Climb the fence. Successful activity, completion of what started

A fence is essentially a border separating territories. Used as a symbolic designation of the border, or as an actual physical obstacle for uninvited guests, this item is capable of both protecting the owner of the property and blocking the way for a traveler. A detailed analysis of the dream and a competent dream book will help you understand why you dream about a fence - reliability and safety, or obstacles on the path of life.

One of the ways to interpret a dream is to interpret it based on the material in which the fence was made. The meaning of the dream is also influenced by the integrity of the fence, its height, size, and length.

Fence material and condition

  1. A fence made of wooden rods seen in a dream is a good sign, foreshadowing a favorable period in all life plans. The dreamer will achieve goals of any complexity and deal with problems shelved if he manages to seize the moment. The period after such a dream is an ideal time to show enthusiasm for work.
  2. If the fence in a dream is so high that it is impossible to climb over it, the dream speaks of an impossible task that the dreamer has undertaken in reality. The likelihood of achieving your goal is almost zero.
  3. A broken fence represents a security threat - this indicates the appearance in real life of a malicious person who wants to deceive the person who had the dream or steal something from him.
  4. A wrought iron fence speaks of the love, authority and respect experienced by others for the dreamer.
  5. A fence made of large and thick logs symbolizes useful and pleasant acquaintances and surprises. If, in the near future after this dream, the person who observed it meets a new pleasant acquaintance, for whom he subsequently begins to develop feelings, they will be able to create a promising couple, from which a strong family will emerge.
  6. A metal fence seen at night foreshadows an evening in the pleasant company of relatives or close friends.
  7. A shaky fence seen in night vision portends a threat to one’s financial condition and well-being.
  8. A large brick fence, which emanates reliability and strength, suggests that in real life the dreamer is indeed under the protection and patronage of an influential person who is respected. The dream may also indicate that the dreamer is protected by fate itself. The dream book recommends thanking a patron, be it a real character or an unknown force.
  9. Seeing a hedge in a dream means preparing for a short separation from your partner. Such a separation could be a departure on a business trip, and upon the dreamer’s return, a new round in the relationship awaits. If such a dream was seen by a person who is in a quarrel, now is the time to take a step towards reconciliation.

Actions with the fence

Those who had to put up a fence with their own hands in night vision can expect good news in real life. An influential person will help the dreamer. However, you shouldn’t sit idle - you’ll have to work hard yourself to achieve something.

If in a dream you happened to build a fence in a rural area, in reality you should be more open and not distance yourself from people. Such a dream speaks of the isolation of the person who observed it. Further self-isolation leads to loneliness and deprivation of peace of mind.

An extremely favorable omen is to knock over a fence with a slight movement in a dream and continue on your way. In this case, the dreamer will achieve the most daring and unrealistic goals thanks to his perseverance and incessant attempts.

If in night vision someone constantly interferes with the construction of a palisade, this is not a good sign. Such a dream means that in real life a person is minding his own business. Perhaps the dreamer does not like his job, and this means a lot. Or she confuses him, causes inconvenience. It’s worth looking for a job you like without wasting your own nerves.

Climbing a fence means success in implementing new ideas. If the dreamer is comfortable and comfortable at the top, and he does not experience fear of heights, in reality he will be able to overcome obstacles without difficulty. If, being at the top, the dreamer is afraid and nervous, in real life he will make a serious, but not irreparable mistake.

Seeing a fence in night vision, climbing on it, and then falling - giving up, having already reached the point of no return. If the interpretation of the dream comes true and in reality the dreamer really abandons something, this will spoil his reputation as a responsible person. It’s worth gathering your willpower and completing the undertaking you started.

Miller's Dream Book

If in a picture you dreamed at night, a person and his friends climb a fence, and then they all accidentally bring it down, this is a bad sign, foreshadowing an accident with a loved one.

As the dream book says, the fence over which the dreamer climbed symbolizes the use of not the most honest means to achieve the goals.

If a young girl dreams of how she builds a fence, the dream foreshadows her spiritual intimacy with her relationship partner.

Freud's Dream Book

Climbing over a fence, according to a well-known interpreter, means in real life using cunning to influence a person and his feelings. Unobtrusive and subtle manipulations will ultimately lead to success.

If you happen to build a fence in night vision, this means that in reality the dreamer is trying to isolate himself from feelings, love and everything connected with it.

Breaking a fence means getting rid of old unrequited or lost love, from long-exhausting feelings. After such a dream, you will be able to open up to new relationships.

Esoteric dream book

A high fence that cannot be overcome promises separation from loved ones, separation.

Overcoming the fence means coping with obstacles, overcoming difficulties, and the separation will not last long. The method of overcoming a fence (jumping, breaking) speaks of the tactics that a person uses in real life.

Miller's Dream Book

Climb the fence

If you fell from the fence- then this dream warns you that you are taking on a task for which you are incapable, and failure awaits you.

An unfavorable dream is in which you, sitting with friends on a fence, accidentally bring it down- it promises an accident with one of your loved ones.

This means that in reality you will want to resort to unsuitable means to achieve your goal.

Freud's Dream Book

Fence- symbolizes an obstacle.

So, if you dreamed that you were climbing over a fence- this means that in reality you will try to achieve your goal in some roundabout ways. You will not be able to influence a person and his feelings directly, so you will choose the tactics of a soft and outwardly imperceptible influence, to which the person will soon succumb.

If in a dream you put up a fence- then you are trying to isolate yourself in real life from love and everything connected with it. In your firm belief, love brings evil to a person, since it forces him to bare his soul and feelings to strangers. Yes, it’s hard for you to live with such an understanding of love.

If you dreamed about breaking a fence- this can only mean one thing - soon you will feel an unexpected state that will free your soul and feelings from the heavy captivity of memories. You will finally be freed from your old love and will be able to look at life with interest, because it has not passed at all, and you are still young and full of strength to meet love again. And living in the past all the time means methodically poisoning your soul, leaving it no chance for revival.

A fence as a set of a large number of vertical elements- symbolizes your active sex life and a large number of sexual partners.

If the fence is in good condition, painted- you treat each sexual partner with care, try to achieve mutual pleasure and not cause harm. I can only envy your tone!

Rotten or broken fence- indicates that your connections are promiscuous, and you are indifferent to the health and feelings of your sexual partners. Your tone tends to fall, and if you do not take any measures, then impotence is just around the corner:

Dream book of lovers

Women's dream book

Climb a fence in a dream- to the successful completion of an important matter.

Fall off the fence- to failure: you will take on a task that you cannot complete.

If in a dream you climb through a fence- in reality you will want to resort to dubious means to achieve your goal.

Knock down a fence to get through- a sign that with your energetic actions in life you will begin to achieve and achieve the almost impossible.

A dream in which you are building a fence- portends active creative activity and prosperity. After such a dream, a girl can hope for spiritual intimacy with her beloved.

General dream book

Climb a fence in a dream- to the money you have been waiting for a long time.

Build- to success in business.

Repair the fence- to great trouble.

In a dream you watch someone build a fence- know that in the near future everything will be all right.

You watched someone fix a fence- one of your loved ones is going to have a lot of trouble.

Breaking the fence- to changes in life.

A dream in which you watched someone break down a fence- soon one of your relatives will commit a careless act, and you may lose a large sum of money.

If you dreamed that you crawled through a hole in a fence- beware of your friends, among them there is a secret ill-wisher who can make you lose a large amount.

Dream book of the 21st century

The fence you dreamed about- a sign of upcoming obstacles.

Climb over the fence- this means you can overcome them without much difficulty. If you really want to, but cannot climb over it, then difficulties and stagnation in business await you.

Climb a fence in a dream- to the speedy completion of a responsible task.

Fall off the fence- a warning that you have taken on a task that you are not able to complete.

Build a fence- a harbinger of patronage and help.

Breaking the fence- to a decline in business.

Italian dream book

Fence- symbolizes two things: isolation (confinement) and the desire to be yourself, the desire to have your own private life. The restrictions that a person experiences may relate to his personal life or to the business sphere. This image may reflect a person’s desire to limit the interference of other people in his life, as well as the desire to hide from others his deepest feelings or desires that he is ashamed of.

Dream book of lovers

Fence- a dream in which you observe the construction fence, foretells that you are concerned about your relationship and want to improve the situation.

And the construction of a fence- the first step towards that. Plus, you will be pleased with the result.

If you see yourself climbing over a fence in a dream- this means that you will achieve your goal not in a direct way, but in some roundabout way. You cannot force a person to obey you, so you will try to do it secretly, unnoticed. Your efforts, however, will not be in vain.

Put up a fence- means that you lead a secluded lifestyle. Your feelings are closed from others, because you are sure that love is evil, so to experience this feeling, in your opinion, means to succumb to temptation and make a mistake. Naturally, with such moods and views, you shouldn’t hope for a bright feeling.

Breaking the fence- to free yourself from memories that oppress you. You will learn to painlessly perceive your previous feeling and get rid of the oppression of sadness. Faith in the best will come to you, you will understand that life is not over and there are still many bright days ahead of you. What has passed will not happen again, so why waste time remembering past happiness? New things await you ahead, so don’t poison yourself with unnecessary regrets.

Lunar dream book

Fence- obstacle.

Destroy the fence- overcome an obstacle.

Dream Interpretation Veles

A cucumber is lying in front of someone else's fence- a divorced man, or a man who is in a quarrel with his wife

Psychoanalytic dream book

Fence- an ambivalent symbol indicating isolation and the desire to isolate oneself, remaining oneself. Constraint to be authentic.

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

Esoteric dream book

Fence- insurmountable difficulty, separation from loved ones. Difficulties will be overcome, the separation will not be long.

Method of overcoming a fence (climb, disassemble, find a passage)- talks about a way to deal with difficulties.

Ukrainian dream book

Jump the fence- overcome an obstacle, realize a dream.

See someone behind the fence- you have enemies.

Fence- separation from a loved one, an obstacle.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Fence (hedge)- separation from a loved one.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

To see a story in a dream that is somehow connected with a fence means to receive an important sign, ambiguous, concerning both physical safety and spiritual independence. Dream books give a lot of conflicting interpretations of what a fence means in a dream, and everything connected with it, depending on the situation that developed in the dream.

Erecting obstacles

Putting up a fence in a dream means receiving hope for favorable news: someone very influential will take the dreamer under his patronage and protection. While waiting for outside help, you should not sit idly by - the dream foreshadows fruitful creative activity.

Putting up a fence in a dacha or in the countryside in a dream means: in reality you should not fence yourself off from people. The dream book warns against isolation and loneliness - this is what this event means in dreams. Self-isolation is not the best way to achieve peace of mind.

The love dream book explains why such a vision is dreamed from a different point of view. It indicates concern for the fate of the couple, but now it will be possible to take the first steps to protect the emerging intimacy from outside interference. A girl in love will establish a trusting relationship with a young man, and a spiritual relationship will be revealed.

Freud's dream book explains in detail why one dreams of a fence and an attempt to build it - this is a projection of distrust of everything related to love relationships, a visualization of an attempt to isolate oneself from love experiences. The dreamer is given a hint that he was too carried away, protecting his inner peace from the invasion of passion. Only by opening your soul to passion can you fill your life with real happiness.

Having seen in a dream how a loved one makes a fence, it is not difficult to guess about the partner’s readiness to take decisive actions to establish trust and strong relationships.

Destruction of the fence

Life is unstable, sometimes we build, sometimes we break - this is reflected even in dreams.

Dream book of a psychologist. G. Miller deciphers the dream of a dismantled fence as follows. If in a dream friends climbed onto him and fell down with him, you should warn them against risky, dangerous undertakings.

If the dreamer himself simply knocked it over in a dream so as not to interfere with moving on, this is an excellent harbinger - he will achieve the impossible thanks to determination and energetic actions. Miller’s dream book also gives a favorable explanation of why you dream that a fence was broken by a herd of animals - support will come from the most unexpected quarter. Trust your fortune.

According to Freud's dream book, tearing down a fence in a dream so as not to interfere with movement means: you will soon be able to free yourself from memories that prevent you from moving forward towards a new passion. In this case, a broken fence is a lucky sign. Life will sparkle with bright colors again, open to fresh feelings and carnal pleasures.

Remember why you dreamed about these events, do not count with sadness the years that will bring many more joys.

Dilapidated hedge

Instability, anxiety and vague premonitions are reflected in dreams where there is no reliable support.

To see an old fence falling over buildings in a dream foreshadows unfavorable events caused by reasons beyond a person’s control and a spoiled mood. Stay strong, don’t get depressed and don’t trust strangers.

Dream books interpret a picket fence leaning towards the street as a sign of personal problems - not so serious as to destroy relationships, but requiring effort in order to straighten out the family situation, restore mutual understanding and harmony.

It is important to know why you dream that a dilapidated fence is collapsing before your eyes: in the near future you should be extremely careful, not get involved in adventures and control your loved ones - these are not the days when you should not take risks. You may not find understanding, but be persistent - they will thank you.

If in a dream it is possible to repair a fallen fence, the dream books promise that financial difficulties will be resolved without any extra effort, in normal working hours. But if the fence does fall, you need to be prepared to repel minor misfortunes. Be patient, stubborn, resourceful and calm, like a boa constrictor. These are really little things, they tire you, but they are unable to interfere with your plans.

Wickets and holes

What's behind the fence? If in a dream you have to overcome an obstacle in a more or less standard way, through a gate or wicket, this does not necessarily promise success in reality; moreover, it can cause disappointment.

An attempt to penetrate through broken boards in a dream threatens minor financial losses, but indicates perseverance and confidence - the end justifies the means.

Freud's dream book gives a useful explanation of why you dream of seeing a fence with holes: you can lose something, so you need to be extremely attentive, collected, and vigilant. Peering through a hole in the fence means you will soon regret the loss. A hole in someone else's fence means health problems for its owner.

According to Miller's dream book, crawling through a gap in a fence is a projection of readiness for dishonest, illegal actions to solve problems that have arisen. But passing through a gate in a fence foreshadows completely correct actions, which, however, will lead to an awkward situation, humiliation received from those who should be grateful to you.

Jump over the fence

From the point of view of esoteric philosophies, a hedge is a symbol of loneliness, isolation, separation from loved ones. Jumping over a high fence in a dream, the dreamer imagines a quick meeting, a reunion with his family after a forced separation.

The very method of overcoming an obstacle speaks volumes about the style of dealing with difficulties that arise in reality. In this case, the dream images show the decisive, uncompromising character of a person who knows effective ways to achieve a goal.

Why do you dream of jumping over a fence according to the interpretation of the Ukrainian dream book? It will be possible to implement the plan, despite a series of serious difficulties that were easily overcome.

A fence is a symbol of restriction of freedom; walking along it means in reality not even suspecting your high potential, ability to destroy barriers and wisely bypass established boundaries. The esoteric dream book advises to discard dependence on the opinions of others, to follow your own path towards your own goals.

Climb over the fence

Freedom-loving natures do not tolerate restrictions even in their sleep. Seeing a picket fence or a fortress wall, they strive to look behind it - the unknown beckons.

A low fence symbolizes, according to Freud’s dream book, an obstacle that does not need to be stormed. Accordingly, if a person climbs over such a fence in a dream, in reality he will be able to find workarounds to solve emerging obstacles.

To influence, to enlist support from above, to weave intrigue, to gently, insinuatingly persuade someone to make the necessary decision - in the near future the dreamer will not act “head-on”, he will have to show resourcefulness, and he will cope with this brilliantly.

According to the women's dream book, climbing over the fence means showing wisdom on the field of marital battles and achieving reconciliation. According to it, sitting on a fence in a dream foretells success in the most important matter at the moment.

Fence theft

Why do you dream of a new, brand new fence? The dreamer expects success on the path of creative work. He will really create something new - perhaps it will be an invention or a cool designer item, but the reward - material and moral - will bring great satisfaction.

An absurd dream about a fence being suddenly stolen may be a projection of real fears regarding possible losses, thefts, and embezzlement. They also contain predictions - among the heroes of the visions one must look for a suspect in theft or embezzlement.

But on the other hand, dream books hint that such “theft” of the boundaries of what is permitted in a dream expands freedom and opens up new opportunities. Why do you dream about such an incident? To overcome isolation, open statements about your desires in personal relationships and in business. The consequences can be very serious; not everyone will accept frankness, but the person will definitely become more effective.

Whitewashing and painting

Dream books promise a quick move for those who painted the fence in a dream. You can start packing your bags. If the fence was whitewashed, such a dream, apparently due to the ancient traditions of whitewashing, overgrown with signs, has a lot of interpretations, one more interesting than the other.

Whitewashing yourself means soon being invited to a big celebration - a wedding, anniversary, important corporate event. In addition to pleasant holiday troubles, this also promises a certain amount of honorable attention to your person.

If others do the whitewashing, the dream book speaks of the gullibility of the dreamer, who may reveal his plans to dishonest scammers. Be carefull. In the coming days, do not shift important decisions onto the shoulders of others - you yourself will cope much better.

Forcing someone to whitewash a fence, according to dream books, means: in reality you will try to correct the mistakes of your relatives. How persistent you were in your dream, the more successful your actions will be.

Why dream of whitewashing old dirt on a fence? The dreamer clearly has something to hide from others. Painting someone else's fence in a dream is a sign that you will soon be able to get rid of your annoying surroundings.

Fence color

What color was the fence you saw in your dream? Color seems to fill the interpretations of dream books with emotions.

Why do you dream of a fence painted orange or yellow? Such a cheerful design promises a festive mood. Even if the dreamer encounters obstacles on his way, he will have reasons for joy.

The red color of a fence in a dream speaks of enormous emotional stress. Maximum activity, vivid experiences, and passion are what will lead a person out of the vicious circle of self-isolation.

The meaning of the color green is multifaceted; the interpretation of dream books depends on the shade, for example, a light salad fence in a dream warns: it’s time to overcome your insecurities. The poisonous green fence is a signal to calm down, a reminder that being nervous is a bad helper in solving problems. Calm green colors, according to dream books, are harbingers of carefree days.

Fence material

If the dreamer remembers what the fence was made of, this is not accidental. Why do you dream of a fence made of a certain material? Dream books interpret a wooden fence as a lack of reliable protection. It’s not that safety is at risk, but it makes sense to insure against trouble.

The iron fence persistently reminds us of the need to defend ourselves from ill-wishers. Sometimes it is enough to emotionally distance yourself from the most active representatives in order to find peace of mind. Take a philosophical approach to the fuss of envious people - they have something to envy.

A stone fence in a dream, on the contrary, is a symbol of the fact that too tight isolation from the outside world deprives many joys. Open up to the world and receive a positive emotional charge from those around you.

Why do you dream of a Fence, dream book What does it mean to see a Fence in a dream?

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do you dream of a Fence in a dream?

Seeing a Fence in a dream means Fence. Seeing is an obstacle in business, failure, hindrance; climb the fence - successfully complete the task; falling from it is a warning that a new undertaking is beyond your strength and you will most likely fail. My friends and I climbed the fence, and it suddenly collapsed - unfortunately for someone close to us. Climbing over a fence is using an illegal technique to achieve your goals. Putting up a fence means active, creative activity, prosperity, profit. Knocked over a fence to get through - if you act energetically and persistently, you will achieve the almost impossible; the fence was overturned by the herd on its way - to support from an unexpected side. For a young woman, the latter signifies spiritual intimacy with her chosen one, as such a dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Freud's Dream Book

Why do you dream of a Fence according to the dream book?

To see a Fence in a dream - This dream foretells obstacles. If you see yourself climbing over a fence in a dream, this means that you will begin to achieve your goal not in a direct way, but in some roundabout way. You cannot force a person to obey you, so you will try to do it secretly, unnoticed. Your efforts, however, will not be in vain. Putting up a fence means that you lead a secluded life. Your feelings are closed from others, because you are sure that love is evil, so to experience this feeling, in your opinion, means to succumb to temptation and make a mistake. Naturally, with such moods and views, you shouldn’t hope for a bright feeling. Breaking a fence means liberation from memories that oppress you. You will learn to painlessly perceive your previous feeling and get rid of the oppression of sadness. Faith in the best will come to you, you will understand that life is not over and there are still many bright days ahead of you. What has passed will not happen again, so why waste time remembering past happiness? New things await you ahead, so do not poison yourself with vain regrets, as the dream book interpreter predicts.

Ancient dream book

What does it mean to see a fence in a dream?

According to the dream book, Fence - a fence seen in a dream symbolizes an obstacle. So, if you dreamed that you were climbing over a fence, it means that in real life you will try to achieve your goal in some roundabout way. You will not be able to influence a person and his feelings directly, so you will choose the tactics of a soft and outwardly imperceptible influence, which your partner will fall for. If in a dream you installed a fence, then in real life you are trying to isolate yourself from love and everything connected with it. In your firm belief, love brings evil to a person, since it forces him to bare his soul and feelings to strangers. Yes, it’s hard for you to live with such an understanding of love. Rather, throw such thoughts out of your head and try to finally become happy. If you dreamed about breaking a fence, this can only mean one thing: very soon you will feel an unexpected state that will free your soul and feelings from the heavy captivity of memories. You will finally be freed from your old love and will be able to look at life with interest. Life has not passed at all, and you are still young and full of strength to meet new love. And living in the past all the time means methodically poisoning your soul, leaving it no chance for revival. Give yourself a second chance! - Will - If in a dream you saw that someone had drawn up a very profitable will in your favor, this promises you a new acquaintance in real life, which you will not take seriously at first, because it will be too unexpected for you and will start in unusual conditions. However, this will be exactly the kind of event that happens once every hundred years. You won't regret it. If in a dream you make a will, this means that in reality you will have to sacrifice your interests for the sake of a loved one. And this will benefit you, since in this way you will only strengthen your relationship

Psychological dream book

Why do you dream of a Fence in a dream?

Dream Interpretation: Fence - Climbing a fence means success in all endeavors, they will be successful. Falling off the fence means: you will take on a task that you are not capable of, and in practice you will be convinced that all your efforts are in vain. Climbing through a hole in a fence is evidence of illegal means of achieving a goal. If you are sitting on a fence and the fence suddenly falls, beware of an accident. If you come across a fence on your way and you break it (or step over it) and move on, it means you will be able to accomplish something global. A dream in which a herd of domestic animals is crossing a fence into your yard symbolizes unexpected, but much-needed help for you. If, on the contrary, animals run away through the fence, losses await you in trade and other matters.

Modern dream book

According to the dream book Fence, what does the dream mean:

Seeing a Fence in a dream - If in a dream you climbed a fence, the successful completion of an important task lies ahead. If you fell off the fence - keep in mind that you are not taking on your own business. Climbed through a loophole in a fence in a dream - in reality you will want to resort to dishonest means to achieve your goal. If you knock over a fence, you will achieve the almost impossible. Put up a fence - active, creative activity and prosperity lie ahead. For a girl, such a dream foreshadows spiritual intimacy with a loved one. If you broke a fence - you will soon get rid of the heavy burden of memories. You will finally be freed from your old love and will be able to look at life with interest. You are young and full of strength to meet love again. You can't live in the past all the time - give your soul a chance to be reborn. D. Loff said the following about such dreams: “In addition, the fence is a kind of border, especially when you feel that it is an insurmountable obstacle.”

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream of a Fence in a dream?

According to the dream book, seeing Fences means isolation in a negative sense and security in a positive sense. A more accurate interpretation can only be made by taking into account who or what the fence is protecting from. You will decipher the meaning of such a dream if you can guess what overcoming this obstacle promises - positive or negative emotions. In addition, a fence is a kind of boundary, especially when you feel that it is an insurmountable obstacle. Seeing yourself alone by a fence signals the need to protect yourself more reliably.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

What does a fence mean in a dream:

According to the dream book, seeing a Fence means - Palisade - Erecting a palisade in a dream means that you will have a chance to take a place that deserves you. A stockade with barbed wire stretched across the top - deception and fraud await you. Climbing over a stockade - you will encounter many obstacles in a task that seems trivial at first glance. A tilted palisade is an omen of troubles and misfortunes. A broken picket fence warns of a possible loss of property. A hole in the stockade predicts love that will fill your heart with joy

Summer dream book

Why see a Fence in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream: Separate the fence - New opportunities will appear; it will be possible to give space to plans.

Picket fence (fence). - You will be overcome by despondency that will reach despair.

Fence - To see in a dream a blank fence on which hangs a sign: “Beware, evil dog,” and not dare to open the gate - you will act hesitantly in an extreme situation.

Autumn dream book

Why see a Fence in a dream?

Why dream of Separating a fence - Check your affairs and papers, you will have problems that can ruin you; Sometimes this dream means a fine.

Fence fence - Trying to isolate yourself from an annoying person will not bring good luck.

Fence - To see in a dream how someone puts up a fence in their garden plot - your desire to isolate yourself from people will not lead to good, as it is said in the dream book about this dream.

Spring dream book

Why see a Fence in a dream?

According to the dream book, Fence means in a dream - To fence off a fence - you will have to give in to your enemies. You, so to speak, will give up your positions, everything will be the way they want.

Fence - to court cases; perhaps to a conclusion.

Picket fence (fence). - minor repairs to be done.

Dream Interpretation new Fence

Why do you dream of a new Fence in a dream according to the dream book?

A dream about a new fence portends success in the field of creative work. You will be able to create a truly new thing, the reward for which will bring not only material, but also moral satisfaction.

Wooden fence

Dream Interpretation Wooden fence dreamed of why you dream about a Wooden fence? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Wooden fence in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Fence

Dream Interpretation - Fence

Falling off a fence is a sign of failure.

Dream Interpretation - Fence

Dream Interpretation - Fence

Seeing yourself alone by a fence signals the need to protect yourself more reliably.

Dream Interpretation - Fence

Dream Interpretation - Fence

Dream Interpretation - Fence

A sign of upcoming obstacles.

Dream Interpretation - Fence

Dream Interpretation - Fences

Fences mean isolation in a negative sense and security in a positive sense. A more accurate interpretation can only be obtained by taking into account who or what the fence is protecting from. You will decipher the meaning of such a dream if you can guess what overcoming this obstacle promises - positive or negative emotions.


Dream Interpretation - Fence

Fence stolen

Dream Interpretation Fence Stolen dreamed of why in a dream a fence was stolen? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a fence stolen in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Fence

Seeing a fence that is strong and reliable means that your fears are groundless, you have nothing to fear, since you are under reliable protection. Seeing a wire fence in a dream means that you yourself are to blame for your troubles. Your complicated affairs have tied your hands and feet. See interpretation: wire.

Seeing a fence made of twigs (wattle fence) is a sign that your affairs may get off the ground. Seeing it broken is a sign of danger to your property. Doing it yourself in a dream means that you will have to work hard to fool your enemies. But if you don’t succeed in a dream, then you will get confused in some matter. If you dream that someone is putting up a fence, then be afraid of the intrigues that your enemies are weaving.

A hedge in a dream means an imminent separation from a loved one. Successfully crossing it in a dream predicts victory over your rivals. Seeing or putting up fences in a dream is a sign that you will realize your mistakes in time. If the fence is lopsided and you are afraid that it may fall, then your position will be shaken. Such a dream predicts that you should not enter into risky ventures. The same thing means a dream about a broken, damaged fence. Building a fence or wall in a dream predicts that you will be able to protect yourself in a difficult moment. Repairing a fence in a dream is a sign of difficulties that can undermine your health. Such a dream predicts danger and means illness.

For those who are going on the road on business or are waiting for an important matter to be resolved, a dream about a fence is a sign of obstacles in business. Climbing over a fence or wall and finding a hole in it is a good dream and predicts good luck in a difficult and risky business. However, seeing a hole in someone else’s fence in a dream means that the owner of the fence will soon die. If you dream that angry animals have torn down a fence, then expect political cataclysms soon. Breaking a fence yourself in a dream is a sign of decline in matters that you will try to improve. Fencing yourself with a fence in a dream means protecting yourself from danger and living a serene, happy life. A dream in which you saw that a fence suddenly fell down will bring you big troubles that will have a bad impact on your future.

Dream Interpretation - Fence

Seeing a fence in a dream means an obstacle in business, separation from a loved one.

However, a fence also means safety, a symbolic fence for you from fear and trouble.

Repairing a fence is a call for caution.

A hole in someone's fence means the death of the owner, a hole in your fence means the danger of losing something.

Seeing something through a hole means regretting what was lost.

Putting up or building a fence means success in business and influential patronage.

Tearing down or destroying a fence means material losses.

But if you knock over the fence in order to pass, you will achieve a lot in life, you will achieve your goal.

Climbing the fence means successfully finishing the job.

Falling off a fence is a sign of failure.

To bring down a fence suddenly, accidentally, after sitting on it with friends, means an accident with someone close to you.

Climbing over the fence means taking extreme measures to fulfill your plans.

If a fence is knocked over by a crowd of people or a herd of animals, this means sudden outside help for you.

A dream about a hedge or a hedge has the same meanings, only not for the business sphere, but for personal life (obstacles in love, marriage, getting out of difficulties, help from relatives, etc.).

Dream Interpretation - Fence

A dream in which a fence stands in front of you naturally represents an obstacle in life, obstacles in business and other failures. If in a dream you destroy this fence, in reality you are in danger of a decline in business, even to the point of ruin.

Erecting a fence in a dream means gaining benevolent protection and reliable protection. Repairing it - such a dream says that you should take a more balanced approach to matters so that the optimal solution is not found in hindsight.

Seeing in a dream a very old and rotten fence that collapsed as soon as you leaned on it is a harbinger of an accident with one of your close friends. Climbing over a fence in a dream means that in reality you will have to resort to cunning to carry out your plans. Hanging on a fence, clinging to a nail, foreshadows the successful completion of a task. Falling from a fence and hurting yourself is a warning to you not to take on a task in which you know nothing, because failure will inevitably follow.

Blowing up a fence in a dream or seeing it blown up is a sign that with your decisive actions and assertiveness you will achieve much more in life than if you meekly submit to circumstances and wait until Lady Luck deigns to smile on you. Crashing into a fence with a car and smashing it into pieces is a harbinger of unexpected support from yesterday’s competitor. A burning fence means a bright streak in life will come.

Dream Interpretation - Fence

If in a dream you climbed a fence, the successful completion of an important task lies ahead.

If you fell off the fence - keep in mind that you are not taking on your own business.

Climbed through a loophole in a fence in a dream - in reality you will want to resort to dishonest means to achieve your goal. If you knock over a fence, you will achieve the almost impossible.

Put up a fence - active, creative activity and prosperity lie ahead. For a girl, such a dream foreshadows spiritual intimacy with a loved one.

If you broke a fence - you will soon get rid of the heavy burden of memories. You will finally be freed from your old love and will be able to look at life with interest. You are young and full of strength to meet love again. You can’t live in the past all the time - give your soul a chance to be reborn.

D. Loff said the following about such dreams: “Fences mean isolation in a negative sense and security in a positive sense. A more accurate interpretation can only be obtained by taking into account who or what the fence is protecting from. You will decipher the meaning of such a dream if you can guess what overcoming this obstacle promises - positive or negative emotions. In addition, a fence is a kind of boundary, especially when you feel that it is an insurmountable obstacle.”

Seeing yourself alone by a fence signals the need to protect yourself more reliably.

Dream Interpretation - Fence

In a dream, climbing a fence means the successful completion of an important task. If you fell from a fence, then this dream warns you that you are taking on a task for which you are incapable, and failure awaits you.

An unfavorable dream is in which you, sitting with friends on a fence, accidentally bring it down - it promises an accident with one of your loved ones.

If in a dream you climb through a fence, it means that in reality you will want to resort to unsuitable means to achieve your goal.

In a dream, knocking over a fence in order to pass is a sign that with your energetic actions in life you will begin to achieve and achieve the almost impossible. If you dream of a herd knocking over a fence on its way, this is a harbinger of receiving support from an unexpected side.

The dream that you are putting up a fence is favorable: it portends active creative activity and prosperity for you.

For a young lady, such a dream foreshadows spiritual intimacy with a loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Fence

Seeing your fence intact and in good working order in a dream: a sign that nothing threatens your well-being.

If in recent days you have had any conflicts with others, then the dream promises that the situation will soon improve.

If in a dream your fence seems too high: this means that you should not isolate yourself and your problems.

Seeing your fence lopsided or noticing a hole in it: this is a signal that your well-being is in some danger.

Alien or ownerless fences: symbolize obstacles and restrictions on your life path.

Typically, such dreams encourage you to adhere to certain established frameworks and protect you from the temptation to engage in any dubious activities.

Seeing a fence blocking your way in a dream is a warning about unexpected obstacles that threaten to interfere with your plans.

Seeing an ownerless fence collapsed or noticing a hole or gate in it: a sign that in reality you may soon have new prospects, good or bad, depending on the general atmosphere of the dream.

Dream Interpretation - Fence

A sign of upcoming obstacles.

Climb over the fence - you can overcome them without much difficulty.

You really want to, but you can’t climb over the fence - difficulties and stagnation in business await you.

Climbing the fence means the imminent completion of an important task.

Falling off a fence is a warning that you have taken on a task that you are unable to complete.

Building a fence is a harbinger of patronage and help.

Breaking a fence means a decline in business.

Dream Interpretation - Fence

Successful completion of an important task. Build or repair - you have to choose between an important thing and a necessary one. Climbing a fence - your career growth depends on the result obtained. Sitting is a well-deserved rest after working days. Climb or step over - do not stop there, new victories await you. Climb through a hole - you will find a way out of a difficult situation. Destroy - to achieve your goal you will have to break your stereotypes for life. Climb under a fence - to succeed, you need to use cunning. To paint - the key to your success is getting rid of unnecessary guardianship, most likely from relatives.

Look at the fence you dreamed about. Try mentally painting it green. If necessary, repair the fence. If possible, make the fence even larger.

Dream Interpretation - Fences

Fences mean isolation in a negative sense and security in a positive sense. A more accurate interpretation can only be obtained by taking into account who or what the fence is protecting from. You will decipher the meaning of such a dream if you can guess what overcoming this obstacle promises - positive or negative emotions.

In addition, a fence is a kind of BORDER, especially when you feel that it is an insurmountable obstacle.

Where is the boundary of your personal relationships with people who appear in your dreams? Perhaps you would like to change these boundaries and take the relationship in a new direction? Seeing yourself alone by a fence signals the need to protect yourself more reliably.


Dream Interpretation - Fence

Fence - you feel that something is preventing you from developing.

If you dreamed that you were climbing over a fence, then the state of affairs seems completely unacceptable to you.

If you see a fence, it means you feel limited in some way.

If you climb over a fence, it means that you are desperately trying to get out of the current situation.

The fence fell apart

Dream Interpretation The fence fell apart dreamed of why in a dream the fence fell apart? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a fence falling apart in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Fence

Seeing a fence that is strong and reliable means that your fears are groundless, you have nothing to fear, since you are under reliable protection. Seeing a wire fence in a dream means that you yourself are to blame for your troubles. Your complicated affairs have tied your hands and feet. See interpretation: wire.

Seeing a fence made of twigs (wattle fence) is a sign that your affairs may get off the ground. Seeing it broken is a sign of danger to your property. Doing it yourself in a dream means that you will have to work hard to fool your enemies. But if you don’t succeed in a dream, then you will get confused in some matter. If you dream that someone is putting up a fence, then be afraid of the intrigues that your enemies are weaving.

A hedge in a dream means an imminent separation from a loved one. Successfully crossing it in a dream predicts victory over your rivals. Seeing or putting up fences in a dream is a sign that you will realize your mistakes in time. If the fence is lopsided and you are afraid that it may fall, then your position will be shaken. Such a dream predicts that you should not enter into risky ventures. The same thing means a dream about a broken, damaged fence. Building a fence or wall in a dream predicts that you will be able to protect yourself in a difficult moment. Repairing a fence in a dream is a sign of difficulties that can undermine your health. Such a dream predicts danger and means illness.

For those who are going on the road on business or are waiting for an important matter to be resolved, a dream about a fence is a sign of obstacles in business. Climbing over a fence or wall and finding a hole in it is a good dream and predicts good luck in a difficult and risky business. However, seeing a hole in someone else’s fence in a dream means that the owner of the fence will soon die. If you dream that angry animals have torn down a fence, then expect political cataclysms soon. Breaking a fence yourself in a dream is a sign of decline in matters that you will try to improve. Fencing yourself with a fence in a dream means protecting yourself from danger and living a serene, happy life. A dream in which you saw that a fence suddenly fell down will bring you big troubles that will have a bad impact on your future.

Dream Interpretation - Fence

Seeing a fence in a dream means an obstacle in business, separation from a loved one.

However, a fence also means safety, a symbolic fence for you from fear and trouble.

Repairing a fence is a call for caution.

A hole in someone's fence means the death of the owner, a hole in your fence means the danger of losing something.

Seeing something through a hole means regretting what was lost.

Putting up or building a fence means success in business and influential patronage.

Tearing down or destroying a fence means material losses.

But if you knock over the fence in order to pass, you will achieve a lot in life, you will achieve your goal.

Climbing the fence means successfully finishing the job.

Falling off a fence is a sign of failure.

To bring down a fence suddenly, accidentally, after sitting on it with friends, means an accident with someone close to you.

Climbing over the fence means taking extreme measures to fulfill your plans.

If a fence is knocked over by a crowd of people or a herd of animals, this means sudden outside help for you.

A dream about a hedge or a hedge has the same meanings, only not for the business sphere, but for personal life (obstacles in love, marriage, getting out of difficulties, help from relatives, etc.).

Dream Interpretation - Fence

A dream in which a fence stands in front of you naturally represents an obstacle in life, obstacles in business and other failures. If in a dream you destroy this fence, in reality you are in danger of a decline in business, even to the point of ruin.

Erecting a fence in a dream means gaining benevolent protection and reliable protection. Repairing it - such a dream says that you should take a more balanced approach to matters so that the optimal solution is not found in hindsight.

Seeing in a dream a very old and rotten fence that collapsed as soon as you leaned on it is a harbinger of an accident with one of your close friends. Climbing over a fence in a dream means that in reality you will have to resort to cunning to carry out your plans. Hanging on a fence, clinging to a nail, foreshadows the successful completion of a task. Falling from a fence and hurting yourself is a warning to you not to take on a task in which you know nothing, because failure will inevitably follow.

Blowing up a fence in a dream or seeing it blown up is a sign that with your decisive actions and assertiveness you will achieve much more in life than if you meekly submit to circumstances and wait until Lady Luck deigns to smile on you. Crashing into a fence with a car and smashing it into pieces is a harbinger of unexpected support from yesterday’s competitor. A burning fence means a bright streak in life will come.

Dream Interpretation - Fence

If in a dream you climbed a fence, the successful completion of an important task lies ahead.

If you fell off the fence - keep in mind that you are not taking on your own business.

Climbed through a loophole in a fence in a dream - in reality you will want to resort to dishonest means to achieve your goal. If you knock over a fence, you will achieve the almost impossible.

Put up a fence - active, creative activity and prosperity lie ahead. For a girl, such a dream foreshadows spiritual intimacy with a loved one.

If you broke a fence - you will soon get rid of the heavy burden of memories. You will finally be freed from your old love and will be able to look at life with interest. You are young and full of strength to meet love again. You can’t live in the past all the time - give your soul a chance to be reborn.

D. Loff said the following about such dreams: “Fences mean isolation in a negative sense and security in a positive sense. A more accurate interpretation can only be obtained by taking into account who or what the fence is protecting from. You will decipher the meaning of such a dream if you can guess what overcoming this obstacle promises - positive or negative emotions. In addition, a fence is a kind of boundary, especially when you feel that it is an insurmountable obstacle.”

Seeing yourself alone by a fence signals the need to protect yourself more reliably.

Dream Interpretation - Fence

In a dream, climbing a fence means the successful completion of an important task. If you fell from a fence, then this dream warns you that you are taking on a task for which you are incapable, and failure awaits you.

An unfavorable dream is in which you, sitting with friends on a fence, accidentally bring it down - it promises an accident with one of your loved ones.

If in a dream you climb through a fence, it means that in reality you will want to resort to unsuitable means to achieve your goal.

In a dream, knocking over a fence in order to pass is a sign that with your energetic actions in life you will begin to achieve and achieve the almost impossible. If you dream of a herd knocking over a fence on its way, this is a harbinger of receiving support from an unexpected side.

The dream that you are putting up a fence is favorable: it portends active creative activity and prosperity for you.

For a young lady, such a dream foreshadows spiritual intimacy with a loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Fence

Seeing your fence intact and in good working order in a dream: a sign that nothing threatens your well-being.

If in recent days you have had any conflicts with others, then the dream promises that the situation will soon improve.

If in a dream your fence seems too high: this means that you should not isolate yourself and your problems.

Seeing your fence lopsided or noticing a hole in it: this is a signal that your well-being is in some danger.

Alien or ownerless fences: symbolize obstacles and restrictions on your life path.

Typically, such dreams encourage you to adhere to certain established frameworks and protect you from the temptation to engage in any dubious activities.

Seeing a fence blocking your way in a dream is a warning about unexpected obstacles that threaten to interfere with your plans.

Seeing an ownerless fence collapsed or noticing a hole or gate in it: a sign that in reality you may soon have new prospects, good or bad, depending on the general atmosphere of the dream.

Dream Interpretation - Fence

A sign of upcoming obstacles.

Climb over the fence - you can overcome them without much difficulty.

You really want to, but you can’t climb over the fence - difficulties and stagnation in business await you.

Climbing the fence means the imminent completion of an important task.

Falling off a fence is a warning that you have taken on a task that you are unable to complete.

Building a fence is a harbinger of patronage and help.

Breaking a fence means a decline in business.

Dream Interpretation - Fence

Successful completion of an important task. Build or repair - you have to choose between an important thing and a necessary one. Climbing a fence - your career growth depends on the result obtained. Sitting is a well-deserved rest after working days. Climb or step over - do not stop there, new victories await you. Climb through a hole - you will find a way out of a difficult situation. Destroy - to achieve your goal you will have to break your stereotypes for life. Climb under a fence - to succeed, you need to use cunning. To paint - the key to your success is getting rid of unnecessary guardianship, most likely from relatives.

Look at the fence you dreamed about. Try mentally painting it green. If necessary, repair the fence. If possible, make the fence even larger.

Dream Interpretation - Fences

Fences mean isolation in a negative sense and security in a positive sense. A more accurate interpretation can only be obtained by taking into account who or what the fence is protecting from. You will decipher the meaning of such a dream if you can guess what overcoming this obstacle promises - positive or negative emotions.

In addition, a fence is a kind of BORDER, especially when you feel that it is an insurmountable obstacle.

Where is the boundary of your personal relationships with people who appear in your dreams? Perhaps you would like to change these boundaries and take the relationship in a new direction? Seeing yourself alone by a fence signals the need to protect yourself more reliably.


Dream Interpretation - Fence

Fence - you feel that something is preventing you from developing.

If you dreamed that you were climbing over a fence, then the state of affairs seems completely unacceptable to you.

If you see a fence, it means you feel limited in some way.

If you climb over a fence, it means that you are desperately trying to get out of the current situation.

Fence in a dream

Here you can read dreams in which symbols appear Fence. By clicking on the Dream Interpretation link under the text of a specific dream, you can read online interpretations written for free by the dream interpreters of our website. If you are interested in the interpretation of a dream according to the dream book, follow the Dream Book link and you will be taken to a page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, as they are interpreted by various dream books.

To search for the image you are interested in, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what dreams of a Fence mean, or what it means to see a Fence in a dream.

Fence and pit with surprises in a dream

I have a new house somewhere in the fields, I don’t remember the house itself, I’m concerned about the plot - where and what to plant, and something is already planted there and growing. But the old fence is not positioned correctly - it is not around the house, but rests against the wall and part of the plot outside it. I really want to move the fence, but it’s a pity that it has already sprouted and they decided to just replace it, leaving it there. A relative begins to drill into the ground, where there is an old pillar for support, the ground falls through and there is a hole in the ground, we look in - the red brickwork goes to God knows how deep, below we can see an abandoned room, at the bottom there is clear water - in the water I see three male corpses in black suits. I wake up wondering what to do with all this. I didn’t watch any thrillers the day before).

The fence between this and that light in a dream

I see an open field, blocked by a tall concrete fence. I’m sitting at the very top, watching: on one side of the fence is my beloved father, standing calmly, not calling. On the other hand, my sister and mother are alive and well. These are worried, scurrying here and there, worrying. I'm wondering where to jump. And I choose THAT SIDE OF THE FENCE... I boldly fly, my father takes me into his arms.

15 years have passed since then, I emphasize. All living are alive...

Fence Unfinished houses in a dream

I’m driving a snow-white car and I see my friend (she’s a designer in real life), I stop right on the road and drive next to her car, and she shows me how she makes a pie from caramel candies. I tried it, I like it and I also wanted to make one. Then my mother and I look at my old photographs, and then she and I drive along a country road, in a private sector, and we see on only one side (on hers, on the right, i.e.) a long fence along the entire street and behind the fence there are identical Houses. And only the facades. I ask her:

It was on purpose that they decided to build the same ones for everyone, but they didn’t finish the construction?, and she’s silent...

Then we drove past a chapel built from twigs, i.e. I was worried that a strong wind could destroy it...

Fences things in a dream

Good afternoon, Valerio! And why is this again?!

I dreamed that part of the fence between my house and the “former” property in the yard was carefully dismantled and curtained with some kind of rag. A bench was made along the fence on his territory and his things were laid out on it, as if they were trying to put them in suitcases. I have a pile of sawdust in my yard next to the windows. There is firewood near the fence, at the entrance to the yard. A man comes in. Apparently he didn’t expect to see me in the yard, he was confused. Then he grabbed a log and threw it at me. I'm trying to open an enclosure with a dog, which for some reason turned out to be closed. After sending the man out, she began to think about the need to seal the fence and call the police. Then I found some kind of purse and hid it in my barn. Having pulled out some thing that I needed from it, I began to think about how to get rid of someone else’s purse.

What a “wonderful” dream!

Best regards, Mikaela/

A floating spider walking along the fence and strange words in a dream

I dream that I am going to an interview. I am met by a young man who must lead me along some paths to the place.

We are walking along some kind of fence (metal. Not quite a chain-link fence and not made of rods, something incomprehensible). The fence is partially overgrown with grass (a lot of dry tall grass, but some greenery is also breaking through), the fence is not in the best shape.

Then I see that we are standing in an embrace. And I am pleased. At some point I realize that I am stroking him and patting him on the shoulder, and then I notice that he is also stroking me.

Let's go and talk. And then it turns out that this young man is my husband’s friend. And I remember a conversation with my husband about this man. And I tell him something (I don’t remember anymore) that my husband told me about this whole situation and my meeting with this young man. And my husband’s eyes suddenly sparkled (my real husband).

The guy climbs over the fence at a certain place. I'm wrapped in a blanket. To get over the fence, I had to remove it. I throw the blanket over, afraid to get it dirty, and get ready to climb over the fence. I see my flip-flops (greenish or light green – pale in color) on the other side of the fence, and I’m barefoot. And suddenly he shouts: “Baskat! Baskat! This is a fish! This is a fish! Back, it's a fish!!! ”

And I see a cute little furry spider. Black or dark gray with a red pattern on the back. It seems to be floating/swimming/crawling. And not exactly in my direction, but sometimes it carries towards me. I figure that I need to jump into the grass, I’m barefoot, and there are dry blades of grass.

And I wake up

Snakes and worms in a dream

I had a dream about snakes being fed worms. I stood behind the fence and watched another person (I don’t remember who, in the dream I knew him) throwing worms over the fence, and snakes catching them and eating them. We stood next to the man behind the fence. In addition to the cobras, there was also a small snake, she picked up what the snakes did not catch. One cobra was an unusual, beautiful turquoise color.

Why would Snakes and Worms dream?

Dogs in a dream

I dreamed that I was approaching some building (but it was clear to me that it was a state institution), and a pack of dogs came running from somewhere and started chasing me. I climb on the fence, it begins to bend under me, I jump off this fence and find myself on the ice skating rink. A pack of dogs is catching up with me, some of the dogs bite me, but it doesn’t hurt my gums, some of them bark, others wag their tail. Then a figure skater appears at the skating rink, she is dressed in simple clothes and begins to skate beautifully, performing complex techniques. Then we are somehow transported outside the skating rink and find ourselves at a residential high-rise. My friend's son joins her and dances with her. When he dropped her off, a car pulled up and a guy jumped out of it and said, “She’s mine,” catches her and abruptly takes her away. Then I walk around this yard (the dogs run around all the time). I find a wallet full of coins, I pour them into my hand, at that moment an old woman comes up and says that it’s hers, I put the coins back and return the wallet to her. There is a big KAMAZ in the yard and someone says look under it. I look, and there is a plant in a pot with many flowers, a frame with a photo (I didn’t see it), and a stone figurine. Then I dream of a fresh white large baguette, I break it off with my hands and eat it. And at the very beginning of the dream, when the pack appeared, a woman came out of the building and laughed, saying, “even though they are big, you shouldn’t be afraid of them. Well, I don’t understand why everyone is afraid of them.” The dogs were large and medium-sized, black and red-brown.

I'm running away from a bear in my dream

I had a dream today.

I’m not walking through the city alone, my sister and her husband are somewhere nearby, and my little niece is very close to me. And suddenly my niece and I look, her parents picked up the bear cub and went somewhere with it, we look in the other direction, and on the road next to us there are 4 small bear cubs, we stand for a few seconds looking in surprise and then their dad appears - a huge bear... I shout: “Irochka, let’s run.” I grab her hand and we rush. The bear is behind us. There is a road ahead, cars are driving along it, but we successfully cross it and there is a tall fence ahead, I jump over it with ease, I don’t let my niece out, we fall behind the fence into the snow, I lie down on my niece, covering her with myself so that the bear doesn’t saw her. I cover her mouth with my hand so that she doesn’t scream. I manage to tell her that we must pretend to be dead. Following us, a bear appears through the fence, approaches us lying down and motionless, and pokes at my head from all sides. Thinking that we are dead, he growls displeasedly and leaves. We get up, I take my niece by the hand and we walk down the street to the cafe. My sister and husband are waiting for us there, I tell you what happened to us. And I see that many people in the cafe are wearing masks and hats depicting hedgehogs)) ... In short, the zoo is boring ... But I am still interested in the topic with cubs and bears. Thank you.

Captured in a dream

It all happened in the summer. It was warm and sunny. I remember how I ran away from someone. He chased me down the street. I ran behind some kind of evil fence and hid there. There are already several of them. Three, it seems. Three guys, they saw someone else and started chasing, forgetting about me. It’s not clear how, but the fence turned out to be a house. And in this small house there was me and several other girls. These guys kept us here. We were captured and they demanded a ransom for us. Looks like terrorists. I remember they had weapons. Automatic machines. The rooms were dark. I turned my attention to one of the guards. He was the same height as me, maybe a little taller. I watched him and suddenly I wanted to kiss him. I don’t know why, but I knew that if I didn’t do this, I would regret it all my life. I got up and called him. His name seems to be Valera. He responded and came closer, but not close. At arm's length. And I beckoned him with my finger. He became very close to me, as if understanding what I wanted. And I kissed him. I felt it very clearly. His unshaven, hard lips and desire at the same time. He wanted that kiss too. But we were interrupted by the cry of another girl, she tried to do something, either kill or injure him, but I stood up for him, without realizing it. And suddenly people in uniform appear in the house and save all the girls, including me. I feel sorry for my “thief” but at the same time I feel good, because I did what I wanted....

Escape from the police kiss forest earth in a dream

I'm in the house. Wooden house. And I realize that it contains the police who came for me. I want to run away, I see steps to the attic. There is an orange on each step. On the top step, right under the door, there are three oranges.

I get up and realize that the passage is very small, like a window. But I can get through there without any difficulty. The young policeman notices me. I motion for him to be silent and not speak. And I close the door from above.

The attic is very bright and spacious. It's cozy and good there. But I know that I have to run. Suddenly I see a handful of some kind of powder on the table. Not quite purple. Pale color, similar to grey-violet.

I look out the huge glass window, open it and jump out.

I fall face first into the ground. The ground is so loose. But it doesn’t stick to me, that is, I don’t get dirty. I run to the side, hide under the tall grass, which somewhat resembles a bush. But I can be seen. I run on. It's already dark there. I lie down on the ground. There is grass here and there, a bush nearby. I lie there and try not to breathe. Ahead, at my feet, is a fence. Something like a chain-link mesh. There is a path behind it. To my right is a cage made from the same mesh. Or not a mesh, but the fence is not strong. The dog doesn't bark at me, but I'm afraid it will give me away. Another dog is passing along the path and I hope that the one in the cage will start barking. But she only growls and hardly barks. Because of me.

And suddenly a man appears on the path. He notices me and comes up to me. I get up, he hugs me and says that I don’t need to run. I say that these are not my drugs, I have not taken them for a very, very long time. And I don't know where they came from. He kisses me. Very tender. And asks to hide under something like linoleum. He says that I will just have to move very quickly under it when they ride on it.

I love him. Although I understand that he is betraying me. I agree. He lifts the ground with grass, which turns out to be a decoration, and underneath it is also the ground, but with even thicker and greener grass. I'm going there.

When he leaves, I begin to move and crawl out the other side. Something tells me it's better to run away.

I'm running through the forest. I feel like I'm being followed, but I don't see them.

Break. I jump there. I run further. There is damp and loose soil all around. Almost no grass. Beyond that the ground is almost like clay. Wet. And with traces. I hope that my tracks will be difficult to distinguish from these, but I run on. I’m running somewhere, I don’t know where. But I see a building at the end of the forest. More like a glass box with wide glass doors. Like a window in a house. Behind a glass wall stands a man in a suit and talking on the phone.

I go there, don’t pay attention to his attempts to understand who I am and what I forgot there, I pass through the second transparent glass wall. There is a male secretary sitting there. And also at a loss. I emerge from the opening in the glass wall and walk toward the tracks.

There is a carriage on the left. It looks like there are some kind of state symbols on it. This is how I become aware of her in a dream.

I cross the rails, a train (one car) passes and I seem to ask it to stop so that it blocks the railway crossing at the traffic light nearby. So that they don't catch up with me right away.

I walk a little and realize that I am exhausted. I'm letting go of the carriage.

And I run to the police shouting, arrest me. I'm tired. I can not do it anymore. I’m crying, but there’s not moisture on my chin, but as if it’s been smeared with oil (liquid, cosmetic oil).

And among the crowd the woman is like a servant. She knows me, I know her. She is kind. I go to her, we hug.

I cry and scream for them to take me away. But if they want to kill me, let them do it quickly. I'm thinking of saying. That I was afraid of pain, and then I changed my mind so that they wouldn’t hurt me out of spite. And I’m just saying - if you want to kill, kill quickly.

But the police (all young) stand and watch.

This woman consoles me. He says no one will kill me. Arrest too. That man betrayed me. And I’m good for running away, because the police were having more fun today than usual (they rode bicycles on the linoleum to run over the man below. And that they would have killed me. And before my eyes lies that very ground with grass - linoleum.. And under him there is a lump resembling a human body. It seems to be some kind of young guy.

I'm crying. I say that I know that the man deceived me. I knew it, but I love him.

And then the police ask me what I would like to change so that this would not happen

I say multitasking.

(while I was writing a dream right after I got up, I began to forget this word. The dream quickly disappeared, but I managed to write down all the details. Except for the word. Either multitasking, or multifunctionality. Lots of something...)

And I woke up.

Father in a dream

That night I dreamed that in a neighbor’s garden, in tall dry grass, under a dry tree, my two pigs gave birth to 48 piglets. I am very pleased that there are so many of them, I tell someone about this and am very happy. Then a neighbor throws a grenade under a tree and I understand (although I don’t see it) that most of the piglets died. I run home, cry and tell my father about this (he died 12 years ago). He sits, peels potatoes and says, not to me, but to someone else, saying that I knew that this would happen, I put up a fence, but didn’t save it. And he looked at me so meaningfully... Here I see a fence made of mesh, half of the garden, but I’m afraid to go see if the piglets are still alive, but they are invisible because of the tall grass. This is where I woke up. What does this mean?

Driving a car on the road in a dream

In a dream, I am driving my car (which I drive in life) along a wide, flat asphalt road. On the right is an even, organized column of people 3-4 people wide. The beginning and end of the column are not visible - it is simply huge. The column is moving in the opposite direction from me. People walk calmly and silently, dressed somewhat drably. Mostly middle-aged and older men. The time of day is evening, the road is lit with lanterns. Ahead to the left I see minor road repairs, fenced off by a green wooden fence. I need to drive between the fence and a column of people. I slowed down (as in life before any obstacle to assess the situation), and I see that cars are driving towards the meeting with their headlights on. One, two, three... I tried to get in and drive through, but it didn’t work. And then I see that someone is driving around this fence on the left. I took it to the left, looked around (again, just like in life, to see if anyone was about to overtake, because in the mirror in this position the car has a dead zone), and I saw that the guys from the office were following me in their cars, no one is stopping me from turning left and going around the fence. As I turned, I saw that the road was dirt, with a few rocks, but overall smooth, hard and well-rolled. It is absolutely free and no one drives on it. But this road runs parallel to the main asphalt road. And I went along it. That's all.

I am now between two jobs: I haven’t quit one yet, I took a vacation for 3 days and worked at a new job for these 3 days. I decided to move to a new job. I think this dream is related to these events.

Before waking up in a dream

My friend and I are leaving the store in my hometown. But then I realize that I don’t remember which way to turn. I ask and he ignores me. We approach the pedestrian crossing.

Mch-why didn’t you go there?

I-couldn’t you have said it before?

Mch-I wanted to check if you would follow me

I'm great, I won't go, go wherever you want, I have the key

I turn around and go down a different road. I got to the house, opened the door at the gate (the house is private, fenced with a high iron fence, not a sieve, but a solid layer of iron) in my head the thought will come, then he will call. I begin to close the gate. Something is in the way. It turned out to be someone. Martyr from the past (NB)

The gate opens the door, I’m shocked.

I-is it really you?

He speaks about himself in the third person - do you really think that he would come after all that happened?!

I-yes! I see you, you are here! Do not lie to me...

And now we’re just standing there chatting. The martyr comes, I start trying to explain who it is.

You'll tell me later.

And jumps over the fence (although he could have gone through the door near the nb) and climbs onto the porch

I-take a beer (bought at the store)

Mch - then you’ll bring it in, we’ll drink together

And I continue to talk to the nb. Moreover, with the New excitement, as if there was no bad thing, i.e. It was, it served as a lesson, we learned it, but as if not between us. And now there are no insults, no evil, only a feeling of tenderness that is beginning to warm up again.

Nb-sorry, but it's time for me to leave

I-well, let's stay a little longer, don't go

Nb-honestly need to go

I-then hug me, please, otherwise I’ll wake up soon

We reach out to each other

And then I realize that I’m lying in bed, but I’m trying to finish watching the picture...

There we hug, but I no longer feel what I should have felt in the dream...

I get disappointed, I open my eyes, then the martyr wakes up and I go make him coffee

The end of the dream stays in my head all day

If someone deciphers the dream, if anyone needs more details, I will write, I remember all the colors, turns, smells from the dream

House or moving in a dream

I dreamed that I was moving to a new house, I sold the apartment and was moving..... - the house is strange, it is private, small but intact, two-story, on the first floor my neighbors live in a real apartment and on the second floor I....

The house has a good roof - but for some reason I think that it is necessary to change the roof to a new one and make a new AGV (although I don’t go inside the house) I also remember the fence - it was small wooden and painted blue and the house was yellow - like a village hut .... But, in a dream, I really like him...... Although, at first glance, he is unsightly.....

Tell me why you dream about Home or moving?

Not a welcome guest in a dream

Happy New Year, Valerio! Tell me, did I understand this nonsense in a dream?

A short woman with a pimply face and a fat bottom broke into my yard, breaking through the fence... She demanded 360 thousand rubles from me. She said that this was my debt to my “ex”. I “sent” her, saying that if he needs it, let him come and explain what I owe him. In the dream there was a feeling of disgust, something unclean...

Burnt fence

Dream Interpretation Burnt fence dreamed of why you dream about a burnt fence? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Burnt Fence in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Fence

Seeing a fence that is strong and reliable means that your fears are groundless, you have nothing to fear, since you are under reliable protection. Seeing a wire fence in a dream means that you yourself are to blame for your troubles. Your complicated affairs have tied your hands and feet. See interpretation: wire.

Seeing a fence made of twigs (wattle fence) is a sign that your affairs may get off the ground. Seeing it broken is a sign of danger to your property. Doing it yourself in a dream means that you will have to work hard to fool your enemies. But if you don’t succeed in a dream, then you will get confused in some matter. If you dream that someone is putting up a fence, then be afraid of the intrigues that your enemies are weaving.

A hedge in a dream means an imminent separation from a loved one. Successfully crossing it in a dream predicts victory over your rivals. Seeing or putting up fences in a dream is a sign that you will realize your mistakes in time. If the fence is lopsided and you are afraid that it may fall, then your position will be shaken. Such a dream predicts that you should not enter into risky ventures. The same thing means a dream about a broken, damaged fence. Building a fence or wall in a dream predicts that you will be able to protect yourself in a difficult moment. Repairing a fence in a dream is a sign of difficulties that can undermine your health. Such a dream predicts danger and means illness.

For those who are going on the road on business or are waiting for an important matter to be resolved, a dream about a fence is a sign of obstacles in business. Climbing over a fence or wall and finding a hole in it is a good dream and predicts good luck in a difficult and risky business. However, seeing a hole in someone else’s fence in a dream means that the owner of the fence will soon die. If you dream that angry animals have torn down a fence, then expect political cataclysms soon. Breaking a fence yourself in a dream is a sign of decline in matters that you will try to improve. Fencing yourself with a fence in a dream means protecting yourself from danger and living a serene, happy life. A dream in which you saw that a fence suddenly fell down will bring you big troubles that will have a bad impact on your future.

Dream Interpretation - Fence

Seeing a fence in a dream means an obstacle in business, separation from a loved one.

However, a fence also means safety, a symbolic fence for you from fear and trouble.

Repairing a fence is a call for caution.

A hole in someone's fence means the death of the owner, a hole in your fence means the danger of losing something.

Seeing something through a hole means regretting what was lost.

Putting up or building a fence means success in business and influential patronage.

Tearing down or destroying a fence means material losses.

But if you knock over the fence in order to pass, you will achieve a lot in life, you will achieve your goal.

Climbing the fence means successfully finishing the job.

Falling off a fence is a sign of failure.

To bring down a fence suddenly, accidentally, after sitting on it with friends, means an accident with someone close to you.

Climbing over the fence means taking extreme measures to fulfill your plans.

If a fence is knocked over by a crowd of people or a herd of animals, this means sudden outside help for you.

A dream about a hedge or a hedge has the same meanings, only not for the business sphere, but for personal life (obstacles in love, marriage, getting out of difficulties, help from relatives, etc.).

Dream Interpretation - Fence

A dream in which a fence stands in front of you naturally represents an obstacle in life, obstacles in business and other failures. If in a dream you destroy this fence, in reality you are in danger of a decline in business, even to the point of ruin.

Erecting a fence in a dream means gaining benevolent protection and reliable protection. Repairing it - such a dream says that you should take a more balanced approach to matters so that the optimal solution is not found in hindsight.

Seeing in a dream a very old and rotten fence that collapsed as soon as you leaned on it is a harbinger of an accident with one of your close friends. Climbing over a fence in a dream means that in reality you will have to resort to cunning to carry out your plans. Hanging on a fence, clinging to a nail, foreshadows the successful completion of a task. Falling from a fence and hurting yourself is a warning to you not to take on a task in which you know nothing, because failure will inevitably follow.

Blowing up a fence in a dream or seeing it blown up is a sign that with your decisive actions and assertiveness you will achieve much more in life than if you meekly submit to circumstances and wait until Lady Luck deigns to smile on you. Crashing into a fence with a car and smashing it into pieces is a harbinger of unexpected support from yesterday’s competitor. A burning fence means a bright streak in life will come.

Dream Interpretation - Fence

If in a dream you climbed a fence, the successful completion of an important task lies ahead.

If you fell off the fence - keep in mind that you are not taking on your own business.

Climbed through a loophole in a fence in a dream - in reality you will want to resort to dishonest means to achieve your goal. If you knock over a fence, you will achieve the almost impossible.

Put up a fence - active, creative activity and prosperity lie ahead. For a girl, such a dream foreshadows spiritual intimacy with a loved one.

If you broke a fence - you will soon get rid of the heavy burden of memories. You will finally be freed from your old love and will be able to look at life with interest. You are young and full of strength to meet love again. You can’t live in the past all the time - give your soul a chance to be reborn.

D. Loff said the following about such dreams: “Fences mean isolation in a negative sense and security in a positive sense. A more accurate interpretation can only be obtained by taking into account who or what the fence is protecting from. You will decipher the meaning of such a dream if you can guess what overcoming this obstacle promises - positive or negative emotions. In addition, a fence is a kind of boundary, especially when you feel that it is an insurmountable obstacle.”

Seeing yourself alone by a fence signals the need to protect yourself more reliably.

Dream Interpretation - Fence

In a dream, climbing a fence means the successful completion of an important task. If you fell from a fence, then this dream warns you that you are taking on a task for which you are incapable, and failure awaits you.

An unfavorable dream is in which you, sitting with friends on a fence, accidentally bring it down - it promises an accident with one of your loved ones.

If in a dream you climb through a fence, it means that in reality you will want to resort to unsuitable means to achieve your goal.

In a dream, knocking over a fence in order to pass is a sign that with your energetic actions in life you will begin to achieve and achieve the almost impossible. If you dream of a herd knocking over a fence on its way, this is a harbinger of receiving support from an unexpected side.

The dream that you are putting up a fence is favorable: it portends active creative activity and prosperity for you.

For a young lady, such a dream foreshadows spiritual intimacy with a loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Fence

Seeing your fence intact and in good working order in a dream: a sign that nothing threatens your well-being.

If in recent days you have had any conflicts with others, then the dream promises that the situation will soon improve.

If in a dream your fence seems too high: this means that you should not isolate yourself and your problems.

Seeing your fence lopsided or noticing a hole in it: this is a signal that your well-being is in some danger.

Alien or ownerless fences: symbolize obstacles and restrictions on your life path.

Typically, such dreams encourage you to adhere to certain established frameworks and protect you from the temptation to engage in any dubious activities.

Seeing a fence blocking your way in a dream is a warning about unexpected obstacles that threaten to interfere with your plans.

Seeing an ownerless fence collapsed or noticing a hole or gate in it: a sign that in reality you may soon have new prospects, good or bad, depending on the general atmosphere of the dream.

Dream Interpretation - Fence

A sign of upcoming obstacles.

Climb over the fence - you can overcome them without much difficulty.

You really want to, but you can’t climb over the fence - difficulties and stagnation in business await you.

Climbing the fence means the imminent completion of an important task.

Falling off a fence is a warning that you have taken on a task that you are unable to complete.

Building a fence is a harbinger of patronage and help.

Breaking a fence means a decline in business.

Dream Interpretation - Fence

Successful completion of an important task. Build or repair - you have to choose between an important thing and a necessary one. Climbing a fence - your career growth depends on the result obtained. Sitting is a well-deserved rest after working days. Climb or step over - do not stop there, new victories await you. Climb through a hole - you will find a way out of a difficult situation. Destroy - to achieve your goal you will have to break your stereotypes for life. Climb under a fence - to succeed, you need to use cunning. To paint - the key to your success is getting rid of unnecessary guardianship, most likely from relatives.

Look at the fence you dreamed about. Try mentally painting it green. If necessary, repair the fence. If possible, make the fence even larger.

Dream Interpretation - Fences

Fences mean isolation in a negative sense and security in a positive sense. A more accurate interpretation can only be obtained by taking into account who or what the fence is protecting from. You will decipher the meaning of such a dream if you can guess what overcoming this obstacle promises - positive or negative emotions.

In addition, a fence is a kind of BORDER, especially when you feel that it is an insurmountable obstacle.

Where is the boundary of your personal relationships with people who appear in your dreams? Perhaps you would like to change these boundaries and take the relationship in a new direction? Seeing yourself alone by a fence signals the need to protect yourself more reliably.


Dream Interpretation - Fence

Fence - you feel that something is preventing you from developing.

If you dreamed that you were climbing over a fence, then the state of affairs seems completely unacceptable to you.

If you see a fence, it means you feel limited in some way.

If you climb over a fence, it means that you are desperately trying to get out of the current situation.

See the cemetery fence

Dream Interpretation Seeing a cemetery fence dreamed of why you dream about seeing a cemetery fence? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a cemetery fence in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Fence

Seeing a fence that is strong and reliable means that your fears are groundless, you have nothing to fear, since you are under reliable protection. Seeing a wire fence in a dream means that you yourself are to blame for your troubles. Your complicated affairs have tied your hands and feet. See interpretation: wire.

Seeing a fence made of twigs (wattle fence) is a sign that your affairs may get off the ground. Seeing it broken is a sign of danger to your property. Doing it yourself in a dream means that you will have to work hard to fool your enemies. But if you don’t succeed in a dream, then you will get confused in some matter. If you dream that someone is putting up a fence, then be afraid of the intrigues that your enemies are weaving.

A hedge in a dream means an imminent separation from a loved one. Successfully crossing it in a dream predicts victory over your rivals. Seeing or putting up fences in a dream is a sign that you will realize your mistakes in time. If the fence is lopsided and you are afraid that it may fall, then your position will be shaken. Such a dream predicts that you should not enter into risky ventures. The same thing means a dream about a broken, damaged fence. Building a fence or wall in a dream predicts that you will be able to protect yourself in a difficult moment. Repairing a fence in a dream is a sign of difficulties that can undermine your health. Such a dream predicts danger and means illness.

For those who are going on the road on business or are waiting for an important matter to be resolved, a dream about a fence is a sign of obstacles in business. Climbing over a fence or wall and finding a hole in it is a good dream and predicts good luck in a difficult and risky business. However, seeing a hole in someone else’s fence in a dream means that the owner of the fence will soon die. If you dream that angry animals have torn down a fence, then expect political cataclysms soon. Breaking a fence yourself in a dream is a sign of decline in matters that you will try to improve. Fencing yourself with a fence in a dream means protecting yourself from danger and living a serene, happy life. A dream in which you saw that a fence suddenly fell down will bring you big troubles that will have a bad impact on your future.

Dream Interpretation - Fence

Seeing a fence in a dream means an obstacle in business, separation from a loved one.

However, a fence also means safety, a symbolic fence for you from fear and trouble.

Repairing a fence is a call for caution.

A hole in someone's fence means the death of the owner, a hole in your fence means the danger of losing something.

Seeing something through a hole means regretting what was lost.

Putting up or building a fence means success in business and influential patronage.

Tearing down or destroying a fence means material losses.

But if you knock over the fence in order to pass, you will achieve a lot in life, you will achieve your goal.

Climbing the fence means successfully finishing the job.

Falling off a fence is a sign of failure.

To bring down a fence suddenly, accidentally, after sitting on it with friends, means an accident with someone close to you.

Climbing over the fence means taking extreme measures to fulfill your plans.

If a fence is knocked over by a crowd of people or a herd of animals, this means sudden outside help for you.

A dream about a hedge or a hedge has the same meanings, only not for the business sphere, but for personal life (obstacles in love, marriage, getting out of difficulties, help from relatives, etc.).

Dream Interpretation - Fence

A dream in which a fence stands in front of you naturally represents an obstacle in life, obstacles in business and other failures. If in a dream you destroy this fence, in reality you are in danger of a decline in business, even to the point of ruin.

Erecting a fence in a dream means gaining benevolent protection and reliable protection. Repairing it - such a dream says that you should take a more balanced approach to matters so that the optimal solution is not found in hindsight.

Seeing in a dream a very old and rotten fence that collapsed as soon as you leaned on it is a harbinger of an accident with one of your close friends. Climbing over a fence in a dream means that in reality you will have to resort to cunning to carry out your plans. Hanging on a fence, clinging to a nail, foreshadows the successful completion of a task. Falling from a fence and hurting yourself is a warning to you not to take on a task in which you know nothing, because failure will inevitably follow.

Blowing up a fence in a dream or seeing it blown up is a sign that with your decisive actions and assertiveness you will achieve much more in life than if you meekly submit to circumstances and wait until Lady Luck deigns to smile on you. Crashing into a fence with a car and smashing it into pieces is a harbinger of unexpected support from yesterday’s competitor. A burning fence means a bright streak in life will come.

Dream Interpretation - Cemetery

If in a dream you find yourself in a cemetery and sitting on a bench, this is a favorable sign; you will be entrusted with a responsible task. Walking through the cemetery means that in reality you will fail this matter. If the events in the dream take place in winter, the situation will be aggravated by the departure of the husband, friend or lover, who could help with practical advice or specific deeds. The summer cemetery foreshadows complete success and celebration on this occasion.

An old cemetery means that your grief will be premature and everything will turn out for the better. A modern cemetery means the ingratitude of children who will not help you in old age, throwing the care of you onto the shoulders of complete strangers.

For a young person in love, a dream in which she sees herself in a cemetery with her friend means sincere love on his part, but your feigned indifference will lead to the fact that such possible and close happiness will melt away like smoke. Seeing yourself in a cemetery alone foreshadows the opportunity to get married and bitter regret about what you have done.

If a young woman is preparing to get married, and in a dream she sees that her wedding procession is walking among the graves, such a dream predicts the death of her future husband as a result of an accident. If she lays flowers on the graves, this means many years of prosperous health for both spouses.

If someone recently acquired the status of a widow, and in a dream visited her husband’s grave, it means that in reality this person will have to remarry.

Talking in a dream with her husband lying in the grave means health, success in business and a long life await her and her new chosen one. If her husband expresses dissatisfaction or condemnation in his conversation, new worries and regrets await her.

For older people, a dream associated with a cemetery foreshadows a quiet and peaceful departure to another world, but not earlier than after the period necessary to complete all planned important matters.

Seeing fresh graves in a cemetery means that in reality someone’s dishonest act will cause you severe torment. Seeing dug up graves in a cemetery portends troubles and illness. Looking into an empty grave means the loss of loved ones.

If, while walking through a cemetery in a dream, you find a grave with your last name, first name and patronymic - this is a sign of danger, bad news, loss of friends and loss of a loved one.

A dream in which you see cheerful children in a cemetery foreshadows favorable changes and a long, happy life. Seeing huge tombstones stretching into the sky in a cemetery means bad changes and unhappy love.

Dream Interpretation - Fence

If in a dream you climbed a fence, the successful completion of an important task lies ahead.

If you fell off the fence - keep in mind that you are not taking on your own business.

Climbed through a loophole in a fence in a dream - in reality you will want to resort to dishonest means to achieve your goal. If you knock over a fence, you will achieve the almost impossible.

Put up a fence - active, creative activity and prosperity lie ahead. For a girl, such a dream foreshadows spiritual intimacy with a loved one.

If you broke a fence - you will soon get rid of the heavy burden of memories. You will finally be freed from your old love and will be able to look at life with interest. You are young and full of strength to meet love again. You can’t live in the past all the time - give your soul a chance to be reborn.

D. Loff said the following about such dreams: “Fences mean isolation in a negative sense and security in a positive sense. A more accurate interpretation can only be obtained by taking into account who or what the fence is protecting from. You will decipher the meaning of such a dream if you can guess what overcoming this obstacle promises - positive or negative emotions. In addition, a fence is a kind of boundary, especially when you feel that it is an insurmountable obstacle.”

Seeing yourself alone by a fence signals the need to protect yourself more reliably.

Dream Interpretation - Fence

In a dream, climbing a fence means the successful completion of an important task. If you fell from a fence, then this dream warns you that you are taking on a task for which you are incapable, and failure awaits you.

An unfavorable dream is in which you, sitting with friends on a fence, accidentally bring it down - it promises an accident with one of your loved ones.

If in a dream you climb through a fence, it means that in reality you will want to resort to unsuitable means to achieve your goal.

In a dream, knocking over a fence in order to pass is a sign that with your energetic actions in life you will begin to achieve and achieve the almost impossible. If you dream of a herd knocking over a fence on its way, this is a harbinger of receiving support from an unexpected side.

The dream that you are putting up a fence is favorable: it portends active creative activity and prosperity for you.

For a young lady, such a dream foreshadows spiritual intimacy with a loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Cemetery

Walking through a cemetery or churchyard in winter is a long and desperate struggle against poverty; but if you notice any signs of spring - a pleasant atmosphere and enjoyment of the company of friends;
for lovers - to see yourself in a cemetery or in a churchyard - you will never get married, but you will see your beloved ones under the aisle with others;
to see yourself in a beautiful and well-kept cemetery - unexpected news about the recovery of someone whom you have already mourned; your right to the land taken from you will be recognized;
old, neglected cemetery - you will live to see the time when everyone you loved will leave you and you will be left in the care of strangers;
for young people - wandering through the silent alleys of the dead - the tender and loving attitude of friends, but sorrow and sadness also await you, in which friends will be powerless to help;
for the bride - to see that the wedding procession is crossing the cemetery - you will lose your husband as a result of an accident;
for the mother - bringing fresh flowers to the cemetery - long-term good health for the whole family;
for a young widow - to visit a cemetery - soon you will change your mourning clothes to wedding clothes;
seeing yourself sad - worries, regrets;
for old people - seeing a cemetery is the last journey to the land of eternal peace;
seeing small children picking flowers and catching butterflies among the graves is a favorable change. For the one who sees this dream, health will allow him to enjoy life for a long time, and his friends will not leave him in the middle of life’s journey.
Also see Grave, Children, Mother.

Dream Interpretation - Cemetery

A dream in which you walk through a cemetery foreshadows a long and desperate struggle against poverty.

Perhaps you will live far from your home, separated from friends. But if you walked through the cemetery in the spring, a pleasant atmosphere and pleasure in the company of friends await you.

For lovers, a dream about a cemetery means that they will never get married, but will see their beloved ones down the aisle with others.

If in a dream you saw yourself in a beautiful and well-kept cemetery, you will receive unexpected news about the recovery of someone whom you have already mourned.

I dreamed of an old, neglected cemetery - you will live to see the time when everyone you loved will leave you.

For young people, a dream in which they wander through silent cemetery alleys means the tender and loving attitude of friends. But they will also face sorrow and grief, in which their friends will be powerless to help.

If a mother dreams that she brought fresh flowers to a cemetery, then her family will be healthy and happy.

A young widow who dreamed that she visited a cemetery will soon change her mourning clothes to wedding clothes.

If she sees herself sad, new worries and regrets await her.

A dream in which small children pick flowers and catch butterflies in a cemetery promises favorable changes.

For those who see this dream, health will allow them to enjoy life for a long time.

Dream Interpretation - Fence

Seeing your fence intact and in good working order in a dream: a sign that nothing threatens your well-being.

If in recent days you have had any conflicts with others, then the dream promises that the situation will soon improve.

If in a dream your fence seems too high: this means that you should not isolate yourself and your problems.

Seeing your fence lopsided or noticing a hole in it: this is a signal that your well-being is in some danger.

Alien or ownerless fences: symbolize obstacles and restrictions on your life path.

Typically, such dreams encourage you to adhere to certain established frameworks and protect you from the temptation to engage in any dubious activities.

Seeing a fence blocking your way in a dream is a warning about unexpected obstacles that threaten to interfere with your plans.

Seeing an ownerless fence collapsed or noticing a hole or gate in it: a sign that in reality you may soon have new prospects, good or bad, depending on the general atmosphere of the dream.

Dream Interpretation - Fence

A sign of upcoming obstacles.

Climb over the fence - you can overcome them without much difficulty.

You really want to, but you can’t climb over the fence - difficulties and stagnation in business await you.

Climbing the fence means the imminent completion of an important task.

Falling off a fence is a warning that you have taken on a task that you are unable to complete.

Building a fence is a harbinger of patronage and help.

Breaking a fence means a decline in business.

Why do you dream of an iron fence? The dream book states: you have to overcome obstacles, experience troubles, and solve difficult problems. But also a vision in a dream promises useful activities, the patronage of an influential person.

Obstacles, separations

Since a fence is an obstacle, if you dreamed that it was made of iron, it means that there is an insurmountable obstacle ahead.

Seeing an iron fence in front of you in a dream means: you will soon have to go through a separation from your loved one.

The vision also indicates restrictions holding the sleeper back. He may want to get more freedom, but this will cause rejection among his loved ones.

Meaning according to Miller's dream book

Why dream of a reliable iron fence around your house? The dreamer seeks to protect himself from negative emotions or enemies. Therefore, sometimes he behaves somewhat rudely or even aggressively. It is important not to alienate those acquaintances who could become good friends.

Dream details

The interpretation of the dream takes into account what was done to it:

  • climbed over - together with your partner you can solve a complex problem;
  • fell from there - you are doing something unsuitable for yourself, so you will fail;
  • built - the annoying problem will soon be resolved;
  • removed the fence that was blocking the passage - you will be able to successfully resolve a difficult issue.

You are protected, have an influential patron

Seeing a high iron fence around your house in a dream means, according to the dream book: you are completely protected and safe.

A dream about an iron fence may represent the patronage of some influential person. And the higher this fence, the more significant this person is.

Successful activity, completion of what started

Why do you dream about its construction? There is constructive activity ahead that will bring considerable benefits.

Did you see in a dream how you climbed onto it and sat on top? In reality, you will be able to successfully complete the work you started, since the circumstances will be very favorable.

An insurmountable task, anxiety, the machinations of enemies

A dream about an iron fence foreshadows, according to the dream book, an insurmountable task that will confront the sleeper. There is no need to give in to difficulties - with effort and ingenuity, it is quite possible to overcome them. Well, you can turn to your loved ones for help if you really don’t see a way out.

Why do you dream of a metal mesh fence? In reality, the dreamer will be tormented by anxiety, vague premonitions, and anxiety due to the uncertain situation in which he finds himself.

Did you see an impregnable iron fence in a dream? The dream book warns: enemies will become more active very soon and will use any new information against you. Therefore, you should not be too frank even with close friends - especially about something that really upsets you.

Why do you dream about the most ordinary fence? Just like in reality, in a dream it acts as a symbol of barriers and obstacles. Sometimes the same image promises the completion of a certain task. Dream books will give a more detailed interpretation of the dream.

Interpretation of sleep according to D. Loff's dream book

Did you dream about a fence? Depending on the actual circumstances, it symbolizes security or isolation from the world. An accurate interpretation will be given by the area that it encloses. The dream book also reminds you: whether you can overcome this or that life problem in reality directly depends on your success in overcoming the fence in a dream.

Why do you dream about a fence? In night dreams, it acts as a kind of border. Perhaps in the real world there are some limitations in relationships. From an esoteric point of view, the fence is a symbolic transition between worlds. Be careful with such visions.

Opinion of the Italian dream book

Why do you dream about a fence? In a dream, it reflects voluntary isolation and the desire to protect personal life or certain restrictions that exist in real life, but were not established by the dreamer himself. This situation can apply to both love and business. In addition, the fence reflects the desire to preserve some secret, feelings or even dreams that the dreamer himself is ashamed of.

What does Miller's dream book think?

Did you dream that you climbed a fence? Successfully complete a previously started project. But falling off a fence is bad. You have taken on a task that is clearly not up to you. The dream book believes that failure is guaranteed.

Why do you dream if a fairly strong-looking fence collapsed under you? A tragic accident will happen to someone close to you. In a dream, crawling through a hole in a fence literally means that in order to achieve your goal, you will decide to resort to cunning or even prohibited methods.

Seeing a fence in a dream and knocking it over in order to pass freely is good. The dream book believes that with your perseverance and well-directed energy you will accomplish what seems unrealistic. If the fence was broken by a herd of animals, then you will unexpectedly receive support from those you did not count on.

Did you dream that you personally built and installed a fence? The plot is favorable in any version. Active creative activity will bring complete success, respect and well-being. For a young girl, such a dream promises spiritual unity with her loved one.

Interpretation from the dream book of spouses Winter

Why dream of your own strong and serviceable fence? At the current stage, your well-being and happiness are reliably protected. Even if some disagreements and problems arise in real life, everything will be resolved soon.

Why do you dream of other people's fences? In a dream, this is a sure sign of obstacles and difficulties on the path of life. The image calls for abandoning any risky ventures, no matter how tempting they may seem. Did you dream that a huge fence blocked the road? Some unexpected obstacle will interfere with well-thought-out plans.

Seeing an old, collapsed fence or a very dilapidated structure in a dream, according to the dream book, is a sign of prospects and changes. Whether they will be good or bad will be determined by the atmosphere of the dream and plot twists.

Decoding the dream book of lovers

Seeing or personally erecting a fence means that at the moment you are preoccupied with some kind of romantic relationship. This plot literally reflects attempts to make a strong and long-term connection. It is best if in a dream you are satisfied with your work. In real life, you will certainly achieve what you want.

Did you dream that you were climbing over a fence? To achieve a certain goal, decide to use a workaround or a forbidden technique. Alas, in reality this will not bring the expected effect and will only complicate the situation.

Why dream of building a fence with your own hands? The dream book believes that you are a closed and little emotional person. At least in public. You are afraid to openly express emotions and, even more so, to fall in love without looking back, because you naively believe that this will protect you from disappointment.

Did you dream that you deliberately broke a fence? In reality, you will be able to get rid of memories that constantly return you to the past. After this, you will gain faith in yourself and a bright future, which will make life much more pleasant and easier.

What Danilova’s erotic dream book says

Why do you dream if a fence appeared on the way, which prevented you from moving forward? In real life, you will experience certain limitations and boundaries yourself. Sometimes this is a sign of a quarrel that will happen because you want more freedom. Alas, in the end everything will end sadly, because they simply will not understand you.

Did you dream that you were walking along a fence? The dream book is sure: there is a huge potential sleeping inside that you don’t even know about. If you make even a small attempt to free yourself from external pressure, a real miracle will happen.

Freudian interpretation

Freud's dream book considers a fence a symbol of barriers and restrictions. Why is he dreaming? If in a dream you happened to climb over a fence, then in reality you will use workarounds to achieve your goal. For example, in a relationship it is better to subtly influence your partner rather than tell him something directly.

Did you dream about how you personally installed the fence? You consider love to be evil and avoid it in every possible way. Breaking a fence in a dream is much better. Your opinion has changed dramatically, and you are ready to throw yourself headlong into a hitherto unfamiliar feeling. Another interpretation of the dream predicts getting rid of an old and long-boring connection.

To understand why you dream of a fence, the dream book advises paying attention to its vertical elements. Their number symbolically reflects active connections and the number of current partners. Sometimes it is just a subconscious desire for this.

Did you dream of a clean, strong and well-painted fence? You manage to treat all partners evenly, attentively and kindly. The Dream Interpretation believes that such behavior is very commendable. If the fence was dilapidated, full of holes and ugly, then you are too frivolous and careless in relationships. Moreover, this is an eloquent hint of decreased sexual function.

Why do you dream about a new fence?

Did you dream of a brand new fence? You will achieve relative success, and at the same time you will gain a countless number of envious people. If in a dream you did not dare to open the gate in a new fence, then in a difficult situation you will behave indecisively and even inappropriately. Climbing a new fence in a dream means receiving the money you have long dreamed of. In general, a new fence symbolizes prosperity, success and stability.

I dreamed of a wooden, iron fence

To accurately interpret the dream image, it is necessary to take into account the material from which the fence is made. So the slate or sheets of metal used for the fence reflect a certain society with strictly established rules and morals.

Have you ever seen a fence made of metal wire? The thing you have planned for a long time and carefully will fail. A wooden fence in a dream symbolizes minor obstacles and failures that, overall, will not affect fate. It is also a symbol of gossip and false rumors. Why do you dream about an old picket fence? Long-standing, established values ​​are your priority in life.

What does it mean if the fence has fallen over or is broken?

Did you dream that you leaned lightly on a fence, and it immediately collapsed? An accident may occur to a loved one or someone you know. It is much better to deliberately collapse the fence. This is a sign of increased activity and targeted application of energy, which leads to the successful implementation of the most incredible goal.

Why do you dream if a fence appears out of nowhere? In reality, some obstacle will appear literally out of nowhere. However, breaking this barrier in a dream is bad. This is a sign of ruin and loss through one’s own fault. It is better to choose the tactics of temporary non-intervention and wait a little.

It’s bad to see your own fence rickety in a dream. In reality, something threatens your well-being. Someone else's old, broken fence symbolizes the destruction of stereotypes.

Why dream of painting, building, breaking a fence?

Did you dream that you built a high fence around your house? You clearly do not want to communicate with others, and perhaps there are reasons for this. The construction of a fence signifies a desire to receive protection and patronage.

Why do you dream of repairing a fence? You need to plan things more carefully, then there will be no annoying mistakes. The same plot prophesies numerous, and mostly useless, efforts. In your dream, did you have to paint an old fence? In reality, it is possible to move to a new place of residence.

Did you dream about how you broke a fence? Be prepared for major changes. Seeing another character break a fence means: a loved one will commit an imprudent act, as a result of which you will personally incur large expenses.

What does it mean to climb over a fence in a dream?

Why do you dream if you had to climb over a fence in a dream? In reality, you can do something incredible and global.

Have you ever seen animals jumping over a fence? You will have to accept help from strangers, although you really don’t want this. If you dreamed that pets on the other hand were running away from you, jumping over a fence, then get ready for losses in trade and commerce.

Climbing over a fence in a dream means you need to use cunning. If you climbed through a crack or hole, this literally means that you have to gain someone’s trust.

Fence in a dream - specific answers

Just seeing a fence means obstacles and various problems. If in a dream he magically disappears, then difficulties will be resolved without your participation. It’s a completely different matter if you personally take some active action.

  • climb to the top - successful completion, determination
  • through the hole - dishonest methods of achieving your plans
  • fall down - collapse of plans
  • hanging on a fence - renewal of hope
  • fall and hit yourself - mind your own business
  • jump over - make more effort
  • sitting on top - good luck
  • to overturn on purpose - the realization of the impossible
  • accidentally – collapse of stereotypes, change of worldview
  • blow up - act decisively
  • crashing into a car - help from the enemy
  • putting a new one - spiritual closeness with loved ones
  • repairing, patching holes - limiting your social circle
  • burning fence - light stripe
  • wooden - usual chores
  • metal – stability, protection
  • wicker – instability of position
  • plastic – opportunism
  • glass – illusion
  • drunk under the fence - great luck

Did you dream that there was a horseshoe hanging on the fence? You are destined for incredible success where you clearly did not expect it. It's good to see a rooster crowing on the fence. This is a sign of good luck that will follow a bad streak. If in a dream there was a cucumber lying near the fence, then you will have to communicate with a lonely or conditionally lonely man (for example, in a state of quarrel with his chosen one) man.

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