Maria Ivakova: biography, personal life, photo. TV presenter and actor Anton Lavrentyev: biography, personal life and interesting facts Anton Lavrentyev wedding

Vegetarianism- What is this? A useless tribute to fashion or a necessity for modern man? “Typical Moscow” will tell you about everything in order.

Increasingly these days, in various cafes and restaurants you can find, in addition to the main menu, a separate list of dishes for vegetarians. In Russia, this practice is relatively new, but throughout the world this trend has already taken root quite firmly.

The very idea of ​​vegetarianism originated in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. At first, this movement was more of a philosophical worldview, rather than a purposeful rejection of a number of products. It is worth noting that the word “vegetarian” itself is translated as “cheerful” and many adherents of this movement prove by their example that they are full of strength and energy, eating only plant foods. India became the founder of vegetarianism and other gastronomic tricks, because its religion strictly applies to any kind of violence. Then vegetarianism began to slowly make its way to all corners of the earth and take over the minds of society. Today, the boom in the traditions of past centuries is gaining momentum, so the fashion for food of plant origin will also increase.

Why is it fashionable to be a vegetarian?

Currently, we are increasingly hearing how Greenpeace and other ardent environmentalists are actively fighting for the life and prosperity of all life on Earth. For some, saving endangered species is an ideological boost and the meaning of life, while for others of our contemporaries it is just a way to make money. What prompts society to gradually switch to a plant-based diet, abandoning animal products?

In the present era when many are unsatisfied with their physical condition, plant-based food is the solution for those who want to be in shape. A diet of such products not only contains no cholesterol, but is also mostly low in calories. Secondly, many choose the path of vegetarianism for economic reasons. Meat products are much more expensive to produce and transport than plant foods. When choosing a vegetarian lifestyle, it is worth considering that such a path is environmentally beneficial. To raise livestock, it is necessary to have pastures, for which numerous forests are cut down. And, you see, if you get rid of factories and factories where they process animal raw materials, this will have a positive effect on the atmosphere. It is worth noting that, having abandoned sausage products, for example, nothing prevents enterprises from directing their activities to another area. Thus, by becoming a vegetarian, we, unfortunately, will not save the planet from air pollution.

Let us pay attention to the semantic difference between the words “vegan” and “vegetarian”. Both terms are often found in our lives, but are they synonymous or are there differences? The fact is that vegetarians include people who have eliminated fish, meat and poultry from their daily diet. Other products are more acceptable to them, because they do not focus on ideology, but just look after their health. A vegans- that's a completely different story. It is to them that, for the most part, numerous fighters for the rights of all living things belong. Supporters of this movement have a negative attitude towards violence towards all living things, therefore the consumption of products such as honey, eggs, milk and others, that is, generally related to animals, is unacceptable for them.

Vegetarianism has both positive and negative sides.

Among the advantages it is worth highlighting balanced diet, which contains all the nutrients necessary for the body. Lots of vegetables and fruits that do not contain cholesterol - this is the diet of a vegetarian. It is also generally accepted that supporters of plant-based foods live longer than those who actively consume meat products.

As for the disadvantages of such nutrition, whatever one may say, it is not possible to obtain a complete saturation of the body with all the vitamins and substances necessary for its vital functions only from plant foods. For example, vitamin B12 in vegetarians is taken only from innate reserves, as a result of which the body suffers. It is for this reason that many scientists and doctors strongly recommend that children and pregnant women not eat a vegetarian diet.

Should you choose the path of a vegetarian? It just depends on what the person wants to achieve. If the main goal is to lose weight, then, of course, more vegetables and fruits in the diet will help achieve what you want. However, completely giving up meat and switching to a plant-based diet will not give you slim figure, because a diet that is based on carbohydrates often leads to weight gain rather than loss. If your goal is to save all living things, then everything is not so simple here. A complete rejection of meat products does not guarantee the flourishing of humanity and peace, the purification of the atmosphere and the prosperity of animals.

The childhood and youth of Anton Lavrentiev

Anton was born into an ordinary Moscow family; he first studied at regular school No. 1102. I studied in high school at school No. 199.

The boy's artistry and charisma were evident from the very beginning. early childhood, shopping interested him since he was young kindergarten. IN school years classmates gave the talented guy the nickname Laurel. However, despite such a name, which suggests accepting laurels of glory, after graduation, Moscow International University was chosen as an alma mater. In 2001, Anton became a student at the Faculty of Journalism, from where he graduated in 2006 as a certified specialist.

The beginning of Anton Lavrentiev’s career: work in clubs

In addition to school and university education, Anton Lavrentiev has studied in one of the capital’s music schools. And when he created a face control service in a popular Moscow nightclub, where he later began choreographing dances, the knowledge gained in musical institution very useful.

This activity was quite successful, soon Lavrentiev (at that time his school nickname Laurel had already been replaced by the name Anton Facecarton, which numerous acquaintances and friends dubbed him while working in the face control service) advanced through career ladder- he was offered the position of concert director.

Anton’s talent and efficiency could only be envied. Fashionable metropolitan night club attracted more and more visitors thanks to loud and exclusive parties organized by the new concert director.

In addition to his main activity, the young musician began organizing his own music group Fortunately, there were always enough equally talented and energetic young people around the talented, open and charming young man. As a result, he ended up with two creations - the cheerful and playful Gipsy Band and the lounge project L"acoustique.

Each of the groups very quickly found its admirers, since both groups were distinguished by their special creativity and individual style. Gipsy Band and L'acoustique toured almost the whole world, and constant success awaited them everywhere. We can say that at the same time as the beginning of his musician’s career, Anton Lavrentiev became a traveler and shopper.

Anton Lavrentyev in cinema

In September 2014, fans of Russian adventure cinema saw Anton Lavrentyev in the new thriller “Runaways” directed by Rustam Mosafir. The young actor played the role of Kostya, a musician and friend of the main character. He was lucky enough to work at one film set with Liza Boyarskaya, Pyotr Fedorov, Sergei Tsepov and Valery Grishko.

Anton Lavrentiev in the project “Heads and Tails”

On Ukrainian television, the program “Heads and Tails”, created with the support of the Russian entertainment channel"Friday". The program was hosted by Konstantin Oktyabrsky, and when, due to personal reasons, he was forced to leave the project, a better candidate than Anton Lavrentyev could hardly have been asked for.

He fits perfectly into new project called "Heads and Tails. Shopping". The television audience first saw the new presenter in May 2014, when filming took place in Lima, the capital of the small state of Peru, located in Latin America.

TV viewers went on many exciting trips with “Heads and Tails”; they had the opportunity to get acquainted with Hong Kong, Singapore, the cities of South America, Vietnam, etc. Anton Lavrentiev and the audience developed a mutual sympathy: true shopaholics received the real deal in the person of the program and its host. a guide where to inexpensively buy exclusive, rare and vintage items, and the travel hero himself honed his skills as a TV presenter, as a result of which new admirers of his talent appeared.

Personal life of Anton Lavrentiev

Anton's charming smile, his natural charisma and charm attracted and continues to attract the attention of many female representatives. It is still unknown who this talented young man will give his heart to. However, it’s no secret that he went on various shopping routes together with a charming Russian actress and model leading television programs Maria Ivakova.

They rarely appeared on the screen at the same time, but walks through expensive boutiques, budget retail outlets almost always carried out together. IN personal interviews Anton speaks exceptionally warmly about Masha and does not deny the fact that their communication is not limited only to working relationships. One day, the couple even announced their decision to get married.

Anton Lavrentyev now

The star continues to search for exciting routes to go with the audience on breathtaking yet unknown journeys. Anton fits one hundred percent into the statement that a gifted person is talented in many ways. He simultaneously hones the edges of acting and is engaged in musical creativity, performs as a singer and serves as a club promoter.

Anton Lavrentyev is passionate about collecting edged weapons, so from each new trip he tries to bring a unique sample that is not yet in his collection. Some unusual hobby, this can only happen to a real man and an exceptionally strong and purposeful personality, which is what the former Moscow schoolboy is today, who once received a meaningful nickname from his classmates - Laurel.

The program “Heads and Tails: Shopping” turned Masha into a recognizable personality, although she has been working on television for several years now. Personal life of Maria Ivakova also turned out to be closely connected with this project - her co-host is none other than Masha’s fiancé, musician Anton Lavrentiev. He not only takes part in filming scenes for “Heads and Tails,” but also tours with concerts, performing wonderful compositions.

The creative biography of Maria Ivakova is also not limited to one project - she has experience in filming - Masha can be seen in the film “The Habit of Parting”, but the education received by Ivakova is far from what she is currently doing. After school, Maria entered the State Tax Academy under the Ministry of Finance and received a serious specialty, but she was always drawn to television.

In the photo - Maria Ivakova and Anton Lavrentiev

It so happened that television played a huge role in the personal life of Maria Ivakova - collaboration with Anton contributed to their rapprochement, and the guys realized that they could not live without each other. Lavrentiev always spoke very warmly about his co-host, calling Masha a bright and positive person; it was clear that he immediately felt deep sympathy for her.

They tried not to advertise their mutual feelings and discovered them during filming in Las Vegas. Caught up in wedding fever, Maria and Anton also decided to organize their own wedding ceremony. They exchanged rings in the cockpit of a helicopter, several hundred meters above the ground. There, the young people swore vows of fidelity to each other and received a marriage certificate.

In the photo - a wedding under the clouds

Changes in Maria Ivakova's personal life have not yet affected her career - she also continues to actively act in film. Maria makes purchases as part of the “Heads and Tails: Shopping” program with great professionalism and knowledge of the matter. Masha began her career as a TV presenter in the fashion industry - she hosted an online show about fashion “From the Hip”, and then moved to the “TRENDY” project, within the framework of which she had to communicate with the most famous people in the fashion world. The work helped her make friends with the famous Italian clothing designer Roberto Cavalli and contribute to the organization of his shows in Russia. Masha transferred her interest in fashion from television to real life, opening his own atelier “The Tailor Shop”.

One of the most popular television programs about travel, “Heads and Tails,” gave the world bright and interesting characters. TV show hosts undergo a very thorough casting, because they must have a lot of obvious advantages: memorable appearance, charisma, well-delivered speech, etc. One of the most striking hosts of the program, of course, is the reckless blonde Maria Ivakova. Together with the handsome Anton Lavrentyev, they traveled all over the world in search of interesting shopping. And some episodes, like their visit to Las Vegas where they had an impromptu wedding, confuse fans. Are they really married? Are Masha Ivakova and Anton Lavrentiev a couple? What's true in a TV show script and what's fiction? In this article we will figure out what's what and tell you who this luxurious girl is next to? Who is Maria Ivakova's husband?

Biography of the famous presenter Maria Ivakova

Masha Ivakova comes from an ordinary, average Russian family. Her father is a military man, and due to the nature of his work, Masha’s family had to move a lot. Saint Petersburg, Far East, Moscow, Germany - quite a few, where the girl had to settle in again and again, find a social circle. But Masha never had problems finding new friends. The girl had extraordinary appearance, charisma and charm. Frequent changes of residence did not prevent Maria from attending all kinds of clubs and sections. She studied well, went in for sports, music and dancing. Mom tried to devote everything to her daughter free time, raising her in best traditions. So, for example, Maria received musical education in piano class.

Despite her extremely attractive appearance, the girl did not dwell on it. She had a penchant for exact sciences, thanks to which she decided to enter the Moscow Financial Academy. By this time, Maria had already become a versatile person with original thinking and a talent for studying foreign language. Ivakova successfully combined her studies at the Academy with work in the modeling business.

Career of Maria Ivakova

After completing her studies, Masha got a job at an investment company. True, she didn’t work there for long. The future famous presenter was actively engaged in modeling business, and quite unsuccessfully. Due to her line of work, she had to meet and communicate with famous people in the field of show business and the world of fashion. In particular, she was involved in organizing one of Cavalli's shows.

Then Maria Ivakova’s career developed at lightning speed. The girl was busy with everything she tried herself in: the host of Fasion - a project; filming in music videos, worked as an MTV VJ, and even acted in films. In addition to all of the above, Masha Ivakova opened her own atelier, which was very successful in designing and sewing premium-class outfits. Masha's friends, colleagues and acquaintances note that she has simply amazing performance. She managed to do literally everything, and sooner or later it had to result in something grandiose. So, Ivakova was invited to play the role of host in the new project “Heads and Tails: Shopping”, where she and escape velocity gained incredible popularity, making each episode of the show bright and unforgettable. The smart and humorous blonde immediately fell in love with the audience.

Masha Ivakova and Anton Lavrentyev: friends, colleagues or spouses?

In one of the “shopping” episodes in Las Vegas, Masha Ivakova and her co-host Anton Lavrentyev got married. And, of course, this strengthened the confidence of TV viewers that they were in a romantic relationship. The series had a wide resonance. Fierce debates began among fans: true or false? Interest was fueled by the fact that Maria tries not to advertise the details of her personal life. In fact, the fact that Lavrentiev and Ivakova are husband and wife is not true. This is just a professionally played role.

Maria Ivakova's husband

In real life, Masha got married back in 2013. Her husband, Eric Rudyak, is a wealthy and mature man, one of the owners of a large investment and construction holding. The photo shows her and Eric on their wedding day. There are rumors that Maria Ivakova is pregnant. However, Masha diligently hides everything related to her personal life from the public gaze and camera flashes, so it is difficult to say with confidence about her position as a future mother.

Beautiful, smart and almost a Komsomol member! In fact, Masha is one of those people with whom you fall in love at first sight and forever; she exudes positivity, kindness and warmth. You rarely meet such people, and if you do, you can’t part with them and talk to them. Now Masha herself will tell you something about herself, but this is only a small part of what you still have to learn about her! Read and ask Masha questions that she didn’t have time to answer, and we’ll make another interview out of them.

  • Since childhood, the stage has been everything to me! I really liked the attention to myself, I loved holding concerts and choreographing the numbers myself. But, as often happens, my parents wanted to raise me as a serious person who should study well and get a decent profession. At the same time, I myself have always strived to be successful and independent. Already at the age of 12, I asked my dad to help me find a job for a month, whatever. And he got me a job as a nurse in the X-ray room. I only managed to earn a few pennies, but the feeling of independence was unforgettable!
  • After school, I entered the Tax Academy and already imagined myself as a cool financier, although mathematics was difficult and it took more time to understand the material. At the same time, literature, the Russian language and history went with a bang and with pleasure.
  • The first realized salary was already in student years: I earned $200 back then at a computer company and spent it on a Dolce & Gabbana belt. (Laughs.) Basically, I worked every summer from early childhood. I liked that I could learn something new and achieve something myself.
  • At the institute, I realized that studying is, of course, wonderful, but it’s time for me to start building my career. I became an employee of an investment company dealing commercial real estate. She started from the starting position of an assistant, but worked recklessly and eventually became a development director in two years. It wasn't just luck, I worked very hard while continuing my studies. But as a result, I graduated from the university with grief in half, there were also C grades.
  • At some point, I realized that I worked a lot: I only rested for two weeks a year, the rest of the time I just worked hard. I wanted some changes. I started helping a friend who was organizing events. And one day my friend Max Perlin called me, said that he was launching a new project,, and offered to host a program about fashion. Together with my friend Lera, we went to shows once a week and covered events in the fashion world. We called ourselves Marie and Valerie. The trick was that we didn’t bother at all, we laughed all the time and enjoyed the process. At the same time, I organized events and worked in an investment company. Then I had already started earning good money and, like many girls, I spent everything on clothes. But not on fashionable outfits, but for a bunch of identical shirts and skirts, since the company had a strict dress code.
  • Soon everything changed in my life. I decided to end my office career and open my own business. My sister Alena and I created The Tailor Shop. It was a big risk, but it was worth it.
  • I married wonderful person. We had a great wedding, and no one could even think that everything would end so quickly. But in marriage, we were both very relaxed, we didn’t work on the relationship, we each did our own thing. In the end we broke up. Although we still communicate, respect and support each other.
  • It is very important to develop together in a relationship. If you are passionate about something, then try to do it together. Communicate, share. It is clear that everyone has their own personal space, but the values ​​should still be shared. When a relationship ends, there is no one person to blame, it is everyone's fault.
  • When I came to the casting of the project “Heads and Tails,” the only thing I knew about it was that it would be a program about shopping in different countries. Then I thought: “Who, if not me!” I have traveled a lot, I love different brands, I know how to analyze local designers, communicate with new people. And I was so confident in myself that when I left the casting, I thought: “If they don’t take me, they will be very sorry.” And I didn’t believe that I was approved until I received the tickets. When I saw my schedule for the year, I simply burst into tears of happiness!
  • Anton Lavrentiev, my co-host on the show “Heads and Tails,” and I are often credited with having an affair. In fact, we travel a lot together, so our relationship has grown from just work to friendship. But Anton is very different from the men I choose. So there is no romance between us. And rumors spread after we “played out” a wedding in Las Vegas as part of our project. But, of course, this is not a real marriage.
  • The last break in the pattern in my life was visiting Africa. Many are convinced that it is dangerous there: all sorts of viruses, malaria. This is all nonsense. Africa is a huge continent, there is beautiful nature, wonderful people and starry skies. I'm delighted and will definitely return there! It seems to me that everyone should visit places untouched by civilization. By the way, I didn’t meet a single Russian in Africa. There were Germans, French and others there, but no one spoke Russian.
  • I was very disappointed with Marrakesh. I always judge a country by its people. And in Arab countries difficult people live. But there is, for example, Amman in Jordan, whose residents are generally hospitable and friendly. But in Marrakech people are aggressive. When locals start beating you with sticks just because you take pictures of them without warning, it's terrible. In addition, they constantly tried to deceive us there: local traders inflated prices three times and shortchanged us. That's why I don't want to return to Marrakech. The same goes for Cairo - the people are wonderful, but it is very dirty and unpleasant.
  • Madly in love South America, however, you also need to be careful there. For example, in Peru there are many energetically strong places. I am a sensitive person and I understand where I feel good, where I feel bad, and where I need to be on guard. And Peru is just such a place. There are many shamans and spirits there. You need to listen to everything that happens. If someone comes to you to ask for money, it is better to give it. For local residents, magic is absolutely normal. And going to a sorcerer is a common thing for them.
  • The most valuable thing for me is the people who meet in different parts of the world. They are all so different, each with their own story. Even an ordinary driver in Tunisia can say such words that you understand everything around you in a new way. I call them teachers.
  • I strongly advise everyone to take medications with them when traveling. Pack a small first aid kit, which must contain: antibiotics, enterosorbent (for poisoning), something for diarrhea. And drink more water. In our group, force majeure periodically occurred when someone got sick, but we always managed without hospitalization. The only thing that’s unpleasant is that you have to work at work. No one sees what state you are in before the command “Motor!”, and you need to work in the frame as if nothing had happened.
  • I never go anywhere without fabric masks, creams, night and day masks. For me, face cream is must have! I don’t do any anti-aging procedures, but use Korean creams and masks for skin care. I don’t go to the spa, for hair styling or makeup, I do everything myself. When we travel, we don’t even have a makeup artist.
  • Recently I have gained a lot of weight. Apparently, numerous flights and poor nutrition on the road take their toll. I started playing sports, but the weight continued to gain. In fact, flying greatly imbalances the body. It took me three months to remove excess weight without harm to health: only sports and healthy eating. And I'm still on the way to my ideal body. Now I don’t eat sweets at all, I exercise every day, I don’t eat fatty meats, and I can afford some flour-based bread in the morning. In Moscow I usually work out with a trainer and go to yoga. When I travel, I run or do cardio exercises.
  • When I see plump people in the gym, I want to hug them and hold them close. I understand how difficult it is to lose weight. I respect them very much for this zeal. The main thing is not to stop!
  • My spiritual growth began with the awareness of death. I was already an adult, but for some reason I had never thought about the finitude of existence before. And when I realized that we would all die and this world would one day disappear forever, I already looked at life differently. Then I was an atheist, was interested in philosophy and read a lot of Schopenhauer. Then I began to look for myself in religion. And still I searching man. It is important to hear yourself. We need to find time to be alone with ourselves more often. Meditation helps me with this.
  • I really want to take Vipassana. Vipassana is practiced everywhere: from the Moscow region to Los Angeles. This is a trip to the ashram for about a week, all this time you are in a confined space with other people, the group consists of about 30 people. You don't talk to anyone and meditate 10 hours a day with short breaks. People leave there with complete order in their heads. Of course, it’s hard, but such changes are happening inside, such enlightenment! Happiness, love - all this is already inside us, and we don’t need another person from the outside to feel it.
  • I want new projects. I want to work in cinema and theater. I want to work on my brand. I'm not saying that I'm a designer, no. I evaluate myself soberly and I just want to do for people what doesn’t exist yet, and make it accessible. I want to have a family. I want children.
  • I love to cook, although I used to hate it. Now I understand that it is important for a woman to be able to cook for her man and create comfort. Previously, I was only absorbed in my career. It is not right. At work, on trips, we cook everything for each other. And I would like to cook for my family the same way.
  • If I met my little self, I would hug myself tightly, with great love. And she would say: “God exists, don’t be afraid of anything. Dream, go forward. Everything will work out!”
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