What is behavior: concept, types. Behavior rules

From an early age to old age, an individual is forced to interact with his own kind. The formation of personality in society is influenced by upbringing, education and even spontaneous factors, that is, unplanned influences that arise in the process of assimilation of people in groups. The set of behavioral principles according to which an individual person reacts to life in society is called social behavior.

Some general points

Each person has to master several roles. They change due to the individual entering different phases of development:

  • childhood - here the assimilation of elementary rules, primary socialization takes place;
  • youth - active interaction with peers, secondary socialization;
  • maturity - becoming an independent figure in society;
  • old age - withdrawal from active activity.

Each stage has its own set of behavioral skills and status roles. An individual’s behavior is determined by motivation, the degree of participation in his chosen social process.

Social roles of the individual

Social behavior should be considered as opposed to individual. It is designed to exert a psychological influence on others, to allow an individual to occupy his niche in society and is conventionally divided into types:

  1. Prosocial: “helpful”, “obedient”.
  2. Competitive by type A, by type B.
  3. Scandalous, shocking.
  4. Antisocial, asocial: deviant, problematic, illegal.
  5. Other varieties.

Prosocial or “correct” behavior

Prosocial is behavior in which an individual strives to provide all possible and voluntary help to others. This rightfully includes “obedient” and “helping” behavior. These forms are welcomed by all cultures and traditions. They are considered a smart way to interact.

Individuals who fall under the above-mentioned types are credited with good manners, good manners, they are set as an example, and are encouraged in every possible way in society.

Competitive by several types

With competitive behavior, an individual sees potential rivals in the surrounding members of society and subconsciously begins to compete with them in everything: from external data, mental abilities to the level of their own well-being.

Type A competitive behavior involves a person displaying hostility towards his rivals, constant irritability due to other people's successes, and expressing distrust even to loved ones. Type B, in turn, distinguishes people by their friendliness.

Scandalous, "shocking"

This species can be seen in public figures, for example, politicians, journalists, artists. With their emotional state, some famous people capable of turning on entire crowds of people. Their personal interest in success overshadows other aspects of life. At the same time, they receive response and support from supporters.

There is only one goal - to manipulate others to achieve their own heights of success. At the same time, they use prohibited methods of fighting among themselves and even widespread lies. For example, having come to power, not all politicians rush to fulfill what they “promised.”

Antisocial and asocial

The direct opposite of “obedient” and “helping” is considered “problematic” behavior. Individuals to whom it is inherent find themselves in unpleasant situations, most often acting against the moral norms accepted in society. It should be noted that problem behavior causes rejection in many individuals.

“Problem” behavior is closest to deviant and delinquent, that is, illegal. All deviations from accepted etiquette, conventional norms are sharply condemned by the public.

Antisocial, in contrast to the previous “correct” types, involves hostility and an aggressive attitude. Such forms of behavior have been studied by specialists for many decades and are considered irreparable. In a crisis, they can be total in nature.

Other types

In addition to the standard gradations of types of social behavior, experts distinguish in a separate section the socialization of people within communities of various sizes: mass, group.

The most difficult thing to manage is mass behavior, especially among large masses organized spontaneously. These include fashion, rumors, various political and religious movements. Group behavior is usually called the actions of small or medium-sized communities and groups. For example, a work team, a classroom.

We must not forget that all gradations are relative. Sometimes you can observe how people’s habitual actions change to the opposite under the influence of certain conditions. Therefore, one or another type of behavior cannot be considered sustainable.

The topic of social behavior is of great importance in modern times. Social behavior involves psychological influence on people and the occupation of a specific position among them. As a rule, this type of behavior is considered as the opposite of individual behavior, which, in turn, is not related to the position a person occupies in society, and to the relationships that develop between him and the people around him, and is also not designed to affect individual people. or society as a whole of any influence.

Psychologists distinguish several types of social behavior. We will consider the following:

  • Mass behavior
  • Group behavior
  • Sex role behavior
  • Prosocial behavior
  • Competitive behavior
  • Obedient behavior
  • Deviant behavior
  • Illegal behavior
  • Problem behavior
  • Attachment behavior
  • Maternal behavior
  • Some other forms

Let's look at each type in more detail.

Mass behavior

Mass behavior is poorly controlled social activity of a large number of people who are not organized and do not pursue a specific goal. It is often called spontaneous behavior. Examples include fashion, rumors, panic, various religious, political and economic movements, etc.

Group behavior

Group behavior refers to the actions of people who are united in social group. Most often it occurs due to special processes occurring in such groups. It differs in that group members act in concert, constantly interacting with each other, even when they are outside the group.

Sex role behavior

Gender-role behavior is behavior that is characteristic of people of a particular gender and is associated with basic social roles, performed by these people in the process of life of any society.

Mass, group and sex-role behavior are characteristic of groups and individuals and depend on what social functions they perform and what goals they pursue. The following types of social behavior describe a person in the process of his interaction with other individuals.

Prosocial behavior

The basis of a person’s prosocial behavior is his desire for help and support from others. When prosocial behavior is aimed at directly helping someone who needs it, then it is called helping behavior.

Competitive behavior

Competitive behavior is when people around him are perceived by a person as potential or real competitors, and he enters into struggle or competition with them. This behavior is designed to achieve advantage and victory. Functionally or meaningfully related to competitive behavior type behaviorA, according to which a person is impatient, irritable, hostile and distrustful, and type behaviorB, according to which a person does not seek to compete with anyone, and expresses a friendly attitude to everyone.

Obedient behavior

Obedient behavior refers to forms of social behavior that ensure civilized and cultural interaction between people. Quite often, this type of behavior is called law-abiding behavior, and in contrast to it is called deviant, illegal and problematic behavior.

Deviant behavior

Deviant behavior is behavior that goes against social, moral and/or social norms accepted in society. ethical standards. Despite this, deviant behavior cannot be called illegal, which requires conviction under the law.

Illegal behavior

Unlawful conduct is conduct that violates established social norms. This form of behavior presupposes conviction by a court - a person can receive punishment for it, based on the current legislation.

Problem behavior

Problem behavior refers to any behavior that causes a person to develop psychological problems. In most cases, problem behavior consists of behaviors that are incomprehensible and unacceptable to others and may be maladaptive, destructive, or antisocial.

In addition to other forms of social behavior, one can also find those that characterize close relationships between people. These types are attachment behavior and maternal behavior.

Attachment behavior

Attachment behavior is expressed in a person’s desire to be close to others all the time. This form of behavior manifests itself already in childhood, and the object of attachment in most cases is the mother.

Maternal behavior

In general, maternal behavior is the behavior inherent in mothers in relation to their children, as well as the behavior of any person in general, which is similar to the behavior of a mother in relation to a child.

There are also some other forms of social behavior that are interconnected with the relationships of people developing in society. Such behavior can be called behavior the purpose of which is to avoid failures and achieve success, gain power or subordination to someone; confident or helpless behavior, as well as some others.

Other forms of social behavior

Striving for success- this is a special form of social behavior that influences a person’s success and, to a certain extent, his fate. Greatest development the desire for success emerged in the last century and today characterizes a huge number of successful people.

Avoiding Failure is an alternative form of striving for success. This type of behavior manifests itself in a concern about not being last among other people, not being worse than them, not becoming a loser.

We can also distinguish such types of social behavior as desire for communication with other people and its opposite - avoidance of people. A separate form can be called desire for power And desire to maintain power, if a person already has it. The opposite of the last two is desire for obedience.

Another form of social behavior that scientists have noticed is confident behavior when a person is confident in himself, strives for new achievements, sets new tasks for himself, solves them, etc.

However, quite often you can see how capable people who want to achieve success and have the ability to do so, fail due to lack of confidence and in cases where they should not have shown it. This behavior is called helpless behavior, and is defined as behavior in which a person, having everything he needs to achieve success, remains inactive, thereby dooming himself to failure.


IN Lately The attention of sociologists is attracted precisely by those types of social behavior that have the greatest impact on the state of society, the position of an individual and his fate.

These can be considered all kinds of manifestations of good and evil, friendliness or hostility, the desire for success and power, confidence or helplessness. Among the manifestations of good and evil, much attention is paid to altruism and prosocial behavior.

As for antisocial behavior, among its forms, manifestations of aggression are especially studied. It is also interesting that aggression and aggressive behavior have become of interest to scientists for the reason that hostile behavioral forms and hostility between people have generally existed for many centuries, and for some researchers aggression is a form of social behavior that cannot be eliminated from the life of society.

NOTE: How a person behaves and what form of social behavior is most comfortable and acceptable for him is greatly influenced by his stable traits. But the more important thing is that knowing about them, a person gets the opportunity to adjust his course of action, as well as understand what his advantages and disadvantages are. And if you are reading this article, then it is likely that you yourself are interested in such questions, albeit not with the goal of changing yourself, but with the goal of... So we invite you to take our special course on self-knowledge, which will tell you a lot of interesting things about yourself. You can find it here.

Human behavior is personally oriented or socially meaningful actions, the source of which is himself. Behavioral psychology - branch psychological science, studying behavior, its determinants, factors influencing it, etc.

Behavior is classified according to many parameters, including classifications that vary among different researchers. So, they distinguish:

  • internal and external;
  • congenital and acquired;
  • intentional and unintentional;
  • conscious and unconscious, etc.

The largest number of species are distinguished in social behavior.

Human social behavior

It represents an action or combination of actions among and about people. Moreover, such actions must be socially significant - have meaning for others.

Social behavior can be deviant (deviant) and delinquent (harmful to others), adequate or inadequate to the situation and prevailing circumstances, conflictual and conformist, etc.

In everyday communication and interaction it has great importance intentional and unintentional behavior. If a person committed a certain act without malicious intent, this does not exempt him from responsibility, but somewhat mitigates the punishment. And if the behavior served as a response (for example, a provocation to a conflict), responsibility is somewhat reduced.

Other equally important varieties are conscious and unconscious behavior. Although they can easily be confused with intentional and unintentional, they are different concepts. Unconscious behavior is an action, the motive and execution of which is not recognized by the person. As a rule, it goes unnoticed by the actor himself, but is perfectly interpreted by those around him.

Much of human behavior is social aspect, however, the individual also takes place - it is carried out in the paradigm “I and objects”. It is also classified into erroneous and correct, adequate and inadequate, etc.

Other classifications

According to other parameters, behavior is divided into:

  • congenital;
  • acquired;
  • creative.

In the first case, actions that are genetically programmed are considered behavior. They also include those learned in the first hours of life.

In the second case, behavior is formed as a result of learning and upbringing. There is a lot of controversy here because detailed analysis Many actions clearly demonstrate that they are also programmed genetically, and learning acts only as a kind of catalyst for the maturation of readiness to perform them.

Speech, lexical norms, rules of behavior, foundations, attitudes, etc. are also part of acquired behavior. A separate category learned behavior is a model of behavior formed based on the example of other significant adults. In some cases, it is also considered phobic reactions, for example, in cases where the child has not encountered heights, but has developed acrophobia.

Creative behavior is actions created by the person himself. It represents a constructive, creative action.

There are a large number of factors that influence human behavior, but this issue is the most controversial in behavioral psychology. Currently, there are several basic concepts that explain human behavior.

1. Personality trait theory. According to this direction, human behavior is determined (predetermined) individual traits. According to some researchers, a person can have from 2 to 10 basic character traits, which determine the general “course” of his actions.

2.Behaviorist theory. It defines a behavioral act as a response to a stimulus. Behavior is a set of emotional, motor, speech reactions formed in response to the influence of the external environment.

At birth, a person already has a certain repertoire of genetic reactions. During life, the impact of a stimulus provokes the creation of new reactions based on this repertoire; unconditioned stimuli are combined with conditioned ones, forming complex systems.

3. Second theory gave rise to the creation of social learning theory. According to it, human behavior is determined by roles and patterns. They, in turn, are formed in the process of observing social patterns. Personality is a product of the interaction between “I” and environment, therefore, behavior is influenced by a person’s environment, significant adults, movie characters, teachers, comrades, etc. This theory explains well the variability of behavioral acts depending on circumstances, but pays little attention to personal qualities as a factor in determining behavior patterns.

4. Psychoanalytic theory. It represents the greatest opposite of behaviorism and states: behavior is the result of permission intrapersonal conflict. It arises between three structures of the psyche: Id (It - subconscious, instinct), Ego (I, personality) and SuperEgo (society, conscience, norms, foundations). The leading role belongs to the id, it is it that encourages action, and behavior is defined as a set of behavioral acts in response to the impulses of the id. Conflicting aspirations are unconscious, and therefore must be recognized as internal conflicts and analyzed accordingly.

5. Cognitive theory. Behavior according to it is not a mechanical response to a stimulus, but the result of an interpretation of a specific situation, which is realized through existing knowledge and experience. Behavioral actions depend primarily on own assessment circumstances by a person, therefore the subjects of study should be: obtaining information, explaining it, creating and recognizing an image, imagination, speech, etc.

6.Gestalt. According to this theory, a person perceives the world in the form of holistic images, while interacting with the surrounding reality, he identifies the most relevant wholes here and now. Behavior is a manifestation of being in the form of a single image. That is why the “here and now” characteristic is primary in the interpretation of certain human actions.

7. Group dynamics theory. Human behavior directly depends on collective activity, since he is not only a participant in the group, but also its product. This assumption “works” only in relation to behavior in a group, more often in a work team.

Sociological theories are a separate category, since they distinguish a fairly large number of them. In addition, they consider the behavior of an individual exclusively in a group or society.

Sociological theories

Typicality theory. Behavior is determined by the presence of typical properties, which, in turn, are formed due to belonging to a category (cultural, national, professional, etc.)

Theory of social action. Behavior is a consequence of actions taking into account the interests, needs, and perceptions of other participants.

Institutional. Behavior is the role acquired by the individual, namely the compliance of actions within its framework with norms.

Functional. Behavior is the performance of a certain function established for the purpose of normal functioning of the group.

Interactionism. Behavior is the interaction between participants structural divisions, small groups within a large one.

Theory of social conflict. Behavior is a consequence of a conflict of interests among group members, as well as public positions and opinions.

Social exchange theory. Behavior is based on a rational, mutually beneficial exchange of goods, activities, and rewards for them.

Phenomenological approach. The main aspect of this theory is the concept of the everyday world. It is shared by many people in the process of life, however, it does not exclude private, biographical moments. There are face-to-face or impersonal relationships in the world, and this determines human behavior.

We have described only the main generally accepted theories, each of which determines human behavior in a certain way. It should be understood that the factors influencing human behavior at any given moment and under certain circumstances are diverse, and each of them requires consideration.

The article was prepared by psychologist Margarita Vladimirovna Poltoranina

The psychology of human behavior and its study is a very complex but interesting process. Why is it pleasant and easy to communicate with one person, while difficult and tense with another? There is a desire to quickly end the conversation and leave, despite the fact that he is a good friend who is always courteous and polite.

We intuitively understand when a person is sincere and when he is disingenuous. That is why we experience conflicting feelings: on the one hand, the person has not done anything wrong, but on the other, there is an inner feeling that tells us that we should stay away from him.

Situation described interpersonal relationships explained in psychology.

Definition of the concept

Behavioral psychology is a field of knowledge that explains non-verbal body movements (facial expressions, gestures, intonations) of a person and draws conclusions about how sincere, truthful, confident and open he is.

Very often we make such an assessment unconsciously when we feel uncomfortable communicating with a familiar person or even avoid him. But in fact, we evaluate his behavioral manifestations, which tell us what he thinks about us, how he treats us, despite the fact that his words may be friendly or neutral.

There are a number of techniques that allow you to determine a person’s true intentions, his emotions, and level of self-esteem. His movements, facial expressions and other features reveal his inner fears, attitudes, complexes, which we catch subconsciously or evaluate consciously if we have certain knowledge and experience.

We perceive the communication process as big picture, sometimes during a conversation we do not notice what he is wearing, what he is saying, but we pay attention to how he does it, what phrases and words he uses, how he sits and what he holds in his hands. Sometimes some little thing attracts attention and is remembered for a long time: a smell, a speech impediment, an accent, slips of the tongue, incorrect accents, an inappropriate laugh, and so on.

A scientific discipline that helps explain and decipher unconscious nuances in people's behavior that reveal their true intentions is behavioral psychology.

1. What do gestures and facial expressions tell us?

Gestures and facial expressions play a huge role in conversation. But, despite the simplicity of deciphering certain human postures and gestures, they can carry a completely different meaning.

For example, in the psychology of lying there are the main signs of deception: a person does not look into the eyes, touches his mouth, nose, neck. But the interlocutor may touch his nose only because it itches.

Crossed legs or arms - these gestures in the psychology of human behavior are interpreted as distrust, tightness, isolation, but the interlocutor may simply be cold.

Advice on deciphering mannerisms and gestures can often lead to a dead end or put a person in an awkward position. For example, when we see an open posture, a confident and calm voice, a pleasant, sincere look in our interlocutor, we take him for honest man, but in fact he has fraudulent intentions. Or pick-up artists, how much charm, wit, sincerity, good manners they have - and this is all in order to assert themselves.

2. What does speech and intonation tell us?

Speed ​​of speech, rhythm, volume, intonation greatly influence communication and can tell a lot of additional information about a person, according to behavioral psychology. Science helps us understand emotional condition person:

  • A calm, reasonable, balanced person speaks rhythmically, slowly, with an average level of volume.
  • Impulsiveness of character is revealed by fast and animated speech.
  • Those who are insecure or withdrawn speak quietly and uncertainly.

3. Often words are not as important as intonation.

But it should be understood that if a person is in an unfamiliar environment, he may behave differently than in a familiar environment.

Behavioral psychology will allow us to determine the hidden factors that actually influence a person. But in order to see and understand them, you need to be “savvy” with knowledge and attentive to people.

Deviant behavior and psychology

The phenomenon of such behavior is so complex and widespread that there is a separate science to study it - deviantology, which arose at the intersection of criminology, sociology, psychology and psychiatry.

1. The concept of “deviant” and social behavior in psychology

"Deviation" with Latin language- “deviation”. In psychology, behavior that deviates from the norms accepted in society is called deviant or asocial. That is, it is sustainable human behavior that causes real harm to people and society. It is harmful both for others and for the deviant himself.

The psychology of deviant behavior studies such forms of deviation as suicide, crime, prostitution, drug addiction, vagrancy, fanaticism, alcoholism, and vandalism.

Such behavior is associated with malice, violence, aggression, destruction, therefore society has conditionally or legally introduced penalties for violators of social norms, he is isolated, treated, corrected or punished.

2. Personality of the deviant, his psychology, behavioral characteristics

Science does not study how and where a person committed an offense, it is interested in general patterns and personality characteristics.

Reasons and sources antisocial behavior:

  • Physiological: genetic predisposition to aggression; diseases of the endocrine system; chromosomal abnormalities.
  • Public: imperfect legislation; social inequality; media propaganda antisocial image life; hanging “labels”; negative assessments given by relatives.
  • Psychological reasons: internal conflicts between conscience and desires; special character; mental disorders; dysfunctional family relationships; too conservative, strict, cruel upbringing in childhood.

The character of deviants often contains such traits as conflict, negativism, dependence, anxiety, aggressiveness, and hostility. They often deceive and do it with pleasure; they like to shift responsibility and blame onto others.

A person’s deviant behavior leads to his social disadaptation, that is, he does not adapt to the conditions of society and, as a result, goes against it.

A child’s behavior cannot be antisocial, since self-control in children under 5 years of age has not yet developed and the process of adaptation to society has just begun.

The most dangerous period in terms of the possibility of developing deviation is between the ages of 12 and 20 years.

3. How to deal with problem behavior?

Most often, people with this behavior end up seeing a psychologist in prisons, in children's colonies, and in addiction treatment centers. Society is engaged in the prevention of deviations in hospitals, schools, through the media, but the problem is that there is no individual approach, but a person cannot cope with this on his own. But he may realize the need to change his lifestyle and seek help from specialists.

Psychology of addictive behavior

In psychology, as the science of human behavior, addiction is called attachment to someone or something. It is unacceptable from the point of view of moral or social norms, it threatens health and causes suffering to the person himself.

Addiction harms society and individuals, it limits their development and leads to all sorts of mental illnesses.

Dies due to addictions more people than due to crimes and wars combined. It manifests itself as an escape from problems into an illusory ideal world. Gradually, a person ceases to control his behavior, emotions, thoughts. His entire existence is reduced to an object of dependence, which gradually completely destroys him as a person.

Recently, the spread of drug and alcohol use among young people has become a national disaster. Therefore, the attention of psychologists, psychiatrists, sociologists, narcologists, and lawyers has been drawn to this problem.

Dependent behavior is also called addictive - it is a type of deviant behavior, that is, it is the desire to escape from reality by changing one’s mental consciousness. Behavioral psychology views this as a destructive attitude towards oneself and society.

Addictive behavior is alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking, hypersexuality, gambling, computer addiction, addiction to rich food, shopping.

Dependency has varying degrees severity: from normal to severe.

Why do some people develop this strong and irresistible attachment, what explains the impulsiveness and insatiability of desire? The answers to these questions are of great importance for society and for each individual.

Psychology of gestures and facial expressions

The psychology of behavior, gestures and facial expressions is the key to a person’s secrets that he wants to hide. As a result of evolution, man has learned to convey thoughts and feelings using words. But along with this skill, he mastered the art of hiding his true plans and intentions, aspirations. You need to be able to “read” your interlocutor by his body movements. Only in this way can you understand what is on his mind and what can be expected from him.

American psychologist Meyerabian Albert believes that when communicating we convey 7% of the information verbally, 38% by intonation and tone of voice, and 55% by non-verbal signals.

The main rule of the psychology of gestures and facial expressions says that there is no person in the world who can completely control body movements during a conversation, even if he wants to deliberately mislead the interlocutor.

A person on a subconscious level reacts almost identically to certain situations. Involuntary facial expressions and gestures stranger allow you to hear and see what is hidden behind the screen of words.

  • Protection. In dangerous or uncomfortable situations, when there is a desire to isolate themselves from their interlocutor, people lean back, cover themselves with a book, folder or other object, cross their legs, cross their arms over their chest, and clench their fists. Their eyes are constantly watching the one from whom they expect a dirty trick. This behavior indicates wariness and tension, as well as a lack of readiness for constructive dialogue.
  • Openness. The body is tilted towards the interlocutor, open palms, a benevolent smile - these signals indicate a predisposition to communicate.
  • Interest. The absence of gestures indicates enthusiasm, the person is completely attentive, he is leaning forward and tries not to move so as not to miss a word.
  • Boredom. A dull look, rhythmic swinging of a leg, fiddling with something in his hands, drawing, yawning. In sign language in the psychology of communication, this means that the listener has no interest in the topic of the conversation.
  • Skepticism. The person agrees with the interlocutor, but makes it clear that he does not trust him with such gestures as rubbing his neck, scratching his ear, cheek, forehead, grinning, resting his chin with his palm.

Psychology of human behavior teaches us to understand the wisdom of non-verbal symbolism and correct mutual understanding of each other.

What can nonverbal speech tell about a person?

Most people underestimate the role of facial expressions and gestures in communication. But it is with the help of non-verbal signals that the first impression of a person is created. And it will be remembered for a long time. Gestures help or distract listeners from the conversation; even their absence carries information about the person speaking.

So, what do these or other gestures mean:

  • a limp handshake speaks of a person’s shyness and uncertainty, and vice versa, a strong one speaks of a desire to impose one’s opinion;
  • if a woman straightens her hair, it means she is preening;
  • if a person gestures with only one hand, this indicates his unnaturalness;
  • touching the forehead, mouth, nose is regarded as deception;
  • crossing your arms indicates the interlocutor’s skepticism and distrust of the person speaking;
  • Slouching and hunching indicate a person’s low self-esteem and uncertainty.

It is necessary to develop observation skills, it helps to collect Additional information about the people with whom you have to communicate.

The main thing in psychology regarding human behavior is the ability to listen and see. After all, the sound of the voice and its intonation, gestures and facial expressions of the interlocutor are of great importance.

What does a man's behavior tell us?

The psychology of the strong half of humanity is always associated with the performance of certain actions: to conquer, to obtain, to win. Therefore, in their games from childhood there is always a spirit of competition in endurance, strength of character, and strength.

All their actions are aimed at the final result. Their self-esteem childhood based on abilities and achievements.

The words and actions of men and women are different. Therefore, when talking with them, you need to pay attention to their general demeanor. If during a conversation he crosses his legs or arms, sits half-turned, it means he is not listening, he seems to be shutting himself off from the information. If he looks into your eyes and periodically glances at your lips, it means he is interested in the conversation.

If a man adjusts his tie, frequently changes his position, has high eyebrows and wide eyes, he is interested in the woman he is talking to.

If he avoids looking at you, fiddles with buttons or other small parts clothes, covers his mouth with his hand, adjusts the collar of his shirt - this means the interlocutor is trying to hide something.

It should be remembered that all these non-verbal signals are statistical averages. The psychology of the stronger sex is much more complex and depends on the person and his emotional fullness.

What do children tell us with their antics?

The psychology of child behavior is based on three basic principles:

  • a sense of belonging to the family system;
  • emotional connection with parents;
  • own importance.

When the child's basic needs are satisfied (sleep, food, water), he has a desire to satisfy emotional ones. He needs to have some responsibilities assigned only to him. That is, something that depends only on him. This increases his self-esteem. He must feel that he is making a contribution to the life of the family, know that his opinion is taken into account, that he also controls events.

How to help a child and satisfy his need for significance and involvement?

First of all, it is necessary to form a close emotional connection with mom, dad and other relatives. And involve the child in the discussion family problems, decision making.

If a conflict arises with a child, talk to him; perhaps he lacks parental attention. It is necessary to let him know that he is very important and needed.

Spend time with your child at least 20 minutes a day, but it should be devoted only to him. Children love to fool around and play with their parents, this is how the strongest emotional connection is established. Do not teach him how to play with certain toys, it is better to remain non-judgmental. He must have an area of ​​life in which he alone must make decisions. Try to turn into a friend, not a teacher.

Psychology of women

The psychology of the fair half of humanity is based on several circumstances:

  1. Character type. Most women are sanguine. They are active, they are characterized by mood swings, they know how to manage feelings, and subordinate circumstances to their desires.
  2. Upbringing is what parents instilled in a little girl that determines her actions and behavior.
  3. Experience - if she has faced negativity all her life, she stops trusting people and becomes lonely. Her behavior is different from the standard.

The psychology of a woman’s behavior is determined by her attitude towards a man. Psychologists believe that women have a natural ingenuity that helps them in life. But they primarily direct their ingenuity to relationships with men. For example, they try to appear strong and independent, they always have some hobbies and hobbies, often planned personal time, and so on.

Forms of human behavior

Based on socionics and Dellinger’s theory of psychoforms, forms of human behavior were identified:

  1. Dominant is the behavior of leaders, realists, and practitioners.
  2. Creative - characteristic of people with abstract-imaginative thinking. They rely more on intuition, have ingenuity, premonition, imagination, and are completely divorced from reality.
  3. A harmonizing form of behavior is characteristic of people who are endowed with empathy, ethics, and subtle diplomacy.
  4. Normalizing is the behavior of logical people capable of analyzing facts.

Usually people have a combination of two types of behavior, one of which is more pronounced.


The human soul and body are in a close and inextricable connection. It is impossible to separate external manifestations from character. Human psychology based on behavior, facial expressions and gestures makes it possible to easily determine the type of character. This is a very important and necessary skill in our difficult times.

Understanding the psychology of human behavior is a complex, multi-stage process. But at the same time, he is incredibly curious and entertaining. Psychology, in general, is an amazing science: continuously developing, it never ceases to amaze unexpected facts about human behavior. And delving deeper into this topic, many are ready to realize that we are not as aware of ourselves as we assume. As evidence, the site offers 15 irrefutable facts of this statement.

Psychological features of human behavior: facts for the curious

1. When people are tired, they become much more honest.
2. According to research, when modern man suddenly loses his phone, he panics so much that it can be compared with the experience of those people who experienced clinical death.
3. If someone feels rejection towards you, it can cause a feeling comparable to pain.
4. Today, dependence on social networks In some countries it is officially recognized as a mental disorder.
5. According to psychologists, people dream with their heads in the clouds 30 percent of the time. But this is actually a good thing, since it has been found that people who love to daydream are usually better able to cope with problems and, in addition, they are more creative.
6. Incredibly, blind people are not susceptible to developing schizophrenia.
7. Our subconscious, in fact, already knows all the answers to the questions that arise in our minds. You just need to learn how to carefully delve into its “storages”.
8. It turns out that when reading, it doesn’t matter at all to a person in what order the letters in words are arranged. The main thing is that the first and last letters of the word remain where they should be.
9. You may never have noticed this, but almost 80 percent of our communication is spent complaining.
10. A person feels much happier when he has something to do. And since being busy actually makes you feel positive, try to always find something to do!
11. Paradoxically, the human brain is better tuned to creative activity when he's tired.
12. It’s hard to believe, but our thoughts become more logical and orderly when we speak or think in a language that is not our native language.
13. Even positive events, such as graduation from college, new job or marriage registration can plunge us into the abyss of depression.
14. Contrary to popular belief, a person is not able to do several things at once, since our brain can only focus on one predominant function at a certain point in time. This indicates that we are still not given the ability to think about two different things at the same time.
15. Expert observations indicate that people with different eye colors are capable of falling in love at different speeds. So, blue-eyed people can have their hearts broken within a few minutes, brown-eyed people can fall in love with two people at once. But for Cupid’s arrow to hit the heart of the green-eyed, it takes a lot of time, often years. It is also known that people with all other eye colors are able to fall in love in only an hour.

There is a lot we still don't know about ourselves. AND human psyche remains one of the most mysterious entities in the world. Despite the fact that today it is even possible to predict our behavior based on certain rules, a large layer of information about the psychology of human behavior still remains beyond the bounds of knowledge. Scientists continue to reveal themselves to us.

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