Batrutdinov biography. Eternal bachelor Timur Batrutdinov

Timur Batrutdinov is one of the most best comedians modern Russia. It's not so easy to make you laugh modern viewer, which has become very demanding. But nothing is impossible for this charismatic guy, because he is smart, resourceful, witty and always stays positive. Therefore, this nice guy is one of the leading people famous program“Comedy Club”, which is now very popular in Russia. But is it possible to say that today, the guy has reached his peak of popularity and achievements? Most likely not, because he continues to strive to build a career in show business, climb new steps of success, in a word, do everything so that the audience continues to love him.

Height, weight, age. How old is Timur Batrutdinov

When Timur takes the stage, you can immediately notice that he is in good shape. For a person who is in the public eye, this is simply necessary, because show business dictates its own rules. If we talk about height, weight, age. How old is Timur Batrutdinov? Today he is already 39 years old, his height is 185 centimeters, and his weight is 80 kilograms. So at first glance you can see what's in front of us handsome guy. And his beauty is not that he is in good shape or dresses stylishly. He is good, first of all, because he constantly smiles, charges the audience with this positivity, helps to lift others’ spirits, in a word, he does everything to make any viewer feel better after a difficult time. working day Energy has increased so that everyone understands that life is beautiful, you just need to smile.

Biography and personal life of Timur Batrutdinov

Biography and personal life Timur Batrutdinov is interesting and informative in her own way. In any case, those who are interested in this nice fellow will be able to find something new in this biography, something that they did not know before. He was born in a small Russian town, but he did not stay in one place for long. The fact is that the boy’s father was a military man, so they often had to change their place of residence.

But this, little Timur I even liked it because, somewhere, it allowed me to get to know the world. After school, he entered the financial university, where it all began, because it was there that he began to take part in various comedy productions, and he did it with such eagerness that everyone was simply surprised. His life did not immediately lead to big stage, because when he graduated, he went into the army. After he served, he was able to realize himself again in the comedy direction. With the help of other people who noticed potential in him, he came to the big stage, where he was able to shine as a real star in KVN and some other programs.

As for personal life, here, for a long time everything was covered in darkness, because the comedian did not really like to share his personal problems and everything that concerned only him personally. He very rarely goes to social events, but he willingly tells journalists what, in his opinion, an ideal girl should be like. Once he participated in the show “The Bachelor”, found his soulmate there, but the relationship ultimately did not work out for a number of reasons that the celebrity did not name.

So, today, the young man is still free, or, at least, journalists have not yet been able to penetrate into his life enough to understand how Timur lives outside the stage. Although, theories repeatedly appear that he has a soul mate, for example, Timur Batrutdinov and Galina Rzhaksinskaya can now be together, but so far, it hasn’t come to a wedding.

Family and children of Timur Batrutdinov

The family and children of Timur Batrutdinov today consist of himself, and also, perhaps, of the woman with whom he is dating, but nothing is known for sure about her now. Timur himself, as mentioned above, does not like to talk about his personal life, without even naming the reasons why he does this. Maybe because he doesn't want his personal space to be interfered with. But this does not mean that he does not want a family and children. After all, the man is still quite young, therefore, it is not surprising that he strives to arrange his personal life. For him, like for any person in this world, it is important that someone is waiting for him at home, only then does it matter to build a good career.

Timur Batrutdinov's wife

Timur Batrutdinov’s wife is still unknown, so fans may think for a long time that their idol is free. At one time, the guy hoped to improve his personal life and took part in the show “The Bachelor”. He even managed to find his girlfriend, but in the end, anyway, the relationship between the young people did not work out, and he was not able to see Timur and his wife. So after that, the guy started looking for that one again ideal girl, which will help him go through life even more confidently. But for now, it’s difficult to say about this, because the man has not made official statements that he is going to get married or is in a long-term relationship. It happened that photos were found on the Internet showing Timur Batrutdinov and his wife in 2017, but these photos do not have direct evidence.

Orientation Timur Batrutdinov. He is a gay?

Timur Batrutdinov's orientation - such a request can often be found on the Internet, especially when the star does not have an official partner. After all, it’s no secret that any star should share his personal life, whether the actor or singer wants it or not. So, there are also rumors about Timur that he is gay or, as they say, gay. The comedian himself does not react to these rumors; he believes that everyone can say what they want. In the company of guys, Timur was also not met, so we can say that this “accusation” is nothing more than speculation by journalists, and whether she should pay attention to them, let everyone decide for themselves.

Instagram and Wikipedia Timur Batrutdinov

On February 11, 1978, in the village of Voronovo, Moscow Region, a charming baby appeared in the family of military engineer Takhir Khusainovich and economist Natalya Evgenievna. The son was named Timur. The Batrutdinov family lived in Baltiysk, but due to the father’s profession, his wife and son tirelessly moved from place to place.

Timur spent his childhood and youth in Baltiysk, then there were Moscow, Kaliningrad and even distant Kazakhstan. Timur managed to check in at more than one school, but this fact did not bother the smart boy at all. Even in elementary school, Timur took part in school plays and skits. Being in the spotlight was what gave the future comedian real pleasure.

All photos 10

Having received a diploma of completion high school, Timur went to St. Petersburg, where he entered the local University of Economics and Finance. At that time, his chosen profession was very prestigious. In addition, it was studying at the university that gave the student a chance to shine on the big stage.

In his junior year, Timur Batrutdinov became one of the members of the FINEK KVN team, which did not enjoy much success, but gave Timur a start in his comedy career.

For a long time, Batrutdinov wrote scripts for the KVN team “Team of St. Petersburg,” which twice became a finalist in the Major League of the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful, and also earned small money from corporate events.

Having received a university diploma, Timur chose the path of a real man (remember that his father is a military man) and went to military service in the signal troops. After demobilization, Timur Batrutdinov received an offer to get a job in one of the automobile companies, the artist was about to agree, but before going to work he decided to play in KVN one more time. With friends he went to the Sochi KVN festival, where his old friend invited the comedian, knowing his merits in KVN, to join the “Ungolden Youth” team. Kashtan agreed, without even implying that this “yes” would become fateful.

In the Moscow KVN team, Timur met Garik Kharlamov, who became his best friend and stage partner. Later, the merry duo was invited to new project Comedy Club. And since then, Timur “Kashtan” Batrutdinov and Garik “Bulldog” Kharlamov are considered the real symbol of the entire show. And in 2009, Timur was chosen by the audience as the most popular artist project, collecting more than half of all votes.

In 2004 popular comedian appeared before the audience in a new role, as the host of the television project “Hello, Kukuevo!” on the MUZ-TV channel, and a year later became the face of the “Hello” program on the TV Center channel.

The Comedy Club stage remains permanent place work as an artist, but at the same time Timur is also invited to other comedy projects: the sitcoms “Happy Together”, “Zaitsev + 1”, the television project “Yuzhnoye Butovo”. The comedian also succeeded in cinema, he starred in films such as “Two Antons” and “The Best Film - 2”. Since 2013, Timur Batrutdinov has been one of the leading artists of the show “KhB”, which is broadcast under the auspices of the TNT channel.

Personal life of Timur Batrutdinov

Today Timur is one of the most prominent representatives of the Comedy Club project, a star Russian television, but still remains one of the most eligible bachelors in the country. The personal life of an artist is always behind the scenes. In one of his interviews, Timur once talked about his first love - his desk neighbor Katya Svatko. Then there was a long-term relationship while studying at the university, but it never came to marriage. In 2009, the comedian decided to turn to specialists and went to look for his soulmate on the popular project “Let's Get Married.” The guy chose Sasha Savelyeva, a member of the Factory group. But the couple did not have a romantic relationship.

For a long time there were only rumors about Kashtan’s personal life; Timur did not advertise his relationships with the opposite sex. This was the case before the release of the “Bachelor” project on TNT, where beauties from different parts of the country fought for Timur’s heart. The artist agreed to participate in the project because he has been making plans for the future for a long time and believes that it is time for him to get married, have a family and children. He has repeatedly emphasized in interviews with various publications that the most important thing for him is to find a girl who will accept him with all his oddities and shortcomings. And, it would seem, he found her! The bachelor's chosen one was Daria Kanauha.

After the triumphant victory of the native of Kazan, the whole country waited with bated breath for the Comedy Club resident to propose marriage to his chosen one. A month passed, then another, and there was no news about the couple’s engagement. And the statement from Daria that the couple broke up surprised few people. Despite the fact that Timur never ceases to assert that family is sacred to him and there is nothing more important than the relationship that begins between two people created for each other, as long as his heart is free.

Timur Takhirovich Batrutdinov is one of the most prominent representatives popular show"Comedy club". He grew up in a family that had nothing to do with the world of show business. But, despite this, thanks to his cheerful character and ability to come up with jokes, he managed to become the favorite of a multimillion-dollar audience.

Now he is famous and at the peak of fame. However, the comedian does not “turn up” his nose, like many colleagues in the shop. For example, it’s not at all difficult for him to stop and take a couple of photos with passers-by who recognized him on the street. Timur can only refuse an autograph if he is very late for something. However, you will definitely apologize to the person for the refusal.

Height, weight, age. How old is Timur Batrutdinov

As a rule, the male half of the comedian’s fans search the Internet for a new video or announcements of a show with his participation. Unlike them, the female population still wants to know everything about the parameters of the artist himself: height, weight, age, how old is Timur Batrutdinov?

Nobody makes any special secret about this. Timur has always had an athletic build. Of course, over the years he has to pay more attention physical fitness. Based on his height - 185 centimeters and weight - 80 kilograms, we can conclude that the artist succeeds one hundred percent.

Biography and personal life of Timur Batrutdinov

The future artist was born in small village, in Moscow. Since the father was a military man, the family changed their place of residence quite often. For this reason, schools also changed. However, since childhood, the positive and sociable boy saw only advantages in this - new acquaintances, the opportunity to learn the culture of different countries.

Timur tried on the role of a comedian since school: he participated in KVN, various matinees and holidays. Nevertheless, I did not plan to become an actor. Sometimes it seems that the biography and personal life of Timur Batrutdinov is full of positivity and smiles.

I graduated from school in the nineties. In these difficult times, Timur decided to enroll in the Faculty of Labor Economics and Human Resources Management at the University of Economics and Finance. For this he moved to St. Petersburg.

It is here that Timur becomes a KVN participant from the first year. At first, he simply wrote scripts for the team, thanks to which the participants more than once reached the finals of the KVN Major League.

In 2000, having received his diploma, Batrutdinov served in the Signal Corps. After demobilization, the artist’s professional fate was decided by a chance meeting with Dmitry Sorokin. It was he who invited his friend to play for the “Ungolden Youth” team. Here Timur met Garik Kharlamov.

A few years later, friends came together to a new humorous project, “Comedy Club”. This show became the starting point in the comedian's career. After Batrutdinov participated in many TV shows: “Circus with the Stars”, “ glacial period", "Dancing with the Stars".

Timur was also a participant in the show “The Bachelor”. Everyone watched closely as events unfolded, wondering how the project would end. Batrutdinov behaved like a real gentleman. The favorites were two girls - Galina Rzhaksinskaya and Daria. But the miracle never happened, the comedian is still lonely.

Timur Batrutdinov and Galina Rzhaksinskaya see each other quite rarely now, more often they just call each other.

Family and children of Timur Batrutdinov

The family and children of Timur Batrutdinov are still only plans for the future. The artist has not yet met on his life path a girl who could captivate his heart so that he would decide to go to the registry office. Timur often shares his thoughts with journalists in his interviews. He wants a friendly strong family to big house There were children running around and there were always pets.

The artist is not particularly worried about the absence of a family. He is of the opinion that if a person is destined for something, then it will definitely come true. In a conversation with journalists, he even joked that his chosen one could be a girl fifteen years younger than him. Although age is not the main indicator for a resident, the main thing is what is inside her.

Timur Batrutdinov's wife

Timur Batrutdinov's wife - who will she be? Many fans of the artist think about this. Fans are especially interested in this information in order to be able to get at least somehow closer to the image. The girls do not lose hope of catching the artist’s interested gaze. What if she becomes the one for whom Timur will be ready to give up his bachelor life.

Timur Batrutdinov wants to live with his wife all his life. Maybe that’s why he’s in no hurry to choose just one girl. His parents lived together for many years. The son saw what harmonious relationships were between them, and wants it to work out the same way for him.

Timur Batrutdinov and his wife - 2017 could have been a year of disappointment for girls who hoped to win him eligible groom popular comedy show. The fact is that last year rumors about the relationship between the artist and Olga Buzova began to appear more and more often in the press. On her Instagram page, the presenter boasted of photographs in which she and Batrutdinov were vacationing in Thailand. She also posted a picture of her with a huge bouquet Red roses, and they are known to symbolize a declaration of love. However, as it turned out later, there were simply friendly relations between them. There was a moment when young people almost crossed this line, but in the name of friendship they stopped in time. So all the allegations that Olga will soon become Timur’s wife turned out to be just journalists’ conjectures.

Orientation Timur Batrutdinov. He is a gay?

The Comedy Club resident does not like questions regarding personal topics, much less amorous matters. At forty years old, the artist is still single. Since he is a media personality, they show Special attention both journalists and fans.

Despite the novels in which the artist was seen, suspicions often arise in society that he is gay. However, the yellow press cannot provide any evidence. Why can we conclude that this is just a trick that the sharks of the pen resort to in order to increase the rating of the printed publication. Fans refuse to believe that Batrutdinov is gay.

Timur himself takes such news with laughter. He admitted that on this moment he is not in a permanent relationship. However, this is not a reason to think about what Timur Batrutdinov’s orientation is.

He is only gay in comedy programs. The artist doesn’t try on this role often, but when necessary, he plays it very believably. Maybe this is why such ridiculous rumors about Timur sometimes arise in the press.

Instagram and Wikipedia Timur Batrutdinov

Timur Batrutdinov’s Instagram and Wikipedia will help fans get to know the artist’s biography and work better. He is also registered on VKontakte and Twitter. Despite his reluctance to advertise his behind-the-scenes life, Timur believes that there is room to expand on the Internet. Together with his friend and partner, Garik Kharlamov, he often publishes new jokes first on the Internet. Thus, they give fans the opportunity not to wait for the number to be released on television.

Timur loves to travel. He has already visited many cities and countries. He especially likes Hawaii because of the abundance of colorful beaches. In Bali, he and Pavel Volya enjoyed learning to surf. This year in winter I went to Thailand, to the island of Phuket. There he really liked the nature and the atmosphere in general.

The artist has immediate plans to visit New Zealand and Iceland, as well as visit Easter Island.

Timur (Kashtan) Takhirovich Batrutdinov. Born on February 11, 1978 in Voronovo, Moscow region. Russian comedian and TV presenter.

Batrutdinov spent his childhood in the city of Baltiysk, Kaliningrad region. Father - Tahir Khusainovich, engineer. Mother - Natalya Evgenievna, economist.

At the age of six I went to the Voronovo secondary school. After school, he entered the St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance at the Faculty of Labor Economics and Personnel Management, from which he graduated in 2000. After graduating from university, he was called up for a year of military service in the signal troops.

In the university student club, he participated in numerous skits, played for the KVN team of FinEk, and wrote scripts for the KVN team of St. Petersburg.

After the army, he worked in Moscow at PSA Peugeot Citroën in his specialty, from where he quit due to an offer to participate in the KVN team “Ungolden Youth”.

As Batrutdinov said, he arrived at the Sochi KVN Festival and met there an old acquaintance Dima Sorokin, who at that time played in the “Ungolden Youth” team. Batrutdinov was offered to join, and he did not refuse. The most popular player in the game at that time was Garik “Bulldog” Kharlamov, with whom they later began to compose their own original miniatures while having dinner at McDonald’s.

Participates in the Russian television project Comedy Club, performs in a duet with Garik Kharlamov, who also performed for the “Ungolden Youth” team.

The most popular Comedy Club resident for 2009 according to the People Choice website. Scored 53% audience choice among all residents, significantly ahead of the rest: he scored 14%, Pavel Volya - 11%, Garik Martirosyan - 9%, Alexander Revva - 5%.

In 2004 - presenter of programs on the Muz-TV channel “Hello, Kukuevo!” and etc.

In 2008 - participant in the Channel One project “Circus with the Stars”. Received the audience award based on the results of the project.

In 2009 - participant in the First Channel project “Southern Butovo”.

In 2010, he voiced the program “Survive Together” on the Discovery Russia channel together with Garik Kharlamov.

In 2013, he took part in the show “KhB”, where he starred together with Garik Kharlamov.

In 2014 - participant in the Channel One project “Ice Age”, paired with Albena Denkova.

Batrutdinov said about his participation in the show “The Bachelor”: “I always fight my own fears. A long time ago I had a fear of speaking in front of an audience - I decided to perform on stage. I had a fear of heights: I took part in the Circus show and now I know how to walk on a tightrope. There is a similar situation here. I would like to hope that the “Bachelor” project will allow me to get rid of the fear of family life.”

In the finale of the show, “The Bachelor” chose Daria Kananukha as his bride, but things never came to a wedding.

Timur Batrutdinov has never been married.

When Batrutdinov is asked about his personal life, he invariably laughs it off and complains about “the lack of spirituality in this oil, gas and paper world.”

Timur Batrutdinov about himself:

“I have a cheerful, thoughtful, and serious personality inside me. My stage role invariably lasts as long as the sketch that we demonstrate.”

Timur Batrutdinov and Garik Kharlamov - Gerard Depardieu

Timur Batrutdinov about his sense of humor:

“A sense of humor is what sets us apart from other mammals. But now I said it - and I remembered cats and dogs. They probably have a sense of humor - how can they run after candy wrappers without it, for example. And for me, a sense of humor is an innate ability, but one that develops over the years.”

Timur Batrutdinov about women:

“We, men, are black soil against your background. But without black soil, flowers don’t bloom.”

Timur Batrutdinov's height is 185 cm.

Timur Batrutdinov is a vegetarian- on principle he does not eat meat, believing that he has no right to eat thinking beings.

From an interview with Timur Batrutdinov:

– Do you improvise only on stage, or even when you meet girls?

– I go up to the girl I like and tell her about my sympathy. I don’t have template phrases; I act depending on the situation. In general, I am quite amorous, but I have not had a permanent relationship for a long time. I take this seriously and believe that if you start a relationship, it will be for a long time. At least for life.

– Can the girl meet you herself?

– I take this quite calmly. Since the sexual revolution took place in the world, such things are not shocking. In addition, I am for equality, and I consider the idea that a guy should get acquainted first to be a relic of the past.

– Which girls are more likely to date you?

– I will start a relationship with someone for whom I am capable of extravagance. It’s been a long time since my heart sank at the thought of my beloved, and I really missed this feeling. I idolize women. Actually, I’m a woman lover, but I don’t spread myself thin left and right.

Timur Batrutdinov believes in omens:

“There is a certain set of signs that I believe in. For example, I trust the magic of numbers. My lucky number- 4. As soon as I mentally accepted the four, everything in life began to work out. Well, besides, I’m Aquarius, this is my era, so I’m guaranteed good luck for another 1000 years. So I have a lot of plans for the next millennium. By the way, I am an extremely impressionable person. When I lived in St. Petersburg, I had the following tradition. I went to Pulkovo, to the airport, at night, and saw off planes. I watched them take off. I mentally put all my problems and bad emotions on the flight. They went to the Sun and burned there in its rays.”

Filmography of Timur Batrutdinov:

2002 - Knife in the Clouds - underground parking guard
2005-2007 - Club - Grisha Loser
2005 - Sasha + Masha - cameo role
2007 - Happy Together - Vasya Dyrkin
2008 - Horton - Horton the Elephant (voice of the Russian version)
2009 - Two Antons - Anton Krutov
2009 - The Best Film 2 - Actor
2009-2010 - South Butovo (TV show) - Friend
2010 - I love you Phillip Morris - (voice by Jim Carrey)
2012 - Zaitsev+1 - cameo
2013 - HB
2013 - Friends of Friends
2014 - SashaTanya
2015 - Concerned, or Love of Evil - Philip
2015 - Horoscope for luck - Lyokha, Maxim’s colleague
2015 - Bartender - cameo
2017 - Zomboyashchik

Timur Batrutdinov was born on February 11, 1978 into a Tatar family in the village of Voronovo near Moscow. The boy spent his childhood not surrounded by gloomy faces scurrying here and there in a dusty and stuffy metropolis, but among the unique nature of parks, squares, and endless sandy beaches of the greenest city in the Kaliningrad region, Baltiysk, where his father, a military man, was transferred for military service.

Timur's school time began at the age of six. In elementary school, in third grade, he became creative path, successfully playing his first role as the Primer Man in a first-grade production. Timur Batrutdinov, a high school student, became famous for his brilliant game in school team KVN.


Despite his love for literature, KVN and creativity in general, Timur Batrutdinov, having received the long-awaited certificate of secondary education, decided to follow in his mother’s footsteps: he entered the Faculty of Labor and Personnel Management in State University economics and finance of St. Petersburg.

As a student, he played on the KVN team of the highest-rated state economic university in Russia, and wrote scripts for the city team. The Major League remained a pipe dream; due to a personal conflict with one of the team members, it was not possible to get into the St. Petersburg KVN Team as an actor. He was content with scripts and “back-up dancers,” but did not give up KVN. Of course, Timur Batrutdinov at that time had no time for economics, for which he paid with academic leave.

After graduating from university in 2000, the young man was sent to the army in the Podolsk region for a year. The fighter Timur Batrutdinov decided to turn the army into a continuous Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful. It was with him light hand the team became the champion of the Moscow military district.

Having conscientiously repaid his military duty to his homeland, Timur Batrutdinov remembered his diploma as an economist and went to Moscow, where he was immediately hired in his specialty at the Peugeot company. However, the company’s joy did not last long: economist Timur Batrutdinov was found by old friends from KVN, and he became a full-fledged player, already as an actor in the team “Ungolden Youth” in Major League. The dream has come true.

True, “the emphasis in the team was already distributed, so I had to fight my way from the back rows and prove to myself and everyone...”. Apparently, it was not possible to prove to everyone: now no one can really remember what Timur Batrutdinov did in “Ungolden Youth”; in short, in KVN he simply did not have time to reveal himself 100 percent.

"Comedy Club"

But the avid KVN player managed to show himself to the fullest by becoming a resident of the “Kashtan” show “Comedy Club”. At first, he joined the third duet of Garik Kharlamov, a native of the “Ungolden Youth”, and the famous TV and radio host Evgeniy Agabekov. Through natural selection, the original trio was nevertheless reduced to the size of a duet - Batrutdinov-Kharlamov.

It is this duet of two gifted people that is one of the main highlights of the current Comedy. At first, the bright comedic performance of Garik “Bulldog” Kharlamov certainly draws attention to himself in the duet’s performance, but that’s why he has such a nickname – “Bulldog”. But Timur "Kashtan" Batrutdinov with the magnificent middle name Takhirovich is a comedian by nature and can prove it at any moment. Periodically, the actor performs with Garik Martirosyan, Oleg Vereshchagin and Le Havre, Pavel Volya and Alexander Revva.

While on tour in the USA, Timur Batrutdinov and Alexander Nezlobin once went into the holy of holies - the Comedy Store, where the American Comedy began more than 60 years ago. It was there that Jim Carrey, Chris Rock, Chris Tucker, and Andy Kaufman performed, among others. For a long time, the actor had the feeling that he was in the scenery of Hollywood films, either in the role of an undercover police officer or a spy intelligence officer.

A television

However, “Comedy Club” did not become the main thing in Timur Batrutdinov’s life; he was eager to go on big television. Luckily, Batrutdinov was noticed by employees of the Muz-TV channel and invited to the program “Hello, Kukuevo!”, for daily 15-minute episodes of empty chatter, but the program was still a success.

One of the main residents of the "Comedy Club" had his childhood dream to play romantic hero, successfully embodied under the circus dome in the lyrical image of Andrei Bolkonsky, unusual for him, in the project "Circus on the First", receiving maximum amount points and a flurry of applause.

In addition to participating in the Comedy Club and television, Kashtan did not give up his authoring activities. He successfully wrote scripts for KVN, humorous programs on NTV, for Sergei Mandrik, director of the "Street Jazz" ballet and host of the "Dance Floor Star" program. It is Timur’s merit that in the continuation of the popular program, the speech of the presenter Sergei was a little livelier, and jokes slipped into the repertoire, at least a little, not only to work with the body.


The first filming of the lively KVN player happened in St. Petersburg, while working part-time as an extra. His first role was in a Canadian film. Then future star"Comedy Club" deftly took Winter Palace" V huge pile sailors. And the next day he was already a White Guard, defending the same Winter Palace. At that moment, the magic of cinema threw the seed into fertile soil, then subconsciously beckoned for a long time, but Timur Batrutdinov steadfastly refused, most likely, he was not ready internally.

The director of the series "Masha + Sasha", who was also the director of "Comedy Club", Ksenia Chashey invited "Kashtan" to play the role of a resident of Prague in her sitcom.

Then Timur Batrutdinov took a direct part in the series “Club” on MTV, playing the role of Grisha Loser. It turned out, however, that everything was not as truthful as the actor himself expected, who knew club life firsthand, and the series had certain film standards.

But, nevertheless, the first serious experience of working in cinema was a success: the actor discovered creative like-mindedness with the performer leading role Peter Fedorov, with professional actors from “The Club” I felt free, there was no fear of filming, I just “took the image itself.”

"The best movie-2"

In the film parody "The Best Film-2" on the images of the main characters in the highest-grossing domestic films of recent times: "Heat", "12", "The Irony of Fate. Continuation" Timur Batrutdinov got the role of Actor.

He even managed to hit Sergei Lazarev in the face in the frame, according to the script it was supposed to be so. But it was not a blow to defeat, a blow to the modern stage, but rather a friendly one, like “Guys, try harder.”

The self-critical Timur Batrutdinov was not very pleased with his role, and the image did not seem to have enough depth, and his hero is a rather stupid creature. Of course, the role of the Actor, a parody of the hero Arthur Smolyaninov in “Heat,” cannot definitely be called an Oscar-winning one, but still it was an important event in the resident’s film career, because it was Batrutdinov’s first full-length work.

The parody genre is new to Russian cinema. An absolutely Zuckerian parody, of course, could not be made due to a lack of art material, but the creators of "The Most best film-2" tried to take into account the shortcomings of "The Best Film", inviting, among other things, new actors from Comedy: Timur Batrutdinov and Dmitry Khrustalev.

Timur Batrutdinov himself would not mind trying himself in a dramatic role. But for this, and the actor always understood this very well, he would first need to get an education at least somehow related to theater and cinema.

Personal life

One of Timur Batrutdinov’s favorite sayings is “If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans.” He did not plan to perform at the Comedy Club, and much more, but, nevertheless, everything turned out that way. Fate was kind to him, and he accepted her gifts with joy. But this does not mean that the actor was just waiting, no, of course, he was always doing something.

In many ways, the actor depended on the success of his family, on how things were with the main women in his life - his sister and mother. They always restrained him from more fraudulent, crazy actions.

In general, everything that is not banal, and sometimes even absurd, is very close to this person. Everyone just watched the stupid Tom and Jerry, and Timur managed to learn Polish language sitting in front of the TV screen. And he acquired both standard English and non-banal Polish languages.

The actor has a character trait: it’s interesting to live in different images. It's always different. One for parents, another for friends, and a third for girls. But he is always an open person, not a hypocrite. The world is so unpredictable for Timur Batrutdinov that he never knew what the next day might turn out for him.

The most unforgettable thing at the noisy party for Timur Batrutdinov’s 30th birthday was the surprise that the guests prepared for everyone’s favorite resident. A large number of waitresses serving this event, at some point grabbed Timur and, singing the song “Winged Swing”, began to undress him. The false waitresses turned out to be pre-hired strippers who were supposed to decorate the evening of the hero of the day.

Timur Batrutdinov published memoirs, an autobiographical tragicomedy about the year spent in the armed forces - “The Year in Boots.”

To the process of the global economic crisis resident " Сomedy club", an economist by training, always suggested a philosophical approach: a change of priorities; flourishing should always be followed by not just extinction, but simply a turning point.

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