What is antisocial behavior. Antisocial personalities and their problems

In order to occupy a higher position in society, an individual forms knowledge about his position, which is a motivating factor. However, this does not happen in all cases. Sometimes a person behaves incorrectly from the point of view of society. This behavior is called antisocial.

IN Western psychology there is a special type of incorrect social development personality. This is not officially accepted in our psychology. But both Western and our psychology mean the same thing by the term “antisocial behavior”.

What is antisocial behavior

Antisocial behavior is behavior that is characterized by overt or hidden aggression and hostility towards other members of society. This hostility manifests itself in varying degrees. In some cases it can be expressed only by some violations social rules, in other cases such behavior can cause serious harm to society.

IN Western Europe In the USA, this behavior is diagnosed from the age of three. It manifests itself, for example, if a child tortures domestic animals with special sadism.

Types of antisocial behavior

Antisocial behavior can be either hidden or overt. IN school age Overt antisocial behavior often manifests itself in the form of verbal abuse of other children or fights with classmates. The hidden form can manifest itself in the form of theft, vandalism and arson.

In adolescence, girls are less prone to antisocial behavior than boys. However, they are characterized by more sophisticated forms of its manifestation. For example, they can provoke aggression towards each other or organize collective bullying of others. Representatives of the stronger sex are more prone to public manifestation their antisocial behavior and physical aggression.

Causes of antisocial behavior

Often the emergence of antisocial behavior is caused by family troubles and unhealthy relationships with parents. Often children subconsciously protest against any foundations and rules that have developed in their families. Such children may become aggressive toward their pets or younger siblings after being bullied or involved in a conflict situation.

What to do about antisocial behavior

In order to rid a child of antisocial behavior and give him the opportunity to integrate normally into society, he must be taken to a psychologist. This specialist will teach the child to manage anger, recognize his own and others’ emotions, and find compromise solutions while in a team. Group exercises have a positive effect on the healing process.

For adults, in addition to a psychologist, in many cases, in order to get rid of signs of such behavior, it is necessary to use drug therapy that reduces the frequency of manifestations of impulsive behavior.


ASOCIAL -oh, -oh. [from Greek a- - not-, without- and lat. socialis - comradely, social]. Incompatible with generally accepted moral standards and rules of conduct; antisocial (about human behavior). Oh behavior. // Not sticking public morality and rules of behavior (about a person). A personality.

encyclopedic Dictionary. 2009 .


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    Antisocial... Spelling dictionary-reference book

    antisocial- oh, oh. asocial adj. Does not comply with the norms and rules of behavior of people in public life. // Sklyarevskaya 1998. A new group asocial.. such asociality can very easily.. divert some of the forces.. from combat positions. RB 1912 4 2 83. U... Historical Dictionary Gallicisms of the Russian language

    - (from Greek a - negative particle and Latin socialis - social) a person who is internally indifferent and externally passive in relation to society. Philosophical encyclopedic Dictionary. 2010 … Philosophical Encyclopedia

    - [gr. particle of negation + lat. socialis comradely, allied] - non-social, anti-social, violating the rights and interests of society Big Dictionary foreign words. Publishing house "IDDK", 2007 ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

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    ASOCIAL- 1. Not related to society or social problems. This meaning is used to describe situations, events, behavior or people independent of social values and customs (although not in opposition to them - see antisocial) ... Explanatory dictionary of psychology

    Adj. Does not comply with the norms and rules of behavior of people in society, in public life. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

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    antisocial- oh, oh; (from Greek a not, without and Lat. socialis comradely, public) a) Incompatible with generally accepted moral norms and rules of behavior; antisocial (about human behavior) A behavior. b) ott. Not adhering to public... ... Dictionary of many expressions


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The adjective “asocial” is used in relation to to a wide circle concepts: antisocial lifestyle, antisocial personality, asocial families...

In all these cases it is meant that certain person(or perhaps a group of people) to one degree or another does not comply with the norms accepted in society. After all, “asocial” is literally “antisocial”, denying society, not taking into account the needs of its members.

Personality type

Psychologists distinguish the so-called asocial personality type (otherwise it is called the sociopathic type or simply a sociopath). This type of characteristic usually consists of the following main features:

  • Inability to express your emotions.
  • Ignoring the public and unspoken rules that have developed in society.
  • Ease of manipulating others, convincing role-playing, lying in one's own interests.
  • Aggression as a universal response to external stimuli.
  • Lack of shame and remorse, inability to understand that his actions bring suffering to people around him.
  • Confidence in the correctness of your behavior.
  • Impulsivity, the desire to satisfy needs immediately, here and now.
  • Selfishness. One’s own needs always come first, above the needs and wants of others, above any social restrictions.

In general, it is worth noting that asociality can take a wide variety of forms; accordingly, there is no clearly limited set of features inherent in the character of a sociopath. Nevertheless, in attempts to highlight the most bright features, allowing us to speak with great confidence about the antisocial personality type, a list of four points was compiled.

Firstly, this is the already noted impulsiveness. An antisocial personality lives for one second, is not able to think about decisions for a long time and weigh the pros and cons, and most importantly, craves the lightning-fast fulfillment of his own desires.

Secondly, such a person cannot love sincerely, cannot show tenderness and sensitivity to his partner. It is paradoxical that at the same time antisocial people often outwardly attractive and charismatic and, as a result, surrounded by fans. However, the maximum that these fans will receive is superficial relationships, short-term connections.

Thirdly, antisocials do not use past negative experiences in any way. In other words, it is useless to hope that a sociopath will remember how much suffering to others and (or) inconvenience this or that action brought him, and will not repeat it.

Finally, and this trait has also already been noted, an antisocial person will never feel guilty or suffer from remorse. He simply cannot understand why he is being condemned.

Sociopathic child

The mentioned features, as a rule, become noticeable quite early. Antisocial children are capricious, irritable, often hyperactive, strive to control adults and achieve what they want at any cost. They are cruel to their peers, often insulting or humiliating them.

Antisocial behavior of adolescents manifests itself in an interest in a forbidden pastime that is condemned in society. The use of alcohol, drugs, early and promiscuous sex, membership in criminal gangs and other typical types of antisocial behavior become commonplace for such young people.

By the way, an interesting observation: for members of a criminal group it is usually great importance have rules that apply within it, including, for example, rules prohibiting the betrayal of other gang members, requiring respect for the leader, and so on. These rules require accepting and taking into account the needs of others, while antisocial individuals will never act in this way.

It is important to understand that one-time antisocial behavior does not mean that your son or daughter has antisocial personality disorder. But if all the described phenomena are observed regularly, and the conclusions of specialists are appropriate, then most likely the child really has a tendency towards asociality.

It is not 100% likely that a child predisposed to sociopathy will develop into a completely antisocial personality. How do antisocial tendencies arise in general, and is it possible to fight them? In other words, is asociality congenital or acquired? Let's look at the reasons that cause antisocial disorder.


There are three interrelated groups of factors under the influence of which a sociopath is formed.

The first group includes biological factors. Indeed, asociality can be inherited, this mainly concerns criminal tendencies. In addition, it can be caused by various chromosomal abnormalities in the development of the fetus, the mother's use of alcohol or drugs during pregnancy, and complications during childbirth.

The list of social factors includes, for example, rude or aggressive treatment of a child in the family, indifference to him, and lack of attention. So destructive for the psyche - even of an adult, and not just a growing person! - the situation is often characteristic of families where the parents themselves have psychological problems, so we can say that social factors often overlap with biological ones, and consequently, the likelihood of developing and strengthening sociopathic personality traits increases.

Such asocial families need supervision from guardianship authorities. In extreme cases, it is necessary to separate children and parents so that the child sees other examples, values ​​and guidelines. Also, the prevention of antisocial behavior may include other measures, among which the most common are the following:

  • Involving children with antisocial tendencies in sports, creative or other extracurricular activities (to provide the necessary burst of energy).
  • Propaganda healthy image life and socially approved behavior.
  • Psychologist's conversations with both parents and children.

Prevention of antisocial phenomena, of course, will give the desired result only if it is carried out both at school (or other institution that the child attends) and at home.

An antisocial child has a special type of thinking, and this is a personal factor that contributes to the development of sociopathic tendencies. The type of thinking that we're talking about, implies an inadequate assessment of the social situation.

A person is predisposed to the fact that all the actions of others that he does not like are committed specifically to cause inconvenience to him. He expects that people around him will show anger and aggression towards him, and he himself intends to respond in kind.

And when peers or adults really get irritated, shout or even use physical violence, a person predisposed to asociality only becomes stronger in the correctness of his views. A vicious circle that is extremely difficult to break.

Thus, the causes of antisocial behavior can be explained by biological, social and personal factors, and most likely, a combination of several of them. Author: Evgenia Bessonova

The concept of asociality in the sense in which we all know it was formed relatively recently. In the twentieth century, an antisocial personality began to be called those whose behavior and lifestyle did not correspond to generally accepted standards of ethics and morality.
Asocial elements are:

  • individuals without a fixed place of residence,
  • beggars
  • addicted to alcohol and drugs,
  • people with different social behavior due to mental health problems.

Historically, the word “asociality” (“a” from ancient Greek is a particle meaning negation) meant the same thing, but was not strictly negative.
They were called monks and in many religions this way of life was positive feature, since it implied distance from society for closer service to God.
Now in society the concept has taken on a purely negative connotation.

What does an antisocial lifestyle mean?

The social way of life familiar to everyone is a certain set of actions that a person performs throughout his life:

  • gets an education
  • works,
  • communicates with friends,
  • creates a family,
  • raises children.

The opposite way of life is behavior that contradicts social norms. Those who lead such a lifestyle consciously or unconsciously oppose themselves to society and live contrary to established norms and canons.

Often such a way of life is destructive in relation to others and because of this, a negative attitude has formed towards asocial individuals in society. The opinion was formed that those:

  • those who do not work provide for themselves through illegal means;
  • those who do not communicate with others do so for mental reasons;
  • those who do not start a family and raise children do so because of problems with violence on their part.

This is true, but not always. Such manifestations are more often characteristic of misanthropes - those who have developed hatred of others. They also have an asocial lifestyle, but it develops against the background of a different worldview.

The reasons for the opposite of a social way of life often do not depend on the will of a person. Its development can be facilitated by:

  • lack of livelihood,
  • absence of home,
  • problems in relationships with family,
  • development of dependence on gambling, alcohol or drugs.

In any of these cases, a person needs support. But due to the negative attitude from society, he does not receive it, becoming more and more immersed in problems without the ability to overcome them.

Chances to return to normal life a person has little, a persistent way of life is formed, which increasingly contradicts established norms.

What is antisocial human behavior?

What distinguishes an antisocial person? What behavior is typical for him? If you ask anyone about this, the characteristics will turn out to be purely negative. But this issue needs to be approached more broadly. This behavior can be characterized by two simple theses:

  • partial or complete self-isolation from society, which provokes isolation of the antisocial personality from society;
  • the negative attitude of such a person towards society, which also turns into the opposite negative.

These characteristics have a boomerang effect. The development of asociality comes from a person, but then there is a response from society.
If we break this type of behavior down into smaller particles, we will see that it is characteristic:

  • lack of desire to legally work for the benefit of oneself, one’s family and society;
  • lack of desire to start a family or live with one;
  • lack of desire to participate in the life of society.

These three points cause:

  • attempts to find a means of existence on the edge or beyond the law;
  • communication with similar asocial individuals with whom there are at least some common interests;
  • the development of a way of life that is alien to society, and which provokes the development of problems and inconveniences for those citizens who do not perceive asociality in its essence.

Summarizing all that has been said, we can come to the conclusion that asociality is a type of mental disorder. His distinguishing feature– behavior that harms society or does not bring any benefit.

There is a fine line between antisocial and antisocial behavior. An antisocial personality deliberately acts against generally accepted social norms.

Can antisocial behavior be a positive trait?

IN in some cases alienation from society is not an evil, but a blessing. Such a trait is considered positive in the religious world, where distance from society is a step towards getting closer to God. And such examples are not isolated.

There are also cases of conscious manifestation of an antisocial nature. They are usually called crises of a certain age. A person consciously withdraws “into himself”, limits his communication with the outside world in order to resolve internal problems.

This behavior does not bring any harm to society, and after a certain period the person returns to normal life.
Therefore, asociality cannot be considered purely negative trait. It must be assessed in relation to each case.

Who is an antisocial person?

Summarizing what was said above about this lifestyle and behavior, we can come to the only correct conclusion:

Please note that there is no negativity in this definition, since it is impossible to generalize all cases.
Antisociality can be a positive, neutral or negative trait.
This type of behavior can also occur due to health problems. It is characteristic of schizophrenia, in which an extreme degree of opposition to society is manifested - the patient’s absolute inability to build relationships with others. A negative attitude towards patients does not correspond to moral standards.
Another fairly common example is teenage subcultures. At the age of 13-17, young people often hide from external problems within themselves, not wanting to seek help from their parents.

This condition is very dangerous, as it can provoke mental disorders and suicidal feelings. Having noticed antisocial behavior in a teenager, it is important to help him solve the problems through the efforts of his parents and a psychologist.

Asociality in a negative sense – serious problem, requiring integrated approach in her permission:

  • treatment, often forced, of individuals with mental illness;
  • helping people for whom this lifestyle is a necessary measure;
  • social adaptation of those who led an antisocial life due to problems with the law.

Many countries have effective national programs for the socialization of such people, and they show results. This confirms that asociality is not a death sentence. But to return to society, such people need help.

In psychology there is a large-scale concept of society. This is the society in which we all live and whose laws we must obey. Social personalities do “everything right”, follow laws and regulations, comply with moral principles. Asocial individuals live according to their own ideas.

Who are antisocial people? These are those who follow their impulses and desires. They are not interested in the public and generally accepted rules. The main thing is to satisfy your needs, even contrary to the wishes of others. Their character traits– unprincipledness, deceit, impulsiveness, excitability, insensitivity, lack of conscience. Asocial individuals are not influenced by the assessment of close people and friends, if any.

Individuals with deviant behavior perceive society as evil. This is an obstacle to achieving certain goals. There is a threat coming from society. An antisocial personality wants to live according to his principles, and if society does not accept his opinion, aggression arises. In asocial men this is expressed by violence, in women – by deceit and cunning. These people commit deception without feeling guilty.

These comrades are not capable of love. They can only take without giving anything in return. They are prone to partner manipulation and blackmail.

Typically, these personality disorders stem from a genetic predisposition. It is also possible to influence dysfunctional family. Indifference and hostile relationships between parents leave their mark on the child’s consciousness.

Now let's look at who can be classified as an antisocial personality type?

1. Criminals, murderers, rapists, thieves. All those people who commit crimes against individuals. They may not be aware of their criminal actions. It’s just that at that moment they wanted to do exactly that: kill, rape, steal.

This also includes serial maniacs. They are also driven by a certain need. Desires can be different; in psychology there is a clear distinction between them. Some people are driven by the goal of making the world a better place. To rid him, for example, of females who visually remind the criminal of his mother. Someone is experiencing sexual dissatisfaction. Others allegedly act under the influence of higher powers, which “order” them to perform this or that action.

This type of famous asocial personalities includes Andrei Chikatilo, Jack the Ripper and other less famous maniacs.

2. People with various mental disorders. Of the most bright examples You might remember Billy Milligan. A man with many personalities. In total, 23 personalities lived in his head, 10 of which were the main ones. Depending on the life situations, one or another representative of Billy came to the fore.

3. Alcoholics, drug addicts. People leading an unhealthy lifestyle, prone to deviant behavior due to the drugs and doping they take. This type includes Uncle Petya from the next door, who has been “not drying out” for 10 years and at 40 years old looks 60.

4. Prostitutes. Ladies who are promiscuous. They produce children they don’t need and give them to the state to raise. According to the ubiquitous grandmothers on the bench, Svetka from the 3rd entrance belongs to this type. Although Svetlana may not be a prostitute at all, but a young woman in search of her happiness.

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