Why dream of flying across the sky. Why dream of flying in a dream - interpretation of sleep from dream books

The visions that come to us in a dream are not only varied, but also so realistic that we often do not understand whether we dreamed it or happened in reality. Naturally, after such a dream, we are interested in its meaning, whether it says something. Why do you dream about flying in a dream? Let's figure it out.

We are accustomed to the fact that flying in dreams is mainly for children. When they tell us this, we respond: “That means you are growing.” In fact, many adults also have such dreams, and quite often. And they have nothing to do with growth.

According to the dream book, you can fly in a dream in any way, and each option has its own interpretation. Most of them speak about the positive coloring of the dream.

Thus, the human soul seems to float high above the body, which means that in reality you are above your problems and concerns, without giving in to panic. You are happy no matter what. Problems, of course, will still require solutions, but this dream means liberation from their oppression, the opportunity to make the right decision.

Rising above the earth and people in a dream, you gain freedom in reality, all problems are solved, moments of crisis are behind you, and only new plans, goals, and victories lie ahead.

For those who are changing jobs, making plans, or are one step away from concluding an important contract, such a dream promises good luck in business. Why dream of flying for people whose life follows the “home-work-home” pattern? In the near future, you may go on a trip and relax. And for single people, flying in a dream means lucky in love.

Of course, the details of any dream are of great importance. They radically change its interpretation. Therefore, opening just the word “fly” in a dream book will not be enough. Take any dream book, flying in it will have a lot of meanings, because in a dream you can fly in different ways, so specifics are needed, for example, the following:

  • Flight over the ground.
  • Fly like a bird.
  • Fly high above the water.
  • A space flight.
  • Fly on an airplane.

It is very important to pay attention to your landing after the flight. A soft landing means a smooth flow of affairs, their successful completion, success in your endeavors. If the planting site turns out to be dirty, swampy, minor troubles are possible, weigh everything carefully again and think it over. If the landing is unsuccessful and painful, problems or failures await you ahead, try to go a different way.


1. You can fly in a dream on an airplane. This suggests that you will soon be traveling, a business trip, a flight, and perhaps you will receive important news from afar. Are you the pilot of this plane? Then either you have to show your leadership qualities, or, conversely, your self-esteem is too low.

2. Why do you dream of flying in a hot air balloon? You should immediately pay attention to how the flight took place. If your balloon flies smoothly upward, expect an improvement in your financial situation and new lucrative contracts. And, conversely, financial difficulties and rash actions await those who dreamed that their balloon broke.

By getting rid of excess ballast in your dream, you will get rid of unnecessary troubles and be able to avoid the tricks of ill-wishers.

3. Did you dream that you were soaring high above the ground like a bird? Be sure that your dreams will come true, your plans will come true, things will get better, and you will find happiness in love.

Since ancient times, people have associated the bird with approaching guests or news. Therefore, being in the air with birds, staying in the kingdom of Morpheus, means soon communicating with interesting people, whose arrival is not far off.

4. In a dream, flying upward with absolutely no wings is dreamed of by those who have had a white streak in their lives, a lot of strength has appeared, things have gone uphill, and wishes have begun to come true. But do not forget that, flying without wings, you can fall at any moment, which means that while walking easily and freely through life, do not forget about your loved ones.

As you know, flying with wings is much safer than without them, and dreams are no exception. This means that in reality you have support and support in the person of your family and friends, which in a dream looks like wings. This means it will be easier for you to overcome obstacles.

Where are we flying?

1. We found out what it means to fly above the ground in a dream, but what does it mean if there was a symbol underneath you?

  • Flying over dirty water in a dream can promise troubles at work and the appearance of people who want to put a spoke in your wheels. You need to be alert and exercise extreme caution.
  • Why dream of flying over a body of clean water? Such a dream speaks of your purification, peace of mind and balance, and the renewal of internal strength for further achievements.

Waves and splashes on the water are emotions that you will experience soon. By their intensity, one can judge the strength of future emotions, and by the contamination of water, one can judge their positive or negative qualities. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the reservoir itself; being high above the ground, this is easy to determine.

If you see a river in a dream while flying, know that all emotions and feelings will be associated with current affairs and events. will tell you about significant changes, they will be important for you, and the ocean will tell you about drastic changes in your destiny.

2. Why do you dream about flying into outer space? As the dream book shows, flying in space means an opportunity to achieve more in life, you go beyond your goals, achieving more and more heights.

But it’s worth remembering the details of the dream. So, the planets around you talk about new meetings and communication, both with old friends and new acquaintances.

The sensations experienced are also important: lightness, joy and ease - this is the fulfillment of desires, the achievement of goals, and the solution of problems. Negative emotions from a flight indicate impending troubles, especially for those who experienced a feeling of fear during the flight.

If in a dream you were sent into space by force, then most likely in real life there is a person who has a huge influence on you, which you absolutely do not like. In addition, because of it, failures haunt you.

A big role in this serious matter will have to be played by those who not only admired the vastness of outer space, but also made an important discovery.

3. For those who had to fly indoors in a dream, such a dream speaks of certain fetters. You want to develop, strive for something more, set new goals for yourself, but something is stopping you. Circumstances or people drive you into certain limits, beyond which it is not possible.

If you dreamed that you saw windows or doors in this room, that is, a way out, it means you don’t have enough freedom in life, you want to escape and will soon understand how to do this.

Thus, we found out what flight means in dreams. Almost always such a dream is positive. You have reached a new level spiritually, you are ready to develop and realize yourself, move on, setting new goals, overcoming obstacles.

But do not rush to open the dream book; flying can be interpreted in it as both good and bad. Therefore, try to remember as many details of your dream as possible in order to interpret it as accurately as possible.

Why do you dream of flying in a dream? The dream book will help us understand this.

Flying in a dream speaks of a desire to escape from real difficulties in life. Each dream book explains this differently. Falling and injuring yourself at this moment is a sign of disaster. This significance of the vision will be neutralized in the event of awakening during the fall.

Interpretation of various dream books

Miller's Dream Book

  • Flying in the endless sky promises an unhappy marriage
  • Not high from the ground - to illness, difficulties
  • Above a muddy pond - intrigues around you from enemies. Be vigilant
  • Above the ruins - trouble and grief
  • You see sunlight in flight - your worries are groundless
  • Meeting the Moon and other celestial bodies during a flight is a harbinger of disasters
  • On black wings - disappointment awaits you

Imperial Dream Book (China)

  • For women, flying in a dream is a harbinger of good changes. This is for material independence, spiritual growth of the individual
  • For men - a conflict between the desired and the possible. Financial losses cannot be excluded. Authority is under threat, other negative manifestations

Dream Interpretation by A. Meneghetti

Escape from everyday troubles and responsibilities. The desire to become an independent, important person

Autumn dream book

Flying together and experiencing pleasure means a fleeting romance, a short-lived addiction

Summer dream book

Soaring high for young people means growth, for older people it portends the last flight

Spring dream book

Your dreams are vain and useless

Maly Velesov dream book

  • Triumph in business, cheerfulness, prosperity
  • For a sick person - recovery
  • Flying down means collapse, flying up means grace. Low - get ready to go, high - change for the better

Dream book of esotericism by E. Tsvetkova

  • Long journey
  • Rising high is feigned pride
  • Flying forward for a long time - love excitement
  • Flying in the skies brings happiness to the healthy and decay to the weak

Dream Book of the Wanderer

  • Achievements in all areas of activity
  • If you are engaged in spiritual self-development, you have made real progress in this area
  • Too high - ambition, failure of plans
  • In heaven - serious illness or death
  • Flying on any object or on a four-legged creature - your spiritual hobbies are demonic in nature. This can lead you to intellectual degradation
  • Fly on your bed - the appearance of unexpected and original changes in life

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

  • Tells you that you have left your physical body. Traveling in the astral world
  • Characterizes the dreamer’s elated spirituality, the ability to rise above his problems
  • Your vitality and sexual energy is on the rise
  • Trying to fly in an apartment - awakening your spirituality
  • Flying in the clouds - fantasy dominates reality
  • Close to the ground - decide your affairs according to the dictates of your soul and heart, ignore outside advice
  • Flying up to the sky is not the time to fulfill your hopes. Spend more time on current affairs
  • On an airliner - you have chosen the right path. Your goal will be achieved in the near future
  • In a hot air balloon - try to get closer to someone who is showing you signs of attention
  • By vehicle - now fortune is on your side, seize the moment and boldly take on practical matters
  • Fly and fall - accept failure and save energy for the next flights

Modern dream book

Fulfillment of plans, things are going uphill

Azar's biblical dream book

Means luck, prosperity

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse

  • Long distance - love and excitement
  • To fall - grief, resentment
  • Prosperity on the wings
  • In heaven - for the healthy to success, for seriously ill people - eternal peace

Esoteric dream book

You will find a worthy use for your talent

Lunar dream book

Fly low - you have a trip ahead of you

Dream book of psychologist D. Loff

  • Spontaneous flight. This requires some effort to get into the air. For example, waving your arms. Dreamed of by people who seek to avoid difficulties in life
  • Conscious flight. We choose this desire consciously. We are lifted up by invisible energy, we are simply confident that we can do it. This is astral flight. At this time, the dreamer can see his further best directions in practical matters

Eastern dream book

  • For young dreamers, this means physical growth
  • For older people - growth on a spiritual level
  • Seeing the sky without clouds while flying - your dreams will soon come true

Freud's Dream Book

All dreams associated with flying in a dream tell us about the intention to be sexually relaxed

Dream Interpretation of Zhou-Gong

  • On your wings - portends good luck, bliss
  • Fly high to the skies - to money, luxury and prosperity

Universal dream book

  • If you were shot at in flight, your enemies are not asleep, be careful
  • Flying close to the ground means illness
  • Hovered in the sky for a long time - problems in the family are possible

Italian dream book

  • This is a symbol of independence
  • Talks about your ability to solve any problems in reality
  • Only successful and strong individuals can do this.

Interpretations from other sources

  • On an airliner - changes in life to a good end
  • On a helicopter - the possibility of getting into an accident
  • On an airship - you will help disadvantaged people
  • In a hot air balloon - you will regret the missed opportunity
  • Hang gliding - a carefree pastime
  • During the flight you are overcome by a feeling of fear - failure in career growth

Explanation of visions depending on what you saw below you during the flight

  • Flying over the mountains means overcoming obstacles
  • Flying over the surface of the sea is a threat to life on the material and spiritual levels
  • The sea is raging under you - great harm
  • Over the fields and valleys - joy in life
  • Below you is a dense and impenetrable forest - a threat from unknown strong sources hangs over you
  • Below you is a city - dreams of glory, a penchant for poetry
  • Flying over the river - awakening self-awareness, the ability to control oneself or the desire to do so
  • While flying, you noticed white wings on your back. You admire the green leaves of the trees you are flying over. This is for success in business, mutual love
  • Your flight was in space. In life you are overwhelmed by fantasies, all your thoughts are occupied with them. You don't care what's going on around you

Flying in a dream can be both pleasant and frightening. Why do you dream of flying in a dream?

Flying in a dream: why do you dream?

Universal dream book

If you dreamed that you were flying without additional devices, in the spiritual sense you have reached a new level. These changes will entail life changes. But at the same time you need to be prepared for some difficulties.

If wings have grown, giving the opportunity to fly, then the person who saw such a dream has acquired inner freedom and undoubtedly made the right decision.

You fly using a balloon, airplane, etc. - it is worth paying attention to the direction and meaning of the dreamed means of flight. When there are some internal obstacles, you dream that it is impossible to take off - analyze your life to free yourself from them.

Flight into the abyss is a fall, you give up something, follow the lead of your weaknesses. Stability - flight in a straight line.

Esoteric dream book

According to the dream book, flying in a dream without extraneous devices means you are using your abilities correctly.

Dreaming of flying on wings or with a propeller means buying technical equipment: a boat, a TV, a car, etc.

Are you flying on a magic carpet, or maybe on a bird? Get ready, there's a long journey ahead.

Eastern dream book

Flying in a dream - why do you dream? If you plan in the endless and cloudless sky, your dreams will come true.

Take falling in flight literally. If you manage to wake up in the process of falling, you will certainly overcome problems.

Disappointment awaits you if you fly on black wings.

Flying by a person under 20 years of age signifies his physical growth. For older people, spiritual and mental growth occurs.

Dream Interpretation of Veles

According to the dream book, flying in a dream means success awaiting you in business. Good dream. It promises wealth, joy, recovery for the sick, and a harvest.

Flying high means changes or delusions. Flying low in a dream - towards the road.

Flying up means good luck and joy. Flying down is a danger of failure. Are you flying very far? This is a harbinger of love or long expectations.

The Wanderer (Terenty Smirnova)

Flying alone in the air - achievements are occurring or awaiting in your personal or professional life, in creativity, in the spiritual world.

Flying too high - pay attention to your claims and ambitions. They may turn out to be unfounded. The collapse of some plans cannot be ruled out.

If you are interested in demonic teachings, you may dream of flying on an animal or on a broom. This indicates loss of soul. It may be the beginning of spiritual temptation.

If you fly on a bed, some unexpected and original twist is possible. Flight takes place in the skies - the dream reports self-knowledge, spiritual revelation. But such difficult events as illness and death are also possible.

For some reason you fly very often. This means progress in spiritual practice.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena

To soar very high in the clouds - have a tendency to fantasize, disregard for reality.

The flight ended in a fall - you will have to accept defeat. Increase your efforts for the next flight.

Your spiritual powers awaken if you had to fly under the ceiling.

Act according to the dictates of your heart, ignore the advice of others if you were flying low above the ground in a dream.

Evidence of increased sexuality and increased vitality is flying outside the premises.

According to the dream book, flying in a hot air balloon in a dream is a warning not to miss someone who shows you increased attention. You are on the right track if you are flying on an airplane.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Did you see the sun while flying? Don't be afraid of anything, you're worrying in vain. Everything will be fine.

Take this as a warning if you fly over dirty water. Be sure to pay as much attention to yourself as possible, do not let people around you take advantage of you.

Your wishes will come true if you often see yourself flying on snow-white wings over green thickets.

Did you dream that you were shot in flight? Be prepared that obstacles created by enemies will appear on your path to prosperity and well-being.

Do you fly between cities and for some reason end up on a church dome? You will have to fight for your principles and views. Why do you dream that you are flying over ruins? This is a sign of some kind of failure associated with others, or boredom.

Probability of dreams coming true

Since some people are more susceptible to the influence of the Moon, and others to the influence of the Sun, you can choose which system suits you best.

Today is the 20th day of the month. The dreams you had last night will soon come true.

Today is the 14th lunar day. The dreams you had last night will soon come true.

Today is Wednesday. Wednesday is the middle of the week and is ruled by the mediating planet Mercury. Airy Mercury often brings light, varied, unmemorable dreams. But if you remember the dream, then by deciphering it, you will receive information about friends and acquaintances, brothers and sisters and everyone with whom you often communicate. Wednesday dreams announce upcoming minor changes in life. About sources of information that are important to you now, about studies, about upcoming nearby trips and conversations.

If Wednesday's dream is intense, moving, with frequently changing scenes, it means you are a sociable person. It is easy and pleasant to communicate with you and soon you will have many new acquaintances with whom it will be easy and fun, who will teach you a lot in an unobtrusive manner. If the dream is stingy, calm or simply uninteresting, with primitive, everyday situations, then in the near future you will experience a lack of information, there will be no one to help you. It’s good when there is movement in a “Mercurian” dream, moving from city to city, for example. Movement means variety, richness of life, changes for the better, recovery, and building relationships with interesting people. If Wednesday night was spent flying, it means that a lot of information will soon be available. You will become more independent of circumstances.

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FLY – Modern Dream Interpretation

Flying in a dream is a sign of good luck or great ambitions.

If you dream that you have flown too far, then the dream warns you that the person for whom you are suffering so much does not deserve it. Sometimes such a dream speaks of a long wait for something or someone.

Flying over a familiar country or area in a dream means participation in important matters and respect for others. In general, the nature of the landscape below will help you reveal the meaning of the dream.

You dream that you are flying in space and surveying the planet - such a dream foreshadows some kind of natural disasters or catastrophes on a global scale: wars, the collapse of states, epidemics.

It’s like you’re flying and looking at the sun - your worries are in vain. Even if you do nothing, your life will get better.

You fly in a dream and experience lightness, you are like a bird - a dream means that you are a courageous person, your spirit is free. All roads are open to you and you are free to choose the best. A beautiful future awaits you.

It’s as if you are flying over the treetops - some troubles await you, but they will soon end and will not have consequences.

You are flying low above the ground - you will not get out of an awkward situation without moral losses. You may be accused of falling low. Another interpretation of the dream: you will soon get sick.

You are flying over a dead forest or a fire - you will overcome all challenges and achieve success. Next to you, the average person will look like a loser.

You are flying over the ruins - a misfortune may happen to you.

Flying with wings in a dream is better than flying without them. In this case, wings mean support or outside help. As you know, without support and help it is more difficult to cope with some matter. Flying without wings in a dream is a sign of danger and risk.

You see your wings in flight, they are white - you are flying on the wings of luck. Success will accompany you everywhere. You will know happy love.

You see your wings in flight, they are black - reality will bitterly disappoint you. You will say goodbye to someone forever.

Flying and falling is a sign of danger, trouble and collapse in business. Your flight ended in a fall, and you woke up at the moment of the fall - this is not a good sign, you are about to experience a great misfortune, take heart.

A young woman dreams that she is flying high in the sky - an unhappy marriage awaits this woman. The husband will be boring and grumpy. With such a husband, no wealth will seem like a blessing.

A woman dreams that she is flying from one city to another. She sees that the stars are reflected in the golden domes of the temples - this woman will have to protect her world from hypocritical people. The fight may cost her health, but in the end she will win.

Flying in a dark starry sky in a dream is a sign of great disasters.

Flying from roof to roof in a dream means that you are not satisfied with the present and are still trying to improve your affairs, now doing one thing, then doing something else.

Flying over your house in a dream means that your family will condemn your crazy plans and because of this, a scandal will break out in the house.

Flying over a foreign country in a dream is a harbinger of a long journey from which you will not return soon. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you will take on a completely new business.

Flying too high in a dream means that your desire is impossible to fulfill.

Soaring in the skies in a dream is a sign of a romantic dream for lovers or people with great ambitions.

FLY – Slavic Dream Interpretation

Low in the air is the road.

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Flying in a dream for an adult is a symbol of fulfillment of desires and success in business. The dream reflects the internal state of a person, his desire for a happy life. Often a dream demonstrates a person's ability to overcome problems and start a new life. For the interpretation to be reliable, it is important to take into account the main details of the dream: what the dreamer was flying on, whether the place of flight was familiar to him, what emotions he experienced.

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    General interpretation

    Main dream plots:

    • Flying on an airplane is a good sign. Flight promises favorable changes in the life of the sleeper. He must be patient and make efforts to achieve his goals. Success and universal recognition await him.
    • Flying in a hot air balloon is an extraordinary experience for a person. It charges you with a lot of positive emotions and impressions. If the sleeper has made a long flight, then a long journey awaits him. For some time he will have to communicate with loved ones at a distance. A short trip symbolizes a difficult choice that the dreamer will have to make. It will affect not only the sleeping person, but also his immediate environment. It is important not to make a mistake and think about the possible consequences.
    • If the sleeper floats high in the air above the city, then such a dream reflects a person’s desire to become famous.
    • Feeling joy while flying in the air is a good sign. The dreamer feels freedom and does not experience pressure from others. If a person wakes up unexpectedly, he will be told important news that will have a strong impact on his life.
    • Flight into space dreams of success in professional activities. The dreamer may receive a promotion or a big bonus. The cherished wishes of the sleeping person will be fulfilled.
    • Flying with a parachute in a dream means trouble. The threat will disturb the sleeper's peace. At home and at work, troubles will arise caused by the actions of the sleeper in the past. If the parachute was black, then the person will realize his mistakes and will try to correct them.
    • Flying with children is a good omen. If the dreamer has children, then they will please him with their successes and achievements.

    Fly on wings

    Soaring on wings above the ground in a dream is an ambiguous sign. According to psychologists, such a dream can reflect the internal emotions of the sleeper. He is in love and feels a strong attachment to his soulmate. The dream represents his happiness and peace.

    In dream books there is a different interpretation. It examines the color of the sleeper's wings and the place over which he flew. If the wings were black, then the dreamer will face bitter disappointments in reality. Falling from heaven to earth means trouble. They can be avoided if the sleeper did not feel pain from falling during the dream.

    Flying over a beautiful blooming park or forest is a sign of unexpected joy and meeting a loved one. The dreamer will have good luck in all his endeavors. Flying over dry treetops is a sign of the trials that life has prepared for the dreamer. Having overcome them, he will gain new experience and gain confidence in his abilities.

    If a woman flew over a church in a dream, then she should take care of her health and the health of her loved ones. She may have to defend her love from ill-wishers and envious people.

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    Dependence on the time of year

    When interpreting dreams, even the smallest details are taken into account. A connection has long been noticed between a dream and the time of year in which a person dreamed about it:

    • Flying in a dream in the spring - to unfulfilled dreams. The dreamer “has his head in the clouds” and dreams of impossible things.
    • If you have a dream in the summer, then the human body needs rest. A short vacation will help you replenish your energy and have a great time.
    • An autumn dream promises a new acquaintance and a subsequent passionate romance.
    • Flying in a dream in winter means new prospects will emerge. The main thing is to take advantage of them in time and not miss your opportunity.

    Interpretation in famous dream books

    The authors of dream books examined dreams based on their own observations. Therefore, the interpretation may vary significantly. The dreamer must find a description that most fully reflects his dream and the feelings he experienced.

    The most popular dream books were compiled by the American psychologist Miller, the Bulgarian seer Vanga and the founder of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud.


    Miller's dream book discusses in detail various dream plots. The author considered flying in a dream a bad sign for an adult. If the bride has a dream, then her marriage will be unsuccessful. Married life will not bring happiness to the young, and the relationship between them will deteriorate. For a sick person, the dream foreshadows death if he does not promptly consult a doctor for advice.

    If the sleeper flew low over the water and managed to remember its state, then based on this information the interpretation can be supplemented. A muddy and dirty pond warns the dreamer that he should be more careful. Intrigues are being hatched against him to harm his reputation. Flying over ruins is unlucky. But this omen should not upset the dreamer. Difficulties will soon be overcome.

    Seeing the sun during a flight is a good sign! A bright streak will come in the life of the sleeper. He can easily cope with all problems and will be able to achieve great success.

    There is an omen that concerns not an individual person, but the fate of all humanity. We are talking about a dream in which a man, flying through the air, saw celestial bodies. The dream foreshadows the emergence of a terrible threat. This could be a natural disaster or a major disaster. The dreamer cannot prevent it, so you should not worry about the prediction.


    Psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud is known for his unconventional approach to dream interpretation. He personified dreams of flying with sexual intercourse. Freud considered a hot air balloon flight or parachute jump to be a reflection of a person’s sexual desires. He strives to gain new emotions and wants to diversify his sex life.

    An adult flying in a dream on a comfortable private plane is a sign that the dreamer is in excellent physical shape. An old plane indicates problems of an intimate nature. The dream book advises consulting a doctor if this condition continues for a long time. Otherwise, serious problems with potency may arise. A military helicopter reflects inflated self-esteem. Flying on a hang glider or on another, more exotic means of transportation indicates the dreamer’s desire to have sex in an unusual place.

    If a woman flies in a dream and watches herself from the side, then she is worried about her reputation. She is also concerned about her own appearance. Such anxieties are typical for mature women who believe that they have lost their attractiveness in the eyes of men. You need to overcome your fears and doubts and regain your former self-confidence. And then the representatives of the stronger sex will again begin to bestow the dreamer with signs of attention, seeking her favor.


    According to Vanga, a dream about flying is interpreted as a harbinger of imminent travel or a change of residence. The seer pays special attention to the dream in which the sleeper independently drove the vehicle. Vanga believed that such a dream speaks of a person’s timidity and indecisiveness. He is shy, which is why he often remains in the shadows and cannot achieve great success. It is necessary to overcome shyness and get out of your usual comfort zone. Only in this case will the dreamer be able to independently manage his life and not depend on the opinions of others.

    Seeing a flight at high altitude in a dream means success in business and in your personal life. The dream reflects the dreamer's happiness. He is completely happy with his real life. If the sleeper is an airplane pilot, then he will have to make an important decision in life. You will have to take full responsibility.

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