Outline of a lesson on speech development (senior group) on the topic: Literary quiz based on the fairy tales of K. Chukovsky

Literary quiz based on the fairy tales of K.I. Chukovsky

for older children preschool age


Continue to cultivate children's interest in the work of K.I. Chukovsky, consolidate children’s knowledge about the fairy tales they read.

Equipment and inventory used:

1. Portrait of K.I. Chukovsky.

2. Exhibition of books by K.I. Chukovsky.

4. Chips for correct answers.

6. Certificates for winners and participants.

Preliminary work:

Reading the works of K. Chukovsky: “Telephone”, “Doctor Aibolit”, “Stolen Sun”, “Confusion”, “Fedorino’s Grief”, etc.; viewing illustrations; watching cartoons based on the works of K. I. Chukovsky; drawing heroes of fairy tales by K. Chukovsky.

Progress of the event:

Children enter the hall to the music and sit on chairs.

On the screen is a portrait of K.I. Chukovsky.


Children! You and I are in amazing country fairy tales and today we will meet with the creativity of the amazing children's writer.

This man was born on April 1, 1882. And you know that on this day we celebrate the day of laughter and fun. Therefore, fate itself predicted that he would write funny and good fairy tales for children. And this man’s name was K.I. Chukovsky (showing a portrait).

He wrote many fairy tales: Muhu-Tsokotuhu, Moidodyra...

What other tales by K.I. Do you know Chukovsky?

Children's answers

Today we have gathered in this hall to take part in a quiz and find out how well you know the works of K.I. Chukovsky.

2 teams participate in the quiz.

Greet them:

Team 2 of group “Sun”, team 7 of group “Flower”.

Applause for the teams

The motto of the team "Sun":

We are little rays
We are the sun's children.
Cheerful and brave
Girls and boys!

Team motto "Flowers"

We are Flowers - children,
Boys and girls!
In our own kindergarten
We live, grow, bloom!

The task of the teams is to listen carefully to the quiz questions and answer quickly. For each correct answer, the team will receive a chip. The team that earned large quantity chips at the end of the quiz will be the winner.

And so, we begin...

I. Answer quickly and clearly.

1. Who wrote the fairy tale “Doctor Aibolit?” (Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky)

2. What did the bunnies ride on in the fairy tale “The Cockroach”? (By tram)

3. What fell on the elephant in the fairy tale “The Cockroach”? (Moon)

4. Why did the herons, who asked for drops to be sent to them, have stomach ache in the poem “Telephone”? (They ate too many frogs)

5. What did Doctor Aibolit treat sick animals in Africa? (Gogol-mogol)

6. Who attacked the clattering fly? (Spider)

7. Which fairy tale by Chukovsky begins with a name day and ends with a wedding? (Fly Tsokotukha)

8. In what fairy tale did Tanechka and Vanechka run away to Africa? (Barmaley)

9. Who taught order to the boy from the fairy tale “Moidodyr”? (Wash basin)

10. Who swallowed the sun from the fairy tale “The Stolen Sun”? (crocodile)

11. In which fairy tale is it the other way around? ("Confusion")

Well done guys, you did a good job with this task.

II. "Say a word"

Only suddenly, from behind a bush,

Because of the blue forest,

From distant fields

Arrives..... (Sparrow)

Long, long time crocodile

The blue sea was extinguished

Pies and pancakes,

And dried….. (Mushrooms)

I'm for a candle

The candle goes to the stove!

I'm for a book

Ta - run

And skipping

Under …. (Bed)

Fleas came to Mukha,

They brought her boots

But the boots are not simple -

They have clasps….. (Gold)

Darkness has fallen

Don't go beyond the gate:

Who got on the street -

Got lost and... (disappeared)

And behind her are forks,

Glasses and bottles

Cups and spoons

Jumping along... (path)

And such rubbish

All day:

Dean - di - laziness

Dean - di - laziness

Dean - di - laziness

Either the deer will call, then... (seal)

Treats small children
Heals birds and animals
He looks through his glasses
Good Doctor... (Aibolit)

Suddenly from the gateway -
Scary giant
Red-haired and mustachioed... (cockroach)

I am the Great Laver
Famous... (Moidodyr)
Umyvalnikov chief
And the commander of the washcloths.

The pigs meowed - meow - meow,
Kitties... (grunted, oink-oink)

There's a robber in Africa
There's a villain in Africa
In Africa it’s terrible... (Barmaley)

People are having fun -
The fly is getting married
For the dashing, daring
Young... (mosquito)

The sun was walking across the sky
And it ran behind a cloud.
The bunny looked out the window,
It’s become a little bunny... (it’s dark).

No no! Nightingale
Doesn't sing for pigs
Better call... (crow)

And the dishes come and go
It walks through fields and swamps.
And the kettle said to the iron
- I can’t go anymore... (I can’t).

III. Work based on illustrations for fairy tales

The presenter shows the illustrations, and the children guess which work this illustration is from.

IV. Captains' competition “Fairy tales quarreled” (mosaic) team captains must put together a picture and guess the fairy tale.

V. “Magic bag”, the teacher takes objects out of the bag; the children must say a line from Chukovsky’s work:

1. Phone (My phone rang)

2. Balloon (The bears were riding a bicycle, followed by mosquitoes on balloon)

3. Soap (Here the soap jumped up)

4. Saucer (And behind them are saucers, ding la-la),


The tales of Korney Chukovsky are kind, funny, and interesting. Fairy tales sound great, develop our speech, enrich us with new words, form a sense of humor, make us stronger and smarter. Our quiz is coming to an end. Let's count the number of chips earned by the teams.

Teams counting their chips

Teams are awarded certificates for winning and participating in a quiz based on fairy tales by K.I. Chukovsky

Under cheerful music teams leave the hall

Details Published May 31, 2014

Quiz game “Tales of Korney Chukovsky”

Previously, the children are given the task of preparing a reading of poems by K. I. Chukovsky and showing performances based on his books. You can show dramatizations of the beginning of the books “The Cluttering Fly,” “Telephone,” and “Confusion.”

The presenter then asks about the nature of all these works. Usually children give answers that these poems are funny, cheerful, creating good mood. The presenter reports that K.I. Chukovsky was born on April 1, 1882, and the day of April 1st is considered to be the day of jokes, maybe that’s why all his fairy tales and poems are so funny. And today the topic of conversation will be the works of this wonderful writer, whose poems were known to the mothers and fathers, grandparents of today's children.

First, you can ask the children a series of riddles that were composed by K.I. Chukovsky.

Then the presenter offers to get acquainted with the contents of the “magic box”, which contains objects mentioned in the fairy tales of K. I. Chukovsky. And the children must remember which book this or that object is from. It is not at all necessary that all objects be in their natural form; you can use their drawn image, like, say, galoshes from the fairy tale “Telephone”.

Such objects can be, for example, a toy pillow, a bar of real soap and a doll crocodile (the fairy tale “Moidodyr”); balloon, gingerbread (fairy tale “The Cockroach”), moth, thermometer (fairy tale “Aibolit”), cup, glass (fairy tale “Fedorino’s Woe”), money, flashlight, jam, honey (“Tskotukha Fly”).

The presenter says that Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky composed his first fairy tale “Crocodile” by accident. He and his son were traveling on the train, the boy was not feeling well, he was crying, and his dad, to console him, began to compose for him a fairy tale about a crocodile who walked around the city and spoke in Turkish - “crocodile, crocodile, crocodile”.

After this there is a screening of dramatizations based on the fairy tales of K.I. Chukovsky. Before each fairy tale, the presenter tells the story of the origin of the idea for it.

1. Korney Ivanovich recalled the idea of ​​​​creating his fairy tale “Aibolit”. “One day inspiration washed over me in the Caucasus, while swimming in the sea. I swam quite far, and suddenly, under the influence of the sun, wind and Black Sea waves, the following poems formed on their own:

"Oh, if I drown, if I go to the bottom,
What will happen to them, the sick?
With my forest animals?

2. And here is another incident from the life of Korney Ivanovich. “One day, while working in my office, I heard loud crying. It was my youngest daughter crying. She roared in three streams, violently expressing her reluctance to wash herself. I left the office, took the girl in my arms and, completely unexpectedly for myself, quietly said to her:

“We must, we must wash ourselves.
In the mornings and evenings,
And the unclean chimney sweeps
Shame and disgrace!
Shame and disgrace!"

As we all know well now, these lines were later included in the famous book “Moidodyr”, which talks about how all things ran away from a dirty boy.

Next stage of the game - the presenter suggests adding the missing word to the titles of poems and fairy tales by the writer K.I. Chukovsky.

  • "Fly Tsokotukha)",
  • "Kotausi and...(Mausi)",
  • “Fedorino...(grief)”,
  • “Stolen...(sun)”,
  • "Miracle-... (tree)",
  • "The Adventures of...(Bibigon)."

The presenter reports that all his life Korney Ivanovich listened to the cheerful words and expressions that children say. For this purpose, he constantly went to visit children - in kindergartens and schools, at book festivals. At his dacha, he even specially organized cheerful children's parties, to which people came to him famous writers, and all the neighborhood children came to visit. From his collections of recordings of children's sayings, he created famous book, which is called “From Two to Five.” It was reprinted many times and published not only in our country, but also in many other countries around the world.

And from which books by K.I. Chukovsky are these lines:

"He scary eyes sparkles
He chatters with terrible teeth,
He lights a terrible fire,
He shouts a terrible word:
- Karabas! Karabas!
I'll have lunch now! ("Barmaley")

"And the mountains stand in front of him on the way,
And he begins to crawl through the mountains,
And the mountains are getting higher, and the mountains are getting steeper,
And the mountains go right under the clouds.” (“Aibolit”).

“I’m going to the Tauride Garden,
Jumped over the fence
And she's chasing after me
And she bites like a wolf." (“Moidodyr”).

"And the chanterelles
We took matches
Let's go to the blue sea,
The blue sea was lit.
The sea is on fire,
A whale ran out of the sea." ("Confusion").

“And the grasshopper, and the grasshopper,
Well, just like a little man,
Hop, hop, hop, hop!
Behind a bush, under a bridge and silence!” ("Fly Tsokotukha").

“He runs into the tram,
Everyone shouts: - Ay, ay, ay! -
And run, head over heels, to houses, to corners:
- Help! Save! Have mercy!” ("Crocodile")

Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky was a very hardworking person. He said that he composed his works for children wherever he was - in queues, on the tram, even while waiting for an appointment with the dentist. In order not to waste time, he came up with new heroes, new poems and his own wonderful riddles. Let's guess a few more of them. (The riddles of K.I. Chukovsky are being guessed) .

As already mentioned, the works of this author are known and loved by children of several generations. One funny nursery rhyme that was read to him during the Children’s Book Day holiday said: “We read “Aibolit” and “Moidodyr” to the gills.” That's how popular his books are. But you probably don’t all know that K.I. Chukovsky was also a brilliant translator. He studied foreign literature And best books I tried to translate them into Russian so that children in our country could get to know them. This is where many other poems came to us - from folk English, Czech, and French nursery rhymes. Let's listen to them.

(There is a reading of translated poems by K.I. Chukovsky - “Kittens”, “Rain”, “Robin-Bobin-Barabek”, etc.).

And for the children who grew up and became a little older, Chukovsky translated many more wonderful books into Russian - “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”, Robinson Crusoe and Baron Munchausen, “Rikki-Tikki-tavi”, “The Prince and the Pauper” and many others.

Therefore, let's end our meeting with the works of this author with words of gratitude for the fact that he has done so much for our beautiful Country of Literature. (Everyone looks at the portrait of K.I. Chukovsky and says: “Thank you!”).

See also:

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge about the fairy tales read by K.I. Chukovsky.


Maintain interest and love for fiction;

Enrich and activate vocabulary;

Expand your horizons.


Develop thinking and Creative skills children;

Develop a sense of self-confidence and a sense of teamwork;

Develop attention logical thinking, coordination of speech with movements.


Cultivate kindness and respect for each other.

Materials and equipment:

  1. Quiz summary.
  2. Portrait of a writer.
  3. Costumes for children - fairy tale characters.
  4. Exhibition of books with fairy tales by K.I. Chukovsky.

5. Chips for correct answers, tape recorder.

Preliminary work:

Getting to know the portrait of the writer;

Reading and dramatization of fairy tales by K.I. Chukovsky;

Discussion of each fairy tale;

Creative works on art activities (based on fairy tales).

Progress of the event:

Organizing time

Children enter the hall to the music and sit on chairs.

Jury presentation. Greetings from the teams.

The children have already been divided into 2 teams:

Team “Moidodyra” and team “Mukha-tsokotukha”, captains have been chosen.


Dear guys, we are glad to welcome you to the literary quiz. Today I invite you to a fairyland, one of our writers, who loved to write for the youngest children. All children love to listen to fairy tales. And you and I have read a lot of fairy tales. And today we will once again plunge into the world of fairy tales by K.I. Chukovsky.

Listen carefully to the quiz questions and answer quickly. For each correct answer, the team will receive a chip. The team with the most chips at the end of the quiz will be the winner.

1. Captains competition.

“Name the piece” - they name one piece at a time, if they can’t, the team will help or skip a move.

2. Competition "Who is this?"

Educator: “Which fairy tale characters do these fairy-tale names belong to?”

Teams answer in turns.

Aibolit (doctor)

Barmaley (robber)

Fedora (grandmother)

Karakula (shark)

Moydodyr (washbasin)

Cluttering (fly)

Red-haired, mustachioed giant (cockroach)

Totoshka, Kokosha (crocodiles)

3. Riddles about fairy tale heroes.

For each correct answer 1 point. For guessing a riddle intended for another team - 2 points. Teams guess in turns.

1. With Tanechka and Vanechka

I dreamed of straightening out

But then he became kinder

And he even fell in love with children. (Barmaley.)

2. I bought a samovar,

And the mosquito saved her. (Fly Tsokotukha.)

3. What kind of toothy thief is this?

Did you steal the red sun?

Oh, the bear will beat him,

It will be bad practice in the future. (Crocodile.)

4. This fairy-tale hero

Bowlegged and lame.

He is famous everywhere

And the dirty guy is angry with everyone. (Moidodyr.)

4 Physical education lesson: “Tales of Chukovsky.”- And the dishes go forward and forward - through the fields, through the swamp. (Children walk in a circle)

I run, run, run - I can’t hold on (they run in a circle).

Suddenly, out of my mother’s bedroom, bow-legged and lame,

The washbasin runs out and shakes its head (head tilts to the right and left).

5. Guess the work from the passage:

1. Long, long time crocodile

The blue sea was extinguished

Pies and pancakes,

AND dried mushrooms. ("Confusion.)

2. I want to drink tea

I run to the samovar,

But pot-bellied from me

He ran away like from fire. (“Moidodyr.”)

3. But they didn’t listen to the ghazals

And they were still making noise:

Really, really

Are all the swings on fire?

What stupid gazelles! ("Telephone".)

4. He hit the copper basin

And he cried out: “Kara-baras!” (Moidodyr.)

5. Boots squeak

Heels are knocking -

There will be, there will be midges

Have fun until the morning: (“Fly - clatter”)

6. And now to him from behind the tree

Shaggy wolves run out: (“Aibolit”)

7. “Riddles of K. I. Chukovsky.”

1. Was White House,

Wonderful house

And something knocked inside him.

And he crashed, and from there

A living miracle ran out -

So warm, so fluffy and golden.

(Egg and chicken.)

2. I have two horses

Two horses.

They carry me along the water.

Like stone!

3. Oh, don't touch me:

I'll burn you without fire!


4. She grows upside down

It grows not in summer, but in winter.

But the sun will bake her -

She will cry and die.


5. I took a walk across the field

And I bought a samovar,

And then he married me

Brave little mosquito. (Fly Tsokotukha.)

6. He is kinder than everyone else in the world

He heals sick animals.

And one day a hippopotamus

He pulled him out of the swamp. (Dr. Aibolit.)

7. Here are the needles and pins

They crawl out from under the bench.

They look at me

They want milk. (Hedgehog.)

8. They flew into a raspberry

They wanted to peck her.

But they saw a freak -

And get out of the garden quickly!

And the freak is sitting on a stick,

With a beard made from a washcloth. (Scarecrow.)

7. “From what fairy tale did these guests come to us?”

The teacher shows all the characters from the fairy tale “Chicken” at once. One point is awarded to the team that recognizes the fairy tale faster.

8. “Guests from fairy tales.”

The teacher sets up a stool with a napkin and a samovar.

A girl from the first team comes out in a Russian costume and addresses the opposing team:

And on a white stool,

Yes, on an embroidered napkin

The samovar is worth

It's like it's burning hot.

Guess which fairy tale I'm from? (“Fedorino’s grief.”)

A boy from the second team comes out wearing a bear hat and addresses his opponents:

“Oh, where did you thick-fingered people disappear to?

Who did you throw me, old man, at?”

Guess which fairy tale I'm from?

9. Summing up the quiz.

The teacher praises the children. The jury or teacher determines the winning team.

Awarding the team with memorable gifts.

Target: development of cognitive interest of pupils.


Educational: summarize children’s knowledge based on the works of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.

Developmental: to develop in children emotional responsiveness and interest in the works of K.I. Chukovsky, attention, speech, thinking.

Educational: cultivate a love of books.

Progress of the lesson.

Organizing time.

Good afternoon, guys and dear guests! I am glad to welcome you to this hall. Today we have gathered for a literary quiz game based on the works of a well-known children's writer, a great friend of children, Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.

High growth, long arms with large hands, large features faces, a large curious nose, a brush of mustache, an unruly strand of hair hanging over the forehead, laughing light eyes and a surprisingly light gait. This is the appearance of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.

WITH early years his works bring joy to everyone. Not only you, but also your parents, your grandparents cannot imagine their childhood without “Aibolit”, “Fedorin’s grief”, “Barmaleya”, “Mukha-Tsokotukha”, “Telephone”.

Literary quiz game.

There's a lot waiting for us at the literary quiz game interesting competitions. For the correct answer you will receive a fairy token. In our quiz game, whoever gets the most fairy tokens will win. The winner will receive a surprise reward.

Before we start our quiz game, I will remind you of the rules of conduct for it.

Rules of conduct for a literary quiz game:

You must listen to questions carefully.

Don't interrupt each other.

If you have an answer, raise your hand.

Well, are you ready? So, let's begin!

I round “Do you know the fairy tales of K.I. Chukovsky."

Exercise. You need to correctly name the fairy tale by Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky by looking at the illustration for the fairy tale. (slides)

Assignment for guests. You need to find out the name of the fairy tale from its passage.

A fly walked across the field,
The fly found the money.

Mucha went to the market
And I bought a samovar:

Come, cockroaches,
I'll treat you to tea!
"Fly Tsokotukha"

Come to him for treatment

And the cow and the she-wolf,
And the bug and the worm,
And the bear!


The gray sparrow cries:
“Come out, honey, quickly!
We feel sad without the sun -
You can’t see a grain in the field!”"Stolen Sun"

You weren't the only one who didn't wash your face
And I remained dirty
And ran away from the dirty
And stockings and shoes.


Fishes are walking across the field,
Toads by flying to the sky,

The mice caught the cat
They put me in a mousetrap.

And the chanterelles
We took matches
Let's go to the blue sea,
The blue sea was lit.

And then I called
And with tears he asked:
- My dear, good one,
Send me galoshes
For me, my wife, and Totosha.


"Hey you stupid plates,
Why are you jumping like squirrels?
Should you run behind the gate?
With yellow-throated sparrows?
You will fall into a ditch
You will drown in the swamp.
Don't go, wait,
Go home!""Fedorino grief"

The animals trembled
They fainted.

Wolves from fright
They ate each other.

Poor crocodile
Swallowed the toad.

And the elephant, trembling all over,
So she sat on the hedgehog.


IItour “Which fairy tale is the object from?”

Exercise. Look carefully at the screen and say the name of the object and what fairy tale it is from.

IIItour “Attentive Reader”.

Exercise. Answer the questions.

1. What was the name of the good doctor? (Aibolit)

2. What did the bears ride on in the fairy tale “The Cockroach”? (on a bicycle)

3. The name of the grandmother from whom the dishes ran away? (Fedora)

4.What did the crocodile ask you to send in the fairy tale “Telephone”? (galoshes)

5. Who took the matches and set the sea on fire in the fairy tale “Confusion”? (chanterelles)

6. What did Grandmother Bee bring to Fly-Tsokotukha for her name day? (honey)

8. Who taught order to the boy from the fairy tale “Moidodyr”? (wash basin)

9. Who transported Doctor Aibolit across the sea? (whale)

10. Who freed the sun in the fairy tale “The Stolen Sun”? (bear)

11. What insect were all the animals afraid of in the fairy tale “The Cockroach”? (cockroach)

12.What holiday did the Tsokotukha Fly celebrate? (name day)

13. Who did the rhinoceros ask to save in the fairy tale “Telephone”? (hippopotamus)

14. Who was bitten by the wasp in the fairy tale “Aibolit”? (fox)

15. How many nights did Doctor Aibolit not sleep when he treated animals in Africa? (10 nights)

16. What was the name of the shark in the fairy tale “Aibolit”? (Doodle)

17. Who put out the sea in the fairy tale “Confusion”? (butterfly)

18. What number did they ask the kangaroo to call in the fairy tale “Telephone”? (at number 125)

19. Where did the mice put the cat in the fairy tale “Confusion”? (into the mousetrap)

20. How did the cat ride in the fairy tale “The Cockroach”? (backwards)

21.What did the crocodile swallow in the fairy tale “Moidodyr”? (washcloth)

22. For whom did the elephant ask for chocolate in the fairy tale “Telephone”? (for son)

23. What type of transport did the lions use in the fairy tale “The Cockroach”? (by car)

24. How many poods of chocolate did the elephant ask for in the fairy tale “Telephone”? (5 or 6 pounds)

Attention game “I AM NOT ME” for all children.

Exercise. On “I” we raise our hands up, on “NOT I” we squat.

-Who loves chocolate?

-Who loves marmalade?

- Who doesn't wash their ears?

-Who loves pomegranate?

-Who loves grapes?

-who loves green onions?

-Who doesn't wash their hands?

-Who likes ice cream?

-Who loves cake?

-Who loves toffee?

-Who is lapping from the bowl?

-Who likes tomatoes?

-Who fries fly agarics?

- Who loves movies?

- Who broke the window?

- Who likes cookies?

- Who likes jam?

- who loves honey?

- Who lies all the time?

- Who wants dumplings?

- Who wants a banana?

- Who is as stubborn as a sheep?

- Who wants Coca-Cola?

-Who will wash the whole school?

IVtour “Continue the sentence”

Exercise. Quiz participants must continue the quatrains from the fairy tales of K.I. Chukovsky.

The sun was walking across the sky

And it ran behind a cloud

The bunny looked out the window

It became a little bunny.....(dark) People are having fun -

The fly is getting married

For the dashing, daring

No no! Nightingale of the Young….(mosquito)

Doesn't sing for pigs

Better call... ( crow ) Suddenly a jackal came from somewhere
He rode on a mare:
"Here is a telegram for you

Here the hare came out from..... ( hippopotamus )
And she said to the Bear:
“It’s a shame for an old man to cry -
You are not a hare, but...(bear.) The fly screams

It's straining.

And the villain is silent,

I’m going to the Tauride Garden, …….(smirks)

Jumped over the fence

And she's chasing after me

And bites like....(she-wolf) We live in Zanzibar,

In Kalohara and Sahara,

On Mount Fernando Po

Where does Hippo walk?

And then the monkeys called: By wide.....(Limpopo)

- Please send…..

(books) Long, long time crocodile

The blue sea was extinguished

Pies and pancakes

And in his teeth And dried....(mushrooms)

It's not the fire that burns, -

The sun is red

Sun ….( stolen) Suddenly from the gateway

Scary giant

Red-haired and mustachioed

I forgive Fedorushka,........(cockroach)

I treat you to sweet tea

Eat, eat, Fedora...(Egorovna) And the elephant, trembling all over,

So I sat down on….(hedgehog)

The animals were happy! I won't, I won't

They laughed and sang I'll hurt the dishes

Ears flapping I will, I will do the dishes

Legs...(stomped) And love and...(respect)

Look, look into the tub - Oh, this is not an easy job -

And you will see there...(frog) Pull out of the swamp... ( hippopotamus)

And everyone, in order, the Musicians came running,

Gives a chocolate bar The drums are beating

And he puts it, and puts it on them...(thermometers) Bom! Bom! Bom!

Fly is dancing with...(mosquito)

Early in the morning at dawn And behind her are forks,

Little mice wash themselves, glasses and bottles,

And kittens and ducklings, cups and spoons

And bugs and...(spiders) Jumping on...(track)

Long live scented soap! And yesterday morning

And a fluffy Kangaroo towel:

And tooth powder - Isn't this an apartment?

And thick...(comb) ….? (Moidodyra)

Assignment for guests

Name what action each of the heroes of Chukovsky’s fairy tales did.



















K.I. Chukovsky wrote not only poems and fairy tales for children, he also wrote riddles.

Vtour “Riddles from K.I. Chukovsky."

Exercise. Guess the riddles written by Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.

Locomotive I'm lying under your feet,

No wheels! Trample me with your boots.

What a miracle locomotive! And tomorrow take me to the yard,

Is he crazy - so that the children can lie on me

He went straight across the sea! Flounder and tumble on me

(steamer) (carpet)

I had a cart, I had two horses,

But there was no horse, Two horses

And suddenly she neighed, They carry me along the water

The water neighed and ran

Look, Tverda ran,

A cart without a horse! Like stone!

(truck) (skates)

Oh, don't touch me: Little houses are running along the street

I'll burn you without fire! Girls and boys are being taken to their houses.

(nettle) (car)

It grows upside down, I walk and wander through the forests

It grows not in summer, but in winter, but by the mustache, by the hair

But the sun will bake her - And my teeth will be longer

She will cry and die. Than wolves and bears.

(icicle) (scallop)

I am a one-eared old woman, here are needles and pins

I'm jumping on the canvas They're crawling out from under the bench

And a long thread from the ear They look at me,

Like a cobweb, I pull. They want milk.

(needle) (hedgehog)

The sage saw a sage in him, Suddenly from the black darkness

A fool is a fool, Bushes have grown in the sky

Ram - ram And they are blue,

The sheep saw him as a sheep, crimson, gold

And the monkey - the monkey The flowers are blooming

But then they brought Fedya Baratov, of unprecedented beauty, to him

And Fedya saw the shaggy slob. And all the streets below them

(mirror) They also turned blue

Crimson, gold,


The result of the literary quiz game.

Do you remember the name of our literary quiz game?

What tales of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky do you know?

Winner's reward ceremony literary quiz game"Tales and mysteries of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky"

  1. Teacher's opening speech.
  2. Itour- “Remember the fairy tale.”
  3. IItour - « Who is who".
  4. IIItour."Competition of experts."
  5. Questions for fans.
  6. IVtour."Basket of lost things."
  7. Vtour."Guess a riddle"
  8. VItour."Decipher the names fairy-tale heroes».
  9. Playing with the audience.
  10. Theatricalization of fairy tales.
  11. Summing up and awarding the winners.

Not far from Moscow, in the village of Peredelkino, in a small house lived for many years a tall, gray-haired man, whom all the children in the country knew. It was he who came up with many fairy-tale heroes: Mukha-Tsokotukha, Barmaleya, Moidodyra. This guy's name was wonderful person Korney Chukovsky. April 1, 2007, if he were alive, he would be 125 years old.

Korney Chukovsky is literary pseudonym writer. His real name is Nikolai Vasilievich Korneychukov.

He got up very early, as soon as the sun rose, and immediately got to work. In spring and summer I dug in the garden or in the flower garden in front of the house, in winter I cleared the paths from the snow that had fallen overnight. After working for several hours, he went for a walk. He walked surprisingly easily and quickly, sometimes he even started racing with the kids he met while walking. It was to these kids that he dedicated his book “From Two to Five.”

Scientist, writer, translator, literary critic, K. Chukovsky wrote many poems and fairy tales for children.

From an early age, his poems bring joy to all of us. Not only you, but also your parents and grandparents could not imagine their childhood without the fairy tales of Korney Chukovsky!

Today we will take you on an unusual journey, we will meet the heroes of Korney Chukovsky’s fairy tales.

I round "Remember the fairy tale."

Remember what words the line ends with and name the fairy tale .

Treats small children
Heals birds and animals
He looks through his glasses
Good doctor... ( Aibolit)

Suddenly from the gateway -
Scary giant
Red-haired and mustachioed... ( cockroach)

I am the Great Laver
Famous... ( Moidodyr)
Umyvalnikov chief
And the commander of the washcloths.

The pigs meowed - meow - meow,
Kitties... ( grunted, oink-oink)

There's a robber in Africa
There's a villain in Africa
In Africa it’s terrible... ( Barmaley)

People are having fun -
The fly is getting married
For the dashing, daring
Young... ( mosquito)
"Fly Tsokotukha"

The sun was walking across the sky
And it ran behind a cloud.
The bunny looked out the window,
It’s become a little bunny... ( dark).
"Stolen Sun"

No no! Nightingale
Doesn't sing for pigs
Better call... ( crow)

And the dishes come and go
It walks through fields and swamps.
And the kettle said to the iron
- I have more to go... ( I can not).
"Fedorino grief"

Only suddenly, from behind a bush
Because of the blue forest,
From distant fields
Arrives... ( sparrow)

And behind him are the people
And he sings and shouts:
- What a freak, what a freak!
What a nose, what a mouth!
And where does this come from... ( monster).

And I don't need
No marmalade, no chocolate
But only the little ones
Well, very small... ( children)

2nd round "Who is who".

Which characters do these fairy-tale names belong to?

Aibolit - ( doctor)
Barmaley - ( robber)
Fedora - ( grandmother)
Karakula - ( shark)
Moidodyr - ( wash basin)
Totoshka, Kokoshka - ( crocodiles)
Tsokotuha - ( fly)
Barabek - ( glutton)
Red-haired, mustachioed giant - ( cockroach)

III round. "Competition of experts."

Solve the crossword puzzle based on the works of K. Chukovsky and find out the name of the writer’s first fairy tale.


  1. The name of the shark in Chukovsky's fairy tales.
  2. A monster from a fairy tale that devours baby animals.
  3. The name of the fly is the birthday girl.
  4. The name of one of the crocodiles who met the dirty one.
  5. The head of the wash basins and the commander of the washcloths.
  6. Who returned the stolen sun?
  7. What word did Aibolit repeat on his way to Africa?
  8. The title of a poem in which animals dragged a hippopotamus from a swamp.


  1. Chukovsky's first fairy tale.

Questions for fans. (while the teams are filling out the crossword puzzle).


  1. In what work did the dishes re-educate their owner? ( "Fedorino grief")
  2. Name a fairy tale in which a terrible crime occurs - an attempted murder? ( "Fly Tsokotukha").
  3. What a hero he was scary villain, and then re-educated? ( "Barmaley")
  4. What was the name of the boy who defeated the Crocodile? ( Vanya Vasilchikov)
  5. In which fairy tale is the sparrow glorified? ( "Cockroach")
  6. Name a fairy tale main idea which can be expressed in the words: “Cleanliness is the key to health!” ( “Moidodyr”, “Fedorino grief”)
  7. What did the animals ask for in the poem - fairy tale “Telephone”: ( Elephant - chocolate, Gazelles - carousels, Monkeys - books, Crocodile - galoshes)
  8. On whom did Aibolit and his friends travel to Africa? ( Wolves, whale, eagles)
  9. What “horned beast” were the tailors afraid of in the poem “The Brave Men”? ( snail)
  10. In which fairy tales is the crocodile the hero? ( “Confusion”, “Cockroach”, “Moidodyr”, “Telephone”, “Barmaley”, “Stolen Sun”, “Crocodile”)

Crossword check.

IV round. "Basket of lost things."

I have different things in my basket (bag). Someone lost them. Help find their owner, remember the fairy tale and the lines that talk about this item.

  • Telephone ( My phone rang)
  • Balloon ( Bears rode a bicycle...followed by mosquitoes in a balloon)
  • Soap ( So the soap jumped)
  • Saucer ( And behind them are saucers)
  • Galosh ( Send me a dozen new galoshes)
  • Thermometer ( And sets a thermometer for them)
  • Sieve ( The sieve bounces across the fields)
  • Gloves ( And then the bunnies called: “Can you send some gloves?”)
  • Coin ( A fly walked across the field, the fly found some money)
  • Chocolate ( And he gives everyone a chocolate bar in order.)
  • Collar ( The crocodile looked back and swallowed Barbosa, swallowed him along with the collar)
  • Washcloth ( And the washcloth was like a jackdaw, like it swallowed a jackdaw)

V round "Guess a riddle"

(Appeal to the portrait)
- Tall, long arms with large hands, large facial features, a large curious nose, a brush of a mustache, an unruly strand of hair hanging over the forehead, laughing eyes and an amazing easy gait. This is the appearance of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.

He was distinguished by great hard work. "

“Always,” he wrote, “no matter where I was: on the tram, in the line for bread, in the dentist’s waiting room, I wrote riddles for children so as not to waste time.” Guess the riddles of K. Chukovsky. ()

children make a wish
Wonderful house.
There was a white house
Wonderful house
And something knocked inside him.
And he crashed, and from there
A living miracle ran out -
So warm, so fluffy and golden.

(Egg and chicken)
Wonderful cave.
Red doors in my cave,
White animals sit at the door.
Both meat and bread - all my spoils -
I gladly give it to white animals!

(Mouth and teeth)
I'll burn you without fire!
They carry me along the water.

A wonderful locomotive.
A steam locomotive without wheels!
What a miracle - a steam locomotive!
Has he gone crazy?
He went straight across the sea!

The sage saw a sage in him,
Fool - fool, ram - ram,
The sheep saw him as a sheep,
And a monkey - a monkey.
But they brought him to him
Fedya Baratova,
And Fedya saw the shaggy slob.

Wonderful horses.
I have two horses, two horses,
And the water is hard
Like stone!
(Skates and ice)

Toothy mystery.
I walk - I wander not through the forests,
And by the mustache, by the hair ,
And my teeth are longer,
Than wolves and bears.

Round VI: “Decipher the names of fairy-tale characters.”

Insert vowels into the encrypted words to get the names of fairy-tale characters.










(Barmaley, Moidodyr, Aibolit, Karakula, Barabek, Tsokotukha, Fedora, Cockroach, Crocodile, Hippopotamus)

Playing with spectators(while the teams are working)

Connect the hero of the fairy tale with the action he committed.

K. Chukovsky became a children's poet and storyteller by accident. And it turned out like this. His little son fell ill. K. Chukovsky took him on the train. The boy was capricious, moaning, crying. In order to somehow entertain him, his father began to compose him a fairy tale:

Once upon a time there was a crocodile,
He walked the streets.

The boy suddenly became quiet and began to listen.

K. Chukovsky's fairy tales help all children navigate the world around them and make them feel like a fearless participant in imaginary battles for justice, for goodness and freedom.

The poems of K. Chukovsky cultivate the ability to empathize, sympathize, and rejoice.

Let us all rejoice together and watch the dramatization of excerpts from K. Chukovsky’s fairy tales.

Dramatization of fairy tales. We will encounter the works of K.I. Chukovsky many more times. In high school you will meet Chukovsky the translator. He translated from English “The Adventures of Baron Munchausen”, “The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe”, “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”, “The Prince and the Pauper”, “Rikki – Tikki – Tavi” and other books.

Irakli Andronikov wrote that “ Chukovsky has inexhaustible talent, smart, brilliant, cheerful, festive. Never part with such a writer for the rest of your life.”