Wish card what to write. Making a dream map correctly: important tips

Day 23. The moon is growing. Finally, I have some free time and I am sharing with you valuable information on the topic " CARD OF WISHES" or " VISION BOARD".

We will not focus on the desire to meet the man of our dreams, but will improve our lives and move in different directions. (By the way, I plan to post something related to the field of finance in the topic of Feng Shui for money).

This card is literally a guide to your desires from different areas of life. It's a must have. Our thoughts and desires can change, spread and disperse. And this magnetic thing allows us to focus and concentrate all our dreams and goals in one place and let the Universe know about it.

There are many different options for how to make it. Here I present the rules for drawing up a map, based on Feng Shui and my personal experience of translating what I want into reality. I once found this option for myself and am very pleased with its work.

I have had this card for 2 years now (by the way, my daughter has too). Most of the images have already come true. Many wonderful and unreal things also came true. A little later, I will tell you cool stories related to how pictures unexpectedly turned into reality. What you see in the picture above is an electronic schematic example of a card) My real card contains many more pictures and looks a little different. I will not post it here, because according to the rules, it must be protected from prying eyes.

Let's get started. Basic rules A:

1. The card must be made on the waxing moon (you have another 10 days to do this).

2. The card is valid for 3 years. That is, you must place desires that can come true during this period. If. For example, if you want a child, you don’t need to place a first-grader in the children’s zone, you should place a baby under 2 years old. Or if you are 18 years old, you don’t need to put a picture in the career area where you are a bank director. In general, you understand.

3. The map consists of 9 sectors, which you can draw on whatman paper with a pencil.

4. You need to glue the pictures from the center. Overlapping. No spaces between them.

5. The map should hang in your bedroom, in a prominent place, so that you can see it morning and evening. At the same time, she needs to be protected from prying eyes (even her friends). If you don’t have your own room, you can hang the map on the inside of the closet.

6. Pictures must be COLOR and positive. You can cut them out from magazines, you can print them on a color printer or in a photo studio. You can also cut and paste positive sayings and phrases.

Let's move on to the description of 9 sectors.

1. We start from the central sector.

Here in the very center we place a photo of you, where you are smiling and happy. And from this photo we will glue everything else. This sector is dedicated to your health, fitness and good mood.
I am sharing sample images (from my map):

And also, I draw your attention to the fact that in the central sector you need to stick the mystical sign "OM", which multiplies everything and increases the likelihood of desires coming true.
Here he is:

When we have covered the entire central sector without any gaps, we move on. In any direction)

2. Career.

Here we put everything that is related to your career. Where do you want to work? What does your work involve? What is your dream job?

3. Wisdom and knowledge.

Here we place images of books, dictionaries, libraries, educational courses, universities, if you want to enroll in any university, a universal symbol of wisdom - an owl, a lotus flower - also a symbol of wisdom, etc.

4. Home, family.

Family, family traditions, family tree, home, apartment, dacha, furniture, etc.

5. Wealth and prosperity.

Images of money, jewelry, gold bars, luxury items, yachts, cars, desired material assets, etc.

6. Fame and success.

What does success mean to you? Do you want to become famous? Think about it and place the symbols that come to your mind in this sector. Maybe these are some awards, diplomas, medals, cups, victories in competitions or world fame. For many, success and fame are abstract concepts; in this case, you can place images of fireworks, balloons, gifts, the phoenix bird - a universal symbol of glory, flowers, the sun, etc.

7. Love and marriage.

Here we come to our sector, which is the main topic of the blog).

Hello, dear friends.

Have you ever thought that everything that surrounds us is saturated with desires and dreams? Each of us has a cherished goal. This is what drives us, for which we open our eyes in the morning and what unites the masses of people.

But we sometimes feel that we simply don’t know how or have forgotten how to do it. To the question: “What do you want?”, we can’t find a suitable answer for a long time. I want everything at once, something more, something less. There are a lot of options, a lot of desires, but the dream is completely lost. Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

Many bad situations that happen in our lives are directly related to the formulation of wrong desires in the past.

Today, the modern day, in which almost everything is possible, many methods and ways to achieve what is needed are practiced.

But specifically in this material, I want to tell you about an effective method. It's called the wish mapping process. This wonderful method perfectly illustrates the capabilities and magic of man.

With the help of the power of intention, as well as visualization, achieving what we dream about when we close our eyes before going to bed becomes real. How to make a wish card correctly?

What you need?

  • Free evening;
  • Whatman paper or a large sheet of paper, no smaller than A4 (white);
  • colorful pictures that embody your desires as accurately as possible. The brighter and more saturated they are, the better.
  • for everything to come true, you need your personal photographs in which you are happy;
  • scissors;
  • felt-tip pens, crayons, glitter, pencils and other writing paraphernalia;
  • a huge number of your innermost desires!


  • At the time of drawing up the map, you should have ;
  • A wish map can be made many times. But the maximum lifespan is 3 years. I will advise you to create a route for 12 months, for example, for 2017. This date can be recorded at the top and the collage can be supplemented with the necessary pictures.
    That is why you should not use “Super Glue”; if you change your mind with any desire, the picture can simply be removed. In addition, after such work you will not have the question: “ What to do with an old wish card?».
  • The whole process should be carried out alone and with a pleasant company of musical compositions.
  • You should not show the card to your friends or family, these are only your dreams and your life!
  • You can place it in a closet or an intimate place convenient for you.
  • Don’t write the phrase “I want...” under every wish.
  • Sign all your wishes in the present tense, here and now. For example, instead of " I lost weight", use the phrase " I'm slim, I weigh 55 kg" etc.
  • Eliminate the particles " Not», « I don’t eat after 18.00», « I don't shout", etc. Just a statement! " I am calm!»
  • The cardinal directions on the collage must correspond to reality.
  • Your presence “inside the dream” on the collage is mandatory.
  • Find the perfect embodiment of your desire. If you want a white car, then spend a little more time, but find what you need!
  • The map understands the meaning of what is written and applied - literally, remember this. Formulate your thoughts as clearly and simply as possible.
  • Poor image quality can reduce the level and quality of wish fulfillment.
  • From each picture, you need to draw arrows to the photo so that the right thing comes knocking on your house.


I've read a lot of opinions about how to correctly place wishes in sectors on the map. Since it is believed that this is an ancient, eastern practice, the map must be drawn up correctly.

There are 2 stages of compilation:

  • according to the lunar calendar - choosing the most appropriate moment;
  • according to Fei Shui, this is the definition of the visual component of the map.

According to the lunar calendar

Remember, the best time to create is the new moon, as it fills the card with energy and strength.

According to feng shui

I have prepared step-by-step instructions for you with which you can create useful beauty.

First, I want to note that you can create an electronic version on your computer so that it is more often in front of your eyes. And at the same time, nothing can replace your personal energy, which will remain on the map at the moment of its creation with your hands!

So, in the middle of your sheet, record your joyful photo. This part of the leaf symbolizes health and is the center. Fill it with pictures of a healthy and beautiful body. When signing pictures and sectors, follow the points that I emphasized in the “Important” paragraph.

From this point, in a circle, you can fill the rest of the space. To make it convenient, I will try to describe the name and characteristics of each block:

  • South means glory. In this zone you need to outline or outline bonuses, as well as merit for your work. The desired awards, as well as certificates of merit, all of this must live in this measured place.
  • Southwest - marriage, love. If your heart is free, then here you should let go of your imagination and describe the life partner who should soon enter your door. Romantic images will do. Eliminate grievances, worries and suffering. Only the brightest and best wishes for yourself!
  • West - children and creativity. Do you want kids? Be sure to add happy and smiling babies to your collage! Also, increasing the level of skill is suitable for this sector. Do you want to improve your skills? Then you are at the right place!
  • North-West - useful people, travel. Find photos of countries where you would like to visit and don’t forget about your friends.
  • North is your career. Here you have the right to write everything that you would like to change in your work. Or maybe you are ready for a new place? Then vividly describe the necessary requirements!
  • Northeast - knowledge and wisdom, self-development. Additional education, passing exams or complex tests. Do you want to defend your dissertation or take your license? Then go ahead! Draw your future!
  • East - family, home. Visualization is perfect in the context of repairs or improving the quality of life. Photos of happy families, desired interior, home purchase, etc., will help you create what you want with your own hands!
  • Southeast - wealth. This is where you need to sincerely rejoice and fill the canvas with money, large bills, jewelry and cars. Any associations with increased material wealth should be included in this sector.

How to activate the card?

You should place a quickly fulfilling wish on it. For example, a picture of a delicious apple! And then buy it and eat it! This way you will already know that the wish map works.

Friends, that's all.

Subscribe to my blog updates and recommend it to your friends to read. In the comments, tell us how your card works? Or at what stage of the creation process?

See you on the blog, bye-bye!

Feng Shui wish card - this is a great way to achieve significant results and success in your career, study, love, improve your financial situation, enrich yourself spiritually and fulfill your cherished dreams. We will tell you later in this article how to create such a miracle card yourself, and also make sure it brings real results.

Feng Shui Wish Board

More than once and in more than one teaching and theory it has been said that any of our thoughts have the ability to materialize, in other words, by thinking, we ourselves create our own future, therefore any thoughts must be taken extremely seriously and responsibly.

Today in the world there are a large number of different techniques aimed at using the subconscious as the main engine to achieve goals. One of the most popular ones is visualization of desires according to feng shui using a specially made map or, as it is also called, a board, picture, poster, table, etc. This card is a bright collage of color photos, pictures and inscriptions that reflect our desires. All of them are placed on a large sheet of paper in a certain order, depending on the meaning and theme of the desire.

Such collage of feng shui wishes helps us clearly articulate our deepest desires and visualize them in real life. Having placed such a collage at home, we begin to be helped not only by directed flows of favorable energies, but also by our own subconscious, which strives for certain, specific goals and often the achieved results of such a technique exceed all expectations.

Feng Shui wish table. Where to begin

So that you can have your own picture of desires according to feng shui collect all the old glossy magazines, unnecessary books and brochures, and also arm yourself with scissors, glue and a large sheet of white paper (whatman paper). In addition, for work you will need colored markers, printouts with certain phrases and mottos that are important to you, as well as your photo. In the photo you must be a smiling and completely happy person - this is one of the basic Feng Shui rules for this technique.

Next, take a piece of paper, a pen and make a list of your wishes, you can even start notebook of wishes according to feng shui. Once it's ready, flip through the stack of magazines and select the appropriate images. It is clear that with dreams of a material nature it is easy, if you are dreaming of a luxury car, you should find a picture depicting just such a thing, girls dreaming of expensive furs or jewelry need to focus on the corresponding photos, but what about goals of a different nature? For example, you dream and see yourself entering a prestigious university or have long been striving to open your own business, but so far nothing has worked out. In this case, you should select pictures that convey in their content the very action that you are trying with all your might to get closer to. A photograph of a student (student) is quite suitable for students, and a future businessman can choose an image of a director’s chair or a door with a sign on which his details and position will be indicated.

If you were unable to find the desired image of an object or action, try to depict it yourself or replace it with an inscription that you can do by hand, cut out from the same magazine, newspaper, book, or print on a printer. It is important that this inscription be in the present tense and already reflect the event that has happened that you are dreaming about. For example, one of the items on your wish list is the dream of losing weight, so the printed or written phrase should sound something like this: “I have lost weight, I have become slim and beautiful.”

I would like to warn you in advance that stories, clippings, pictures, photos are for a good board, which provides one hundred percent Feng Shui wish fulfillment you will have to search every day, a hastily made board will not work as well as one that you carefully think through and create ideally with your dreams.

Another important point is that the size of magazine clippings and images on them must correspond to reality and be adequate in relation to them. So a picture with shoes from a famous designer should not be several times larger than the picture in which the house or car of your dreams is photographed, even if shoes come first for you today. Try to maintain proportion in everything, although this is not easy, so that the collage of desires works correctly and does not divide dreams into priority and secondary ones.

When cutting out photos and pictures from magazines, books, etc., be sure to look at the opposite side; there should not be any negative on it, not in pieces of text, individual words, or images. Also, the clippings must be intact, not wrinkled, not torn or scratched, all of which can lead to the opposite effect.

After the necessary clippings, drawings, inscriptions, pictures, etc. will be assembled, decide on the basis, it is better to take a clean large white Whatman paper or cardboard for it, do not use the back side of sheets of large wall calendars, various kinds of posters, visual material, etc. Gluing several landscape sheets into one large one is also not recommended. If you were unable to get a large sheet, it is better to complete the map on a small solid one rather than on a large composite one so that nothing can divide your dreams, aspirations and goals into parts.

Feng Shui wish card. How to do

Next, you need to divide the prepared sheet into sectors, using the Bagua grid for this. Typically, such grids are depicted in the form of a beautiful octagonal figure or an ordinary square divided into nine equal parts.

Get a compass and use it to find the west, make a corresponding mark on whatman paper, and starting from it, apply the Bagua grid to the base. In the center of the sheet you should have the “Health” sector, you paste your photo into it, for those who did not remember or did not pay attention, we remind you that you should be alone in it in a good mood with a happy, positive smile.

To the right of the center in the west you should have the “Creativity and Children” sector, if you dream of becoming a singer, actor or writer, place there an image of a person of a similar profession, but if your goal is to join the family, fill this sector with photographs of small children, baby strollers , cribs, etc.

To the left of the center in the eastern part there is the “Family” sector; those who only dream of creating it should fill it with clippings of loving couples, newlyweds, etc. For married people, it’s good to paste here pictures of a large, friendly family spanning several generations; such a message will help you create a strong, happy, large family in real life.

At the top left above the “Family” sector in the south-eastern part is the “Wealth” sector, everyone who dreams of improving their financial condition should stick pictures there depicting packs of banknotes, money rain, a thick wallet with banknotes, a large handful of gold coins, jewelry and etc. Monetary Feng Shui wish zone can also be enhanced by the image of special figurines and symbols that help to gain financial and material wealth, you can find out more about them.

The “Love and Marriage” sector is located above the “Children and Creativity” zone in the southwestern part. Those who dream of attracting love into their home need to paste pictures of lovers, kissing couples, clasped hands, hot hugs, and decorate them with beautiful hearts. , cupids, love doves, swans and other love symbols. People who have already found their soulmate can post her photo here, but the rule remains unchanged, the real person depicted in the photo must smile and be in a good mood.

The middle part between and “Love and Marriage” is occupied by the sector of the southern direction called “Reputation and Glory”, in order to achieve the fulfillment of desires in this area you need to paste the corresponding pictures there.

Below the “Family” zone in the northeast direction there is another important sector and it is called “Knowledge and Wisdom”. It will help you achieve certain success in your studies; to activate it, glue a cut-out photo of your diploma, certificate, course completion certificate, etc. onto paper.

Below the “Health” sector in the north there is a “Career” zone; it’s easy to guess that it can help you achieve certain success at work and ensure advancement up the career ladder. Attach here the necessary pictures or photos of specific individuals whose heights you strive for.

The last ninth sector, located in the north-west, is called “Helpers and Travels”. Here you can place landscapes of countries and cities that you have long dreamed of visiting. Here you can also attach photos of your patrons, the faces of saints and other deities who, in your opinion, can protect and protect you.

Feng Shui wish poster should be created only in a good mood and with full faith in its miraculous effect, and you should also choose a favorable day for this.

Try to fill all the spaces of the paper without leaving empty spaces, as they say, “A holy place is never empty,” because, in fact, the emptiness in life is always filled with something and it’s not always something good, so it’s best to control this process, rather than letting everything take its course.

It is very important to display your own, innermost dreams in the poster, and not follow fashion or someone else’s advice. Also, please note that you should make a wish poster exclusively for yourself, and not for several people, even if they are all close to each other. Otherwise, the result may be very unpredictable and not always positive.

It’s good if, in addition, next to each dream you put specific dates and set periods for achieving certain goals, all this will stimulate your subconscious and you, without expecting it yourself, will begin to look for how to implement your plan in each specific case. Moreover, it is advisable to enter these dates spontaneously, chaotically, without thinking or planning anything, in a word, as your intuition tells you.

Be sure to make your own loud and affirmative inscriptions next to the pasted pictures - “My family”, “My car”, “My work”, “My house”, “My wealth”, etc. This is important, because it may happen that one day you will enter the house of your dreams from a magazine clipping, but it will not be yours, but your friends, so it is very important to specify everything and assign it only to yourself.

Believe firmly that everything you have planned will definitely come true, and don’t give up, if it all doesn’t happen right away, perhaps dreams will begin to come true one by one, and those that are achieved can be replaced on the poster with new clippings. You can also deal with those dreams that for some reason are no longer relevant.

If more than half of your plans have been fulfilled, feel free to start creating a new one, but first of all transfer into it what you have not yet managed to achieve, and only then supplement it with new plans and dreams.

Feng Shui wishing wall. Where to place

Place the collage poster in the most secluded place of your home, away from prying eyes, because these are your goals, and strangers do not need to know about them, but what you must do is look at the pictures at least once every day. Moreover, when looking through them, you should not analyze whether you have moved closer to what you planned or not, you should be several steps ahead and already clearly imagine how you have all this. Moreover, here you will have to become a real director of your own picture of life, turn on all your imagination and feel your own dreams with your senses in the brightest colors. For example, you dream of a vacation on the sea coast of exotic countries, the sound of the surf, warm sand, a light breeze, the smell of wonderful flowers, all this should clearly appear to you.

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Among the techniques for making dreams come true, the wish card is considered one of the simplest and most effective. It’s not difficult to do, the main thing is to arrange desires from different spheres in the right sectors.

What is a wish card?

A wish card is a tool borrowed from Feng Shui that helps make dreams come true. This is an easy and effective way to quickly achieve your plans. Before you draw up a wish map, you need to understand that it is not a magical artifact, but has a purely psychological effect. Its creation helps a person concentrate on what is important, clearly understand what he wants and form an image in his head.

If you often look at the desire card, it will begin to be imprinted in the subconscious. That is, a person will even unconsciously move towards the goal. This effect is also known as visualization. You need to design the card in such a way that you like it. To do this, you can use pictures or text. It all depends on how easier it is for a person to visualize.

Translating all this into the Feng Shui system, the action of the wish board is based on the relationship between human thoughts and the Universe. If you clearly formulate your dreams, the Universe will respond and contribute to their fulfillment.

How to make a wish card correctly?

First you need to understand what exactly you want, it is better to clearly formulate it on paper (draft). Dreams are formulated in the present tense, as if they are coming true now: I am slim, I am attractive, I am always in a good mood, I am rich, I am successful, I am the owner of a red BMW.

To tune in to the right wave, relax, it’s better to be alone. Some people think easier in silence, others think better in nature, and others find relaxing music helpful.

Next you need to decide what the board will be like - text or illustrated. In the second case, you need to select pictures that most closely match your dreams. The board is made independently, you need to feel every desire, forgive through yourself. You can use any auxiliary materials: rulers, stencils, pencils, colored paper. The main thing is that the resulting result inspires its creator and evokes good emotions in him.

Wish map: sectors in the table

Before making a wish map, you need to study the sectors that should be in it. There are 9 of them in total, they correspond to the spheres of life. In Feng Shui they are associated with cardinal directions and specific colors. Whatman paper must be divided into 9 parts, each of which must be painted in a certain shade. This can be done using paints, felt-tip pens, pencils, or simply covering the sector with colored paper.

A Feng Shui wish map is created something like this:

If you decide to make a wish card, an example of filling it out is as follows:

· I attract money.

· I earn enough to satisfy my needs and desires.

· I have my own two-room apartment.

· I won a beauty contest. · I am mutually loved.

· I'm getting married.

· My girlfriend and I match each other’s interests, goals and values.

· My home is always filled with comfort.

· I have a warm relationship with my parents.

· I have many friends.

There may be a photo of the author, or qualities that you want to have. For example, “I weigh 50 kg”, “I am confident in myself.” · I can play the violin.

· I am pregnant.

· I finished the painting.

· I teach English.

· I successfully entered the university on a budget.

· I got my driver's license.

· I got promoted.

· My salary was raised.

· I opened my own business.

· I'm on holiday in Paris.

· I go abroad twice a year.

· I received a loan from a bank in the amount of 10 thousand dollars.

Central sector

This zone reflects health and character traits. If a photograph is placed here, then the person in it should be in a good mood, and he should like himself. The moment at which the photo was taken should be happy so that it does not cause negative associations. If you have a goal to lose weight, you can cut out a photo of another person with the figure you want to have, but attach an image of your own head.

If the text version of the table is selected, then here you need to describe the emotions, character traits or physical qualities that you want to have. For example, “I am happy”, “I am attractive”.


Pictures that show self-realization associated with recognition should be placed in this area of ​​the wish map. How to make it? Here you can place images of cups, medals, or a person standing on the top of a mountain.


In this sector you can write any desires related to relationships and loves. If you already have a loved one, you can place a joint photo in this area and sign “mutual love”, “strong relationship”, “mutual understanding, love and respect”.

If you don’t have a loved one yet, then it’s worth finding an image of a man or girl whose type best suits your taste. You can side by side describe the character traits that the future couple should have. You can also place association pictures here, for example, rings, hearts.


This sector is responsible for fulfilling dreams that are associated with prosperity. All “monetary” desires should be placed here - buying an apartment, increasing wages, purchasing a car. Since this is a Feng Shui wish card, here you can place images of money talismans of wealth - Hotei, coin.

You can pick up a photo of the desired apartment or car and stick your photo on top of it, this will associate that you are already there. Remember that you need to be specific, because instead of a Mercedes you can get a Lada.

Children and creativity

This sector will help you get pregnant and give birth to a healthy child. To do this, you need to place here an image of a woman holding a baby in her hands or a happy family. Also in this area you should place pictures related to hobbies and creativity. If you want to learn how to play the piano, then you need to place its picture.


This zone will motivate you to move towards your goal, learn new things, and engage in self-improvement. You can place here the name of the university you want to enroll in, the country whose language you want to learn.


The desired position and profession is indicated here. There may be a photo of a new office, a man in a suit. Everything related to career and business can be posted here.


This zone brings harmony to life. It improves relationships with loved ones; this category includes not only relatives, but also friends. Here you can place pictures that depict a large friendly family and friendly company.


With traveling, everything is simple, just post a photo of the place you want to visit. Helpers include people, organizations, and religious entities. For example, a bank acts as an assistant when obtaining a loan, and a doctor acts as an assistant when receiving treatment. In addition, you can ask for the protection of God, angels, and saints.

Activation of the wish card: feng shui

Now that it is clear how to make a wish card, you will need to choose the right time for this, as Feng Shui adherents believe. It is recommended to do this when the moon is in its waxing phase. The most suitable time is the first 14 days of the Chinese New Year. You need to put aside creativity during eclipses.

The wish card works even without following Chinese traditions. You can start creating at a convenient time, the main thing is a good mood and a desire to change.

You need to hang the result of your creativity in a place that is quite hidden from outsiders, but constantly catches the eye of the author. The wish map is also activated through visualization. You need to make a simple, easily fulfilled wish, for example, a cup of cocoa. Think about the drink, feel its warmth, aroma, pleasant soft taste. Then you need to find a place for this desire on your board, and after creating it, go and buy some cocoa. Thus, a channel with the Universe will open and your first dream will come true. And as you know, the first step is one of the most important.

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How to protect yourself from damage and the evil eye on the Internet

Your envious people and ill-wishers may be watching you, but you may not know anything about it. It's better to play it safe, because even if you don't believe in the existence of the evil eye, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Take three minutes to read this article, where I explain to you (in my opinion, quite clearly) why you may be susceptible to this scourge.

How to neutralize other people's envy?

Nowadays people communicate in all sorts of networks. And everywhere they post photographs of them beautiful, successful, wearing cars and diamonds. Well, or just happy. Of course, most people who see your photos on the networks don’t care who you are, what you have there, and how. But there will definitely be a couple of individuals with not very pure thoughts. These could be ex-wives (who have not completely let go of their ex-husbands), lovers (who sleep and see their lover leaving his wife), friends (friends with failed careers, with a constant lack of money and who are not successful with women), girlfriends ( constantly jealous of your happiness, but carefully hiding it), mothers-in-law who sleep and dream of how to free their son from his shackles. Mothers-in-law also come across with similar thoughts. Former classmates who were jealous of you all through school... Children's photographs are very vulnerable. It’s not without reason that some resources impose restrictions on posting photos with children.

The fact that this ill-wisher’s thoughts will return is absolutely certain. But this doesn’t make it any easier for you! This energy will begin to affect you now. I offer you my skill and my energy to protect your photos. Send me your photos for protection. Payment is made after the work is completed. The price for the work is symbolic.

No one will ask you whether you believe in damage and the evil eye or not. They will simply silently envy you - and the damage is right there!

Unfortunately, many people categorically do not believe in the existence of energies. You can often hear that " I don’t believe in damage and that means no one found it on me t." No one will ask you whether you believe in it or not. They will simply envy you. Your beauty, your health, your success, your family happiness, your new fur coat or car, your newborn baby. The reasons for envy can be listed endlessly. It can be an incredible little thing! For example, a new ring on your finger! Or the fact that you are successful with the opposite sex! Yes, someone will envy you for being smarter or smarter. . Or the boss will praise you for a job well done, but not your colleague (just not for that). And this will not necessarily be said out loud by someone else. Or maybe the thought is material! is a flow of energy.

Energy, in its initial form, is neutral. It is neither positive nor negative. And only a person can give it one direction or another. Imagine that a person who has the ability to exert a strong influence will envy you (he may not even know about it). And this person activates negative energy with the help of his bad thought. After all, it is logical - if the thought is negative, then the energy is negative. And, accordingly, if they envied you, they added negativity to their thoughts. And you took it upon yourself. And if you do not protect yourself, then this energy begins to affect you in the most unpredictable way. Imagine that a person wishes you harm on purpose? After all, there are such people, you know! What then does the energy of his thoughts turn into for you?

I can still convince you of this. But it’s not just me who talks and writes about this. There are other resources too. I’m simply offering you my help in protecting your photos and images on the Internet.

Protect your photos from the negative impact of envious people and unkind eyes.

Payment is made after the work is completed on protection. Payment can be made at any Qiwi terminal near your home or at any Sberbank ATM. Online payment can be made using Yandex-Money. The cost of protecting ten photos symbolic.

I work only “live”, no automatic uploads - you send me your photos to my email address, which I will send to you. Your photos will not be saved anywhere on the Internet. They will also be deleted from my computer as soon as I finish working with energy and send the photos to you. No automatic sendings - everything is individual for each person, that is, for you personally. Write me a message, indicate the number of photos and your email address. Here you can find out the price and write a message.

What will I do with your photos? I will place a translucent image with special words that will reflect all the negativity from your photos. Also, I will work on your images energetically.

Protect your photos from the evil eye, damage, and negative influences on social networks and the Internet.

There are many amulets and amulets in real life. But a photo on the Internet is still something digital that cannot be touched. Of course, you can try to protect yourself. Some advise writing some text on the photo (I write special words to protect against damage and the evil eye, which were taught to me by an old Ukrainian woman who spent her entire life healing people with her energies) and this will serve as an additional barrier to protection from the evil eye. You can read a prayer in front of the photographs. But, unfortunately, not everyone can work with energies. Therefore, contact a specialist. That is, to me!

Protection against the evil eye and damage yourself at home

There are various conspiracies and of course prayers. Moreover, you should not be afraid of the word “conspiracies”, because this is the same prayer, only, so to speak, not official.

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