Communication between the library and cultural institutions. School – library: active forms of interaction

Preservation of historical and cultural heritage Magnitogorsk and its use for the upbringing, education of citizens and the formation of a harmoniously developed personality.


  1. To promote the development of the library as a sociocultural center of the urban community.
  2. Stimulate interaction between the library and cultural institutions of the region (theatres, museums, creative associations) for the purpose of socialization of the individual in society.
  3. Promote development cultural environment in Magnitogorsk, the creation of a new relevant cultural, information and educational space.
  4. Use current forms and methods of cultural communication and modern information Technology(visual culture in library work).

Attention! New samples are available for download: ,

Main events

Stage I. Creation of a coordination group. Creation of plans and scenarios for the implementation of projects jointly with cultural, educational institutions and public organizations in Magnitogorsk.

Stage II. Equipment supply.

Stage III. Creation of videos, films of local history and social orientation:

  • development of concepts, scripts, storyboards and other pre-production work;
  • filming interviews and programs in the studio and other library premises;
  • location shooting;
  • editing, voice acting, mixing, rendering, subtitling, titling and annotation (description), if necessary, cataloging the video archive.

Stage IV. Placement, presentation of projects at the city, regional and federal levels:

  • premiere screenings of films with discussions, presentations with the participation of creative intelligentsia, students and city administration;
  • participation of films and videos in competitions and film festivals at the regional and federal levels.

The “Center for Visual Culture” project is a mega-project and involves the implementation of a number of art projects of local history, the pilot stages of which have already been implemented.

On at this stage their 7 independent projects:

  1. Social advertising project “Just like that”, raising moral and spiritual values ​​with the participation of media persons and creative teams cities. The topics raised are very different, but one thing remains the same – the presence of eternal human values. 8 social advertising videos have already been shot, which are available on the Internet and have high rating views of Internet users.
  2. The Cinema and Book project is one of the most library projects of the Center for Visual Culture. Within its framework, film reviews of the works of classics and the creations of local writers are created. Both professionals and amateurs also act as actors, and the book is the main character and the “highlight” of the plot.
  3. The “Videostihia” project is a project that is held together by strong literary threads. One of the very first ideas of a visual library is related to the video poetry format that is relevant today. The main feature of “Video poetry” is the source material - the clips are shot using poems by famous, including living Magnitogorsk poets. Previously created video clips presented on the Internet have already found their admirers not only in Russia, but also among users in Israel, China, Finland, Spain, and the USA. A further development of this project will be a worldwide online competition of contemporary poetry.
  4. Integrated project “Cinema. Book. Theater” for the creation of film versions of performances of Magnitogorsk theaters, which are removed from the show and only within the walls of the library become available for viewing and discussion.
  5. Historical and cultural project “Magnitogorsk in frame”. As part of this project, the library is creating a film archive, including documentary and art films, newsreels about Magnitogorsk and its inhabitants, filmed in different years and representing an invaluable historical and cultural layer of the city. The video materials will form a kind of library collection, available to any library user, which will open up new opportunities for Magnitogorsk residents to get to know their favorite city.
  6. The social and artistic project “Palaeoreal” is the creation of artistic and documentaries about the history and present day of Magnitogorsk. Within its framework, the films “Variations on the Theme of Emptiness, or Case No. 4917” (about Boris Ruchev) and “Hydra” (about the formation of the Ural Cossacks), already well known to Magnitogorsk residents, were shot, raising the depths of historical local history and restoring the connection of times.
  7. CinemaSchool “Cinema as poetry – Cinema as prose” is one of latest projects, this is a form of practical development of basic professional knowledge, skills and abilities of film and video production. The goal of the project is to use visual means to increase the effectiveness of promoting literature among young people.

The uniqueness of the multi-project of the Center for Visual Culture lies in its dynamism, the organization of new local history projects, the creation of a unified visual and information local history space of the city, uniting all institutions of culture, art, education, and media.

It is intended to become a modern library multicenter, which will be another brand of the city, confirming the glory of industrial Magnitogorsk as a socially oriented city high culture and historical memory.

As part of the project, on the basis of the Association of City Libraries, the International Internet Festival of Video Poetry “Video Poetry” was organized with the aim of popularizing modern national and regional poetry using visual means.

Implementation period: 09/01/2017 – 09/01/2018

Total (expected total)

The implementation of the project will contribute to:

  • introducing the city population, including young people, to reading in order to increase their intellectual and cultural level;
  • nurturing in the younger generation love for the Motherland, their land and the formation of an active life position and patriotic consciousness;
  • the formation of a unified cultural space of the city of Magnitogorsk;
  • increasing the tourist attractiveness of Magnitogorsk as a cultural center of the Southern Urals.

In 2017, the Center for Visual Culture received a grant from the Head of the city “Inspiration” as the winner of a competition of projects in the field of culture and art of the city of Magnitogorsk in the amount of 1,095,919.00 rubles (one million ninety-five thousand nine hundred nineteen rubles).

Attached files

  • 1st International Internet Festival of Video Poetry, application.docx

Interdepartmental cooperation: ways of interaction


The mansion on Sovetsky Prospekt, 14 is well known to Vologda residents. On September 1, 1970, a regional children's library opened in this house, an architectural monument of the 19th century. For more than 35 years, the library has welcomed readers of all ages, trying to satisfy their diverse interests and tastes. Little ones come here with their parents to choose a book and enjoy an evening of reading aloud. Teenagers rush in search of the necessary literature on a variety of topics. You can often meet entire delegations from schools and kindergartens - these are participants in events held in the library. Adults involved in teaching and educating the younger generation do not bypass us either.

A modern children's library is open world, focused on the living and changing needs of the child. Thanks to new technologies, the library’s information capabilities are increasing and interaction with various organizations and departments is being strengthened. New structures are being created in libraries, reader requests are specializing and expanding.

The Vologda Regional Children's Library (VODB) is characterized by two directions: social partnership and active project activities. The library’s interaction with government and public organizations makes it possible to equally successfully resolve traditional issues of professional activity and actively work on the implementation of innovative projects.

In 2007, a new division was created in the library - Department library innovation. Search, creativity, moving forward are the principles of his activity. We search and find non-traditional forms work, study, generalize and implement innovate experience into practice.

Library Innovation Department:

Studies and analyzes the experience of innovative activities of libraries in the country and region, creates programs for the introduction of innovations into the activities of VOLB;

Provides organizational and methodological support for the program and design activities of the library;

Organizes library-wide public events;

Cooperates with various institutions and organizations dealing with the problems of children and adolescents.

One of the department’s activities is building partnerships with government agencies, social services, educational institutions of the city and region, as well as with various institutions and organizations dealing with childhood problems.

Our partners have already become:

Commissioner for Children's Rights and the Service for Children's Rights of the Government of the Vologda Region.

Vologda branch of the Russian Children's Fund.

LLC "Business-Soft" is a regional representative of computer legal reference systems "ConsultantPlus".

Department of Education of the Vologda Region.

Vologda Institute for Educational Development.

Institutions of general and additional education (preschool institutions and city schools, city center of civic education, State Educational Institution “Center for Additional Education of Children”, Palace of Creativity for Children and Youth and its structural divisions).

Centers for social assistance and social rehabilitation (Territorial Center for Social Assistance to Family and Children, social rehabilitation center for minors “Phoenix”).

Medical and preventive institutions (Vologda Regional Center for Medical Prevention, Department of Medical Prevention of Polyclinic No. 1 in Vologda, Vologda Regional Center for the Prevention of Infectious Diseases, child and adolescent service of the Vologda Regional Narcological Dispensary).

Penitentiary institutions (Temporary Detention Center for Juvenile Offenders of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Vologda Region, Vologda Educational Colony of the Penitentiary Penitentiary of the Ministry of Justice of Russia for the Vologda Region).


Finding yourself in difficult life situations, a child is often left alone with his problems and is forced to take care of his rights. Sometimes, unfortunately, choosing the wrong and not entirely legal path. In our region - one of the first - a position was introduced Commissioner for Children's Rights. And in September 2004, under the government of the Vologda region, it was created Child Rights Service.

Tasks of the Service:

Monitoring the observance of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of children living in the region;

Work to restore the violated rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of children.

It should be noted that not all regions of Russia have child rights services. The Child Rights Service of the Government of the Vologda Region works with the governor and his deputies, and therefore has administrative leverage to protect the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of children.

Children's Rights Commissioner Valentina Aleksandrovna Golovkina is a frequent visitor to the library. She helps the library with books and teaching materials on legal topics, takes part in events aimed at developing a respectful attitude towards the law in children and adolescents.

In 2004, the library began business cooperation with the regional representative of the ConsultantPlus company, Business-Soft LLC, within the framework of the non-profit project “Information Support Program Russian libraries", thanks to which the database of the family of legal reference systems (LRS) "ConsultantPlus" is installed in the library and is updated on a weekly basis. The company provides preferential access to its information resources, trains library staff to work with legal reference systems, and provides the library with the necessary educational and methodological literature on the systems of the ConsultantPlus family.

Our visitors can independently work with electronic databases (three computer places for users - in the department of documentary and information support for education). If it is difficult for them to navigate on their own, then they receive the necessary information with the help of a consultant (one computer place in the methodological department, one in the information room, one in the management department children's reading). We provide information not only to children, but also to parents, teachers, educators, students, and all interested parties.

Practice shows that children use not only traditional printed publications: they easily and gladly access electronic sources.

A very large number of requests are for thematic selection of official information. Requests are very diverse - from problems solved by human rights organizations to benefits provided to children with disabilities.

Library staff have developed and are conducting events for readers using the ConsultantPlus ATP. During these events, working with documents, city school students gain knowledge about the basics of the legal system of the Russian Federation, the state and economic structure of the country, and international human rights legislation. All this information is useful for schoolchildren from a cognitive standpoint, as it contains many definitions and concepts relating to various aspects of the life of the state and society.

In September 2006, the library took part in I Regional competition “For the best use of legal reference systems “ConsultantPlus””, organized by the regional representative of ConsultantPlus, Business-Soft LLC. The competition was held in absentia, assessments were made according to the following criteria:

Presentation by participants of photo and video materials of the design of special workplaces;

Conducting events using the ConsultantPlus ATP, seminars on training readers to work with the ConsultantPlus ATP;

Knowledge of library specialists about the ATP “ConsultantPlus”;

Number of requests for legal information made using ConsultantPlus.

26 libraries in the region took part in the competition. The regional children's library took second place in this competition.

Since 2007, our library, together with the Department of Education of the Vologda Region and Business-Soft LLC, has been conducting Regional legal competition for schoolchildren.

The purpose of the competition is to increase the level of legal culture of an individual.

Promoting legal education for students.

Promoting an understanding of the importance of law and legal knowledge in the life of society.

Development of children's independent thinking and their skills in working with information.

Formation of skills in using the ConsultantPlus ATP.

The regional legal competition is held annually in three stages:

District correspondence;

Intermediate – training the winners of the regional stage to work with ATP “ConsultantPlus” and implementation practical tasks using the system (carried out on the basis of district libraries and/or educational institutions);

Regional (final).

To participate in the first, correspondence stage of the competition, you must send written answers to two questions to the organizing committee: practical and theoretical.

In 2008, in order to attract the attention of high school students to events in the political life of our region and country, the theoretical question was formulated as follows: “Do you think participation in elections is a right or a duty? Justify your answer." A practical question required the ability to draw up a receipt legally correctly. The works of the competition participants showed the importance of legal knowledge in the life of modern society. 200 works from 17 districts of the region were sent to the organizing committee.

Based on the materials of the Regional Legal Competition, the library published a collection creative works students of 10–11th grades of schools in the Vologda region “Elections through the eyes of future voters.” Ceremony summing up the results of the competition took place in May in the Legislative Assembly of the region.

We believe that the library, collaborating with the regional representative of the SPS “ConsultantPlus”, actively uses the information resources available to it.


A cooperation agreement was concluded between VODB and Vologda Institute for Educational Development. The following goals and objectives are defined within the framework of the agreement: joint activities:

Attracting the attention of the public and government agencies to the issues of supporting and developing reading for children and adolescents, parents, teachers, librarians;

Reviving the value of reading, increasing interest in books and literature, development literary creativity children;

Creation of a system of informing the population on issues of children's and family reading, selection and application of the most effective forms and methods of work, exchange of accumulated experience;

Participation in advanced training of school and children's librarians in the field of:

Modern technologies support and promotion of children's reading,

Literary local history,

Aesthetic, patriotic, legal education, etc.;

Exchange of experience between librarians at the regional and all-Russian levels.

The library continues to collaborate with institutions of general and additional education . We provide methodological and organizational assistance to teachers in holding large city events of various types. Throughout the year, library staff conduct series of events on various library programs.

Since February 2008, VODB began to conduct for Vologda schools action "Regional Children's Library Day at School".

Objectives of the action:

Demonstrate the capabilities and information resources of the library;

To intensify cooperation and combine the efforts of schools and libraries in the upbringing, education and cultural development of young citizens.

On this day, library staff, coming to the school, introduce teachers to new books on teaching methods and extracurricular activities, as well as educational materials for educational and educational activities. Offered for students of all ages literary games, library lessons, music lessons, periodical reviews. New form The work turned out to be interesting, relevant and in demand: new readers appeared in the library, and attendance increased. We are confident that holding such events in city schools will become a good tradition for VOSB.


The children's library cooperates with institutions social services families, women and children: Territorial Center for Social Assistance to Family and Children and Social Rehabilitation Center for Minors “Phoenix”.

One of the activities Territorial Center for Social Assistance to Family and Children is working with children on health, rehabilitation, preventive, correctional programs. For rehabilitation group day stay“Chance”, for teenagers who find themselves in difficult life situations, library specialists have developed a series of events on legal topics “In the Name of the Law”. Here are the main topics of conversation:

1. Misdemeanor. Offense. Crime.

2. Criminal liability of minors.

3. Stop at the criminal line!

In these classes, children get acquainted with their basic rights and responsibilities, find answers to relevant questions (What is law? What rights exist? Where are they written down?); demonstrate their knowledge in the field of children’s rights and freedoms; discuss situations related to violation of these rights. We try to help the child not to be left alone with his problems, together with them we look for answers to critical issues, we are trying to teach the difference between good and evil. A serious and confidential conversation with a teenager about his rights and responsibilities within the library helps to form the right life guidelines.

Social rehabilitation center for minors "Phoenix" is another institution where children not only receive medical, psychological and pedagogical assistance: here they can also live and eat around the clock. His students are frequent visitors to the library. The guys take an active part in all the competitions that she holds. Working with the Phoenix social rehabilitation center, we made sure that there are no difficult children. There are children with “free”, unrealized energy, which is important to direct into the right direction. All events held for the children of this center contribute to the creation of a healthy moral and psychological climate, a friendly style of relationships - everything that helps in the formation of the right position in life.

The library also has experience in cooperation with special closed educational institutions for minors. This is, first of all, Temporary detention center for juvenile offenders (TsVSNP). There are children from 8 to 14 years old. It is at this age that character development and personality formation occur. And his future largely depends on how this period in a person’s life develops. Therefore, we see our task when working with this institution as creating conditions for children with behavioral disorders to “enter into life.”

The library provides professional assistance to the Central Library Service using many library and information forms and methods inherent in it. The children find the puppet shows prepared by library staff especially fascinating. For example, “Lord of the Dust” - on home ecology, held for World Health Day, and “Book - The Eighth Wonder of the World” - for Children’s Book Week. Juvenile delinquents are very worried about the puppet characters and animatedly answer the quiz questions. At first, such a reaction to the performances was unexpected for us. I am very pleased that we were not mistaken in choosing this form of work. Children in this category are deprived of the warmth and attention of adults, so at such events they are grateful listeners and interlocutors.


For many years, VODB has been working together with medical and preventive institutions of the region and city in the field of popularization healthy image life. Acting in this direction, we managed to establish contact with the child and adolescent service of the Vologda Regional Narcological Dispensary and continue cooperation with Regional Center for the Prevention of Infectious Diseases And Regional Center for Medical Prevention. Specialists from the prevention departments of these institutions have prepared thematic booklets that we use in our work. They contain information on HIV/AIDS, drug addiction, hepatitis, and STIs 1 intended for adolescents, their parents and teachers.

Every year on June 1, International Children's Day, the library holds campaign for International Children's Day And asphalt drawing competition.

In recent years, on this day, in the children's park opposite our library, employees of the Regional Center for Medical Prevention for adults and children have opened a tent equipped with medical equipment, where everyone can measure their height, weight, blood pressure and receive individual advice. Children's librarians organize and conduct outdoor games, competitions, quizzes for the participants of the campaign, and check the children's knowledge of the rules of a healthy lifestyle and human hygiene. Everyone who attended the event is offered booklets and leaflets, prepared by the library together with doctors, promoting healthy Lifestyle.

Every year, together with the Regional Center for the Prevention of Infectious Diseases and the Department of Medical Prevention of Polyclinic No. 1 in Vologda on the eve of International Day to combat drug addiction and the spread of drugs, a competition of children's posters promoting a healthy lifestyle, “I choose life!” is held. Children attending summer city and school camps, social and rehabilitation institutions take part in the competition.

Since 2006, the library began collaborating with child and adolescent service of the Vologda Regional Narcological Dispensary. Joint events are held in the library in a very interesting and exciting way - trainings on developing healthy lifestyle skills.

“My Health” is the name of a group lesson for students from city schools. the main objective activities – prevention of drug addiction, substance abuse, smoking. Teenagers are asked to come up with advertisements for a healthy lifestyle. The children themselves prepare advertising posters for “Healthy Eating”, “Healthy Family”, “Healthy Vacation”, “Health and Sports”. After completing the task, teenagers present their creative projects. The event ends with an advertising campaign in favor of health and an active, fulfilling life. The training also helps develop the ability to defend one’s position in life and teaches one to overcome difficulties.

As part of the regional campaign “Quit Smoking and Win!” and the library program “Lifestyle - Health!” in February 2008, VODB and the Vologda Regional Center for Medical Prevention announced a regional competition of children's creative works “The new generation chooses a healthy lifestyle!”.

When organizing this competition, we set ourselves the following tasks:

Popularization of a healthy lifestyle;

Prevention of substance use;

Development of creative abilities in children and adolescents.

The competition was held in two categories:

“My family is for a healthy lifestyle” – drawing and poster competition.

“Youth against tobacco” – a slogan competition (a slogan is a short slogan expressing a judgment; a concise, clear and easily understood formulation of an advertising idea).

More than 200 works were submitted to the competition in the “My family for a healthy lifestyle” category. These are drawings and posters made in the most different techniques(pencil, gouache, watercolor, pastel).

I was pleased that the children from the very of different ages(from first-graders to graduates) from 13 districts of the region and the city of Vologda. It was not easy to determine the winner: all the children tried very hard and strived to show the importance and necessity of observing the laws of a healthy lifestyle.

After reviewing and discussing the submitted works, the competition commission, which included representatives of the Vologda Regional Center for Medical Prevention and the Vologda Regional Center for the Prevention of Infectious Diseases, determined the winners in three age categories.

Since 2008, as part of the library program “Lifestyle – Health!” library specialists together with medical psychologists conduct on-site seminars “Health as a personal resource” for managers and employees of children's libraries in the region, workers of social and medical services. Participants in the seminars get acquainted with a review of the literature on the topic “Healthy lifestyle”, discuss the influence of nutrition and physical activity on human health, and get acquainted with risk factors for the development of non-communicable diseases. (This work is described in more detail in the material “The Librarian and Children’s Health,” published in the same issue. – Note edit.)

We are confident that such preventive work should be carried out only in close cooperation with specialists, strictly observing the principle “Do no harm!” Only in this way, thinking about serious and non-childish problems, can children learn to appreciate and love life.

In addition to the partners already named in this article, the library’s friends include a number of bookselling organizations that act as sponsors of children’s creative competitions.

Thus, the library, working in collaboration with various organizations and departments, increases its educational and information capabilities.

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1 Sexually transmitted infections.

Social partnership in activities municipal libraries region for last years has become one of the important areas. It united everyone who cares about books, who cares about the fate of libraries, and those who sincerely want to help the library in its daily affairs and development. This collaboration helps improve library services, make it brighter and better quality library events, satisfies the need of users to receive necessary information Andservices. Almost no event in the library can be done with the help of the librarians themselves; reliable partners, volunteer assistants, sponsors and patrons of the arts, and readers are always nearby. Among like-minded libraries today one can name local authorities, representatives of organizations, institutions, the business community, funds mass media, and, of course, readers.

An example of successful cooperation can be seen in many library events and promotions held in 2012.

One example of positive cooperation between the Central Bank of Pskov in 2012 was the holding of an Internet round table “Formation of statehood in the North-West of Rus'” (Pskov - Veliky Novgorod - Izborsk). Partners of the Historical and Local Lore Library named after. I.I. Vasilyov, Pskov, were presented by Pskov State University, Pskov Museum-Reserve, Novgorod Museum-Reserve.

The main social partner of libraries in the municipalities of the region is local authorities, who provide support in the implementation of socially significant library projects and events. Local governments are no less interested in the development of public libraries, since they are responsible for the quality of life of the local community, legal education and enlightenment of citizens, teaching them the basics of organizing life in new conditions, introducing them to culture and information.

Local governments contribute to the successful operation of libraries, take measures for their technical modernization, participate in their work, and support both innovative endeavors and everyday work. Yes, the administration rural settlements Pustoshkinsky district responded to requests from the director of the district library and provided financial assistance to libraries in conducting a subscription campaign for 2012-2013. The administration of the Alol volost financially supports the activities of rural library institutions. The Pustoshkinsky Bakery Plant provides financial support to the library, and the library has opened a book moving service at the enterprise.

Libraries, in turn, provide information support to authorities state power and local government. Many rural libraries host receptions for deputies, meetings of heads of district administrations and other events. For example, at the Plyusskaya Central District Hospital there are: “Self-government corner at the library”, “Advisory point for the population of the district on HOA issues”, “Advisory point for the population of the area on issues civil defense" Permanent exhibitions “Housing and communal services: questions and answers”, “Local government: review of official documents” have been created, which are updated with legal copies of documents prepared by local governments. In May 2012, on the basis of the educational and advisory center of the library, a training seminar “Fire safety training” was held for heads of organizations and cultural institutions together with the civil defense and emergency department. A lot of joint work was carried out by the libraries for Village Day to prepare ceremonial events dedicated to the Liberation Day of Plyussa, the 85th anniversary of the formation of the Plyussky district.

At the round table “Novorzhevskaya culture: history and modernity” in the central district library, administration workers and library specialists jointly discussed issues of the state of culture in the district. The overall performance of the institutions was assessed by the head of the department for culture, youth policy and sports of the District Administration E.E. Stepanova. Director of the Municipal Institution "Novorzhevskaya Central District Hospital" L.E. Yakovleva introduced the history of the development of librarianship. Its member M.I. spoke about the creative path of the Novorzhevskie Skobari ensemble. Golubkov. Librarians from the Makarov and Zhadritsky rural branches shared their experience of successful cooperation with clubs. A library worker from the Vekhnyansky rural branch spoke about the original exhibitions of folk craftsmen in the library. Mutual social partnership promotes the organization of cultural leisure for the population, it is necessary to strengthen ties - this was the conclusion reached by the round table participants.

An example of positive cooperation in the Novorzhevsky district is the festive program for the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, prepared jointly with the participation of the Zhadritsky rural branch - the library, rural club, administration of the rural settlement “Zhadritsy”, Center for Social Services for the Population of the District. The holiday turned out to be solemn and kind, thanks to joint efforts.

In rural areas, librarians actively work with local governments, help hold citizens’ gatherings, notify the population about fire safety measures, congratulate veterans on holidays at home, help them collect various certificates, and participate in organizing and holding volost days. Representatives of local government bodies are frequent guests at events held by cultural institutions, incl. and libraries, and librarians are the most reliable assistants for them

In the Nevelsky district, in 2012, partnerships were established with the leaders of a family eco-camp (Moscow), which is located in a picturesque location in the village of Fenyovo on the territory of the Nevelsky district. Their concept is active and educational recreation. An example of cooperation is the holding of master classes and training seminars on the basis of rural libraries of the Nevelsk Central District Hospital. In 2012, such an event was held on the basis of the Trekhalevskaya rural library. Business partnerships and interactions better reveal the capabilities of libraries and help convey information to users in a more vibrant, spectacular form.

Libraries and local administrations implement joint targeted programs and local history publishing projects. Employees of the Velikoluksky District Central District Hospital, together with the district Administration, took an active part in preparing for the publication of the book “Historical Milestones of the Velikoluksky Land” (for the 85th anniversary of the Velikoluksky District). Specialists from the Central District Library prepared and presented the book, and the library received 40 copies as a gift from the administration. books. IN Strugokrasnensky district The Strugo-Krasnensky District Administration has been sponsoring the publication of the literary and local history almanac “Our Land” for many years; The administration of the urban settlement of Strugi Krasnye and the administration of the rural settlement of Maryinskaya Volost provided financial support for the publication of the book “We have something to remember, someone to be proud of.”

Many municipal libraries have developed strong partnerships with local branches creative unions, political parties and public organizations. In 2012 received further development partnerships of the Central City Library of the Central Library of Pskov with the Pskov branch of the all-Russian public organization - the Knowledge Society, Pskov regional branches of creative unions: the Union of Local History of Russia, Union of Writers of Russia, Union of Composers of Russia. We developed connections with Pskov community in Moscow. Also among the partners: the public movement "PskovART", the public organization "Zoozashchita", the Union of Photographers and Videographers of the Pskov Region, Pskov Anime Club and others. In 2012, the Central Library of Pskov carried out joint creative projects with young photographers of the “Faces of Pskov” portal.

Permanent social partners of Velikiye Luki libraries are committees and departments of the City Administration, libraries of other departments, almost all cultural institutions: Velikiye Luki Drama Theater, Children's music schools and art school, House of Culture, local history museum and local history society, branch of the United Russia party , public council for historical and cultural heritage, veterans' council, society for the disabled, media and others. All city events and holidays are held in collaboration with social partners. Thus, schools, cultural institutions, public organizations, etc. took part in the program “Dear Corner” on City Day with libraries.

INGdov district With All institutions, public and professional organizations of the city and region have established good partnerships. Last year new partners appeared: A boarding house for the elderly and disabled. Cooperation plans include holding joint events, providing library information resources, providing professional information to the boarding school staff, and for the residents of the boarding house, the librarians presented a set of books at the first meeting. Cooperation between libraries and regional branches of the young public organization “Union of Women of Russia” continues. Thus, Gdov libraries received support in the “Grow up with books, baby!” campaign; they were allocated funds to purchase books for newborn babies and their parents. We also supported the regional project of literary and youth readings “Young People Read the Classics.” The boys participating in the readings were given flash cards, and the girls were given books. Plans for joint work include creating a “helpline”, holding a “Wave of Memory” campaign about the role of Gdov women during the war, legal education, organizing legal consultations and other events.

In the Dnovsky district, on the initiative of the regional branch of the “A Just Russia” party, the all-Russian public movement “Social Democratic Youth Union of Russia” in the Pskov region, cultural institutions and the central regional library, an action was held to collect books for the regional libraries of the Dnovsky, Dedovichi and Porkhov districts. During election periods, libraries cooperate with territorial election commissions and help prepare information for voters.

In order to solve common problems, libraries in the region try to build mutually beneficial relationships with organizations, institutions and individuals.

The libraries of the MAUK "Centralized Library System" of the city of Pskov attract professional specialists to cooperation in carrying out activities under the program "Comprehensive measures to combat drug abuse and illicit trafficking in the territory of the municipal formation "City of Pskov" for 2011-2014": employees of the Department Federal service for drug control in the Pskov region, prosecutor's office, drug treatment clinic. Military personnel of the 76th division and special forces, and students of the Patriot Extracurricular Activities Center traditionally take an active part in holding patriotic events. In 2012, cooperation between Pskov libraries and the Pskov City Youth Center continued. Among the partners are the Educational Center for Social Adaptation, Legal Department LLC, the State Archive of the Pskov Region, the Archaeological Center, and the Pskov Museum-Reserve.

In Velikiye Luki, the permanent good partners of the library are: schools and lyceums, colleges, technical schools, and universities. Cooperation with the “Center for Social Services of Velikiye Luki” has continued for more than 16 years. More than 30 events were held during the year. Students have the opportunity to touch the work of many poets, writers, and musicians. Partnerships with the creative teams of the Children's Art School and the Children's Art School make it possible to regularly organize exhibitions of works by art school students, holidays, and theme evenings in the library. The sponsor of library branch No. 2 is the deputy of the Velikiye Luki City Duma, general director of Status Press LLC, A.Yu. Kornev, thanks to whom the library receives more than 30 titles of periodicals, which greatly helps in library work. Cooperation between the library and the parish of the Church of the Ascension of Christ in Velikiye Luki, Pskov diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church, promotes familiarization with the knowledge of Russian history, the history of the Russian Orthodox Church and the formation of a spiritually rich personality. Sunday school is held in the library reading room.

The libraries of the Bezhanitsky district work together with shelters: in Kudevery - with an orphanage, in Chikhachevo - with a boarding house for the elderly and disabled. Good partnerships have developed with the regional Council of War and Labor Veterans and with the leaders of local primary veteran organizations. In 2012 ra the list of social partners has expanded Kunyinsky Central District Hospital: Cooperation has been established with the Kunyin branch of the Union of Pensioners of Russia and the socio-political organization “Children of War”. Partnerships and business cooperation with the Employment Center are successfully developing. During the summer holidays, eleven temporary jobs were created in the district library to employ minor citizens, incl. in the Zizhitsa and Uschitsa rural libraries, teenagers provided significant assistance to the libraries in their work.

Libraries of the Loknyanskaya Central District Hospital in 2012, we collaborated most closely with the Veterans Council. Clubs for older people were active, library gatherings, holidays, and evenings were held. Many interesting events were held. For example, the Loknyanskaya Central District Hospital took part in the festival of Kushnarenko Street and designed posters for the “Veteran Compound 2012”. As part of cooperation with the Pension Fund Administration in the Loknyansky district, a literature distribution point was organized for employees of this organization, and its specialists throughout the year provided assistance in holding events for veterans and in the work of the “Communication” club. Together with the Society of the Blind, a seminar was organized and held on the topic: “The place and role of the library in the life of people with disabilities.” Enormous methodological assistance was provided to the Loknyansk Central District Hospital by the Pskov Regional Special Library for the Blind and Visually Impaired, which provided the script for the evening and methodological recommendations for working with this group of library users.

A long-time and reliable partner of all libraries in the Palkinsky district, the Council of War and Labor Veterans and its chairman B.T. Ilyin, together with whom meetings with Pskov writers are held in the region’s libraries, presentations of B.T. Ilyin’s books are held, and events on patriotic education are organized. Administrations of rural settlements act as partners of libraries in holding events dedicated to the Day of the Elderly, Victory Day, and during the celebration of Village Days.

Cooperation with the State Department of Social Services for the Population of the Palkinsky District allowed the district library to establish close contact with the “Weekend” club, which operates under this organization. Cooperation with the club is mutually beneficial: the district library has the opportunity to expand the circle of its users, attract 23 new readers to reading, and has the opportunity to hold public events of various types.Cooperation between the children's library and the Social Service Center has been established in the region, which has made it possible to expand the range of people serveddisabled children.

In the Porkhovsky district with the participation of employees The Federal Migration Service of Russia in the Pskov region held an event “Culture of the Russian Language”, promoting the adaptation of foreign citizens in Russia. Together with the Pension Fund, a meeting was organized for members of the Evening Meetings club with the head of the department for the assignment and payment of pensions and a “Legal educational program” was held. Representatives of the Pskov regional center “Prisma”, the Union of Pensioners of Russia, and the Pskov Drug Control Department as consultants during Specialist Days became frequent guests at the Opochetsky District Library. The administration of the urban settlement "Opochka", the local branch of the United Russia party and the library became the organizers of the competition for the best personal plot for the Day of the Elderly.

The circle of friends and partners of the Pushkinogorsk Central District Library includes more than 17 organizations and institutions of the village. The revival of the value of reading, increasing interest in books and literature, and the development of literary creativity of children and youth are helped by: the Union of Writers of Russia and the Union of Artists of Russia, many good interesting things connect the district libraries with the Children's Art School named after S. S. Geichenko, the secondary school named after A. WITH. Pushkin, sanatorium boarding school, Zaretskaya secondary school. Correspondence excursions to Holy places, hours of Orthodox conversation, dialogues - these are the events that took place within the walls of the library with representatives of the Orthodox Kazan Church and the Svyatogorsk Monastery.

The libraries of the Pechora Central Library have developed strong partnerships with the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery; with the support of the monastery, libraries are stocked with Orthodox literature. There is a Theological School in the Central District Hospital, headed by Abbot Chrysanthus. Meetings of two sections within the framework of the Corniliev Readings are held at the library. Hegumen Mark oversees the work of the Veteran club. Musical groups of the monastery (children's and youth choir, ensemble "Harmony"), members of the theater studio of the Orthodox children's movement "Vestniki" repeatedly performed in the library.

A stable partnership has been established between libraries and educational and cultural institutions, higher education institutions, including Pskov State University, the Russian International Academy of Tourism, the State University of Service and Economics, etc. The result of close relationships has been an increase in the number of participants in city Olympiads, conferences, and readings. In the practice of joint work: holding professional events, seminars, Information Days, organizing visiting reading rooms.

For 10 years, Velikolukskaya Central District Hospital named after. I.A. Vasilyeva is a platform for holding seminars, methodological associations and increasing the level of professional knowledge of teachers. As part of the program “New Technologies - New Ways of Interaction,” three seminars were held for school librarians. Rural libraries of the Velikoluksky district (Borkovskaya, Porechenskaya, Kupuyskaya libraries) are expanding the content of their activities, combining the tasks of an information institution with the functions of a museum, exhibition hall. So, Porechenskaya rural model library is an exhibition hall for craftsmen applied creativity. Velikolukskaya Central District Hospital together with the Information and Cultural Center, the Borkovsky Museum named after the writer I.A. Vasilyeva annually holds the Festival of Frontline Poetry “And the Muses Are Not Silent.”

Many library events are held by the Usvyatsky MUK district center Culture" in collaboration with the youth work department. Teachers at the Children's Art Center work closely with the children's department in holding children's parties and matinees. From year to year, the connection with the schools in the area is growing stronger.

Among the permanent partners of the libraries of the Novosokolnichesky district are more than 25 institutions, enterprises and public organizations. They consider the Pskov Regional Universal Scientific Library as the main partner in their work. The POUNB website has become a daily assistant in the daily work of the district libraries. Thanks to the support of regional library methodologists, it is now possible to post information about the life of area libraries on the library portal and keep abreast of the affairs of your colleagues and neighbors. The Zonal Quality School also helps in this work.

In 2012, the partnership between the Novosokolnicheskaya Central District Hospital and the Department of Agriculture became closer and more mutually beneficial. In addition to providing information and participating in the work of the flower growers’ club, training was organized for agricultural specialists in the region by teachers from the All-Russian State Agricultural Academy. Good partnerships have developed with the regional branch of the Pension Fund. At the request of the management, transportation was opened for specialists, assistance was provided in organizing mass events and exhibitions of folk art, provision of transport.

Libraries of the Pskov region maintain contact with regional and local media and publishing houses, which help comprehensively cover the events of library life in the region.

Speaking about the popularization of books and reading, library specialists in the region also note this nuance of cooperation with regional media: it is necessary to start talking not only about the status of reading, but also about the status of reading good books that develop a person’s spiritual world, and the media can help with this.

Internet information agencies provide information support to libraries in the region.: Pskov Information Agency, Pskov News Feed, Business Information Center,, etc. “Library portal of the Pskov region” ( portal. pskovlib. ru) provides an opportunity for municipal libraries to talk about their activities in the virtual space. In legal education, information partners in the work of municipal libraries are “Spetsvyaz FSO of Russia”, “Garant”, “Consultant Plus”, which regularly provide free of charge a replenished package of reference legal information.

There are many such examples of joint fruitful cooperation. And libraries are grateful to everyone who helps them - both with kind words and deeds.

In the Pskov regional universal scientific library developed new project- Creation Alternative club of socially responsible Pskov residents “Ideal partnership” . The new project was prepared by employees of the sociocultural development department and is aimed at developing cooperation between the business community, volunteers and library partners. For the first time, such events as annual event “Day of Remembering Favorite Books” , Non-conference “Overcoming. I want to live!" , tournament on intellectual games within festival of intellectual literature "2012: Literature without fiction". The regional library invites everyone to join the project at club website( The “Ideal Partnership” is based on the theory that sooner or later humanity will come to the point where it will build its life not only around material benefits, but also social benefits. The club members are our contemporaries who are already working on issues of social interaction and social investment. You can get acquainted with the members of the club or join it on a specially created virtual platform - a blog "Perfect partnership"( Among their partners, sponsors, patrons of the arts, libraries in the region will always be happy to see companies from different areas of business, volunteers, creative and caring Pskov residents.

Currently, the library community of the Pskov region aims to further develop partnerships between libraries and various institutions and organizations, public associations for the implementation of socially significant events, library programs and innovative projects.

Prepared by: Levchenko Alla Leonidovna, head of the sector of the department for coordinating the activities of libraries of the region of the Pskov OUNL.

Social partnership in the activities of municipal libraries in the region has become one of the important areas in recent years. It united everyone who cares about books, who cares about the fate of libraries, and those who sincerely want to help the library in its daily affairs and development. This cooperation helps improve library services, make library events brighter and better quality, satisfies the need of users to obtain the necessary information andservices. Almost no event in the library can be done with the help of the librarians themselves; reliable partners, volunteer assistants, sponsors and patrons of the arts, and readers are always nearby. Among like-minded libraries today one can name local authorities, representatives of organizations, institutions, the business community, the media, and, of course, readers.

An example of successful cooperation can be seen in many library events and promotions held in 2012.

One example of positive cooperation between the Central Bank of Pskov in 2012 was the holding of an Internet round table “Formation of statehood in the North-West of Rus'” (Pskov - Veliky Novgorod - Izborsk). Partners of the Historical and Local Lore Library named after. I.I. Vasilyov, Pskov, were presented by Pskov State University, Pskov Museum-Reserve, Novgorod Museum-Reserve.

The main social partner of libraries in the municipalities of the region is local authorities, who provide support in the implementation of socially significant library projects and events. Local governments are no less interested in the development of public libraries, since they are responsible for the quality of life of the local community, legal education and enlightenment of citizens, teaching them the basics of organizing life in new conditions, introducing them to culture and information.

Local governments contribute to the successful operation of libraries, take measures for their technical modernization, participate in their work, and support both innovative endeavors and everyday work. Thus, the administrations of rural settlements of the Pustoshkinsky district responded to the requests of the director of the district library and provided financial assistance to the libraries in conducting a subscription campaign for 2012-2013. The administration of the Alol volost financially supports the activities of rural library institutions. The Pustoshkinsky Bakery Plant provides financial support to the library, and the library has opened a book moving service at the enterprise.

Libraries, in turn, provide information support to state authorities and local governments. Many rural libraries host receptions for deputies, meetings of heads of district administrations and other events. For example, at the Plyusskaya Central District Hospital there are: “Self-government Corner at the Library”, “Advisory Point for the District Population on HOA Issues”, “Advisory Point for the District Population on Civil Defense Issues”. Permanent exhibitions “Housing and communal services: questions and answers”, “Local government: review of official documents” have been created, which are updated with legal copies of documents prepared by local governments. In May 2012, on the basis of the educational and advisory center of the library, a training seminar “Fire safety training” was held for heads of organizations and cultural institutions together with the civil defense and emergency department. A lot of joint work was carried out by the libraries for Village Day to prepare ceremonial events dedicated to the Liberation Day of Plyussa, the 85th anniversary of the formation of the Plyussky district.

At the round table “Novorzhevskaya culture: history and modernity” in the central district library, administration workers and library specialists jointly discussed issues of the state of culture in the district. The overall performance of the institutions was assessed by the head of the department for culture, youth policy and sports of the District Administration E.E. Stepanova. Director of the Municipal Institution "Novorzhevskaya Central District Hospital" L.E. Yakovleva introduced the history of the development of librarianship. Its member M.I. spoke about the creative path of the Novorzhevskie Skobari ensemble. Golubkov. Librarians from the Makarov and Zhadritsky rural branches shared their experience of successful cooperation with clubs. A library worker from the Vekhnyansky rural branch spoke about the original exhibitions of folk craftsmen in the library. Mutual social partnership contributes to the organization of cultural leisure for the population, it is necessary to strengthen ties - this was the conclusion of the round table participants.

An example of positive cooperation in the Novorzhevsky district is the festive program for the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, prepared jointly with the participation of the Zhadritsy rural branch - the library, the rural club, the administration of the rural settlement "Zhadritsy", and the Center for Social Services for the District Population. The holiday turned out to be solemn and kind, thanks to joint efforts.

In rural areas, librarians actively work with local governments, help hold citizens’ gatherings, notify the population about fire safety measures, congratulate veterans on holidays at home, help them collect various certificates, and participate in organizing and holding volost days. Representatives of local government bodies are frequent guests at events held by cultural institutions, incl. and libraries, and librarians are the most reliable assistants for them

In the Nevelsky district, in 2012, partnerships were established with the leaders of a family eco-camp (Moscow), which is located in a picturesque location in the village of Fenyovo on the territory of the Nevelsky district. Their concept is active and educational recreation. An example of cooperation is the holding of master classes and training seminars on the basis of rural libraries of the Nevelsk Central District Hospital. In 2012, such an event was held on the basis of the Trekhalevskaya rural library. Business partnerships and interactions better reveal the capabilities of libraries and help convey information to users in a more vibrant, spectacular form.

Libraries and local administrations implement joint targeted programs and local history publishing projects. Employees of the Velikoluksky District Central District Hospital, together with the district Administration, took an active part in preparing for the publication of the book “Historical Milestones of the Velikoluksky Land” (for the 85th anniversary of the Velikoluksky District). Specialists from the Central District Library prepared and presented the book, and the library received 40 copies as a gift from the administration. books. IN Strugokrasnensky district The Strugo-Krasnensky District Administration has been sponsoring the publication of the literary and local history almanac “Our Land” for many years; The administration of the urban settlement of Strugi Krasnye and the administration of the rural settlement of Maryinskaya Volost provided financial support for the publication of the book “We have something to remember, someone to be proud of.”

Many municipal libraries have established strong partnerships with local branches of creative unions, political parties and public organizations. In 2012, the partnership relations of the Central City Library of the Central Library of Pskov with the Pskov branch of the all-Russian public organization - the Knowledge Society, the Pskov regional branches of creative unions: the Union of Local History of Russia, Union of Writers of Russia, Union of Composers of Russia. We developed connections with Pskov community in Moscow. Also among the partners: the public movement "PskovART", the public organization "Zoozashchita", the Union of Photographers and Videographers of the Pskov Region, Pskov Anime Club and others. In 2012, the Central Library of Pskov carried out joint creative projects with young photographers of the “Faces of Pskov” portal.

Permanent social partners of Velikiye Luki libraries are committees and departments of the City Administration, libraries of other departments, almost all cultural institutions: Velikiye Luki Drama Theater, Children's music schools and art school, House of Culture, local history museum and local history society, branch of the United Russia party , public council for historical and cultural heritage, veterans' council, society for the disabled, media and others. All city events and holidays are held in collaboration with social partners. Thus, schools, cultural institutions, public organizations, etc. took part in the program “Dear Corner” on City Day with libraries.

INGdov district With All institutions, public and professional organizations of the city and region have established good partnerships. Last year new partners appeared: A boarding house for the elderly and disabled. Cooperation plans include holding joint events, providing library information resources, providing professional information to the boarding school staff, and for the residents of the boarding house, the librarians presented a set of books at the first meeting. Cooperation between libraries and regional branches of the young public organization “Union of Women of Russia” continues. Thus, Gdov libraries received support in the “Grow up with books, baby!” campaign; they were allocated funds to purchase books for newborn babies and their parents. We also supported the regional project of literary and youth readings “Young People Read the Classics.” The boys participating in the readings were given flash cards, and the girls were given books. Plans for joint work include creating a “helpline”, holding a “Wave of Memory” campaign about the role of Gdov women during the war, legal education, organizing legal consultations and other events.

In the Dnovsky district, on the initiative of the regional branch of the “A Just Russia” party, the all-Russian public movement “Social Democratic Youth Union of Russia” in the Pskov region, cultural institutions and the central regional library, an action was held to collect books for the regional libraries of the Dnovsky, Dedovichi and Porkhov districts. During election periods, libraries cooperate with territorial election commissions and help prepare information for voters.

In order to solve common problems, libraries in the region try to build mutually beneficial relationships with organizations, institutions and individuals.

The libraries of the MAUK "Centralized Library System" of the city of Pskov attract professional specialists to cooperation in carrying out activities under the program "Comprehensive measures to combat drug abuse and illicit trafficking in the territory of the municipal formation "City of Pskov" for 2011-2014": employees of the Federal Service Administration for drug control in the Pskov region, prosecutor's office, drug treatment clinic. Military personnel of the 76th division and special forces, and students of the Patriot Extracurricular Activities Center traditionally take an active part in holding patriotic events. In 2012, cooperation between Pskov libraries and the Pskov City Youth Center continued. Among the partners are the Educational Center for Social Adaptation, Legal Department LLC, the State Archive of the Pskov Region, the Archaeological Center, and the Pskov Museum-Reserve.

In Velikiye Luki, the permanent good partners of the library are: schools and lyceums, colleges, technical schools, and universities. Cooperation with the “Center for Social Services of Velikiye Luki” has continued for more than 16 years. More than 30 events were held during the year. Students have the opportunity to touch the work of many poets, writers, and musicians. Partnerships with the creative teams of the Children's Art School and the Children's Art School make it possible to regularly organize exhibitions of works by art school students, holidays, and theme evenings in the library. The sponsor of library branch No. 2 is the deputy of the Velikiye Luki City Duma, general director of Status Press LLC, A.Yu. Kornev, thanks to whom the library receives more than 30 titles of periodicals, which greatly helps in library work. Cooperation between the library and the parish of the Church of the Ascension of Christ in Velikiye Luki, Pskov diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church, promotes familiarization with the knowledge of Russian history, the history of the Russian Orthodox Church and the formation of a spiritually rich personality. Sunday school is held in the library reading room.

The libraries of the Bezhanitsky district work together with shelters: in Kudevery - with an orphanage, in Chikhachevo - with a boarding house for the elderly and disabled. Good partnerships have developed with the regional Council of War and Labor Veterans and with the leaders of local primary veteran organizations. In 2012 ra the list of social partners has expanded Kunyinsky Central District Hospital: Cooperation has been established with the Kunyin branch of the Union of Pensioners of Russia and the socio-political organization “Children of War”. Partnerships and business cooperation with the Employment Center are successfully developing. During the summer holidays, eleven temporary jobs were created in the district library to employ minor citizens, incl. in the Zizhitsa and Uschitsa rural libraries, teenagers provided significant assistance to the libraries in their work.

Libraries of the Loknyanskaya Central District Hospital in 2012, we collaborated most closely with the Veterans Council. Clubs for older people were active, library gatherings, holidays, and evenings were held. Many interesting events were held. For example, the Loknyanskaya Central District Hospital took part in the festival of Kushnarenko Street and designed posters for the “Veteran Compound 2012”. As part of cooperation with the Pension Fund Administration in the Loknyansky district, a literature distribution point was organized for employees of this organization, and its specialists throughout the year provided assistance in holding events for veterans and in the work of the “Communication” club. Together with the Society of the Blind, a seminar was organized and held on the topic: “The place and role of the library in the life of people with disabilities.” Enormous methodological assistance was provided to the Loknyansk Central District Hospital by the Pskov Regional Special Library for the Blind and Visually Impaired, which provided the script for the evening and methodological recommendations for working with this group of library users.

A long-time and reliable partner of all libraries in the Palkinsky district, the Council of War and Labor Veterans and its chairman B.T. Ilyin, together with whom meetings with Pskov writers are held in the region’s libraries, presentations of B.T. Ilyin’s books are held, and events on patriotic education are organized. Administrations of rural settlements act as partners of libraries in holding events dedicated to the Day of the Elderly, Victory Day, and during the celebration of Village Days.

Cooperation with the State Department of Social Services for the Population of the Palkinsky District allowed the district library to establish close contact with the “Weekend” club, which operates under this organization. Cooperation with the club is mutually beneficial: the district library has the opportunity to expand the circle of its users, attract 23 new readers to reading, and has the opportunity to hold public events of various types.Cooperation between the children's library and the Social Service Center has been established in the region, which has made it possible to expand the range of people serveddisabled children.

In the Porkhovsky district with the participation of employees The Federal Migration Service of Russia in the Pskov region held an event “Culture of the Russian Language”, promoting the adaptation of foreign citizens in Russia. Together with the Pension Fund, a meeting was organized for members of the Evening Meetings club with the head of the department for the assignment and payment of pensions and a “Legal educational program” was held. Representatives of the Pskov regional center “Prisma”, the Union of Pensioners of Russia, and the Pskov Drug Control Department as consultants during Specialist Days became frequent guests at the Opochetsky District Library. The administration of the urban settlement "Opochka", the local branch of the United Russia party and the library became the organizers of the competition for the best personal plot for the Day of the Elderly.

The circle of friends and partners of the Pushkinogorsk Central District Library includes more than 17 organizations and institutions of the village. The revival of the value of reading, increasing interest in books and literature, and the development of literary creativity of children and youth are helped by: the Union of Writers of Russia and the Union of Artists of Russia, many good interesting things connect the district libraries with the Children's Art School named after S. S. Geichenko, the secondary school named after A. WITH. Pushkin, sanatorium boarding school, Zaretskaya secondary school. Correspondence excursions to Holy places, hours of Orthodox conversation, dialogues - these are the events that took place within the walls of the library with representatives of the Orthodox Kazan Church and the Svyatogorsk Monastery.

The libraries of the Pechora Central Library have developed strong partnerships with the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery; with the support of the monastery, libraries are stocked with Orthodox literature. There is a Theological School in the Central District Hospital, headed by Abbot Chrysanthus. Meetings of two sections within the framework of the Corniliev Readings are held at the library. Hegumen Mark oversees the work of the Veteran club. Musical groups of the monastery (children's and youth choir, ensemble "Harmony"), members of the theater studio of the Orthodox children's movement "Vestniki" repeatedly performed in the library.

A stable partnership has been established between libraries and educational and cultural institutions, higher education institutions, including Pskov State University, the Russian International Academy of Tourism, the State University of Service and Economics, etc. The result of close relationships has been an increase in the number of participants in city Olympiads, conferences, and readings. In the practice of joint work: holding professional events, seminars, Information Days, organizing visiting reading rooms.

For 10 years, Velikolukskaya Central District Hospital named after. I.A. Vasilyeva is a platform for holding seminars, methodological associations and increasing the level of professional knowledge of teachers. As part of the program “New Technologies - New Ways of Interaction,” three seminars were held for school librarians. Rural libraries of the Velikoluksky district (Borkovskaya, Porechenskaya, Kupuyskaya libraries) are expanding the content of their activities, combining the tasks of an information institution with the functions of a museum and exhibition hall. Thus, the Porechensk rural model library is an exhibition hall for masters of applied arts. Velikolukskaya Central District Hospital together with the Information and Cultural Center, the Borkovsky Museum named after the writer I.A. Vasilyeva annually holds the Festival of Frontline Poetry “And the Muses Are Not Silent.”

Many library events are held by the Usvyatsky District Culture Center in collaboration with the youth work department. Teachers at the Children's Art Center work closely with the children's department in holding children's parties and matinees. From year to year, the connection with the schools in the area is growing stronger.

Among the permanent partners of the libraries of the Novosokolnichesky district are more than 25 institutions, enterprises and public organizations. They consider the Pskov Regional Universal Scientific Library as the main partner in their work. The POUNB website has become a daily assistant in the daily work of the district libraries. Thanks to the support of regional library methodologists, it is now possible to post information about the life of area libraries on the library portal and keep abreast of the affairs of your colleagues and neighbors. The Zonal Quality School also helps in this work.

In 2012, the partnership between the Novosokolnicheskaya Central District Hospital and the Department of Agriculture became closer and more mutually beneficial. In addition to providing information and participating in the work of the flower growers’ club, training was organized for agricultural specialists in the region by teachers from the All-Russian State Agricultural Academy. Good partnerships have developed with the regional branch of the Pension Fund. At the request of the management, transportation was opened for specialists, assistance was provided in organizing public events and exhibitions of folk art, and transportation was provided.

Libraries of the Pskov region maintain contact with regional and local media and publishing houses, which help comprehensively cover the events of library life in the region.

Speaking about the popularization of books and reading, library specialists in the region also note this nuance of cooperation with regional media: it is necessary to start talking not only about the status of reading, but also about the status of reading good books that develop a person’s spiritual world, and the media can help with this.

Internet information agencies provide information support to libraries in the region.: Pskov Information Agency, Pskov News Feed, Business Information Center,, etc. “Library portal of the Pskov region” ( portal. pskovlib. ru) provides an opportunity for municipal libraries to talk about their activities in the virtual space. In legal education, information partners in the work of municipal libraries are “Spetsvyaz FSO of Russia”, “Garant”, “Consultant Plus”, which regularly provide free of charge a replenished package of reference legal information.

There are many such examples of joint fruitful cooperation. And libraries are grateful to everyone who helps them - both with kind words and deeds.

A new project has been developed at the Pskov Regional Universal Scientific Library - the creation Alternative club of socially responsible Pskov residents “Ideal partnership” . The new project was prepared by employees of the sociocultural development department and is aimed at developing cooperation between the business community, volunteers and library partners. For the first time, such events as annual event “Day of Remembering Favorite Books” , Non-conference “Overcoming. I want to live!" , mind games tournament within festival of intellectual literature "2012: Literature without fiction". The regional library invites everyone to join the project at club website( The “Ideal Partnership” is based on the theory that sooner or later humanity will come to the point where it will build its life not only around material benefits, but also social benefits. The club members are our contemporaries who are already working on issues of social interaction and social investment. You can get acquainted with the members of the club or join it on a specially created virtual platform - a blog "Perfect partnership"( Among their partners, sponsors, patrons of the arts, libraries in the region will always be happy to see companies from different areas of business, volunteers, creative and caring Pskov residents.

Currently, the library community of the Pskov region aims to further develop partnerships between libraries and various institutions and organizations, public associations for the implementation of socially significant events, library programs and innovative projects.

Prepared by: Levchenko Alla Leonidovna, head of the sector of the department for coordinating the activities of libraries of the region of the Pskov OUNL.


Slide 1 - photo

Slide 2 “In the pages of books there are decades, moments,

Events, destinies, a colorful tribute to life.

Let books multiply, live, grow stronger -

Connective tissue of centuries."

( V. Sikorsky)

    Why is there a need for closer interaction between the librarian and the school subject teacher today?

The problem of modern school is to instill information literacy in the reader as the most important human skill. A school graduate must have the ability to obtain information from various sources and process it using logical operations and apply in various life situations; and the adult reader must possess information and bibliographic culture.

Slide 3 The school library is today a necessary link in the educational environment, i.e. and she herself is that material and spiritual environment capable of activating creative activity children and adults.

the main task Any school library as an information center is to assist students and teachers in the educational process. Without a good library, the school will not be able to carry out high level their educational and educational functions.

The school library provides the information necessary for successful existence in the modern information society, where knowledge plays a vital role.

Slide 4 And the first-grader, and the school graduate, and the teacher, and the director of the educational institution are involved in a common orbit, whose name is education. Collaboration between librarians and teachers has been proven to improve students' literacy levels, promote the development of reading and memorization skills, and develop the ability to use information and communication technologies.

The interaction between the librarian and the student reader is based on the principles of “co-creation pedagogy,” where the library plays an active role. This is first of allindividual work built in the form of dialogue and extracurricular life of a schoolboy .

Slide 5 -- diagram

Slide 6 The library, being an element of the educational environment, is capable of activating the creative and intellectual potential of the child and becoming an information center at school.

Hence the main purpose of school librariespromote the formation of information culture skills of students, teachers, and parents.

To achieve this goal, schools solve the following tasks :

    Ensuring Content Diversity educational process schools based on high-quality library collections.

    Purposeful organization and design of the library as a subject-information environment for readers.

    Education of morality, formation aesthetic taste through familiarization with the values ​​of national and world culture.

    Returning children to reading, which remains the only reliable means of preserving the institution of culture.

Slide 7 Priority areas of interaction between the school and the educational institution library:

Formation of strong foundations of a moral and healthy lifestyle through the organization of extracurricular activities.

Development of spiritual and physical capabilities of the individual,

Formation of reading,

A selection of artistic, scientific and methodological literature,

Constant monitoring of students' reading interests using reflective technologies.

Development of spiritual, moral and civic-patriotic education of schoolchildren in the library environment.

    Working with gifted children.

    Assistance in teaching students design and modeling in the field of communication through the organization of active forms of activity;

    studying the historical experience of organizing communication between people in human communities,

    their role and consequences for subsequent generations;

    learning to show empathy, creating positive communication situations;

    formation of analytical and reflexive communication skills.

Slide 8 forms of work

To foster a reading culture for children and adolescents, school libraries use various shapes works:

    Library lessons;

    book exhibitions;

    literature reviews on reading culture issues;

    theme evenings, oral journals, literary living rooms;

    literary competitions, quizzes, games; design and research activities.

New information technologies today have rapidly entered library and information activities.

But the mission of the school library - attracting children to reading - has not changed, but only acquired new depth and content, and received new potential.

Slide 9 Currently, multimedia resources are used in almost all areas of educational activities.

Preference must be givenpresentational, interactive, multimedia forms of informational, educational and cultural-leisure activities.

The following interactive forms are used:

    Electronic presentations of book exhibitions

    Electronic library lessons

    Virtual conferences,

    Oral journals - presentations

    Slide - films

    Literary lounges with electronic presentations.

Slide 10 Let's sum it up

- What are the active forms of interaction between “teacher and librarian”?

    Ensuring the educational process and self-education through information and library services, i.e. providing information, methodological and consulting assistance to employeesschools.

    Librarians and teachers connect theory with practice.

    Librarians teach schoolchildren to evaluate Internet resources, developing the desired attitudes together with teachers.

    They jointly teach responsibility in the use of digital resources based on independent thinking.

    A librarian advises schoolchildren on their ability to make decisions based on self-esteem, whichcomplements but does not replace assessment of student achievements given by the subject teacher.

- Why do the librarian and the teacher unite?

    To share responsibility for developing children's desire to learn, understand information, and the ability to draw their own conclusions and create new knowledge, shareO accepted and recognized by others.

    Such cooperation between the school and children's and public libraries leads to joint network innovations in the formation and information literacy and culture of schoolchildren and their parents.

    Students search for information actively and independently, using multiple sources presenting different points of view.

    Promoting the development of schoolchildren’s interest in reading through participation in competitions and festivals.

- What is the basis for interaction between school and library?

    Unified program informatization of the school, approved by the school’s teachers’ council (projects, separate training programs for schoolchildren and teachers, taking into account independent research, consultations).

    Community of like-minded people (school, library, online communities)

    Support for parents (through blogs, wiki environments, etc.).

    Cooperation with public and children's libraries (to develop information literacy of parents and schoolchildren).

Slide 11 – proverbs Slide 12 – thank you for your attention

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