Born on February 7th. Love and Compatibility

Aquarians born on February 7 radiate a mysterious attraction that is impossible to resist. Yours is complicated, controversial personality seems so mysterious that people are drawn to you as if by magic. Sociable and genuinely helpful, you have a contemplative nature that requires frequent solitude, and you are an innovator and independent thinker with unusual behavior and an original view of the world. When the Aquarius intellect works together with intuition and active imagination, you are able to put forward ideas that others seem simply incredible.

People born on February 7th are usually receptive to various modern remedies and treatments. Nevertheless, they subconsciously understand that treatment is very expensive, and therefore they are prudent about their health. Yoga, tai chi, meditation, wushu, massage relieves them of stress. Those born on February 7 should beware of unusual diets, especially those aimed at losing weight. However modern approach to food and cooking will have a beneficial effect on emotional condition. It is advisable to include fresh vegetables, bran bread, yogurt, nuts, and fruits in your daily diet. Moderate daily intake is recommended exercise stress, possible early jogging or swimming.

Those born on February 7th usually have pronounced social biases and believe that it is right for inequality to exist. Many of them are idealists by nature, but those who do not share the views of these people often accuse them of rudeness and excessive practicality, even of cynicism. They harshly criticize life as such, but have little idea of ​​what it should really be like. However, their desperate efforts to live up to their ideals, and their fragile hopes that others will willingly follow their example, are not always realistic.

Zodiac sign February 7 -

Element of the Sign: . Your zodiac sign belongs to the Air signs, which are characterized by the following qualities: cosmopolitanism, interest, progressiveness, innovation, collectivism.

Planet Ruler: . Predetermines the desire to experiment. Uranus is the patron saint of inventors. The planet in exile is the Sun. You can be grateful to her for her inability to prioritize, as well as her lack of inner core.

Aquarius, the zodiac sign of those born on February 7, makes these people real innovative thinkers, often eccentrics and great originals, sometimes misunderstood loners and contemplative philosophers. People born on February 7 are mysterious, charismatic and attract others. From birth, they have a complex and contradictory nature, which only adds to their mystical appeal. They are always sociable and sociable, happy to help those who need their help, but from time to time they need to be alone with themselves to contemplate their inner world and generate incredible ideas, as befits a classic Aquarius; this zodiac sign corresponds to the date of February 7th. The most developed and complex people born on February 7th are those who combine their sharp intellect with their powerful intuition and unbridled imagination - from such a synthesis a truly brilliant idea can be born, a real invention that moves forward human development.

Less critical people born on February 7 are sometimes naive and simple-minded, which is quite consistent with their natural appearance and youthful manner of expressing their feelings. They truly value sincerity from the heart and diligently cultivate this quality in themselves. They tend to deeply believe that Nature and the Universe are the highest values ​​open to deification. Nevertheless, those born on February 7 are shrewd judges of other people's characters, diligently studying the motives of human actions. As a rule, those born on this day choose their friends very carefully. If they have taken on family responsibilities and have children, then in relations with them they attach special importance to fairness, always listening to the opinions of their offspring.

Those born on February 7 are convinced that children can teach us a lot and that they should definitely have a happy childhood. They never show cruelty to the weak and unprotected. For the most part, those born on February 7 are categorically against violence, obsessive manic habits and reactionary tendencies that are destructive to human nature. It is not easy for them to convince others that they are right. They are often met with stubborn resistance from more practical and less idealistic individuals who feel that the status quo is less than perfect and needs to be replaced. Although they are freedom-loving, they limit themselves by not revealing existing problems, making proposals and allowing others to make their own decisions. Many of them are well aware that if they persist in imposing their point of view on others, they will most likely face rejection and even outright hostility.

Even minor suffering has a harmful effect on the psyche of those born on this day, especially if they are not able to face it. As a rule, these people help others only out of a sense of responsibility or - much more often - because of greater social opportunities, but by and large the troubles of others scare them away. Those born on February 7th are free-thinking natures and therefore begin to get angry when they try to put pressure on them, whether it comes from close people or from the public. They cannot be silenced by those who threaten their idea. Valuing spontaneity, they want to see others honest and open, even if they do not share their point of view.

Aquarius man - born on February 7

Men born on February 7th have the following qualities: such a gentleman is an innovative thinker, intelligent, and idealistic. All those who were born on this February day urgently need to work on themselves, develop willpower in order to remove themselves from such weaknesses. To a greater extent, this applies to Aquarius men; they are the ones who must understand that by changing, he will change for the better not only himself, but also some part of the world.

Aquarius woman - born on February 7

Women who celebrate their birthday on February 7th are endowed with the following qualities: such a lady is original, mysterious, inquisitive. These people must understand that sometimes it is simply useful to be an optimist in life, to let faith and hope into your heart, even if in some ways incredible and not supported by anything, but still they will help you see the world in different colors, more colorful.

Birthday February 7

Aquarians born on February 7th are generously gifted by fate with various gifts. The main thing is to use them correctly, and then any doors will open to a person. And the date of birth will help, because it activates everything good qualities, originally inherent in man. Those born on February 7th with the zodiac sign Aquarius are incredibly attractive and attractive, they have creative thinking and all kinds of talents. Such people have their own opinion on absolutely any issue and will never give up on it. People around you appreciate this, although sometimes they get annoyed. Such people consider the existence of inequality in the world to be natural and even correct, respecting social foundations and traditions.

Their boundless love for order and preservation of traditions is non-negotiable. Such Aquarians look critically at the state of things, giving everything an objective assessment without embellishment or softening of the truth. This, as well as the idealization of life values, can lead to negative consequences. The fact is that others tend to view these character traits as excessive cruelty and even arrogance, although this is not at all the case.

A keen sense of people allows those born on February 7, the zodiac sign Aquarius, the day to surround themselves only with the most worthy people. In this company the main thing is comfort. Aquarians can calmly discuss all their worries and fears with their friends, but such close friendship must be earned. In relationships with people, the main criteria for them are honesty and nobility. They look at life through the eyes of a critic, but at the same time, like children, they rejoice at every positive little thing and are not particularly upset by everyday troubles.

Some representatives of this birth date are even simple-minded and naive, having a childish manner of expressing their feelings and experiences. They can solve almost any problem with a simple conversation, because those born on February 7th with the zodiac sign Aquarius have a great sense of human nature. It should be recognized that they prefer not to use this ability for selfish purposes. They consider it unacceptable to infringe upon human rights, because they themselves adore freedom and do not allow anyone to take it away from them.

For loved ones, such Aquarians are usually reliable support due to high level self-discipline and responsibility. They renounce cruelty in any form, despising this method. Such people will never allow themselves to offend someone or hurt their loved ones. For the sake of children, Aquarians are ready to do anything just to please their offspring. In families where one of the parents was born on February 7 with the zodiac sign Aquarius, home comfort, mutual understanding and a wonderful psychological atmosphere reign.

If desired, Aquarians can succeed in almost any activity, and the will to win and remarkable intelligence will help them in this. They calculate their own and other people's actions many steps ahead, shocking their ill-wishers and delighting their friends. Among the celebrities born on February 7 under the zodiac sign of Aquarius is actor Ashton Kutcher. The secret of his success is charisma, love for his work and the ability to win over anyone. Being practically an ideal for the fair half of the planet, Ashton is able to melt even the coldest heart.

Love and Compatibility

In intimate relationships, you combine the romantic idealism and rational objectivity of an Aquarius. You can be a wonderful, devoted companion, but in intimate relationships you feel defenseless and vulnerable. You strive for intimacy, but are deathly afraid of losing your independence.

The best family compatibility in the sign of Aquarius, born on February 7th with Gemini, Libra and Sagittarius. It is with them that this person will be able to build a prosperous, friendly family, with common life goals. A marriage union is also quite possible, just as friendly relations with Pisces, Aries and Sagittarius are promising. Although this combination of couples has its own but - they must learn to hear each other and give in. Aquarius has very little chance of a favorable marriage with representatives of Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn and Virgo. It is unlikely that they will be able to get along, they are too different, they have different ideas about family and family values.

Work and Career

Oddly enough, people born on February 7 are quite calm about the existence of social inequality. It does not seem unfair or offensive to them. Maybe the fact is that they observe inequality in nature, and nature and space are the two things that they are ready to idolize. Aquarius is the answer to the question what zodiac sign is on February 7, and Aquarians are idealists by nature. However, despite this, opponents and enemies of these people consider them rude, cynical and too practical. Perhaps the inconsistency of these natures is to blame. Those born on February 7 condemn modern society and life for their ulcers, but they do not know how to improve the situation for the better and what exactly needs to be done for this.

Despite this, they sincerely try to live in accordance with their ideals and always hope that by doing so they will set an example for their neighbors. Naive, childish, and rarely everything works out the way they want it. Sometimes those born on February 7 are somewhat simple-minded and naive, like eternal children or eternal teenagers. They even often communicate accordingly, maximalistically expressing their feelings and emotions. Sincerity and frankness are most valued by these people; they themselves also try to be open. But some naivety and desire for spiritual striptease do not at all deprive these people of a penetrating look through other people’s masks - they remain experts human souls, no matter what happens.

Health and Diseases

If we look at how interesting these people are to all the new and untested methods of treatment, it will immediately become clear what zodiac sign corresponds to the date of February 7th. Who, besides Aquarius, can be so drawn to everything unknown? But their health experiments fortunately do not go too far. Perhaps because even these, cut off from real life weirdos understand how expensive treatment can be.

They get rid of stress through meditation, all kinds of spiritual practices, and yoga. It is necessary to warn those born on February 7 against abusing unusual, new diets, especially for weight loss. You can experiment with cooking and food combinations, but with caution. It is best to stick to a diet that includes yoghurt, fresh vegetables, nuts, fruits, and bran bread. It will be useful to go jogging or swimming, and be sure to do exercises in the morning.

Fate and Luck

On this day people are born who are lucky everywhere. The vibrations of the day are such that they enhance all the best aspects of character, and if a person follows the path of evolution, improving strength and spirit, his life is surrounded by an aura of glory, success, and good luck. These people can prove themselves in many areas. Any occupation they choose will bring them wealth and fame. They have special magnetism, the ability to influence people, their intuition unmistakably helps them choose safe and prosperous ways to solve all the problems that confront them. These are strategists who rarely make mistakes. The path of good will lead them to prosperity and luxury. The path of evil is a road to nowhere, surrounded by darkness and hopelessness.

February 7th celebrity birthday- actor Ashton Kutcher, musician Sally Erna, musician Wes Borland, actor James Spider, actor Mikhail Solodko

Character of Aquarius born on February 7- Those born on February 7th usually have pronounced social preferences and consider the existence of inequality to be correct. Many of them are idealists by nature, but those who do not share the views of these people often accuse them of rudeness and excessive practicality, even of cynicism. They harshly criticize life as such, but have little idea of ​​what it should really be like. However, their desperate efforts to live up to their ideals, and their fragile hopes that others will willingly follow their example, are not always realistic.

Less critical people born on February 7 are sometimes naive and simple-minded, which is quite consistent with their natural appearance and youthful manner of expressing their feelings. They truly value sincerity from the heart and diligently cultivate this quality in themselves. They tend to deeply believe that Nature and the Universe are the highest values ​​open to deification.

Nevertheless, those born on February 7 are insightful judges of other people's characters, diligently studying the motives of human actions. As a rule, people whose birthday is February 7 choose their friends very carefully. If they have taken on family responsibilities and have children, then in relations with them they attach special importance to fairness, always listening to the opinions of their offspring. Those born on February 7 are convinced that children can teach us a lot and that they should definitely have a happy childhood. They never show cruelty to the weak and unprotected.

What kind of people are whose zodiac sign is February 7th? For the most part, those born on February 7 are categorically against violence, obsessive manic habits and reactionary tendencies that are destructive to human nature. It is not easy for them to convince others that they are right. They are often met with stubborn resistance from more practical and less idealistic individuals who feel that the status quo is less than perfect and needs to be replaced. Although people whose birthday is February 7 are freedom-loving, they limit themselves by not disclosing existing problems, making proposals and allowing others to make their own decisions. Many of them are well aware that if they persist in imposing their point of view on others, they will likely face rejection, open hostility, and even ostracism.

People of this day do not like suffering. As a rule, they are reluctant to help others; by and large, other people's troubles scare them away.

Those born on February 7th begin to get angry when they try to put pressure on them. Valuing spontaneity, they want to see others the same way, even if they do not share their point of view.

Advice for Aquarius born on February 7- Even if you change a particle of the world for the better, you will thereby change yourself. Work on eliminating your own weaknesses. Be an example for others. Maintain an optimistic outlook on the world, even if you find yourself in a victim position.

St. Mel's Day

Mel was a holy elder, a missionary, and later a prominent clergyman. It is known that his mother was the sister of St. Patrick. Mel was good friend Patrick, together they went to Ireland, and Mel there helped Patrick preach about Christian teaching. Later, Saint Patrick built a church in Ardagh, and chose Mel as rector. Later he was appointed bishop. Saint Mel lived only by his labor. He earned his own living and was not ashamed of hard peasant labor. The priest shared with those in need of help. Saint Mel worked tirelessly in the fields. According to legend, Mel performed a real miracle, got live fish from peasant land. His uncle Saint Patrick witnessed this. Seeing this, he was finally convinced that his nephew was a very religious person. Another miracle happened: Aunt Mela carried hot coals in her bare hands and received absolutely no damage. Saint Mel became famous for the fact that, when he took Brigid's monastic vows, he accidentally promoted her to bishop. The clergy were at a loss, but Mel firmly stated that if this happened, then it was the will of God. Thus, Brigida was left the rank of bishop.

Feast of the Nineteenth Day of the Month of Mulk

According to Gregorian calendar The month of Mulk begins on February 7, which means “Dominion” in Arabic. It is on this day that the Nineteenth Day of the Month of Mulk is celebrated. In the Bahá'í community, the Nineteenth Day holidays, although they have a precise order, still offer extensive opportunities for creativity. The holiday has three parts: prayer, administrative and social, during which any of them sounds Beautiful music. For believers, people speak with eloquent stories that uplift the soul. Hospitality is expressed in an original and varied way; it is also very important at what level general advice, and how broadly topics are represented on the council. It is welcomed when elements of local cultural and historical traditions are used, when each part of the holiday is held, this is what gives it some originality and clearly reflects the uniqueness of each society in which the holiday is held, and creates an atmosphere of high spirits for all those gathered.

Day of St. Gregory the Theologian

Gregory the Theologian, served as Archbishop of Constantinople, he was given this name because he great success studied and interpreted the Holy Scriptures. Gregory was given an excellent home education. The Bishop of Iconium himself constantly conducted home studies with the youths, taught them the Word of God in an accessible manner, and taught them the art of oratory. Grigory always studied in best schools. And everywhere the guy stood out for his sharp mind and extraordinary abilities, as well as his strong faith in God. After training, Gregory went to Athens. It was there that he completed his education. Gregory persistently studied geometry, philosophy, music, astronomy, literature and other sciences. In Athens he met Saint Basil the Great and they became very good friends. When Gregory completed his studies, he worked in Athens as a teacher of eloquence. When the guy turned 30, he returned to his parents in Nazians. George's father performed the baptismal ceremony with him. When his parents died, he left his home and entered service at the Church of St. Thekla. There, Gregory surrounded sick people with care, provided moral support to elderly people, sought material resources to maintain the monastery. Gregory preached tirelessly Christian faith, tried to explain the essence of Orthodox teaching. Little by little, more and more believers began to listen to the speeches of Saint Gregory every day. Saint Gregory had an impeccable knowledge of the Holy Scriptures. Gregory was undemanding when it came to food, he ate mostly bread, vegetables and water, dressed the saint in simple, poor clothes, and slept on a hard bed. Saint Gregory fought against heretics all his life; he demonstrated the true faith by his example. When the time came for George to give his soul to God, he died in 389, and after his life he left behind many messages, beautiful spiritual poems and sermons.

February 7 in the folk calendar

St. Gregory's Day, Gregory the Spring Pointer

On February 7, the memory of Gregory the Theologian was revered; he was one of the Church Fathers, a close friend and associate of Basil the Great. He left 246 messages, 508 poems and 46 “words” as his legacy. According to the folk calendar, the day before they celebrated “half-winter,” or the middle of winter, and on St. Gregory’s Day, time turned to spring. The peasants said: “Aksinya hurries Gregory so that he doesn’t miss spring, he puts the sun on the roofs.” In the folk calendar, February 7 is one of the most interesting days in terms of weather forecast. It is generally accepted that on this day it is possible to predict the weather not only for one month in advance, but even for an entire season or even more. People noticed what the weather would be like before noon, and this would be the weather for the first half of the next winter. And the time from lunch to evening predicted what the weather would be like in the second half of winter. The peasants also noticed that when it snows on Gregory, it means winter is in next year won't come soon. But if birds sang on this day, the peasants were not very happy - this meant that there would still be very coldy. In Rus', in villages on St. Gregory’s Day, one had to do good deeds oneself, and it was customary to remember the glorious deeds that other people did. However, one should remain silent about one’s righteous deeds: one must do good not for show, but for the good of one’s own soul. On this occasion they said: “God already sees all good deeds.”

Historical events of February 7

In 1223, on February 7, the Russian army first encountered the Mongol-Tatar hordes. It happened on the Kalka River, in the Azov steppes. The first raid of the Mongol-Tatar army into the western lands was, most likely, reconnaissance; the Mongols wanted to understand what kind of enemy they would be dealing with. In addition, the Mongols had well-established reconnaissance; before going to any country on an aggressive campaign, the Mongols collected all the information about the future enemy. What picture appeared before the conquerors on the eve of the invasion of Rus'? Feudal fragmentation dominated the Russian lands; there was no centralized power and no regular army. Each appanage prince imagined himself to be the most powerful and dreamed of subjugating other appanage princes. The situation of political fragmentation and the lack of a regular strong army seduced the Mongols into going to the Russian lands, because this was easy money. Having defeated the Russian squads on Kalka, the Tatars invaded the Chernigov lands and reached Novgorod-Seversky, but did not move further, although they were tens of kilometers from Kyiv, because the campaign was of a reconnaissance nature. In 1235, the Mongols came to Rus' with a huge army and devastated the Ryazan principality. Prince Yuri of Vladimir sent troops to support the land of Ryazan, not only did they not arrive in time to help, but also, when approaching Ryazan, they were defeated by the Mongol in hordes. Then the Mongols completely destroyed the Principality of Vladimir and captured Moscow on January 20. Later, the city of Vladimir also fell, burned to the ground by the Mongols. The Mongols were cruel conquerors, they killed everyone: soldiers, women, children, and old people. During the same Mongol campaign, the Tatars destroyed twelve more Russian cities. And two years later, under the attacks of the troops of Khan Batu, Kyiv also fell. For almost 250 years, the Mongol-Tatars dominated Russia, all Russian principalities paid exorbitant tribute to the Tatar khans. And only in 1480 Grand Duke Moscow's Ivan III finally defeated the Mongol-Tatar hordes and put an end to the Tatar yoke on the lands of Rus'.

Spanish traveler and navigator Alvaro de Neira, sailed on two schooners from Peru west to Pacific Ocean, where, after a three-month voyage, he unexpectedly came across a number of mountainous islands covered with tropical vegetation. As it turned out, dark-skinned aborigines lived on the islands. De Neira named the islands Solomon, guided by biblical legends. In 1574 Alvaro was awarded the title of Marquis by the King of Spain. In addition, the monarch demanded that a new sea voyage be organized, because the Spanish crown needed gold more than ever, and the Spaniards hoped to find it in distant lands. But the expedition was organized only in 1595. Alvaro managed to gain a foothold on two islands, but there he soon died of fever. Left without a leader and unable to withstand tropical diseases and constant raids by Mast tribes, the Spaniards were forced to leave the islands. Ten years later, the Spaniards again tried to establish a colony in the Solomon Islands and attempted to find gems and metals, but they found neither one nor the other. The third expedition was also destroyed by tropical diseases and local tribes. After this, the Spaniards decided not to take risks and no longer organized expeditions to the Solomon Islands. Only in 1767 were they discovered again by the British, but they also suffered one defeat after another, but for a long time they could not gain a foothold on the islands. In 1893, Britain deployed a powerful military contingent to the islands and, by force of arms, were able to establish a protectorate over the islands. In 1978, the Solomon Islands got rid of English enslavement and gained independence.

In the 1760s, the Turks founded a fortress in the village of Hadzhibey. During the Russian-Turkish War, the Russian army captured the fortress in 1789. The talented general Osip Deribas captured the fortress. After the war, at the behest of Empress Catherine the Great, powerful fortifications began to be built on the site of the Khadzhibey fortress, and during this period the future city began to develop. In 1794, the projects of the port and the future city were approved by the highest order. The city's population grew rapidly, and the development of industry and agriculture began. On February 7, 1795, by the highest order of Empress Catherine the Great, the city of Khadzhibey was renamed Odessa. Over time, Odessa in its economic and cultural significance was second only to St. Petersburg, Moscow and Kyiv. In 1900, residents of Odessa erected a monument to the founders of the city: Empress Catherine the Great, His Serene Highness Prince Potemkin, Platon Zubov and Deribas. After the revolution, the monument to the founders of Odessa was dismantled and placed in the basement of one of the Odessa museums. In 2007, justice triumphed and the monument to the city’s founders returned to its rightful historical place. The monument was restored and appeared before the residents of Odessa in a more majestic form, on the main pedestal, at the very top stands the monumental figure of Empress Catherine the Great, because without her initiative and insight, Odessa as a city would not exist at all. It was the Great Empress who gave rise to the founding of the city, it was she who wrested their fortress from the Turks and turned the deserted sea coast into a beautiful city. Glory and memory to Empress Ekaterina Alekseevna.

Nowadays, a fire extinguisher has become a common means of extinguishing fires. This device can be seen everywhere: in transport, in schools, kindergartens, in government and non-government institutions. After all, the presence of a fire extinguisher, in modern world mandatory fire safety rule. The first officially patented fire extinguisher was the device invented by Alan Cray on February 7, 1863. A little later, so-called “explosive” and foam fire extinguishers were invented. The principle of powder fire extinguisher is still used today. IN given time fire extinguishers are produced in millions of batches. Firstly, this is required by fire safety laws, and secondly, a fire extinguisher is a real life-saving tool in case of a fire and it is advisable to have it in residential premises as well. The presence of fire extinguishers is considered mandatory, both in personal vehicles and in public vehicles. Every year, tens of millions of people suffer from fires all over the world; they lose property, shelter, and sometimes even life. Therefore, let there be a fire extinguisher in your household, but you will never have to use it. Everyone from a child to an elderly person should know the rules for using a fire extinguisher.

On February 7, 1998, not far from the capital of Japan, at the grandiose stadium in Nagano, the 18th Winter Olympic competitions were inaugurated. The capital of the Eighteenth Olympic Games was the city of Nagano, and it is no coincidence that the city was chosen by the IOC session in Birmingham. The UN General Assembly supported this decision and announced these Olympic Games symbol international peace and consent. The Nagano Olympics set a record for the number of participants; about 3,000 athletes from more than 70 countries took part in the competition. At that time, this was a record; the most athletes and countries took part in these games than in any previous Winter Olympic Games. Even athletes who traditionally did not participate in the Winter Olympic Games took part in the competition: Brazilians, Uruguayans, Bermudians, etc. New sports were introduced into the games program for the first time: curling, snowboarding and “women’s hockey.” At the games in Nagano, 68 medal sets were presented for drawing. In general, greatest number Athletes from Germany won victory medals - 29 awards, the Norwegians came second with 25 victory medals, Russian representatives came third with 18 victory medals. The Nagano Olympics were distinguished by a particularly striking production and unprecedented special effects; these games became a real holiday for the peoples of the whole world.

Born on February 7

Princess Anna was born on February 7, 1963 in Moscow. She was the daughter of Tsar Ivan V and until the age of 17 she was under the supervision of her uncle Peter I, who in 1710 married Anna to the Duke of Courland. However, Anna's husband died of fever soon after the wedding. Left a widow, Anna was about to return to Moscow, but Peter ordered her to remain in Courland and be an overseer there over the affairs of the duchy. After the death of Peter I and Peter II, there were no direct male descendants left in the Romanov house. In such a situation, the Supreme Privy Council invited Anna to reign, but the rulers wanted to have a nominal monarch, and wanted to rule the country themselves. Members of the Council sent Anna the so-called “Conditions” that limited her power, but the princess was warned by opponents of limiting autocracy. Anna warmly greeted the ambassadors from the leaders and signed the “Conditions” without hesitation. However, Anna knew that the opponents of limiting autocracy in Russia were the clergy and nobility, who supported Anna in this situation. When Anna arrived in Moscow in 1730, she tore up the conditions she had signed, and was immediately proclaimed the autocratic Empress of All Russia. Having come to power, Anna liquidated the “council of supreme leaders” and established a cabinet of ministers, fully accountable to her. She suppressed and practically destroyed the influence of the ancients on the politics of the state noble families: Dolgorukikh, Golitsyn, Volynsky and others. The Empress established the secret chancellery, a special intelligence service reporting directly to the Empress. Basically, Empress Anna Ioannovna continued the policies of her uncle Emperor Peter I.

Thomas More(February 7, 1478 - July 6, 1535), English writer And statesman

Thomas was born on 02/07/1478, into a family of lawyers; his father was an honest and incorruptible judge. More received his general primary education at St. Anthony's School. At age 13, he served as a page to the Archbishop of Canterbury. The Archbishop liked the boy with a cheerful character and a thirst for knowledge. Under the patronage of the Archbishop, More entered Oxford University, the Faculty of Law. Not attracted by his career as a lawyer, More was elected to the English Parliament in 1504. In parliament, More tried to push through a tax cut bill. However, King Henry VII of England did not tolerate opposition in parliament and imprisoned Father More, under such pressure Thomas was forced to leave politics. More would be able to return to political activity only under King Henry VIII. During his reign, Thomas enjoyed great respect from the monarch and was even knighted. A great fighter for the ideas of the Catholic Church, Thomas was sympathetic to the king, but his fanatical loyalty to the Catholicos ultimately led to Thomas' death. When the king first decided to divorce, Thomas insisted that only a special rescript from the Pope could divorce him, but he did not want to divorce the king. Without hesitation, the hot-tempered Henry broke off all relations with the Pope and the Catholic Church in general. In protest, More resigned and pointedly ignored Henry's wedding to his new wife. In addition, he refused to swear allegiance to the new queen, which meant that More would not recognize the new queen and her future children. Henry, who had a hot temper, in anger, ordered More to be arrested and brought him to trial. Soon the court returned a guilty verdict and Mora was executed. More was later canonized by the Catholic Church and canonized.

The outstanding Soviet aircraft designer was born on February 7, 1906 in the Moscow province. From his youth, Oleg became interested in aircraft modeling, and with his friends he organized the “Aviation Lovers Club”. After school, Oleg worked in the air fleet community and created his own aircraft models. In 1930, Oleg graduated from the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute. Then he was sent to Moscow, where he organized a design bureau for the design of gliders. During the Second World War, Oleg Konstantinovich began to build landing gliders, which helped supply the partisans with weapons and provisions. Also during this period, Antonov improved the Yak fighter, which later became the leading fighter of the war. However, Antonov was more interested in working on the creation of peaceful aircraft. In Novosibirsk he creates the An-2, which three years later was put into mass production. This aircraft was popularly nicknamed the “corn maker”; this aircraft has gained a worldwide reputation as a reliable and durable machine. In 1952, Antonov and his design bureau moved to Kyiv, where a powerful aircraft plant with the most modern equipment was created. Under the leadership of Antonov, unique aircraft models were created: An-8, An-12, An-22, An-26, An-32, An-72, An-124, An-14, An-28, An-10, An- 24, An-11, An-13, An-15. In 1962, Antonov became general director and designer of OKB. In the future, the team trained by Oleg Konstantinovich created the world's largest military transport aircraft - "Mriya".

Alfred Adler was born on 02/07/1870 in Vienna. As a child, he was very sick, but was able to pull through. He suffered from severe pneumonia and was barely saved. In his youth, he almost died in a street fight. After all these misadventures, Adler decides to become a doctor and joins psychological school Freud. In his first work on psychology, “On the Inferiority of Organs,” Adler formulates a paradigm in which he explains that illness is a violation of harmony and balance in relations with reality. According to Adler’s concept, an unbalanced body strives to compensate for the resulting disharmony by any means. The principle of the body's compensatory abilities is the main foundation of Adler's school. The phenomenon of compensation was interpreted by Adler as a universal and natural instrument of human mental activity. The goal and the method of achieving it were also considered by Adler in the context of ideas of compensation for mental processes. Based on his research, Adler concludes that social aspect personality formation. Adler actively interacted with various psychological and psychiatric schools; he never conflicted with new ideas and concepts, but tried to take from them something useful and necessary for his work. Adler taught a lot and was an authoritative and recognized psychologist and psychiatrist.

Alexander Chizhevsky was born on February 7, 1897, in the Grodno province. From 1913 to 1915 he studied at the Kaluga gymnasium. During this period, the young man met K. E. Tsiolkovsky, who had a huge influence on the high school student and, in fact, determined him future fate as a scientist. In 1915, Alexander gave a presentation to the natural science community, where he described the features of the nature of the Kaluga region. In addition, he presents a revolutionary theory for that time about the influence of the Sun on the earth's biosphere. In 1915, Alexander entered the Kaluga branch of Moscow University, the Faculty of Archeology. In 1918, twenty-one-year-old Chizhevsky brilliantly defended his doctoral dissertation at Moscow State University. In his dissertation, Alexander researched and made his real proposals in the field of world-historical natural periodicity. After such success, and besides, having received a doctorate of science, Alexander entered two faculties at once: natural sciences and mathematics and medicine. Since 1924, the young scientist has been working in the laboratory of zoopsychology at Moscow State University, in his experiments he studies the effect of air ionization on living organisms. In 1942, Chizhevsky was repressed and sent to distant Kazakh camps, where he remained until 1950, and then for another 8 years the scientist was in exile in Karaganda, but even there he continued to engage in science. In 1962, the scientist was recognized as an innocent victim and rehabilitated. The scientist’s great discovery is his explanation of the influence of cosmic processes on living organisms.

Opening of the XXII Winter Olympic Games in Sochi 2018

- international holiday
Today in the south Russian city The XXII Winter Olympic Games begin in Sochi. The city of Sochi was chosen as the capital of this Winter Olympics in 2007 during the 119th IOC session in Guatemala. These games will take place over 2 weeks - from February 7 to February 23, 2014.
The motto of the main international sports competitions was the slogan: “Hot. Winter. Yours”, and Leopard, Polar bear and the Hare became the official mascots of this XXII Winter Olympics.
The XXII Olympic Winter Games in Sochi will begin on February 7, 2014 at 20:14 Moscow time with the Opening Ceremony. The start time, according to the accepted symbolism of the Ceremony, indicates the year 2014 of this “white” Olympics in Russia.
The Olympics will take place in Russia for the second time. For the first time, our country hosted representatives of all countries at the XXII Summer Olympic Games in 1980 in Moscow. Now these are the first winter Games.
All of Russia took part in the preparation of this main sports festival. Sochi has a subtropical climate with a warm sea and snow-capped mountains, the slopes of which are popular among winter sports enthusiasts.
These Olympic Games will go down in history as the most innovative. After the 2014 Games, all facilities will be used and will become part of the legacy of the Sochi 2014 Olympics.

Flower Festival

- holiday in Thailand
The Flower Festival in Thailand is the most beautiful and impressive event in this country. It is held on the first Friday of February and lasts three days every year in the north of this country, in the city of Chiang Mai.

St. Mel's Day

- holiday in Ireland
St. Mel's Day is celebrated in Ireland every year on February 7th. Saint Mel is especially revered in County Longford. It is believed that Saint Mel was the son of Conish and Darerka, the sister of Saint Patrick.

Church holidays

Day of St. Gregory the Theologian, Archbishop of Constantinople

Saint Gregory the Theologian, Archbishop of Constantinople, was born in Arianza in southern Cappadocia (Asia Minor), near the city of Nazianza on the estate of his parents around 329. He possessed the deepest knowledge and had divinely inspired interpretations of the Holy Scriptures. Saint Gregory of Arian was in the rank of presbyter and bishop of Nazianium, and devoted himself entirely to serving the Church of Christ.

Icon of the Mother of God, called “Quench My Sorrows”

On this day, Russian Christians Orthodox Church venerate the icon Mother of God, called “Assuage my sorrows,” which depicts the Mother of God holding the Infant Christ on her right hand, and Christ in his hands holds an unfolded scroll with the words: “Judge righteous judgment, do mercy and generosity to each of your sincere; Do not force a widow or an orphan, and do not create malice in your brother’s heart.”
Our Lady attached left hand with Her head slightly tilted to one side, as if She were listening to the prayers of those turning to Her in sorrows and sorrows.
The Icon of the Mother of God “Quiet My Sorrows” was brought to Moscow by the Cossacks back in 1640 and placed on Pupyshi in Zamoskvorechye in the Church of St. Nicholas.
This icon began to be venerated as miraculous after it healed a paralytic woman who lived far from Moscow and long years she could not walk because all parts of her body hurt, especially her legs. She was brought to the point of exhaustion by the disease and no longer hoped to recover. But one day, when she was in oblivion, the woman saw an icon of the Mother of God, which told her: “Tell me to take you to Moscow. There in Pupyshev, in the Church of St. Nicholas, there is an image “Quench my sorrows”; pray before him and you will receive healing.”
When the sick woman was brought to the Church of St. Nicholas on February 7, 1760, she examined all the icons in the temple and did not find the one about which she had a dream. Then the priest, seeing the woman’s persistence, asked to bring old icons from the bell tower for her. Seeing the icon “Quench My Sorrows,” the patient recognized it and cried out: “She! She!”, and after the prayer service, when she venerated the icon, she rose from her bed completely healthy.
From this day on, in honor of the icon of the Mother of God “Quench My Sorrows,” a festival is celebrated in all churches of Russia. A copy of this icon was made and placed in the chapel of the St. Nicholas Church in Pupyshi. And to this day, evidence of many miracles that were performed through the prayers of the Mother of God and Her miraculous image has been preserved in this temple.

Holiday according to the folk calendar

St. Gregory's Day, Gregory the Spring Pointer

On this day, Christians in Russia honor one of the Church Fathers, Gregory the Theologian, who was the closest friend and associate of Basil the Great.
Saint Gregory left behind his life a legacy that consists of 245 epistles, 507 poems and 45 “words.”
On the eve of this holiday, Aksinya, the “half-winter” or mid-winter, was celebrated, and on Gregory they waited for the weather to turn towards spring. People said: “Aksinya hurries Gregory, so that he doesn’t miss spring, he puts the sun on the roofs.”
From the point of view of weather forecasts, this is one of the most interesting days. On Grigoriev Day it was believed that it was possible to find out the weather not only a month earlier, but also for the season ahead.
People said that what the weather would be like before noon on St. Gregory’s Day, such would be the first half of the next winter, and the second half of the day predicted the weather for the second half of winter. If snow fell on Gregory, then people believed that winter would not come soon next year.
For some reason they were not happy about the singing of the tits on Gregory; they thought that if the titmouse was happy, then frost would hit in February.
On St. Gregory’s Day, peasants were supposed to do good deeds and remind good deeds done by others, but not to tell anyone about your own, you had to do good for the sake of your own soul. The people said: “The Lord already sees all good deeds.”
Name day February 7 from: Alexander, Anatoly, Boris, Vasily, Vitaly, Vladimir, Gregory, Dmitry, Moses, Peter, Stepan, Felix, Philip

Exact horoscope for today February 7th - recommends being in a positive and festive mood. Take a break from everyday life and allow yourself to enjoy life in all its colors. Those born on this day of the year will experience good luck and success; this day will provide new opportunities. Spend the evening outside the home, surround yourself with like-minded people and family. Feel free to go on adventures, go to a party or social event.

  • Reliable horoscope for February 7th for the sign Aries (21.03-20.04)
    A temporary decrease in vitality in Aries on this day is due to chronic fatigue. Don't let yourself get depressed. Tune in to the wave of positivity and love of life, your loved ones will appreciate it. Don't let slight weakness ruin your day, feel free to go into nature. A breath of fresh air will improve your well-being and mood!
  • Zodiac sign Taurus(21.04-21.05) – horoscope for today February 7
    TAURUS will have good luck in the area of ​​finances on this day of the week. Feel free to enter into risky deals and large financial transactions. Any bold actions and decisions will be justified. Enlist the support of like-minded people and associates, your success largely depends on them. Don't be selfish on this day of the year, share your joy and emotions with those around you.
  • Horoscope for February 7 - zodiac sign Twins (22.05-21.06)
    For people born under the GEMINI zodiac sign, today it is important to moderate their passion for praise and excessive attention. The desire to be present allows you to achieve success in public affairs. However, today those around you will appreciate such qualities as modesty and humility. Allow others to take the initiative, otherwise you risk ruining your crystal clear reputation.
  • Free horoscope for the day February 7 - sign Cancer (22.06-23.07)
    People of the zodiac sign CANCER will today have the opportunity to realize long-planned plans. Your gift of persuasion will be especially strong these days. Feel free to attract new like-minded people and patrons to your new projects. Listen to your intuition and don’t forget to pay attention to your family. Attention deficit can manifest itself in minor quarrels with younger relatives and partner.
  • Horoscope for today February 7 - zodiac sign a lion (24.07-23.08)
    LIONS need to step into their comfort zone. Pleasant family chores and communication with loved ones will bring peace and joy. Relax with your family and get back on track with your household chores. The health of your home plays an important role in your financial well-being. Show care and affection to your family and friends.
  • Personal horoscope for February 7 for the sign Virgo (24.08-23.09)
    The frivolity and illegibility of VIRGO can result in a number of unpleasant misunderstandings. Balance your attitude towards others. Pay attention to what requirements you place on your partner. Dissatisfaction may provoke you to cheat on your lover, however, this will not bring the desired joy. This behavior can result in shame and disappointment. Restrain your “reactive” desires and spend this evening in solitude. With the arrival of a new day, not a trace will remain of your predatory mood!
  • Accurate horoscope for Libra sign(24.09-23.10) on February 7 this year
    On this day of the week, the horoscope sign LIBRA needs to find answers to internal questions and regain balance. This will be facilitated by communication with older relatives. Ask your parents or grandparents to tell you an instructive life story or advice. Perhaps it is in it that you will find a connection with current events. The connection between generations will strengthen your energy and strength, give you wisdom and tranquility.
  • February 7 - personal horoscope for the sign Scorpio (24.10-22.11)
    Today, SCORPIOs may be accompanied by sadness and regret about the mistakes of the past. Try to be philosophical about your inner mood. Analyze the situation and you will see the advantages hidden behind the problems. Moral support from a partner or close relatives will return your enthusiasm, self-confidence and positive outlook in life.
  • Personal horoscope for Sagittarius for today (24.10-22.11)
    On this day of the year - February 7th, SAGITTARIUS should engage in self-development. A wonderful pastime will be reading books that you have never gotten around to before. Expanding your horizons will help you realize your long-standing plans and make your deepest desires come true. Have a heart-to-heart talk with like-minded people, any new information, which you will hear today will be useful for you.
  • Zodiac sign Capricorn(22.12-20.01), personal horoscope for February 7 this year
    Today CAPRICORNES should spend their energy wisely. Don't waste time and energy on petty problems, because as a result you may not have enough energy for the most important things. Before making any decision on this day, look at the problem from a different perspective. Perhaps some conflicts and troubles are the machinations of ill-wishers who want to confuse you.
  • Astrological horoscope for February 7 for zodiac sign Aquarius (21.01-19.02).
    For AQUARIUS, today is a favorable day of the week in all respects. Solve things, today any deals and operations will bring profit. If possible, try to have fun and let off steam. Your attractiveness and innate charm will attract new acquaintances. This day is ideal for going to a party or social event. Show your talents, show off your intelligence. Please them with your communication and it is thanks to their support that today you are actively thriving.
  • Zodiac sign Pisces(20.02-20.03) – prediction for February 7
    From the very morning, the cycle of affairs will capture people born under the PISCES horoscope. Despite the bustle, things will go well. At the end of the day you may feel slightly tired and emotional burnout. Strength will help restore communication with loved ones and friends.

Characteristics of people born on February 7th

People horoscope sign Aquarius - born on February 7, are critical enough to separate reality from fiction. However, at times they are naive and simple-minded, and do not hesitate to express their feelings, truly appreciating the sincerity that comes from the heart. Every person has strengths and weaknesses. But there are such weaknesses that they prevent you from moving on, they prevent you from improving and changing yourself for the better. They, like a heavy weight, pull a person down, force him to relax, to surrender to the will of circumstances. From such weaknesses born on February 7, they need to get rid of it, and the more they succeed in this, the better it will be for them and those people who are next to them, their loved ones. Everyone born on this day needs to work on eliminating their own weaknesses. , whose birthday fell on the seventh of February, should know that by changing themselves, they will change some part of the world for the better.

True horoscope for the day February 7

By personal horoscope Aquarians who have birthday February 7, you need to work on yourself and correct mistakes. It’s probably right to be a realist and be able to give a realistic assessment of all phenomena and events that relate to you. But still, sometimes it’s useful to be an optimist, to allow hope into your heart, albeit crazy and unsupported, but still helping to see the world in its own way. bright colors. Therefore, people, and especially women with the horoscope sign Aquarius, born in February, should maintain an optimistic outlook on the world, even when this world breaks into fragments and crumbles at their feet, even in such circumstances when a woman born on 02/07 found herself in the position of a victim.

According to their personal horoscope, many of those who was born on February 7, have social biases and believe that it is correct that inequality exists in human society. By nature, these people are idealists, but this does not prevent them from being cynical. Their desperate attempts to live according to ideals are more reminiscent of a utopia, because the Aquarius sign, born on February 07, despite severe criticism of the existing order, does not have a very good idea of ​​what life should really be like. People born on this day closely study the characters and motives of the people around them, they like to be theorists and insightful judges. Having children, they always take their opinions into account and never show cruelty towards their children.

Love compatibility according to the horoscope of those born on February 7

Relationships are best built with Libra and Gemini, who are attracted to novelty and variety. A successful union awaits the Aquarius man, born on February 7, with Aries, Sagittarius and Virgo. It will be difficult with Cancers, Taurus, Leos and Scorpios.

Find out what year you were born in according to the eastern calendar

  • MONKEYS - 1920 zodiac year/ 1932 zodiac year/ 1944 zodiac year/ 1956 zodiac year/ 1968 zodiac year/ 1980 zodiac year/ 1992 zodiac year/ 2004 zodiac year/ 2016 zodiac year
  • ROoster - 1921 zodiac year/ 1933 zodiac year/ 1945 zodiac year/ 1957 zodiac year/ 1969 zodiac year/ 1981 zodiac year/ 1993 zodiac year/ 2005 zodiac year/ 2017 zodiac year
  • DOGS - 1922 zodiac year/ 1934 zodiac year/ 1946 zodiac year/ 1958 zodiac year/ 1970 zodiac year/ 1982 zodiac year/ 1994 zodiac year/ 2006 zodiac year/ 2018 zodiac year
  • BOAR / Pig / - 1923 zodiac year / 1935 zodiac year / 1947 zodiac year / 1959 zodiac year / 1971 zodiac year / 1983 zodiac year / 1995 zodiac year / 2007 zodiac year / 2019 zodiac year
  • RATS - 1924 zodiac year/ 1936 zodiac year/ 1948 zodiac year/ 1960 zodiac year/ 1972 zodiac year/ 1984 zodiac year/ 1996 zodiac year/ 2008 zodiac year/ 2020 zodiac year
  • Ox / Bull / - 1925 zodiac year / 1937 zodiac year / 1949 zodiac year / 1961 zodiac year / 1973 zodiac year / 1985 zodiac year / 1997 zodiac year / 2009 zodiac year / 2021 zodiac year
  • TIGER - 1926 zodiac year/ 1938 zodiac year/ 1950 zodiac year/ 1962 zodiac year/ 1974 zodiac year/ 1986 zodiac year/ 1998 zodiac year/ 2010 zodiac year/ 2022 zodiac year
  • RABBIT /Cat/ - 1927 zodiac year/ 1939 zodiac year/ 1951 zodiac year/ 1963 zodiac year/ 1975 zodiac year/ 1987 zodiac year/ 1999 zodiac year/ 2011 zodiac year/ 2023 zodiac year
  • DRAGON - 1928 zodiac year/ 1940 zodiac year/ 1952 zodiac year/ 1964 zodiac year/ 1976 zodiac year/ 1988 zodiac year/ 2000 zodiac year/ 2012 zodiac year/ 2024 zodiac year
  • SNAKES - 1929 zodiac year/ 1941 zodiac year/ 1953 zodiac year/ 1965 zodiac year/ 1977 zodiac year/ 1989 zodiac year/ 2001 zodiac year/ 2013 zodiac year/ 2025 zodiac year
  • HORSE - 1930 zodiac year/ 1942 zodiac year/ 1954 zodiac year/ 1966 zodiac year/ 1978 zodiac year/ 1990 zodiac year/ 2002 zodiac year/ 2014 zodiac year/ 2026 zodiac year
  • SHEEP/GOAT/ - 1931 zodiac year/ 1943 zodiac year/ 1955 zodiac year/ 1967 zodiac year/ 1979 zodiac year/ 1991 zodiac year/ 2003 zodiac year/ 2015 zodiac year/ 2027 zodiac year
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