What is winning at an online casino? Online casino: is it possible to win? Buy a good watch

Before you play in an online casino, there is one simple thing to remember: you will never be allowed to win consistently and withdraw your winnings. Even if you develop your own unique gaming strategy, and this, according to professionals, you may not be allowed to regularly withdraw your winnings. In reality, you can only count on one-time winnings - as soon as the casino owners notice that you have started to win consistently, everything will be done to ensure that you lose your funds.

How casinos deceive players

It should be understood that there are no absolutely honest casinos. If there are exceptions to this rule, they are very rare. Among the most popular casinos with long history You can name such establishments as Grandcasino, King, Williams Hill. There are other casinos that have earned a good reputation.

Be sure to read the terms and conditions that you agree to when you start playing at a casino - even the largest establishments have a clause according to which your account can be closed without explanation or reason. There are hundreds of loopholes that allow casino owners to “legally” rob you of your winnings.

Many casinos have this principle: on the first day after registration you are allowed to play honestly. If at the end of the day you are a winner, the game for you is already starting to follow different algorithms - you are surprised to notice that you are starting to rapidly “drain” your deposit. It also happens: on a demo account you consistently win, but when you switch to a real one, you immediately begin to lose money. This is typical for many casinos.

It’s easy to check the fairness of the game: for example, when playing roulette, bet only on equal odds. At the same time, place in a circle to avoid subjectivity - for example, “1-18”, “even”, “black”, “red”, “odd”, “19-36”, again “1-18”, etc. . Use minimum bets, mark each win with a plus, each loss with a minus. Don't count zero. At fair play on large series– about several hundred bets – the number of wins and losses should be approximately equal. If there are noticeably more minuses, you are being deceived.

Make sure you have everything in advance Required documents to withdraw funds. For example, you will not be able to withdraw money from many foreign online casinos without a passport or driver’s license.

How to beat the casino

First of all, find a casino that is at least not obvious. A good option is a casino with md5 fairness control. The principle is simple: when starting a game - for example, roulette, blackjack, etc., using the site’s service, you receive a file with a sequence of numbers or cards encrypted using the md5 algorithm. After the game, you receive a decryption code and can compare the real sequence of cards or numbers with the one in the encrypted file.

Remember that some casinos only pretend that they have md5 fairness control. In practice, the service may not work, and you will not be able to check this without starting the game. Therefore, for the first game, deposit the minimum amount - for example, $5. This is enough to start the game and check the integrity of the casino.

Never play bad mood. Be relaxed and enjoy the game. You will begin to really make money on the game only when you step away from the very desire to make money.

Be sure to use some kind of system in the game - just not the martingale, it is guaranteed to lead to the loss of your deposit, as has been proven repeatedly by thousands of players. Consider periods of success and failure, every player has them. To do this, keep a diary in which you note your wins and losses, build a graph of changes in the amount of money. Looking at the chart, you can see when your next “drawdown” begins - at this time, operate with minimum bets or switch to a demo account. When luck turns your way again, increase your bet size. Using these rules, you can always remain profitable.

How to win at an online casino and withdraw real money: Learn about the mistakes new players make. Create your own system that will allow you to stay in the black!

Getting into the world of gambling, newcomers often think that luck is about to smile on them and an incredible prize will suddenly fall on them. This happens, but quite rarely, and most users are left with little: modest winnings from time to time, which do not always cover expenses. How to win at a casino? Are there any strategies and tactics that can guarantee you a decent amount?

What online casino can you win at?

At the very beginning of your gambling career, you should realize that the return percentage of each establishment is usually from 80% to 90%. Exact information can be found in the information about the club itself, which is published on the website. This means that if each player's performance approached the statistical level, then each would have to lose from 10% to 20%. But this does not happen, because statistics are performed for all visitors in the mass, and not for individual users. Therefore, there is a possibility of finding out how to win at an online casino.

For this, in addition to strategies, there are several basic points:

  • right choice gambling establishment;
  • thorough knowledge of the rules of the selected card or roulette game or slot;
  • balance between the rate and the availability of own funds;
  • following the chosen strategy over a long period of time.

Choosing a casino is very important because you need to play where the prizes are paid out. You can, even without figuring out how to win at an online casino, still get big prize, but if the establishment was fraudulent, then you still won’t be able to withdraw the fruits of your luck onto the card. You can read about how to choose the right establishment on this site in other materials.

To play in a casino and win, it is important to know the rules and features - this will allow you not to miss out on luck if it comes. Vulcan Casino gives you the opportunity to master all gaming devices for free. Some other gambling establishments also allow you to launch and test all slots for free.

The balance between the bet and the bankroll means that you need to spend no more than 3% of all the funds that you are willing to spend in the evening in one launch. Knowing how to win in casino slot machines, you will understand that in most of them the biggest results appear in bonus game. And before its launch, a decent number of “empty” starts may pass.

When a tactic that meets the task of how to win money in a casino is found, then you need to follow it. Having determined for yourself a certain limit that you can lose in a day, you cannot cross it. If the strategy requires certain actions, you need to do so. It is best to keep a diary that will contain the results of the games. It may look a little boring, but this is the approach that allows you to achieve success.

Effective ways to win at the casino

Strategies that work exist for every game. But few people use in their pure form what can be found on the Internet. Usually, experienced gamblers slightly adjust everything to suit themselves.

Roulette simulator allows you to win back a bonus from an online casino in an interesting way. This approach tells you how to win at a virtual casino using bonus funds. Typically, the bonus is offered in the amount of the bet made. But in order to win it back, you need to bet an amount that will exceed it by 20-30 times. The essence of the approach is as follows. If you need to win back 200 dollars, then in roulette you can bet 100 on red and black. You also need to remember to put $5 on the zero field.

If red or black wins, then the winnings will be the same $200 that were bet, but with the loss of the amount on zero. If a zero appears, the amount on this field will be multiplied by 36 (if there were 5 dollars, then the prize will be 180). This way you can quickly win back any bonus and stay in the black. Similar approaches can be used in devices such as Sweet Life 2, but in roulette it is easiest.

When wondering how to win at a casino, many beginners try to use the Martingale strategy, which involves increasing bets. But this approach will only work if you really have a solid supply.

Way to win at the casino card games involves counting. This only works if the deck does not change after each start. Otherwise the account is not effective.

No matter,what does it take to win at a casino?, you need to understand why you are here. It’s a good idea to start by simply getting positive emotions from the game process.

Everyone who comes to the casino hopes for good luck. Since this young lady is very changeable, the question arises: are there any systems that allow, if not guaranteed to win, then to gain an advantage over the gambling house?

We will answer the most impatient - yes, they exist. Some are more effective, others less... but still, playing, adhering to the chosen strategy, is much more profitable than playing at random.

For example, simply counting the cards in blackjack gives the player a roughly 1% advantage over the house. However, the system only works when playing in the Life room, and is significantly complicated by the fact that the casino uses not one deck, but five or six at once. In an online game, this method is useless, since the generator is responsible for the loss of a particular card random numbers.

Video clip "How to win at a casino?" (Dozen system)

We'll talk about a system that significantly increases your chances of winning at roulette, regardless of whether you play with a computer program or a live dealer. The method is called “Dozens” and is one of the most reliable today.

Roulette has strictly defined types of bets and fixed payout ratios for them. For example, if you bet on a specific number from 0 to 36, the payout will be 35:1. If you bet $1, a successful spin of the wheel will result in a win of $36. You can bet on the odds: even/odd, black/red, over/under (numbers 1-18 and 19-36), which pay 1:1. There are bets on dozens (Dozen), that is, on twelve numbers at once with a payout ratio of 2:1. If you bet $10 on a dozen, your winnings will be $30.

All numbers on the playing field are divided into three dozen: the first includes numbers from 1 to 12, the second - from 13 to 24, the third, respectively, from 25 to 36.

Why is the winning strategy built around dozens?

You've probably noticed that sometimes a number (or several) do not appear for a very long time during the game. This can last for over 300 spins of the wheel! Therefore, an increasing bet on the same number, as a rule, rests on the maximum table limit.

At the same time, dozens change regularly. Companies that develop software for online gambling control that during a long game all dozens appear approximately the same number of times, which plays into our hands.

Step-by-step strategy for playing dozens:

1. Before starting the game, we skip at least two spins of the roulette wheel (make a series of idle rotations) and see which dozens appear.

We bet on the dozen that has NOT come up the last few times for $1 (or another minimum bet depending on your budget and the maximum table limit). The maximum bet limit on dozens is usually limited to $300-500 when playing online roulette, and $1000 - for the Life hall. Familiarize yourself with this parameter before starting the game and do not make large initial bets.

In our example, the first dozen did not appear several times, so we bet on it.

2. Did you win? Amazing! We take $3 and again bet $1 on the dozen that did not appear the last few spins. If you lose, then bet $2 on the same dozen.

3. If you lose, raise your bet to $3.

4. If we lose again, we double the bet. Now we bet $6 on the same dozen.

5. If you lose, we bet $12.

6. Unlucky again? We increase the bet to $24 (we lost $24, but if we win we will get $72 and will be in the black by $48).

7. If the bet doesn’t work again, then we double it. There is $48 at stake and this is to our advantage, because if we win, the payout will be $144.

8. We bet $96. Usually by this moment a dozen has already fallen out, but if not, then we double again. Let us remind you that the winnings will bring $288, which will add $192 to your account. Not bad, right?

9. We bet $200. If it doesn’t play, then at the next level we raise it to $400. Here it is worth recalling the bet limit per dozen. It is small bets that make it possible not to hit the maximum at the ninth step. It is important that you can stick to your chosen strategy long enough, otherwise you will lose. One dozen may not appear up to 15 times! Of course, this rarely happens (more often up to 5-10 bets are required), but it is better to have these 15 spins in reserve.

The described strategy is as simple and accessible as possible and, if you correctly calculate your capabilities before the start of the game, significantly increases the chances of success. Remember that the system does not guarantee 100% winning. Do not forget that the casino will not allow you to increase the bet indefinitely and on its side there is always a 2.7% advantage in the form of an insidious zero.

In passing, we note that you can bet not only on the dozen itself, but also on all numbers in its composition, pairs, streets, and so on, at your discretion. The main thing is to evenly cover the entire selected dozen. Good luck and big wins!

Hello, Dear friends! In this article I will tell you how to win at the casino. If you are interested this topic, then you have come to the site you need.
In fact, winning money in a casino is not as easy as it might seem to romantics. If we're talking about about winning, then playing in a casino should develop from entertainment into work.

You have to make a decision for yourself. If you just want to relax and relax, then perhaps you don’t need this information, but if you want to win, then you need to put in effort, time and desire.

You can make money on the Internet in different ways, and in particular by playing in a casino. But you need to play wisely. Some people like to compare casinos (meaning online casinos) with , but these are completely different things. On the Forex currency market, everything seems incomprehensible and unpredictable only at first glance, but if you look at the casino, then everything is like that there, but still, if you always have a “cool mind”, then you can still make money.

It is quite possible to make money at online casinos. After offline gambling outlets were closed due to changes in Russian legislation, many players and owners of gaming establishments moved online.

The fact of money turnover online now does not surprise anyone - more and more more population pays for various goods and services via the Internet, transfers money to friends and pays rent.

So there is real money circulating online, and a lot of it.

Undoubtedly, there is no escape from scams; online casinos can sometimes be tricky.

Here you need to look for those sites that have reviews from real people who openly provide information about themselves, the rules of which are clear and not misleading.

It was a bitter experience that I finally found such sites, albeit through trial and error, but I was able to earn good amounts of money from them.

By the way, gambling, especially in online casinos, has its own secrets and tricks, which not everyone knows. Perhaps I will even share with you the secrets of online casinos, and you will also know how to win at the casino.

What are the ways to make money in online casinos?

Let's look at the main popular games that pay money for.

1. Earning money on Internet roulette

Many have already seen the principle of playing online roulette in movies about casinos: the roulette wheel has 18 red cells, 18 black cells and one “Zero”

You can bet on a red or black cell. If the ball that randomly rolls around the roulette wheel lands on your color, you win. The probability of winning in this case is ~50 percent - an extremely popular way of making money at online casinos.

By the way, there is one secret in Internet roulette, based on a mathematical calculation of the proportional increase in the bet and the theory of probability. This secret is called Martingale.

How to win at a casino playing dice?

The second most popular way to make money from gambling on the Internet is by playing online dice.

The game is simple - you guess a number from 2 to 12 and see which number comes up.

If your number comes up, you win.

3. Earning money from online slot games

Another popular way to win at online casinos is slot games. For example, press the lever - if three identical pictures appear, you win! Here, unfortunately, there are no special tricks to help you win, so in online slot games you can only rely on luck.

How to win at a casino with poker?

The game is for professionals - those who know how, make money. However, even a beginner can get lucky. Perhaps, here I will share a way to increase earnings in this game. More precisely, I’ll just give a hint, because this method is an extremely bad trick.

Some hackers use special programs - sniffers that intercept traffic from other participants in a poker game. So, thanks to such programs and special decoders of encrypted packets, it becomes possible to find out which cards are being manipulated in this moment your opponent.

Another way is to use Trojan horses like BackDoor and others. However, the use of these programs is illegal and you alone are responsible for their use.

Some hacker groups were able to extract all the money from online casinos in this way. Don’t forget to use Tor onion networks or Proxy servers for online anonymity.

If you decide to play honestly, I advise you to go through, where NLP and psychological analysis skills are also taught.

It's worth it - I recommend it. I went through it myself and didn’t regret it. New skills help you win really big money in poker.

Having changed 3 sites for making money on online poker, I still found normal ones that pay money:

Igrun is a portal aimed more at Online Games in the browser, for which you are paid money, but there are also gambling games there. I advise you to look at this site - the games here are completely different, perhaps many will like to earn money here, since the stakes are lower and it is easier to play. Although you can earn more with AzartCash.

5. Internet betting

How to win at casino betting?

You can bet money on one football team beating another, or on the horse of your choice winning. Bets can be placed on a variety of sporting events, from football to cricket.

The most trusted portal for bookmaker and other bets is Leon.

It has special agreements, thanks to which you can be sure that you will not be scammed and you will earn money if your bet wins.

And here I will not regret it and will share the secret of making money on bets in the world of sports.

You can pay $50 to professional sports analysts and increase your chances of winning to almost 95 percent. And place a bet of about 100 or more.

In this way, you can win big money with the help of sports analysts.

Or you can buy access to the professional forecasting site Alexbetting for 200 rubles - that’s much more best option. The chances of winning jump to 85 percent - you can win whole sums with this strategy. In addition, there are also free forecasts.

I’ll share one more secret - there is a more thoughtful scheme. You deposit money into a PAMM account, and a special trading broker-manager will choose the bets himself and receive a percentage of the winnings, and give the main amount to you. Your money will be protected through the security system of PAMM accounts.

The manager will be interested in winning, since he receives a percentage of the proceeds and loses them if he fails.

This method is much more productive than the previous one, and tens of times more productive than ordinary thoughtless bets.

As a result, I want to say that not everyone knows about these secrets and tricks. Not everyone knows how to win at a casino.

Making money from an online casino online is a real thing, especially when you use some tricks, seek the help of specialists, watch a professional match forecast, study and use.

Most people don't even know about these opportunities. However, now, with all the knowledge, you can ruin online casinos and bookmakers well.

The appearance of a successful player with a good strategy and the help of professional forecasters and analysts means big losses for gaming companies and good profits for you. Hurry up to get rich before these chips are closed!

Casino Vulcan: online roulette

The history of the Vulcan chain of establishments began back in 1992.

Before beginning of the XXI century, the network has expanded to cover almost the entire country. In the 2000s, the chain of establishments occupied a leading position in the entertainment market. However, in 2009, with the adoption of a special law on the regulation of gambling (No. 244-FZ “On state regulation of activities for the organization and conduct of gambling and on amendments to some legislative acts") was forced to transfer the bulk of its activities to the open spaces worldwide network Internet.

Today, the chain's establishments conduct successful activities on the territory of Belarus, Latvia and Germany. Slots and roulette with many years of aging.

The Vulcan online casino network provides high-quality gaming services to all connoisseurs of individual slot machines. High level services, bonus programs, constant update slot machines, colorful roulette, allow any visitor to find the most suitable option for embodying his passion.


The online casino Vulcan is designed in traditional colors with a predominance of blue tones and red accents. It’s hard to imagine a casino without shimmering lights and bright pictures.

Spinning roulette and pleasant smiles from the dealer. All this is present in full.

You will be completely immersed in the atmosphere of the Volcano casino. Resources of this type are usually of high quality appearance. An organized interface provides quick access to games.

Developers of slot machine simulators also follow the development of technology, so the picture always turns out beautiful. For many, excellent appearance is the determining factor. No one wants to play clumsy slot machines, and a nondescript roulette will not attract any players.

Functional Features

The developers of the software that supports the functionality of the site are Creatorgames Ltd. Visitors can join games from Igrosoft and Novomatic.

All games, roulette and slot machines are fully supported technical means browser, so download installation additional programs won't be required. You can start playing after opening the site.

Access to games of this kind is available to all persons over the age of eighteen. At the same time, you need to live in a region whose legislation does not have problems with online gambling. Responsibility for the decision to play rests with the client.

The registration process is extremely simple. You only need to fill out a modest form with basic information about the user. As an option, you can log in using an account in large in social networks. The interface language is strictly Russian.

The range of games is quite wide. The bulk of simulators are provided by Igrosoft and Gaminator, but along with them, there are products from other companies, for example, roulette.

All slot machines are available for play in free test mode. To start the game with real rates You will need to open an account and top it up.

Vulcan Casino is playing out progressive jackpots.

You can top up your account using a large number of services.

Among the payment systems cooperating with Vulcan Casino:

  1. MasterCard
  2. Yandex money
  3. WebMoney
  4. Privat 24
  5. LiqPay

And many other ways to replenish. Most of the methods are also available for withdrawing funds. The payment rules, terms for processing applications and other intricacies of financial transactions are described in detail in the “FAQ” section.

And if something still remains unclear, you can contact the 24-hour support service. The most convenient way to contact an operator is online chat, but you can also call or order an email.

Now some tips for those who don’t know how to win at a casino, but really want to!

Modern technologies provide gambling people the ability to play without even leaving home.

1) To feel confident in the vastness of a virtual gambling house, you first need to familiarize yourself with the rules of the entire casino, both as a whole and in each game separately. It is important to remember that full awareness of the processes of financial transactions and the regulations of the gaming establishment can prevent many unpleasant situations.

2) Having a specific action strategy can ensure profit. Playing at random is fraught with waste. You need to decide on several permanent game systems and hone them as you gain experience.

3) An excellent prospect for making a profit lies in bonus programs and various incentives. Thus, you can actually turn someone else's money into your own.

4) When you start playing for real money, it is important to never panic. Forget all superstitions, discard speculation and rely on dry calculation, strategy, common sense - these are the main provisions successful game to Vulcan.

5) Losing one game does not mean defeat, it means gaining valuable experience that can be used in the next ones. If the game is not going well, then there is no need to panic and there is no need to play through force either. A break will help you collect your thoughts. The length of the break is a purely personal matter. Some people will need an hour to restore their abilities, while others will need a week. In unstable emotional or psychological state It’s better not to take up the game at all.

6) It makes no sense to rely on some internal sensations that are not formalized in a specific scheme. This approach only promises defeat. Roulette does not forgive this.

There are six basic rules that you should always remember when starting to play:

These rules must be remembered by those who do not know how to make money in a casino, but strive for it!

1) You should never play for money that you don’t have. Even if financial receipt is expected soon. No actual money - don't play.

Life is unpredictable, so it's best not to do things that will cause regret in the future.

3) Having caught your luck and won a certain amount, it is better to immediately withdraw the money. Luck is such a fickle thing. By giving in to excitement and wanting more, you can lose everything.

5) Round sums are a well-known temptation. There is no need to strive to get the last two dollars to four hundred. They won’t be of much use, but it’s very easy to lose all your accumulated winnings while chasing something unimportant.

6) Finally, you should never play in questionable venues.

Unscrupulous people can easily cheat. Before choosing an online casino, you need to familiarize yourself with its reputation using online reviews or information from trusted people.

In addition to the six basic rules, there are several additional ones that will help you play successfully:
  1. For overly impressionable people who are sensitive to losing, it is better to play for fun.
  2. Constant learning is the key to success. There is no need to play a game whose rules are unknown. The more nuances you know about the game, the more noticeable the result. It is important to constantly work on your skills, then the result will become much more noticeable.
  3. Before starting the game, you need to determine the maximum amount of money spent. You need to learn to keep yourself within the planned limit. It won’t happen right away, but everything is achievable if you have desire and perseverance.
  4. Card games and roulette provide more advantages for beginners. Beginner players should avoid slot machines and all sorts of lotto games.
  5. It is important to remember that gambling is designed, first of all, to give pleasure, and then, as a pleasant bonus, profit.

Skill building. If you really want to achieve success, then it would be useful to watch special videos, communicate with specialists and search for information from other sources.

And this is only part of the answer to the question “How to win at a casino?”!

Let's continue!

Casino Admiral: review of the online club

Despite the fact that the Admiral casino appeared in the vastness of the global network quite recently, it has already managed to attract the attention of large number gambling online players.

This application contains a combination of different tournaments, promotions, and high payout. Admiral Casino is intended, first of all, for experienced modern players who place serious demands on gaming establishments.

The slot machine hall is stylistically designed for brave and courageous men.

But, in turn, many women will also be interested in visiting an online club if they have an adventurous spirit and an irresistible craving for adventure.

Admiral Casino is different in its way from all similar online establishments; it is a new generation product with a special bonus system; you won’t find regular bonuses and deposits here.

The uniqueness of this casino lies in the presence of enormous excitement, exciting from the first minutes of online play.

Distinctive features of the online club

Realizing that graphics have a very big role in this case, the developers were not lazy and made it simply wonderful. Everything is thought out to the smallest detail at a fairly high level.

High-quality navigation and a modern interface in Russian make this casino easy to manage and therefore attractive to absolutely everyone, even beginners.

Present a great opportunity adjust the lobby in the club to your tastes.

If you don’t believe that you can play online online and feel like you’re in a real casino, try going to the Admiral casino. Everything here is so realistic and beautiful that it increases the excitement and makes the game more enjoyable.

  1. Always in touch support services
  2. A variety of systems for depositing and withdrawing funds
  3. A huge coefficient for the return of incurred costs
  4. Reliable name of the management company GGS NET Ltd

The club contains slot machines from leading leaders developing gaming software. The originality of this online casino is embodied in traditional board games present in the establishment:

  1. Black Jack
  2. Sic-bo
  3. Baccarat
  4. Video poker

An excellent quality of this online casino is the opportunity for all guests to try all gaming machines absolutely free, and without registration.

If you plan to play for money, then a small and very quick registration is required.

Also a big advantage of this club are the daily promotions and tournaments, of which there are simply a huge number, and these are:

  1. Chasing the flagship
  2. Bring a friend
  3. Polaris, etc.
  4. Awards and promotions

It will be interesting for any player that his every action is rewarded by “admirals”, and this local currency can be withdrawn in the same way as bonuses, but the difference will be the ability not to wager it.

In general, this casino is gradually trying to become one of the leaders in this online industry.

The only thing missing from this title is the absence unexpected decisions, offers for high rollers and live games.

But these disadvantages are still quite well covered by the presence in the online club: attentive attitude on the part of the developers and support service to all clients and a profitable points system.

That's all, friends! Now you know how to win at the casino. More precisely, you have received recommendations, and you need to act.


Visiting a casino can be viewed as a thrills, or as additional income. In the first case, prepare a small amount of money that you won’t mind losing if you lose. We'll assume you paid for admission and drinks.

If you go to a casino with the firm intention of getting rich, then you need to know some of the tricks of this gambling establishment. Never take a lot of money with you at once. Take a non-critical amount that you are able to.

Do not exchange all your money for casino chips at once. To begin with, change, say, half the amount. This will make it easier for you to understand that not everything is lost, but in case quick win you will be able to leave faster.

As soon as you sit down at the table or roulette table, you will be persistently offered unlimited free alcoholic drinks. Such a pleasant bonus should not confuse you. That's all: the faster you get drunk, the faster you stop realistically assessing the situation and start losing or making big bets. Ask for tea or coffee instead of alcohol. Remember, your goal is to win, not just to pass the time.

Play only those games whose rules you understand. Learning the intricacies of the game can take a long time, and in a casino, time is money. The dealer will not explain the rules to you. It is better to ask the hostess or administrator about the features of the game and the minimum table bets.

One of the casino myths is what to win a large sum only possible with large bets. Cases when the jackpot was won on slot machines Not unusual.

The casino has an excellent security service, so you will not be able to use electronic devices, for example, for a card counter. It is also not recommended to play poker together with someone and talk to each other. This is a reason to blacklist you from the casino and not let you into it again. If you are a math genius, then you can try your hand at where you need to be able to calculate combinations. If you do well in this field, then over time you will also be blacklisted as a frequent winner.

There are a great many ways to play roulette, but not all of them are quite effective. A chaotic placement of chips of various denominations into 37 cells (36 numbers and one zero), of course, can allow you to win at roulette and give you a big jackpot, but often does not bring the desired and expected result.

Related article


  • how to win at casino roulette

In every casino, the most popular machine is roulette. In online versions of casinos, roulette is controlled by the theory of probability and an installed random number generator. Computer program issues random order numbers, without any benefit algorithm. This suggests that it can be calculated using probability formulas and predicted. People with a mathematical background have come up with a real system that gives you winnings at roulette in a casino.


The system is built on logical laws. One or more numbers may often not come up very well for a long time. Take, for example, the first numbers that came to mind - 1, 5 or 44. It doesn’t matter. Let's talk about dozens, they change periodically.

The first dozen consists of numbers from 1 to 12.
The second dozen consists of numbers from 13 to 24;
The third dozen is made up of numbers from 25 to 36;

The trick is this. Count out a dozen that has not already been rolled at least a couple of times. Let there be a third dozen.

If you lose, then bet $6. If you win, you will return your bets and earn 1k3.
If you lose again, then bet $12, because a dozen haven’t rolled out yet.
If you don't get it, bet $24. Let's say you were unlucky again, but in this system bad luck is considered just luck.

Most often, at this stage, a dozen should already fall out. You will win back all your previous bets, and the total will be $48! Otherwise, you benefit, because the more you manage to bet following this system, the more monetary equivalent the gain will be expressed. So, now feel free to bet $48.

Deposit $48, then $96. Regardless of the result, deposit $192. Finally the lucky dozen comes out. You will return all your bets made in advance and win almost two hundred. What if it didn't fall out? Of course, play. You can't stop at this stage. There is still one step left until victory.

Bet $384.
Bet $800. But you are unlikely to reach ten steps, because a dozen will fall out earlier.
Remember: the more you bet, the greater the result will be.

There are ways to beat roulette. Of course, strategies do not provide an absolute guarantee of winning. And it’s unlikely that you’ll be allowed to win much. However, you can make some profit. The most important thing is not to get excited. Only a cool head and sober calculation will give you the opportunity to win.

You will need

  • -Roulette Assault program.


To play, choose a casino that allows skipping moves. In this case, you will have the opportunity to check practically win-win system roulette games. Register on the casino website and deposit a minimum of 300 rubles into your account.

Start playing idle. Play this way until the same color, for example, red, appears five times in a row. Now bet on the opposite color – black. Bet 1 ruble. As soon as red comes up again, bet on black, but double your bet. Now it will be 2. And so increase the bet every time the opposite color appears.

The chance of one color appearing 12 times is extremely low. If it lands 10 or 11 times in a row, you have a chance. The game system, of course, leaves room for risk, but reduces it significantly. You can start not with five “idle” moves, but with 10. This will increase the chances of winning to almost 100%. The only inconvenience is that it will delay the game for a long time. You can, on the contrary, reduce the number of “idle” strokes. The game will go much faster, but the risk will increase several times.

You can also beat roulette using special software. Roulette Assault is a powerful analyzer program with automatic play capabilities. Basically, the program does the same thing - bets on the opposite color after the same color has appeared multiple times. Undoubted convenience - your presence at the computer is not required. In addition, the program plays much faster than a person. A significant drawback is the cost of the key, about $50. Certain settings for a specific casino are also required.

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Beating the casino is the dream of many roulette fans, but in most cases it remains unfulfilled. In the establishment, literally everything, from the interior to the menu in the bar, is aimed at ensuring that the client at the gaming table loses as much as possible more money.


Study the arrangement of numbers on the wheel. This knowledge will allow you to understand the principle of their loss. The markings may vary depending on the place of origin of the roulette.

There are 37 numbers compiled on the European wheel (38 on the American wheel), which are arranged in a chaotic order. Each of them is associated with either red or black. If you look at the playing field, it is easy to notice that the color does not correspond to the even/odd number, and zero is completely green.

Understand the bets that can be placed during the game. The fact is that many novice players make the same mistake: they only bet on the number. Of course, if the desired number is rolled, the winning amount will be 35 times the original bet. But the chances of losing in such a position are high, and you can lose a fortune in a few minutes.

Playing on a series looks more attractive, since the size of the payouts when the desired number is drawn will be greater than on equal chances, and the probability of a number falling out of a series increases. The European wheel is divided into the following sectors:

Voison (17 numbers);
- thiers (12 numbers);
- orflains (8 numbers);
- zero zone (7 numbers).

Place your bets before the end of the spin (the movement of the ball on the roulette wheel). In this case, based on the rotation speed, you can determine with maximum accuracy the series in which it will fit.

Train constantly. If you have the opportunity to play, don't miss it. Experience backed by knowledge is a faithful assistant in the process of guessing numbers. It would be a good idea to study popular theories that allow you to make predictions based on previously dropped values. The most popular of them is the Martingale system, which has proven itself when playing on equal chances. However, it has a significant disadvantage: you need to have a sufficient amount of money with you to be able to recoup all possible losses.

The thirst for quick money has haunted many people for centuries. And with the invention of roulette, you can get a solid fortune in a matter of hours, because you just need to make successful bets. However, without a system that can lead you to victory, the probability of winning tends to zero, because not a single gambling establishment intends to give away money.


First, study the roulette wheel well, remember the location of the fields, . Although the rules of the game are quite simple, it is unlikely that you will be able to beat the casino “blindly”. Ideally you should eyes closed by the slightest clue, determine the location of any number in relation to another. Such knowledge will help you quickly navigate the situation at the table.

Learn to control your emotions because they are the worst enemies of winning. The ability not to give in to passion, regardless of the outcome of the case, is the main key to success. And part of the time on the way to the cherished victory may be spent developing such an ability, but this investment will ultimately bear fruit. And the desire to win back, on the contrary, will lead to even greater losses.

Before each game, set a limit, and under no circumstances allow yourself to exceed it, because the most unpredictable game is a game without rules. Chaos contributes to defeat, winning in such an environment is nothing more than just an accident. By analogy with the amount intended for the game, determine for yourself the size of the bets that will be within your means. Inadequately high or too low limits in the first case will doom you to quick ruin, and in the second - an uninteresting and monotonous game.

Limit yourself in time. Overwork and fatigue are the worst enemies of successfully completing a session. You should not spend more than 2-3 hours at a time at the gaming table, take breaks. This will prevent the reaction from slowing down and allow you to focus on the process.

Try different systems designed to help you win on . For example, Martingale is one of these methods. Its essence is to double the bets on each subsequent move. However, to receive winnings, you must have a sufficient supply of funds and not allow yourself a long session, so as not to fall into periods of time in which the system will be ineffective.

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The opportunity to make easy money attracts many people. Some try their hand at online casinos, but only a few win. In order not to lose money and remain profitable, you should choose the right casino and follow some principles of the game.

Before you play in an online casino, there is one simple thing to remember: you will never be allowed to win consistently and withdraw your winnings. Even if you develop your own unique gaming strategy, and this, according to professionals, you may not be allowed to regularly withdraw your winnings. In reality, you can only count on one-time winnings - as soon as the casino owners notice that you have started to win consistently, everything will be done to ensure that you lose your funds.

How casinos deceive players

It should be understood that there are no absolutely honest casinos. If there are exceptions to this rule, they are very rare. Among the most popular casinos with a long history are such establishments as Grandcasino, King, Williams Hill. There are other casinos that have earned a good reputation.

Be sure to read the terms and conditions that you agree to when you start playing at a casino - even the largest establishments have a clause according to which your account can be closed without explanation or reason. There are hundreds of loopholes that allow casino owners to “legally” rob you of your winnings.

Many casinos have this principle: on the first day after registration you are allowed to play honestly. If at the end of the day you are a winner, the game for you is already starting to follow different algorithms - you are surprised to notice that you are starting to rapidly “drain” your deposit. It also happens: on a demo account you consistently win, but when you switch to a real one, you immediately begin to lose money. This is typical for many casinos.

It’s easy to check the fairness of the game: for example, when playing roulette, bet only on equal odds. At the same time, place in a circle to avoid subjectivity - for example, “1-18”, “even”, “black”, “red”, “odd”, “19-36”, again “1-18”, etc. . Use minimum bets, mark each win with a plus, each loss with a minus. Don't count zero. When playing fairly on a large series - about several hundred bets - the number of wins and losses should be approximately equal. If there are noticeably more minuses, you are being deceived.

Make sure in advance that you have all the necessary documents to withdraw funds. For example, you will not be able to withdraw money from many foreign online casinos without a passport or driver’s license.

How to beat the casino

First of all, find a casino that is at least not obvious. A good option is a casino with md5 fairness control. The principle is simple: when starting a game - for example, roulette, blackjack, etc., using the site’s service, you receive a file with a sequence of numbers or cards encrypted using the md5 algorithm. After the game, you receive a decryption code and can compare the real sequence of cards or numbers with the one in the encrypted file.

Remember that some casinos only pretend that they have md5 fairness control. In practice, the service may not work, and you will not be able to check this without starting the game. Therefore, for the first game, deposit the minimum amount - for example, $5. This is enough to start the game and check the integrity of the casino.

Never play in a bad mood. Be relaxed and enjoy the game. You will begin to really make money on the game only when you step away from the very desire to make money.

Be sure to use some kind of system in the game - just not the martingale, it is guaranteed to lead to the loss of your deposit, as has been proven repeatedly by thousands of players. Consider periods of success and failure, every player has them. To do this, keep a diary in which you note your wins and losses, build a graph of changes in the amount of money. Looking at the chart, you can see when your next “drawdown” begins - at this time, operate with minimum bets or switch to a demo account. When luck turns your way again, increase your bet size. Using these rules, you can always remain profitable.

Roulette is one of the most famous and popular casino games. The presence of a “zero” tips the scales in favor of the casino, so playing blind almost always leads to a loss. But if you use the right strategy, your chances of success increase significantly.

Casino selection

The right choice of casino is of great importance for the success of the game. Players often encounter this situation: on the first day after registration they are lucky and manage to win something. But the very next day luck turns away from them, all the previous winnings and initial funds are being lost.

In this case, the loser is not luck, but dishonest casino software. If you start winning, the playing conditions worsen for you. It is enough to shift the probability of luck slightly towards the casino, and you will lose your money.

This is why look for a casino that has a long history good reputation. Focus on establishments with software from Playtech and Microgaming. Casinos with md5 integrity control are also a good option.

Roulette selection

There are several types of roulette - European, American, French, etc. Without going into detail, we can say that the best option is regular European roulette or PRO roulette.

Before registering at the casino, try playing the demo version of roulette, this will allow you to evaluate its convenience. One of best options Roulettes from Playtech can be recognized - in particular, they allow you to turn off animation, which is very convenient. If you can’t turn off the animation, don’t play in this casino, you’ll get tired of waiting every time for the roulette wheel to finish spinning. Disabling animation allows you to instantly get the result of the next spin.

Game strategy

There are many strategies for playing roulette. But there is one problem: the roulette algorithm itself is such that the chances of winning are less than the probability of losing. No matter what strategies are used, this situation cannot be changed.

However, there is an option that allows you to beat the casino. Try to play this way: use only bets on even chances, that is, “1-18”, “even”, “black”, “red”, “odd”, “19-36”. Place your bets in a circle, not at random. Mark the results of the spins in your notebook with pluses and minuses. If you get a zero, don't bet anything.

You need at least 100 bets, preferably the minimum. After that, analyze the resulting series of pros and cons. You will see that it is uneven. By studying it carefully, you will be able to identify certain rhythms - that is, periods when you were lucky and periods of losses. Now tell me: what will happen if the size of bets in winning periods is higher than in losing ones? The overall result will be in your favor!

It is taking into account rhythms and manipulating the size of bets that allows you to achieve success when playing roulette. Of course, only if the casino is honest. Such a game has other subtleties, but each player must determine them independently.

There are many online casinos operating on the Internet, but the chances of actually making money in them are usually quite small. The house always wins - however, this rule can be broken using certain tactics.

You will need

  • Funds for the game.


If you want to receive a stable, constant winning, do not use slots. Play roulette or . To play blackjack you need to have some experience and a good knowledge of the strategy and tactics of this game. If you don’t have such knowledge yet, play roulette.

Keep statistics of your bets, marking wins with a plus sign and losses with a minus sign on a piece of paper. If you get a zero, don't mark anything. Pay attention to winning and losing streaks. After a series of losses, increase your bet size. A decline is always followed by an increase, so you will make a profit by playing with an increased lot. After this, reduce the bet size again, waiting for a new winning streak to arrive.

You can evaluate the honesty of a casino by the number of won and lost trades over a long period - for example, several hundred spins. Since when playing roulette the casino receives income from zero, and you do not take it into account in your calculations, the number of pros and cons should be approximately equal. If there are clearly more minuses, the gambling establishment is cheating.

When playing roulette, the casino makes a profit due to the existence of a zero, and the advantage of the casino over the player is 2.7% - with one zero and 5.26% - on roulette with two zeros. It should be noted that in practice, even in a regular casino, this rule is not always observed. An experienced dealer can purposefully play against large bets, directing the ball to the other side of the roulette wheel. The probability that the ball will not land on number c big bet, very high. It is almost impossible to detect the croupier's dishonesty in this case.

Online casino software

Responsibility for gaming software large casinos are borne by its manufacturers. Casino owners cannot “tweak” the software themselves to their advantage, since they simply do not have access to the settings. This is true for the largest casino software manufacturers - PlayTech, Microgaming and some others.

At the same time, some online gambling establishments use software that allows them to increase the client’s likelihood of losing. This, in particular, is the problem with some Russian online gambling establishments. The following principle is usually used: for a newly registered client the game is on fair enough, so on the first day he may well. But if at the end of the day the client remains profitable, he is transferred to another software. In this case, it is almost impossible to win; the player’s deposit is rapidly melting away.

Sometimes you can notice the following pattern: the client’s usual bets are played fairly. But as soon as the player raises the bet, he is sure to lose.

Casino integrity check

The player always has the opportunity to check the fairness of the casino, and there is no need to calculate anything - there is more simple ways. If the casino is honest, the number of wins and losses will correspond to the theory of probability. Remember that testing should only be carried out on real game. The demo version of roulette does not give an accurate result - on the contrary, in many casinos the demo software is configured in favor of the player in order to quickly force him to start playing the real game.

To test the theory of probability, play only for equal chances - bet sequentially on “1-18”, “Even”, “Black”, “Red”, “Odd”, “19-36”. Place exactly in a circle, this eliminates the subjectivity of choice. Use the minimum bid.

Keep statistics of wins and losses. Mark each win with a plus in your notebook, and each loss with a minus. Write vertically – on the left is a column of pros, next to the right is a column of minuses. Ignore the zero or enter it in the third column.

If the casino is honest, the number of pluses and minuses corresponds to the theory of probability and turns out to be approximately equal for a large number of bets. Long series of pros and cons are possible, up to 10-15 in a row, sometimes more. But overall between winning bets and the losers must be equal. To obtain more or less accurate statistics, you need to make several hundred bets.

This experience makes it easy to identify dishonest casinos. In order to be guaranteed not to have any complaints against the gambling establishment, choose a casino with md5 integrity control.

Thus, teoriya veroyatnosti v kazino generally justifies itself - provided that the gambling establishment behaves honestly towards players and uses reliable software from trusted companies.

It is very difficult to catch the moment when a harmless hobby gambling“little things”, with small stakes turns into real gaming addiction. With the spread of the Internet, games for money have become publicly available. Now anyone can register on a themed website and try their luck at an online casino.

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