How to organize concerts in your city? How to organize a band concert? How to organize a charity concert for a star? Business for organizing concerts How to organize a business for organizing concert events.

Well, imagine that you want to give a concert to group X.

1. First you need acquaintances. Art directors, concert managers of clubs. To begin with, you will find out the amount for the site. That is, it can be either a fixed amount (in large halls) or a percentage of tickets. These wonderful people you will learn about available dates. Now you need to meet the band or their manager, or a concert agent, or some other super-duper Argonaut merchandiser. And if you manage to interest both the first and second, and then magically match everyone’s numbers, then the first step has been taken. Often matching musicians and venues by dates and times can be more difficult than anything else on the list below.

2. Amount of money. Now you should understand what you need pay:
-To the group BEFORE the concert (There are three types of payment: if the group is famous and collects from 300 and more people, then as a rule it is a fixed fee. Sometimes bands play for a percentage of the tickets, but this is rare. And even less common is the system “the first N thousand go to the club, the rest to the group.” The latter type occurs in small clubs for 100-200 people). By the way, most bands accept fees in dollars. Without disclosing specific amounts and personalities, I will say that the average popular group usually costs 1000-2000 bucks. Famous guys from 5000 green and above;

- Pay for their travel and rider , where there can be anything at all: from a table, a chair, a bottle of whiskey to the presence of an Arizona beaver at the age of 3 and a half years in the dressing room. Be prepared to look for and buy any nonsense if you are bringing famous guys. Although in practice, most often the rider consists of “tickets to your city, food, sleep.” By the way, about the Arizona beaver - a real case;

- Pay for the site. And associated expenses in the form of your own travel to the club, then to your home, to the airport/train station and back. It seems like a small thing, but it costs a pretty penny;

- Advertising. This is the worst thing. The overall attendance at your event depends on this point, so hire yourself a good SMM and PR person. This will deprive you of part of the profit, it would seem, but without these people your concert will attract, say, 200 people. And with them 500. So they will bring you more income than expenses. Finding them, by the way, is not so difficult: remember the latest high-profile events and concerts that your ears were buzzing about, find meetings in VK and there will already be contacts of these people.

3. Lots of free time. You will have to actually advertise the event. According to the "publics" of the city, according to musical communities. It could be putting up posters, handing out leaflets, targeting, mailings to group members, etc. As I said, advertising is the worst thing. And even if you have a PR specialist and a master’s degree in SMM, this will not save you from the hardships of working on your own. In addition, it is also necessary to agree on a sound check for the musicians and book them a hotel (if necessary). A separate problem is the sound system. If the group doesn’t have a sound guy with them, then you need to find a normal one. Otherwise, you run the risk of bumping into a drunkard apprentice, after which the fans will stretch you to the very skies. Moreover, big clubs usually have their own person, but you shouldn’t rely on his professionalism. We still live in Russia. Stands with merchandise, sponsors if available. In general, promotion is everything you can do to interest and diversify the concert in conjunction with productive work.

4. After the event, when you have paid everyone, you may have some pennies left. You can buy yourself some tissues and wipe your face from tears. After the first few concerts, you will probably get the feeling that you are helping people hear the music, helping them just relax and feel a little happier. And the topic of money will somehow disappear by itself. But these are temporary difficulties. There is no point in dreaming that from your first concert you will collect enough money for a comfortable old age. In general, I don’t recommend expecting any sky-high results. Start with three or four concerts for few famous groups. Immerse yourself, so to speak, in all the beauty of organizational activity. And there you will already understand whether you really need it.

As a rule, promoting your own creativity takes no less effort than creating it. So don't expect the audience's attention to fall on your head on its own. Think about how to organize a concert, collect information on how you did it creative people your direction, which it really helped. After all, you don’t want works created on the wave wonderful feelings and lovingly improved by labor, gathering dust on a shelf or in a desk drawer.

You won't be satisfied with just one breath

The attention and love of fans is a wonderful thing that every artist strives for. Even if your primary interest is purely creativity, it's always nice to see that your ideas are shared. It is especially valuable that there are like-minded people nearby, and you are an exponent of their feelings, and in a sense, they are grateful for this.

Many artists make art for themselves. But if you ask whether they would like to speak, many give a positive answer. The same goes for money. An aspiring artist needs to figure out how to organize a concert in his city and recoup the efforts expended with some bonus.

Ideally, every person should do what they love. If this is music for you, figure out how to make your dream come true and your hobby into a profession. We humans are all interconnected. So, without the support of the public, you are unlikely to become popular and rich, no matter how technical and thoughtful your compositions are. You need to be able to interest the masses. Can be done like this solo concert, and jointly with some well-known or the same beginning group.

Where to begin?

In order to understand how to organize a band concert, even the most exalted minds will need to come down to earth and look at the issue from a purely practical point of view. You will have to negotiate with many people, learn to solve organizational issues and understand the wishes of others. If by nature you are not only a creator, but also a talented leader and organizer, then you will be able to understand how to organize a concert.

It is necessary to think about the type of event: will it be solo performance or festival. To achieve success, to see an enthusiastic crowd in the hall, and not two half-asleep beer drinkers, you need to figure out how to properly organize a concert. The event must be of high quality and original in order to win positive reviews and attract attention to you in the future.

First steps towards the goal

Let's say you already have a rough idea of ​​what the upcoming event will be like; you can organize a concert in a club or in an open area. Now you need to carefully consider the list of speakers and take care of good advertising. Of course, if you do not yet have a producer ready to help financially, you will have to resolve this issue on your own. Nobody said it would be easy. But this is your dream, so fight for it.

How to organize a concert for an artist if he has little material and few people know him? It would be nice to enlist the support of more experienced and beloved musicians. Of course, they should also have good reasons for performing on the same stage with you. This is either a fee that you will share with them, or others interesting conditions. If you are at approximately the same level, it will be a mutually beneficial transaction in which both costs with responsibility and profits can be divided equally.

If you really are not yet very experienced and are thinking about how to organize a concert, it is better to gather musicians who can attract attention not with their image and promotion, but with originality. In general, those who are in approximately the same conditions as you. They may already be famous in your city, but not big stars on the national stage. It is with such people that you will feel comfortable walking shoulder to shoulder and learning from their experience. At this stage, the most important thing is to organize everything efficiently so that they want to see you again.

Specify a place and time

How to organize a band concert will become clearer when you agree with the club managers about the time of your event. If you don't know how to contact them, check out the official website. You will most likely find all the information you need there. You need to talk with the administration about the place where the event will be held. Also important details are the fee, form of payment, requirements for speakers. You need to agree on a date in advance. It is advisable to make an advance payment in order to avoid force majeure.

The location must be chosen very carefully. Study everything carefully possible options, find out how much you will need to pay for rent, how many people will be able to come there, whether the transport interchange will be convenient. Ideally, there are bus stops, minibuses or metro stops nearby. Remember that if the concert is not scheduled for the weekend, you can negotiate a discount with the owners of the establishment.

Get support

How to organize a concert without significant damage to your wallet? In such cases, it is best to have a sponsor. Music and art are also, in their own way, a commodity, a subject of bidding, purchase and sale transactions. So you need to present your creativity in the most favorable light.

You or your sponsor will have to spend money, but there are many ways to cover some of the costs. For example, by renting a bar, you can become a subtenant and supply advertising services using the room, toilet stalls, stage surfaces at the side and behind. You can also hold competitions and promotions, allow flyers to be distributed during the event, and sell goods in specially designated areas. Even on your own poster, for a fee, you can place someone’s text, promote audio and video advertising, or set aside some time for a press conference.

The ability to organize an event is an important skill for everyone modern man. For a musician, a concert is the main format of his work and a source of income. Many creative people resort to the help of professionals. Agents and managers know how to properly organize an advertising campaign, find resources, and sell tickets. And the artist’s task is to light up the hall with his inspired creativity. In the history of art, a natural symbiosis of musician and manager has developed.

I see the goal, I believe in myself

The simplest option is that you want to introduce your music to your friends. How to organize concerts in this case? The easiest way is to carry out an apartment building. Home concerts were very popular in the USSR in the second half of the last century. Moscow and St. Petersburg rockers did not get along with official culture and were forced to perform in secret.

Home concert, or Back to the USSR

In those days, apartment building traditions developed. Several musicians played acoustic instruments. No sound equipment was used. There were few spectators. They could talk freely with the musicians, and often the concerts turned into a feast or just friendly communication.

Today, within the framework of apartment buildings, it is possible to use sound recording equipment. And the speakers and amplifiers will disrupt public order and disturb the neighbors. The exception is private households. To hold an apartment party, you do not need official permission, renting a hall, advertising, or any expenses at all. There is enough free space, which will be provided free of charge by one of your friends. There is only one downside to apartment living - lack of income.

Help for a non-profit organization

How to organize concerts if you need to raise money for a good cause? Need a small amount urgently? Reach out to friends and acquaintances. But instead of simply asking for a loan, organize a concert-feast in your apartment. Let it be a small party. Tell the audience about your problem or give a presentation of your project. Set up a collection box. It should look bright and attract attention. For those who prefer electronic payments, you should print out your bank details. Hang the sheet in a visible place and distribute it to everyone present.

Consider ways your friends can control your spending. They must understand where their money will go. How to organize concerts for charities and non-profit organizations? You can't get by with a simple apartment owner here. It is necessary to raise a lot of funds. Therefore, a competent advertising campaign is needed.

What to show the viewer

Determine your target audience. Research shows that people of all ages donate to charity. social strata society, but most of all - young men and women after forty. Both categories of citizens belong to the middle class. Unfortunately, these are completely different target audiences. It is not possible to create a general advertising campaign for them.

How to organize a charity concert and determine your target audience? Do your own research. Start with an experiment. Try holding an advertising campaign in the main square of the city. It may look different. Hand out brochures and free artist demos to passersby. Entertain the people walking and they will be grateful for it. You can arrange a small auction. Selling handmade toys, unpretentious drinks, calendars, magnets and all sorts of other little things will attract the attention of city residents.

Target audience and repertoire

Notice who donates the most. A special observer may be involved in the study. This way you will determine your target audience. Such an advertising campaign requires the investment of considerable funds. To avoid this, try to involve volunteers.

Studied. But how to organize a concert? The next step is the image and repertoire of the artists. Study the musical tastes of your future audiences. To do this, it is enough to monitor social networks. Pay attention to specialized communities. For example, ladies gather in groups dedicated to family, children, culinary recipes. Check what other communities they are in and whether they post music. Bikers, hipsters, yuppies, as well as representatives of other subcultures and social strata of society have their own groups.

Structure of the speech

Musical tastes target audience studied. Before organizing a concert, introduce the artists to the repertoire. Together with the musicians, make a list of songs in a certain sequence. Do not forget that concert numbers must be contrasting - a fast piece will certainly be followed by a slow one. Include performances by artists of other genres: dancers, comedians, circus performers. Men's numbers must alternate with women's. Do not forget that such an event does not last more than one hour. Don't take breaks between sections. Otherwise, after intermission you will not have enough spectators.

The image of musicians and the tasks of a producer

Attention should be paid to the appearance of the artists. If you are interested in learning how to organize concerts, take care not only of the band's costumes and makeup, but also of their stage presence. Sudden movements and extravagant appearances are appropriate for young audiences. appearance musicians. Older viewers won't like it. They will appreciate the calm and contemplative mood of the event. In addition, you need to take care of renting high-quality sound equipment, hiring professional lighting technicians, and even supervise the cleaning of the auditorium.

How to organize concerts correctly? It's quite difficult. Popular among managers and organizers popular expression: “If you want everything to be good, do it yourself.” This wise aphorism fixes main problem all managers. Finding responsible executors is one of the most complex tasks. Therefore, the organizer needs assistants who control different areas work. It is advisable that you completely trust these people.

As you know, creativity and discipline are incompatible concepts. Exceptions to this rule are rare. Artists can cause a lot of trouble. Want to know how to organize concerts in your city? Achieve success in the field of production. Earn money for yourself and the artists. And then the best musicians will come to you. The most talented and disciplined should be selected from among them. Then success is guaranteed.

Where to hold the concert

A separate problem is renting a hall. It’s good if the city has a Palace of Culture, a club, a stadium, a philharmonic society or something similar. And you have money for rent. If professional concert hall no, you need to use your imagination. Do you want to know how to organize a concert for a rock or pop band? needs rehearsal space. Most likely, the group already has a spacious garage or warehouse where they regularly meet. You can decorate this room and hold a concert there. Every city has a large warehouse or production workshop. It needs to be cleaned thoroughly. And then it will be ideal for a rock performance.

The experience of holding festivals will tell you how to organize a band concert. contemporary art. They often visit the territory of abandoned factories and factories, decorated in a loft style. The huge rooms have almost no partitions. Functional areas are distinguished only by sparse decorations. Musical performances take place in a small hall. There are also exhibitions of installations, souvenir stalls and fast food awnings. Try adopting this practice. Rent out part of the premises to traders. To do this you must have official permission. To get it, you have to work hard. But you are guaranteed profit.

To lead means to foresee

It’s good to organize the sale of CDs with the band’s recordings at the entrance to the hall. If the band is known only in your city, it is likely that their music is not yet available on the Internet. It's just that no one had time to upload it. Therefore, fans will be happy to buy their favorite songs. Holding a concert in an abandoned production premises may cause some problems. For example, there may be no sockets for connecting audio equipment. All possible problems must be carefully studied well before the start of the concert. And try to eliminate them. Good manager anticipates all possible difficulties in advance.

Distinguished guests

How to organize a star concert? And what is the limit on the amount of the fee? Such questions are often asked by young art directors of numerous nightclubs, which today appear in every city like mushrooms after rain. Aspiring managers should know that the costs will not be limited to the star's fee.

Large amounts of money will be spent on relocating the artist and his team, as well as on accommodation. The star will not stay in a cheap hotel and eat in a canteen. There is no guarantee that you will make a profit. It is more likely that there will be losses. Another difficulty is drawing up a contract. It should be entrusted to an experienced lawyer who has worked with such documents before. This is another expense item.

Artist fees may vary depending on circumstances. Great importance has the date of the concert. For example, the amount of payments increases several times. Much depends on the time the artist spends on stage and the number of songs he must perform. The number of spectators and the density of the star’s tour schedule are taken into account. The larger they are, the more expensive the concert will cost the customer. If you decide to invite a star, you should book the performance dates in advance and coordinate them with the musician. Clear organization is the key to the success of the event.

A concert that can claim to be one of the most memorable events is the result of carefully planned work. Zoya Skobeltsyna and Svetlana Yaremich told JazzPeople where a young professional should start, about the most difficult part of being an organizer, and about success in the concert industry.







The need to be constantly involved in the process. It is impossible to open a PR company and not monitor it. You always need to keep your finger on the pulse, and if it lasts 2-3 months, then psychologically it is quite difficult.

Control all stages of preparation simultaneously. It’s not always possible to gather an audience either. simple task. The best option, when a musician is scheduled to release a record, premiere a song, or shoot a video. Collaborations with other artists, synthesis different types arts also attract people.


This is a big responsibility, especially when there are several thousand people at your event. Not every girl is able to withstand such a load and act quickly in a critical situation.

It's definitely physically difficult. Suffering a lot personal life. There are emotional breakdowns, physical exhaustion and overexertion. I am inclined to believe that this profession is more for men.


Back in the “apartment” we held children’s birthday parties, and then I immediately realized that I would not seriously take on this type of event. But everything can change. I don’t do weddings or corporate events.

I won’t take under my wing an artist whose music, relatively speaking, I don’t listen to in the car. You need to be passionate about what you do, otherwise the result will be appropriate.

I take a personal approach. I can’t work with musicians whose work is not close to me. I am involved in many projects, not only jazz, and I can say with confidence that music that promotes violence, has political overtones or carries an aggressive emotional message is definitely not my thing.


I'm not very good example. If I'm interested, I jump into battle without hesitation. I often began to think that sometimes I need to be able to stop and carefully choose the artists with whom I start working. Much depends on the format of the event, its duration, and the number of participants.

This is influenced by the number of projects you are currently working on. After all, each performer can have 3 and more concerts per month. If I represent the site, then, of course, we're talking about about almost daily performances, the responsibility for which is yours. This continuous operation with musicians.



I realized that I like teaching. The music market has changed a lot due to the economic situation. The demand for competent music managers is growing. I like the task of developing Russian independent music, and for this young bands need management. Now I give many lectures and seminars not only in St. Petersburg and Moscow, and speak at forums. An online course was born in my head, which, in my opinion, will allow you to get necessary knowledge, take an artist and start working with him.

As such educational projects I don’t have one yet, but they are planning to. In February, we will launch, together with the BM50 art space, a project for future organizers of events in the cultural field.

I'm a fan of electronic music as well. Last year we held an experimental music festival. In addition, I collaborate with the non-profit short film festival Potential - one of the few in Russia that accepts not finished films, but selects best scripts(or synopses) and allocates a budget for filming.


Where would we be without her? Music is associated with feelings of happiness. We make people happy!

This is my life! I can't imagine working in another field. Music is a living sphere, and I receive an incredible charge of energy from the people who surround me, colleagues and friends.


For example, at the Roof Music Fest, which presents everything musical styles, special attention is paid to jazz concerts. The prospects are excellent, I think jazz is becoming more and more popular, well in St. Petersburg for sure.

Jazz has begun to attract more people, but not all groups that include the concept of “jazz” in the description of their repertoire are such. It's clear that this has become a trend. There is an audience that loves “refined” jazz, and there are those who prefer to listen to pop jazz, smooth jazz, nu jazz. Fusion is always unusual, this is exactly what helps expand the audience.


From a technical point of view, this is the quality of sound, the audience and its quantity, the public's reaction to the concert, the work of the artist. But there is also an intangible criterion - the atmosphere of the event, which is difficult to convey in words, a feeling that just needs to be captured. This is what we work for.

The emotional component is important to me, how satisfied people are. Success is when listeners and musicians understand each other, exchanging positive energy. When the audience does not regret coming, they do not spend the entire concert talking or in the bar, but when they give part of themselves and their time to the artist.


You have to take risks! When you make a challenge, the universe answers you. She knows exactly what is needed, the main thing is to ask the right question.

For me, loving my job means investing my soul. It won't work without a soul successful project. You can see me in every case I take on.

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For many people, organizing concerts seems to be a very easy task - the “stars” arrived, played, received money, the owner of the premises received part, the performer(s) received part, the rest went to the organizer. All. However, the latter’s work involves solving a large number of problems, and this is not only finding a venue, but also providing the concert with everything necessary - from lighting equipment to a hotel for musicians. The organizer assumes responsibility for ensuring that the event not only takes place, but will also be properly organized and include everything necessary. At its core, an organizer is a person who has nothing at his disposal except an offer of his work. Considering that not a single participant wants to deal with such a global issue, the services of concert organizers are quite in demand. Moreover, in the first stages you can engage in this business almost alone.

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This niche is relatively busy, so it will certainly be difficult for a beginner to take his place. The main limitation is pop culture; performers who have gained popularity today are already supervised by quite large companies, and in this case it is unlikely that they will be able to take over the work. And they won’t even help here anymore profitable terms– neither musicians nor their producers want to take risks by contacting an unknown company. In this case, it is better to start by organizing concerts of yet unknown groups that want to take the stage, and here many prospects open up if you approach your business correctly. Also, everything depends on the degree of activity of the organizer; if he does not wait for people to come to him for services, but looks for clients on his own, then he can count on success. It is also worth noting that the scheme of work may differ slightly depending on many factors.

In order to start your own business, you should register as a subject entrepreneurial activity. The form of entrepreneurship can be any, although clients will be much more willing to work with a legal entity, and both partners and landlords will be more trusting of it. However, according to the law you can stay an individual by registering as individual entrepreneur. Among legal entities, the preferred form is a limited liability company - just as in the case of individual entrepreneurs, a simplified tax system is available in this case, allowing you to deduct 6% (of income) or 15% (of operating profit) to the state.

Registration of a legal entity will be somewhat longer, will require more significant investments, and the document flow in this case will be more serious. IN general case, if several people come together to organize a business, then they need to register entity, otherwise, in a one-person business, it is worth calculating future plan to determine the form of entrepreneurship. It is also important to correctly indicate OKVED codes, and similar activities fit the coding (OKPD 2) 93.29 Other services in the field of entertainment and recreation.

It is advisable to have your own premises; it will become a place where hired employees work and negotiations are held with clients. However, work can be organized without your own office, which often acts simply as a representative office. But this increases the prestige of the establishment in the eyes of partners. But in any case, the room does not have to be large, unless you plan to store props for concerts. Some companies organize their own printing house to print posters and leaflets, but this is not always economically feasible.

Work can be carried out in two directions: organizing a commissioned concert and organizing a concert with invited performers to it. In the first case, these will be their own concerts of groups and musicians, in the second - festivals and group concerts, at which teams of a similar genre, theme, or generally simply aimed at a certain category of listeners perform. Each entrepreneur decides which one to choose for himself, but no one forbids pursuing both directions at the same time. Only the second type of organizing concerts is an order of magnitude more complex than the first and requires significant experience in this field and the ability to attract many performers. Therefore, it is better to start by organizing concerts for specific groups, and only after that start working on your own festivals. They can bring much more profit, since sometimes they last several days rather than a couple of hours, but they also require a much more serious approach. Moreover, almost all the risks fall on the organizer himself, because he is the instigator of the event.

So, for your work, it is immediately advisable to find partners who are ready to provide their venues for the needs of concerts. However, in big cities It is unlikely that it will be possible to agree on the permanent provision of a stage - there are many others who want to use the rented space. Therefore, a site will most likely have to be found and negotiated with the owners every time it is needed. But this does not mean that this issue should not be dealt with before directly preparing for the expected event; it is necessary to have a list of possible objects, as well as keep information about their workload. In this case, at least informal a good relationship It is very advisable to establish an agreement with the owner of the site, this will allow you to negotiate a lease as soon as necessary.

Ready ideas for your business

But it should be noted that all artists have different requirements for the premises, and therefore you need to have several options in mind - from relatively inexpensive to elite halls with a large number of spectators. Depending on the format of the concert, the types of venues are also selected: conditional example what for symphonic music you need a hall with seating, but for a rock concert a platform with a simple dance floor is enough. Therefore, the latter are often organized in sports arenas or assembly halls. Music lovers will rarely deny themselves the pleasure of attending a concert of their favorite band just because it is taking place in an “inconvenient” establishment, in their opinion, but in another case, the consumer can draw many conclusions only from where the event is taking place.

IN Lately Events held in clubs have become very popular, and this option is attractive to listeners, as a rule, the musicians themselves like it, and it greatly simplifies the work of the organizer, because clubs, unlike sports arenas, already have lighting and sound equipment. And therefore, the increased cost of renting a club for one evening is offset by the absence of the need to rent part of the equipment. Moreover, many concerts are held on weekdays (when the club is not open or operates in a slightly different format, bar, for example) and therefore it is much easier to negotiate a discount.

Ready ideas for your business

The cost of sites varies greatly and depends on many factors. The most important thing is location, then comes size, format, options for additional equipment, and popularity of the place. The organizer must take all this into account, and all this is of interest to producers and musicians. They may refuse to give a concert if the venue is not worthy in the opinion of the artists, and here we are talking primarily about profit, and not about its prestige. And the organizer himself is probably interested in ensuring that the arena brings as much more money why so many famous musicians do not come to smaller cities: the point is not only that the population will not be able to buy expensive concerts, and sometimes vice versa, that there will be plenty of people willing, but the venue will not accommodate them, and its accommodation capabilities are unlikely to even cover its own expenses.

Next comes the search for sponsors for your event. On at this stage There are many options for cooperation, even to the point that sponsors independently conduct an advertising campaign (though only in the channels available to them) and supply the organizer with the necessary facilities: printing house, equipment, personnel, ticket distribution. In principle, any partner can act as a sponsor, except the musicians themselves and their producer or label. It's rare that a sponsor gives money directly to an organization; usually it's a barter, where some kind of assistance is provided in exchange for placing their logo, publicizing the sponsor at an event, and running promotions.

Sometimes this is even more profitable for the organizer, because the sponsor has the capabilities that allow him not to contact third-party companies, and then costs are reduced thanks to the partner’s advertising. Sponsor logos are usually placed on posters and banners - this is almost always required condition cooperation. If mutual settlement is successful, sponsorship can turn out to be a very good saving or receiving additional funds. True, when organizing concerts of little-known groups or simply a concert that is not particularly popular among the population, some companies that are good in terms of sponsorship support may refuse to cooperate or set very unfavorable conditions.

Sponsors will have to sell the future event, and their main criterion, as a rule, is the number of visitors. In addition, serious demands are placed on the advertising campaign itself; but it must be large enough for the benefit of the organizer. The most common, at least a little outdated, but still effective method advertising - posting posters in places specially provided for this and placing banners around the city. This is usually done by advertising agencies that have sufficient connections and cooperation agreements to provide information placement about the upcoming event throughout the city. After all, personal posting of posters is gradually being replaced by more advanced and modern methods. If you have your own website, then, of course, it is worth posting information on it, although the organizer’s website is usually his business card for partners, and not for concert visitors, for them all information about the event is posted on their portal by the ticket distributor.

Ready ideas for your business

Next, you should negotiate with companies that are willing to rent out and supply lighting and sound equipment. As already noted, some venues themselves have it, in some (for example, in thematic clubs) everything is usually ready for any concert - come and play. But more often you have to find companies that rent equipment, negotiate delivery, installation and subsequent removal. The equipment itself is paid either in packages (that is, for example, a complete set for a jazz concert), or is ordered separately, and the rental of each device is paid separately. In addition to standard light, you can get hold of laser, fire or some other light spectacular show(and you will have to hire the appropriate workers), and the sound is selected depending on the genre and characteristics of the playing (and even the concert itself) of the musicians. So, Symphony Orchestra plays live, but a rock band will require amplifiers, complex electronics, a drum set, bringing with them only guitars (and not always). Therefore, already at this stage it is necessary to have not only a concluded agreement with the group or their producer, but also to discuss the exact concept of the event.

Next comes the search for a ticket distributor. Some companies even combine these activities - ticket distribution and concert organization, but strictly speaking these are completely different companies. It is almost impossible to sell a large number of tickets without having all the possibilities, which is why an agreement is concluded with a company that, for a commission, will ensure the sale of tickets to the concert. You will have to cooperate very closely with this office, because it will partially take on the responsibilities for advertising, it will be the one who will accept money for tickets, which means that especially strict reporting must be required from it. It won’t be possible to sell tickets only at the venue’s box office (which may not be available), you need an established scheme.

Negotiations with the musicians themselves take place either personally or through their producer - this is always the case, if there is one. A promoted group will have a huge number of requirements for their visit to a particular city; they need a hotel, food, and placement of props. Usually it is brought directly to the site, where all preparations take place in a few hours (less than a day). Thus, in addition to agreements with many companies that provide the event, you will also have to negotiate with organizations that will provide services to the musicians themselves, and this is a mandatory condition for artists before visiting the city - so that everything is arranged by the organizer himself. Thus, such a scheme usually involves a huge number of enterprises, between which the organizer runs and tries to launch this rather cumbersome scheme.

It’s better to start with little-known groups, acting for them as a replacement for the producer, but in this case it’s optimal to find several young talented groups and organize either a combined concert (that is, including several teams similar in genre), or local festival. True, in the latter case, sometimes the focus is not on selling tickets (and entry may even be free), but on selling additional services at the festival. What this boils down to is that the organizer simply rents out places at the festival to vendors who profit from the large number of people in one place. Many beginning teams are sometimes ready to advocate only for an idea, wanting to announce themselves to the world, and do not require any part of the proceeds from the organizer. But here, too, he takes a big risk, organizing an event to which no one may come (usually, of course, friends and relatives invited by the musicians themselves come, but this does not save the situation). It’s worth starting with very local events, when you don’t have to risk a lot of money and there is an opportunity, if not to make a profit, then at least to gain experience.

It will take a lot of time before it will be possible to work individually for each team at its suggestion; Usually, famous musicians work only with big players who can organize an event (and sometimes even an entire tour) in the shortest possible time, raise a lot of money and start selling several months before the concert. In this case, beginners are not taken into account. Festivals, in the usual sense of the word, can be full-fledged if they are located in convenient location, are surrounded by the necessary infrastructure, are interesting to visitors and have a sufficient number of speakers famous teams. Events that take place over many days are usually beyond the capabilities of a novice player; but come up with your own new format no one forbids it.

The concert business will probably be very difficult at first, and for a long time you will have to work for the idea yourself, investing your efforts (and sometimes money) in order to simply earn a name for yourself. However, in this case there are quite a lot of prospects, because, having managed to establish an ideal organization at all stages, you can successfully compete even with well-known companies that, it is possible, have shortcomings in one area or another.

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