Loving or being loved by fathers and sons. Love lines of the novel

The theme of love in the novel “Fathers and Sons” is revealed through the example of the relationships of the following four couples: Bazarov and Odintsova, Pavel Petrovich and Princess R., Arkady and Katya, Nikolai Petrovich and Fenechka. In this article we will briefly describe the feelings of these heroes. The theme of love in the novel "Fathers and Sons" helps to understand the character of the characters. The experience of this feeling reveals the personality traits of each of them.

The most bright character works is Bazarov. The author puts this hero at the center of the story, and the history of his relationship with Anna Sergeevna is given significant space. Therefore, we will start with it.

Bazarov's feelings for Odintsova

Statements about Bazarov’s love and his feelings for Odintsova reveal contradictions in Evgeny’s nature. Perhaps, to some extent, the author’s irony is the depiction of the victory over nihilism of the flared romantic feeling. However, the real meaning of this situation seems to be the opposite. The fact is that for Turgenev real love has always been the criterion of a high personality. The author did not at all seek to humiliate Eugene; on the contrary, he wanted to elevate him. Turgenev tried to show that in callous and dry nihilists there is hidden a powerful force of feeling, one that Arkady is not capable of in his relationship with Katya.

However, love in the fate of common democrats rarely played a fatal role, as, for example, in the life of Pavel Petrovich. What happened to Evgeniy is rather an exception. That is why Turgenev in his work assigns minor role love story.

At the beginning of the novel, Bazarov treats this feeling as romantic nonsense. He believes that this is "emptiness" and "licentiousness." The story about the feeling that R. Pavel Petrovich had for Princess R. was introduced by Turgenev as a warning to Bazarov, this arrogant young man. Love in the life of the heroes of the novel by I.S. Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons" becomes fatal.

The image of Anna Sergeevna

Anna Sergeevna is the culprit big changes that happened to the main character. She is a beauty, an aristocrat, a young widow of 28 years old. Odintsova experienced and felt a lot. She is proud, independent and clever woman who has a decisive and free character. Of course, Eugene struck her imagination. And Anna Sergeevna interested the hero with her freedom of judgment, serene calm, erudition, originality, and democracy. However, Odintsova cannot answer Bazarov in the same way. strong feeling. Of course, in the eyes of the reader she loses to Evgeniy, who turns out to be taller than her.

We can say that thanks to her, a turning point occurred in the soul of Evgeny Bazarov. Love for her is the beginning of tragic retribution for Bazarov. This feeling seems to split his soul into two halves.

A turning point in the soul of Evgeny Bazarov

From this moment on, two people live in the hero. The first one is the enemy of romantic feelings. The spiritual nature of love is denied by him. The second - spiritually and passionately loving person who was faced with the mystery of this feeling. Evgeniy usually doesn’t give appearance a man of great attention, but he was struck by Odintsova’s beauty, and he became interested in her. The hero, who previously denied beauty, now becomes captured by it. Bazarov, who rejected love, begins to experience this feeling. Evgeniy himself realizes that fighting oneself is a hopeless task!

Bazarov's loneliness in love

Bazarov is lonely in love. The hero reveals himself in a bitter feeling for Anna Sergeevna as a deep, passionate and strong nature. The author shows how love broke Eugene. At the end of the work, he is no longer the same person he was at the beginning. Bazarov is experiencing a severe mental crisis. Everything starts to fall out of his hands. Even the infection seems to be no accident: a depressed person becomes careless. However, Bazarov still does not give up the fight and does not humiliate himself in front of Anna Sergeevna. He tries with all his might to overcome despair and pain.

The similarities between the stories of Evgeny Bazarov and Pavel Kirsanov

Love in the novel by I.S. Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons" is shown both in contrast (Arkady's feeling for Katya and Bazarov's for Odintsova) and in similarity. You may notice that the stories of Evgeny Bazarov and Pavel Kirsanov are very similar. Both of them meet their lovers at the ball. Both Bazarov and Kirsanov are unhappy in their feelings. Both of them used to be “hunters of women,” but suddenly they changed, having fallen in love. Pavel Petrovich, accustomed to victories, soon achieved his goal in relation to Princess R. However, this victory did not cool him. Evgeny soon realized that Anna Sergeevna “wouldn’t get any sense,” but he couldn’t help but think about her. For both Pavel Petrovich and Bazarov, love is not a simple attraction. It becomes a real torment for them. Over time, Kirsanov not only did not lose interest in the princess, but also became “even more painfully” attached to her. This love story in the novel "Fathers and Sons" runs through his entire life. Bazarov was also “tormented and enraged” by love, from which only death saved him. And here you can find similarities in the stories of the two heroes. In both cases, love is associated with death. Pavel Petrovich could not stop loving the princess even after she died. And Kirsanov lost everything. The author notes that Pavel Petrovich’s “emaciated head” lay on the pillow like a dead man’s head. Having fallen in love with Anna Sergeevna, Bazarov also dies. Not like Pavel Petrovich, but physically.

Love in the life of Nikolai Petrovich

How is the theme of love revealed in the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons" in relation to next hero, Nikolai Petrovich? For him, this feeling is a driving force and support. The theme of love in the novel "Fathers and Sons" by Turgenev receives new coverage when we're talking about about Nikolai Petrovich or his son. For them, this is not a fatal feeling, as for Pavel Petrovich or Bazarov. This is tender affection, a natural need of the soul, which they do not try to fight.

At first, Nikolai Petrovich felt deep, tender and touching feeling. The couple practically never separated. So 10 years passed, and then Kirsanov’s wife died. Nikolai Petrovich could barely bear this blow. 10 years passed before his heart could accommodate new love.

Bauble is not equal in any way social status, nor by Nikolai Petrovich’s age. However, this did not stop Kirsanov. The heroine gave birth to his second son. This daughter of Nikolai Petrovich’s former housekeeper was able to fill the house with joy and illuminate Kirsanov’s life in his declining years.

Relationship between Arkady and Katya

The theme of love in the novel “Fathers and Sons” is also represented by the relationship between the son Nikolai Petrovich and Katya. In relation to Arkady, it must be said that before his eyes there was an example of deep and tender love parents. He had a completely different idea of ​​this feeling than Bazarov. Therefore, this hero was indignant when Eugene ridiculed the secret of the relationship between a man and a woman. As soon as Arkady moved away from his friend, the need for loving and a loved one. Unnoticed, Katya entered his life. In the relationship between Katya and Arkady, the author exposes nihilism, which is unusual in the nature of the son Nikolai Petrovich. Katya directly declares that she undertakes to remake it. And the girl manages to put these words into practice. After some time, Arkady abandons the nihilistic ideology and becomes an exemplary family man.


The theme of love is very widely represented in the novel “Fathers and Sons” by Turgenev. It is not difficult to write an essay on this work. To reveal the theme of love, you can choose the relationship between two characters or imagine general review, as in our article. The pages of Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" are literally permeated with the spirit of this eternal feeling. The character of the heroes is most fully revealed during the test of love. Of course, the theme of love in the novel “Fathers and Sons” is one of the key ones in this work.

The novel “Fathers and Sons” touches on issues that worried the public in the second half of the 19th century. In addition to different views on life, the author also raises the topic of love. It is she who shows us the real essence of the heroes and tests them. The ability to love for a writer is one of the important human qualities.

The main love line of the novel is connected with the relationship between Evgeny Bazarov and Anna Odintsova. Being a fighter for everything new, the guy did not find true pleasure in art, romance and love. He believed that love was invented by the romantics. People are connected only by sympathy. Perhaps the reason for this was his relationships with female representatives. He believed that they were created solely for entertainment, so they should not be taken seriously. However, very soon dramatic changes took place in his life. Ivan Sergeevich provides Bazarov with the opportunity to become convinced that his thoughts are wrong. Along the way, the main character develops a tender feeling - love. Evgeniy falls passionately and truly in love. “He was out of breath; his whole body was apparently trembling,” this is how the writer writes about Bazarov’s condition. He loves Anna, but these feelings are quite contradictory. Until the end of his days, the young man keeps these reverent feelings within himself and before his death he wants to see Anna Odintsova. However, upon meeting, the girl’s behavior is very strange. She is overcome by the fear of becoming infected by Bazarov, but in order to look decent in the eyes of others, she still approaches him. Did she really not love Eugene? But it was she who began to show signs of sympathy, and then became afraid of her own feelings. The heroine is unhappy, because she exchanged unknown feelings for authority in society.

Bazarov's antipode is Pavel Petrovich, who also suffered because of love. In his case, it was an unrequited feeling that deprived him of real life.

Different, but no less interesting story love attracts the attention of readers. Relationship between Arkady and Katya. The young man dreamed of love and a happy family, but he is easily influenced by other people. Describing their relationship, Turgenev draws our attention to wonderful moments that are worth loving and living for. Just like my son, he is happy in family life and Arkady's father. He was crazy about his first wife, and then fell in love with Fenechka with all his heart. Despite the significant age difference, they are happy and really love each other. The couple had a baby named Mitenka.

Love is the brightest and most beautiful feeling in every person’s life. But everyone treats him differently. It improved someone’s existence, but ruined someone’s entire future. So it is in the life of the heroes of the novel “Fathers and Sons” by I.S. Turgenev, this feeling played an important role.

Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov is a young nihilist who came with his best friend to the Kirsanov estate. He denied all feelings, including love, which he considered some kind of nonsense. But everything changed when she herself knocked on his heart. During this trip, he met a young woman named Anna Sergeevna Odintsova, who was not only beautiful, but also very smart. Eugene fell in love with her, but tried to get rid of this feeling, which only complicated the whole matter. Because of this, Bazarov understood the entire surface of his worldview, which became a significant blow for him.

But for him best friend, Arkadia Kirsanova, love has become real great feeling, which put everything in its place. He had known a girl named Katya for many years, who was his close friend. But over time, it all grew into a wonderful and tender feeling that united two hearts.

The same thing happened with Arkady’s father, Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov, whose new love helped him cope with a terrible blow and return to a full life. After the death of his parents, he immediately decided to get married, finding an outlet in family life. But it didn’t last long; his wife died a few years later. This accident unsettled Nikolai and he began to lead a closed life. Only after meeting a young and slightly naive girl named Fenechka did he begin to blossom again. It was her purity that helped Kirsanov see the colors in life and remember that he could still live and enjoy it. Fenechka, in turn, was able to discern in the elderly man a truly kind and open heart, in which she found a good place.

But in contrast to Nikolai Petrovich and Fenechka, the sad love story of his brother, Pavel Petrovich, is shown. Even in his youth, he met Princess R., with whom he fell madly in love. True, the object of his adoration did not reciprocate, which ruined the hero’s entire life. At first she showed interest in him, but then she completely stopped paying even a drop of attention to him. After this personal tragedy, Pevel closed himself off and could never open up to anyone again. new love, which might have saved him. But nevertheless, he had already begun to be attracted to Fenechka, who personified home comfort and tranquility.

Thus, love, a bright feeling that can change the life of any person, greatly influenced the fate of all the heroes of the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". She gave someone peace and joy, for example, Nikolai Kirsanov and his son Arkady. But in contrast to them, the nihilist Bazarov and Arkady’s uncle, Pavel Petrovich, are shown, whose fate changed in the worst side after sad love.

Theme of love in the novel
"Fathers and Sons"

The theme of love permeates the entire work of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. Whether he writes about the revolutionary Insarov, the nihilist Bazarov, the reformer Litvinov, love overtakes each of them, sometimes literally turning their lives upside down. In the very famous work writer - the novel “Fathers and Sons” tells four love stories at once.

A.S. Odintsova and E.V. Bazarov

The central love line of the novel is Evgeny Bazarov’s love for Anna Sergeevna Odintsova. The nihilist Bazarov does not believe in love, viewing it only as physical attraction. But it is precisely this seemingly cynical and reasonable nature that is overtaken by a frantic, passionate love for the secular beauty Odintsova. Undoubtedly, Anna Sergeevna is an extraordinary person. She is smart, majestic, not like others. But her heart is cold, and Odintsova cannot respond to Bazarov’s feelings; his passion frightens her, threatening to disrupt her usual calm world.
Having been defeated in love, Bazarov is not broken. It may even seem that he has forgotten Odintsova. But, facing death, which overtook him by a strange and absurd accident, Bazarov wants to say goodbye to Anna Sergeevna. Their last meeting reveals the depth of his feelings. “Magnanimous!.. and how young, fresh, clean... in this disgusting room!” - this is what Bazarov says about his beloved woman.

Other love stories in the novel

Another character in the novel, capable of experiencing deep and passionate feelings, turns out to be the antipode (although in many ways a double) of Bazarov - Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov. But his love is very different from what Bazarov experiences. Bazarov will never become a slave to the woman he loves, which in many ways pushes Odintsova away from him. Pavel Petrovich, for the sake of love for a certain princess R., crossed out his entire life, abandoned his career, was subjected to humiliation... As a result, an unrequited painful passion dried up the soul of the hero, turning him into a living dead.

Nevertheless, there is something in common in the love of Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich. No wonder, having experienced the drama of rejected love, they are both drawn to the simple girl Fenechka. But the attention of Pavel Petrovich, who saw in her appearance a resemblance to Princess R., only frightens Fenechka, and Bazarov’s unceremoniousness offends her.

There are also two stories in the novel of a completely different, calm, “homely” love - this is Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov’s love for Fenechka and Arkady’s love for Katya. Both of them end with pictures of quiet family happiness, but the genuine passion of which Turgenev himself and the central characters of his works were capable is not present in these stories. Therefore, they do not arouse much interest either among readers or the author himself.

The theme of love becomes one of the leading ones in the novel “Fathers and Sons”. All his characters undergo the test of love. And the true essence and dignity of each person depends on how they managed to pass this test.

I. The special place of the theme of love in the novel.
II. The many faces of the great feeling of love.
1. Parental and filial love.
2. The struggle between love and cold rationality.
3. Love is torment and shock.
III. The uniqueness of the feeling of love reflected in the novel.

In one of, undoubtedly, the most significant works I. S. Turgenev - “Fathers and Sons” - along with the central theme of the clash of generations, the theme of love occupies a special place. It is written in Turgenev’s inimitable way: so unobtrusively and at the same time fully, in all its multifaceted manifestations.
The very first pages of the novel reveal to the reader the depth of Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov’s parental love for his son Arkady. The scene of the meeting between father and son after a long separation is touching: joy, slight embarrassment, excitement and warmth shine through in every word and action of the elder Kirsanov. Arkady responds to his father with the same feeling, but demonstrates it more restrainedly, habitually looking up to his friend and mentor, the nihilist Bazarov. Moreover, he hides not only his filial love, but also the love and admiration of his small homeland, its nature: he begins to talk enthusiastically about wonderful smells, about the sky - and suddenly, casting an “indirect glance” in Bazarov’s direction, he stops short and turns the conversation from “romantic” to everyday life. After all, he despises all romanticism!
Parental love, which took the form of admiration and reverence, is shown by the author using the example of Bazarov’s parents. Arina Vlasevna and Vasily Ivanovich madly love their Enyushenka, but in fear of “boring him” they restrain their tenderness.
In my opinion, the images of Arkady and Bazarov successfully reveal the theme of love in the novel. The development of the novel’s action illustrates the struggle between love and cold rationality in their souls. Subtly sensitive, responsive by nature, Arkady, who rapes his poetic nature for the sake of Bazarov’s ideas, deep down in his soul initially stands on the side of love. He is simply embarrassed to admit it, youthfully surrendering himself to a daring new trend. But, even deeply admiring Bazarov, without questioning his authority, Arkady shuns his cynicism in statements about the most intimate.
The victory of love over Bazarov becomes for him not joy, but torment and painful shock: instead of opening up to the feeling, he diligently drives it away from himself, like an infection, like something worthless, capable of confusing his pure mind, his sobriety and composure. Perceiving the surging love for Anna Sergeevna Odintsova not as a blessing, but as an enemy, he throws all his spiritual strength into resisting this love - and himself. This tragic self-flagellation poisons and exhausts Bazarov, making every moment of his existence painful instead of joyful. Valuing his mind above all else, he diligently tramples on his feelings, thinking that this is right, and not realizing that he is trampling and disfiguring himself. And even when the words fall from his lips: “I love you, stupidly, madly,” addressed to Odintsova, he is seized not by the “flutter of youthful timidity,” but by a trembling from a restrained dark passion, angry, heavy, frightening! And only on his deathbed, Bazarov, although he says that his love for Odintsova had no meaning, nevertheless, he calls Anna Sergeevna to see him again, he himself asks for a farewell kiss, seeing in her a reflection of his life that never happened.
Love in the novel “Fathers and Sons” appears in its many manifestations: endless parental and filial love; enthusiastic love for the homeland and nature; Fenechka’s meek and infallible love for Nikolai Petrovich; Pavel Petrovich's unrequited and all-consuming love for the princess; gentle and bright, growing out of friendship and sympathy, Arkady’s love for Katya. And all the uniqueness of each of these loves was depicted by I. S. Turgenev in his immortal novel.

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The theme of love in the novel “Fathers and Sons” by Turgenev
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