What the bachelor is hiding: Yegor Creed’s ex-girlfriends. Yegor Creed's family is unhappy with his choice of girlfriend What Yegor Creed's family looks like

Singer Yegor Creed is now at the peak of his popularity. The young man quickly rushed into musical Olympus and continues to hold a leading position there, becoming an idol of youth. That is why facts from the personal life and biography of Yegor Creed arouse genuine interest among the public, especially among his fans.

Egor Creed - biography

The biography of Yegor Creed did not have time to acquire many rumors and gossip, but in life young artist Quite a few events happened. Real name our hero - Bulatkin. Egor's date of birth is June 25, 1994. This event took place in Russian city Penza. The family was wealthy; the parents did not refuse anything to their beloved son. My father owned the largest nut processing factory in the country. Yegor Creed's mother, Marina Petrovna Bulatkina, studied vocals in her youth. The artist’s elder sister Polina followed in her footsteps and achieved great success not only as a singer, but also as an actress. Even Yegor’s dad was a member of one of the musical groups in his youth.

Apparently, the singer was brought up in a creative atmosphere. In Yegor Creed’s family, everyone had something to do with music, so the boy simply could not choose another profession. When he was very young, Yegor tried to play the guitar. Then his dream was to perform a hit very popular group"Lube" called "Combat". At that time it was Creed's favorite song. Over time, his musical preferences changed.

Yegor Creed's parents decided to send their son to study at a specialized school, where he studied in-depth in English. In addition, the boy began to be interested in chess. He even took part in tournaments and competitions. In addition, Egor was fond of various types sports and even took prizes in competitions with the team. However, he did not intend to make sports his profession.

Also in school years Creed began to get carried away musical genre in the rap style, which was just gaining popularity. At the age of eleven, the future artist had already written the first text and recorded it on his own voice recorder. He was inspired by the work of the famous American artist 50 Cent. Egor's favorite song was the track “Candy Shop”.

After receiving a certificate of secondary education, Bulatkin did not think twice about choosing a university and went to Moscow. There he became a student at the Gnessin Music Academy, choosing the profession of producer, and at the same time worked in his favorite genre. Music career Yegor Creed's life was developing at a frantic pace, and the guy did not have enough time to study. As a result, he was forced to take an academic leave and interrupt his studies at the university.

Egor started his career on the Internet. It will seem strange to many, but it was there that viewers were able to get acquainted with his work for the first time. The guy posted his song on the VKontakte page, where it gained great popularity. The author came up with the idea to record a video clip for it. With the help of friends, we managed to bring the idea to life. Within a week, Creed had a million views. The artist did not stop there and continued to upload videos of his new masterpieces. This helped him break into the world of show business and achieve significant heights.

Personal life of Yegor Creed

The Personal Life of Yegor Creed interests most of his fans. Who Yegor Creed has met or is dating is constantly talked about in the media. mass media. The guy is credited with numerous affairs with stars of the domestic modeling and show business. In 2012, the press discussed how beautiful Yegor Creed’s girlfriend Diana Melison was.

She is a model by profession, and the novel became known thanks to the published photo together V in social networks. The couple looked very organic. Egor, with his height of 185 cm and numerous tattoos, and the feminine Diana simply attracted attention. However, a year later the guys broke up. As numerous interviews testified, the reason for this was that Yegor was jealous of his beloved, who every now and then had to appear in advertising photo shoots underwear.

Creed was credited with having affairs with many celebrities, including Anna Zavorotnyuk, Nyusha and Vika Daineko. At the same time, the relationship with the singer Nyusha for a long time were kept secret. The guy did not mention her name in the interview, but only modestly referred to her as “she.” Perhaps the public would never have known who was hiding behind this pronoun if it weren’t for loud scandal, which accompanied the separation of young people. Former Egor Krida turned out to be from a wealthy family that did not accept the guy. Nyusha herself said in this regard that the family did not exert any pressure, it was just that she and the young man were different life values and were too different life positions. Living together became impossible. Creed, according to the girl, appropriated her song after the breakup, changing only one verse in it. Nyusha called such an act unworthy of a man.

Yegor Creed was not lonely for long and soon began an affair with famous model Ksenia Delhi. The relationship was carefully hidden, but several photos still ended up on social networks.

Soon the young people separated, the girl became the wife of an Egyptian oligarch. Yegor also has a new hobby - another model, Vika Odintsova.

She starred in a video for Creed's song, where they met. This romance was also not destined to last long. Very soon the young people separated.

In their latest interviews Yegor Creed claims that his heart is free. Constant touring and a huge amount of work do not allow me to take care of my personal life. The guy does not deny the opportunity to get married and create a normal, full-fledged family, but whether he has someone in mind for this, he tries to carefully hide from the public. Children and family mean a lot to Yegor Creed in life, so he takes a very responsible approach to choosing his chosen one.

The ideal wife of Yegor Creed, according to the artist himself, is the lead singer of the popular group “Serebro” Olga Seryabkina. There have been rumors about a romance between them for a long time, but the rapper’s joke that he was waiting for the girl’s consent to marry him became indirect confirmation.

Every life stage in the singer’s life is reflected on his body in the form of a tattoo. Despite the fact that his body is already quite densely covered with images, the guy still applies new ones. Musical themes predominate, but there is also a sublime, one might even say religious theme. Egor refuses to explain what exactly these tattoos mean, so fans can only guess about it.

Bachelor Egor Creed 2018

Either out of desperation or out of a desire to maintain his popularity rating, Yegor Creed dared to participate in television project"Bachelor". He occupies a leading position in the Forbes rating; millions of girls dream of becoming his bride. The producers spent a long time persuading eligible groom decorate their project with his participation, but Creed refused, citing total busyness at work. 15 beauties fought for Yegor’s heart, striving to surprise and conquer him.

Naturally, the public is interested in the question of who Yegor Creed chose on The Bachelor. According to the artist himself, he decided on the answer while working on the first episode. One glance was enough for him to determine with which of the participants he could have a serious relationship. The guy admitted that he does not tolerate arrogance and arrogance in girls. He also didn’t like the fact that in order to win, the fair sex in the show resorted to deception and setups.

Full name: Egor Nikolaevich Bulatkin

Stage names: Egor Creed, KReeD

Age: 24 years

Father: Nikolay Borisovich Bulatkin

Mother: Marina Petrovna Bulatkina

Zodiac sign:♋ Cancer

Place of Birth: Russia, Penza

Nationality: Russian

Height: 185 cm

Family status: single

Education: higher unfinished (Gnessin Russian Academy of Music)

Annual income:$3.6 million (2018)

Who is Yegor Creed

Russian singer Egor Creed

The real name of Yegor Creed is Yegor Nikolaevich Bulatkin. He came up with the nickname Creed in his youth, at the age of 14. His Instagram is in the top ten, the number of subscribers is approaching 10 million.


Egor was born into the family of Nikolai and Marina Bulatkin. The boy demonstrated his love for music from childhood; his parents always supported him and helped him develop his creative abilities.

Yegor Creed's family

Yegor Creed's birthday is June 25, 1994. The musician’s hometown is Penza. The rapper has never been ashamed of his origin, declaring that he does not consider himself “an advanced Moscow major.”

“This boy didn’t yet know how much was waiting for him.”

His parents still live in Penza, Egor often visits them. In addition, the young man enjoys giving concerts in his hometown and communicating with fans. “I have many friends and acquaintances in Penza. Whenever possible, we meet and communicate. No one can say that I am, as they say, arrogant.”

“Mom, Dad, thank you for everything!”

The artist’s father, Nikolai Borisovich Bulatkin, was born in March 1961. His nationality is Russian. He is the founder and CEO Russia's largest nut processing factory. It was from his father that Yegor inherited musical talent. Nikolai writes songs and leads a local group called “B-studio”. The team often gives charity concerts, in which Bulatkin Sr. also takes part. He performs as a vocalist and plays guitar.

Egor with his father Nikolai Borisovich

The father did not spoil his children. There were a minimum of gadgets at home, and the guy only got a mobile phone in the 10th grade. Creed recalls that he was given pocket money after he helped with housework: “To earn money for ice cream, I had to take out the trash, go buy bread and wash the dishes.”

Parents and sister of Yegor Creed

The musician’s mother, Marina Petrovna, is from Penza, but her year of birth remains “a secret.”

Marina Petrovna: Egor's mother

She helps her husband with family business, holds the post of deputy director of the company. Has two higher educations.

“2001, my mother brought me to first grade”

She approved of Yegor’s decision to build a career in Moscow. The rapper says his mom is his chief critic: “Mom often attends my concerts, and I always listen to her opinion after them.”

"I love you!❤️"

Sister, Polina Nikolaevna Bulatkina, 6 years older famous musician. Graduated in my hometown School of Music, studied in a theater studio for many years.

“Love u my sister!”

Graduate of the Faculty of Journalism of MGIMO. Now she lives in the USA, where she is actively pursuing a career as an actress and singer.

Egor with his sister Polina

Works under two pseudonyms - Michaels and Faith.

Yegor Creed in childhood

At the age of 6, Yegor began learning English, going to music club. Until the 5th grade I studied “excellent” at school.

“Appreciate this time. It is beautiful!"

At the age of 11, he became seriously interested in writing songs in the hip-hop style. The first composition was written at the same age. It was called "Amnesia". The artist’s idol is American rap artist 50 Cent.

Schoolboy Egor Creed

In addition to music, Yegor was interested in chess and basketball: “Mom believed that my sister and I also needed to mind our own business. We were taken to different clubs, events, exhibitions.”

Egor Bulatkin in his youth

In mid-2015, the artist entered the production department Russian Academy music named after the Gnessins. There is information on the Internet that Creed took a sabbatical leave due to a busy work schedule. Whether he returned to school is unknown.

Career of Yegor Creed

The beginning of a serious career was in 2011. Egor recorded and posted the composition “Love on the Net” on his VKontakte page. A few months later, the 17-year-old guy recorded a cover version of “Don’t Go Crazy.” With this song, Egor won the “Best Hip-Hop Project” competition.

Egor at the beginning of his creative career

That's when representatives of the Black Star music corporation noticed him. In April 2012, he signed a contract with the label. Egor moved to Moscow and became a sought-after person in Russian show business.

Timati and Egor Creed

Pavel Kuryanov helped him achieve fame - right hand Timati and director of the Black Star label. In the musical field he is known as Pasha. Many people urged Kuryanov to “dump Bulatkin,” but he saw that the guy could be turned into a “sought-after, expensive artist.” As it turned out, Pavel was right.

Pavel Kuryanov and Egor Creed

Egor recorded two studio albums, dozens of videos and songs. He is the winner of many prestigious music nominations, including the Oops! Choice Awards 2015 in the category “Performer of the Year” and OK! – “New faces – Music” (2016).

Yegor Creed is one of the eligible bachelors among the stars of Russian show business. The musician had, but Serious relationships It didn't work out that way. Fans hoped that something would change in his personal life. But the winners of the show raise serious doubts.

Yegor Creed is a favorite of the female audience, a talented performer and songwriter, former member label Black Star. By the age of 20, Yegor had become one of the most sought-after Russian pop performers.

In his youth, Egor’s love of music and personal experiences led him to the Internet, from which his career began. Creed is a stage name that Yegor came up with at the age of 14. The real name of the performer is Bulatkin.

Childhood of Yegor Creed

Egor Nikolaevich Bulatkin June 25, 1994 in the city of Penza. Egor's father, Nikolai Bulatkin, who is now known as the owner of a large nut processing factory, started his business when Egor was still a baby. He devoted his free time to creating songs in the “chanson” genre. Mother, Marina Bulatkina, helped her husband in business and practiced singing in her spare time.

Egor's 3-year older sister Polina is now known as Polina Michaels and Polina Faith - she is an aspiring actress. In 2012, she sang a duet with her brother in the song “Distances.”

The guy’s family was considered quite wealthy and very musical, which contributed to Yegor’s early immersion in the world of music. But the young man had many other hobbies: he studied at a lyceum with in-depth study of the English language, was fond of chess, played football, basketball, tennis and billiards.

Despite the family’s prosperous financial situation, their son’s parents did not spoil him and forced him to achieve everything through his own work. Mobile phone He was the last one in his class, he never had fancy gadgets at home, but now the performer knows the value of every penny and doesn’t throw money around.

To get 10 rubles from my dad for my favorite ice cream, I had to work hard: wipe the dust, wash the dishes.

IN high school The guy was fascinated by rap culture. Egor listened to the compositions of rapper 50 Cent, which managed to awaken in the guy the makings of a talented author of “songs that come from the heart.” At the age of 11, Bulatkin first wrote lyrics and recorded his song on a tape recorder - it was called “Amnesia.”

In 2008, when Egor was 14 years old, he invented the pseudonym KreeD. According to the author himself, his stage name is just a consonant combination of letters; it has no deep meaning.

Carier start

Yegor Creed received his first fame thanks to the Internet. In 2011, he posted a song on his VKontakte page own composition– “Love on the Internet” (originally it was called “The word “love” has lost its meaning”). With the help of friends, Egor shot a video in 2 days, which gained a million views in a few weeks. At that time these were huge figures.

Egor Creed – Love on the Net (2011)

In the same year, the 17-year-old rapper recorded a cover version of Timati’s song “Don’t Go Crazy” and shot a video for it. This was brought to the attention of one of the producers of Timati’s Black Star Inc. label. and contacted Egor.

Around the same time, friends persuaded Yegor to take part in the “VKontakte Star” competition. The guy won the “Best Hip-Hop Project” category, leaving behind thousands of talented performers. After a resounding victory, the guy began to be invited to perform at the best concert venues Penza, and in April 2012, Yegor Creed signed a contract with the Timati production center and moved to Moscow.

In the capital, he entered the production department of the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music, but in 2015 he took an academic leave, citing a busy touring schedule.

Career blossoming

In 2013, Egor sang a duet with popular singer Alexey Vorobyov. The composition was called “More than Love.”

In April 2014, Creed presented listeners with the single “The Most Samaya” - it conquered all Russian charts and became the singer’s most recognizable hit.

Egor Creed - “The Most” (2014)

In February 2015, Yegor Creed won the “Breakthrough of the Year” nomination in music award"Soundtrack".

At the beginning of April 2015, the performer released his debut solo album“Bachelor” which included the songs “The Most Samaya”, “The Bride”, “Jealousy” and others. In total, the album included 19 compositions. A month later, the song “The Samaya Samaya” won a winning place in the nomination “ Best Song of the Year" at the 5th RU TV Awards.

June 2015 added to Egor's awards prestigious award"Muz-TV" in the "Breakthrough of the Year" nomination.

The “Egor Creed” project is successful in every sense - in 2015 he won 4 awards and became one of the most sought-after artists of the Timati music label.

On New Year's blue light 2016 Egor performed the song “Nadezhda” together with Joseph Kobzon. In the same year, the joint song “Where are you, where am I” by Creed and Timati was released; later a video was released for it, which received millions of views on YouTube. This composition was included in Timati’s album “Olympus”.

Timati ft. Egor Creed - “Where am I, where are you”

In May 2017, Yegor Creed’s second album, “What They Know,” was released, which included 12 songs, including a duet with rapper Mot, “Go to Sleep.”

Soon the singer presented a joint composition with Olga Seryabkina “If you don’t love me”, and later recorded the song “Team 2018” with the participation of DJ Smash and Polina Gagarina.

Personal life of Yegor Creed

The hero of girls' dreams, Yegor Creed has no shortage of women, but to build strong family he still hasn’t succeeded, although the singer himself already dreams of trying himself in the role of a father.

In 2012, on the set of the “Starlet” video, Creed began a relationship with actress Miroslava Karpovich, who was 8 years older than the singer, who was still a schoolboy at that time. The lovers dated for six months and broke up due to enormous busyness and conflicting schedules.

In the spring of 2013, Yegor Creed began dating VKontakte star, model Diana Melison. As the girl recalled, Yegor was an incredibly romantic lover, he showered her with flowers and carefully thought through every date, trying to surprise her. Alas, the relationship did not last long - the singer was against the fact that his beloved was appearing in candid photo shoots and was terribly jealous. Melison stated that Yegor is not yet mature for adult relationships.

Then for several months Creed dated his stage colleague, singer Victoria Daineko, but they turned out to be too different tempers so that feelings result in something serious.

Then the singer was not long with Anastasia Zavorotnyuk’s daughter, Anna Stryukova. She was not yet twenty, and her tender age became the main reason for their separation. The girl chose to devote free time studies, not relationships.

A striking and discussed event was the romance between Yegor Creed and Nyusha, which began in 2014. It was about her that the guy later spoke: “This is the one with whom I wanted children.” Although neither of the couple officially confirmed the relationship, their romance could not remain a secret.

Egor Creed - young, ambitious Russian singer, a musician and a man whose gentlemanly manners and boundless charm charmed thousands of girls across the country. The collected facts about the singer’s life and career will tell about his life and creative path.

Biography of Yegor Creed

2. Parents

Egor’s father, Nikolai Borisovich Bulatkin, is engaged in business and is the director of the company Unitron Firm LLC; his mother, Marina Petrovna Bulatkina, holds the post of deputy director in the same company. At the same time, the parents are not far from creativity; the father plays music group, and my mother took vocal lessons when she was young.

Creed has a sister - Polina Nikolaevna Bulatkina.

3. Nickname

The musician came up with his pseudonym “Kreed” himself at the age of 14. He calls his fans “Creedomaniacs.”

4. Parental support

Parents never imposed their opinion on their son and did not interfere with his choice of profession.

5. Choosing a profession

The boy studied at a specialized school with a program for in-depth study of the English language. Until the 5th grade, the child studied excellently, then he focused on studying music and conquering the Internet, which, in his words, “was the right decision.”

6. Chess

He studied chess for several years and took part in youth competitions. Has the second category.

7. Sports

Loves sport games with a ball. He took part in competitions, where he took 5th place.

8. Since childhood, he made money by performing.

The love of creativity was instilled in the boy from childhood. For each family performance, the parents paid their son 10 rubles.

9. Childhood idol

The young man was fond of rap, his idol was the American rapper, actor and producer 50 Cent.

10. Nickname from friends

Friends call Yegor the Russian Timberlake.

11. First purchase

The first T-shirt that the musician bought for himself was a T-shirt with the image of the group “The King and the Clown”.

12. Yegor Creed's tattoos

The artist’s chest, arms and neck are decorated with various tattoos. Huge wings against a brick wall, musical notes, an owl with a microphone, the inscriptions “Never say never” and “Save and Preserve” are an integral part of the singer’s personality. The owner of the body painting himself does not like to talk about its meaning.

13. Auto

He drives a Mercedes Gelandewagen, worth 9 million rubles. The bright representative of the Black Star mafia collected the required amount in 2 months.

14. Couldn’t pass my license the first time

I passed my license the second time. Rides with a driver who is also the star's bodyguard.

15. Favorite vacation spot

He often vacations in Los Angeles.

16. Almost ideal

Has no bad habits.

Career of Yegor Creed

17. First successes

The first wave of popularity overtook young singer in 2011. His song “Love on the Net,” published by the author on his VKontakte page, was listened to by over a million people in 2 weeks. Creed and his friends shot an amateur video for this composition, which was published there.

18. Cover of Timati's song

The next step on the path to success for the seventeen-year-old boy was to perform a cover version of the song “Don’t Go Crazy.” Yegor Creed wrote an amazing instrumental version of the words of the famous rapper. The popularity of this experiment exceeded all expectations and brought the singer popular love and extraordinary popularity.

19. Received attention from Timati

Timati really liked this unusual performance of his hit, he personally met the talented author and offered him cooperation.

20. Cooperation with Black Star Inc

In 2012, the charismatic artist signed a contract with the production company Black Star Inc, and to this day is the youngest performer in the company.

21. Moving to Moscow

He leaves hometown and moves to live in the capital. In Moscow, a young man goes to study at the legendary Gnesinka Faculty folk art and producing.

22. The success of the song “The Most”

The hit “The Samaya”, released in 2014, led all modern charts for several months, the number of views of the video exceeded 100 million.

23. First album and first prizes

A year later, the singer releases his first album with the exciting title “Bachelor”, consisting of 15 songs. Also in 2015, he became the proud owner of a statuette annual award“Soundtrack” in the “Breakthrough of the Year” category.

24. A star named "Creed"

At the first Moscow solo performance, one of the many fans of the gifted musician gave him a star named in his honor.

25. Graduation with Yegor Creed

In 2016, the “Graduation with Yegor Creed” campaign was launched, in which 2,000 girls took part. Each wrote a letter to the idol, explaining why she should appear at the celebration with the musician. Egor read every appeal, but most of all the singer was interested in a letter written by the mother of a young schoolgirl, Anna Osydchenko. In the letter, the woman said that their family had moved to another city and her daughter had absolutely no friends in new school. The girl did not want to go to the holiday and closed herself off. This message touched the romantic Creed so much that after reading it, the choice for a hip-hop artist was obvious.

He came for the unsuspecting graduate on the day of the ball, gave her a huge bouquet of flowers, drove her in his car and was by her side the whole evening. In a subsequent interview, Anya admitted that it was the happiest day of her life!

26. Missed my graduation

But the singer never made it to his graduation. That day he performed for the first time at Luzhniki.

27. Second studio album

In 2017, the second studio album “What Do They Know?” was released, containing 12 tracks.

28. Duets with stars

Egor experiments a lot, performs in duets with various stars: Valeria, Aisha, Timati, Molly, Victoria Bonya and others.

One of latest clips: Egor Creed feat. Philip Kirkorov - The color of mood is black

29. Huge productivity

The number of songs, covers and remakes of the singer exceeds 350 compositions. His creative works enjoy enormous popularity and are constantly nominated in various music categories.

In 2016, Creed was banned from entering the territory of Ukraine. The singer was supposed to have a concert in this country, but he was not allowed in, since the sale of tickets for his concerts in Crimea had previously been opened.

In 2017 it was once again included in the list Russian celebrities with the highest income. During the year, the performer earned $4 million.

Personal life of Yegor Creed

32. Constant rumors

Young, handsome, infinitely talented bachelor Yegor Creed excites thousands women's hearts. He rarely talks about his personal life, citing the fact that now his main priority is his career. However, the media constantly arises new information about the musician’s novels.

33. Creed and Miroslava Karpovich

At the age of 17, the young man met actress Miroslava Karpovich, who played the role of Masha in the famous series about a father with many children and his daughters. Despite the nine-year age difference (Mira was older), the romantic relationship continued for several months. Yegor looked after the girl very beautifully, dedicated a song to her, but because touring activities They rarely saw each other, and soon the relationship fizzled out.

34. Creed and Diana Melison

The singer’s first high-profile romance was his relationship with Diana Melison, a liberated model from St. Petersburg, famous for her erotic photographs. She participated in advertising for underwear and fashionable clothes rapper

Having met on the set, a sympathy arose between the fashion model and the artist, which over time grew into whirlwind romance, which lasted about eight months. The stumbling block was the girl’s work. Yegor was always very jealous of candid photo sessions his companion, and over time, flatly forbade his beloved to take part in such events. But for a girl this work was necessary because She paid for her expensive apartment in Moscow on her own. In a fit of quarrel, Diana suggested that Yegor pay for her housing himself, but the guy refused.

After such an exhausting scandal, the relationship between the lovers became extremely tense, and the girl did not want to put up with the artist’s constant betrayals. The couple broke up. In one interview, Melison admitted that Yegor is still too young and not ready for a mature relationship.

35. Creed and Daineko

The next girl of the ardent “Romeo” was singer Victoria Daineko. The sultry brunette was captivated by the musician’s attention and courtesy.

36. Romance with Anna Stryukova

After her, the artist had a short affair with the daughter of the legendary nanny Vika Anna Stryukova, whom the singer simply bombarded with gifts and bouquets.

37. Creed and Nyusha

At the presentation of his video, the sensual musician meets popular singer Nyusha. Many print media immediately labeled their relationship as romantic. This romance lasted almost 2 years, but it did not come to a wedding. The singer did not have a good relationship with Anya’s father, and this was the reason for the breakup. Now the couple practically does not communicate. Yegor didn’t even congratulate Anya on her birthday.

38. Carla DiBello

Since the beginning of this year, the media have been actively discussing new novel Egor Creed. This time his muse was the American television star Carla DiBello. The 33-year-old beauty actively posts photos and gifts together on social networks. They spend a lot of time together, celebrating holidays together.

A photo of a luxurious bouquet of roses with a mysterious caption: “E” appeared on the girl’s Instagram. Fans immediately guessed who exactly presented American star this is a great present. Everyone knows that distinctive feature Egor has a love for chic gestures.

Not long ago, the producer Social life Kardashian family" flew to Moscow. It is still unknown how the relationship between the schoolgirls’ favorite and the foreign beauty will develop further, but thousands of Yegor Creed’s fans are already starting to panic!


39. Unauthorized concert

On the night of June 20-21, 2018, together with Timati, he held a small unauthorized concert on the roof of a car, thereby blocking traffic on Bolshaya Dmitrovka Street in Moscow. The performance was held to attract attention to the opening of Timati's beauty salon. In August 2018, the court found the artists guilty of organizing an unauthorized mass event and imposed a fine of 20,000 rubles on each person.

40. Canceled concert and scandal with Khabib

On September 9, 2018, a concert by Black Star label artists Yegor Creed and MC Doni was supposed to take place in Dagestan. But for a short time the performers received too many threats on social networks with a hint not to come to Makhachkala, and the concert was cancelled.

The famous commented on this event rather ambiguously: “not a great loss.” After this, Egor himself and the owner of the Black Star brand, Timati, responded to the fighter. They spoke correctly, but in response they received a bunch of insults from Nurmagomedov, after which the media fueled the conflict.

Khabib later deleted his provocative post. And the intervention of the President of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, in the conflict made it possible to try on sides in just a few hours.

Quick Facts

  • 41. The singer's height is 185 cm.
  • 42. Weight 80 kg.
  • 43. Zodiac sign Cancer.
  • 44. By eastern calendar born in the year of the wooden dog.
  • 45 . Loves macaroni and cheese.
  • 46. The huge stage wardrobe takes up 8 suitcases. The singer does not have enough time to disassemble it; the housekeeper does this.
  • 47. The first kiss took place in hot Abkhazia, when the future hip-hop artist was only 5 years old.
  • 48. At the age of 13, the boy was beaten by skinheads just because he wore wide pants.
  • 49. The singer's Instagram has 9.2 million subscribers.
  • 50. Plays guitar.
  • 51. He began writing his poetry at the age of 11.
  • 52. He is the author and performer of his own songs.

You can have different attitudes towards the musician, singer, person Yegor Creed and his work, but his boundless talent and crazy love for life charge every performance with positivity.

Young performers appear with the same regularity that mushrooms can boast after rain. But many of them disappear just as quickly. Only the most persistent and talented remain afloat. The path of such a performer as Yegor Creed is interesting. The biography and preferences of the musician are of interest to all girls in the country. He is handsome, successful and incredibly charming. Creed is actively developing and does not stop there. What can you expect from the “golden boy” of modern pop music?


The boy Egor was born in the city of Penza in the summer of 1994. He always was creative child with a sunny smile, he was distinguished by hard work, perseverance and faith in miracles. In addition, Yegor was always lucky and his initiatives justified the efforts expended. He was still at school and didn’t particularly think about a creative pseudonym. The teenager was interested in various musical directions, but paid special attention to hip-hop. Among the performers, I always singled out 50 Cent for his original music and style of performance. It was the idol that helped Yegor decide on his future professional path.

Dreams of the stage

For a novice musician, which is Yegor Creed, personal life, biography and career become interconnected concepts. He has excellent relationships with his family, does not shock them with work issues, and does not write provocative or offensive texts. Throughout his teenage years, Yegor was busy writing texts dedicated to eternal love problems and experiences. Each song of that period is based on the sincere emotions and pain of the author himself. Egor also recorded his first attempts at writing texts.

Creative way up

Series of concerts

Yegor's concert schedule is now scheduled literally to the minute. Numerous fans passionately want to see him in their city. Creed attracts with his friendliness, openness and positive attitude. He loves communicating with fans, gives out a lot of autographs and spares no time in taking photos together. There are topics on which Yegor Creed opens up with caution - biography, personal life, family. Perhaps the whole point is that the young man is very young and is more interested in discovering his potential in creativity. At the same time, the guy does not hide his personal life, but does not stick it out for everyone to see. He is registered on many social networks and easily communicates with people he is interested in. How long will Yegor Creed remain free with such openness?

Biography: personal life of a star

Mostly, fans learn information from rumors and draw conclusions from photographs of Yegor with girls. For example, in 2012 they began heated discussions romance between Yegor and the fashion model. The personal life of the young man became the property of fans when the pictures were leaked to the media. Diana and Egor worked together on photo shoots for clothing collections. The romance did not last long; a year later the couple broke up. The model gave an interview where she named Yegor’s jealousy as the reason for the breakup, and the guy himself said that the girl’s constant photo shoots in lingerie were to blame. Creed dedicated two of his songs to Diana. Then there was a love story with the participation of Victoria Daineko, whom, according to rumors, Egor stole from Alexei Vorobyov. Be that as it may, Yegor still lives in the bachelor’s apartment where his sister used to live.


Yegor Creed was known as a real womanizer. The biography and personal life with Nyusha interested fans seriously and for a long time, because the young people looked great together. They even moved in together and lived in country house Nyusha. True, at that time Yegor was completely unknown, and Nyusha was already popular. Their romance was declassified in 2014, but it also did not last long. Yegor remembers the relationship with sadness, says that he is grateful for the love he experienced, but has not come to terms with the circumstances of the breakup. Evidence of the singer’s experiences was Nyusha’s track, which he performed at his concert, making some adjustments. At just over 20, Yegor was already thinking about a family when he met Nyusha, but the relationship went wrong due to the opinion of the artist’s father, Vladimir Shurochkin, who was categorically against the affair. Yegor himself believes that the rejection was due to his deplorable financial situation at that time. Complementing the song ex-lover, Yegor sang “What the hell is love - your dad’s opinion is stronger” and thereby talked about the breakup.

Words about love

After this novel, Yegor Creed matured a lot. Biography, personal life, photos of his girlfriend are enviably popular among fans. But it cannot be denied that the affair with Nyusha left the most strong impression. It was Anna Shurochkina that Yegor dedicated the tattoo on his left hand, which he does not show to anyone. He wrote more than one song for this girl. Yegor himself admits that the entire album was written for Nyusha. He is glad that the girl was sincere towards him and considers her best girl in my life and the main motivator. Creed's main hits were written for Nyusha: “The Most, the Most” and “The Bride”. After his affair with Nyusha, all of Yegor’s relationships are fleeting and superficial. Now he doesn’t want to date a girl from a similar field.

The way forward

Now Egor is doing well professionally, he writes songs and records new videos. His parents - Nikolai Borisovich and Marina Petrovna - live in their native Penza and have their own business. Egor loves to be at home, although this is rarely possible. From time to time, new heroines appear in his life. He had a relationship with Anna Stryukova, with singer Hannah, partner in the single “Being Modest is Not in Fashion.” And just recently, rumors appeared about an affair with Ksenia Deli. They say that Ksenia is too old for Yegor, but Yegor Creed publishes intriguing pictures on the microblog. His biography and personal life, which had remained unchanged for many years, began to sparkle with new colors. In the photo on Yegor’s blog there is only the girl’s full face, but it is recognizable. Fans quickly identified Playboy model Ksenia Deli, who works a lot abroad and, in particular, starred in Justin Bieber's videos. Ksenia is successful in her work, but dreams of cinema. She has not yet confirmed her affair with Creed, but she does not deny this possibility either. This is a very confident girl, attractive and does not need such PR. Paired with Yegor Creed, they would be on equal positions. Perhaps the young musician is somewhat afraid to get ahead of events and talk about his affections, so as not to invite separation, but his fans are tense again, fearing the loss of an enviable groom.

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