Dmitry Bilan personal. Big changes in Dima Bilan's personal life

A simple guy from the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic passed difficult path from an unknown rural musician to one of the most popular artists on the territory of the CIS. Fate laughed in his face more than once, but he was able to survive everything and prove that Dima Bilan is not just a brand, but part of history Russian show business.


The singer was born on December 24, 1981. His parents were far from creativity: his mother worked in social sphere, father was an engineer. They named the future star Victor, real name Belan. There is an older sister Elena (October 10, 1980) and a younger sister Anna (July 26, 1995).

Victor's musical abilities were noticed as a child. From the fifth grade, he began attending music school, where he learned to play the accordion. But teachers quickly recognized his vocal talent, and the boy became a regular participant in various competitions. In 1999, Joseph Kobzon himself presented young Vita with a diploma at the Chunga-Changa festival. This was a good incentive to continue his studies, and the guy entered the music school.

Great and terrible

There was a lot going on various rumors. By the time he met Vitya Belan, he had already served a total of 17 years for currency fraud and counterfeiting dollars, and had been a producer for legendary bands“Cinema”, “Moral Code”, singers Linda and Katya Lel. I was able to turn a simple voiceless guy into a sex symbol for young girls with sonorous name Vlad Stashevsky. He was not afraid of the bandits who terrorized the stars and their producers. In criminal circles, Yuri Shmilevich was a respected person.

He noticed the modest Kabardian guy back when he was studying at Gnesinka. After watching his first steps on the stage, he decides to take young talent under your wing. In 2002, the singer went to Jurmala and took fourth place among the New Wave contestants. Aizenshpis categorically does not like the first and last name of his ward. Soon the stage lights up new star under the name Dima Bilan. A slightly changed surname cannot work miracles, but a high-quality repertoire can open the way. By the way, I never liked the name Victor to a young performer, he always wanted to be named after his grandfather - Dmitry.

First success

There was no place for his wife in the biography and personal life of Dima Bilan. The producer took on his next project with all the zeal. A year later the album “I night hooligan"and Dima Bilan's video for this song. The vocal guy was noticed, but these were not the compositions that could give him the love of listeners. The most successful ones: “I love you so much” and “Baby” were constantly in rotation on radio stations, and Aizenshpis realized that there was no need to make Dima Bilan a brutal male with perky songs. He had a talent for breaking hearts with his lyrics. They bet on it.


The album “On the Shore of the Sky” in 2004 brought Dima Bilan into the ranks of the most popular artists. Almost every composition became a hit, and Aizenshpis’s calculation was completely justified. The whole country sang Dima Bilan's songs, people went crazy about him, and he was a welcome guest at any concert. And if a new one appears bright Star on the stage, then they begin to promote her as a contender for Eurovision. Dmitry passed the selection in 2005 and a year later was supposed to represent the country in Greece. On the eve of this event, another album is being released, in which the singer performed his hits in English. The stakes were very high, the whole country believed in Bilan’s victory. This could be the most happy year in the career of not only the singer, but also his producer. Life decided otherwise.

Death of Aizenshpis

The producer suffered from diabetes for many years. He understood perfectly well that Bilan would become his latest project, and was in a hurry to bring Dmitry to the top of the best performers. He succeeded in almost everything: he saw success and heard well-deserved applause, but did not live to see the main event. On September 20, 2005, Yuri Shmilevich died of a myocardial infarction. He was only 60 years old.

The singer had a hard time with the death of his producer. Aizenshpis became his second father. In the same year, Bilan received the World Music Awards in the category “Best Russian Artist”. He dedicated his victory to Aizenshpis and burst into tears at the presentation.

Fight for a tasty morsel

The death of Yuri Shmilevich entailed a number of problems for the singer. No one touched Dima Bilan’s music and lyrics, but his name became a bone of contention. Common-law wife The producer tried to prove the rights to this brand through the court and prohibit the performer from using it. But by that time, Dima was no longer a defenseless aspiring singer. Behind him was a powerful team led by Yana Rudkovskaya. But it was useless to compete with Baturin’s wife. They defended the name and continued the work begun by Aizenshpis.

Eurovision 2006

On musical competition it was decided to go without pompous decorations and stunning costumes. Rudkovskaya and Bilan judged correctly: the closer to the people, the closer to victory. Simple faded jeans, a white T-shirt, matching sneakers and a casual hairstyle made him a guy from the crowd. Two backing vocalists, a couple of ballerinas and an intriguing piano. During the second verse, Dima climbed onto it, and a girl appeared from the rose petals. Many later accused the producer and the entire team of simply scaring Europe with this appearance. It was like watching the dead rise from their graves.

Be that as it may, the first place went to the Finns. The rock band was able to amaze the people with their powerful performance and original song. But Bilan became a national hero. Before him, only Alsou took second place. At home he was greeted with applause, and the decision of the competition jury was considered a mistake.


2007 was a triumphant year. People haven't forgotten him brilliant performance in Greece, three awards at once at the Muz-TV ceremony: “ Best Album", "Best composition", " Best Performer" Dmitry shoots two new videos, and in October receives new music awards, this time from the MTV Russia Music Awards. There were three nesting dolls in his piggy bank: “Best Composition”, “Best Performer”, “Artist of the Year”.

Second try

Eurovision 2008 became another milestone for Dima Bilan. The team took into account all past mistakes and decided not to give any more surprises to timid viewers. This time, the world-famous figure skater Evgeni Plushenko and violinist Edvin Marton are coming as powerful support. The song wore self-explanatory name Believe. And the whole country believed in victory. But the bookmakers did not take into account the hot Russian performer. Bets were placed on other musicians, but Dmitry’s team did not lose heart. They had trump cards in their pocket in case the public did not appreciate the vocal abilities.

But Belgrade is not Greece. Bilan was received well, and after the semi-final he was already, according to forecasts, in third place. All that remained was to wait for the final vote and count on the support of neighbors. Eurovision has always been famous for its bias. Countries were happy to hand out high scores to their neighbors, whether they liked the song or not.


But this time there would not be enough CIS votes in any case. Three performers immediately took the lead, and no one could predict how the voting would end, even when data from several countries remained to be accepted. With a minimal margin, Bilan was able to beat the other competitors. This time nothing overshadowed the joy, and Dmitry returned home as a real national hero. The first and so far the only singer who managed to bring such a grandiose competition to Russia.

The Other Side of Popularity

Along with success came things that were not the most pleasant for any artist. Close attention from the press and the absence of a permanent girlfriend gave rise to many rumors about gay artist. Out of desperation or simply to shut the mouths of gossip lovers, Bilan starts an affair with former “tattoo” Yulia Volkova. They record a song, shoot a video and fly away to relax together. Some pretty candid photos are leaking online from a hot resort. For a while, everyone believed in their relationship, and people stopped washing their bones popular singer.

But they began to notice something else - Dmitry behaved too strangely on the “Voice” program, where he was one of the jury members. His behavior was quickly attributed to the effects of drug use. A new scandal broke out, which still does not subside. Dmitry continues to sing and delight fans with hits, leaving dirty gossip without comment. Now he is already a respectable, accomplished singer, from whom no surprises were expected. But he was able to surprise everyone!

“Drunken Love” by Dima Bilan and Polina

He began filming provocative and high-quality videos. It was he who quickly realized that ordinary love and tearful videos had long been boring to the viewer. Bilan decided to go the same way. The clip, almost 10 minutes long, shocked everyone. A video on the theme “Russian Wedding” has already collected more than 10 million views on YouTube in just a month. This was another victory in the biography of Dima Bilan. The photo of the wife (Polina herself played her in the video) was passed off as real at first, but when the video appeared in the public domain, everyone realized that it was just another hoax.

The video itself was shot by Alexander Gudkov, who knows a lot about humor. A little obscene language, a fight scene, a few guest stars - and success is guaranteed!

Winter began with a loud premiere: on December 1, it was released in digital stores new album Dima Bilan "Egoist".

Dima Bilan: “Having crossed the threshold of my 35th birthday, I gave myself over to reflection, listened to myself and felt the need to “reset to zero” and start over with a new leaf. And this, as I feel, succeeded! And “egoism” here is only a necessary measure of avoidance from everyday life and bustle, so that nothing distracts from the main thing. After all, as F.S. Fitzgerald said, “It is the egoists, oddly enough, who are capable of great love.”

The album that I offer to the judgment of my devoted like-minded people is musical journey inside yourself, searching for your true self. As soon as I “dig out” these important answers, I will definitely share them with everyone! And now I am in the midst of this exciting search and invite everyone who is interested to travel together. Yes, I’m still a romantic, but not as much as before: the style, sound, and performance have become new. And I myself like absolutely all the tracks from the new album! I didn’t write it down to prove something to anyone, I wrote it down primarily to prove something important to myself.

Respects to my friendly team, my true friend Yana Rudkovskaya, Archer Music Production and everyone who created the album tracks with me are steps along this path. I was glad to work with faithful colleagues - such as Denis Kovalsky (dance hit “Derzhi”, which broke all the charts this fall), Anton Shaplin (stylish “horror” “Monsters”), David Todua(bewitching " White magic"), Arkady Alexandrov (sensual and rhythmic "Girl, don't cry") and welcome new creative unions, for example, the author of the title track of the album is the young and talented Vladislav Ramm. And, of course, the album contains songs of my composition (“Horror”, “Paradise”), because composing is a very important part of my life, without which I simply cannot imagine myself.

The album was enthusiastically received by the public, instantly soared to the top of the iTunes charts and other platforms, also entered the top 200 of European iTunes, and the album track “Sorry” was included in Apple’s international New Year’s playlist.

December 2, 2017 Held grand concert Dima Bilan in “35 Again” Ice Palace in St. Petersburg - the success of this show in Crocus was consolidated: 10 thousand spectators supported the artist and his team in a single impulse.

The most talked about duet of the year - Dima Bilan & Sergey Lazarev, “Forgive Me”, fulfilled the dreams of their fans and visualized this undisputed hit (MOZGI production company). And it is symbolic that for inspiration our Eurovision heroes went not just anywhere, but to the capital of Eurovision 2018, Portugal - a land of wonders and fairy tales. The city of Sintra, lost in time, its remote corners, beaches, cliffs and forests turned out to be the ideal place to realize the idea for the video.

The director of the video, Leonid Kolosovsky, says:

“The touching and sensual song “Forgive Me” performed by two superstars of the modern scene, Dima Bilan and Sergei Lazarev, itself suggested the plot of the video - this is a story about two travelers. The element to which the heroes strive is stronger than their feelings. They sing about forgiveness from loved ones for this difficult choice. This road is like life path each of us. Our heroes make their way through impenetrable landscapes filled with purity, freedom and monumentality that nature has created. They will walk this path in order to achieve their goal and reunite with their element. At some point they will meet each other and then each go their own way.

This duet will go down in history modern music, therefore, a black and white image is rather an appeal to the classics. The best male portraits in history, photographs are made in black and white, noir emphasizes the anxious state of the characters, and landscapes in such images look amazing.

In order to convey the mood of our video, we needed a special location. Having identified the ten most colorful places on the planet, we settled on two - Portugal and Iceland. But in Iceland on the dates of our filming there was rainy weather, and the choice was determined by itself. We didn’t regret for a second that the filming took place in Portugal, a country rich in its nature and landscapes. We traveled 3,000 kilometers in order to determine future filming locations. We greedily photographed every corner we saw. But we only chose the number that we could physically overcome in three days of filming.

It was very easy to work with the guys. We reached absolute mutual understanding long before arriving in Portugal, even at the project development stage. The whole team was so united that it seemed like one organism, so even if someone talks about some kind of stardom, we didn’t have to feel it. Dima Bilan and Sergey Lazarev worked very hard on the site to make this work happen. They had to burn in the scorching sun, suffer from heavy winds that blew their ears dangerously, be pricked by the thorns of bushes, make their way through the jungle, and even drown in the icy ocean. So, I don’t know what they say about the stars, but they know how to plow.”

The artists also shared their thoughts.

Dima Bilan: “For me this is special, standing out from the flow of my music videos story. Several came together here powerful energies: creativity from top professionals at Mozgi production (I was glad to work again), Sergei’s acting charisma, and mine, which is completely different. And the main thing is that these elements did not drown each other, but merged in a single stream of creativity. We were united and inspired by this noble dramatic story and the unique poetry of the surroundings of the city of Sintra, their windswept, wild coastal beauty.

There are many subtexts to be found in the story itself. And there is a subtext that perhaps everyone can hear. The track is called “Forgive me” - and perhaps this is some kind of our meeting at “zero latitude” with Seryoga. We were "butted heads" a lot in different periods time. And in this clip we can tell each other: “Sorry, dude, everything is fine!”

Sergey Lazarev: “Such duets do not happen often, they have a high concentration of nerve, feelings and emotions. It so happened that our creative path started with Dima in the same year, in the same place - we were both participants in the New Wave 2002 competition in Jurmala. Since then, our paths have been parallel, sometimes intersecting, sometimes moving away from each other. We were compared, pushed against each other, quarreled, but, in the end, time put everything in its place. Each of us has become an independent successful solo artist with our own audience of millions of fans, each of us has gone through many trials, ups and downs. This video clip is our journey."

During December, every Friday on Channel 1 there were live broadcasts of the show “/Voice”. Dima’s team’s numbers surprised with their quality and creative approach, and Anastasia Zorina’s composition Polaroid produced the effect of a bomb exploding - not everyone accepted this avant-garde number, but the originality and talent of the presentation were recognized unconditionally - this had never happened before either on “The Voice” or on Channel 1 ! And the Chinese Yang Ge (actress of the Gogol Center film and theater) reached the final in Dima’s team; the audience really loved her performances for her charisma, warmth and spontaneity.

The premiere took place on December 7 feature film“Burn.” (dir. - Kirill Pletnev), where Dima played a cameo role. Critics and the public noted that, despite the fact that Dima was on the screen for a very short time and played only himself, the role turned out to be bright and memorable. Dima's emotional tirade in the film is indignation at the fact that filmmakers do not see deep individuality in him and do not offer roles worthy of his talent. The result was both a manifesto and a postmodernist pun at the same time. We are waiting for the reaction of the film world and interesting roles!

On December 13, the ceremony of the Russian National Music Award, Dima is an academician of the Academy of Music that founded her and a member of the Prize jury. At the ceremony, Dima, together with P. Gagarina and A. Lorak, performed the composition “In Memory of Dmitry Hvorostovsky,” and this piercing number was met with tears and applause from the public.

Among Dima’s New Year’s performances, we can note the broadcasts “What, where, when” (“When the ice melts”), “ New year's night on the first” (“Hold” with Ksenia Sukhinova), New Year's concert on the Russia-1 channel (“Forgive me” with S. Lazarev). Also, according to tradition, Dima performed in ice show Evgeniy Plushenko - “The Nutcracker” at the Olimpiyskiy, where he performed the songs “Star” and “When the Ice Melts” together with children who are students of the Stars Academy.

In the New Year's issue of Telenedelya magazine, Dima's interview with the cover was published, Dima also supported his small homeland- took part in the award project " The best people Kabardino-Balkaria", giving an interview to the magazine and online platforms of the award.

The year turned out to be extremely busy, and in January Dim was glad to enjoy a well-deserved vacation, which he spent in warm regions, gaining strength in solitude with nature on the ocean.

In January, the newspaper "MK" traditionally summed up the results musical year. Dima became the winner in two categories of the ZD awards 2018: “Clip of the Year” - “Labyrinths” and “Song of the Year” - “Hold”, which confirmed a genuine triumph "Hold", not only broke all records in Russia, but also entered the international iTunes rating for the first time. Dima was also noted for high voting results in the nominations “Artist of the Year”, “Album”, “Concert”, “Duet”.

The new working year began with a whole cascade of Dima’s performances at the Big Love Show: in St. Petersburg, Moscow and Novosibirsk. This year it's popular show from Love Radio was held for the 10th time, and Dima, as its regular participant and headliner, happily supported the holiday concerts.

After this, Dima began a big tour of the cities of Russia: Yekaterinburg, Perm, Kirov, Izhevsk...

Russians believe that during Christmas time - the 12 days from Christmas to Epiphany - fortune telling is most truthful. According to legend, at this time the spirits of the dead descend to earth and can help you look into your future. “Light Up” also decided to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity and tell fortunes. To find out what awaits our favorite artists next year, we turned to the famous Moscow artist and soothsayer Tamara Dark, who reads fortunes using Tarot cards.

Basharov and Arkharova will divorce

Marat Basharov beat his wife Ekaterina Arkharova in 2014. What's next for this couple?

Marat with Catherine. Photo: Russian Look.

Fortune teller: Marat is going through a love crisis. The “Divorced Man” card fell on him. The actor faces financial difficulties. He risks falling under the influence of an insincere woman; most likely, some lady is after him, and he falls for her charms (perhaps this is a mistress). A card of a disappointed woman appears next to him - this is probably his current wife Ekaterina Arkharova. She wants to move away from him as soon as possible. She is suffering. But before the final decision on the breakup, obstacles await them. Also, a card appears on Marat, indicating the news of a newborn. I can see that this news will surprise him.

The entire Moscow crowd is discussing the novel: the idol of schoolgirls Yegor Creed is dating the singer Nyusha. Are there really feelings between young people?

Photo: Instagram.

Fortune teller: This is a PR alliance, there is nothing but falsehood around these two people. Most likely, their relationship is based on mutual benefit. Young people advertise each other, and both are happy with it. The brunette has worries and sorrows, worries about current love problems or money matters. She gets the “Big Profit” card - she will receive tempting offer. She will have her wishes fulfilled regarding property matters and work. Yegor gets the “Trickster and Seducer” card. He will soon be exposed. Next to him there is some blonde with whom he may soon have a relationship.

Malinovskaya will sue for money for breasts

Masha Malinovskaya filed a lawsuit against plastic surgeon because he mutilated her breasts. Will she win the lawsuit?

Photo: Russian Look.

Fortune teller: Masha gets the “Best Deal” card. She will be lucky in matters relating to court cases and litigation. A solution to all troubles awaits her. Also, a card appears next, meaning large expenses. She will probably spend a lot of money to improve her health.

Sokolovsky will lose the lottery

They say that Vlad Sokolovsky’s heart is no longer free. This is true?

Fortune teller: There’s a blonde next to him, but he’s not serious about her – it’s just flirting. The singer expects success in matters of the heart. But he also got a card that meant skirmishes and quarrels. Passion will likely be accompanied by misunderstanding. The blonde is disappointed in love. Vlad will also face unforeseen expenses, perhaps losing a game or lottery, he is counting on something, but it will fail. As many as three cards speak about this at the same time.

Timati will fight with an opponent

What awaits popular performers - Dima Bilan, Timati, Sergei Lazarev in 2015?

Photo: Russian Look.

Fortune teller: Dima Bilan gets a card that can be described as a happy resolution for everyone family problems. There will be an end to fluctuations in matters of the heart. I see a wedding announcement. But first there will be some problems in business, their deterioration. The singer is surrounded by an adult, lonely woman who constantly needs money, and this is a burden for the artist. Dima gets the card “Spending a large amount of money on a loved one.” The singer will expect big fees, winnings, and victories next year.

Timati has temporary difficulties in business and has inconsistent work. The rapper should be careful: in his surroundings evil person, liar and traitor. He is again faced with an acute situation with a colleague. He has a rival in love; his wife Alena is surrounded by gentlemen. Timati faces a difficult struggle for the lady of his heart. But in the end everything will be resolved successfully. Timati will experience joy caused by success in business and improved financial status.

There is no woman next to Sergei Lazarev that he likes. The coming year will not be romantic for the singer, but his business will still go well.

Kozlovsky will receive a lot of money

Danila Kozlovsky is now known not only here, but also in the West. Where will his career develop in the coming year?

Photo: Russian Look.

Fortune teller: Danila Kozlovsky has a road, enterprises, meetings that will bring benefits in financial matters. A pleasant visit from colleagues and useful acquaintances. His career will develop in all directions that he has outlined for himself. Money falls out big victory over rivals and competitors. Also victories in matters of the heart.

Singer Dima Bilan (real name Viktor Nikolaevich Belan) was born at midnight on December 24, 1981 in the village of Moskovsky, Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Okrug of the RSFSR.

The artist officially changed his name to a pseudonym in 2008. The new name was not chosen by chance. Dmitry was the name of Bilan’s grandfather, whom he loved very much. Since childhood, Vitya has said that he would like to be called Dima.

Dima's family is a working class one. Dad Nikolai Mikhailovich worked as a mechanic and design engineer, and mother first worked in greenhouses and then devoted herself to the social sphere. The singer has two sisters. Elder Elena worked as a waitress, and is now a fashion designer, and the youngest Anna (1994).

Dima Bilan's childhood

When Vitya was only one year old, the family moved to Naberezhnye Chelny. And five years later, the Belan couple moved to the city of Maysky, Kabardino-Balkaria. Here the future singer went to school. In the fifth grade, Dima enters a music school and graduates from the accordion class. At the same time, the boy participates in various competitions and festivals. In 1999 young musician comes to Moscow and participates in the Chunga-Changa festival, which was dedicated children's creativity and 30th anniversary collaboration Yuri Entin and David Tukhmanov. Bilan receives the diploma personally from the hands of Joseph Kobzon.

Musical education of Dima Bilan

In 2000, Vitya Belan entered the State School of Music named after the Gnessins. His singer graduated in 2003, receiving a diploma in vocal performance.

After this, it was decided to continue his studies, the artist entered GITIS. There he was enrolled in the acting department immediately in his second year.

The enchanting career of Dima Bilan

In 2000, MTV Russia broadcast the first video of Dima Bilan. It was filmed with her own money by the singer’s first producer, Elena Kan. It was the song “Autumn”, the video for which was filmed on the shores of the Gulf of Finland.

While still a student, Dima Bilan met his future producer Yuri Aizenshpis. The latter immediately recognized the talent in the Kabardian boy and began working with him. Bilan made his stage debut in 2002. He performed at the New Wave festival in Jurmala. There he presented the song “Boom” and took fourth place. And after the competition, they began filming a video for this composition, and then for the songs “I am a night hooligan,” “I was wrong, I got it,” and “You, only you.” By the way, Igor Krutoy’s daughter starred in the video “I Love You So Much.” It is worth noting that while working with Aizenshpis, Dmitry Bilan imitated the singer Danko.

Bilan's debut album “I am a night hooligan” was released at the end of 2003. A year later, a re-release appeared, which included four new songs (“Heartless”, “Stop the Music”, “In last time", "Dark night"). The studio album “On the Shore of the Sky” was released in 2004. At the same time, the singer began recording his first English-language record. Diane and Shaun Escoffery helped him in this. In 2005, an official collection of videos entitled “You, Only You” was released. In a fruitful year, the single “ New Year from a new line." It contained three tracks: New Year with a new line and its remix, as well as Between the sky and heaven.

Life without Yuri Aizenshpis

On September 20, 2005, Yuri Aizenshpis passed away. And immediately after the death of the producer, Dima was nominated for the World Music Awards as the best Russian artist. After Aizenshpis left, many offered Bilan to sign contracts. In 2006, the contract with Aizenshpis’s company, which was headed by his wife Elena Kovrigina, was terminated. The company demanded that Bilan change his pseudonym, since it did not belong to him. However, Yana Rudkovskaya was already at the head of the team. Therefore, Bilan’s conflict was resolved and in 2008 the pseudonym became the singer’s official name.

Two Golden Gramophone awards immediately ended up in Dima Bilan’s pocket in 2005. He received the award in St. Petersburg and Alma-Ata for the song “You Should Be Nearby.” And on the project “New songs about the main thing” the artist received the Channel One prize from the professional jury.

In 2006, Dima Bilan participated in the “Golden Organ Organ”, as well as in Kyiv in the “International Music Awards”. There he became "Singer of the Year". And it was there that the song “Never Let You Go” was performed for the first time.

2007 was a very eventful year for the performer. Dima took three awards at once at the Muz-TV ceremony: “Best Composition”, “Best Album” and “Best Performer of the Year”. In the summer he came as a guest of honor at the " New wave"and became a member of the jury of the project "STS Lights a Star." And in the fall, three nominations ended up in the hands of the singer at the MTV Russia Music Awards. Bilan received nesting dolls for " Best composition"(Impossible-Possible), "Best Performer" and "Artist of the Year".

In addition, at the MTV RMA ceremony, the singer performed the song together with Sebastian (Timbaland's brother). The latter flew to Moscow specifically for this purpose. By the way, at the end of 2007, VTsIOM reported that none other than Dima Bilan became the “Favorite Citizen of Russia” in the “Singer of the Year” rating. In the same year, the artist entered the top three most expensive and popular Russians, according to Forbes.

“I am proud to become the Ambassador of Sochi 2014.” I appeal to all my fans - guys, get on your skis, get involved in the Sochi 2014 mega-project. We know how to surprise the world. Eurovision in Moscow proved this once again. We are setting a course for Sochi!” - the artist said then.

In 2009, Dima Bilan released the international album “Believe”.

Bilan's victory at Eurovision

In 2005, Dima Bilan decided to try his hand at the Eurovision Song Contest for the first time. However, based on the results audience voting he took only second place with the song “Not that simple.” Natalya Podolskaya and her “Nobody hurt no one” won. Dima repeated his attempt in 2006. And Channel One chose him as a representative from Russia.

Among the 37 participating countries, Bilan took second place with the composition “Never Let You Go”. The singer Alsou took such a high position for the only time in 2000. In Dima Bilan's number, even the originality did not captivate the European audience. Two ballerinas took part there, one of whom emerges from a piano strewn with rose petals.

Dima Bilan - Never Let You Go (Russia) 2006

In 2008, Vitya Belan again goes to Eurovision. With the song Believe, the artist was allowed to represent the country at a prestigious competition. At the same time, among Dima’s competitors were such stars as Sergei Lazarev, Zhenya Otradnaya and Alexander Panayotov.

The singer took the stage at the finals of the competition along with the Hungarian violinist Edwin Marton and the Russian figure skater Evgeni Plushenko. Everyone liked the song and performance, without exception, Bilan took first place and became the first singer from Russia to win the Eurovision contest. After this, in the performer’s home village School of Music was named after him.

Personal life of Dima Bilan

Dima Bilan has always been a favorite of women and one of the most eligible bachelors in Russia. The personal life of a celebrity does not allow almost anyone to live in peace

Dima Bilan’s personal life is a chest, but the singer hid the key and doesn’t give it to anyone. Many fans are interested in when Bilan will get married and have children, but Dima is in no hurry to change his status.

It is quite possible that Bilan had a lot of girls, because he is not only handsome, but also financially secure and popular, but little is known about this. The press sometimes hints at his unconventional preferences in terms of partnerships, although, of course, this is not the case.

Dima Bilan's wife

Only one woman claimed to be Bilan’s wife - Elena Kuletskaya. They dated for several years; the couple’s relationship became known after Eurovision, where Bilan performed successfully. Then a gold ring glittered on Kuletskaya’s finger. It seemed that the wedding was ahead, but the potential husband and wife remained bachelors.

Dima Bilan's wife photo

There are several reasons that led to Bilan’s separation from Kuletskaya. They can be identified by viewing various interviews of former lovers.

  • Permanent employment. Dmitry Bilan was actively involved in his career: new songs, tours, shows. Elena also built a modeling career. There wasn't enough time for each other.
  • Little responsibility and ease in relationships. They did not discuss their personal lives, were not interested in each other’s pastime. When you love, you are jealous, interested, worried. Ease in relationships does not always keep a couple together.
  • Love did not develop into tenderness and affection, but smoothly flowed into friendship.

Now Kuletskaya is the wife, but of another man. She is happily married and remembers her union with Bilan with a smile.

Personal life of Dima Bilan: girls

There is information about several of Bilan’s girls. They are all different, but they were able, albeit briefly, to win the heart of a talented singer.

Bilan's personal life is stormy, like a raging ocean, only he alone knows how it proceeds. We wish Bilan happiness, wife and children!

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