Romanticism romantic hero. Key Traits of a Romantic Hero

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Romantic hero- one of artistic images literature of romanticism. A romantic is an exceptional and often mysterious person who usually lives in exceptional circumstances. The collision of external events is transferred to inner world a hero in whose soul there is a struggle of contradictions. As a result of this reproduction of character, romanticism extremely highly raised the value of the individual, inexhaustible in its spiritual depths, revealing its unique inner world. Man in romantic works also embodied with the help of contrast, antithesis: on the one hand, he is the crown of creation, and on the other, a weak-willed toy in the hands of fate, forces unknown and beyond his control. Therefore, he often turns into a victim of his own passions. The romantic hero is lonely. Either he himself is running away from a familiar, comfortable world for others, which seems to him like a prison. Or he is an exile, a criminal. He is driven on a dangerous path by a reluctance to be like everyone else, a thirst for a storm. Freedom for the Romantic Hero more valuable than life. To achieve this, he is capable of anything if he feels inner rightness. A romantic hero is an integral personality; one can always identify a leading character trait in him.

Romanticism as a movement in literature and art began to take shape in late XVIII century as a result of the crisis of the ideas of rationalism that dominated the Enlightenment. Unlike the rationalists, the romantics appealed not to reason, but to feelings, giving priority to the personal over the social, the ordinary over the unusual, and often the supernatural. Romantics placed the individual, her aspirations and experiences at the center of attention. It should be noted that the romantics introduced into literature the image of a person endowed with extraordinary abilities and strong passions, misunderstood and persecuted by society. The hero of romanticism, as a rule, defiantly opposes himself to other people, the crowd, and often challenges more powerful forces, even God. Adventures romantic hero unfold against a background that is quite consistent with its originality: this is either an exotic landscape of distant countries, or an ominous ancient castle, or fantastic circumstances.

Byron's heroes are romantics, an example is Conrad from the poem "The Corsair". The name itself speaks about the occupation of the main character of the work: Conrad is a pirate, a sea robber. He is a pirate acting at his own peril and risk. the first correspondence with the canons of romanticism: the hero of the work is an outcast, an outlaw. We may have different attitudes to the poeticization of the image of a sea robber, but we should remember that it is precisely such individuals, who have broken with society, challenging it with all their behavior, that are the object of attention of a romantic writer who is absolutely not interested in the righteous life of the average man. In addition, the hero of Byron's poem is by no means some bandit ready to cut his throat for a couple of gold coins. Severe discipline reigns in Conrad's squad; he himself not only does not drink wine, but is also unshakably faithful to his only beloved. In relation to women, Conrad is generally a true knight: during a raid on the pasha's palace, he saves the wives of his enemy from a burning building. This is the image of a “noble robber”. It should be noted that such heroes are found in the legends of many nations. several Yet characteristic features romanticism: the hero of the poem is an exceptional person in his organizational, moral and moral qualities. In addition, a certain rapprochement with the legendary “noble robbers” is also a feature of romanticism - turning to folklore traditions and myths is not uncommon for romantic writers. The scene is a picturesque island. a corsair fights with Muslim warriors against the backdrop of oriental nature and magnificent palaces. The poem ends suddenly: we don’t know where Byron’s hero will go, how his life will turn out. further fate, And this is also in the tradition of romanticism.

Emily Brontë - "Wuthering Heights"- not easy golden classic world literature, but a novel that revolutionized ideas about romantic prose. a story of stormy, passionate, tragic love Heathcliff and Catty are still interesting. Heathcliff is a rebel, rising against the established order, against hypocritical morality, against God and religion, against evil and injustice. Heathcliff and Catherine could be happy only until money, prejudices, and conventions came between them. However, nothing could kill their love, their passionate attraction to each other. About the heroes of Wuthering Heights, W. Pater wrote: “These figures, filled with such passions, but woven against the backdrop of the discreet beauty of the heather expanses, are typical examples of the spirit of romanticism.”

In English poetry of the Renaissance, lyrical heroes are remarkable and colorful. In Wordsworth's cycle of "Sonnets on Liberty", in particular in the sonnet "London, 1802" lyrical hero says that England needs people like Milton, the poet asks Milton to give his contemporaries strength, valor and freedom. The titanic figure of Milton is opposed to the petty, selfish people of our time.

Coleridge's romantic art is characterized by the unfinished poem "Christabel". Medieval castle, Moonlight night, the striking of the clock, an incident full of mystery - this is the background against which the contradictory feelings and experiences of the heroes are revealed - the old Baron Leoline, his daughter Christabel, Geraldine. The plot of the poem ends at the outset of the action, but is already revealed in the outset tragic loneliness Christabel, faced with the cruel inconstancy of the people around her.

The concept of "romanticism" is often used as a synonym for the concept of "romance". This refers to the tendency to view the world through pink glasses and active life position. Or they associate this concept with love and any actions for the sake of their own loved one. But romanticism has several meanings. The article will discuss the narrower understanding that is used for the literary term, and the main character traits of the romantic hero.

Characteristic features of the style

Romanticism is a movement in literature that arose in Russia at the end of the 18th - first half of the 19th century. This style proclaims the cult of nature and natural human feelings. New characteristics romantic literature freedom of expression, the value of individualism and the original character traits of the main character become. Representatives of the movement abandoned rationalism and the primacy of the mind, which were characteristic of the Enlightenment, and put the emotional and spiritual aspects of man at the forefront.

In their works, the authors depict not the real world, which was too vulgar and base for them, but the inner universe of the character. And through the prism of his feelings and emotions, the outlines of the real world are visible, the laws and thoughts of which he refuses to obey.

Main conflict

The central conflict of all works written in the era of romanticism is the conflict between the individual and society as a whole. Here the main character goes against the established rules in his environment. Moreover, the motives for such behavior can be different - actions can either be for the benefit of society or have a selfish plan. In this case, as a rule, the hero loses this fight, and the work ends with his death.

A romantic is a special and in most cases very mysterious person who tries to resist the power of nature or society. At the same time, the conflict develops into internal struggle contradictions that occur in the soul of the main character. In other words, the central character is built on antitheses.

At least in this literary genre and the individuality of the protagonist is valued, but still literary scholars have identified which features of romantic heroes are the main ones. But, even despite the similarities, each character is unique in its own way, since they are only general criteria highlighting style.

Ideals of society

The main feature The main characteristic of a romantic hero is that he does not accept the generally known ideals of society. The main character has his own ideas about the values ​​of life, which he tries to defend. He seems to challenge the entire world around him, and not an individual person or group of people. Here we're talking about about the ideological confrontation of one person against the whole world.

Moreover, in his rebellion, the main character chooses one of two extremes. Or these are unattainable, highly spiritual goals, and the character is trying to become equal to the Creator himself. In another case, the hero indulges in all sorts of sins, without feeling the extent of his moral fall into the abyss.

Bright personality

If one person is able to withstand the whole world, then it is as large-scale and complex as the whole world. Main character Romantic literature always stands out in society both externally and internally. In the soul of the character there is a constant conflict between the stereotypes already laid down by society and his own views and ideas.


One of the saddest traits of a romantic hero is his tragic loneliness. Since the character is opposed to the whole world, he remains completely alone. There is no person who would understand him. Therefore, he either himself flees from the society he hates, or he himself becomes an exile. Otherwise, the romantic hero would no longer be like that. Therefore, romantic writers focus all their attention on psychological portrait central character.

Either the past or the future

The traits of a romantic hero do not allow him to live in the present. The character is trying to find his ideals in the past, when religious feeling was strong in the hearts of people. Or he consoles himself with happy utopias that supposedly await him in the future. But in any case, the main character is not satisfied with the era of dull bourgeois reality.


As has already been said, distinctive feature The romantic hero is his individualism. But it’s not easy to be “different from others.” This is a fundamental difference from all the people who surround the main character. Moreover, if a character chooses a sinful path, then he realizes that he is different from others. And this difference is taken to the extreme - the cult of personality of the protagonist, where all actions have an exclusively selfish motive.

The era of romanticism in Russia

The founder of Russian romanticism is considered to be the poet Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky. He creates several ballads and poems (“Ondine”, “The Sleeping Princess” and so on), in which there is a deep philosophical meaning and the desire for moral ideals. His works are imbued with his own experiences and reflections.

Then Zhukovsky was replaced by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol and Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov. They impose on public consciousness, impressed by the failure of the Decembrist uprising, an imprint of an ideological crisis. For this reason, the creativity of these people is described as disappointment in real life and an attempt to go into my own fictional world, filled with beauty and harmony. The main characters of their works lose interest in earthly life and come into conflict with the outside world.

One of the features of romanticism is its appeal to the history of the people and their folklore. This is most clearly seen in the work “Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, the young guardsman and the daring merchant Kalashnikov” and a cycle of poems and poems dedicated to the Caucasus. Lermontov perceived it as the homeland of free and proud people. They opposed a slave country that was under the rule of Nicholas I.

Early works Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin’s works are also imbued with the idea of ​​romanticism. An example would be “Eugene Onegin” or “The Queen of Spades”.

The main features of a romantic hero: -Rejection of the ideals of society; -internal duality; - loneliness in real world; -search for ideal and dreams; -life in the sphere of emotions and feelings; - the hero is always a bright, exceptional personality - the hero’s love of freedom - the hero is always in an insoluble conflict with his environment, society, era. -Unusual, exceptional circumstances of life.

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Definitions of the term "romantic hero"

Romantic hero- one of the artistic images of romanticism literature.

● Existence « two worlds»: the world of the ideal, dreams and the world of reality. This leads romantic artists into a mood of despair and hopelessness, " world sorrow».

● Appeal to folk stories, folklore, interest in the historical past, search for historical consciousness.

To learn more about the theory of romanticism, use the presentation on this topic.

Typology of the romantic hero

Word cloud illustrating key character traits romantic hero

Typically, the types of romantic heroes can be represented as national, or else universal.

For example:

Oddball Hero- ridiculous and ridiculous in the eyes of ordinary people and passers-by

Lone Hero– rejected by society, aware of his alienness to the world

"Byronic Hero" - extra person, “son of the century,” suffers from the contradictions of his own nature

Hero-demonic personality– challenges the world, sometimes even God, a person doomed to be at odds with society

A hero is a man of the people- rejected by society

The cloud is based on articles "The Romantic Hero in Western European Literature" from the Online Library of the Lyceum Publishing House. The main aspects are visually presented romantic in nature. Thus, the romantic hero appears as a person striving to search for the world of the romantic ideal. This is an exceptional personality, challenging the world around him, thirsting for a moral revolution. Such a person contradicts everyday life and dreams of spiritual perfection.

Analysis of the characters of different German authors

The romantic hero and society are opposing forces, since they represent two different concepts: spirituality and mediocrity. For Novalis, as an innovator, the romantic hero is an eternal wanderer in search of his great ideal and striving for self-improvement, in Hölderlin - lonely recluse And child of nature, deifying Love, and Hoffmann, with his intertwining with realism and romantic irony, has several secularized comical eccentric, capable, however, of childish delight and simple-minded belief in miracles. One way or another, all the characters are connected by the desire to indulge in feelings, while putting aside their cold mind. Exactly Love awakens the best in heroes, it opens their eyes to beautiful, truly important things, love transforms a romantic hero, encourages creativity, in it he finds the very embodiment of a dream. " Love is the main thing"- wrote Schilling.

The main romantic character traits that unite heroes literary works at different stages are displayed in a mental map.

The English poet Percy Bysshe Shelley said this about romanticism, fatally comparing it with clouds: “I know no permanence, I am always changing my appearance, but I will never die..”

Romantic hero

Romantic hero- one of the artistic images of romanticism literature. A romantic is an exceptional and often mysterious person who usually lives in exceptional circumstances. The collision of external events is transferred to the inner world of the hero, in whose soul there is a struggle of contradictions. As a result of this reproduction of character, romanticism extremely highly raised the value of the individual, inexhaustible in its spiritual depths, revealing its unique inner world. Man in romantic works is also embodied through contrast, antithesis: on the one hand, he is understood as the crown of creation, and on the other, as a weak-willed toy in the hands of fate, forces unknown and beyond his control, playing with his feelings. Therefore, he often turns into a victim of his own passions.

Signs of a Romantic Hero

  1. An exceptional hero in exceptional circumstances
  2. Reality is actively being recreated in accordance with the ideal
  3. Independence
  4. The insolubility of the conflict between the hero and society
  5. Abstract perception of time
  6. Two or three distinct character traits

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