It’s time to rejoice in our lifetime: how the fate of the Russian musketeers turned out. Actor Igor Starygin: biography, personal life, interesting facts and filmography The illegitimate son of Igor Starygin

Aramis is one of the four musketeers of the famous novels. He dreams of putting on a priest's cassock, fights the king's enemies and gets involved with his comrades in crazy adventures. A handsome man adores women and is popular with them. Behind the mask of meekness hide a cunning mind and prudence.

Aramis is one of the main characters in the trilogy of novels by Alexandre Dumas:

  • "The Three Musketeers" (1844)
  • "Twenty Years Later" (1844)
  • "The Vicomte de Bragelonne, or Ten Years After" (1850)

Adventure guru with historical basis in the heyday of his creativity he occupied Olympus in the field of feuilletons. This was the name given in the 19th century to works published on the pages of newspapers with the note “to be continued.” Inspiration for literary work served as a memoir real person- as it turned out later, Dumas used the book “Memoirs of Monsieur d’Artagnan, Lieutenant-Commander of the First Company of the Royal Musketeers” in his work.

Each main character has his own prototype. Aramis owes its appearance to the nobleman and secular abbot Henri d’Aramitz, who in the mid-17th century joined the ranks of a musketeer company under the command of his uncle. The prototype of the book musketeer was married and raised four (in some sources three) children. It is interesting that the priest is the only one of the prototypes of the glorious quartet from Dumas’ novel who retired, went to his homeland in Béarn and died in old age.

Biography and plot

Aramis was born into a soldier's family in 1604 or 1605. Exact date is not indicated, but it is not difficult to figure it out from the book, because the adventures of the heroes in The Three Musketeers begin in 1627. Having reached his 20th birthday, the young man was planning to become an abbot, but due to the insult he had to postpone his dream of becoming a confessor for a year. Aramis did not waste time in vain - he practiced fencing, and besides, fate brought him together and made friends with him. Having learned to wield a sword, the young man took revenge: he challenged the offender to a duel and struck death blow, after which he joined the ranks of the musketeers.

One day, with his sword comrades, the hero found himself in a duel with a daring Gascon, but had to fight with the guards who had arrived to arrest the musketeers for an unauthorized duel. This is how an inseparable quartet was formed, for which exciting adventures awaited.

Aramis secretly lived with his mistress, the Duchess de Chevreuse, visited an expedition in England, and took part in the siege of La Rochelle. Together with d'Artagnan, the young musketeer appeared on a trip for Queen Anne's maid Constance, and also had a hand in the trial of the treacherous Milady.

20 years later, during the reign of the child king, France was actually ruled by Cardinal Mazarin, who was hated by the entire state. The situation was on the verge of the Fronde (a series of anti-government unrest), and Aramis took the side of the rebels. The character plays a rather significant role in helping the Duke de Beaufort, creating an agreement between the people and the court, and saving King Charles I Stuart. At the end of the plot of the second book, the hero left for Normandy.

A decade later, the musketeers met again. Aramis had already taken up the post of Bishop of Vannes. The novel is filled with conflicts and intrigues, as a result of which the confessor had to leave France, where he returned only a few years later under fictitious name.

The author carefully endowed the heroes of the novel with striking features. Aramis is handsome, even pretty in a feminine way, modest and meek, but he knows how to be a hypocrite. However, a pleasant mask of softness hides a courageous and bold nature. The character is a boastful poser, not averse to showing off his poetic talent and knowledge of Latin. Such an innate trait as cunning strengthens over time, turning Aramis into an experienced intriguer in his old age.

Film adaptations, actors and roles

The novel “The Three Musketeers” entered cinema at the end of the 19th century and today is considered one of the most filmed literary works. Multi-part and full-length films, as well as a series of cartoons, have been made based on it.

Successful film works include the 1921 series directed by Henri Diamant-Berge, where the image of Aramis was embodied by Pierre de Guingan. A landmark film in the Soviet Union was the film “D’Artagnan and the Three Musketeers” (1978), which was followed by sequels until 2007. The director was.

The country sang songs along with the heroes represented by (D'Artagnan), (Athos), (Porthos) and (Aramis). Compositions about friendship, “The Ballad of Athos”, “Before a thunderstorm, roses smell like that” are still popular. Russian film became for the audience a kind of manual on loyalty, kindness and courage.

According to the author of the film, Igor Starygin was ideal for the role: a handsome Jesuit who easily conquers ladies' hearts - this was inherent in the essence of the actor. At the same time, the role went to Starygin on the recommendation of Boyarsky.

In 1993, the United States, together with Austria, showed the world a picture about the adventures of the glorious quartet, in which Charlie Sheen played the meek dreamer of holy orders.

Today, directors continue to turn to the motifs of the novel by Alexandre Dumas. The action movie "Musketeers" in 2011 freely interpreted. In the role of Aramis - . And two years later he became the director Russian actor- Aramis played in his serial “The Three Musketeers”. Sergei Viktorovich commented on the idea:

“I have been reaching out to this work for a long time. I was stopped by the promise I once made to Misha Boyarsky, he said: “Seryoga, don’t. Let me finish playing this all out. I want to die with the baton of the Marshal of France in my hand in the costume of d’Artagnan on the screen.”
  • Aramis and D'Artagnan were almost the same height - just above 160 cm.
  • Asteroid number 227962 bears the name Aramis.
  • Dumas was still that cunning. The newspaper in which the author was published paid by the line. To earn money, the king of feuilletons invented and placed in the novel a servant of one of the musketeers, Grimaud, who was not known for his verbosity. Monosyllabic answers to questions—“yes” or “no”—were calculated at the cost of a full line. However, the publishers accepted the second novel for publication on the condition that they would pay per word, so Grimaud suddenly started talking.

  • IN different sources There are different dates for the creation of the film by Yungvald-Khilkevich. The fact is that the film was ready in 1978, but the premiere on central television took place a year later. The reason is that the screenwriter and songwriter were suing the director.
  • The group "Bolan and Bolan" from Holland in 2003 staged a gala concert with the play "The Three Musketeers", consisting of music and dance. It is noteworthy that during the tour around the world the performance was performed in four languages ​​- Dutch, French, German and English.


“My enemies deserve to die, but must rest in peace. After all, they also believed in something. We all believe. Even the worst of us."
“One day I realized that honoring the Lord and wearing a cassock are not always the same thing.”
“Well, if you saw Paris, you might as well die.”
"True love lasts until the morning."
“- Poor Aramis! He was such... a handsome, modest, graceful young man! And he wrote some good poetry! They say he ended badly...
- Very bad. He became an abbot."

Name: Igor Starygin

Age: 63 years old

Place of Birth: Moscow

A place of death: Moscow

Activity: theater and film actor

Family status: was married

Igor Starygin - biography

In the biography of Igor Starygin there were many women: handsome and talented, he always enjoyed success with the opposite sex. Even when he grew old, lost his job and his health, there was someone who helped and supported him.

On that fateful day, Ekaterina Tabashnikova walked into her husband’s room and froze in horror. He sat awkwardly in a chair, leaning to one side. With shaking hands, the woman dialed the ambulance number... Stroke.

The situation was critical: a blood clot had blocked an artery, and the right hemisphere of the brain was damaged. Starygin had been suffering from atherosclerosis for several years; he even had five operations on blood vessels, but this did not save him.

At the hospital, doctors managed to destroy the blood clot using medications. The actor was connected to a ventilator, but then bilateral pneumonia began. To top it all off, Igor Vladimirovich had a heart attack...

Three severe illness immediately at 63 years old! The doctors understood that the star had little chance of survival. The only person, who continued to believe in a successful outcome was his wife Catherine. For a whole month she massaged her paralyzed husband’s arms, legs, abdomen, and back. She shaved, washed, fed through a tube and sat by his bed for hours, talking about her love.

All his life, Starygin was surrounded by women who were ready to do anything for him. Igor, who was born in 1946, was raised by his mother and grandmother. The father left when his son was not even two years old. The boy sorely needed someone nearby who would teach him to believe in himself, take responsibility and deal with problems on his own...

“I had a nickname in my yard, Granny,” Starygin told his biography. - Because if I was offended, I immediately shouted: “Ba-bu-la!”, and she rushed to the rescue. Probably, since then I love to be “in the cradle” so that they take care of me...

Surprisingly, the ladies willingly took on this role. He lost his virginity already in the eighth grade, when an older girl, who invited him to tea, decisively pushed handsome Igor onto his bed without much conversation. He did not resist - he preferred that women act on their own.

I should have made it clear that I didn't mind, that's all. She was already mine. It's easy to conquer me! - the actor recalled.

Starygin was sure that it was thanks to women that he moved through life. He became an actor only because he wanted to play with the girl he was in love with. I got into my first sensational film, “We’ll Live Until Monday,” not without the participation of a young assistant director, but at GITIS - also because I charmed admissions committee, in which there were many ladies...

It is not surprising that Igor got married for the first time early, when he was still a student.

She and I took the entrance exams together, then studied in the same group,” Starygin said. - A sweet girl with a chiseled figure. At first I perceived her simply as a fellow student, but then I saw a woman in her. Everything happened by itself, and, like a decent person, I married her.

However, the student marriage lasted only a year.

It was such legalized sex,” the actor laughed, “but for a real family you need something more.”

Stole a friend's pregnant wife

What exactly - he realized when he saw his wife best friend directed by Boris Ardov. Mika had already given her husband a child and was pregnant with her second daughter, but this did not stop Starygin.

I was madly in love! - he explained. -And it was impossible to stop me. As a result, Mika left her husband... Borya asked: “Will you raise my children? You’re still a kid yourself!” I said, "Why not?"

Mika was the most great love Starygina, gave birth to his daughter Anastasia. However, this circumstance did not keep him from having love affairs on the side. Fans watched in droves for the actor near the theater and near his house. The situation became especially unbearable for the wife after the film “D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers,” in which her husband played Aramis.

Igor Starygin: all the “Musketeers” girls are common

On the set, the actors decided that they should imitate their on-screen heroes in life. According to Starygin, everything beautiful girls Lvov, where the film was filmed, we visited the rooms of the “musketeers”.

The funny thing is that when director Georgy Yungvald-Khilkevich compared our “girlfriends” and those “maids of honor” who were recruited as extras for, he was perplexed. He even yelled at his assistants: “Look what kind of kikimoras you bring me, and what queens are with these drunken musketeers!” - Starygin recalled.

At the same time, the actors had a rule: all the girls were common. But one day Aramis refused to introduce his friends to a beautiful lady, for which he was nicknamed... Gyurza.

She and I had mutual feelings. After a night of love, I come to breakfast in the morning. And these “musketeers” all look at me like wolves. They sit and are silent. They were offended, you see. And then Smirnitsky says to me: “Well, you bastard! A real snake." - “Gyurza!” - picked up. So this nickname remained with me.

Igor’s wife, Mika, forgave her husband’s infidelities for 12 years in order to save the family, but at some point her patience ran out. Women began to come to the actor’s home, and to top it all off, he began a serious affair. In 1978, when his wife gave birth to his daughter Nastya, Igor decided to leave the family. The actor’s third wife was a ballerina, the fourth was a producer from Sverdlovsk, but he ran away from each of them within a year.

One day, when Starygin began to have problems with both health and work, he decided to return to his Mika. And she forgave him! But as soon as he recovered, he left again.

IN last years the actor was going through difficult times. Past Glory left, he earned pennies in the theater.

I had a difficult period. They stopped offering roles. Old diseases have come out in a heap. And the actor's pension is only 4,000 rubles. I even started drinking and thinking, why do I need such a worthless life... - said Starygin.

The daughter communicated with her father, but could not provide serious support, and Starygin had no other official children. True, when he was once again hospitalized, his illegitimate son visited him. This fact did not surprise the actor at all.

I was always prepared for the fact that one day a guy would come up to me, punch me in the face and say: “This is for you, bastard, for abandoning my mother!” Then I’ll dry myself and say: “Well, I’m sorry, old man, that’s what happened.”

The son who showed up did not hit his parent. On the contrary, he helped - he bought medicine and... disappeared forever.

I was really looking forward to it. I was waiting for a call. I was waiting for a letter. But silence. Nothing! I am still hurt and offended that he no longer appeared in my unlucky life... - Igor Vladimirovich lamented.

Sick and lonely again, he vegetated in his apartment. And once again he was saved by a woman, photo editor Ekaterina Tabashnikova, 20 years younger than Starygin.

“I remember in what bad condition I found him when we met,” the widow recalls. “He didn’t have long to die.” He was without work, without money. There was no health at all. He often fainted and hit his head.

We will start, of course, with the hero of the day - Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, People's Artist of Russia Valentin Smirnitsky.

The unsurpassed Porthos is a lover of delicious food, imposingly talking about “high” things, while fending off Aramis in sharp dialogues. And you can’t play this without personal charm. And in his “non-cinema” life, Valentin Georgievich is indeed endowed with culinary talents and loves to eat delicious food that he has prepared with his own hands.

After his most “star” role, there were many others, but the role of Porthos forever “sat” on the actor like a glove.

To this day, Valentin Georgievich continues his acting career both in cinema - the actor has an average of 2-3 roles per year - and in the theater - in enterprises.

Successes in cinema in recent years are associated with the sensational “Legend No. 17” and the very recent 2014 film about the great scientist Sergei Pavlovich Korolev from director Yuri Kara, called “Chief Designer”.

Heroes of foreign films and cartoon characters also speak in Porthos’ voice: he has been dubbing live-action and animated films for many years. Valentin Smirnitsky even became the voice of Depardieu in the film adaptation of the French version of the novel “The Three Musketeers”.

And shortly before his 70th birthday, Porthos proved that his soul does not age: he caused a scandal on board a plane flying from Spain. But they don’t hold a grudge against him - he’s a musketeer!

Valentin Smirnitsky.

Count of blue bloods Athos - Veniamin Smekhov

When the premiere of Sergei Zhigunov’s film “The Three Musketeers” took place in the Oktyabr cinema in 2013, Veniamin Smekhov did not refuse the invitation and attended the screening, being the only one of the former musketeers who came to watch New film on an old topic.

Speaking about his impressions of the film, he said: “If I wasn’t interested, I wouldn’t have come. My wife and I have a lot of other things to do. I did not compare our film with the film by Sergei Zhigunov. Guys, I think they did it, Sergei has his own finds. It's hard to judge by the cut, but I'll definitely watch it full version when the series will be shown on television." And later, in other interviews, he said that he found a lot of interesting things in the film and did not hide the fact that he really liked Constance.

But Veniamin Smekhov himself will forever be remembered by the viewer as the stunningly handsome Athos, suffering from the betrayal of his beloved.

Artist Veniamin Smekhov in Lately he films a lot and among his “fresh” works he especially notes the series “Bones” (2014), which talks about the work of anthropologists.

In addition, Veniamin Borisovich directs himself: the last of his works is documentary 2013 - “Vladimir Tendryakov. Portrait against the background of time." And Smekhov knows how to write scripts - in 2014, the documentary film “Theater on Vulcan” was released based on the script of Veniamin Smekhov.

Currently, the artist is touring with performances and creative evenings together with his daughter Alika Smekhova, who followed in her father’s footsteps and became Russian actress, pop singer and TV presenter. Athos does not lag behind his daughter and manages not only to lead television programs, but also to write books - poetry and prose.

Still from the film "The Three Musketeers"

Abbot with the sword Aramis - Igor Starygin

This dreamy blue-eyed romantic is the best swordsman in France, the most mysterious of the four musketeers, he is also the Chevalier Abbot René d'Herblay, Duke of Alameda, Bishop of Vannes. It was this role that brought real fame to the actor, now Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Igor Starygin. True, in the famous “Aramis” compositions “Even though God forbade duels ...” and “It’s nice to remember at sunset ...” the voice of the lead singer of VIA “Korobeiniki” - Vladimir Chuikin - actually sounds. The fate of Igor Starygin after the film was the same as the rest of his musketeers: he was both a presenter on television and continued to play in films and theater. One of his roles in the television series “State Border”, where he played the former tsarist officer Vladimir Danovich, became popular, and for it he received several awards and the Border Service Veteran medal.

Unfortunately, Igor Vladimirovich did not live to see his 70th birthday; he died on November 8, 2009. There is a monument to him in the Alley of Actors at the Troekurovskoye Cemetery in Moscow.

Still from the film "The Three Musketeers"

The soul of the D'Artagnan company - Mikhail Boyarsky

“A thousand devils, you rascal!” - is far from the only phrase from the film that has become a catchphrase. And the role of D’Artagnan itself for Mikhail Boyarsky became the starting point for takeoff and universal recognition.

After The Three Musketeers, Boyarsky not only successfully acted in film, but also sang. All of Russia is familiar with D’Artagnan’s unique performance style and unique timbre of voice. To date, Boyarsky has written more than 600 songs, many of them became hits.

Boyarsky, like Veniamin Smekhov, has a beautiful daughter, Liza, who also followed in her father’s footsteps. This is already the third generation of the Boyarsky acting dynasty.

The former D'Artagnan does not betray himself: in interviews he has more than once admitted that he is a conservative and a supporter of the monarchy, an opponent of communist views.

Still from the film "The Three Musketeers"

This was probably the most frank interview actor Starygina about life. ABOUT Galina Brezhneva And Stanislav Rostotsky, O Lyubov Orlova And Faina Ranevskaya, about stealing money from his grandfather... After several hours of conversation, both had a strong desire to make a book. “Just not banal memories,” asked Igor Vladimirovich. Did not have time.

Igor Starygin: Having sent everyone home, Galka Brezhneva said to me: “Get in my car.” And when we entered the entrance of the famous building on Granovsky Street, she asked: “Would you like some coffee?” I didn’t even have time to think about anything, I just shrugged my shoulders. “Okay, wait, and I’ll see what’s in the apartment.” As soon as she entered the elevator, two big guys were next to me. “Boy, where do you live?” - “On Ordynka.” — Do you see a Volga with a blue flashing light? Get into the car quickly and don’t let us see you again.” A couple of minutes later, having reached my house, the driver literally shook me out: “Get out!”

Tatyana Ulanova, AiF: Did you have an affair with the daughter of the Secretary General?

- Romance - it is said loudly, so, a short acquaintance. The creators of the film “State Border,” in which I participated, planned a screening for Border Guard Day. But at first, the leadership of the union republic, and then the head of central television Lapin, did not like the film (the first two episodes), shot at Belarusfilm. Then one of the screenwriters Alexey Nagorny turned for help to his classmate Galina Brezhneva, who worked at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

“Organize a show, and I’ll call the guys I know who are diplomats,” answered the secretary general’s daughter. After watching it, she called her dad: “I saw such a cool film today... But for some reason they don’t let it pass...” “Who doesn’t miss it?” - “Yes, there’s someone there...” Leonid Ilyich pressed one button or two on the phone, but a week later the film was safely released on television. And, although Brezhnev himself did not see the film, the argument “Jackdaw liked it” was very weighty. After the premiere, the daughter of the Secretary General arranged a luxurious banquet at the House of Journalists on Gogolevsky Boulevard. There were Nagorny, Aristarkh Livanov with my first wife, me, some other artists and cameramen, in general, no more than 10 people. True, the amount of booze on the table at first greatly surprised us: two bottles of champagne and a tiny, about three hundred grams, decanter of cognac. Well, we swallowed saliva. Nagorny poured champagne for the women and 20 grams of cognac for the men. We drank. He says: “Guys, sorry, my wife is not feeling well, I have to call.” He returned, drank with us again, had a snack and, once again asking for forgiveness, went to his sick wife at the dacha. It’s as if the jackdaw was immediately replaced! “Yes, Lyuska! - She screamed at the top of her lungs to the waitress. — Take three bottles of vodka and kvass. Put away the champagne... Take this away... Give it to me..." It was clear that Brezhneva often vacationed in Domzhur and was a kind of hostess there. Why did she take the reins of government into her own hands only with Nagorny’s departure? Maybe she respected him as a screenwriter and was embarrassed to show her real self?.. By the way, her daughter was strikingly similar to Leonid Ilyich! The voice is exactly the same as Brezhnev’s, the same as his, bright features faces... When it was time to go home, Galka quickly dialed the desired number: “Three cars to Domzhur.” At that same moment, it seems, three black Volgas were parked at the entrance. “So, Arika and his wife - there, this one - here... And you, Starygin, get into my car...” Thank God, the acquaintance with her was short. Of course, I was still a green kid, but I still figured something out. Who knows how this “romance” would have turned out. Luckily for me, the big guys at Brezhneva’s entrance were apparently well aware of Galina Leonidovna’s habits, since they rushed to send me on my way.

Blacklisted on television

— “State Border” is not your first film. You probably became famous after the film “We'll Live Until Monday”?

— It would probably be logical. Among my “schoolchildren” the main role, after the State Prize, the film was released in cinemas. But at first the film was received with caution - the teachers there are not very good... Oddly enough, “His Excellency’s Adjutant” brought me wild popularity. There was a premiere on television, the film was watched by several million viewers, and fans shouted after me for many years: “Mickey.” Then he was already eclipsed by Aramis. And, although many years have passed since the release of D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers, my name is still Aramis. It's probably very good film, if, together with Sherlock Holmes, he became a UNESCO classic, but, believe me, over the years I have become so tired of Aramis, and he is so tired of me, that we simply hate each other. Although I am grateful to fate that, in spite of everything, I filmed Yungvald-Khilkevich. Firstly, other actors auditioned for the role of Aramis - the director still won’t admit who. And secondly, the management of the Central Television did not want to approve me in any way, because shortly before filming I had a fight with Lapin’s deputy - Zhdanova.

- How did you manage?

— I appeared several times in " Blue light" - then with Pugacheva(she had just performed her first song “Harlequin”), then with Shulzhenko, with whom I danced a waltz... They noticed me and invited me to Zhdanova. (In parentheses, I note that at that time there was a program on television called “Art Lotto”, hosted by Fedor Chekhankov). Not knowing why they were calling me, I arrived in Ostankino. I wait an hour, an hour and a half. Zhdanova appears and declares from the threshold: “So, Igor, we are dismissing Chekhankov, the audience is already tired of him, so come on, broadcast the program.” "I won't." "Why? Such a funny, cheerful program...” “Yes, a vulgar program! I can't play lotto actors. This is not my profession." When I left the office, the secretary literally attacked me, who apparently heard everything. “Starygin, you're crazy! What did you say?!” Only later did I find out that I was blacklisted Central television- in good company, by the way. There were Karachentsov, Abdulov and many more good actors, excommunicated from the air for their own opinions. So, when Khilkevich did my screen tests, it was clearly explained to him that Starygin would not be in the film. We must pay tribute to the director - he fought for me to the last, almost an ultimatum to the Central Television Directorate: “I won’t film without Starygin.” And he won.

— Stanislav Rostotsky didn’t have to fight for you at one time?

- I hope no. Although, even when filming began, he continued to doubt that I should play Kostya Batishchev. By the way, when I was invited to this role and sent the script, I was a 4th year student at GITIS and at first refused to act. I wasn’t very interested in cinema; I knew, of course, Rostotsky, but I didn’t treat him with due reverence. Besides, it was summer, and the student team and I were going to go to Bratsk for concerts to earn money. In general, I threw the script away and forgot about it. But after some time they called me again and invited me to a photo test. And soon they called me to filming. I was taken aback: “What kind of shooting, were there no screen tests?..” The next day at eight in the morning there was a car parked at the entrance of my house on Smolensky Boulevard. At the film studio they gave me a nondescript gray shirt and “homemade” jeans... And Rostotsky I just returned from America, where I traveled with my painting. Handsome dude. In a cowboy hat, some kind of sports jacket, unusual for those times, brought from overseas... He looked at me appraisingly: “Not that!..” - and handed over his jacket. I shot the entire film in it.

It is curious that Stanislav Iosifovich did not teach us anything, although all of us who played schoolchildren were still very young. The director simply gathered our “class”, we sat like around a fire, and he talked about the war (despite the fact that after being wounded he had problems with his leg, Rostotsky loved to remember the years at the front), about his personal life, about how filmed “It Was About Penkov” and how he tormented Vyacheslav Tikhonov, forcing him to be an unwashed, unshaven collective farmer... And then an episode is filmed when the girl reads her essay: “I want to have two girls and two boys... Isn’t it work to be a mother?” Suddenly - a remark from my slightly cynical hero: “Svetlana Sergeevna, she wants to have children from her legal husband, not from someone else, what’s wrong with that?” Well, they took it off. During the break we go down the school stairs. Rostotsky says: “If you had been vulgar in this phrase, I would have replaced you. And you said it casually, and your image won the day - Batishchev is not vulgar...” Can you imagine what it was like for me to hear that! He didn’t explain how to play, what intonation to speak with. I just felt it.

For "chench" he was taken to the police station

- Lucky you, Igor Vladimirovich! Did you also get into college the first time?

- Certainly. Moreover, at the same time - both at the Moscow Art Theater School and at GITIS. But I didn’t get into Shchukinskoye - my father died on the eve of the exam. Mom later even went to rector Zahava, he said: “Of course, of course, this is the situation - let Igor retake the test...” I thought that this was wrong, I showed my integrity. And I don't regret it. Although I didn’t dream of being an actor, I was going to law school. It’s just that there were exams for theater universities earlier - all my friends took them, and I went along with the company. As a result, I entered alone.

— Were your parents lawyers?

- What do you! My mother didn’t have time to get a profession at all - at the age of 18 she already gave birth to me. And when I was 9 months old, my dad left us. Then I met with him three times, I was very worried when my father passed away. Mom spent her entire life searching for herself, her love, and often left home. I had several stepfathers whom I respected very much. But most of the time my grandmother took care of me. We had a three-room apartment on Smolenskaya, which in the 20s of the last century was given to my grandfather, who worked in security Stalin. And there were five of us living there: my mother, my grandparents, my mother’s brother and me. Granny told me that during the war, a woman was moved into one of the rooms, and since then strangers have always lived in it. All my relatives come from the Ryazhsky district of the Ryazan region. There were two villages there - the Frolovs and the Kosyrevs. When it was necessary to sign for a telegram or a pension, the semi-literate grandmother would pronounce her name syllable by syllable and slowly write: But how she felt people! Grandfather worked with Yezhov, whom grandmother simply hated. Grandfather didn’t say anything about his service, but grandma always accurately defined: good man or bad. She herself never worked (first she raised my mother, then me), she was a housewife all her life and was an excellent cook. My classmates at GITIS, among whom there were only four Muscovites along with me, dreamed of coming to my homemade pies. Grandma understood: the kids didn’t need any specialties; it was better to prepare something that they could take with them to the dorm. And the friends were happy. By the way, when I entered college, my grandmother gave me one room and then never entered it without knocking. It doesn’t matter whether I was alone or with the guys. She was such an illiterate, wise grandmother.

Igor Starygin on set feature film"Seven Elements" Photo: RIA Novosti / Galina Kmit

— It turns out that you were going to law school in the footsteps of your grandfather?

- Yes, I didn’t know anything about his work. Not just me, none of my relatives. Grandfather carried everything within himself. In recent years, when he had already retired, I often saw him standing at the window with Belomor. Grandfather smoked a lot and drank two bottles of port a day. And he talked to himself all the time. About what? The Lord will forgive me if I’m wrong, but it seems to me that his soul was restless; my grandfather was atoning for his sins. Did he judge himself, make excuses to someone, or ask God for forgiveness? Don't know. My grandfather took this secret with him... In a word, I cannot now explain why I wanted to go to law school. I was closer to acting. At the age of 12 he played “Moidodyr” in the Ogonyok camp of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It’s evening, there’s a fire, the pioneers are sitting around, and I, in long black shorts, are portraying “the boss’s washbasins and the commander’s washcloths.” Then some unsuccessful actor staged a play about virgin lands at our school, and in my role I happily courted Katya, whom I really liked at the time... My mother’s influence also came into play. For several years she worked as a cashier at a theater box office - she sat in a booth near the Sokol metro station, and I often came to see her after school. It was interesting to watch how a man, sticking his head through the window, asked: “Is there a Sovremennik?” “With a load,” my mother answered. And she gave one ticket to Sovremennik and two to the theater. Gogol. Or one at the Moscow Art Theater and two at the decade of Kazakh art... Mom herself was an avid theatergoer and often took me with her. For me it was a real punishment. What theater? I'm a boy. I wanted to buy badges with curly-haired Lenin and exchange them on Red Square with foreigners for “chuingvam,” that is, for “chewing gum.” And, although I was once taken to the police station for this “church,” the prospect of making money on chewed “chewing gum” attracted me more than any high-class performance.

- Sorry?

- Oh, yes, your generation didn’t see this. We then had our own price list, or price list, as they would say today: one day of chewing gum - 10 kopecks, half a day - 15, and if it’s two or three hours (as they say, “from mouth to mouth”) - all 20. It was practically self-earned money, with which you could buy ice cream or chocolate. But one day, I confess, I sinned - I climbed into my grandfather’s bottom drawer of the closet and found there a pack of crisp, as if just printed, five-ruble notes. I was about eight years old, I didn’t know whether five rubles was a lot or not, but, taking one bill, I decided to go to the Minutka cafe near my house. I bought a chocolate bar, treated it to my friend Borka in the yard... And suddenly I saw my mother and grandmother coming out of the entrance. And my face is covered in chocolate, I have change in my hand... I immediately threw the money into the bushes, but did not have time to wipe it off. “Where did you get the chocolate?” - Mom asked sternly. “I bought it,” I answered without having time to write anything. "Bought? For what?" It wasn't hard to get me to tell the truth. My mother took me to a cafe and gave the saleswoman a scandal for selling chocolate to the child. I don’t know whether this story reached my grandfather. However, when I was already studying at the institute, he himself often asked me: “What, do you need money?..” And he gave it for ice cream, for beer, for girls...

Mom cried when I played the crocodile

— By the way, about studying. They didn’t want to be an actor, they didn’t like theater, they entered GITIS for the company. How did you finish it?

- With honors. The only one on the course. Moreover, I learned incredibly easily! And everything went so well that in my fourth year I was even entrusted with playing Khlestakov in the graduation performance “The Inspector General,” although at first this role was rehearsed by another student. Well, I played. Without false modesty, I will say that all of Moscow came to watch. But at that time four “Inspector Generals” were running in the city at the same time. Khlestakov played at the Maly Theater Yuri Solomin, at the Moscow Art Theater - Vyacheslav Nevinny. Another performance was staged at the Shchukin School... As a result, at the “Theatrical Spring” festival, our production was recognized as the best, and I was recognized as the best Khlestakov.

— And then you experienced “star fever” for the first time?

- No! No!! And no!!! Neither then, nor before, nor after The Musketeers did I suffer from this disease. God saved me from harm. And why was there any need to get sick? After GITIS, I couldn’t get into any theater for quite a long time. Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Evstigneev, with whom I starred in the film “Accused of Murder,” once asked: “Would you like to play in Sovremennik?” After some time he brought me to look at me Galina Volchek, and a little later I was invited to Oleg Nikolaevich Efremov. "How old are you?" - he asked. And I think I was 22 years old and was threatened by the army. And Efremov, after thinking, said: “No, we won’t get you off.” I admit, I dreamed of working at Sovremennik and at the same time was terribly afraid of getting hired. Why? But you can’t command me. Well, what kind of soldier am I? I would either sit in the toilet or wash it... Then I went to the theater. Gogol and heard from Boris Golubovsky: “Old man, you, of course, are a good artist, but I need professionals, and you’re still so raw...” A year later, already an actor at the Youth Theater, I met him at the counter of the VTO restaurant: “Or maybe come to our theater?” - he asked.

Actors Igor Starygin (Aramis), Valentin Smirnitsky (Porthos), Veniamin Smekhov (Athos) and Mikhail Boyarsky (D'Artagnan) (from left to right) on film set the film “Return of the Musketeers” by director Georgy Yungvald-Khilkevich. Photo: RIA Novosti

I felt funny... He invited me and Andrey Alexandrovich Goncharov. But something didn’t work out either. And here is my classmate Vitya Zubok showed up with the mayor from “The Inspector General” at the Youth Theater and asked to play along with him. “Okay, a bottle of port is yours,” I said. That's what they decided on. I was relaxed, didn’t think about anything and easily, as if casually, threw out remarks. He was accepted into the theater. And a couple of days later the Youth Theater administration found me: “Igor, would you like to play with us?” So I became an actor in this theater, where, by the way, I was excused from the army, and where for six years I played wonderful roles of a crocodile, a hare, a sixth leaf... Yes, yes, I did not dream of the Youth Theater, for a long time I thought that it was puppet show, thinking jokingly: “I, the best Khlestakov in the world, and in the Youth Theater?!” But, by the way, if we could now bring together the actors who then played in the Youth Theater, it would be one of the best theaters in the world. They served there Liya Akhedzhakova, Tamara Degtyareva, Inna Churikova, Volodya Kachan...All these years, my mother came every day at 10 o’clock from Davydkovo, where she lived then, to watch my performances. Then she said: “Son! I love the way you play the crocodile.” And for some reason she certainly cried. “Mom, don’t shed crocodile tears!” — her son calmed her down.

Igor Starygin. Photo:

What did we not do there! For example, in “The Arrogant Bunny” I was a hare (later I was recognized as the best hare Soviet Union), A Volodya Kachan- a wolf. And just imagine: there are parents with their children in the hall. Volodya plays the guitar and sings in a wolf’s voice: “The earth is empty without you...” And I answer him squeaky: “How can I live for a few minutes...” The children, of course, did not understand anything. But the adults literally fell from their chairs laughing.

By the way, it was with the Youth Theater that I went on tour in Bulgaria, which, I’m sure, the whole troupe later remembered for a very long time. In those years, money was taken abroad as best as possible, in a variety of places. I stuffed my 100 rubles deep into the makeup box. But they still had to be exchanged somehow. On the very first day, while the artists were hanging out at the banquet, I quietly slipped away to my room and, looking around like Stirlitz, took out a hidden bill. I go down to the exchange office in the hall and, still not believing that the operation will be successful, I ask the girl in the window in a whisper: “Are you changing Russian money?” “We’ll change it, let’s do it faster,” she replies just as quietly. A couple of days later we had free time, and all the actors, as one, rushed to the main street. Shopping. They returned to the hotel with huge bags, but when asked “What did you buy?” everyone answered: “Yes, souvenirs...”, “Yes, for my wife.” little present...” Everyone understood that the money was smuggled in illegally, and where the poor artists got it from is a completely separate question. Of course, we saved as much as we could. They brought sausage and canned food with them, and put aside their daily allowance. Having collected everything I had, I also went shopping. There was just enough money for a leather jacket. At that time - a pipe dream! There was nothing like this in the Union for a long time. With a huge package, happy, I return to the hotel. We arrive in Moscow. We're going on vacation. And in early September we meet at the first meeting of the troupe. I'm naturally in new jacket. I enter the hall... A playwright at this point would write: “Silent stage”... This was not a Youth Theatre. It was the Cheka. It turned out that besides me, most of the artists of our theater bought the same brown, beautiful chocolate-colored jackets. Only Chomsky distinguished himself. His jacket was black. Like the head of the Cheka... Fortunately, we had enough sense of humor to start laughing. Then some began to alter the buttons, others cut off the buckles... In general, it was not in vain that we went to Bulgaria!

Igor Starygin as Andrei (left) and Siegfried Glatzeder as Kurt Van in the film “Cities and Years,” 1973. Directed by Alexander Zarkhi. Studio "Mosfilm". Photo: RIA Novosti / V. Krechet

Borrowed money from Lyubov Orlova

- If it was so good at the Youth Theater, why did you leave there?

— Zavadsky called to the theater. Mossovet for the role in the play “The Last Victim” - in the second cast, under Bortnikova. I remember they call from Zavadsky: “Could you come to Yuri Alexandrovich tomorrow? Will seven o'clock suit you?" "Yes, sure". “Excuse me, at seven o’clock in the morning...” I was almost speechless, and the man on the phone continued: “... Yuri Alexandrovich gets up at five...” I was overcome with horror. Winter. Freezing. It's still dark in the morning. There's no money for a taxi... Well, I'm coming. Zavadsky hands over his business card: “Go to any performances, take a closer look at the theater...” Nothing specific! Going to leave. Yuri Aleksandrovich walks with me into the hallway and, pointing to an old, shabby coat, asks: “Yours?..” He takes it off the hanger and holds it behind my back to help me get dressed. “Yur... Sanych,” I say, stuttering, “no need, I myself...” “Nothing, nothing, this is our Moscow hospitality.”

The second time I was stunned was when, six months later, he introduced me to the troupe. I needed to come forward so everyone could see the newcomer. And as soon as I left, I was stunned. In the front row sat: Orlova, Maretskaya, Plyatt, Zhzhenov, Ranevskaya, Markov, Talyzina, Bestaeva... I was ready to faint and never get up again. How to play with THESE? In "The Last Victim", for example, I had love with Nelly Pshennoy, then with Valechka Talyzina. Nelly is a charming, sexy lady, Valechka is older, simpler. And I just couldn’t manage to warm up to her, I wasn’t drawn to her - that’s all... With Lyubanechka Orlova(she really loved being called that) I didn’t have to play, but there was one performance when I was literally pushed onto the stage instead of someone. In a tailcoat with a bow tie, I had to portray a waiter bringing out a tray with two glasses of champagne. And I was shaking so much with fear that the tray was literally shaking, I had to support the glasses with one hand. Lyubov Petrovna raised her eyebrows: “Who is this?..” True, this did not affect her attitude towards me, and many colleagues even believed that she loved me, and on tour they often sent her to borrow money. One day I knock on the door: “Lyubanechka, it’s me, Igor Starygin...” “Yes, Igor, now...” It turns out - so small, graceful, in a robe. I lower my eyes: “Salary in three days... If you could... ten rubles...” She brings out a ten and in a stern teacher’s voice says: “But only for bread!..”

Despite her position, age, and husband, Lyubanechka behaved as if she did not feel her “superstardom.” In any case, she seemed to me to be a simple woman, without whims. There were many such actors in this theater. And Plyatt, and Markov, and Zhzhenov were absolutely normal men, because the richer a person is in talent and intelligence, the simpler he is. For example, when I first came to the theater, I had to immediately rehearse with Rostislav Yanovich Plyatt in the play “Singing Sands”. He was charming, charming, intelligent person, who not only never stooped to be rude to the barmaids, but also called everyone names. Me, the boy, including. He showed neither his own importance nor his “stardom.” Maybe that's why everyone adored him? It seems to me that he had neither envious people nor enemies. And how could you not be with him? good relations, even if he made comments to me, a boy, in such a tone as if he was giving compliments: “Igor, what is your line here?.. But there should be another...” “Oh, Rostislav Yanych, I was mistaken...”. “Please keep this in mind, okay? Well, that’s it, that’s it...” By the way, when a year later my probation in the theater and the issue had to be resolved to give me the certificate of an actor of the theater. Mossovet or not, it was Plyatt who expressed his opinion, after which no one dared to object. Zavadsky, theater director Losev, Talyzina, Zhzhenov, and Plyatt were sitting in the office. Rostislav Yanovich stood up: “You took a hero... And he is an amazingly funny, characterful artist. It's so easy with him! He has such a sense of humor! And for this I would take him to our team.” And everyone applauded. He was great. Number one. I could become the main director of the theater and do nothing at the same time. It would be a crazy advertisement: “Plyatt. Theater named after Mossovet". But he, of course, refused.

Rostislav Yanovich Plyatt (1908-1989), National artist THE USSR. Photo: RIA Novosti / Vasily Malyshev

Tossed around like... a flower in an ice hole

What kind of actor was he? Leonid Vasilievich Markov! Now there are no such people and, I’m afraid, there won’t be any more. Like my partner in the film “His Excellency’s Adjutant” Nikolai Gritsenko, Markov could play literally anything. He was both a crazy hero and a character artist. Powerful, simply huge in appearance (he and his sister Rimma Markova are very similar), with a good sense of humor and... blue eyes. It was impossible to look through them. A little spark of life lived there all the time - a funny sparkle. As soon as he squinted one eye, I immediately fell down laughing. And how Markov played tricks on stage! In one performance I played a young Komsomol member, and he played a leader. I come to him, all offended: “Look at my hands! They require calluses. I want to work, not write some articles. Give me a shovel! Sitting at the table, Markov looks at the outstretched hands. Then he rises from the chair, leans his body towards my hands, sniffs them in all seriousness and sits down. Well, what kind of performance is this? I laughed and left the stage.

Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, People's Artist of the USSR (1985) Leonid Vasilyevich Markov (1927-1991). Photo: RIA Novosti

In The Tsar's Hunt he played Orlov, and I played a spy who keeps an eye on him at the instigation of Catherine. Markov is in a beam of light, having a monologue. The situation is tragic: he deceived a woman. At this time, I am in the background, having nothing better to do, watching the hall. And there the spectators are all covered in snot and tears, sniffling, makeup smeared on their faces... With the words “Forgive me,” Markov takes the ring off his finger and throws it into the distance. Then he quickly turns and, heading backstage, says to me: “Starygin, I have two hundred grams of cognac left, come in...”.

Hooligan in in a good way the words were and Iya Sergeevna Savvina. In the play “Possible Options,” she played my mother-in-law, and I played the son-in-law who hated her. The mother-in-law says to the son-in-law: “You see, Igor... I thought today...” And suddenly it bursts out of me: “What are you saying?...” “Bitch!” - Savvina answers me loudly. A tough actress, Iya Sergeevna could even swear on stage. But this performance was staged, and she instantly reacted to my attack.

Perhaps only one woman among us kept herself to herself. Ranevskaya. But everyone knows about this, Faina Georgievna was a very lonely person, had no friends. And only Rita Terekhova and Marina Neyolova were friends with her and helped her clean the apartment. And all the same, it was incredibly difficult for Ranevskaya, she asked: “Please find me a housekeeper, otherwise they have all gone to be artists.” I played with her in The Last Victim. But “played” comes later. I don't remember the first performance. This is what happens in boxing: a blow to the jaw and you float away, not realizing anything. After the premiere, as usual, there was a banquet. The tables have already been set and the glasses filled. Ranevskaya is not there. I ask someone: “What about Faina Georgievna?” “Old man, she hasn’t been going anywhere for a long time. But, of course, run and call...” Everyone except me already knew that it was useless. Ranevskaya arrived two hours before the performance and paraded along the corridor, thinking either about life, or about the role, or about everything at once. And after the performance, for a long time, without taking off her costume, she sat at the table, just looking in the mirror. I didn’t know this then, I ran to her dressing room... By the way, Faina Georgievna never said anything just like that. All comments were to the point, although her tongue was very sharp, and she used words forcefully. Even Zavadsky. A man of the old school, Yuri Alexandrovich even powdered himself before the troupe gathered. We sat, waited for him, and when he appeared, Faina Georgievna said: “Here they come... powdered eggs.” I don't think anyone was offended by her. Some didn’t pay attention: they said the fool said something again. Others listened. Then she honored me with only one phrase - through the mirror: “Well, what?.. You were dangling, of course, like... a flower in an ice hole... But you will play!” It was a compliment in advance, from happiness I even forgot why I came... Then we rehearsed at her house (she lived not far from the theater). I came. Ranevskaya was reclining on the sofa, and each time with the words “Well, come on, baby...” she began the “rehearsal”: “So, here I am, that means I’m running, here I’m leaving... I’m sitting down...” I could only assent. And Malysh, by the way, was the name of her favorite dog. When Faina Georgievna died, the Kid did not leave for a long time from the place where the urn with Ranevskaya’s ashes was buried, did not let anyone near the owner and was ready to tear apart anyone who approached.

- I can’t believe that in the theater. There were no intrigues in the Moscow City Council. You and Gennady Bortnikov were simply rivals, playing in the same play...

- And what? I am not a confrontational person, I don’t know how to use my elbows. He showed everything he was capable of on stage. For 11 years in this theater I had only three performances where I played in the first cast. In general, it was considered “silver”, but often, according to colleagues, it was better than “gold”. And Gena is an intelligent person. I remember there is a performance. I'm on stage. Second act. And then one of the colleagues whispers: “Bortnikov is in the hall!..” But what about in the theater? If you want to ruin someone's performance, sit in the second row and don't take your eyes off this artist - he won't be able to play. I’m still amazed how I survived. It’s good that I didn’t find out about this in the first act. I finished playing to the end, I’m sitting in the dressing room. Suddenly there is a knock on the door. Bortnikov enters with flowers: “Old man! Congratulations!.." Honestly, I was stunned. I doubt that it was hypocrisy... Without intrigue, of course, no theater can exist. But Gennady Leonidovich and I later went to joint concerts and meetings with audiences more than once. And nothing!

— Igor Vladimirovich, you were married several times. But at the same time, they managed to never marry a film actress, although they starred with the first beauties: Irina Pechernikova, Margarita Terekhova, Olga Ostroumova, Barbara Brylska... What is the secret? Don't you fall in love with your partners?

- How can you play love without having any feelings for the actress? I can not do that. With Olechka, after the film “We'll Live Until Monday,” the audience simply married us; with Irochka we played spouses; with Barbara, we played lovers in Zarkhi’s film “Cities and Years”... An interesting story, by the way, happened to her in Germany. Barbara’s husband came from Warsaw for one day. We bought a cake and champagne, we are sitting in the hotel, celebrating his arrival. Suddenly Barbara receives a call from the police: “The window of your car was broken.” I don’t know how it is now, but then the Germans really didn’t like the Poles, and the Poles didn’t like the Germans. And such cases were not uncommon. A few minutes later, a policeman comes into the room to make a list of stolen items. And everything was torn out by the roots - the radio, the speakers... So what do you think Barbara is doing? Clever woman, an inventive actress, she begins to list what she thinks might be in the car: “Shoes - 500 marks, gold lighter - 2000 marks...” “Excuse me what?” — the policeman apparently thought he had misheard. In a calm tone, Barbara repeated in German: “The lighter is gold - 2000 marks.” Believe it or not, there were enough things in the car to buy an apartment. The most amazing thing is that the Germans paid for everything! That's what talent means! However, that meeting left Barbara and her husband, the chief gynecologist in Warsaw, with more touching memories: it was on that day that they conceived a child. Today, however, she would be forced to pay a hefty penalty - according to the contract, the actress does not have the right to become pregnant during filming. At the same time, half the film was shot, the costumes had to be altered, and a stunt double had to be invited. We got out of it... In a word, I actually acted in films with beautiful actresses, wonderful partners. And in life I loved beautiful women.

As a child, Igor Starygin dreamed of becoming a scout, but fate decreed otherwise. During his life, the talented actor managed to star in approximately 40 films and TV series. He is best remembered for his role as Aramis in the film adaptation of Dumas’s work “D’Artagnan and the Three Musketeers.” Igor died back in 2009, but is still not forgotten by fans. What can you tell about the artist, his work and personal life?

Igor Starygin: family, childhood

The hero of this article was born in Moscow, this happened in June 1946. Igor Starygin was born into a family far from the world of dramatic art. His father was a civilian pilot, and his mother worked at different jobs.

The father left the family when the boy was not yet a year old. The mother tried to feed the family and devoted little time to her son. The child's upbringing was mainly done by the grandparents. Igor admired his grandfather, an NKVD employee. He wanted to become a scout to be like him. He liked to play with his grandfather's weapons. The boy also enjoyed reading detective stories.

Choice of profession

In the fifth grade, Igor Starygin began studying at theater studio. He did not take this hobby seriously. The boy liked the process of preparing for performances rather than the actual performance on stage. He was attracted by the opportunity to create scenery and watch the girls sew costumes.

In high school, Igor had no doubt that he would continue his education at the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University. Starygin went to enroll in a theater university with friends. Unexpectedly for everyone, and first of all for himself, he became a student at GITIS. Vasily Aleksandrovich Orlov took the talented young man into his workshop.


Igor Starygin graduated from GITIS in 1968. The aspiring actor brilliantly played Khlestakov in the graduation performance “The Inspector General”. The Moscow Youth Theater hospitably opened its doors to him; Igor spent about six years serving in this theater. Then, for ten years, Starygin performed on the stage of the Mossovet Theater.

In 1983, Igor’s collaboration with the theater-studio “U” began. Nikitsky Gate“, where Mark Rozovsky invited him. His main achievement was the role of Johannes in the production of “The Diary of a Seducer.” In 1996, the actor moved to the Moscow Art Theater named after M. Gorky, which he left in 2000.

From obscurity to fame

GITIS students were strictly forbidden to act in films. From the biography of Igor Starygin it follows that he violated this ban more than once. The young man first appeared on the set in 1967. Igor performed minor role in the war drama "Retribution". The screening of the film was postponed for political reasons, so Starygin’s “crime” went unnoticed.

The next film role gave the GITIS student his first fans. When Starygin came to audition for the film “We’ll Live Until Monday” for the first time, Stanislav Rostotsky refused him. However, then Igor was contacted and asked to come for approval.

The student brilliantly played the role of high school student Kostya Batishchev. His character became a cold, insensitive, arrogant and spoiled young man. Such a hero could not help but attract attention. The film “We'll Live Until Monday” fell in love with thousands of viewers, and Starygin gained his first fans.

First roles

After graduating from GITIS, Igor Starygin began actively acting in films. The directors were happy to offer roles to the talented, attractive and charming guy. In 1969, the mini-series “His Excellency’s Adjutant”, which is based on real events that took place during the years civil war. Igor got a small but bright role. He played the charming lieutenant Mickey.

This was followed by one of the main roles in the crime drama Charged with Murder. The film tells the story of how a group of drunken young men beat up a couple in love. Then the actor appeared in the biographical drama “ an old house", which is dedicated to the life of the philosopher, revolutionary and writer A. I. Herzen.

Directors often assigned roles to Starygin negative characters. This is exactly what he got to play in the film adaptation famous work Stendhal "Red and Black". In this film, the actor embodied the image of the Marquis Norbert de la Mole.

Finest hour

The taste of real fame was felt in 1979 by Igor Starygin. The actor’s filmography was supplemented by the mini-series “D’Artagnan and the Three Musketeers,” the plot of which was borrowed from the famous work of Dumas. The musical adventure comedy by Georgy Yungvald-Khilkevich was an extraordinary success among the audience. The story of four friends who were ready to sacrifice their lives for each other has sank into the hearts of many. Songs from the picture were sung long years.

Igor got the role of the handsome aristocrat Aramis. His hero is a musketeer with an attractive appearance and big success among women. Initially, Yungvald-Khilkevich planned to entrust this role to Abdulov. Mikhail Boyarsky drew the director's attention to the actor Starygin. He convinced the master to look at the painting “His Excellency’s Adjutant.” Igor, with his aristocratic appearance, blue eyes and thin fingers, made a great impression on Yungvald-Khilkevich. The director immediately offered him the role.

Films of the 1980-1990s

What did Igor Starygin do in the 1980s? Films with his participation continued to be released. For example, the actor convincingly played the White Guard Vladimir Danovich in the first and second parts of “State Border”. Few people know that this picture was initially banned from showing. The director’s acquaintance with Galina Brezhneva helped him achieve the lifting of the ban.

Then Igor appeared in films and TV series, which are listed below.

  • "First time married."
  • "Moon Rainbow".
  • "Shining World"
  • "Before we part."
  • "Seven Elements"
  • "Snake catcher."
  • "Listen in the compartments."
  • "55 degrees below zero."
  • "Road to hell".
  • "Shot in the coffin."

In 1993, the films “The Musketeers 20 Years Later” and “The Secret of Queen Anne, or The Musketeers 30 Years Later” were released. Starygin again tried on the image of the charming Aramis, a favorite of women. Unfortunately, the films were not particularly successful with viewers.

New Age

In the new century, Starygin's career began to decline. He didn’t know how to “sell” himself; he waited to be offered roles. Igor nevertheless appeared in a number of films and TV series. Film and television projects with his participation, released in the new century, are listed below.

  • "24 hours".
  • "Conference of maniacs."
  • "Baby goat in milk."
  • "Code of honor".
  • "Lost the Sun"
  • "Heiress 2".

Marriages and divorces

What is known about the personal life of Igor Starygin? The famous actor entered into legal marriage several times. His first wife was with whom he studied at GITIS. The marriage, concluded too hastily, broke up a year later. The young people separated peacefully, without scandals.

Igor married for the second time in 1966. His chosen one was Mira Ardova, with whom he worked together at the Youth Theater. At the time of meeting Starygin, Mira was married to actor and playwright Boris Ardov. She was pregnant when she left her husband for Igor. Starygin and his second wife lived together for more than 12 years. It was Mira that “Aramis” called his true love. It is known that the family broke up due to Starygin’s infidelities.

For the third time, the actor married Tatyana Sukhacheva. This union quickly fell apart and left Igor with unpleasant memories. Ex-wife took away Starygin’s apartment in Bakhrushinsky Lane, which he received thanks to his work in the theater.

For several years, the actor lived in a civil marriage with Nina Vydrina. He never married this woman. His fourth wife was Ekaterina Tabashnikova. This woman is a photojournalist, editor of the photo department of the Sobesednik newspaper. They lived together for about 9 years and got married in 2006. The age difference between them was about 20 years, but this did not bother the lovers.


What is known about the children of Igor Starygin? First of all, it should be mentioned that famous actress Anna Ardova is his adopted daughter. She was born after her mother Mira left her father Boris for Igor. Anna owes her popularity to the sketch “Women’s League”, as well as the show “One for All”, in which she received a key role.

It is also impossible not to talk about my own daughter Igor Starygin. Anastasia was born in 1978, shortly before her parents divorced. The separation of Mira and Igor did not in any way affect Nastya’s relationship with her father. Starygin always paid a lot of attention to his child; he was very close to his daughter.

Anastasia did not follow in her parents’ footsteps and did not connect her life with dramatic art. Once, however, she appeared in Andrei Gubin’s video “Lisa”. IN currently she works as a manager for her sister Anna Ardova. Anastasia has a son, the boy's name is Arseny. Unfortunately, the name of the father of Igor’s only grandson is kept secret.

Starygin's death was a heavy blow for Anastasia, from which she could not recover for a long time. Anna Ardova was also upset by the death of her stepfather, who was closer to her than her own father.

Which ones are known? Interesting Facts from life talented actor?

  • What else can you tell about Igor Starygin? The actor's height interests many of his fans. He was 185 cm.
  • Igor did not have aristocratic ancestors.
  • It is known that the star’s first wife was actress Lyudmila Isakova. However, Starygin’s former classmate Yulia Aerova assures that she was Igor’s first wife. It has not yet been possible to confirm or refute this information.
  • Starygin met his fourth wife at a creative evening with Efim Shifrin. Catherine drew attention to him because he looked very bad. She felt sorry for the thinner and older “Aramis”. Later she learned that Igor had undergone several heart surgeries and suffered from atherosclerosis for many years.


What is the cause of death of Igor Starygin? The answer to this question cannot but interest his fans. Last theater work“The Musketeer” was the production “Theater Star”, in which he embodied the image of the music teacher Udryu. Igor always wanted to leave behind the role of a handsome man and a hero, to fulfill comic role. In this performance he finally succeeded. Needless to say, he attached great importance to this work.

Actor Igor Starygin had his first stroke in May 2009. He spent about a month in the hospital, then immediately returned to work. The doctors recommended that he undergo a little more treatment, but he did not pay any attention to this advice. Starygin wanted to start playing his favorite role as quickly as possible, they were waiting for him at rehearsals. It is possible that he would have lived longer if he had followed the instructions of specialists.

Igor had a second stroke in September 2009. The actor was taken to intensive care, but it was too late to do anything. Starygin passed away in November 2009; the cause of death was the consequences of a stroke.

The funeral of the talented actor, who brilliantly played Aramis, took place on November 12, 2009. Starygin's grave is located at the Troekurovsky cemetery. In June 2011 there was Grand opening monument in his honor. The ceremony was timed to coincide with Igor’s 65th birthday. The monument was erected with funds raised by fans.

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