The very first cartoon in the world. The first Soviet cartoon


This is my village, this is my home.

Here I am running home at high speed.

Toys are waiting for me, things are waiting for me.

Cartoons are waiting for me, because I can’t live without them!

Cartoons are wonderful and amazing world fantasy that comes to life on the screen. Drawn and puppet characters behave as if they were alive: they are happy, sad, and act. Incredible miracles happen to them.

It is unlikely that there is at least one child who does not like to watch cartoons. I think cartoons for children are a fun immersion in Magic world, vivid impressions.

I really love cartoons! I have a lot of CDs, sometimes I go online or just watch on TV. And then one day I thought, how is this miracle born on the screen? Who invented them and when?

Target my work is to search for an answer to the question “When did the first cartoon appear and was it similar to modern cartoons?”

To do this, you need to decide the following tasks:

    Find out the history of the appearance of the first cartoon in our country.

    Find out how cartoons were created before and how they are created now.

    What cartoons did my parents, aunts, older brother and cousins ​​watch?

    What cartoons do my peers watch?

Subject of study: cartoon.

The relevance of research: Everyone loves to watch cartoons: both adults and children. They have become an integral part of our lives. Children study

cartoon characters are kind, their actions are analyzed. Cartoons develop imaginative and abstract thinking.

Work hypothesis: majority cartoons that demonstrate kindness, friendship, help contribute to the harmonious development of the child, help in communication, have a positive effect on the child’s behavior among peers, which means that watching cartoons is useful for children and knowing the history of cartoons is also useful.

1. When did the first cartoon appear?

The first cartoon appeared in Russia in 1910. It was created by director Vladislav Starevich. This cartoon was about beetles and was not at all like what we were used to seeing. It was filmed for educational purposes: the first Russian animator did not intend to entertain young viewers, he wanted to create documentary about beetles. However, during filming he encountered a problem - when installing the right light, the beetles refused to move. Then Vladislav Starevich made stuffed beetles, attached strings to them and shot the film frame by frame. This picture was called the first puppet cartoon. Starevich produced several more similar insect-themed cartoons, but now he used real scripts. These cartoons were very popular among viewers - many did not understand how the pictures were made and were surprised at how the author managed to train the beetles in such a way.

Real cartoons appeared a few years later in Soviet years. The first cartoon with sound - "Mail" - was based on the work of Samuil Marshak in 1930. The author of the script was Marshak himself.

Soviet animators began working with color in the late 1930s. Already the first experiments ended successfully - such color films as “Sweet Pie” (1936), “Little Red Riding Hood” (1937) and “Little Mook” (1939) appeared on the screens of the country.

In the post-war period soviet animation not only quickly recovered, but also continued to develop rapidly. At this time, domestic cartoons began to slowly but surely enter the world animation arena. The most notable films of that period are “Sinbad the Sailor”, “The Lost Letter”, “ Spring melodies" and "The Little Humpbacked Horse".


How cartoons are born

Creating a cartoon is a long and painstaking work of many people. In the mid-50s, cartoons were made in large groups: About 20-30 people worked on just one 8-minute cartoon. The group was divided into the following categories:

    Director (supervises the entire project)

    Producer (pays expenses)

    Screenwriters (think through every frame of the cartoon)

    Artists (make the cartoon beautiful)

    Composers (select music)

One cartoon took from 3 months to 1 year to create. Any cartoon begins with a script. It takes a long time to write and is difficult, the dialogues change several times, some scenes are thrown out completely. And only when the whole film has been put together on paper can it be drawn. What the cartoon characters will look like in profile and from the front, front and back, what they look like in motion - decides production designer film. He has to draw so much that an enormous number of pencils are worn out in a day. Then they join the game animators, under whose hands, cartoon characters come to life. For example, in order for the hero to raise his hand, animators need to draw a considerable number of frames. There are 25 of them in one second. And if the cartoon lasts an hour and a half, you will need to create 135,000 frames. The result of the animators' work is picked up graphic artists. As a result, we have a color film. But there are not only heroes on the screen, they are surrounded by trees and cities. All these backgrounds are created by many other artists. And the most interesting thing is how the characters talk. The entire dialogue is recorded on a voice recorder. Then they count the time (down to milliseconds) for one word in the dialogue. And under each letter you need to draw a mouth. So the characters move their mouths with each word. The actors' voices are recorded before the animators start working, that is

First, the characters have voices, and only then they begin to come to life based on their lines. And what would a cartoon be without music and songs?

Cartoon creation technologies

To make it easier for artists to create cartoons, a method called “landscape” was created in the 1920s. Everything that moved in the picture was divided into groups of repeating movements. It could be the gait of a person, the flight of a bird, and so on. The motion cycle was called an "album" and could be used multiple times in a cartoon.

The most common technology for creating cartoons is animation. Animation is the magical technology that makes inanimate objects move. For animation, the main thing is to create actions and effects that are impossible in reality. Only in this fairy tale world you can fly, change your appearance, recreate yourself. The animation of objects looks magical. It’s amazing how small grains of sand can form a sand castle on their own, or how a pencil can suddenly, without anyone’s influence, begin to draw bizarre images on paper.

One of oldest technicians animation is plasticine animation. Animators such as Alexander Tatarsky (“Plasticine Crow,” “Last Year’s Snow Was Falling”) worked in this genre. One of the most tempting aspects of its creation is the magnificent unique properties and capabilities of plasticine. Creating such a cartoon is exciting, interesting, but requires diligence and willpower.

But this is not the only animation technique, there is also - puppet The doll is photographed in front of the camera in the desired position. Moreover, to create the effect of movement, its position is changed a little each time. Large creative success achieved by Soviet puppet animation. Talented director and artist A.L. Ptushko releases two full-length puppet films, “The New Gulliver” and “The Golden Key,” which were a great success not only in our country, but also abroad. Nowadays puppet animation is very popular.

In the 70s appeared the new kind - computer animation. She now brilliantly supersedes everything before known species animation, this is primarily due to its great popularity among viewers. The process of creating a computer cartoon is very labor-intensive. It looks like this: the main poses are carefully drawn and intermediate ones are automatically selected. The first such cartoon, Toy Story, took four and a half years to create.

More modern technology animations - oil painting on glass. The artist draws on glass not only with a brush, but also with his fingers. The most famous cartoon made in this technique is “The Old Man and the Sea” (1999) directed by Alexander Petrov. In 2000, the cartoon was awarded the Academy Award.


How modern cartoons are created

There are three types of animation:hand-drawn, puppet and computer. Almost everythingmodern cartoonsThey have been doing it on a computer for a long time, rather than drawing on films or sculpting from plasticine. Even the simplest 2D cartoons are made on a computer. Today, Russian animation is on the rise, and new high-quality cartoons are increasingly appearing on the screens of our cinemas. How cartoons appear and who draws them – we’ll find out now.

The process of creating a good cartoon with modern graphics is very labor-intensive. Let's look at the step-by-step creation of one short cartoon, let's say no more than 10 minutes in duration.

Stage 1. It all starts with an idea and an invented situation for future history: an outline of the story and its characters is sketched out, usually 1-3 pages of text. If the plot outline is successful, a script is written, the location of the action is described, and the characters’ characters and their dialogues are worked out. The length of the script is usually from 70 to 85 pages.

Stage 2. Invented for each character appearance, costume, objects of use - everything that allows you to express individuality actor. Finished drawings are double checked by the director and the animator who drew the rough versions of these


Stage 3. The director draws the characters

"cucumbers" - drawings in the style of "stick, stick,

cucumber", then the artists create storyboard

future movie - sequence

drawings, serving as a visual illustration of the future cartoon. She helps the director plan the scenes of the future film in advance down to the smallest detail.

At this stage, it is important to see the integrity of the whole picture, check whether everything is logical, whether the dynamics are lost, whether


Stage 4. Artists plan future scenes in detail.

The scenery and the place of the characters in the background are being developed

for each specific plan. Animators create

key poses for every movement of the characters in every scene.

Stage 5. After the cartoon characters

approved on paper or molded models from plasticine,

You can start modeling in 3D. Before the beginning

modeling, it is necessary to prepare a clear image of the character,sketch, which depicts the hero in a neutral pose from the front and side. When modeling, not a whole character is created, but only its half, which is subsequently duplicated, mirrored, and the resulting 2 halves form a whole model. Finished drawings are scanned into computer memory to plan actual camera movements and editing. Very important stage in the production of 3D models -texturing : it gives the artist the opportunity to add small parts such as cracks, wrinkles, roughness and unevenness, giving it a realistic appearance.

Stage 6. Music production –

review of the film with the composer and

discussing how the music will be

mix and match with the action as the mood of the film changes from scene to scene. Usually there is already a cut of temporary music that will show the composer what the directors consider most suitable for each particular sequence of the film. The script and recording of the actors’ voices serve as a guide here., invited to voice the characters in the film.

It usually takes 4-5 days of recording to create a film's soundtrack. Writing the music itself requires 10 to 12 weeks of work from the composer.

And all this is only a small part of what is done when drawing and “revitalizing” each of the characters. On average, one animator manages to draw only a second (!!!) of a cartoon in a high-quality manner per working day. Some full-length cartoons can take up to 2 years of work.

Practical part.

Study 1. Conversation - interview. I visited kindergarten and talked to the children preschool age with the goal: to find out what cartoons they watch, what characters - heroes children like and why. The results of the interview pleased me:

Boys and girls 5-6 years old watch cartoons different types: drawn, puppet, computer. Children enjoy all types of cartoons equally;

- preschoolers they note that there is a lot of goodness and fun in cartoons, “good” heroes always win;

Boys are more fascinated by such films as: “Ninja Turtles”, “The Smurfs”, “Tom and Jerry”, girls paid attention to “Masha and the Bear” and “Luntik”. They note that they watch these cartoons several times, with constant interest and attention.

Study 2. I conducted a survey of students in different classes of our school. Survey among schoolchildren junior classes showed that all students were watching cartoons. Among their favorite cartoons, the children named such cartoons as: “Fixies”, “Barboskiny”, “Luntik”, “Masha and the Bear”, “Tom and Jerry”, “Well, Just Wait!”

Study 3. With great pleasure I talked with my parents, aunts, older brother and cousins. All of them also love watching cartoons since childhood. Only they didn’t have the opportunity they have now to watch whatever they want. But they happily answered my questions. The childhood cartoons of parents and aunts are: “Well, wait a minute!”, “Puss in Boots”, “Moidodyr”,« Cinderella”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “Three Bears”, “Holidays in Prostokvashino”, “Straw Hat”, “Sack of Apples”. Big brother and cousins ​​too

listed the above cartoons and also added: “Winnie the Pooh”, “DuckTales”, “Maya the Bee”. The most popular cartoon was “Well, wait a minute!” With my survey, I unwittingly made them all plunge into childhood.


Having learned everything about cartoons, I was convinced of my assumptions that cartoons began to be created a very long time ago and people of all generations love to watch them.

    The first cartoon appeared in 1910. It was about beetles and was not at all like what we were used to seeing. It was filmed for educational purposes - to tell children about the life of beetles.

    The first cartoon with sound - "Mail" - was based on the work of Samuil Marshak in 1930. Soviet animators began working with color in the late 1930s;

    In the early days of animation, teams of animators drew each illustration by hand. Nowadays they do most of their work on the computer.

    In the 70s, it was in our country that a new type of animation appeared - computer. She was undeservedly forgotten. And only now is it brilliantly replacing all previously known types of animation.

    Modern children prefer cartoons in 3D format. They are bright, spectacular, imaginative, unusually realistic, they amaze the imagination and arouse interest.

Thus, the goal I set at the beginning research work- achieved. Animation is not even cinema, but more broadly, it is culture. For us, children, masterpieces have been made in this art that attune us to a holistic attitude towards the world. The role of animation in the process of human formation is colossal.

And the most important thing, - WithYou should watch cartoons that teach you something good!

So, we need to continue research on the influence of cartoons on children, which ones are useful and which ones are not?

Ministry of Education Perm region

Department of Education of the Administration of the Yurlinsky Municipal District Municipal Budgetary educational institution"Dubrovskaya main comprehensive school»

History of cartoons in our country

Head: Moiseeva

Alexandra Grigorievna

teacher primary classes

year 2013


Introduction. 1-2

Chapter 1. When did the first cartoon 3 appear?

Chapter 1.1 How cartoons are born 4

Chapter 1.2 Technologies for creating cartoons 5-6

Chapter 2 How modern cartoons are created 7-8

Chapter 2.1 Practical part 10-11

Conclusion 12

References 13


    Babichenko D.N., "The Art of Animation", M.: "Iskusstvo", 1964

    "Profession - animator. Volume 2" Fedor Khitruk

Animation has been considered a branch of the film industry since its inception. However, this interesting direction can also be successfully associated with painting and graphics. The artist's talent plus technical capabilities - and art is born that leaves neither children nor adults indifferent.

The origins of animation are associated with the strobe light, an optical toy invented by the Belgian inventor Joseph Plateau in 1832. The principle of this device was simple - a cyclic pattern was applied to the edge of the circle. For example, a running horse, which was depicted several times in different stages of movement. When the circle rotated, the pattern merged, and the illusion of a moving object arose.

The first real animator is considered to be the Frenchman Emile Reynaud. He created a praxinoscope apparatus, which consisted of a rotating drum, a system of mirrors and a lantern. In 1892, Reynaud launched a unique attraction - an optical theater. There he showed the audience comic stories lasting 15-20 minutes. This happened several years before the famous premiere, that is, animation became known to the French even a little earlier than films.

Further development of animation, as well as cinema, took place in France. Emil Kohl is another one bright director and artist, began his career with acting productions. In 1908 he created the first animated films. They resembled hand-drawn comics, only in motion. Emil Kohl drew thousands of drawings to bring them to life. He sought to achieve realism by copying real objects, and even used photography. Modern animators consider his legacy valuable.

Emil Kohl

Another bright name in the history of animation is associated with Russia. In 1912 he created the first puppet cartoon called “Beautiful Lyukanida, or the war of stags and barbels.” This figure became famous for his love of insects. He made a lot of films dedicated to them, and they looked very natural on the screen. Vladislav Starevich is a subtle psychologist and talented artist. He cared not only about the visual side of cartoons, but also filled them with deep meaning.

Vladislav Starevich

If in Europe film shooting took place in an almost artisanal way, then in America with technical base everything was much better. Here he appeared, who in 1929 shot his first hand-drawn cartoon with musical accompaniment, “Dance of the Skeletons.” Disney is considered to be the father of animation; his work deserves a separate story, because he alone received 30 times. His experience is still used as a basis today.

Subsequently, cinematographers introduced another interesting technology - the combination of live actors and cartoon characters.

Your children have probably asked you this question: when did the world’s first cartoon come out and is it possible to watch it? Don't be upset if you couldn't answer. There is no exact answer; experts and historians have not yet decided which of the first films can be called animated.

American cartoonist and actor Stuart Blackton is considered to be a pioneer of the industry. He filmed The Humpty Dumpty Circus or “Circus of Lilliputians” in 1898 with wooden dolls, two years later of the year The Enchanted Drawing - "Enchanted Drawing" with an artist who drew faces on paper sheets, similar to modern flipcharts.

The technology of stop-motion animation, when one image follows another, was invented and used later by Blackton, and for the first time he shot something like a cartoon on film. To the tape Humorous phases of funny faces or “Humorous phases funny faces» refers to the well-known Thomas Edison, an American businessman, scientist and inventor. Blackton worked as an engineer at Edison's company and they created the first drawn strip together. The screen showed drawings with white chalk on a black board. The characters, which the artist began to draw in front of the audience, then acted and grimaced without his help. Of course, this amazed the first viewers of the film in France in April 1906. The plot development was a success, although there was no full-fledged plot in this cartoon.

Another experiment by Stuart Blackton can also claim the laurels of the first cartoon. This is The Haunted Hotel (“Hotel with Ghosts”), the tape had much more greater success: special effects appeared here, inanimate objects moved in accordance with the laws of the genre. The kettle poured tea on its own, the knife cut the bread itself, towels flew and so on, but no one understood how it was all done. The effect was then called the “American movement.”

American director John Kenemaker is confident that it was Blackton who suggested the idea of ​​shooting frames to humanity while working on a “magic drawing” for Edison’s camera. But most experts believe that the American’s experiments cannot be called real cartoons; it was a commercial demonstration by engineer Blackton of the capabilities of the technologies of that time.

Then the very first real cartoon can be considered the short film by the Frenchman Emile Cohl Fantasmagorie (“Phantasmagoria”), which was presented to viewers in 1908. The author created more than 700 drawings on white paper for this film, so it turned out to be the first hand-drawn cartoon. The character of the film Fantosh finds himself in difficult and comical situations, for example, he conquers the horizontal bar, falls off it and after that appears before the audience more plump and powerful. Surprisingly, this one-and-a-half-minute cartoon still looks quite modern today, at least original.

If there are disputes about the very first world cartoon, then the author of the Russian cartoon, which became the first, is known for sure. This is research biologist Vladislav Starevich. He decided to make an educational film with a fight between stag beetles, but Starevich was not satisfied with the result. Then it occurred to him original idea: Starevich dissected the beetles, stuck the thinnest wires to them with wax, and by moving the beetles across the frames in 1912 he created a whole fairy tale story lasting more than ten minutes. Spectators around the world did not unravel Starevich’s technology and were delighted with how the scientist was able to “train” the beetles. And Vladislav Starevich himself, in addition to science, devoted himself to puppet animation.

Almost a good third of your life is spent watching TV. With the advent of cinema, this activity absorbed people. Breathtaking special effects, amazing acting, gorgeous landscapes, intriguing plots - all this now. Where did the history of cinema begin? What was the world's first film and cartoon?

What is the very first cartoon in the world

Both adults and children love to watch cartoons. Colorful cheerful characters add bright spots to the ordinary life. Some cartoons simply give pleasure and bring a positive mood, others tell “what is good and what is bad.” But for the most part, they teach something, make the child better, and help in the future. adult life. The title of “oldest cartoon in the world” was shared among 3 contenders:

  • American cartoonist Stuart Blackton shot 2 films at once: “ Humorous phases of funny faces" And " Haunted Hotel" They were created one after another in 1906 and 1907. The first cartoon was moving pictures drawn in chalk. The man came to life before our eyes and moved without the artist’s help. The people of France were the first to watch it.

Blackton's second work created a greater sensation among viewers. There was movement in it not only of people, but also of inanimate objects, and the operators of the famous Gaumont company were left completely perplexed as to how they managed to “revive” them.

  • The second contender was Emil Kolya with your work" Phantasmagoria", published in 1908. The short film took only one and a half minutes of time, and more than 700 drawings were needed to prepare it. The main character is Fantosha, who fell from the horizontal bar. Various funny situations happen to him.

Experts say that “Phantasmagoria” is the very first cartoon, since the first two were more like a demonstration of new capabilities and technologies, and Emil Kolya made a truly full-fledged story film.

The very first video film in the world

In the 21st century, we are no longer surprised by colorful special effects, and often even reproach the director for poor quality filming. But when the very first cinema appeared in the world, then there was nothing at all. Everything was done manually without additional devices or computer graphics.

From films we get not just empty information, bare pictures, we draw a lot from them historical facts, biography famous personalities, interesting information about some unknown objects and phenomena. One can only guess how much information is stored in the brains of TV viewers. It is much more interesting to receive information through visualization than to listen to a boring lecture at school while sitting at a desk. This is why children are so happy when a themed movie is announced in class.

Did you know, who made the first film? The world's first motion picture was shown in 1895. By the Lumiere Brothers a film was made called " Arrival of the train at La Ciotat station" The plot was simple, but the “miracle” presented in the film shocked the audience. After all, no one could believe that sitting on a chair, you could see a train approaching you.

A lot of people came to watch the very first film in the world in 1895, “The Arrival of a Train” by the Lumière Brothers. But they were psychologically unprepared for such a turn of events. Some jumped away from the screen, afraid of being hit by the moving train. The first film show created a sensation. Since then, the Lumiere Brothers have gained worldwide fame and are considered the founders of cinema. This is the official version.

So what year did the first film come out? In 1888, even before the advent of cinema as a concept, the first movie was made.It lasted only a couple of seconds and showed several people walking around the garden. Louis le Prince stripped off " Scenes in Roundhay Garden"This is the oldest film in the world. Next, the author made another film, but it was not released to the public because Louis le Prince went missing.

There is still debate about what year the movie appeared, the official version is 1895, and the unofficial version is 1888.

When the first film about the arrival of the train was made, other operators began to try to create similar films at other stations. In what year was the film about trains No. 2 and No. 3 made? In 1898 by Georges Méliès: “The Arrival of a Train at the Vincent Station” and “The Arrival of a Train at the Joinville Station.” When the first film was released, it marked the beginning of the era of cinema.

The first cinema in Russia

At the beginning of the development of cinema, only short films were released, which lasted from a few seconds to several minutes. The first silent film in Russia was “Ponizovaya Volnitsa” from 1908. Its duration was only 7 minutes.

Full-length films began to be made only later, when it became technically possible. What is the name of first Soviet feature film, not everyone knows. It was released in 1911 and was called " Defense of Sevastopol" This is a documentary about Crimean War, which was filmed at real battle sites.

How and when did cinematography appear?

Probably, you, film lovers, are interested in knowing who invented cinema and cinematography.

  1. The history of film and cinematography began in 1685 with the invention of the camera obscura, or as it was called the “magic lantern.”
  2. The second step was taken by Michael Faraday in 1839. He invented the Phenakistiscope device, which “revitalized” the drawing. The device was accompanied by a series of pictures depicting sequential movements.
  3. The third step in 1877 was to photograph the galloping horse with 60 different cameras. Thus, they wanted to find out whether the animal raises its legs during fast running. Thanks to this experiment, Louis Dagert and Jose Neps were able to decompose movement into phases.

In 1894, the kinetoscope apparatus was created. Its disadvantage was that only one person could watch the moving pictures. In 1893, the projector for watching films was invented. And who invented cinematography (or cinematography) as a result? Brothers Lumiere! This equipment made it possible to easily shoot and show films to people on a wide screen.

The history of cinema goes into their hands. At their first show in 1895, they showed more than one video. For example, "Workers Leaving the Factory" did not receive as much popularity as "The Arrival of the Train."

The history of the emergence of cinema and world cinema begins at the end of the 19th century, but only since 1920 have films been put on stream and developed as an art form. And yet, in what year did cinema appear? Official version– 1895, but the first films began to be released long before that.

The first sound film in the world

We usually associate silent films with Charlie Chaplin. A funny little man with whom some troubles constantly happen. After silent films, it's time to hear what the heroes are talking about. The title of the first sound film is “ Jazz singer" The American company Warner Brothers took this bold step. After the creation of special equipment that could record and reproduce sound, they were afraid to test it in practice for a long time, fearing a sharp rise in the cost of film production and distribution.

The silent film era ended in 1927. The first film with sound in the history of cinema was turning point. “The Jazz Singer” ran for 88 minutes, and its creation required a considerable amount of money at that time: 422 thousand dollars.

Do you know what the very first sound film in Russia was called? One of the first films to be released was “Plan of Great Works” in 1930. Next, the film “The Earth Thirsts” by Yuli Raizman was shot in silent form, and then dubbed.

The very first horror film in the world

You won’t surprise anyone anymore with fantastic special effects and terrifying sounds in movies. Sometimes, even with boredom in our eyes, we watch another “horror movie”, thinking, what kind of nonsense did this director make. Previously, each such painting was worth its weight in gold, thousands of people came to the shows. The very first horror film was filmed in 1896 and was called " Devil's Castle" At that time, of course, there was no talk of any great technologies, but this was enough for the unspoiled viewer to admire and be frightened by what was happening. Now, watching this movie, it looks more like a comedy parody.

The first color film in the world

One of the first color films in the world was " gone With the Wind ", filmed in 1939. Technically, this was not yet an ideal result of progress, but by the 60-70s, such work far outweighed black and white cinema. Officially, the very first was a movie called “ Becky Sharp» 1935 release. However, long before this, there were attempts to “decorate” the ribbons, which was done by hand by the Lumiere Brothers.

The famous “Battleship Potemkin”, released in 1925, is the first color film in Russia. But the only bright spot in the film was the red flag, which was hand-painted by director Sergei Eisenstein.

In 1936, the film “Grunya Kornakova” was released. And a picture about the 1945 Victory Parade was shot on multilayer color film.

Where did the world's first cinema appear?

Nowadays you won’t surprise anyone with cinemas; there are several of them in every city. Moreover, technology has developed to such an extent that you can no longer just watch a film, but feel smells, wind blowing, vibration and other movements occurring on the screen, and see everything in three-dimensional form. The first movie theater was Vitascope Hall, opened in 1896 in New Orleans.. It had a seating capacity of 400 and admission cost 10 cents. The largest hall opened in 1910 in Paris; it was designed for 5,000 spectators.


The development of the film industry has taken a giant step from its birth to the present day. Progress does not stand still, and specialists are still working on creating more and more new technologies that will improve the display of films and their shooting to the ideal. Perhaps very soon, sitting in a movie theater, you will find yourself in the middle of the jungle, and fantastic scenes will take place around you that you will be able to touch, and maybe even participate a little in them.

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