One of the favorite fairy-tale characters of Soviet children. "Cipollino" main characters

Name: Cipollino

A country: Lemon kingdom


Activity: onion boy

Family status: not married

Cipollino: character story

A cheerful and brave bulb from sunny Italy named Cipollino in the 1950s became a symbol of the victory of the oppressed people over the powers that be. With a children's book that is distinguished by its vivid artistic originality, the Italian raised absolutely non-childish questions. Life values, justice, friendship - there was a place for everything on the pages of the work about the adventures of animated vegetables and fruits.

History of creation

The Italian writer Gianni Rodari was a supporter of communism. Advocate for the poor and committed to social justice, took over as editor in 1950 children's magazine“Pioneer” began to create for children with his own hands. To begin with, he published a collection of funny poems, and a year after he became head of the publication, he gave the kids a fairy tale story, “The Adventures of Cipollino.”

The book glorified the Italian communist, especially in the Soviet Union, which is quite understandable - the author put in an allegorical form the large landowners and Sicilian barons, whom he contrasted with the poor people.

The work came to Russia in 1953 on the initiative of Rodari, who sympathized with him and patronized him in every way. The Russian poet-storyteller himself took on the task of editing the Italian story translated by Zlata Potapova. Heroes immediately after appearing on Soviet shelves bookstores won the hearts of children. Since then, the book with colorful pictures has been published in millions of copies and was even included in school curriculum.

The story, which has not lost its relevance to this day, is far from magical works, devoid of fairies, miraculous transformations and phenomena, therefore it is classified as everyday social fairy tales. The characters rely only on their intelligence, ingenuity, courage and correct calculation. the main idea– show the injustice of oppression of vulnerable sections of society. However, in the fairy tale there was a whole scattering of problems. The story turned out to be fascinating and kind; it consists of 29 chapters, which are crowned by a collection of songs of the heroes.

Biography and plot

The restless boy Cipollino lives in the Lemon Kingdom on the very outskirts of the city. A large onion family lives in squalor in a wooden shack the size of a seedling box. One day, the head of the family, Papa Cipollone, accidentally stepped on the foot with a callus of Prince Lemon, who decided to visit this part of the state. The angry ruler of the country ordered the clumsy onion father to be imprisoned for long years. Thus began the exciting adventures of Cipollino and his comrades.

After a meeting with an imprisoned relative, the boy realized that only innocent people were in prison, and also received instructions from his father to “walk around the world,” gain experience, and see how people live. During the trip, Cipollone ordered his son to convert Special attention on the crooks in power.

Lukovka went on a hike across the endless country, seeing along the way the poverty and lawlessness of his compatriots. Poor godfather Pumpkin

onit Senor Tomato from a small house, which occupied a piece of the master's land, godfather Blueberry makes ends meet, having only halves of scissors, thread and a needle from everything he has acquired, the peasants are starving, sending carts of food to the palace of the countesses of Vishen, and they also pay for air and are trying to learn to breathe less. Cherries are going to establish another tax - on precipitation.

But Cipollino, having enlisted the support of friends, including Besolinka, Professor Grusha, Master Vinogradinka and others, decides to help the people. A struggle against injustice ensues, which ends in complete victory: the flag of Freedom proudly flutters on the castle tower, and the building itself has turned into a palace for children, equipped with a cinema hall, rooms for games and drawing, and a puppet theater.

The tale of class struggle has a dynamic plot and a whole range of wonderful images. Positive and negative characters from the plant world show the relationships between people of different classes. Rodari managed to convey complex things in simple language, giving the work a unique artistic style.

Screen adaptations and productions

In Russia, Cipollino managed to go beyond the paper publication. Lukovka (the meaning of the name translated from Italian) went to television - in 1961, based on the work, a cartoon was released under the direction of Boris Dezhkin, where the main character was voiced by.

The book's gallery of characters is richer than the cast Soviet cartoon. Thus, in the story of an Italian communist there live heroes who are not related to flora, for example, Mole, Bear, Spider. The animators kept only characters from the wild, and even then not all of them. I had to say goodbye to Orange, Parsley, and Peas to shorten the film's time.

After another 12 years, Tamara Lisitsian delighted young viewers with the fairy tale film “Cipollino”. In the musical comedy, the character was embodied by Alexander Elistratov. The film starred such Soviet cinema stars as (Countess Cherry), (Prince Lemon), (lawyer Goroshek).

IN cast Even Gianni Rodari himself was included - the writer was given the role of storyteller. Tamara Lisitsian was the wife of one of the leaders communist party Italy, so I personally knew Rodari. That's why the author suddenly appeared in her picture.

In 2014, connoisseurs of literature and theater were outraged by the production children's performance based on the work of Rodari, directed by Ekaterina Koroleva. From the script musical fairy tale The plot where the heroes organize a revolution has disappeared. Prince Lemon simply listens to the people, inspiration descends on him, thanks to which the ruler repeals unjust laws and remains in power. The author of the play explained the decision to reshape the idea of ​​the Italian writer:

“We left a social edge in the play, but since I am terribly afraid of any revolutions, a revolution will take place in the minds of the heroes.”

Ban in Russia

Five years ago Russian society vigorously discussed the topic of restrictions that the government had imposed on some books, films and cartoons. The fairy tale “The Adventures of Cipollino” by Gianni Rodari is included in the list of harmful literature that is not recommended in Russia for reading by children under 12 years of age.

The ban is imposed according to Federal Law Russian Federation “On the protection of children from information harmful to their health and development,” which came into force on Knowledge Day in 2012. In the story of the adventures of the Italian onion, legislators saw episodic depictions of violence.

  • Since the late 50s, the hero of the Italian story joined the ranks of the “Merry Men Club”, who lived on the pages of the magazine “ Funny pictures" The children were entertained by a company from Chipollino, Dunno, Buratino, and later they were joined by Karandash and Samodelkin.

  • To write music for the cartoon about the brave Cipollino was invited talented musician Karen Khachaturyan. Then no one even suspected that the work would result in another new work. The composer admitted: the fairy tale captivated him so much that he couldn’t get it out of his head. Karen Khachaturyan recalled:
“For some reason, every hero now appeared to me in a dance.”
  • 12 years later, amazing, sincere music for the ballet in three acts “Cipollino” was born. And it began brilliant destiny productions by Genrikh Mayorov, which have successfully traveled across the theater stage since 1974. The composer became famous throughout the world, and the ballet became one of the best in contemporary art, aimed at children's audiences.
  • Gianni Rodari first found success in Russia and only then, in 1967, in his homeland. For his “fairytale” works, the writer received a prestigious award - the Hans Christian Andersen Medal.


“In this world it is quite possible to live in peace. There is a place on earth for everyone – both bears and onions.”
“Don’t be angry, don’t be angry, Signor Tomato! They say vitamins disappear from anger!”
“And, in my opinion, today is a very good day. We have new friend, and this is already a lot!
“Here you go, you can lick this piece of paper. It’s sweet, a year ago it was wrapped in caramel with rum.”

The characters in “The Adventures of Cipollino” are anthropomorphic vegetables and fruits: the shoemaker Grape, the godfather Pumpkin, the girl Radish, the boy Cherry, etc. Main character- the onion boy Cipollino, who fights against the oppression of the poor by the rich - Signor Tomato, Prince Lemon. There are no human characters in the story, since the world of people is completely replaced by the world of fruits and vegetables.

Character Description
Main characters
Cipollino Onion boy and main character fairy tales. Can bring tears to anyone who pulls his hair.
Cipollone Father Cipollino. Arrested for the “attempt” on Prince Lemon, as he stepped on the latter’s callus.
Prince Lemon The ruler of the country where the events took place.
Signor Tomato Manager and housekeeper of countesses Vishen. Cipollino's main enemy and main antagonist stories.
Strawberry A maid in the castle of Countesses Vishen. Girlfriend of Cherry and Cipollino.
Cherry The young count (in the original - viscount), nephew of the countesses Vishen and friend of Cipollino.
Radish A village girl, Cipollino's friend.
residents of a village that belonged to the Countesses of Cherries
Kum Pumpkin Cipollino's friend. An old man who built himself a house so small that he could barely fit in it.
Master Grape Shoemaker and friend of Cipollino.
Polka dots Village lawyer and henchman of the gentleman Tomato.
Professor Grusha Violinist and friend of Cipollino.
Leek A gardener and friend of Cipollino. He had a mustache so long that his wife used it as a clothesline.
Kuma Pumpkin A relative of godfather Pumpkin.
Beans Rag picker. I was forced to roll Baron Orange's belly in my wheelbarrow.
Bean The son of the rag picker Fasoli and friend of Cipollino.
Potato Country girl.
Tomatik Country boy.
inhabitants of the castle of countesses Vishen
Countesses Cherries the Elder and the Younger Rich landowners who own the village where Cipollino's friends live.
Mastino Countess Cherry's watchdog.
Baron Orange Cousin of the late husband of Signora Countess the Elder. A terrible glutton.
Duke Mandarin Cousin of the late husband of Signora Countess the Younger, blackmailer and extortionist.
Parsley Count Cherry's home teacher.
Mr. Carrot Foreign detective.
Hold-Grab Mr. Carrot's sniffer dog.
doctors who treated Count Cherry
fly agaric
Bird cherry
Chestnut “He was called the poor man’s doctor because he prescribed very little medicine for his patients and paid for the medicine out of his own pocket.”
other characters
Lemons, Lemonishki, Lemonchiki Accordingly, the retinue, generals and soldiers of Prince Lemon.
cucumbers In the country of Cipollino they replaced horses.
Kum Blueberry Cipollino's friend. He lived in the forest, where he guarded the house of his godfather Pumpkin.
General Longtail Mouse (later Tailless) The commander-in-chief of the army of mice that lived in the prison.
Mole Cipollino's friend. Helped the boy free prisoners.
Cat He was arrested by mistake and ate too much mice in his cell.
Bear Cipollino's friend, whom the boy helped free his parents from the zoo.
Elephant Zookeeper and "old Indian philosopher." Helped Cipollino free the bears.
Parrot Zoo inhabitant. He repeated everything he heard in a distorted version.
Monkey An inhabitant of the zoo, in whose cage Cipollino was forced to sit for two days.
Seal Zoo inhabitant. An extremely harmful creature, because of which Cipollino ended up in a cage.
Lamefoot The Spider and the Prison Postman. He limps due to radiculitis, which developed as a result of being in damp conditions for a long time.
Seven and a half A spider and relative of the Lamefoot spider. He lost half of his eighth leg in a collision with a brush.
Sparrow Insect policeman.
Forest thieves They rang the bell of Chernika's godfather to make sure with their own eyes that there was nothing to steal from him, and yet they did not leave empty-handed.
Palace servants
Prison mice Army of General Longtail.
Wolves The fingers of godfather Pumpkin were attacked.
Zoo animals
Railway workers

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

Slide description:

Research: Portrait gallery characters and heroes of the fairy tale by Gianni Rodari “The Adventures of Cipollino” Completed by: Zakharchenko Valeria 3 “B” class. Classroom teacher: Borozdina Yu.A.

2 slide

Slide description:

Purpose: By example goodies cultivate a sense of friendship, a desire to do good, the ability to come to the rescue and resist evil. Task: Compare the character and disposition of positive and negative characters. Hypothesis: Positive and negative heroes are endowed with different characters.

3 slide

Slide description:

What is character? No two people are the same. Character, like a flower bouquet, consists of many positive and negative traits: kindness, hard work, honesty, rudeness, greed, deceit. Some are indifferent to the suffering of their neighbors, while others protect everyone. Some bravely enter the fight against evil, while others are afraid of everything.

4 slide

Slide description:

Cipollino is the main character, very good-natured, restless, and not capricious. He never deceives anyone, firmly keeps his word and always protects the weak. Cipollino is very truthful. He comes from a simple family, endowed with the best of human qualities. Cipollino helps the people of his country free themselves from the power of the cruel prince. He is brave and knows how to make friends - the clever, fearless and resourceful girl Radish, the kind and smart boy Cherry.

5 slide

Slide description:

Count Cherry, nephew of the countesses Cherry. He was an orphan and lived with his rich relatives, who did not favor the boy much. The boy suffered from a lack of attention, love and affection. Cherry is a modest, quiet boy, but at the decisive moment he could do something worthy of a man despite being shy. Cipollino helped a lot in the fight for justice.

6 slide

Slide description:

Senor Tomato is the manager of the castle of Countesses Cherry. The tomato is bright red, always dissatisfied, often angry. He speaks extremely poorly of positive characters and constantly scolds them. Very greedy and cruel. Tomato is obsequious to Countesses Cherries and Prince Lemon, who are richer and occupy a higher position in society. He is ready to do anything to please them.

7 slide

Slide description:

Prince Lemon - fat man yellow color, the ruler of the country, an arrogant, arrogant rich man, hates the poor... Lemon is cruel and deceitful, the suffering of others gives him pleasure. The prince loved to mock animals. He even arranged horse racing, whipped the poor animals to give vent to his anger. His words show us well what kind of character he has: “May God protect me from my friends, but I myself will take care of my enemies.” Princes do not attach importance to friendship and do not strive to make friends.”

8 slide

Slide description:

Conclusion: Reading this fairy tale, we experience different emotions: sympathy, indignation, delight. We see what different tempers at the characters. Using the example of positive heroes and their actions, we learn to empathize, be friends, not leave in trouble, be brave, believe in the best! Negative heroes warn us against bad deeds, cowardice and evil.

3rd grade students: Natalia Gordeeva

Essay - story

My favorite fairy-tale man is “Cipollino”.


  1. What is the hero's name?
  2. Description of appearance (portrait).
  3. Where does the hero live?
  4. Favorite activities.
  5. Character of the hero.
  6. The author's attitude towards the hero.
  7. My attitude towards the hero.

Hello! Let's get acquainted. My name is Cipollino. I want to tell you guys a little about myself.

I vertically challenged, with green eyes. I have a bun on my head green hair, I dress modestly, because I live in a large family, and we don’t have the money to dress richly.

Now I travel a lot on earth, and before my wanderings I lived in a wooden hut, a little larger than a box.

When godfather Pumpkin told me about Master Vinogradinka and his skill as a shoemaker, I became interested in this work and became a good assistant.

I'll tell you about my character. I always try to be cheerful and not lose heart. I am also fair, with a sense of humor, and kind.

I like this hero because he never considers the opinions of others, but acts fairly. Kindness towards others and mutual assistance make one treat him with even greater respect.

3rd grade students: Svetlana Vasilyeva



Hello guys! My favorite fairy tale hero- CARLSON.

Carlson is a small, plump man. He has a button on his stomach and a motor with a propeller behind his back.

My hero lives in a small house on the roof. His house is hidden behind a large chimney of one of the Swedish houses.

Carlson loves to fly and play pranks.

My hero is a self-confident little man, an inventor, inquisitive, important, loves pranks, but is afraid of responsibility, has a sweet tooth.

I really liked this little naughty guy, you can say I’m in love with him.

3rd grade students: Lenskikh Angelina

The essay is a story about a fairy-tale man.


My hero's name is Cipollino. His name means onion.

Cipollino has blue eyes, a snub nose and a cheerful smile.

He lives on the outskirts of the city with his brothers and dad. They live poorly, but amicably.

Cipollino loves to repair shoes in the workshop of the master Vinogradinka.

By nature, my hero is kind, cheerful, cheerful.

I relate to Cipollino with kind soul I really like him as a fairy-tale hero.

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Institute of Pedagogy

Department of Pedagogy

Topic: “Comprehensive analysis of the fairy tale-story “The Adventures of Cipollino”

1. History of creation

3. Topics and problems

5. Main characters

6. Plot and composition

7. Artistic originality

8. The meaning of the work

1. History of creation

fairy tale rodari cipollino artistic

Cipollino appeared in 1951 in the book “The Adventures of Cipollino” by Italian writer Gianni Rodari. Being a supporter of social justice and a defender of the poor, Rodari in an allegorical form brought out as negative characters Sicilian latifundist barons, large landowners, who are opposed by honest and poor people. After World War II, Gianni Rodari worked as a columnist for Unita, the newspaper of the Italian communists. In 1950 he was appointed editor of a children's magazine. In 1951 he published his first children's poetry collection, which was called “The Book of Fun Poems.” And then - and his own fairy tale, known in the future. Now many people know who wrote “Cipollino”. But in 1953, when the fairy tale first appeared in the USSR in Z. Potapova’s translation, few people had heard of the young Italian author. But the work immediately fell in love with both young readers and literary critics. Books with pictures are published in millions of copies. And at the Soyuzmultfilm studio in 1961 they shot a cartoon based on the work. In 1973 - the fairy tale film “Cipollino” (where the author played himself, a storyteller-inventor). The work became so popular that it was included in the school curriculum for Soviet schoolchildren. The fairy tale has been translated into many languages ​​of the world, plays and ballets based on it have been staged to the music of Karen Khachaturyan.

Realism, epic, social fairy tale.

3. Topics and problems

The book identifies the following social problems:

1. Ordinary people are not interested in abstract goals like building a “society of universal happiness”

2. Ordinary people need specifics. As a rule, they begin to protest when they themselves are directly affected by injustice and abuses by the authorities. For example, when they threaten to demolish their house, when they have not been paid their salaries for months. Therefore they need to be offered concrete solutions exactly their problems.

3. The main principle of grassroots movements is self-organization. Informal leaders can be nominated - people who understand this problem better than others. Chipolino,” the father said in parting, “now you are already big and can think about yourself.” Uncle Chipolla will take care of your mother and brothers, and you go to wander around the world, learn some wisdom.

How can I study? I don’t have books, and I don’t have money to buy them.

It doesn’t matter, life will teach you. Just keep your eyes open - try to see through all sorts of rogues and swindlers, especially those who have power.

This is how leaders turn into leaders whose word is law, whose decisions cannot be challenged.

5. In order to create a powerful protest movement that fights not only for the interests of your home, your street, your factory, you need a network of small self-organizing groups. These groups must learn to interact with each other. Chipolino finds good, loyal friends. And among his friends, Cherry is a representative of a hostile class. History knows many examples when representatives of the rich class went over to the side of the poor because of their political convictions.

7. What benefits do people get from participating in protests? First, self-respect. People begin to feel like real power, they see that they can manage their own lives. Secondly, participants in social movements are weaned on trusting the authorities. Myths about the “good king”, about “ strong hand”, which the people supposedly need, stop working. They no longer believe in them. Thirdly, people gain invaluable experience of resistance. Even if something didn’t work out, if, for example, the strike was suppressed or not all the protesters’ demands were met, the experience will still remain! People who have already felt human once are not so easy to force into submission.

4. Idea and pathos (ideological and emotional assessment)

Gianni Rodari's tale is addressed not only to children, but also to adults. Unfortunately, in modern society, as many years ago, there is a tendency to treat ordinary people with contempt. For politicians they are faceless voters, for intellectual snobs they are stupid herd. They are not able to change their lives on their own. They were given the humiliating nickname “vegetables” and left it at that. But even among vegetables there is Chipolino - and it is this Chipolino that the book is dedicated to. It details how simple people suddenly they refuse to tolerate injustice and believe the latest fairy tales of officials, about how they unite to fight the authorities, and about how they achieve their goals.

5. Main characters

There are no human characters in this book: all the heroes, like Chipolino, were raised in gardens and orchards under the gentle sun of Italy. This is an honest poor man, the shoemaker Pumpkin and his godfather Pear, his faithful girlfriend Chipolino, the girl Radish and the young Count Cherry, for whom communication with the cheerful children of the poor gives much more pleasure than walks accompanied by the arrogant aunts of the countesses Cherry. But all these people are dominated by the evil and cruel Prince Limon, whose foot Chipolino accidentally steps on during his solemn procession through the city.

6. Plot and composition

Trying to protect his son from the royal wrath, Father Chipolino takes the blame upon himself and ends up behind bars. Now the onion boy and his friends are faced with the task of freeing his old father from prison, and then another drama is brewing in the town: the arrogant Signor Tomato orders the destruction of Pumpkin’s tiny house, supposedly built by a shoemaker on the master’s land... and also stupid taxes...

The work consists of twenty-nine chapters with an epilogue, and there are also poetic additions to the “Songs” of the characters.

7. Artistic originality

The fairy tale is filled with characters and events. There's a whole gallery here beautiful images both positive and negative. Beautiful, because they all very clearly show the diversity of human relationships. Although the theme of the fairy tale is not new and is similar to the theme of the works of many writers, “Cippolino” is still unique due to its artistic originality and manner of presentation. Presenting complex material in a relaxed, fairy-tale form, imparting human traits and characteristics to plants allows it to be perceived in an easy, game form. I read the fairy tale in Z. Potapova’s translation and found it easy, which corresponds to the very genre of the book, literate and accurately attributed, bringing the Italian fairy tale closer to the perception of Russian readers.

8. The meaning of the work

Today, the worldview of teenagers largely consists of watching American cartoons, action films and horror stories. Superheroes such as Spider-Man, Ninja Turtles, Batman become ideals for teenagers, whose heroic behavior is manifested through violence, masculinity through selfishness and vanity.

Modern children's writers offer a limited number of behavioral stereotypes that fit into only two strategies - children, in order to save their face, must either be masters of the situation, or should not even try to master it.

Gianni Rodari's book, in my opinion, is unique. It is written for children, easy and interesting to read.

Why are fairy tales immortal? Civilizations die, peoples disappear, and their stories, the wisdom of fairy tales and legends come to life again and again and excite us. What is the attractive power hidden in the depths of their narrative? Why in modern world Are fairy tales as beloved as they were centuries ago?

Every nation has many wonderful and interesting tales. They reflect the life of the people. People dream about better fate, and fight against oppressors. Even in ancient times, people invented and orally passed on to their descendants wonderful fantastic dreams of goodness and justice.

The fairy tale is filled with characters and events. There is a whole gallery of beautiful images, both positive and negative. Beautiful, because they all very clearly show the diversity of human relationships. The adventures of the onion boy make us laugh and worry. We sincerely rejoice in the little ones and big victories Cipollino and his friends. We rejoice because the main character and his friends stand up for justice. They evoke our sympathy because they are endowed with such qualities as kindness and mutual assistance; greed, cruelty, and indifference are alien to them.

The fairy tale teaches goodness and forces us to act in difficult circumstances. Even children at any age have difficult circumstances. The author teaches his reader not to give up, to fight, to be strong and resilient.

Posted on Allbest.ur

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