly,” says Alla.

Nina, a TV presenter, behind her words, can achieve an independent and independent character. You can only get closer to him with a path that is recontextualized and rose-clear. But in the future, as Mazur said, Artem is still terra incognita for her: today she is bringing out new ideas for her character.

Photo "Viva! Ukraine" and "Telenedelya"

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The “Iron Lady” of Ukrainian television does not talk about her personal life, so journalists cling to the slightest opportunity to find out at least something on this topic. When the TV presenter became pregnant, the yellow press immediately showed increased interest in the question of who Alla Mazur’s husband was, with whom she was expecting a child. But finding out about this was no easier than revealing some military secret, reports

Only one thing was clear - Alla Mazur was not alone then, the baby’s father was eagerly waiting for them at the door of the maternity hospital with a huge bouquet of roses and a bunch of gifts, and at home he prepared everything for the arrival of Alla and the child. When asked who Alla Mazur’s husband is, she very restrainedly answers that he is not a politician or an oligarch.

When the baby grew up, from the few interviews regarding the personal life of the Ukrainian TV presenter, it became clear that she was raising her son Artem alone. Alla, talking about a joint vacation with her son, says that she spent her vacation in Bulgaria not with her husband, but with friends and her son. In addition, she admits that her son is quietly left alone when his mother has to go to work.

Alla Mazur has been working on television for more than twenty years, and began her career as a correspondent on radio, where she came after graduating from the Faculty of Journalism of Kyiv State University. Shevchenko. Alla Mazur aspired to this profession since her school years, when she wrote materials for the local regional newspaper, and therefore, after graduating from high school with a gold medal, she went to study to become a journalist.

For this purpose, Alla moved from her native village in the Khmelnitsky region to Kyiv. Having become a certified journalist, she rose from the position of correspondent on the first channel of the Ukrainian radio station to the leading Main Editorial Office of the information department. Since 1993, she switched to television, where she became the host of the news program of the UT-1 TV channel. In addition, she hosted the popular political show “Crossroads”, and later became the author of the television series “Investment Story”.

Now Alla Mazur hosts the weekly information and analytical program “TSN. A week". Work forces the TV presenter to go on business trips very often, because of which she has to part with her son for a long time, and the lack of free time greatly affects her personal life. The presenter says that her family is trying in every possible way to support her, but does not mention the people whom she calls her family, so the question of who Alla Mazur’s husband remains open.

– veteran of television of independent Ukraine. She was at the very beginning, and is now deservedly one of the ten most talented TV presenters in our country. Her experience on television is more than twenty years, but looking at Alla, it’s hard to believe. The years do not affect her appearance in any way: the TV presenter remains as young and beautiful as twenty years ago.

Alla was born in 1965, and in a few months she will celebrate her anniversary. Mazur was born in a deep province, in a village near Khmelnitsky. Despite the fact that Alla was a village girl, her parents had higher education and worked as doctors. The TV presenter always followed their example and tried to be the best student in the class: Alla graduated from school with a medal. IN adolescence Mazur was an activist at school, and at some point she began writing notes for the district publication. The girl was so captivated by the activity that she was taken on permanent job, which determined the further choice of profession. After some time, Mazur moved to the capital and entered Shevchenko University the first time, naturally, to the Faculty of Journalism. However, despite the fact that Alla’s track record included dozens of publications in the newspaper, she decided to change direction, choosing to work on the radio.

Mazur managed to combine study with work, but after graduating from university she remained at the radio station. In the first months she was a correspondent, and then the talented journalist was transferred to the position of presenter in the information department. Mazur became the first to host so-called marathons on a radio station. A few years later, Alla started thinking about working on television, and in 1993 she was “lured” by the UT 1 channel. She was immediately appointed as a presenter information program. In addition to working in the news block, Mazur hosted the show “Crossroads” - the very first project in Ukraine on a political topic.

Three years later, Alla left the UT 1 channel, accepting an offer from the management of 1+1. Universal love and popularity came to the presenter on the first day of the new year 1997, when she appeared on the air of the TSN program. Later, Alla became the host of the analytical program “TSN. A week".

My personal life The TV presenter never flaunted it. By unofficial information, Mazur has never been married. The TV presenter was included in the rating of the most successful women who became mothers after forty years. Alla gave birth to her only son, Artem, in 2008, when she was almost 43 years old!

Mazur has won about a dozen of the most prestigious awards in the field of television. Alla received her first, and perhaps most expensive award for her, in 1996, becoming the best television journalist. Alla herself admits that journalism is her life’s work, so relationships with men have always faded into the background. In 2010, Mazur won two awards at once - “TV Star” and “Teletriumph”.

In 2008, Alla was targeted yellow press, when it became known about her late pregnancy. Some even thought it was a joke, but the long-awaited first-born Artem was born, and the media began to discuss Alla’s personal life even more. We must pay tribute to the courage and calmness of the TV presenter: she never said who the father of the child was, saying only that Artem’s father is not a high-ranking official and a millionaire. The birth of her son made big adjustments to Mazur’s professional career, and she had to take maternity leave, however, the TV presenter soon resumed her duties, and now manages to combine work with raising Artem.

The TV presenter has few days off, but if she has a free day or vacation, she updates her wardrobe, likes to decorate her apartment, and also goes to different countries. Mazur has a favorite hobby - she collects small houses from the different materials. The first copy in her collection appeared many years ago, when she acquired it on a trip abroad. All her friends know about Alla’s hobby, so they often give her new exhibits for the holidays. However, Mazur admits that the best way relax and unwind considers chatting with friends.

It also happens that Alla is urgently called to television when she is on vacation. Most recently, she had to interrupt her trip because the channel’s management launched new TSN programs. Tyzhden" before the official "opening" of the season. The program led by Alla is extremely popular. Recently, management has been focusing on “humanitarian aid” delivered from Russia, as well as on the rise in exchange rates.

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