Children's drawings of hedgehogs. Master class “Drawing a hedgehog with preschoolers

The hedgehog is a cute, funny animal. Slow, prickly and clumsy. Both children and adults love him. Hedgehogs belong to a special family of insectivorous mammals. These animals live alone and in pairs. The hedgehog is a small animal. The length of its oval body is about 30 cm. Hedgehogs are predominantly nocturnal. During the day they sleep in nests, which they make in bushes, holes or tree roots. At the slightest danger, the hedgehog curls up into a ball with prickly needles sticking out. He sleeps in the same position. Children often ask about how to draw a hedgehog. Knowing certain techniques, this is not difficult to do.

Let's prepare a sheet of paper, a sharp pencil and an eraser. Taking advantage short descriptions, we learn this step by step.

1. First we make the first contours of the hedgehog’s body and head. The larger oval is the body, and the smaller oval is the head. The lines should be light so that the drawing can be adjusted if necessary.

2. The second stage is the most important, since you need to draw a hedgehog in such a way that two ovals form a muzzle with a sharp nose and four legs. We outline the location of the eye.

3. Now we connect two ovals, outlining them with a smooth outline. We draw ears. They must be in different angles. Shade the tip of the nose and eyes. Leave a white highlight in the middle of the eye. This gives life to the image.

4. The hedgehog became like himself. We remove all unnecessary strokes, leaving only the necessary contours. We mark the boundary between the lower part of the body - the abdomen - and the upper part, covered with needles.

5. How to draw a hedgehog without its spines looking like those of a porcupine? To do this, we make them not long, but in a herringbone pattern, as in the picture. Don't forget about the border of the lower body. We leave it unshaded. One more point: the porcupine’s spines stick out vertically. In a hedgehog they are located at a slight angle.

6. By following the given instructions, you will understand how to draw a hedgehog with a pencil. We used simple graphite pencil. At the final stage, the drawing can be colored with colored pencils, gouache or watercolors. Or you can leave the black and white version. Before coloring, you need to determine the colors you will work with: white belly, brown muzzle, gray needles. Make sure that the paint does not extend beyond the outline of the drawing, otherwise it will be blurry and unclear.

Hedgehogs are often depicted in pictures in children's books. They are the main characters in cartoons and children's stories. How to draw a hedgehog so as to make it a bright hero of the plot, and children junior classes or kindergarten Could you make up a story based on this picture? To do this, you can depict the animal on

This forest dweller very easy to draw. This funny little animal will definitely please the eyes of your family and friends. Check out simple instructions for drawing a hedgehog, at the same time several interesting facts you'll find out.

1. Draw an oblong horizontal oval with a pointed, raised tip on one side. This is the future face of the animal.

2. Mark the tip of the nose with a black circle, but do not paint it completely. A small white reflection will add realism to the picture. Also, with a reflection, draw an eye for the hedgehog, then a smile, add an ear and four paws.

3. Now draw one uniform row needles around the hedgehog's body.

All hedgehogs have tails, although they are not shown in the pictures. Tail length - total 3 cm and under the needles it is not at all noticeable.

4. Add a few more rows of needles to completely cover the hedgehog’s body. The more prickly needles there are, the more voluminous the hedgehog will be. The needles can be dark, or you can add a few light touches to them.

5. Color the forest dweller. The body and muzzle will be brown, the paws will be gray, and the nose will remain black. The hedgehog is ready!

You can draw such a hedgehog.

Paradox! How often on the pages of books do we see a hedgehog carrying an apple or a pear on its needles, and we can’t help but imagine how in winter he feeds on these simple supplies. However, in reality, hedgehogs eat insects, frogs, worms, and they don't need fruit for the winter- after all, in winter they... sleep.

Dear friend! I hope drawing a hedgehog will bring you pleasure and pleasant emotions. Good luck!

Little artists always start their creative path since creation simple drawings, sketches. And it is so important to pay a lot of attention to children at such a tender age.

You need to engage, play and learn with your children. Do not forget that children are interested not only in exact sciences and reading. It is necessary to develop them Creative skills, encourage interest in music, drawing, sports, theater, etc. When the child goes to school, it will be easier for him to perform on stage, he himself will show a desire to participate in competitions and olympiads.

The role of parents in the development of a child is simply invaluable. Read books, watch various programs that will help you find mutual language with children, understand them and give them a ticket to a bright future. In the meantime, start small - draw with your kids. In this article you will learn how to draw a hedgehog with your child.

What is useful for drawing

First, decide what you will draw with - pencils or paints. If you choose paints, then gouache or watercolor is suitable for children.

Gouache is dense and bright paint, the colors are usually very pigmented, making the designs colorful. The paint can last quite a long time; over time it will not lose its saturation. If you do not use gouache for a long time, then it may dry out. This does not spoil it; just add a little water to the jar and leave for five to ten minutes. After some time, the paint will become wet and you can paint again.

Watercolor is a translucent paint. It is used not only by children, but also by professionals in their work. The drawings are not as bright as with gouache, but the transitions from one color to another will be smooth.

Pencils and felt-tip pens will be easier for small children to use, and after drawing, you won’t have to wash the child and furniture off the paints.

The most bright pencils- acrylic. They are quite soft, so the drawings are bright, and children do not have to squeeze the pencil with much force to draw something.

So, if you are wondering how to draw a hedgehog, then stock up on watercolor paper, paints, felt-tip pens or pencils. If everything is ready, get to work.

How to draw a hedgehog with a pencil

Take a simple pencil medium hard and an eraser. Place the sheet of paper with the larger side facing you. Draw an oval - the future body of the hedgehog. Do not press too hard on the pencil, draw with strokes and smooth lines.

Draw a triangle on the side that will become the face of the hedgehog. At the end draw a nose. Below, next to the large oval, draw two small ones. Let your child draw the hedgehog's needles, he will definitely like it, he will feel like a real artist.

Color the hedgehog. Draw his eyes, ears, mouth. Now you know how to draw a hedgehog with a pencil simply and quickly. Draw the hedgehog's needles with black, gray and brown colors.

How to draw a hedgehog with an apple using paints

To begin, draw an oval, as in the previous version. Draw a circle on top, which will later become an apple. Draw the face and nose of the hedgehog, his paws. When the outline is drawn, you can start decorating with paints.

Start with an apple. Give it shape, add shadow and shine to the fruit. Then decorate the paws and face. Finally, take care of the needles. Don't forget to add a shadow under the hedgehog. Paint with one color first, such as brown. Let it dry well, and only then can you paint it with a different color over the first one. This must be done so that the colors do not mix and the lines remain smooth.

Drawing trick for beginners

If you are still wondering how to draw a hedgehog step by step with a child, then you can resort to a little trick. Buy or print a coloring book with a hedgehog. Place a blank sheet of paper under the coloring book and trace the outline. Apply a little more pressure than usual on the pencil.

As a result, on clean slate an almost invisible contour is formed. You don’t even have to trace it, but just start coloring it right away.

Drawing of a hedgehog from different angles

If you don’t know how to draw a hedgehog with a pencil step by step, not only from the side, but also lying down, from above, then take another piece of paper and read on.

No matter how you want to draw a hedgehog, its creation begins with an oval. If you draw it lying down, then draw the paws on the oval, and the needles - right along the contour of the oval.

Draw the face as if it is looking at you. The hedgehog should have several thin spines on its belly. Do not press too hard on the pencil, or take a pencil with a hard lead and draw a few strokes on the stomach.

How to teach a child to draw a hedgehog

First, draw the hedgehog yourself, and then show your child how you did it. If the baby is having a hard time, then help him. You can draw the outline of the animal in advance, and then paint it together. Or make blanks with ovals, onto which the child will independently apply the remaining details and draw needles. Over time, he will know how to draw a hedgehog with a pencil step by step, will add his own details, develop attention and creativity. After all, drawing is great way for teaching children not only painting, but also other sciences and activities. For example, during creative process you can sing, learn poetry, multiplication tables, etc.

Now you have learned how to draw a hedgehog with pencil and paints. Teach your child such a cute and simple drawing, and he will be delighted. By studying with your children, you will not only teach them, but also learn a lot of new things for yourself. Your child will know how to draw a hedgehog. For children, this is not just a picture, but a whole work of art. Don't forget to praise your child at the end and tell him how well he did. Be attentive to your children, help them. Learning should take place in the form of a game, then the material will be better absorbed and retained in memory longer. Therefore, while drawing, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to tell your child about the animal you are drawing, what it eats and where it lives, and teach your child the colors of pencils and the names of the shapes.

Photos, pictures and drawings of adorable hedgehogs for children. His appearance is different from appearance other animals, and their harmless disposition evokes sympathy. Kids love to watch how the hedgehog carries berries or berries - this makes him look like a person busy preparing supplies.

And one more remarkable property of a hedgehog’s appearance: it’s easy to draw even for children younger age. Characteristics appearance (elongated muzzle, needles) make it recognizable, so the baby will be pleased with the result.

To make it look beautiful children's drawing, the hedgehog should be well studied. Therefore, the first thing we do is show the children photographs of hedgehogs and talk about their lifestyle. Children are very surprised by the fact that hedgehogs actually do not like to eat berries and mushrooms, but prefer meat food - just like tigers, wolves and foxes.

We smoothly move from a natural image of a hedgehog to a stylized one. We show drawings of other children made in various techniques- colored pencils, with a simple pencil and paints. We pay attention to the characteristic details of the drawing.

The coloring will also come in handy in this case; the hedgehog is drawn very clearly on it, and its contours are easy to repeat. For younger children, working with coloring will be an excellent alternative drawing. For those who will create their own own image hedgehog, let’s talk about its main details again:

  • needles;
  • pointed, light muzzle and light belly;
  • triangular, but rounded at the ends of the ears;
  • beady eyes;
  • short legs.

Before starting work, you can sketch out the silhouette of a hedgehog’s body in the form of an oval with a simple pencil, distribute the paws and make a few strokes to indicate the muzzle.

It’s not far from the drawing of a hedgehog. It turns out colorful because you can stick various bright objects on the hedgehog’s needles and next to it - autumn leaves, mushrooms, berries.

An application can be created in two ways.

  1. If the child is still very small, prepare templates from colored paper in advance: the body, face and paws of a hedgehog, grass and autumn “gifts” - mushrooms, berries, leaves. The child will only have to stick them on the album sheet.
  2. For older children, we complicate the work: we prepare all the above templates from white thick paper and ask them to trace them onto colored sheets, cut them out and glue them on. Here the child has the opportunity to show his taste by choosing different colors of paper for the picture.

Be sure to hang it in a conspicuous place; It’s good if you have a special corner at home for display creative works. It can be done by attaching a sheet of ceiling tiles to the wall, on which it is easy to fix various objects.

But still, the main thing is the wave of positive emotions that the child will experience during the work process. Such moments will remain in his memory for a long time.

At first it may seem that drawing a hedgehog is quite difficult for beginners. However, such thoughts come when looking at his prickly coat with many needles. But this is not true at all! They are drawn very easily and simply.

Necessary materials:

  • black marker;
  • a simple pencil;
  • paper;
  • eraser;
  • colored pencils in yellow, black and brown tones.

Drawing steps:

1. Let’s draw the body of the hedgehog in the form of an oval. Such simple figure may seem quite simple, but thanks to it you can draw a lot of different drawings.

2. Now let's add s right side muzzle in the form of an elongated triangle.

3. Below, under the oval, draw the paws. They will be in the form of two small ovals. Of course, the hedgehog has not two, but four. But on cartoon drawing It will be enough to depict just one pair for the hedgehog in the profile.

4. Then draw a small circle on the right side of the body closer to the muzzle. This will be the ear. It should not be very small or large.

5. Use an eraser to erase part of this circle and form a shape in the form of an elongated letter “c”. We will also erase the auxiliary lines between the body and the muzzle. Let's draw the eye in the form of a tiny circle. The tip of the nose on the muzzle will be the same size (and even larger). Let's not forget about the paws, on which the primary lines should also be wiped.

6. Now partially trace the pencil lines step-by-step drawing hedgehog with a black marker. In the area of ​​the body where there are prickly needles, lines need not be made. Instead, hand-draw many short lines, which will serve as needles for him.

7. We begin to decorate the hedgehog with a yellow pencil. We will use it even in those places where there are needles, because this will be the base color both for the hedgehog’s body and for the face and paws.

8. Now you can take a brown pencil and tone the body and muzzle to a certain shade. At the bottom of the muzzle, you should increase the pressure of the pencil, as well as on the tops of the paws.

This is our fine arts ended. Let this drawing please everyone who looks at it.

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