Summary of a music lesson in the preparatory group "cheerful notes of health." Summary of a music lesson Topic: “Music gives health

Summary of a music lesson with health-saving technologies


Musical director:

Date: December/January

Number of children: 25 people

Educational field: "Music"

Integration of areas: “Health”, “Safety”, “Socialization”, “Communication”, “ Artistic creativity", "Cognition"

Age group: pre-school group

Topic: "Walk".

Type of lesson: music lesson with health-saving technologies

Didactic goal: to develop musical and Creative skills children in various types of musical activities using health-saving technologies

1. Educational:

Enrich children's musical experiences, evoke a vivid emotional response when perceiving music of a different nature.

Enrich children's impressions, form musical taste, develop musical memory.

Promote the development of thinking, imagination, memory, hearing.

Strengthen the ability to sing collectively, with musical accompaniment

2. Developmental:

Develop dance and play creativity; develop artistic performance skills different images when staging songs

To promote the development of children's creative activity in musical performance activities (playing in an orchestra, singing, dance movements, etc.).

1. Educational:

To develop in children a positive assessment of the reality of views and tastes, taking into account pronounced individual psychophysical characteristics

Bring up aesthetic taste in conveying the image

Improve and develop the child’s communication skills

Develop the ability to communicate through song and dance

4. Wellness:

By using breathing exercises, psycho-gymnastics, valeological chant, music therapy, dynamic and musical-rhythmic exercises to strengthen physical and mental health

Using health-saving technologies, increase the adaptive capabilities of the child’s body (intensify protective properties, resistance to diseases0

Hearing classical music stabilizes emotional state;

Promote development fine motor skills, synchronizing the work of the cerebral hemispheres, forming voluntary memory attention; learn to listen to your feelings and speak them out.

Methods and techniques: explanatory - illustrative, playful, creative, method practical activities, immersion in music, questions for children.

Form of organization of activity: group

Means of education:

1. Equipment:

Music Center,

Musical instruments: triangles, tambourines, metallophones.

2. Visual material:

3. Musical material:

play "Baba Yaga" from the Children's Album of Music.

“Winter Gifts” Sl. and music S. Nasaulenko

"Minuet" collection "Rhythmic Mosaic"

Preliminary work:

Hearing musical works from the “Seasons” cycle, learning songs, dance, using finger gymnastics, valeological chants, psycho-gymnastics in classes.

Progress of the lesson:

Progress of the lesson.

Children enter the hall to the music.

Musical director. Guys, look how many guests we have today. Let's welcome them.

Invented by someone simply and wisely

When meeting, say hello: “ Good morning

Good morning to the sun and birds,

Good morning to friendly faces!”

Greetings« Good morning».

Good morning! Smile soon!

And today the whole day will be more fun

We will stroke your forehead, nose and cheeks,

We will be beautiful like flowers in the forest..

Let's rub our palms harder, harder,

Now let's clap - more friendly, more friendly

Now we'll rub our ears and save our health

Let's smile again - "Be healthy everyone"!

Musical director.

I see that everyone is in a good, kind mood. Today I invite you for a walk into a fabulous winter forest. Get up one after another and let's go.

1. Round dance step - hands on the belt, walking on all feet

2. Rise up on your toes

3.Step over oncoming puddles

4. We jump over the bumps - we become a semicircle

Muz: And here comes the forest...

Full of fairy tales and miracles.

We walked, walked, walked with you

AND magical forest came.

And in the forest the air is clean, fresh, let’s breathe with you

Breathing exercise.

And in the fairy forest there lives an echo, let's listen to it

Oh, what a dense forest (forest, forest, forest...)

There are pine trees in it, spruce trees up to the sky (demon, demon, demon...)

And the cones whisper on the branches (cones, cones....)

Our kids are visiting us now (tishki, tishki...)


Guys, I also know a winter bird - a very hardworking one. Guess which one:

The bird wears a red hat.
And he finds beetles in the bark.
This is an old friend of mine.
And the bird's name is...

Look, guys, what our friend the woodpecker has prepared for us under the Christmas tree.

We found a bag with musical instruments

Teacher: - A woodpecker sat on a thick branch

Knock and knock, knock and knock!

To all my friends to the south

Knock and knock, knock and knock!

The woodpecker sends telegrams,
What winter it's already underway,
Why the snow around you doesn't melt:

Knock and knock, knock and knock!

The woodpecker hibernated through the winter,

Knock and knock, knock and knock!

I have never been to hot countries!

Knock and knock, knock and knock!

And it's clear why
The woodpecker is bored alone, without friends and without girlfriends.

Knock and knock, knock and knock!

Music hands. Let's put the tools under the Christmas tree again.

And in this forest lives another one fairy tale hero, listen to a riddle about him:

Crochet nose,

Hair upright.

Flies on a broom

Covers the trail. (Baby Yaga)

That's right, this is Baba Yaga.

It is found in many Russian fairy tales. A famous Russian composer wrote a musical piece about Baba Yaga and included it in the “Children's Album.” Let's listen to the play "Baba Yaga" with you.

The play “Baba Yaga” is playing (phonogram)

What did the music sound like? (children's answers)

Music hands : The play will be performed very soon. At the very beginning, the music sounds angular, as if Baba Yaga is walking with a limp, planning something evil, then there is a fussy, continuous movement, as if Baba Yaga is looking for something, and then the music sounds high, ominous, and becomes louder. The flight of Baba Yaga is heard, accompanied by the “whistle of the wind.” Baba Yaga rushes through the air in a mortar, then suddenly descends sharply to the ground, casts a spell... and suddenly disappears.

Let's listen to the play again.

At the end of the play, a teacher comes in dressed as Baba Yaga.

Music hands : Guys, Baba Yaga heard her music and came to visit you.

Baba Yaga (teacher):

I'm completely different now

I'm good, not evil.

I love songs and music,

And I'm friends with the guys.

Music hands : If you become kind, stay with us. And listen to a funny poem, and our fingers will help us.

Finger gymnastics “Baba Yaga”

In the dark thicket / fingers clench and unclench in a lock /

There is a hut /they fold their arms like a house/,

Stands backwards to front /turns hands with backs/.

In this small hut /they fold their hands like a house/.

Grandmother Yaga lives /makes a window out of her hands, shakes her head/.

The nose is so crooked /teasing/.

The eye is so slanted /performs crossing movements with fingers/

Bone leg /tapping fist on fist/

Hello, Grandmother Yaga! /Spread their arms to the sides/. (I. Bodrachenko)

I. Bodrachenko

Baba Yaga.

Oh, how I love to play with children, and how I love to sing songs!

Music hands.

Guys, let’s sing for Baba Yaga, and to make the songs ringing and beautiful, let’s awaken our voices.

Let's sing the chant:« Brooms...brooms...»

« Violin» (singing with closed mouth)

Installation when singing.

Legs together, backs straight,

To make the song sound.

After singing, children perform songs of their choice music director.

Baba Yaga. ( teacher ):

- How loudly and beautifully you sang the song. I immediately wanted to flutter like a butterfly and dance.

Music hands.:

Guys, I invite you to dance our minuet for Baba Yaga, but first we need to warm up our legs:

Legs, legs, did you walk?

We walked, we walked.

Legs, legs, were you running?

We ran. We ran.

Legs, legs, did you knock?

We knocked, we knocked.

Legs, legs, are you tired?

We're tired, we're tired.

Are your legs, legs resting?

We rested and rested.

That's how fun we played.

Dance Minuet.

Baba Yaga.
You sang and danced, but you didn’t play with me.

Song-game “Granny the Hedgehog”

Music hands. Let's play Russian folk game"Grandma the Hedgehog"

Children walk in a circle and sing a song, Baba Yaga is in the center of the circle. With the end of the song, Baba Yaga catches up with the children.

Grandmother Yozhka, bone leg

She fell from the stove and broke her leg.

She ran into the garden and scared all the people,

And I went outside

Scared the chicken.

Baba Yaga.

- One, two. One, two,

So the game is over.

Music hands.

Well done guys, you were all friendly, attentive, tried to sing and dance beautifully, and now it’s time for us to return from fairy forest to the group. Let’s give Grandma Yaga a winter, magical picture.

Laying out a picture of beads “Winter Landscape” - they look at it, discuss it,

Baba Yaga: Oh, well done, you made grandma happy today

And they sang, and danced, and played, and even showed me a picture... But it’s time for me to return to my hut... Goodbye...

Music ruk: Yes, it’s time for us too - everyone get up one after another, let’s go back to the group to the music.

Integrated music lesson with health-saving elements "On the path of health"

Goals and objectives, integration of educational areas:
1. Music: Enriching the content of music education various types health-saving activities. Increasing the effectiveness of children's mastery musical activity, through implementation in musical education health-saving technologies; familiarization with the phenomena of surrounding life through artistic musical images and impressions, education through means musical art child's feelings.
2. Health: development, correction of the motor sphere, general and fine motor skills; elimination of speech disorders; formation of health motivation and behavioral skills for a healthy lifestyle.
3. Communication: overcoming communication barriers, developing a better understanding of oneself and others; relieving mental stress, creating opportunities for self-expression; harmonization of relationships.
4. Socialization: development of physical, emotional and mental activity of children; formation positive traits character (confidence, honesty, courage, kindness, etc.); formation in the game of the ability to comply with generally accepted norms and rules.

Progress of the lesson:

Musical director:
Glad to see everyone now
After all, I have been waiting for you for a long time.
Let's join hands together
And let's smile at each other.

Let's pass on our good mood and warmth through the palms (clasp palms) Let the mood remain this way until the end of our lesson.
Children stand in a circle and perform psychological training “Warm handshake”

Musical director: Let's start our lesson with a musical greeting.
Greeting "Good afternoon"

Today I would like to go with you to interesting things musical journey, and the Russian hero will make our path more fun folk tale the most famous traveler who couldn’t stay at home. Who do you think it is? Of course, Kolobok.
Finger game"Kolobok"

Musical director: Kolobok, Kolobok,
Kolobok is a ruddy side.
Rolled along the path
And he didn’t return back.
I met a bear, a wolf, a bunny,
He played the balalaika for everyone.
The fox sang on his nose...
He is no longer in the forest!
(the teacher puts the kolobok mask on the child)
Kolobok: Guys, it’s boring to travel alone, but it’s always more fun with friends. Do you want to be my friends? Do you agree to travel with me?
music etc. T. Morozova
Musical director: We came with you to the meadow where our friend lives, and guess who he is:
Child: The fur coat is needles, when it curls up it is prickly,
You can't take it with your hand. Who is this? (hedgehog)
Musical director: Of course, hedgehog. Can you hear his song?

Musical director: Look at the hedgehog, is he angry or happy? (children's answers). Hedgehog, sit in a circle with us. Guys, let's smile at the hedgehog and pass our smile around.
Exercise “Hedgehog Smile” ( tense lips, show teeth in a smile)

Breathing exercise “Do like a hedgehog”
Musical director: Show how the Hedgehog funny wrinkles his nose and snorts ( we wrinkle our nose, bite our lower lip, pronounce the sound “f-f-f”). And now the Hedgehog is angry (puff out our cheeks, “puff-puff-puff”). The Hedgehog got tired and started yawning (we actively imitate yawning, warming up the muscles of the mouth, neck, larynx), then it's time to play with him.
The teacher distributes massage balls.

Self-massage “Hedgehog”
Hedgehog, Hedgehog, don't yawn, Better play with us!
A hedgehog runs along the path, rearranging its legs.
(roll in palms)
Turned left and ran away (between straight palms)
He ran in a straight line.
Now the left path,
He rested here for a while.
(on the right, then on the left hand)
Here the fox meets him, the hedgehog puts out his needles
(squeeze the balls)
Our hedgehog curled up into a ball and quickly rolled into the house
(between the palms and hide).
Don't take the hedgehog with you, let him go home.
Hedgehog, even the bravest one,
He wants to live with his hedgehog mother.
(we say goodbye to the Hedgehog (remove the cloak from the child) and move on)

Exercise "Christmas trees"
(body tense, legs and arms straight, fingers “needles”)

Musical director: We found ourselves in an unusual forest. Such a forest can only exist in a fairy tale, because cacti and birches grow in it. The cacti are prickly and tense, showing their needles to everyone. And the birch trees gently sway their branches in the breeze.
Exercise “Cactus-birch”
(Change of tension and relaxation. Cactus - maximum tension of the whole body, birch - complete relaxation. Accompanied by commentary by M.R.)
(the teacher prepares wooden sticks for the next exercise)
Musical director: Look, it seems like he was here strong wind. The branches have broken off, the branches lie on the ground. Take a stick each.

Foot massage with sticks
(roll from heel to toe on a massage stick)

Musical director: And further on the ground lie whole logs, long and short...
Exercise “Logs”
(We roll on the carpet from one side of the hall to the other. Use both versions of the exercise: long and short logs: with arms extended and pressed to the body)

Exercise "Towers".
(stretch yourself as far as possible towards the ceiling, tensing and stretching the muscles of the spine)

Musical director: In front of us is a sunny meadow filled with fragrant bright flowers. (the teacher lays out flat flowers. I invite you to sit on the carpet). And colorful butterflies flutter between the flowers. They easily fly from flower to flower, collect nectar, spin in the air, dance their unusual dance. Look, and air butterflies are flying between us.
(“Waltz of the Flowers” ​​by P.I. Tchaikovsky)

(I suggest each child take a butterfly)
(during the listening process, the breathing exercise “Butterflies” is performed: the longest, even breath, aimed at a butterfly made of candy wrapper tied to the rain)
Conversation on the listened work. (what did you hear in the composer’s music, what pictures did your imagination paint? Describe the butterflies that you saw when you listened to the work).
Musical director: Butterflies landed on the flower carpet, the guys lay down and relaxed. Let's rest a little.
Relaxation while listening to “BUTTERFLY” again by F. Couperin.
Silence by the pond
The water doesn't sway.
The reeds don't make noise...
Rest kids...

Musical director: We rested, stretched and hit the road again.
Exercise "Cuttlefish"
(moving forward with your back down on your arms and legs)

(The music director lowers a spider on a web from the ceiling.)
Musical director: Look who came down to us from the top of the tree. We came to visit a spider. Guys, what is a spider's favorite pastime? Of course, weave a web. Let us weave it too.
Couples massage “Spider”
Pow-spider sewed a web (draw a spiral)
Suddenly it started to rain (tapping fingers on the back)
The cobwebs were washed away (stroking with hands)
The sun came out and it started to get hot (draw rays)
The spider began to weave everything again. (draw a spiral)
(partners change places in pairs, massage is performed again)

Musical director: Guys, did we have an interesting trip today? What did you like most? Let's say thank you to our heroes: Kolobok, Hedgehog, Spider, for interesting games and exercises that help us maintain and strengthen our health. (treats are given to the children)

Musical director: That's the end of the lesson,
Well done whoever played!
Who's doing well today? ………..
Well done everyone.

Target: To give children an idea of ​​ways to preserve and improve health through music.

  • To develop musical and acting abilities in children: facial expressions, plasticity, gestures.
  • Promote the development of communication skills and a sense of community among children.
  • Encourage expressive performance of improvisational and imitative movements.
  • Create an atmosphere of emotional comfort.


  • Music staff with attached notes. On each note there is a letter that makes up the word "Music!"
  • Lamp "Multi-colored lights".


  • Music Center.
  • Animal hats (rooster, ducklings, piglets, kids, puppies).
  • Children's musical instruments.
  • Children enter the hall to the music of “Sweet Dream” by P.I. Tchaikovsky.

The teacher speaks against the background of music:

Music flows like a river,
Spun everything around
And boats of melodies
They float out from under your hands.

The wave is driving them steeply,
But it can’t stop, no.
To the kingdom of healing music
Shall we follow them?

Then make yourself comfortable on the carpet, close your eyes and dream a little, and then share your impressions.

The music playing is “Sweet Dream” by P.I. Tchaikovsky.

Teacher: Extraordinary music... What beautiful words can you say about it? Who will share their dreams and fantasies?

There are so many wonderful words, it’s not for nothing that P.I. Tchaikovsky called his music “Sweet Dream” - this is a dream, fantasies, dreams.

Let's bring our fantasies to life and create an expressive, flexible dance. And scarves and ribbons will help us.

Motor improvisation to the music "Sweet Dream" by P.I. Tchaikovsky.

Teacher: Your sparkling eyes and smiles tell me how your mood has risen - this is because we are already in the kingdom of healing music. Let's say hello to her. I will sing “music”, and you will sing “hello”.

Song "Music, Hello" (from M.L. Lazarev's program "Hello").

(The multi-colored lights light comes on

Teacher: - Healing music smiled at you with colorful lights...

Healing music has assistants - cheerful notes of health, they will tell you how music helps us strengthen our health. They live here, on the staff...

Oh, oh stave empty, where are the notes? They ran all over the hall. To find out the secret of health, we need to collect all the notes.

The path ahead is not easy - a massage won't hurt us.

And for the first note to return, we need to do a musical massage. Ready? Then get into pairs.

Massage "Spider" E. Zheleznova.

Teacher: Did you feel the warmth spreading throughout your body? This means that we did the massage correctly and the first note returns to the stave ( attaches a note).

What the second note will teach us - listen to the hint.

We will improve our health by telling... a fairy tale.

I'll start - you help, don't waste your time.

Fairy tale (articulation and sound gymnastics).

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman.
Grandfather talked like this... oh-oh-oh.
And the woman sat on the stove and sighed...ah-ah-ah.
Grandfather loved to play the balalaika,
And the woman ate coffee,
Yes, I caught flies: z-z-z, clap; z-z-z, clap;
z-z-z, clap; z-z-z, clap;
And grandfather, you know, plays the balalaika.
The grandmother was catching flies and fell from the stove.
Sits, cries "oh-oh-oh."
Grandfather took pity on grandma and treated her to candy,
And they started dancing.
Creaking of the throat at a low sound.
Quick movements of the tongue left and right with sound.

Circular movements with the index finger with the sound “Z”, cotton.
Quick movements of the tongue left and right.
Falsetto is whiny.
Injections with the tongue into the right and left cheek alternately.
Clicking the tongue - the lips are pressed and stretched.

Teacher: Guys, here comes the second note! Did you guess what her health secret was? That's right, with the help of a fairy tale we strengthened our vocal cords!

The second note returned to the stave.

Song "Bunny Oh-oh-oh" M. Lazarev.

(the teacher performs the song without musical accompaniment).

Teacher: - Describe with facial expressions what kind of character the hare was and what the wolf was? Now let's revive these forest inhabitants. (the teacher distributes wolves and hares from the finger theater to the children).

Repeated performance of the song "Bunny Oh-oh-oh" from music. accompaniment.

(children sing along).

What's your mood now?

To live and not get sick

Try to sing every day!

And here is the third note. Let's place it on the staff.

Teacher: Now let’s go back to the village to see my grandparents. They have a large farm: a cockerel, ducks, pigs, a kid, a puppy. They all love to walk in the yard. Are you ready for transformation? Then choose animal hats and dress up. Listen carefully to which of the animals goes for a walk and try to accurately convey the character of your character.

Game-dramatization "Morning in the Village" by T. Lobanov.

The bright sun rises early.
The rooster on the fence sings songs: ku-ka-re-ku, ku-ka-re-ku,

The pig takes the piglets for breakfast,
Round eyes sparkle like beads.
Oink-oink-oink-oink. Oink-oink-oink-oink.
It turned out to be a nice day today.

Ducks rush to swim in the pond,
They follow their mother in a yellow chain.
Quack-quack-quack-quack, quack-quack-quack-quack.
It turned out to be a nice day today.

A little goat is jumping and jumping on the grass,
A puppy barks merrily at the booth
Woof-woof-woof-woof, woof-woof-woof-woof.
It turned out to be a nice day today.

Teacher: How wonderfully you moved,

And movement is also health!

And the fourth note finds its place on the staff.

Teacher: Listen to the hint where the fifth note is hidden.

(violin sounds)

Correct in musical instruments.

To find a note, you need to become musicians.

Take musical instruments and become musicians, and I will be the conductor, look carefully at my hands.

Noise orchestra.

Teacher: What talented musicians, your well-coordinated playing has returned the fifth note to the stave.

Or maybe a note is hiding in happy dance? Shall we check?

To improve our health, let's dance merrily!

Dance "Ku-chi-chi" (or any familiar active dance).

Teacher: Look, the sixth note on the staff. Just one more to return.

And for this you just need to have a good laugh.

I want to be healthy

I want and I want to laugh.

I can’t go a single minute without telling a joke!

Let's make each other laugh.

"Children's laughter" sounds in the recording.

Teacher: Hurray! All the notes returned to the stave and each one shared its secret! Let's read together who helped us improve our health today.

(Children read the word on the notes “MUSIC!”).

That's right, Music helped us improve our health!

I really liked your artistry and emotionality. Let's praise ourselves.

"Health motive" V. Petrushin

You, you, you are the smartest.
You, you, you are the kindest.
You, you, you are just a miracle -
I love you all!

Details Published: 09/18/2017 05:06


Program content:

Form a habit of healthy image life and strengthening one’s health through health-saving technologies in all types of musical activities.

Teach children to use sounds to develop and improve their health.

To develop in children the ability to listen to music and respond emotionally to it.Continue to work on the purity of intonation in singing, take the breath correctlywhen singing songs.Develop children's creative activity.

The lesson is integrated in nature and comprehensively solves the problems of musical and valeological education.

Scientific basis:

Using health-saving technologies: the “Hello!” programM. Lazarev, gymnastics for speech development by E. Kosinova, valeological chants by O. Arsenevskaya.

PROGRESS OF THE CLASS. Children enter the hall to the music.

M. manager Hello guys! You have come to our music lesson music hall. Today we have a difficult task. We will use music to improve our health. Look how many guests we have today! They also want to see how music helps improve their health.What word does the word “health” look like? That's right, on the word “hello”. After all, when people say hello, they wish each other health. Let's say hello too.

Greeting "Music, hello!" M. Lazarev.

M. manager Now let's meet our guests.

Dating game “What is your name?”

M. hands. Very good, guys! We greeted our teachers and said all our names. Now let's prepare our throats for singing, our ears for listening, our arms and legs for dancing.

Valeology chant song with wellness massage “Good morning!” sl. and music by Arsenevskaya.

1. Good morning!spread their arms to the sides and lightly
Smile soon!bow to each other

And today all day"spring" It will be more fun.raise their hands up

We will stroke your foreheadperform movements on the text

Nose and cheeks.

We will be beautifultilting the head to the right and

Like flowers in the garden!left shoulder alternately.

2. Let's rub our palms togethermovements on the text

Stronger, stronger!

Now let's clap

Bolder, bolder!

Now we'll rub our ears

And we will save your health.

Let's smile again

Be healthy everyone!spread their arms to the sides

M. hands. Tell me, guys, what does the song consist of?

That's right, from sounds, speech sounds and musical sounds. And you and I also know that with the help of sounds we not only talk and sing, but we can also heal ourselves. Let's remember what healing sounds we know.

The healing sound “B” - treats a runny nose (when a runny nose begins)The healing sound “Z” - when your throat hurtsThe healing sound “Zh” - you can cure a coughThe healing sound “N” - cures headaches and toothachesThe healing sound “M” - promotes good digestionHealing sound “R” (Tr) - helps relieve fatigue at the end of the daySounds S, Ш (hissing) - help to rest and relax.Hint for children - video showing pictures of letters.

M. hands: Great, now I’ll play you some good music.(opens notes and sees empty sheets with holes)

What happened to the notes? And where did these holes come from? Guys, don't you know?(children's answers)

M. hands: It looks like the notes were eaten by mice. What to do?(thinks) I came up with an idea! You need to call the music helpline.Larisa Anatolyevna, please dial information.Educator: (calls on the phone) Hello! Help desk? Help!Send us an assistant!We need to find the sheet music,To conduct a lesson.Tells the children: They're sending us a cat now!Well, thank you! Beauty!M. hands: We know about the cat gameAnd now let's play it!Speech game-dialogue "Tra-ta-ta" (model T. Tyutyunnikova) Children stand around the hall in pairs, tell a nursery rhyme with intonations, accompanying movements: shaking their heads, depicting stripes on the Cat, long mustache, tassels on the ears.

Together: Tra-ta-ta! Tra-ta-ta!A cat married a cat!Dev: For Kot-Kotovich?Malch: For Pyotr Petrovich!Together: He has a mustache, stripes,Tassels hang in my ears.Well, not a cat, but just a treasure!

Purr the Cat appears.
Cat : Meow meow! Yes, I am like this! I'm just a treasure for all the guys!Meow! Hello everyone, friends!How glad I am to see you!M. hands : What a beautiful cat! What is your name?Cat : Sing a song about me as soon as possible,Well, I’ll sing along to you “Meow!” more fun!

Children perform the song “Purl”.

M. hands .: Purr the Cat, where can we find the sheet music?Cat : All mice live in the Mouse Kingdom. I think that the notes should be looked for there.M.ruk : But we don't know the way. How to get to this kingdom?Cat: Only real cats can find the mouse. But I am Supercat! Go ahead, my friends!Don't slouch, chest forward,An adventure awaits us!

To the music “We Don’t Need Doctors,” the children walk around the hall. M. hands: Guys, there's a house ahead. Purr the Cat, is this the Mouse Kingdom already?Cat (sniffs ): No. There's no smell of mice here. But there is someone in the house!Purr takes two Dwarfs out of the house. Gnome Before: Do Major lives in the house,Sings songs loudly.Kind, major,Cheerful, perky!Gnome Re: D Minor went to the riverI started a sad song.Oh! The river is agile.Oh! Fate minor!M.ruk : Guys, these are the dwarf brothers: Major and Minor! Where do they get these names from?(Children's answers). Gnome Before: How did you get here?Gnome Re: Have you lost something here?M. hands: We are looking for the Mouse Kingdom. The mice stole our notes. And our guys love to sing, dance and play to music.Gnome Before : Guys, do you want to play with us? My brother and I often play interesting game with magical people.M.ruk : Guys, let's play with the Dwarves too!(Hand out pictures). Take a close look at your little people. And now we will guess the charactermusic with the help of magic people and convey it with your facial expressions.Listening to music (calm, sad, happy). "Funny Movements" Funny music improves mood
“Whiner” Unpleasant music - rapid heartbeat
“Bayu-bainki” Calm music - restores breathing
Program by M. Lazarev “Hello!” (Disc with songs). Gnome Re: Children, how everything around me hurts!Something crunches in my chest.Everything in my throat is sore and burning.My nose gurgles and sniffles.
M. hands: Don't be sad, D Minor! Our children will cure you in no time! We know healing sounds and now we will heal you with the help of music.
We treat chest coughs - the healing sound “Zh”.

Singing the song “Beetles” by M. Lazarev. (while singing, keep your hand on your chest).
Treating the throat - the healing sound “Z”.
Singing the song “Mosquito” by M. Lazarev. (while singing, hand on throat).
We treat a runny nose - the healing sound “B”.
Singing the song “The Wind Blew” by M. Lazarev. (while singing index fingers hands on the wings of the nose).

Gnome Re: Oh! I am well! Thanks guys! Now I will always sing these wonderful songs!
M. hands: And so that you don’t forget them, we leave you these healing sounds(pictures of letters).
Gnome Before: My brother is healthy again! Let's all go dancing!

Dance "Letka-Enka" for animals.

Gnome Re : How fun it is to be with you!
M. hands: Do you know that fun and laughter prolong life? So let's give smile to each other and to all our guests. Laugh for your health!
Cat : We can’t waste time,
I need to find the sheet music!
Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!
The path is so easy!
Sing it quickly

Our song is more fun!

They walk to the music “Rails-Rails” by M. Lazarev. (perform movements according to the text).
Cat: Guys, I smell some wonderful smell! Look, a flower meadow! What a miracle!
M. hands: In a clearing, by the river,
Flowers gathered in a circle.
Yellow and blue
White and red -
How beautiful
How beautiful!
Guys, to take these wonderful flowers in your hands, let's prepare our palms.

Finger game "Magic Flower".
The flower slept in a magical sleep: (fist clenched tightly).
A petal appeared (Straighten your thumb).
And behind him is his friend, (Forefinger)
So the third one didn’t sleep, (Middle finger)
And the fourth did not lag behind, (Ring finger)
Here is the fifth petal, (little finger)
The whole flower has opened! (the hand is in the shape of a cup).
M. hands: And now, guys, let’s take each flower, sit on the carpet and smell what the scent of flowers. At the same time, let's rest a little. What healing sound will help us relax and unwind? (“Sh”)

Breathing exercises “The Aroma of Flowers” ​​to the music “Breathing” by M. Lazarev.
M. hands: Children, listen to what wonderful music sounds! What is this? -Waltz!
That's right, but this is not a simple waltz, but the “Waltz of the Flowers”, written by the composer
P.I. Tchaikovsky. What kind of music does the waltz have? I suggest you become couples and we Let's try to compose a dance together. Don't forget our Murlyka and Vera

Dance improvisation "Waltz of the Flowers".

Cat: Guys, it seems to me that there are notes here somewhere nearby. I can smell them. Let's search!

(The cat sniffs, takes one flower, invites the children to find the notes in the flowers).

M.ruk : Great! With the help of your good mood, with the help of your love for music and, Of course, with the help of Purr the Cat, we found the notes and now I can play for you a good song about healing sounds.

Song “Healing Sounds” by M. Lazarev.

M. hands: That's the end of our lesson. Take my health advice.
Love yourself and the people around you, respect them. Learn to listen to nature: singing birds, the sound of rain and wind, the whisper of leaves, the smells of plants. Voices of nature will fill your heart with joy and give you health.
To live and not get sick,
Try to sing every day!
Drive away laziness,
Smile every day!
Have fun, dance and sing -
Be healthy - like this!

Municipal budget preschool educational institution « Kindergarten No. 2 combined type" of the city of Pikalevo
Conducted on a methodological train: music director Lyudmila Vladimirovna Skorodumova, Pikalyovo 2013
— show continuity in the work of the music director and teacher in children’s mastery of the program;
— to form in children the habit of a healthy lifestyle through health-saving technologies;
- develop musical abilities children through different types musical activity.
develop children’s musical and creative abilities, the ability to enter into an imaginary situation;
develop the articulatory apparatus, the ability to correlate movement with text in speech games, self-massages;
improve the singing voice, develop modal hearing, musical memory;
learn to improvise to music by performing creative tasks on the theme “Spring”, in the use of musical instruments;
promote the development of imagination, thinking, hearing through familiarity with the music of P. I. Tchaikovsky “Sweet Dream”;
improve the ability to improvise to cheerful dance music (“Polka”, music by M. Glinka);
cultivate skills of culture of behavior, communication with each other, goodwill.
Musical director (sings): spring has come to us, spring has come to us... (1st verse of the song “Spring has come,” music by Z. Levina, lyrics by L. Nekrasova).
Hello guys, I'm glad to see you. Let's get acquainted: Lyudmila Vladimirovna. The weather is so wonderful today! The sun is shining! Spring came. Children and adults rejoice at the awakening of nature. A lot of guests. Let's wish everyone "Good morning."
Valeological chant song with a healing massage “Good morning” (lyrics and music about Arsenevskaya).
1. Good morning! Spread your arms to the sides
Smile soon! and bow slightly to each other.
And today the whole day is “Spring”.
It will be more fun. They raise their hands up.
2. We stroke the forehead, perform movements according to the text.
And cheeks.
We will be beautiful, Head tilts to the right
Like flowers in the garden! and the left shoulder alternately.
3. Let's rub our palms Movements according to the text.
Stronger, stronger!
Now let's clap
Bolder, bolder!
4. Now we will rub our ears
And we will save your health.
Let's smile again
Be healthy everyone! They spread their arms to the sides.
Musical director:
I will tell you about how music helps our health. And funny people will help us tell about it musical notes, they were given to us by the beautiful Spring. We'll go to musical country magical sounds. Do you agree? Then we'll hit the road, and the music will show us the way...
To find the land of music
Along a winding path
I suggest you go through.
Dynamic exercise “On the path” (model V. I. Kovalko, “The ABC of physical education minutes.”)
Musical director:
How wonderful you moved. Movement is health!
Here we are... Let's sit up straight and put our feet together. Now pay attention. Our assistants should appear on the magic staff - notes of health.
Oh, and the staff is empty. Where are the spring notes? They ran away and got lost. We must try to collect all the notes. Can you dream? Let's dream together about something pleasant, beautiful, good.
Quietly, quietly, let's sit next to you.
Music comes into our home
In an amazing outfit
Multi-colored, painted.
The music is “Sweet Dream” by P. I. Tchaikovsky. (Multimedia projector).
Musical director:
Did you like the music? What did you imagine while listening to this music? Who will share their dreams and fantasies? (Children's answers).
This play “Sweet Dream” was written by the Russian composer P. I. Tchaikovsky. P. I. Tchaikovsky wrote his play for his nephew Volodya, who, like you, loved to play with toys. Let's play a game - I will name the words that depict the character of this play. If they come, catch them if. In your opinion, if they don’t fit, don’t catch them.

Quiet and calm (caught)
This play is funny
Beautiful (caught)
Tender and sad (caught)
Dreamy (caught)
Light and sunny (catch)

- How many wonderful words! It’s not for nothing that P.I. Tchaikovsky called his music “Sweet Dream” - this is a dream, fantasies, dreams.
Musical director:
Your sparkling eyes and smiles tell me that we have returned the first note. After all, healing music gave you a good mood. Look, the note returns to the stave.
The second note lives in the glade of cheerful tongues. Here we will do gymnastics for our tongues.
Complex of articulatory gymnastics.
Our children got up in the morning
They ran to brush their teeth. Open your mouth with a smile and, with the tip of your tongue, strongly “brush” behind the lower teeth from right to left 5-6 times, then behind the upper teeth 5-6 times.
Right-left, right-left -
We brush our teeth skillfully.
And now they took the comb. In a smile, bite your tongue with your teeth, “drag it through.”
And they began to comb their hair.
Next in order
Let's exercise!
And now our tongue is a ball. Close your mouth, tip of your tongue
Begin Soccer game! press against one with tension,
We scored a goal! Hooray!! then on the other cheek so that
“balls” were inflated under the cheek.
Musical director:
Guys, here is the second note! Did you guess what her health secret was? That's right, you and I have stretched our tongues and are now ready to look for the next note that lives in the song.
But to sing we need to sing the chorus. Why do we need a chant?
To warm up your vocal cords...
Let us remember the chant “Pea” by E. Tilicheeva. Now let’s sing it in a whisper...
And now the third note appeared on the staff.
And now a song as a gift. I will sing you a spring song, “Spring has come.”
Song “Spring has come”, music by Z. Levina, lyrics. Nekrasova.
Did you like the song? What is it about? Let's sing the first verse and chorus of this song together. (They pronounce the words and sing). We will sing beautifully, cheerfully, loudly. (Sing the first verse and chorus).
Musical director: The singing of wonderful voices improves your mood. What's your mood now? (Joyful, cheerful, kind, good, sunny, spring). And now the fourth note appears on the staff.
— To live and not get sick, try to sing every day!
-We’ve been sitting for a while, let’s warm up, little ones.
Musically - gaming finger gymnastics"Pizzicato", music. Leo Delibes.
Musical director: Did you like the finger game? Have you ever done this kind of gymnastics before? Now we have learned. And the fifth note finds its place on the staff.
And we will find the next note in music game. Listen carefully to the “Polka”, for part 1 we do jumps around the chairs with musical instruments, and for part 2 we play the musical instruments where we stopped.
Playing with musical instruments "Polka", music. I. Strauss.
Musical director: How are you in the mood? (Cheerful, joyful, kind). Here is the sixth note on the camp. We're only missing one note.
— Or maybe the note was hidden in a cheerful dance? Shall we look?
To improve our health, shall we dance with you?
Try to come up with and dance a spring dance yourself. Remember the movements that you know and, to the music, depict the image of Spring. Maybe the dance was hidden in the spring streams, or maybe in the first flowers, or maybe in the singing of birds (showing some dance moves). And the music of composer M. Glinka will help you.
Dance and play creativity “Children's polka”, music. M. Glinka.
Musical director: Look, the last seventh note has returned to the stave. Each note shared its secret! Let's remember what helped us improve our health today? (Children's answers).
Massage, tongue gymnastics, beautiful songs, dance - in one word you can say “Music”! Music and spring mood help us improve our health!
I wish you never to get sick and remember that music has healing properties. In memory of our spring meeting, I give you magical notes. (All children are given sheet music). With Larisa Leonidovna you will welcome spring. All the best! Goodbye!

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