Ready coats of arms for archeage. DIY paintings

The sea occupies a good third of the game world of Archeage (). The developers tried to reveal as much as possible marine theme and made many moments that you will not see in any other game. Underwater farms, treasure hunting, piracy, shipping, battles and much more. In this guide I will tell you about ships, their features, the dangers that await even experienced players and trade routes.

Trimaran and harpoon boat in AA

Characteristics: 4000 HP and speed 11.1 m/s.

Price: 30 Delphic Stars per recipe. We will give another 3 gold, 10 packs of construction wood and 10 iron ingots for creating a shipyard. The construction of the ship itself will take 1 pack of iron, 1 pack of wood and 1 pack of fabric. Each construction stage costs 25 work points.

This is what the shipyard looks like:

Purpose: This is a light and fast type of ship, which is very difficult to do without. In piracy, such ships play the role of an interception group. The person on the radar shows them the location of the target, marking its movement on the minimap. The task of such a group is to quickly intercept and slow down the target with harpoons. The ship is also used to search for sea treasures and transport packs in small groups.

1.Harpoon. Has endless ammunition. Used for ganks and robberies of merchant ships. It can also be used to move on land. You shoot further away and slowly pull up your ship. There is no point in shooting at players.

When using equipment you will have 3 new abilities.

"Shot". Range 3-70 meters with a cooldown of 6 seconds. Deals 50-150 damage. Pressing the “W” key loosens the cable, “S” tightens it. If the ship encounters an obstacle and cannot pull further, the cable automatically breaks.

"Cut off the harpoon". If there is a need to stop attracting the target to you, press this button.

"Go out". You stop using the unit and the cable automatically breaks.

2. Mechanism for folding/unfolding sails. Furling the sail sharply will slow down your travel speed and increase your turning speed. Often they put one person there to suddenly change direction at the right moment. After the maneuver, the sail should be deployed as quickly as possible. May be required when avoiding enemies.

3.Hand harpoon, air cylinders and cannon (trimaran). The cannon is shown here to show you where it is located on the trimaran.

The hand harpoon acts like a mortar and takes up a glider/cargo slot in the inventory. You will have to remove the glider manually; the game does not provide automatic replacement. Shoots at a certain distance in front of the character and causes massive damage. It is advisable to practice thoroughly before using it in battle. This item suitable for low level characters and almost useless at high levels due to low damage and low accuracy. Only suitable for breaking ships when they are standing still.

“Harpoon Shot”. Casts for 3 seconds and deals 900-1400 damage within a 6m radius. Infinite ammo.

“Poisoned Harpoon”. Casts for 3 seconds and deals 500-600 siege damage within a 7m radius. Requires Harpoon Shell.

“Getting rid of the burden”.

Air cylinders allow you to breathe underwater for 10 minutes. Used to search for sea treasures and pick up trade packs that fell to the bottom after the player died. The fact is that you will not have enough air to go down and rise to the surface. The weight will slow you down further and you will most likely drown. This can be solved in the following way: take a cylinder, dive to the very bottom, and then throw away the cylinder (the trade pack and the air cylinder occupy the same slot in the inventory) and lift the load to the surface.

4. Steering wheel

Usually a captain stands behind him and commands. He also shows the route and tells you when to lower the sail for maneuver. The helm provides several abilities.

“Stop the riot!” The most important ability that allows only the owner to use the ship and its attributes. Lasts 1.5 minutes and has no cooldown. If a member of your party takes the helm and presses this button, he will be able to continue to control the ship, but will not be able to take the helm again while the ability is active. Make sure it is always on, especially before entering dangerous areas and in ports while you are unloading ships. For pirates, this is the main obstacle to stealing your ship.

“Navigator calculation”. Increases evasion from ranged attacks by 50%. Has no rollback. We turn it on every time we take the helm. Useless in most cases, you'd rather be pulled in, stunned, or knocked down than try to kill you with ranged attacks.

“Full sail”. Uses a certain amount of Compressed Fuel to increase the ship's speed by 30% for 10 minutes. For each type of ship, fuel consumption is different.

“View specifications”. Shows the current speed of movement, turn, name, type and type of ship.

Leave the helm. Don't forget to use "Stop Riot" before doing this. just in case.

5. Lanterns. According to one legend, if you don’t extinguish them, other players will be able to see you in the fog. At the start of the server, while everyone is driving trimarans without radars, it is really better to turn them off. They automatically light up on their own after a few minutes, so you need to keep an eye on this.

6. Net for lifting onto the ship. You can grab onto it and find yourself on board. This is convenient when you are trying to catch up with a ship or climb onto it with cargo. There will be no need to float it - this will save you 5-7 seconds.

War galleon and Harnian sailboat in Archage

Purpose: These are big warships, which, under certain conditions, cause significant damage due to guns. They differ only in appearance. But this may affect game process. In order to use the radar, on the Galleon you need to climb the mast, but on the Harniets, the radar is conveniently located on the deck. Such ships are bought with the expectation of robberies or Kraken farming.

Characteristics: 8 guns, 6 oxygen cylinders, 50,000 lives, 4 pack boxes, 800m radar and speed from 7.2 to 15m/s.

Price: Recipe for 250 Delphic stars. Packing of construction wood - 100 pcs. and 3 gold for the shipyard (by the way, you can find it in our in-game currency store website). For a ship - a load of construction wood - 5 pcs, a load of iron - 5 pcs, a load of fabric - 5 pcs.

1. Radar. Detects ships within a radius of 800 meters. To use it you need to climb onto the mast, which means a few wasted minutes. Actually, this is the most important design difference from the Harnian, on which there is no need to climb anywhere.

2. Steering wheel. Being behind it gives you several abilities:

It differs from the harpoon boat in only 2 abilities.

"Quick Maneuvers" Increases the ship's turning speed for several seconds.

“Turbulent flow”. Creates air pulses that spread within a 50m radius around the ship and shoot down opponents on gliders. Lasts 2 minutes, cooldown 5 minutes.

"Favourable wind". Cooldown 5 minutes, duration 2 minutes - increases the speed of the ship by 30-40%.

“Full sail”. Uses 10 units of compressed fuel and speeds you up.

3. Lanterns. Can be turned on and off. Decorative element.

4. Ladder for lifting from the water.

5. Guns. Two rows of 4 pieces on each side.

6. Bridge. It can be raised and lowered. In the screenshot it is raised and people can climb the rope ladder at number 7.

7. Rope ladder. You can prevent enemies from climbing on it by lowering the bridge.

8. Boxes for trade packages - 4 pcs.

9. Anchor mechanism. We use it and the ship cannot be moved from its place.

10. Lower or raise the sails. To use the mechanism you need to climb onto the mast.

Differences between the Harnian and the Battle Galleon in ArcheAge

1. Incense burners. Analogs of lanterns on the Galleon - 2 pcs.

2. War drum. Designed to raise the morale of soldiers. It gives nothing except ambiance and atmosphere.

3. Radar. Radius 800m, very conveniently located.

4. Device for raising/lowering sails. Unlike the Galleon, in order to interact with the sail we do not need to climb the mast.

5. Anchor mechanism. The ship anchors.

Trading schooner in AA

Characteristics: speed 9.9 m/s, 20 boxes for packs on board, does not depend on the wind. Has a radar with a radius of 700m. Brings big profits.

Cost: Recipe for 400 Delphic stars. Packing of construction wood - 100 pcs. and 3 gold for the shipyard. For a ship - a load of construction wood - 2 pcs, a load of iron - 3 pcs, a load of fabric - 3 pcs.

1. Steering wheel.

“In full sail.” Uses 10 units of compressed fuel and speeds you up for 10 minutes.

All other skills are no different from the Harpoon Boat or Galleon (Harnian)

2. Radar. Detection radius 700m. Often you will sail past sea monsters, we recommend that you refrain from using the radar during this time and move to a safe area of ​​the ship. This is because you are standing on the bow of the ship and they will attack you. You can also use invisibility if you have it.

Black Pearl in ArcheAge

We have detailed information on our website. Short: we collect 50 scraps from monsters, which drop very rarely. And then for 100 planks and 100 iron ingots we make a shipyard. Add 5 packs of iron, wood and fabric - we get the best ship in the game.

This is the fastest ship in the game. You can easily reach ~20+ m/s and overtake any ships, and the radar with a range of 1000m will not allow anyone to escape.

You no longer need War Galleons and Capture Groups with Harpoon Boats for plunder. You yourself are now able to catch up and overtake any ships, rob and kill. The structure of the ship is absolutely identical to the Battle Galleon and has the same abilities. Unless it consumes 15 fuel, and not 10 for acceleration.

One of the disadvantages is the inconvenient location of the radar.

Boats in Archage

  • Boat for lovers:

Price: 210 crystals.

Characteristics: 2 places and speed from 6.2 to 11.2 m/s, 4000 lives.

Purpose: Go boating with your loved one

Beep. Makes a cheerful sound.

Speeds up the boat. The boat begins to move its legs from behind like a duck. The ship is affected by the wind.

  • Smuggler's boat:

Price: 210 crystals.

Characteristics: 2 places and speed from ~7 m/s. 4000 lives.

Purpose: Carry cargo secretly.

Hides your ship from any radar for 50 seconds.

A rather useless ship, there is a barrel of rum on board, which allows you to drink a little and gives a buff.

  • Regular boat

Price: given by quest

Characteristics: speed 4.3 m/s and 4000 lives.

Purpose: to get acquainted with the sea.

  • Fishing boats

Previously, they could be bought in the game store, but then they were removed, making it possible to create them through crafting.

These vessels are not combat vessels and are intended only for fishing and upgrading the fishing profession. On the bow there is a harpoon, the same as on the Harpoon Boat.

About various interesting moments We will tell you about things related to this ship in the next article.

Characteristics: speed 8.3 m/s.

Price: scroll of 100 Delphic stars, 100 packages of wood for the shipyard. Ship - 2 packs of construction wood and 3 packs of iron and fabric.

Read about the features of the profession and the basics of owning this ship in the fishing guide.

How to earn money for a ship in AA

Of course, getting any ship into Archage requires time, resources and gold, which is often in short supply. This is why our store exists, because with us you don’t have to waste time earning gold in games. Here are just a few advantages of working with us:

  1. Average delivery time is 5-10 minutes.
  2. 100% gold guarantee. All gold is earned by honest farming, crafting and trading in the game.
  3. Unique system of discounts up to 10%
  4. 24/7 automatic ordering.

We are waiting for your orders every day, every hour and every minute, 365 days a year!

The game implements character creation very well in order to create unique hero unlike anyone else. But few people look into the face of their comrade-in-arms or enemy. In order to stand out from the crowd, you can make a raincoat with a unique pattern. It may have the coat of arms of your family and all your relatives will have the same cloaks. And why not, you can immediately see your own! Or the whole guild can make themselves stand out from the crowd in such a pleasant way, and even paint the sails in the color of the chosen coat of arms!

I want to say right away that it’s worth putting a design on the ArcheAge cloak or sails real money(donate!).

We are looking for the “Stamping Machine” in the city, it looks like this:

And we create, for example, this coat of arms

Click the “Ok” button. It will cost 5 gold coins. After the purchase, the Coat of Arms Template that you just made will appear in your inventory. This template will remain with you forever, it is not unlimited.

They cost 13 crystals (rate: 1 crystal = 1 ruble)

After the purchase, go to the inventory, right-click on the Template, and get a Drawing from it. And when you right-click on the Drawing, then select either the cloak or, and voila, you're done. Congratulations on your first coat of arms!

To create a unique coat of arms, you will need to get a little more involved.

The drawing must be in .png format. It may give an error if you edited the picture in paint, just edit it in another editor or program.

After you have completed everything indicated in the screenshot, and everything worked out for you, the following window will pop up:

We buy Heraldist's ink in the same place where we bought the Indelible Ink. They already cost 130 rubles.

To create a regular coat of arms you need 13 crystals, for a unique coat of arms you need 143 crystals.

We present an excellent guide to ships and their construction in Archeage - the necessary reagents, types of ships, recipes, secrets and video reviews are collected here. In Archage huge world for exploration and travel, but it is not only land, but also the ocean, which is infinitely large. Traveling on the ocean naturally requires a ship, there is no other way. In Archeage you have a unique opportunity to acquire your own boat, sailboat and even a warship, but remember to build your own ship, you need a large supply of Archeage gold, which you can buy in our store by following the link - or you can read the farming guide gold in Archeage on our website and gradually collect the required amounts yourself.

How to build a ship in Archeage

Building a ship in Archage is no different from building a house. First you need to decide for what purpose you need a vessel. If only for fishing and short trips, such as treasure hunting, then you can get by with a trimaran. If your plans include naval battles, robberies and seizures, then we build a galleon.

To build, we need a drawing, which is sold on the Mirage trading island for Delphic stars (it’s simply impossible to find, go to the pier), or at an auction for gold. We have purchased the drawing, now we find a place on the water to install a shipyard and begin collecting resources for construction.

The cargo must be brought to the ship under construction in a certain sequence. Otherwise, construction will not be possible. You can chip in with a friend and build a ship for two, this will reduce your expenses both in gold and in work points.

The ship will be very useful to you at the maximum level to plow the endless seas in search of treasures. available on our website.

What ships can be built in Archage

This small, but very fast and maneuverable vessel has a harpoon or cannons and 2 oxygen cylinders on board. Very good for treasure hunting. The harpoon boat and the trimaran are almost the same, the only difference is that the trimaran has 2 cannons, and not the harpoon boat, as it is not trivial to have a harpoon, by hitting the target with a harpoon you can reduce the distance to it. The drawing in Mirage costs only 30 Delphic stars, which you can earn by trading cargo.

Necessary materials to build a trimaran:

For shipyard installation - Packing of construction wood x10; iron ingots x10.

To build a trimaran - Load of construction wood x1; Fabric weight x1; Iron load x1

Battle Galleon- this is a ship for war, but you can also just sail on it. On board it has 8 cannons around the perimeter that are capable of inflicting enormous damage on the enemy, 6 oxygen cylinders for searching for treasures, 4 compartments for transporting cargo and a radar on the observation tower, which allows you to detect ships at a distance of up to 800 meters. The price of the drawing in Mirage is 250 Delphic stars

Necessary materials to build a galleon.

To build a galleon - Load of construction wood x5; Iron load x5; Load of fabric x5.

Harnian sailboat- a small ship with a strong hull has 8 cannons on board that cause serious damage to the enemy. There are also 6 oxygen cylinders for underwater diving, 4 compartments for cargo transportation and a radar on the observation tower. In terms of characteristics and equipment on board, it is no different from a galleon, only in appearance. The price of the drawing from the merchant in Mirage is 250 Delphic stars.

Necessary materials for building a sailboat.

For shipyard installation - Packing of construction wood x100.

To build a sailboat - Load of construction wood x5; Iron load x5; Load of fabric x5.

Trading schooner- This ship was created for traders. It will help you transport a huge amount of cargo from point A to point B, it has 20 cargo compartments on board. There are 2 cannons on board for protection. The speed of movement is slightly faster than that of a trimaran. Huge load capacity. the price of the drawing in Mirage is 400 Delphic stars.

Necessary materials for the construction of a trading schooner.

For shipyard installation - Packing of construction wood x100.

To build a schooner - Load of construction wood x2; Iron load x3; Load of fabric x3.

How to build a Black Pearl in Archeage

Black Pearl- a legendary ship owned by only a few players who can be counted on one hand. The recipe cannot be bought, it can only be obtained. You need to collect 55 drawing fragments, which drop from elite monsters with a very small chance. This ship is a storm of the seas. Develops speed up to 20 m/s. there is no chance of catching up with him or swimming away from him. 8 guns on board cause devastating damage, the radar, unlike the galleon, has a range of 1000 meters, there is no way to hide from it. 4 compartments for transporting cargo and 6 oxygen cylinders. If you can get a blueprint and build this ship, then rest assured that you will be welcome in any, even the top guild in Archeage.

Necessary materials for building a black pearl.

For shipyard installation - Packing of construction wood x100; iron ingots x100.

To build a pearl - Load of construction wood x5; Iron load x5; Load of fabric x5.

How to fix a broken ship in Archeage

You got into a big mess and your ship suffered great damage or was completely destroyed. Don’t despair, you won’t have to build the ship again, it can be repaired. Repairing ships in Archeage made using a retrograde clock. Clocks are created by alchemists, but if you haven’t leveled up your craft, you can easily buy them at an auction for Archeage gold.

Attention . In the Update dated December 18, 2013, the retrograde clock was removed from the game. Now, to repair the ship, you need to buy Gorny sand from the useful items store, with which you can repair the ship.

  • Small retrograde clock - restores an ordinary boat.
  • Middle retrograde clock - restores trimaran and harpoon boat.
  • Large retrograde clock - restores a galleon, Harnian sailing ship, schooner and other large ships.

This concludes our guide to shipbuilding. We have listed all possible ships in the game. How to fix them and in what situations they are used. Build your own ship and the wind will be favorable to you. We recommend reading other Archage guides on our website.

1. Receiving a ship

A ship can be built using a recipe. Most ships can be purchased on the trading island, but some unique flagships, such as the Black Pearl, can only be obtained as drops from monsters.

2. Laying the shipyard

Right-click on the recipe, a shipyard installation marker appears, it can only be installed near the coast.

3. Creating a ship skeleton

Now we need to carry certain packs of materials to the shipyard; the shipyard options will indicate the required pack for further construction. The shipyard can safely exist for 3 days, after which it can be destroyed by any guild.

4. Final touches and launching of the ship

The ship is lowered by pressing the "F" button. Then the fireworks are set off and you can enjoy the ship's launching ceremony. After this, the ship is placed in your inventory, and it can be summoned in a place suitable for navigation.

There are several types of ships in the game, so before building, determine what you want: just sail or engage in armed attacks or trade; Each ship has its own characteristics, we will talk about them below.

Trimaran (Harpoon boat)

Recipe price: 30 Delphic stars

Equipment: harpoon mount, large harpoon, 1 oxygen cylinder

Shipyard materials:

Detailed information: Maximum speed 11.1 m\s. Standing on the bow of the ship you can control the harpoon. Having hit the target with a harpoon, press "S" to reduce the distance to the target. Typically used to board enemy ships

Trimaran (Pleasure Boat)

Recipe price: 30 Delphic stars

Equipment: gun mount, gun, 2 oxygen cylinders

Shipyard materials: 1 recipe, 10 wood, 10 iron ingots

Materials for building a ship: 1 package of wood → 1 package of steel → 1 package of fabric

Detailed information: Maximum speed 11.1 m/s. There is a cannon for firing on board. It is necessary to have a supply of cannonballs for the cannon. A fragile vessel with good speed for conducting quick and sudden attacks.

War Galleon

Recipe price: 250 Delphic stars

Equipment: 8 gun mounts, 6 oxygen cylinders, 4 storage boxes, 1 telescope.

Shipyard materials: 1 recipe, 100 wood.

Materials for building a ship:

Detailed information: A small ship with a strong hull and useful devices on board. 4 ship guns allow you to conduct massive fire at the enemy, and you can also transport a certain number of crew for close combat. On board there are boxes for transporting cargo and oxygen cylinders for scuba diving. The telescope allows you to detect ships within a radius of 800 meters around, they are displayed on the minimap. It can only be used by going up to the observation tower.

Harnian sailboat (Jonka)

Recipe price: 250 Delphic stars

Equipment: 8 gun mounts, 6 oxygen cylinders, 4 storage boxes, 1 scanning device.

Shipyard materials: 1 recipe, 100 wood.

Materials for building a ship: 5 packages of wood → 5 packages of steel → 5 packages of fabric

Detailed information: A small ship with a strong hull and useful devices on board. 4 ship guns allow you to conduct massive fire at the enemy, and you can also transport a certain number of crew for close combat. On board there are boxes for transporting cargo and oxygen cylinders for scuba diving. The scanning device allows you to detect ships within a radius of 800 meters around, they are displayed on the minimap, it is located on the deck.

Trading schooner

Recipe price: 400 Delphic stars

Equipment: 2 gun mounts, 20 cargo boxes, 1 telescope.

Shipyard materials: 1 recipe, 100 wood.

Materials for building a ship: 2 packages of wood → 3 packages of steel → 3 packages of fabric

Detailed information: Used for trading. Protected by 2 cannons. Huge load capacity. Slightly faster than a pleasure boat. While moving, evasion from ranged attacks increases.

Pirate Frigate (Black Pearl)

Conditions for obtaining a prescription: With some chance, a piece of the drawing drops from monsters and bosses; to complete the drawing, you need to collect 55 pieces.

Equipment: 8 gun mounts, 6 oxygen cylinders, 4 storage boxes, 1 telescope.

Shipyard materials: 1 recipe, 100 wood, 100 iron ingots

: 3 packages of wood → 4 packages of steel → 4 packages of fabric

detailed information: Pirate ship. Faster than a galleon and junk. Normal speed is 9 m/s, assault speed (activated) is 10.3 m/s. The telescope allows you to detect ships within a radius of 800 meters around, they are displayed on the minimap. It can only be used by going up to the observation tower.

Double deck sailboat

Conditions for obtaining a prescription: Recipe dropped by raid boss Leviathan.

Shipyard materials: 1 recipe, 500 wood, 150 black coal powder, 100 rock salt, 50 deep sea crystals, 15 stable essence, 50 Oregon hammers.

Materials for building a ship: 3 packs of processed wood → 4 packs of iron → 4 packs of fabric

detailed information: The ship is a three-masted sailing ship, which is twice the size of a galleon or junk. There are cannons on the lower deck, but they can be raised to the upper deck using the ship's special "ability". When you're standing behind the wheel, simply press "Y" to raise the cannons to the upper deck. To lower to the bottom, press "Y" again.

There is a beautiful latrine figure installed on the bow of the ship, but unlike latrine figures for galleons and junks, it is equipped with a flamethrower. The flamethrower shoots 35.5 meters and deals 400 siege damage.

The ship is equipped various types guns, including a protective device. There is a special lever on the lower deck, by turning which you can increase the speed of the ship by up to 20% and the maneuverability of the ship by up to 10% for some time. In addition, all sails can be lowered by simply climbing onto the matcha and pressing "F".

Like any other ship, a double-decker sailboat can be customized with the equipment you want. You can put guns instead of “shields”, or, as shown in the screenshot, put large quantity"shields", which will increase the strength of the ship. All in your hands.

The nautical content is one of the main advantages of this game over other MMO RPGs.

MMO RPGs have a lot of interesting features. You can explore the world, engage in trade or farming, build buildings and do many other, much more interesting things. This is one of those games where you can go on a free voyage, and decide for yourself what to put your efforts into and what to spend your time on. Moreover, when we talk about free navigation, we often say this in the literal sense of the word - after all, here there is an opportunity to build a sailboat and engage in cargo transportation, piracy and God knows what else on it.

The game has several varieties sea ​​vessels, from small boats to large flagships, and you can get them all. True, don’t expect it to be easy - building even the most modest ship will require considerable resources, and for the Black Pearl or the Double-Decker Ship you will have to work very hard. Although, it will all pay off handsomely.

Basics of using a ship

Underwater farms, treasure hunting, piracy, shipping, battles and much more.

Learning to sail your boat isn't all that difficult, but there are a few things to keep in mind. First of all, no matter how obvious it may seem to you this advice(thanks Cap), do not set sail until your entire party is boarded and the goods (if any) have been loaded on board. After which you can go. Although, before that it is better to study all the controls.

So, let's set sail. That does not work? So you didn't raise the anchor. And keep in mind that any player can raise and lower the anchor, not just members of your team, so remember this in case of boarding, and do not let opponents near the anchor spire. After the anchor has been raised, one of the crew members, or the owner of the vessel himself, must take the helm.

The controls are simple: use the arrows left and right to turn the ship, and forward and backward to set the direction of movement. And in order to start this very movement, you need to raise the sails. Now you can set sail, just try not to run aground. Determining the depth is not at all difficult - the lighter the water, the closer the bottom is to the surface of the water. This means that the ship is safe in dark water.

Let's talk a little about naval battles. There are many sea vessels in the game various characteristics, such as strength, speed, maneuverability, armor and weight (which plays a role in ramming). And many ships are equipped with cannons, which are the main weapon (unsurprisingly) during naval battles. Only team members can use these weapons. The method is the simplest - just stand behind the gun, aim it (there is no auto-aim here) and shoot. Shells not only damage the ship, but also cause damage to the crew.

By the way, in addition to such simple and obvious things as piracy, cargo transportation or battles, the ship can be used and to search for underwater treasures. Here you will need a lot of different equipment. We will not list everything, but know that it is for this purpose that you can use a submarine, which is considered a type of mount used exclusively in water. But, when we roughly figured out what the ship is needed for, we need to understand how exactly we can get it. And we'll talk about this now.

How to get a ship in ArcheAge

The developers tried to reveal the maritime theme as much as possible and made many moments that you will not see in any other game.

Any ship requires a blueprint. There are several ways to obtain this item, depending on what kind of ship you are building. Those drawings that can be purchased are sold in Mirage. You can get there using the portal. Then you go to the pier, choose the model of the vessel that you want to assemble, and then from this very model you purchase a drawing for the construction of this or that watercraft.

There are ships (the already mentioned Black Pearl or Double-Decker), the drawings of which can only be knocked out of monsters. For example, for the Black Pearl you need to collect several dozen scraps that come from a variety of monsters (the process is long and not the easiest). And in order to build a Double-Decker Ship, you need to defeat the raid boss Leviathan. Again, this will not be an easy task.

Ship blueprints are by no means cheap, but keep in mind that after purchase the difficulties do not end there. First, you need to build a shipyard - this can be done if you use a blueprint and you have the entire list of necessary resources.

The shipyard can only be placed on the coast. And after that, you will have to deliver the resources needed for the ship to the construction site. And there are two difficulties here. Firstly, a lot of resources will be required. First for the shipyard, and then for the ship (yes, the construction of the shipyard and the construction of the ship occur separately). And secondly, after the construction of the shipyard, it will be invulnerable to attacks for three days, after which ill-wishers will be able to destroy it.

Once the ship is ready, it must be launched. This takes place solemnly and with pomp, and it is very pleasant to watch this process. And, upon completion, the ship appears in your backpack, and can be called anywhere on the coast (or right on the open sea). Now do with it what you see fit.

Speaking of possibilities - by changing it appearance or characteristics.

Of course, this is not done for free, but the result will be worth it. Either the ship will look the way you like, or (just as important) it will be improved in one way or another. It will become faster, stronger, acquire additional equipment - in general, it all depends on you. And good luck to you in the sea!

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