What is better to paint the first work in oils. Review of oil paint sets for painting for professionals and beginners - description, composition and price

If you have a great desire to draw oil paints, but you don’t know how, it doesn’t matter. It's never too late to start learning to paint with oil paints. You can always try and create your own personal masterpiece.

How to paint with oil paints - choosing paints

In order to start painting, first of all, you need to purchase oil paints. The choice of paints must be given Special attention. After all, both the aesthetics of the painting and the success of your training depend on the quality of the paints; the question of whether you will engage in oil painting will be decided. Do not chase discounts and sales, as they often sell low-quality goods. At a minimum, you need to purchase 7 tubes of paint in primary colors. In the future, by mixing different colors, you can get any other color.

How to paint with oil paints - art tools

To paint with oil paints we will need:

  • various brushes;
  • canvas;
  • palette knife;
  • palette;
  • solvent for paints.

Brushes come in round, bristle, and flat. It is advisable to purchase at least 3 brushes of each type, different sizes. Please note that natural brushes are softer, while synthetic brushes are rougher. Also, do not forget to prepare a pot of water for brushes and rags.

How to paint with oil paints - workspace

The workplace should be prepared so that nothing disturbs you and it is comfortable to create. It is best to use an easel for painting rather than a table. It is advisable to place it where there is predominantly natural light. It's better to draw on fresh air because the paint has a strong odor. If this is not possible, then the room should be equipped with a window, an opening window or a balcony. You need to ventilate the room periodically. The easel must be adjusted in height to suit you. When adjusting the easel, it is worth taking into account your position, whether you will be standing or sitting. In order not to stain the floor, it is advisable to cover it with paper, polyethylene or fabric. Oil paints penetrate deeply into the structure of the fabric, so wear things that you don’t mind getting dirty. If you have long hair, then it’s best to braid them or put them in a ponytail, and to be sure, wear a scarf.

How to paint with oil paints - sketch

  • When creating an oil painting, it is advisable to start with a sketch. The work begins with the layout on the sheet. It is necessary to think about where the main semantic center will be located.

  • It is necessary to decide on color scheme. You can achieve the desired color on the palette. Since it is almost impossible to get the same color twice when mixing two or more colors, it is necessary to prepare secondary paint for the entire drawing. Oil paint that has not been mixed with other colors is called pure color. After creating the sketch, we begin to work with a brush and paints.

  • Any drawing has a source of light and shadow. To make the drawing more realistic, you should add shadows and highlights. It is necessary to determine from which side the light falls in order to depict it in the picture. Evaluate the picture from the outside, add the missing accents.

  • The palette must be lubricated with oil so that it is saturated with it, otherwise it will absorb the oil that is in the paints.
  • Initially, manage the space on the palette correctly, leave the middle for mixing colors, the left for colored paints, and the right for white.
  • To obtain a lighter shade, white should be added.
  • To obtain a darker shade, add black paint.
  • When painting with paints, adhere to the basic rule: first we paint with liquid paints, then with thick ones, and nothing else. If you do not adhere to this recommendation, then incorrectly placed layers will simply crack when drying.
  • The paint layer dries for about three days. Take your time to apply the next layer.
  • With a palette knife you can draw, for example, create a landscape.
  • If there is any excess paint left after work, don’t worry, you can save it. Place it in a jar and cover it with film to prevent it from drying out.
  • After work, do not forget to pay due attention to your brushes. They need to be washed, otherwise they can be thrown away.
  • Finished painting you need to open it with varnish.

Painting with oil paints is not difficult if you follow the tips above. Conquer the heights of your skills!

Have you long dreamed of trying to paint with oil paints, but don’t know what you need for this? We have collected 28 tips to help beginners understand this matter. We wish you inspiration!

1. The main set of oil paints consists of the following colors: alizarin crimson, cadmium yellow, yellow ocher, titanium white, cadmium red, ultramarine blue, Martian black. From these shades it is possible to create any other color.

2. Buy white with a reserve. When mixing paints it will be used up very quickly.

3. For an enjoyable painting experience, invest in quality oil paints and tools.

4. For your first painting experience, it’s enough to buy a couple of brushes different types. For example, you can purchase round, flat and bristle brushes in different sizes.

5. You can use old rags and cans to clean your brushes.

6. It is not necessary to buy a palette for paint; it is enough to use a board or cardboard.

7. When painting with oil paints there is a rule: thick to thin. For the first layer, buy a solvent. Apply a thick layer over it.

8. Draw in a place well lit with natural light. Otherwise, the colors may then differ from what they appeared to be in a specific light.

9. The easel is adjusted according to your height and position so that you can sit without discomfort or difficulty.

10. Oil paints are difficult to remove from fabric. Therefore, wear things that you don’t mind.

11. To begin, place a sketch in pencil or charcoal on the canvas. Build a composition.

12. To make the drawing more realistic, determine where the light source will be. This way you can easily depict darkened and illuminated areas, shadows, penumbra, and highlights.

13. Light color is obtained by adding white, shadow - by adding black.

14. To prevent the paint from being so thick, mix it with turpentine or linseed oil. Add them to the paint little by little to get exactly the consistency you need.

15. Take your time to apply the second coat. Let the paint dry. Usually this is 3 days.

16. Learn to mix paints. Add layers of paint so that adjacent paints can be mixed with a flat brush. The stroke should go in the direction of mixing.

17. To make the glaze, you will need 1/3 linseed oil, turpentine and oil varnish. Mix them and you get transparent color, which can be mixed with other paints to create a glaze.

18. To create the effect of a more transparent figure, you can use a brush with natural bristles. Apply dots onto the canvas with a brush at a 90 degree angle.

19. Use a palette knife to create a thick layer of paint. Smear the paint onto the canvas with a knife. This the best remedy for conveying movement and drawing landscapes.

20. Paints dry for about 3 days. Take this time to critically evaluate the drawing. You can correct the picture or completely erase the details.

22. Clean your brushes with turpentine and an old rag. Scrub the paint until the water running off the brush becomes clear. If the paint dries on the brush, the tool is unlikely to save anything.

23. Paintings take 3 or more months to dry. Until then, leave your creation in a well-ventilated place where the painting will not be disturbed.

24. After your painting has dried, it should be varnished. You will protect your picture and colors from fading.

25. Try not to use the color “Black Ivory” for background coatings, because it takes a very long time to dry.

26. Flaxseed oil is not used for light colors. Otherwise they will turn yellow.

27. To remove oil paint from your hands, use another oil (baby oil or olive oil). Wipe off the paint with a rag and don’t wash your hands until you’ve completely scrubbed it off.

28. Apply paints to the intended areas, and then use a brush to mix them until you get a gradation that satisfies you.

The art of painting is a vast layer of world culture, rooted in prehistoric period. In the Paleolithic era on the walls of the caves in which they lived primitive people, drawings depicting animals and birds began to appear. It is characteristic that primitive contours drawn with ash, clay or chalk always depicted animals that could be the object of hunting. If people were depicted, then they were necessarily hunters.

Buffaloes and mammoths

More conscious painting, and already in a sense colorful, appeared later, in the 12-10 centuries BC. For example, a buffalo was depicted with ocher, accidentally found by a cave artist, and its horns and hooves - with coal, deposits of which were everywhere in those days.

Oil paints for painting in an extremely primitive form began to appear in the 10th-7th centuries BC. Spectral and chemical analysis determined the presence of natural pigment in the patterns on basalt stones. Several images were painted with paints that contained egg yolk and white.

How and with what to draw?

Still genuine artwork oil paints appeared only in the 15th century AD. The art of painting has acquired a material basis. Oil paints began to be widely used by artists thanks to the efforts of the Dutchman Jan van Eyck, who actively promoted them and even created an entire theory on the topic “How to paint with oil paints.”

Incident at the Museum

The Dutch or Flemish school of painting is one of the most subtle artistic techniques. Each brush stroke of the masters of the 15th and 16th centuries is distinguished by unprecedented naturalism. When in 1984 the Pushkin Museum in Moscow exhibited Flemish painting, still lifes and landscapes, an expert group of artists gathered to evaluate the paintings. One of the paintings suddenly attracted everyone's attention. The painting showed a vase that sat on the kitchen table with a bouquet of freshly cut flowers. A drop of dew fell from one of the flowers onto the tabletop. It was depicted so realistically that the group leader asked all the artists present: “What is your opinion, how do you see the level of technology?” The painters replied: “The drop is so real that you want to brush it away with your hand...”

Dewdrop depicted Flemish artist, has not dried out in six hundred years. Perhaps, thanks to such drops, the art of painting is eternal.

Oil paints for painting

A modern set of colors in the artistic palette contains about twenty names:

  • cadmium red;
  • titanium white;
  • cobalt blue;
  • fuchsin is persistent;
  • cadmium yellow;
  • ultramarine blue;
  • lemon cadmium;
  • pink paint;
  • the paint is bright red;
  • viridon greens;
  • scarlet cadmium;
  • azure;
  • light yellow ocher;
  • cadmium orange;
  • mauve paint;
  • light green cadmium;
  • Indian yellow;
  • gas soot;
  • purple dioxin;

How to paint with oil paints so that the image is rich and expressive? Of course, experience is needed, which does not come immediately. But the first steps can already be taken now, and for this you need to purchase some supplies.

Where can I buy?

Specialized art stores sell a variety of kits and kits for artistic creativity. Oil paints for beginners in a small set can be bought relatively inexpensively; they will be enough for drawing simple pictures. It is best to master the basics of painting by depicting any objects. This could be a bowl of fruit, a yellow apple with a red side, a cut watermelon or a bunch of grapes. Novice artists do best with fruit and vegetable themes.

How to paint with oil paints if you have nothing else at hand? Of course, you need a canvas or cardboard sheet of a suitable size for the work. They can be purchased at the same art store, along with thinner and several art brushes. Canvas for oil paints can be sold ready-to-use, coated with a special primer, or in the form of a piece of coarse fabric that you will have to prime yourself. If you do not have experience working with ground coating, then it is better to buy a ready-made canvas already stretched on a stretcher.

Paint brushes come in several types depending on size, hair quality and hardness. Each type is designed for a specific job. Wide and hard brushes are suitable for applying backgrounds; softer brushes perform more important work in drawing out the details of the image. And thin ones are needed for final finishing, applying the smallest touches.

How much to buy?

Art kits that include paint brushes can be quite expensive, but you shouldn't buy them because only a small part of the kit will be used and the rest will sit idle. For a beginning artist, you need 3-5 brushes of different styles. This is a wide flute, two medium-sized brushes (numbers 2 and 3) and a pair of brushes numbered 1 and 0. In this set you can paint anything: from a still life or landscape to a portrait of your favorite dog. Although a portrait with oil paints is a very delicate work, and you will be able to cope with it only after gaining experience.

There are several painting techniques that you can follow to achieve success. The technique of painting with oil paints is complex and varied. To depict any object, it is necessary to create many shades by mixing colors. And even he can’t guess the right combination the first time. experienced artist. The work of creating a painting is based on constant correction of the initially obtained tone. This is a fascinating, but quite unpredictable process.

What is required from an artist?

How to paint with oil paints to achieve a good result the first time? First of all, perseverance is required from the artist. In addition, you need at least basic skills, the so-called basics of painting. Oil paints, a painting master class that will teach you how to use them, become clear and easy to use as you study them.


How the best way use oil paints? We offer the first stage master class for beginners.

After the canvas is stretched onto a stretcher, it must be primed. This is necessary so that the paints are not absorbed into the fabric structure, but are laid out in an even layer over the entire surface of the canvas.

The simplest, but fairly reliable primer is a mixture of PVA glue (polyvinyl acetate dispersion) with water-based paint for finishing work. The proportion should be in equal parts, 1:1, the mixture should be stirred well and not diluted before applying to the canvas. big amount water to the consistency of heavy cream. After this, you can cover the surface with primer. future painting. As soon as the primer has dried, check it with a light touch of your fingers for adhesion. If it does not stick, then the canvas is ready for use.

Next stage

Next you need to apply the background to the canvas. It could be background picture or monochromatic painting of a certain part of the picture. For this work, you can use flat, hard brushes or a palette knife - a pear-shaped metal spatula. This tool is convenient for applying paint in a thin, even layer, and then making the coating as thin as possible so that you don’t have to wait too long for it to dry. As you know, oil paints dry very slowly; this process can take a month or two. Therefore, you need to be prepared for a long break from work.

The background coating has dried, you can proceed to the next step.

Next in line is drawing the contours of the sketch. This is done with a pencil lead if the background of the picture is light in color. On a dark background, contours can be marked with sharpened white chalk. In any case, it is necessary to outline all the contours before the process of painting with oil paints begins.

If the picture should depict several objects, then you need to start with the largest one. For example, this is a ceramic jug with a handle, and four cups are placed around it. Next to them is a small vase with plums, and behind it are several sweets scattered right on the tablecloth. This plot involves the use of several colors of oil paints: brown, dark blue, black, yellow, red and white.

Shadows as part of the drawing

Since the drawing begins with a ceramic jug, a little brown paint is squeezed onto the palette, which must be diluted to the desired consistency. You can put the finished paint on a brush and make the first strokes. After the jug is drawn, it should be shaded. This will require the same brown paint, but darker. Add a little black to the existing one and stir. Then we apply the shadows, it’s not difficult, the painted jug itself will tell you where the dark stripes should be.

The jug is ready, let's move on to the next part of the drawing, the cups. They are also ceramic, and thus the task is simplified. After all the cups are depicted, they are also shaded. It is necessary to monitor the direction of the shadows, since the conventional light in the picture falls on both the jug and the cups at the same angle. Compliance with the rules of angular lighting is one of the foundations of painting.

Glass or faience

The next stage is a vase with plums. There may be certain difficulties in the image here. The vase should not be made of glass, since glass gives many shades, in some places it is transparent, in others it is darkened. Depicting these nuances will be quite problematic. It is better to draw a vase made of earthenware, which will require elementary shadows and nothing more.

With plums, everything is also simple, the main thing is to depict them from such a perspective, as if they were partially covering each other. If the drawing is done from life, then this is not a difficult task.

Finishing touches

Dark blue paint is most suitable for depicting plums. In places of their contact it is necessary to use thin curved lines to indicate this. You definitely need to draw plum cuttings; they will emphasize the artist’s idea. But naturally, not every plum should have cuttings; in total, five or six of them should be depicted, no more.

And the last “characters” are candies. The main thing here is to outline believable contours, and you can color the wrappers however you like. After the painting is finished, it must dry. It’s better to put the canvas somewhere in a corner, facing the wall and check it from time to time.

Greetings, dear readers!
In this article we will talk about the basics of working with oil paints. Of course it is the most popular technology in the world. The Greatest Masters paintings have been studied, improved and created with oil paints for centuries.

By the way, do you know when the first oil paints appeared? Most likely you thought about the 14-15th century and... you were wrong. Many people think so. But just recently, scientists did... Open this news too!

Detailing the painting with a thin liner

It is quite logical if you want to start your creativity with oil paints. And if you have never done this before, but really want to start, you should first find out what a beginning artist should have on hand and how to start painting with oil paints.

How to create your own artist kit?

  • We buy the necessary paints

My main advice to aspiring artists: buy quality paints immediately, don't try to save money! Cheap paints won't do much good, but they will cause a lot of headaches. When you constantly practice, you will be able to evaluate the quality of your work, which will directly depend on the quality of the paints.

Absolutely no need to buy big set, since there are always colors left that are never used. To start painting with oil paints, just use a few separate tubes. To develop a skill, a novice artist is recommended to have the following palette:

In general, the paint palette consists of 3 main (primary), from which all other colors (secondary and tertiary) are obtained by mixing. And when you learn to mix them, you will understand how and from what it is obtained. Everything around us consists only of red, blue and yellow... Amazing, isn't it?

  • Choosing brushes

Second important advice for newbie artists: Be careful when buying brushes! Inspect them to ensure that the connection (clamp) between the pile and the handle is as tight as possible. Believe me, it’s not very pleasant when the lint comes out of the brush and you have to constantly remove it from the damp canvas!

From experience I will say that good brushes will last you many years, if they are of high quality and you handled them correctly.

For beginners painting with oil paints, I recommend starting with flat and semicircular flat brushes. It is enough to purchase 3-5 sizes.

High-quality brushes often become favorites

Over time, you can add retouching, fan and line brushes to the collection. In another article-tip you can find out in more detail what brushes come in size, shape and

  • Selecting thinners and solvents

To dilute (liquefy) oil paint to the desired consistency, you need special liquid substances: mainly turpentine or refined linseed oil. Also, many artists use "Tees"- auxiliary means for diluting paint. On the market of foreign manufacturers there are various mediums, which I also use.

Important things for every artist

Not recommended for dilution, use pure solvents (white spirit, turpentine), because they break the structure of oil paint and “steal” its shine. But you will still need solvent to clean brushes and other tools, as well as paint-stained hands.

  • Buying a palette

It is impossible to imagine an artist working on a painting without a palette in his hands! This useful thing performs several functions: paints are placed on it, paints are mixed on it, oil cans (special containers) with oil paint thinners are attached to it.

Therefore, in order to paint with oil paints correctly and create many shades, I recommend acquiring a suitable palette. Wooden or plastic, large or small, square or round... The choice is yours.

  • Preparing the canvas

As a basis for oil painting, canvas is most often used.Fortunately, contemporary artist can buy ready-made primed canvas on a stretcher.

Almost every art store has canvases of different sizes and materials on sale. different materials: natural (linen, cotton) and synthetics. I recommend natural materials, they are denser and do not sag much over time.

If you want to prepare the canvas yourself, then to do this you need to prepare a stretcher and stretch the fabric very tightly over it. Then you need to prime the fabric to create a canvas. Canvas sagging is common, so After priming, you need to retighten the canvas a little tighter. Read more about how to make a canvas with your own hands

We prepare the canvas ourselves

Note: the best base for canvas is linen. It can be fine-grained, medium-grained and coarse-grained. The stroke on the surface depends on the grain of the canvas. About choosing a canvas

  • We purchase an easel

Of course, you can learn to paint with oil paints without an easel by attaching the canvas to any surface. But still, an easel is much more convenient: it is installed at the desired angle at eye level and gives best review paintings.

With an easel it is convenient not only to write, but also to find flaws in the work, and correct them immediately. An easel is a reliable stand for your future painting! They come in different heights and convenience, as well as tabletop mini easels for small canvas sizes.

  • We stock up on auxiliary accessories

Have you already thought about where your brushes will go? Where will you wash them? How will you wipe paint off your hands and other utensils? Be sure to stock up on jars in which you will wash your brushes, paper napkins, old newspapers and a few cotton rags.

These important little things should always be at your fingertips, so that you can work calmly and focus your attention on the picture and not on the materials. All this will be indispensable for you in your work to clean your brush or palette knife, or, for example, to remove excess paint from the canvas and wipe your dirty hands.

  • Other Important Materials and Accessories

An indispensable tool for working with oil - palette knife! With its help, it is convenient to remove excess paint from the canvas and transfer it to the palette. It also leaves amazingly voluminous strokes! In principle, one palette knife is enough.

But if you decide to learn how to paint well with oil paints and devote a lot of time to this activity, it is better to purchase several of these tools different forms and sizes.

Sketchbook – a special box for transporting paints and painting supplies. You will really need it if you decide to go out and paint in oils in nature or plein air, as it is also called (from the French Plain air - outdoors, in the fresh air)

Oilers- small containers with a clip with which they are attached to the palette. There are two types: simple and double.

Another important element is protective varnish. The finished painting is usually varnished 6-8 months after completion of the work. The varnish protects the painting from ultraviolet radiation, moisture and darkening.... Well, there are a number of other reasons why you should varnish a painting. In addition, varnish makes the colors richer and brighter, adding intensity to the paint layer. How to varnish a painting

Howstart painting correctly with oil paints when the artist's kit is assembled?

So, you have collected everything you need and secured the primed canvas. What to do next? Start writing!

I know that Many novice artists have a fear of a white canvas, something can go wrong and everything will be ruined. Don't be afraid, because the main thing is to just start! Here's how to stop being afraid and start painting.

You can start with a simple plot that comes to mind... For example, a mosaic pattern with selected bright colors, which consists of different figures, shapes and symbols. Well, like the ancient Egyptians, remember? Or you can take a finished image and try to copy it onto canvas...

Start drawing - feel the power of color!

Exist . The most common of them are - multilayer painting and Alla Prima. They contain most of the most famous paintings, although there are many other techniques.

We will talk about them in general and the rules of writing in more detail in another article, but now you need to start to just get a feel for the paints, brush and canvas.

By the way, did you know that creative people have Read, maybe you are a creator by nature, you just didn’t know it!

Here are some more tips:

  • Set up a drawing corner in your apartment. There must be enough light to work during the day without additional lighting. It is in the place of the best natural light that we place the easel. If there is not enough natural light, use additional lighting to provide good light on the easel.
  • Try to apply oil paints evenly, achieve uniformity on the canvas. If you really want to apply a second coat, take your time; Sometimes you need to give time for the first layer to dry.
  • Mix colors! Experiment with shades. Remember that white makes any color lighter, and black makes any color darker, with their help it is easy to achieve the desired shade of shadows and highlights. But don’t get too carried away with black and white, since titanium white, for example, makes some colors cloudy, and black is generally rarely used in classical painting. Although each manufacturer has several black shades on sale. An alternative to black can be dark indigo... it is softer and more delicate in appearance.

“Painting is the most accessible and convenient of the arts” - Johann Goethe, German poet, philosopher and thinker

These little tricks are enough to get you started painting with oil paints. If you like the Art Process and want to delve deeper into it, for more modern level, I will be happy to share my experience with you

Additional Video Tips:

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Nowadays, many people choose handicrafts or crafts as a hobby. various options artistic creativity. As the market is filled with mass-produced goods, the demand for souvenirs increases self made. Photographs or computer illustrations are printed multiple times. You can create an exclusive thing by learning how to write for beginners. It is quite possible for even a beginner to master this painting technique. This way you will make a wonderful gift or interior decoration. Even if you try to repeat exactly the same plot twice, you still won’t get a perfect copy. This determines the uniqueness of original works of art.

Preparation of materials

To create oil paintings for beginners, you will need the following:

  • base (canvas or fiberboard);
  • paints;
  • brushes;
  • solvent (white spirit) and a small container for it;
  • palette for mixing colors.

Professionals also use palette knives - special flexible metal spatulas with a wooden handle, which they use to apply paint to canvas. For a beginner, it’s enough to master brushes. In addition, professionals paint pictures on an easel or a special sketchbook, if they go out into nature to paint pictures from life for novice artists - the plot is quite complex. It is better to make them from your imagination or using a photograph. It will be easier.

From the point of view of professionals, it is more convenient to work on an easel, since it is easier to step away and evaluate the result from afar. In your first experience, you can also practice on a table surface, although it is better to take some kind of plywood and place it on your lap or place it on a chair at an angle. Such a review of your work allows you to better assess its quality and notice errors in time. Although for the first experience you should do what is convenient and comfortable for you, so as not to be distracted from the main thing.

Please note that the paints are used unevenly, so for a beginner it is better to purchase them separately. The release form is offered in various volumes. White paint disappears the fastest, but black paint is used in very small quantities. It makes sense to first decide on the plot, and then purchase paints in the appropriate shades. For you you will need one set, and for summer landscape- another. In order not to waste money on unnecessary colors, it is better to buy only the necessary ones in approximately the required quantities. Although in fact all shades can be obtained with only three primary colors (yellow, red, blue), as well as white and black.

Which foundation should you choose?

Traditionally, oil painting is done on canvas, but for a beginner this can be difficult as the fabric needs to be stretched over a stretcher and primed. However modern technologies have made progress in this direction. Specialized stores sell ready-made bases onto which paints are immediately applied. They are not cheap, but they are just right for a beginner, as they make the work much easier.

Another option is to use fiberboard. Every man's household has scraps of this material stored after repair work. It’s easy to find it by asking friends, relatives or acquaintances. Someone has definitely used it and keeps some leftovers in the pantry just in case.

The texture of the fiberboard sides is different; one looks absolutely smooth, while the other looks rough, vaguely reminiscent of a woven structure. You can use both, but it is better to apply to a rough surface. larger number layers of primer, otherwise the color may appear dull in the future, since the paint will seem to sink into the structure of such a “canvas”.

If you decide to try the oil painting technique for beginners for the first time, you can use a ready-made fiberboard base with a primer already applied. They are also sold in specialty craft stores. It is better to take a small sheet size, no larger than landscape. Once you have gained some experience, purchase or prime a format of any size yourself.

You can immediately order a frame for your future painting. Once decorated, any canvas looks elegant and complete. However, most often the baguette is selected according to color, width and narrower finished work. This is also an interesting and creative process. Seeing the same image in different frames will help you understand how different the canvas makes an impression. Even oil paintings by novice artists look exquisite in a good frame, but poor framing can ruin a professional’s painting. So this stage must also be treated very carefully.

If you still decide to prepare the DPV base yourself, a simple and cheap way is to use regular gelatin; you can add PVA glue to it to make the color white. This primer should be applied in several layers, allowing the previous one to dry first. Three times will be enough. You should feel that the surface has become different. When the base is prepared, you can move on to

Types of brushes

To work with oil, use bristles or synthetics. Their fibers are hard, elastic, and interact well with the paint composition. To begin with, you can buy two or three pieces. A thin one, for example No. 1, will be needed to work out the details, wide ones are needed to create large background surfaces in the case of a landscape - the sky, grass, water, draperies in a still life. Do not use squirrel brushes for oil painting. They will spoil. After each use, especially if you are going to take a long break from creative process, thoroughly wash the tools with solvent so that the paint does not dry on them.

Oil paintings for beginners step by step

Considering that you have prepared the materials and base, creating a canvas, regardless of the plot, consists of the following steps:

1. Apply a linear drawing to the canvas with a simple pencil or just paint.

2. Distribute shadows and highlights - the darkest and brightest areas of the image, respectively.

3. Complete the background and all large objects.

4. Draw small details.

Remember to constantly step away from the picture, assessing the result from afar. As you work, try to mix different shades of colors on your palette. The final touch will be to frame the painting.


To do simple paintings oil for beginners, choose the appropriate topic. The easiest way is to make a still life, that is, a composition of household items, a vase with flowers. If you are working from life, and you will need a lot of time the first time, use objects that will not change in a week. You may have to complete the painting in several steps, so when composing a still life for the subject of an oil painting for beginners, it is better not to use flowers. They may change color, wither, or new buds will bloom. The perception of the composition will change. It will be difficult for you. The easiest way is to work with a photograph or copy an easy image you like. Don't take stories with a lot of details. It is very difficult to paint a portrait.

How to make a landscape?

If you want to decorate your wall with a nature painting done by yourself, it is better to use a tutorial on how to paint oil paintings for beginners step by step. By ready-made instructions it is quite possible to do this. The main thing is to understand what elements the image consists of, and it is better to start working from the background and general space, moving sequentially to more small details, located closer to the viewer.

Let's go plein air

Painting oil paintings in nature is very pleasant, but you need to work quickly, since the weather can get worse, and the sun is constantly moving, changing the direction of light and shadows. Beginning artists can use a camera to photograph the initial painting. If you get tired of working for a long time the first time, then you can finish the painting at home.

How to draw flowers?

If you want to decorate the interior of a room with an oil painting with a bouquet in a vase, it is better to choose asters as your first experience. Asters are perfect. They are not difficult to make, as they are a simple elliptical shape, and the small petals are easy to do with separate strokes in a circle. Also suitable are daisies, sunflowers, lilacs, lupins, mimosa - in a word, choose those with inflorescences or individual elements of a simple, clear shape that can be created in one stroke, drawing several details later. Your task is not to convey the photographic accuracy of the object, but to create a beautiful impression of what you see.

So, you have learned how to create oil paintings for beginners. Choose the story you like, buy necessary materials and begin the exciting creative process.

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