Which saint should you pray to to sleep less? Venerable John of Damascus

Today we are opening a new section in which every month we will tell you about folk traditions, holidays, rituals and Orthodox shrines.

Our readers often ask which icon to pray for in church.
“The Church says that you can turn to any icon, just do it with a pure heart,” says priest of the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary (Nikitsky) Vyacheslav TIKHOMIROV. “But still, each shrine is known for its special miraculous purpose.
Icons themselves are not amulets and are holy not in themselves, but through the saints depicted on them. The house should have icons of the Holy Trinity, the Savior, Holy Mother of God, guardian angel, heavenly patrons of family members and especially revered saints in the family. Icons can be hung anywhere in the apartment, except in the latrines. Praying is allowed at any time, but there is a special prayer rule that is read in the morning and evening. A person must always wear pectoral cross. Sometimes medallions with images of the Virgin Mary or saints are worn with it. Orthodox Christians with a pure heart pray to God or to the saints who are depicted on icons.

Palm Sunday, April 2011
Temple of Frol and Laurus, p. Przemysl.

The most common image of the Holy Trinity belongs to the Monk Andrei Rublev, but there are other icons. The icon in the form of three angels depicts the Persons of the Holy Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This is one of the main icons that should be in every home. They pray to God for all needs and all problems. Located in the Trinity Cathedral of Kaluga.


The main icon of Russia, the intercessor of the entire Russian people, especially in difficult times. As a rule, marriages are blessed with this icon. There is a tradition of praying in front of it for those who have vision problems. Before this icon they also pray for help in various everyday and everyday situations. Located in the Church of John the Baptist.


Written by an evangelist
Luka. This icon is one of the most revered on
Rus' images of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Before her, kings were anointed to the kingdom and metropolitans and patriarchs were elected. Through this icon, the Mother of God reconciled those at war, softened evil hearts, and healed. Located in the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Nikitsky).


Icon about forgiveness of sins and grateful healing. Before her they pray for the conversion of the lost, for the health and well-being of children, for healing from deafness and ear diseases, for the preservation of marriage in love and harmony. Located in St. George's
Church of Kaluga.


Today, a better known version of this icon is “Softening Evil Hearts" She reconciles those at war and brings peace. She is hired for important tasks. There is a tradition of placing it opposite the door so that everyone who enters can see it. Located in the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Nikitsky).


The Mother of God prays for all sinners. Proclaims that an inexhaustible cup of heavenly help and mercy is prepared for those who ask in faith. Before her they pray for healing from bad habits, drunkenness, drug addiction, gambling. Located in the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.


According to legend, it was written by the Evangelist Luke. It belongs to the “guidebook” iconographic type. And that's it. Located in St. George's Church in Kaluga.


The icon is one of the most ancient and revered. Before her they pray for healing of soul and body. She protects from various misfortunes, troubles, sorrow, eternal condemnation, and takes care of liberation from prison. Located in the St. Nicholas Church of Kaluga.


Great healer, patron of doctors. During his lifetime he brought healing to many people from serious illnesses. And now people receive healing from this saint. Located in the Church of John the Baptist.

The miraculous image of the Mother of God was painted in the 13th century in memory of miraculous healing Venerable John of Damascus. Before the icon of the Mother of God “THREE-HANDED” they pray for peace of mind. Located in the St. Nicholas Church of Kaluga.


The image was painted in the 10th century. People pray in front of this icon when they need quick and urgent Care, as well as about healing from mental and physical illnesses, including paralysis, blindness, and oncology. Located in the temple in honor of Vasily


A highly revered saint of our time. Her relics are located in the Intercession Monastery on Taganka. Every day people come there and turn to her for help on any difficult issue. In Kaluga, the icon is in many churches, for example, in the Church of the Myrrh-Bearing Women.


They are prayed for well-being family life, birth of a child. Located in the Church of the Myrrh-Bearing Women.


Patron of all students. Located in the temple of Cosmas and Damian.


Favorite saint of the Orthodox. He is the patron saint of all travelers, drivers, sailors, and pilots. Those who are often on the road or have a profession related to transport definitely need to have this image at home. The relics of St. Nicholas the Pleasant are kept in Italy. Located in the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (Nikolo-Kozinsky).


One of the beloved and revered saints in Russia. He dedicated his entire life to serving the Lord and founded the Diveevo Convent. There are numerous cases of healing of seriously ill patients with it. Those in need of support and support turn to the image of the holy elder for consolation. Located in the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

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In difficult situations, Orthodox Christians turn to their patron saints in prayer. Knowing what to pray to the saints for will help you be heard and get what you want.

Prayer helps to establish a connection with Higher powers and receive the protection of saints. There are many prayer rules for all occasions, strengthening and encouraging believers, consoling in sadness and even capable of changing life and destiny.

Which saints should I pray for family happiness?

Love and family happiness are the basis joyful life. Orthodox Christians who want to live their lives in love and harmony pray for family happiness Kazan icon Mother of God. Newlyweds are also blessed in this way.

Besides the Mother of God, mutual love And strong family They pray to Peter and Fevronia of Murom. Their life became a model of family happiness for all Orthodox Christians; The Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, celebrated annually, is named in honor of the saints.

Image of the Mother of God “Unfading Color” They pray to meet a loved one, with whom family life will be pleasing to the Lord. They also ask this icon for help in resolving any family problems.

Theodore Icon of the Mother of God They pray for the appearance of children and the right choice of a spouse. This image is often a “wedding” icon in a young Christian family.

Ostrabramsky image Holy Virgin Maria It is considered the best protection against love spells and interference of strangers in a young family.

They pray to preserve the family and prevent divorces Great Martyrs Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia. It is believed that saints patronize Orthodox families and help spouses remain faithful to each other, respect, appreciate and love their loved ones, and live in peace and harmony.

Saint Xenia of Petersburg Orthodox girls ask for a successful marriage and a happy family life. Ksenia patronizes girls in love who want to create a strong Orthodox family.

Who is customary to pray for financial well-being?

Each of us wants to live comfortably and have the opportunity to do good deeds. Knowing which patron saints they pray to receive material goods, you will be able to improve your financial situation and achieve material well-being.

Iveron image of the Virgin Mary pray to live in abundance. It is believed that this particular icon patronizes people who want to end poverty.

Icon of the Mother of God “The One Hope of the Desperate” helps preserve your home and property from thieves, dishonest people and accidents.

“The Spreader of the Loaves” is also an icon of the Virgin Mary. Prayer before it can protect the farm from destruction, attract financial profit and save it from bankruptcy.

Great Martyr Vadim They ask for deliverance from betrayal, envy and self-interest. The saint should be prayed to before starting his own business or investing his money.

Holy Great Martyr Valentine also helps to live in abundance and not need anything. On the icon the saint is depicted with ears of wheat in her hands, which is a symbol of fertility and wealth.

They ask Saint Basil for success in business. Prayer to this patron will bring good luck in financial transactions and any monetary expenses.

Saint Daniel of Moscow They pray to find their home: the icon of the saint must be kept with you until you receive your home, and then the story in the “red corner” of the new home.

Holy Matrona of Moscow They ask for solutions to housing and everyday problems, material success, preservation of savings and acquisition of wealth. The life of Blessed Matrona is widely known and still attracts thousands of people to her grave, receiving help after praying to the patron saint.

Paraskeva Friday- heavenly patroness of merchants and needlewomen. They pray to her for the successful sale of their craft and manual labor.

Which saints do they pray to for healing illnesses and promoting health?

In prayer to the patron saints, one seeks help and consolation in illnesses and troubles: there are many known cases when sincere prayer literally created a miracle in a hopeless situation and brought seriously ill people back to life.

Image of the Most Holy Theotokos “Leaping of the Child” we venerate young mothers: they pray to this icon if a child is seriously ill, as well as during a difficult pregnancy and before childbirth.

“Tenderness” is another one icon of the Mother of God, granting healing from the most serious illnesses. There is a legend that he Venerable Seraphim Sarovsky, healing the sick, prayed in front of this image, located in his cell.

Icon of the Mother of God “Helper of Sinners” can bring peace of mind and a successful outcome of a complex operation or difficult treatment.

Icon of the Virgin Mary “Inexhaustible Chalice” They pray if someone in the family suffers from alcohol or drug addiction.

The most powerful image of the Virgin Mary is considered to be the “Healer”. This icon is prayed to for the relief of any illness and the successful cure of all ailments. According to legend, this image healed more than half a million seriously ill people who were on the verge of death.

Saint Alexy they pray for blindness, inflammation of internal organs and severe infections and epidemics. It is also believed that prayer to this patron saint can help with mental illness, drug addiction or alcoholism.

Saint Anne Women suffering from infertility, as well as mothers of seriously ill babies, pray.

Saints Boris and Gleb They ask for healing of heart diseases, bones and nervous system.

Great Martyr Valentine They pray for the healing of the hopelessly ill, paralyzed, and for the alleviation of the suffering of the dying.

Saint Panteleimon He is considered the patron saint of the sick and suffering, a healer and a miracle worker. People turn to him asking for healing of any ailment, relief of pain and suffering.

Many people go to church only when big Orthodox holidays or when they want to ask God for help. But not everyone knows who and what to pray to. To which saints and in what need should one turn?

There is one folk saying: “Prayer flies from the heart to Heaven.” When turning to a holy saint, you must understand that you are not just uttering words, but are communicating with another person who sees and hears you perfectly. If you are not a church member, then some prayers from the prayer book will simply be incomprehensible to you. But also foreign language We also don’t master it right away. And Church Slavonic is not a foreign language - it is ours, originally Russian and native. Take, for example, a troparion to some saint - in this small prayer you will see the life of the saint, described in unusually beautiful and correct language. It will become clear to you why we ask this particular saint for something specific.

For help in studying, for successfully passing exams, coursework, diplomas, tests, you need to pray to the icon of the Mother of God “Increase in Mind” (Icon 1),

Saint Venerable Sergius of Radonezh (Icon 2).

On a successful marriage: to the Most Holy Theotokos (Icon 3),

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker (Icon 4).

Nicholas the Wonderworker helps in a variety of everyday situations. People turn to him when there is a living need to find a way out of a seemingly hopeless situation. It is impossible to determine the type of activity, the special area of ​​his patronage in which he would especially manifest himself. One thing is certain: Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker is the simplest and most accessible saint. All human needs and suffering are close to him. After all, the saint has no exceptions - for him, all people equally need his help and intercession. He is always ready to hear our request: “Nikolai Ugodnik, help!” and come to the rescue. About the favorable course of pregnancy and about the successful resolution of the burden: to the icons of the Mother of God “Theodorovskaya” (Icon 5),

“Helper in childbirth” (Icon 6).

About help in getting a job and the return of lost things: to the holy martyr Tryphon (Icon 7).

In despondency, sadness and depression: icons of the Mother of God “Quench my sorrows” (Icon 8),

“Deliverance from the troubles of the afflicted” (Icon 9).

About getting rid of drunkenness, drug addiction, addiction to gambling And slot machines: icons of the Mother of God “Inexhaustible Chalice” (Icon 10),

“Recovery of the Lost” (Icon 11),

“Helper of sinners” (Icon 12),

Holy Martyr Boniface (Icon 13),

to the saint righteous John Kronstadt (Icon 14).

On resolving problems in marriage and reconciling husband and wife: to the holy martyrs and confessors Gurias, Samon and Aviv (Icon 15);

to the holy royal passion-bearers (Icon 16);

to the Holy Blessed Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia (Icon 17).

About help in raising children: icons of the Mother of God “Education” (Icon 18)

and “Mammal” (Icon 19).

About healing from illnesses: the icon of the Mother of God “Healer” (Icon 20),

Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon (Icon 21),

to the unmercenary and miracle workers Cosmas and Damian (Icon 22),

Venerable Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth (Icon 23);

Icon of the Mother of God “Kazan” (Icon 24);

Saint Alexis (Icon 25),

Metropolitan of Moscow (Icon 26) (eye disease);

to the holy prophet Moses (Icon 27) (speech defects);

Saints Venerable Amphilochius of Pochaev (Icon 28)

and Blessed Matrona of Moscow (Icon 29) (foot diseases);

to the holy Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John (Icon 30) (head disease);

Icon of the Mother of God “Three-Handed” (Icon 31),

Saint Venerable John of Damascus (Icon 32) (diseases of the hands);

Holy Hieromartyr Antipas (Icon 33) (dental diseases);

Icon of the Mother of God “The Tsaritsa” (Icon 34) (oncological diseases);

Saint Agapit of Pechersk (Icon 35) (women's diseases).

Each person has his own heavenly patron. You can turn to him or your favorite saint with any godly request. But under no circumstances should you ask them to punish someone, to send you untold riches and luxury, or for someone to love you. You turn to a saint to express your love, respect and reverence for him through prayer.

Prayer is a necessary part of the life of every believer. To get success at work, a new position and get rid of the shackles of poverty, you need to pray to the saints. These are righteous people whom the church has honored. Their icons are in churches. Prayer in front of such an icon helps to get rid of life problems and improve your financial affairs. You need to carefully study the biographies of saints in order to know what request to make to which saint.

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    Prayer for material well-being

    Work plays a huge role in the life of every person. Success in work determines whether money will appear in the house. To make your work more successful, you need to regularly turn to the Almighty. You need to pray sincerely, and it is best to use canonical texts confirmed by the church. But if there are no texts in memory, then you can turn to God in your own words.

      The main motive is a sincere feeling. Before starting prayer, you need to expel evil feelings towards other people (hatred, envy, pride) from your heart. Then the following text is said silently or out loud.

      Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be it Your name, may your kingdom come, may your will be done, as it is in heaven, so on earth. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors, and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

      Patron Saints

      The Orthodox Church already at the beginning of this millennium determined which saints in which professional activity help. Each person can determine for himself a suitable saint. When choosing a patron who will help achieve prosperity, you need to focus on the actions that he performed during his lifetime. Usually the following saints are chosen:

      • Nicholas the Wonderworker. He provides assistance to representatives of such professions as sailors and businessmen, and beekeepers. Now he is considered the patron saint of tourists. He also loves to help children. Nicholas the Wonderworker is the patron saint of trade, so commercial directors and sales managers turn to him in prayer.
      • Apostle John. The Church has decided that these days he helps righteous television workers and journalists. He overshadows the Internet (Orthodox) with his concern.
      • Saint Christopher. This saint is also called "dog-headed". He was declared the patron saint of people in risky professions, such as police officers and soldiers.
      • Archangel Gabriel. Helps those whose activities are related to communication and art. These are teachers, diplomats, musicians, social workers, postal service workers. You can turn to him with requests for prosperity, so that a promotion will bring an improvement in the family’s financial condition. You can pray to him as your guardian angel.
      • John the Theologian. This holy apostle and evangelist wrote the book of Revelation. He is the trustee of all people whose professions are connected with books and publishing. His mission is to help improve the financial affairs of writers, proofreaders, layout designers, booksellers, and everyone who works in the paper industry.
      • Saint Luke was the first to paint icons. Therefore, his help is vital for artists’ well-being. Since he was a doctor by profession, doctors consider him their patron.
      • Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called. He favors all sailors, so his icon is on almost every ship. He provides effective assistance to translators and foreign language teachers.
      • Holy Martyr Valentine helps pharmacists and everyone involved in medicine.
      • Prince Vladimir the Great is known as the heavenly assistant of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
      • George the Victorious. This saint always helps in times of difficulty and is revered by warriors. Farmers and agricultural workers should pray to him for wealth.
      • Saint Mary Magdalene is famous for being the first to announce the resurrection of Christ to the world. She helps hairdressers and pharmacists.
      • Holy Great Martyr Barbara Orthodox Church recognized as the patroness of the mining industry and workers in this field.
      • Prophet Elijah. He is approved as the patron of the forces of nature and the manager of rains and thunderstorms. Motorists, motorcyclists and ordinary tourists declared him their patron. They pray to him if they need all roads in life to be straight and the sun to shine in the sky. He is the heavenly guardian of the airborne troops.
      • Evangelist Matthew. This apostle collected taxes and thought mainly about money, but when the Savior called him, he dropped everything and followed Him. Bankers, financiers, tax officials, and exchange office workers usually pray to Matthew. Artists often depict him with a small bag of coins.
      • Archbishop Nicholas of Myra is recognized as the main protector of sailors. They turn to him when there are difficulties on a flight. This saint repeatedly helped ships in distress.
      • Cyril and Methodius. These saints, who invented the Cyrillic alphabet, are the patrons of teachers and professors. They are responsible for education and development of literature.
      • Reverend Roman. It was a temple servant who sang from the pulpit. He sang the hymn “Virgin Today” so beautifully that he was awarded by the emperor and the patriarch. For his beautiful performance of church hymns, Roman received the nickname “sweet singer.” Singers, choir artists, and pop performers pray to him for financial prosperity.
      • Saint Alexy, Metropolitan of Moscow. He is revered by builders as their mentor. He is known for initiating the construction of the first stone buildings of the Kremlin.
      • Saint Barbara of Iliopolis. It is known that she best friend mining industry workers. She was once persecuted by pagans who wanted to kill her for converting to Christianity. But on their way there was a mountain that parted in front of her, and the girl hid there.
      • The Monk Alexander of Kusht and Euthymius of Syangzhem were monks living in the forest. One day they met and then decided to change places of residence. Alexander went to live on the banks of the Kushta River. Evfimy went to live on the banks of the Syangema River. These monks were famous for their piety and humble character. Many sources say that these are the patrons of realtors.
      • Grand Duke Yaroslav Vladimirovich (Yaroslav the Wise). It was he who created the first collection of laws in Rus' - “Russian Truth”. He died in 1054 and was included in the calendar in 2004. There is an opinion that it helps to improve financial affairs for such categories of professionals as lawyers, judges, librarians and teachers.
      • Saint Tryphon. His day is celebrated on February 14th. He was a shepherd boy who, from childhood, had the gift of casting out demons. He helped cure the daughter of Emperor Gordian. Prayer to Tryphon will greatly help fishermen and hunters.
      • Venerable Ilya Muromets of Pechersk. Born in the city of Murom, lived in the Kyiv Lavra. He died in 1188. Many believe that this man was the one famous Ilya Muromets, who fought with the Nightingale the Robber. He is represented as the patron of the military and security guards.

      Who else can help?

      Material well-being is an essential part of the life of any Christian. Every believer wants financial prosperity for their children. Therefore, you need to have an idea of ​​which saints you need to contact to achieve this goal:

      • Saint Spyridon of Trimythous. Those who seek improvement in their material condition often come to his icon. This righteous man lived in the third century AD and helped many people. You can pray to him both in church and at home. This saint helps in improving business, selling or exchanging an apartment or car, and finding a job. But you need to pray sincerely and want what you really need.
      • Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk. This man lived in Russia in the 18th century. All his life he was a righteous man and helped those in need. If a wife wants to help her husband in financial matters, she prays to this saint, the mother prays to him for her son to achieve material well-being.
      • Prayer to the Virgin Mary. This is one of the central figures of Christianity and it is recommended to pray to her during financial difficulties. Turning to the icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” often brings healing from illnesses and improvement in financial situation.
      • Help from Xenia the Blessed. This St. Petersburg saint, after the death of her husband, transferred all her property to the church. She tirelessly helped the suffering. She was a prophetess and predicted to many what awaited them. And now people come to her grave and pray to her for deliverance from the bonds of poverty. She helps in difficult circumstances. They pray to her for work and material well-being.

      Breaking free from the bonds of poverty is possible for people who are willing to change spiritually. If a person turns to the saints with a prayer request, then they help him. But such a request must come from a pure heart.

Prayer is the best helper in difficult life situations. It helps to cope with troubles, gives strength, strengthens the spirit. Losing a job or being fired is a disaster for a family. Worsening conditions and lack of stability instill confusion and fear in the soul.

Prayer for work is not a sin for an Orthodox person. Support and help can be found in communication with higher powers - patron saints.

How to tune in to prayer

Prayer will help you cope with any trouble. In case of illness, family troubles, fire, loss of housing... Prayer for work, material well-being, success in business will help out in difficult times. In the absence of work, a person will experience depression and apathy. Rejections at interviews can lead to disappointment and lack of self-confidence.

You can ask a higher power for assistance. Work is an important part of human socialization. If you ask for it with faith, from the heart, your request will be heard. A burning desire to find a job will help you tune in to prayer.

An icon is an image that promotes the right mood. You can pray in church, at home, before an interview. Need to know that daily work over yourself will help you cope with any misfortune. Daily prayers help you stay focused on your goals.

How to pray correctly

It is better to be alone during prayer. Try to drown out all external sounds and concentrate on the words. When speaking a text, it is important to understand what it is about. we're talking about. Memorized phrases spoken with an indifferent heart will not bring any benefit.

Every day you can read prayers about work. Strong faith, a mood for communication with the saint, a desire to be heard will help fulfill your desire. Before asking for a job, you should first ask for forgiveness for your sins.

Prayer can be spoken out loud or said silently, in church or at home. Constant focus on your desire will contribute to its speedy implementation.

The text should be read by heart or from a prayer book. After the main part, you can add your request. Don't lose faith if what you want doesn't come true in the near future. Perhaps the time has not yet come, and the person needs to rethink his life. Full analysis your actions will help you figure out why difficulties with work arose.

The reward for hope will be the fulfillment of the request. The main thing is to continue to pray, not to despair, and not to give in to temptation.

Is it possible to pray for work, material goods?

Not all people are given the desire for an ascetic life. Most want a convenient, comfortable existence. Honest work is encouraged by higher powers. Stability, prosperity in the home, care for children, a secure old age - these are the natural desires of a person. Therefore, prayer for work and material wealth is always appropriate.

Difficult life situations necessary for a person. They help you understand true value life, health, love, work. Without adversity, people forget to enjoy every moment. They begin to take their comfort or success for granted.

Losing a job is a step towards finding yourself. This is an opportunity to calmly realize your strengths and understand your desires. In prayer you can understand why the Savior sent such a test.

Who to pray to for work

Each profession has its own, so to speak, patrons. Bankers and doctors, beekeepers and builders, winegrowers, miners, singers, fishermen, sellers - everyone has saints who will help with their work.

Prayers to the Lord and the Mother of God will also be heard. Even if a person only knows “Our Father,” but pronounces the words with faith in his heart, his request will reach heaven.

If a patron saint has not been identified for a profession, you can ask other patron saints for help. For example, apostles, guardian angels, martyrs, saints, righteous people. In order to decide on your patron, you should read his biography. If it corresponds to the life path of the person praying, you can ask for intercession.

It should be remembered that saints are our heavenly friends. You should not contact them only with requests. Prayers to the saints about work should be interspersed with gratitude and pressing questions. If you only come to church in grief, then the reaction will be appropriate. Do not forget about Orthodox patrons in days of prosperity and joy.

Prayer to Saint Tryphon

Prayer for the work of Tryphon is best suited for desperate, weak-spirited people. She will help you get out of difficult situation.

Tryphon was born into a Christian family. From an early age he showed the gift of healing - he cast out demons and treated the sick. There is a legend about how Tryphon saved the whole city from creeping reptiles with your prayer.

Emperor Trajan, who wanted the destruction of Christianity, tortured Tryphon for a long time. They beat him, drove nails into his body, and finally cut off his head. Saint Tryphon suffered martyrdom. Prayer for work in his image will help entrepreneurs, the unemployed, young people, and managers.

The head of the great martyr is located in the city of Kotor (Montenegro) in the Cathedral of St. Tryphon. On the icon you can see the image of a young man in poor clothes. Saint Tryphon will not refuse anyone. Prayer for work in front of his icon will help open new way, will give strength for good achievements. Humility and diligence in daily prayer will help overcome temporary lack of demand in the labor market.

“O holy martyr of Christ Tryphon, I resort to you in prayer, before your image I pray. Ask our Lord for help in my work, for I am suffering inactively and hopelessly. Pray to the Lord and ask him for help in worldly affairs. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow

A prayer for work to Matrona of Moscow is suitable for those who are looking for a new path, who are confused in life. It provides assistance to workers, doctors, the unemployed, teachers, politicians and oligarchs. Prayer to Matrona for work will help improve material wealth, eliminate stagnation in business, and promote career growth.

Matrona was the fourth child in a peasant family. She was born blind, and her mother wanted to leave the girl in an orphanage after birth. Having seen a prophetic dream (a blind bird appeared to her), the woman left Matrona in the family. She took the dream as a sign from God.

From the age of 8, Matrona could heal people. She predicted a future revolution, the approaching Great Patriotic War. People came to Matrona to find out about the fate of their loved ones. She had the gift of prophecy and healing, and patronized the poor and orphans. Therefore, a prayer for the work of Matrona of Moscow, if desired, can end with a donation in the temple, alms to those in need. Or before turning to her image, you can bring cookies, sweets and serve them to the poor and blessed.

Prayer to Matrona for work will help in finding a decent job, in case of instability financial condition. People turn to it in search of the meaning of life when previous spiritual values ​​have been lost.

“Blessed Elder Matrona, intercessor of all living on Earth. Ask the Lord God for mercy and forgive me my bad deeds. I tearfully pray and promise not to kill my soul with sinfulness. Help me find a job according to my intelligence and strength, and do not deprive me of good luck in a good endeavor. Intercede for me before the Lord and do not let my sinful soul perish. Amen".

Prayer to Mitrofan of Voronezh

Prayer for help in the work of Mitrofan of Voronezh will help the rich and the poor, the offended and the lost, widows and orphans. People turn to him when they lose a job and ask for protection from temptation. His relics help in healing from physical and mental illnesses.

In the first half of his life, Mitrofan was a parish priest. His family lived in peace and prosperity. In the second half of his life, Mitrofan became a widower, which served as an impetus for his ascetic activity. He became the first bishop of Voronezh and built a new cathedral in honor of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary. He was famous for his merciful deeds.

His iconographic image is a kind, wise, strict old man. If thoughts and requests are pure, the saint will help and intercede for the one asking.

“O Bishop of God, Saint Mitrofan of Christ, hear me, a sinner (name), at this hour, in which I bring you prayer, and pray for me, a sinner, to the Lord God, may he forgive my sins and grant (request for work) prayers, holy , yours. Amen".

Prayer to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

Prayer to Spiridon for work will bring good luck to businessmen, lawyers, doctors, and teachers. It will help during interviews and will contribute to a promotion or salary increase.

You should not ask a saint with a lie in your heart. It will not help in deception or money-grubbing. Only prayer with pure, honest thoughts and a sincere desire to work will be beneficial.

There is a legend that Spyridon of Trimifuntsky could resurrect the dead. His life was spent in poverty. Without any education, he became famous for his righteousness. Spyridon had the gift of healing people who were physically and mentally ill.

The legend about the saint says that one day he met a peasant. He was worried that he was poor and would not be able to pay the debt. Spyridon advised to trust in God and not to lose heart. The next morning, the peasant discovered so much wealth in his bag that it was enough to pay off his debt and live a comfortable life. Therefore, prayers to Spyridon of Trimifun are considered effective. They help in career and financial prosperity.

Prayers must come from the heart, with respect for the patron. After the result obtained, be sure to thank the saint and light a candle.

“O blessed Saint Spyridon! Ask us, God's servants (names), from Christ and God for our peaceful, serene life, mental and physical health. Remember us at the throne of the Savior and beg the Lord to grant forgiveness of our sins, a comfortable and peaceful life. We send glory and thanksgiving to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker

A prayer for work to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker will help people who want to change jobs or are afraid of being fired, students, builders, firefighters, police officers, truck drivers. He will help everyone who sincerely believes.

However, this does not mean that you should spend the day only in prayer. Nikolai Ugodnik helps those who are actively looking for ways to solve the problem, who have developed an action plan and follow it. The saint favors purposeful people, he will support good endeavors.

There are two versions life path Nicholas. According to one, he was a clergyman. He gave his inheritance to charity. According to another, he spent his life traveling and was a sailor. Therefore, he is often considered the patron saint of professions associated with risk, dangers and roads (drivers, sailors, fishermen, tourists).

Prayer for work to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker does not require special preparations. You can read the words by heart or say the request in your own words. Sincerity and faith will help the one who asks. So, a prayer to Nicholas about work:

“I turn to you, Saint Nicholas, and ask for miraculous help. Let the search for a new job take place, and all difficulties suddenly dissolve. Let the boss not be angry, but teach. Let the salary be paid, and you like the work. Forgive me all my sins and do not leave me, as before, in difficult days. Let it be so. Amen".

Prayer of Xenia of Petersburg

A prayer for help in the work of Ksenia of Petersburg will help all those suffering. Its assistance is especially effective for women who want to raise their children in prosperity. She patronizes pregnant women, young wives, and widows.

Ksenia was born into a rich family. Her successful marriage did not last long. The husband died without repentance, his sins were not forgiven. To atone for her husband’s guilt, Ksenia renounced her wealth and left her home. She wandered around the city, blissfully and begging. Ksenia distributed her material assets to those in need, and she herself begged in search of food.

Ksenia prayed all night long for forgiveness of the sins of her husband and those who offended her. The ridicule of children and adults haunted her. But soon the city noticed that wealth and prosperity reigned in the house of those to whom Ksenia gave something or simply came to visit.

The icon of Xenia of St. Petersburg is considered miraculous. She helps in healing and giving birth to children. They also pray to her for work, asking for stable income for the family:

“Mother Ksenia, help me make the right decision, the right decision. I don’t worry about my own wealth, but I worry about my little children. Help, teach, help with work, so that the children can drink and eat as much as they can. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

Prayer to the Apostle Peter

Prayer for work to the Apostle Peter will help in doubts and anxiety, protect you from temptations and strengthen your spirit. Peter is considered the patron saint of fishermen, since before serving Christ he and his brother Andrew were fishermen. Prayers to the apostle will help in a difficult situation and will help to get out of it.

During his lifetime, Christ rewarded Peter with the gift of healing, resurrection, and casting out demons. Before the arrest of the Savior, the apostle denied him three times. But he was forgiven for his faith and desire to atone for sin. He preached Christianity in different countries.

According to legend, during a fire in Rome (the reign of Nero), Christians were accused of arson. Mass arrests followed. The Apostle Peter was asked to secretly hide from the city. However, on the way out, the apostle saw the appearance of Christ, who was marching to execution. Peter realized that he should not abandon the rest of the Christians and cowardly flee.

During his execution, he asked to be crucified upside down, since he was not worthy of the same death as the Savior.

Prayers to the Apostle Peter will show you the path and lead you to new achievements. They will strengthen faith and free you from bad deeds.

“O glorious Apostle Peter, who gave up his soul for Christ and fertilized His pasture with his blood! Hear your children's prayers and sighs, now offered with a broken heart. Bear our infirmities and do not leave us in spirit. We ask for intercession for all of us. Help us with your prayers, turn the face of Christ to our requests and grant us, together with all the saints, the blessed Kingdom and Marriage of His Lamb. Amen. Amen. Amen".


Communication with God and patron saints - this is what prayers for work are. Strong faith and hope will help strengthen the spirit in a difficult situation. You may not know the words of the prayer, but ask for help and intercession sincerely. It is best to ask the saints after sleep and before bed. It is necessary to mentally concentrate, distract from pressing thoughts, and tune in to communicate with higher powers.

You can close your eyes and feel the presence of the patron saints. It doesn’t matter whether the prayer is read out loud or silently. Words must come from the heart, then they will be heard.

At the same time, it is better to turn off emotional manifestations during prayer. You should not talk to higher powers with your emotions, but with your spirit. The mental exaltation adopted in sects has nothing in common with Christian prayer. You should communicate calmly and without stress with your patrons. Prayer is not reflected in jerky movements or tense facial expressions. The body is relaxed, and the spirit conducts internal work.

When asking for help, do not forget about basic gratitude. Even if the desire has not yet been fulfilled, you should not blame anyone or renounce the saints. For every thing, for every action there is a time and place.

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