A place in the house for an icon of the New Testament Trinity. About different icons of the Holy Trinity

One of the Founding Fathers ancient philosophy, and with it all European civilization The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle said: “Philosophy begins with wonder.” The same can be said about Christian dogma - it cannot but cause surprise. The worlds of Tolkien, Ende and Lewis with all their fabulous mysteries do not even touch the shadow of the mysterious and paradoxical world of Christian theology.

Christianity begins with great secret The Most Holy Trinity - the mystery of God's Love, revealed in this one incomprehensible unity. V. Lossky wrote that in the Trinity we see the unity in which the Church abides. Just as the Persons of the Trinity remain unmerged, but constitute One, we are all gathered into the single Body of Christ - and this is not a metaphor, not a symbol, but the same reality as the reality of the Body and Blood of Christ in the Eucharist.

How to depict a mystery? Only through another secret. The joyful mystery of the Incarnation made it possible to depict the Indescribable. An icon is a symbolic text about God and holiness, revealed in time and space and abiding in eternity, just as fairy forest from The Neverending Story by Michael Ende, created in the imagination of the protagonist, begins to exist without end and beginning.

We can comprehend this eternity thanks to one more mystery, far from the last in the world of Christian theology: God Himself enlightens every Christian, following the Apostles, by bestowing Himself - the Holy Spirit. We receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Confirmation, and He permeates the whole world, thanks to which this world exists.

So, the Holy Spirit reveals to us the mystery of the Trinity. And that is why we call the day of Pentecost - the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles - “The Day of the Holy Trinity”.

“The Hospitality of Abraham” - the plot of the icon Life-Giving Trinity

The indescribable can be depicted only to the extent that it has been revealed to us. On this basis, the Church does not allow the depiction of God the Father. And the most correct image of the Trinity is the iconographic canon “Hospitality of Abraham,” which sends the viewer to distant Old Testament times:

And the Lord appeared to him at the oak grove of Mamre, when he was sitting at the entrance to [his] tent, during the heat of the day.

He lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, three men stood against him. When he saw it, he ran towards them from the entrance to [his] tent and bowed to the ground and said: Master! If I have found favor in Your sight, do not pass by Your servant; and they will bring some water and wash your feet; and rest under this tree, and I will bring bread, and you will strengthen your hearts; then go [on your way]; as you pass by your servant. They said: do as you say.

And Abraham hurried to Sarah’s tent and said to [her], “quickly knead three sati of fine flour and make unleavened bread.”

And Abraham ran to the herd, and took a tender and good calf, and gave it to the lad, and he hastened to prepare it.

And he took the butter and the milk and the calf that had been prepared, and set it before them, and he stood beside them under the tree. And they ate.

The story of a hospitable old man who recognized God in three men is in itself touching and instructive for any believer: if you serve your neighbor, you serve the Lord. We meet the image of this event very early.

Mosaic on triumphal arch Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome created in the 5th century. The image is visually divided into two parts. At the top, Abraham runs out to meet three men (one of them is surrounded by radiance, symbolizing the glory of the Divine). In the lower part, the guests are already sitting at the set table, and Abraham is serving them. Sarah stands behind Abraham. The artist conveys the movement by depicting the old man twice: here he is giving instructions to his wife, and here he turns around to bring a new dish to the table.

By the 14th century, the canon “Hospitality of Abraham” was already fully formed. Icon "Trinity of Zyryansk", which, according to legend, belonged to the brush of St. Stefan of Perm is a slightly modified version of it. Three angels are seated at a table, a calf lies under it, and Abraham and Sarah stand at the bottom left. In the background there is a building with a turret (the house of Abraham) and a tree (the Oak of Mamre).

The images may change, but the set of symbols and characters remains the same: three angels, a couple serving them, below - a calf (sometimes with a youth slaughtering it), an oak tree, the chambers of Abraham. 1580, icon " Holy Trinity in existence”, surrounded by stamps depicting events associated with the apparitions of the Trinity. An interesting detail: Abraham and Sarah here not only serve at the table, but also sit at it. The icon is located in the Solvychegodsk Historical and Art Museum:

More typical, for example, is the 16th century icon from the Trinity-Gerasimov Church in Vologda. The angels are in the center of the composition, followed by Abraham and Sarah.

The icon is considered the pinnacle of Russian icon painting Trinity, written by Rev. Andrei Rublev. Minimum symbols: three angels (Trinity), a cup (Atoning sacrifice), a table (the Lord's Table, the Eucharist), a reverse perspective - “expanding” from the viewer (the space of the icon, describing the heavenly world, is immeasurable more peace dolny). Among the recognizable realities - an oak tree (Mamre), a mountain (here is the sacrifice of Isaac, and Golgotha) and a building (Abraham's house? Church?..).

This image will become a classic image for the Russian icon, although some discrepancies in details are possible. For example, sometimes the middle angel has a cross on his halo - this is how Christ is depicted on icons.

Another example: Simon Ushakov depicts the meal in more detail.

The canon “Hospitality of Abraham” is optimal for depicting the Holy Trinity: it emphasizes the unity of essence (three angels) and the difference of hypostases (angels are present in the space of the icon “autonomously” from each other).

Therefore, a similar canon is used when depicting the appearance of the Trinity to saints. One of the most famous images is Appearance of the Holy Trinity to Saint Alexander of Svirsky:

Non-canonical images

However, there have been attempts to portray God in the Trinity in other ways.

It is extremely rare in Western European and Russian temple painting to come across an image used in the iconography of the Renaissance, where three faces are combined in one body. It did not take root in church painting because of its obvious heresy (mixing of Hypostases), and in secular painting because it was unaesthetic.

But the image " Trinity New Testament"occurs often, although it contains the other extreme - the division of the Essence of the Divine.

The most famous icon of this canon is “ Fatherland» Novgorod school (XIV century). The Father sits on the throne in the form of a gray-haired old man, on his knees is the Youth Jesus, holding a circle with the image of the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove. Around the throne are seraphim and cherubim, closer to the frame are saints.

No less common is the image of the New Testament Trinity in the form of the Elder-Father, according to right hand- Christ the King (or Christ holding the Cross), and in the middle - the Holy Spirit, also in the form of a dove.

How did the canon of the “New Testament Trinity” appear if the image of God the Father, Whom no one has seen, is prohibited by the council? The answer is simple: by mistake. The book of the prophet Daniel mentions the Old Denmi - God:

The Ancient of Days sat down; His robe was white as snow, and the hair of His head was like pure wave. (Dan.7:9).

It was believed that Daniel saw the Father. In fact, the Apostle John saw Christ in exactly the same way:

I turned to see whose voice was speaking to me; and turning, he saw seven golden lampstands and, in the midst of the seven lampstands, one like the Son of Man, clothed in a robe and girded around the chest with a golden belt: His head and hair were as white as white wool, like snow...


The image of the “Old Day” exists on its own, but is an image of the Savior, not the Trinity. For example, on the fresco of Dionysius in the Ferapontov Monastery, a halo with a Cross, with which the Savior is always depicted, is clearly visible.

The Virgin Mary in images of the Trinity

Two more interesting images of the “New Testament Trinity” came from the Catholic Church. They are rarely used, but also deserve attention.

"Adoration of the Holy Trinity" by Albrecht Durer(the picture is stored in Vienna Museum art history): at the top of the composition is the Father, below Him is Christ on the Cross, and above them is the Spirit as a dove. The Trinity is worshiped by the Heavenly Church (angels and all saints with the Mother of God) and the Earthly Church - the bearers of secular (emperor) and ecclesiastical (pope) power, priests and laity.

Image " Coronation Mother of God » connected with the Mother of God dogmas Catholic Church, but due to the deep veneration of the Most Pure Virgin by all Christians, it also became widespread in Orthodoxy.

In the center of the composition is the Virgin Mary, the Father and the Son holding a crown over Her head, and a dove depicting the Holy Spirit hovers above them.

Trinity of the New Testament (Co-throne)

One of the types of iconography of the New Testament Trinity: the image of God the Father in the form of a gray-haired old man. In the halo above His head are the same letters that are written in the Savior’s halo, meaning, as mentioned above, “He That Is,” but the halo itself may not be round, but triangular.

Jesus Christ sits next to God the Father. In his right hand the Savior holds the open Gospel, in his left - the instrument of our Salvation - the Cross.
God the Holy Spirit is depicted as a dove hovering over Them. God the Holy Spirit is depicted as a dove because He revealed Himself at the Baptism of the Savior.

“The Lord of Hosts (that is, the Father) is gray-haired, and the Only Begotten Son is in His womb, to write on icons, and a dove between them, it is extremely absurd and indecent to eat, since no one has seen the Father in divinity; for the Father has no flesh, and the Son is not in the flesh will be born of the Father before the ages, even if David the prophet says: from the womb before the star he begot thee, otherwise that birth is not carnal, but inexpressible and incomprehensible, Christ himself says in the Holy Gospel: no one knows the Father, except the Son and the prophet. in chapter 40 he says: To whom shall you liken the Lord, and to whose likeness shall you liken Him..."

And although the definition of the Great Moscow Council of 1667 prohibits icons of the Lord of Hosts, images of the Fatherland (the New Testament Trinity) are quite common, and in our time they are found everywhere, in almost all new and opening churches, as if the ban had been lifted, as if it was now possible to depict God the Father.

Icon "Trinity of the New Testament"
On the throne sits the Ecumenical King, the Lord of the Universe, our Heavenly Father, the Lord God, at His right hand sits the Son, God solar system, incarnated in the body of Jesus Christ.

The Lord God has two squares in his halo. The square is an image of the completeness of knowledge, all four sides. One square of knowledge is the image of the knowledge of the being of the structure of the spiritual world, the other square is the image of the being of the structure of the world of the mind.

The Lord God points with one hand to Jesus, whom He called our Teacher and Mentor, in His right hand is the Teaching - the Bible, with the other hand He shows that everything can be asked of Him.

Jesus holds a cross with his left hand - the image of the human soul as the main essence of the ruler of the Earth. He was the Creator and Maker of it. On the cross in the cloud of reason, the Holy Spirit is the human soul, which has become the guardian angel of material man.

When she flew to the Lord God with a question and received an answer from Him - a thought to this question called the Holy Spirit. His thought, with this answer, she herself became the bearer of the Holy Spirit or the Holy Spirit.
The arrows show the movement of the soul sent to exist on Earth, and its return to the spiritual world after existence - resurrection.

In the Lord God and in Jesus we see the veil of the material world thrown over the shoulders and knees.
To the left of the Lord God stands His messenger John the Baptist, to the right of Jesus Christ stands Wisdom with the Teaching.

God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit are in spiritual world separated by the firmament from the abyss.
The Lord God and God have angels at their disposal, ready to convey to people living in the material world any knowledge they need.

Images of people are shown above and below the firmament. At the top left is the image of a cherub man who knew the Bible; at the top right is the image of a man, a bird of the air, who knew the Bible, but did not recognize the harmony of husband and wife; bottom left - the image of a man-beast; below on the right is the image of a man of pure cattle, both did not know the Teaching - the Bible.

The dogma of the trinity of God is one of the main ones in Christianity, regardless of denomination, therefore the icon of the Trinity has its own symbolic meaning, interesting story. In this article we will talk about the history, significance and meaning of the Holy Trinity icon, and how it can help Christians.

Basics of Faith

According to Christian doctrine, there cannot be an exact image of God the Trinity. He is incomprehensible and too great, besides, no one has seen God (according to the biblical statement). Only Christ descended to earth in his own form, and it is impossible to directly depict the Trinity.

However, symbolic images are possible:

  • in angelic form (three Old Testament guests of Abraham);
  • festive icon of the Epiphany;
  • the descent of the Spirit on the day of Pentecost;
  • Transfiguration.

All these images are considered icons of the Holy Trinity, because each case is marked by the appearance of different hypostases. As an exception, it is allowed to depict God the Father as an old man on icons of the Last Judgment.

Famous icon of Rublev

Another name is “The Hospitality of Abraham”, since it depicts a specific Old Testament story. The 18th chapter of Genesis tells how the righteous man received God Himself, under the guise of three travelers. They symbolize the different personalities of the Trinity.

The complex dogmatic teaching about the Christian God was best revealed by Rublev the artist; his Icon of the Trinity differs from other options. He refuses Sarah, Abraham, uses minimal utensils for meals. The main characters do not eat food; they appear engaged in silent communication. These thoughts are far from mundane, which becomes clear even to the uninitiated viewer.

The Trinity Icon of Andrei Rublev is the most famous image painted by the hand of a Russian master. Although very few works by the monk Andrei have survived, the authorship of this one is considered proven.

Appearance of Rublev’s “Trinity”

The image is written on a board, the composition is vertical. Behind the table are three figures, behind you can see the house where the Old Testament righteous man lived, the Mamre oak tree (it still survives and is located in Palestine), and a mountain.

A fair question would be: who is depicted on the icon of the Holy Trinity? Behind appearance The angel hides the personalities of God:

  • Father (the figure in the center blessing the cup);
  • Son (the right angel, in a green cape. He bowed his head, thereby agreeing to his role in the plan of salvation; travelers talk about him);
  • God the Holy Spirit (to the left of the viewer, raises his hand to bless the Son for the feat of self-sacrifice).

All the figures, although they express something through poses and gestures, are in deep thought, there is no action. Gazes are directed to eternity. The icon also has a second name - “Eternal Council”. This is the communication of the Holy Trinity about the plan of salvation of the human race.

Composition is important for describing the Trinity icon. Its main element is the circle, which clearly expresses the unity and equality of the three hypostases. The bowl is the center of the icon; it is on it that the viewer’s gaze stops. This is nothing more than a prototype of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. The cup also reminds us of the sacrament of the Eucharist, the main thing in Orthodoxy.

The colors of clothing (azure) are reminiscent of the divine essence of the characters in the plot. Each angel also holds a symbol of power - a scepter. The tree here is intended to recall the tree of paradise, because of which the first people sinned. The house is a symbol of the Spirit's presence in the Church. The mountain anticipates the image of Golgotha, a symbol of the atonement for the sins of all mankind.

History of the image of the Holy Trinity

The details of the life of the great master are little known. He is hardly mentioned in the chronicles; he did not sign his works (a common practice for that time). Also, the history of writing the masterpiece still has many blank spots. It is believed that the Monk Andrew carried out obedience in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, for which his most famous icon was painted. Exist different opinions about the time of creation of the Trinity icon. Part dates it to 1412, other scholars call it 1422.

Realities of life in the 15th century. were far from peaceful, the Moscow principality was on the verge of a bloody war. The theological content of the icon, the unity of the hypostases of the depicted Persons is a prototype of universal love. It was precisely to agreement and fraternal unity that the icon painter called upon his contemporaries. Old Testament Trinity for Sergius of Radonezh it was a symbol of unity, which is why he named the monastery in her honor.

The abbot of the Lavra really wanted to complete the decoration of the Trinity Cathedral, for which he gathered the best. Frescoes were planned on the walls - traditional for that period. Also, the iconostasis needed filling. “Trinity” is a temple icon (the most important), which is located in the bottom row near the Royal Doors (the clergy exits through them during services).

Return of color

In the history of the Trinity icon important stage was a new discovery of long-familiar material. Several decades ago, restorers learned how to remove drying oil from old images. V. Guryanov, under a small fragment of the “Trinity,” discovered a surprisingly vibrant shade of blue (the color of the robes). A whole wave of visitors followed.

But the monastery was not happy about this; the icon was hidden under a massive frame. Work has stopped. Apparently, they were afraid that there would be people who wanted to spoil the shrine (this happened with other famous images).

The work was completed after the revolution, when the Lavra itself was closed. The restorers were amazed by the bright colors that were hidden under a dark coating: cherry, gold, azure. One of the angels is wearing a green cape, in places you can see pale pink. These are heavenly colors that indicate one of the meanings of the Trinity icon. It seems to call the praying person back to where unity with God is possible, this is a real window into another world.

The meaning and meaning of the icon of the Holy Trinity

The icon of the Life-Giving Trinity has several layers of meaning. Approaching it, a person becomes, as it were, a participant in the action. After all, there are four seats at the table, but only three sit at it. Yes, this is the place where Abraham should sit. But everyone is invited to participate. Any person, as a child of God, must strive into the arms of the heavenly Father, into the lost paradise.

The icon of the Holy Trinity is not only a famous image, but also a great work of world art. This is a wonderful example of reverse perspective: the lines of the table (or more precisely, the throne) inside the composition go to infinity. If you extend them in the opposite direction, they will point to the place where the observer is standing, as if inscribing him into the composition.

The search for God, on which many spend their entire lives, seems to have a meaning for Andrei Rublev. logical conclusion in this work. We can say that the icon of the Holy Trinity became a catechism written in colors, expounded by the great ascetic of the faith. Completeness of knowledge, peace and confidence in God's love fill everyone who looks at the image with an open heart.

Rublev is a mysterious person

The authorship of the great image, one of a kind, was established a century later. Contemporaries quickly forgot who painted the Trinity icon; they were not particularly concerned with the task of collecting information about the great master and preserving his work. For five hundred years he was not mentioned in the calendar. The saint was officially canonized only at the end of the 20th century.

Popular memory almost immediately made the icon painter a saint. It is known that he was a student of Saint Sergius of Radonezh himself. He probably perfectly learned the spiritual lessons of the great old man. And although St. Sergius did not leave theological works, his position is clearly read in the icon created by his disciple. And the people's memory has preserved his monastic exploits.

Back in the 17th century. Rublev was mentioned in the legend about the great icon painters. He was even depicted on icons, among other ascetics from the Lavra.

Non-canonical images

Many believers have seen an icon called “Trinity of the New Testament.” It depicts a gray-haired old man, Christ and a soaring dove. However, such stories are strictly prohibited in Orthodoxy. They violate the canonical prohibition according to which God the Father cannot be depicted.

In accordance with the Holy Scriptures, only symbolic images of the Lord are permissible, for example, in the guise of an angel or Christ. Anything else is heresy and should be removed from the homes of godly Christians.

The dogma of the Trinity, which is very difficult to understand, looks very accessible in such non-canonical icons. The desire is understandable ordinary people make something complex simple and clear. However, these images can only be purchased at own risk- the cathedral decree prohibits them, even consecrating them is prohibited.

An old image in a new incarnation

In the 17th century In Moscow, icon painter Simon Ushakov enjoyed well-deserved fame. Many images came from his pen, including the Trinity icon. Ushakov took Rublev’s painting as a basis. The composition and elements are the same, but executed in a completely different manner. The influence of the Italian school is noticeable, the details are more real.

For example, a tree has a spreading crown, its trunk has darkened with time. The angel wings are also made realistically, reminiscent of real ones. Their faces have no reflections of internal experiences, they are calm, their features are drawn in detail and volume.

The meaning of the Trinity icon in this case does not change - a person is also invited to become a participant in his own salvation, for which God, for his part, has already prepared everything. It's just that the writing style isn't as elevated anymore. Ushakov managed to combine ancient canons with new European trends in painting. These artistic techniques make the Trinity more earthly and accessible.

How does the icon of the Holy Trinity help?

Since the Trinity is a kind of catechism (only these are not words, but an image), it will be useful for every believer to have it at home. The image is present in every Orthodox church.

The “Trinity” icon helps to better understand the relationship between God and man; in front of it, you can turn to all the divine Persons at once, or to one of Them. It is good to say prayers of repentance, read the Psalms, ask for help when faith is weakening, and also for the guidance of those who have fallen into error and followed the wrong path.

Trinity Day is a moving holiday, celebrated after Easter (50 days later). In Rus', on this day, churches are decorated with green branches, the floor is covered with grass, and priests wear green vestments. The first Christians at this time began to harvest crops and brought them for consecration.

When choosing an icon of the Holy Trinity, you should exercise caution, because non-canonical images are sometimes found even in church shops. It is better to take the image as it was written by Rublev or his followers. You can pray about everything, because the Lord is merciful and will help in any matter if a person’s heart is pure.

Prayers to the icon of the Holy Trinity

Prayer 1

Glory to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Master, forgive our iniquities; Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Thy name's sake.

Prayer 2

To the Most Holy Trinity, the Consubstantial Power, all the good Wines that we will reward You for everything that You have rewarded us sinners and unworthy before, before you came into the world, for everything that You have rewarded us every day, and that You have prepared for all of us in the world to come !
It is fitting, then, for so much good deeds and generosity, to thank Thee not just in words, but more than in deeds, for keeping and fulfilling Thy commandments: but we, being aware of our passions and evil customs, have cast ourselves into countless sins and iniquities from our youth. For this reason, as unclean and defiled, do not just appear before Your Trisholy face without coldness, but below Your Most Holy Name, speak to us, even if You Yourself had deigned, for our joy, to proclaim that the pure and righteous are loving, and sinners who repent are merciful and kindly accept. Look down, O Divine Trinity, from the height of Your Holy Glory upon us, many sinners, and accept our good will, instead of good deeds; and give us the spirit of true repentance, so that, having hated every sin, in purity and truth, we may live until the end of our days, doing Your most holy will and glorifying pure thoughts and by good deeds the sweetest and most magnificent your name. Amen.

A direct depiction of the Trinity would contradict the concept of an eternal, incomprehensible and triune God: “ No one has ever seen God"(John 1:18), therefore, only symbolic images are recognized as canonical. The most commonly used plot is the so-called “hospitality” (Greek. φιλοξενια ) Abraham" - the appearance of three angels to him:

And the Lord appeared to him at the oak grove of Mamre, when he was sitting at the entrance to the tent, during the heat of the day. He lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, three men stood against him. Seeing, he ran towards them from the entrance to the tent and bowed to the ground and said: Master! If I have found favor in Your sight, do not pass by Your servant; and they will bring some water and wash your feet; and rest under this tree, and I will bring bread, and you will strengthen your hearts; then go; as you pass by your servant... And he took the butter and the milk and the calf that had been prepared, and set it before them, and he himself stood beside them under the tree. And they ate.

In Christian theology, three angels symbolize the hypostases of God, which are conceived as inseparable, but also unmerged - as the consubstantial Holy Trinity.

In early images (for example, in the Roman catacombs), the image is extremely historical, but already in the first compositions one can note the emphasized sameness of Abraham’s guests. Isocephaly, the equality of the travelers, is shown by the same clothes and the same poses.

Later, the historical plane of the image is completely replaced by the symbolic one. The three angels are now considered only as a symbol of the trinitarian Godhead. But the iconographic compositions continue to include Abraham and his wife Sarah; many small secondary details “ground” the image, returning it to the historical event.

Understanding the three angels as an image of the Trinity gives rise to the desire to distinguish hypostases among them, and the conclusion about the possibility or impossibility of such isolation gives rise to two main types of composition: isokephal and non-isokephalic. In the first case, the angels are emphatically equal, and the composition is extremely static; in the second, one of the angels (usually the central one) is highlighted in one way or another, its halo may contain a cross, and the angel himself is signed with the abbreviation ІС HS(attributes of Christ). Disputes around such compositions even led to the appearance of icons where each angel had attributes of Christ.

"Trinity" by Andrei Rublev

The Rev. Andrei Rublev reached the highest degree of revelation of the spiritual essence of the Most Holy Trinity in his icon of the Life-Giving Trinity. The composition with the figures of angels inscribed in a circle does not highlight individual hypostases among them, but each of the angels has its own individuality. Rublev achieved simplicity and conciseness in his depiction; there are no unnecessary elements or characters. According to the decision of the Stoglavy Council (Moscow, 1551), icons should be painted according to the old Greek models and according to the model of Rublev, that is, without distinguishing between hypostases, signing only “ The Holy Trinity" In many images that repeat the composition of the Trinity by Andrei Rublev, which has become a model, the harmony of the plan is destroyed.

For a long time, the original paintings of Andrei Rublev were completely hidden under a layer of later recording (late 19th century). But even this was not visible under the continuous precious salary. It was only in 1904 that a trial removal of the untrue and alluvial began. The photographs show the state of the icon at the moment the restoration began (the shoulder of the right angel and the mountain behind it were revealed) and after the opening.

Other interpretations of the Trinity in icon painting

Along with the iconographic composition of Andrei Rublev, who created a different iconography from traditional “ Hospitality of Abraham" image " Life-Giving Trinity", exists, etc. " New Testament Trinity" - image of the Trinity in post-existential economy. There are two main types of iconography: “ Co-throne" - the image of God the Father in the form of a gray-haired old man (Ancient of Days), the Son in the form of a husband sitting on a throne at His right hand; the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove above the throne; And " Fatherland", characterized by the fact that God the Son is depicted as a youth on the knees of the Father. Images of the New Testament Trinity are widespread to this day, although by the definition of the Great Moscow Council of 1667, which condemned Patriarch Nikon, icons of the Lord of Hosts, as well as “ Fatherland"were prohibited.

Western European religious painting is characterized by the trinitarian composition “The Crucifixion in the Bosom of the Father,” in which God the Father holds a cross with the crucified God the Son. The appearance of a similar scheme in late Russian icon painting caused heated debate between supporters and opponents of complex allegorical subjects.


  • Ulyanov O. G. “Philoxenia of Abraham”: biblical shrine and dogmatic image // Theological works. T. 35. M., 1999
  • Ulyanov O. G. The influence of Holy Mount Athos on the peculiarities of the veneration of the Holy Trinity under Metropolitan Cyprian (on the 600th anniversary of the repose of the saint) // A believer in culture Ancient Rus'. Proceedings of the international scientific conference on December 5 - 6, 2005 / Rep. ed. T. V. Chumakova. St. Petersburg: Lemma Publishing House. 2005. 252 with ISBN 5-98709-013-X
  • Gregory (Circle). About the image of the Holy Trinity. /Thoughts about the icon/
  • B.V. Rauschenbach. Standing before the Holy Trinity (Transmission of the Trinity dogma in icons).


  • Decisions of the Moscow Stoglavy Cathedral concerning icon painting

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

The main dogma of Christianity is the doctrine of three persons of one essentially God, who are the Holy Trinity. These three hypostases contained in Him - the Son and God the Holy Spirit - are not merged with each other and are inseparable. Each of them is a manifestation of one of its essences. The Holy Church teaches about the complete unity of the Trinity, which creates the world, provides for it and sanctifies it.

The table decoration also attracts attention. If for Rublev it is limited to only one bowl with the head of a calf, which is also complete symbolic meaning and directs the viewer’s thoughts to reflect on the atoning sacrifice of the Son of God, then in this case the painter emphasized the rich table setting, combined with the exquisite painting of the chairs. Such an abundance of decorativeness is not typical for an icon.

Trinity of the New Testament

The plot of the icons described above is taken from the Old Testament, which is why they are called the “Old Testament Trinity”. But one cannot ignore the frequently encountered images of the New Testament Trinity - another version of the image of the Divine Trinity. It is based on the words of Jesus Christ quoted in the Gospel of John: “I and the Father are one.” In this plot, the three Divine hypostases are represented by images of God the Father in the form of a gray-haired old man, God the Son, that is, Christ, in the form of a middle-aged man and the Holy Spirit in

Options for depicting the New Testament Trinity

This plot is known in several iconographic versions, differing mainly in the position of the figures depicted in it. The most common of them, the “Co-throne,” represents a frontal image of God the Father and God the Son, seated on thrones or clouds, and a Dove, the Holy Spirit, hovering above them.

Another well-known plot is called “Fatherland”. In it, God the Father is represented seated on a throne with a baby sitting on his lap and holding a sphere in a blue glow. Inside it is placed a symbolic image of the Holy Spirit in the form of a Dove.

Disputes about the possibility of depicting God the Father

There are other iconographic versions of the New Testament Trinity, such as “The Crucifixion in the Bosom of the Father,” “The Eternal Light,” “The Sending of Christ to Earth” and a number of others. However, despite their widespread use, debates about the legality of depicting such subjects have not subsided among theologians for centuries.

Skeptics appeal to the fact that, according to the Gospel, no one has ever seen God the Father, and therefore it is impossible to depict him. In support of their opinion, they mention the Great Moscow Council of 1666-1667, the 43rd paragraph of which prohibits the image of God the Father, which at one time gave reason for the removal of many icons from use.

Their opponents also base their statements on the Gospel, citing the words of Christ: “He who has seen Me has seen My Father.” One way or another, the New Testament Trinity, despite the controversy, is firmly included in the subjects of icons revered Orthodox Church. By the way, all of the listed versions of the New Testament Trinity appeared in Russian art relatively late. Until the 16th century they were unknown.

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