The principles of business communication briefly. Ethics and a high culture of business communication in the company lead to success

Business (managerial) communication is a special type of communication that is realized in the joint professional-subject activity of people and the content of which is determined by the socially significant subject of communication, the mutual psychological influence of the subjects of communication and the formal role principle of their interaction.

Without special communication skills, i.e. skills and communication skills, even an excellent specialist in his field will not be able to support a business conversation or carry out a business meeting); take part in the discussion and defend your point of view. This means that a business person, in addition to professional competence (knowledge and skills in setting tasks and performing technological actions in a certain area), must master communicative competence, i.e. knowledge of the psychological, subject (content) and linguistic components necessary to understand a negotiating partner and (or) generate one’s own program of behavior, including independent speech works.

Unlike other types of communication (social, personal, targeted, instrumental, modal), business communication has its own essential characteristics and attributes. Highlighting these features will allow us to give a clearer definition of the concept of business communication.

What is business communication? What essential features does it have? Definitions given in modern educational literature characterize business communication as:

  • * subject-targeted activities;
  • * a particular moment of any joint productive activity of people, serving as a means of improving the quality of this activity;
  • * a way of organizing and optimizing different types of subject-related activities: production, scientific, commercial, etc.

As can be seen from these definitions, an essential feature of business communication is that it is always connected with some objective activity of people and does not exist outside of it. Indeed, this is a very important feature of business communication, which distinguishes it from other types of communication. For example, in targeted communication, communication itself serves as a means of satisfying any need of people, including the need for communication. Personal communication always affects the inner world of the subjects of communication, their deeply personal experiences, sensations, desires, intentions, cognitive and value meanings.

The first essential feature of business communication is that in objective reality, business communication does not exist on its own, as a separate process, but is always included in any joint socially significant objective activity of people (economic, political, legal, pedagogical, etc.). d.) and is a form of organization of this activity.

The second sign of communication is that the content of communication is determined by the subject of communication itself: by what the subjects of communication are directly engaged in. The subject of business communication can be the production of any goods, intellectual products, the creation of services (for example, information, legal, advertising, educational, service), the discussion of any problem (for example, economic, political, legal, scientific), drawing up a business -plan, development of technical resources project, exchange of knowledge, services, actions.

The subject of business communication, which determines its content, becomes the main socially significant goal of communication for business partners. Thus, the instrumental focus of business communication on solving a socially significant problem is realized. As for the internal personal world of business partners, it is practically not affected in business communication. But its influence can affect the emotional background of business communication.

The third sign is the presence in business communication of mutual psychological influence of business partners. It is found in all aspects of interpersonal communication between business partners: communicative, interactive, perceptual, although each of these aspects may manifest its own special types of psychological influence. The most common types of psychological influence include persuasion, suggestion, disposition, ignoring, requesting, inducing, and imitation. The type of psychological influence can be determined both by the structure of business communication and by a specific business situation. As for the means of psychological influence, they are usually used at two basic levels: verbal and non-verbal.

Along with these essential features, business communication also has other features that determine its specificity and difference from other types of communication. One of them is that business communication serves as a way to acquire and consolidate professional skills, knowledge and abilities. This is greatly facilitated by various forms of business communication: business discussions, press conferences, debates, negotiations, presentations, meetings, conversations. On their basis, the professional qualities of business partners are developed and their professional competence is increased.

The most important feature of business communication is the presence in it of a formal role-based principle of interaction between subjects of communication, which is implemented on the basis of the distribution of their job roles and status functions. Essentially, the formal role principle determines the communicative environment of communication between business partners, the direction and subordination of their communications and business interaction. In this case, various kinds of conventional restrictions that determine the status framework of business communication acquire a special role. These include social and legal norms of business communication (labor law, employment contract, labor code), moral norms (code of honor, business etiquette), as well as business traditions that exist in an enterprise, institution, firm, corporation.

Signs of business communication make it possible to determine its special status among other types of communication.

The content of business communication is determined by the socially significant subject of communication, which can be any socially significant problem in any sphere of society’s life (material, spiritual, regulatory). It can be associated with the production of material or spiritual products, the creation and offering of various types of services (information, educational, financial, managerial, marketing).

The most important structural component of business communication is the purpose of communication, which characterizes the focus of the actions of business partners on solving any socially significant problem. In the modern practice of business communication, a wide variety of goals are realized related to expanding the information fund of business partners, mastering new information; strengthening the traditions of firms and enterprises, creating products and services, satisfying various kinds of needs, forming and changing interpersonal relationships and attitudes. The realization of these goals is impossible without the psychological influence and influence of business partners on each other. Therefore, according to the goals of communication and the types of psychological influence used in accordance with these goals, it is customary to distinguish between such types of business communication as emotional, informational, persuasive, conventional, suggestive, imperative, manipulative, partner.

The structural components of business communication also include means of communication - sign and symbolic systems of business communication that ensure the transmission, exchange and processing of information coming from business partners.

There are nonverbal and verbal, paralinguistic and extralinguistic means of business communication.

Non-verbal include figurative (non-linguistic) systems of business communication, which include kinesic signals (facial expressions, gestures, gait, posture, gaze), tactical (bodily contacts: patting, handshakes), proxemic (distance between business partners and angle of orientation in relation to to each other).

Verbal (speech, verbal) means of business communication reflect the essential logical and semantic outline of business communication. They include various speech structures and phraseological units characteristic of the official business style of the language. In addition to professional language, which requires extreme precision of speech, business communication may also contain colloquial vocabulary, various kinds of speech patterns, emotionally charged neologisms, and metaphors. They mainly perform a targeted communicative function in spontaneously arising dialogues and conversations between business partners.

Paralinguistic and extralinguistic means of business communication essentially complement verbal communication. Paraverbal signals, which form the basis of the paralinguistic system, characterize the tone of the business partner’s voice, its range and timbre, logical and phrasal stress. The extralinguistic system characterizes the pace of speech of a business partner, the inclusion of pauses, coughing, laughter, and elements of crying.

Thus, speech shades in the statements of business partners signal their emotional states and, in general, the very emotional background of business communication.

The form of business communication is the most important structural element of business communication. It characterizes the way of implementing the communicative process of business communication. The same information content of business communication can be implemented on the basis of various methods of communication and joint activities of business partners: business conversation, meeting, negotiations, press conference, public speaking, presentation, discussion.

Depending on the content, this multi-subject nature of business communication allows us to distinguish the main types of business communication: activity-based, cognitive, motivational, material, spiritual, regulatory.

Activity-based business communication is carried out in the form of an exchange of actions, techniques, skills, and abilities in the joint professional and subject-related activities of people. Here, communication between business partners is clearly educational and instrumental-operational in nature. With the help of this type of business communication, professional techniques, skills, abilities, individual operational actions, and behavioral acts are learned.

Cognitive business communication involves the exchange of cognitive professional and social life experiences of business partners. This exchange is carried out both at the basic, socially significant for business communication, professional level (exchange of professional knowledge, ideas, ideas), and at the everyday practical level. The latter is present in business communication only in an indirect form, as a cognitive background of communication, revealing itself only in individual verbalized judgments, beliefs, and convictions formed on the basis of the everyday practical experience of business partners.

The peculiarity of motivational business communication is that it provides a selective focus on the actions of business partners, stimulates their behavioral activity and maintains it at a certain level. Motivational communication is carried out as a mutual exchange of business partners with personal dispositional (internally inherent) motivations: aspirations, desires, needs, interests, attitudes, motivations. This exchange can be activated under the influence of situational motivation - the determining factors of the business situation itself. The need for motivational business communication arises when business partners need to form a certain attitude to action or actualize any need.

The specificity of material business communication is manifested in the fact that it is implemented primarily in the economic sphere of society, associated with the production of direct material means of life, the exchange of material products and services and the satisfaction of the immediate material needs of business partners. That is why material business communication is decisive among other forms of business communication, since through it the basic material basis for the formation and functioning of all other forms is created.

Business communication in the spiritual sphere of society - spiritual business communication - has its own characteristics. It is associated with the production of spiritual values ​​and the creation of services in such areas of society as science, art, and religion. Here the creative mental nature of business communication is most manifested. It acts as a form of implementation of socially significant scientific and aesthetic activities of business partners. At the same time, business communication is realized as an exchange of spiritual values: scientific information, philosophical, aesthetic concepts and ideas. Spiritual business communication, thus, contributes to the greatest extent to the development of the spiritual, mental inner world of business partners.

Regulatory business communication is a form of implementation of joint socially significant activities of people in the political, legal and moral spheres of society. It is carried out by business partners as a mutual exchange of political, legal, moral knowledge, ideas, and perceptions. Through regulatory business communication, the socialization of business partners is carried out, their assimilation of political, legal, moral norms, values, and traditions.

Based on the method of information exchange, a distinction is made between oral and written business communication.

Oral types of business communication, in turn, are divided into monological and dialogical.

Monologue types include:

  • · greeting speech;
  • · sales speech (advertising);
  • · informational speech;
  • · report (at a meeting, meeting).

Dialogical types:

  • · business conversation - short-term contact, mainly on one topic;
  • · business conversation - a lengthy exchange of information and points of view, often accompanied by decision-making;
  • · negotiations - discussion with the aim of concluding an agreement on any issue;
  • · interview - a conversation with a journalist intended for print, radio, television;
  • · discussion;
  • · meeting (meeting);
  • · press conference;
  • · contact business conversation - direct, “live” dialogue;
  • · telephone conversation (distant), excluding non-verbal communication.

Stages of business communication-

  • · Establishing contact (acquaintance). Involves understanding another person, introducing oneself to another person.
  • · Orientation in a communication situation, understanding what is happening, pausing.
  • · Discussion of the problem of interest.
  • · Solution to the problem.
  • · Ending a contact (exiting it).

Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………… 2

1. The concept of “business communication”…………………………………………………..3

2. Signs of business communication…………………………………………………. 5

3. Structure of business communication……………………………………………………………7

4. Classification of types of business communication………………………………….. 11

B) according to the purpose of communication……………………………………………………….12

5. Basic forms of business communication……………………………………….. 14




The relationships between people in the process of joint activity, to which each person devotes a significant part of his life, have always aroused special interest and attention on the part of philosophers, psychologists, sociologists, as well as practitioners who sought to generalize their experience of business communication in a particular area and correlate it with the moral norms developed by humanity and formulate the basic principles and rules of human behavior in a business (office) environment. Recently, to characterize the whole range of issues related to the behavior of people in a business environment, as well as as the title of a theoretical course devoted to their study, the compound term “ethics of business communication” has been used.

There are known “written” and “unwritten” norms of behavior in a given situation of official contact. The accepted procedure and form of behavior in the service is called business etiquette. Its main function is the formation of rules that promote mutual understanding between people. The second most important function is the function of convenience, i.e. expediency and practicality. Modern domestic official etiquette has international characteristics, because its foundations were actually laid in 1720 by the “General Regulations” of Peter I, in which foreign ideas were borrowed.

Business communication is the most important aspect of the morality of the professional behavior of an entrepreneur. Business etiquette is the result of a long selection of rules for the forms of the most appropriate behavior that contributed to success in business relationships. A culture of behavior in business communication is unthinkable without observing the rules of verbal (verbal" speech) etiquette associated with forms and manners of speech, vocabulary, i.e. with all the style of speech accepted in communication of this circle of business people.

1. The concept of “business communication”

Business communication is a complex, multifaceted process of developing contacts between people in the professional sphere. Its participants act in official capacities and are focused on achieving goals and specific tasks. A specific feature of this process is regulation, i.e. subordination to established restrictions that are determined by national and cultural traditions and professional ethical principles.

Business etiquette includes two groups of rules:

Norms operating in the sphere of communication between equal status, members of the same team (horizontal);

Instructions that determine the nature of contact between the manager and the subordinate (vertical).

A general requirement is a friendly and helpful attitude towards all work colleagues and partners, regardless of personal likes and dislikes.

The regulation of business interaction is also expressed in attention to speech. It is mandatory to observe speech etiquette - norms of linguistic behavior developed by society, standard ready-made “formulas” that allow you to organize etiquette situations of greeting, request, gratitude, etc. (for example, “hello,” “be kind,” “permit me to apologize,” “ happy to meet you"). These sustainable designs are selected taking into account social, age, and psychological characteristics.

Communication as interaction presupposes that people establish contact with each other, exchange certain information in order to build joint activities and cooperation.

For communication as interaction to occur smoothly, it must consist of the following stages:

Establishing contact (acquaintance). Involves understanding another person, introducing oneself to another person;

Orientation in a communication situation, understanding what is happening, pausing;

Discussion of the problem of interest;

Solution to the problem.

Ending a contact (exiting it).

Official contacts should be built on a partnership basis, based on mutual requests and needs, and on the interests of the business. Undoubtedly, such cooperation increases labor and creative activity and is an important factor in the technological process of production and business.

2. Signs of business communication

Business communication today penetrates into all spheres of public life. Enterprises of all forms of ownership and individuals enter into commercial and business relationships. Competence in the field of business communication is directly related to success or failure in any business: science, art, production, trade. As for managers, entrepreneurs, production organizers, and people involved in management, communicative competence for representatives of these professions is the most important part of their professional appearance.

Another specific feature of business communication is its regulation, that is, its subordination to established rules and restrictions.

These rules are determined by the type of business communication, its form, the degree of formality and the specific goals and objectives facing those communicating. These rules are determined by national cultural traditions and social norms of behavior.

They are recorded, drawn up in the form of a protocol (business, diplomatic), exist in the form of generally accepted norms of social behavior, in the form of etiquette requirements, and time limits for communication.

An important feature of business communication is the strict adherence to role roles by its participants. In life, we constantly perform and play various roles: wife, husband, son, daughter, citizen, boss, seller, buyer, etc. Our roles may change several times during the day. The same thing happens in business communication. In the process of interaction, a business person in different situations has to be a boss, a subordinate, a colleague, a partner, a participant in an event, etc. It is necessary to take this into account and behave in accordance with the requirements imposed by the specific situation and the accepted role . Compliance with role roles in business communication streamlines and stabilizes the work process and thereby ensures its effectiveness.

The peculiarities of business communication include the increased responsibility of participants for its results. After all, successful business interaction is largely determined by the chosen communication strategy and tactics, i.e. the ability to correctly formulate the goals of the conversation, determine the interests of partners, build a rationale for one’s own position, etc. If business communication is ineffective, this can lead to the failure of the business itself.

Therefore, in business communication, such important qualities of business people as commitment, organization, loyalty to their word, as well as adherence to moral and ethical standards and principles acquire special significance.

Business communication also requires a more strict attitude towards the use of speech by its participants. In business communication, swear words and obscene expressions, colloquialisms are not allowed; the use of words of a limited scope of use (jargon, dialectisms, archaisms, etc.) is undesirable.

3. Structure of business communication

The structure of business communication consists of five basic phrases:

1) Starting a conversation.

2) Transfer of information.

3) Argumentation.

4) Refuting the interlocutor’s arguments.

5) Decision making.

The correct start of a conversation requires: an accurate description of the goals of the conversation, mutual introduction of the interlocutors, the name of the topic, an introduction of the person leading the conversation, and an announcement of the sequence of consideration of issues.

When concluding a conversation, the order of actions should be reversed: the leader of the conversation takes the floor and ends it by addressing the interlocutor.

What should you pay attention to when establishing personal contact with your interlocutor?

First, clear, concise, and meaningful introductory phrases and explanations.

Secondly, it is mandatory to address your interlocutors by name and patronymic.

Thirdly, appropriate appearance (clothing, smartness, facial expression) is important.

Showing respect for the personality of the interlocutor, attention to his opinions and interests is an integral part of any communication, and even more so in a business conversation...

The conversation should be built in the form of a dialogue, for the construction of which, as often as possible, appeal to the opinions and answers of the interlocutor.

Your interlocutor's comments mean that he is actively listening to you, watching your speech, carefully checking your argument, and thinking everything through. They believe that an interlocutor without comments is a person without his own opinion. That is why the interlocutor’s comments and arguments should not be considered as obstacles during the conversation. They make the conversation easier because they give us the opportunity to understand what else needs to be convinced of the interlocutor and what he generally thinks about the essence of the matter.

There are the following types of remarks: unspoken remarks, prejudices, ironic remarks, remarks for the purpose of obtaining information, remarks for the purpose of proving oneself, subjective remarks, objective remarks, remarks for the purpose of resistance.

Let's take a closer look at them. We will be interested in what are the reasons for such comments, how to treat them and how to respond to them.

Unspoken remarks. These are comments that the interlocutor does not have time, does not want or does not dare to express, so we ourselves must identify and neutralize them.

Prejudice. They are among the reasons that cause unpleasant remarks, especially in cases where the interlocutor's point of view is completely wrong. His position is based on emotional grounds, and all logical arguments are useless here. We see that the interlocutor uses aggressive argumentation, puts forward special demands and sees only the negative sides of the conversation.

The reason for such comments is most likely a wrong approach on your part, antipathy towards you, unpleasant impressions. In such a situation, you need to find out the motives and point of view of the interlocutor, and approach mutual understanding.

Ironic (sarcastic) remarks. Such remarks are a consequence of the interlocutor’s bad mood, and sometimes his desire to test your restraint and patience. You will notice that the comments are not closely related to the flow of the conversation and are defiant and even offensive.

What to do in such a situation? You should check whether the remark is made seriously or is in the nature of a challenge. In any case, you cannot follow your interlocutor’s lead. Your reaction can either be witty or you should not react to such remarks.

Comments for information purposes. Such comments are evidence of the interest of your interlocutor and the existing shortcomings in the transfer of information.

Most likely, the reason is that your argument is not clear. The interlocutor wants to receive additional information or he has overheard some details. You must give a calm and confident answer.

Comments to prove yourself. These remarks can be explained by the desire of the interlocutor to express his own opinion. He wants to show that he has not succumbed to your influence and that in this matter he is as impartial as possible.

These types of comments may be caused by too much argumentation on your part and perhaps by your opinionated tone. What to do in such a situation? It is necessary that your interlocutor finds confirmation of his ideas and opinions.

Subjective comments. Such remarks are typical for a certain category of people. The typical formulation of such interlocutors is: “This is all great, but it doesn’t suit me.”

What is the reason for such comments? Your information is unconvincing; you pay insufficient attention to the personality of your interlocutor. He does not trust your information and therefore does not value the facts provided. What to do in such a situation? You should put yourself in the shoes of your interlocutor and take into account his problems.

Objective comments. These are comments that the interlocutor makes in order to dispel his doubts. These remarks are sincere, without any subterfuge. The interlocutor wants to receive an answer in order to develop his own opinion.

The reason for such comments is that your interlocutor has a different solution to the problem and does not agree with yours. How to behave in such a situation? You should not openly contradict your interlocutor, but bring to his attention that you take his views into account, and then explain to him what advantage your solution to the problem provides.

Remarks for the purpose of resistance. These remarks tend to occur at the beginning of a conversation, so they are not and cannot be specific.

The reason for them most often is that your interlocutor has not become familiar with your arguments, and the topic of the conversation is not clearly defined. What to do in such a situation? The topic of the conversation should be clearly defined, and if resistance increases, then you need to reconsider the tactics, and, as a last resort, change the topic of the conversation.

4. Classification of types of business communication

Business communication is a complex, multifaceted process of developing contacts between people in the professional sphere. Its participants act in official capacities and are focused on achieving goals and specific tasks. A specific feature of this process is regulation, i.e. subordination to established restrictions that are determined by national and cultural traditions and professional ethical principles. Let's look at some types of business communication.

· Material - exchange of objects and products of activity;

· Cognitive - knowledge sharing;

· Motivational - exchange of motivations, goals, interests, motives, needs;

· Activity - exchange of actions, operations, skills.

By means of communication it is possible to divide into the following four types:

· Direct - carried out with the help of natural organs given to a living being: arms, head, torso, vocal cords, etc.;

· Indirect - associated with the use of special means and tools;

· Direct - involves personal contacts and direct perception of communicating people by each other in the very act of communication;

· Indirect - carried out through intermediaries, who may be other people.

B) according to the purpose of communication

Communication as interaction presupposes that people establish contact with each other, exchange certain information in order to build joint activities and achieve their goals. In the case of business communication, the desire to communicate is secondary to the need. Coercion is the main feature that distinguishes business communication from interpersonal communication.

The motives of participants in business communication come down to three main groups: 1) achieving a specific result; 2) obtaining socio-psychological advantages - money, power, fame; 3) implementation in the process of joint activity of personal relationships - friendship, love, envy, revenge. Roles, in combination with the motivation of participants in business communication, make it possible to determine and consolidate the languages ​​and forms in which the relationships between them are realized.

There are special rituals of business communication. These are business conversations of various types, business correspondence, business etiquette, attributes of business communication, verbal and non-verbal signs and symbols of relationships, barriers, defenses and conflicts. With the help of ritual forms: addresses, greetings, compliments, we can strengthen or weaken the effectiveness of activities. But in general, in business communication the goal and motivation is joint activity, and therefore it cannot be reduced to external forms. Business communication includes the ritual level, but is not limited to it.

That is, in each specific case, the effectiveness of joint activities is enhanced or weakened by the personal relationships of the partners. To truly understand the characteristics of a specific situation that has arisen as a result of business relationships, it is important to determine the nature and degree of influence of the personal factor on the goals and results of communication.

There are several types according to the purpose of communication :

· Cognitive communication implies the development of new information and its application in practical activities, the introduction of innovations, and self-development;

· Persuasive communication is used to attract a partner to your position, reorienting goals;

· Expressive communication aims to change the partner’s mood, provoking the necessary feelings: compassion, empathy, involvement in specific actions and actions;

· Suggestive communication is necessary when providing a suggestive influence to change motivations, value orientations, behavior and attitudes;

· Manipulative communication is a form of interpersonal communication in which influence on a communication partner in order to achieve one’s intentions is carried out covertly.

· Ritual communication leads to the formation of a sense of patriotism and national pride, the preservation of traditions and the consolidation of new rituals.

5. Basic forms of business communication

1. Business conversation - a system of purposefully selected thoughts and words, through which one or more interlocutors want to exert a certain influence on another interlocutor or on a group of interlocutors in order to change the existing business situation, that is, with the aim of creating a new business situation or a new business relationship.

2. Presentation (from the Latin Praesentatio) - a public presentation of something new, recently appeared, created, for example: a book, magazine, movie, television program, organization.

3. Business meeting - an element of managerial activity of a manager; the most common form of control.

4. Negotiations are an integral part of our daily life. Negotiation accompanies any joint activity. The purpose of negotiations is usually to reach an agreement on the parties' participation in activities, the results of which will be used for mutual benefit. Business negotiations are conducted within the scope of the participants’ business and have a narrower task - to reach an agreement on the mutually beneficial exchange of resources, joint investment of resources, and distribution of profits received from joint activities.


The ability to behave appropriately with people is one of the most important, if not the most important, factor determining the chances of achieving success in business, employment or entrepreneurial activity. Dale Carnegie noted back in the 30s that the success of a person in his financial affairs, even in the technical field or engineering, depends by fifteen percent on his professional knowledge and eighty-five percent on his ability to communicate with people. In this context, the attempts of many researchers to formulate and substantiate the basic principles of business communication ethics or, as they are more often called in the West, the commandments of personal public relation (can be very roughly translated as “business etiquette”) are easily understandable.

The specificity of business communication lies in the fact that the collision, interaction of economic interests and social regulation are carried out within a legal framework. Most often, people enter into business relationships in order to legally formalize interactions in a particular area. The ideal result of interaction and legal registration of relations is partnerships built on the foundations of mutual respect and trust.


1. Andreeva G. M. “Social psychology”

M: "Aspect Press", 2006. – 363 p.

2. Volgin B. Business meetings.

M.: “Science”, 2007. – 129 p.

3. Koneva E. V. Psychology of communication

M: “Phoenix”, 2006. – 284 p.

4. Leontyev A. A. “Psychology of communication”

M: "Academy", 2005. – 368 p.

5. Yager D. Business etiquette: how to survive and succeed in the world of business.

M: “Thought”, 2007. – 255 s.

It is a type of communication whose purpose is the exchange of information between existing or potential partners. During business communication, important issues are resolved, goals are set and achieved, personal and business qualities are acquired. To better understand all this, you need to understand what types of business communication exist.

Direct and indirect

All types of business communication are divided into two groups: direct and indirect. Direct communication is understood as communication that occurs directly between partners who are not separated by spatial and temporal barriers. This could be a negotiation. By indirect we mean contact that is carried out using technical means (telephone, Internet). Experience shows that, whenever possible, one should strive for direct communication, since it is considered the most effective for achieving any goal. Yet live communication, when the interlocutors see, cannot be compared with anything else.

Verbal and non-verbal

There are such types of business communication as verbal and non-verbal. Verbal is communication through words, non-verbal is communication through gestures, facial expressions, and postures. A nonverbal portrait of a person can be compiled by what postures he chooses to conduct a conversation, how he looks at his interlocutor and with what intonation he pronounces this or that information.

The technology of business communication can be carried out using various methods and depending on this, the following types of business communication are distinguished:

Business meeting

Here we mean such business communication when the entire team of an enterprise or company gets together to discuss pressing problems or make a common decision.

Public speaking

This type of business communication is to some extent a continuation of the previous one. This is the case when one person conveys some information to his colleagues or another group of people. The speaker must clearly understand what he is talking about, and his speech must be understandable to the audience.

Business conversation

This is a type of business communication in which information is exchanged on some topic that is most important at the moment. For example, this includes discussions between company employees about work processes. During a business conversation, a decision does not necessarily have to be made.

Business meeting

Unlike the previous type of communication, the end result of negotiations is to find the most correct solution and accept it. Business negotiations have a specific, clear focus, which may result in the signing of important contracts and transactions.


During business communication, it is not always possible to avoid an argument. Often, only thanks to the clash of interests and the participants defending their positions is it possible to come to some kind of decision. But sometimes it is precisely the dispute that prevents it from being accepted.

Business correspondence

It is an indirect mode of business communication in which information is conveyed through writing. For example, this may include written orders and requests. Business correspondence can also be carried out by sending emails, which significantly saves time. There are two forms: a letter (sent by one organization to another) and a private official letter (sent on behalf of an organization to another individual).

Speaking about business communication, its main phases should also be mentioned.

Phases of business communication

· Preparation for communication.

· Communication phase (making contact).

· Concentration of attention (on some problem or feature).

· Maintaining attention.

· Argumentation and persuasion (in case the interlocutors’ thoughts differ).

· Fixing the result (end the conversation at the right moment).

Business communication is closely related to the field of business cooperation. No company can operate without business relationships. Through various forms of business communication, business connections are built between partners, counterparties, competitors, clients, etc. The general director of a company must be a wise supervisor, guiding his employees in the right direction, thereby helping to develop professionally. In order to acquire the necessary skills from the head of the company, employees must respect him and trust the course he has chosen for the development of the enterprise.

Business conversation is a deep and multilateral process of establishing connections between various participants in the business sphere who are focused on solving certain problems. The specificity of such a process is orderliness, i.e. subordination to specific regulations based on professional, moral principles and cultural traditions of the people.

The rules of business communication adopted in the business community are called business etiquette. The main goal of business communication etiquette is to create norms of behavior between participants in the business world. The next most important function is considered to be practicality and rationality.

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Basic functions of business communication

Business communication acts as a harmonious set of connections between different groups of people. As a rule, several functions of business communication are distinguished, but they must be considered together, since such a communication process must be perceived as a single general mechanism.

Information and communication function business communication boils down to the fact that information exchange occurs between participants in the business community. To preserve and understand the topic of negotiations, it is necessary to concentrate attention on it. The topic should be interesting, exciting, and of some value to the interlocutors, in which case it will be easily perceived by them. If the topic is not elaborated by the speaker, and the information is uninformative, the topic is difficult for listeners to perceive.

Interactive feature business communication comes down to the ability to plan a sequence of actions between the people participating in such communication. Employees who pay attention to their colleague giving a speech are able to independently regulate and control personal behavior and actions.

Perceptual function comes down to the perception of one participant in business communication by other participants. By perceiving a colleague’s speech, we assimilate and analyze the information we need, and also correlate it with our worldview. Each of us needs perception in order to have effective personal development, realize our uniqueness, and individually approach ideas about certain objects and events.

Types of business communication

There are different types of business communication, each of them is aimed at a specific result.

Business correspondence. With the help of this type of business communication, information is conveyed to the interlocutor in writing. You cannot approach writing a business letter lightly, because... There are certain rules of business correspondence, non-compliance with which can lead to unplanned results. Pay attention to the formatting of the letter: tactful and correct address, relevance of the topic, brevity and clarity of the text, indication of response time, etc. It is important to approach writing a business letter competently, because the addressee, without seeing you, can form his impression only by sent text.

Business conversation. The company needs to hold business conversations with employees, partners, and contractors as often as possible. The ethics of business communication in a company are formed through such organized meetings, at which it is possible to resolve problematic issues between the manager and subordinates, analyze the results of business activities, set goals, define tasks, etc. Using this type of business communication, you can consider any operational issue of the enterprise.

Business meeting. As a rule, meetings are organized on particularly important issues of the company with the goal of a joint and most acceptable way to solve a problem situation. Business meetings can be organized for both administrative staff of the company and employees.

Public speaking. In cases where it is necessary to convey information to a certain group of people, you can use this type of effective business communication as public speaking. The speaker must have certain knowledge of the topic of the speech and be able to convey information to the listener. It is important for the speaker to speak competently, look confident, and present the prepared material clearly and consistently.

Business meeting. Negotiations in business communication play an extremely important function for the effective operation of a company, with the help of which you can quickly resolve any controversial situation, outline work goals, interview your interlocutor on issues of concern and, as a result, make the right decision.

Discussion. When different points of view on the same issue collide during business communication, it is impossible to avoid a discussion on this issue. A dispute within the framework of business communication etiquette is quite appropriate and effective if it leads to a peaceful resolution of the issue.

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Principles of business communication that should not be forgotten

Focus. Whatever type of business communication you choose, first of all, it must have a purpose. The main purpose of communication is to convey certain information. The secondary tasks of the speaker can be purely personal, for example: to show the audience his eloquence, erudition, intelligence, etc.

Interpersonality. When communicating with people, show openness, sincerity, and interest. Despite the fact that communication should take place in the context of a business conversation, it is impossible to avoid an interpersonal attitude towards a particular interlocutor. When discussing certain issues, we pay attention to the personal characteristics of the participants in business communication and, thereby, form a subjective opinion about each of them.

Multidimensionality. In various situations of business communication, participants, in addition to exchanging information, control their relationships with each other. For example, Vladimir tells Oleg: “We should take a guidebook on the trip,” with this phrase he conveyed some information for his partner. The tone of the message is important; it can express concern or, conversely, a desire to lead and command over a partner.

Continuity. By communicating with a business partner, we activate the continuity of business and interpersonal communication with him. Business communication consists of both verbal and non-verbal elements that we direct towards the interlocutor, and he, in turn, draws certain conclusions from such messages. If an impression has been formed about the interlocutor, then even his silence or absence can become informative.

During communication between business partners, the following aspects of the relationship are realized in reality: maintaining business contact, providing business information, expressing an emotional attitude towards the interlocutor. For example, when they say to you: “I am very glad to meet you,” both the tone and facial expressions of the interlocutor are of great importance in assessing the sincerity of the message received. A person looks into your eyes, smiles, hugs, shakes your hand - all this makes you feel good about the other person and to communicate with him. But if greeting words are spoken at a fast pace, unemotionally, without looking into the eyes, then the interlocutor will perceive them as just traditional signs of etiquette.

Business language for communicating with colleagues and business partners

Business language is an official style of speech, expressed both orally and in writing, which is a regulator of business relations.

Formal writing style carries certain features of business communication:

  • specificity of terms, cliches;
  • brevity and consistency of transmitted information;
  • compliance with the letter form;
  • the ability to avoid emotional content of the text;
  • narrative nature of the letter.

Business speaking consists of the following components:

  • meaningful (speech should be logical, clear, consistent);
  • expressive (speech reflects the emotional coloring of information);
  • stimulating (speech influences the sensory and mental perception of the interlocutor).

The language of business communication of a specific interlocutor assessed according to the following indicators:

Building business communication is characterized by sequential stages. Ethics in business communication presupposes strict adherence to all main stages of business communication:

  1. Formation of motive. A stage characterized by the threshold of communication between interlocutors. Business communication begins as a result of certain conscious, purposeful actions. Those. planning a meeting with a specific person, the desire to get advice from him or offer him a service is a preparatory stage before the meeting. Effective relationships between business partners are impossible without specific motives and set goals. With the help of the preparatory stage, business communication participants have the opportunity to analyze the importance of potential business cooperation.
  2. Establishing contact. Typically occurs at the initial meeting of business partners. As soon as the need for business professional communication arises, then it will be read. In order to establish first contact, you need to look into each other's eyes. Eye contact will tell you whether your partner can be trusted, and a firm handshake will be a good start to a fruitful collaboration with him. Business communication and business relationships begin with these simple greetings.
  3. Formulation of the problem. The purpose of a business meeting is not just to drink coffee or brighten up your leisure time. Business partners try to solve problems together, and at the meeting they discuss them and try to find the best solutions.
  4. Information exchange. Getting personal during a meeting is not acceptable, and the ethics of business communication does not allow such self-will. During negotiations, partners share the necessary information with each other. Sometimes entrepreneurs are willing to pay a lot of money for useful information. How to convince your partner? These should not be empty promises; argue, prove and confirm your words. The information you want to convey to your partner must be meaningful and valuable to him.
  5. Finding a solution. As soon as the partners begin to trust each other, the parties look for ways to resolve the controversial situation. It is better to secure business relations between partners by signing a contract.
  6. Drawing up a contract. The result of business communication should be the production of some product or service. By concluding a contract, the parties undertake to comply with all conditions and fulfill the obligations specified in it.
  7. Analysis of results. This is the final stage of business communication. The parties analyze joint activities, which can be manifested in calculating net profit, as well as in planning further fruitful cooperation.

Ethics and psychology of business communication, or what should be the behavior of a leader

A person’s moral qualities and understanding of moral standards can either help in business communication or hinder, and sometimes even make communication impossible. The basis of business communication should be harmonious relationships between partners and each other, and they should be carried out through progress towards morally justified goals.

As an example, let's give moral standards, models behavior of company leaders:

  • You want your employees to have high moral standards of communication and strive to create a cohesive team. First of all, you need to involve employees in the company's goals. An employee should feel comfortable in the company; only in this case will he be able to identify himself with the team. When working in a well-coordinated team, it is important to remain an individual.
  • Immediately find out the reasons for the dishonest behavior of your employees. Try to reproach and point out the weaknesses of employees less. You need to think about what you can do to help the employee overcome his weaknesses. Show employees their strengths and focus on them in business communications.
  • If the employee did not fulfill your instructions, you must point this out to him so that he knows that you are aware of this fact. According to the ethics of business communication, in this case it is better for the manager to reprimand the employee.
  • Before reprimanding an employee, gather the necessary facts. To begin with, let the employee himself explain to you the reason for the unfulfilled order; perhaps his arguments will suit you. You should not reprimand an employee in front of a team; this can humiliate his dignity and affect relationships within the team.
  • If you want to criticize an employee, then criticize only his actions, without getting personal.
  • When there is something to scold an employee for, use the “sandwich” method, i.e. hide criticism between praise. Start with praise, then move on to criticism, and end with praise again.
  • Don't take responsibility by giving advice on employees' personal matters.
  • You should not single out favorites from the team. It is better if you treat all employees equally fairly.
  • Do not pretend to employees that you do not have full knowledge of this or that information. This way you will maintain the respect of the team.
  • You must be a fair leader. If the merit to the company is greater, then the reward should be greater.
  • Even if you understand that the company worked effectively thanks to your leadership, thank and reward your team.
  • If your employees deserve praise, don't skimp on it. A well-motivated employee will strive to do even better.
  • If you allow yourself to enjoy certain privileges in the company, then allow other employees of the company to enjoy them.
  • Be able to admit your own weaknesses and mistakes in company management. Only a strong and decent leader can admit his mistakes, information about which will sooner or later reach the team.
  • Try to protect your employees, because they will respond to you with their loyalty.
  • When choosing one form or another of orders to a subordinate, try to take into account the following factors: the personality of the employee and the specific situation.

Let's consider the forms of orders with which the head of a company can contact his subordinate:

Order. This form of order is best used to deal with unscrupulous employees or in an emergency situation.

Request. An order in the form of a request can be applied to employees whose business communication is based on the trust of the manager.

Question. A manager can ask his highly qualified specialists the following questions: “How best can we do this?”, “Is it worth conducting this type of activity?” With such questions, you will make it clear that the opinion of your employees is especially valuable and important to you. But such questions must be asked to competent employees, otherwise the team may perceive this as a sign of weakness and hopelessness.

"Volunteer". Ask the question: “Who wants to complete this task?” This type of order is appropriate when work needs to be done, but no one wants to do it. Be sure to evaluate the volunteer’s enthusiasm later.

Business communication styles for managers

  • Authoritarian

The basis of this leadership style is the complete subordination of employees. In an authoritarian management style, management voices ideas, and employees are obliged to implement them. The deadlines for completing the task are set short, management does not care how the employees will complete the task, and how they will feel. The head of the company does not notice and does not take into account the opinions of his employees, personal achievements are not taken into account.

In a team where the leader has chosen an authoritarian management style, there will never be creative ideas, because employees, fulfilling the requirements of management, do not show any initiative. Employees do strictly regulated work, but do not want to work overtime, show their imagination, or share creative thoughts.

  • Democratic

The basis of this management style is joint collective activity; the manager takes into account any creative ideas of his employees. Such a leader is more friendly to his team, he is fair and shows concern for the development of the company. Even the idea of ​​a simple cleaner will be listened to, and if it is brought to life, he will receive a higher position. The democratic style of business communication is considered the most effective, because recognizes the individuality and value of each company employee, and also encourages the desire to grow and develop professionally.

Every employee of the company can realize self-realization in a team with a democratic management style. There is a lot to learn from such a leader, and the skills acquired in his company will be useful to employees in their future work. With a democratic leadership style, employee productivity increases, interest in work is shown, and the number of new production ideas increases.

  • Conniving

It is expressed in the indifference and indifference of the manager both to the activities of the company and to its employees. A permissive style of business communication, as a rule, is chosen by the manager who only formally manages the company. It is also typical for young managers who have no experience in managing and organizing a team.

The head of the company has virtually no interest in the life of the company. Using a permissive communication style, you cannot develop and work effectively. Employees very quickly get used to the fact that they are not controlled, and they do not treat their activities with the proper level of responsibility.

  • Official business

This style is used when concluding contracts and signing important business papers. At negotiations and meetings, business communication becomes an indicator of the qualifications of employees, so it is extremely important to show it at the proper level.

  • Scientific style

Managers and teachers of educational institutions use the scientific style of business communication in their activities. This style of communication is extremely effective, because during seminars and lectures, students receive accurate information about any subject or event. The scientific style differs from other leadership styles in its rigor.

  • 10 rules that can make any business meeting perfect

What should professional and business communication be like at work?

It is important not only to stay on top of the business conversation, but also to take into account certain features of the interaction. Let's look at them:

  • Control over the situation

Any successful businessman knows how important it is to keep your emotions under control. Sometimes you have to bite the bullet if you want to achieve good results in your company. It is necessary to control everything: concluding contracts, emotions, doubts, etc. If the manager drives himself into a corner and is tormented by the question of the correctness of the decisions made, the enterprise will not conduct its business successfully.

Only by consistently monitoring the business processes occurring in the company can you be aware of all its activities. Having a specific action plan, you can be confident that the decisions you make are correct.

If your partner is unrestrained and emotional, then you should not join him; adhere to the rules of business communication. Disputes, quarrels, and unreasonable skirmishes are not elements of a company’s success. Politeness, patience and continuous work are the true components of the success of an enterprise.

  • The ability to hear your client

Already at the beginning of doing business, it is important to understand what is the main link in entrepreneurship. The most important link is the client. You need to be able to work competently with clients, be able to recognize and take into account their needs. Such a respectful approach to the client will help the company achieve success in any business sector. It is imperative to invest not only in the company’s production, but also in the development of the service sector, because clients should feel free and comfortable. The company's goal is to satisfy the consumer to the maximum, so that he is satisfied with both the product and the service.

  • Ability to focus on what matters most

There is no doubt that running a business is not easy and serious work. Business communication requires partners to be completely focused and dedicated. Every trouble in business should be taken as a lesson that teaches and leads to professional growth. It is through failures and mistakes that a company improves and develops.

Every day, the head of a company experiences a lot of stress. He must possess a huge amount of information that he must be able to analyze, systematize and introduce into practical activities. A wise manager knows that it is possible to become a winner when the main task of the company is found and more time is devoted to solving it.

  • Ability to separate personal relationships from business

Learn to separate the work process from personal relationships with employees. Even if an employee is unpleasant to you, this does not mean that he is useless to the company. When you work in a large enterprise, you are exposed to many people and opinions with which you may or may not agree. Approach the development of the company responsibly so as not to regret missed moments. Business communication can help you focus on specific tasks of the enterprise.

  • Ability to be honest

Any entrepreneur should strive to conduct clean business activities. You should not deceive and be cunning, make illegal or dubious transactions, or use people for personal gain. Sooner or later, dishonest behavior in the business arena can develop into a loss of company reputation, as well as a loss of trust and respect among partners and clients. An entrepreneur should be for transparency and honesty in doing business. If you deceive your customers, sooner or later your business will collapse. Remember that business communication is the basis on which you can build trusting relationships.

What moral standards of business communication should be observed in the business environment?

Any participant in business communication must comply with basic moral standards, such as: decency, fairness, honesty, responsibility, respect, etc.

Decency manifests itself in the inseparability of a person’s worldview with his actions. Hypocrisy and duplicity are the opposite of decent behavior. Considering yourself a decent person, you keep your word and, when performing one or another official task, you will always come to the aid of your colleagues.

Principle of justice in business communication it implies the absence of any bias, i.e. objectivity when assessing colleagues, partners, and competitors. Showing care and attention to your interlocutor speaks of your respect for him. Showing respect for your interlocutor is not at all difficult; listen carefully to his idea or point of view on a particular issue. Even if you do not agree with your partner’s opinion and you want to interrupt his speech and defend your position, listen to him to the end, thereby showing respect for your interlocutor.

Honesty makes a person shy away from deception and base acts. But sometimes even people with high moral standards have to give up honesty. Follow the rule: “tell only the truth,” that is, you should not deliberately deceive yourself or others. If you are faced with a moral dilemma and are forced to make a choice that is justified by circumstances of a certain nature, then, in this case, a lie acquires the status of “salvation.” For example, you know that the enemy will be attacked, but you do not notify him due to saving human lives, etc.

Responsibility is expressed in the extent to which participants in business communication are responsible for their actions and words, the extent to which they fulfill their duties and comply with moral standards.

Psychology of business communication: three effective techniques for resisting manipulation

First technique confrontation is very relevant if the interlocutor is not interesting or close to you. An example of such an intrusive contact would be a gypsy asking for money. The simplest and most obvious method of confrontation is a sharp refusal to contact such an interlocutor. Refusal may come in the form of a firm “no.” Do not say unnecessary offensive words, try not to provoke the person into aggression. If you give up negative words towards your interlocutor both at the level of business communication and at the level of everyday communication, this will protect you from negative consequences and become a good life habit.

Second technique opposition can be used in relationships between people who are valuable to you - friends, relatives, colleagues, etc. By understanding the essence of the psychology of a manipulator, you will understand his intentions. The manipulator prefers to secretly pull the strings, thereby leading the person to the desired result. What to do if your loved one has become a manipulator? “Shed light” on the manipulation, i.e. try to delicately talk about this topic, make it clear that you understand his intention. Then you should voice to the interlocutor that, knowing his intentions, you feel uncomfortable. So, having discerned the manipulation and voiced it to your interlocutor, you, without blaming or putting pressure, tactfully describe your feelings: “I’m uncomfortable.”

Example. For several years, the two businessmen collaborated fruitfully with each other. One day, one of them decided to try to change the terms of cooperation using manipulative techniques. The offer consisted of additional incentives for the number of active clients attracted. The manipulator was not embarrassed by the fact that he was the one responsible for attracting clients, and his partner was responsible for security and logistics. He counted on good friendly relationships over a long period of joint business activity and thought that his partner would not be able to refuse him. But the partner decided to tactfully voice his disagreement with the manipulator’s proposal; he cited the corresponding calculations, which clearly showed how the distribution of income would change from 50% to 50% to 30% to 70% in favor of the manipulator. The wise partner decided not to leave his dissatisfaction in the shadows and acted openly, he said: “I am uncomfortable with the scheme you proposed, but I still want our business to flourish and for us to succeed. I really value our friendly, warm relationship.” As a result, the manipulator gave up, he realized that friendship with a long-time business partner was more important to him than additional dishonest income. These two businessmen have been working fruitfully to this day, and their common business is thriving and developing.

The manipulator’s partner acted very wisely; he did not swear or be indignant, but delicately made it clear that he had revealed his plan, but, nevertheless, showed his positive attitude and willingness to continue cooperation.

Third technique in the psychology of business communication - manipulation by a manipulator. That is, you agree to the manipulator’s proposal, but at the same time you try to change the tactics and method of achieving his goal. This is a simple but very effective technique. Let's see it in action on example.

After 20 years of separation, one of his classmates calls another. They weren't really friends at school, and after graduation they never even dated. The conversation took place on a positive wave, almost the entire conversation they recalled the wonderful school years, teachers, classmates, and only in the last few minutes the caller voiced the true reason for the call: “My family and I will be passing through Moscow, I want to show the city to my loved ones, and at the same time visit and talk with you and reminisce about your school days.”

In response, the manipulator heard: “Great offer, I’ll be happy to meet you. We can chat and remember our youth. Since it’s not entirely convenient to stay with me, I’ll make an agreement with my friend; he owns a small hotel not far from my house and will be happy to find an inexpensive, comfortable room for your family. Due to the fact that you will live very close, we will have plenty of time to communicate with you.” Do you think this classmate has arrived? What was the goal of the manipulator for the manipulated?

These three techniques can help you defend your beliefs and teach you to tell your interlocutor not what he wants to hear, but what you really want to tell him. Try to put them into practice so as not to be trapped by the prepared scenarios of various manipulators.

  • How to resist manipulation: effective methods of protection

Expert opinion

How to resist manipulation in business communication

Smirnov Yuri Ivanovich,

General Director, Management

Often during business communication, businessmen may be subject to pressure from each other. The purpose of such pressure: to force your business partner to perform certain actions. What manipulation technique to use and how to counteract it?

What is manipulation? Manipulation is an activity that is aimed at forcing a partner to think in a way that is beneficial to the manipulator, or provoking him to take specific actions. We will not judge the manipulator and discuss whether it is good or bad, since the behavior of the manipulator depends entirely on moral values ​​and the situation in which he finds himself. Any business communication involves manipulative actions on the part of one of the interlocutors. But there are certain limits beyond which a person prefers not to go; these limits are determined by the level of moral education, as well as the goal pursued by the manipulator.

Let's say a child can't do something. One of the parents tries to support him and declares that he is doing everything perfectly, and, surprisingly, the child’s next result is indeed much better than the previous one. Does such manipulation have a positive effect? Undoubtedly yes. Support can also be negative, when the interlocutor is deprived of everything through manipulative techniques.

There are many manipulative techniques, and one of them is to present the interlocutor with a tough choice of several behavioral options, each of which will be beneficial for the manipulator. For example: equipment in production has broken down and there is an urgent need to purchase spare parts. The supply department employee found the only official distributor with spare parts in stock. Having contacted the distributor, the employee received the answer: due to the urgency of delivery, it is possible to purchase the part with an additional 20% markup, or to purchase the part at the regular cost, but with an agreement to enter into an annual contract for the maintenance of all production equipment of the company.

An interesting technique is “hooking” on values ​​that are significant for a particular person. There are many such personal values, and some of them are common to each person, for example: personal safety and the safety of family members, material values, health and others. Knowing the commonality of human values, the manipulator can choose an unmistakable topic for introducing his manipulation into the consciousness of his interlocutor. A very striking example is fraudulent actions on the part of gypsies, when they predict illness, family breakdown, lack of money and immediately offer to remove problems through love spells, lapels, karmic cleansing, etc. Often people, being under the influence of such a manipulator, give him all their material possessions. facilities. Accordingly, there are many ways to manipulate people, and all of them are aimed at attacking the most important human values.

  • 7 phrases by which you will immediately recognize a manipulator

How to Improve Business Communication Skills: Practical Recommendations

  • Negotiation

If you use negotiations as business communication, then avoid caustic, cutting statements and lectures towards the interlocutor. Try to become an active listener during the conversation, support your interlocutor, pay attention not only to what he says, but also to how he feels while talking to you. During negotiations, it is necessary to treat everyone present with respect.

  • Verbal attacks

During business communication, try to avoid pressure and attacks on the interlocutor, but do not hesitate to share your feelings about a particular situation. A person exposed to stressful situations experiences irritation and anxiety. Employees under stress begin to criticize the work of their management and colleagues, are very touchy and can get irritated over any minor issue. In response to attacks from such employees, a colleague may remain silent and harbor a grudge or, conversely, incite conflict. In any case, it is better to avoid verbal attacks, as they reduce the effectiveness of the team.

  • Condemnation against expressing emotions

Let's look at such different concepts as emotions and judgment. Demonstration of emotion: “I am irritated and worried today.” Demonstration of condemnation: “I am absolutely right, and you are absolutely wrong.” Almost always, condemnation is perceived painfully by a person. If your interlocutor tells you that he is right and you are wrong, you will have a desire to resist, and you will not be able to listen to him carefully.

But if the interlocutor tells you: “I am very worried about what happened,” then you will not feel threatened by him, that is, he will automatically win you over. Even though a person expressing himself through emotions feels vulnerable, he will not react to your words with aggression and a thirst for revenge.

If you simply read these principles but do not implement them into your life, this will not help you improve your business communication skills. Try to apply these principles as often as possible so that they become firmly established in your life and become a habit:

  1. Focus completely on the other person– if they are talking to you, turn around and communicate with the interlocutor, try to fully concentrate on the conversation.
  2. Listen carefully, you need to get involved in the conversation.
  3. Don't let yourself think about other things. When listening to your interlocutor, do not think in advance what your answer will be. As soon as the person has spoken, take a short pause to respond.
  4. Check if you understand the message correctly. Change the text of the message and repeat it to the interlocutor in order to understand whether you understood it correctly. If necessary, ask questions and clarify information with your interlocutor.
  5. Remember that others have their own needs and interests. Don’t forget about general needs: every person has a need for approval of his actions, recognition of his merits, trust, a sense of security, health, etc.
  6. It is better to ask rather than order or demand. A request differs from a demand both in subject matter and intonation . The person asking treats the interlocutor as an equal, and this fact disposes him towards the person asking.
  7. Be open-minded. Do not rush to descend into judgment and criticism towards other people. Don't treat others subjectively. It is useful to look at the world objectively, and not through the prism of personal beliefs.
  8. Offer advice without imposing it. During business communication, you need to learn to offer advice and help to your interlocutor without pressure or an authoritative tone. Try saying instead of: “You have to do it this way,” “What do you think, is this how we will solve our problems?” or “I suggest to you that we are together...”. Sometimes it is better to refrain from giving advice unless you are asked for it.
  9. Develop trust. Trust plays a very important role in team performance. If colleagues trust each other, then a good result of their joint activities is guaranteed.
  10. Show genuine concern for other people. Each of us wants to be understood, accepted and respected, because it is important for a person to know that he is valued. Always try to listen to your opponent’s point of view and look at a given situation through his eyes. Remember, if you want to be appreciated and understood, do the same for other people.
  11. Motivate others. Motivational methods can be both positive and negative. Negative motivation in the form of criticism or the inevitability of punishment often leads to a desire for revenge. Therefore, it is advisable to use positive motivational methods, such as recognition, monetary reward, bonus, gift, praise, etc.
  12. Keep your sense of humor. Smile and laugh at troubles more often, because laughter will help you cope with negative emotions.

Culture of business communication with foreign partners and abroad

Let’s briefly consider the features of business communication in different countries of the world, so that when communicating with foreign partners you feel comfortable and confident.

  • England

The British are very fond of observing various formalities. The British pay great attention to detail.

Shaking hands with both men and women is a traditional greeting in England. When one interlocutor introduces a third person to another interlocutor, it is customary to name the person of higher rank first.

  • The British may not make eye contact when communicating in business.
  • The British respect their own and others' personal space, so don't get too close to them and refrain from patting them on the shoulder.
  • In English business etiquette, the gesture of tapping the nose is used, which means that what is said should remain a secret.
  • Don't call the Irish and Scots "English", call them "British".
  • In England, it is customary to serve breakfast or lunch during breaks between business meetings, but avoid smoking cigarettes until coffee is served.
  • In business communications, you should not talk about the political situation in Northern Ireland and ask about the life of the royal family.

The British will definitely appreciate the following gifts: fountain pens with the company logo, notepads, calendars, books, lighters, alcoholic drinks. They may regard other gifts as an opportunity to influence their partner’s decision.

  • Japan

The Japanese love precision in everything, they are punctual and, in anticipation of business communication, can show up long before the time agreed upon by the interlocutors.

The Japanese prefer to build business relationships through personal ones. For example, during business negotiations, the Japanese may ask their interlocutor many personal questions that are not related to the topic of the meeting. In this way, the Japanese feel for subtle threads leading to establishing contact in order to subsequently cooperate fruitfully with a partner.

Before starting negotiations, it is customary for the Japanese to exchange business cards. You need to take the business card with both hands, examine it carefully, thereby showing respect for the interlocutor who gave the business card, and only then hide it in your pocket or bag.

If a Japanese person nods his head during business communication, this does not mean that he agrees with you. In Japanese, nodding your head means he is ready to listen to you.

The Japanese are very respectful of gifts and gift givers. In Japan, gift wrapping is sometimes more important than the gift itself, so special attention should be paid to it. In Japan, a gift must be accepted with both hands.

It is extremely important for Americans to see confidence, a positive attitude, friendliness, energy and openness in the interlocutor. Americans do not like formality and in business communication they try to quickly switch to simpler, friendly communication. Americans will definitely appreciate a partner's good sense of humor.

The traditional American greeting is a long handshake, lasting about 5 seconds, while looking the other person in the eyes so that he sees your interest and sincerity. Americans love smiling people. Residents of the United States are known for their speed of doing business; they never put things off until tomorrow if they can be done today. Often during business negotiations with Americans you may hear: “So what are we waiting for then?” or “Let’s hurry up and make a decision,” etc.

Take special care to understand your partner's goal during business communications. Get interested in helping him achieve his goal, in this case, you will definitely captivate your partner with your proposal. The proposal should be concise and understandable.

Don’t be surprised if, during business communication, your American interlocutor puts his leg on a nearby chair, or throws it over the knee of his other leg. In American etiquette, these actions are completely acceptable.

Don’t forget the basic rule that works in all countries of the world - be friendly, open and smiling.

Information about the expert

Smirnov Yuri Ivanovich is the General Director of Management LLC, business coach. Received a diploma of higher education in 1991 from the Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy of the Military-Political Academy named after V.I. Lenin. At the same time, he received a second higher education at the State Institute for Advanced Medical Studies at the Department of Psychotherapy, where he received a certificate in the specialization “psychotherapy and psychodiagnostics”.


2. Characteristics of problems and prospects of business communication in Russian management practice

3. Conflicts in business communication and ways to resolve them



Relevance of the topic. Business communication is a necessary part of human life, the most important type of relationship with other people, as well as in the structure of management.

Eternal and one of the main regulators of these relations are ethical norms, which express our ideas about good and evil, justice and injustice, the correctness and incorrectness of people’s actions. And when communicating in business cooperation with their subordinates, boss or colleagues, everyone, one way or another, consciously or spontaneously relies on these ideas. But depending on how a person understands moral standards. What content he puts into them, to what extent he generally takes them into account in communication, he can both make business communication easier for himself, make it more effective, help in solving assigned tasks and achieving goals, and make this communication difficult or even make it impossible.

Business communication is understood as communication that ensures the success of some common cause, creating conditions for people to cooperate in order to achieve goals that are significant to them.

Business communication promotes the establishment and development of cooperative relationships and partnerships between work colleagues, managers and subordinates, partners, rivals and rivals. It presupposes such ways of achieving common goals that not only do not exclude, but, on the contrary, also imply the achievement of personally significant goals and the satisfaction of personal interests. Moreover, we are talking about the interests of individuals and legal entities.

Personal knowledge allows you to determine how effective a business relationship with a particular person can be.

But to ensure a high level of communication, a manager must be able to use communication technologies based on psychological knowledge. Thus, it is necessary to take into account that in the process of communication between partners and colleagues, tension and even a conflict situation may arise, for example, due to disrespect for self-esteem. Or, also, inept use of words can lead to significant information losses, and, consequently, to failures in the performance of official duties.

Thus, we can explain the relevance of our chosen topic: “The role of business communication in modern management.”

The purpose of our course work is to study the role of business communication in modern management.


Give the main characteristics of business communication

The object of the study is business communication

The subject is business communication in modern management and its importance in activities in the organization.

Thus, the structure of the course work consists of an introduction, the main part, a conclusion, and a list of references.

business communication management

1. Basic characteristics of business communication

1. Business communication is a complex, multifaceted process of developing contacts between people in the professional sphere.

Its participants act in official capacities and are focused on achieving goals and specific tasks.

A specific feature of this process is regulation, submission to established restrictions, which are determined by national and cultural traditions, professional ethical principles.

There are known “written” and “unwritten” norms of behavior in a given situation of official contact.

The accepted procedure and form of behavior in the service is called business etiquette. Its main function is the formation of rules that promote mutual understanding between people. The second most important function is convenience, expediency and practicality.

A general requirement is a friendly and helpful attitude towards all work colleagues and partners, regardless of personal likes and dislikes.

The regulation of business interaction is also expressed in attention to speech. It is mandatory to observe speech etiquette - norms of linguistic behavior developed by society, standard ready-made “formulas” that allow you to organize etiquette situations of greeting, request, gratitude. (for example, “hello”, “be kind”, “permit me to apologize”, “nice to meet you”). These sustainable designs are selected taking into account social, age, and psychological characteristics.

Communication as interaction presupposes that people establish contact with each other, exchange certain information in order to build joint activities and cooperation.

For communication as interaction to occur smoothly, it must consist of the following stages:

1. Establishing contact (acquaintance). Involves understanding another person, introducing oneself to another person;

2. Orientation in a communication situation, understanding what is happening, pausing;

Discussion of the problem of interest;

Solution to the problem.

5. Ending the contact (exiting it).

Official contacts should be built on a partnership basis, based on mutual requests and needs, and on the interests of the business. Undoubtedly, such cooperation increases labor and creative activity and is an important factor in the technological process of production and business.

Functions of business communication.

Communication is one of the most important concepts in psychology. It reveals the individual characteristics of all participants in this process in a more diverse manner.

Communication has its own functions, means, types and types, channels and phases.

Research by psychologists and sociologists shows that up to 70% of management decisions are made orally by managers in the process of business interaction. Without exaggeration, we can say that the nature of business contacts has a decisive influence on the effectiveness of joint activities, on the success of conversations, business meetings and negotiations, press conferences, trades and presentations.

Even in the age of computers, the main instrument of communication between people is the word. Anyone who has perfectly mastered the skills in the process of communication gets the opportunity to live according to the principle “I came, I saw, I persuaded.” Communication is an extremely subtle and delicate process. It talks about direct and indirect communication, direct and indirect.

Direct communication is understood as natural contact “face to face” using verbal (speech) and non-verbal means (gestures, facial expressions, pantomime, spatial (distance, approach, distance, turns “to” and “from”), time (earlier, later )). The practical importance of the ability to “read” nonverbal information should be emphasized. Rate of speech, volume, changes in pitch and tempo of voice coloring are all means of conveying a person’s emotional state and his attitude to the message being conveyed.

A person cannot consciously control the entire sphere of his communication, therefore often even what he wants to hide is manifested, for example, through the movements of his hands, the position of his legs, the expression of his eyes, etc. Only by taking into account all the accompaniment that accompanies speech can you correctly perceive your communication partner.

Indirect communication can be considered as incomplete mental contact with the help of written or technical devices that make it difficult or separate in time the receipt of feedback between the participants in communication. It is obvious that the emergence of various technical communication devices has significantly increased the number of sources of human experience, but has also greatly complicated the system of human communication.

Types of communication. Communication at the level of social roles (role communication) - boss-subordinate, seller-buyer, teacher-student, is dictated by the role performed, the place that a person occupies in the system of public social relations is fixed.

An interpersonal relationship means (the most common model of communication) the participation of two specific individuals with unique qualities that are revealed to the other in the course of communication and the organization of joint actions.

Business communication can be easily distinguished from functional-role communication. Business communication is a type of interpersonal communication aimed at achieving some kind of substantive agreement. In business communication (unlike, for example, social communication) there is always a goal.

Types of communication are determined by those rules, the implementation of which is implied. So, if the rules of “secular” communication are based on a code of politeness, then the basis of business relations is a code based on the principles of cooperation. It contains the following rules:

The rule of necessity and sufficiency of information. (Say no more and no less than is necessary at the moment.)

Information quality rule.

Rule of relevance (stay on topic).

Rule of style (be clear).

Rules of communication etiquette.

Communication is multifunctional in its meaning. There are five main functions of communication.

The connecting role is the most important condition for uniting people in the process of any activity.

Formative role. Here, communication acts as the most important condition for the formation and change of a person’s mental appearance (especially in the early stages).

Confirmation function. In the process of communicating with other people, a person gets the opportunity to, as it were, confirm himself, to establish himself in what he is. Even W. James noted that for a person “there is no more monstrous punishment than to be introduced to oneself in society and remain completely unnoticed.” This human state is captured in the concept of “disconfirmation.” Moreover, in contrast to denial, which can be expressed by the words “You are wrong” or “You are bad” and presupposes a certain amount of confirmation, albeit with a negative assessment, non-confirmation means “You are not here”, “You do not exist”.

The famous English psychiatrist R.D. Laing saw non-confirmation as the universal source of many mental illnesses, primarily schizophrenia.

Everyday experience of human communication is replete with procedures organized according to the principle of the simplest “confirming therapy”: rituals of meeting, greeting, naming, and providing various signs of attention. They, scientifically speaking, are aimed at maintaining a “minimum confirmation” in a person.

The fourth function is to organize and maintain interpersonal relationships at the level of defined emotional contacts.

The fifth function of communication is intrapersonal, i.e. communication between a person and himself.

It is also necessary to note the interactive and perceptual functions of business communication.

The interactive function is a characteristic of those components of communication that are associated with the interaction of people, with the direct organization of their joint activities. There are two types of interactions - cooperation and competition.

Cooperative interaction means Coordination of forces of participants. Cooperation is a necessary element of joint activity and is generated by its very nature.

One of the most striking forms of competition is conflict.

The perceptual function of communication is the process of people perceiving and understanding each other.

All three aspects of communication are closely intertwined, organically complement each other and constitute the communication process as a whole.

Business communication tools

It has been established that in the process of human interaction, 60-80% of communication is carried out through the use of non-verbal expressions. They develop as social signs of communication, although some of the elements that make them up are innate. Gestures and facial expressions, poses are endowed with semantic-expressive coloring and are subject to ethical standards. In terms of official interaction, the tone of nonverbal behavior should remain neutral. Excessive gesticulation during a business conversation can be regarded as a sign of familiarity.

Nonverbal expressions are divided into four groups:

1. Extra- and paralinguistic - various near-speech additives that give communication a certain semantic coloring: type of speech, intonation, pauses, laughter, coughing, etc.

2. Optical-kinetic - this is what a person “reads” at a distance: gestures, facial expressions, pantomime.

A gesture is a movement of the arms or hands, they are classified based on the functions they perform:

1. communicative (replacing speech)

2. descriptive (their meaning is clear only with words)

Gestures expressing attitudes towards people, the human condition.

Some gestures are arbitrary (rhythmic, pointing), others are determined by impulses of the subconscious.

Facial expressions are the movement of facial muscles.

Mastery of facial expressions, the ability to convey emotions (joy, anger, surprise, disgust, fear, sadness...) is a professional requirement for managers, politicians, teachers, and everyone working with people. It is believed that the most expressive are the mouth and lips.

Pantomime (kinesics) is a set of gestures, facial expressions and body position in space (postures).

3. Proximics - organization of space and time of the communication process)

There are four main communication distances:

1. intimate - from 0 to 0.5 meters. People who, as a rule, have close, trusting relationships communicate on it. Information is transmitted in a quiet and calm voice. Much is conveyed through gestures, glances, and facial expressions.

Interpersonal - from 0.5 to 1.2 meters. It is used for communication between friends.

3. Official business or social - from 1.2 to 3.7 meters. It is used for business communication, and the greater the distance between partners, the more formal their relationship is.

Public - more than 3.7 meters. Characterized by speaking in front of an audience. With such communication, a person must monitor his speech and the correct construction of phrases.

4. Visual contact - visuals, or eye contact. It has been established that people usually look into each other's eyes for no more than 10 seconds.

With the help of our eyes, we receive the most accurate and open signals, therefore, during a business conversation, it is important to control the expression of the eyes, to meet the gaze of the communicant at least 60 - 70% of the time of contact. It is recommended to direct your gaze to an imaginary triangle on the interlocutor’s forehead and not let it go below his eyes.

Physiological studies have noted that when a person is satisfied and joyfully excited, his pupils dilate 4 times compared to the normal state, and vice versa. By this sign you can accurately determine the reaction to what you hear.

Understanding nonverbal language allows you to accurately determine the intentions and position of your interlocutor.

The components of communication are:

1. Message



Point of view


Thus, in this paragraph we consider: the definition of business communication, its elements, functions, means and stages of business communication.

. Characteristics of problems and prospects of business communication in Russian management practice

When describing the Russian style of business communication, attention should be paid to a number of features due to the lack of business communication experience of many Russian entrepreneurs.

As a result, domestic participants approach negotiations rather strangely from the point of view of their foreign colleagues. If, when discussing a business proposal, Canadians (as well as many other businessmen) reason like this: we unite to increase the size of the “pie” and then everyone will get more. Russian entrepreneurs are often focused on a different strategy. They believe that the size of the pie is known, and the task is to grab a larger piece for themselves.

This characteristic speaks of incompetence, the absence of a certain “negotiation culture”, and the desire, even in a situation of cooperation, to see to a large extent a conflict of interests rather than their coincidence.

Another thing in which we are inferior to foreign partners is the ability to “bargain.” Russians abroad enormously overpay for everything precisely because of their tendency to pay not only without bargaining, but without even properly finding out the real price levels. Foreigners already know this very well and use it. Such behavior can lead to rejection of new Russian entrepreneurs.

Unfortunately, Russian business people still do not attach serious importance to these aspects of their activities.

The contradiction between ethics and business, what should be and what is, is very acutely manifested today in business communication, and at its most different levels: both between the organization and the social environment, and within the organization itself. There are two main positions between managers, entrepreneurs and business people in general in relation to this contradiction.

Those who consider themselves pragmatists believe that in business communication and in business in general, ethics is not needed in itself. The sole responsibility of a corporate manager employed by a business owner is to maximize profits by any means available, to “make as much money as possible,” while conforming to the norms of society as embodied in laws and ethical traditions.

From this position, which can be called “business Machiavellianism,” ethical standards and the language of ethics itself are seen as a hindrance in business communication. It tries to avoid talking about morality, ethical ideals, duty and social responsibilities, since this results in “superfluous”, “irrelevant” issues regarding moral and social responsibility.

An extreme case of unethical behavior of businessmen and enterprise managers is violation of the law. But unethical behavior should also be considered various types of actions of companies that do not take appropriate measures to eliminate defects in their products that can lead to harmful consequences for the population. Therefore, the concept of ethics of business communication also includes the concern of enterprise managers about the quality of their products and responsibility for the harm that it can cause to the population.

The ethics of business communication concerns, of course, not only the social responsibility of enterprise managers. It covers a wide range of issues related to the goals and means of doing business.

In this regard, it should be noted that representatives of business pragmatism sometimes use unsuitable means to achieve their goals, such as bribes and bribery.

But besides this, the very goals of business communication may be unethical in nature. At the same time, communication can be considered unethical not because it is contraindicated, but due to the incompatibility of the goals of business communication with moral values. An example is the conclusion of transactions and contracts for the construction of environmentally harmful enterprises.

The second position in relation to the contradiction between ethics and business is that compliance with ethical standards in business communication is recognized as important not only from the point of view of the responsibility of businessmen to society and themselves, but also necessary for production efficiency. In this case, ethics is seen not only as a moral imperative of behavior, but also as a means (tool) that helps increase profitability, strengthens business relationships and improves business communication.

It seems that this approach is more civilized, and ultimately more effective, since an enterprise is a component of society, and while establishing ethical standards of communication within itself, it at the same time contributes to their dissemination in society and the surrounding social environment. And the more prosperous the ethical atmosphere in society becomes, the more favorable the environment is created for business. At the same time, unethical behavior and communication will sooner or later result, if not in direct economic losses, then, in any case, in social and moral costs, both for the enterprise and for the social environment.

Therefore, having considered both views on the place of ethics in business communication, one should join not Nicolo Machiavelli, who preached the “liberation” of politics from morality, but Benjamin Franklin, who argued that “honesty is the best policy.”

Indeed, in a situation of a market economy and increasing competition, when many companies offer similar assortments and prices, the question arises: how to differ from others, how to win the competition? In response to this question, many successful companies make it a priority to train staff at all levels in the company on business etiquette and effective business communication.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that modern Russian business culture, including business etiquette, today represents a motley mixture of behavioral stereotypes: remnants of the command-administrative system, borrowings from Western European business etiquette and emerging specific Russian norms of business behavior.

In addition, in Russia for decades there was no special training in etiquette in schools and universities. Some citizens were lucky; their families paid attention to correct behavior, taught “how to behave,” and showed examples of etiquette behavior. Others were less fortunate and the theme of “decent behavior” was present in their lives only superficially.

Perhaps this is why there is often a shortage of good manners in society in general and in business organizations in particular. That is why special training of staff in business etiquette is necessary. It is not enough to write a Standard of Business Conduct for company employees and introduce it by order of the General Director. In order for the Standards of Conduct to actually work and be applied in everyday professional activities, it is advisable to systematically train staff in good business manners.

During business trainings and interactive seminars, it is important to show employees the meaning of business communication, the significance, and point out the consequences of violating these rules. In addition to obtaining theoretical knowledge, during such training, employees develop the skills of necessary etiquette behavior and reinforce useful habits.

In the long term, this approach is most effective. Because good business manners among staff are profitable for the company.

Teaching business acumen to employees of business organizations is a complex and sometimes painful process.

Meanwhile, these rules have long been obvious to employees of Western business organizations.

As Russia strives to integrate into the global economy and become an equal business partner, the personnel of Russian companies have no choice.

To be a worthy business partner, you need to master civilized business communication and adhere to the generally accepted rules of the game in the business world.

. Conflicts in business communication and ways to resolve them

The most difficult problem in real communication, the most central in the theory of communication, the problem of conflicts has, one might say, lasting significance for ethical research, for the ethics of communication.

Considering communication problems, one can be convinced that they are all more or less connected and fall into the categories of “contradiction” and “conflict”. In the practical sphere, conflicts in communication are also an ever-present, “painful” and vital problem, one might say, for every person. Therefore, for the ethics of communication, the problem of conflicts, in our opinion, is the most important.

Conflict in business communication, in our opinion, occurs only when there is a mutual (usually violent) infringement of the dignity of at least one of the subjects: the criterion for distinguishing a conflict from a contradiction, from a struggle of opposites, is the degree of infringement of moral dignity.

Contradictions between values, ideas, needs, interests, tastes, habits, opinions, positions always exist, but conflicts arise, or rather, they are created by people themselves, although there is no need for this: without conflicts you can live even better.

The art, culture and ethics of communication lie, in particular, in preventing the development of interpersonal contradictions in communication to the point of conflict. Conflict is not a simple contradiction, an obstacle, a clash; it is associated with conscious human activity, with incorrect decision-making, with an inhumane choice of goals and values, means and methods, style of behavior and communication in general as a response to these obstacles and contradictions.

Thus, conflict is characterized by the fact that it is a stage in the development of a contradiction, that the conflict is a conscious (often irreconcilable) contradiction and that the conflict is associated with an actual violation, in particular, of moral norms, with a conscious mutual suppression of the intrinsic value of human dignity and, as a rule, with specific activities that have a negative moral assessment. Conflicts in communication are special situations in communication that also correspond to these above characteristics.

Despite their specificity and diversity, conflicts have common stages and a more or less clearly defined structure.

The process of business communication involves the presence of three factors: perception, emotions and information exchange. In conflict situations, it is easy to forget about this.

Therefore, we can highlight the following prerequisites for the emergence of conflict in business communication:

discrepancy in reasoning, disagreement due to a discrepancy between your reasoning and the reasoning of the other side.

peculiarities of perception, people, very often talking, do not understand each other.

Therefore, constructive conflict resolution depends on the following factors:

— adequacy of the perception of the conflict, i.e. a sufficiently accurate assessment of the actions and intentions of both the enemy and one’s own, not distorted by personal biases;

— openness and effectiveness of communication, readiness for a comprehensive discussion of problems, when participants honestly express their understanding of what is happening and ways out of a conflict situation;

— creating an atmosphere of mutual trust and cooperation.

It is also useful for a manager to know what individual personality traits create a person’s tendency or predisposition to conflict relationships with other people. These qualities include:

inadequate self-esteem of one’s capabilities and abilities;

the desire to dominate at all costs; say your last word;

conservatism of thinking, views, beliefs, unwillingness to overcome outdated traditions;

excessive integrity and straightforwardness;

critical attitude;

a certain set of emotional qualities of a person.

Ways to resolve a conflict situation.

Style of behavior in conflict.

Since in real life it is not so easy to find out the true cause of the conflict and find an adequate way to resolve it, it is advisable to choose a certain strategy of behavior depending on the circumstances. There are five main styles of behavior in conflict:

competition or rivalry;




ignoring or avoiding.

The style of behavior in a particular conflict is determined by the extent to which you want to satisfy your own interests, acting passively or actively, and the interests of the other party, acting jointly or individually.

Competition or rivalry style - this style is most typical for behavior in a conflict situation. It can be used if you place a big bet on your solution to the problem that has arisen, since the outcome of the conflict is very important to you:

- feel that you have no other choice and have nothing to lose;

- must make an unpopular decision and you have enough authority to choose this step;

However, it should be said that this strategy rarely brings long-term results, since the losing party may not support a decision made against its will. In addition, the one who loses today may refuse to cooperate tomorrow.

Cooperation is the most difficult of all styles, but at the same time the most effective in resolving conflict situations. Its advantage is that you find the most acceptable solution for both parties and make partners out of your opponents. This approach leads to success both in business and in personal life. However, this style requires the ability to explain your decisions, listen to the other side, and restrain your emotions. The absence of one of these factors makes this style ineffective.

Compromise style - its essence lies in the fact that the parties try to resolve differences by making mutual concessions. This style is most effective when both parties want the same thing.
When using this style, the emphasis is not on a solution that satisfies the interests of both parties, but on an option that everyone can agree on.

The evasion style is usually implemented if the conflict does not affect the direct interests of the parties or the problem that has arisen is not so important for the parties and they do not need to defend their interests.

The accommodating style means that you work with the other party, but do not try to advance your own interests in order to smooth the atmosphere and restore a normal work environment. In this case, you sacrifice your own interests in favor of the other party. But this does not mean that you should give up your interests. You just have to sort of put them aside for a while, and then, in a more favorable environment, return to their satisfaction through concessions on the part of your opponent or in some other way.

Negotiations are the basis for resolving disagreements and conflicts.

In conditions of market relations, negotiations between people become a special area of ​​their daily life, which has its own psychological characteristics, and is also the basis for resolving disagreements and conflicts. The art of negotiation is specially taught all over the world. A person who is properly prepared for negotiations will be able to achieve his goal without offending his partner and leaving a favorable impression of himself. The purpose of negotiations is to reach a reasonable agreement that meets the interests of the negotiating parties.

Strategy negotiations are divided into three types:


Soft method. A person who is gentle in character wants to avoid personal conflict and is willing to make concessions in order to reach an agreement.
He wants an amicable outcome, but the matter most often ends with him remaining offended and feeling slighted.

Hard method. A tough negotiator views every situation as a contest of wills in which the side that takes the extreme position and persists in its position will gain more. He wants to win, but he often ends up causing an equally tough situation that exhausts him and his resources, as well as ruining his relationship with the other party. The Principled Negotiation Method is a third way of negotiating that involves a position that is not based on weakness or strength, but rather combines both.

The method of principled negotiations developed within the framework of
Taward's project in negotiations is to solve problems on the basis of their qualitative properties, that is, based on the essence of the matter, and not to bargain over what each side can agree or not.

This method believes that you strive to find mutual benefit wherever possible, and where your interests do not coincide, you should insist on an outcome that would be based on some fair standards, regardless of the will of each of the parties.

The method of principled negotiations means a tough approach to the consideration of the merits of the case, but provides a soft approach to the relations between the negotiators.

Principled negotiation shows how to achieve what you are entitled to and still remain within the bounds of decency. This method allows you to be fair while protecting you from those who would take advantage of your integrity.

The method of principled negotiation can be used to resolve one issue or several, in circumstances prescribed by ritual, or in an unpredictable situation, as in negotiations with hijackers. This method depends on the methods of the opposing side.

The principled negotiation method is a strategy designed to achieve all goals.

In addition to the principled method, there is a positional method, a method of positional discussions, in which the emphasis is not on the essence of the dispute, but on the positions of each side. This method does not meet the basic criteria: it is not effective, does not achieve the goal, and spoils the relationship between the parties.

The principled method is an alternative to the positional approach and is designed to facilitate effective and friendly negotiations and achieve a reasonable outcome. This method can be boiled down to four main points:

People - the distinction between negotiators and the subject of negotiations;

Options - before deciding what to do, highlight the range of possibilities.

Interests – Focus on interests, not positions.

Criteria—Insist that the outcome be based on some objective standard.

An important point in negotiations are also emotions that need to be suppressed using the so-called “blowing off steam” method, which allows you to free yourself from feelings of anger and fear that arise in disputes. In addition, apologies, expressions of regret, handshakes, and inexpensive gifts relieve a hostile situation.

Thus, having considered all the main issues related to understanding the essence of conflicts, we can propose the following working definition of the concept of “conflict in communication”: this is an interpersonal confrontation associated with the conscious infringement of the moral dignity and needs of a partner and, as a rule, is of a violent nature.


We considered the most important problems that are directly related to the practice of human communication.

Social and psychological knowledge and skills in analyzing situations that arise in the process of communication are of great importance for building effective relationships between people.

On the one hand, they help a person to better understand himself, his inner world, to realize the socio-psychological aspects of his “I”: social attitudes, stereotypes, strategies of behavior and interaction, communication style, the ability to listen effectively, control one’s emotions and adequately understand other people . On the other hand, such knowledge allows us to better understand people, create such a situation of communication with them, individually tuning into their internal mental state, which would most fruitfully contribute to their creative development and give them a sense of security.

Business relationships develop mainly in a small group, of which a specific individual is a member. The people around him play a huge role in the formation of the values ​​of any person, and knowledge of the socio-psychological laws of life, groups, and the ability to analyze them is the most important part of an individual’s life.

The purpose of our course work was to study business communication in an organization.


Give the main characteristics of business communication in an organization

Analyze the problems and prospects for the development of business communication in Russian practice

Consider conflicts in business communication and ways to resolve them

In the course of studying theoretical literature on the issues of business communication in an organization, in our opinion, the goal and objectives of our work have been fully achieved.

Thus, business communication is a necessary part of human life, the most important type of relationship with other people in the structure of modern management.


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