What a Cinderella she was in terms of qualities. Review of the fairy tale by C. Perrault “Cinderella or the Crystal Slipper”

Cinderella is kind to everyone, especially her mouse friends: Jacques and Gus. She believes that if you continue to believe, your wish will come true. With the help of her fairy godmother, she gets a chance in which she lives the life of her dreams. Cinderella is a headstrong and independent young girl who is truly beautiful, in large part because she doesn't let her anger and sadness get the better of her. She is kind, which in no way is perceived as something childish. She also tends to keep things to herself so that she doesn't end up in trouble later on that she would get into if her stepmother overheard her. Cinderella is shown to be quite intelligent, especially considering the way she was raised after the death of her parents. She has also shown herself to be very brave, not being afraid to stand up to Lady Tremaine when she teases her for wanting to go to the ball. She is also shown to be resourceful, as evidenced by the ease with which she made herself a beautiful ballgown from her mother's old dress, making it even more modern. Cinderella is shown to be very patient and calm. She's a bit awkward considering the shoe incident. While her love for the prince is incredibly strong, the desire to marry or find love was her main priority. Cinderella simply wanted to live a better life and avoid harsh punishments from her evil stepmother. She was also very kind to her little mouse friends. She never always yells at people and she is very polite even though her stepmother is so rude to her.

Prince Charming

The prince is in love with the main character in the 1950 film Cinderella and its two sequels. He was voiced by William Phipps (speaking) and Michael Douglas (singing) in the first film, and by Christopher Daniel Barnes in the sequels, and by Matt Nolan in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. In earlier drafts of the script, the prince initially played a larger role and had more opportunities than he did in the final film (the third film, however, would correct this). In the old (unreleased) alternate ending, after the Duke finally found Cinderella, she was taken to the castle. And the prince is surprised to learn that the woman he fell in love with is just a servant, and not a noble person. But his feelings are so strong that he simply hugged her, letting everyone know that he didn’t care what class his beloved was. In the film, Prince showed himself to be a man with a sense of humor who loves ballroom dancing. The prince is a romantic, his love for Cinderella was so powerful that he was ready to do anything for Cinderella. Despite the fact that he is quite an elegant and wise young man, the prince defies his father.

Lady Tremaine

Unlike most other Disney villains, Lady Tremaine does not possess magical powers or exert any physical force. She is convinced that she must be obeyed, and she has incredible self-control, and she even reminds her daughters that it is better to obey her. The only time she loses her composure, ironically, is when Cinderella interrupts her music lesson to bring Lady Tremaine an invitation to the royal ball, and she claps her hands and the piano keys. She has a sinister look and is very cruel to Cinderella. Lady Tremaine is very jealous of her stepdaughter because Cinderella is beautiful, while she behaves completely inhumanely towards her adopted daughter, forcing her to be a servant in her own house. Because of Cinderella's soft nature, she manipulates her meanly. Almost all of Tremaine's actions are motivated by a desire for power and status, this is evident, especially in those moments when she tries to marry off her daughters.

Fairy (The Fairy Godmother)

The fairy is Cinderella's good friend, who will always support her and help her in trouble. She helped Cinderella come to the ball. The fairy is very sweet, motherly, kind and caring. She cares about people and loves to make her goddaughter, Cinderella, happy and give happiness to her friends. The fairy is a little absent-minded, and almost sent Cinderella to the ball with almost no dress. She tends to forget her magic words, despite these disadvantages, Fairy, that’s why she’s a fairy, that she manages to do a lot for her beloved goddaughter. She doesn’t like to swear, this is evidenced by the nuance that she doesn’t like to communicate with Cinderella’s stepmother, while the kind-hearted Fairy just can’t decide to turn her stepmother into a frog.


CINDERELLA (fr. Cinderella) - the heroine of the fairy tale “Cinderella” by C. Perrault (1697). “Kind, friendly, sweet” - this is how the author characterizes her heroine. This is truly one of the most subtle and charming images among fairy-tale heroines. Cinderella is modest, hardworking, flexible, and friendly. The daughter of a respectable and noble man, Cinderella, oppressed by her evil stepmother, lives in her own house as a servant, doing all the menial housework, completely resignedly. She cleans cauldrons and pots, washes stairs; she takes care of her stepsisters, who repay her with black ingratitude, sleeps in the attic right under the roof, on a prickly straw bed, and silently endures all insults, not even daring to complain to her father. She was nicknamed Cinderella for her dress that was always stained with ash. A fairy tale is a fairy tale, and Cinderella goes to the ball. Her fairy godmother helps her. Cinderella is so beautiful that the prince singles her out from all the ladies present, and the guests are also fascinated by the stranger. And here Cinderella would have taken revenge on her sisters and stepmother, done something unpleasant to them, but she, on the contrary, “found them, said a few pleasant words to each, and treated them to oranges and lemons, which the prince himself brought her.” Having married the prince, Cinderella immediately forgave her sisters for all their insults, because, as Perrault writes, “she was not only pretty, but also kind.” The image of Cinderella has captivated many artists. The German storytellers Brothers Grimm created their version of the Cinderella story (1814). The Italian composer D. Rossini wrote a lyric-comic opera on this plot (1817), and S.S. Prokofiev wrote a ballet of the same name (1944). The domestic film “Cinderella” (1947) with Y. Zheimo in the title role (based on the play and script by E.L. Shvarts) is recognized as a classic of children's cinema.

All characteristics in alphabetical order:

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The main character of the fairy tale by the French writer Charles Perrault “Cinderella or the Crystal Slipper” is a kind, beautiful and friendly girl who was left without a mother. Her father remarried a woman with two daughters. But the new wife had an unenviable character. She immediately disliked her stepdaughter, who was much more beautiful than her daughters. The girl had the hardest and dirtiest work around the house, and she had to live in the attic. In the evenings, after work, she rested on a box of ash and for this she was nicknamed Cinderella.

One day the king's son decided to throw a ball and Cinderella's sisters received an invitation to it. In preparation for the ball, they kept Cinderella busy with various errands. When the sisters and their stepmother left for the ball, Cinderella burst into tears - she really wanted to go to this ball. It so happened that her godmother, a fairy, came to visit her. Having learned about Cinderella's desire, the fairy did not hesitate for a long time. She turned a pumpkin into a carriage, mice into horses, and a rat into a coachman. At the rear of the carriage stood footmen in liveries that had previously been lizards. Then the fairy transformed the girl's old clothes into a beautiful ball gown and gave her rock crystal slippers. Sending Cinderella to the ball, her godmother ordered her to return before midnight, and later all magical transformations would lose their power.

The appearance of an unknown beauty in the palace did not go unnoticed. And the king, and the prince, and the guests - everyone was in admiration of her beauty. The prince danced with the beautiful stranger all evening, entertained her and treated her to sweets. At some point, Cinderella even found her sisters and talked to them, but they didn’t recognize her at all. When there was very little time left until midnight, the beautiful stranger said goodbye to everyone and quickly left the royal palace.

The next day, Cinderella went to the ball again. But this time she missed the moment when it was time to leave, and she had to urgently run away from the palace. In her haste, she lost one shoe, which the prince later found.

A few days later, the prince announced that the one who would fit the glass slipper would become his wife. The shoe was tried on for all the girls in the kingdom, but it didn’t fit anyone. Finally, it was the turn of Cinderella and her sisters. The shoe did not fit the sisters, although they tried very hard to put it on. But the shoe fit Cinderella. And when she took out the second shoe and put it on too, everyone realized who that beautiful stranger was. Cinderella was taken to the palace, where her wedding to the prince took place.

This is the summary of the tale.

The main meaning of the fairy tale “Cinderella” is that behind an unsightly appearance, people often do not notice the positive qualities of a person. The good in the fairy tale is helped to defeat the forces of good. The fairy tale “Cinderella” teaches us to help loved ones in difficult times, not to lose human dignity, and to believe in goodness.

In the fairy tale, I liked the fairy, Cinderella’s godmother, who came to the girl’s aid in time and managed, literally out of nothing, to organize a magnificent carriage and a beautiful outfit for a trip to the ball.

Cinderella also evokes sympathy. Her positive qualities played a significant role in her destiny. Her beauty, which was hidden from others by old, unsightly clothes, as well as her kind and sweet disposition, so charmed the prince that he made every effort to find the mysterious owner of the glass slipper.

What proverbs fit the fairy tale?

They meet you by their clothes, they see them off by their intelligence.
Helped on time - helped twice.
As you live, so will your reputation.

Many girls' favorite fairy tale is Cinderella. But even more they love the heroine herself. Here you will learn how to please your little princesses with magical moments from a fairy tale.

Although the fairy tale “Cinderella” was written in the 17th century by the French writer Charles Perrault, it is still very popular. The story is about how a sweet and kind girl became a runt and a servant for her stepmother in her father’s house. Then she magically went to the royal ball, met a handsome prince and they got married. It is not surprising that this story is liked not only by little girls, but also by their mothers. There are more than 15 film adaptations of the fairy tale “Cinderella”. But for us, closer is the film shot in the USSR in 1947 by Nadezhda Kosheverova and Mikhail Shapiro. Although girls still have a favorite heroine, the modern Cinderella from the Disney cartoon.

However, dear parents, do not forget to explain to your daughters that you should not show off in front of the mirror all the time and wait for the prince. After all, the most important thing is not Cinderella’s dress. Cinderella was a hard-working, honest and kind-hearted girl, which is why life rewarded her. So you should try to accustom little Cinderella lovers to small household chores - offer to wipe the dust, clean the room, bake a cake together. We also want to offer you some ideas on how to bring the fairy tale closer to your child’s life.

Decorating a children's room “Princess Cinderella”

A girl’s room can be decorated in the style of this fairy tale. Hang a “Cinderella” sign on the doors to the room. Paint the walls a soft pink color, draw a castle, flowers, red hearts and clouds on them. If you set yourself the goal of creating a room for a real princess, you can order a bed made in the shape of a carriage or a wardrobe that looks like a royal castle from an online furniture store.

If you can't afford expensive furniture or don't have the time to repaint the entire room, don't despair. Various little things can very well give the room a fabulous look. Lay a rug with flowers on the floor, buy bedding with images of Cinderella characters, decorate the bed with pink decorative pillows with ruffles, and hang a Cinderella poster on the wall. You can decorate the windows with pink curtains or tulle, and above the bed make a canopy made of light white fabric.

You can transform old furniture with the help of paints - draw a crown on a chair, hearts and flowers on the table, a king’s castle on the cabinet doors. If you don’t have the ability to draw, you can always buy decorative stickers; they will also help create a festive atmosphere. If you can’t find the stickers you need, just print out pictures from the fairy tale “Cinderella” and use tracing paper to transfer the outlines to the surface you need. You can color such drawings without any difficulty.

Children's party at home "Princess Cinderella"

The holiday can also be themed. For example, throw a real royal reception. Make invitation cards with your child using pink or blue paper. On the first page, draw or make an applique of a crown and glue satin bows. In the invitation, indicate exactly what the reception will be, for example, “I have the honor to invite you to a royal tea party.”

The room will need to be decorated as a royal dining room. Lay out a beautiful tablecloth, place disposable dishes with the image of Cinderella, and tie large bows made of light translucent fabric such as tulle or organza on the backs of the chairs.

Gifts for little Cinderella


CINDERELLA (fr. Cinderella) - the heroine of the fairy tale “Cinderella” by C. Perrault (1697). “Kind, friendly, sweet” - this is how the author characterizes her heroine. This is truly one of the most subtle and charming images among fairy-tale heroines. Cinderella is modest, hardworking, flexible, and friendly. The daughter of a respectable and noble man, Cinderella, oppressed by her evil stepmother, lives in her own house as a servant, doing all the menial housework, completely resignedly. She cleans cauldrons and pots, washes stairs; she takes care of her stepsisters, who repay her with black ingratitude, sleeps in the attic right under the roof, on a prickly straw bed, and silently endures all insults, not even daring to complain to her father. She was nicknamed Cinderella for her dress that was always stained with ash. A fairy tale is a fairy tale, and Cinderella goes to the ball. Her fairy godmother helps her. Cinderella is so beautiful that the prince singles her out from all the ladies present, and the guests are also fascinated by the stranger. And here Cinderella would have taken revenge on her sisters and stepmother, done something unpleasant to them, but she, on the contrary, “found them, said a few pleasant words to each, and treated them to oranges and lemons, which the prince himself brought her.” Having married the prince, Cinderella immediately forgave her sisters for all their insults, because, as Perrault writes, “she was not only pretty, but also kind.” The image of Cinderella has captivated many artists. The German storytellers Brothers Grimm created their version of the Cinderella story (1814). The Italian composer D. Rossini wrote a lyric-comic opera on this plot (1817), and S.S. Prokofiev wrote a ballet of the same name (1944). The domestic film “Cinderella” (1947) with Y. Zheimo in the title role (based on the play and script by E.L. Shvarts) is recognized as a classic of children's cinema.

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