Olga Buzova was insulted again! Who is she threatening to sue? They insulted me again! Olga Buzova will sue the “under-man” from the Comedy Club. Who offended Buzova from the comedy.

Olga Buzova was horrified by the offensive posts of one of the residents of the popular comedy show. Now the presenter is going to sue him.

Olga Buzova once again found herself at the center of a scandal. Recently, the girl took part in the filming of the next episode of Comedy Club. After this, a wave of criticism hit her. One of those who insulted the TV presenter was comedian Andrei Skorokhod.

On her Instagram page, Olga said that the man seriously insulted her. This outraged the aspiring singer so much that she decided to deal with the offender in court.

“I don’t have a defender. I'm alone. And I solve all problems myself. Today, one “under-man” with whom we work on the same channel allowed me to be publicly insulted. Unfortunately, those whom I considered my friends from the Comedy Club did not influence this situation in any way. Therefore, I will decide this through the court,” Olga said on Instagram.

Fans quickly figured out the girl’s offender. It turned out to be Andrei Skorokhod, who has recently been portraying redneck rapper Glebati in Comedy. It was on behalf of this character on the Instagram account @glebati_official that Skorokhod posted an offensive post dedicated to Buzova. In it, the man compared the star with a negative character in the film “Predator.” In addition, in the comments to this and other posts, Glebati wrote several very unflattering and boorish reviews about Olga...

Andrei Skorokhod was immediately hit with a wave of criticism from Buzova’s fans. “How can a man behave like this? This is low and vile”, “What a nightmare! I was disappointed in this person,” “But it seems to me that this is all well-thought-out PR. They’re all friends there,” Olga’s fans wrote.

Timur Batrutdinov, who has been in very close contact with Buzova lately, hastened to emphasize that he himself will deal with the scandalous situation. He urged his friend not to make hasty conclusions and wait until the problem resolves itself.

“Ol, don’t rush into emotions, please. I didn’t know anything about this because I don’t spend time on Instagram. I personally apologize for this excess! I am sure that he did not put negativity on his own into the post, but acted on behalf of his character. “I’ll talk to him now, and I’m sorry that I find out about this officially, and not by personal call,” Timur wrote in a comment to Buzova’s post.

Let us remember that the artist has been criticized several times. When Olga began her musical career, she was hit with a barrage of negative reviews. Then many stars spoke out against Buzova singing. However, the TV presenter was able to defend her interests and the right to demonstrate her talent.

Fans believe that Olga will still be able to resolve all conflicts without resorting to litigation. They also hope that the situation that has arisen will not affect the trusting relationship between Buzova and Batrutdinov.

Olga Buzova is one of the most sought-after TV stars in Russian show business. Despite the army of fans, the artist more than once suffered from attacks from ill-wishers. And now it turns out that their number also includes her colleague. Read further in the material for details.


Last evening I reported some unpleasant news: one of the residents of the comedy show Comedy Club dared to insult the singer, calling her an obscene word. The comedian was also insulting to the star’s fans.

The presenter did not turn a blind eye to such statements addressed to her and decided to defend herself, since, according to her, there was no one to do this.

I wrote about this Olga Buzova on Instagram. In her long post, the singer called the offender a “sub-man” and said that she would resolve this issue through the courts. But, unfortunately, I didn’t mention his name.

I have no defender. I'm alone. And I solve all problems myself. Today, one “under-man” with whom we work on the same channel allowed me to be publicly insulted. Unfortunately, those whom I considered my friends from the comedy did not influence this situation in any way. Therefore, I will decide this through the court.

However, based on the comments, it is clear that we are talking about Andrei Skorokhod. Thus, the comedian posted on his profile a publication in the form of a collage, in which Olga’s photo is adjacent to a photo of the Predator from the film of the same name. And the main reason for the conflict was the comment of the singer’s hater, who called the star, let’s say: “a girl of easy virtue.” Well, Skorokhod supported the opinion of his subscriber with a like.

Interestingly, the incident was also reacted to by, who recently stated that. However, his position is not entirely clear: he is either protecting his girlfriend, or is afraid that his friend will end up on trial.

Olyus, don’t forget, we at the Comedy Club love you very much and appreciate your self-irony! I just talked to Andrey. Of course, he gave this like by accident. He will apologize for this. Remember, all our jokes about you are in no way personal! You are the most prominent figure in show business and, of course, half of the jokes are about you. You see, nothing else is happening in the country except you. Once again, I apologize on my own behalf that such an unpleasant situation occurred for you!

However, Skorokhod confirmed the accident of his like a little later on Instagram Stories. And smart Internet users even managed to take screenshots of his confession. Find more news in the section "

A Comedy Club resident showered the star and her fans with obscene language. Olga Buzova was outraged not so much by the attacks on herself, but by the fact that her fans were humiliated. “I won’t let anyone offend my people,” the TV personality wrote on the microblog.

Olga Buzova
​Photo: Instagram

Olga Buzova was once again forced onto the warpath. This time the star intends to sue her colleague on the channel - a man who insulted Olga and her fans. Buzova announced that she was determined on the microblog. “I don’t have a defender. I'm alone. And I solve all problems myself. Today, one “under-man” with whom we work on the same channel allowed me to be publicly insulted. Unfortunately, those whom I considered my friends from the comedy did not influence this situation in any way.

Therefore, I will solve this through court. I will not allow anyone to call me a whore and insult my fans, calling them scum and dogs. I can still survive the insults, but I won’t let anyone insult my people,” said Olga Buzova.

It is noteworthy that she does not name the man who unleashed a stream of dirty abuse on Olga. However, Buzova’s subscribers already understood perfectly well who we were talking about. This is Comedy Club resident Andrey Skorokhod. The young man maintains two accounts on Instagram - on his own behalf and on behalf of the redneck rapper Glebati, whom he portrays in Comedy. And the day before, a post appeared in the second microblog in which Olga Buzova was compared to a monster - a character from the film “Predator”. In his comments, Skorokhod-Glebati allowed himself several obscene statements. In addition, he actively liked users who threw mud at Olga Buzova in expressions considered unprintable.

“Olya, don’t pay attention. These are sick people. He and these other people who write obscene words here. But there are more good people than these sick mammals,” “Ol, fuck them all... idiots, and you are a beauty, everyone loves you. Personally, I only learned about this idiot from you, otherwise I would never have noticed him, like everyone else! Be sure to sue this idiot,” “Ol, don’t pay attention to him. If he says so, then he himself will be like that. I love you,” Olga Buzova’s followers supported her.

Timur Batrutdinov also intervened in the situation. In the comments to Olga’s post, he apologized for his colleague at the Comedy Club, promising to talk with Andrey and understand the motives for his behavior.

“Ol, don’t rush into emotions, please. I didn’t know anything about this because I don’t spend time on Instagram. I personally apologize for this excess! I am sure that he did not put negativity on his own into the post, but acted on behalf of his character. I’ll talk to him now, and I’m sorry that I find out about this officially, and not by personal call,” wrote Timur Batrutdinov.

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