How to learn to read the thoughts of your interlocutor in the eyes of an attentive person. We read thoughts - by the eyes. How to learn to read other people's thoughts

Each of us has been well aware of the phrase since childhood: “The eyes are the mirror of the soul.” But the point is not even that one can read his mood or intentions in a person’s gaze. It turns out that the shape, cut and color of the eyes serve as a clear reflection of the character and habits of their owner. Do not believe? Then keep your eyes open.


Blue-eyed people are often credited with qualities such as dreaminess, sentimentality and romance. Owners of this eye color are sensitive, emotional and quite capricious. They are attracted to variety and dynamics in life. At the same time, blue-eyed people have well-developed imagination, imagination and taste. Usually these are talented and very purposeful people.

People with gray eyes are irreplaceable workers. From childhood, they show kindness, responsiveness, practicality, patience and prudence. You can always rely on them. Gray-eyed people are inquisitive and smart, but nature has not endowed them with great physical strength and intuition.

The green-eyed part of the world's population is often compared to cats. And indeed it is. Despite their outward composure and independence, they are very loyal, gentle, kind and vulnerable individuals. On the one hand, such people are hardy, stubborn, principled, and on the other hand, they are neat, polite and compliant.

Brown and black eyes are the surest sign of impulsiveness and passion. Such people are distinguished by their temper, but at the same time they come to their senses quite quickly. They are active, amorous and charming. They tend to show extremes in their feelings - if they love, then with all their hearts, and if they hate, then with all their soul.

If the iris has a heterogeneous color, this indicates the complexity and inconsistency of nature. Don't expect communication with such a person to be easy.


Chinese scientists pay attention not only to the color, but also to the shape of the eyes. They created a special classification by which one can determine a person’s character by comparing the type of his eyes with the corresponding representative of the animal world. According to Chinese typology, there are large and bright “dragon eyes”, elongated and shiny “phoenix eyes”, having folds on the upper and lower eyelids “lion eyes”, narrow and long “elephant eyes”, round with a yellowish tint “tiger eyes” and narrow, with several layers of skin on the upper eyelids of the “sheep's eyes”.

At the same time, dragons are powerful rulers, phoenixes are representatives of the world of art, lions are born commanders, elephants are calm friends, tigers are cruel conquerors, and sheep are modest workers.

If you leave the animal world alone and turn to the associative series, you will notice that the size of the eyes corresponds to the openness of character. People with large, wide eyes are frank, sensual, artistic and sociable. Small eyes belong to self-sufficient individuals, but rather secretive, unyielding and suspicious.


Eyes widely spaced from each other indicate foresight and good imagination. Close-set eyes can be a sign of scrupulousness and perseverance.

Protruding eyes are a sure sign of social activity and enthusiasm. Deep-set eyes, on the contrary, speak of a person’s caution and observation.

When delving into the eyes of your chosen one or business partner, do not be too categorical in your judgments. Each person is individual and, perhaps, your interlocutor will become a rare exception to the generally accepted rule. The main thing is that a person’s eyes are kind, and his gaze is direct and conscious. The rest is just trifles!

Research shows that information entering the human brain is distributed as follows: 87 percent goes through the eyes, 9 percent through the ears and 4 percent through the other senses.

It turns out that the same thoughts in a person cause the same expression in the eyes. And if you learn the simple science of reading glances, you can even read minds! So it’s unlikely that anyone will disagree with the fact that this skill will certainly come in handy, regardless of the situation: the non-verbal conversation of the eyes can be very eloquent and can tell a lot about our thoughts and feelings.

It’s easy to understand what thoughts a person is focused on. When we think about what we see, hear and feel, we recreate those sights, sounds and sensations within ourselves. That is, we experience the information again. Sometimes we are aware that we are doing this, sometimes we are not. But our gaze and the associated signals with our eyes are directly related to the veracity of the information that we say out loud.

Research in neuroscience has proven that the sequence of human eye movements reflects the strategy that he uses to extract any information. It was also found that these rules apply throughout the world (only residents of a small area in Spain showed a different oculomotor reaction).

"I see"

So, if a person uses visualization for thinking, then his eyes always rise to the upper corners. They won't always be there, but the likelihood that your gaze will slip there, even if only for a short time, is 100%.

The angle of view also speaks volumes. If the person sitting opposite you moves his gaze to the right, this means that the person is remembering some visual images, and if he moves to the left, then he is most likely dreaming. When looking at the left corner, a person constructs in his imagination an image that he has never seen.

This is very easy to check: ask, for example, whether the person has seen the sea. From where your gaze is directed, you will know whether he was on it or not. If he answered: “It was so great there,” and his eyes were in the left corner at that time, he is deceiving you (as well as himself). Smile and send him to the sea.

The imagination of visual images will produce a gaze directed straight ahead, but unfocused, “unseeing.”

"I hear"

A person who uses auditory (sound) messages for thinking acts in the same way, only his eyes go not to the corners, but to the sides. A glance directed to the left means constructing unfamiliar sounds; to the right, it speaks of remembering what was heard.

"I feel"

A downward gaze is very verbose! If a person from time to time turns his eyes to the lower right corner, this means that at this time he is talking about something to himself. The lower right side is an internal dialogue, also auditory (spoken).

If the eyes are directed to the lower left corner, this means an appeal to kinesthetic feelings (memories of tactile and motor sensations). Also related to this corner are thoughts about taste and smell.

Black hole pupil

Pupil size can also be a reliable signal in communication. Pupils can expand or contract not only in certain lighting conditions, it also depends on the person’s mood. If a person is joyfully excited and pleasantly surprised, his pupils dilate (open gaze). If a person is in a negative mood, irritated or angry, his pupils narrow to a minimum size (prickly look).

If a woman is in love with a man, then her pupils dilate when she looks at him, and he unmistakably recognizes this signal, without even realizing it.

The pupils of babies and young children dilate in the presence of adults, as children subconsciously strive to attract attention and look more attractive.

Duration of gaze

Why do we feel comfortable around some people and awkward around others? Why are some people ready to reveal all the secrets, while others seem untrustworthy to us? It all depends on how long they hold their gaze on us during the conversation.

If a person is dishonest or trying to hide important information, his gaze meets the other person's gaze less than one-third of the time of the conversation. If eye contact continues for more than two-thirds of the conversation, this can mean one of two things: either your interlocutor finds you a very interesting or attractive person (at the same time
his pupils will dilate), or he is hostile towards you (at the same time his pupils will narrow).

If one person likes another, he will look at him often and for a long time. In other words, in order to establish a good relationship, people's eyes must meet for 60-70 percent of the entire conversation.

A nervous, shy person whose gaze constantly darts and meets the gaze of the interlocutor for less than 30 percent of the time of the conversation inspires little trust.

If the person we are talking to lowers their eyelids, this does not always mean fatigue, boredom or indifference. But man eludes us. By this he can make it clear that the conversation is over.

Geography" view

The area of ​​another person's face or body on which you focus your gaze can significantly affect the outcome of a personal interaction.

When you are conducting business negotiations, focus your gaze on the bridge of your partner's nose - and you will give the impression of a serious, responsible and reliable person.

If your gaze does not fall below the eye level of the interlocutor, you will be able to keep the flow of the conversation under control.

When demonstrating something, we use a pen (pointer), followed by our gaze. If you no longer need the person to look in the same direction, raise the pen to the other person's eye level. If a person then raises his head and meets your gaze, it means he has learned everything you tell him.

When the interlocutor's gaze drops below eye level, a friendly atmosphere arises. During this type of informal communication, the gaze is usually located between the eyes and mouth of the interlocutor.

During intimate communication, the gaze can glide over the interlocutor’s face, focus on the lips, and drop to the chin and other parts of the body. Men and women use this look to show their interest in each other.

People who are either interested in us or are hostile look at us askance. This can be a signal of courtship (a friendly mood) or a signal of suspicion and criticism.

Serious people tend to select and weigh their words, control emotions and facial expressions, but a person is able to simultaneously monitor no more than two or three of all reactions born within. Thanks to such an “information leak” as a look, and if you have the appropriate knowledge and experience, it is possible to identify those feelings and aspirations that the interlocutor would prefer to hide.

The expression of the eyes is the key to a person's true thoughts. Paying attention to your interlocutor will allow you to find a common language much faster. And besides, it will increase your communication skills - and this is one of the main factors of a person’s success in life.

The eyes are called the mirror of the soul. By looking into them, we can understand a lot about a person and even find out what he is thinking about and what worries him. Do you think that only psychics and clairvoyants can read minds? You are deeply mistaken! Each of us can learn to read other people's thoughts, but this will require patience and observation. It’s probably not worth even talking about what you can get if you are aware of all the secret thoughts and experiences of any person. If you learn to read minds, then everything will be in your hands: power, success, money and love.

How to learn to read other people's thoughts?

There are many different exercises for developing the ability to read minds. All of them will undoubtedly help on the way to the goal. But, perhaps, before moving on to complex exercises, let's start with the simplest ones.

You can read people's thoughts in their eyes. To do this, you just need to take a close look at the movement of your interlocutor’s pupil during a conversation. The pupil will tell you what a person is thinking about at this moment, what worries him, and what he is afraid of.

If a person's pupils are focused on the upper left corner, this means that he is currently thinking about something visual. In other words, there is some image before his eyes that is important to him from a visual point of view. For example, if you ask a person what dress his second cousin wore to his brother's wedding, the person will raise his pupils to the left corner of his eyes, and a visual image of his grandmother will be visible in his memory.

When a person looks at the upper right corner, he fantasizes. This position of the pupils indicates that your interlocutor is dreaming and necessarily represents his dreams in visual images. So those who often have their head in the clouds can be easily identified.

When a person simply looks to the left, sound images flash through his thoughts. These could be the opinions of other people, words, thrown phrases. Your interlocutor may also recall information he heard from someone. For example, according to studies, students during exams often squint their eyes to the left when thinking about a question and even turn their heads in order to more accurately remember the information they heard in lectures.

If the interlocutor is looking to the right, this means that he is currently trying to find the right word. He probably feels awkward or simply doesn’t want to offend you in any way, which is why he tries so carefully to find the appropriate expression.

A gaze directed to the lower left corner indicates that the person is currently completely absorbed in his thoughts. Most likely, he is engaged in introspection or solving some difficult life problem.

If your opponent is looking at the lower right corner, this means that he is remembering the sensations he once experienced. At this moment, he does not see any images in his subconscious and does not hear any sounds, all his thought processes are occupied with only one thing - memories of the feeling he experienced.

As you can see, learning to read other people's thoughts is not that difficult. But this is only the beginning of understanding the skill, so if you seriously decide to develop your ability to extrasensory perception, a lot of interesting knowledge and information awaits you. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

04.03.2014 14:45

Eyes are the window to the soul, but what can eye color really tell us? Rely solely on color...

In order to find joy in life, get rid of problems and achieve success, you don’t need to put in...

Each of us dreamed of reading someone else's thoughts at least once in our lives, looking into their eyes. Psychologists have conducted many studies and experiments and still achieved small results on the path to the truth.


1. How to decipher a look

  • While thinking, a person involuntarily begins to move his eyes. The trajectory of the gaze often changes and directly depends on the direction of thoughts. If during a conversation your interlocutor does not look you in the eye, and his gaze seems to avoid yours, most likely, the conversation is of little interest to him. But a close look indicates interest; this conversation is very important for him.
  • You can tell that a person is worried about something by the so-called shifting eyes: the person looks into your eyes, but quickly looks away, the contact lasts a very short time.
  • An embarrassed person simply lowers his eyes, which may also indicate that the interlocutor does not particularly want to talk.
  • Rolling your eyes upward indicates that your interlocutor is very irritated.
  • Eyes raised upward and immediately to the right indicate that the person is remembering something, recreating a certain picture subconsciously. If he moves to the left, he is clearly trying to embellish something.
  • If during a conversation he looks away to the right, it means he is simply trying to remember something. To the left - remembers the sound rather than the picture.
  • If he looked down and then to the right, it means the person is thinking about what to say. Down and to the left - he thinks about what he experienced in the next few hours of his life, most likely some kind of impression.

Of course, these signs still won’t help you read the thoughts of another person thoroughly, but you can still easily catch the important points. And then, left-handers do everything the other way around, so if you don’t know whether the person you’re talking to is right-handed or left-handed, these signs are practically useless. Otherwise, you will misinterpret his feelings and thoughts.

Jack Frog/shutterstock

2. Exposing lies

Surely you have often wanted to know whether a loved one is telling the truth or mercilessly lying. So, you can try to find out by his or her gaze. There is one tricky trick for this. First, ask the person you want to test a question to which you know the exact answer.

If he looks up and to the right, it means that at that moment he is about to answer the truth. If it goes up and then to the left, it means he is going to lie. This will also be visible from your facial expression. Usually in this situation, fear and confusion are clearly written on the face.

3. Exercises to train your ability to read minds

Do you know that psychologists have created a method by which you can put yourself in a state where it seems as if you hear other people’s thoughts. Of course, for this to happen, you sometimes need to have many years of experience, as well as practice and constant training.

Here's what you need for this:

You will definitely need an assistant for training. When you find one, sit him directly opposite you. Then ask them to alternately think about the good and then the bad. At the moment when he strains his thoughts, try to feel how he was thinking, positive or negative.

Practice finding objects. Ask questions while searching. Just let your partner not answer out loud, but think to himself. Your task will be to try to read the answer from the expression on his face. This, of course, is not given to everyone, so you will have to work hard before you really succeed.

The assistant looks at any picture that you shouldn't see. You will need a piece of paper and a pencil. Looking at the expression on your friend's face, draw what happens. The most important thing is to turn off your head and turn on your subconscious, that is, try not to think, and let your hand draw the pictures itself. When you're done, compare the pictures, most likely there will be matches.


By constantly practicing these three exercises, you can undoubtedly achieve amazing results. But not everything you can “hear” will be to your taste. Therefore, before you start studying, think a hundred times whether this is so important for you. Good luck!

Our eyes usually follow our thoughts, and sometimes, just by looking into our eyes, other people can understand what we are thinking about. Would you agree that reading another person's thoughts through their eyes is a very useful skill? Thereby everyone can understand if they are being deceived or determine whether your interlocutor is interested in what you are telling him about. Poker players master this useful skill perfectly.

"Eyes to eyes". Such contact with the interlocutor indicates that he is very interested in talking with you. Prolonged eye contact may indicate that the person is scared and/or does not trust you. Brief eye contact- the person is worried and/or not interested in talking to you. A complete lack of eye contact indicates the complete indifference of your interlocutor to your conversation.

Man looking up. Eyes raised upward are a sign of contempt, sarcasm, or irritation directed at you. In most cases, such a “gesture” means a manifestation of condescension.

If a person looks in the upper right corner, he visually represents the picture stored in memory. Ask someone to describe the appearance of a person, and your interlocutor will certainly raise his eyes up and look to the right.

If a person averts his eyes to the top left corner, this indicates that he is clearly trying to imagine something. When we try to use our imagination to visually “draw” some picture, we raise our eyes up and look to the left.

If your interlocutor is looking right, this means that he is trying to remember something. Try asking someone to remember the melody of a song, and the person will definitely glance to the right.

Depending left, people come up with sounds. When a person imagines a sound or composes a new melody, he looks to the left. Ask someone to imagine the sound of a car horn underwater, and they will certainly look to the left.

If your interlocutor lowers his eyes and looks to the right, this person conducts a so-called “internal” dialogue with himself. The person you're talking to may be thinking about something you said, or they may be thinking about what to tell you next.

If a man lowers his eyes down and looks to the left, he thinks about his impression received from something. Ask your interlocutor how he feels on his birthday, and before answering you, the person will lower his eyes and look to the left.

Downcast eyes, we show that we do not feel very comfortable or even embarrassed. Often, if a person is shy or does not want to talk, he lowers his eyes. In Asian culture, not looking a person in the eye and looking down when talking is the norm.

These “rules” are generally followed by all of us. But lefties do the opposite t: right-handers look to the right, left-handers to the left, and vice versa.

How can you tell if someone is lying to you?

There is no absolutely correct algorithm by which you can determine whether your interlocutor is lying or not. The best option is to ask a basic question, such as “what color is your car?” If a person raises his eyes and looks to the right (or left, if he is left-handed), then he can be trusted. Thus, in the future you can understand whether you are being deceived or not.

For example, while telling you about something that happened in class, your friend looks to the right; When talking about his holidays, he constantly looks up and glances to the right. Most likely, everything he said is true. But when he tells you about the beautiful girl he met the other day, and his eyes are directed to the upper left corner, you can conclude that he is clearly “embellishing.”

By learning to control his gaze, a person can force others to trust him unconditionally. (How can you lie while looking a person straight in the eyes?)

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