Igor Nikolaev: three wives of the composer. What is the former, what is the current: famous men who fall in love with similar women Yulia Proskuryakova and Natasha Koroleva comparison

Officially married again nine years later. His new darling became Yulia Proskuryakova, who is 22 years younger than the musician. By the way, the age difference with Natasha Koroleva was 13 years. Igor Nikolaev had no children in his marriage to her. Although Natasha Koroleva gave birth to a child to her second husband, Sergei Glushko. Igor Nikolaev became a father for the first time in 1978: in his marriage to Elena, school love future master Russian stage, his daughter Julia was born. Ironically, the musician’s third wife has the same name as his first daughter. Igor Nikolaev became a father again the year before last. Yulia Proskuryakova gave birth to the musician’s daughter Veronica.

Many fans were sure that there was enmity between Nikolaev’s beloved women - former and current. However, to everyone’s surprise, Yulia and Natasha refuted these speculations. This summer, Yulia Proskuryakova released a new hit, “I am a mother!” The musician’s ex-wife Natasha Koroleva spoke in support of the singer.

“Natasha and I never had conflicts. I appeared in Igor’s life when Natasha was no longer his wife. Of course, there are fans who still haven’t come to terms with their separation, and they write nasty things about me on the forums. But in fact, our meeting with Natasha was absolutely normal. We rarely contact, but without any negativity,” Proskuryakova explained in an interview with the publication"Arguments of the week".

Igor Nikolaev and Natasha Koroleva

Igor Nikolaev also maintained a warm relationship with his ex-wife. In 2016, Natasha Koroleva, in honor of her 25th anniversary creative activity presented her anniversary show “Magic L” on the stage of the State Kremlin Palace. Without her ex-husband Igor Nikolaev, who wrote many hits for the singer, it would be incomplete. And the ex-spouses reunited on stage. They performed that same legendary song “Dolphin and the Mermaid”.

The current husband of Natasha Koroleva makes no harsh comments about the reunion of his wife with ex-husband didn't give it on stage. But she deleted the joint photo with Igor Nikolaev, which the singer published on her microblog on Instagram after the concert. Meanwhile, fans of Natasha Koroleva did not calm down and continued to bombard Igor Nikolaev with angry messages. The musician, tired of accusations and criticism against himself, made a statement on his microblog on Instagram: “...instead of an afterword. Dear fans of Natasha Koroleva! Maybe this laconic and, I hope, sincere comment from your favorite singer will calm you down, you will stop looking in a dark room for a black cat that is not there, and leave my page together? The songs that I wrote for NK turned out to be long-lasting, have stood the test of time and people's love, so go to the Little Country that I created for her and for you, you will be warm and cozy there, and, by the way, as Ilya Reznik reports, there - it's always spring! Thanks for understanding!"

For the fourth day now, fans of Igor Nikolaev have been engaged in a fierce squabble over his performance on the Kremlin stage with Natasha Koroleva. As is known, this star couple separated 15 years ago; for more than ten years they never appeared on stage together. But December 10th on the first solo concert Something happened to Natasha Koroleva in the Kremlin that most of her admirers did not expect national stage- Nikolaev and Koroleva performed the hit “Dolphin and the Mermaid” together.

"Here you go. We performed together,” Igor Nikolaev wrote on his social network page after the concert. - You feel better, fans. @natellanatella? No. They didn't feel any better. At the beginning of the year, they bombarded me with angry letters in advance, saying, how can you not perform at HER’s concert (without even knowing whether I will perform or not). Now that I finally spoke, there is no less crap... The meaning of the post is different: Natasha @natellanatella! You are great, you are a hard worker, you tried very hard, and this concert is a big milestone in your life. Congratulations!"

Many representatives of the multi-million army of fans of Igor Nikolaev’s work were happy to see their favorite duet again. But there were also reasons for criticism. The main attention of dissatisfied commentators focused on the topic of the singer’s attitude towards his ex-wife Natasha Koroleva and current wife Yulia Proskuryakova. On this basis, a whole war broke out on Nikolaev’s Instagram page.

It seemed to someone that at the concert in the Kremlin both performers behaved rather distantly and coldly towards each other, which is why the performance of the song failed. “I. Yu.’s disdainful attitude towards Natalya during the performance was really discouraging,” noted one of the subscribers. Others noticed how Nikolaev quickly went backstage when the number ended. From this, fans concluded that the Queen had a bad attitude towards ex-spouse, and she pulled him onto the stage solely for the sake of PR. Others do not rule out that this was the composer’s own idea.

Some fans, on the contrary, argued that Igor Nikolaev still retained his love for Queen. “Once Natasha came to Malakhov’s show this evening, Igor’s eyes lit up looking at her, and when he looks at his wife, he has such a dull look. He once said himself that he realized that love and passion do not make him happy like the light of a lamp in the evening,” wrote one of the fans (the author’s style and spelling have been preserved. - Ed.).

Most of all, Igor Nikolaev’s current wife, Yulia Proskuryakova, got the worst of it, who decided to defend her husband’s good name in the comments: “Guys, girls, let’s stop pestering the person. You are only making it worse... please leave Him alone... it is impossible to bring back 20 years that have not been lived together and the effect of this will never be, but if this makes you feel better, you keep it in your hearts, but do not come here to tell Igor who he should sing with, live with and what he should do! And He and Natasha and We, their close and dear people, are smart enough to build their lives without advice and wishes...” (The author’s style and spelling have been preserved. - Ed.)

Proskuryakova responded to individual people’s attacks and criticism; in response, new comments were heard, equally negative, sometimes even downright offensive. “Yulia is mediocrity compared to Natalya. A pitiful likeness of her,” users compared.

To somehow stop the flow of indignation, Igor Nikolaev published new photo, which depicted a positive comment about the performance with him from Natasha Koroleva herself. However, the wave seems unstoppable.

“Igor, why so harsh? I loved the duet, the story that you both presented to the country. And when your union broke up, I was at a loss - with whom to stay???😁😁😁. I love both. Why should I leave your page if I also like NK???” - the fans ask.

Others try to sum it up like, “Yes, fans, this is a diagnosis, and the Royals doubly so. Well, why do you need to impose your opinion? In my opinion, Julia is better, beautiful, modest, sweet, intelligent, with a clear, strong voice, and there are many like me! ...And there have been and will be comparisons, that’s why simple reason that Julia became Igor’s beloved wife, and N.K.’s fans don’t want or can’t accept it!” (The author’s style and spelling have been preserved. - Ed.)

To be continued, I suppose...

Yulia Proskuryakova, Igor Nikolaev and their daughter Veronica

35 year old Yulia Proskuryakova since 2010 married to a 57-year-old Igor Nikolaev. The composer's third wife gave him a daughter, Veronica, two years ago. Recently, the singer and happy mother told the Argumenty Nedeli portal about her life with star husband:

“I am really lucky in many ways, and miracles happen in my life. One of them is the birth of Igor and I’s daughter. We have been waiting for this miracle for almost ten years. As for my creative life, then in order to achieve results, I had to work a lot. And I continue to actively develop myself in this direction. This year I entered GITIS.”

Julia admitted that vocal creativity remains her priority. The artist is planning joint concerts and duets with her husband. At the beginning of October, a video clip was released for the song “I am a mother,” recorded by Yulia together with Elena Yesenina and Maxim Galkin.

Video for the song by Yulia Proskuryakova and Elena Yesenina “I am a mother”

Julia said that Maksim Galkin I didn’t rap for her video for crazy fees. Her husband Igor Nikolaev - Godfather four-year-old Lisa Galkina, so the showman, without hesitation, agreed to help simply out of a friendly disposition towards the composer’s family.

The singer does not hide that she was very pleased to participate Natasha Koroleva in a flash mob for her song. She added that she met Igor after his separation from his star wife: “I appeared in Igor’s life when Natasha was no longer his wife. Of course, there are fans who still haven’t come to terms with their separation, and they write nasty things about me on the forums. But this could be addressed not only to me, but also to any other woman who would appear next to Igor. For them, everyone automatically becomes bad. These are people living in the past. We met Natasha Koroleva at one of the events. And this meeting was normal. Like between adults."

The artist called the perception of Nikolaev’s second and third wives as “fierce friends” erroneous. In fact, she never had any conflicts with her husband's ex-wife. Yulia and Natasha rarely contact, but there is no negativity between them.

A post shared by Yulia Proskuryakova(@uliaveronika) on Oct 8, 2017 at 3:39pm PDT

When asked about her attitude towards guest relations and the life of a man with two or three families, Yulia answered categorically: “I think that a man should take on obligations. The proof of a man’s love is marriage.”

The singer is sure that she would not be able to forgive the betrayal: “Perhaps life will somehow change my ideas on this issue over time. Today I do not distinguish between physical and other betrayals. And to be honest, I think that this is the specific end of the relationship. Maybe you will make peace and forgive each other in words, but you will not forgive the person in your soul. All the time you will live and suffer - to see in every woman a potential rival with whom he sleeps. That is, this is a mockery of your feelings. Confidence in a man and your important place in his life you will no longer feel.”

Julia believes that you need to be happy, since a person is given only one life: “Even if the feelings have passed, you need to let the person go. What's the point of keeping him and torturing him? If he meets for an intimate relationship with another person, then he is not satisfied with you. So it seems to me that this is the end of the relationship. For me personally, certainly.”

Yulia Proskuryakova, Igor Nikolaev and their daughter Veronica

35 year old Yulia Proskuryakova since 2010 married to a 57-year-old Igor Nikolaev. The composer's third wife gave him a daughter, Veronica, two years ago. Recently, the singer and happy mother told the Argumenty Nedeli portal about her life with her star husband:

“I am really lucky in many ways, and miracles happen in my life. One of them is the birth of Igor and I’s daughter. We have been waiting for this miracle for almost ten years. As for my creative life, in order to achieve results, I had to work a lot. And I continue to actively develop myself in this direction. This year I entered GITIS.”

Julia admitted that vocal creativity remains her priority. The artist is planning joint concerts and duets with her husband. At the beginning of October, a video clip was released for the song “I am a mother,” recorded by Yulia together with Elena Yesenina and Maxim Galkin.

Video for the song by Yulia Proskuryakova and Elena Yesenina “I am a mother”

Julia said that Maksim Galkin I didn’t rap for her video for crazy fees. Her husband Igor Nikolaev is the godfather of four-year-old Lisa Galkina, so the showman, without hesitation, agreed to help simply out of a friendly disposition towards the composer’s family.

The singer does not hide that she was very pleased to participate Natasha Koroleva in a flash mob for her song. She added that she met Igor after his separation from his star wife: “I appeared in Igor’s life when Natasha was no longer his wife. Of course, there are fans who still haven’t come to terms with their separation, and they write nasty things about me on the forums. But this could be addressed not only to me, but also to any other woman who would appear next to Igor. For them, everyone automatically becomes bad. These are people living in the past. We met Natasha Koroleva at one of the events. And this meeting was normal. Like between adults."

The artist called the perception of Nikolaev’s second and third wives as “fierce friends” erroneous. In fact, she never had any conflicts with her husband's ex-wife. Yulia and Natasha rarely contact, but there is no negativity between them.

A post shared by Yulia Proskuryakova(@uliaveronika) on Oct 8, 2017 at 3:39pm PDT

When asked about her attitude towards guest relations and the life of a man with two or three families, Yulia answered categorically: “I think that a man should take on obligations. The proof of a man’s love is marriage.”

The singer is sure that she would not be able to forgive the betrayal: “Perhaps life will somehow change my ideas on this issue over time. Today I do not distinguish between physical and other betrayals. And to be honest, I think that this is the specific end of the relationship. Maybe you will make peace and forgive each other in words, but you will not forgive the person in your soul. All the time you will live and suffer - to see in every woman a potential rival with whom he sleeps. That is, this is a mockery of your feelings. You will no longer feel confident in a man and your important place in his life.”

Julia believes that you need to be happy, since a person is given only one life: “Even if the feelings have passed, you need to let the person go. What's the point of keeping him and torturing him? If he meets for an intimate relationship with another person, then he is not satisfied with you. So it seems to me that this is the end of the relationship. For me personally, certainly.”

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