Analysis of knowledge in literary reading. General characteristics of the line of learning in literary reading. The graduate will have developed

Literary reading

Educational and educational complex "School of Russia"

Explanatory note

The literary reading program for grade 1 was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education, the Concept of Spiritual and Moral Development and Personality Education of a Russian Citizen, the planned results of primary general education, the author’s program of L. F. Klimanova, “Literary Reading”, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Moscow, 2007), according to the textbook: L. F. Klimanova, . Literary reading. 1st grade: educational. for general education institutions: at 2 o'clock. M.: Education, 2011. in accordance with the requirements and recommendations of the educational program “School of Russia”.

The program lasts 34 hours.

Subject Study « Literary reading" in elementary school is focused on the formation and improvement of all types of speech activity of a primary school student (listening, reading, speaking, writing, various types of retelling), on acquaintance with the rich world of domestic and foreign children's literature, on the development of the student's moral and aesthetic feelings, capable of creative activity.

Designed to shape the student's reading activity, interest in reading and books, and a reader's horizons. Younger schoolchildren get acquainted with examples of folklore of their native language, with the best works of children's national literature. A significant place in literary reading lessons is occupied by reading, translated into the native language, the best examples of children's literature of other peoples, Russian literature.

Goals studying the subject “Literary reading” in elementary school are:

- mastering conscious, correct, fluent and expressive reading as a basic skill in the education system of primary schoolchildren; improvement of all types of speech activity; developing interest in reading and books; formation of a reader's horizons and acquisition of experience in independent reading activity;

Development of artistic, creative and cognitive abilities, emotional and aesthetic responsiveness when reading works of fiction;

Enriching the moral experience of junior schoolchildren with the help of fiction;

Fostering interest and respect for national culture and the culture of the peoples of multinational Russia and other countries.

General characteristics of the subject

Literary reading is one of the main subjects in teaching primary schoolchildren. It develops general educational reading skills and the ability to work with text, awakens interest in reading fiction and contributes to the overall development of the child, his spiritual, moral and aesthetic education.

Success in studying a literary reading course ensures performance in other primary school subjects.

The section “Children's Reading Circle” includes works of oral creativity of the peoples of Russia and foreign countries, works of classics of domestic and foreign literature, modern writers of Russia and other countries (art and scientific-educational). The program includes all major literary genres: fairy tales, poems, short stories, fables, dramatic works.

Students work with books and learn to choose them according to their interests. New books add to the knowledge about the world around us, the lives of peers, their attitude towards each other, work, and the Motherland. In the learning process, the child’s social, moral and aesthetic experience is enriched, forming reading independence in schoolchildren.

The section “Types of speech and reading activities” includes all types of speech and reading activities (the ability to read, listen, speak and write) and work with different types of texts. The section is aimed at developing students’ speech culture and improving communication skills.

The section “Creative Activity Experience” reveals techniques and methods of activity that will help students adequately perceive a work of art and demonstrate their own creative abilities.

Studying the subject “Literary Reading” solves many of the most important problems of primary education and prepares the primary school student for successful studies in secondary school.

Thus, the literary reading course in 1st grade is aimed at solving the following main tasks:

Teaching rational techniques for reading and understanding what is read, orthoepic and intonation norms for reading words and sentences, mastering different types of text reading (selective, introductory, studying) and using them in accordance with a specific speech task;

To develop in children the ability to fully perceive a work of art, empathize with the characters, and respond emotionally to what they read;

Teach children to feel and understand the figurative language of a work of art;

To develop children's poetic ear, to accumulate aesthetic experience of listening to works of fine literature, to cultivate artistic taste;

To create a need for constant reading of books, to develop an interest in literary creativity;

Enrich the child’s sensory experience, his real ideas about the world around him and nature;

To form a child’s aesthetic attitude to life, introducing him to the classics of fiction;

Expand children's horizons through reading books of various genres and topics, enrich the child's moral, aesthetic and cognitive experience;

Ensure the development of schoolchildren’s speech, actively develop reading and speech skills;

Create conditions for the formation of the need for independent reading, to form “reader independence”.

Main content lines of the course

“Literary reading” as a systematic course begins in 1st grade immediately after learning to read and write. The literary reading course for grades 1-4 is the first stage of a unified continuous literature course in a secondary school.

Listening skills (listening). Auditory perception of spoken speech (statement of the interlocutor, listening to various texts). Adequate understanding of the content of the spoken speech, the ability to answer questions about the content of the listened work, determining the sequence of events, awareness of the purpose of the speech utterance, the ability to ask questions about the listened educational, scientific, educational and artistic works.

Developing the ability to observe the expressiveness of speech and the peculiarities of the author’s style.

Reading.Reading aloud. Focus on the development of students’ speech culture and the formation of their communicative and speech skills. A gradual transition from syllabic to smooth, meaningful, correct reading of whole words out loud. Reading pace that allows you to comprehend the text. Compliance with spelling and intonation reading standards. Development of poetic hearing. Cultivating aesthetic responsiveness to a work.

Reading to yourself. Awareness of the meaning of a work when reading silently. Determining the type of reading (studying, introductory, selective), the ability to find the necessary information in the text, understanding its features.

Working with different types of text. A general idea of ​​different types of text: fiction, educational, popular science – and their comparison. Determining the purposes of creating these types of texts. Practical development of the ability to distinguish a text from a set of sentences. Independently determining the theme and main idea of ​​a work based on questions and independently dividing the text into semantic parts and naming them. Participation in group discussion.

Bibliographic culture. A book as a special form of art. The book as a source of necessary knowledge. A general idea of ​​the first books in Rus' and the beginning of printing. Educational, fiction, reference book. Elements of a book: contents or table of contents, title page, abstract, illustrations.

Independent selection of books based on a recommendation list, alphabetical and thematic catalogue. Independent use of age-appropriate dictionaries and other reference books.

Working with the text of a work of art. Determining the features of a literary text. Understanding the moral and aesthetic content of the work read, awareness of the motivation for the behavior of the characters, analysis of the actions of the hero from the point of view of moral norms.

Mastering different types of retelling (detailed, selective and brief). Development of observation skills when reading poetic texts. Developing the ability to anticipate the course of plot development and sequence of events.

Working with popular science, educational and other texts. Understanding the title of the work, an adequate relationship with its content. Determining the features of educational and popular science texts. Acquaintance with the simplest techniques for analyzing various types of text: establishing cause-and-effect relationships, determining the main idea of ​​the text. Construction of an algorithm for text reproduction activities. Ability to work with educational tasks, generalizing questions and reference material.

Ability to speak (culture of verbal communication). Understanding dialogue as a type of speech. Features of dialogic communication: the ability to understand questions, answer them and independently ask questions about the text; listen carefully, without interrupting, to the interlocutor and in a polite manner express your point of view on the work under discussion. Using norms of speech etiquette in the process of communication.

Work with words (recognize the literal and figurative meaning of words, their polysemy), targeted replenishment of the active vocabulary. Working with dictionaries.

The ability to construct a monologue speech statement of a small volume, based on the author’s text, on a proposed topic or in the form of an answer to a question. Selection and use of expressive means (synonyms, antonyms, comparison) taking into account the characteristics of a monologue utterance.

An oral essay as a continuation of a read work, its individual storylines, a short story based on drawings or on a given topic.

Writing (culture of written speech)

Standards of writing: correspondence of the content to the title (reflection of the theme, setting, characters), use of expressive means of language in writing (synonyms, antonyms, comparisons) in mini-essays (narration, description, reasoning), a story on a given topic, feedback on what has been read book.

Place of the Literary Reading course in the basic curriculum

The “Literary Reading” course in 1st grade is designed for 34 hours (4 hours per week, 8.5 weeks).

Course results

· classify the sounds and letters of the Russian language, recognize their main differences.

· isolate individual sounds in words, determine their sequence;

· distinguish between vowels and consonants and the letters that represent them;

· correctly name soft and hard sounds in a word and outside a word;

· know the ways of their letter designation;

· indicate in writing the softness of consonant sounds with vowels and a soft sign;

· determine the place of stress in a word;

· extract words from sentences;

· correctly copy words and sentences written in printed and handwritten fonts;

· correctly write words and sentences of 3-5 words from dictation, the spelling of which does not differ from the pronunciation;

· use a capital letter at the beginning, a period at the end of the sentence;

· verbally compose 3-5 sentences on a specific topic;

· have the ability for correct, smooth syllabic reading with elements of reading whole words of small texts with all letters of the alphabet (the approximate rate of reading an unfamiliar text is not lower than 25-30 words per minute).

· be able to observe pauses that separate one sentence from another.

Forms of organization of the educational process

The program provides the following forms of organizing the educational process:

Traditional lesson, summary lesson, test lesson;

Frontal, group, individual work, work in pairs.

The program was developed on the basis of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education, in accordance with the “Exemplary Programs”, “Planned Results of Primary General Education” and the original program of the authors L.F. Klimanova, V.G. Goretsky, M.V. Golovanova “Literary reading. 1-4 grades"

Literary reading is one of the main subjects in teaching primary schoolchildren. It develops general educational reading skills and the ability to work with text, awakens interest in reading fiction and contributes to the overall development of the child, his spiritual, moral and aesthetic education.

Success in studying a literary reading course ensures performance in other primary school subjects.

The literary reading course is aimed at achieving the following goals:

Mastering conscious, correct, fluent and expressive reading as a basic skill in the education system of primary schoolchildren; improvement of all types of speech activity, ensuring the ability to work with different types of texts; developing interest in reading and books; formation of a reader's horizons and acquisition of experience in choosing books and independent reading activities;

Development of artistic, creative and cognitive abilities, emotional responsiveness when reading works of fiction; the formation of an aesthetic attitude to words and the ability to understand a work of art;

Enriching the moral experience of junior schoolchildren with the help of fiction; formation of moral ideas about goodness, friendship, truth and responsibility; nurturing interest and respect for national culture and the culture of the peoples of multinational Russia and other countries.

Literary reading as an academic subject in primary school is of great importance in solving the problems of not only teaching, but also education.

Literary reading as an academic subject particularly influences the solution of the following tasks :

1. Mastering general cultural reading skills and understanding text; nurturing interest in reading and books.

Solving this problem involves developing meaningful reading skills in younger schoolchildren, i.e. As a result of mastering the subject content of literary reading, students acquire the general educational ability to consciously read texts, work with various information, and interpret information in accordance with requests.

1. Mastery of speech, written and communicative culture.

Completing this task is associated with the ability to work with various types of texts, navigate a book, and use it to expand knowledge about the world around us. As a result of training, primary schoolchildren participate in dialogue, constructing monologue statements (based on works and personal experience), compare and describe various objects and processes, independently use textbook reference material, finding information in dictionaries, reference books and encyclopedias, express their own opinions based on what they read and heard.

3.Cultivating an aesthetic attitude towards reality reflected in fiction.

The solution to this problem contributes to the understanding of a work of art as a special type of art; developing the ability to determine its artistic value and analyze (at an accessible level) means of expression. The ability to compare the art of words with other forms of art (painting, music) develops; find similarities and differences in the artistic means used; create your own works of fiction based on what you read.

4. Formation of moral values ​​and aesthetic taste of primary schoolchildren; understanding the spiritual essence of the work.

Taking into account the characteristics of fiction, its moral essence, and the influence on the development of the personality of a young reader, the solution to this problem acquires special significance. In the process of working with a work of art, a junior schoolchild masters the basic moral and ethical values ​​of the world around him, gains the skill of analyzing the positive and negative actions of characters and events. Understanding the meaning of the emotional coloring of all plot lines of a work contributes to the education of an adequate emotional state as a prerequisite for one’s own behavior in life.

Introducing students to works of art accessible to their age, the spiritual, moral and aesthetic content of which actively influences the feelings, consciousness and will of the reader, contributes to the formation of personal qualities that correspond to national and universal values. Students' orientation toward moral standards develops their ability to correlate their actions with the ethical principles of behavior of a cultured person and develops the skills of friendly cooperation.

The most important aspect of literary reading is the formation of reading skills and other types of speech activity of students. They master conscious and expressive reading, reading texts to themselves, learn to navigate a book, and use it to expand their knowledge about the world around them.

In the process of mastering the course, the level of communicative culture in younger schoolchildren increases: they develop the ability to compose dialogues, express their own opinions, construct a monologue in accordance with a speech task, work with various types of texts, independently use the reference apparatus of a textbook, find information in dictionaries, reference books and encyclopedias.

In literary reading lessons, reading competence is formed, helping the younger student to realize himself as a literate reader, capable of using reading activity for his self-education. A literate reader has a need to constantly read books, masters reading techniques and techniques for working with text, understands what has been read and listened to, knowledge of books, and the ability to independently select and evaluate them.

The literary reading course awakens students' interest in reading works of fiction. The novice reader’s attention is drawn to the verbal-figurative nature of a work of art, to the author’s attitude towards the characters and the world around him, to the moral problems that concern the writer. Younger schoolchildren learn to feel the beauty of the poetic word and appreciate the imagery of verbal art.

Studying the subject “Literary Reading” solves many of the most important problems of primary education and prepares the primary school student for successful studies in secondary school.

General characteristics of the course

“Literary reading” as a systematic course begins in 1st grade immediately after learning to read and write.

Chapter "Children's Reading Circle" includes works of oral creativity of the peoples of Russia and foreign countries, works of classics of domestic and foreign literature and modern writers of Russia and other countries (art and scientific-educational). The program includes all major literary genres: fairy tales, poems, short stories, fables, dramatic works.

Students work with books and learn to choose them according to their interests. New books add to the knowledge about the world around us, the lives of peers, their attitude towards each other, work, and the Motherland. In the learning process, the child’s social, moral and aesthetic experience is enriched, forming reading independence in schoolchildren.

The program provides for familiarization with the book as a source of various types of information and the formation of bibliographic skills.

Chapter “Types of speech and reading activity” includes all types of speech and reading activities (the ability to read, listen, speak and write) and work with different types of texts. The section is aimed at developing students’ speech culture and improving communication skills, the main one of which is reading skills.

Reading skill. Over the course of four years of study, the methods of mastering the skill of reading change: first, there is the development of holistic (synthetic) techniques of reading within words and phrases (reading whole words); Next, techniques for intonation combining words into sentences are formed. Reading speed increases (fluent reading), silent reading is gradually introduced, reproducing the content of what was read. Students gradually master rational techniques of reading and understanding what they read, orthoepic and intonation norms for reading, words and sentences, master different types of text reading (selective, introductory, studying) and use them in accordance with a specific speech task.

In parallel with the formation of the skill of fluent, conscious reading, targeted work is being carried out to develop the ability to comprehend the meaning of what is read, generalize and highlight the main thing. Students master expressive reading techniques.

Improving oral speech (skills listen And speak) is carried out in parallel with teaching reading. The ability to listen to an interlocutor’s statement or reading is improved, to understand the purpose of a speech utterance, to ask questions about a work heard or read, and to express one’s point of view. Productive forms of dialogue and formulas of speech etiquette are mastered in the context of educational and extracurricular communication. Acquaintance with the peculiarities of national etiquette and communication between people is carried out on the basis of literary (folklore and classical) works. Students' monologue speech is improved (based on the author's text, on the proposed topic or problem for discussion), and their active vocabulary is purposefully replenished. Students master a condensed, selective and complete retelling of a work they have read or heard.

A special place in the program is given to working with the text of a work of art. Literary reading lessons improve the understanding of texts (description, reasoning, narration); students compare artistic, business (educational) and scientific-educational texts, learn to correlate the title with the content of the text (its theme, main idea), master such speech skills as dividing the text into parts, titling, drawing up an outline, distinguishing between main and additional information of the text .

The program provides literary propaedeutics. Students receive initial ideas about the main theme, idea (main thought) of the literary work being read, about the main genres of literary works (story, poem, fairy tale), features of small folklore genres (riddle, proverb, counting rhyme, joke). Children learn to use visual and expressive means of verbal art (“depiction in words”, comparison, personification, epithet, metaphor, rhythm and musicality of poetic speech).

When analyzing a literary text, the artistic image (without a term) comes to the fore. By comparing artistic and scientific-educational texts, students realize that they are not just educational, interesting texts, but works of verbal art. The word becomes the object of the reader’s attention and is interpreted as a means of creating a verbal and artistic image through which the author expresses his thoughts and feelings.

The analysis of figurative means of language in elementary school is carried out in a volume that allows children to feel the integrity of the artistic image, adequately perceive the hero of the work and empathize with him.

Children master different types of retellings of literary texts: detailed (using figurative words and expressions), selective and brief (transmitting main ideas).

Based on reading and analysis of the text read, students comprehend the actions, character and speech of the hero, compile his characteristics, discuss the motives of the hero’s behavior, correlating them with moral standards, and understand the spiritual and moral meaning of the work they read.

Chapter "Creative activity experience" reveals techniques and methods of activity that will help students adequately perceive a work of art and demonstrate their own creative abilities. When working with a literary text (with a word), the child’s life, concrete sensory experience is used and the figurative ideas that arise during the reading process are activated, and the ability to recreate verbal images in accordance with the author’s text is developed. This approach ensures a full perception of a literary work and the formation of a moral and aesthetic attitude to reality. Students choose works (excerpts from them) for role-playing, word drawing, dramatization and recitation, and act as actors, directors and artists. They write summaries and essays, compose poems and fairy tales, and they develop an interest in the literary work of writers and creators of works of verbal art.

You can get acquainted with the program on the subject in more detail by downloading the files attached below...

1.1. According to the traditional model “School 2100”. The program “Reading and Primary Literary Education” by Rustem Nikolaevich Buneev, Ekaterina Valerievna Buneeva is an integral part of the set of continuous course programs of the General Education Program “School 2100”. The content of this program is set out in the “Program of general education institutions, primary grades (1-4). Part I." (M.: Education, 2000.- P. 183-197).

The educational program “School 2100” is one of the programs for the development of general secondary education, aimed at developing and improving the content of education and providing it with program, methodological and educational materials. The project was carried out by a group of RAO academicians A.A. Leontyev (scientific supervisor), Sh.A. Amonashvili, S.K. Bondyreva and a number of leading Russian scientists - Buneev R.N., Vakhrushev A.A., Goryachev A.V., Danilov D.D., Ladyzhenskaya T.A. and others, is built on the best Russian pedagogical traditions, research of the Russian Academy of Education in recent years, and clearly takes into account the characteristics of the child’s psyche and patterns of perception.

Scientists have managed to create an educational system that prepares young people for real modern life, for productive activities and equips them with solid creative potential, teaches them to solve the most complex life problems, teaches them to constantly expand their knowledge, make independent decisions and be responsible for them. This is a successful experience in systematically building an educational space, taking into account the continuity and continuity of all levels of education.

This program is recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. In 2006-2007, the Educational system “School 2100” and a continuous line of textbooks on literature and the Russian language by R.N. Buneeva and E.V. Buneeva passed the examination of leading scientific and pedagogical institutions of the Russian Federation. The examination was carried out at the request of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation; Committee on Science, Culture, Education, Health and Environment of the Federation Council.

The team of authors of the Educational Program “School 2100” tried to develop an educational system that: * firstly, would be a system of developmental education, preparing a new type of student - internally free, loving and able to creatively relate to reality, to other people, capable of not only solve an old problem, but also pose a new problem, capable of making informed choices and making independent decisions; * secondly, it would be accessible to mass schools and would not require teachers to retrain; * thirdly, it would be developed precisely as an integral system - from theoretical foundations, textbooks, programs, methodological developments to a system for advanced training of teachers, a system for monitoring and monitoring teaching results, a system for implementation in specific schools; * fourthly, there would be a system of holistic and continuous education.

The Reading and Primary Literary Education program offers a reading system based on the Free Mind series of books. The educational and methodological complex includes: - a book for reading, - a notebook on literary reading, - an explanatory dictionary for the textbook, - books for extracurricular reading, - methodological recommendations for teachers, - a reference book for primary school teachers, an appendix to the books for reading in the " Free mind." 1st grade is provided with the following textbooks and additional materials: Authors, description of the composition of the teaching materials Appointment Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V. Literary reading. (“Droplets of the Sun”) Textbook for 1st grade. Ed. 3rd, revised - M.: Balass, 2001. - 208 p., illus. (Series “Free Mind.”) is intended for working with first-graders after completing a literacy course using the textbook “Primer” by authors R.N. Buneeva, E.V. Buneeva, O.V. Pronina. The textbook develops children's reading skills, interest in reading, and improves reading technique. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V.

Notebook on literary reading, 1st grade. - M.: Balass, 2001. - 64 p. is an appendix to the textbook “Literary Reading” (“Droplets of the Sun”), 1st grade and is used for working with first graders in parallel with the textbook. Designed to improve reading technique, to develop the ability to understand what is read, as well as to perform creative tasks. Shestakova N.A., Kulyukina T.V.

Explanatory dictionary for the textbook “Literary Reading” (“Droplets of the Sun”), 1st grade. - M.: Balass, 2008. - 96 p., illus. is intended for carrying out vocabulary work while reading texts from the textbook “Literary Reading”, 1st grade (“Droplets of the Sun”) by authors R.N. Buneeva, E.V. Buneeva.

The purpose of this manual is to prepare children for working with various types of dictionaries: to help them master the design features of dictionary entries, to indicate the path to finding the necessary information about a word. Literary reading lessons in 1st grade using the textbook “Droplets of the Sun.” Methodological recommendations for teachers. (Team of authors: R.N. Buneev, E.V. Buneeva, O.V. Pronina, O.V. Chindilova. - 3rd edition, revised. - M.: Balass, 2006. -192 pp. in The manual includes a reading program, options for thematic planning of lessons, describes the technology of developing the type of correct reading activity in children through a system of reading lessons in the 1st grade based on the textbook by R.N. and E.V. » for 1st grade.

Approximately the same additional materials make up the teaching materials for grades 2-4: Authors, description of the composition of the teaching materials Purpose Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V. Literary reading. (“Little door to the big world”). Textbook for 2nd grade. In 2 parts - M.: Balass, 2003. (Series “Free Mind.”) - Part 1 - 208 pp., ill.; Part 2 - 160 p. Designed for use in 2nd grade. Its distinctive features are its focus on universal human values, reliance on children’s worldview, a holistic system of texts of different genres, communicative orientation, and situational nature. The textbook has permanent characters whose dialogues connect the texts and motivate questions and tasks for them. The system of questions and tasks is aimed at developing children's reading and speaking skills. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V. Literary reading. (“In one happy childhood”).

Textbook for 3rd grade. In 2 parts. Ed. 3rd, revised - M.: Balass, 2001. (Series “Free Mind.”) - Part 1 - 192 p., Part 2 - 224 p. Designed for classes with 3rd grade students. Its goal is to develop interest in reading and reading skills; intellectual and aesthetic development of children; preparation for systematic study of literature. The textbook is structured in the form of a heuristic conversation and has permanent characters. The texts are situationally determined and grouped into fourteen sections. The sequence of sections reflects the natural course of life, the events occurring in the family of the book’s heroes. The texts are accompanied by questions and assignments. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V. Literary reading. (“In the ocean of light”).

Textbook for 4th grade. In 2 parts. Ed. 4th, revised - M.: Balass, 2004. (Series “Free Mind.”) - Part 1 - 240 pp.; Part 2 - 224 pp. is a course on the history of Russian children's literature in the form of an anthology for 4th grade students. The texts are selected according to the age of the children and are arranged in chronological order. The textbook forms an initial understanding of the history of literature as a process, improves the skills of reading, understanding and analyzing text, and helps make the transition to studying a literature course in primary school.

The following materials are offered for textbooks to help students and teachers: 1. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V. Notebook on literary reading, 2nd, 3rd, 4th grade. 2nd ed., rev. - M.: Balass, 2004. - 64 p. (Series “Free Mind”.) 2. Shestakova N.A., Kulyukina T.V. Explanatory dictionary for the textbook “Literary Reading” (“Little Door to the Big World”), grades 2,3,4. - M.: Balass, 2008. - 80 p. 3. Buneeva E.V., Yakovleva M.A. Reading lessons based on the textbook “Literary Reading” (“Little Door to the Big World”), 2nd grade. Methodological recommendations for teachers. Ed. 2nd, supplemented. - M.: Balass, 2001. - 208 p. 4. Buneeva E.V., Smirnova O.V., Yakovleva M.A. Reading lessons from the textbook “Literary reading” (“In one happy childhood”), 3rd grade. Methodological recommendations for teachers. - M.: Balass, 2000. - 352 p. (Series “Free Mind”.) 5. Buneeva E.V., Chindilova O.V. Reading lessons in 4th grade using the textbook “Literary Reading” (“In the Ocean of Light”).

Methodological recommendations for teachers. Ed. 2nd, revised - M.: Balass, 2006. - 192 p. (The “Free Mind” series.) “Reading Notebooks” have been included in the teaching materials for reading in the “Free Mind” series since 2001. They are prepared for each book to read. The main purpose of this notebook is indicated in the table. The material in the notebook is distributed among lessons in accordance with thematic planning, grouped in accordance with the stages of working with the text. Here are some exercises and assignments that are useful for use in the classroom. Moreover, the tasks are formulated both for children and for the teacher. The notebook contains the necessary theoretical and literary material. The workbook, according to the authors, should be organically included in the fabric of the lesson, without disturbing the technology of working with the text. In the middle of the notebook there are sheets with written tests, which must be carried out after each section of the book.

The “Methodological Recommendations for Teachers” includes a description of the technology of working with text in literary reading lessons in primary school, which shapes the type of correct reading activity in children; thematic planning of lessons, detailed lesson-by-lesson methodological developments based on a textbook for literary reading in grades 2-4 (authors R.N. Buneev, E.V. Buneeva), as well as the development of lessons for extracurricular reading. In addition, the educational and methodological complex has the following books: 1. Essays on children's writers.

Handbook for primary school teachers. Vol. 2. Appendix to books for reading the “Free Mind” series, author. R.N. Buneeva, E.V. Buneeva. - M.: Balass, 1999. - 240 p. The reference book is addressed to primary school teachers working using textbooks on literary reading by R.N. Buneeva and E.V. Buneeva “Droplets of the Sun”, “A Little Door to a Big World”, “In One Happy Childhood”, “In an Ocean of Light”, and contains essays about children’s writers. It can also be recommended to teachers working with other reading textbooks, as well as to students of pedagogical universities and colleges as a manual for the course “Children’s Literature.” 2. Books for extracurricular reading.

2.1. Sinitsyna I.Yu. The letter is mischievous. Fun riddles for children who can already read. In 2 issues. - M.: “Balass”, 2004. - Issue. 1. - 32 s. The books contain funny puzzles and confusion. To solve the riddles proposed by the author, you will need to replace one letter inside a small two-line poem. This type of work helps develop the ability to perform sound-letter analysis of a word, which underlies a child’s literacy, development of attention and logical thinking in children, and will increase the educational motivation of a primary school student. This is good material for reading with an adult or independently. The first issue of “Mischievous Letters” contains riddles of an initial degree of difficulty; in the second and subsequent editions, the degree of difficulty of the riddles gradually increases. 2.2. Marya Morevna. Russian folktale. - M.: Balass, 2004. - 48 p. This book is part of a series of books for extracurricular reading for children 7-10 years old. Promotes the formation of productive reading skills and the development of the child’s cognitive abilities.

The purpose of reading lessons according to the R.N. Buneeva, E.V. Buneeva - to teach children to read fiction, prepare them for its systematic study in secondary school, arouse interest in reading and lay the foundations for the formation of a literate reader who masters both reading techniques and methods of understanding what they read, knows books and knows how to choose independently. Objectives: developing reading techniques and methods of understanding text; introducing children to literature as the art of speech through the introduction of elements of literary analysis of texts and practical familiarization with certain theoretical and literary concepts (based on interest in reading); Development of oral and written speech, creative abilities of children; Acquaintance through literature with the world of human relations; personality formation. The traditional thematic principle is taken as the basis for grouping educational material.

All reading books in the “Free Mind” series are united by internal logic. The internal logic of the reading system is implemented through the following principles: the principle of genre diversity and the principle of the optimal ratio of works of children’s literature and those included in the circle of children’s reading from “adult” literature; monographic principle; the principle of updating the reading topic; the principle of independent home reading for children; the principle of holistic perception of a work of art.

The authors compiled the program in such a way that over the 4 years of primary school, children repeatedly turn to the works of A. Barto, V. Berestov, V. Dragunsky, S. Marshak, N. Matveeva, K. Paustovsky, S. Cherny, A. Chekhov and etc. Students read works written in various genres, varied in subject matter, intended for readers of different ages. Thus, in the 4th grade, children see “the connection between the fate of the writer and his work and the history of children’s literature.” Children receive a holistic understanding of writers. In the book “In the Ocean of Light” the texts are arranged in chronological order. Children thus develop an initial idea of ​​the history of literature as a process, of the connection between the content of a work and the personality of the author and his life.

So, for example, in 1st grade, schoolchildren read poems by S. Marshak, in 2nd - translations of folk songs and fairy tales, in 3rd - a play, in 4th - an article-essay about M. Prishvin, etc. The reading program for each grade reflects the main directions work and includes the following sections: Reading topics. Reading technique. Formation of reading comprehension techniques. Aesthetic experience of what you read, elements of literary analysis of the text. Practical acquaintance with literary concepts. Speech development.

The program for "Reading and Primary Literary Education" provides the following number of hours: 1st grade 2nd grade 3rd grade 4th grade 40 hours 136 hours 102 hours 102 hours Children's reading includes works representing all areas of literary creativity: folklore of the peoples of Russia and the world, Russian and foreign classics, modern domestic and foreign literature. Sections of the program include works that make up the golden fund of children's literature.

Primary school students also study the works of modern authors of children's and adult literature of various genres: stories, excerpts from stories, fairy tales, lyrical and plot poems, poems, fairy tale plays. The reading range is determined by the reading topic: 1st grade 2nd grade 3rd grade 4th grade “Jump. Play..." (poems and short stories) "There on unknown paths.." (magical folk and literary tales) - Fairy-tale men (fairy tales) - Farewell to summer. -Summer travel and adventures. -Nature in summer (poems, stories, excerpts from stories) Works of modern children's literature of various genres (ballads, fairy tales, fantasy stories) -Our home -For the guys about animals -Fairytale heroes (fairy tales and epics) -“The fairy tale is rich in wisdom...” - “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it...” (fairy tales of the peoples of the world) - Lessons and breaks - “The dead time of leaf fall...” - “And the learned cat told me his fairy tales...” - “Winter sings and hoots...” At the origins of Russian children’s literature (fables, literary fairy tales, educational books for reading, etc.) Little discoveries - The most ordinary miracle (author's fairy tales) - Animals in our house - Mom and Dad and I, etc. Children's literature of the 19th century, 20th century, 30-50 1960s, 60-90s During reading lessons, the teacher introduces students to a number of literary concepts. The dialogues of the acting characters, specially compiled by the authors of the textbooks, help with this.

Let us list approximate theoretical concepts that a junior schoolchild should be able to practically distinguish and attribute a read work to a certain type and genre: 1st grade 2nd grade 3rd grade 4th grade poem rhyme rhythm story hero and author of the story - fairy tale, epic, riddle, song, tongue twister. - “fairy tale signs” - theme, main idea; -literary fairy tale -story, play; - figurative and expressive means: comparison, personification, epithet - prologue, epilogue; autobiographical work; - fable, ballad, fantasy story, humor, satire. The authors of the program pay special attention to extracurricular reading lessons, but the description of the section “Working with children's books” was not included in the program, referring to the famous works of N.N. Svetlovskaya, O.V. Dzhezheley and the program of O.V. Dzhezheley "Reading and Literature".

The main difference between extracurricular reading lessons is that in these lessons children work not with a textbook, but with a children's book. The main feature of the extracurricular reading system in 1st grade is that children read “within the framework of reading books,” that is, other stories or poems by the authors of this section, other chapters from the story that are not included in this section, etc. This is how the principle of holistic perception of a work of art is realized.

In 1st grade, extracurricular reading lessons are held after finishing work on each section. The selection of works and topics for these lessons is an individual matter for the teacher. At the end of each reading book is a sample list of independent reading books that can be used in out-of-class reading lessons.

The peculiarity of extracurricular reading lessons in 2nd grade is that they are not conducted in parallel with the main reading course, but are closely related to them, are “within the framework” of the reading book “A Little Door to a Big World” and are held at the beginning of the school year, after reading each of the 6 sections and at the end of the academic year. A mandatory requirement for an extracurricular reading lesson is that children have children's books. Most of the activities offered by the textbook are developmental, have positive motivation, and are aimed at developing the student’s communicative competence.

This program is successfully implemented in 37% of Russian schools. Educational books have been included in the Federal List of Textbooks of the Russian Federation for 15 years and are well known in all regions of Russia, the CIS and Baltic countries. Most of the Russian schoolchildren who took first place in the world PIRLS testing in 2006 studied from these books.

Below are the expert opinions of various organizations that assessed the effectiveness of the “School 2100” model: “Working according to the System eliminates unnecessary school overload, maintains health, and makes the learning process fun and creative. Citizenship and patriotism become a belief, and the ability to understand the position of another person becomes the norm. But the most important thing is that this educational system makes it possible to develop in a young person his potential abilities, which previously often remained undiscovered.” Or another: “The content corresponds to the state standard, but in all textbooks it is considered as an indicative basis for organizing independent activities, developing communication and social skills.

The System has solved one of the most painful problems of our education: continuity and succession at all levels of education. This means that there is no stressful inclusion of a child in school life, no disruptions during the transition from primary to secondary school, and high school is structured in such a way that continuing education is a natural process.” The uniqueness of the examination was that textbooks implementing the educational system were analyzed for compliance with the stated scientific provisions of the system. On November 16, 2005, the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Education heard a question about the results of a comprehensive examination of the educational system "School 2100" and adopted a resolution recognizing it as a student-oriented, developmental educational system of a new generation, consistent with state policy.

Currently, the textbooks of the Educational Program “School 2100” are actively included in the practice of mass schools; the authors of the textbooks regularly conduct methodological courses, consultations and seminars for teachers, and scientific and practical conferences. At secondary school No. 4 in Syzran according to the R.N. program. Buneeva, E.V. Buneeva is a primary school teacher, Galia Igmatulovna Abdryakhimova.

The system of classes, principles of presenting material, creative tasks, approaches to studying works, etc. - everything appeals to the teacher. The class is noticeably different in speech development from peers studying under L.F.’s literary reading program. Klimanova, V.G. Goretsky, M.I. Golovanova. Children think outside the box, are active, express and defend their opinions.

And most importantly, by the 4th grade, schoolchildren have become “readers”, they are interested in and exchange books with each other and the teacher! Parents positively evaluate the teacher’s work in this program. In my opinion, working on such a program is interesting: complete methodological support for all textbooks, systematic unity of all textbooks and programs.

The positions of the authors are set out in detail in the program and in the methodological recommendations. A well-thought-out system of working with textbooks from grades 1 to 4 has been created. The material is presented problematically, which helps organize the students’ mental activity. Good modern textbooks make studying interesting and enjoyable. Positive motivation helps to avoid overload and create a humane atmosphere in the classroom. Texts have been successfully selected that allow for a differentiated approach to students, taking into account their interests and the degree of mastery of the material.

The world of literature is presented in its diversity: here are the classics of Russian and foreign children's literature, and works of Russian writers and poets of the 20th century, and modern children's literature.

I found it interesting that students already in elementary grades gain an understanding of the history of literature as a process. The system of tasks is aimed at developing the student’s intelligence and personality. This is a system designed to shape the child’s educational and cognitive activity, to maximize the disclosure of the personal qualities of the student and teacher in the process of joint activity. “School-2100” involves the maximum use of each teacher’s personal experience in teaching. Undoubtedly, this requires special training of the teacher, understanding of the goals and objectives of the program.

The purpose of the “Literary Reading” course in elementary school is the moral and aesthetic education and development of students in the process of developing the ability to fully and deeply perceive fiction based on studying the fundamentals of literary theory, the practice of analyzing literary texts and the experience of independent creative activity.
The possibility of achieving this goal is explained by the dual nature of the academic subject “Literary Reading”. Literature as a part of culture introduces students to the moral and aesthetic values ​​of their people and humanity and contributes to the formation in children of personal qualities that correspond to national and universal moral models. Literature as an art form contributes to the deep personal development of these values, since the process of perceiving a literary text involves the mind, feelings, and will, which means that the process of general and moral development of the child’s personality occurs.
Objectives of this course:
- development of the skill of conscious, correct, fluent and expressive reading of students, improvement of reading qualities as the basis for children’s deep and full perception of a literary text;
- familiarizing students with the basics of literary theory, developing on this basis the skills of analyzing works of art of various types and genres and experience of independent reading and artistic and creative activity;
- student-readers master the moral values ​​contained in a work of art, develop the moral feelings of the individual; nurturing the need to communicate with the world of fiction as a source of self-knowledge and self-education;
- development of students’ speech through the development of correct literary language and the ability to express their thoughts and feelings in different forms of oral and written speech and at different levels of independence and creativity.
The solution to these problems largely depends on the level of development of the child’s reading skills. The foundations of this educational activity are laid when learning the alphabet (primer book). In literary reading lessons, the child continues to master the mechanism of reading, develop technical skills and improve the qualities of reading, especially such as awareness and expressiveness.
The main condition for solving the above problems is the organization of a complete reading and analysis of works of art that is personally significant for the student. A huge role in the organization of this process is played by the emotional background of students’ activities, the organization of moments of empathy, since in comprehending a literary text the principle of combining sensory and rational knowledge is especially important. Empathy and assessment are the basis for the formation of moral ideas and beliefs of an individual.
Highly artistic works included in children's reading circles, as well as a system of questions and assignments addressed primarily to the child's life experience and problems, contribute to the deep development of aesthetic and moral values ​​by student readers. Therefore, the program works included not only the obligatory classic texts of Russian and foreign literature, but also the works of modern poets and writers, many of whom have already become classics of children's literature.
Solving the problems of literary education of students predetermines in the course of literary reading the need to familiarize students with the basics of literary theory and develop in student readers the ability to fully perceive reading and analyze a literary text, since moral and aesthetic values ​​and ideals are “soldered” into a work of art and are extracted and mastered child in the process of reading activity. Therefore, the basis for constructing a literary reading course is the requirement “that younger schoolchildren penetrate deeper and deeper into the content of works of art, understand their construction, genres, and means of expression” (L.V. Zankov). This determines the practical orientation of the literary reading course. Everything that students learn, they extract from the text in the process of increasingly complex reading activity, directed and organized by the teacher. The conceptual apparatus is introduced carefully and gradually in accordance with the age of the students.
In elementary school, students' ideas about the figurative nature of a literary text are laid, the foundation for a holistic analysis of the work is created, the ability to see the picture drawn by the author, understand his thoughts, and share his feelings is formed. Students, observing the heroes of the work, receive initial ideas about the character of the hero and the methods of his creation in folklore and literature. The ability to present a work of art holistically and highlight episodes, to see how a person’s character is manifested in an action, to evaluate it is a leading reading skill and the main condition for relating a work of art to life.
The concentric principle of constructing the program allows, by turning to new works of art, to consolidate skills and develop the skills of analyzing a literary text.
In the literary reading course, we begin to introduce students to works of painting in order for children to more fully understand the figurative nature of literature and art in general.
This course is organically connected with the Russian language course through the general tasks of students mastering the norms of the literary language, its accuracy and expressiveness, as well as speech development. These problems are solved using the materials in the “Preliminary Reading” section located in the textbooks. The content and forms of working with words and phrases allow not only to practice reading techniques, but also contribute to the formation of spelling vigilance and interest in the etymology of the word, and therefore in the history of the native language.
The main task of developing a child’s speech in literary reading lessons is to develop the ability to convey to other people the information he extracts from a literary text. The main content of work on speech development is as follows:
- expanding vocabulary, clarifying the lexical meaning of words, searching for precise and expressive words;
- development of the ability to perceive another opinion, logically accurately and demonstrably build one’s judgment in oral and written form;
- development of the ability to expressively read literary texts, convey to listeners one’s inner vision
and emotional state;
- developing skills in analyzing and editing your text.
All this work is inextricably linked and is implemented in the process of students reading and analyzing literary texts and writing their own texts in literary reading lessons.

The educational and methodological package for the course includes:
- Lazareva V.A. Literary reading. Textbook for 1st grade.
- Lazareva V.A. Literary reading. Textbook for 2nd grade. in 2 parts.
- Lazareva V.A. Literary reading. Textbook for 3rd grade. in 2 parts.
- Lazareva V.A. Literary reading. Textbook for 4th grade. in 2 parts.
- Reader on literary reading. Comp. V.A. Lazarev. For grades 1-4.
- Lazareva V.A. Methodological recommendations for the textbook “Literary Reading”. 1-4 grades.
- Lazareva V.A. Technology of literary text analysis in literary reading lessons in primary school.
- Vorogovskaya A.I. Lesson notes for the textbook by V.A. Lazareva “Literary reading” for 1st grade.

The course develops in children the need for systematic reading, analysis of what they read and application of acquired knowledge in practice. During classes, schoolchildren perform search, browsing, and selective reading tasks, and learn to present information in a condensed form or in the form of a table. Textbooks for grades 1 and 2 are structured according to a thematic principle, and grades 3 and 4 according to genre and author, which gives students the opportunity to get acquainted with the diversity of literature and learn to compare texts according to various criteria. Each section contains tasks for the development of communication skills and special reminders to help complete learning tasks.

Program “Literary reading. Grades 1–4” by Efrosinina L.A., reflects the content of teaching literary reading in a modern primary school, contains the planned learning outcomes at the primary level of education.

Textbooks for grades 1–4 are intended for mastering the course of literary reading at the level of primary general education and belong to a completed subject line of textbooks, developed in accordance with the requirements regulated by the Federal State Educational Standard.

The textbooks contain tasks that develop motivation for reading and learning, the creative abilities of students, as well as tasks that develop in younger schoolchildren the need for systematic reading and application of acquired knowledge in practical activities. Throughout the course of literary reading, students complete tasks for selective, search, viewing, studying reading, presenting information from the text read and listened to in a condensed form, in the form of a plan, a simple table, which is necessary at this stage of the formation of semantic reading skills.

The material in textbooks for grades 1 and 2 is organized on a thematic basis, since during this period the main task is to create motivation for reading fiction and accumulate reading experience. This is reflected in the structure of the sections of the textbook, the methods of selecting material and the sequence of its presentation.

Textbooks for students in grades 3 and 4 are built according to the genre-author principle. In genre blocks, students have the opportunity to compare works of the same genre (folk and author's), generalize genre characteristics; in author's blocks - get an idea of ​​the diversity of one author's work, consolidating ideas about genres and forms of fiction, as well as some features of the author's style. Such a transition from one principle of organizing material to another is traditional for textbooks on literary reading in primary school, corresponds to the psychophysiological capabilities of students and allows for continuity between the primary and main levels of general education, in which the monographic principle becomes the leading one.

For each work, a system of tasks has been developed that organizes the work of students. The clarity of identification and repeatability of the components of the textbook structure is supported by a system of symbols that is uniform for the entire line of textbooks. This allows students to easily navigate the textbook when working independently with texts and exercise self-control.

The line's textbooks implement a systemic activity approach: each section of the textbook includes tasks that allow for the comprehensive development of students' communication skills. Tasks that help personalize the learning process, establish interdisciplinary connections, and enrich the vocabulary are also aimed at this. The textbooks contain algorithms (memos) that serve to form regulatory educational actions. Memos help students master and consciously apply methods for solving certain (typical) educational tasks (independent work with a work, preparing expressive reading, reading by heart and by role, detailed and brief retelling, telling a story about the hero of a work, writing a review of a book).

Workbooks on literary reading contain a system of exercises for students to independently work with the text of works included in the textbook and educational anthology. The notebooks contain a variety of developmental and creative tasks that develop a sense of words, enrich speech, and allow for differentiated learning in literary reading lessons.

The educational teaching materials line includes teaching aids, the structure and content of which correspond to the structure and content of textbooks for grades 1–4. Methodological aids include a course program (according to the class), approximate lesson planning, necessary methodological comments for lessons, recommendations for monitoring the level of achievement of planned results and for organizing training.

Notebooks for testing and control work on literary reading include current and final comprehensive tests, as well as test tasks on the studied works and material for self-testing reading ability, allowing you to evaluate learning results.

The “Bookman” dictionary-reference book includes an explanatory dictionary of concepts and reference material for the course “Literary Reading. grades 1–4,” which will help improve students’ learning and reading activities, deepen and generalize the knowledge gained in the lessons. Released as a printed publication and on CD (electronic educational resource), for use in the classroom using an interactive or projection board or at home on a personal computer.

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