How to draw Prince Guidon step by step with a pencil. Lesson summary for the senior group on artistic creativity

Chizhova-Solozhentseva Olga
Lesson notes in senior group By artistic creativity. Drawing based on the fairy tale by A. S. Pushkin “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”

Summary of classes in the senior group in visual arts


Drawing based on a fairy tale A. WITH. Pushkin« The Tale of Tsar Saltan»

Target: Teach to see fairy tale image heroes in fairy tale A. WITH. Pushkin« The Tale of Tsar Saltan» ;

Create the mood in children to convey the plot fairy tales A. WITH. Pushkin« The Tale of Tsar Saltan» ;

Teach children to use color and shades. Clarify children's knowledge of what color painting is, tones and shades. Use in your work material: watercolor, gouache, wax crayons, candle.


Reproductions of illustrations by fairy tale A. WITH. Pushkin« The Tale of Tsar Saltan»

Record literary reading fairy tales A. WITH. Pushkin« The Tale of Tsar Saltan» ;

Text fairy tales A. WITH. Pushkin« The Tale of Tsar Saltan»

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, listen to an excerpt from which fairy tales I'll tell you now I'll read it:

Three maidens by the window

We spun late in the evening.

“If only I were a queen,”

One girl says,

Then for the whole baptized world

I would prepare a feast."

“If only I were a queen,”

Her sister says,

Then there would be one for the whole world

I wove fabrics.”

“If only I were a queen,”

The third sister said,

I would for the father-king

She gave birth to a hero."

Guys who wrote this fairy tale? (children's answers).

Yes, this is A.S. Pushkin, A the fairy tale is called« The Tale of Tsar Saltan» . In this fairy tale many miracles happen. Can anyone remember and tell us about them?


About the swan king

Here word is going around true:

Overseas there is a princess,

That you can't take your eyes off:

During the day the light of God is eclipsed,

At night it illuminates the earth,

The moon shines under the scythe,

And in the forehead the star is burning.

And she herself is majestic,

Swims out like a peahen;

And as the speech says,

Like a river babbling

About the squirrel

The spruce tree grows in front of the palace,

And below it is a crystal house;

A tame squirrel lives there,

Yes, what an adventure!

Squirrel sings songs

Yes, he gnaws all the nuts,

And nuts are not simple,

All the shells are golden,

The cores are pure emerald;

The servants are guarding the squirrel.

About heroes

There is another wonder in the world:

The sea will swell violently,

It will boil, it will howl,

It rushes onto the empty shore,

It will spill out in a noisy run,

And they will find themselves on the shore,

In scales, like the heat of grief,

Thirty-three heroes

All the handsome men are daring,

Young giants

Everyone is equal, as if by selection,

Uncle Chernomor is with them.

It's a miracle, it's such a miracle

It’s fair to say!”

Guys, what paints could you take to draw illustrations for this fairy tale and convey in your drawings each of the miracles that are described in this work. For example, princess which comes out of the sea.

If you make the sea blue with white veins, you will get Princess- a swan comes out of a calm, warm sea, and she herself is in a white dress, on

her forehead bright Star, on the shoulder is a long brown braid. And to depict a swollen, stormy sea, we will take the opposite, dark blue shades, you can even take black for the waves, Thirty-three heroes will emerge from such a turbulent sea, their clothes against the background of the sea will be yellow, shiny, like scales.

Guys, now we are going to the museum fairy tales, where we will see illustrations for fairy tale A. WITH. Pushkin« The Tale of Tsar Saltan»

When you enter the art museum

You will discover the secret of beauty

Everything merged in her:

Both thought and feeling

Talent, artist, miracle, you

An artist can draw anything: and a cow, and grass, and trees, and flowers, and a forest, and a house. After all, his profession is to give beauty, and this work is honored by all people on earth.

So, forward to the beautiful. Guys, here are illustrations. It's like they're alive. In these pictures artist as if time had stopped; they captured his impressions of the wonders of this work he had read. Guys, what do you feel when you look at these reproductions?

Children's answers:

I want to enter this picture and turn into the same beautiful girl.

And I want to dance beautiful dance and convey all the beauty of this miracle in motion.

And I want to turn into Uncle Chernamor and be as strong as him.

Physical education minute "Who do I feel like".

A beauty enters to the music swan:

Everyone is here?

Hello, I'm glad.

You are so beautiful, I see!

And I'm from fairy tales have come to you

My name is Swan Princess.

I hurried to meet you.

I'll ask you draw those miracles that you liked in fairy tale, nose condition: I need to make sure I see that fairy tale A helped you draw. WITH. Pushkin« The Tale of Tsar Saltan» .

After this, the children draw miracles from fairy tales.

Finished works are exhibited at an exhibition and children comment on them, recalling quotes from fairy tales.

How to draw the Swan Princess step by step for children

Creation of educational, exhibition or competition works
Paper A 4 watercolor, pencil, gouache, brushes.
Learning to draw a swan, fill the background in different ways.
Develop curiosity, fantasy, imagination.
Improve skills compositional construction leaf.
Educational: Expand knowledge about waterfowl,
about the features appearance, lifestyle.
Visual tasks: Introduce techniques for filling the background (color stretching and brushstrokes),
learn to draw a swan, conveying the size and proportions of the bird’s body parts and various movements.
Technical tasks: Develop an understanding of the variety of colors and shades, teach how to create colors and shades by mixing them on a palette; continue to develop the skills of drawing thin lines with the end of a brush.
Educational tasks: instill the ability to see beauty in the surrounding reality, cultivate accuracy and love of creativity, develop memory and visual control, independence, develop fantasy and imagination, patience.
Preliminary work:
Reading a fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin's "The Tale of Tsar Saltan, of his glorious son and mighty hero Prince Guidon Saltanovich and Fr. beautiful princess Swans", conversations about waterfowl, looking at illustrations.

Swans are rightfully considered the most beautiful birds, not only among waterfowl, but also among all others. These birds often become heroes of epics, fairy tales and songs. And ancient astronomers gave one of the constellations the name Cygnus.

In early spring, when water bodies are just beginning to become free of ice, swans return to their homeland from warm countries. Swans are waterfowl, they settle where there are lakes and swamps, and make their nests on islands, away from people and predatory animals.
Among waterfowl, swans are the largest. Their wingspan reaches two meters, and their weight can reach up to fifteen kilograms. But despite this heavy weight, swans stay in the air very well and can fly thousands of kilometers during seasonal migrations.

These birds usually feed on herbaceous plants, which they obtain both on land and in water. Their long neck helps them reach food from the bottom of reservoirs. In addition to various grasses, swans also eat insect larvae, as well as small crustaceans and mollusks.
IN family life swans are constancy. Once formed, a couple never separates. Swans remember their nests well, which they use for several seasons in a row. Every year they improve and build on their home, which can reach two meters in diameter.

About forty days after the start of incubation, chicks covered with gray down appear in the nest. The chick does not at all resemble its snow-white parents, but really resembles ugly duckling from famous fairy tale Andersen..
In late autumn, when the first snow falls on the ground, swans gather in flocks and fly away in a beautiful wedge warm countries until next spring.
All species of swans are listed in the Red Book and hunting of these majestic birds is strictly prohibited. Lev Poyasnikin

1.Draw a horizon line.

2. Draw a semicircle in the center of the sheet. This is the body of a swan.

3.Now let’s draw the head and use a long neck to connect it to the body.

4.Now we need paints. Mix white and purple on the palette. And paint over half the sky.

5. Now mix scarlet with white. And paint the lower half of the sky.

6. Rinse the brush well, and use a damp brush to create a color stretch, i.e. smooth transition from lilac to pink. Longitudinal movements of the brush.

7. Now we draw the waves in the sea. Mix blue and white and paint small stripes(waves)

8. Continue drawing the waves. Mix purple with white and add waves. And now scarlet and white. Let's fill our sea with colorful waves.

9. Now let's color our swan. Add a drop of yellow to the white paint. And we will paint the swan with this color.

10. Mix green with blue and draw reeds on the far bank. The brush moves upward from the water.

11. Let's draw the reflection of a swan in the water.

12.Now the green reeds that grow closer to us.

13. Add to green yellow paint and draw some more reed leaves.

14. Now the reeds themselves.

15. Let's draw the beak and eyes of the swan.

16. Now we begin to draw the wing.

17. Let's add more feathers.

18. Draw the second wing.

19. Let's draw a tail. If this is our Swan Princess, then we will draw a crown for her. So our Swan Princess is ready.

In this lesson we will look at how to draw a fairy tale by Pushkin, how to draw a fairy tale about Tsar Saltan with a pencil step by step. Let's draw 2 illustrations for the fairy tale. The Tale of Tsar Saltan is a fairy tale based on which there are many cartoons and films. It is quite long, about how the king met the queen, she bore him a son when he was at war and sent him a messenger so that he would be happy. However, the envious people sent another messenger and in the letter it was written that the queen gave birth to either a son, or a daughter, or an unprecedented animal. The king believed and became angry. He sent another messenger with an answer. However, the same envious people sent their own and said that the princess and her child should be placed in a barrel and thrown into the ocean. This is the episode we will draw. Then we’ll draw the second episode, which talks about a squirrel that lives in a crystal castle and a golden walnut shell.

So, let's start with a squirrel and end with an ocean with a barrel, where the Princess sits and her son, who is growing by leaps and bounds.

Here is a screenshot from Soviet cartoon, however, we will not paint the whole picture.

Draw a house like this, so that it is even, use a ruler. Those. Draw a rectangle, a triangle on top, and a rectangle on the sides. Then on the outside we separate the columns, draw the entrance and instead of a staircase there will be just a descent, a squirrel will sit on the upper compartment.

Here is a finished drawing of a crystal castle with a squirrel based on Pushkin’s fairy tale “The Tale of Tsar Salatan.”

Now let's draw the episode. when a barrel floats on the sea, and there are the Princess and her son Tsarevich.

WITH right side drawing waves on a sheet of paper.

Then a barrel.

We detail the barrel and draw a line, because part of the barrel is in water.

Draw a wave, just use curvature to depict it.

We erase part of the barrel under the wave and finish painting the splashes, the horizon, and the wave on the left.

Now you can paint over it.

You can use watercolor or gouache paints.

A lesson on how to draw Tsar Saltan was prepared at the request of Maria Zhuravskaya, probably one of our youngest readers. I took the picture from a cartoon. This is the moment in which Tsar Saltan is very angry with the news from the traders and wants to visit the unknown island where Prince Guidon and his beautiful wife live. The cartoon was based on fairy tale of the same name, which I also managed to draw earlier. You can try to portray him, but after you depict Saltan:

How to draw a king with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's represent it using geometric shapes body of the king. You can make the head round, I somehow did it this way:
Step two. We depict a crown, a potato nose and a king’s beard.
Step three. Add furrowed eyebrows and hair. We will depict several symbols on the royal clothes; this is a must. Without them, the king is not a king.
Step four. To make the picture seem alive, you also need to add shadows. Repeat as I did:
Do you want more drawings of heroes from fairy tales? I have it, here.

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