How to write a letter to a guy in the army example. A beautiful letter to a guy in the army

Hello, my dear Protector! I am writing you another letter in the hope that it will warm your soul even for these short three minutes while you read it. I know that in the army the countdown of time is completely different, but you can’t argue with time. I believe with all my heart that the day will come when we will again catch up with each other, running on the green grass, relax under our nut, hugging each other tightly and watch wonderful sunsets by the lake together. I just believe, love and wait. This gives me the strength to smile when I don’t feel like it at all. Believe it too.

But with us everything is the same. The rain is dripping on the old roofs, but for some reason I can’t hear it at all anymore. It reminds me of that same cloudy evening and our last meeting. And winter goes towards the wind, so absurdly and carelessly. Waking up in the morning, I pray for evening to come soon.

Even though the army took you, my beloved, into a soldier not for life, but that’s exactly how long these months away from you last for me. Caravans of thoughts and mirages, but I wake up and understand that everything is the same as before - you are there, and I am here. They say there is no happiness without pain and truth without lies, but I believe my feelings and miss you very much. I try to be wise and enter into duels with myself: “I want” versus “I can’t,” “I want” versus “tolerate.” Well, you know how a person feels when someone he can’t live without is completely unavailable. And in the end, I am left alone with my confused thoughts, and in my head the same thing is constantly pounding: “I miss you!” You can’t stop your heart from being sad, and why? You know, I think that when seeing off a loved one to the army, not only he, but also the girl becomes a soldier. While the soldier becomes the true defender of his homeland, the girl becomes the protector of their mutual feelings. This test of courage is one for two, which we will also pass.

And yet, pride plays in me for you, for us, for the country. The army is a school of life for a soldier, and my beloved copes well with all its tasks and difficulties. I believe in you, and you in my faith. I waited, I wait and I will wait. And one day, waking up in the morning, we will realize that spring has finally arrived on our street. I really want this parting to be the only and longest parting in our lives.

Every cloud has a silver lining and that's wonderful. I know that very soon you will be here with me. I love you for who you are, wherever you are! Strange. how little is needed for happiness!

Other letters to the army to a beloved guy, a soldier from his beloved: is the No. 1 site for serious relationships in Russia in terms of user trust

Letter to the army. How to write to your favorite soldier

The soldier's lot is hard. However, so that the guys in the unit don’t get bored, their girlfriends and just good friends write letters to the soldiers.

If you don’t know how to write to a guy in the army, you can fix this by reading a sample letter to the army.

Remind me of your feelings

So that your friend or beloved guy does not get bored in the army, try to write in a letter not only and not so much about your feelings. Of course, you can also write about them, especially if you are writing a love letter to your soldier. First, you should say hello and remind the guy that you love him very much. that you miss you and are looking forward to meeting you. because this is the most important thing. This concludes the welcome part.

Write to your boyfriend about everything

Next comes the main part, which contains some narration. Let this be a story about what new happened in your family during the guy’s absence, what his friends tell him, how your yard or neighborhood has changed. Or maybe a new shopping center opened in the city while your loved one is on duty? Write about it, hint that you definitely want to go there together. If a new PK&O was put into operation during this time, be sure to say that you will need to take a walk there together as soon as possible. And so on.

Are you finishing your letter? Write about your feelings again

So, the letter ends, everything new has already been told, including your plans. All that remains is to finish the message correctly. If you are writing to your boyfriend, again, write about how much you love him and how much you miss him. Just don’t copy the welcome part of the letter, it’s better to use your imagination. Be sure to assure the guy that you will write to him again very soon. And try to write more often. You can place at the end of the letter a love poem invented by you personally or by your acquaintances/friends. If this option is unacceptable for you, then take a couple of lines about love from a poem by some famous poet, for example, Pushkin, Lermontov, Nekrasov and others. Unforgettable classics are always in fashion, especially when it comes to expressing love.

If the recipient is just your good friend, you can put on paper your memories of your joint tricks, about how interesting it was for you together. Let your friend also remember the brightest moments of your friendship. And then you can say goodbye - not for long, of course, until the moment when you again want to write to the guy in the army.

Another important nuance is the formatting of the letter.

Writing a letter is not everything. If you want your boyfriend to get not just great, but great pleasure from reading your letter, you can perfume the piece of paper with the message with your perfume, which he is crazy about. You can leave a kiss on the paper, putting on your lips with lipstick, the color of which he likes so much. Another option is to put a swan, dove or some other figure folded using the origami technique in the envelope along with the letter. In general, everything here is limited solely by your imagination.

Many guys, coming from the army, become completely different people. And some change a lot, sometimes so much that they start a new life. If you are left “overboard”, do not torment yourself under any circumstances - you are not to blame for anything. In this case, register on the dating site This will give you the opportunity to find a person who truly loves you, about whom you will already know a lot, even before you have seen it with your own eyes.

Letter to a loved one in the army

Comments: 132

Hello, my darling! How are you without me? I miss you so much! Very is not the right word, I’m just dying without you! I wish I knew how much I need you now! I really want to come to you! Every day I feel that no one needs me except you, no one is interested in my affairs, my mood! I’ve been thinking about you all day, now I sat down and decided to write my third letter to you today, a letter for you, my dear! I know I have to hold on, I have to swim! You and I will definitely swim, I’m sure for myself, and for you too. And it seems there are no problems, but this separation will soon finish me off! I want to fall asleep and wake up in a year in your arms, when you are near, when you are near! I really want to see you at least for a moment, it pains me to realize that this is impossible for me now. I love you and am ready to do anything for you, I ask you only one thing - never leave me! You are the most precious thing I have! I have never found such a close and dear person. My dear, I have never loved as much as I love you. Tell me, are you only mine? And will you forever remain only mine? I love you! I miss you. I want to hug you tightly, so that I can feel you and your love, so that I know you will never leave me or betray me, so that I can believe in real, eternal, holy LOVE! You can’t imagine how much I want to talk to you now how I miss you. How hard it is for me without you! (This letter will never be able to convey my emotions. How I want to hug you tighter than all the previous hugs combined! I want to bury myself in your hair and inhale their aroma and the aroma of your body, I want to kiss you without asking where and how, I want everyone to leave us alone for a month in peace and quiet, alone with each other. I’m waiting for you, I miss you very much, I hug you forever!

Angel.. (comments: 3)

Yaratam (comments: 0)

Comments on the letter "Letter to a loved one in the army"


Inna, it’s so wonderful to love and be loved, even at a distance, hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, I don’t hate them, I’m also waiting for a guy from the army, imagine how in a year you will take his hand, and nothing will separate YOU, but this pride, it will overwhelm you, and these feelings that YOU are experiencing right now are wonderful, WAIT AND LOVE EACH OTHER, THEY DESERVE IT.


I liked the letter) I also spent mine a month ago, there are only 11 months left or 11 more months. waiting for your loved one is wonderful) when he is far away I understand even more that I love him and that I will definitely wait) he and I have been together for 5 years and 3 months) he is 22 and I am 18) I love my Andryusik)))***


Dear waiting people and those who are going to wait for their loved ones from the army! Visit our website (if the link does not follow, insert the link into the address bar). We provide support, understanding and simple communication! We also hold various competitions and discuss topics not related to the army! Come to us, register, we will be glad to see you in our friendly family! We are waiting for you. -)


I haven’t had any sweets with me for 3 months now. They sent him to serve for three days by train from my city. I know it's far away. We love each other very much, although we only met for 3 months before the army. I saw him for the first time and realized this was my destiny and love for life. but the opportunity arose that I could go to his unit in April. You girls can’t imagine what’s overwhelming me right now. when I just kiss and tell him that I love only him. girls love their guys who serve. there is no need to dynamite them and extinguish them. they really need the girl's affection. although it’s been like this on the phone for a year. It’s a very pleasant feeling when you’re waiting for a guy and you know that he loves you very much too. and you’re wondering what it will be like at the station when you meet him. Antosha beloved. Expensive. My dear. I love you very much.


great letter. I, too, recently saw off my beloved...there are 309 days left to wait. I really only dream of one thing. snuggle up to him! wait girls! because they really need us there!


If you love, you will definitely wait for your loved one. It’s happiness to wait and love!

I've been waiting for my dear one for 6 months. I love him very much and I believe that we will be together)))))))


excellent letter. I'm also waiting for my boyfriend from the army! for almost 5 months now. They said that over time it would be easier and simpler - this is not so. very hard!! yes, love is worth the wait. but then there will be a lot of kisses and hugs. which are so lacking!! we are waiting.


excellent letter. Yes, it’s very hard to wait for your loved one from the army. After all, I really want to be with him always. My happiness will return to me in 12 days. But this is even more painful than waiting a year!! Girls, wait for your loved ones. ring, I love you very much.


cool letter I liked))))))) I’ve been seeing my little soldier for 11 months now. 1 month left I can’t even believe that we will soon be together because we have been together for 10 years, one might say from the cradle)))))) girls, wait and be loved))))



cool letter))) I spent mine a day ago, there are still 365 days left (how bad it is without him.


The letter is simply super! My beloved boy left for service on May 23, 2011. I just can’t live without it! It takes 4 days to travel from my city to it. Now I understand love at a distance. how hard it is to go through this.


The letter is great. And my beloved left to serve on May 25, 2011. Far, far from my city, I traveled by train for 6 days. I love my soldier madly, I can’t live without him. I cry for days and nights, I can’t eat, I can’t sleep, I can’t get ready to study. Only he is in my thoughts, when I close my eyes my dear is standing in front of me, smiling. I miss him a lot. Girls, wait for your favorite guys, be sure to wait.


Innochka, very beautifully written))

My Dinarik has been gone for 3 weeks now, it’s also very difficult (but we have to hold on and wait no matter what!!


The letter is great! I, too, have been waiting for my boyfriend for 8 months and it’s very, very difficult! Girls, wait for your boyfriends because LOVE becomes stronger at a distance.


The letter is beautiful, I’m also waiting for my beloved, he only served for a month, he’s so far away from me, I miss him madly.


I just have a boyfriend in the army, I just read it and tears rolled out of my eyes; we just weren’t as far away before as we are now!



it’s so wonderful to love and be loved, I saw off my beloved on May 24th, for both of us this is a very difficult test, but we will definitely survive it because we love each other, Inna the letter is very beautiful, it’s really heartbreaking


I spent my beloved on June 14, I miss him very much. I want to fall asleep and wake up in his arms in a year.


bunny, believe me, I will wait for you, because you are the most dear beloved person for me. I LOVE YOU MAXIMKA AUTUMN AUTUMN I DO NOT NEED ANYONE EXCEPT YOU. your Anyuta))))))))))


The letter is very beautiful. I just saw off my beloved boyfriend today. very difficult at heart. I can’t understand that he is far from me. I already want to see him. I can’t go a day without him. although we met with him before the army for 2 months, but I managed to understand that this is my man forever. I love you very much, my dear, and I promise that I will wait.


Inna very good letter I liked it:) my little bunny went into the army on June 7th. I feel so bad without him and I want to be with him for at least 5 minutes. I love him madly and will definitely wait for him.


Girls, I saw off my boyfriend on May 27, 2011. Yes, I really liked the letter too. He is very far from my city, he traveled for 10 days by train =((. Only a month has passed, and it’s so hard for me, I want to see him so much. I’m waiting for you, my beloved. **


And I spent mine 10 days ago, i.e. 06/21/2011.

It's very hard without him. They sent him to Krasnoyarsk. and this is very far from my city. I won’t even be able to go to the oath (((

I love him very, very much and am looking forward to it.


I also saw off my beloved on June 21st. he was sent to Chita. it's a 6-day drive from my city. (((it’s so hard without him..(((I love him very much.


I sent my beloved one off to the army just 5 days ago (June 29), but I can no longer live without him. I could never have imagined that it would be so hard to part with a loved one. Girls, just be sure to wait, because it’s hard for us without them, and it’s twice as hard for them. I can only wish everyone patience and loyalty; we can prove to everyone that we know how to wait for our loved ones.


The letter is cool, I immediately want to cry. I sent my beloved off to the army just 5 days ago on June 29, but I can no longer live without him. I could never have imagined that it would be so hard to part with a loved one.


very good words, I saw my beloved off to the army yesterday, July 4, 2011, I love him very much and I know he loves me too, wait for your loved ones because it’s so wonderful


The letter is very good. Sincerely. I burst into tears reading the letter and the girls’ comments. I sent my beloved one off to the army a week ago. It's very hard without him. It feels like half of me has been torn away. This is true. I will definitely wait for my favorite defender.

My dear, I love you madly.


The letter is wonderful, I cried for a very long time: (I’ve been waiting for my no one for 2 weeks already, it’s so difficult: (I don’t know what to do with myself anymore, what to do. But I will definitely wait, because Love is above all:) The letter is wonderful, I cried very much for a long time: (I’ve been waiting for my no one for 2 weeks already, it’s so difficult: (I don’t know what to do with myself anymore, what to do. But I’ll definitely wait, because Love is above all:)


Yes girls, how I understand you now. I also saw off my boyfriend on June 14, 2011, I ended up in the army in Ulan-Ude, I’ve been without him for almost a month now, I’m already counting the days when he’ll finally come and I’ll be next to him. I love him madly, we’ve been with him for 3 years now and I’m waiting for him***


beautifully written. And I’m counting the days until my Ruslan arrives. I love him just as much. Everyone is already tired, they think that I won’t wait, or he will leave me. But I don't listen to anyone! I have no one in the world closer than him. I don’t even love my parents as much as I love my Ruslan.


Don't listen to anyone, if you love each other you won't trust anyone. trust me. just forget about everyone. Take care of love and be happy!


the letter is gorgeous, it’s really a pity that I can’t write to my boyfriend, where he works the post office works poorly, letters don’t reach anyone. I sent it 15 days ago, I’m really looking forward to downloading it. And I advise if you really love each other, then you’ll definitely wait , because a year is not so much.


And my sweetheart left on May 27, 2011: (I didn’t think it would be so hard. I will never allow us to be separated for such a long time. My baby serves very far away and it’s cold there. Maybe someone knows, this is the city of Tiksi. They say there in the summer the snow lies. And my dear one left on May 27, 2011: (I didn’t think it would be so hard. I will never allow us to be separated for such a long time. My baby serves very far away and it’s cold there. Maybe someone knows, this is the city of Tiksi. They say there is snow there in the summer.


I was very affected by this letter. My little one has already been in the heater for 3 months. It’s very hard to be separated for a whole year. I love him very much)))) and I’ll wait


I really liked this letter. I'm also waiting for my sweetheart from the army. On May 19, 2011, he was taken away. He ended up in the city of Mozhaisk, Moscow region - this is about 2000 km from my city. It's been 2 months since he served. There are only 10 months left, and we will be together again. I really look forward to this day and love my little soldier very much. Girls, if you love me, wait.



Yes, the letter is very good (As I understand you girls very much (((What kind of feelings are these. ((I burst into tears as I read it. After all, it is so, as in the letter. I also sent my boy off to the army on July 4, 2011. It’s already passed more than 3 weeks, and I’m already incredibly bored.. I can’t find a place for myself. I love you. And I’ll definitely wait for my little soldier)) I didn’t imagine that it would be so terrible and painful.


The letter was very touching. and I just left a month ago and two days ago I went to my loved one 1500 km away)))) damn girls it hurts so much and it’s so hard (((((((((


Hello girls. I also have a guy in my service who asks me to send him a photo, but I’m afraid they say it’s a bad omen. Please give me advice on whether to send it or not?


Of course, send Lyusya if you love each other, no sign will separate you)) he will look and rejoice, knowing that he has the most beautiful girl for him)))

Soldier's girl

Girls, you are smart! Because we understand everything very much! As they say, until you are in one situation or another, you will never understand! But you and I have one thing in common - we are all waiting and this is such an honor for us; we are so proud that many may envy us . Today my boy has been serving for 3 months and was taken away in April! SO GIRLS JUST IMAGINE YOUR MEETING AFTER A YEAR AND I THINK MOMENTS LIKE THIS ARE WORTH LIVING! WE CAN CANDLE WE ARE STRONG GIRLS! AND TO YOUR SOLDIERS I WISH EASY SERVICE AND MORE HAPPY NEWS AND LETTERS FROM LOVED ONES))


This letter brought me a lot of tears. such words are touching, and I am also experiencing all these moments now


Yes, the letter is very touching! And this is how I met - we met 1.5 months ago, he said that he was serving (I didn’t believe it until I saw it in the uniform). I served in our city, we saw each other, called each other every day. and yesterday he was transferred somewhere downstairs! and I couldn’t even carry it out - I was working. I have already written a letter. I'll wait 3 months left. Today we haven’t even talked on the phone yet (his phone number is unavailable) I’m so worried. I decided everything for myself, I can wait! the most important thing is that he would appreciate it.

Paratrooper girl

The letter is wonderful. Inna, you are great. Very sincere. When I read the letter and the comments, I burst into tears too. I spent a month with my beloved soldier. I miss him madly. It's a long way to go. but I hope in a month I will be able to go see him. Vanya, my dear, I love you very much, I miss you. I'll definitely wait for you))***



Yes girls, loving from a distance is very difficult! I have known my beloved since childhood, we dated for five years, broke up due to my stupidity, we broke up for almost two years, I joined the army in May, before that we had a meeting, and suddenly it became clear that the love between us was as it was, ardent, hot, and most importantly mutual! I’m in Biysk, and he’s so far away, serving in the Moscow region in the city of Balashikha! I want to go to him, but work doesn’t allow it, my vacation is still very far away! I love my Temochka!


Yes girls, loving from a distance is very difficult! I have known my beloved since childhood, we dated for five years, broke up due to my stupidity, we broke up for almost two years, I joined the army in May, before that we had a meeting, and suddenly it became clear that the love between us was as it was, ardent, hot, and most importantly mutual! I’m in Biysk, and he’s so far away, serving in the Moscow region in the city of Balashikha! I want to go to him, but work doesn’t allow it, my vacation is still very far away! I love my Temochka!


You girls are all great guys! My boyfriend was also taken from me in May 2011 to CHITA! It's just crazy how far away! Another 9 months. I will definitely wait for him, because I love him very much and I don’t need anyone but him! Girls - WAIT.


I’m also waiting for my boyfriend, he was taken away in April 2011, I miss him madly, but it’s a pleasant feeling to wait, knowing that you are loved and someone needs you. Girls, wait, don’t be afraid of distance, because nothing can destroy true love.


I’m also waiting for my boyfriend, he was taken away in April 2011, I miss him madly, in the first 3 weeks before the oath I couldn’t even eat, I kept crying, but I gradually got used to it, and now I’m normal about it, I’ve been waiting for 4 months, I’m calling him on Sundays, but it’s a pleasant feeling to wait, knowing that you are loved and someone needs you. Girls, wait, don’t be afraid of distance, because nothing can destroy true love, and feel proud, because not everyone is like you and me. Kolinka, serve, and I will wait for you, my love!


Everything is completely different with us. He was taken away on July 9. I am 7 years older than him (I’m 26, he’s 19), divorced and I have a son. I met him 4 months ago, everything got so twisted that I didn’t notice how I was left alone. After My husband is the very first person dear to me, who gave me everything: love, passion and reliability. This is a gift that fate gave me and I don’t want to lose it. My baby is the best.


girls, my husband also serves, we are 20 years old, and we already have a baby. And no matter what, he was sent to serve far from home. He misses me and the baby very much. Like a bell, we have constant tears, he says that he falls asleep when he remembers how Milanochka cries. It’s very sad, girls wait for your soldiers, I’m VERY proud that I’m a HUSBAND and not married. Love them, because only men make our lives more beautiful.


Girls, I’m also waiting for my boyfriend from the army, how we started dating him and a week later the summons to the army came, I didn’t believe it at first. When I saw him off I had such a feeling that he was leaving very far, but I still believe in him I love and I’m waiting.. Girls, let’s wait for our soldiers because it’s so important for them..


I was very touched by your letter, I feel these feelings just like you. I love my beloved very much, I really look forward to it and miss him madly! It's been two months now. we will endure everything, the most important thing is patience. I was very touched by your letter, I feel these feelings just like you. I love my beloved very much, I really look forward to it and miss him madly! It's been two months now. We will endure everything, the most important thing is patience.


My boy is serving near St. Petersburg, I have to wait 3 months. I go to see him every Saturday. I can't wait for the day when we wake up next to each other. I love him so much. And I know that after this time I won’t be able to live without him. My dears. Wait. Love.

Svetlana, Nurlat RT

The letter is beautifully written. I also wrote about the same to mine. He was taken 2 months ago - another 10 and he will return. Ohh girls, you know how much I love him. How I’m waiting and how bad I feel without him. (((((((though you understand me exactly.


My Bunny was taken on 07/02/11, he has been serving for 3 months now, time goes by so slowly, I love him very much. And I miss him very much! He is so far from me. In Khabarovsk ((((((((I’m really looking forward to our meeting Serezhenka, I love you very much and I’m looking forward to meeting you. My Bunny was taken away on 07/02/11, he’s been serving for 3 months now, time goes by so slowly, I love him very much. And I miss him very much! He’s so far away from me. In Khabarovsk. (((((((I’m really looking forward to our meeting. Serezhenka, I Love you very much and look forward to meeting you.


Official group of Soldiers of the Security Brigade of military unit 83421

military unit 61899 For those who love, are waiting and have already waited for the AUTUMN-WINTER Call"11 Welcome!


And my beloved one went into the army today! I still can’t come to my senses! I cried all day! I love him very much! And I’ll wait! Even though it won’t be easy! I haven’t seen him for half a day and already miss him terribly.



My sweet one was taken away in November, I can’t live without him anymore))) I really love him very much))) He is terribly far from me - in Khabarovsk! My dear sweetie, I love you very much and am waiting for you.)***


It’s been two weeks since I spent my loved one in the army. It's hard without him. I'm afraid that he will leave me. After all, this happens. And yet I want to wait for him.


4 weeks ago I saw off my loved one to the army. As I remember, those last minutes, on the platform... it became so painful and lonely.. well, it’s hard for everyone.. we love each other and we will go through this difficult path.. AND WE WILL TOGETHER=))

Kursk waiting girl.

the letter is very beautifully written. I sit and cry, remember all the moments of our life and it feels so good. In 5 days I’ll go to the oath, I’m counting the minutes until this meeting)))

well, it’s okay, and on my street there will be BEMBEL.))))


I've been waiting for my boyfriend for 6 months) and love is really worth such suffering. girls, be more patient. Just imagine how much joy and happiness you will experience later when you see your loved one for the first time after a long separation.))


I’m also waiting for my boy, I still have half a year left to wait for nothing. Girls, it’s happiness to wait for your loved one, your love for him becomes even greater. Love and wait. And write them letters, they will be very pleased.


I love my boy, we met for 7 months before the army, and I’ve been waiting for him for 5.5 months already, he’s moved far away from my city, he’s serving in Ukraine (((((((I know that I’ll wait and that we’ll be together. We’re even thinking about a wedding, oh children, although I myself have a daughter from my ex-husband


girls, wait for your loved ones! my boy serves in the army and we correspond by letters, he even made me a musical postcard). I wish everyone happiness*



girls, my dears:) I’m also waiting for my beloved from the army: (he served only 2 months. There are still 10 left. I’ll definitely wait for him. I love my Temachka very much, it’s such a happiness to wait for my beloved. And to know that when he we will always be back together... of course it’s very hard. It’s hard not to wait, but to be without him. If a person truly loves, then he will wait as long as he has to.. God, how I adore him.


girls, my dears:) I’m also waiting for my beloved from the army: (he served only 2 months. There are still 10 left. I’ll definitely wait for him. I love my Temachka very much, it’s such a happiness to wait for my beloved. And to know that when he we will always be back together... of course it’s very hard. It’s hard not to wait, but to be without him. If a person truly loves, then he will wait as long as he has to.. God, how I adore him.


girls, my dears:) I’m also waiting for my beloved from the army: (he served only 2 months. There are still 10 left. I’ll definitely wait for him. I love my Temachka very much, it’s such a happiness to wait for my beloved. And to know that when he we will always be back together... of course it’s very hard. It’s hard not to wait, but to be without him. If a person truly loves, then he will wait as long as he has to.. God, how I adore him.


Yes, a very beautiful, touching letter... My beloved left me for the army today, and I already miss him. What will happen to me next? No one knows))


the letter is very touching((But nothing comes into my head. My loved one is also currently serving in the army, of course we are not dating, but I love him very, very much! I’m also thinking of writing (((Help girls, write) I I want to hint to him that I love him


Yes, girls, it is very difficult to wait for a guy from the army. This is a test for two! It’s very melancholy and sad, especially since we’ve been together for a long time, and then suddenly we’re separated for a whole year. Because of loneliness, even the white light is not nice. I want to close my eyes and wake up the moment he comes into the house and hugs me tightly. wait, since you promised to wait! and I promised to wait!) How nice it is that I’m not the only one!


Yes, girls, I understand you, in general it’s so shitty: (well, nothing, this is a test for us, we must be stronger, and wait, assure our loved one that we love him, we miss him, good luck to you:) everything will be great!


And I’m waiting for my brother from the army))) there are already 112 days left)) I’ll meet him soon. I wish it was soon! It’s just coming for my birthday, it will be the best gift))))


and my beloved will return in 120 days. I love him very much. and I'm looking forward to it. Girls, be sure to wait for your guys.


wonderful letter! my dear one also left for 11 months, it’s very hard for me without him, it’s been 4 months since we’ve been apart. (((I cross out every day spent apart from him on the calendar, and one thing calms me down is that every day our meeting is getting closer! Appreciate, love and respect your loved ones!

Alena Andreeva

The letter is wonderful, 2 years ago I saw off my friend far away, to the army. Oh, how difficult it was without him: (I thought I couldn’t wait, I endured, I waited, I loved, and I still love him, because he is the most beloved, dear person to me, right now I’m parting with him for 2 months, he goes to work in St. Petersburg, it’s so bad when he’s not around, Girls, love your boys, wait, because we can’t live without them :)


Nice, kind, letter)) you are smart. I’m also waiting for my beloved, less than two months left. it's painful. It may be strange, but I still can’t believe that he’s not next to me. like before. I hear him on the phone and cry quietly so as not to upset him. It doesn't work any other way. I know that I am strong. that I can. everyone who is waiting knows this. I unbearably want to love him next to me. not at a distance. wait if you promised. don't betray.


Hello everyone!! I’m also waiting for a guy from the army.. I’m counting the days spent without him.. I miss him so much, everything around reminds me of those happy minutes spent together!! But I know.. that I’ll wait, because I love him very much !!Wait, girls, for your loved ones!! Yes, it’s hard.. but it’s doubly hard for them without us!! Love, appreciate!! And fate will thank you for your patience


yes Inna, very cool letter! So my boyfriend was drafted into the army, 6 months left. but it turns out you get used to everything for the sake of the person you love. If we love you, we’ll wait. Every morning I wake up waiting for him to call ((((I recently went to see him, it was wonderful. Hang in there, we’ll endure it,


the letter is very cool, my boyfriend will soon leave for the army, my soul is already somehow sad, I can imagine how I will be without him for a whole year, without kisses, affection


Left 4 days ago. my soul is like a stone. It’s hard without my sun, especially falling asleep, tears are choking (((I love you madly. I miss you. I’ll wait.


Really cool letter) I still have to wait 349 days(


The letter is really very good, it expresses all the emotions I understand you very much girls, I spent mine 22 days ago, I love my Vanya very much!


Eh, I saw my boy off yesterday((

it's very hard. but I will wait for him, always. He called me today and I felt such peace in my soul. simply cannot be expressed in words. I couldn’t sleep at night and got up very early in the morning. June 25th will be a year since we met. how many quarrels we had with him, how many insults. but all this is forgotten. Only the best remains in your memory when you see his eyes when he just got on the train. time will fly by quickly. so wait, girls, because then you will have such a feeling of pride in your boy that he protected and guarded your peace.)


I saw mine off today, I really, really want to see him. I can’t imagine that it’s a whole year away. And I also understand that it’s bad for him, he’s very bored. The most important thing is that it’s good with him. I love my little soldier and I’m waiting, waiting and missing him.


Girls, wait for the guys, this is the most important thing for us, and don’t write sad letters, distance will always show who loved and waited and who didn’t care. The most important thing is wait.


Hello everyone, I just saw mine off today. I have 365 days of separation and agony ahead of me. How bad it is without my loved one, I’ve been crying for 3 days now. He just became a roaring cow))) It was very hard to let him go today. Everything inside is torn to shreds. I can’t imagine how to live this year without him. I love him very much, I miss him and wait for him.


I also can’t imagine how I’ll be without him for a whole year)) it’s very difficult, especially when you start to think that it’s been a whole year. Maybe I'll see him tomorrow. We didn’t even have time to say goodbye)) I miss him and so does he..


oh girlsiiiiii. as I understand you))) I also saw off mine, but only 43 days of his service have passed (((this suffering and torment is still ahead, it’s okay, we’ll definitely wait, because we love them and they are our real men, after all, they serve *** Gaziz My sun, I love you very much and miss you very much (((


What painfully familiar phrases I read in this letter, I’m also waiting, even if it’s only two more months, but I believe in my strength, I believe in myself. I will definitely wait, no matter how hard it is for me! I watch a video about how girls wait for guys and how they greet them. God this is so cute, I wish this happened to me too! They move you to tears! We've been together for a year and a half already, 2.5 will come))) I love you and am truly waiting for you, my Andryushenka))


Great letter. I've been waiting for my boyfriend from the army for almost 6 months. We write letters with his mother and send him photos of us together. We love him very much, miss him and are waiting for him. =******


A very touching letter) I’m waiting for my beloved, a month has already passed! I am happy that I have to wait 11) I am impatiently waiting for my kitten and I love him very much) Wait and love, girls))) There are many of us, together we will endure))))))))


A very beautiful and touching letter. My boyfriend will also be taken away soon, I can’t imagine how I’ll live without him. He’s still with me, but it feels like he’s already far away from me. I will also write letters and wait. I will try to write as beautifully as you.



A very touching letter. I miss him very much, this distance is killing me, there are still five months (150 days) and the whole winter ahead. Wait for the girls, they will definitely come and hug you)))


I also spent time there, he’s been gone for like 10 days. I really miss. When he calls me, I get a shiver throughout my body. It’s so nice to hear his voice, it feels like he’s nearby: * Even though we only had a month before leaving, I’ll wait, no matter what it costs me.


My sweetie has been serving for 153 days already. We love each other, but not together. oh if it weren’t for this army.

I didn’t promise to wait, but I will wait, I only need him! he will definitely come back and appreciate such an act, he promised to marry because I don’t smoke, and now he’s getting married even more so)))


Girls, wait for your men from the army! Yes, it’s difficult, yes it’s hard. and you know, honestly, I’m learning to somehow live without him, I’ve begun to get used to loneliness... but one call from him and everything inside is torn, either from pain, or from the fact that I miss, or from the joy of hearing my own voice. .Don't know. but I really want him next to me... I love him very much. And he knows it.

Tatyana Veliky Novgorod

artemka island-3, I love you so much and look forward to our meeting. After all, there are only 360 days left. I want to hug you, put my head on your shoulder and not let you go! It’s a pity that we didn’t have time to sign. Well nothing. If you come, I will definitely become your wife, and now I will faithfully wait for you. I love my artemka very much


Come on girls, you can do it. In 9 days it will be like two months when my Alexei Viktorovich left.

I love him madly! May God protect your boys and mine.



beautiful letter:) I’m also waiting for my beloved boy, he left on June 19, 2012. On January 19th it will be 7 months since he served! I’ve never gone to see him except for the oath and that’s it :) well, right now for the New Year he was released for 2 weeks. On the 3rd the New Year was already a success and the most important thing was I was with him :)


cool letter. I’ll probably cry now, because I miss my beloved. he is in the army now. wait another 11 months(((((((he constantly writes to me: - Most importantly, wait for me, I have a trembling in my heart, how can I not wait for him, because I love him more than life itself.


my beloved wrote to me: - Only here I fully understood how dear you are to me. I want you to be my wife.))))))


Reading the letter and comments, I began to miss my bunny even more. It’s hard to wait, especially since we also lost our baby on December 28, 2012 at 9 weeks. it's very, very hard. We already met a year ago. but then he left. A year has passed and we have been together again for 5 months. he realized that there was no one more valuable than me. it is so sweet. which even drives me crazy, and he left on November 28, 2012. I really miss my kitten. *:*:*


My love will be near you very soon. There are still 103 days left to wait. Time has flown by. As they say, the day is long. and life is short. do not miss your love despite the distance and pain.


Cool letter))) I’m also waiting for my beloved boy, he left on June 29, 2012. There are still 3 months left))) I promise I’ll wait and we’ll be together*))) I love you *))) And I miss you very much*)))



And I spent my boy on 10/26/12. 155 days have already passed and 210 remain: (I love Askerchik madly, I’m waiting and waiting. He is so far from me. In Nizhny Novgorod and I’m in Nalchik CBD. I will never forget the day when I saw him off ((


Naive girls)))

I'm so sorry for you, but at least half of you will not be needed by your ex-boyfriends immediately upon their return from service. The rest will most likely also be rejected (not all of them, of course), because... guys will need adventures to satisfy their natural libido. It is instinct that will drive them. the same one that is now moving you


Inna this is a very good letter and the main thing is to wait and never forget it, if you love him very much then you will wait for him


And I only left two days ago, but it feels like I haven’t seen him for an eternity. Thank you for the sample letter, I really liked it.


My beloved passed away on May 19, 2013: (I love him very much and am really looking forward to it:) My beloved soldier:) my Ruslana ik:*


Girls, everyone who is waiting for guys from the army, our group is for you, we have all sorts of different games every day, you will never be bored with us) we will always advise and help)


Girls, we are strong and we will definitely wait))) I have 258 days left to wait for my beloved)) Every day I love more and more. I hope it was so for everyone that before the army we often quarreled with our loved ones and said words that hurt, did not appreciate ours relationship. Now my beloved is telling me how he realized what a fool he was for spending so little time with me and how he sometimes hurt me. I also realized a lot that I was wrong in many ways, and love just flared up even stronger. Girls, wait and love your soldiers, only real men come from there. P.S - my beloved and I have been together for 3 years) I’m 16 and he’s 20 =)


Hi girls!

I saw off my beloved not so long ago, just three days ago, the first two days were generally difficult, now it’s a little easier, only at night he finds it. We’ve been together for 7 months, we just don’t notice practically anyone except each other, we remain faithful to each other, I can’t cheat on him, I think it’s a total betrayal and for me it’s disgusting! I dream of hugging him, I’m very worried, because I know it’s not easy for him there. I still have to wait 360 days, our meeting seems simply unreal. But he and I went through everything together, and we made promises that we would get through everything. I really want to wait for him and I believe that I will!

I wish you all good luck, don’t be discouraged, everything will definitely be fine :) Patience for us girls and patience again!


I spent my beloved one on November 17, 2013. I still have 363 days left to wait (((it’s very hard without him, because he was everything to me and remains to this day. I’ll wait for you, dear. And I can’t think about him for a second. Before my eyes is the moment he leaves (Mishka I I’ll definitely wait for you! After all, we’ve been together for the second year. Come and celebrate the month with you!


Anya, I completely agree with you! We had such a situation that right before the army we broke up for 3 months, although we had been together for 10 months, I was dating someone else, but I spent more time with Misha than with the guy, because I loved him but didn’t realize it, he went into the army and I realized how much I needed him, I broke up with my boyfriend and Misha and I resumed our relationship and agreed to forget these 3 months like a bad dream. now I'm waiting for him. it’s painful (but we’ll cope, we’ve been through a lot and will get through it, he’ll return from the army, and we’ll already be 2 years old =*** I love this little man very much, he’s the dearest to me, except for him I’ve never met anyone like him. I love my little soldier=*********


Girls, how I understand you all. I sent my beloved into the army exactly half a year ago. There are still 6 months left and we will be close. Every day without him is an eternity. Before the army, we dated for exactly a year and he was taken away. Now I'm in 11th grade. He should be back in time for my prom) oh..when. I really want to go to him. Time kills. But it’s okay, half the way is over) I wish everyone to wait for their heroes!)


These letters are very good but sad and thanks to these letters I waited for my boyfriend and we are now in the place


I really liked the letter, I immediately remember how I wrote letters to mine. It seems like it was yesterday, but 8 months have already passed since his arrival, how wonderful it is to wait for a guy from the army, but it’s very difficult. Some say that it won’t be long, but you try wait and see how easy it is. At first it was very hard to wait, but over time it gets easier, but not by much)) girls, don’t leave the guys who are in the army, love and be loved))


Clear writing, no words)365. for some it’s just an insignificant number. but the one who waits takes away -1 from her every day and this brings incredible happiness. and not everyone will understand how hard it is to see off a train,

who takes away your happiness(((Kuyanchik, I love you madly and I’m waiting for you, my boy*


Heh(* I didn’t even say goodbye to my boy((

I got a sore throat, I felt bad in the fall. My beloved came to Stone and said, My little kitten, how are you doing?!



I spent mine 6 months ago, and these 6 months passed quickly, he writes a lot, calls every day, loves him very much. He serves in Moscow. He wants to sign a contract, but he doesn’t do it for my sake))

How to write a letter to your loved one in the army?

The only thread connecting a guy in the army with his home and his beloved girl is letters: a letter to a loved one in the army should be very warm, positive, it can convey the feeling that he is very welcome at home.

Every young man must serve in the army. Only in this case will he deserve the title of a real man. Of course, situations are different, for example, someone is prevented from joining the army by health conditions or family problems. No one is immune from anything.

However, now there are more and more young guys who want to skip the service for no reason. It’s embarrassing to listen to stories when young men vying with each other boast to each other that their parents got them out of the army. Moreover, they not only do not understand the seriousness of this act, but are even proud of it. Oh times, oh morals! Yes, this famous phrase is always relevant.

Military service is the duty of every self-respecting young man to the Fatherland. It doesn’t matter that our state is now collapsing, and the government is filled with only “fatty people,” we need to be able to separate the concepts of “Motherland” and “state.” How can one live without a sense of patriotism in this day and age? This is probably the only thing that remains in the hearts of the Russian people in relation to modern Russia.

Well, yes, okay, let’s not delve into politics, because today we are talking about how to correctly write a letter to your loved one in the army. It seems very easy to do, but once you sit down at the table, take a piece of paper, a pen and..., everything will not be as simple as it seemed at first glance.

Of course, you want to put all your feelings and emotions into the message, but you also need to follow some rules and writing algorithm.

Let's talk about this in more detail.

What not to write

Before you begin your message, you must keep in mind that not everything can be stated in it.

The command knows very well how such news will affect the soldier’s morale, so they will not give him the letter.

Don't write about something very personal and intimate. Keep in mind that your letter will be re-read to your colleagues several times, so it is not at all necessary that the entire platoon knows your secrets.

And one more thing, perhaps the most important thing, don’t even think about writing. that you fell in love with someone else and want to leave.

If it reaches the fighter, then imagine how he will react to it? All his thoughts in the army are about his family and about you, i.e. about those people whom he loves and is sure that they love him. Have pity on the guy, even if you fall out of love. Leave all the clarification of the relationship until he returns home, and there, on the spot, you’ll sort it out.

Keep in mind that a letter to a loved one in the army is not written in a hurry, for example, at a lecture at the institute or on a minibus on your lap. To do this you will need to create a romantic atmosphere.

Imagine that you are waiting for your loved one to visit. Create an environment suitable for this event at home: light candles (by the way, be sure to write in the evening, since it is easiest to tune into the right mood at this time of day), turn on slow music (preferably without words), which reminds you of your lover (perhaps you once danced to it). Remove everything unnecessary from the table so that nothing distracts your thoughts from the love message.

Leave only a piece of paper and a pen. Remember, a soldier will run around with your letter like a chicken and an egg and brag about it to all his colleagues, so take care of its design.

To write, you can use beautiful ink or choose not banal white paper, but some pleasant shade (fortunately, you can now find anything in the store).

Try to be alone in the room. If the square meters of your apartment do not allow for privacy, then wait until no one is home or send your parents to the cinema in the evening and your little sister to grandma. Say that you have something very important to do today. Now that you are alone, think about your loved one, about how you miss him. Remember the most exciting moments of your life. Your future letter should be imbued with sincerity and love.

It would be most appropriate to start the letter with a greeting and questions about the soldier’s well-being and mood. In the following sentences, be sure to talk about your feelings, i.e. How are you waiting for your loved one to return from the army? Insert the key phrase more often: “I love you!”

Tell your boyfriend simply and casually all the latest news, as if you were sitting next to him and talking. There is no need to invent a special style for writing; it is best to let it be conversational. It’s not worth mentioning, for example, that there are a lot of fans following you, etc. With this news you will only upset the soldier and give him a reason for unnecessary worries that will interfere with his service.

Tell us better about where you went lately, what you did, what interesting things happened in the family, what news is in the yard, how his friends are doing and what they tell him, how the city has changed (perhaps a new amusement park has opened, etc. .).

Be sure to write. How sorry you are that he couldn’t go with her to where you were (for example, to the cinema or theater).

You can tell how you have changed, for example, you got a fashionable haircut, bought beautiful shoes. Let your loved one imagine what you have become and dream about you. Be sure to mention that everyone loves him very much and is waiting for his return.

At the end of the letter, write again about your feelings, about how you miss his tender hugs and hot kisses. Create a certain atmosphere of mystery and mystery, hint that you have prepared a surprise for his return. which he will definitely like. By doing this, you will force the soldier to constantly think about you and the upcoming meeting.

Our love will be tested by the army and I know that our love will only become stronger when you return, dada:*

There are only 404 km between us, which doesn’t seem like much, but I still hate these km:*

When you went into the army, I thought, “okay, wait for some 365 days,” but over time I realized that 365 days, 52 weeks, 12 months of waiting take on a large volume, but we will cope with it, we will be the happiest, I answer , cat:*

I always wait for your phone call, your SMS, your letter, the end of the week, the end of the month, and most of all I look forward to you and your DMB. In principle, I try not to see the distance between us, all this distance is covered by my love, for her there is no such concept at all, because six months ago we found each other and this is a real joy, thank you, beloved:*

I really miss you, although very much is not the right word, I’m just dying without you. Sometimes I have such a desire to fall asleep and wake up a year later in your arms, when you will already be next to me.

You are the most precious thing I have and will ever have.

I am very happy that you appeared in my life and I don’t regret it for a second, you and I have gone through a lot, we’ve experienced a lot and we will get through this army:*

We have been together for 8 months now - a considerable date, not everyone in our time is able to withstand this, because many now need something completely different, not just relationships and feelings. I can never wrap my head around the fact that you and I will ever separate, because I’m sure that won’t happen to us, I hope you’re sure too. You are reading this letter now, know that I love you more every day:*

Thank you to your mom for you, to your dad for you, for the fact that they raised you and they raised you to be a wonderful guy, you are the best for me, you are my ideal. After all, if you love a person, he will be your ideal for everyone, you will not want to see anyone next to you except him.

It’s hard for me to fall asleep without you and your SMS, I love you very much, don’t forget me:*

And I am also confident in the future for our children, you will be the most wonderful dad:*

I also ask you very much not to stay under the contract, at least for my sake:*

I'm waiting for you:*:*:*

Madly in love:*:*

I miss you unbearably:*

I feel calm and comfortable with you,

Like none of the guys I know!

I willingly surrender myself to the whirlwind of feelings,

After all, there is nothing more valuable than love!

"I live in a love paradise"

I live in a love paradise:

I dreamed - right away

You came into my destiny

As if ordered!

Should we be surprised now?

No! For what? I won't!

Just us, believe me,

A miracle helps!

“Darling, I miss you”

Darling, I miss you,

I want to see you soon

I promise you a fairy tale

Just warm me with warmth.

I want you to touch me

And I didn’t forget to kiss you,

So that he confesses his love to me again

And he gave me a lot of happiness!

“I treasure you!”

I love the starry sky

I love late walks.

All this, dear,

I want to share with you.

I love the touch of hands

And tender confessions.

And I will sincerely say:

I treasure you!

“I love you, I miss you, I’m really looking forward to it”

I love you, I miss you,

I'm really looking forward to it

And I count the days


Your kiss

I'm sending you a hot one,

I give it to you

Confession of love!

“I won’t give you up, my love!”

I won't give you up, my love!

You hear - really, never.

Rather, the flame will become an ice floe,

But I will always love!

Even though there are a lot of guys in the world -

I only love you, my dear.

Don't treat me cruelly -

How soon will we meet you?

“A dream has settled in my heart”

A dream has settled in my heart,

I didn’t expect it, but I still fell in love.

This may come as a shock to you -

Well, this will be a lesson for me...

Well, if you love me too -

My impulse cannot be condemned for anything.

Even if love is only possible -

Well... let's wake her up - carefully!

"I love you!"

You are beautiful and so smart

I love you!

A true champion

My darling!

Be next to me,

Together forever,

Dream come true,

No trace problems!

“You are no more, beloved, dear!”

There are no tears on your cheeks.

If I see you, it’s day again.

I remember how you give roses,

And I follow you like a shadow.

I will only notice your smile

Among hundreds of crowds of people.

If you ask me, I will answer:

“You are no more, beloved, dear!”

“I remember you with love!”

Tender evening

With a tender look,

Warm candles

Your whisper is nearby

I live

Again and again

And I remember you with love!

A letter to a loved one in the army, a love letter to a guy in prose, declarations of love SMS, declarations of love to a loved one, I love you baby, SMS declarations of love to a loved one, beautiful declarations of love to a guy, beautiful declarations of love to a girl, original

Confessions in verse for him, his beloved guy!!!

I I love you more than the light

What the moon brings down to earth...

And there is no stronger love than mine.

Why am I still alone?

I know what's in your heart

The joy of passion and quiet sadness.

I know, you and I will be together!

If we don't - well, so be it.

Only knowing that you are a dream.

I found them... But the wounds hurt.

You will hear my quiet moan.

I scream - you can't hear me.

I call - but only the moon is with me...

P give me such love,

So that the body trembles all night!

So that even from a kiss,

I was unable to speak!

So that both plexuses of the body -

No arms or legs are visible...

What else would I want?

So that you can no longer do it!

I I've been looking for you for so many years,

Among the silence of the nights.

I'm so painfully tired

From unnecessary meetings and speeches.

I'm so painfully tired

From all the advice and ideas,

I've read so many books

I saw so many people!

I'm so painfully tired

And listen to them and answer...

I've been looking for you for so many years

To be silent for a bit!

I will drown in your eyes...Can I?

After all, I can drown in your eyes... Happiness!

I’ll come up and say: “Hello!”

It's very difficult for me to love you

No, it’s not difficult to love...But it’s difficult!

It is very difficult to love...Do you believe it?

I approach the cliff: “Cool?!”

I'll fall...Catch me!...Will you make it?

Well, what if I leave...Will you write?

Only me without you...It’s bad!

I want to be with you...Do you hear?

Not a minute, not a month... How long!

For a very long time... All my life... Do you understand?

So together?... Always?

I'm afraid of the answer...You know?

Answer me, but only silently

Tell me with your eyes: “Do you love me?!”

If “Yes”, then I promise you,

That you will be the happiest

If “No”, then you... I beg you!

Don't be mischievous with your gaze

Don't look into the pool

Let you love someone else - okay!

But me...Remember at least a little

I will love you... Is it possible?

Even if you can’t: I will!

And I will always come to the rescue,

If it's difficult for you...

I Love you!

Do you believe me?!

If yes! Then you love me!

If not! Then leave it forever

Don't kiss my naive lips,

And don't, please, my dear

Shower me with love!

Well, what if you love Dimka

Then you will be the happiest of all

I will give you the sun and the wind!

And we will forget the separation forever.

Let's walk hand in hand together.

WITH part is to be with you all the time!

Feel our heartbeats.

Only YOU... I don't need anyone else...

And the interweaving of the most tender hands...

I remember how then, in the silence of midnight

I saw you among the crowd...

You said that you were also very happy...

The meeting was not accidental...

I love your laughter, your smile too.

Don't forget your first kiss.

I love you, I love you, Seryozha!

Happiness is to be your girl!

I'm drowning in the sparkle of your eyes.

You know, darling, there is no stronger torment -

To be away from you now...

Happiness is when you are next to me!

I don't notice the passing of seconds...

Become sweet, beloved, dear

I still did it for you!!!

WITH now you're close, but I know

You don't remember me.

As always, I sit and dream,

Of course, only about you.

Why do you torment me with your gaze?

Why did you take possession of your dreams?

When you're near, my heart breaks,

Is this all you wanted?

Because of you, life is like torture,

It's because of you that I suffer.

In your hands I'm like a doll

And the sky for me is the Earth!

And everything is wrong, everything is upside down,

You're looking at me again.

Tell me: what will happen between us?

Tell me, will you love me?

Answer me, I'm tired of waiting,

What do you dream about and who?

For you and me, love is ripe,

Rip it off, don't be a fool!

IN with your gaze you beckon me to you,

I know you will never deceive me!

I believe that you love me

Promise me that you will never forget me.

You warm me with the warmth of your hands,

You caress me with your tender lips.

You proudly call me yours,

You know everything I want by heart.

Next to you I forget about everything,

You will never deceive me, I know.

I have never loved anyone so much,

Time flies by next to you.

T s - a guiding, distant star,

Which directed me to the truth.

You are a ray of sunshine that gave warmth and light,

Which I have been waiting for for so many years.

You are the sweet dream I live in

He was able to awaken warmth and tenderness in me in reality.

You are Happiness, joy, sadness, melancholy,

I will believe and wait for you always.

You are a miracle, a fairy tale and a distant dream,

which gives me strength to live and believe in miracles.

I will not stop telling everyone again and again,

That YOU are Hope, Faith and Love.

I I love you, can you hear me, boy?

I love you even in my dreams

Even at school, at my desk

I always dream about you while reading a book!

I see dark hair

And a thoughtful, affectionate look.

You stand smiling

Yes, on your face...

Well how can you laugh

When people around you are sad about you.

You will understand, I'm sure

You will love me with all your soul,

But then it will be too late

The years fly by quickly!

L love you? Or maybe not.

Why is fate so harsh?

I can't answer this correctly,

Now the road is no longer all about flowers.

Why did fate bring you together?

After all, we fail at love.

Why were we born under the same star?

Now we are strangers!

I still don't understand

Whether I love you or not.

I guess I love you...

I didn't find another answer!!!

TO I don’t know how all this happened.

I don’t understand how you lured me in.

And I don’t dare tell you,

What I love, you know, I love!

I know that I hope in vain.

Just don’t be sad, my dear.

It's not my fault.

When I come, don’t look at you.

And only more often do I tell myself,

That I love you more.

You'll never know

I will not read this verse to you.

It's just hard sometimes if you know

How do you say “I love you” to someone?

I I'll tell you honestly and directly,

I don't want to hide anything:

You understand me, my stubborn one,

I only want to love you.

I'm tired of all the fortune-telling,

And it’s in vain for me to shed tears.

To love only you alone!

The wind gently strokes your hair,

And I tell you in response:

"You are the only one in my world,

There’s no other like it!”

WITH thank you for a happy summer,

Thank you for the happiness for this and for that,

Thank you for the sparkle in your brown eyes,

Thank you for the tears that I am shedding now

Thank you for your jealousy and longing,

Thank you for your affection and kindness,

Thank you for being there but gone

Thank you for finding me in life!

M I don’t want to tell you not to repeat yourself!

I will not rewrite the words of others...

Emotions flew together like a flock of birds,

Migratory birds began to circle above my heart.

I want to give you everything and even more,

Erase all the failures in your life.

And to be with you a little more,

Ready to exchange the past moments.

A stray cat used to be a heart...

I didn’t know the warmth, they didn’t feed me milk.

She fled from life's problems.

For everyone I am a cat.

For you I will be a LION!!!

WITH I dedicate my letters to you,

Only for you, the ideal of dreams.

Day and night I remember you.

And with you I see clear dreams.

And when I wake up, I dream of a meeting.

I only want to live my life with you.

In the meantime, I’m just writing to you in letters:

"Let me just love you!"

My boyfriend is in the army - - forum about love

Yes, sometimes it happens like that

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Forum - My boyfriend is in the Army

Added: My boyfriend in the Army09/04/12 19:53:00 #1

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How to confess your love to a guy if he is in the army? - allwomen

They were completely different, but despite everything, they were interested in spending time together. Their differences only made them even more attracted to each other. He helped her with her studies; I read smart books to her and dreamed that they would graduate from school together with a gold medal.

She taught him to play football, always made him laugh - she was generally a little devil in a skirt.

There was one big secret in her soul that no mortal knew about - she loved him with all her heart. She adored and idolized him. For her, he was a combination of beauty and intelligence.

What is he? While she dreamed of love and a happy future with this young man, he was silent. It was difficult to judge from him: whether he loved her or whether she was like a sister to him. While she was deciding to confess her love to the guy, he was drafted into the army. He couldn’t refuse, because he was raised as a real man.

With this news, her whole world collapsed for her - she never told him about her feelings and now she won’t see him for a very long time. She was scared, and he is now very far away.

How to confess your love to a guy if he is in the army?

There are two ways to confess your love to a guy, even if he is in the army.

If you consider yourself to be a brave girl, then get ready to talk with a young man in person. True, this option is only suitable if the guy serves in a place accessible to visitors. If you have the opportunity to come and visit him, then get ready for the road.

Keep in mind that when you arrive, he will only be released for a few hours. Therefore, if you intend to confess your love to a guy, and want no one to interfere with your privacy, then go alone.

What and how you tell him is up to you to decide. The main thing is that you must be sincere in your words and feelings.

The second option is suitable for those girls who are not able to be the first to confess their love in person. Or, if the guy serves very far from you, and there is no possibility. To come and see him for at least an hour.

Write him a letter. You should not send an SMS - a message from in love - it is very banal and is unlikely to make the right impression on the guy.

Nowadays, letters are considered a sign of romance. Pour your whole soul into this letter - let it literally breathe with your love, kindness, tenderness for the young man.

Just don’t push for pity, otherwise the guy may think that you are suffering and tormented because of your love for him. Which means he is the cause of your suffering.

Let him be happy when reading your letter and let a smile light up his face.

You want to confess your love to a guy if he is in the army - then use one of the above methods: tell him about your feelings directly to his eyes or write a love letter.

But nothing will test the feelings of love better than separation from your loved one. Every event in our lives is for a reason. There is a reasonable explanation for everything, even if the realization of this comes to you after some time. Your loved one went into the army, but never knew that you loved him. Maybe you should hold off on being in love and wait for the young man to return.

When he returns from service, you will definitely meet each other. And, even if after a year or two, your love does not disappear or cool down, then boldly and confidently confess your feelings to him, and then don’t think about anything.

To my favorite guy in the army. poetry. letter. sms.

You sit, cry, feel sad. My beloved was taken to serve. He may have wanted this, but it’s not easy for him there without you.

Everything you can do now, you do: visit him, write to him, call him, put money on his mobile when he asks... All that remains is to wait.

If you wait, you will be the happiest. You can write him letters, you can write poetry, you can bombard him with messages on your phone.

The guy needs your attention!

Poems for your beloved guy in the army:

I'm waiting for you, my most gentle one.

I know you will come soon.

With your snow-white smile

You will invite me to a fairy tale...

Darling, I will wait forever!

You are my life, you are my air...

And infinity is not scary:

All thoughts are occupied with you.

Serve, dear, and just remember,

I’m waiting for you, I don’t sleep at night...

I miss you so much, dear Kostya...

I love only you.

You left to serve. It happened that way.

I'll wait for you, dear!

I fell in love with you so much

That someone else is not for me.

I am writing you text messages….

You answer them with love.

I bought lipstick with glitter,

To surprise you again.

Soon - tomorrow. I will come tomorrow.

I dream of our meeting.

I’ll say it again: you’re better off.

Just light the candle of anticipation...

SMS to a guy in the army:

Darling, I am writing you a message.

Once again you find recognition in them.

Every second I remember you.

I look forward to our meeting...

Come back, my dear. If I could serve with you... I would even drop out of college. And so they won’t let me into the army. I am not afraid of the hardships and hardships of the army. I would be in the army for you too. Honestly! I just love you so much. But the army doesn't understand my love. I'm waiting for you…. I'm really looking forward to it.

The army is not sugar. But I'll be your sugar. I will come to you often - often, I will do everything so that you do not get bored, so that the smiles do not leave your face. Do you want me to be the sun? It’s not difficult for me at all... I have long noticed a place from where I will warm you... Do you want me to be a piece of heaven? And this is not difficult. Love helps me to be anything I want. Serve, beloved, do not forget about miracles. Do not forget about me.

I will wait for you. Because I always dreamed of you! We will have a wonderful family, we will have excellent children... One and a half is not a period or time. I can wait my whole life for your return. If you don't believe it, check it! You can give me a test. I'll go through every single one of them. This will be proof of my serious feelings. I look forward to your trials, my love.

You saw my tears again. Sorry for them. I just see how you suffer, how sad you are when I leave. Sweetie, time will fly by. Nobody will cancel weekends. They are our days. We will conduct them well even in army conditions. If you are put on leave, I will cook you some treats. Let me know if you manage to get away even for a day...

Darling, I'm coming to you. A few more hours... And we will be together. I count microseconds. Losing count, I start counting again. I'll start counting my steps soon. And I don’t care how many kilometers and hours I have to walk. I'll get to you. I'll come and stay close. Life is you...

Letter to my beloved guy in the army:

Hello, my other half! I miss you madly and miss you, my dear... I bought a calendar to cross out days from it. It seems to me, to be honest, that time flies by much faster this way. I would turn over all the clocks in the world to quickly reach your demobilization. Time is a cruel thing. Sometimes I hate him. It does not want to take off, preferring to crawl. But time's wings are not broken. They are luxurious, like angels. I also have wings. Remember how you gave them to me when you told me you loved me? I still keep them. But I don’t fly either. When you come home, we'll fly together. I don't want to fly alone.

Your photo is always with me. I don't part with her even for a minute. My clutch is overflowing with cosmetics, but your photo is more valuable than all things. I look at her, and I really want to come to you. I would come to you every day if you allowed frequent visits.

I very love you. And I don’t even think about cheating! I didn't need anyone except you. You are my present and future. My heart has long been given to you alone. And I won't take it back. It will live inside yours. It will become his shadow. I'm sure of that. That you can save it.

I drink hot coffee. Its aroma reminds us of our magical meetings. I haven't forgotten what a coffee lover you are. Basically, I’m the same. You and I are incredibly similar. And not only that we cannot live without a dose of coffee.

Come, I'm waiting for you. When things get hard, remember that you have me. And I always will. I know how carefully you treat me. I give you sincerity and reciprocity! Save them too. Not as evidence, but simply for the sake of making you believe me even more.

Mom says hi to you. She really likes you. And I understand why. You can't help but like you. We talk about you often. We only say good things. There is no bad thing. What bad thing can you say about an ideal person?

Your ring is always on my finger. I'm not taking it off. And I won’t take it off. I want it to become a wedding. The shine that it emits in the sun drives you crazy. I see your eyes shining... I miss them so much. I want to see them during the day, and in the morning, and at night, and in the evenings. And a million days won’t be enough for me! Even eternity is not enough for me... Let's come up with our own infinity. One in which we will feel good and pleasant. And we, in our infinity, will not let anyone in.

The phone is silent. And I really want to hear your call. He breaks the silence so tenderly. I played the most beautiful melody for you. I want it to sound around the clock. Will you arrange it? I understand that it is impossible. But dreaming is not prohibited. My dreams are what is connected with you. And they will never change their content.

Love you…. All feelings for you are the strongest and unusually passionate. I've never felt this way about anyone. Thanks to you, I was able to understand a lot. I'm happy that I understood everything with you... For me you are the world. And remain so for the rest of your life.

We are all waiting for you. Especially me. Come home so the army doesn't kidnap you for good. Kiss…. Yours...

Poetry. - I miss you darling.

Poems to your beloved about Love and separation.- Choose and send to the army.

I love you, I miss you... - Letter to my beloved boyfriend, separated.

Declarations of love for your beloved guy

Thinking of you,

I see you in my dreams.

Happy to meet you

Life gave me...

Illuminated my days

The gentle light of your eyes

I dream of being with you

Every day, every hour!

Want? Will I give you the night sky?

Do you want the moon surrounded by stars?

Do not want? No, really? What about something else?

Something that really touches your heart?

And the dawn, bright-eyed?

Fluffy cloud or stream?

Or maybe a distant star in the sky?

Or maybe a puppy? He, poor thing, is nobody's...

Or maybe this beautiful winter?

With snow, frost and ice on the river?

Do you want it? I'll draw the picture myself

A frosty pattern on a winter window?

Gifts from the heart did not touch the soul...

Do you want it? Will I give you love?

Big and bright with a bit of childhood!

Do you need it? So sorry if not...

I love you! Do you believe me?!

If yes! Then you love me!

If not! Then leave it forever

A look that captivates me to the point of boredom!

Don't kiss my naive lips,

That they will believe without miraculous words.

Do not captivate me in tender embraces.

So as not to melt when meeting hands.

And don't, please, my dear

Shower me with love!

Well, what if you love Dimka

Then you will be the happiest of all

I will give you the sun and the wind!

And we will forget the separation forever.

Let's walk hand in hand together.

The only problem that plagues me is

I think I love you...

Funny? Will it seem ridiculous? Stupid?

You are quite serious about this.

I think this is all crazy

But I no longer have the strength to keep it to myself.

And maybe it would be reasonable

Hide all this forever?

Wouldn't that be smart?

Love you and not tell you?

I am writing to you, my beloved boy,

That I can no longer live without you.

Why do I dream about you every night,

Why do I suffer and keep shedding tears?

The hand does not tremble, but the heart burns,

A tear will fall onto a snow-white leaf...

Probably everyone on Earth already knows

That my heart is only sad for you.

Where are you now, my dear, my beautiful?

Do you know that I feel bad alone?

All because I fell in love so much

All because now you're with someone else...

I wanted to tell you for a long time,

But she did not dare to approach:

I want to call you my beloved

And I can only find happiness with you.

I want to feel your care

And know that you need me

Your opinion is important to me

And your fate is important to me.

And how can you not understand

That without you I have no life,

Please, understand me

And give your answer to this.

Listen, you know I love

And I'm deaf to object

And every moment the lens of the eye

Even though the edge is looking for contemplation

You, from the pile of human sands

Be silent and choke in bliss

Dive into fountains, olive-colored eyes

Where the thirst for them cannot be exhausted

Where stumbling over the dunes of lips

Without pain falling on your eyelashes

And drown in the greed of seething hands

And languish in the trail of your scents

You gave me that love

Which I no longer dreamed of.

You made me believe you

When all faith in is gone.

You brought me that warmth

Which even the sun did not bring.

You gave me back my faith in life

And now I feel bad without you.

I'll tell you honestly and directly,

I don't want to hide anything:

You understand me, my stubborn one,

I only want to love you.

I'm tired of all the fortune-telling,

And it’s in vain for me to shed tears.

I only want to go on a date with you,

To love only you alone!

The wind gently strokes your hair,

And I tell you in response:

"You are the only one in my world,

There’s no other like it!”

I love recklessly, I love recklessly.

I love from the inside, unreasonably, latently.

I love you endlessly, somewhat naively,

I love both depraved and too innocent.

I love disturbedly, unimaginably,

I love you because you are simply loved.

I love carefully, I love without fear,

I love you like a prince from a girl’s fairy tale.

I love enthusiastically, tenderly and sweetly,

I love you because everything is in perfect order.

I love you from the beginning, forever, beautifully

I love you so deeply that it’s even dangerous.

I love you unbreakably, fundamentally,

I love singularly and phenomenally.

I love both tenderly and rudely,

I love you, and I am endlessly rich in love.

I love proudly, sensitively, languidly,

I love both assertively and too modestly.

I love you constantly, I love you beyond measure,

I love fruitfully and terribly deadly.

I love you completely and unchangeably,

And you love me no less, probably...

I want that for any of my features,

You have been alone on the border all your life.

I want that in the book that you read,

To be the first and last page

I don’t want to give you peace.

To be strong and a little weak,

I want to call you mine...

After all, I couldn’t live otherwise.

I want from all your worries and thoughts,

Take away at least half

I want to know with certainty

That you are happy and I am to blame for this

The epistolary genre goes back a long way, so not everyone knows how to write letters correctly. And sometimes you have to do this. For example, when a guy goes to serve in the army. A letter to a guy in the army helps him get through a difficult period.

A letter to a guy in the army is a special letter. Although they say that reading other people's letters is the highest degree of bad manners, letters to an active military unit are necessarily looked through. And this is not done because the commander is curious about who the young soldier is dating. It’s just been known for a long time that the information that yesterday’s conscript receives from a “civilian” can undermine his morale for a long time, drive him into depression, or, on the contrary, help him serve with dignity.

It is especially important that the first letters do not contain negative information.

Even if something happened at home, you should not report this in personal letters.

To protect soldiers from emotional breakdowns, negative information is presented officially in a business setting. If something happened to parents or loved ones, the commander reports it all. In many cases, soldiers are given days off during rehabilitation. Exposure to negative information when accessing firearms poses a danger not only to the life of the soldier himself, but also to those around him.

Personal information should also be positive. You should not reproach your beloved for not being attentive, not writing, not saying the words that are expected of him. A soldier's everyday life is filled with training as much as possible - he has no time to write long letters from the heart.

There is no point in understanding situations that were not fully clarified in civilian life. It’s quite difficult for the guy now, he feels lonely. Why add to his emotional difficulties?

When starting a letter, you need to express your feelings for your loved one without excessive sentimentality. It is imperative to mention in the text of the letter that without him it is very difficult, difficult, that memories of meetings are constantly being replayed and pictures of future happiness are being drawn.

You should write - especially in the first letters - that there is pride in your loved one who fulfills his duty to the Motherland, that this is pleasant. My friends are jealous that there is such a protector.

It’s not only worth talking about yourself, but also asking about his affairs, asking his army friends, how is his service going? You need to try to ask questions so that the guy shares his inner experiences, then it will be easier for him.

Even if it’s not very interesting, it’s worth asking about some of the subtleties of the service and personal relationships. This way the guy will understand that his affairs are not indifferent.

No complaints about others, that they were “harassing” or spoke badly.”

Some girls manage to insert phrases into a letter to a guy in the army that unsettle him for a long time. They try to show how in demand they are, unaware of how it hurts loving hearts. It is better not to disclose information about how many guys are courting.

You need to sit down to write a letter to a guy in the army in a calm atmosphere, carefully thinking through each phrase. If during an oral conversation a careless word can be softened with laughter or tone of voice, then what is written is perceived directly.

The letter will look touching if you include your own photograph, a postcard, or some picture that will bring back pleasant memories.

The text of the letter should be approximately similar to this.

“Hello, my beloved! I’m really looking forward to seeing you, and don’t even doubt it – this time will fly by. I will study (work) and constantly think about you. Believe me, my military service will end, and we will definitely be together.

I feel sad and lonely without you, I constantly replay your words and our meetings. Remember when you gave me a soft toy and I was offended? I thought you thought I was small. Now I’m sleeping with this bunny-bear-mouse and thinking about you.

I love you very much.

I'm proud that you joined the army and didn't come up with any nonsense. I am very pleased how seriously you take your military duty, you will make an excellent husband and a wonderful father, you will always be the protector of the family.

How are you doing? What do you do in your free time, do you have any? Be careful, take care of yourself for me.

I am happy when I receive your letters. There is so much tenderness in them. I am very pleased that you remember me even in difficult moments of your life. We will soon meet again and will never be apart again.

I miss you, kiss you, wait! "

It happens that over time the correspondence dies down, and not because the love has ended. It’s just that letters gradually become monotonous - you can’t endlessly rewrite memories. In order to enliven communication, it is necessary to ask several questions among gentle words, but not routine ones - how is your health? – and those that relate to the real situation and talk about their studies and work. It’s good to get advice on how to communicate with colleagues or classmates.

You can talk about everyday problems in tender letters, without forgetting about your love. It might look like this: “This morning I got up, thought about you, and mechanically applied toothpaste past my brush. Do you remember when you called out to me? "Or: "The power went out, and then the traffic jams burned out. I sat half the evening in the dark. If you, my beloved, were nearby, you would immediately guess what to do.”

When it is possible to send emails, the correspondence will be more lively.

A letter to a guy in the army should not be filled with complaints that he needs to come and deal with someone. He won’t be able to do this from afar, and the information upsets him. Maybe you shouldn’t create situations yourself, after which you will definitely need a defender?

A letter to a guy in the army should convey all the love for him. He should feel that he has a reliable support at home, that he is expected and loved. Thanks to letters, separation helps lovers get even closer and understand how much they need each other.

Tender and romantic letter

Hello, my beloved. I miss you daily and hourly. I look forward to the meeting more than even nature waits for spring and warmth. You are my spring and my summer. Only with you can I warm up and thaw out. Only with you can I enjoy life again and laugh with joy. I feel very lonely without you. My friends are trying to cheer me up, entertain me somehow, but I only think about you. I couldn’t even imagine that this could happen to me.

How is your service going? I don’t understand this at all, so I don’t even know what to ask about the army. You better tell me everything yourself. Only trivial questions are on the tongue: how they are fed, how many people live in the room, whether they are given minutes of rest. All this is also important, but the heart and soul want to ask something completely different: have you forgotten? Do you love as much as before?

I miss you.

Second letter to the army

Days pass, and you are so far away that my letters take forever to reach you. If I could, I would turn into a white dove myself and bring you news. And she would gently stroke you with her wing. Do you see how stupid I am? I keep dreaming about some stupid things...

You write to me. Maybe you need to send something. I understand how hard life is for all of you there.

And today I saw you again in a dream. It’s as if we were standing side by side at the pier, and an old steamship was sailing towards us. Smoke is pouring out of the chimney. The steamer hummed and I got scared. And you hugged me, pressed me to you and shielded me from the humming huge colossus. And blocked it from the whole world. I always feel very calm and confident with you. If only it were always like this! Do you think people can love each other forever, all their lives?

I dream that this will be the case for you and me. I will definitely wait for you from the army and we will be happy. And now, alone, I write letters to you and learn to knit - like a real soldier’s bride.

I love you and really look forward to your return.

Third letter to my beloved

I listen to my favorite song all day. The one that we heard in the park on our first date. Do you remember? I wonder if it also symbolizes something special for you? I turn it on like this - and it seems to me that you are next to me. Then the separation becomes less difficult, and time seems to flow faster and brings the happy moment of our meeting closer.

Do you remember how we dreamed about the future? And we will have it, I know for sure! And it will be even a hundred times better than we imagined! Do you know why? Because we will be together. I love you, my dear, I love you very much.

Perhaps you would like to tell us about your letters? We will be glad to hear your stories and stories of love. about waiting, about loneliness and about the meeting with your loved one, which will certainly take place!

Not all relationships survive the test of distance. But if you still have to break up and the guy needs to go into the army, how can you preserve everything personal and tender that is in your soul? There is always a way out. An excellent solution can be to write a letter to your loved one in the army.

Why is this needed?

A guy in the army is unlikely to be able to communicate frequently on the phone and talk about his life, because there is a certain discipline there, and constant use of a mobile phone is far from encouraged. Therefore, it is good to remember the past and start writing letters to your loved one. This is not only necessary for communication, guys often await such letters with impatience and trepidation, not paying much attention to the hardships of daily service. In such pleasant anticipation, time passes quickly.

What do you need?

What might you need to write to the army? It's simple: pen, paper and a stamped envelope. However, you can brighten up any letter a little by using a few colored inks. You can also put a postcard or a funny calendar, a drawn picture or a printed photograph in the envelope. A young man will be pleased to find something interesting besides the text, although it will be the main thing.


How to write a letter to your loved one in the army? It is worth remembering that you need to start with an appeal. Here words such as “beloved”, “dear”, “desired” can be useful. You can tenderly call your boyfriend so that he plunges into pleasant memories of the times when he was with his beloved.

Main part

Next will be the main part of the letter, where the girl will have to talk about a lot. What can you mention? How to make a letter to the army written to your loved one interesting and unburdensome? You can start with the main events that happened in your hometown, tell what interesting things happened. Next, you can write remarkable facts from the lives of mutual friends, mention some funny gossip; men are also interested in this. You can write about where the girl managed to visit during the time that has passed since her last letter: maybe there was some kind of excursion, interesting gatherings with friends, a fun party at a club. It is better to describe all events only in a positive way, telling only the best. You shouldn’t send your loved one angry, negative and unpleasant letters, because serving in the army is already bad enough, why should he complicate his life even more? We must not forget that a letter to a beloved guy in the army should be filled with tenderness and love. When describing the events, the girl should mention that everything was not so fun without her beloved, that she missed his hugs and just his presence.

Completing the letter

If you need to write a letter to your loved one in the army, it is important to think about how to complete it. After all, of everything said, what was said last is remembered. It is according to this principle that the message should be composed. So, it’s good to end the letter with the phrase “I’m looking forward to seeing you,” “I love you, I miss you,” and so on. The main thing is that, thanks to these words, the guy’s mood clearly lifts and he has enough strength to wait for the next letter from his beloved.

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