A participant in the children's "Voice" continues treatment after a terrible accident. What's wrong with the Voice participant's eye?

The "Voice. Children" project brings together a huge number of gifted children from all over Russia to participate in creative competition. The jury evaluates the vocal abilities of the participants and makes a decision on the continuation of their path in the project. One of the bright girls who came to the competition was Yaroslava Degtyareva (born August 14, 2008). It was especially memorable for the spectators and rivals.

A talented girl with a difficult fate

Yaroslava Degtyareva, whose biography is still too short due to her age, lived the full life of a good girl: she studied unprofessionally in the vocal studio "Inspiration", studied at school and helped her mother around the house. Everything would have been fine if not for one incident that completely turned the child’s life upside down. When little Yaroslava was five years old, she ended up in terrible accident together with parents. But she was able to return to life and decided to prove herself in a creative vocal competition on Channel One. Mother Olesya and seven-year-old Yaroslava Degtyareva came to the project. Many immediately noticed that there was something wrong with the girl’s eye. A small defect is visible on the face, but it cannot be called ugly. It only attracts unnecessary attention at first. The family came from the city of Gukovo, in the Rostov region. They moved there to Yaroslava’s grandmother Nadezhda Ivanovna after that terrible accident.

Incident three years ago

The girl’s family tries not to remember the past, just like Yaroslava Degtyareva herself. Only the scars remind you that something bad happened to your eye. Three years ago, Yasya and her parents were driving in a car, and their car was blown into a cliff. The glass broke and shattered into tiny fragments, injuring the girl’s face and body. Fortunately, her mother Olesya was not hurt so badly and was able to help her daughter in the first minutes. It became clear immediately that Yaroslava Degtyareva would have problems with her eye, based on the nature of the injuries received. The head suffered the most damage; the blows caused an open craniocerebral injury. Numerous wounds and scratches, closed fractures and ruptures of internal organs were also found on the child’s body. All night the best doctors fought for the life of the little star, trying to do everything possible. They managed to literally put it back together.

Rehabilitation in hospital

For about a month, the girl was unable to get out of her hospital bed. They were together all the time: mother and Yaroslava Degtyarev. The accident left them alone with each other (dad does not live in the family). Gradually, the girl began to raise her head, and then stand up and move around on crutches. At first it was very difficult for her. Mom was worried about her daughter’s moral state, because not every adult can survive such a shock. While in the hospital, the girl continued to develop: she studied with textbooks, drew a lot and read books. Yaroslava loved to stage mini-performances with song accompaniment, fortunately there were always many spectators in the hospital. It’s difficult to put a person in a positive mood when there are so many sick children around, but Yasi’s mother always told her about her love and about the great opportunities that await the little star after recovery and discharge.

New Year's wish

Approaching New Year found a small family within hospital walls. “Let the legs begin to walk again,” she asked Yaroslav Degtyarev at the Christmas tree to fulfill her cherished wish. She didn’t care about the problem with her eye yet. Much more priority was the issue of restoring leg function.

With a song through life

When the girl got to her feet, she began to walk around the wards and sing for the children who were still lying down and could not get up. She encouraged them as best she could, charging them with positivity. Everyone knew that cheerfulness and songs in the department were all about Yaroslav Degtyarev. It’s scary to describe what complex procedures were done to the eye in the hospital, but the girl passed all the tests. Yasya experienced true pleasure seeing how children joyfully perceived her songs. She felt it necessary to help them in some way. When my grandmother cried, Yaroslava calmed her down and said that everything would be fine and there was no need to cry. The girl has yet to a long period restoration and plastic surgery.

Casting for the project "The Voice. Children"

According to her mother, Yaroslava loved to sing from childhood. Already at the age of three, she sang along with her mother her favorite songs from The Bremen Town Musicians. At the age of four she could sing solo the soundtrack from the film "Titanic". Mom and daughter practiced vocals every day, sang and rehearsed numbers, which brought great pleasure to both. For the blind auditions for the “Voice. Children” project, Yaroslava prepared several songs, since for a long time she could not decide which composition was best to perform with. Her heartfelt performance of “Cuckoo” touched the hearts of the jury members. The girl said that she heard this song performed by Polina Gagarina in the film “The Battle of Sevastopol.” I felt that I had to sing this song with my soul. Despite young age, Yaroslava thinks like an adult. She chooses for performance those songs that she is able to sing powerfully, from the heart, conveying all the emotions to the viewer. You can’t pursue some goal and count on something, it’s important to just give yourself over to the music and give it to the listener.

Project mentors

In the process of performing the song at the blind auditions, two mentors turned to Yaroslava Degtyareva: Dima Bilan and Pelageya. The girl chose Dima and became a member of his team. She said that she chose Bilan because of his characteristic and external resemblance to the boy from the vocal studio, where she goes to practice singing.

Millions of views on YouTube

The little blonde in a white shirt and denim overalls created an incredible sensation. The video of the performance received several million views during the broadcast. After its performance, appearance does not play any role. In the project "Voice. Children" Yaroslav Degtyarev reached the final, that with the eye the photo is distorted and looks unusual, no one notices.


A real fighter - Yaroslava Degtyareva. She doesn’t even remember that there’s something wrong with her eye. Active life allows her to think only about good things. At the project, before going on stage, little participants are asked to choose a small souvenir as a talisman. Yaroslava had the opportunity to receive a toy bracelet on her hand, but still she considers her beloved mother, who is always there, to be her main and important talisman. He also wears a bracelet and a cross blessed in the church.

Hobbies and dreams

Like any little girl, Yaroslava loves to play with toys and often plays on TV shows. One of my favorites is " Evening Urgant", especially the section "View from below". All toys and pets are used, each has its own role. Yasya also loves to walk with the dog and train it. Another love of the girl is horses. Very often she and her mother go to the park, to go horseback riding. He dreams of finally recovering and for all the scars to heal.

March 04, 2016

Having recovered from a serious car accident, the seven-year-old singer learned to walk again and won the hearts of the project’s viewers.

Having recovered from a serious car accident, the seven-year-old singer learned to walk again and won the hearts of the project’s viewers.

Photo: Dmitry Tkachenko

A little blonde in a denim overalls from the city of Gukovo (Rostov region) made a splash at the “blind auditions.” The song “Cuckoo” performed by her on Youtube has already received 2.5 million views. It’s not to say that Yaroslava sang perfectly - the girl was hampered by her excitement, but sincerity and desire did their job: both Dima Bilan and Dima Bilan turned to the original singer. And two years ago, Yaroslava could not dream of the project “” - she was in the hospital after an accident in which she almost died. An open craniocerebral injury, fractures and fragments on the face - neurosurgeons, ophthalmologists and orthopedists literally pieced together the girl after the accident. The treatment is still ongoing, but the TV program magazine was convinced that the character and strength of spirit will not allow the girl to deviate from the path.

Photo: personal archive

— Did you yourself propose Viktor Tsoi’s song “Cuckoo” for the “blind auditions”?

— For the casting in Ostankino (selection round before recording the broadcast - editor's note), I prepared several songs, did not know which one to choose and sang my favorite “Cuckoo”, although my mother and I did not prepare it specifically for the casting. I heard it performed before in the film about the war “Battle for Sevastopol”. I liked this song. She's really fighting! I love strong songs.

Photo: personal archive

- What does “powerful” mean? How should you sing to make them turn around?

- With soul, from the heart. And without a goal. Because if you eat with calculation, without a soul, then it won’t work. For example, you set your sights on people turning to you, and then you’ll forget about the song.

— Do you have a talisman or favorite toy that is always with you?

— Probably my talisman is my mother, she is always there. True, before going on stage at “The Voice” we were given special items, gifts from a bag. Like talismans. The children chose different toys and things and kept them for themselves. I got a bracelet - I had to weave it and put it on my hand. However, I still got nervous and hit the wrong note at the beginning of the song. But she wasn’t confused - she continued to sing and corrected her mistakes. And Pelageya and I turned to me.

— Behind the scenes, you said that your mentor looked like one of your friends...

- Yes, I go to study at vocal studio“Inspiration”, and I have a friend there. He's as funny as . And his hairstyle also looks like him. And a humorous character.

— How long have you been doing vocals?

- As long as I don't go to music school I don’t do vocals professionally. I’m just singing in the vocal studio “Inspiration” already more than a year, since I went to first grade. I also like to go for walks fresh air, train your dog. I love interviewing my dolls and cat, as if I were playing “View From Below.” My mother and I also often go to the park and ride horses. When I was little, that is, smaller, I rode horses, so I’m not afraid. I haven’t learned how to control them yet, but skating brings me pleasure.

Photo: personal archive

— Did your classmates at school congratulate you?

— After the broadcast, I haven’t been to school yet. My mother and I were in Moscow for a medical examination and recently returned. But everyone calls me, congratulates me, and really waits for me. People write a lot of good things on social networks and want to make friends. Sometimes they send me portraits. Some people, on the contrary, create fake pages and write on my behalf.

- Do you have cherished dream?

— I don’t even know... of course, every participant wants to win “The Voice.” And also, I’m scared to remember this, and I didn’t talk about my desire, but I want the scars to heal and for me to be completely cured.

Photo: personal archive

Singer’s mother Olesya Degtyareva: “The doctors fought all night for Yasi’s life”

Photo: personal archive

— Yasya sang from the time she was little (from childhood) - from about a year old she began to sing along. And she usually hit the notes. At the age of three she loved to sing songs from The Bremen Town Musicians. Now she sings when she does her homework. Sings while we are standing in the store. And when Yasya came to first grade, she was immediately noticed in music lessons and taken to perform on stage. Then we were offered to go to competitions, I agreed. After the accident, I was left alone with Yasya in my arms (with my husband Olesya in the car - editor's note), it was hard. And we moved to the Rostov region to live with my mother. The accident happened on the highway, Yasi's father was driving. On the way, we flew into a cliff, the glass broke, and Yasya was seriously injured. Doctors spent the whole night saving her life: an open head injury, closed fractures, internal injuries, and a severely damaged eye. While we were in the hospital, we staged mini-performances and learned to read. In fact, it was wildly painful to see her pain. On New Year's Eve, Yasya asked the Christmas tree for a gift: “so that her legs could start walking.” In the hospital, where there were many sick children, Yasya sang for them too. When I got to my feet, I walked around the wards and sang to those who could not get up. And then she told me: “Mom! They like it so much! I'm so glad I can do something for them."

Grandmother Nadezhda Ivanovna: “Lying in the hospital, Yasya sang for others”

Photo: personal archive

“Even before the first broadcast, I saw Yasechka in an advertisement for “The Voice.” The first sensation is goosebumps. An extraordinary feeling. And when they showed it on air, it was full of tears! And why is her voice so captivating? Daughter Olesya graduated from music school. She and Yasya have similar voices, very powerful. Every day they rehearse and sing. Although after the accident Olesya herself was severely crippled, her eye was half sewn shut, but she still devoted most of her time to Yasa. The situation hardened her. Even when I couldn’t hold back my tears, looking at her, she said: “Grandma, don’t cry! Everything will be fine". Of course, she has her favorite toys, without which she does not go to bed. On “The Voice” she took with her a pillow with a monkey. In general, Yasya wears a cross and bracelet consecrated in church. They keep it.

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First, Friday, 21.30

A seven-year-old girl from Gukovo who sang in the show “The Voice. Children - 3" "Cuckoo" by Viktor Tsoi, captivated Internet users.

Yaroslav's first glory

The video of Yaroslava’s performance at the blind auditions was watched online more than 7 million times - this is a real record! Yasya herself, as the girl’s relatives call her, is happy about this attention, as well as the growing number of subscribers on Instagram - the schoolgirl already has more than 8 thousand of them.

The little star has been singing since childhood, says mother Alesya Bumagina:

Yasya had not yet started speaking, but was already singing something. My daughter has a natural talent. For more than a year she has been performing on stage: at various city and school events. We have already attended two talent competitions in Sochi. I’m surprised at Yase: she’s not afraid to sing on stage! She performed the composition “Cuckoo” throughout the country. She chose it herself. I heard the singer Polina Gagarina perform “The Battle for Sevastopol” in the film and wanted to sing it. IN free time Yaroslava makes videos, for example, with dolls. He loves animals very much and dreams of a real horse.

Little fighter

Despite her young age, Yaroslava Degtyareva managed to experience a tragedy in her life: two years ago she and her mother were in a serious accident. The doctors fought for the baby’s life all night, after which the girl learned to walk again.

Two years ago, Yasya and I were driving along the highway from Rostov and got into a terrible accident,” adds Yaroslava’s mother. - Due to the driver’s fault, they flew into a ditch. My daughter had an open head injury, a hip fracture, multiple injuries to internal organs, and her face was damaged. The hospital near the accident site did not have the necessary doctors. My brother arrived, made an agreement, and Yasechka was taken to Rostov. The heads of departments gathered there: a neurosurgeon, an ophthalmologist, an orthopedist... Thanks to them and to God. I spent a month with my daughter in a hospital room. At first she just lay there. Then she began to raise her head, sit down, and then we learned to walk again. At first we walked on crutches. I was worried about how my daughter would take all this and didn’t know what to do next. But Yasya is great, she didn’t lose heart. While we were in the hospital, I taught her to read, and we drew a lot. She constantly said that for me she is still the best, the most beautiful. In addition, my daughter saw heavy children. She sympathized with them, supported them, sang for them. Now we are constantly under the supervision of doctors. We regularly examine the eyes and head (there is no escape from the consequences of the accident), and keep our finger on the pulse all the time. But there are no contraindications to singing, and she likes it. So everything is slowly getting better, the worst is behind us.

In the third season children's version Yaroslav Degtyarev’s show “The Voice” was the very first to perform. And how she performed! Two judges, Dima Bilan and Pelageya, turned to the little one, diligently reciting Tsoi’s lines “My sun, look at me!” Both mentors offered the young participant a place on their team, but the girl snapped: “Pelageya, you, of course, are very beautiful, but I choose Bilan!”

I don’t like children’s, cheerful songs,” admitted Yaroslava. - Therefore, for the blind auditions I chose “Cuckoo” - a fighting, powerful composition. I'm glad I joined Dima Bilan's team. He is artistic, not sad, and his hits are wonderful. When I was little, I fell asleep to his songs, like lullabies.

Popular recognition

Fans give Yasa her portraits

In less than a week, the video with Yaroslava Degtyareva’s performance was watched more than one and a half million times. Popularity has taken Yasya like a mad whirlwind – the girl simply doesn’t have time to read hundreds of messages on social networks. Fans flood the little one with compliments and questions, to which the young singer promises to shoot video responses. The girl’s mother, Alesya, assures that every day she fights against her daughter’s fake pages on social networks. It turns out that dishonest people communicate on behalf of Yaroslava with fans, which greatly upsets her daughter.

Horse named Bilan

At her home school in Gukovo, the young star is also happy: between filming, Yasya catches up on lost time and performs at local concerts. Everyone asks to be photographed, but the girl is not arrogant. She is glad that everyone praises her, but she does not consider herself a star.

But the most important gift to Yaroslava was presented by her fan from Krasnoyarsk. A declaration of love for horses on Channel One touched one of the show’s fans so much that he decided to give her a real horse.

After the broadcasts with Yasi’s participation, a certain Ruslan from Krasnoyarsk contacted me and said that he really wanted to give his daughter such a gift,” said Yaroslava’s mother Alesya. “A friend of his owns horses, and one of them will soon become Yasina. Now Ruslan is deciding organizational issues: when and where to deliver the gift.

It was a shock for the girl and mother - they even decided that we're talking about about a toy horse. But it turned out that this was true. Yasya is very happy, she decided that if there is a stallion, she will name him Buran. Or Bilan will think.

My daughter’s love for horses began back in early childhood, - recalls Alesya. - From the age of three she constantly rode horseback in the Skazka park in Rostov. It happened that we even rode to the park on horseback if we met them along the way. We even spent one of Yasi’s last birthdays in the Botanical Garden, riding horses.

Thinking out loud

In the future, the little star Yaroslav Degtyareva wants to become an artist, singer and music teacher.

At school, children who can’t sing ask me to help,” Yasya assures. - I worked with one girl a little, explained how it was necessary, and she began to do better. In my free time, I like to make interesting videos or make cakes in a toy bakery. I also play around with a cat or train a dog.

Before the concert “Little Legends” big country"In the Music Hall, Piterzavtra journalists talked with members of Dima Bilan's team from the third season of the show "The Voice. Children" - "Queen of Goosebumps" Yaroslava Degtyareva and the winner of the project Danila Pluzhnikov.

The young artists told Peter Tomorrow how their lives changed after The Voice, what to do if you are afraid to perform, and a little more about video blogs and their favorite mentor.

Piterzavtra: First of all, we ask all artists about our city. Have you been to St. Petersburg before? Did you remember anything here?

Yaroslav Degtyarev: I was. Beautiful buildings, big river.

Danil Pluzhnikov: And I already was. The city is very beautiful, with a great history.

Piterzavtra: Have your own songs appeared in your repertoire?

Yaroslav Degtyarev: They write a song for me.

Danil Pluzhnikov: I compose on a synthesizer musical works, but without text yet. For now, we mostly sing the songs we like.

Piterzavtra: Who usually chooses the songs that you will perform?

Danil Pluzhnikov: In my case - my family, me, a teacher.

Yaroslav Degtyarev: I have the same.

Piterzavtra: You take part in many concerts, travel to different cities, do you still have time to study?

Danil Pluzhnikov: Where to go? They ask me a few paragraphs, I read them, do assignments on them, come home, and turn them in. Again they give me a bunch of paragraphs, I leave, teach, come, hand them in. This is the cycle.

Piterzavtra: What subjects are difficult?

Danil Pluzhnikov: I'm a humanitarian. I don’t communicate with exact sciences, but with the rest everything is fine. Algebra is a nightmare.

Piterzavtra: Danil, I recently watched your performance on New Wave, where you and Dima Bilan performed a song from Oleg Gazmanov’s repertoire “Mama”. The audience was crying. What is it like when you sing and the whole audience is crying?

Danil: The feeling is indescribable. It’s very nice when you manage to convey to the audience the secret things you sing about.

Yaroslav Degtyarev: If I were in Danil’s place, I would feel sad myself. You sing, and the whole audience is crying, I would cry myself. It's sad when everyone cries.

Piterzavtra: What to do if you are afraid to go on stage?

Yaroslav Degtyarev: If you are afraid and are performing somewhere for the first time, imagine that you are at home, but you need to sing well. I sometimes imagine that if I sing well, they will buy me sweets.

Danil Pluzhnikov: Before performing, it is better to discard doubtful, negative thoughts. You need to set yourself a goal and do what you love.

Danil Pluzhnikov: I like everything: performances, new cities, meeting very interesting people. People, just passers-by, come up to us and say nice words. We really like all this. Life has changed.

Yaroslav Degtyarev: Yes Yes Yes! I completely agree with you.

Piterzavtra: Probably one of the very interesting people- this is your mentor Dima Bilan. How would you characterize him?

Yaroslav Degtyarev: Cheerful, kind. The best mentor in the world.

Danil Pluzhnikov: That says it all. A man with a broad soul, a professional in his field, very warm, personal, and simple. It's very easy to communicate with him.

Piterzavtra: Was there any advice from him that stood out to you?

Danil Pluzhnikov: There were a lot of tips, we can’t choose just one.

Piterzavtra: Danil, on your page in social network I saw the vlog. How did you decide to become a video blogger?

Danil Pluzhnikov: I just wanted to write it down interesting video, edit it, post it on YouTube, because it’s very interesting. It took me a long time to get ready, take a normal camera, shoot the material, and then edit it. We bought the camera at the beginning of summer, then I spent three months getting everything together, then finally recorded it and posted it. I recently recorded another video, I’ll start editing it soon.

Now I often travel to all sorts of events. I plan to film about life on stage and behind the scenes: how everything happens there, how the artists experience behind the scenes, how they communicate in the dressing room. Something like this is roughly in the plans. Maybe I’ll add some sections in addition to speeches. The more videos, the better.

While we were preparing the interview for publication, Danil released a second video:

Piterzavtra: Do you follow any popular bloggers?

Danil Pluzhnikov: I don't look at blogs now. I improvise myself.

Piterzavtra: Your blog will be about behind-the-scenes life. Maybe you can share a particularly memorable incident?

Danil Pluzhnikov: There are a lot of interesting cases. In principle, our conversation is also an interesting case (smiles).

Yaroslav Degtyarev: I have long wanted to become a blogger, but it doesn’t work out, I don’t have enough time. The problem is where to shoot, what to shoot, with whom to shoot? Friends in Moscow are only from “Golos” for now. They probably won't have time to get together and shoot a video together.

Piterzavtra: What do you want to film about?

Yaroslav Degtyarev: I want to make a review of Lego, a DIY video, unboxing. I will try to make it very interesting. Nowadays it’s still fashionable to make videos about makeup for school, but I’m only in third grade. Why do I need makeup? Maybe when I'm in high school, then I'll start putting on makeup and filming.

Piterzavtra: Is it always interesting what your interlocutors read and watch?

Danil Pluzhnikov: I don't like to single out anything specific. I love everything good: movies, music, food.

Yaroslav Degtyarev: You will probably be surprised now, but I really liked the book “The Master and Margarita”. True, I haven’t finished reading it yet. This is such a mystical book. An adult piece that I like. I really asked my mother for this book, they couldn’t find it at home, and the school director Irina Ivanovna gave it to me.

Piterzavtra: How did you hear about this book?

Yaroslav Degtyarev: I saw a picture on the Internet with a silhouette of a cat, and in it there was a building and a witch, I even copied it later. I clicked on the cat and ended up in a Google chat, where the cat Behemoth wrote “I’m not being naughty, I’m not hurting anyone!” (In 2016 year Google launched a project of online readings of the novel “The Master and Margarita” to mark the 125th anniversary of the birth of Mikhail Bulgakov. - Approx. Ed.)

I really love cats. In general, I love animals very much, I communicate with them, I have a dog and a cat at home. In the summer I give my cat a massage with herbs and petals to make him feel fresh. I brought him a sweater for the winter so he wouldn't freeze.

Piterzavtra: Wish your child fans something, what should they do to make their wishes come true?

Danil Pluzhnikov: Don't be afraid, move on, strive for your goal! Only forward!

Yaroslav Degtyarev: And most importantly, never give up on your dreams!

Interviewed by: Ksenia BORISOVA (the_ksenya)

P.S.: We express special thanks to Nadezhda Kokareva And Elena Romanova for assistance in organizing the interview.

"on Channel One.

Yaroslav Degtyarev. Biography and creative path

Yaroslav Degtyarev born on August 14, 2008 in Rostov-on-Don, and later moved with her mother Olesya Degtyareva to the small mining town of Gukovo in the same region. Since childhood, the girl had a passion for vocal craft. According to her relatives, Yasya (that’s what her relatives call her), From about the age of one she began to sing along with her mother.

At the age of three she liked compositions from the animated musical “The Town Musicians of Bremen”, and at the age of 4 Yaroslava herself learned the main hit from the legendary blockbuster of world cinema from director James Cameron “Titanic”.

When the baby was 5 years old, she and her family got into a terrible accident on the Rostov highway and received severe injuries, as a result of which she barely survived, underwent many operations, including to restore her vision, and literally learned to walk again. Despite her young age, the girl showed herself to be a real fighter and optimist.

Olesya Degtyareva: When the accident happened, Yasi’s father was driving. The car was carried into a cliff, the windows were broken. Doctors spent the whole night saving my daughter’s life: open head injury, closed fractures, eye damage. They put a knitting needle in my leg so that the bone would heal... While they were in the hospital, they staged mini-performances with Yasya and learned to read. And before the New Year, my daughter asked the Christmas tree for a gift - she wished that her legs would start walking... When she got to her feet, she walked around the wards and sang to those children who could not get up, and then said: “Mom, they like it that way!” I'm so glad I can do something for them."

After the accident, my mother, who, by the way, graduated from music school and studied vocals, moved with Yaroslava to her grandmother Nadezhda Ivanovna in Gukovo, where the girl was sent to study at the local vocal studio “Inspiration”. There she became the leading soloist. The creative inspiration of the young performer is her mother, who She works with Yasya on voice training, selects repertoire and learns compositions.

Yaroslav Degtyarev. Project Voice. Children

Yasya tried herself in several music competitions in her city and Rostov-on-Don, and when the casting for the third season of the children's version of the show “The Voice” was announced, the girl and her mother decided to try their luck and applied. At the age of seven Yaroslav became a participant in the vocal project “Voice. Children season 3”, which started on February 20, 2016 on Channel One.

At the stage of blind auditions, the girl performed first. She performed Viktor Tsoi’s song “Cuckoo” and won over the competition jury. Pelageya and Dima Bilan turned to the vocalist. It was his Yaroslav Degtyarev and chose her as her mentor. Coming onto the stage to meet his ward, the artist measured his height with Yasya: the “difference in height” was two times.

Yaroslav Degtyarev about the qualifying round before recording the show: I prepared several songs for the casting in Ostankino. I didn’t know which one to choose, so I sang my favorite “Cuckoo,” although my mother and I didn’t prepare it specifically for the casting. I used to hear it performed by Polina Gagarina in the film about the war “Battle for Sevastopol”. I liked the song, it's fighting! I love strong songs.

Yasya successfully completed another stage of the music show - “Duels”. Her mentor Dima Bilan, having chosen a girl to go to the finals, admitted that the seven-year-old vocalist surprises him with her mystery, hidden not only in her voice, “which is given to not yet an adult, but to a very serious and sensible person.”

The victory in the final was eventually won by 13-year-old Danil Pluzhnikov, for whom Yaroslav, as she noted later in an interview, was very happy.

In December 2016, she became a finalist in the third season of the show “The Voice.” Children" was invited to take part in another large-scale project of Channel One - "Best of All!" The young performer presented on stage the project, hosted by Maxim Galkin, an immortal hit Queen- The Show Must Go On.

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