Equalization. Alternating vowels in the roots of words Maintain alignment in rows and make uniform movement



Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary.

D.N. Ushakov.:


    Synonyms See what “EQUALITY” is in other dictionaries:

    Equalization, equalization, alignment Dictionary of Russian synonyms. alignment noun, number of synonyms: 3 alignment (29) ... Synonym dictionary

    See equal. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary Wed. 1. process of action according to ch. equal, equal 2. The result of such an action. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern


    Russian language Efremova Equalization, equalization, equalization, equalization, equalization, equalization, equalization, equalization, equalization, equalization, equalization, equalization (Source: “Complete accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”) ... Forms of words alignment

    - (2 s), Ex. about equality... Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

    Russian language Efremova See Equal... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Russian language Efremova- see equal; I; Wed... Dictionary of many expressions

    - equal/en/e [y/e] (from equal/i/t/xia) ...

    Morphemic-spelling dictionary Compliance with distances, distances and heights specified by the charter and maintaining formation lines. Samoilov K.I. Marine dictionary. M. L.: State Naval Publishing House of the NKVMF of the USSR, 1941 ... Marine Dictionary

It happens: along the front (people’s chests on the same line, shoulders in front) and in rows (at the back of each other’s heads). The deployed company aligns itself in the middle, in columns, i.e., on one of the flanks, which is executed on the command: align...

  • Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron
  • Books

Alignment with Sofula

Alignment with Sofula, Gulya Reef. Thirteen-year-old Sofula is an ordinary village girl. She loves to ride a horse, play football with the boys, read and is not shy about telling everyone to their face what she thinks about them.…

Alternation of vowels in the roots of words.

There are relatively few roots with alternating and difficult-to-write vowels in the Russian language. In order to avoid making mistakes in the spelling of unstressed vowels when writing in these cases, you need to know the rules.

dar-der- and the like, where and alternates with e, is written only when the root is followed by a suffix -A-: collect - I will collect, lock - lock, die - die, lay - lay, tear apart - tear apart.

The spelling of roots is based on the same rule, in which -and I-) alternates with - them- or - in-, for example: squeeze - squeeze, crush - crush, start - start, remove - remove; -im- or -in- are written in these roots when they are followed by the suffix -a-.

You need to remember the spelling of words combine, combination.

check yourself

Exercise 1. Rewrite by inserting the missing letters. Orally indicate the type of verbs. Underline alternating vowels with one line, suffix - A- two.

I'll clean the room - I'll clean the room, unlock the lock - unlock the lock, freeze with delight - freeze with delight, grind the sugar in a mortar - melt... .to eat sugar in a mortar, to... run away without looking back - to... run away without looking back, to kindle... a fire - to kindle... a fire, to subtract one number from another - subtract... there is one number from another, shake hands - shake hands, curse someone - curse someone, take a position - take a position.

Alternation a - o.

1 .In the roots lag- - false- And kas- - kos- letter A written if for

the root should be the suffix -a-: believe - put (exception: canopy), touch - touch.

2 .Fundamentally floating - pilaf- letter A written in all cases except

words swimmer, swimmer, for example: fin, floating. The word quicksand is written with the letter s.

3 .Root poppy- written when talking about immersing something in liquid: dip (bread in milk); dip (pen in ink); root mok- written in words with the meaning “to let liquid through”, “to become wet”: boots get wet, waterproof raincoat, blotting paper.

check yourself

Exercise 2. Rewrite the words and phrases by inserting the missing letters. Explain the spelling. Make sentences using the highlighted words (orally).

To expound, to expound, to assume, to assume, to touch, to touch, to assume, supposed, contiguous. ..to sit, to lay...to, to...set, adjective, decomposition, to decompose; swimmers, float...wok, melt...float, float...float, float...float, float...float; the shoes get wet, soak the brush in the paint, a good rinse, a waterproof coat, wash it out in the rain.

4 . In the roots clan- -clone-, creature- -creation- may be under stress

and a, and o, without emphasis - only o, for example: bow, bow, inclination; creature, creativity, creation. Exception: utensils.

Fundamentally gar-gor- in an unstressed position it also usually happens about

(emphasis - A), for example: tan - sunbathing, tanned, tan. Exception: fumes.

5 . In contrast to the roots discussed in paragraph 4, at the root zar

zor- in an unstressed position it is written a (under stress there is both a and o), for example: dawn, lightning, illuminated, but dawn, glow.

6 . It is necessary to remember the spelling of words with roots jump-(jump-) - jump-, for example: jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, upstart, jump.

7 . The root equal- is predominantly written in words that are related in meaning to “equal” (“identical”), for example, uniform, equivalent, compare, anyway, as well as in the words equal, equal, equal, equal, plain; the root roen is mainly written in words related in meaning to “even” (“smooth”, “straight”), for example: level, (paths), level (pit), level (flower beds), level, level.

8 . Fundamentally grow- -grew- vowel a without stress is written only before

consonants st and sh; before s without a subsequent t it is written about, for example: age, growth, but grew.

Exception: industry, rostok, usurer, Rostov, Rostislav, as well as derivatives from them, for example: industry, rostok, usurious, Rostov, etc.

check yourself

Exercise 3. Rewrite, inserting the missing letters, and explain their spelling.

Maintain zeal in the ranks, commit uniform motion, clear out the beds, compare two numbers, incomparable values, trim the lilac bushes, increase the level of production, look up to the leaders, solve the equation, a successful comparison, take in a ditch, a magnificent plain; lush...spruce, grow...in breadth and depth, improper fusion of bones, over...become grass, swamp...frozen with moss, a new branch of industry, people... .stealer of strength, disgusting loan shark.

Russian traveler and scientist Nikolai Mikhailovich Przhevalsky...

Tremendous effort and strength were required from him by thousands of miles of treks across waterless rocky deserts, (single) dizzying mountain steeps, (single) high plateaus, (adv.) over which rage hurricanes. And here what was needed was not only physical endurance, (one) but also extraordinary fortitude, (one) ardent love for the Motherland, (one) for the chosen cause. All these qualities did not arise unexpectedly, (obv.) suddenly.

From childhood, Przhevalsky loved hunting, (s.s.) and she developed in him a love of nature, (s.ch.) observation, (s.ch.) patience. Since childhood, his inseparable friends were books, (s.s.) and they helped him accumulate a large stock of knowledge. Since childhood, he dreamed of traveling and that's it free time spent in zoological museum, (od.h.) botanical garden, (adv.pr.) to be fully armed with science.

I warmly advise young people to read the fascinating books of N.M. Przhevalsky and, at least mentally (vv.sl.), repeat his great travels. But we must remember that (adj.) that N.M. Przhevalsky lived in a different time, in different conditions. Modern young man, (prob.) preparing to devote his life to creative work for the benefit of the Motherland at a factory, (s.h.) on a collective farm, (s.h.) in scientific laboratory, you need to acquire a lot of qualities (adv.) that people of the past did not possess. (Published

cistic style.)

Thousand miles, highest, endurance, fascinating. II. Nest for the word ready: ready – ready – ready – go-

preparedness - prepare - cooking - prepare - procurement - StudyPort procurer - procuring. Nest for the word neighbor: neighbor. –ru neighbor-

ness – neighboring – neighbor – good neighborliness.

No. 77. To develop (development) over many years - to flutter in the wind (to wane); caress (caress) a kitten - rinse (rinse) linen, European enlightenment (sve´t) - dedication (sacred) to

pioneers, valley (do´l) of death - distant (da´l) land, belittle (small) meaning - beg (beg) for protection, flowers fade (wither)

See (view) the beast, reconciliation (world) of the parties - another dimension (measure), chop (co´l) nuts - heat up (glow) the needle.

No. 78. I. Measure (me´ra) the area, reconcile (mi´r) quarreling guys, thin out (rarely) the carrots in the garden, load (charge) the gun, chop (split) firewood, heat ( heat (heat) iron, weed (field) ridges, scorch (ignite) a goose, shine (light) with a lantern, dedicate (sacred) a poem to a friend, go down to the valley (dol), be far away ( yes), beg (beg) for help, belittle (little)

someone’s dignity, will consolidate (strong) successes, grind (grind) teeth in pain, pay (payment) a debt, unite (dense) in the name of a common cause.

II. To be an old-timer (old), i.e. for a long time (ancient) to live in any area, guard (guard) a vegetable garden, wear fastened (fasten) collars (collars), fastened (traction) horses, seal (tight), pay ( pay) money on the account, milk (do´it) a cow, harbor (secret) a grudge.

No. 79. Realize guilt - realize guilt, dress your younger brother - dress your younger brother, put on a suit - put on a suit, sing a song loudly - sing a song loudly, wash down the medicine with water

Wash down the medicine with water, warm the kettle - warm the kettle, defeat the enemy - defeat the enemy, publish books - publish books, create an abundance of products - create an abundance of products, recognize merit - recognize merit, get up early - get up early, part with friends - part with friends.

No. 80. I. 1) Janitors swept away the branches of juniper and spruce into green heaps. 2) Already from the last station he felt a secret anxiety, but then simply confusion took possession of him. 3) The rebels were apparently preparing for action. Soon bullets began whistling near our ears. 4) A midge hung like a muslin curtain in the meadow. 5) The wind howled, the shutters shook and knocked. 6) There was a humming and crackling sound in the smoke, red ribbons were hanging writhing from the roof, and the wall had already turned into a red-hot grate. 7) The warm air trembled from the fumes that filled it. 8) The incident of this evening made a rather deep impression on me and irritated my nerves.

9) Telegin sat at the carriage window, inhaling the thick smell of September. StudyPort 10) Streams flowed lazily everywhere, the earth was choked. neru was able to absorb more moisture. 11) The silence of the forest was filled with the sounds of

II. 1) Simplicity is the main condition for moral beauty. 2) The farm was shaken by events. 3) The clear blue surface of the lake, like delicate, glossy silk, enchanted the eye. 4) My garden is withering every day. 5) Everything predicted rain. 6) Kedrovsky usually devoted his morning hours to reading. 7) Zuev lit an electric flashlight and shone it. 8) Cutting through the darkness, a rocket soared into the sky like a golden ribbon. 9) The cloudy day was running out. 10) Los and Gusev unbuttoned their sheepskin coats. 11) The stroller, its wheels creaking in the wet snow, stopped. 12) Nikolai went to the Polytechnic Institute against his will, reluctantly.

No. 81. A va nturist, a rgument, ba grove, ba mud, balcony, wind, vitri'na, galleries, garnizo'n, de ka´da, di va´n,e fre´ito r, zha ke´t, zha rgo´n, zhi´t, zamak´tovka, western, wait for the crown, irony, iodine , cano na´da,

composition, climax nation, lacquer, laconic, la chug, manifesto, installation, moral, nigi lizm, nigi leaf, but tarius, about kkupa'nt, order n, order r, pasa'dnik, polyclinic, for the sake of heat, relic, sa nita'r, si lue't, that la´nt, then rejoice, believ´rty´ra, universal, university´t, fa sa´d, feoda li´zm, for mer´na, ha la´t, hijina, tse me´nt, qi lin´ndr, che fashion´n, che ho´l, sha blo´n, stamp, shche´t, encyclopedia, episode, epi log, Yubi Le´y, Yuve Li´r, Ya´benichat, Yarma Rka.

A garrison of soldiers, a laconic answer, a party manifesto, a family heirloom.

No. 82. Theory - te theoretic, te theoretic, te theoretic; propaganda - propagandist, propagandize, propaganda; agitator - to agitate, agitation; tradition - traditional, tradition; pessi mism - pessi mystical, pessi myst; optimism - mystical optimist, optimist; sentimentalism - sentimental, sentimentalist, sentimentality.

No. 83. Uve rture - musical introduction. An aphorism is an apt short saying. Conflict is a clash of opposing views. Fantasy - creative imagination. An antagonist is an irreconcilable opponent. Pa not girik - immoderate praise. Rhetoric is eloquence. And to fruit is to applaud. Intelligent - educated, cultured. Masterpiece - outstanding work art.

No. 84. And not kdot - not kdotic, not kdotic. Ba growy - ba grow. And ronia - and rhonic, and ronize. Isti na - true. Slander - slander. Harmony - disharmony, harmonic. Tricky - treacherous. Velvet - velvet. Cloud -

cloudy. Wait for the crown - wait for the crown. What a prize - what a prize, what a prize - StudyPort. Capi tulation - capi tulate. Stipend. -ru student scholarship. Sense of smell - olfactory glass

Hundred. Genuine - original.

A daring slander, an insidious opponent, Ivanov's dependent, a high stipend, devoid of charm, a true masterpiece.

No. 85. And logic is a form of inference when, based on the similarity of two objects in some respect, a conclusion is made about their similarity in other respects.

And romat is a fragrant, pleasant smell. Intelligence - mind, thinking ability.

Intelligent - a person belonging to the intelligentsia; cultured, educated person.

Contrast is a sharp contrast. Laconic - short, laconic.

Pa mflet - topical spicy, usually small piece accusatory, often political in nature.

Pa patriot is a person imbued with patriotism. Tendency - direction of development, inclination. Tiran is an oppressor, tormentor, despot.

No. 86. Vladimir Andreevich was approaching the station from which he was supposed to turn onto Kistenevka. His heart was filled with the saddest forebodings, he was afraid of not finding his father alive...

Arriving at the station, he went into the caretaker's office and asked for free horses. The caretaker inquired where he needed to go and announced that the horses sent from Kistenevka had been waiting for him for the fourth day. Soon the old coachman Anton, who once drove him around the stable and looked after his little horse, came to Vladimir Andreevich. Anton shed tears when he saw him, bowed to the ground, told him that his old master was still alive, and ran to harness the horses. Vladimir Andreevich refused proposed breakfast and hurried to leave. Anton took him along country roads, and a conversation began between them.

No. 87. I clean the room - I’ll clean the room, unlock the lock - unlock the lock, freeze with delight - freeze with delight, grind sugar in a mortar - grow grind sugar in a mortar, runs away without looking back - will run away without looks around, light a fire - light a fire, subtract one number from another - subtract one number from another, shake hands - shake hands, curse someone - curse someone -

something, take a position - take a position.

No. 88. 1) When we passed the rise, a wide, flat pro-StudyPort opened up a journey through which huge stone stones protruded everywhere. ru blocks.

2) Now I began to understand the matter differently. 3) Bookshelves occupy the entire wall. 4) He reads everything out loud in French while locking himself 5) The box is locked automatically. 6) With the most intense attention and tenderness, Sofya Nikolaevna looked after her sick father 7) The sun was shining, the steppe was sighing, the grass was shining in the diamonds of the rain. 8) It was a sunny, hot day. 9) “Waterfall” was one of Derzhavin’s most brilliant creations. 10) For a long time Girey combined all his thoughts, all his desires with mine. 11) He checked Vanya’s addition and subtraction and found two errors. 12) I admired the picture spread out before my eyes for a long time. 13) Fog slowly rises from the field and covers everything visible to the eye with a matte veil. 14) It was quiet, the smoke all fell into the ravine and covered everything.

No. 89. State, set forth, assume, assume, touch, touch, assumption, supposed, touch,

impose, lay, adjective, decompose, decompose, swimmers, float, melt, smelt, buoyancy, melt down, shoes get wet, dip a brush in paint, a good blotter, waterproof coat, get wet in the rain.

No. 90. 1) Our affairs turned out brilliantly. 2) This book is given as an appendix. 3) A fine is imposed for violating traffic rules. 4) They laid her down and she fell into a sleep mode. 5) The horse barely touched the ground. 6) The stove is so hot that you can’t touch it. 7) Iron smelting continues continuously. 8) Both the feeder and the swimmer died. 9) Pouring rain soaked me to the last thread. 10) Oblomov took the pen and dipped it into the inkwell, but there was no ink. 11) The floor is laid out with colored tiles. 12) The theater season is expected to end by June 15. 13) I can rely on you. 14) Early winter night covered the village with a dark canopy.

No. 91. I. Bending over the stream, bending over the water, bowing the head, bending over the drawing, bowing before someone, kneeling, leaning to the side; close the gate, close the door, wonderful creation, dissolve the window, dissolve the gate, insoluble substances, metal solvent, household utensils; get a good tan, sunbathe on the seashore, slowly burn, burn to the ground, internal combustion engine, tanned young man, burnt out fire; illuminated with flame, illuminated by the sun, illuminated by the moon, bright lightning, morning glow.

II. Jump along the road, jump over an obstacle, gallop

StudyPort with joy, jump out into the street, gallop to the village. , small jump, arrogant jump, jump on the move, stop at

gallop, steppe horses, gallop to the commander.

No. 92. 1) In the entryway there was a rug on the floor; all doors were locked. 2) Luchkov never mentioned Kister’s name to others. 3) Masha, without opening the hoop, lightly pressed her chest against it and supported her head with her hands. 4) The dawn glowed brightly and magnificently. A flat and wide meadow spread out in front of the birch grove. Masha decided to play burners. 5) She bent down and picked up the flower. 6) Five days later, Luchkov himself suggested that Kister go to Perekatov. 7) Kister’s presence relieved her and made her feel cheerful, although it did not make her happy or worry: Masha could chat with him for hours, leaning on his hand. 8) Isn’t that why Luchkov’s confession struck him [Kister] so unpleasantly because it concerned Masha? 9) The glances quietly flared up and quickly went out. 10) “Did you want to see me?” - her voice froze. 11) He [Luchkov] bowed and left.

No. 93. 1) A light wind silently moved the red, burnt grass. 2) The lamp shines a little, burns out. 3) The sun was setting. 4) Sulfuric acid is a solvent for many metals.

5) The birch tree in my ancient garden bent its green branches towards the pond.

6) Lyudmila lies in his arms, fresh as the spring dawn, with her calm face resting on the hero’s shoulder. 7) When the conversation touched on actions she liked, her black eyes lit up with a joyful sparkle and her cheeks lit up with an even more flaming blush. 8) In the impenetrable clouds, unprecedented lightning appeared, illuminating the gray plain.

9) The will and labor of man create marvelous wonders. 10) The window in the planked mansion will instantly dissolve. 11) On country roads I like to ride in a cart. 12) The hare jumped out of the forest and ran across the field. 13) Kazbich pushed the horse, and it jumped to the side. 14) The Cossack regiment flies on horses. 15) The scythe hit a stone.

No. 94. Maintain alignment in the rows, uniform movement, level the beds, compare two numbers, incomparable values, trim the lilac bushes, increase the level of production, be equal to the leaders, solve the equation, a successful comparison, level the ditch, a magnificent plain; lush growth, grow wider and deeper, improper bone fusion, overgrown with grass, swamp overgrown with moss, new industry, increase strength, disgusting moneylender.

No. 95. 1) We are growing from year to year. 2) A writer should not have indifference, calm, or satisfaction - eternal anxiety.

3) Above the wide water plain they rise and solemnly shine high mountains. 4) Having reached the low door, he stopped in thought. 5) The bakery was located in the basement, its three windows were below

ground level. 6) If you don’t take care of the overgrowth, you won’t even see the tree. 7) Lake StudyPort is almost a mile overgrown with reeds. 8) Black algae.ru crunchy

under your feet. 9) It began to get light, houses No. 96 rose out of the darkness. 1) The glory of Kutuzov is inextricably linked with the glory of Russia.

2) Bless, poet... In the silence of the Parnassian canopy, I bowed my knees before the muses with trepidation. 3) I began to write hunting stories glorifying the joy of life. 4) The hyacinths emitted a strong smell in the small room. 5) The charm (charm) of the dream has not yet dissipated. 6) Martyanov sat motionless, like a sculpture (statue). 7) The match burned out, burning Yakov Lukich’s fingers. 8) The dew-varnished rails shone. 9) The device was racing tangentially against the rotation of the Earth. 10) Roshchin jumped out of the saddle while galloping. 11) The light roof of the greenhouse (greenhouse) was visible from behind the trees, and growing fog rose from under the ravine. 12) Nikita, pinching off the crumb of bread with dry and very white fingers, dipped it in honey and slowly chewed it. 13) Darkness quickly spread across the plain, absorbing the outlines.

Charm is charm,

Sculpture - statue, Greenhouses - greenhouses.

No. 97. (Narration). When he [Pushkin] entered the audience with Uvarov, for me it was as if the sun had illuminated the audience: at that time I was in awe of his poetry; I fed on her like mother's milk; his verse made me tremble with delight. The verses of his creations fell on me like beneficial rain. I and all the young men of that time who were interested in poetry owe his genius a direct influence on our aesthetic education.

The lecture was given by Davydov, professor of the history of Russian literature. “Here is the theory of art,” Uvarov said, turning to us students and pointing to Davydov, “and here is art itself,” he added, pointing to Pushkin. He effectively minted this phrase, obviously prepared in advance. We all eagerly fixed our eyes on Pushkin. Kachenovsky was also waiting for his turn to give a lecture. Unintentionally, a conversation began between us about “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign,” which little by little turned into a heated argument. “Come closer, gentlemen, this is interesting for you,” Uvarov invited us, and we surrounded Pushkin, Uvarov and both professors in a close crowd, like a wall. I can't express, How great was our pleasure to see and hear our idol. (Tale-

vative, non-exclamative, complex: 1. Main, one-part, definitely personal, complete, non-extensive, uncomplicated; 2. Explanatory clause, two-part, common, complicated by homogeneous definitions.

[=], (as = −).)

StudyPort I don't remember everyone I remember the details of the competition. only that Pushkin passionately defended the authenticity of the ancient Russian epic. (By-

declarative, non-exclamative, complex: 1. Two-part, complete, common, complicated by homogeneous predicates. 2. Explanatory clause, two-part, complete, common, uncomplicated [−, ], (which − =).)

No. 98. 1) At dusk, Nikita ran across the courtyard to the people's room (people), from where the light of two frozen (freeze) windows fell on the purple snow (snow). 2) Behind the large stove a cricket was sawing a piece of wood. 3) The bear sat on the edge of the well (well) and dipped the tip of the mitten he was wearing on his hand into the water. 4) Nikita was returning from threshing (threshing). 5) The rider (riding) looked thoughtfully into the distance. 6) Hearing his name, the cross between a dachshund and a mongrel came out from under the workbench, where she was sleeping on the shavings, stretched sweetly (sweetly) and ran after the owner. 7) In the heat of the day, mowing did not seem so difficult to him [Levin]. 8) Soon after lunch the guests left to be on time

change clothes for the wedding. 9) In the evening the thunderstorm began to subside; the rain turned to drizzle (drizzle). 10) The cold weather hit, frost (freeze) covered the trees.

No. 99. 1) Nikita whistled three times. 2) The lilac thickets on both sides of the balcony staircase bent under the snow. 3) And here is one, one Tatyana! Alas! A friend of so many years, her young dove, her dear confidante, was carried far away by fate, separated from her forever.

4) The snow shone and crunched. My nose stung and my eyelashes stuck together.

5) There were sixteen sleighs in total. 6) The bottomless sky shimmered, as if a breeze was passing through star dust. Spread out in a luminous fog Milky Way. 7) The hateful frost is fierce.

8) The river was a mile from the village, winding, with wonderful banks. 9) Based on the tender friendship that the commander showed to his officer, Rostov felt that the old hussar’s unhappy love for Natasha participated in this strengthening of friendship. Denisov, apparently, tried to expose Rostov to danger as little as possible, took care of him and after the case, he especially joyfully greeted him safe and sound.

10) The girl was weightless, almost incorporeal. 11) Peers for years, close relatives, they almost never separated.

No. 100. 1) Self-interest is a selfish person, taste is a delicious orange, words are a verbal response, lips are oral history, valor

Valiant warrior, set - set meal, heaven - sky Angel, bad weather - rainy day, beauty - lovely girl, interest - interesting story. 2) Giant - giant house, president - presidential motorcade, intellectual - intelligent person. 3) Conscience - a conscientious person, pity -

vie - to anticipate changes.

No. 101. 1) She got up only to order some new dish to be served. 2) And walking importantly, in decorous calm, a peasant leads the horse by the bridle. 3) I laid myself down on the sofa and began to undress. 4) And the man sent the man to the anchar with an imperious look. 5) Hello, young, unfamiliar tribe. 6) Everything is silent except the wind. 7) His feelings cooled down early. 8) In the field of art, in the creativity of the heart, the Russian people have discovered amazing strength. 9) When theaters appeared in Russia, the people promoted the greatest from illiterate serfs theater actors. 10) The school team took part in cross-country. 11) The winners of the competition were honored by all those present. 12) Snow that had fallen at night covered the wide pasture. 13) There was no feeling of the owner’s caring eye above the towers. 14) A morning ray from behind tired pale clouds flashed over the quiet capital. 15) Under the signature

“Maslennikov” was made with an amazingly skillful, large and firm flourish. 16) Grandma began to occasionally receive guests, especially children - our peers.

No. 102. 1) Bees buzzing, shivering from the cold, burnt letters, squeeze rye, burn a manuscript, quietly squeal, take the reins, buy yeast, make friends at school, juniper thickets, occasionally grumble, splashes sparks, scorched mountain slopes, rattling voice, a little glimmering.

2) The fate of Russia, Russian open spaces, native Rus'.

No. 103. I. Aggressor – one who illegally uses armed force; annotation - summary content of the work; cancel – declare invalid, cancel; appeal - appealing a court decision to a higher authority in order to review the case, making a request, appeal; apparatus – device, technical device; appetite - desire to eat; assistant - assistant; association - a connection between individual ideas, in which one causes the other; certificate – document of completion educational institution; attraction - a circus act or a carousel-type device; ballad - a lyrical poem, usually on a legendary theme; balloting - voting; barricade - barrier; pool - a container filled with water; bacillus – bacterium; fiction - narrative fiction; ballot - form; bath - a vessel for bathing; group – a collection of objects or phenomena; discussion - discussion; thesis

scientific work defended in the academic council to obtain an academic degree; distilled - purified by distillation; differentiation – linear function in mathematics; illusion - deception of the senses, something apparent; illumination – decorative lighting; StudyPort illustration – explanatory drawing; immunity – unresponsive.ru - the body’s susceptibility to infections; intelligentsia - educated person

ny, with great internal culture.

II. Team – a group of people united general work, interests; column - pillar, support of a building; colossus - a statue, a structure of enormous size; commission - a body with special powers under an institution; comment – ​​explanatory note; communique - an official message; compromise

agreement based on mutual concessions; congress - a large congress, meeting; concession – agreement; correspondent - the author of a message about current events in the world; crystal – solid, having an ordered, symmetrical structure; crystalline – having an ordered, symmetrical structure; cross – sports running; mass - totality something, a lot, physical unit; metal

Chemical substance; million – thousand thousand; mission - a responsible task, assignment; occupation - the seizure of someone else's territory during

with special forces when there is a civilian population in this territory; opposition - opposition, resistance; opponent – ​​a person speaking with a critical analysis of something in a debate; parallel - a straight line that does not intersect another straight line, a comparison with a similar phenomenon; passive – indifferent, lethargic; apron – passenger platform; pessimism is a gloomy attitude in which a person sees bad and depressing things in everything; press – mass periodicals; program – plan of activities, works; progress

forward movement, development; propeller – air propeller for airplanes, helicopters, etc.; profession - main occupation, labor activity; process – the course, development of a phenomenon; director - organizer, director of a theater, film or television production; repression is a punitive measure emanating from government agencies; spring - a spring in a vehicle that softens shocks when moving; surrogate - a product that, due to some similarity, is a replacement for the natural one; telegram - an urgent message transmitted by telegraph; tennis - sport game with a ball that is thrown over the net with a racket; terrace – summer open extension to the building; territory – limited land space; terror – severe intimidation, violence; ton – thousand kilograms; route - path, road; trolleybus - an electric transport vehicle running on trackless tracks; troupe - a group of theater and circus artists; tunnel - a structure in the form of a corridor along which tracks are laid; hockey is a sports game of hitting a ball or puck into a goal with a stick; celluloid – transparent plastic made from cellulose; cellulose - fiber; chassis - a frame on which all the mechanisms and parts of the vehicle are mounted; highway – paved road; expression - expression of feelings,

StudyPort of experiences, expressiveness; effect - produced. impressionru .No. 104. Book annotation, file an appeal, strange association, friendly discussion, mathematical differentiation, inappropriate comment, press release, find a compromise, passive lifestyle, new route, achieve effect, run cross, fascist occupation.

No. 105. Aggression, annulation, annul, appeal, apparatus, certificate, bulletin, discussion, dissertation, differentiation, intelligentsia, collective, commission, commentary, communiqué, congress, correspondent, mission, occupation, opposition, opponent, passive, press, program, progress, profession, process, repression, terror.

Announce voting results, presidential office, election ballot, working collective, congressional resolution, political mission, official opposition, press interview.

Hold/, de/laugh; de/rye; jean, a, o; nsv. see also hold on, holding something 1) Taking it in your hands (in your mouth, in your teeth, etc.), do not let it fall out, fall. Holding a child in your arms. De... encyclopedic Dictionary

I hold, you hold; held; jean, a, o; nsv. who what. 1. Taking it in your hands (in your mouth, in your teeth, etc.), do not let it fall out or fall. D. child in arms. D. a cigarette in his mouth. D. an umbrella over your head. Help the woman with her bag. That's right, use a fork. D. kitten on... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

I, Wed. Action and state according to verb. equal (in 3 and 4 digits). Maintaining alignment, the squadron passed briskly. Gaidar, A military secret. We must look up to people like Comrade Gusyatnikov! Dikovsky, Pursuit... Small academic dictionary

Sex. Jarg. school Joking. 1. A girl of easy virtue; a prostitute. 2. Teacher of ethics and psychology family life. Maksimov, 356. Keep someone in line. Publ. Follow whose l. for example, to accept someone per sample. NHS 70... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

keep- ▲ ensure immutability preserve ensure immutability. leave (# everything as it is. # untouched.). keep(#align). withstand (# temp). hold, sya. do not spill. fixation. retainer fix. fix. fix point... Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

I hold, you hold; prib. suffering past held, jean, a, o; nesov., pereh. 1. Taking it in your hands (in your mouth, in your teeth, etc.), do not let it fall out. Crow perched on a spruce tree, she was just about ready to have breakfast, she was lost in thought, and she had the cheese in her mouth. I. Krylov... Small academic dictionary

- ... Wikipedia

Literature of the era of feudalism. VIII-X centuries. XI-XII centuries. XII-XIII centuries. XIII-XV centuries. Bibliography. Literature of the era of the decay of feudalism. I. From the Reformation to the 30 Years' War (late 15th-16th centuries). II From the 30 Years' War to the Early Enlightenment (XVII century... Literary encyclopedia

This article lacks links to sources of information. Information must be verifiable, otherwise it may be questioned and deleted. You can... Wikipedia

Alexander Bushkov Date of birth: April 5, 1956 Place of birth: Minusinsk, Krasnoyarsk region, Russia Citizenship: Russia Occupation: writer Years of creative... Wikipedia

It happens: along the front (people’s chests on the same line, shoulders in front) and in rows (at the back of each other’s heads). The deployed company aligns itself in the middle, in columns, i.e., on one of the flanks, which is executed on the command: align...

  • Heroes of Labor - Kalinin residents, Comp. Arapova N.. This book talks about Heroes Socialist Labor Kalinin region. Fifty-seven Heroes are the same number of wonderful characters. Essays about Heroes show the best features...
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