A collection of ideal social studies essays. Literary direction

If anyone thinks that they are very difficult to remember, then, of course, they are mistaken. It's quite simple.

Open the list of references. We see that everything here is laid out in time. Specific time periods are given. And now I’d like to focus your attention on this: almost every literary movement has a clear time frame.

Let's look at the screenshot. “The Minor” by Fonvizin, “Monument” by Derzhavin, “Woe from Wit” by Griboyedov - this is all classicism. Then realism replaced classicism; sentimentalism existed for some time, but it is not represented in this list of works. Therefore, almost all of the works listed below are realism. If “novel” is written next to the work, then it is only realism. Nothing more.

Romanticism is also on this list, we must not forget about it. It is poorly represented, these are works such as the ballad of V.A. Zhukovsky “Svetlana”, poem by M.Yu. Lermontov "Mtsyri". It would seem that romanticism died at the beginning of the 19th century, but we can still meet it in the 20th. There was a story by M.A. Gorky "Old Woman Izergil". That's all, there is no more romanticism.

Everything else that is given in the list that I did not name is realism.

What then is the direction of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign?” In this case it is not highlighted.

Now let’s briefly go over the features of these areas. It's simple:

Classicism– these are 3 unities: the unity of place, time, action. Let's remember Griboyedov's comedy "Woe from Wit." The whole action lasts 24 hours, and it takes place in Famusov’s house. With Fonvizin’s “Minor” everything is similar. Another detail for classicism: heroes can be clearly divided into positive and negative. It is not necessary to know the remaining signs. This is enough for you to understand that this is a classic work.

Romanticism– an exceptional hero in exceptional circumstances. Let us remember what happened in the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov "Mtsyri". Against the backdrop of majestic nature, its divine beauty and grandeur, events unfold. "Mtsyrya is running away." Nature and the hero merge with each other, there is a complete immersion of the inner and outer worlds. Mtsyri is an exceptional person. Strong, brave, courageous.

Let us remember in the story “Old Woman Izergil” the hero Danko, who tore out his heart and illuminated the path for people. The said hero also fits the criterion of an exceptional personality, so this romantic story. And in general, all the heroes described by Gorky are desperate rebels.

Realism begins with Pushkin, which throughout the second half of the 19th century century is developing very rapidly. All of life, with its advantages and disadvantages, with its inconsistency and complexity, becomes the object of writers. Specific historical events and individuals who live with fictional characters, which very often have a real prototype or even several.

In short, realism– what I see is what I write. Our life is complex, and so are our heroes; they rush around, think, change, develop, and make mistakes.

By the beginning of the twentieth century, it became clear that it was time to look for new forms, new styles, and other approaches. Therefore, new authors are rapidly breaking into literature, and modernism is flourishing, which includes a lot of branches: symbolism, acmeism, imagism, futurism.

And in order to determine which specific literary movement a particular work can be attributed to, you also need to know the time of its writing. Because, for example, it is wrong to say that Akhmatova is only Acmeism. This direction can only be attributed to early work. The work of some did not fit into a specific classification at all, such as Tsvetaeva and Pasternak.

As for symbolism, it will be somewhat simpler: Blok, Mandelstam. Futurism – Mayakovsky. Acmeism, as we have already said, Akhmatova. There was also imagism, but it was poorly represented; Yesenin was included in it. That's all.

Symbolism– the term speaks for itself. The authors encrypted the meaning of the work through a large number of various symbols. The number of meanings that were laid down by poets can be searched and searched for indefinitely. That is why these poems are quite complex.

Futurism- word creation. Art of the future. Rejection of the past. An unrestrained search for new rhythms, rhymes, words. Do we remember Mayakovsky's ladder? Such works were intended for recitation (read in public). Futurists are just crazy people. They did everything to make the public remember them. All means for this were good.

Acmeism- if not a damn thing is clear in symbolism, then the Acmeists undertook to completely oppose themselves to them. Their creativity is clear and concrete. It's not in the clouds somewhere. It's here, here. They depicted the earthly world, its earthly beauty. They also sought to transform the world through words. It's enough.

Imagism– the image is the basis. Sometimes not alone. Such poems, as a rule, are completely devoid of meaning. Seryozha Yesenin wrote such poems for a short time. No one else from the list of references is included in this movement.

This is all. If you still don’t understand something, or find errors in my words, then write in the comments. Let's figure it out together.

(Symbol - from the Greek Symbolon - conventional sign)
  1. The central place is given to the symbol*
  2. The desire for a higher ideal prevails
  3. A poetic image is intended to express the essence of a phenomenon
  4. Characteristic reflection of the world in two planes: real and mystical
  5. Sophistication and musicality of verse
The founder was D. S. Merezhkovsky, who in 1892 gave a lecture “On the causes of the decline and new trends in modern Russian literature” (article published in 1893). Symbolists are divided into older ones ((V. Bryusov, K. Balmont, D. Merezhkovsky, 3. Gippius, F. Sologub made their debut in the 1890s) and younger ones (A. Blok, A. Bely, Vyach. Ivanov and others made their debut in the 1900s)
  • Acmeism

    (From the Greek “acme” - point, highest point). The literary movement of Acmeism arose in the early 1910s and was genetically connected with symbolism. (N. Gumilyov, A. Akhmatova, S. Gorodetsky, O. Mandelstam, M. Zenkevich and V. Narbut.) The formation was influenced by M. Kuzmin’s article “On Beautiful Clarity,” published in 1910. In the programmatic article of 1913 “The Legacy of Acmeism and Symbolism” N. Gumilyov called symbolism “ worthy father“, but emphasized that the new generation has developed a “courageously firm and clear outlook on life”
    1. Focus on classical poetry XIX century
    2. Acceptance of the earthly world in its diversity and visible concreteness
    3. Objectivity and clarity of images, precision of details
    4. In rhythm, the Acmeists used dolnik (Dolnik is a violation of the traditional
    5. regular alternation of stressed and unstressed syllables. The lines coincide in the number of stresses, but stressed and unstressed syllables are freely located in the line.), which brings the poem closer to the living colloquial speech
  • Futurism

    Futurism - from lat. futurum, future. Genetically, literary futurism is closely connected with the avant-garde groups of artists of the 1910s - primarily with the groups “Jack of Diamonds”, “ donkey tail", "Youth Union". In 1909 in Italy, the poet F. Marinetti published the article “Manifesto of Futurism.” In 1912, the manifesto “A Slap in the Face of Public Taste” was created by Russian futurists: V. Mayakovsky, A. Kruchenykh, V. Khlebnikov: “Pushkin is more incomprehensible than hieroglyphs.” Futurism began to disintegrate already in 1915-1916.
    1. Rebellion, anarchic worldview
    2. Denial of cultural traditions
    3. Experiments in the field of rhythm and rhyme, figurative arrangement of stanzas and lines
    4. Active word creation
  • Imagism

    From Lat. imago - image A literary movement in Russian poetry of the 20th century, whose representatives stated that the purpose of creativity is to create an image. Basics means of expression Imagists - metaphor, often metaphorical chains that compare various elements of two images - direct and figurative. Imagism arose in 1918, when the “Order of Imagists” was founded in Moscow. The creators of the “Order” were Anatoly Mariengof, Vadim Shershenevich and Sergei Yesenin, who was previously part of the group of new peasant poets
  • 13.1. Baroque

    13.2. Classicism

    13.4. Romanticism

    13.5. Realism

    13.6. Naturalism

    13.7. Modernism and its stylistic movements

    13.8. Avant-garde and its stylistic movements

    13.9. Socialist realism

    13.10. Postmodernism

    Literary direction- not a specific historical embodiment artistic method. The movement unites artists based on method and similar stylistic features. The authors of the “literary dictionary-reference book” name the following factors of literary direction:

    1. Conceptual... foundation that gives rise to a certain concept of reality, a certain way of knowing it, understanding socio-historical patterns, the place of man in society and the Universe. This also includes ideological beliefs aimed at replacing existing public relations, public and moral ideals, according to which modernity is assessed, as well as views on the role and significance literary creativity in the life of society, historical era, human culture as a whole.

    2. Poetics as a system of more or less normative rules... Actually, poetics concentrates in itself all the specific artistic features literary direction (at the level of style, composition, etc.), determines its literary essence.

    3. The commonality of motives, themes, ideas, images, plot schemes that prevail in a certain literary direction...

    4. Totality artistic means regulated by the poetics of the literary movement. These are certain stylistic compositional features, defined genre forms, in this literary direction, characteristic of the work of its representatives."

    Changing directions expresses the laws of the literary process. The creativity of many writers goes beyond the boundaries of genres. V. Hugo began his work as a classicist, and later switched to the position of romanticism. A. Pushkin and T. Shevchenko were both romantics and realists. Literary trends have national characteristics.

    Following the periodicity of the literary process proposed by D. Ch (Izhevsky), we will consider the development fiction in an aesthetic-style coordinate system.

    A separate place in literary process occupies folklore - the first stage of artistic literature. Written literature was formed on the basis of folklore. M. Grushevsky wrote: “Although our written literature is not devoid of highly valuable works..., still, compared to the rich oral literature, our written tradition is up to latest revival The 19th century is a comparatively small segment."

    Folklore by type of creativity has romantic character, it appeared as the opposite of mythology with its practical realistic content. Written literature, which began as an antithesis to folklore, had realistic content. In addition, collective creation dominates in folklore, while individual creativity dominates in literature. Folklore samples, spreading orally, acquired variations, their individual characteristics associated with the place and time of action disappeared, leaving a common characteristic characteristic of different places and times, and the entire nation. Written literature reflected individual worldview and understanding of the world, and folklore reflected the soul of the nation.

    "Due to the improvement, spread written literature(more general civilization), - notes V. Pakharenko, - folklore is constantly weakening, fading away (first at the level of creation, and then at the level of distribution), its remains are degrading, turning into the so-called. popular culture, kitsch. This sad, although inevitable, process of extinction of folklore is now being observed, in particular, in Ukraine."

    In the literature of the Ukrainian Middle Ages, D. Chizhevsky distinguishes monumental (X) century) and ornamental (XII-XIII centuries) style. The monumental style appeared during the period when Kyiv was the political, ecclesiastical and artistic center of Eastern Europe. At that time, the philosophy of Christian optimism was established in the literary and religious worldview. The monumental style or early Gothic is characterized by the following features: a focus on content, simplicity of composition and syntax, and limited embellishment. Features of the monumental style clearly emerge from The Tale of Bygone Years: short aphoristic sentences, rhythmization of language, the use of established means when describing events, affirmation of the idea of ​​independent historical and political life Rus'. condemnation of strife and hostility among princes, a call for the unity of all Russian lands, renunciation of paganism, affirmation of a Christian worldview. By type of creativity, the monumental style is realistic. Certain features of the monumental style are found in the literature of classicism, baroque, and socialist realism.

    Ornamental (lat. Ornamentum - decoration) style dates back to the 12th-13th centuries. Its features: multi-themed works, mosaic composition, the presence of historical excursions, lyrical digressions. In "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" a story about modern events is combined with memories of the past. Ornamental style uses symbolic images, constant epithets, hyperboles, complex syntactic constructions. The author speaks of Igor’s defeat in symbols: “Igor’s flags fell... There was not enough bloody wine here, here the brave Russians finished the feast: they gave the matchmakers drink, and they themselves died for the Russian land.” The battle is depicted as a “feast”, “sowing”, “harvest”: “The black earth under the hooves of bones was sown, watered with blood, and descended with sorrow onto the Russian soil.” Using hyperbole, the author creates a fantastic picture: Prince Svyatoslav, who defeated the Polovtsians, resembles a cosmic elemental force: “he stepped on the Polovtsian land, trampled graves and ravines, muddied rivers and lakes, dried up streams and swamps, and bad Kobyak from the Lukomorye from the large iron regiments of the Polovtsians like a whirlwind ripped out." The language of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” is melodic, rich in assonance and alliteration (“Sula no longer flows with silver streams”). The author of the work successfully reproduced the moods and experiences of the characters.

    According to the type of creativity, the monumental style is realistic, and the ornamental style is romantic.

    Transitions day (XlV-XVcm.) Did not produce original works. The reason was the difficult historical conditions of our people.

    Renaissance and Reformation (XVI-XVH centuries).

    The Renaissance (French Renaissance, lat. Renascor - I see) renewed the ancient ideal of beauty and put a comprehensively developed personality in the center of attention. The geocentrism characteristic of the Middle Ages was replaced by anthropocentrism. The realistic type of creativity occupied a decisive place in art. The Renaissance style is characterized by humanism, imitation ancient art, appeals to life ordinary people, self-centered individualism, criticism of the Middle Ages.

    The birthplace of the Renaissance was Italy; it later spread to England, France, Germany, and Spain. The work of Francesco Petrarch (1304-1374 pp.) is associated with the Renaissance. Giovanni Boccaccio(1313-1375 pp.), Dante Alighieri (1265-1320 pp.), Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519 pp.), Francois Rabelais (1494-1553 pp.), Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616 pp.), William Shakespeare (1564-1616).

    A kind of challenge to the Renaissance with its rationalism, self-centered individualism, and anthropocentrism was the Reformation with theocentrism and the ideology of Christianity. The only thing that united the Renaissance and the Reformation was criticism of the Middle Ages and the Catholic Church.

    The ideas of the Renaissance in Ukraine began to take hold at the end of the 15th century. those Ukrainians who studied at European universities and accepted the Catholic faith. They chose for themselves a Geon prisvisha such as Rusin, Roksolyanin, thus declaring their Ukrainianness. Outstanding poets of the Renaissance in Ukraine were Yuri Drohobych (1450-1494 pp.), Pavel Rusin of Krasnaya (1470-1517 pp.), Stanislav Roksolyanin Orekhovsky (1513-1566 pp.). The works of Ivan Vyshensky left a noticeable mark on Ukrainian literature of the Renaissance.

    In place of the Renaissance in the 17th century. The Baroque era has arrived.

    LITERARY DIRECTION (METHOD)- a set of basic features of creativity, formed and repeated in a certain historical period development of art.

    At the same time, the features of this direction can be traced in authors who worked in the eras preceding the formation of the movement itself (traits of romanticism in Shakespeare, features of realism in Fonvizin’s “Minor”), as well as in subsequent eras (features of romanticism in Gorky).

    There are four main literary trends:CLASSICISM, ROMANTICISM, REALISM, MODERNISM.

    LITERARY CURRENT- finer division compared to the direction; currents either represent branches of one direction ( German romanticism, French romanticism, Byronism in England, Karamzinism in Russia), or arise during the transition from one direction to another (sentimentalism).



    The main literary movement in Russia XVIII century.

    Main features

    1. Imitation of examples of ancient culture.
    2. Strict construction rules works of art.Chapter II. Literary trends (methods) and currents 9
    3. Strict hierarchy of genres: high (ode, epic poem, tragedy); medium (satire, love letter); low (fable, comedy).
    4. Rigid boundaries between genders and genres.
    5. Creation ideal scheme social life And ideal images members of society (enlightened monarch, statesman, military, woman).

    Main genres in poetry

    Ode, satire, historical poem.

    The main rules for constructing dramatic works

    1. The rule of “three unities”: place, time, action.
    2. Division into positive and negative characters.
    3. The presence of a hero-reasoner (a character expressing the author’s position).
    4. Traditional roles: reasoner (hero-reasoner), first lover (hero-lover), second lover, ingénue, soubrette, deceived father, etc.
    5. Traditional denouement: the triumph of virtue and the punishment of vice.
    6. Five actions.
    7. Speaking names.
    8. Long moralizing monologues.

    Main representatives

    Europe - writer and thinker Voltaire; playwrights Corneille, Racine, Moliere; fabulist La Fontaine; poet Guys (France).

    Russia - poets Lomonosov, Derzhavin, playwright Fonvizin (comedies "The Brigadier", 1769 and "The Minor", 1782).

    Traditions of classicism in the literature of the 19th century

    Krylov . Genre traditions of classicism in fables.

    Griboyedov . Features of classicism in the comedy "Woe from Wit".

    The main literary movement in Russia in the first third of the 19th century.

    Main features

    1. Creation of an ideal dream world, fundamentally incompatible with real life, opposed to it.
    2. In the center of the image - human personality, her inner world, its attitude to the surrounding reality.
    3. Portrayal of an exceptional hero in exceptional circumstances.
    4. Denial of all the rules of classicism.
    5. The use of fiction, symbolism, the absence of everyday and historical motivations.

    Main genres

    Lyric poem, poem, tragedy, novel.

    Main genres in Russian poetry

    Elegy, message, song, ballad, poem.

    Main representatives

    Europe - Goethe, Heine, Schiller (Germany), Byron (England).

    Russia - Zhukovsky.

    Traditions of romanticism in the literature of the 19th-20th centuries

    Griboyedov . Romantic traits in the characters of Sofia and Chatsky; a parody of Zhukovsky's ballads (Sofia's dream) in the comedy "Woe from Wit".

    Pushkin . Romantic period of creativity (1813--1824); the image of the romantic poet Lensky and discussions of romanticism in the novel in verse "Eugene Onegin"; unfinished novel "Dubrovsky".

    Lermontov . Romantic period of creativity (1828-І836); elements of romanticism in poems of the mature period (1837-1841); romantic motifs in the poems “Song about... the merchant Kalashnikov”, “Mtsyri”, “Demon”, in the novel “Hero of Our Time”; the image of the romantic poet Lensky in the poem "The Death of a Poet".

    The main literary direction of the 2nd half of the XIX-XX centuries.

    Main features

    1. Creation of typical (regular) characters.
    2. These characters act in typical everyday and historical settings.
    3. Life-like verisimilitude, fidelity to detail (in combination with conventional forms of artistic fantasy: symbol, grotesque, fantasy, myth).

    In Russia, the emergence of realism began in the 1820s:

    Krylov. Fables.

    Griboyedov . Comedy "Woe from Wit" (1822 -1824).

    Pushkin . Mikhailovsky (1824-1826) and late (1826-1836) periods of creativity: the novel in verse "Eugene Onegin" (1823-1831), the tragedy "Boris Godunov" (1825), "Belkin's Tales" (1830), the poem " Bronze Horseman"(1833), story" Captain's daughter"(1833-1836); late lyrics.

    Lermontov . Period mature creativity(1837-1841): novel “A Hero of Our Time” (1839-1841), late lyrics.

    Gogol . "Petersburg Tales" (1835-1842; "The Overcoat", 1842), comedy "The Inspector General" (1835), poem " Dead Souls"(1st volume: 1835-1842).

    Tyutchev, Fet . Features of realism in lyrics.

    In the years 1839-1847, Russian realism was formed into a special literary movement, called the “natural school” or “Gogolian direction.” Natural school became the first stage in the development of a new movement in realism - Russian critical realism.

    Programmatic works of writers of critical realism


    Goncharov . The novel "Oblomov" (1848-1858).

    Turgenev . The story "Asya" (1858), the novel "Fathers and Sons" (1861).

    Dostoevsky . Novel "Crime and Punishment" (1866).

    Lev Tolstoy . Epic novel "War and Peace" (1863-1869).

    Saltykov-Shchedrin . "The History of a City" (1869--1870), "Tales" (1869-1886).

    Leskov . The story "The Enchanted Wanderer" (1879), the story "Lefty" (1881).


    Ostrovsky . Drama “The Thunderstorm” (1859), comedy “Forest” (1870).


    Nekrasov . Lyrics, poems “Peasant Children” (1861), “Who Lives Well in Rus'” (1863-1877).

    The development of critical realism ends at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century:

    Chekhov . Stories "Death of an Official" (1883), "Chameleon" (1884), "Student" (1894), "House with a Mezzanine" (1896), "Ionych", "Man in a Case", "Gooseberry", "About Love" , "Darling" (all 1898), "Lady with a Dog" (1899), comedy " The Cherry Orchard" (1904).

    Bitter . Feature article " Former people"(1897), the story "Ice drift" (1912), the play "At the Bottom" (1902).

    Bunin . The stories "Anton's Apples" (1900), "The Gentleman from San Francisco" (1915).

    Kuprin . The story "Olesya" (1898), " Garnet bracelet" (1910).

    After Awards: Order of Lenin, The term "socialist realism" appears. However, creativity best writers post-revolutionary period does not fit into the narrow framework of this trend and retains traditional features Russian realism:

    Sholokhov . Novel " Quiet Don"(1925-1940), story "The Fate of Man" (1956).

    Bulgakov . Tale " dog's heart"(1925), novels" White Guard"(1922-1924), "The Master and Margarita" (1929-1940), the play "Days of the Turbins" (1925-1926).

    Zamyatin . Dystopian novel "We" (1929).

    Platonov . The story "The Pit" (1930).

    Tvardovsky . Poems, poem "Vasily Terkin" (1941-1945).

    Parsnip . Late lyrics, novel "Doctor Zhivago" (1945--1955).

    Solzhenitsyn . The story "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich", story " Matrenin Dvor" (1959).

    Shalamov . Cycle " Kolyma stories" (1954--1973).

    Astafiev . The story "The Shepherd and the Shepherdess" (1967-1989).

    Trifonov . The story "The Old Man" (1978).

    Shukshin. Stories.

    Rasputin . The story "Farewell to Matera" (1976).


    Modernism - a literary movement that unites various movements in the art of the late 19th-20th centuries, engaged in experiments with the form of works of art (symbolism, Acmeism, futurism, cubism, constructivism, avant-gardeism, abstractionism, etc.).

    IMAGINISM (imago - image) -literary movement in Russian poetry from 1919 to 1925, whose representatives stated that the purpose of creativity is to create an image. The main expressive means of imagists is metaphor, often metaphorical chains that compare various elements of two images - direct and figurative. The creator of the movement is Anatoly Borisovich Mariengof. Sergei Yesenin, who was a member of it, brought fame to the Imagist group.

    POSTMODERNISM - various movements in the art of the 2nd half XX-beginning XXI centuries (conceptualism, pop art, social art, body art, graffiti, etc.), which put the denial of the integrity of life and art at all levels at the forefront. In Russian literature, the era of postmodernism opens with the almanac "Metropol", 1979; most famous authors almanac:V.P. Aksenov, B.A. Akhmadulina, A.G. Bitov, A.A. Voznesensky, V.S. Vysotsky, F.A. Iskander.

    literary trendsAndcurrents


    Classicism - direction in literature of the 17th - early 19th centuries, focusing on the aesthetic standards of ancient art. The main idea is the affirmation of the priority of reason. Aesthetics is based on the principle of rationalism: a work of art must be intelligently constructed, logically verified, and must capture the enduring, essential properties of things. Works of classicism are characterized by high civic themes, strict adherence to certain creative norms and rules, reflection of life in ideal images that gravitate towards a universal model (G. Derzhavin, I. Krylov, M. Lomonosov, V. Trediakovsky,D. Fonvizin).

    Sentimentalism - a literary movement of the second half of the 18th century, which established feeling, rather than reason, as the dominant of the human personality. The hero of sentimentalism is a “feeling man”, his emotional world is diverse and mobile, and the wealth of the inner world is recognized for every person, regardless of his class affiliation (I. M. Karamzin.“Letters of a Russian Traveler”, “Poor Lisa” ) .

    Romanticism - literary movement that formed at the beginning of the 19th century. Fundamental to romanticism was the principle of romantic dual worlds, which presupposes a sharp contrast between the hero and his ideal and the surrounding world. The incompatibility of ideal and reality was expressed in the departure of romantics from modern themes into the world of history, traditions and legends, dreams, dreams, fantasies, and exotic countries. Romanticism has a special interest in the individual. The romantic hero is characterized by proud loneliness, disappointment, a tragic attitude and, at the same time, rebellion and rebellion of spirit (A.S. Pushkin."KavKaz captive" « Gypsies»; M. Yu. Lermontov.« Mtsyri»; M. Gorky.« Song about the Falcon", "Old Woman Izergil").

    Realism - a literary movement that established itself in Russian literature at the beginning of the 19th century and passed through the entire 20th century. Realism asserts the priority of the cognitive capabilities of literature, its ability to explore reality. The most important subject of artistic research is the relationship between character and circumstances, the formation of characters under the influence of the environment. Human behavior, according to realist writers, depends on external circumstances, which, however, does not negate his ability to oppose his will to them. This determined the central conflict - the conflict between personality and circumstances. Realist writers depict reality in development, in dynamics, presenting stable, typical phenomena in their unique individual embodiment (A.S. Pushkin."Eugene Onegin"; novels I. S. Turgeneva, L. N. TolStoy, F. M. Dostoevsky, A. M. Gorky,stories I. A. Bunina,A. I. Kuprina; N. A. Nekrasoviand etc.).

    Critical Realism - The literary movement, which is a subsidiary of the previous one, existed from the beginning of the 19th century until its end. It bears the main signs of realism, but is distinguished by a deeper, critical, sometimes sarcastic author's view ( N.V. Gogol"Dead Souls"; Saltykov-Shchedrin)


    Modernism - a literary movement of the first half of the 20th century, which opposed itself to realism and united many movements and schools with a very diverse aesthetic orientation. Instead of a rigid connection between characters and circumstances, modernism affirms the self-worth and self-sufficiency of the human personality, its irreducibility to a tedious series of causes and consequences.

    Avant-garde - a direction in literature and art of the 20th century, uniting various movements, united in their aesthetic radicalism (surrealism, drama of the absurd, " new novel", in Russian literature -futurism). It is genetically related to modernism, but absolutizes and takes to the extreme its desire for artistic renewal.

    Decadence (decadence) - a certain state of mind, a crisis type of consciousness, expressed in a feeling of despair, powerlessness, mental fatigue with the obligatory elements of narcissism and aestheticization of the self-destruction of the individual. Decadent in mood, the works aestheticize extinction, the break with traditional morality, and the will to death. The decadent worldview was reflected in the works of writers of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. F. Sologuba, 3. Gippius, L. Andreeva, and etc.

    Symbolism - pan-European, and in Russian literature - the first and most significant modernist movement. Symbolism is rooted in romanticism, with the idea of ​​two worlds. The symbolists contrasted the traditional idea of ​​understanding the world in art with the idea of ​​constructing the world in the process of creativity. The meaning of creativity is subconscious-intuitive contemplation secret meanings, accessible only to the artist-creator. The main means of transmitting secret meanings that are not rationally cognizable becomes the symbol (of signs) (“senior symbolists”: V. Bryusov, K. Balmont, D. Merezhkovsky, 3. Gippius, F. Sologub;"Young Symbolists": A. Blok,A. Bely, V. Ivanov, dramas by L. Andreev).

    Acmeism - a movement of Russian modernism that arose as a reaction to the extremes of symbolism with its persistent tendency to perceive reality as a distorted likeness of higher entities. The main significance in the work of Acmeists is the artistic exploration of the diverse and vibrant earthly world, the transfer of the inner world of man, the affirmation of culture as the highest value. Acmeistic poetry is characterized by stylistic balance, pictorial clarity of images, precisely calibrated composition, and precision of detail. (N. Gumilev, S. Gorodetscue, A. Akhmatova, O. Mandelstam, M. Zenkevich, V. Narbut).

    Futurism - an avant-garde movement that emerged almost simultaneously in Italy and Russia. The main feature is the preaching of the overthrow of past traditions, the destruction of old aesthetics, the desire to create new art, the art of the future, capable of transforming the world. The main technical principle is the principle of “shift”, which manifested itself in the lexical updating of the poetic language due to the introduction of vulgarisms, technical terms, neologisms, in violation of the laws of lexical compatibility of words, in bold experiments in the field of syntax and word formation (V. Khlebnikov, V. Mayakovsky, I. Severyanin and etc.).

    Expressionism - modernist movement that formed in the 1910s - 1920s in Germany. The expressionists sought not so much to depict the world as to express their thoughts about the troubles of the world and the suppression of the human personality. The style of expressionism is determined by the rationalism of constructions, the attraction to abstraction, the acute emotionality of the statements of the author and characters, and the abundant use of fantasy and the grotesque. In Russian literature, the influence of expressionism manifested itself in the works of L. Andreeva, E. Zamyatina, A. Platonova and etc.

    Postmodernism - a complex set of ideological attitudes and cultural reactions in the era of ideological and aesthetic pluralism (late 20th century). Postmodern thinking is fundamentally anti-hierarchical, opposes the idea of ​​ideological integrity, and rejects the possibility of mastering reality using a single method or language of description. Postmodern writers consider literature, first of all, a fact of language, and therefore do not hide, but emphasize the “literariness” of their works, combine the stylistics of different genres and different literary eras in one text (A. Bitov, Sasha Sokolov, D. A. Prigov, V. PeLevin, Ven. Erofeev and etc.).

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