Our Lady of Bethlehem what they pray for. Icon of the Mother of God of Bethlehem

Icon Mother of God in the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem is a gift from the Imperial House of Russia
Miraculous Bethlehem Icon Holy Mother of God located in the Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem. The image is located a few meters to the right of the descent into the Cave of the Nativity, against the wall, in a wooden icon case. This icon is especially distinctive in that Holy Virgin she is depicted smiling, whereas traditionally in iconography the Mother of God is usually depicted as serious, mournful or tender.
The Bethlehem Icon of the Mother of God was donated to the Basilica of the Nativity of Christ by the Russians Imperial House (exact date unknown). Her robe is made from the dress of the Venerable Martyr Elizabeth ( Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna Romanova, 1864-1918). Holy image of Russian writing. Its peculiarity is that it is the only one of the famous icons of the Mother of God in which the Blessed Virgin is smiling. The icon belongs to the Hodegetria icon painting type, which translated from Greek means “Guide”.
The history of the creation of the icon goes back to the Evangelist Luke, who, according to legend, painted three images of this type: Jerusalem, Constantinople and Ephesus. The most famous is the solemn Jerusalem image of Hodegetria. In 463 it was moved to Constantinople. Through the intercession of the Jerusalem Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Byzantine troops repelled the attack of the Scythians. In 988, the icon was brought to Korsun and presented to the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir. Soon the image of the Mother of God Hodegetria became one of the most widespread in Rus'.
On the Bethlehem icon the Most Pure Virgin is depicted with the Infant Christ. In the left hand of the Divine Infant is an orb, a symbol of royal power, with his right hand He blesses all those praying in front of the image of His Most Pure Mother. The Mother of God points to the Savior as the Path of Life - in this sense, She is the Guide, leading us to Christ, from sin to salvation.
Already in our time, the Bethlehem icon has become famous for many miracles. She is highly revered in Palestine, not only by Christians, but also by the Muslim population, as well as by numerous pilgrims from all over the world. According to established tradition, in front of this icon, located in front of the entrance to the cave where Christ the Savior was born from the Most Pure Virgin, they pray for the gift of children, for their well-being in general, and for family well-being. And in every need and in any life circumstances, we turn with prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos, and no one is ever abandoned by our Zeal Intercessor, the Joy and Consolation of all people.
The day of celebration of the Bethlehem Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary is August 15 (28).

Do you know?
...The Bethlehem Icon of the Mother of God, which is located in the Basilica of the Church of the Nativity of Christ in Bethlehem, became famous for many miracles. In 1927, the Lamp in front of the icon began to sway violently, which was a warning of an impending disaster - a great earthquake. Not only Christians, but even Muslims resort to the icon for help, reports the Orthodox newspaper Blagovest.
... when in the 7th century the Persian conquerors wanted to place a stable in the Church of the Nativity of Christ, the Lord brought out a huge swarm of bees from the column of the Temple, and these bees drove both the conquerors and their horses out of the Temple. And in memory of this miracle, four cross-shaped dents remained on that column, from which bees flew out. All Orthodox pilgrims who visit Bethlehem pray near this column and even stick their fingers into these dents folded in a cross.
...several years ago in this Temple, on a fresco on one of the columns, the Lord Jesus Christ cried tears of blood. The miracle was so obvious that the world media could not “silence” it. Perhaps even then the Lord mourned this, now the time, and gave us a period of time for repentance and correction.
...in the 19th century, the Russian Tsar went to war against an entire coalition of European powers only because the interests of the Orthodox population and Russian pilgrims were infringed on in the Holy Land - their access to holy places was made difficult by the local administration under the protectorate of Europeans. This war, which was essentially religious, went down in history under the name Crimean.
... already in our days, during the Arab-Israeli conflict, military actions were planned in the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. Speaking on national radio on April 9, 2002, Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Michael Melchior emphasized that “decisive action” should not become an “international catastrophe” for the Israeli government. Melchior noted that "the church belongs neither to Israel nor to the Palestinians, and therefore special care must be taken." The deputy minister added that "Israel is at war with Muslim fundamentalists and does not need confrontation with the Christian world."

One of the most revered shrines of Christianity is the icon of the Mother of God of Bethlehem. Its history is not rich, but quite complicated. Some historians believe that it was written in Rus'. According to others, its creator was the Evangelist Luke. This saint painted three similar icons - Constantinople, Ephesus and Jerusalem. The latter is called Bethlehem.

History of the icon of the Mother of God of Bethlehem

Many believe that Luke painted this image during the life of the Virgin Mary, and therefore it most accurately shows how exactly the Virgin Mary looked. First, the evangelist created one icon depicting the Mother of God, and then two more. He decided to show one of them to the Virgin Mary herself. The Mother of God liked the image, and she blessed it, adding that “grace will abide with everyone who prays while looking at it.”

Evangelist Luke painted several more icons in which the founders of Christianity are depicted reliably. It is believed that some images of the Savior, as well as the apostles Peter and Paul, were created by him and are nothing more than ordinary portraits, and not actually fictitious icons.

In 463, the Scythians tried to capture the capital of Byzantium - Constantinople. In order to enlist the support of the Lord, the icon of the Mother of God of Bethlehem was brought to this city by the wife of Emperor Theodosius, Evdokia. Thanks to her intercession, Constantinople held out and the Scythians retreated. This was the first miracle of the image. After this he was placed in the Blachernae Church. The icon stayed here for a very long time - about 300 years. There is also a version that the image was transferred not to the Walchern temple, but to one of the churches of the Odigon monastery, where its name came from.

In 988, the image was transported to Korsun as a gift to Prince Vladimir, who transferred it to the Novgorod St. Sophia Cathedral. She stayed in this temple for about 400 years.

Legend of the icon

There is also a rather interesting legend about this icon. According to legend, the icon was not just brought to Rus', but served as a patronizing relic for the daughter of the Byzantine Emperor Constantine Porphyrogenitus, Anna. This image was supposed to protect her on her way to the Chernigov region from Constantinople. Anna was going there to see her future husband. It was then that the icon received its name “Hodegetria”, which translates as “Guide”.

Features of the image

An interesting fact is that the icon of the Mother of God of Bethlehem is the only image in which the Virgin smiles. The chasuble on the icon is made from the dress of Princess Elizabeth Romanova (1864-1918), a Christian great martyr. It is believed that it was she who transferred this icon to Bethlehem. There is also a legend that the sick princess received healing by praying in front of this image.

The Child Christ is depicted on the icon holding in his hand one of the symbols of royal power - an orb. His other hand is raised in a blessing gesture. The Mother of God herself points to Christ. It is believed that in this way she is trying to say that her son Jesus is the Path of Life.

Features of the images of “Hodegetria”

All Catholic and Orthodox icons in which the Mother of God points to Jesus are usually called “Hodegetria”. In all such images, the Virgin Mary is depicted sitting and holding the infant Christ in her arms. At the same time, he also holds something in his hand. Usually this is not an orb, as on the Bethlehem icon (although it became the prototype of all the Hodegetria images), but a scroll or book. This corresponds to the iconographic type of Christ as Pantocrator, that is, Almighty. Usually the Blessed Virgin is depicted in such an image from the waist up. However, there are icons of Hodegetria on which the Mother of God is painted shoulder-length or full-length. The main feature of the images of this iconographic type is that Christ himself is in the center of the composition, and not his mother.

Where is the icon now?

The Bethlehem icon of the Mother of God, the meaning of which, as we found out, is the worship of the divine baby, and not the actual woman who gave birth to him, on this moment still located in Bethlehem, in the Basilica of the Nativity. You can pray to her before entering the cave where Jesus Christ himself was once born. The image is placed in a wooden icon case and is located on the right against the wall. Every year, pilgrims from all over the world flock to Bethlehem to venerate the miraculous image.

How to pray while standing in front of an icon?

In what cases can the Bethlehem Icon of the Mother of God help? A prayer is said to her in case of illness of children. You can also ask the Mother of God for the healing of adults. Of course, words must be spoken from the heart and with deep faith. Like any other image of the Virgin Mary, this icon can also help those who do not have, but would like to have children. There is no special prayer to the Bethlehem icon. You can simply ask her for intercession in your own words. Also in this case, the usual prayer to the Blessed Virgin is suitable - “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice...”.

What is an akathist?

An akathist to the icon of the Mother of God or any other is a special hymn performed in church in honor of Christ, saints, etc. You cannot sit while pronouncing it. The first akathists glorified the Blessed Virgin. They were written in Greek and compiled according to certain rules. The structure of the akathist is very interesting: after the first stanza there are twelve large and twelve small ones, alternating.

The history of the appearance of Orthodox icons in the world and in Rus'

As already mentioned, it is believed that the first images were ordinary portraits of the Savior, the Virgin Mary, the apostles and saints. The oldest Christian icon is considered to be the Savior Not Made by Hands. According to legend, the painter Ananya decided to paint the image of Christ preaching when he taught the people in Jerusalem. However, he did not succeed at all, since the expression on the Savior’s face was constantly changing. Seeing that the artist was upset, Christ allegedly asked for water, washed himself with it and wiped his face with a towel, on which his image miraculously appeared.

The first icons were created to make it easier for people to communicate with Jesus, his Mother and the saints on a spiritual level. From Byzantium, the tradition of painting images spread throughout the world. The icons were understandable and close to people who spoke completely different languages. The ancient images were called the “Bible for the illiterate.” From these images, a medieval person who could not read could study the history of the life of Christ, his apostles and Christian saints.

Icon painting also came to Rus' from Byzantium after the adoption of Christianity in 988. Until the end of the seventeenth century, it became the basis of Old Russian visual arts. Fashion for secular paintings began to spread in our country only during the reign of Peter the Great.

Russian masters were trained by Greeks invited to paint Russians Christian churches. The founder of the first purely national school icon painting was Metropolitan Hilarion, who called on the clergy and parishioners to create their own Slavic religious culture based on Christianity that came from Byzantium. The first Russian icons of saints, apostles, the Savior and the Virgin Mary were more monumental than the Byzantine ones, were larger in size and were distinguished by their gloomy coloring.

Saints icons

Initially, Russian icons nevertheless repeated the plots of Byzantine icons. However, over time, Rus' also had its own saints. And along with them there are icons depicting them. One of the very first were the images of Boris and Gleb, Russian princes killed by their own brother Svyatopolk for their Christian beliefs. This atrocity occurred in 1015 during an internecine war. These princes became the first canonized Russian saints. Until now, Boris and Gleb are considered the heavenly protectors of the rulers of the Russian land.

Miracle-working icons of the Mother of God

In addition to the Bethlehem icon, there are other icons of the Mother of God, in whose presence various kinds miracles. In fact, there are many such images. An example can be given miraculous icon Mother of God "Recovery of the Lost." It once belonged to one of the Russians noble families. Its last owner went bankrupt, took to drinking out of grief and was already on the verge of death. However, having prayed with all sincerity to the icon, he received help. His daughters married successfully. The grateful father gave the image to the local church.

It is impossible not to mention the icon of the Iveron Mother of God, a shrine of the Iveron Monastery on Athos. This image represents one of the variants of Hodegetria. Just a huge number of miraculous healings happened before him. The icon of the Mother of God “Quench My Sorrows”, “Merciful”, Tkhivinskaya and many others are also considered miraculous.

Myrrh-streaming of icons of the Virgin Mary

It is known that images of the Virgin Mary often stream myrrh. That is, drops of an oily substance appear spontaneously on the surface of the icon, similar to the sacred myrrh used in baptism. It is simply impossible to explain this phenomenon by the properties of wood that release resin, since there is evidence of myrrh-streaming even from ordinary paper photocopies of images. Very often this phenomenon portends some kind of trouble. Especially if the icon does not exude fragrant oil, but a red liquid, similar to blood, or transparent, similar to tears.

The icon of the Mother of God of Bethlehem and other similar images are not only the most important Christian shrines, but also works of art of enormous historical value. Most of these images contain many secrets and mysteries. Perhaps someday historians will be able to unravel them.

Every person knows that the Nativity of the Lord Jesus Christ took place in a cave near the city of Bethlehem. Nowadays there is a temple above it, serving as a place of pilgrimage for all Christians in the world, and the cave of the same name has survived to this day under it. At the entrance to it hangs an amazing icon of the smiling Blessed Virgin Mary. What is the history of the image, what to pray for in front of this icon and what its smile means, you will learn from the article.


The miraculous image is located a few steps from the descent into the Bethlehem Cave on the right hand, in an icon case near the wall. The icon was created by an ancient Russian icon painter and donated Royalty House of the Romanovs in the temple of the same name. However, the date of its donation, as well as the age of creation, are unknown. The Bethlehem image of the Most Holy Lady Theotokos belongs to the “Hodegetria” iconographic type, translated into Russian as “Guide or Showing the Way.” The type is an icon united by one composition, clothing and pose of the Virgin Mary and the Infant God. There are three main iconographic types, the creator of the first icons of which is considered to be the holy apostle and evangelist Luke. There are also a number of icons, authorship and painting from nature, which are attributed to the Evangelist Luke. Believers, praying in front of this image, imagine the Most Holy Theotokos as She was during her lifetime - after all, this image, if not by a contemporary of the Mother of God, is then a copy of this image drawn from life. According to legend, having seen the icon created by Saint Luke, the Mother of God blessed it and said that grace would be sent down to everyone who turned to Her in front of this icon. The iconographic type of Hodegetria also includes many other miraculous icons, for example, Tikhvin, Seek the Lost, Kazan, Sporuchnitsa of Sinners. The theological meaning of the icon is similar to other images of Hodegetria. The Mother of God, with a gesture of her right hand, points those praying to Christ, Who is the Way, the Truth and the Life. The Mother of God reveals the Infant God to people, showing that only through faith in Christ can one find the true path of life, the road to the Kingdom of Heaven. This Path must be followed in order to achieve salvation.


Through the prayers of the inhabitants of Constantinople in front of the icon of the Mother of God Hodegetria, the Scythians retreated from the city. In 463, they attacked the capital of the Byzantine Empire and the entire city prayed before the icon brought by the emperor’s wife from Bethlehem. Constantinople was saved. The Patriarch of Constantinople also blessed Prince Vladimir with the image of the Hodegetria for the Baptism of Rus' in 988. Since then, through prayers before the image, many miracles have happened. Back in the 7th century, the Persians captured Bethlehem and began organizing stables in the Church of the Nativity. However, miraculously a giant swarm of bees appeared in the temple. Unable to avoid being stung and unable to drive the bees out of the temple, the Persian army abandoned the church. The returning Christians saw small cross-shaped dents on the column of the Bethlehem Temple, not far from the place where the holy face now hangs. That's where the bees came from. These depressions remain - evidence of a miracle - even now. Every person praying in the temple can reverently dip his fingers into this miraculous cross. In 1927, a heavy lamp with decorations hanging near the icon swung with a large amplitude without external influences. This phenomenon turned out to be a warning from the Mother of God about what was to come. strong earthquake. This event confirmed not only Christians, but also Muslims, who to this day often come to pray to her, of the miracles of the Mother of God. Evidence of another miracle is an unusual robe, that is, the clothing of the Virgin and Child. It is made from the dress of the sister of the passion-bearer queen Alexandra Feodorovna - Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna, later glorified as one of the venerable martyrs. It is known that Saint Elizabeth was healed after prayer on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land in front of the face of the Bethlehem Mother of God and made a vow to make an offering to the icon. Princess Elizaveta Feodorovna, who came from a ducal family and lived her whole life in palaces, terribly lost her husband. Her husband, Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich, was killed by terrorists with a bomb. It is likely that the princess's illness affected the female organs, since it was not widely reported. It is known that she long years I was seriously ill. Apparently, healing occurred only on a pilgrimage to Bethlehem. After the death of her husband, the princess devoted herself good deeds, took monastic vows and founded the Martha and Mary Convent, where any woman could, even without becoming a nun, devote her life to serving her neighbors. In 1918, together with his relatives because of his royal origin she was thrown by the Bolsheviks into a mine near Alapaevsk, where she died from her wounds and hunger. In our time, when many shrines are desecrated and the cult of consumption triumphs, the Child in the icon cried several times: real tears appeared in the image. And the fresco of the adult Christ, located not far from the icon, cried tears of blood. These obvious miracles, which even the world media wrote about, call for repentance of sins and correction of the life of every Orthodox Christian.


main feature image - the smile of the Mother of God, no less famous than the smile of Gioconda. She is often called the "Smiling Lady". However, there is neither mysticism nor sin in this smile - it is known that there was a place for smile and joy in the life of the Lord, and in the life of His Mother and the Saints. The Bethlehem icon can also be recognized as follows:

    • The baby sits on the left hand of the Mother of God, with her right hand she points to him - as in all icons of the Hodegetria type.
    • Left hand The Divine Infant rests on the royal orb, a symbol of power.
    • Even on reproductions of the image and its copies there is a depicted robe, donated by the holy martyr Elizaveta Feodorovna.
    • A radiance emanates from the Face of the Most Holy Theotokos, Her eyes are cheerful.


Memorial Day - August 28. On this day, a list of the icon is brought to the center of each church, during the service special prayers to the Mother of God are read, and akathists are sung. The image constantly resides in the Holy Land, in Bethlehem, but is occasionally taken out for the veneration of believers. Thus, in 2010, at the request of the Ukrainian Autonomous Orthodox Church On Easter, the Moscow Patriarchate, together with the Holy Fire, brought the miraculous image to Kyiv, where many thousands of people from all over Ukraine venerated it with a prayer to the Mother of God.


The Bethlehem icon of the Mother of God has a special grace of help in all moments related to children and family life. It is not for nothing that this image is located next to the birthplace of the Most Pure Virgin Mary of the Lord Jesus Himself. According to legend, this is precisely why a smile plays on the face of the Mother of God: after all, with Christmas She fulfilled Her destiny, found the main happiness in life - her beloved Son and Lord, the Infant Jesus. They pray to the Most Holy Theotokos for any need. Believers know that the Mother of God, having given birth to Christ, seemed to adopt the entire human race. Turning to Her in front of the icon of the Bethlehem Mother of God, remember how difficult it was for Her to endure bad weather and the conditions of the cave, how difficult it was to flee to Egypt from Herod and raise her Son in Egypt, and then release Him to preach, suffer and die. The Holy Face teaches us how to endure the hardships of life with patience and submission to the will of God.


They ask the miraculous icon

    • blessings for good deeds;
    • tranquility and peace of mind;
    • good and quick conception of children;
    • safe pregnancy and childbirth;
    • health and well-being for children;
    • happiness and prosperity in the family;
    • harmony and mutual understanding between parents and children, between spouses;
    • healing in illnesses;
    • protecting the family from slander and attacks.
The image of Our Lady of Bethlehem is decorated with many precious gifts - chains, crosses, jewelry - from grateful people, through whose prayers Our Lady performed miracles. People also testified that the icon at special moments in history began to exude myrrh - a miraculous liquid that comes only from miraculous icons and relics of saints, and the composition of which no scientist can determine. It is known that it consists of essential oils of certain plants unknown on Earth. Praying in front of the icon, many read the Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos “Rejoice, Unmarried Bride” - after all, the meaning of this prayer hymn is in praise of the Mother of God, a call to rejoice addressed to the Smiling Mother of God. The prayer to the Bethlehem Icon of the Mother of God can be read in Russian online using the text below: I sing a prayer and rejoice in Your grace, Lady, and I beg You: enlighten my mind with Your grace. Teach me to follow the path of Christ's commandments. Teach and strengthen me to stay awake in prayer, driving away the sleep of despondency from me. Me, bound by the nets of sins, deliver me from captivity through Your prayers, O Bride of God Himself! Night and day, preserve me, Mother of God, delivering me from attacking enemies, visible and invisible. Who gave birth to God, the Giver of Life, revive me, killed by passions and vices. Non-evening Light - Showing Christ to the world, enlighten my blinded soul. O wondrous chamber of the Lord God, make me the house of the Spirit of God. You who gave birth to a doctor, heal my long-term vices. Carried along the waves by the storm of life, guide me on the path of repentance. Deliver me from eternal flame, and the hellish worm, and the abysses of hell. May I not remain there to the delight of the demons, guilty of many sins. Make me a new and pure person, although I have become worn out because of my sins and do not feel them. Guide me away from all torments and pray to the Lord God for me. Grant me the joy of heaven with all the saints. Most Holy Virgin, hear the voice of Your servant who has sinned greatly! Give me rivers of tears so that I may be cleansed from my many sins! I bring the groans of my heart to You all the time - so be diligent in Your prayers to God, O Lady! Accept my prayer and bring my requests to the Good God. You are above all the Angels - make me above merging with the world and its aspirations. O Heavenly Veil, bringing only Light, send spiritual grace to me. I raise my hands to You in prayer and praise You, although my voice is defiled by sins, Immaculate Virgin. Deliver me from sinful and soul-destroying abominations, praying for me to Christ, to whom all people give glory, honor and worship forever. Amen. Through the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos, may the Lord protect you!

New article: prayer to the smiling icon of the Mother of God on the website - in all the details and details from the many sources that we were able to find.

The Icon of the Smiling Mother of God has the second name of Bethlehem, as it is located in Bethlehem, at the entrance to the cave where the Birth of Christ took place. Despite its name, this icon comes from Rus' and is written in Russian. True, the exact place and time of origin of the Bethlehem icon is unknown. But we know how she got to Bethlehem. It was presented to the Basilica of the Nativity of Christ by the Russian imperial house after miraculous healing from a serious illness thanks to the prayers of Empress Elizabeth before her. This was at the beginning of the twentieth century. It depicts the Virgin Mary and the Baby Jesus. The Savior has all the symbols of royalty. With his right hand he blesses those praying. Basic distinctive feature is the smile of the Mother of God. This is the only icon in which the Blessed Virgin is smiling. The day of celebration in honor of the icon of the Smiling Mother of God is August 15 (28).

What kind of help does the icon of the Smiling Mother of God of Bethlehem provide?

The Bethlehem Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary has been famous for its miraculous properties for a long time. The most common requests addressed to her are for the gift of children, for the well-being of children, as well as for family happiness and harmony. The Mother of God is our main and closest Intercessor to God, therefore it is believed that the Lord definitely hears and fulfills Her prayers. A huge stream of pilgrims does not dry up to her, each of whom brings his own story and prayer to her, and the Mother of God hears and helps everyone.

Where to buy the icon of the Smiling Virgin Mary of Bethlehem

Pilgrims very often bring the Orthodox Icon of the Smiling Mother of God from the Holy Land. Icons made of mother-of-pearl by local Israeli icon painters are very popular. However, those who cannot visit the Holy Land should not be upset. This image is also popular in our country, and therefore it will not be difficult to buy it in your homeland. Moreover, the original icon is still in Russian writing. This means that the copy made by the Russian icon painter will be as close as possible to the original. In church shops you can buy a ready-made decorated icon. And if you really want to, you can find an icon-painting workshop via the Internet that will paint just for you. This image is also popular among needlewomen, so you can easily purchase a pattern or kit for bead embroidery and, armed with patience, painstakingly and slowly make it yourself.

Text of the prayer to the icon of the Mother of God of Bethlehem

Mother of God, Virgin, rejoice! Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you! Blessed are You among women and blessed is the fruit of Your womb, for You have given birth to the Savior of our souls. It is worthy to eat as you truly bless Theotokos, Ever-Blessed and Most Immaculate and Mother of our God. We magnify You, the most honorable Cherub and the most glorious without comparison Seraphim, who gave birth to God the Word without corruption.

Icon of the Mother of God of Bethlehem. The only icon where the Mother of God smiles!

This is perhaps the only icon of the Mother of God in which She smiles.

The image was painted in Russia and transferred to Bethlehem by Empress Elizabeth, after she was healed of serious illness.

She helps everyone, may her magic help you too!

The miraculous Bethlehem Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary is located in the Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem. The image is located a few meters to the right of the descent into the Cave of the Nativity, against the wall, in a wooden icon case. This icon is especially distinctive in that the Blessed Virgin is depicted smiling, whereas traditionally in iconography the Mother of God is usually depicted as serious, mournful or tender. The Bethlehem Icon of the Mother of God was donated to the Basilica of the Nativity of Christ by the Russian Imperial House (the exact date is unknown). Her robe is made from the dress of the Venerable Martyr Elizabeth (Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna Romanova, 1864-1918). Holy image of Russian writing. Its peculiarity is that it is the only one of the famous icons of the Mother of God in which the Blessed Virgin is smiling. The icon belongs to the Hodegetria icon painting type, which translated from Greek means “Guide”. The history of the creation of the icon goes back to the Evangelist Luke, who, according to legend, painted three images of this type: Jerusalem, Constantinople and Ephesus. The most famous is the solemn Jerusalem image of Hodegetria. In 463 it was moved to Constantinople. Through the intercession of the Jerusalem Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Byzantine troops repelled the attack of the Scythians. In 988, the icon was brought to Korsun and presented to the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir. Soon the image of the Mother of God Hodegetria became one of the most widespread in Rus'. On the Bethlehem icon the Most Pure Virgin is depicted with the Infant Christ. In the left hand of the Divine Infant is an orb, a symbol of royal power, with his right hand He blesses all those praying in front of the image of His Most Pure Mother. The Mother of God points to the Savior as the Path of Life - in this sense, She is the Guide, leading us to Christ, from sin to salvation. Already in our time, the Bethlehem icon has become famous for many miracles. She is highly revered in Palestine, not only by Christians, but also by the Muslim population, as well as by numerous pilgrims from all over the world. According to established tradition, in front of this icon, located in front of the entrance to the cave where Christ the Savior was born from the Most Pure Virgin, they pray for the gift of children, for their well-being in general, and for family well-being. And in every need and in any life circumstances, we turn with prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos, and no one is ever abandoned by our Zeal Intercessor, the Joy and Consolation of all people. The day of celebration of the Bethlehem Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary is August 15 (28).

Part 22 – Icon of the Mother of God of Bethlehem. The only icon where the Mother of God smiles!

On the road!

For those who don’t like to sit at home, and who are called by the road. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s near or far...

  • On the road!
  • Smile!
  • Mother's holy smile

Mother's holy smile

What could be more attractive, kind, pure and holy than the smile of a mother towards her child? So among the miraculous icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary there is one unique one - smiling icon of the Mother of God of Bethlehem. This icon is unique precisely because it is the only one on which the Mother of God smiles.

According to legend, this image was one of three painted by the Evangelist Luke and was approved and blessed by Mary herself.

The Bethlehem Smiling Icon of the Mother of God is located in the Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem. The image is located a few meters to the right of the descent into the Cave of the Nativity, against the wall, in a wooden icon case.

This rare image was painted in Russia and donated to the Bethlehem Church by the Russian Imperial House. And the robe of the Virgin Mary is made from the dress and jewelry of Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna Romanova, the founder of the Marfo-Mariinsky monastery.

According to established tradition, in front of this icon of the smiling Mother of God they pray for the gift of children, in general for their well-being and for family well-being. Celebration day Bethlehem Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary- August 15 (28).

Let us all life path accompanied by the clear smile of the Most Holy Theotokos, helps in business and protects from troubles!

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6 comments on “Mother’s Holy Smile”

I’ve never even heard of such an icon... Very interesting! And to the creator of the site Guardian Angel and the help of the Blessed Virgin Mary in all matters

I was there, I saw it personally... glory to the Most Holy Theotokos! Glory!

Yes, “live” this place is very impressive, it’s hard to even find the right words... Perhaps the closest thing is AWE...

My son bought an icon of the smiling Mother of God with little Jesus in her arms for me in Jerusalem.

I feel for the Mother of God and her little son, when I read “Our Father” in front of her before going to bed,

Only today I found out that my son bought me this wonderful icon when he was in JERUSALEM, when he was there on a business trip.

I am sure that the icon has helped me more than once in difficult life situations.

Yes, it's really very strong icon... May her holy support never leave you!

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Bethlehem icon meaning and what it helps with

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One of the revered icons of Orthodoxy is the Bethlehem Icon of the Mother of God. This image of the Virgin Mary has a little history. Some historians believe that this image was written in ancient Rus'. There is also an opinion that it was written by the prophet icon painter Luke during the life of the Virgin Mary. It is for this reason that it is believed that this image shows as accurately as possible what the Virgin Mary looked like during her lifetime.

According to one of the legends, Luke painted three images and showed one of them to the Virgin Mary herself. She liked the image very much, and she blessed it, adding that grace would come to everyone who prayed in front of it. In addition to this image, Luke painted several more icons that depict saints authentically. It should also be noted that this is the only image of the Virgin Mary in which she smiles.

Back in 463, the Scythians tried to capture Constantinople. In order to enlist the support of the Lord and gain success in the intercession of the city, the Emperor’s wife brought an icon of the Mother of God of Bethlehem. Thanks to prayers and faith, the city was defended and not given to the Scythians.

This was the first miracle created in a holy image. Since then, the miracles created by the face of the Mother of God have not stopped. Everyone who comes to him with prayer finds success in business and all kinds of help.

The meaning of the Bethlehem icon

The Bethlehem icon of the Mother of God is of great importance for Orthodox believers. Since ancient times and to this day, it has been located in the Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem. The holy image is located a few meters from right side from the descent into the cave, which is called “The Nativity of Christ”.

On the Bethlehem icon, the Virgin Mary is depicted with the Child in her arms, who has an orb in her left hand. She is a symbol of royal power. With his right hand He blesses all those praying in front of the image. In turn, the Mother of God points to the Savior as the right path in life.

That is why She is the Guide from sin to salvation. It leads us to faith in Christ.

Today, many believing pilgrims from all over the world come to Bethlehem to pray before the icon. It should be noted that she is very revered in the house of the Lord. And only once, at the request of the Ukrainian church, she left Holy place in Bethlehem. It was in 2010 that the icon was brought to Kyiv for Easter along with the Holy Fire, so that the Orthodox believers of the capital of Ukraine could bow before it.

Icon Veneration Day

Like any holy image, the Bethlehem Icon of the Mother of God also has its own celebration date. On this day, many pilgrims visit and pray there. Since it is believed that it is on the day of veneration of the image that the prayer offered in front of it has the greatest power. According to the new style, the day of celebration falls on August 28, according to the old style it is August 15.

What do people pray for to the icon of the Mother of God of Bethlehem?

Many Orthodox believers come to the miraculous icon to pray for blessings, tranquility, and peace. They also pray to her with the request:

  • about conceiving children,
  • about the welfare of children,
  • about family happiness,
  • about harmony in relationships,
  • about children's health,
  • about healing from serious illnesses and illnesses,
  • about protecting the family from “evil tongues.”

It is believed that the Mother of God is the main intercessor before God, so prayer to her is very strong. Through prayer to her, the Lord hears us and helps us. The main thing is that it comes sincerely from the heart. Because those people who do not believe in God are not able to experience the miraculous power of prayer to the Holy Image.

Prayer to the Bethlehem Icon of the Mother of God:

I sing Thy grace, O Lady, I pray to Thee, my mind is filled with grace. Go right and teach me the path of Christ’s commandments. Strengthen your children to song, driving away despondency and sleep. Bound by the captivity of the Falls, allow me through Your prayers, Bride of God.

Preserve me in the night and in the day, delivering me to those who fight against the enemy. She who gave birth to God, the life-giver, was killed by my passions and revived. Who gave birth to the non-evening light, enlighten my blind soul. O wondrous Lady of the Palace, create for me the house of the Divine Spirit. You who gave birth to a doctor, heal my soul of many years of passion.

Worried by the storm of life, guide me towards the path of repentance. Deliver me from eternal fire, and from evil worms, and from tartar. Do not show me joy as a demon, who is guilty of many sins. Create me again, having promised to be insensible, Immaculate, without sin. Show me the strangeness of all kinds of torment, and implore the Lord to all. Heavenly grant me joy, with all the saints.

Most Holy Virgin, hear the voice of Your indecent servant. Give me a stream of tears, Most Pure One, cleansing the filth of my soul. I bring groanings from my heart to You continually, be zealous to the Lady. Accept my prayer service and bring it to the blessed God. Transcending Angel, create me above the fusion of the world.

Light-bearing heavenly Sena, direct spiritual grace in me. I lift up my hand and my lips to praise, defiled by filth, O All-Immaculate One. Deliver me from the dirty tricks that are strangling me, diligently beseeching Christ, to whom honor and worship are due, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

May the Lord protect you!

You will be interested in watching the video akathist at the Bethlehem icon:

Bethlehem Icon of the Mother of God - meaning, what it helps with

Among the wide variety of images of the Virgin Mary, there are some that are simply unique. The Bethlehem Icon of the Mother of God is notable for the fact that the Most Pure Virgin is smiling on it. This image is familiar to everyone who was interested in the shrines located in the Holy Land - after all, it is located there.

Origin and history

The story of how the image was created is amazing. Its homeland is Russia. The icon has a very unusual chasuble - it is made from the dress of Grand Duchess Elizabeth, who was then recognized as a great martyr. The Bethlehem Icon of the Mother of God was made by order of the imperial family as a gift for the Basilica of the Nativity. A miracle happened here - the princess was healed of a serious illness after making a pilgrimage.

The main feature of the composition is that a smile shines on the lips of the Blessed Virgin. A very unusual image, especially for Russian authors.

  • The baby sits on the left hand of the Virgin Mary, with her right hand she points to him.
  • The left hand of Christ lies on the orb - this is a symbol of His power.
  • The icon is decorated with a chasuble that covers almost the entire composition.
  • The face of the Most Pure One is filled with a gentle radiance, her eyes are cheerful.

The Bethlehem icon of the Mother of God belongs to a very common type - “Hodegetria,” that is, “showing the way.” The first “Guide Book” is believed to have been created by the evangelist and apostle Luke. The Queen of Heaven herself blessed him for this. Since then, a great many icons of this type have been created. This includes:

The theological meaning of the Bethlehem icon is common with similar ones. The Queen of Heaven here acts as a Guide. She instructs and guides believers on the path. This is done through a gesture. Pointing to Christ, Saint Mary emphasizes that only through faith in Him as in the Lord can one save one’s soul. That is, Jesus is the road that leads to heavenly abodes.

After carefully reading the Gospel, you can find words where Christ literally indicates that He is the way. Interestingly, this is not a single choice made, but a process. After all, the road must be walked, that is, certain efforts must be made to achieve the goal.

How and what to pray for

What do pilgrims ask from the icon of the Mother of God of Bethlehem? Of course, about the gift of children, about the well-being of those who have already been sent by the Lord. After all, the shrine is located near the very place where the Savior was born. This may be the reason for the unusual composition. After all, Christmas was very a joyful event, and this was reflected in the mood of St. Mary.

  • Of course, a prayer to the Bethlehem icon can be about any other need. After all, the Mother does not limit the children with what questions they can turn to her. She is ready to help with everything. Especially when requests come from such a holy place. And the image is located right at the entrance to the cave where the Infant Christ was born more than two thousand years ago.

Not everyone wants to advertise how the Queen of Heaven helps them, but it is absolutely certain that the Bethlehem Icon of the Mother of God worked many miracles. For example, myrrh streaming has been observed many times. Sometimes tears began to flow from Christ’s eyes. Grateful believers who have received healing from illnesses leave their jewelry as a gift on the icon: rings, crosses, chains. This pious tradition is familiar to many Russians.

In front of the Bethlehem icon you can read the Akathist to the Mother of God, which was written by Roman the Sweet Singer. Also, any prayers of the Mother of God are blessed, because she is one, although there are different images. From a pilgrimage trip to Palestine, believers bring copies of the miraculous icon made by local craftsmen.

  • Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God
  • Don Icon of the Mother of God - here
  • Peschanskaya Icon of the Mother of God - https://bogolub.info/peschanskaya-ikona/

Of course, not everyone had to travel to Bethlehem. But lovers of needlework can embroider the image themselves, then consecrate it in the temple. This will be a special family shrine - how nice it is to watch the happy face of the Mother of God! There is a special grace in praying before this.

Prayer before the Bethlehem Icon of the Mother of God

I sing Thy grace, O Lady, I pray to Thee, my mind is filled with grace. Go right and teach me the path of Christ’s commandments. Strengthen your children to song, driving away despondency and sleep. Bound by the captivity of the Falls, allow me through Your prayers, Bride of God.

Preserve me in the night and in the day, delivering me to those who fight against the enemy. She who gave birth to God, the life-giver, was killed by my passions and revived. Who gave birth to the non-evening light, enlighten my blind soul. O wondrous Lady of the Palace, create for me the house of the Divine Spirit. You who gave birth to a doctor, heal my soul of many years of passion.

Worried by the storm of life, guide me towards the path of repentance. Deliver me from eternal fire, and from evil worms, and from tartar. Do not show me joy as a demon, who is guilty of many sins. Create me again, having promised to be insensible, Immaculate, without sin. Show me the strangeness of all kinds of torment, and implore the Lord to all. Heavenly grant me joy, with all the saints.

Most Holy Virgin, hear the voice of Your indecent servant. Give me a stream of tears, Most Pure One, cleansing the filth of my soul. I bring groanings from my heart to You continually, be zealous to the Lady. Accept my prayer service and bring it to the blessed God. Transcending Angel, create me above the fusion of the world.

Light-bearing heavenly Sena, direct spiritual grace in me. I lift up my hand and my lips to praise, defiled by filth, O All-Immaculate One. Deliver me from the dirty tricks that are strangling me, diligently beseeching Christ, to whom honor and worship are due, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Some images God's Mothers icon God's Mothers. According to legend.

Bethlehem» icon, which is not . icons God's Mothers

In Rus' many icons icon.

In a special way some icons God how are your lessons.

Some images God's Mothers have very ancient history, which is often closely intertwined with the Russian one. This is "Jerusalem" icon God's Mothers. According to legend.

Smiling - this is absolutely atypical for canonical icon painting; it only appears on “ Bethlehem» icon, which is not . "Omen" is the only symmetrical type icons God's Mothers. On it she prays with her hands raised.

In Rus' many icons Having Byzantine origins, they received their own history, full of miracles, historical victories, and tragedies. Such is Feodorovskaya icon.

In a special way some icons are connected with the history of Russia - they appeared in the most turbulent times, saved from invasions, cholera, and healed. However, some troubles are sent God how are your lessons.

IN different periods life, believers pray with hope to the Most Holy Theotokos. There is a lot of it in Russia miraculous images, some of which were created and revealed on our land.

Mother of God, Virgin, rejoice! Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you! Blessed are You among women and blessed is the fruit of Your womb, for You have given birth to the Savior of our souls. It is worthy to eat as you truly bless Theotokos, Ever-Blessed and Most Immaculate and Mother of our God. The most honorable Cherub and the most glorious without comparison Seraphim, who gave birth to God the Word without corruption, we magnify Thee as the real Mother of God


Miraculous icon of the Mother of God of Bethlehem located in the city of Bethlehem in the Basilica of the Nativity. This icon is considered the only smiling holy image, although according to iconographic traditions, Our Lady always is depicted as mourning. The image was given to the believers of Bethlehem by the Russian Imperial House after the miraculous healing of Empress Elizabeth from a serious illness. There is a belief that the Greek emperor Constantine Porphyrogenitus, giving his daughter Anna in marriage to Prince Vsevolod Yaroslavovich, blessed her with the icon of the Mother of God of Bethlehem. Since this icon accompanied the princess on her journey from Constantinople to the Principality of Chernigov, it received the name Hodegetria - “Guide”.

The icon of the Mother of God of Bethlehem depicts the Mother of God with a baby in her arms - the child Christ. The baby's left hand holds the symbol of the Gospel, right hand he blesses the Mother of God, and in her person all the people praying before the image of the Most Pure Mother. The icon of the Mother of God “Bethlehem” is a symbol indicating the path to Christ, who said: “I am the way, the truth and the life.” Our Lady helps us walk this path.

History of the Icon of the Mother of God of Bethlehem

According to legend, the Evangelist Luke painted three images: Jerusalem, Constantinople and the image of Hodegetria. In 463, it was transferred to Constantinople and, thanks to the intercession of the Christian icon of the Mother of God of Bethlehem, the Byzantine troops withstood the onslaught of the Scythians. For almost three centuries, the miraculous icon remained in one of the churches of Byzantium - the Blachernae Church. In 988, the icon of the Mother of God of Bethlehem was transferred to Korsun, where it was given as a gift to the holy Equal Apostle Prince Vladimir. For more than four hundred years, the icon of the Mother of God of Bethlehem remained in Veliky Novgorod - in the St. Sophia Cathedral. After some time, the image of the Mother of God of Bethlehem became the most revered in Rus'.

Miracles of the Icon of the Mother of God of Bethlehem

Currently, the miraculous icon of the Mother of God of Bethlehem has become famous for its miracles. Revered not only by Christians, but also by Muslims, as well as by pilgrims around the world, it has become a joy and consolation for all those who pray. In all life circumstances, in need and sorrow, we turn with prayers to the image of the Mother of God and always receive intercession and consolation. In front of the icon of the Mother of God of Bethlehem, they pray for happy motherhood, for raising children and their well-being, for family happiness and for help in healing serious illnesses. The day of veneration of the icon “Bethlehem Mother of God” is considered

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