Business etiquette and protocol. Business Etiquette

Just as any country has its own language, so does various fields activity has its own language of behavior. This language is called ethics. Arriving in another country, but without studying the language of that country, a foreigner risks making a fool of himself. At best, he will be misunderstood; at worst, he may make a number of unforgivable mistakes, for which, according to local laws, he can be hanged. The same applies to ethics. business communication- True, no one will be seriously punished for violating it, but they can be fired from their job.


At the center of ethics is morality - it determines the boundaries of relationships, actions and interactions of people in society. Ethics business relations- This theoretical basis relationships between people in a particular professional field. The essence of these principles is determined by professional ethical norms and standards (this is not just the psychology of each individual person). It is believed that any professional communication should proceed on the basis of business ethics.

The principle of any ethics, like language, is to be “on the same wavelength” with the environment. If this feeling does not arise, it means that the person is in resonance with society, and this society will push him out of its collective. However, if this person is strong personality, he will be able to change the ethics of the entire society to suit himself and the team will have to accept new conditions. But this rarely happens.

Sometimes difficult cases arise in business ethics. For example, in the general principles of ethics before open door It is necessary to let women go ahead. But according to the ethics of business communication, if a man, going up in an elevator, stands closer to the doors, and a woman stands behind him, the man does not need to let the woman go ahead of him. You must go out first. When several norms that contradict each other are spinning in your head, confusion arises and a person falls into a stupor. Therefore, a clear gradation of all ethical rules is needed.

It is important to remember what ethics to apply in a particular place.

Main components

Ethical standards are divided into two groups. The first is the principles and elements of etiquette, respect, tolerance, which a person has possessed since childhood. The second group is those functions of the development of service relationships, whose structure is the norm of the organization in which the individual carries out his activities.

There are generally accepted norms that are the basis of all ethics, including business relationships.

The rules are very simple:

  • be the same as the entire team around you;
  • do not stand out both externally (clothes, hairstyle) and emotionally;
  • obey general norms and rules;
  • be kind, courteous, responsible, non-conflict, and better yet, humble;
  • have clear and beautiful speech;
  • be hardworking;
  • be stress-resistant.

There are ten more basics of business etiquette that will be appropriate in any company:

  • Arrive on time. In the business world, the best rule to follow is: “Arrive five minutes early.” You need to give yourself enough time to arrive at the meeting point quickly, take off your coat and calm down a little. Arriving at a meeting exactly on time can make you feel nervous and everyone will see it. Time is a commodity; By being punctual you show that you respect others.
  • The dress is suitable. While appropriate clothing certainly varies by company guidelines, some things remain constant. Clean, ironed clothing without any loose threads or marks, and relatively polished closed-toe shoes are a must. If in doubt, contact your HR staff to be sure you have chosen the correct clothing.
  • Speak kindly. Make sure you greet your coworkers and remember to say “please” and “thank you.” These words make a huge difference in how you are perceived. Your good manners show that you acknowledge those around you and are attentive to their presence.

Avoid discussing political or religious issues. Keep the conversation focused on a non-controversial topic, one that can be easily discussed. Such diplomacy is the main idea of ​​business etiquette.

  • Avoid gossip. Gossip is childish behavior that has no place at work. If you hear a rumor about someone in the workplace, do not pass it on. People don't always know or remember who starts a rumor, but they always remember who spreads it.
  • Show interest in. Don't play on your phone or computer if a colleague is standing next to you and telling you something. Maintain friendly eye contact.
  • Be mindful of body language. IN Western world a handshake is still the typical greeting. Greet someone with a firm but quick handshake. Hugs or other forms of affection shared with friends and family are inappropriate in the workplace.
  • Introduce yourself and others. Sometimes it may seem like people don't remember your name or title. If you are with an employee who has just joined the company, take the time to introduce him to others. This will help you and him feel comfortable in the office.

  • Don't interrupt. When you have a great idea or suddenly remember something important, it can be tempting to express the thought immediately. Do not do that. Demonstrating that you are an attentive listener is the basis of diplomacy.
  • Don't swear. Using vulgar language is a surefire way to become unpopular in the workplace. Business etiquette requires constant awareness that you are in a diverse environment with people you do not know on a personal level. Therefore, swear words are not always appropriate in a work environment.
  • Get rid of unpleasant odors and be quieter. If you go to a bar after work, don't drink too much alcohol. While at work, take care not to bring in particularly unpleasant food that not everyone in the office will smell. Do not make noise during or after eating. Believe me, no one wants to hear this.


If we talk specifically about the ethics of business relations, it consists of several areas.

  • Ethics of dealing with people. Each company has its own. The formation of the image of each employee, his relationship with other employees, his purpose and role in the team depend on this. Companies greet managers differently depending on their corporate culture. For example, in modern startups it is customary to communicate with the manager on a first-name basis, to introduce him not by his first name and patronymic, but only by his first name or nickname.
  • Business card ethics. This is one of the components of business ethics. The subject of such ethics is an ordinary business card. In Russia, not so long ago it became customary to exchange cards when meeting people. In each corporate culture They have their own options for creating and designating business cards - in some places you cannot indicate your position, but in others, on the contrary, many are even allowed to indicate their achievements on a business card.

  • Ethics of dress and manners of communication. This is also included in the ethics of business relations. IN work collective Men and women have different norms and rules for corporate wardrobe and makeup. In most companies they are spelled out in a special code. For example, many women are prohibited from wearing trousers to work, while men are required to wear a tie. Communication standards will be discussed below.
  • Ethics of written business communication. Each company has its own templates for business letters. Even intra-team correspondence in many companies is subject to special rules and regulations.

For example, in most companies it is customary to address colleagues as “You” (the word must be with capital letters). This way, according to many managers, the chain of command and the businesslike flow of the conversation are maintained.

Generally accepted rules and regulations

In essence, business ethics is a system of behavior invented and calculated by analysts for the successful conduct of business. Such a system limits a person in terms of friendships and love affairs, but opens up great opportunities in terms of developing useful contacts. But every person has a need for friendship or informal communication, and sometimes it is difficult for superiors to restrain such “impulses” if they slip into business communication.

If business ethics are violated, the employee has every right stop visual and verbal contact with the subject until he himself considers it necessary to continue the dialogue.

Ethics is taken into account when selecting personnel. It is used in the development of corporate standards and legislation. The quality of compliance with ethical business relations is taken as an indicator of the professionalism of the employee or company. In this article we will analyze the importance of how to make ethics your assistant in business development.

You will learn:

  • What are the basic principles of business ethics?
  • What are the rules of business ethics?
  • What features of business ethics are inherent in the business environment.
  • What rules of business etiquette to follow when meeting for the first time?
  • How does the principle of assertiveness fit in with the ethics of business relations?
  • What are the characteristics of the ethics of business relations between men and women?

Basic principles of business ethics

The set of generally accepted rules, norms and methods of human behavior is called ethics. Communications in business also follow a certain protocol. The ethics of business relations are mostly based on general ethical postulates formed in the process of coexistence of people.

To make business relationships beneficial and enjoyable, you will need the ability to speak and listen. A correct understanding of the essence of the issues, voluminous figurative speech, and a respectful attitude towards the interlocutor are the main conditions for achieving effective results in business communication.

The basic postulates of business ethics are clearly formulated in the work of the outstanding figure of American sociology L. Hosmer “Principles of Ethics in Business Relations.” This work outlines the basic principles of sociology regarding business relations. Having studied the centuries-old experience of philosophers and sociologists, the scientist listed 10 axioms.

  1. Do not take actions that are contrary to the development of long-term relationships. This applies to both your personal interests and the interests of the company you represent.
  2. Don't do anything you can't say publicly. Do not commit actions, do not express judgments that would be difficult to call honest or open, which you would not, for example, talk about on television or from the podium.
  3. Never do something that cannot be clearly called good. Do not do anything that is contrary to team spirit and the achievement of common goals.
  4. Don't break the laws of the state. Legislation is based on ethics.
  5. Do not do actions whose harm is quantitatively or qualitatively greater than their benefit.
  6. Don't do anything you wouldn't advise a partner or co-worker to do if they were in a similar situation.
  7. Under no circumstances should you infringe on the rights of others in any way.
  8. Always try to make the maximum profit possible by acting within the law and public morality, since profit is an indicator of production and management efficiency.
  9. Under no circumstances do you commit acts that may result in infringement of the rights of weak and vulnerable people.
  10. Don't antagonize anyone. The desire to develop is an inalienable right of any subject of a relationship.

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Laws and rules of business ethics

The most important elements of business ethics:

  1. Conflict resolution.
  2. Leadership style.
  3. Service relations.
  4. Philosophy of the organization.

Everyone who is involved in a business relationship in one way or another adheres to certain rules that define their ethics. It can be statutory documents organizations, job descriptions, various corporate standards.

Let's highlight the most important sections:

  • Dress code. Often the clothing that company employees must wear at work is strictly regulated. Specific appearance rules may depend on the industry in which the company operates or the employee's job responsibilities. There is also a generally accepted style business clothes. It should be strict, elegant, and not contain overly bright and flashy details. It is recommended to dress neatly and discreetly.
  • Attitude to work. Respect for the work of colleagues is required. It is considered unethical to be distracted by work time on personal and extraneous matters, create additional difficulties in labor process. Responsible attitude towards your own job responsibilities eliminates misuse of company resources.
  • . One of the most valuable resources in business is time. And the ability to manage it is a necessary component of professionalism. Making yourself wait and being late is an unaffordable luxury.
  • Written speech. Compliance with the rules of business correspondence, strict adherence to document preparation regulations and competent writing is a very important part of the ethics of business relations.
  • Oral speech . It is necessary to speak, avoiding unnecessary digressions, expressing your thoughts as clearly as possible, without clerical cliches. Try to use clear, clear wording and structured storytelling. Communication in a business style does not encourage excessive artistry or active gestures. It is undesirable to use a conversational style.
  • Telephone etiquette. There are also certain rules for conducting a telephone conversation. In many ways, they have something in common with the norms of personal communication, but there are a number of nuances. Special attention should be spent preparing for the conversation. It is necessary to adhere to the list of issues discussed, respect the time and duration of negotiations.
  • Chatting in Internet. The Internet has firmly entered business communication. Email and instant messengers are now very widely used for business communications. And here it is also necessary to observe ethical standards so as not to find yourself in an awkward situation.
  • . The vast majority of the principles and rules for constructing an email are the same as for regular correspondence. But there are also differences, for example in the use of links to sites, photographs of diagrams and maps. It is important to sign such a letter correctly, providing as much information as possible for contacts.
  • Desktop. A significant component of business ethics and business relations is order in the workplace. Do not scatter papers and stationery all over the surface of the table.
  • Trade secret. Information that has important for business, which may be used by competitors or third parties, cannot be transferred to third parties.
  • Respect. Communicating with colleagues, partners, cultured person as polite and correct as possible. He listens carefully, takes into account the interests and opinions of others, and is always ready to provide help and support.
  • Business negotiations, meetings, events. The holding of public events in the business sphere is also regulated. Each type of meeting or meeting has a specific setting, dress code, and time. In business, everything must be planned and organized.
  • Business events must be lined up according to a certain protocol both on the part of the owners of the site where they are held and on the part of the guests. There are specific rules for organizing transportation, meetings, and recreation. Seats at the table and the order of check-in at the hotel must correspond to clear regulations.
  • Subordination. It is also important to maintain a respectful relationship between manager and subordinate. There are certain delegation mechanisms, which, if followed, do not create tension in relationships, and tasks are perceived unambiguously and are performed effectively.
  • Relationships in the team are of great importance for comfortable and productive work. Conflicts, harsh treatment, intrigue, gossip - all this is unacceptable in a healthy working atmosphere. Calm, goodwill, mutual assistance and a common sense of purpose should reign in the team. Also contradict professional ethics business relationships, office romances and flirting.
  • Business gestures. Gesticulation should not be sharp or relaxed. An employee must look and move confidently, purposefully, and carefully. Don't run, shuffle, or hunch over. It is important to maintain a friendly expression on your face. An important point communication is a handshake. It should be confident, strong, but not cause discomfort. Do not shake or squeeze the hand you are shaking for a long time. Other touches are not encouraged by business etiquette.

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Features of ethics of business relations in the business environment

In commercial relations other than generally accepted ethical standards, such as politeness, there are a number specific features. Business ethics requires clarity and consistency. Much depends on the specific conditions of doing business. Features of the culture of behavior in a certain industry, folk traditions.

  • Politeness. Even when deciding the most complex issues and significant differences in initial positions, business ethics requires goodwill and friendliness in relationships. It is unacceptable to give vent to feelings and show emotions when communicating. Business ethics does not accept harshness in behavior and speech. Polite treatment and a sincere smile are an indicator of the success and professionalism of a businessman.
  • Correctness. The rules of the game in the business environment do not allow rudeness or disrespect. Even if your opponent’s behavior is inappropriate or there are reasons to believe that he is dishonest, it is unacceptable to give free rein to your emotions.
  • Tact. Tact – required condition any negotiations. Do not unnecessarily touch on uncomfortable topics and create awkward situations. There must always be a way to retreat, an opportunity to save face. Otherwise, the situation will lead to conflict, and this is always contrary to success in business relationships.
  • Delicacy. Ethics implies softness and streamlined formulations. It is especially important to flexibly designate and veil moments that may have negative connotations.
  • Modesty. You should not unnecessarily flaunt your personal qualities that are not relevant to the matter. A specialist focused on the task and not on himself is perceived professionally and harmoniously in any situation. You can communicate about your merits and achievements only when it relates to the subject of conversation.
  • Commitment. Taking your obligations seriously is one of the pillars of business ethics. Loyalty to words and promises characterizes a person as a businessman. An inadequate assessment of one’s capabilities or external circumstances is always a serious threat to one’s life.
  • Punctuality. Time is the most valuable resource for a professional. Failure to comply with agreements regarding it is a serious violation of ethics. Proper planning is a necessary skill at any level of business.

Ethics of business relations and business etiquette at the first meeting

When running a business, a business person constantly has to make new acquaintances and expand his circle of contacts. This can take place in the formats of scheduled meetings and negotiations or various social events. When communicating for the first time, it is very important to make the right impression and correctly evaluate the interlocutor. Everything matters: appearance, manners, style. Any inaccuracy can ruin the effect and deprive you of the opportunity to develop relationships.

The main difficulty lies in the extremely short period of time that you have at your first meeting. Research shows that an initial opinion about a person is formed in ninety seconds.

Vision. Appearance consists of several components. The first and most important of them is facial expressions. Don't shoot or run your eyes. It is also important to keep your clothes neat, have a neat hairstyle, and keep your shoes clean. It makes sense to pay enough attention to accessories and decorations. They must be appropriate and tasteful.

  1. The most important combination of sounds for any person is his name. Particular care must be taken not to confuse anything related to the name of the interlocutor, his position, or status. If there is an error, it will be noticed anyway. You may not be corrected, but the impression will be ruined. The ethics of business relations allows you to clarify information when meeting.
  2. Just as important as the verbal greeting is how the handshake occurs. It should not suggest thoughts of weakness. It is also unethical to show strength. The gesture of a handshake is a manifestation of recognition of equality and mutual respect of people for each other in upcoming communication.
  3. It is unacceptable when the interlocutor has an intense odor. Even if you think your perfume is nice and expensive. Fragrances should not draw attention to themselves.
  4. If we're talking about about an official planned business contact, the ethics of the relationship obliges to offer drinks. Sometimes acquaintance takes place in the format of a business breakfast or dinner. Thus, the fifth sense organ, taste, is also involved in creating the first impression. Be as attentive as possible to the preferences of your counterparts. Pleasant taste sensations can tip the scales in the right direction, while a bad choice, on the contrary, can cause subconscious rejection.

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It is important to present yourself correctly

  • Correspondence acquaintance.

When planning a meeting of heads of companies or large departments, it is customary to agree in advance on the time, place and format of the meeting. It is ethical to write a letter outlining the issues that are proposed to be discussed.

  • Face-to-face acquaintance.

When meeting in person, it is convenient to use the services of a third party who is familiar with your interlocutor. He can introduce you and provide initial recommendations. Depending on the situation, you may be recommended as an electronics supplier or an aquarium hobbyist, for example. This will create an initial basis for conversation and make it easier to get to know each other. The main thing is not to resort to the services of a person with a dubious reputation, otherwise you can achieve the opposite effect.

Sometimes there are situations in which the manager has to introduce himself. This is also quite acceptable. It would be correct to present yourself concisely and neutrally, without taking up a lot of the person’s time, but conveying to him the maximum of useful information.

How it will be more convenient to structure a conversation depends on the tasks and initial premises. It is ethical for the person who initiated the meeting to start. Let's apply the so-called pyramid principle. If areas of common interest have not yet been clearly defined, you should first get to know the person better. In a casual conversation, outline your interests and find common ground with your interlocutor. If the goals of acquaintance are defined and specified, you can expand the pyramid with the base up. When the parties are sufficiently prepared and aware of each other, it is permissible to reduce formalities to a minimum. Immediately discuss ways of interaction or schedule a meeting, outlining the range of issues to be discussed.

In a situation where the meeting happened by chance and you are not pursuing any goals, after a short conversation you can simply end the conversation, creating the foundation for further interaction.

It happens that a new acquaintance is aggressive. Unkind motives creep into his behavior; the person is irritated and not inclined to communicate. Don't take it personally. Perhaps the moment for getting acquainted was simply chosen poorly. Without being intrusive, you should politely leave the person alone. You should never respond in an aggressive manner. It is quite possible that later, when the emotional intensity subsides, the person will appreciate your loyalty and this will bring dividends - this is calmness and restraint.

A practitioner tells

When I meet a business partner, I always look to see if he is neatly dressed

Shamil Bikkulov,

Director of the State Unitary Enterprise "Ufa Polygraph Plant"

When meeting a new person, such as at a job interview, the first thing I do is assess the neatness of clothing. In addition to what a person says, I carefully watch how he does it. I notice gestures, by the intensity and nature of which you can often learn a lot about a person and his temperament. An interlocutor who moves sharply and jerkily is most likely also harsh in his actions. In this case, I will think more carefully about whether it is worth working with him. I feel more comfortable working with calm and balanced people.

A handshake also tells me a lot about a person. If a man extends a limp hand when greeting, it makes an unpleasant impression. The handshake must be confident. My handshake is exactly like that. “When you shake hands, you feel strong, it’s nice,” all my employees say. A female handshake is not accepted at our company. In the ten years that I have been working, there has probably only been one case when a woman shook my hand. But if such a situation occurs, she should not shake hands like a man. A woman should do everything smoothly, gallantly and tactfully.

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Standards of ethics for business relations between a manager and a subordinate

When it is customary for a company to follow ethics when communicating between a manager and his subordinates, this contributes to the formation of healthy relationships in the team. Subordinates treat their superiors with respect, not fear. This makes the whole process more comfortable and efficient.

A practitioner tells

Should the workload be exceeded?

Denisova Irina,

business coach, business ethics specialist

First, the requirement itself is unethical. Business ethics involves asking for an assignment to be completed. The form of presentation is very important. It is also worth considering the situation and the frequency of requests. In our country, people now recycle almost everywhere. It leads to . Employees simply get tired, which negatively affects their performance, desire to work and leads to staff turnover.

I remember a situation from my practice. The manager systematically manipulated and actually suppressed one of his employees. At the same time, he was polite, did not forget about incentives, gave bonuses and rewards. However, the volume of assigned work was literally beyond the realm of possibility. In this case, we can state a violation of ethics while observing the principles of business communication.

Assertiveness in the ethics of official business relations

Assertiveness– a term that does not have an unambiguous translation into Russian. Therefore, there is a certain dispersion in its understanding. On the one hand, this is confidence when interacting in different conditions, on the other hand, the ability to get one’s way; on the third, respect when building complex relationships.

The assertive model is a complex that includes all these principles, the basis of which is responsibility, independence and complete control over one’s own behavior. For ease of understanding, you can separate it from the more typical models: aggressive, passive and passive-aggressive.

Let's simulate a situation to illustrate the essence of the term.

Ethics of business relations between men and women

The interaction between women and men in business is a separate section of business ethics that is particularly complex. This area is characterized by the presence of a large number of features and subtleties.

  • Psychologically, a woman is more careful. In the distant past, when the fate and behavior of a person was decided by strength, and not by intellect, a woman found herself more vulnerable and was more often forced to experience anxiety. She was responsible for the offspring, which suggested a different response to potential dangers. The fact that women quickly fall into a state of fear and anxiety is genetically determined, and their experience of these emotions is more intense. At such moments, their effectiveness as employees inevitably declines. Ladies are afraid of management, surprises or rudeness. What a man perceives as a minor inconvenience can be a serious nuisance for a woman. It is important to eliminate or minimize such factors in the business process. In this case, women's work will lead to high-quality results. Therefore, business ethics presupposes a careful attitude towards the weaker sex.

Today scientific and technical progress significantly expanded women's opportunities. Flaw physical strength compensates for a whole fleet of different machines. Behind the wheel modern car or a trolleybus, a woman is in no way inferior to a man. Of course, this fact cannot be ignored when building business relationships.

Psychologists say that women are more often guided by emotions than men. The rational principle quickly fades into the background and transfers control to the feelings. For this reason, it is easier to provoke a woman into an altercation. Any statement by a man about the shortcomings or mistakes of an employee can be perceived as aggression and result in... Therefore, if comments cannot be avoided, then it is necessary to use the calmest, tactful form for them. Ethics prescribes a gallant attitude towards a female colleague.

  • A man is more likely to have a competitive model of behavior. A woman is focused on stability and adaptability. She is more interested in the successes of others as an opportunity to learn and acquire new skills. A woman reacts faster to changes in the situation, creating a stable and comfortable atmosphere around herself.

In order for the relationship between a man and a woman to be constructive and non-conflict, they should both take into account psychological characteristics each other. Activity and firmness on the one hand, adaptability and the desire for stability on the other.

  • Women are better at feeling the emotional mood of other people. This happens due to the peculiarities of their psychology. The weaker sex is more inclined to empathy and manipulation in the sensory sphere. These qualities make women much more effective in areas related to the harmonization of human relations, such as working with personnel or public relations. Also, a woman is more subtly and accurately able to resolve issues in the sphere of ethics and morality.
  • Research shows that women are more diligent and attentive to detail. A woman, as a rule, will perform a detailed analysis of documents to identify minor errors or hidden issues, with better quality and faster. Whereas a man is less suited to such work, because it requires more psychological stress from him. Exactly the opposite is the case, for example, with strategic analytics. A man is better adapted to tasks that require abstract thinking, rapid processing of large amounts of data, generalizations and conclusions.
  • Women have a higher ability to adapt. At the same time, they are quickly lost when the situation suddenly changes. This phenomenon leads to the fact that a man is better at introducing new things and finding ways out of current conditions. In other words, a man is more successful in exploring and changing the world around him, influencing external circumstances and directing them according to his goals. A woman manages more skillfully internal resources, successfully chooses a line of behavior in accordance with the environment, which cannot be corrected. One can observe the division of spheres of responsibility in accordance with these features of psychology in the family. And there we will see that such generalizations have a fairly high degree of variability. Most men earn better, and women spend better. But not all. The individuality of each person, regardless of gender, must also be taken into account by the ethics of business relations.
  • Another difference between the sexes is the different abilities of spatial imagination.

It is worth noting one more point that is directly related to the ethics of business contacts. (Please note, our goal is not to study differences in behavior and psychology between the sexes. Our goal is to minimize and prevent possible violations of business ethics associated with these characteristics.) In the characters of most men there is a desire for fame and popularity. Sometimes this trait manifests itself too actively. A vain man tries to gain recognition and assert himself by demonstrating the ability to spend a lot of money. To do this, you need to have them in large quantities. Often in such a situation, the morality and ethics of methods of obtaining funds are not taken into account.

As a result, it can be stated that in order to prevent violations and problems related to business ethics, it is necessary to build relationships in the team, based on the characteristics of the psychology of women and men. Each person, regardless of gender, is individual, but there are general trends that describe gender differences in general.

The tasks of both men and women in a business environment are determined by the same things. The result of measures to maintain ethics should always be an increase in business performance and the formation of constructive, positive relationships in the team. There are no universal ways to achieve them. However, there are a number of general principles of business ethics that apply in almost any situation. These settings meet the needs of business and universal morality.

Rules for caring towards a woman:

  • when shaking hands, the lady offers her palm first;
  • a man is introduced to a woman when meeting;
  • the lady is allowed into the transport first, and she takes a more comfortable or honorable place;
  • a man may well help a woman when performing activities related to physical activity, for example, carrying heavy objects, rearranging or moving pieces of furniture. It is not reprehensible for a woman to accept help in such a case;
  • It is customary for ladies to be given the opportunity to go forward.

Business etiquette is something a true professional cannot do without. After all, even if you are an excellent specialist in your field, but at the same time you regularly present yourself in a bad light when communicating with colleagues, bosses or clients, then it is unlikely that you will be able to achieve great success in a career. We bring to your attention the rules of business etiquette that you should adhere to.

Stand up when you are introduced to someone

Getting up from your seat will enhance the effect of your presence. If you remain seated during the meeting, it will be easier for them to ignore you. If you are caught off guard and cannot get up immediately, then simply bend over slightly and lean forward, indicating that you would definitely get up if you could.

Always use your full name

In a business setting, you should always use your full name. However, you should also pay attention to whether it is easy for people to remember and pronounce. So, if your name is too long and complex, then do not forget to hand your interlocutor your business card so that he can perceive it in written form.

A higher-ranking representative or host should always initiate the handshake

In today's business world, a handshake is an official greeting regardless of gender. According to etiquette, the first person to shake hands should be a person occupying a higher position or a representative of the receiving party. If for some reason he hesitates, then, without wasting time, extend your hand to greet him. After all, be that as it may, the handshake must take place.

Dress appropriately

Clothing is an important form of nonverbal communication. It can either enhance your professional reputation or detract from it. Therefore, when going to a meeting or event, be sure to find out what the dress code is and dress according to it.

Say “thank you” no more than once or twice during the conversation.

You should not overuse gratitude in a business conversation. Otherwise, your interlocutor may begin to perceive you as helpless and in need of constant support.

Send separate thank-you notes to all negotiators

Remember that after negotiating or interviewing for a job, you should send a message within 24 hours to everyone you would like to thank. In the modern world, this is most often done through email.

Don't take out your phone

We all carry cell phones with us everywhere. However, you should not take your phone out of your pocket or bag during a business meeting. Of course, you may think that you can quietly reply to an email or type a message, but from the outside it will look rude. Also, don't put your phone on the table during a meeting. After all, this way you will demonstrate to your interlocutor that you are ready to switch your attention from him to your mobile phone at any moment.

Use professional photos

Always post only high-quality, professional photographs on business websites. After all, you should look like a reliable and trustworthy business person, and not like a carefree person who has just returned from the beach or a party.

Use a professional email address

If you work for a company, use a corporate address. But if you must give a personal email address, then make sure that it looks correct. So, it must contain your name. Do not use nicknames under any circumstances.

Always make sure that you select the correct recipient when sending email.

This simple action will never go amiss. After all, it’s not difficult to confuse the recipient, but the consequences of an error can be very serious.

Follow the rules of business correspondence when sending emails

Avoid using colloquial expressions like “Hi guys!” when communicating by email. or “Hello, people!” Even if you know the recipient closely, remember that other people can see your correspondence. Therefore, it should be kept in a businesslike tone.

If you forgot someone's name, then admit it.

Every person can forget the name of his interlocutor. If this happens to you, just politely admit it.

Greet people at work

When you come into the office, always say hello to both those you know and people you don't know. After all, in a few minutes it may turn out that a stranger will be sitting next to you at a meeting or meeting.

Keep your fingers together when pointing at something

Don't point at someone or something index finger. This is best done with an open palm, keeping your fingers together.

Don't be late

Always be on time for meetings. After all, you don't want to waste other people's time. In addition, unpunctuality is seen as a sign of unprofessionalism. However, it may happen that the situation gets out of your control and you still cannot show up on time. In this case, immediately send a notice to those concerned about your planned arrival time, apologize and briefly explain the situation.

Do not pull up a chair for partners and colleagues

It's okay to hold the door for someone. However, regardless of gender, you should not pull up a chair for your colleagues, partners or clients.

Always break bread with your hands

During a business lunch or dinner, never use a knife to cut bread. It should be broken with your hands.

Don't order too expensive

During a business lunch, you should not order, for example, an expensive steak or lobster. In this case, it may seem that you are simply trying to take advantage of a situation where the person who invited you to the restaurant will have to pay for you.

Don't forget table manners

If you do not often have to visit restaurants when dining with business partners, then inquire in advance about the rules of table etiquette. This will allow you to make a good impression on your interlocutor.

Order the same amount of food as your companion

If your partner orders an appetizer and dessert, you should follow suit. Otherwise, he may experience discomfort while waiting for you to also eat, for example, the first and second courses.

Never ask the waiter to pack leftovers from your lunch.

You come to a restaurant for business negotiations. Therefore, under no circumstances ask you to pack what is left with you.

The inviter must always pay the bill

If you invite someone to dinner, you should always pay the bill. And this applies to both women and men. If your interlocutor insists on the opportunity to pay for lunch himself, then you can tell him not to worry, because the company will cover your expenses, or something like that.

Stay Sober

Many deals have been ruined and many careers have been destroyed because people abused alcohol during business negotiations and behaved inappropriately as a result. Therefore, always remain sober during business events and informal communication with partners.

Prepare courteous care

When leaving the room, always say some appropriate phrase. This will allow you to remain in control of the situation and remain polite. So, for example, you can say “Nice to meet you” or “See you at the meeting on Monday”, etc.

Business and professional life needs organization and orderliness.

In the field of business, business etiquette regulates. It is designed to organize interaction at work, during the performance of their official duties.

Ethics is a system of moral standards accepted in society.

Etiquette is a set of rules accepted in society specific rules and laws of behavior.

There are many types of etiquette: everyday, diplomatic, military, guest and others.

Business etiquette is one of the components of ethics. Without knowledge of the rules of business etiquette, it is impossible to achieve success in your chosen field of activity.

Compliance with all rules and norms of communication in a professional environment guarantees respect and authority among colleagues. Right choice, the appropriateness and timeliness of a word, gesture, posture, or other ethical sign reveals a person’s business and personal qualities from the best side.

The rules of business etiquette must be followed because they:

  • contribute to the formation of positive;
  • favor successful negotiations and business meetings;
  • safety net in case of force majeure or awkward moments;
  • provide an opportunity to more successfully and quickly achieve goals.

Violation of generally accepted rules of entrepreneurship and doing business makes it unsuccessful. Unethical entrepreneurs fail to establish themselves in the market.

Etiquette includes universal universal moral and ethical standards:

  • respectful respect for elders;
  • helping a woman;
  • honor and dignity;
  • modesty;
  • tolerance;
  • benevolence and others.

Features of communication ethics in the business environment

In a business environment, it is not enough to simply be a well-mannered, cultured, polite person. Business etiquette has a number of features and differences. The rules of business etiquette require rigor and precision in execution.

The peculiarities of communication ethics in an organization are determined by the specifics of the economic sphere of people’s lives and the traditions that have developed in the cultural environment.

Basics of business etiquette – general principles culture of behavior in a corporate environment:

  • Politeness

The tone of communication with colleagues, partners, and clients is always friendly and welcoming. An impeccable smile is the calling card of a successful person in business. Politeness helps to increase the profitability of an enterprise and maintain good relationships with partners and clients. Nervousness, irritability and panic are excluded by the rules of business etiquette.

  • Correctness

In a corporate environment, it is not customary to be rude and inattentive even towards a dishonest partner. You must be able to control yourself, restrain your emotions and regulate your behavior through willpower.

  • Tact

Business people do not forget about a sense of proportion and tact in their relationships with people. They prudently avoid awkward, negative, and unacceptable topics in conversation.

  • Delicacy

Delicacy implies softness, smoothness, flexibility, and floridness of speech. It is customary to give compliments without turning into flattery and hypocrisy.

  • Modesty

The ability to behave modestly characterizes a person as well-mannered and favorably emphasizes his business and personal qualities. A modest specialist and professional in his field is perceived as a balanced, harmonious, holistic, mature person.

  • Mandatory

If an employee or manager has taken on a responsibility and made a promise, he must keep it. The extent to which a manager or employee of an organization is obliging can tell about his ability to analyze, predict, and assess the situation, strengths, and opportunities.

  • Punctuality

In a business environment, it is considered indecent to be inaccurate in time and not be able to manage it correctly, because this is a sign that a person does not value either his own or other people’s time. For example, waiting more than five minutes for an important meeting is defined by the rules of business etiquette as a gross violation. Time is especially valuable in business.

Laws and rules of ethics

The rules of business etiquette must be observed, since their violation can lead to the severance of partnerships, loss of reputation, sales markets and other negative consequences.

All business people comply with job descriptions, act in accordance with the organization's charter and comply with oral and written rules of corporate etiquette.

The rules of business etiquette provide for the following working points:

  • Dress code

The clothing style is classic, discreet, neat. Formal suit, acceptable colors in clothes (usually black, gray, white colors), neat hairstyle. Each organization can prescribe its own dress code rules, but they are always within the framework of appearance features generally recognized in business.

  • Attitude to work

Conscientious, responsible, decent attitude towards work, perhaps main feature professionalism. At work it is not customary to resolve personal matters or visit social media, talk a lot with colleagues not about business, take frequent tea breaks.

  • Time management

Nobody likes unpunctual people. And in business, every minute is precious and scheduled, so the value of time cannot be exaggerated. The rules are: time is money; every professional and specialist must master the basics; you need to plan your working day.

  • Written speech

An educated and cultured person always writes correctly. There are rules and canons for preparing business letters and other documentation.

  • Oral speech
  • Telephone etiquette

Business etiquette involves rules for negotiations and conversations on the phone. They prepare for a telephone conversation in advance: they determine the time when it is more convenient for the interlocutor to talk, prepare the questions that need to be asked, and note the main points that need to be discussed.

  • Chatting in Internet

A new word has been coined for Internet communication etiquette – netiquette. It is no longer possible to imagine civilized life without the Internet. The modern worker uses by email, company website, internal chat, and so on.

The rules for writing business emails partially coincide with the rules for writing paper letters. It is customary to sign an e-mail not only with the name of the author, but also to leave contact information (name of organization, zip code, telephone numbers, Skype nickname, company website address, work schedule).

  • Desktop

According to the rules of etiquette, there should be order on the desktop. Even stacks of papers, books, folders - everything is in its place. The employer's and employee's desks will tell you how they work. The unspoken rule says: the more order there is on your desktop, the more order you have in your head.

  • trade secret

Confidential information and trade secrets are not subject to disclosure.

  • Respect

In behavior and communication, a cultured person expresses respect for his interlocutor, partner, opponent, and client. Business etiquette obliges you to be an attentive listener, respect other people’s opinions, help a colleague with work, and so on.

  • Business negotiations, meetings, events

Ability to negotiate competently and effectively complete them - special art. Business etiquette says: negotiations and meetings should have a purpose, a plan, a specific time frame and a location that is convenient for both parties.

Business events, such as meeting business partners at a train station or airport, introducing members of a delegation, presenting flowers and other actions, are carried out according to protocol. For example, there are certain seating rules at the negotiating table.

  • Subordination

The “superior-subordinate” relationship requires smooth communication while maintaining a certain distance. An ethical boss makes comments to a subordinate only one-on-one. Gives oral and written assignments specifically, concisely, and clearly. An ethical subordinate certainly follows the orders of the leader, but can express his point of view, give helpful advice, make a suggestion.

  • Relationships in the team

The microclimate in a team is of great importance and affects the productivity and performance of employees. Business etiquette presupposes friendly, respectful relationships, assistance and support in solving assigned tasks. Taboos: gossip, intrigue, intrigues, the Cold War, as well as office romances ( personal life assumed to be outside working hours and not at the workplace).

  • Business gestures

Gestures should be energetic, but not excessive or sweeping; gait is smooth, swift, walking speed is average (not running or walking); straight posture; confident look.

The only touch allowed in a business environment is a handshake. At the same time, there are also rules here. When shaking hands, it is not customary for the hand to be limp, wet, or cold. The interlocutor’s hand should not be squeezed or shaken for a long time. There are many psychological literature, on body language, which looks at business gestures and how they can be interpreted.

To be ethical in a professional environment, you must comply with all laws and adhere to the rules of etiquette.

Ethics and business etiquette are studied in general educational institutions, by attending relevant courses, trainings, seminars, and are mastered independently by a business person.

Ethics as a personality quality

A person’s business qualities are the ability to perform tasks and achieve goals determined by the specifics of work, specialty, and qualifications.

There are two types of business qualities:

  1. personal, innate;
  2. professional, acquired.

When hiring new employees, self-respecting companies conduct psychological testing that allows them to diagnose innate and acquired business qualities.

The general and business culture of an employee is no less important than qualifications, ability to work and work experience.

Undoubtedly, when hiring, the moral and ethical qualities of a person are taken into account. But these qualities can also be acquired, nurtured, instilled in the process of professional activity.

A person’s ethics is expressed in the following manifestations of his morality:

  1. conscience, a sense of personal responsibility for everything that happens in life;
  2. will, developed self-control, clear regulation of behavior;
  3. honesty, the ability to tell the truth and act accordingly;
  4. collectivism, social orientation of activities, friendliness, desire to strive for a common goal;
  5. self-control, stress resistance, control over feelings and emotions;
  6. integrity, consistency, upholding ethical positions, matching words with actions;
  7. diligence, desire to work, interest in work;
  8. responsibility, seriousness, stability;
  9. generosity, tolerance, humanity, tolerance;
  10. optimism, faith in the best, self-confidence.

Morality and ethics are the basic personality characteristics of a cultural leader and employee. A person successful in business has a developed need to act in accordance with the requirements of ethics and morality, to be kind and honest.

There is a constant process of communication between people in social and business environments. Knowledge of the rules and norms of business etiquette helps to establish the necessary connections and increase the level of loyalty of a client or colleague towards oneself. One of the significant elements of the culture of business communication is the decent behavior of people, their moral values, manifestations of conscience and morality. The success of an enterprise largely depends on the microclimate in the team. If employees perform their duties competently and clearly, and most importantly harmoniously, then the company develops and grows.

Etiquette is norms (laws) about manners, features of appropriate behavior of people in society.

Business etiquette is a system of principles and rules for professional, official communication / behavior of people in the business sphere.

Compliance with the rules of etiquette is necessary for all self-respecting people, but it is especially useful for those who strive to build a career (business). In business interactions, factors such as reputation, information and connections are of great importance. How more information, the more competently you can build communication.

The fundamental rules of business etiquette include:

  1. Timely completion of duties, punctuality. In a business environment, being late is not tolerated. It is also unethical to make your opponent wait during negotiations.
  2. Non-disclosure of confidential information, compliance with corporate secrets.
  3. Respect and listening skills. A friendly and respectful attitude, the ability to listen to the interlocutor without interrupting, help to establish contact and resolve many business issues.
  4. Dignity and attention. and your knowledge/powers should not turn into excessive self-confidence. It is necessary to calmly accept criticism or advice from others. You should be considerate towards clients, co-workers, management or subordinates. Provide assistance and support as needed.
  5. Correct appearance.
  6. Ability to speak and write correctly.

An important indicator business culture is order in the work area. It indicates the accuracy and diligence of the employee, the ability to organize his workplace and working day.

In the culture of business communication, attention should be paid to nonverbal (wordless) manifestations of etiquette. Don't turn away from your interlocutor. When explaining, there is no need to gesticulate or grimace much.

According to the rules of business etiquette, the person occupying a dominant position enters the workroom first, followed by all the others, according to the ladder of the business hierarchy. Business order corresponds to the following division:

  1. Status.
  2. Age.
  3. Gender differences.

The man must accompany the woman to her left. This rule is due to the fact that in the old days, a gentleman, being to the left of a lady, occupied a more dangerous place when driving along the road. Carts with horses moved at the same time as passers-by, since in those days there were no sidewalks.

In business relations between and a subordinate, subordination must be observed. It is customary to point out an employee’s mistakes in person, not in the presence of the team.

Business correspondence

Business correspondence is a system of requirements (standards) that must be adhered to in order to correctly and competently draw up a document. First of all, you need to decide on the type and urgency of delivery of the letter. And also with the degree of accessibility of the document for the recipient, whether it will be one letter or several, with clarifications / lists / suggestions. The letter must be written correctly in terms of spelling and style.

The format of the document must comply with existing templates, depending on the type of letter (for example, cover letter). When drawing up a document, you must be guided by the standards for document preparation requirements [GOST R 6.30-2003].

A business letter must include the name of the company that acts as the sender; date of dispatch and recipient's address. It is also necessary to indicate the initials, position of the recipient or the department to which the letter was sent. The main part of the letter consists of an introduction/address, subject line and brief description the purposes of the document, followed by the text and conclusion. At the end of the document, the sender's signature is placed, and attachments or copies, if any, are indicated.

— document type;

This is necessary to avoid a situation where an incoming message ends up in the spam folder, and the recipient can delete the letter without reading it.

The letter should be simple and understandable, without an excessive amount of professional terms. IN business correspondence The use of slang expressions and phrases with double meaning is not allowed.

If the letter has an international focus, it must be written in the recipient’s language or in English. The response to the letter must be provided:

- by mail - no later than ten days;

- when negotiating via the Internet - from 24 to 48 hours.

Business correspondence must be carefully prepared and rechecked several times before sending. An incorrectly written letter containing spelling errors can harm the company’s reputation, since a business document is business card companies.

Business rhetoric

Rhetoric in the business world is the art of eloquence, the ability to effectively and convincingly convey ideas to listeners. Diction, correctly delivered speech, and intonation are important here. A significant aspect is the ability to present not only information, but also oneself. In business rhetoric, the principles of speech influence are used:

- availability;

- associativity;

— expressiveness;

— intensity.

Rules of business communication

A significant condition for business communications is the culture of speech, which is manifested in literacy, correctly selected intonation, vocabulary and manner of speaking.

A necessary condition for communication in business circles is respect, goodwill and the ability to hear the interlocutor. To show serious attitude to the speaker’s words, you can use the technique of “active listening”, selectively repeating the spoken statements or slightly paraphrasing them.

The stages of business communication have the following division:

  • Preparation for discussion of issues ( business meeting). It is necessary to draw up a negotiation plan, a concept for conducting a conversation, arguments and counterarguments, study the opponent’s point of view on various issues, and prepare proposals for solving the problem.
  • Introductory part (greeting, address), establishing communication between partners of a business conversation. It is important to start communication correctly and respectfully, creating an easy a trusting environment, it is also necessary to interest the interlocutor, to arouse interest in the problem and the discussion as a whole.
  • Statement of the essence of the issue, argumentation, presentation of arguments and counter-argumentation. Discussion of the problem, search for ways to resolve controversial issues.
  • Establishing the optimal solution and formalizing the agreement.
  • The final part (address, words of farewell/parting words).

Rules for business communication by phone

For communication by telephone in business, the principles stipulated by general rules business communication and rhetoric. Speech must be literate, the intonation must be friendly, the information must be presented to the point, without introductory words or long pauses.

The incoming call signal must be answered no later than after the third ring of the telephone. The next step is a greeting (the phrases “hello” and “listening” are not allowed). You need to say hello, then say the name of the organization and introduce yourself. Next, clarify the reason for the call, clarify the opponent’s questions and politely say goodbye. If you need to make an outgoing call, the rules for conducting a telephone conversation are the same as in the first case. The only exception is the need to ask the called party whether he is comfortable talking and whether he can devote his time to you. You should be interested immediately after the welcoming speech.

If a caller asks for an employee who is not at this moment at the workplace, the person who answers the call should offer their help; in case of refusal, you should ask what needs to be conveyed to the absent employee.

Business style clothing

Compliance with generally accepted norms and rules in organizing your appearance is a mandatory aspect of the rules of business etiquette. In some large companies There is a corporate dress code. You need to choose clothes in a classic style; too revealing, bright things, or with elements of torn fabric are not allowed. Appearance must be neat and tidy. Attention should be paid not only to the correct selection of clothing, but also appearance in general (the condition of nails, hairstyles, shoes, makeup for women).

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