Venerable Seraphim of Sarov. Father's miracles

Biography, monastic path and spiritual exploits of Seraphim of Sarov. How does the prayer and icon of Seraphim of Sarov help and in what cases do they ask him for help? Read more about everything in this article!

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In the mid-18th century, a boy was born into the Moshnin family, who was named Prokhor. From childhood it was clear that he was under the special protection of the Lord. The boy's father died early, and his mother was involved in his upbringing.

The path of Seraphim of Sarov to the Lord

Miracles began to happen to Prokhor from early childhood. One day, a little boy tagged along with his mother to see the progress of the construction of a new temple begun by his father. The child, driven by curiosity, climbed the bell tower and fell off it. However, the boy did not receive a single injury. Many considered this a sign of God’s special mercy.

Prokhor studied hard, loved to attend church services and pray. When he was ten years old, he became seriously ill. The Mother of God herself appeared to him and promised that he would soon recover. After some time, the icon of the Mother of God “The Sign” was carried past the widow’s house in a religious procession. The mother put the boy to her side, and he began to recover. This event predetermined the fate of the child - he decided to devote his life to serving the Lord.

The monastic path of Seraphim of Sarov

At the age of 17, the young man decided to become a monk and went to the Kiev Pechersk Lavra. In the holy monastery lived the perspicacious recluse Dosifei, who saw in the young man a servant of Christ. Two years later, the recluse blesses the novice to go to the Sarov Monastery.

Since the age of 19, the boy has been obedient to the Sarov monastery with the abbot, Elder Pachomius. He devotes all his free time to reading the psalter, spiritual books and prayer. However, the soul of the ascetic longed for solitude. And he, having received permission from the brethren, began to go into the forest, where he prayed for a long time.

He slept only a few hours a day, endured illness on his feet and refused any help, trusting only in the Lord. When Seraphim of Sarov became so ill that his life was in danger, the Mother of God appeared again and healed him.

At the age of 28, Prokhor was tonsured as a monk and named Seraphim. A year later he was ordained hierodeacon. At the age of 35, the ascetic leaves the monastery and goes to live in a deep forest.

Spiritual exploits of Seraphim

All his life, the Monk Seraphim lived alone in a cell, which was located in an impenetrable forest. Only once a week did he come to the monastery to take part in the Liturgy.

  • The ascetic planted a vegetable garden near his cell and raised bees, from which he ate. He ate very little and exclusively plant foods.
  • He wore the same clothes all year round.
  • I read the Gospel and spiritual literature every day.
  • Seraphim of Sarov, imitating the great stylite monks, prayed on a stone for a thousand days. This is how the ascetic is most often depicted on icons.

The spiritual exploits of the righteous man angered the Devil. He sent robbers to him who wanted to make money, thinking that Seraphim had wealth. Finding nothing, they brutally beat the saint. And only thanks to the intercession of the Mother of God, he remained alive and soon recovered. After this incident, the elder had a hunched figure.

The monk founded the Diveyevo monastery and spiritually cared for the sisters who came to him for advice. The Mother of God directed him to place widows and young girls separately, which he did. It is in this monastery that the incorruptible relics of the saint and the icon of the Mother of God “Tenderness” belonging to him are kept.

In 1810, the monk returned to the monastery, but continued to maintain a vow of silence and lived in seclusion. And only when the Queen of Heaven appeared to him and allowed him to lift the vow of silence and complete the retreat, he began to accept believers.

In what cases do they ask Seraphim of Sarov for help?

  • During times of mental suffering. They ask that the Holy Spirit visit the heart and give peace to the soul. The first sign of His presence is considered to be a state of humility and repentance. Only through them can one feel spiritual joy.
  • If a person gets lost, stumbles and begins to lead an inappropriate lifestyle, through prayers to the saint, he can guide the Christian to the true path.
  • They pray to the saint asking for deliverance from pride and despair. Sometimes a person cannot cope with these mortal sins on his own, so he needs to ask for help from the saints and the Lord.
  • Prayer to a righteous man can help you get a good position or find a job. God blesses those who strive to provide for their families by earning their living by honest labor.
  • In prayers to the saint they ask for healing from serious illnesses. There is evidence that Seraphim of Sarov performed many miracles during his lifetime, healing even mortal diseases with the help of prayer and water from the source. However, a person must understand why the Lord allowed him this or that illness. The saint especially helps with diseases of the internal organs and legs.
  • Young people can pray to the righteous man to help them find a spouse and create a strong Orthodox family. Married believers ask for strengthening of love between spouses, as well as for peace and prosperity in the family.
  • Often the saint helps in business or trade, but only if the money is earned honestly and part of the funds will be spent on good deeds.

The monk taught how to pray correctly. You should listen carefully to every word, delving into their meaning. During prayer, it is necessary to unite the mind and soul. Over time, the Lord will warm the soul, and prayer will bring joy. You should not take on prayer work that is beyond your strength. For the laity, the saint compiled a small prayer rule, which is in every prayer book.

On the old New Year, on the eve of the holiday in honor of St. Seraphim of Sarov, pilgrims gather in Diveevo to walk in a procession along the groove of the Virgin Mary with the sisters at night. Believers walk, reading the prayer “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary!” 150 times.

Christians believe that it is at this moment that prayer addressed to the saint is most powerful and is capable of curing the most serious illnesses and receiving help in any petition.

You can pray to the saint in any life situation, or when you need spiritual support or protection.

Prayers to Seraphim of Sarov

Prayer to Seraphim of Sarov for healing and good luck in trading

O wonderful Father Seraphim, great Sarov wonderworker, quick and obedient helper to all who come running to you! During the days of your earthly life, no one was tired of you or comforted by your departure, but everyone was blessed by the vision of your face and the benevolent voice of your words. Moreover, the gift of healing, the gift of insight, the gift of healing for weak souls has appeared abundantly in you. When God called you from earthly labors to heavenly rest, your love ceased from us, and it is impossible to count your miracles, multiplied like the stars of heaven: for all over the end of our earth you appeared to the people of God and granted them healing. In the same way, we cry out to you: O most quiet and meek servant of God, daring man of prayer to Him, denying none of those who call upon you, offer up your powerful prayer for us to the Lord of Hosts, may He strengthen our power, may He grant us all that is useful in this life and all that is spiritual useful to salvation, may he protect us from the falls of sin and teach us true repentance, so that we can enter without stumbling into the eternal Heavenly Kingdom, where you now shine in unfathomable glory, and there sing with all the saints the Life-Giving Trinity until the end of the age. Amen.

Prayer for love and marriage

O great servant of God, venerable and God-bearing Father Seraphim!

Look down from the glory on high upon us, the humble and weak, burdened with many sins, your help and consolation to those who ask. Reach out to us with your mercy and help us to immaculately preserve the commandments of the Lord, to firmly maintain the Orthodox faith, to diligently bring repentance for our sins to God, to gracefully prosper in piety as Christians and to be worthy of your prayerful intercession for us.

To her, Holy One of God, hear us who pray to you with faith and love, and do not despise us who demand your intercession; now and at the hour of our death, help us and protect us with your prayers from the evil slander of the devil, so that those powers may not possess us, but may we be honored with your help to inherit the bliss of the abode of paradise

We now place our hope in you, merciful Father, be truly a guide to salvation for us and lead us to the unevening light of eternal life through your God-pleasing intercession at the Throne of the Most Holy Trinity, so that we glorify and sing with all the saints the venerable Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever centuries. Amen!

Prayer to Seraphim of Sarov for help

O Reverend Father Seraphim! Offer up for us, servants of God (names), your powerful prayer to the Lord of hosts, may He grant us all that is useful in this life and all that is useful for spiritual salvation, may He protect us from the falls of sins and may He teach us true repentance, so that He can heed us without stumbling. to the eternal Heavenly Kingdom, where you now shine in eternal glory, and there sing with all the saints the Life-Giving Trinity forever and ever.

Troparion to St. Seraphim of Sarov, tone 4

From your youth you loved Christ, O blessed one, and passionately longed for the One who worked, you labored in the desert with unceasing prayer and labor, and having acquired the love of Christ with a tender heart, you appeared as the chosen one beloved of the Mother of God. For this reason, we cry out to you: save us with your prayers, Seraphim, our reverend father.

Kontakion to St. Seraphim of Sarov, tone 2

Leaving the beauty of the world and the corruption in it, reverend, you moved into the Sarov monastery; and having lived there like an angel, you were the path to salvation for many. For this reason, Christ will glorify you, Father Seraphim, and enrich you with the gift of healings and miracles. In the same way we cry to you: Rejoice, Seraphim, our reverend father.

Venerable Seraphim of Sarov, Wonderworker, in the world Prokhor Moshnin is an ascetic of the Russian Church, founder and patron of the Diveyevo Monastery.
Born 07/19/1759. Reposed on January 2, 1833.
The Monk Seraphim of Sarov is called the Wonderworker, because both during his life and after his death he was revered by the people for miraculous healings, prophecies and consolation of the suffering.
Canonized as a saint in July 1903. This happened in the Sarov and Diveyevo monasteries, with a huge gathering of people of different classes and conditions.
Long before the Sarov celebrations of 1903, images of Seraphim of Sarov were placed on the shrine and were revered on a par with icons: many of them were distributed to peasant huts, to the homes of wealthy people, to the palaces of those holding power. By the time the elder was glorified, it turned out that the image of the saint was created before canonization and his images became icons of the saint. There were many oral traditions and tales about the miracles of the Elder of Sarov among the people, and his biography was created publicly.
Contemporaries of Seraphim of Sarov especially noted that the saint healed not so much with a gentle word, but with the love and joy that emanated from him. People especially remembered the instructions of the reverend elder.
The relics of Seraphim of Sarov are buried in the Diveyevo monastery. They bestow miraculous healing, spiritual enlightenment, and allow you to feel all the joy of being according to the will of God. The relics were returned to the Diveyevo monastery in 1991. This event - the Second Finding of the Relics, which occurred on January 15, 1991, was celebrated with a religious procession. Patriarch Alexy II took part in the solemn service, holding a prayer service on the square adjacent to the Trinity Cathedral. Since that time, the relics of the saint have not left the walls of the monastery.
In 2003, Orthodox Rus' widely celebrated the centenary of the glorification of the reverend elder among the saints of Orthodoxy.

At the site of the appearance of the Mother of God to Father Seraphim on November 25, 1825, a well was built, distinguished by its miraculous power, and below, near it, there is the former Theological Well. In the summer of 1826, at the request of the elder, the Bogoslovsky spring was renewed. The cover covering the pool has been removed; A new frame was made with a pipe for the water source. Near the pool, the elder was engaged in bodily labor. Collecting pebbles in the Sarovka River, he threw them ashore and used them to cover the spring basin.
On December 9, 1826, in the Diveyevo community, by order of Fr. Seraphim, the foundation of the mill took place, and in the summer, on July 7, it ground.

4. Death of St. Seraphim of Sarov.

Shortly before her death, on March 25 (Old Style), 1832, the Mother of God appeared to Seraphim for the twelfth (and last) time, accompanied by the holy virgin martyrs and saints. Two days before, the monk told about the upcoming miraculous event to his spiritual daughter Eupraxia, a nun from the Diveyevo convent closest to Sarov. This monastery was founded by the landowner Agafia Melgunova (monastically Alexandra) in the third quarter of the 18th century. Subsequently, the Monk Seraphim himself became the organizer of the monastery. Eupraxia was present at this extraordinary “descent of Heaven to earth,” subsequently testifying about it: “I thought I was no longer alive.” The appearance of the Mother of God ended with Her addressing Seraphim: “Soon, My beloved, you will be with us.”
The holy elder began to prepare for death. He had long ago made an oak coffin for himself and, without any fear, joyfully awaited the transition to eternity. The monk said: “My life is shortening - in spirit I was, as it were, born now, but in body everything is dead!.. When I am gone, you come to my grave! And the more often, the better. Everything that is in your soul, no matter what happens to you, come to me, and bring all your grief with you to my grave! Tell me everything as if it were alive! As you always said to the living, so it is here! For you I am alive and will be forever!” The Monk Seraphim of Sarov, the ascetic, died on the night of January 2 (15), 1833. Not long before, he predicted that his death would be revealed through a fire. Early in the morning on this day, two monks, passing by the elder’s cell, smelled smoke - no one answered the knock on the door. Then they broke it open and found the monk kneeling in prayer in front of his favorite cell, with his arms crossed on his chest, with an unusually peaceful and enlightened expression on his face. The candle that fell from the old man’s hand had already begun to smolder his clothes. Seraphim foresaw not only his imminent death, but also the future joy of his glorification.

5. Canonization of the Wonderworker. Relics of the Saint.

On January 11, 1903, a commission chaired by Metropolitan Vladimir (Bogoyavlensky) of Moscow, which included Archimandrite Seraphim (Chichagov), examined the remains of Seraphim Moshnin. The “incorruptibility” of the relics was not discovered, so Metropolitan Anthony (Vadkovsky) of St. Petersburg had to make a statement in “New Time” and in “Additions to the Church Gazette”, where he stated the fact of the preservation of the “skeleton” of the Sarov elder and expressed the opinion that the presence of incorruptible relics are not necessary for glorification. The Holy Synod announced on January 29, 1903:
“The Holy Synod, in full conviction of the truth and reliability of the miracles performed through the prayers of Elder Seraphim, ... stated the following decision:
1) the reverent elder Seraphim, who rests in the Sarov desert, is recognized as a saint, glorified by the grace of God, and his most honorable remains are recognized as holy relics and placed in a tomb specially prepared by the zeal of His Imperial Majesty for worship and honor from those who come to him with prayer,
2) to compose a special service for the Venerable Father Seraphim, and before the time of its preparation, after the day of glorifying his memory, to send him a service common to the venerable ones, and to celebrate his memory both on the day of his repose, January 2, and on the day of the opening of his holy relics, and 3) announce this publicly from the Holy Synod.”
The people revered the elder as a saint, long before he was officially included in the calendar of the Russian Orthodox Church, but the celebration of his canonization occurred only on July 19 (August 1), 1903. He also predicted this event: “...what joy there will be! In the middle of summer they will sing Easter! And to the people, to the people from all sides, from all sides!” This is what happened in Sarov and neighboring Diveevo at the celebrations of his canonization. Then thousands and thousands of Orthodox Christians of Russia, led by Sovereign Nicholas II and other representatives of the Royal Family, came to worship the great ascetic.

5.1. Relics.

There is a belief that before his death, the Venerable Elder Seraphim handed over a candle to the novices of the monastery, ordering him to be greeted with this candle when he returned. The candle was passed down from generation to generation by the novices of the monastery, and only 160 years later, the last and only survivor of the return of the relics and the opening of the monastery, schema-nun Margarita, handed it over to the protodeacon to meet the relics of the elder.
After the October Socialist Revolution, the relics of St. Seraphim, as he himself predicted, sank into obscurity. Only two facts were documented: on December 17, 1920, the relics stored in the Diveyevo Monastery near Arzamas were opened, and on August 16, 1921, they were closed and taken away. At the end of the 1920s. The relics of St. Seraphim were put on display in the Moscow Passionate Monastery, where at that time an anti-religious museum was organized. The relics remained there until 1934, when the Passion Monastery was blown up.
The further fate of the relics is revealed in the words of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Rus', which he said in the Trinity Cathedral of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra on January 12, 1991, the day after the signing of the protocol on the transfer of St. relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov of the Russian Orthodox Church. Alexia II said the following:
“Already at the first meeting with the director of the Museum of the History of Religion, we agreed that the relics, as Orthodox shrines, should be returned to the Church. Employees of the Kazan Cathedral Museum checked the storerooms and found relics sewn into matting in the room where the tapestries were kept. When they were opened, they read the inscription on the glove: “Reverend Father Seraphim, pray to God for us!” It was assumed that these were the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov. The story of the seizure of the relics of St. Seraphim is as follows. From Sarov they were delivered to Arzamas, from Arzamas to the Donskoy Monastery. Then the trail is lost... And, having compared two acts - on canonization in 1903 and on the autopsy in 1920, I sent two archpastors to Leningrad - Bishops of Tambov and Michurinsky Evgeniy and Istrinsky Arseny, who examined the relics... The archpastors who carried out the inspection, testified to the feeling of grace and fragrance of the relics that they had to examine. After comparison, there was confidence that these were indeed the relics of St. Seraphim. There were eleven days left before the transfer. A shrine was made into which the relics were transferred on the eve of their return to the Russian Orthodox Church.”
The relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov were transferred to Moscow and installed in the Epiphany Cathedral for worship. From this cathedral, where Orthodox believers walked and walked non-stop for several months, the journey of the relics began on the way from Moscow to Diveevo. This was an all-Russian “procession of the cross on wheels” (the relics were transported in a minibus, closely followed by the car of His Holiness the Patriarch), which stopped in cities and monasteries along the route. During stops, His Holiness served the Liturgy and akathists were performed to St. Seraphim.
August 1, 1991, on the day of memory of St. Seraphim of Sarov, his St. the relics were returned to the Diveyevo Monastery, founded by Ven. Seraphim. This was one of the most striking miracles of Russian church history of the 20th century.

6. Celebrations, days of remembrance, worship.

The memory of the Venerable Wonderworker is served twice a year:
- January 2/15 - the day of his blessed death;
- July 19/August 1, the day of his canonization and discovery of his relics.
On the eve of the day of memory of St. Seraphim of Sarov, an All-Night Vigil is celebrated.
On Memorial Day, the Divine Liturgy is read.

Akathist to St. Seraphim of Sarov the Wonderworker.

Akathist to the Venerable Seraphim of Sarov the Wonderworker is a chant glorifying St. Seraphim of Sarov. The Akathist is performed by those praying while standing. Consists of Akathist to the Venerable Seraphim of Sarov the Wonderworker. of alternating 13 kontakia and 12 ikos.

Prayer to St. Seraphim of Sarov.

O wonderful Father Seraphim, great Sarov wonderworker, quick and obedient helper to all who come running to you! During the days of your earthly life, no one was tired of you or comforted by your departure, but everyone was blessed by the vision of your face and the benevolent voice of your words. Moreover, the gift of healing, the gift of insight, the gift of healing for weak souls has appeared abundantly in you. When God called you from earthly labors to heavenly rest, none of your love ceased from us, and it is impossible to count your miracles, multiplying like the stars of heaven: for all over the end of our earth you appeared to the people of God and granted them healing. In the same way, we cry out to you: O most quiet and meek servant of God, daring prayer book to Him, reject no one who calls you! Offer up your powerful prayer for us to the Lord of hosts, may He grant us all that is useful in this life and all that is useful for spiritual salvation, may He protect us from the falls of sin and may He teach us true repentance, so that we can unfalteringly enter into the eternal Kingdom of Heaven, where you now in everlasting glory you shine, and there sing with all the saints the Life-Giving Trinity forever and ever. Amen.

Troparion to St. Seraphim of Sarov, tone 4.

Kontakion to St. Seraphim of Sarov, tone 2.

Greatness to the Venerable Seraphim of Sarov.

7. Iconography.

The iconographic image of St. Seraphim of Sorov goes back to the unpreserved lifetime portrait of him by D. Evstafiev. The old man in this portrait is younger than in the usual images, he has a thin face, smooth, slightly combed back hair and a beard as flowing as his hair. The calm, self-absorbed look of gray eyes attracts attention. When looking at this work of the artist, it is clear not only how the portraits turned into icons after glorification, but also how they prepared the future stylistic diversity of images - revealing different facets of the saint’s appearance. The main prayer image of Saint Seraphim arose on the basis of another lifetime portrait. This work is associated with the name of monk Joseph (Serebryakov), a graduate of the Arzamas art school. He created the portrait “from life about five years before his death,” that is, around 1828. According to an early description of the painting, the image was on an olive background “in a mantle, epitrachelion and armlets, as he began to receive the Holy Mysteries. From this portrait it is clear that summer and monastic exploits had an influence on the appearance of the elder. Here the face is presented as pale, dejected from work; The hair on both the head and beard is thick, but not long and all gray. The right hand is placed on the stole at the chest.”

7.1. Iconographic images of St. Seraphim of Sarov.

There are four main iconographic images of Seraphim of Sarov:
1. With hands folded in prayer at the heart - only the right hand touches the heart or the hands lie on the chest in the area of ​​the heart crosswise, the right hand on top of the left,
2. Blessing - the right hand blesses, in the left hand there are prayer beads,
3. Prayer on a stone - Father Seraphim stands kneeling on a stone, raising both hands to the sky,
4. An image where Seraphim of Sarov is depicted as an old man with a staff.
Half-length icons and icons are painted where Saint Seraphim is depicted in full height. For the “blessing image” on Orthodox icons there is a mandatory attribute: prayer beads in the left hand.
The face of the saint on the icons reproduces the main features inherent in St. Seraphim of Sarov: kindness, mercy and the humble character of the miracle worker. On all icons, the eyes of Seraphim of Sarov are especially expressive, their calm, attentive, self-absorbed gaze. Clearly defined eyes look into the heart of the person praying. This style detail becomes characteristic of almost all images of the monk.
Many of the images, written in an academic manner, convey through artistic means his spirit, peaceful and meek, which is captured in the life of St. Seraphim.

7.2. Life icons.

The hagiographical marks on the icons mainly describe the following events from the life of the Saint:
1. Mother blesses Prokhor to the monastery.
2. During illness.
3. Monasticism.
4. Seraphim’s vision of the Lord Jesus Christ in the temple.
5. Visit to Seraphim by Alexander I.
6. Seraphim’s vision of the Lord Jesus Christ in the temple.
7. Healing by Seraphim in the monastery.
8. Healing by Seraphim.
9. Retake into the care of Rev. Seraphim of the Diveyevo Monastery. The modern icon from the Shchelkovo Cathedral, with eight scenes from his life, shows the image of Father Seraphim, reworked in the iconographic style.
There are many icons, mosaic panels with scenes from the life of Seraphim of Sarov.
In the Epiphany Cathedral in the city of Noginsk you can see modern paintings: on the southern wall in one wall of the windows - the Venerable Sergius of Radonezh and Seraphim of Sarov. The paired image of these two highly revered Russian saints is becoming a tradition. An icon of these saints from the beginning of the 20th century is kept in the Central Archive. (No. 856). And in the Church of St. Philaret of the Moscow city of Lobnya there is a modern revered icon on which are written the Monk Seraphim of Sarov, the passion-bearer Tsarevich Alexy, and the venerable martyr Grand Duchess Elisaveta Feodorovna. This selection of saints suggests that the traditions of depicting the saint continue to develop

8. Brief prayer rule of St. Seraphim of Sarov.

Reverend Seraphim of Sarov taught everyone the following prayer rule:
1. “Rising from sleep, every Christian, standing in front of the holy icons, let him read the Lord’s Prayer “Our Father” three times, in honor of the Most Holy Trinity, then the hymn to the Mother of God “Rejoice, Virgin Mary”, also three times and, finally, the Creed once. Having completed this rule, let everyone go about their work to which they have been assigned or called.
2. While working at home or on the road somewhere, let him quietly read: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner,” and if others surround him, then, while doing business, let him speak only with his mind : “Lord have mercy,” and continues until lunch. Just before lunch, let him perform the above morning rule.
3. After lunch, while doing his job, let him read quietly: “Most Holy Theotokos, save me a sinner,” and let him continue this until sleep.
4. When going to bed, let every Christian read the above morning rule again; after that, let him fall asleep, protecting himself with the sign of the cross.”

Lord's Prayer.

Our Father, Who art in Heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. Amen.

Song of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Virgin Mary, Rejoice, O Blessed Mary, the Lord is with You; Blessed are You among women and Blessed is the Fruit of Your womb, for You have given birth to the Savior of our souls.

Symbol of faith.

I believe in one God the Father, Almighty,
Creator of heaven and earth, visible to all and invisible.
And in one Lord Jesus Christ,
the Son of God, the only begotten, who was born of the Father before all ages;
Light from Light, true God from true God,
begotten, uncreated, consubstantial with the Father, to Whom all things were.
For our sake man and for our sake of salvation came down from heaven
and became incarnate from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, and became human.
She was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was buried.
And he rose again on the third day according to the Scriptures. And ascended into heaven, and sat
at the right hand of the Father. And again the future will be judged with glory by the living and the dead,
His Kingdom will have no end.
And in the Holy Spirit, the life-giving Lord, who proceeds from the Father,
Let us worship and glorify those who spoke with the Father and the Son.
Into one Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.
I confess one baptism for the remission of sins.
I hope for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the next century. Amen.

“Adhering to this rule,” says Fr. Seraphim, “it is possible to achieve the measure of Christian perfection, for the three prayers indicated are the foundations of Christianity: the first, as a prayer given by the Lord Himself, is a model of all prayers; the second was brought from heaven by the Archangel in greeting to the Virgin Mary, the Mother of the Lord; the symbol briefly contains all the saving tenets of the Christian faith."
For those who, for various reasons, cannot follow this small rule, St. Seraphim advised reading it in every position: during classes, while walking, and even in bed, presenting the basis for this in the words of Scripture: “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord , will be saved."

9. Miracles of Seraphim of Sarov.

Since 1825, after ending the vow of silence that lasted 15 years, Seraphim of Sarov began to receive visitors. Numerous cases of healing of the sick and clairvoyance revealed by the righteous elder date back to this period.
Seraphim of Sarov died in 1833, while in a kneeling position. But even after death, the Saint continued to work miracles. One of them is the birth of a boy - the heir to the throne, Tsarevich Alexei, in the family of the Royal Passion-Bearers Nicholas II and Alexandra Fedorovna. After the birth of four daughters, Nicholas II and his wife turned with prayers to the image of Seraphim of Sarov, so that God would grant them a male heir. After their request came true, an icon of St. Seraphim settled in the emperor’s study. It should be noted that it was at the request of Nicholas II that in 1903 Seraphim of Sarov was canonized as a Venerable Saint.
From time immemorial, information has reached our days about miracles of healing that have occurred and continue to occur.
Written evidence of the elder’s miracles and prayerful deeds was mainly provided by two monasteries - Sarov and Dieeevskaya. Many manuscripts were kept here, which were copied and distributed among the people, and were later borrowed by spiritual writers.

Information sources.
- Icons
- (Author: Zh. A. Kurbatova)

The Venerable Elder Seraphim, during his lifetime, acquired the glory of a saint, although he did not have church rank, and from an early age he was honored to see the Queen of Heaven herself. The icons of Seraphim of Sarov remind of his monastic feat, of the spiritual gifts that he was awarded by the Holy Spirit.

The story of Saint Seraphim

Images in Orthodoxy do not have a purely decorative function. They help believers direct all their thoughts and spiritual forces to prayer, because a person is weak and his thoughts are easily distracted. To understand well the significance of the icon of Seraphim of Sarov, you need to familiarize yourself with his life.

More than two hundred years ago in Kursk, a son, Prokhor, appeared in the family of a wealthy merchant. Having lost his father early, the boy absorbed all the good things his mother taught him. Having received a visit from the Mother of God at an early age, Prokhor spent his entire life under her protection. With the blessing of the pious old woman, at the age of 17 the young man went to obedience in the Sarov Hermitage. A few years later he became a monk, receiving the name Seraphim when he was tonsured.

In 1807, the Lord blessed the monk for the feat of silence, for which he went into the forest. Three years later he returned to the monastery, where he tried not to meet anyone. Then he began to receive both the brethren and pilgrims. He hugged and kissed everyone with the words “Christ is Risen.”

He carried his special relationship with the Mother of God throughout his entire life - he was in his cell, he anointed those who came with oil from the lamp. Near this image the elder went to the Lord, standing in prayer. By that time, his legs were already hurting badly, but his heart’s joy did not leave him. Shortly before his death, he was honored with the appearance of the Queen of Heaven, who promised to soon take him to her place. The elder even prepared his own grave and made his final orders.

Possessing the gift of foresight, he knew about his impending death, said goodbye to his acquaintances, and gave final instructions. But he was not afraid of death, but rejoiced in it as an opportunity to unite with the Lord in his heavenly homeland. The saint bequeathed the image, his beloved icon, to the sisters of the Diveyevo monastery. He even gave funds to the abbess to prepare a “cell for the Lady.”

What does the Diveyevo icon look like?

The icon of “Tenderness” of Seraphim of Sarov, according to legend, was found by him in the forest, where he often went to pray, where he also had a cell, and in a thicket he performed his feat of prayer on a stone.

The size of the image is 50x70 cm, it was written on an oblong board at the end of the 18th century. The Mother of God is depicted on it with her head bowed, her arms crossed on her chest. The eyes are filled with reflection on the upcoming miracle. After all, the image shows the Virgin Mary after the Annunciation, when she learned about her destiny - to become the mother of Christ.

The description of the icon found by Seraphim of Sarov resembles similar images of the Mother of God, only this one has a radiance around its head and the inscription - “Rejoice, Unbrided Bride” - the words that the youth Mary heard from the Angel. The Virgin Mary's traditional scarlet robes are topped with a white scarf, which is adorned with a star, as are the shoulders.

The icon of “Tenderness” of Seraphim of Sarov has deep theological significance. The appearance of the young blooming maiden completely coincides with her inner world. Even in sorrows, of which she suffered many, Saint Mary remained patient, kind to everyone, and always found something to be grateful to God for.

Her main qualities were hard work, restraint in judgment and words, her voice remained quiet and even - in everything, and in her thoughts she was also the embodiment of purity. Anger never distorted her beautiful face, and the desire to please the Lord occupied all her thoughts. Having found a similar soul in a young boy, the Queen of Heaven took him into her care, which the Monk Seraphim never made her regret, trusting her entire life in the Holy Scriptures, spending it in prayers and labors.

It is this image that often appears on icons depicting Elder Seraphim himself. The meaning is clear - such images, using artistic means, describe scenes from the life of the monk. The image of “Tenderness” of Seraphim of Sarov is kept in the Partyarchy and is taken out for veneration every year.

How does prayer to the holy priest help?

Prayer requests to saints are a pious tradition. They are based on lives - what the saint was known for during his lifetime is what believers ask for for themselves even after they go to heaven. How does the icon of Seraphim of Sarov help?

  • Overcome strong temptations.
  • Find the strength within yourself to cope with difficulties.
  • Soothes mental anguish, helps to find peace.
  • Find spiritual enlightenment.
  • Returns you to the right spiritual path.
  • It pacifies pride.

All these are spiritual needs, which the holy elder called upon to constantly take care of through reading the Holy Scriptures and repeating at least a few prayers. There is a well-known prayer rule that he compiled for those who do not find time to read everything according to the church charter. It contains in a capacious form all the truths necessary for salvation; by praying to it every day you can achieve great spiritual growth.

Of course, many people need help in life’s circumstances; most often people remember God and the saints when they themselves are sick or someone close to them is suffering. You can also pray with a similar problem at the icon of St. Seraphim of Sarov. In what cases can you ask for help?

  • If a girl wants to get married successfully.
  • When spouses quarrel.
  • Need help with trading matters.
  • For healing from any bodily ailments.

A story from the life of St. Seraphim

During his life, the monk was distinguished by rare patience, which he called “spiritual chains,” through which believers can acquire the Holy Spirit, which Father Seraphim showed with his life. While still quite a young man, he was attacked by robbers, to whom the demon inspired that the old man had something to profit from in his cell. They hit the monk on the head with an axe, he did not resist and came to the monastery barely alive.

Lying on the bed, surrounded by doctors, the monk was honored with the appearance of the Mother of God (of which there were 12 in total during his life), she healed his mortal wounds. Very soon Father Seraphim rose to his feet and was able to perform his usual obediences. True, since then the priest has become bent and aged - many days of suffering from terrible wounds have taken their toll.

The attackers were found and identified, but the monk strictly forbade them to be punished, otherwise promising to leave the monastery. The Lord himself punished the attackers - they suffered from a fire, after which they confessed to the saint. He forgave them and taught them in the faith.

From this incident one can judge what a kind heart the saint had even during his earthly life, full of hardships and disappointments. Anyone can come to the icon of Seraphim of Sarov, his prayer will be heard. To ask for help from a saint, you must have firm faith, no doubt. And to know that the Almighty works miracles, and not the icon itself and not even the saints.

One should approach a saint as if he were alive, because God has no dead. The Holy Fathers remain near the throne of the Most High in prayer, intercede for the sinful world, there is no request that they would consider unimportant.

Reverend Sylvester - Pope

The memory of this ancient Christian saint falls on the same day as that of St. Seraphim (January 15), so they are sometimes confused. Purely outwardly, Saint Sylvester and Seraphim of Sarov are not very similar; their icons are different. How to determine what the difference is? St. Sylvester was the Pope of Rome, therefore he is depicted in the vestments of a bishop, with the Gospel in his hands. Father Seraphim is depicted in a black cassock, often in a bent position.

Although they do look similar in age - both have gray beards. They lived to old age and peacefully gave up their souls to God. Although St. Sylvester lived much earlier - in the 1st century. AD Then persecution of the new Christian faith began, the saint was even arrested, but the Lord gave him a long life in service. Defending the faithful confession from many heresies, the monk led the Church for more than twenty years.

Famous images of the Diveyevo elder

The most revered icon of Seraphim of Sarov is the one that was painted in the Diveyevo monastery. The basis was a portrait made during the life of the saint. The elder is depicted in the image frontally, waist-deep, with his right hand resting on his heart. An epitrachelion is put on the monk's cloak, as if he is preparing to receive the confession of a sinner. His gaze is calm and directed directly at the person praying.

During the years of persecution of the Church, the icon, which immediately became famous for its healings, was kept by a pious woman who protected it for more than 40 years. And only after the revival of the monastery in 1992, the image returned to where it was painted. Thousands of believers again had the opportunity to seek healing near him.

A similar image exists in another version: the icon depicts Seraphim of Sarov in full growth, the description differs in that the hands are crossed, and the Diveyevo monastery is visible behind. The vestment is the same, only the rosary is visible on the right hand - every monk has them, and it is customary to read prayers to the Mother of God using them.

Where to pray to Father Seraphim

The veneration of the saint is so great that his image is in almost every Orthodox church. But there are especially famous places where pilgrims flock.

  1. Seraphim-Diveevo Convent, where the relics of the saint rest.
  2. Danilov Monastery - here is an image with parts of a mantle, a piece of stone on which the saint prayed for a thousand days.
  3. Near the Expocentre (Krasnopresnenskaya embankment in Moscow), a temple in the name of the saint was recently consecrated, where you can venerate the icon with relics.
  4. Temple of the Icon of the Mother of God “Znamenie” (Pereyaslavskaya Sloboda) - an image with a piece of the saint’s coffin.
  5. Elokhovsky Epiphany Cathedral - icon of Seraphim of Sarov.

But sometimes, if prayers are not answered, people wonder - why did God leave me? Then you should think about whether what you are asking will really do any good? If the answer does not come, or something else is given instead of what was expected, we must remember that the Lord does everything for good.

Prayers to Seraphim of Sarov

First prayer

O wonderful Father Seraphim, great Sarov wonderworker, quick and obedient helper to all who come running to you! During the days of your earthly life, no one left you weary and inconsolable, but everyone was blessed with the vision of your face and the benevolent voice of your words. Moreover, the gift of healing, the gift of insight, the gift of healing for weak souls has appeared abundantly in you. When God called you from earthly labors to heavenly rest, your love ceased from us, and it is impossible to count your miracles, which multiplied like the stars of heaven: for throughout the ends of our earth you appeared to the people of God and granted them healing. In the same way, we cry out to you: O most quiet and meek servant of God, daring man of prayer to Him, denying no one who calls you, offer up your powerful prayer for us to the Lord of hosts, may He strengthen our power, may He grant us all that is useful in this life and all that is spiritual useful to salvation, may he protect us from the falls of sin and teach us true repentance, so that we can enter without stumbling into the eternal Heavenly Kingdom, where you now shine in unfathomable glory, and there sing with all the saints the Life-Giving Trinity until the end of the age. Amen.

Second prayer

O Reverend Father Seraphim! Lift up for us, servants of God ( names ), your powerful prayer to the Lord of hosts, may He grant us all that is useful in this life and all that is useful for spiritual salvation, may He protect us from the falls of sins and may He teach us true repentance, so that we can enter without stumbling into the eternal Kingdom of Heaven, where you are now in everlasting glory you shine, and there sing with all the saints the Life-Giving Trinity forever and ever.

Prayer three

O great servant of God, venerable and God-bearing Father Seraphim! Look down from the heavenly glory on us humble and weak, burdened with many sins, your help and consolation to those who ask. Approach us with your mercy and help us to preserve the commandments of the Lord immaculately, to firmly maintain the Orthodox faith, to diligently bring repentance for our sins to God, to gracefully prosper in piety as Christians and to be worthy of your prayerful intercession for us. To her, Holiness of God, hear us praying to you with faith and love and do not despise us who demand your intercession: now and at the hour of our death, help us, and protect us with your prayers from the evil slander of the devil, so that those powers do not possess us, but yes With your help, let us be worthy to inherit the bliss of the abode of paradise. We now place our hope in you, merciful Father: be truly a guide to our salvation and lead us to the unevening Light of eternal life by your God-pleasing intercession at the Throne of the Most Holy Trinity, may we glorify and sing with all the saints the venerable name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever centuries. Amen.

Brief prayer rule of St. Seraphim of Sarov

The Monk Seraphim of Sarov taught everyone the following prayer rule: “Having risen from sleep, every Christian, standing in front of the holy icons, let him read the Lord’s Prayer “Our Father” three times, in honor of the Most Holy Trinity, then the hymn to the Mother of God “Rejoice, Virgin Mary” also three times and , finally, the Creed once. Having completed this rule, let everyone go about their work for which they have been assigned or called.

While working at home or on the road somewhere, let him quietly read: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner,” and if others surround him, then, while doing business, let him say with his mind only: “ Lord have mercy,” and continues until lunch. Just before lunch, let him perform the above morning rule. After lunch, while doing his job, let him read quietly: “Most Holy Theotokos, save me a sinner,” and let him continue this until sleep.

When going to bed, let every Christian read the above morning rule again; after that, let him fall asleep, protecting himself with the sign of the cross.”

“Adhering to this rule,” says Fr. Seraphim, “it is possible to achieve the measure of Christian perfection, for the three prayers indicated are the foundations of Christianity: the first, as a prayer given by the Lord Himself, is a model of all prayers; the second was brought from heaven by the Archangel in greeting to the Virgin Mary, the Mother of the Lord; the symbol briefly contains all the saving tenets of the Christian faith."

For those who, due to various circumstances, cannot follow this small rule, Rev. Seraphim advised reading it in any position: during classes, while walking, and even in bed, presenting the basis for this as the words of Scripture: “whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

Lord's Prayer

Our Father, Who art in Heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

Hymn to the Most Holy Theotokos

Virgin Mary, Rejoice, O Blessed Mary, the Lord is with You; Blessed are You among women and Blessed is the Fruit of Your womb, for You have given birth to the Savior of our souls.

Symbol of faith

I believe in one God the Father, Almighty,
Creator of heaven and earth, visible to all and invisible.

And in one Lord Jesus Christ,
the Son of God, the only begotten, who was born of the Father before all ages;
Light from Light, true God from true God,
begotten, uncreated, consubstantial with the Father, to Whom all things were.
For our sake man and for our sake of salvation came down from heaven
and became incarnate from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, and became human.
She was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was buried.
And he rose again on the third day according to the Scriptures. And ascended into heaven, and sat
at the right hand of the Father. And again the future will be judged with glory by the living and the dead,
His Kingdom will have no end.

And in the Holy Spirit, the life-giving Lord, who proceeds from the Father,
Let us worship and glorify those who spoke with the Father and the Son.
Into one Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.
I confess one baptism for the remission of sins.
I hope for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the next century. Amen.

Now in every church of the Russian Orthodox Church there is an icon of St. Seraphim of Sarov. His unique image, even before reading the icon inscription, is as recognizable to all believers as the faces of St. Nicholas of Myra, the warrior George the Victorious, the Great Martyr Panteleimon, the Blessed Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky, the Venerable Sergius of Radonezh and Nile of Stolobensky, the Tsar-Martyr Nicholas and His Family. Of course, the iconography has retained the unique personal features of many saints, but from among those who are “their” saints, it is usually either the namesake celebrant or theologians, art historians, or researchers of church art that recognize them.

All parishioners recognize the images of the saints I have named in churches from afar. It must be said that most of the icons of other saints do not contain detailed original features. In these cases, it is the inscription that dominates the iconographic tradition.

The peculiarity of the canonization in 1903 of the Monk Seraphim of Sarov, who rested in Bose on January 2, 1833, was that for his pan-church glorification there were people alive who had personally seen the elder on his earthly path. Therefore, the iconography of the “new” saint, widely disseminated since the beginning of the 20th century, in a number of cases was verified by living witnesses to the appearance of the ascetic.
Looking at the existence of the Church, the hundred-year period that has passed since the glorification of St. Seraphim is not even a day, but a moment. But at the same time, these hundred years included several eras of Russia’s existence - the revolutions of 1905-1907 and 1917-1918, two world wars, the Civil War and terror, space exploration and “stagnation”, the destructive “perestroika” and the violent breakup of the USSR, Russian reforms and the repentant Jubilee Council of 2000, which glorified the Royal Martyrs and the host of new martyrs and confessors of Russia.
The Monk Seraphim prophesied that the Sovereign who would glorify him would be glorified by him even more. And in fact, St. Seraphim was canonized by the Holy Synod, and St. Tsar Nicholas by the entire Jubilee Council of 2000 after the Nativity of Christ with the participation of Primates or high-ranking authorized representatives of all Local Orthodox Churches and national Orthodox Metropolises.
The glorification of St. Seraphim was not only a church-canonical act, it was accompanied by many miracles - healings, other attested intercessions of the saint through prayers to him. Throughout Russia, thousands and thousands of temple icons of the saint were painted, dozens of churches were built, the main altars of which were consecrated in memory of the Sarov miracle worker. For example, a year after his glorification, a temple was built in Rostov-on-Don in his honor. According to legend, the famous Don Ataman Platov visited St. Seraphim, and after that, on his name day, he sent the saint Don sturgeon. When the Rostov temple was consecrated, until 1917, the Don atamans invariably sent sturgeon to the patronal holidays of this temple on July 19 and January 2 and tried to be present at these holidays.

In Moscow, at the Donskoye Cemetery, including through the efforts of the Cossack Army, a temple of St. Seraphim was built, and the “sturgeon” custom was observed here too. In 1919, this temple was blasphemously converted into a crematorium - the first in Russia, its organizers literally mocked the name of the saint: Seraphim the Flame.

In Moscow there are many temple icons of St. Seraphim of Sarov, revered by the people. In all the churches that operated under Soviet rule, there are icons of the miracle worker: in the Church of Pimen the Great on Novoslobodskaya, two images in the Tikhvin Church in Alekseevsky near VDNKh, of course, in the Church of the Prophet Elijah in Obydensky Lane, near Ostozhenka. There are three images of the saint: a life-size one with shrines, a waist-length one with a particle of prayer stone, and a prayer on a stone made by the holy martyr Seraphim (Chichagov). This list can go on and on.

Since the time of his glorification, the image of St. Seraphim has been depicted not only on icons, but also on frescoes; it has inspired creators of applied church art: the saint was depicted on chalices, banners, embossed altar covers, in casting and enamel, wood carvings and gold-woven embroidery. Painted, cast and embossed images of St. Seraphim were used to decorate the bindings of liturgical books, baptismal fonts, temple containers for holy water, church doors, and prosphora markers.

But it is surprising that, despite all this visual diversity, until now art criticism has not paid due attention to this very important topic.
The centennial anniversary of the glorification of St. Seraphim of Sarov persistently supports the very formulation of the question of the need for an integrated approach in the study of the saint.
It is to posing this problem that I devote these notes.
Despite the widespread recognition of the icons of St. Seraphim of Sarov, his diverse iconography requires a certain systematization, which should begin with art historical descriptions based on the very spiritual foundation of the iconography.

Icons and church

Even during the earthly life of Christ the Savior, an image of His face was miraculously found on a rug or towel. Already after the Ascension of the Lord, Apostle Luke created in paint images of the Mother of God and Her Son in infancy and childhood. Thus, the icons of the Mother of God “Vladimir”, “Tikhvin”, “Smolensk”, according to Church Tradition, are based on the divinely inspired artistic work of the Apostle Luke, and the Russian Orthodox Church testifies that the most famous image of the Mother of God of Vladimir is the original of the Apostle Luke, written by him on the tabletop , at which the Last Supper was celebrated.

In the ways of the conciliar affirmation of the truth, the Holy Church gave dogmatic significance to the Image of Christ the Savior Not Made by Hands, the icons of the Mother of God and other sacred images.
In response to the attacks of heretics and false iconoclast teachers on church art, it receives dogmatic justification in the acts of the Ecumenical Councils, that is, an Orthodox conciliar affirmation irrefutable by human superstition. In this regard, Trullsky, which also calls the VI Ecumenical Council, and the VII Ecumenical Council are of particular importance.

The Seventh Council, in its “Dogma on the Veneration of Icons,” affirmed that icon painting is a special form of revelation of Divine reality. Through Holy Scripture, Divine services and icons, Divine revelation becomes the property of us believers: we not only learn about God, we come to know God; through the icons of the holy saints of God we touch the transfigured man, a participant in the Divine life; we receive the all-sanctifying grace of the Holy Spirit. According to this Dogma, we honor holy images: “with reverent worship, not true, according to our faith, God-worship, which befits the One Divine Nature, but veneration in that image, like the image of the Honest and Life-Giving Cross and the Holy Gospel and other shrines, incense and by placing candles, honor is given, as was the pious custom of the ancients, for the honor given to the image passes to the Prototype, and the one who worships the icon worships the being depicted on it.”

Images of Holy Rus'

In the 16th century, the general rise of Russian church art directly affected icon painting. She absorbs Russianness, looking for her own canons that do not fit into the “template” of the Byzantine tradition. The desire for chronological order and unification of ancient traditions led in 1547 to the convening in Moscow, on the initiative of St. Macarius of Moscow and under the patronage of Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible, of the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church, at which new Russian saints were glorified. In 1551, a new Council, called the Stoglavy Council, was held to correct church deanery, government administration and all zemstvo structures. In Chapter 43 of Stoglav, in particular, a conciliar answer is given about painters and honest icons.

"...It behooves a painter to be humble, meek, reverent, free from words, not funny, not quarrelsome, not envious, not a pianist, not a robber, not a murderer. Most of all, keep spiritual and physical purity with all caution. ...and with great care paint the image of our Lord Jesus Christ and His Most Pure Mother of God, and the holy prophet, and the apostle, and the holy martyr, and the holy martyrs, and the venerable women, and the saints, the venerable father in the image and likeness, in essence, looking at the image of the ancient painters, and signifying good examples (l . 118 vol., l. 119)".

In 1554, a new Council was convened to clarify whether the goals of the Stoglav Code were being achieved and whether church affairs and ranks were being corrected. We read about the desire to understand issues of life and faith in I.V. Pokrovsky in “Essays on Monuments of Christian Art and Iconography.”
These Makariev Councils of the mid-16th century, which glorified canonical ordering. In line with these aspirations, according to the experience of the Greek Church, iconographic originals are also beginning to form in our country.

Two types of scripts can be distinguished: obverse and theoretical. Facial - where the images are drawn on paper in the form of outlines, theoretical - contain descriptions. The first include the image that the icon painter uses in his practice. These are both front Gospels and Russian Saints. The front script was made specifically for icon painting.

The most complete of them is the Siya original (Antonievo-Siya Monastery), the work of which is attributed to the icon painter of the monastery, Chernets Nikodim (later archimandrite) at the end of the 17th century. He, as an expert in icon painting, made an attempt to systematize the extensive iconographic material, the notebooks of which belonged to different people. The Siysk collection also provides rarely seen photographs of Northern Russian saints.
In its content, it differs from other Russian originals - Stroganovsky and Prokhorov, in which the iconographic material is arranged in calendar order.

In 1903, the original icon painting was published, published by Bolshakov and edited by Uspensky. It represents a new version of the ancient Stroganov original with some differences and additions. In 1901, according to the Highest Decree, the Committee for the Care of Church Art was founded. He set tasks related primarily to the turn of icon painting to ancient, time-honored models. In addition to the Bolshakovo-Uspensky original, academic icon-painting originals of the founder of the Orthodox icon-painting class of the Academy of Arts, Prince Gagarin, were also compiled.

At the very first meeting, the Committee decided to publish a new front iconographic original with the aim of creating a church style, a combination of “ancient” and “new”. Unfortunately, the project was not implemented, and the Committee managed to publish only “The Iconography of Our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.”
Here, in general terms, is the basis of Russian iconography at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries.

The face of the Sarov elder.

The question arises: according to what models were and are the icons of Seraphim of Sarov painted? Let us remember Stoglav, who prescribes that the icon should be a depiction of a saint “in the image,” i.e. a reflection of its nature; "likeness", i.e. so that the characteristic features of the saint are included, and “essentially”, i.e. The icon painter’s attention should be drawn to the significant signs associated with the service and life of the saint, reflecting the spiritual essence of his feat.

Let's open the guide to icon painting by V.D. Fartusov, who spent decades painting images and wall paintings, including in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow.

"Saint Seraphim of Sarov, the Wonderworker: an old man, 72 years old, of Russian type, gray-haired, hunched over, a thin, broad face, a small nose, small and half-open eyes, thick hair, a thick beard, small, thick, wide and forked; a meek and loving facial expression ; monastic clothes, in epitrachelion and bands.

So in the leadership of V.D. Fartusov, in the description of the charters - scrolls that the saint holds on the icons, we find a brief summary of the original teaching of St. Seraphim of Sarov about the purpose of Christian life and the acquisition of the grace of the Holy Spirit.
The veneration of the elder among the people was great both during his lifetime and after his blessed death. Without a doubt, icons of Seraphim of Sarov began to be painted before the official canonization of 1903 “in essence”, “image” and “likeness”
At that time, there were portraits of him during his lifetime, but the portrait by the artist Serebryakov, lost during the hard years, was taken as a basis. If we talk about paintings on canvas by the monk, then basically it is either a half-length image, or an old man walking into the desert. Today there are only a few lifetime portraits of Seraphim of Sarov, and all of them, according to reliable evidence, were painted with his blessing. The lifetime iconography of St. Seraphim is a topic for a separate study, but I consider it necessary to name at least the following lifetime portraits of the saint, known to me personally or from literary sources:
- a picturesque image of St. Seraphim in the collection of His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus';
- a portrait of a saint in one of the Kyiv churches on Podol;
- a portrait of Elder Seraphim, which once belonged to the Seraphim-Diveevo Monastery, and is now located in the Novo-Diveevo monastery (USA);
- a few portraits of the saint in private collections and other collections.
We are publishing a unique lifetime portrait of St. Seraphim of Sarov, dated 1829, from a private collection.
There are also picturesque images of Elder Seraphim, painted by artists shortly after his dormition or in the second half of the 19th century, from memory or from lifetime examples using personal testimonies who personally knew the saint. Such works, of course, include the famous portrait of the Sarov Elder, stored in the Church-Archaeological Cabinet of the Moscow Theological Academy, created in the 1860s or 1870s (Orthodox Church Calendar of 2003. M., Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church, 2002, p. 177).

Life icon of St. Seraphim.

There are many hagiographic icons of St. Seraphim in churches, museums and private collections. As a rule, the marks are located and read from left to right horizontally and reflect the entire path of the saint: birth, baptism, tonsure, exploits, temptations, blessed death, miracles. Of course, each hagiographic icon contains spiritual accents that reflect special moments in the life of the saint.
Let's look at the hagiographic icon of St. Seraphim of Sarov from the Museum of Ancient Russian Art. St. Andrei Rublev (Moscow).

The centerpiece of the icon is a half-length image of the saint in a mantle, stole and cuffs. Interesting placement of the top row of stamps. This is the icon of the Mother of God "Tenderness", a particularly revered cell icon of the holy elder, the image of the Savior Not Made by Hands, meaning the Prototype that the Savior Himself conveyed to people. In the hagiographic image of Seraphim of Sarov, almost every mark can be considered as an independent icon. For example, the stamp “The Illness of the Youth Prokhor and His Miraculous Recovery.”
In the life of Saint Seraphim, published in the Chetia-Minea of ​​St. Demetrius of Rostov, we find a description of his fatal illness: “...During a difficult time for him, Prokhor sees in a dream vision the Most Holy Theotokos, who promised to visit him and heal him from his illness. At this time A procession of the cross took place in Kursk, led by the miraculous icon of the Sign of the Most Holy Theotokos of Kursk. The pious Agathia hastened to carry out her sick son, placed him next to the miraculous icon of the Mother of God, after which the boy completely recovered.”

From the literature devoted to the history of St. Seraphim, we know that this miracle at the procession with the Kursk Root aroused the wild anger of the demons and they aroused a whole brawl among the participants in the procession. This scandal caused a ban on holding religious processions with the Kursk Root in Kursk for many years, and only then, by a special Decree of Empress Catherine the Great, permission was received to resume the tradition of the famous Kursk religious processions.
It is necessary to note a few more marks, based on the plots of which many icons were reproduced at the beginning of the 20th century. For example, “The thousand-day prayer of St. Seraphim on a stone” (in the Moscow Church of the Prophet Elijah in Obydensky Lane there is an icon painted by the Hieromartyr Seraphim Chichagov, one of the main initiators of the glorification of the saint and the author of the Chronicle of the Seraphim-Diveevo Monastery).

“...During the life of the elder, no one knew about this extraordinary feat of prayer, which he managed to hide from the curious gaze of man.” And only shortly before his blessed death, the Monk Seraphim, following the example of many ascetics, among other circumstances of his life, told to some of the Sarov brethren and about this wondrous feat of theirs. One of the listeners then said that this feat was beyond human strength. To this the holy elder answered with humility of faith:

Saint Simeon the Stylite stood on the pillar for forty-seven years, but are my labors similar to his exploits?
This story, like an icon, was painted for pilgrims on stones and even on fragments of the very stone on which the elder labored.
With the blessing of His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy II, for many years I have been studying the life and exploits, the history of the glorification by iconography of another Russian ascetic, the Venerable Nile of Stolobensky, who also labored, following the example of the Venerable Simeon, in one of the types of pillars: for 27 years he he lay down on the ribs of Christ for the sake of Christ, allowing himself to rest only by resting his armpits on special hooks driven into the wall of his cell.
The icon of Saints Nile and Seraphim is kept in the local history museum of the city of Ostashkov.
Another image from a series of stamps, “Attack of robbers on Father Seraphim,” was also popular in the form of individual icons.
There are other iconographic scenes from his life: “The Venerable One Feeds the Bear”, “The Last Appearance of the Most Holy Theotokos to Elder Seraphim”, “The Blessed Death of the Venerable Seraphim of Sarov”.
Regarding the last mark, the plot of which is also widespread in individual temple icons, I want to say the following. After completing the thousand-day prayer on the stone, the holy elder continued his secret feat of long kneeling prayers, almost not allowing himself to rest. So, in prayerful kneeling, he gave up his spirit to the Lord. When, after his dormition, the Sarov monks broke open the locked door of the elder’s cell, they saw him praying on his knees with his hands folded crosswise on his chest. And this plot - a prayer figure with closed eyes - soon after the death of the Sarov miracle worker began to be published in the form of engravings and lithographs, and after his glorification it was turned into a plot for icons.
The Monk Neil of Stolobensky also rested in a similar manner, leaning on hooks driven into the wall of his cell. The widely known and widespread wooden carvings of St. Nile depict precisely the dormition of the ascetic, since in all these three-dimensional images carved from wood, the saint is depicted with his eyes closed. The tradition of Russian secret pillar-mongering from the Venerable Nile of Stolobensky, Seraphim of Sarov already in the 20th century during the Great Patriotic War was continued by the thousand-day feat of prayer on a stone by the newly glorified Venerable Seraphim of Vyritsky, who with his prayer built a spiritual barrier on the path of the enemy of the Fatherland.
The Life of St. Seraphim says that in 1825 the elder was visited by members of the Royal Family. It says that Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich received his blessing, but the compilers of the official life say nothing about Emperor Alexander I’s visit to him, allegorically hiding this fact of church tradition under the plural “persons of the Imperial family.” However, such a mark “Emperor Alexander I with St. Seraphim” is found on modern hagiographic icons. And earlier there were even paintings and engravings on this subject.

Much of the elder’s pious life was reproduced in lithographs of that time. Much has become a life-giving tradition that will not dry out forever, for blessed is he who gives good to others, who fulfills the will of the Heavenly King, who heals the soul, mind and body. It was the circumstances associated with this mysterious meeting of the Emperor and the elder that formed the basis of the legend that the Emperor did not die in 1825 in Taganrog, but with the blessing of St. Seraphim of Sarov and the Pskov-Pechersk elders took upon himself a secret feat of wandering, unprecedented before in history For Christ's sake, under the name of the Siberian elder Theodore Kuzmich, who soon became famous, and is now revered as a locally revered saint of Tomsk.

Icon painters working on images of Seraphim of Sarov also turned to examples of Russian icons of the 16th-18th centuries. It depended on what goal and task the master set when creating this or that image.
The main thing was to emphasize that the saint is a pillar and affirmation of the Truth (1 Tim. 3:15), that in his stylite prayer standing he is the spiritual foundation for the Church and Russia. That is why the image of Saint Seraphim is often brought to the foreground against the background of the Seraphim-Diveevo monastery, which in turn symbolizes the Heavenly City - the New Jerusalem. Above the saint is the image of the Mother of God “Tenderness”. The saint's gaze is directed into the depths of his heart - God sent into the heart... the Holy Spirit (Gal. 4:6), his right hand is pressed to the left side of his chest. Life-size icons often contain an expressive earthly landscape - the sacred spaces of Rus'. In half-length images, the saint’s hand is also pressed to the heart, or both hands are folded on the chest, as before communion; often the fingers of the right hand are folded for blessing.
An interesting detail of the icons is that in his left hand the monk holds a rosary or, more often, a ladder - a monastic spiritual sword for observing the prayer rule and achieving a state of spiritual asceticism, renunciation from all worldly things. Sometimes the reverend elder was depicted in a linen shirt with a “virgin” cross around his neck.

Church enamel

Temple and home icons immediately after the glorification of St. Seraphim lived a special spiritual life, glorifying the saint in the earthly Church with thousands of miracles. Naturally, the initially discovered images, which manifested themselves in spiritual practice as miraculous, were decorated with chased metal frames - silvered or gilded, and sometimes made of pure silver and even gold. Elements of these embossed vestments were often decorated with filigree, granulation, and artistic blackening. In the decoration of the crown or on the frame corners of the frames there are colored enamel decorations and cartouches.

The period of the beginning of the 20th century was the time when the accumulated experience of enamel images was generalized and new forms of artistic expression were found. Along with Moscow and St. Petersburg, the center of enamel production was Rostov the Great. A large number of color undertones appear, and the range of lilac, characteristic of the Art Nouveau style, is actively included.
Miniature and medium-sized images of St. Seraphim on enamel were then produced by many artels in the traditional subjects of his iconography, which we wrote about above.


At the end of the 19th century, chromolithographed icons on tin appeared. The foreign German firms “Jaco” and “Bonacker” had practically a monopoly on them, which, using advanced technology at that time, filled all the icon shops of Orthodox Russia with their products.

Icon-painting workshops could not withstand competition with German companies, but, despite the attempts of the Committee for the Care of Church Art to resist this “invasion,” people were happy to purchase their “bright” products. Even Russian masters of icon painting were forced to work under “Jaco” and “Bonacker” in order to satisfy the needs of the “enlightened” merchants.
Of course, the icons of St. Seraphim of Sarov were also replicated by these factories, which, however, indicates a demand for icons of the saint, otherwise the Germans, with their characteristic pragmatism, would not have produced them.

Small plastic

In addition to the metal frames that decorated the icons of St. Seraphim, the images of the saint themselves were also produced using casting and chasing techniques. A large number of double-sided incense boxes with the image of the Mother of God and the holy elder, made of copper alloy and silver, have been preserved. I even happened to come across a pectoral cross, where in the center of the cross it is written: “Seraphim”. Most likely, such crosses were issued for the day of glorification in 1903, although the Sarov monastery could “replicate” them later, but due to the rarity of such crosses on the body, we can conclude that they were issued in small quantities for pilgrims and pilgrims.

The image of the saint is also found on objects of non-church applied art. For example, I know a glass holder with an image of an old man feeding a bear. Not as a condemnation, but as a reasoning, I will note that about such an “everyday” manifestation of Orthodoxy, in the goals and objectives of the committee for the care of church art, it was said that it must be brought closer to true religiosity.

Wood carving

As a specialist in carved images of St. Neil of Stolobensky, I am certainly interested in how the iconography of St. Seraphim was reflected in artistic carvings, traditional for Rus' since ancient times. In my collection there is a unique high-relief carved waist-length icon of St. Seraphim of Sarov. The Russian artist of the early 20th century, with amazing skill and at the same time inspired by the means of his art, conveyed precisely the spiritual content of the face of St. Seraphim, the meaning of his truly inspired expression: “My joy, I pray you, acquire a peaceful spirit, then a thousand souls will be saved around you.”

Of course, in a short journal publication it is impossible to display even all the main directions in the symphonic study of the image of the great saint of the Russian Orthodox Church - St. Seraphim of Sarov and the Wonderworker of All Rus'. As millions of compatriots convert to the Orthodox faith, his veneration increases and multiplies in modern Russia. Many of the converts literally come to the Church, having learned about the life, exploits and prophecies of the elder, receiving from him prompt intercession in prayers and so quickly acquiring living spiritual experience.

The glorification at the Jubilee Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church in 2000 of a host of more than a thousand Russian new martyrs and confessors, led by the holy Royal Martyrs, with the holy Tsar Nicholas, was also predicted by the Sarov Wonderworker. At the turn of centuries and millennia, the revived Russian Orthodox Church collectively celebrated the triumph of Orthodoxy in Holy Rus'. The new era poses new challenges for church art, its development and the comprehensive study of Orthodox iconography. We see that Sarov Easter of 1903, whose centenary is approaching, inspires our national and church consciousness to new achievements and discoveries in the spiritual life of the people of Russia


In our church there is a particle of the relics of the venerable Seraphim of Sarov. Everyone who comes can ask for prayerhelp to the saint, order a prayer service.

Every Russian person knows the name of St. Seraphim of Sarov. Dozens of books have been written about him and many films have been made. During his life thousands flocked to him, after his death - millions. His prayerful presence preserves our Fatherland, saves and heals many people. Every person should know the life of the holy elder Seraphim, learning Faith and Love from him, imitating him in wisdom and kindness.

They pray to St. Seraphim of Sarov for physical and spiritual healing.



O wonderful servant of God, most radiant glory of Orthodoxy, adornment of the Russian Land, great luminary of the whole world, Spirit-Bearing Father Seraphim! With warm faith we tenderly glorify you, for you have been blessed beyond measure by the Holy Spirit. For the sake of your purity and your many deeds and unceasing prayers, God has enriched you with wondrous gifts: to heal the sick, to cast out demons, to comfort the weak, to see the future as if it were the present. More than the glorious appearances of the Most Pure One, you were honored with many, even calling you Your favorite. The Lord is One

You were honored to see the Savior in the temple. And you yourself marvelously shone with the grateful, uncreated light of the Kingdom of God, and you taught the whole world to acquire the grace of the Holy Spirit in word and deed. But even now, enjoying the blessed light of the Most Holy Trinity, do not forget to visit people all over the world who call on your name.

In the same way, we, even if we are sinners, in our sorrows ask for your mercy: guide us on the path of repentance, ask for grace for us, unworthy, and please our hearts with good hopes for the mercy of God: for many times have you said to the sad: we must not be discouraged; Christ is risen, death is dead, abolish the devil. He also commanded people to come to your grave. May we also hear your cheerful voice: do not lose heart, my joys! stay awake, save yourself! For such crowns are prepared in the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen.

PRAYER TWO(about n help and intercession, read in despondency and sinful circumstances)

A particle of the relics of St. Seraphim, the Wonderworker of Sarov, in the Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in Shelekhov

O great servant of God, venerable and God-bearing Father Seraphim!

Look down from the glory on high upon us, the humble and weak, burdened with many sins, your help and consolation to those who ask. Reach out to us with your compassion and help us to preserve the commandments of the Lord immaculately, to firmly maintain the Orthodox faith, to diligently offer repentance for our sins to God, to gracefully prosper in piety as Christians and to be worthy of your prayerful intercession for us.

To her, Holy One of God, hear us who pray to you with faith and love, and do not despise us who demand your intercession; now and at the hour of our death, help us and protect us with your prayers from the evil slander of the devil, so that those powers do not possess us, but may we be honored with your help to inherit the bliss of the abode of paradise. We now place our hope in you, merciful Father, be truly a guide to salvation for us and lead us to the unevening light of eternal life through your God-pleasing intercession at the Throne of the Most Holy Trinity, so that we glorify and sing with all the saints the venerable Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

PRAYER THREE (about the giving of love, read for oneself, for loved ones and for enemies)

Reverend Father Seraphim, filled with Divine love, unceasing servant of Divine love, beloved of the Mother of Divine Love, hear me, who loves you little and grieves you a lot.

Grant that I too may now be a zealous servant of God-pleasing Love. That kind of love that is long-suffering, does not envy, does not boast, is merciful, is not proud, does not act outrageously, does not seek its own, does not rejoice over unrighteousness, but rejoices about others. Pray to Primordial Love, and having served Her love on earth, through your intercession and prayers I will reach the Mother of God and all the saints in the Kingdom of love and glory and light, and I will fall at the feet of my Master, who gave us the commandment about true love.

Loving Father, do not reject the prayers of the heart that loves you, and beg a loving God for the forgiveness of my sins. Help us to bear each other’s burdens, not to do to others what we don’t want for ourselves, everyone loves, in truth; He loves everything, he has faith in everything, he endures everything, even though he falls away!

This love should be a servant to me and all my relatives, and known, and to cover with love, and with a heartfelt song of love, having ended earthly life, begin with it a joyful eternal life in the land of true love. Pray for us, Father, our beloved Father, who loves us! Amen.

PRAYER FOUR (To a short prayer for help and intercession indicating the name of the person praying)

O Reverend Father Seraphim! Lift up for us, servants of God ( names), your powerful prayer to the Lord of hosts, may He grant us all that is useful in this life and all that is useful for spiritual salvation, may He protect us from the falls of sins and may He teach us true repentance, so that we can enter without stumbling into the eternal Kingdom of Heaven, where you are now in everlasting glory you shine, and there sing with all the saints the Life-Giving Trinity forever and ever.


Days of remembrance: January 15 (January 2, O.S.), August 1 (July 19, O.S.).

Venerable Seraphim of Sarov, a great ascetic of the Russian Church, was born on July 19, 1754. The saint's parents, Isidore and Agafia Moshnin, were residents of Kursk. Isidore was a merchant and took out contracts for the construction of buildings, and at the end of his life he began the construction of a cathedral in Kursk, but died before the completion of the work. The youngest son Prokhor remained in the care of his mother, who raised a deep faith in her son.
After the death of her husband, Agafia Moshnina, who continued the construction of the cathedral, once took Prokhor with her there, who, having stumbled, fell from the bell tower. The Lord saved the life of the future lamp of the Church: the frightened mother, going downstairs, found her son unharmed.
Young Prokhor, having an excellent memory, soon learned to read and write. Since childhood, he loved to attend church services and read the Holy Scriptures and the lives of saints to his peers, but most of all he loved to pray or read the Holy Gospel in solitude.
One day Prokhor became seriously ill and his life was in danger. In a dream, the boy saw the Mother of God, who promised to visit and heal him. Soon a religious procession with the icon of the Sign of the Most Holy Theotokos passed through the courtyard of the Moshnin estate; his mother carried Prokhor out in her arms, and he venerated the holy icon, after which he began to quickly recover.
Even in his youth, Prokhor made the decision to completely devote his life to God and enter a monastery. The pious mother did not interfere with this and blessed him on the monastic path with a crucifix, which the monk wore on his chest all his life. Prokhor and the pilgrims set off on foot from Kursk to Kyiv to worship the saints of Pechersk.
The schemamonk elder Dosifei, whom Prokhor visited, blessed him to go to the Sarov hermitage and save himself there. Returning briefly to his parents' house, Prokhor said goodbye to his mother and relatives forever. On November 20, 1778, he came to Sarov, where the wise elder Father Pachomius was then rector. He kindly received the young man and appointed Elder Joseph as his confessor. Under his leadership, Prokhor underwent many obediences in the monastery: he was the elder’s cell attendant, worked in the bakery, prosphora and carpentry shop, carried out the duties of a sexton, and performed everything with zeal and zeal, serving as if the Lord Himself. By constant work he protected himself from boredom - this, as he later said, “the most dangerous temptation for new monks, which is cured by prayer, abstinence from idle talk, feasible handicraft, reading the Word of God and patience, because it is born from cowardice, carelessness and idle talk.” .
Already in these years, Prokhor, following the example of other monks who retired into the forest to pray, asked the elder’s blessing to also go into the forest in his free time, where he prayed the Jesus Prayer in complete solitude. Two years later, novice Prokhor fell ill with dropsy, his body became swollen, and he experienced severe suffering. The mentor, Father Joseph, and other elders who loved Prokhor looked after him. The illness lasted about three years, and not once did anyone hear a word of grumbling from him. The elders, fearing for the life of the patient, wanted to call a doctor to him, but Prokhor asked not to do this, telling Father Pachomius: “I have given myself, Holy Father, to the True Doctor of souls and bodies - our Lord Jesus Christ and His Most Pure Mother...”, and wanted to be given Holy Communion. Then Prokhor had a vision: the Mother of God appeared in an indescribable light, accompanied by the holy apostles Peter and John the Theologian. Pointing her hand at the sick man, the Most Holy Virgin said to John: “This one is from our generation.” Then she touched the patient’s side with the staff, and immediately the liquid that filled the body began to flow out through the hole formed, and he quickly recovered. Soon, on the site of the appearance of the Mother of God, a hospital church was built, one of the chapels of which was consecrated in the name of the Monks Zosima and Savvaty of Solovetsky. The altar for the chapel was built by the Monk Seraphim with his own hands from cypress wood and he always received the Holy Mysteries in this church.
After spending eight years as a novice in the Sarov monastery, Prokhor took monastic vows with the name Seraphim, which so well expressed his fiery love for the Lord and desire to serve Him zealously. A year later, Seraphim was ordained to the rank of hierodeacon. Burning in spirit, he served in the temple every day, constantly praying even after the service. The Lord vouchsafed the monk visions of grace during church services: he repeatedly saw holy Angels serving with the brethren. The monk was granted a special vision of grace during the Divine Liturgy on Maundy Thursday, which was performed by the rector, Father Pachomius, and Elder Joseph. When, after the troparions, the monk said, “Lord, save the pious,” and, standing at the royal doors, aimed his orarion at those praying with the exclamation “... and forever and ever,” suddenly a bright ray overshadowed him. Raising his eyes, the Monk Seraphim saw the Lord Jesus Christ walking through the air from the western doors of the temple, surrounded by the Heavenly Ethereal Forces. Having reached the pulpit, the Lord blessed all those praying and entered the local image to the right of the royal doors. The Monk Seraphim, looking in spiritual delight at the wondrous phenomenon, could not utter a word or leave his place. He was led arm in arm into the altar, where he stood for another three hours, his face changing from the great grace that illuminated him. After the vision, the monk intensified his exploits: during the day he worked in the monastery, and spent his nights in prayer in a deserted forest cell. In 1793, at the age of 39, St. Seraphim was ordained to the rank of hieromonk and continued serving in the church. After the death of the abbot, Father Pachomius, the Monk Seraphim, having his dying blessing for a new feat - living in the desert, also took the blessing from the new abbot, Father Isaiah, and went to a desert cell several kilometers from the monastery, in a dense forest. Here he began to indulge in solitary prayers, coming to the monastery only on Saturday before the all-night vigil and returning to his cell after the liturgy, during which he received communion of the Holy Mysteries. The monk spent his life in severe exploits. He carried out his cell prayer rule according to the rules of the ancient desert monasteries; I never parted with the Holy Gospel, reading the entire New Testament during the week, and also read patristic and liturgical books. The monk learned many church hymns by heart and sang them during his work hours in the forest. Near the cell he planted a vegetable garden and built a beekeeper. Earning food for himself, the monk kept a very strict fast, eating once a day, and on Wednesday and Friday he completely abstained from food. In the first week of Holy Pentecost, he did not take food until Saturday, when he received Holy Communion.

Icon of St. Seraphim of Sarov in prayer on a stone

The holy elder, in solitude, was sometimes so immersed in inner heartfelt prayer that he remained motionless for a long time, neither hearing nor seeing anything around him. The hermits who visited him from time to time - schemamonk Mark the Silent and hierodeacon Alexander - when they caught the saint in such prayer, they quietly retired with reverence, so as not to disturb his contemplation.

In the summer heat, the monk collected moss from the swamp to fertilize the garden; mosquitoes mercilessly stung him, but he complacently endured this suffering, saying: “Pasions are destroyed by suffering and sorrow, either voluntary or sent by Providence.” For about three years, the monk ate only one herb, which grew around his cell. In addition to the brethren, lay people began to come to him more and more often for advice and blessings. This violated his privacy. Having asked for the abbot’s blessing, the monk blocked women’s access to him, and then everyone else, having received a sign that the Lord approved of his idea of ​​complete silence. Through the saint’s prayer, the road to his deserted cell was blocked by huge branches of centuries-old pine trees. Now only birds, which flocked in large numbers to the saint, and wild animals visited him. The monk fed the bear bread from his hands when bread was brought to him from the monastery.

Seeing the exploits of the Monk Seraphim, the enemy of the human race armed himself against him and, wanting to force the saint to leave silence, decided to frighten him, but the saint protected himself with prayer and the power of the Life-giving Cross. The devil brought “mental warfare” upon the saint—a persistent, prolonged temptation. To repel the onslaught of the enemy, the Monk Seraphim intensified his labors by taking upon himself the feat of stylite mongering. Every night he climbed a huge stone in the forest and prayed with raised hands, crying: “God, be merciful to me a sinner.” During the day, he prayed in his cell, also on a stone that he brought from the forest, leaving it only for a short rest and refreshing his body with meager food. The saint prayed like this for 1000 days and nights. The devil, disgraced by the monk, planned to kill him and sent robbers. Approaching the saint, who was working in the garden, the robbers began to demand money from him. The monk at that time had an ax in his hands, he was physically strong and could have defended himself, but he did not want to do this, remembering the words of the Lord: “Those who take the sword will perish by the sword” (Matthew 26:52). The saint, lowering the ax to the ground, said: “Do what you need.” The robbers began to beat the monk, broke his head with a butt, broke several ribs, then, having tied him up, they wanted to throw him into the river, but first they searched his cell in search of money. Having destroyed everything in the cell and finding nothing in it except an icon and a few potatoes, they were ashamed of their crime and left. The monk, having regained consciousness, crawled to his cell and, suffering severely, lay there all night. The next morning, with great difficulty, he reached the monastery. The brethren were horrified when they saw the wounded ascetic. The monk lay there for eight days, suffering from his wounds; Doctors were called to him, surprised that Seraphim remained alive after such beatings. But the monk did not receive healing from doctors: the Queen of Heaven appeared to him in a subtle dream with the apostles Peter and John. Touching the head of the monk, the Most Holy Virgin granted him healing.
After this incident, the Monk Seraphim had to spend about five months in the monastery, and then he again went to a desert cell. Remaining bent forever, the monk walked, leaning on a staff or an axe, but he forgave his offenders and asked them not to punish them. After the death of the rector, Father Isaiah, who had been his friend since the saint’s youth, he took upon himself the feat of silence, completely renouncing all worldly thoughts for the purest stand before God in unceasing prayer. If the saint met a person in the forest, he fell on his face and did not get up until the passerby moved away. The elder spent about three years in such silence, stopping even from visiting the monastery on Sundays. The fruit of silence was for St. Seraphim the acquisition of peace of soul and joy in the Holy Spirit. The great ascetic subsequently spoke to one of the monks of the monastery: “ joy, I pray you, acquire a peaceful spirit, and then thousands of souls will be saved around you.” The new abbot, Father Nifont, and the elder brethren of the monastery suggested that Father Seraphim either continue to come to the monastery on Sundays to participate in divine services and receive communion at the monastery of the Holy Mysteries, or return to the monastery. The monk chose the latter, since it became difficult for him to walk from the desert to the monastery. In the spring of 1810, he returned to the monastery after 15 years in the desert. Without breaking his silence, he added seclusion to this feat and, without going anywhere or receiving anyone, he was constantly in prayer and contemplation of God. While in retreat, the Monk Seraphim acquired high spiritual purity and was granted special grace-filled gifts from God - clairvoyance and miracle-working. Then the Lord appointed His chosen one to serve people in the highest monastic feat - eldership. On November 25, 1825, the Mother of God, together with the two saints celebrated on this day, appeared in a dream vision to the elder and commanded him to come out of seclusion and receive weak human souls that required instruction, consolation, guidance and healing. Having been blessed by the abbot for a change in his lifestyle, the monk opened the doors of his cell to everyone. The elder saw the hearts of people, and he, as a spiritual doctor, healed mental and physical illnesses with prayer to God and a word of grace. Those who came to St. Seraphim felt his great love and listened with tenderness to the affectionate words with which he addressed people: “my joy,” “my treasure.” The elder began to visit his desert cell and the spring called Bogoslovsky, near which they built a small cell for him. When leaving his cell, the elder always carried a knapsack with stones over his shoulders. When asked why he was doing this, the saint humbly answered: “I torment him who torments me.”

Diveevo (Seraphim-Diveevo Convent in the village of Diveevo, Nizhny Novgorod region)

In the last period of his earthly life, the Monk Seraphim took special care of his beloved brainchild - the Diveyevo women's monastery. While still in the rank of hierodeacon, he accompanied the late rector Father Pachomius to the Diveyevo community to see the abbess nun Alexandra, a great ascetic, and then Father Pachomius blessed the reverend to always take care of the “Diveyevo orphans.” He was a true father for the sisters, who turned to him in all their spiritual and everyday difficulties. Students and spiritual friends helped the saint to care for the Diveyevo community: Mikhail Vasilyevich Manturov, who was healed by the monk from a serious illness and, on the advice of the elder, took upon himself the feat of voluntary poverty; Elena Vasilievna Manturova, one of the Diveyevo sisters, who voluntarily agreed to die out of obedience to the elder for her brother, who was still needed in this life; Nikolai Alexandrovich Motovilov, also healed by the monk. ON THE. Motovilov recorded the wonderful teaching of St. Seraphim about the purpose of Christian life.

In the last years of the life of St. Seraphim, one person healed by him saw him standing in the air during prayer. The saint strictly forbade talking about this before his death.

Seraphim of Sarov. Appearance of the Mother of God on the Holy Canal

Everyone knew and revered St. Seraphim as a great ascetic and wonderworker. A year and ten months before his death, on the Feast of the Annunciation, the Monk Seraphim was once again honored with the appearance of the Queen of Heaven, accompanied by the Baptist of the Lord John, the Apostle John the Theologian and twelve virgins, holy martyrs and saints. The Most Holy Virgin talked for a long time with the monk, entrusting the Diveyevo sisters to him. Having finished the conversation, She told him: “Soon, My beloved, you will be with us.” At this appearance, during the wondrous visit of the Mother of God, one Diveyevo old woman was present, through the prayer of the monk for her.

In the last year of his life, the Monk Seraphim began to noticeably weaken and spoke to many about his imminent death. At this time, he was often seen at the coffin, which stood in the entryway of his cell and which he had prepared for himself. The monk himself indicated the place where he should be buried: near the altar of the Assumption Cathedral. On January 1, 1833, the Monk Seraphim came for the last time to the hospital Zosimo-Savvatievskaya Church for the liturgy and took communion of the Holy Mysteries, after which he blessed the brethren and said goodbye, saying: “Save yourself, do not be discouraged, stay awake, today crowns are being prepared for us.” On January 2, the monk’s cell attendant, Father Pavel, left his cell at six o’clock in the morning, heading to the church, and smelled a burning smell coming from the monk’s cell; Candles were always burning in the saint’s cell, and he said: “As long as I am alive, there will be no fire, but when I die, my death will be revealed by fire.” When the doors were opened, it turned out that books and other things were smoldering, and the monk himself was kneeling before the icon of the Mother of God in a position of prayer, but already lifeless. During prayer, his pure soul was taken by the Angels and flew up to the Throne of God Almighty, whose faithful servant and servant the Monk Seraphim was all his life.


Finding the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov. Procession

On August 1, 1903, one of the events that never ceases to excite the hearts of people took place - the canonization of St. Seraphim of Sarov 70 years after his death. On the saint’s birthday, with great triumph, his relics were opened and placed in a prepared reliquary. This long-awaited event was accompanied by many miraculous healings of the sick, who arrived in Sarov in large numbers. Very widely revered during his lifetime, St. Seraphim becomes one of the most beloved saints of the Orthodox Russian people, just like St. Sergius of Radonezh.
After the blessed death of the elder in 1833, his memory was carefully preserved among the believing people. Stories and legends about his life and spiritual exploits were preserved for us by the sisters of the Diveyevo monastery, as well as by his ardent admirer N.A. Motovilov, who recorded a conversation with the great elder about the acquisition of the Holy Spirit as the main goal of Christian life.
The spiritual path of St. Seraphim is marked by great modesty, characteristic of Russian saints. Chosen by God from childhood, the Sarov ascetic, without hesitation or doubt, ascends from strength to strength in his quest for spiritual perfection. Eight years of novice labor and eight years of temple service in the ranks of hierodeacon and hieromonk, desert living and pillar-dwelling, seclusion and silence replace each other and are crowned by eldership. Feats that far exceed natural human capabilities (for example, praying on a stone for a thousand days and nights) harmoniously and simply enter into the life of a saint.

The mystery of living prayerful communication determines the spiritual heritage of St. Seraphim, but he left the Church another wealth - brief but beautiful instructions, written down partly by himself, and partly by those who heard them. Shortly before the glorification of the saint, “The Conversation of St. Seraphim of Sarov on the Purpose of Christian Life” was found and published in 1903, which took place at the end of November 1831, a little over a year before his repose. This conversation was the ascetic’s most precious contribution to the treasury of Russian patristic teaching. In addition to teaching about the essence of Christian life, it contains a new explanation of many of the most important passages of Holy Scripture.
The glorification of the saint of God became one of the great and joyful events, because his prayer before the Throne of the Most High was strong. The Diveyevo sisters were especially looking forward to the glorification of St. Seraphim. In Diveevo, Blessed Paraskeva Ivanovna (Pasha Sarovskaya) persistently spoke to Archimandrite L.M. Chichagov (later Metropolitan and Hieromartyr Seraphim): “Submit a petition to the sovereign so that the relics are revealed to us.” Chichagov wrote the wonderful “Chronicle of the Seraphim-Diveevsky Monastery”, where much space is devoted to the life and posthumous miracles of Father Seraphim. The “Chronicle” was read by the royal family, in which the memory of the saint had long been honored. And Tsar Nicholas II, sharing the people’s faith in the holiness of Elder Seraphim, raised the question of his canonization. But among his like-minded people were only Chief Prosecutor Sabler and Metropolitan of St. Petersburg Anthony (Vadkovsky), and the resistance was very great. But the power of people’s love and faith, the fervent prayers of the Diveyevo sisters and admirers of the saint overcame all stumbling blocks and disagreements.
In 1895, His Eminence Bishop Tambov presented to the Holy Synod an investigation carried out by a special commission about miraculous signs and healings revealed through the prayers of Father Seraphim to those who faithfully asked for his help. This investigation, begun by the commission on February 3, 1892, was completed in August 1894 and was carried out in 28 dioceses of European Russia and Siberia. On the eve of the feast of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 1903, under the supervision of the Right Reverend Dimitry of Tambov, the grave of the Sarov Wonderworker was opened and the brick vault of the crypt was dug, in which the oak coffin was completely intact. Upon receipt of the certificate of examination of the venerable relics, the Holy Synod prepared a decision on the canonization of Hieromonk Seraphim on July 19, 1903 - in the presence of the royal family, with a huge crowd of people.

Reliquary with the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov in Diveevo

The solemn glorification of St. Seraphim of Sarov took place on July 19/August 1, 1903. At least three hundred thousand people gathered in Sarov that day. In difficult and difficult times, in times of impoverishment of faith and general wavering of minds, this bright triumph was so comforting and instructive - the glorification of St. Seraphim. And it has not frozen, not petrified, but that Church lives and flourishes, which is adorned with new righteous people and saints of God.

On July 16/29, 1903, funeral all-night vigils - parastases - were held in the churches of the Sarov Desert for the ever-memorable hieromonk Seraphim. On July 17/30, a grand religious procession was carried out from the Diveyevo Monastery to the Sarov Hermitage. At two o'clock in the morning a solemn bell rang out, and after a short prayer service the procession began its procession. Banner bearers came from a variety of places: Sergiev Posad, Murom, Klin, Ryazan, Tula, Rostov, Suzdal, Vladimir, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Arzamas. Each group carried valuable, expensive banners with images of locally revered saints. The Diveyevo sisters carried the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Tenderness”. They were followed by numerous clergy. All the way, the participants in the procession performed the canon of the Mother of God and sacred chants. Short litias were celebrated in chapels along the way. The picture was extremely majestic.
To meet the religious procession from Diveevo, another religious procession set out - the Sarov procession - led by Bishop Innokenty of Tambov. When they met, His Grace Innocent overshadowed the people on four sides with the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Tenderness” while singing “Most Holy Theotokos, save us.” The united religious procession, forming a majestic procession, headed to the Sarov Hermitage with the solemn ringing of bells.
On July 17/30, the Emperor arrived at the monastery with his august family and retinue. And in the evening of the next day, an all-night vigil began, which has a special meaning: this is the first church service at which the Monk Seraphim began to be glorified as a saint. While the lithium stichera were being sung, a procession of the cross headed from the Assumption Cathedral to the church of St. Zosima and Savvaty of Solovetsky, where the coffin of St. Seraphim was located. The coffin was placed on a stretcher, which was taken by the Emperor, Grand Dukes, Metropolitan and Bishops.
The procession headed to the Assumption Cathedral, near which lithium litanies were pronounced. Then the coffin was placed in the middle of the temple. The all-night vigil continued. It's time for polyeleos. They sang “Praise the Name of the Lord.” All those present lit candles. The Metropolitan, the bishops and all the clergy bowed to the ground three times. Then Metropolitan Anthony opened the coffin, and everyone in the church knelt down. The moment has come for the glorification of St. Seraphim. Solemnly and touchingly, shaking the soul, the magnification sounded: “We bless you, Rev. Father Seraphim.”
After reading the Gospel, the Metropolitan and bishops venerated the holy relics. Next, their imperial majesties, grand dukes and clergy applied themselves. Sovereign Nikolai Alexandrovich knelt before the new protector of the Russian land - St. Seraphim. The king of the earth prayed to the great representative for our Fatherland at the Throne of the Heavenly King.
The next day the Divine Liturgy was celebrated. At the small entrance with the Gospel, the holy relics were carried around the altar and placed in the prepared shrine. At the end of the liturgy, a festive religious procession was held with holy relics around the monastery churches. The people stood like a living wall along the route, so that upon leaving the temple, the participants in the celebration truly found themselves in another temple.
Russia does not remember celebrations like Serafimov’s. People cried with joy, seeing how the sovereign and the great princes carried the relics of the wondrous saint of God on their shoulders. Upon the return of the procession, the worshipers knelt and Metropolitan Anthony read a prayer to St. Seraphim. The service ended, but the prayer singing did not stop at night. One of his contemporaries described these events as follows: “Singing could be heard from different places - circles of pilgrims were singing church hymns. Without seeing the singers in the darkness, one might think that the sounds were coming from the sky itself. Midnight passed, and the singing did not stop..."
Sarov celebrations are unforgettable days for all participants, days that left an indelible mark on the people's soul. Many found faith, found consolation in sorrows, resolution of severe perplexities and doubts of the spirit, indication of the good, true path, for the Lord showed a warm prayer book, a great representative and a wondrous miracle worker to His people - St. Seraphim of Sarov.
From that time on, for a century now, St. Seraphim has been glorified and blessed by the Church in the ranks of the saints of God, and his holy relics have been open to public worship. The holy elder is revered by believers as one of the greatest ascetics of the holy Russian Orthodox Church, who during his lifetime received from the Lord the gift of miracles and healings and after his death did not abandon everyone who asked him for help and intercession.


Anatoly Viktorovich
I had a stroke two years ago. Thank God, not strong, otherwise I would no longer exist. The blow was enough. And my wife began to beg me. She is 17 years younger, we married out of great love. And now she was 50, still a woman in her prime, and I was already 67—an old man. I thought that she no longer needed me as a burden. And she says: “Where would I be without you?” I began to pray to Saint Seraphim, went to the monastery, brought from there an icon, candles, oil, crackers, water - everything to nurse me through turning to the saint. Every morning and every evening she knelt at the icon and asked for me. And then she worked with me so that I wouldn’t be a vegetable, to improve both my movements and my speech. And within five months everything was restored. She is now like a second mother to me, even though she is my wife. I, a former communist, believed in God through his prayers. As soon as I recovered, we got married in church.

My Dashenka was born with a congenital heart defect. The doctors said: if it doesn’t grow by six years, surgery will be needed. And our whole family, since her birth, constantly prayed to Father Seraphim. Mom went to Diveevo and brought water from a healing spring and crackers blessed on the relics. They gave it to our girl, did everything the doctors prescribed, and they themselves prayed. And Dasha has straightened out, her heart is working normally. We have already been deregistered; she is now 15 years old. All through the prayers of Father Seraphim.

Olga Ushakova
My two year old grandson. High temperature, doesn’t want to eat anything, refuses! He only drinks Epiphany water and asks for crackers from Father Seraphim, brought from Diveevo. The whole day has passed, the crackers have run out, and my granddaughters keep asking. In the morning I went to work and met a woman I knew there. We haven’t seen her for a long time, since she rarely comes from a neighboring city. As soon as I approached her, she took a bag out of my bag and said: “Here’s a gift for you from Diveevo!” I gasped: crackers from the priest! The holy father did not hesitate to fulfill the child’s request; he immediately sent a gift for healing!

Holy spring of St. Seraphim of Sarov a few kilometers from Diveevo

Arkady (Riga)
My wife was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and, as a result, vision loss. She was in despair, to the point of laying hands on her. She just repeated that this is a death sentence - there is no cure for this. My mother is devout, she asked me to pray for a wife and she prayed herself. Later, my mother went to Diveevo and brought water from the spring of Seraphim of Sarov. She told her to make lotions for her eyes from this water and at the same time pray: “Father Seraphim, help my eyes to see clearly, strengthen my carnal and spiritual vision.” My wife began to do this and after about a month the first improvements came. And then my health began to improve completely. And they removed the diagnosis for us, they said that against the background of menopause it turned out to be something like multiple sclerosis, but in reality there was nothing. And now she is already 49 years old, our grandson was born, we are babysitting, and my mother is alive, and everything is fine. Through prayers to our patron saint Seraphim the Wonderworker.

Pavel (Yaroslavl)
I was in Chechnya. I was shell-shocked and practically lost my hearing. They gave me a disability - a penny. I couldn’t really find a job for the hearing impaired, there was no money, and there was no future. I only have a mother who is sick. I decided to beg for alms. At first I was embarrassed, then I got used to it. I stood where I usually did, looking at the ground, it was a white day - autumn, rain. A woman in black, a nun, approached. He says: “Why are you begging so young?” I read this from his lips, because I almost couldn’t hear him anymore, and even the noise of cars on the street. I say: “I can’t hear.” She replies: “Come on, I’ll take you, you’ll hear.” And she took me to church. She brought him to the icon of Seraphim of Sarov and showed him: pray. But I can't. She shows: pray as best you can. I began to be baptized and silently say to myself that he would help me, that I would begin to hear, that work would appear, that life would somehow improve. And then my ears felt like they were filled with cotton wool, and my head felt like a jar of water. I went home and went to bed. And in the morning I woke up because the clock was ticking very loudly - it was disturbing me. At first I got angry with them, and then I realized: I had never heard them, but now I hear them. I went to my mother and said: “Tell me something.” She shouts: “Good morning!” I say: “Tell me more quietly.” She says in a normal voice: “What is it?” I ask: “Can you whisper?” She got angry and hissed at me: “What do you want?” And then I realized what I was hearing! And a week later I already had a job. That's how life got better.

My husband and I didn’t have children for eight years. When I was examined, the doctors said: it is sterility. Not very pleasant. But I found out that someone was in Diveevo, bathed there in the spring of Seraphim of Sarov, and then children were born. Well, I got ready to go on the road and decided to take my husband with me, so that, if anything, it would have an effect on him too. They came with one goal: to plunge into the world and conceive someone. And suddenly something like this began to happen to us... In short, both he and I realized that the main thing is not what we want, but another thing - to be with God. And the rest will follow. What you need will come. We spent several days there, took a dip in the spring, and returned from there as deeply religious people. I began to learn everything about Seraphim of Sarov - such abysses opened up! Wow, there are such people, and we live on some little things: getting money, going on vacation, having fun somewhere... In general, we stopped thinking about our problem. We decided: everything is in God’s hands, if our own children are not born, we will take the baby from the orphanage... Our Seraphim will soon be four. We named her in honor of the priest who begged her.

Lyudmila (Kostroma)
The son served in the army, returned and could not find a good job. A healthy, strong guy was hired as a courier or salesperson - it was shameful and hopeless. Although he has no education, his hands are fine. And over time, he will graduate from college or technical school, at least in absentia. I began to pray to Seraphim of Sarov, I always turn to him when there are difficulties in life, and my soul hurts for my son. Vanya, my son, was also begged for by me: I didn’t have children for a long time, then, through my prayers to Father Seraphim, she gave birth. And then she also turned: “Father Seraphim, help my son, whom you begged from the Lord, to find a normal job.” And then about a week later, godfather Peter, my Vanya’s godfather, calls. He says that there is a place for Vanya in the auto repair shop. This is how Father Seraphim helped us!

There were many oral traditions and tales about the miracles of the Elder of Sarov among the people, and his biography was created publicly. Written evidence of the elder’s miracles and prayerful deeds was mainly provided by two monasteries - Sarov and Diveyevo. Many manuscripts were kept here, which were copied and distributed among the people.
Even during his lifetime, Saint Seraphim performed miracles. Thus, Archpriest Vasily Sadovsky recalled: “After the consecration of the church, Father Archimandrite, Mikhail Vasilyevich and I, at the invitation of the priest, all went to him in Sarov and, not finding him in the monastery, went to his distant desert. Father, seeing us, was extremely happy to see us and thanked Father Archimandrite a lot, then, turning to me, he said: “Well, father, what should we treat such a guest to celebrate? And you can’t help but treat, father, you have to treat, you have to!.. Well, I’ve prepared a treat for such a holiday, let’s go!” And, taking me by the hand, Father Seraphim led me to the corner of his desert. It is unknown where and when a raspberry bush suddenly grew from the floor, and the priest said, pointing to three large, ripe and beautiful berries: “Pick them, father, and treat our guests!” Confused by this miracle, I tremblingly picked the wonderful berries and gave them to the priest, and he began to regale them, saying: “Eat, eat, what poor Seraphim is happy to treat you with!” And, putting a berry for each of us, he added: “It is the Queen of Heaven Herself who treats you, priests!” Father Archimandrite, Mikhail Vasilyevich and I, we were all amazed by this miracle of Father Seraphim; and thus, wonderfully treated in the month of September, suddenly in the desert with half-born berries, they could not, and would not have been able to express their extraordinary sweetness, aroma, taste; and together they confessed that they had never eaten such berries.”
Elder Varvara Ilyinichna also testified to her healing by Father Seraphim. “He, my breadwinner, healed me twice,” she said. “The first time I felt like I was spoiled, and then my teeth hurt a lot, my whole mouth was covered in abscesses. I came to him, he put me away from him, and he ordered me to open my mouth, he blew hard on me, tied a handkerchief all over my face, and immediately ordered me to go home, and the sun was already setting. I was not afraid of anything because of his holy prayer, but I came home at night, and the pain disappeared as if by hand.”

As soon as Matryona Vertyanovskaya entered the monastery, she soon fell ill with a fever. She beat her for five months and finally completely exhausted her. Father Seraphim ordered her to be taken to her parents and bathed there in the river, which they did. After this, the fever struck her for three days without rest and immediately disappeared. However, after some time, the fever returned, and the priest then ordered that she be brought, weak as she was, in a cart to Sarov and bathed at the spring. Here she finally recovered.
Church celebrations organized in 1903 in honor of the newly-minted saint of God were also accompanied by miracles: grace-filled gifts of healing flowed in abundance. A lame girl was brought to the spring of Father Seraphim in the holy monastery. She arrived from afar in Sarov, finding nowhere help for a serious illness that for almost 18 years did not allow her to get out of bed. A long-term illness did not shake her strong faith. She is full of hope that the saint who mourns for the Russian people wants and can help her. Her eyes are already filled with tears of joy at the sight of the chapel above the source. She is deeply convinced that the saint of God will give her healing. And faith as solid as a diamond is not put to shame. Three times, at her request, her family dips her in a healing spring, and after the third time her leg hurts.<стала>grow stronger, and no trace remains of the serious illness.
Cossack widow Anna Ivleeva arrived in Sarov from the Semirechensk region. It has been 19 years since she lost her sight and is suffering a miserable fate. And this woman plunges into a miraculous spring - and blindness falls from her eyes like scales. And again God’s world was bright for her, and again all its beauties were revealed - the work of the Creator and Provider.
A mother came to Yurovskaya Pustyn with her little blind daughter. They came to pray to the monk, believing that he could save the child from blindness. In Serov, a mother and daughter come to the spring of St. Seraphim. The child was given water to drink from it, and he received his sight.

On the day of the opening of the holy relics of St. Seraphim, a woman with a little daughter came to Sarov. The girl was a pitiful creature, all relaxed; the legs hung like whips, the child made a depressing impression. The mother bathed her in the spring, and the child stretched out her legs, stood on them and began to walk. On July 16, a miraculous healing of a deaf-mute woman took place in front of the entire people.
When, as part of the celebrations, a religious procession took place around the monastery, in front of it they carried the miraculous icon of the Tenderness of the Mother of God, in prayer before which the Monk Seraphim died, and a large image of Father Seraphim. When, having walked around the monastery, both icons were brought into the church, the mother placed her deaf-mute girl next to the miraculous icon of the Mother of God. Upon leaving the church, the girl suddenly exclaimed: “Mom!” The overjoyed mother forced her daughter to repeat the word “mom” again. The crowd surrounding the girl became agitated and became extremely embarrassed. Money rained down from all sides, two-kopeck pieces, fifty-kopeck pieces and rubles were placed in the girl’s hands; There were so many of them that the money began to fall to the ground. The girl was forced to hold the hem while continuing to give.
On the occasion of a huge gathering of pilgrims in Sarov on the solemn days of the opening of the relics of the saint, there was not enough bread for many. And so several people, brave in faith, exhausted from hunger, went back and grumbled along the way. An old man with a knapsack came up to them, started talking and fed them heartily; The travelers moved on, and the old benefactor suddenly disappeared. This was an old man who never refused a guest either affection or bread - St. Seraphim.
Facts of healings were telegraphed from Sarov; they were numerous and were confirmed by officers on duty and witnesses from the people. Here are just some records of miracles from monastery documents.
June 25 At the spring of St. Seraphim, the 19-year-old daughter of Paraskeva Ershova Matryona, a soldier of the Vetluzhsky district of the Kostroma province, was healed of a serious illness. Her limbs were cramped, her hands were clenched. After bathing, the patient stood up, her limbs straightened, and she began to walk.
June 26 At the spring of Father Seraphim, a peasant woman from the Sarapul district of the Vyatka province, Evfimiya Ivanovna Smolnikova, who had been paralyzed for six years, received healing. After bathing, she felt completely healthy.
27th of June A teacher of a public school in Nizhny Novgorod, Andreevsky, who fell ill with malaria on June 10, was healed at the spring.
June 28 Matryona Nikitichna Kryukova, a peasant woman from the Tula province, Bogoroditsky district, who came to worship in Sarov, was healed. She had no use of her left hand for eight years and, by venerating the image of St. Seraphim on his grave, she received healing.
June 28 in the chapel over the grave of St. Seraphim, Elena Nikitichna Kulomzina, 25 years old, who fell ill 5 years ago from the village of Korovenki, Bogoroditsky district, Tula province, was healed of blindness. The healing took place after Matins.
On the same day, Anastasia, 52 years old, a novice of the Kutuzov Monastery of the Nizhny Novgorod diocese, who had suffered from a severe fever for several months, received healing at the spring of St. Seraphim.
3 July During the transfer of the relics of St. Seraphim from the grave to the Zosimo-Savvatievskaya Church, the peasant woman Paraskeva Vasilievna Bochalova, Tver province, Kalyazinsky district, who had suffered from severe epilepsy for more than 25 years, received healing.
4th of July Anna Timofeevna Lovetskaya, a peasant woman in the Tambov province, Borisoglebsk district, and the village of Novospasskoye, who had suffered from severe rheumatism for more than three years, received healing at the spring of St. Seraphim.
On the same day, a Cossack woman from the Kuban region, Chamlyk village, Ekaterina Egorovna Khudisova, 22 years old, who became blind eight months ago, received healing.
At the same time, at the tomb of St. Seraphim, a peasant woman from the Voronezh province, Ostrogozh district, Anna Nikiforovna Anashustikova, who had suffered from severe rheumatism for many years, received healing from rheumatism in her legs.
On the same day, at the spring of St. Seraphim, Natalya Dorofeevna Varnakova, a peasant woman from the Penza province, was healed of an unbearable headache that she had suffered for more than ten years.
Through the prayers of the saint, a peasant woman from the Kazan province, Elizaveta Guzochkina, who had suffered from malignant lichen for several years, was healed. She received relief by promising to visit Sarov, and along the way she completely recovered.

At the spring of St. Seraphim, Natalia Ivanovna Luskova, a peasant woman from the Kharkov province, Bogodukhovsky district, was healed of a hernia. She suffered from this disease for about 30 years and was treated by many doctors, but did not get any relief.
July 11 and 12 In the spring of St. Seraphim the following miracles were performed on the sick. Agrafena Shibkova, a peasant woman from the Penza province, suffered from constant severe abdominal pain for ten years. She was treated by many doctors, but without success. Arriving at the spring of St. Seraphim, she tasted the water and at that very moment felt complete relief. Several years ago, a peasant in the Vyatka province, Nikolsky village, Mikhail Savelyevich Tyufkin, grew a huge tumor on his neck, which prevented him from turning his neck and caused severe pain. When he came to the spring of St. Seraphim, the swelling on his neck disappeared and his neck began to turn. A peasant from the Saratov province, Anna Timofeevna Sverchkova, could not use her legs for four years; Having bathed, she walked, although quietly, but without crutches.
July, 12 In the Sarov desert, at the spring of St. Seraphim, there was an outstanding case of healing of a mute peasant woman from the Samara province, Paraskeva Sergeevna Klemnova. According to the sick woman, on February 5 she lost the use of her tongue, and now, having bathed at the spring of St. Seraphim, she began to speak again.
the 14 th of July At the spring of St. Seraphim, a blind peasant woman from the Simbirsk province was healed. According to her, she became blind 13 years ago. Arriving in Sarov with her relatives, she was taken to the source and, as soon as she crossed herself, drank water and wet her eyes with it, she began to see, at first as if in a fog, but by the evening her vision improved even more, and she began to clearly distinguish objects.
Rassophore novice of the Seraphim-Diveevsky Monastery Natalia Mikhailovna Pushkina, 40 years old, a native of the village of Putyatin, Ryazan province, Sapozhkovsky district, suffered greatly from debilitating bleeding, which lasted for seven years. Finding no help from doctors, she traveled on foot to the Seraphim-Ponetaevsky Monastery, where she prayed diligently and fervently before the icon of the Sign of the Mother of God and received healing from her serious illness. But soon after this, Pushkina fell ill again: a tumor appeared in her stomach, which grew larger over the course of five years. Natalia Mikhailovna suffered greatly, walked and bent over with great difficulty, and constantly experienced extraordinary internal heat and intense thirst. Medicines did not help, and the operation, which the doctors pointed to as the only way out of the difficult situation, could have ended sadly for Pushkina’s life. So, earthly doctors were powerless to cure her of her illness; all that remained was to hope for God’s help.
The patient spent another three years in great suffering. And now the time has approached for the glorification of God's saint Seraphim. It began to be heard about healings taking place at the saint’s grave and at his healing spring. Pushkina gathered for the Sarov hermitage with great hope for the help of the holy elder Seraphim. The old nun, Mother Fevronia, decided to accompany the sick woman, who with great difficulty walked the distance of twelve miles between Sarov and her monastery. Arriving at the monastery, both nuns confessed, and then went to the grave of God's saint, where Natalia Mikhailovna, with tears and great zeal, asked the saint to grant her healing. After praying, the travelers went to the hotel, where they went to bed. At one o'clock in the morning the patient hears that someone opens the door and enters the cell. She thought that Mother Fevronia unlocked the door at night and forgot to lock it, and that it was the novice who came in to wake them up for Matins, which is why she covered her head with a blanket. But at that moment she feels someone touching her right shoulder and saying: “You came to the poor Seraphim to be healed; bathe three times in my spring, and everything will pass with you.” After these words, the steps began to move away. Then the patient threw the blanket off her eyes and saw some kind of extraordinary light around her. Mother Fevronia, awakened by her tears, listened to the story of the wonderful visit, then they looked at the door - they found it locked. It was only then that Pushkina realized that Father Seraphim had come to her. Having dressed, both nuns went to matins. At the end of the service and requiem at the grave of the great elder, at which the sick woman prayed fervently and with tears, both travelers went to the holy spring. On the way there, Natalia Mikhailovna felt that the tumor had fallen off and she began to bleed. She forcibly reached the source, where she bathed; at four o'clock in the afternoon she went there again to swim.
The next night, Pushkina woke up again and felt that her tumor had completely disappeared, nothing hurt, and she seemed to be reborn. Waking up her companion, she, with tears and great excitement, told her about her great joy. At four o'clock in the morning Natalya Mikhailovna again went to the source, after which she felt completely healed, and her illness passed without a trace.
Praskovya Ivanovna Kiseleva, a peasant girl from the village of Vertyanova, Ardatovsky district, caught a cold and had pain in her legs for two years. They were brought together so that the patient could neither walk nor lie down, and her arms also did not rise up. The girl spent all her time on the stove, and only sometimes she was taken on a sled to her grandmother. Praskovya had long had a desire to go to the grave of God's saint Seraphim, but since her father did not have a horse, her intention had to be postponed. One winter, at the end of January of this year, they took a sick girl to her grandmother, with whom Praskovya stayed overnight. And then the sick woman sees a dream: some old man of handsome appearance enters the hut and, going up to the stove on which Praskovya was sleeping, says to her: “This is the third time you are going to go to Sarov to see the poor Seraphim to be healed, and you still don’t go.” Praskovya told him that she had no money for the trip. The elder told her: “Sell the canvas that you brought, and with the proceeds from the sale, go and bathe in the spring and you will be healthy. By the way, buy two five-kopeck prosphoras - eat one and hide the other until Clean Monday.” With these words, the Monk Seraphim disappeared, and the girl woke up and told her dream to her grandmother, who immediately harnessed the horse and took it to Sarov. On the way, the old woman kept thinking about how she would get her granddaughter out of the sleigh; but, to her greatest surprise, the girl got out herself, went to church, then went to the source of Father Seraphim, bathed in it and received complete healing. Now she walks freely and raises her arms. Returning home, Praskovya again saw in a dream the Monk Seraphim, who blessed her with the cross.

5. Akathist to Venerable Seraphim of Sarov

Troparion and magnification of St. Seraphim of Sarov


We bless you, Reverend Father Seraphim, and honor your holy memory, mentor of monks and interlocutor of Angels.

Troparion, tone 4

From your youth you loved Christ, O blessed one, and, having ardently longed for the One who worked, you labored in the desert with unceasing prayer and labor, and having acquired the love of Christ with a tender heart, you appeared as the chosen one beloved of God’s Mother. For this reason, we cry out to you: save us with your prayers, Seraphim, our reverend father.

Kontakion, tone 2

Leaving the beauty of the world and the corruption in it, reverend, you moved into the Sarov monastery; and having lived there like an angel, you were the path to salvation for many. For this reason, Christ will glorify you, Father Seraphim, and enrich you with the gift of healings and miracles. In the same way we cry to you: Rejoice, Seraphim, our reverend father.

Kontakion 1

Chosen miracle worker and wonderful servant of Christ, our quick helper and prayer book, Rev. Father Seraphim! Having magnified the Lord who glorified you, we sing praises to you. You have great boldness towards the Lord, free those of us from all troubles who call: Rejoice, Reverend Seraphim, miracle worker of Sarov.

Ikos 1

The Creator of Angels chose you from the beginning, so that through your life you glorified the wonderful name of the Holy Trinity: for you truly appeared as an Angel on earth and in the flesh Seraphim: like a bright ray of the eternal Sun of truth, your life will be enlightened. We, seeing your praiseworthy works, with reverence and joy say to you:

Rejoice, rule of faith and piety; Rejoice, image of meekness and humility.
Rejoice, glorious magnification of the faithful; Rejoice, quiet consolation for the sorrowful.
Rejoice, beloved praise of monks; Rejoice, wonderful help for those living in the world.
Rejoice, glory and protection to the Russian state; Rejoice, sacred adornment of the Nizhny Novgorod and Tambov countries.

Kontakion 2

Seeing your mother, Reverend Father Seraphim, your warm love for monastic life, knowing the holy will of the Lord for you, and bringing God as a perfect gift, bless you on the narrow path of monasticism with your holy cross, which you wore on your chest until the end of your life, signifying your great love for Christ our God, who was crucified for us, we all call to Him with tenderness: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Heavenly intelligence has been given to you, more holy than God: from your youth, without ceasing to think about Heavenly things, you left your father’s house, for the sake of the Kingdom of God and its righteousness. For this reason, accept this praise from us:
Rejoice, God's chosen child of the city of Kursk; Rejoice, most honorable branch of pious parents.
Rejoice, you who inherited your mother’s virtues; Rejoice, taught by her to piety and prayer.
Rejoice, blessed by your mother with the cross for exploits; Rejoice, you have kept this blessing as a shrine until death.

Rejoice, for the love of the Lord you left your father’s house; Rejoice, all the red of this world, imputed to nothing.

Rejoice, Reverend Seraphim, miracle worker of Sarov.

Kontakion 3

The power of the Most High has truly preserved you from your youth, reverend: from the heights of the temple, having fallen, the Lord has preserved you unharmed, and the Lady of the world herself, who suffered from the rage, appeared, bringing healing from Heaven, and from a young age you faithfully served God, crying out to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having diligence for the struggle of monastic life equal to the angels, you flocked to the holy city of Kyiv for the sake of worship for the sake of the venerable Pechersk people, and from the lips of the venerable Dositheus we received the command to rule our way into the Sarov desert, by faith from afar you kissed this holy place, and there you settled in your godly life and died. We, marveling at God’s providence for you, cry out to you with tenderness:

Rejoice, having renounced worldly vanities; Rejoice, fiery desire for the Heavenly Fatherland.
Rejoice, loving Christ with all your heart; Rejoice, you who have received the good yoke of Christ upon yourself.
Rejoice, full of perfect obedience; Rejoice, faithful guardian of the holy commandments of the Lord.
Rejoice, prayerfully affirming your mind and heart in God; Rejoice, unshakable pillar of piety.
Rejoice, Reverend Seraphim, miracle worker of Sarov.

Kontakion 4

Calming the storm of evil misfortunes, you walked the entire path of the cramped and sorrowful feat of the monastic, carried by the yoke of desert life, seclusion and silence, many-night vigils, and thus by the grace of God ascending from strength to strength, from deeds to the vision of God, you settled in the monastery of Heaven, where with Angels eat to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing and seeing your holy life, Reverend Father Seraphim, all your brethren were amazed at you, and coming to you, I learned about your words and struggles, glorifying the Lord, wondrous in His saints. And we all praise you with faith and love, Reverend Father, and cry out to you:

Rejoice, you who sacrificed everything to yourself to the Lord; Rejoice, you who ascended to the heights of dispassion.
Rejoice, victorious warrior of Christ; Rejoice, good and faithful servant of the Heavenly Master.
Rejoice, unashamed intercessor for us before the Lord; Rejoice, our vigilant prayer book to the Mother of God.
Rejoice, deserted valley of wonderful fragrance; Rejoice, immaculate vessel of God's grace.
Rejoice, Reverend Seraphim, miracle worker of Sarov.

Kodak 5

The divine light is your dwelling place, reverend one, when, when you are sick and lying on your deathbed, the Most Pure Virgin Herself came to you with the holy apostles Peter and John, saying: this is from Our generation, and I will touch your head. Having healed Abiye, you sang, grateful to the Lord: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing the enemy of the human race your pure and holy life, Rev. Seraphim, the desire to destroy you: for people brought evil upon you, who unlawfully tortured you and left you barely alive; But you, Holy Father, like a gentle lamb, have endured everything, praying to the Lord for those who offended you. Moreover, we all, marveling at your kindness, cry out to you:

Rejoice, thou who in thy meekness and humility imitated Christ God; Rejoice, conquering the spirit of malice through your kindness.
Rejoice, diligent guardian of spiritual and physical purity; Rejoice, hermit, filled with grace-filled gifts.
Rejoice, God-glorified and perspicacious ascetic; Rejoice, wonderful and godly teacher of monks.
Rejoice, praise and joy to the Holy Church; Rejoice, glory and fertilization of our monastery.
Rejoice, Reverend Seraphim, miracle worker of Sarov.

Kontakion 6

The Sarov desert preaches your deeds and labors, God-bearing saint of Christ: for you have fragrant the wilds and forests of it with prayer, imitating the prophet of God Elijah and the Baptist of the Lord John, and you have appeared in the desert, abundant vegetation with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. You have accomplished a great and glorious action by calling on the faithful to sing good things to the Giver God: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

A new visionary of God has arisen in you, like Moses, like the blessed Seraphim: having served immaculately at the altar of the Lord, you have been vouchsafed to see Christ in the temple with the incorporeal Powers of the future. Marveling at this favor of God for you, we sing to you:

Rejoice, most glorious of God; Rejoice, illuminated by the tri-shining light.
Rejoice, faithful servant of the Most Holy Trinity; Rejoice, dwelling adorned with the Holy Spirit.
Rejoice, beholding Christ with the angels' bodily eyes; Rejoice, foretaste of heavenly sweetness in this mortal body.
Rejoice, thou filled with the Bread of Life; Rejoice, filled with the drink of immortality.
Rejoice, Reverend Seraphim, miracle worker of Sarov.

Kontakion 7

Although the Lord, the Lover of Mankind, will show in you, O Reverend, His indescribable mercy for people, showing you as truly a God-bright light: by your deeds and words you led everyone to piety and the love of God. Moreover, with the radiance of your deeds of enlightenment and the bread of your teaching, we zealously magnify you and cry out to Christ who glorified you: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

Seeing you again as God’s chosen one, from afar faith flowed to you in sorrows and illnesses: and you did not reject those burdened by troubles, exuding healing, giving consolation, interceding in prayers. In the same way, the broadcast of your miracles went out throughout the entire Russian land, and your spiritual children glorified you:

Rejoice, our good shepherd; Rejoice, merciful and meek Father.
Rejoice, our speedy and gracious physician; Rejoice, merciful healer of our infirmities.
Rejoice, quick helper in troubles and situations; Rejoice, sweet pacifier of the troubled souls.
Rejoice, thou who is to come as a real seer; Rejoice, perspicacious accuser of hidden sins.
Rejoice, Reverend Seraphim, miracle worker of Sarov.

Kontakion 8

We see a strange miracle on you, reverend: like this old man, weak and very difficult, you remained on the stone in prayer for a thousand days and a thousand nights. Whoever is pleased has uttered your sicknesses and struggles, blessed Father, even as you have endured, lifting up your reverend hands to God, conquering Amalek in your thoughts and singing to the Lord: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

You are all desire, all sweetness, sweetest Jesus! This is how you cried out in your prayers, Father, in your desert silence. But we, who have spent our entire life in vanity and darkness, praising your love for the Lord, cry out to you:

Rejoice, those who love and honor you as the mediator of salvation; Rejoice, lead sinners to correction.
Rejoice, wonderful silent and reclusive one; Rejoice, diligent prayer book for us.
Rejoice, you who showed fiery love for the Lord; Rejoice, you who burned the arrows of the enemy with the fire of prayer.
Rejoice, unquenchable light, flaming with prayer in the desert; Rejoice, lamp, burn and shine on spiritual gifts.
Rejoice, Reverend Seraphim, miracle worker of Sarov.

Kontakion 9

All the angelic nature was surprised at the strange sight: for the Queen, who exists in the shutter of Heaven and earth, appeared to the old man, commanding that he open his shutter and not forbid Orthodox people to come to him, but let him teach everyone to sing to Christ God: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The oracles of multi-proclamation will not be able to express the strength of your love, blessed one: for you have given yourself over to the service of all who come to you, fulfilling the command of the Mother of God, and you have been a good adviser to the perplexed, a comforter to the despondent, a gentle admonition to the erring, a doctor and healer to the sick. For this reason we cry out to you:

Rejoice, you who have moved from the world into the desert, so that you may acquire virtues; Rejoice, you who returned from the desert to the monastery, sowing the seeds of virtue.
Rejoice, illuminated by the Holy Spirit with grace; Rejoice, filled with meekness and humility.
Rejoice, loving father of those who flocked to you; Rejoice, you who gave them encouragement and consolation in words of love.
Rejoice, you who call those who come to you joy and treasure; Rejoice, for your holy love you have been granted the joys of the Heavenly Kingdom.
Rejoice, Reverend Seraphim, miracle worker of Sarov.

Kontakion 10

You have reached the end of your saving feat, reverend, in prayer, on your knees you have given up your holy soul in the hand of God, even as the holy angels lifted up the mountain to the throne of the Almighty, so that you may stand with all the saints in the eternal glory, singing the song of praise of the saints to the most holy Word: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

The wall is a joy to all saints and monks; the Most Holy Virgin appeared to you before your death, announcing your imminent departure to God. We, marveling at such a visit to the Mother of God, cry out to you:
Rejoice, thou who beholdest the Queen of Heaven and earth; Rejoice, overjoyed by the appearance of God to Matera.
Rejoice, you have received the message from Her to heavenly exile; Rejoice, having demonstrated the holiness of your life by your righteous death.

Rejoice, in prayer before the icon of the Mother of God you commended your tender spirit to God; Rejoice, having fulfilled your prophecy with a painless outcome.
Rejoice, thou crowned with the crown of immortality from the hand of the Almighty; Rejoice, you who have inherited heavenly bliss with all the saints.
Rejoice, Reverend Seraphim, miracle worker of Sarov.

Kontakion 11

Lifting up unceasing singing to the Most Holy Trinity, O Reverend One, through all your life you have appeared as a great ascetic of piety, to those who have gone astray for admonition, to those who are sick in soul and body for healing. We, being grateful to the Lord for His mercy to us, call upon Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

The light-giving lamp was in life, blessed father, and after your death, you shone like a luminous luminary of the Russian land: you exude from your honest relics currents of miracles to all who flow to you with faith and love. Moreover, like a warm prayer book for us and a miracle worker, we cry out to you:

Rejoice, glorified by many miracles from the Lord; Rejoice, thou who shone forth with thy love to the whole world.
Rejoice, faithful follower of the love of Christ; Rejoice, consolation to all those who require your help.
Rejoice, endless source of miracles; Rejoice, healer of the sick and sick.
Rejoice, inexhaustible storehouse of multi-healing waters; Rejoice, for you have embraced all the ends of our earth with your love.
Rejoice, Reverend Seraphim, miracle worker of Sarov.

Kontakion 12

Your grace and great boldness before God are known to you, Reverend Father, we pray: pray warmly to the Lord, that He may preserve His holy Church from unbelief and schism, from troubles and misfortunes, and that we may sing through you to the God who benefits us: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing your glorification, we please you, reverend one, for you are a powerful prayer book for us before the Lord, a comforter and intercessor, and with love we cry out to you:

Rejoice, praise to the Orthodox Church; Rejoice, shield and fence for the Fatherland and our monastery.
Rejoice, guide, guide everyone to Heaven; Rejoice, our protector and patron.
Rejoice, you who have performed many miracles by the power of God; Rejoice, through your robe you healed many sick people.
Rejoice, victorious over all the wiles of the devil; Rejoice, you who conquered the marvelous beasts with your meekness.
Rejoice, Reverend Seraphim, miracle worker of Sarov.

Kontakion 13

O wonderful saint and great wonderworker, Rev. Father Seraphim, accept this little prayer of ours, offered in praise to you, and standing now before the throne of the King of kings, our Lord Jesus Christ, pray for us all, that we may find His mercy on the day of judgment, singing in joy To him: Alleluia. (This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 “The Creator of Angels...” and kontakion 1 “The chosen one, the miracle worker...”).



Wonderworker Seraphim of Sarov


Diveevo. Seraphim of Sarov


Venerable Seraphim of Sarov

Based on materials

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