What types of German silver swastikas are there? Nazi swastika meaning

Slavic swastika, its meaning for us should be the subject special attention. Confuse fascist swastika and Slavic is possible only with complete ignorance of history and culture. A thoughtful and attentive person knows that the swastika was not originally a “brand” of Germany during the times of fascism. Today not all people remember true story the appearance of this sign. And all this thanks to the global tragedy of the Great Patriotic War, which thundered across the Earth under the standard of the subordinate swastika (enclosed in an unbroken circle). We need to figure out what this swastika symbol was in Slavic culture, why it is still revered, and how we can put it into practice today. We remember that the Nazi swastika is prohibited in Russia.

Archaeological excavations on the territory modern Russia and in neighboring countries they confirm that the swastika is much more ancient symbol than the emergence of fascism. Thus, there are finds with images of the solar symbol dating back to 10,000-15,000 years before our era. Slavic culture is replete with numerous facts, confirmed by archaeologists, that the swastika was used by our people everywhere.

vessel found in the Caucasus

The Slavs still preserved the memory of this sign, because embroidery patterns are still passed on, as well as ready-made towels, or homespun belts and other products. In the photo - the belts of the Slavs different regions and dating.

By looking up old photographs and drawings, you can verify that the Russians also widely used the swastika symbol. For example, the image of swastikas in laurel wreath on money, weapons, banners, sleeve chevrons of Red Army soldiers (1917-1923). The honor of the uniform and solar symbol at the center of the symbolism were united.

But even today you can find both direct and stylized swastikas in the architecture preserved in Russia. For let's take an example only one city is St. Petersburg. Take a closer look at the mosaic on the floor of St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg, or the Hermitage, at the forged vignettes, and the sculpting on buildings along many of the streets and embankments of this city.

Floor in St. Isaac's Cathedral.

Floor in the Small Hermitage, room 241, “History of ancient painting”.

A fragment of the ceiling in the Small Hermitage, room 214, “Italian art of the late 15th-16th centuries.”

House in St. Petersburg on Angliyskaya Embankment, 24 (the building was built in 1866).

Slavic swastika - meaning and meaning

The Slavic swastika is an equilateral cross, the ends of which are equally bent in one direction (sometimes along the movement of the clock hands, sometimes against). When bending, the ends on the four sides of the figure form a right angle (straight swastika), and sometimes sharp or obtuse (oblique swastika). A symbol was depicted with pointed and rounded ends.

Such symbols may mistakenly include a double, triple (“triskelion” with three rays, the symbol of Zervan - the god of space and time, fate and time among the Iranians), eight-rayed (“kolovrat” or “rotary”) figure. It is incorrect to call these variations swastikas. Our Slavic ancestors perceived each symbol, even if it was somewhat similar to another, as a force that had its own separate purpose and function in Nature.

Our dear ancestors gave the meaning to the swastika as follows - the movement of forces and bodies in a spiral. If this is the sun, then the sign showed vortex currents in the celestial body. If this is the Galaxy, the Universe, then the movement of celestial bodies in a spiral within the system around a certain center was understood. The center is, as a rule, the “self-luminous” light ( White light, having no source).

Slavic swastika in other traditions and peoples

Our ancestors Slavic clans in ancient times, along with other peoples, swastika symbols were revered not only as amulets, but also as signs of sacred meaning. They helped people get in touch with the gods. Thus, in Georgia they still believe that the rounded corners in the swastika mean nothing more than the infinity of movement throughout the entire Universe.

The Indian swastika is now inscribed not only on the temples of various Aryan gods, but is also used as protective symbolism in household use. This sign is drawn before entering a home, painted on dishes, and used in embroidery. Modern Indian fabrics are still produced with designs of rounded swastika symbols, similar to a blooming flower.

Near India, in Tibet, Buddhists are no less respectful of the swastika, drawing it on statues of Buddha. In this tradition, the swastika means that the cycle in the Universe is endless. In many ways, even the whole law of the Buddha is based on this, as recorded in the dictionary “Buddhism”, Moscow, ed. "Republic", 1992. Back in the days Tsarist Russia, the emperor met with Buddhist lamas, finding much in common in the wisdom and philosophy of the two cultures. Today, lamas use the swastika as a sign of protection against evil spirits and demons.

The Slavic swastika and the fascist one differ in that the first is not included in a square, circle or any other outline, while on the Nazi flags we observe that the figure is most often located in the center of a white circle-disk located on a red field. The Slavs never had the desire or purpose to place the sign of any God, Lord or power in a closed space.

We are talking about the so-called “subordination” of the swastika so that it “works” for those who use it arbitrarily. There is an opinion that after A. Hitler drew attention to this symbol, a special witchcraft ritual. The motive of the ritual was the following - to begin to control with the help heavenly powers the whole world, subjugating all nations. The sources are silent as to how true this is, but many generations of people were able to see what could be done with the symbol and how to denigrate it and use it to their advantage.

Swastika in Slavic culture - where it is used

Swastika Slavic peoples found in different signs, which have their own names. In total, there are 144 species of such names today. The following variations are popular among them: Kolovrat, Charovrat, Posolon, Inglia, Agni, Svaor, Ognevik, Suasti, Yarovrat, Svarga, Rasich, Svyatoch and others.

In the Christian tradition, swastikas are still used, depicting Orthodox icons various saints. Attentive person will see such signs on mosaics, paintings, icons, or priestly attire.

Small swastikas and double swastikas depicted on the robe of Christ Pantocrator Pantocrator - a Christian fresco of the St. Sophia Cathedral of the Novgorod Kremlin.

Today, swastika symbols are used by those Slavs who continue to honor the horses of their ancestors and remember their Native Gods. So, to celebrate the day of Perun the Thunderer, there are round dances around swastika signs laid out (or inscribed) on the ground - “Fash” or “Agni”. There are also many famous dance"Kolovrat". The magical meaning of the sign was passed down from generation to generation. Therefore, understanding Slavs today can freely wear amulets with swastika signs and use them as talismans.

The swastika in Slavic culture was perceived differently in different places in Russia. For example, on the Pechora River, residents called this sign “hare”, perceiving it as sunny bunny, Ray sunlight. But in Ryazan - “feather grass”, seeing in the sign the embodiment of the element of wind. But the people also felt the fiery power in the sign. Thus, the names “solar wind”, “Ognivtsi”, “Ryzhik” (Nizhny Novgorod region) are found.

The concept of “swastika” was transformed into a semantic meaning - “that which came from Heaven.” Here are contained: “Sva” - Heaven, Svarga Heavenly, Svarog, rune “s” - direction, “tika” - running, movement, the arrival of something. Understanding the origin of the word "Suasti" ("Svasti") helps determine the strength of the sign. “Su” - good or beautiful, “asti” - to be, to remain. In general, we can summarize the meaning of the swastika - “Be kind!”.

Sun, love, life, luck. This is how the sign was understood in Great Britain and America. They believed that the symbol was composed of 4 letters “L”. This is where they begin English words"light", "love", "life" and "luck".

Similar to good wishes to someone. That’s right, the term “svasti” in Sanskrit is nothing more than a greeting. Sanskrit is the language of India and the symbol is also found in this country. For example, sculptures of elephants are known, the capes on the backs of which are decorated with a solar sign.

It is solar because it resembles rays diverging to the side. Actually, among most peoples the swastika was a symbol of the heavenly body and its warmth. The oldest images of the sign date back to the Paleolithic, that is, they are about 25,000 years old.

The history of the swastika and its good name were crossed out by Hitler, who used the design as a sign of Nazism. After the Great Patriotic War information that the symbol was originally used by the Russians was concealed. The data is now open. Let's start getting acquainted with the swastika signs of the Slavs.

Symbol of the family

Many ethnographers consider this sign to be the first of the swastika amulets. God Rod, to whom the symbol is dedicated, is also the first. It is he, according to pagan beliefs, created everything that exists. Our ancestors compared the great spirit to the incomprehensible cosmos.

His private expression is fire in the hearth. The rays diverging from the center resemble tongues of flame. Historians consider the circles at their ends to be the embodiment of knowledge and strength of the Slavic family. The spheres are turned inside the circle, but the rays of the sign do not close. This is evidence of the openness of the Russians and, at the same time, their reverent attitude towards their traditions.


If all that exists was created by the Rod, then the souls of people are born in the Source. This is the name of the Heavenly Halls. According to pagan beliefs, they are ruled by Zhiva.

It is she who gives every person a pure and bright soul. If the person born keeps it, then after death he drinks the divine elixir from the cup eternal life. The dead also receive it from the hands of the Goddess Alive. The Slavs used the graphic symbol of the source in everyday life so as not to stray from the right path in life.

Where exactly was it used? Pictures? Swastika Slavs applied to bodies in the form of, and on dishes in the form of ornaments. The source was embroidered on clothes and painted on the walls of houses. In order not to lose the energetic connection with the Source, our ancestors dedicated songs, unique mantras, to the Goddess Alive. We invite you to listen to one of these works. The video clip demonstrates the motives of the Slavs’ creativity and some solar symbols of the people.

Fern flower

This swastika of the Slavs came into use in the 5th-6th centuries. The symbol is a consequence of the legend. According to it, a particle of the power of the Supreme God Perun is embedded in the bud.

He gave the children his brother Semargl. This is one of the defenders of the throne of the Sun, who has no right to leave it. However, Semargl fell in love with the Goddess of summer nights, could not stand it, and left his post. This happened on the day of the autumn equinox.

So, from September 21st the day began to decline. But the lovers gave birth to Kupala and Kostroma. It was the guy who gave them a fern flower. It breaks the spell of evil and protects its owner.

The Slavs were unable to find real buds, because the plant from the secretagogue family does not bloom, but reproduces by spores. Therefore, our ancestors came up with the swastika symbol, denoting the color of Perun.

Overcome grass

Overcome the grass, unlike the fern, - real flower. In the 21st century it is called the water lily. Our ancestors believed that water lilies were able to overcome and conquer any disease.

Hence the name of the buds and their graphic image. It is an allegory of the Sun. The buds of the plant are similar to it. The luminary bestows life, and illness is brought about by the spirits of darkness. But when they see the grass, they retreat.

Our ancestors wore the sign as a body decoration and placed it on dishes and weapons. Armor with a solar symbol was kept from wounds.

The dishes prevented poisons from entering the body. Overcome the grass on clothes and in the form of pendants drove away the lower spirits of evil. The image is poetic. It is not surprising that many songs are dedicated to him. We invite you to watch a video of one of these compositions.


The sign is depicted in a circle or without it. “Rama” is a symbol of wisdom, the ability to pacify one’s emotions. This is one of the abilities of God Kolyada, to whom the swastika is dedicated. He also belongs to the group of sun spirits and is considered the youngest of them.

It’s not for nothing that Kolyada Day coincides with winter solstice. The zealous, young God has the strength to withstand the winter, winning a few minutes from the night every day. The spirit is depicted with a sword in his hand. But, the blade is always lowered - this is an indicator that Kolyada is inclined towards peace, not hostility, and is ready to make compromises.

Kolyadnik – swastika of the ancient Slavs, used as masculine. It gives representatives of the stronger sex energy for creative work and helps in battles with enemies if a peaceful solution is not found.


The sign is close to Kolyadnik, but only visually. Along the perimeter there are not straight lines, but rounded lines. The symbol has a second name - Thunderstorm, it gives the strength to control the elements and protect against them.

To prevent houses from being damaged by fires, floods, and winds, the Slavs applied the Solstice to the walls of their homes. When choosing a talisman, experts take into account the rotation of its blades.

The direction from right to left corresponds to the decreasing day after the summer solstice. The energy is stronger in the Thunderstorm, whose blades are directed to the right. This image is associated with the waxing day, and with it, the power of the heavenly body.


The sign is a combination of the right-handed Solstice and the Caroler. Their fusion was considered a duet of heavenly fire and earth's waters. These are the fundamental principles.

Their duet is a symbol of the harmony of the world. The connection between the earthly and the divine is a powerful concentration of power. She is able to protect from evil forces.

Therefore, Svitovit is popular swastika of the Slavs. Tattoo with her image is one of the popular ways to use the sign in modern world. If you need a homemade one, you can make panels from pieces of picture frames. How to do it? Instructions below.


The sign is composed of the left-sided Solstice and Ladinets, reminiscent of the Kolyadnik, but turned in the other direction. Ladinets personifies the Goddess Lada.

She helped the harvest ripen and was associated with the warmth of the earth. Therefore, the Svetoch is a duet of heavenly and earthly fire, the power of two worlds. Universal energy can provide answers to questions about the universe. Seeking, thinking people choose the sign as their amulet.

Black Sun

This swastika of the Slavs, photo which is more than information about the sign. It was almost never used in everyday life. The image is not found on everyday artifacts.

But the design is found on sacred objects of priests. The Slavs called them Magi. Apparently, they were entrusted with managing the Black Sun. Scientists suggest that the symbol is associated with the concept of gender. The talisman gives a connection with ancestors, not only relatives, but all the deceased.

The sign was used not only by the Russians, but also by the magicians of Scandinavia. German tribes also lived in the latter region. Their symbolism was interpreted and used in his own way by Hitler’s associate, Himler.

It was on his instructions that the swastika was chosen as the sign of the Third Reich. It was Himler who insisted on painting the Black Sun at Wewelsburg Castle, where the top SS gathered. The following video will tell you how it happened:


What does it mean this swastika among the Slavs? The answer is a universal boundary, a boundary between worlds.

The sacred symbol, like the Black Sun, was accessible only to the Magi. They depicted Rubezhnik at the entrances to temples and temples. This is how the priests separated the worldly zone from the spiritual. The sign was also associated with the transition from earthly life to the afterlife and was used in funerals.


The word "Valkyrie" is translated as "chooser of the dead." The graphic sign is a symbol of the spirits that the Gods allowed to decide who would win the battle.

Therefore, warriors considered the symbol as their amulet. Taking a talisman to the battlefield, they believed that the Valkyries would be on their side. The mythical maidens were also entrusted with the responsibility of picking up the slain warriors and carrying them to heaven.

The swastika symbol attracted the attention of the spirits, otherwise the fallen might not have been noticed. By the way, the chosen ones of warriors were also called Valkyries - ordinary ones, earthly women. When putting on the amulet, the warriors took with them the warmth of their loved ones and felt their support.


Swastikas of the Slavs and their meanings often associated with military rank. This also applies to Ratiborets. The name of the symbol contains the words “army” and “fight”.

The energy of the sun contained in the sign is an assistant on the battlefield. Our ancestors believed that the talisman also appealed to the help of ancestors, the power of the clan. The talisman was applied to the armor. Some historians suggest that Ratiborets was also depicted on tribal standards and flags.


To the question “ what does the swastika mean among the Slavs“The answer is clear – solar energy. Many signs use approximate meanings - heat and fire.

Dukhoborg is associated with flame, the fire that rages inside a person. From the name it follows that the talisman helps to overcome one’s passions and cleanse the spirit of dark thoughts and energies. Dukhoborg is a symbol of a warrior, but not by occupation, but by character. A solar sign can be made from scrap materials. The following video shows how to do this.


The name of the symbol reads the word “say”. The meaning of the sign is associated with it. It blocks the energies of negative phrases aimed at a person.

The image serves as a shield not only for spoken words, but also for thoughts. Radogost, the God of the clan, gave the amulet against the evil eye to the Slavs. This is what our ancestors thought. They gave clothes, with Molvinets, to children and women - the most vulnerable to the false accusations being erected against them.

Wedding party

It is no coincidence that the symbol is depicted in two. The sign was used as a talisman during marriage ceremonies. A wedding is the union of a man and a woman.

The ancient Slavs compared girls to the element of water, and boys to fire. The distribution of colors in the Wedding Book shows the view of our ancestors on family life.

In it, the spouses are equal, as is the number of red and blue colors in the drawing. The rings that make up the swastika are a symbol of marriage. Instead of the usual two to modern man, 4 rings used.

Two of them were dedicated to the Gods Rod and Zhiva, that is, those who gave life new family, heavenly father and mother. The rings are not closed, which indicates the openness of the social unit and its active participation in the life of the community.


This Slavic-Aryan swastika- a symbol of the unification of clans of a single race. In everyday life, the amulet is used to harmonize relationships with loved ones. The image is close to the emblem of fascism. However, it has blades from left to right, not right to left. Let's imagine for comparison the Nazi swastika:

Do they have swastika Slavs and fascists differences, interests many. The emblem of Nazism is indeed different from the Rasic sign.

But our ancestors also used a right-handed swastika. Below are photos of bedspreads that Vologda craftswomen wove back in the 19th century.

Products are stored in ethnographic countries. Both left- and right-handed sun signs are visible in the photographs. For the Russians, they were symbols of the union of the four elements, the warmth of heaven, and the continuous cycle of life.

In the 21st century, the swastika's reputation began to recover. The abundance of information about the true meaning of the symbol encourages people to use it in everyday life.

This was the case before the Second World War. Eg, English writer Rudyard Kipling decorated the covers of all his books with swastika designs. But, in the 1940s, the prose writer ordered to remove solar signs from the design of publications, he was afraid of associations with Nazism and the Hitler regime.

Meaning of swastika

Today the swastika is symbol, which everyone associates only with evil and war. The swastika is falsely associated with fascism. This symbol has nothing to do with fascism, war, or Hitler, and this is a misconception for many people!

Origin of the swastika

The swastika symbol is tens of thousands of years old. Initially the swastika meant our galaxy, because If you look at the rotation of the galaxy, you can see a connection with the “swastika” sign. This association served as the beginning for the further use of the swastika sign. The Slavs used the swastika as amulets; they decorated houses and temples with this sign, and applied it as an ornament to clothes and weapons. For them, this sign was a symbolic image of the sun. And for our ancestors, he represented all the brightest and purest things in the world. And not only for the Slavs, for many cultures it meant peace, goodness and faith. So how did it happen that such a good sign, carrying within itself thousand-year history suddenly became the personification of everything bad and terrible in the world?

In the Middle Ages, the symbol was forgotten, and only occasionally appeared in patterns.
And only in the 1920s the swastika “saw” the world again. Then the swastika began to be depicted on the helmets of militants, and already in next year it was officially recognized as the emblem of the fascist party. And subsequently Hitler performed under banners with the image of a swastika.

What types of swastikas exist?

But here we need to clarify and dot all the i's. The swastika is a two-valued symbol, because can be depicted as having curved clockwise both ends and against. And both of these images carry completely opposite meanings, balancing each other. A swastika, the rays of which are directed to the left (i.e. counterclockwise) means rising Sun, goodness and light. The swastika, which is depicted clockwise, has the opposite meaning and means evil, misfortune and troubles. Now let's remember which swastika was Hitler's emblem. Exactly the last one. And this swastika has nothing to do with the ancient symbols of goodness and light.

Therefore, there is no need to confuse these two symbols. The swastika can still serve as a talisman for you if you draw it correctly. And people who widen their eyes in fear at the sight of this symbol need to make an excursion into history and tell about the ancient symbol of our ancestors, which made the world kinder and brighter.

The version that it was Hitler who had the brilliant idea to make the swastika a symbol of the National Socialist movement belongs to the Fuhrer himself and was voiced in Mein Kampf. Probably, nine-year-old Adolf first saw a swastika on the wall of a Catholic monastery near the town of Lambach.

The swastika sign has been popular since ancient times. A cross with curved ends has appeared on coins, household items, and coats of arms since the eighth millennium BC. The swastika symbolized life, sun, and prosperity. Hitler could see the swastika again in Vienna on the emblem of Austrian anti-Semitic organizations.

By christening the archaic solar symbol the Hakenkreuz (Hakenkreuz is translated from German as hook cross), Hitler arrogated to himself the priority of the discoverer, although the idea of ​​the swastika as a political symbol had taken root in Germany before him. In 1920, Hitler, who was, albeit unprofessional and untalented, but still an artist, allegedly independently developed the design of the party logo, proposing a red flag with a white circle in the middle, in the center of which a hooked black swastika spread predatorily.

The color red, according to the leader of the National Socialists, was chosen in imitation of the Marxists who used it. Having seen a hundred and twenty thousand demonstration of leftist forces under scarlet banners, Hitler noted the active influence of the bloody color on common man. In the book Mein Kampf, the Fuhrer mentioned the "great psychological significance» symbols and their ability to powerfully influence emotions. But it was precisely by controlling the emotions of the crowd that Hitler managed to introduce the ideology of his party to the masses in an unprecedented way.

By adding a swastika to the red color, Adolf made it diametrically opposite meaning the favorite color of socialists. By attracting the attention of the workers with the familiar color of the posters, Hitler carried out a “re-recruitment”.

In Hitler's interpretation, the red color personified the idea of ​​movement, white - the sky and nationalism, the hoe-shaped swastika - labor and the anti-Semitic struggle of the Aryans. Creative work was mysteriously interpreted as anti-Semitic.

In general, it is impossible to call Hitler the author of National Socialist symbols, contrary to his statements. He borrowed the color from the Marxists, the swastika and even the name of the party (slightly rearranging the letters) from the Viennese nationalists. The idea of ​​using symbolism is also plagiarism. It belongs to the oldest party member - a dentist named Friedrich Krohn, who submitted a memorandum to the party leadership back in 1919. However, the savvy dentist is not mentioned in the bible of National Socialism, Mein Kampf.

However, Kron put a different content into the decoding of symbols. The red color of the banner is love for the homeland, the white circle is a symbol of innocence for the outbreak of the First World War, the black color of the cross is grief over losing the war.

In Hitler’s interpretation, the swastika became a sign of the Aryan struggle against “subhumans.” The claws of the cross seem to be aimed at Jews, Slavs, and representatives of other peoples who do not belong to the race of “blond beasts.”

Unfortunately, the ancient positive sign was discredited by the National Socialists. The Nuremberg Tribunal in 1946 banned Nazi ideology and symbols. The swastika was also banned. IN Lately she has been somewhat rehabilitated. Roskomnadzor, for example, recognized in April 2015 that displaying this sign outside of a propaganda context is not an act of extremism. Although a “reprehensible past” cannot be erased from a biography, and the swastika is used by some racist organizations.

August 21st, 2015 , 08:57 pm

Looking at this Tibetan yak, I noticed the swastika ornament. And I thought: the swastika is “fascist”!

I have come across many times attempts to divide the swastika into “right-handed” and “left-handed”. They say that "f The "ashist" swastika is "left-handed", it rotates to the left - "backward", i.e. counterclockwise in time. The Slavic swastika, on the contrary, is “right-handed.” If the swastika rotates clockwise ("right-sided" swastika), then this means an increase in vital energy, but if it rotates counterclockwise (left-sided), then this indicates a "suction" of vital energy to Navi, the afterlife dead.

michael101063 c A very ancient sacred symbol writes: "... you need to know that the swastika can be left-sided and right-sided. The left-sided one was associated with lunar cults, black magic of blood sacrifices and the downward spiral of involution. The right-sided one was associated with solar cults, white magic and the upward spiral of evolution .

It is no coincidence that the Nazis used and continue to use the left-handed swastika, just like the black sorcerers Bon-po in Tibet, to whom expeditions of the Nazi occult Institute Ahnenerbe went for sacred knowledge of antiquity.

It is no coincidence that there has always been tension between the Nazis and black sorcerers close connection and cooperation. And it is also not accidental that the Nazis massacred civilians, since in essence they are bloody sacrifices to the forces of darkness."

And so I look at this yak and I feel sorry for him: the stupid Tibetans have hung him all over with a “fascist” “left-handed” swastika, through which the Navy will suck out all his energy and he, poor fellow, will become hobbled and die.

Or maybe it’s not the Tibetans who are stupid, but those who divide it into the “malicious” left-sided side and the “beneficent” right-sided side? It is obvious that our distant ancestors did not know such a division. Here is an ancient Novgorod ring found by the expedition of Ak. Rybakova.

If you believe modern idle “reasoning”, then the owner of this ring was a mentally abnormal person, a withered evil spirit with a penis at half past six. This is of course complete nonsense. If this form of swastika was associated with something negative, neither animals nor (especially) people would wear it.

R. Bagdasarov, our main “expert” on swastikas, notes that there are no clear meanings for the “left” and “right” swastikas even in India, not to mention other cultures. In Christianity, for example, both versions of the swastika are used.

If we divide the swastika into “positive” and “negative”, then it turns out that the clergyman worships both God and the devil at the same time, which again looks like complete nonsense.

So there are no “right-handed” or “left-handed” swastikas. A swastika is a swastika.

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