Norms of behavior in society. Conversation “Rules of behavior and social norms of society

unlike the original ones, these are norms for directly regulating people’s behavior, public relations. They indicate the mutual rights and responsibilities of subjects, the conditions for the implementation of these rights and responsibilities, the types and extent of the state’s reaction in relation to offenders.
A specific feature of a directly regulatory legal norm is its representative-binding nature, according to which it establishes mutual subjective rights and legal obligations for participants in social relations (subjects) protected and guaranteed by the state. As a result of such a targeted regulatory influence of a norm - a rule of behavior on a particular actual social relationship, the latter acquires the character of a legal one, and its participants become subjects of this legal relationship.
In the norms and rules of behavior they receive logical development and detailing the underlying legal provisions.
Norms - rules of behavior - have been thoroughly studied in legal science. Until recently, the definition of a legal norm and its theory as a whole focused exclusively on norms - rules of behavior, leaving out of sight many other types of normative instructions related to the original, starting norms.
In the legal literature, norms - rules of behavior are sometimes divided, taking into account their purpose, into regulatory and protective. Without objecting in principle to such a division, which emphasizes the functional orientation of the relevant norms, we note, following some other authors, the conventionality of this classification, since protection is one of the methods of regulation, as a result of which the same norm can simultaneously be called both regulatory and protective.
General and special norms. They differ in the degree of generality and scope. General norms are regulations that, as a rule, cover all legal institutions of a particular industry (criminal law norms on probation, deferment of execution of a sentence, civil law norms on limitation of actions, etc.). These norms are grouped into the general part of the industry and regulate generic objects. In contrast, special norms are instructions that relate to the basic institutions of a particular branch of law and regulate a certain type of generic social relations, taking into account their inherent Features - Special norms detail general regulations, adjust the temporal and spatial conditions for their implementation, and methods of legal influence on individual behavior. Thus, they ensure the smooth and consistent implementation of general rules of law. Special rules in their totality form a special part of a particular branch of law. An example of special rules are: rules of purchase and sale, donation, contract, capital construction and other transactions in civil law; norms providing for liability for hooliganism, robbery, theft and other crimes in criminal law, etc.
2. On the subject of legal regulation (by branches of law). legal norms, which in their totality constitute the branch of law.
Industry norms are divided into substantive and procedural.

More on the topic Norms - rules of conduct:

  2. §5.9 Rules and regulations for technical operation of housing stock
  4. § 3. Norms of behavior and organization of power under the primitive communal system
  6. Author-compiler A.P. Nikolaev. All about housing and communal services. Norms and rules for the operation of residential buildings; obligations and rights of service organizations; rights and obligations of consumers of housing and communal services. - M: “Martin”, - 192 pp., 2008
  8. The structure of a legal norm (disposition and sanction of a legal norm)
  10. Interpretation of law and legal analogy (criticism of the rule of law, its types; interpretation of the rule of law, its types and techniques; results of interpretation; analogy as a means of filling in the gaps of law)

- Codes of the Russian Federation - Legal encyclopedias - Copyright - Advocacy - Administrative law - Administrative law (abstracts) - Arbitration process - Banking law - Budget law - Currency law - Civil procedure - Civil law - Contract law - Housing law - Housing issues - Land law - Election law - Information law - Enforcement proceedings - History of state and law - History of political and legal doctrines - Commercial law - Constitutional law of foreign countries - Constitutional law of the Russian Federation - Corporate law - Forensic science - Criminology - International law - Private international law -

In modern society it is important to have good manners, to be able to behave correctly in different life situations. Etiquette has many features and is a complex science. The main subtlety is that there are no clearly defined norms of behavior; everything depends on the circumstances, time and place. The rules of etiquette between a man and a girl will make communication more pleasant, and good manners will help to have a psychological impact on the partner.

What are the rules of etiquette

The concept comes from French word“etiquette”, which means a set of generally accepted rules of behavior, knowledge of the basics of politeness. There are several main types of etiquette:

  • the ability to present oneself: building a wardrobe, caring for one’s appearance, physical form, gestures, postures, posture;
  • speech form: ability to give compliments, greetings, gratitude, manner of speech;
  • table etiquette: ability to eat, knowledge of serving standards, table manners;
  • behavior in society: how to behave in an office, store, exhibition, museum, restaurant, theater, court;
  • Business Etiquette: relationships with superiors, colleagues, business negotiations.

Rules of good manners for men

If a representative of the stronger sex values ​​his reputation in society, he will always observe moderation in clothing. Shorts and T-shirts are appropriate for a family dinner or during a country vacation. For an informal setting, sports or classic clothes are suitable, and for business meetings Tie and jacket required. As for good manners, it will not be difficult for a well-mannered man to politely nod in response to a greeting even from a stranger. How to communicate with a woman, superiors, and relatives will be discussed below.

Modern etiquette for women

The first rule for a woman is tact in all situations. Etiquette lessons involve behaving respectfully with everyone, be it your neighbor, your business partner, or your front door cleaner. If a woman likes to joke, then she should clearly determine in what situation you can allow a joke, and with whom you need to be serious. It is necessary to observe a culture of communication with the opposite sex. You should not flirt, make advances or make eyes at men you don’t know or know – this is a violation of etiquette. Politeness presupposes simple communication without intrigue, gossip and rumors.

Etiquette standards for children

Rules of behavior in society also exist for children. Future success, career, and environment will depend on the knowledge that a child receives in childhood. The most simple techniques mastering the rules of etiquette is reading fairy tales, watching cartoons, using board games on this topic, humming songs. The basic rule of politeness for a child is respect for all adults, children, and animals without exception. Everything else flows smoothly from this.

How to behave in society

Basic set of etiquette rules for men and women:

  1. Don't come to visit without calling. Only if you are visited without warning can you allow yourself to meet a person in home clothes.
  2. Do not place your bag on a chair or on your lap. A bulky backpack can be hung on the back of a chair. A purse or small handbag is placed on the table, and if a man carries a briefcase, then it should be left on the floor.
  3. When meeting someone, say your name first if you are going to communicate with a group of people. Should only be served right hand.
  4. The passenger needs to get into the car back seat. The most prestigious seat is the one located behind the driver.

In communication with people

A typical day for modern man includes many situations in which culture of behavior and demeanor are tested: communication in stores, in public transport, getting to know colleagues, rules of speech etiquette at official receptions, etc. As for the first meeting with a person, the impression is created on how well the interlocutor knows how to introduce himself. In everyday etiquette, younger people or men make acquaintances first. To make a good impression, you should always start your conversation with a smile.

How a girl should behave with a guy

Modern etiquette for girls requires knowledge of the basic rules of behavior with the opposite sex. When meeting a man for the first time, you should not throw yourself on his neck; it would be appropriate to simply extend your hand. On a date, you need to act lightly and casually, joke and smile, but not be offended. You can’t help but tell a man about your shortcomings or unsuccessful relationship experiences at the first meeting. There is no need to shout about the advantages either; you can mention them, but in passing.

Etiquette Basics

The rules of cultural behavior are simple: culture of speech, which has a stylistic and grammatical orientation, well-groomed appearance, attentiveness towards the interlocutor, the ability to provide a service to those in need, and listen to the speaker. The norm of acquaintance and subsequent communication is conditional, therefore it has the nature of an unwritten agreement about what is generally accepted and what is not. Every cultured person must know and follow the rules of etiquette, understanding their necessity for society.

Good manners

A well-mannered person is immediately distinguished from the crowd. He is distinguished by knowledge of etiquette and a certain manner of behavior: voice intonation, expressions used in speech, gait, facial expressions, gestures. This is restraint, modesty, the ability to control emotions, actions, words. To correspond to the concept of a secular, educated person, you need to know and follow certain rules that are considered mandatory in a decent society:

  • when greeting, the woman is the first to offer her hand to the man;
  • men greet everyone without exception while standing;
  • when introducing a guest to other people (during acquaintance), they call his name, surname, patronymic (during business communication– profession);
  • visiting does not bring a bad mood, and if negative emotions are present, then the visit should be refused;
  • Children should not be allowed to interfere in the conversation of adults, interrupt elders, or whisper in the ear;
  • No comments are made to other people's children in the presence of their parents;
  • When giving gifts to people, you should be tactful, taking into account gender, age, and profession.

Dressing skills

The rules of etiquette oblige you not only to know the correct manner of greeting acquaintances and strangers, to be able to maintain small talk and adhere to decorum in behavior, but also to wear clothes appropriate for the occasion. Nothing catches the eye like colorful things. Things that are inappropriate for a man include embroidered shirts, vulgar suits, and too bright ties. Business attire should be moderately fashionable. In the morning you are allowed to wear a jacket, frock coat or suit jacket. The color should correspond to the season: light in summer, dark in winter.

The ability to dress tastefully is the first sign of a woman’s upbringing. The Encyclopedia of Etiquette contains a range of rules related to clothing, the observance of which distinguishes a real lady. Women's clothing should be appropriate to the nature of the work. An image that is acceptable in a model house will not be acceptable in a brokerage office. A business lady is not suitable for a business lunch or conference Short skirt or a low-necked blouse. If the meeting is at a resort hotel or club, you need to take several outfits that will be suitable for different situations.

How to present yourself correctly

A few more generally accepted norms of etiquette:

  • you need to walk with a straight posture, toned belly and straightened shoulders;
  • communication norms regarding greetings include polite words, but they are not always correct, for example, “good afternoon” should not be said to a person with an upset face;
  • even unknown men should help ladies enter the premises by holding front door;
  • the word “please” should be used with any request;
  • Before saying goodbye to your interlocutor, you should first prepare for this: “Unfortunately, it’s too late,” and then say words of gratitude or a compliment (if it’s a woman).

Rules of etiquette when communicating

The rules of etiquette must be observed when communicating between women and men. The male representative should follow to the left of the companion and be the first to enter the restaurant. If a lady greets acquaintances, the gentleman should also greet them, even if the people are strangers to him. Without a woman's approval, a man has no right to touch her. Allowed only in moments of assistance (getting into a car, crossing the road). Smoking in the presence of another person, regardless of gender, is possible only with the permission of the interlocutor.

There are certain rules of speech behavior. So, if you are insulted in the presence of other people, you should not succumb to provocations. Get up and leave the scene. You cannot ask your interlocutor for information about his material well-being, love affairs and other personal items. If you invite a business partner to a meeting, do not forget about punctuality. Particular respect should be shown to people who showed generosity or came to your aid in difficult times - they were not obliged to do so.

Conversational etiquette

Rules of politeness exist in any conversation. Speech behavior is divided into written and oral forms, with the former having more stringent rules. There are several types of conversations: business, official, informal. The oral form has more simple rules, for example, instead of a verbal greeting, you can get by with a nod of the head. The ability to speak politely is to tell your interlocutor only those things that you yourself would like to hear. Basic principles conversation - correctness, brevity, accuracy, appropriateness.

How to communicate with someone on the phone

Compliance with the rules of netiquette should also be observed when communicating on the phone. During a conversation, you need to carefully monitor your intonation, since the interlocutor does not see your face and may misunderstand the meaning of the message. You should not keep the person calling; the maximum time to pick up the phone is six rings. There is no need to rush to the phone either - it is better to answer after the third ring. It is customary to call the interlocutor by name if he is familiar. If not, then it is advisable to introduce yourself first.

Good manners and business etiquette

The basic norms of behavior include the rules of business communication. But not only the speech component is important when contacting partners, body language also plays an important role. For example, when talking, you should not spread your legs wide, keep your hands in your pockets, or hunch over. Excessive gestures are also not encouraged - in order not to embarrass the interlocutor, gestures should be restrained. Pay attention to the person’s personal space – the distance should not be smaller size outstretched arm.

Household etiquette rules

Family members should be especially polite to each other. To maintain a warm relationship, you must constantly monitor psychological climate, sincerely rejoice in the successes of loved ones, do not resort to insults during quarrels, use the words “sorry”, “thank you”, “ Good morning" and others. It is necessary to respect the older generation and not read the personal notes of your children without permission.

How to behave at the table

The main rule of behavior at the table is that you cannot chew with your mouth open. Talking is also undesirable, especially when chewing food. Before you put some of the common dish on your plate, you must first offer it to the rest of those present. You should not serve your own plate first, but give the opportunity to guests or older family members to do so. When setting the table, common cutlery is placed next to each dish. The soup must be served in special bowls from the person sitting to the right.

Etiquette at a party

Receiving friends and visiting them is a good practice of etiquette form of dating. For admission it is considered best time– dinner, but you need to invite people in advance so that they can adjust their plans. The dress code may be informal. According to etiquette, an unfamiliar guest is called everyone present by name only after his own introduction. In a friendly company, you can skip serving the main course, but during a business dinner this is unacceptable. It is important to be able to use different types of cutlery, even if the owners have other national traditions.


All people are individual. Their differences are due to a number of factors, the most significant of which are ethnicity, nationality, external data, character, thinking, worldview, goals, habits, interests, etc. Even among the seven billion population of the Earth, there are no two absolutely identical people.

But, despite this, all people have one thing in common - their full life is possible only within a social unit. It is society that is the most comfortable living environment for a person, regardless of personal factors.

general concepts

Norms of human behavior in society are a rather multifaceted concept that reflects the forms of interaction of an individual with the world around him.

A person as a social unit must be guided by the rules and customs established in a particular society. Each specific situation has its own set of rules, which, however, are not fixed. Thus, actions that are acceptable in one society are categorically unacceptable in another. On the other hand, social norms of individual behavior can change depending on the situation and time.

For example, imagine that you met with old friends with whom you have been friends for many years. You can allow yourself to be free, to wear what you think is necessary, not to be shy about expressions containing profanity, cheeky gestures and bad habits. Friends are used to you and perceive all your actions as the norm. Now imagine that you come to work for a large corporation and plan to achieve considerable career success here. Your image, actions and gestures in this situation will be radically different from the previous situation: your appearance corresponds to the dress code, your speech takes on a business-like tone, bad habits veiled as much as possible. But a year or two later you go with your employees to a long-planned corporate party. In this situation, you can allow yourself to show a part of your true self. After all, despite the fact that the composition of society has not changed, the situation has changed, and too restrained behavior may be perceived by others as distrust or hostility on your part.

If norms of behavior can be mobile, then the fundamental principles that determine behavioral manners and outlook on life must have clearer boundaries.

Components of social norms

Lifestyle and behavior are dictated by a combination of external and internal factors, which were influenced by both the surrounding society and the person himself.
The system of behavioral norms includes the following concepts:

1. Social norms- indicate the necessary model of behavior in a particular society.

2. Habits- this is a set of personal behavioral models for a particular situation, consolidated as a result of repeated repetition.

There are positive, neutral and bad habits. Positive habits are perceived with approval by society (greeting when meeting, using polite words), neutral habits often do not cause any reactions (drinking tea without sugar, keeping a diary), bad habits indicate bad manners and characterize a person from a negative side (smoking, slurping, conversation with mouth full, loud belching).

3. Manners- forms of behavior based on habits. They characterize a person’s upbringing and his belonging to a certain social stratum. Well-mannered man knows how to dress elegantly, knows how to clearly formulate his thoughts and express them in a form understandable to the interlocutor.

4. Etiquette- a set of norms of behavior (politeness, tact, tolerance), relevant for the highest social strata.

5. Social values - this is the standard of ideas approved by the majority of social units: goodness, justice, patriotism.

6. Principles- these are especially important and unshakable beliefs that a person creates for himself. These are a kind of boundaries set for self-control. For example, for one person, family is the highest value, and he will never allow himself to be betrayed. For another, fidelity is not included in the list of principles; he can repeat betrayal repeatedly without remorse.

Religion as a lever for controlling human behavior

Despite the achievements of science, progressive thinking and modern views in life, religion still remains one of the important factors in shaping the norms of individual behavior.

The priority importance of religion for a person is due to several factors:

1.Help from above. Sooner or later, every person encounters troubles that become a real test for his will. Bankruptcy, loss of property, divorce, serious illness or death of a loved one... It is in such situations that people most often remember the presence of an invisible force in the sky. Their faith may be fickle, but at such moments they need someone to whom they can shift some of the responsibility, from whom they can expect help, even if illusory.

2. Setting up principles. It is religion that often becomes a dogmatic guide pointing to behavior. The Bible's commandments are against murder, robbery, and adultery, and some people take these principles personally.

3. Search for the meaning of life. Another reason for turning to religion is the search for answers to eternal questions.

Behavior patterns

Every action performed by a person is determined by a corresponding motive, which, in turn, dictates the order of reproducible actions.

All actions are divided into two categories:

1. Automatic- these are actions that are based on innate and acquired reflexes and skills that do not require mental awareness and are performed inertia. These include the ability to chew, breathe, walk upright, read, and speak their native language.

2. Conscious- these are more complex actions or a combination of them that require the use of human intellectual capabilities. This model of behavior is based on the choice of one or another pattern of actions in an unfamiliar situation.

For example, you are angry with a person and want to express your indignation to him, insult and humiliate him. But you understand that your desire is temporary and is connected not only with this person, but also with your bad mood and general failures. If you succumb to aggression, you will most likely lose contact with the person forever. It is consciousness that decides what to do in this situation, evaluating all the pros and cons. In addition, the predominance of the logical or emotional component in the character plays an important role.

Youth behavior

Youth is the perspective of the nation. Therefore, it is very important how exactly the younger generation will be raised.

The norms of human behavior in society call on young people to:

Be active participants in society;
- set life goals and strive to achieve them;
- diversify your personality;
- exercise;
- get a decent education;
- lead healthy image life without smoking and drinking alcohol;
- do not use profanity and rude expressions in conversation;
- treat the older generation with respect;
- create a value system for yourself and stick to it;
- know and follow the rules of etiquette.

But in modern world The behavior of young people in society often differs from established norms and is deviant in nature.

Thus, some young people aged 14 to 20 believe that smoking and drinking alcohol is fashionable, and attending lectures at the institute is an activity for cramming. They prefer discos to books, are rude in their statements and have promiscuous sex.

This behavior is most often formed under the influence of the company and requires immediate intervention from parents.

Interaction of youth with the older generation

Interoperability problem different generations will always be relevant. on which one age group is brought up, by the time another grows up, it partially loses its relevance. Consequently, misunderstandings and disagreements arise.

Among the main causes of conflicts are incompatibility of interests, different, immoral behavior of one of the parties, lack of a culture of communication, struggle for superiority, and unwillingness to concede.

Nevertheless, the values ​​and norms of behavior instilled in us from childhood say that the younger generation should yield to their elders in any situation, even if such a decision seems unfair. In addition, you must adhere to a certain model behavior. When communicating, you need to use a respectful form of address - “you”, and also avoid slang. Ridiculing and making fun of elders is not allowed. And refusal to help is considered bad manners.

Standards of behavior between spouses

To build a stable house, you need to lay a solid foundation and build the walls brick by brick. So in family relationships- love is the foundation, behavior is the building blocks.

Married life is not only about joyful moments, it is also about disappointment, irritation and resentment. In order to get through all the unpleasant moments with dignity and maintain the integrity of the marriage, you need to follow a few simple rules:

Treat your partner as an equal;
- appreciate his personal qualities;
- support in any endeavors and do not ridicule failures;
- discuss important points and make decisions together;
- do not resort to insults and insults;
- do not allow yourself to be assaulted;
- be faithful to your spouse.

Business Etiquette

If the general norms of human behavior in society can vary depending on the situation, then business etiquette is a set of behavioral models that have the most defined edge.

There are 5 rules of etiquette in the business world:

1. Punctuality. Arrive at all important meetings on time, this will show that you are organized.

2. Competence. Be knowledgeable about what you're talking about. Sometimes it is better to remain silent than to give false information.

3. Speech. Learn to speak competently and clearly. Even the most successful idea, presented in clumsy and uncertain language, is doomed to failure.

4. Appearance speaks about your taste and status, so in your wardrobe, in addition to jeans and T-shirts, there must be a suit for an important meeting.

5. Interaction. Listen to the opinions of others and do not trust your idea to the first person you meet.

Compliance with these rules is very important, as it reflects the level of professionalism and seriousness of the approach to the matter.

Deviant behavior: deviation from the norm

Rules and norms of human behavior cannot always be expressed according to regulated standards. Some behavior patterns may deviate significantly from the norm. This manner is defined as deviant. She can have both positive features, and negative.

A striking example of opposite deviants are terrorists and national heroes. The actions of both of them deviate from the behavior of the “average masses”, but are perceived by society differently.

Thus, general norms of behavior can be placed on one axis, and deviant deviations at different poles.

Forms of abnormal behavior in society

Norms of human behavior in society, expressed as deviant, have four distinct forms:

  • Crime. IN last years this figure increased by 17%. Crime is largely due to the transition to market relations And high level competition, unemployment and low standard of living, as well as psychological disorders. In addition, corruption in the legal and judicial-executive sectors is of no small importance, which allows, if you have enough wealth, to avoid responsibility for violating the law.
  • Alcoholism. Alcohol is an integral part of holiday feasts and ordinary friendly meetings. It is consumed to celebrate something, relieve pain, or simply relieve stress. People are accustomed to the fact that alcohol has become a part of their lives, and are not aware of its harmful influence on the individual and on society as a whole. According to statistics, 70% of crimes are committed while intoxicated, and more than 20% fatal accidents Drunk drivers are to blame.

  • Addiction. Dependence on a psychotropic substance, which depletes the body and leads to its degradation. Unfortunately, despite the official prohibition of narcotic drugs, every tenth teenager has tried one or more types of drugs.
  • Suicide. Suicide is the deliberate desire to take one's own life because of problems that seem insoluble. According to world statistics, suicide is most common in highly developed countries, where there is high competition both in the business sphere and on the personal front. Age group Those most at risk are teenagers from 14 to 18 years old and people of retirement age.

Sanctions for non-compliance

Rules and norms of behavior are regulated by approved state laws and unspoken rules of society.

Sanctions for deviant behavior vary depending on the severity of the violation.

For example, murder or robbery falls under the article of violation of the criminal code, therefore, is punishable by imprisonment. Provocation or fight are administrative violations. As a punishment for the misdemeanor, the violator will be asked to pay a fine or perform civil work. Violations associated with habits (not washing the dishes after yourself, not cutting your nails, being late for an important meeting, lying) will cause social disapproval and further ignoring or contempt.

The norms established in society ensure it sustainable development, regulate relations between people, civil society and the state, and help maintain order. All this, of course, is very important, therefore, on the one hand, there is nothing good in violating these rules. However, if you start to understand this issue in more detail, you will find that there are many social norms, but not all of them are absolute, all-encompassing, and most of the great scientists, travelers, writers and poets, prominent politicians were violators of some of the principles of their time. So when is it unacceptable to ignore social rules, and when can it benefit others?

When mentioning the great as those who could easily break written and unwritten laws, one remembers catchphrase“What is allowed to Jupiter is not allowed to the bull.” Let's turn to the pages of the novel by F.M.

Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". Rodion Raskolnikov, main character this work, initially held similar views on the rules public life, including standards of morality and morality. Raskolnikov divided people into lower and higher categories. Representatives of the first category must obey the commandment “thou shalt not kill,” while a select minority can neglect it in order to achieve their goals and ultimately the good of all mankind. In order to test his theory and understand what category he belongs to, Raskolnikov decides to kill the pawnbroker Alena Ivanovna, whose stinginess and money-grubbing probably brought a lot of grief to her debtors. But the cold calculation of the protagonist comes into conflict with his heart, which has not hardened, despite difficult life circumstances.

Having committed a crime and taken money from the old woman’s apartment, Raskolnikov, unconscious, hides it under a stone, not receiving any benefit from his act. Tormented by the pangs of conscience, he eventually admits to what he did and goes to hard labor. Only there does Raskolnikov come to true repentance and spiritual resurrection. Thanks to Sonya Marmeladova, he understands that no one has the right to decide the destinies of others, to execute and pardon at their own discretion, and a person’s blind indulgence of his own pride and inability to critically evaluate his views can lead to catastrophic consequences for the entire society. Thus, the author points out that there are universal human laws and commandments that no one should violate, since no goal can justify depriving a person of life, this highest and eternal value.

But in what cases is it acceptable to violate social norms? It seems to me that most of the rules established in society must undergo changes over time as society develops. Let us recall the play by A. S. Griboyedov “Woe from Wit”. Alexander Andreevich Chatsky, the main character of this work by many representatives of the “Famus” society, that is, the Moscow nobility, was perceived as an unforgivably free-thinking person and violating moral principles. In fact, he expressed the most advanced views of his time, preached the ideas of freedom of thought, the value of human dignity, and condemned general servility and serfdom. Perhaps, by boldly expressing his opinion on the most pressing issues, Chatsky really violated the norms common among people in his social circle and hurt their self-esteem. As a result, he was not accepted in this society of hypocrites and champions of antiquity, although initially he was not hostile to him, but on the contrary, he wanted to find his happiness in marriage with Sophia. Nevertheless, in my opinion, the image of Chatsky, a fighter against centuries-old ossified foundations and taboos, became a harbinger spiritual rebirth Russian society, its orientation towards the values ​​of humanism and democracy.

What conclusion can you come to when reflecting on this topic? The source of any norm must ultimately be value human life, human happiness. Therefore, no one is allowed to violate the eternal and universal commandments corresponding to this requirement, even if this is required to achieve seemingly good goals. However, violation of norms that do not meet the thesis formulated above may not only not be harmful, but also benefit society. So, a crime against the rules of social life is justified if a person is the goal and not the means of this act.

Effective preparation for the Unified State Exam (all subjects) -

“Nothing comes cheap or is valued as much as politeness.”


It is a well-known fact that a person is not capable long time to be alone. Therefore, in order to once and for all forget about what lies behind the word “loneliness”, people simply must learn to communicate correctly with each other.

Not every person is lucky enough to receive good upbringing and learn the rules of behavior that are instilled in the family and continue to be supplemented and improved in kindergarten, at school, and throughout life. The rules of behavior accepted in society will help you communicate with people at ease and be a pleasant conversationalist.

Men and women have different vital functions and, therefore, different rules behavior in society. It is generally accepted that a man should be a breadwinner and protector, that is, resourceful and courageous. Women are physically weaker, they are the custodians of the home and need protection. Based on this, the rules of conduct for men and women are appropriate.

However, there are rules that are equally fair for both men and women, so we will look at them today. So what should a polite person be like?


In order to learn to be a polite person, it will take a lot of effort, perseverance and a lot of work on yourself, and the first thing you need to do is give an objective assessment of your behavior on this moment. An outside perspective is very helpful in such a situation. This will help you understand and analyze all your mistakes, existing bad habits, wrong actions committed and your behavior in general. After which you can safely start “working on mistakes.”

Etiquette is universal human moral standards, a set of rules of behavior in society: addresses, greetings, manners, clothing. Manners are forms of human behavior. The essence of etiquette is respect for other people.

Once upon a time, the rules of good manners in communication or the rules of etiquette were one of the subjects educational program At school. Children were taught this science and strictly controlled how well they learned it; tutors were responsible for raising children. Currently there are no tutors or corresponding subjects in school curriculum, and the need for teaching basic politeness is still high.

Let's try to figure out what the rules of good manners are and let's strictly follow them.


One of the basic rules of good manners in everyday life, Everyday life is courtesy in relationships, the ability to greet people without unnecessary demonstrations, the ability to congratulate you on a holiday, express sympathy or wish you good health, as well as the ability to thank you for the service provided to you.

In addition, the concept of courtesy presupposes that the person entering lets the person leaving, who, in turn, holds the door if necessary; the man walking next to the girl always lets her go ahead, with the exception of going down the stairs, exiting the elevator and public transport.

Despite the fact that some prim manners have long since become obsolete, for example, closing the car door behind a girl before getting behind the wheel, it still doesn’t hurt to help ladies get out of the car.


Correctly addressing another person, whether familiar or not, is an important part of the rules of conduct. Thus, the rules of behavior accepted in society state that you can only address children under 18 years of age, close friends and relatives. All other strangers, even if they are younger than you or your peers, should only be addressed as “you.”

In addition, it is customary to switch to “you” when strangers appear and call a relative or friend by name and patronymic, including when it is inappropriate to demonstrate familiar or family relationships in society. The transition from “you” to “you” should be appropriate and tactful; as a rule, it is initiated by a woman, a person senior in age or position.

If absent people are mentioned in a conversation, you cannot talk about them in the third person - “they” or “she”, even if they are close relatives, you must call them by name or by name and patronymic.

There are three types of address that are used in different situations:

  • official - citizen, sir, madam, and the titles and titles of the represented people are also used;
  • informal - by name, using “you”, brother, dear friend, girlfriend;
  • impersonal - used in cases where you need to address to a stranger. In these cases, the phrases “sorry”, “excuse me”, “excuse me”, “tell me”, and so on are used.

It is unacceptable to address a person by gender, occupation or age: woman, man, plumber, salesman, child, etc.


The rules of human behavior in society require maintaining the correct distance between interlocutors. There are the following generally accepted distances in communication:

  • public distance - when communicating with in large groups people is more than 3.5 meters;
  • social distance – when communicating between strangers, between people with different social statuses, at receptions, banquets, etc. from 3.6 to 1.2 meters;
  • personal or personal distance – for everyday communication between familiar people, ranges from 1.2 to 0.5 meters;
  • intimate or sensory distance – for communication between very close people, entry into this zone is allowed only to a select few, it is less than 0.5 meters.

At the same time, it is important that each of the interlocutors always has the opportunity to freely exit the conversation; holding a person’s hand or the lapel of a jacket, or blocking the passage during a conversation is considered unacceptable.

In addition, it is important to choose suitable topics for a conversation, they should be interesting and pleasant for both interlocutors and should not affect personal matters. It is considered unacceptable to interrupt the interlocutor, correct his speech or make comments. It is also indecent to watch and stare at your interlocutor for a long time, especially if he is eating.

I bring to your attention a video about the rules of human behavior in society:


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